December An-Noor 2013

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3 December 2013 Editorial

Safar 1435

Islamic Education
By: Maulana Dawood Vowda Sahib

We need to realize the object of our creation and strive to become true and practical Muslims. The enemies of Islam have successfully brainwashed many Muslims to such an extent that the truth makes no sense to them and they live in a state of denial. We must admit that we have failed ourselves and our children as well to come up with sound Islamic education, but we should not despair. Instead we should make a concerted effort to make amends for the past by firstly repentance and then a chan e. There has to be a sound Islamic environment in the home which will have an impact on the children. !efore the advent of Islamic schools, children ac"uired sound Islamic education, when they attended Maktab in the afternoon after school. #very child knew that the mornin schools consisted of secular information and as Muslims we should not be influenced by anythin un$Islamic. The afternoon

4 December 2013

Safar 1435

Maktab was the %hild&s link with sound Islamic inheritance of reli ious knowled e. The challen e is to preserve our Islamic identity. Muslims should be seekin sound Islamic knowled e to such an extent that one is satisfied. 'ure Islamic knowled e is in reality a source of enli htenment for Muslims. Many Muslims perform many acts in Salah etc. which are improper and not acceptable, but they are content with the little knowled e they have. There are many thin s permissible, but yet not desirable in Islam. Muslims must endeavour to secure the company of "ualified, sincere and dedicated learned scholars with sound character and hi h morals to "uench the thirst of those seekin sound Islamic education. (nfortunately the standard of Islamic education has been compromised tremendously, resultin downwards drastically. May )llah Ta&ala rant us coura e to strive to seek true, pure and sound Islamic knowled e and have mercy upon us and the enerations to follow.
Aameen Yaa Rabbal-Aalameen.

in the "uality spiralin

5 December 2013

Safar 1435

(Commentary of the Holy Quran)
By: Maulana Mufti Muhammad Shafi Sahib (Rahmatullahi Alaihi)

Note: This part of Tafseer is the remaining portion of Surah AlBaqarah Tafseer and hence connected ith the pre!ious chapter of Surah Al-Baqarah Tafseer"

Verse 68 71

o o
They said, Pray for us to your Lord that He makes it clear to us what sort she be ! He said, He says she be a cow "either too old, "or too you"# of some middle a#e i" betwee" $ow, do what you are bei"# asked to do! They said,

6 December 2013

Safar 1435

Pray for us to your Lord that He make it clear to us what colour she be! He said, He says that she be a yellow cow, rich yellow i" her colour, %leasi"# for all to look at ! They said, Pray for us to your Lord that He makes it clear to us of what sort she be, for we are co"fused about this cow, a"d if &llah wills, 'e shall certai"ly take the ri#ht course ! He said, He says that it be a cow which is "ot tractable for tilli"# the soil or i" wateri"# the fields, sou"d a"d without blemish ! They said, $ow, you ha(e come u% with the truth ! The", they slau#htered her, althou#h it did "ot a%%ear they would do it )Verse 68 71*

These verses show how the Israelites were disposed to disobedience, and how this inclination expressed itself in different forms. The *adeeth says that if these people had obeyed )llah Ta&ala&s commandment without raisin so many doubts and askin unnecessary "uestions, such strict condition would not have been imposed on them, and the sacrifice of any cow whatsoever would have been accepted.

Verses 7+,7 o o
&"d whe" you killed a ma", a"d be#a" to %ush a"d %ull each other for it. while &llah was to bri"# forth what you were holdi"# back /o, 'e said, /trike him with a %art of it ! /imilar to that, &llah re(i(es the dead &"d He shows you His

7 December 2013
si#"s, so that you may u"dersta"d

Safar 1435

+To be continued, Insha Allah)

Tas-heelul Ahadeeth

,ayyidina -areer !in )bdullah
+Ra#i$allahu anhu. +Sallallahu Alaihi

narrates/ 0I took ba$%ah +pled e of alle iance. at the blessed hands of *azrat 1asulullah

upon establishin

Salah, dischar in


and intendin

ood for every Muslim. +Bukhari( Muslim.

,ayyidina -areer bin )bdullah +Ra#i$allahu anhu) took an oath that he would always dischar e the duties of Salah and 'akah, and that he would never wish that any harm befall them and if any Muslim asks him for advice he would sincerely advice2 uide him. *azrat 1asulullah +Sallallahu Alaihi &asallam. said/ 03one of you would attain perfect *maan until he desires

8 December 2013

Safar 1435

for his brother what he desires for himself.&

4. ) Muslim will always seek oodness for his fellow
Muslims and will never wish them any harm.

*azrat 1asulullah
+Sallallahu Alaihi &asallam.


5*e who removes from his brother&s way a difficulty from the difficulties of the world, )llah will remove from his way a difficulty from the difficulties of the world +6unya. and *ereafter +)khirah.. )nd he who will rant

December 2013

Safar 1435

ease +respite. to a person in difficulty, )llah Ta&ala will rant him ease in the 6unya and )khirah. *e who hides the faults of another Muslim, )llah Ta&ala will hide his faults in the 6unya and the )khirah. )llah Ta&ala remains in the aid of his servant so lon as his servant is in the in the assistance of his brother. *e who undertakes a journey seekin knowled e, )llah Ta&ala will make easy for him a path to +annah. 3ever do a roup of people ather in any house from the houses of )llah recitin *is !ook +i.e. the *oly 7ur&an. and discussin it amon themselves, except the tran"uility descends upon them, mercy enshrouds them, the an els thron around them, and )llah Ta&ala mentions them in the presence of those that are with *im +i.e. the )n els.. *e whose actions delay him will not be hastened by his linea e89 +Muslim.

The *adeeth teaches us the virtue of the followin / 4. *elpin those who are in difficulty. :. ;rantin respite to those debtors who are experiencin financial hardship. <. *idin the personal faults of Muslim individuals. =. ,eekin knowled e +6eeni knowled e > knowled e of the *oly 7ur&an, ,unnah etc. ?. 1ecitin the *oly 7ur&an in the Masjid.

!" December 2013

Safar 1435

@. )ttendin 6eeni atherin s.

4. He who hides the faults of a"other 1uslim 22 ! The aim of this sentence is to discoura e hibah +backbitin .. It, therefore, means that we should not publicize the personal mistakes of particular individuals. *owever, it does not mean that we are not permitted to publicly denounce2 condemn an evil that is common in society. :. He who u"dertakes a 3our"ey seeki"# k"owled#e! The commentators of *adeeth are unanimous that such statements +re ardin the virtue of knowled e. are re ardin 6eeni knowled e only8 The meanin of this sentence is that when a person seeks knowled e of 6een, he learns to lead his life accordin to the *oly 7ur&an and ,unnah. Aeadin one&s life accordin to the noble 7ur&an and ,unnah will Insha$)llah enter one into +annah. It must, however, also be remembered that, just as in all other acts of worship +ibaadah., Ikhlaas +sincerity., is most essential. <. He whose actio"s delay him 22 ! The meanin of this sentence is that man&s destiny in the *ereafter does not depend on his linea e > eternal success depends only on *maan and ood actions. Thus, if a person of noble linea e +a respectable family. delays in doin ood actions, he will be deprived of )llah Ta&ala&s pleasure and the eternal comforts of +annah.

4. Bne must help fellow Muslim. :. ;rant ease to any person in difficulty.

!! December 2013

Safar 1435

Seerat-e-Paak Nabi #s Love for Children

By: Maulