Unit Plan: Travel in Spanish

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Lesson Plan Template

Teacher Candidate: Nathanael LePage_______________

Date: 10/7/2013_____

School: _________________________ Subject: Spanish Unit/Lesson Title/Number:

Grade Level: _9___

Travel Unit/Introduction to Travel Vocabulary and Concepts/Lesson 1 Context and Class Profile

Context: This is the first of three lessons in the unit on travel-related vocabulary and concepts. In this lesson, students will begin to be introduced to key vocabulary related to travel that they will need throughout the remainder of the unit.

Class Profile:

Common Core Standards

Interdisciplinary Connections

Assessed: Standard 2: Students will develop cross-cultural skills and understandings. o Checkpoint B: Students will exhibit more comprehensive knowledge of cultural traits and patterns. Practiced: Standard 2: Students will develop cross-cultural skills and understandings. o Checkpoint B: Students will be able to draw comparisons between societies

21st Century Skills

Lesson Objectives
Label : (Blooms Taxonomy)

1. Students will be able to define and apply essential vocabulary relating to travel planning and transportation. (Knowledge and Application) 2. Students will be able to identify and explain the necessity of passports and foreign currencies for international travel. 3. Students will be able to model the activities of border customs at international airports and border crossings.

Must be numbered

Acceptable Evidence
*Could be collected for accountability and/or auditing purposes.

1. Crossword Puzzle using some of the applicable travel-related vocabulary 1, 2 & 3. Written Dialogue between a traveler and a Customs Officer at border crossing, discussing the necessary passports, and other items the traveler has brought, using much of the travel-related vocabulary.

Procedure Teacher input, development, instructional method(s), modeling, guided practice, independent practice, and/or activities

Day 1 40 minute block 1. Bellringer (visual, kinesthetic option when drawing): Free Write -In your notebooks, please write about a memorable trip you have been on with family or friends, or an ideal trip you would like to go on with family or friends. Where did/would you go? How did/would you travel? What did/would you bring with you? You may include an appropriate drawing if you would like. a. The teacher will ask 2 students to repeat the directions (CFUdirections). b. Students will write/draw continuously for 2 minutes in their notebooks (CSE)

Label: Bell Ringer Also may be called:

set induction, anticipatory set, introduction/review, Do Now, Write Now, Silent Starter

Label: Transitions

Label: visual, auditory, and kinesthetic Accommodations for learning modalities

Label: Checks for Understanding: directions, procedures/routines, and/or content (formative) Ex. (CFU directions)

Label: Evidence of Cognitive Student Engagement (CSE)

Label: Closure

2. Bellringer Share ( auditory) a. The teacher will ask students to share a few things they wrote with the class. b. Students will volunteer to share what they wrote. All students will be required to record at least 2 ideas shared by other students that appealed to them during the sharing. i. The teacher will ask 2 students to repeat the directions (CFUdirections). c. After 2 student volunteers have shared, the teacher will briefly share his own personal memorable using PowerPoint, while introducing the concepts of plane travel, foreign currencies, and passports d. The teacher will tell students that they are beginning a unit on travel, and that they will be further discussing the concepts of passports, border patrol, packing for a trip, and the types of things that should be considered when planning a trip. The teacher will add that, since this is a Spanish course, they will of course be learning how to discuss their travel plans in Spanish. 3. Vocabulary Introduction (v, a) a. The teacher will distribute blank vocabulary sheets for the students vocabulary section of their notebooks. b. The teacher will introduce vocabulary about travel and transportation, writing the vocabulary on the dry erase board, while displaying an image representing the current word on the projector. This vocabulary list will include some foreign currencies (Euro, Peso, Quetzal, Lempira, etc.) i. The students will write this information on the vocabulary sheets provided, for future reference. ii. The teacher will ask 2 students to repeat the directions (CFUdirections). c. Students will use the vocabulary given to write a list of items that they brought/would bring on the trip described in the bellringer (CSE, CFUcontent). i. Dictionaries will be provided for students if necessary for important items not included in the lesson vocabulary list. ii. The teacher will ask 2 students to repeat the directions (CFUdirections). d. Student volunteers will share their lists with the class after the allotted time. 4. Crossword Puzzle: (v) a. The teacher will distribute a crossword puzzle using a sample of the lesson vocabulary with descriptions of items written in Spanish providing translation of difficult vocabulary and students will respond by writing the Spanish vocabulary in the puzzle. (CSE, CFU-content). i. Students must work individually on this assignment. ii. The teacher will ask 2 students to repeat the directions (CFU directions). 5. Closure: a. The teacher will distribute a 5-question vocabulary exit slip quiz that students must turn in before leaving the classroom (CFU-content)

Day 2 6. Bellringer (visual): Questions -In your notebooks, please answer the following questions: What is Customs/Border Patrol? What do they do? What do you need to have with you when you meet them? Have you ever had to go through Customs? You will have 2 minutes to answer. a. The teacher will ask 2 students to repeat the directions (CFUdirections). b. Students will write continuously for 2 minutes in their notebooks (CSE) 7. Bellringer Share ( auditory) a. The teacher will ask students to share a few things they wrote with the class. b. Students will volunteer to share their answers to the questions. i. The teacher will ask 2 students to repeat the directions (CFUdirections). 8. Customs and Border Patrol Introduction (v, a) a. The teacher will review the role of Customs and Border Patrol, and will introduce Customs-related vocabulary i. Students will label copies of the illustrations of Customs and Airport Security checkpoints that have been handed out. ii. The teacher will ask 2 students to repeat the directions (CFUdirections). TRANSITION: The teacher will divide the students into groups of 2 or 3, depending on class size, using the Famous Pairs method. The cards will contain Spanish Vocabulary introduced on both Day 1 and Day 2, and students will group with those who have related vocabulary. 9. Customs Skits a. The teacher will give each group an instruction sheet with the following instructions: In your groups, write out a dialogue in Spanish between and a traveler and a Customs/Border Patrol Agent at a border crossing. You may choose any Spanish-Speaking country as the location. Be sure to discuss the purpose of Customs, what documents the traveler should be carrying, and what other items the traveler might have brought for his/her trip. You must use at least 5 words from you travel and security/customs vocabulary lists, although you may choose to use more. You will have 10 minutes to prepare your dialogue (CSE, CFUcontent) i. The teacher will ask 2 students to repeat the directions (CFUdirections). ii. Students will spend 10 minutes working to write their dialogues. 10. Skit Presentations and Closure: (v, a, kinesthetic option) a. 2-3 volunteer groups will perform their dialogue for the class. b. All students will be required to write about another groups dialogue, noting some of the key vocabulary used, and anything that the group may have forgotten to add to their. (CSE) i. The teacher will ask 2 students to repeat the directions (CFUdirections). c. Students will hand in these critiques to the teacher as an exit slip, and all groups will turn in their written dialogue.

Assessment/ Evaluation
Label formative or summative, describe purpose, and provide grading/feedback method.

Bellringer Notebooks formative assessment which will be used to determine students prior knowledge and working knowledge of new concepts. These are collected and graded for completion weekly, and each entry is followed by a brief opportunity to share with the class what they have written. o Objectives 1 & 2. Exit slips formative assessment which will be used to collect data to determine if re-teaching needs to be done the following day. These are collected at the end of class daily, graded, and returned to the students the following day. o Objectives 1 & 2. Border Crossing Dialogue formative assessment which will provide data detailing student mastery of objectives and targeted literacy skills. Some of these will be shared with the class, but all will be collected and graded and returned to students the next day. o Objectives 1, 2, &3.

Describe type and purpose. Include a back-up plan.

A projection system will be needed to display illustrations. Teacher may use transparency projector if it is available.

Academic Language required for the lesson

Aduana (Customs), Pasaporte (Passport), Seguridad (Security) Billete (Ticket), Equipaje (Baggage), Maleta (Suitcase), Maletn (Carry-on Bag), Vuelo (Flight), Viaje (Trip), Tren (Train), Coche (Car), Autobs/Omnibus (Bus), Barco (Ship), Crucero (Cruise). Currencies: Euro, Peso, Qutzal, Lempira, Crdoba, Bolivar, Dlar.

Accommodations, Student Supports, and/or Interactions with Co-Teachers and/or Support Staff Resources/ Materials Dry-Erase Board, Vocabulary Sheets made by teacher, Illustration of Customs an Airport Customs station.

Time Required

2 x 40-minute class periods

Lesson Plan Template

Teacher Candidate: Nathanael LePage_______________

Date: 10/7/2013_____

School: _________________________ Subject: Spanish Unit/Lesson Title/Number: Travel Unit/Hispanic Dining and Working Schedules Context and Class Profile

Grade Level: _9___

Context: This is the second of three lessons in the unit on travel-related vocabulary and concepts. In the previous lesson, students were introduced to basic vocabulary for the unit. In this lesson, students will learn certain cultural aspects in Spanish-Speaking countries that would affect travel plans, such as the lunch schedule and the afternoon siesta break.

Class Profile:

Common Core Standards

Assessed: Standard 1: Students will be able to use a language other than English for communication. o Checkpoint B: Write Short notes, uncomplicated personal and business letters, brief journals, and short reports. Standard 2: Students will develop cross-cultural skills and understandings. o Checkpoint B: Students will exhibit more comprehensive knowledge of cultural traits and patterns. Students will be able to draw comparisons between societies

Interdisciplinary Connections


21st Century Skills

Lesson Objectives
Label : (Blooms Taxonomy)

1. Students will be able to recognize and employ Spanish vocabulary relating to meal and work
schedules. (Comprehension and Application)

Must be numbered

2. Students will be able to explain Spanish eating schedules and the Spanish Siesta (Comprehension) 3. Students will be able to differentiate between Spanish eating and working patterns and those of the
U.S.A. (Analysis) 4. Students will be able to compose a travel itinerary complying with Spanish eating and working patterns (Synthesis)

Acceptable Evidence
*Could be collected for accountability and/or auditing purposes.

1, 2, & 3. Worksheet matching names of meals and routines with a time of day ( formative) 1, 2 & 4. Draft travel itinerary in Spanish, complying with Spanish dining and working patterns.

2, 3, & 4. Exit Slip providing written explanation of decisions made in drafting the itinerary.

Procedure Teacher input, development, instructional method(s), modeling, guided practice, independent practice, and/or activities

Day 1 40 minute block 1. Bellringer (visual) Free Write -In your notebooks, please describe your meal schedule. When do you eat each meal, and which meal is the largest? How long is your lunch, and do you ever take a nap in the afternoon? a. The teacher will ask 2 students to repeat the directions (CFUdirections). b. Students will write continuously for 2 minutes in their notebooks (CSE) 2. Bellringer Share ( auditory) a. The teacher will ask students to share a few things they wrote with the class. b. Students will volunteer to share what they wrote. All students will be required to record at least 2 things that differed between their habits and those reported by other students. i. The teacher will ask 2 students to repeat the directions (CFUdirections). 3. Introduction to Siesta and Spanish Dining Schedules (v, a) a. The teacher will present to the class the traditional Spanish Dining patterns by use of PowerPoint, showing a clock and the name of a meal in English that correlates to that time in the typical patterns of the United States, and then replacing the clock with one showing a time appropriate for that meal according Spanish practices. i. During this presentation, Students will be asked to review the names of meals, parts of the day, and how to tell time in Spanish. ii. The teacher will, after the presentation, call on students to answer questions pertaining to the information just presented. (CFU-informal) b. The teacher will ask students how they interpret the Spanish word siesta. The teacher will then clarify the relationship between the siesta and lunch, and the impact of the siesta on daily routines. i. The teacher will then call on students to explain in their own words why Spaniards take the siesta, and what it means for the work day and for a tourist. (CFU-informal) 4. Worksheet: (v) a. The teacher will distribute a worksheet showing various times of day, and students will be asked to respond in Spanish indicating which meal would be most appropriate for that time of day in Spain. (CSE, CFUcontent). i. Students must work independently on this worksheet. ii. The teacher will ask 2 students to repeat the directions (CFU directions). b. The teacher will review the worksheet with the class after the allotted time. i. Students will make any corrections with a different-colored pen.

Label: Bell Ringer Also may be called: set induction, anticipatory set, introduction/review, Do Now, Write Now, Silent Starter

Label: Transitions

Label: visual, auditory, and kinesthetic Accommodations for learning modalities

Label: Checks for Understanding: directions, procedures/routines, and/or content (formative) Ex. (CFU directions)

Label: Evidence of Cognitive Student Engagement (CSE)

Label: Closure

5. Closure: a. The teacher will distribute a 5-question exit slip vocabulary quiz that students must complete and turn in before leaving the classroom. b. The students will be asked, as homework, to research common sites to visit on a trip to Madrid, and list at least 5 such attractions. i. The teacher will provide Madrid tourist guides to any students who report not having internet access at home Day 2 6. Bellringer (visual): Questions -In your notebooks, please answer the following questions: What currencies might you need if travelling to a Spanishspeaking country? What differences from America do you need to consider when scheduling a day on a trip to Spain? When should you expect to eat? You will have 2 minutes to answer. a. The teacher will ask 2 students to repeat the directions (CFUdirections). b. Students will write continuously for 2 minutes in their notebooks (CSE, CFU-content) 7. Bellringer Share ( auditory) a. The teacher will ask students to share a few things they wrote with the class. b. Students will volunteer to share their answers to the questions. i. The teacher will ask 2 students to repeat the directions (CFUdirections). 8. Homework Check (v, a) a. The teacher will ask student volunteers to share their lists of places to visit in Madrid that they have prepared as homework i. Students must record any places listed that they had not identified. ii. The teach will ask students to share any locations they listed that have not already been named after 2 student volunteers have shared their list. iii. The teacher will ask 2 students to repeat the directions (CFUdirections). 9. Draft Itineraries (v, a) a. The teacher will display a brief sample itinerary of a day in Spain. i. Students will be asked to identify what the sample has done to accommodate the siesta and meal times (CFU-content, CSE) b. The teacher will divide the class into groups using the Famous Pairs method. Each group will be given an assignment sheet asking them to draft an itinerary for a 3-day vacation in Madrid. i. The teacher will ask 2 students to repeat the directions (CFUdirections). 10. Closure: (v, a, kinesthetic option) a. The teacher will distribute a one-question exit slip asking students to explain how they organized their groups itinerary to comply with the Spanish Dining and Working patterns.

Assessment/ Evaluation
Label formative or summative, describe purpose, and provide grading/feedback method.

Bellringer Notebooks formative assessment which will be used to determine students prior knowledge and working knowledge of new concepts. These are collected and graded for completion weekly, and each entry is followed by a brief opportunity to share with the class what they have written. o Objective 2 & 3. Exit slips formative assessment which will be used to collect data to determine if re-teaching needs to be done the following day. These are collected at the end of class daily, graded, and returned to the students the following day. o Objectives 1, 2, & 4 Worksheets formative assessment which will be used to demonstrate the students completion of the target objectives. These will be reviewed in class with students using a differently-colored pen to make corrections, and the teacher will collect and grade these corrected worksheets. o Objectives 1 & 2. Draft Trip Itineraries formative assessment which will provide data detailing student mastery of objectives and targeted literacy skills. These will be collected at the end of the class and returned to students the next day with corrections and suggestions. o Objective 2, 3, &4

Technology A projection system will be needed to display illustrations and/or PowerPoint.

Describe type and purpose. Include a back-up plan.

Academic Language required for the lesson

Siesta (Nap), Comida (Food/Meal/Lunch), Desayuno (Breakfast), Almuerzo (Lunch) Merienda (Snack), Cena (Dinner), Postre (Dessert), Maana (Morning), Tarde (Afternoon), Medioda (Noon), Noche (Night).

Accommodations, Student Supports, and/or Interactions with Co-Teachers and/or Support Staff Resources/ Materials Dry-Erase Board, Worksheets Sheets made by teacher.

Time Required

2 x 40-minute class periods

Lesson Plan Template

Teacher Candidate: Nathanael LePage_______________

Date: 10/7/2013_____

School: _________________________ Subject: Spanish Unit/Lesson Title/Number: Travel Unit/Preterite Tense Context and Class Profile

Grade Level: _9___

Context: This is the third of three lessons in the unit on travel-related vocabulary and concepts. In the previous two lessons, students have been introduced to vocabulary and cultural concepts that relate to travel in SpanishSpeaking countries, and have drafted an itinerary for a fictional trip to Madrid. In this lesson, students will review the preterite conjugations for regular ar verbs and certain common irregular verbs, and will use that itinerary to write a letter about the trip.

Class Profile:

Common Core Standards

Assessed: Standard 1: Students will be able to use a language other than English for communication. o Checkpoint B: Write Short notes, uncomplicated personal and business letters, brief journals, and short reports. Standard 2: Students will develop cross-cultural skills and understandings. o Checkpoint B: Students will exhibit more comprehensive knowledge of cultural traits and patterns. Students will be able to draw comparisons between societies

Interdisciplinary Connections


21st Century Skills

Lesson Objectives
Label : (Blooms Taxonomy)

1. Students will be able to recognize and produce regular ar verbs, as well as certain common
irregular verbs, in the preterite tense. (Comprehension and Application)

2. Students will be able to create a travel itinerary complying with Spanish eating and working
Must be numbered

3. 4.

patterns, including items essential to travel (Synthesis) Students will be able to compose a letter describing a past vacation to Spain highlighting Spanish easting and working patterns, as well as items essential to travel. ( Synthesis) Students will be able to assess and defend their own use of the preterite tense. (Evaluation)

Acceptable Evidence
*Could be collected for accountability and/or auditing purposes.

1. Verb conjugation exercise worksheet. (Formative) 2. Final travel itinerary complying with Spanish dining and working patterns and including
items essential to travel. (Formative) 1 & 3. Draft of a letter describing the vacation defined in student-created travel itineraries using primarily the preterite tense. (Formative) 1, 3 &4. Reflection on the process of drafting and correcting a letter in the preterite tense. (Formative)

Lesson 3 Final Assessment: Final letter describing the vacation defined in the student-created travel itineraries using primarily the preterite tense, including mention of items essential for travel. (Summative)

Procedure Teacher input, development, instructional method(s), modeling, guided practice, independent practice, and/or activities

Day 1 40 minute block 11. Bellringer (visual) Free Write -In your notebooks, please write what you think might be different about your itinerary if you were writing about it now having already gone on the trip. What would the verb endings look like? You will have 2 minutes to answer. a. The teacher will ask 2 students to repeat the directions (CFUdirections). b. Students will write continuously for 2 minutes in their notebooks (CSE) 12. Bellringer Share ( auditory) a. The teacher will ask students to share what they wrote during the bellringer. b. Students will volunteer to share what they wrote. All students will be required to record the correct verb endings in their notebooks if they were incorrect. i. The teacher will ask 2 students to repeat the directions (CFUdirections). 13. Final version of Travel Itineraries a. The teacher will return the drafts of the travel itineraries with suggested changes to the students. Students will be given time to make the corrections in class and turn in the final draft of the project. i. Students will include mention of items essential for travel in the final version of their itineraries. ii. All students in the group should keep a copy of the itinerary for themselves. iii. The teacher will walk around the class observing student work to ensure that each member of every group is participating. iv. The teacher will ask 2 students to repeat the directions (CFUdirections). 14. Review of the Preterite Tense (v, a) a. The teacher will draw a verb conjugation chart on the whiteboard, and will then review the correct verb endings for the preterite tense of regular ar verbs. i. Students will copy the conjugation charts in their notebooks as the teacher writes them. ii. During this review, the teacher will call on students to explain the process of conjugation in the preterite tense. (CFUinformal) b. The teacher will then draw more verb conjugation charts, and will review the preterite conjugations of the verbs Ser, Ir, Estar, Hacer, Tener, and Ver. i. The teacher will then distribute a worksheet asking students to conjugate regular ar verbs and the irregular verbs in the preterite tense, as well as translate a number of sentences. The students must work alone on this worksheet. (CFU-content) ii. The teacher will ask 2 students to repeat the directions (CFU directions).

Label: Bell Ringer Also may be called: set induction, anticipatory set, introduction/review, Do Now, Write Now, Silent Starter

Label: Transitions

Label: visual, auditory, and kinesthetic Accommodations for learning modalities

Label: Checks for Understanding: directions, procedures/routines, and/or content (formative) Ex. (CFU directions)

Label: Evidence of Cognitive Student Engagement (CSE)

Label: Closure

15. Closure: a. The teacher will distribute a 2-question exit slip asking students to discuss what they had remembered about the preterite tense conjugations from the previous year and whether they have become more comfortable with it now, after having more practice. Students will also be asked to provide the full preterite conjugation of a regular ar verb. b. The students will be asked, as homework, to write a draft of a letter to a family member about their trip as if they had recently gone on the trip.

Day 2 16. Bellringer (visual): Questions -Without looking at your notes, please write at least 4 sentences about your trip using the preterite tense. You will have 2 minutes to answer a. The teacher will ask 2 students to repeat the directions (CFUdirections). b. Students will write continuously for 2 minutes in their notebooks (CSE, CFU-content) 17. Bellringer Share ( auditory) a. The teacher will ask students to share a sentence that they wrote with the class. b. Students will volunteer to share their answers to the questions. i. Students will be required to record at least 2 sentences written by other students. ii. The teacher will ask 2 students to repeat the directions (CFUdirections). 18. Peer Review (v, a) a. The teacher will divide students into pairs using the Famous Pairs method. Each pair will be asked to exchange their letters that they have written for homework and review their partners work using instructions provided on a handout.. i. Students will mark any errors they find in their partners letter in a different color pen, and should focus on looking for the correct use of the preterite tense. ii. Students are expected to discuss their revisions with their partners before exchanging the letters back, ensuring that the partner understands why each error was marked. iii. The teacher will ask 2 students to repeat the directions (CFUdirections).

19. Closure: (v) a. The teacher will distribute a one-question exit slip asking students to reflect on the process of writing the letter and then working with a peer to review their work. b. The students will complete a final draft of the letter for homework. The next day, they will be expected to turn in the final draft as well as the peer-reviewed first draft. i. The teacher will ask 2 students to repeat the directions (CFUdirections).

Assessment/ Evaluation
Label formative or summative, describe purpose, and provide grading/feedback method.

Bellringer Notebooks formative assessment which will be used to determine students prior knowledge and working knowledge of new concepts. These are collected and graded for completion weekly, and each entry is followed by a brief opportunity to share with the class what they have written. o Objectives 1 & 2 Exit slips formative assessment which will be used to collect data to determine if re-teaching needs to be done the following day. These are collected at the end of class daily, graded, and returned to the students the following day. o Objectives 1 & 4. Worksheets formative assessment which will be used to demonstrate the students completion of the target objectives. Worksheets will be collected in class and returned to students the following day. o Objective 1. Final Travel Itineraries formative assessment which will provide data detailing student mastery of objectives and targeted literacy skills. Itineraries will be collected in class and returned to students with feedback as soon as possible. o Objective 2. Final Letter Summative assessment which will provide final assessment detailing student mastery of objectives and targeted literacy skills. Letters will be collected in class and returned to students with feedback as soon as possible. o Objectives: all.

Describe type and purpose. Include a back-up plan.

Preterite, Conjugation, Tense, Verb, Ser, Estar, Hacer, Ir, Tener, and Ver. Academic Language required for the lesson

Accommodations, Student Supports, and/or Interactions with Co-Teachers and/or Support Staff Resources/ Materials Dry-Erase Board, Worksheets Sheets made by teacher.

Time Required

2 x 40-minute class periods

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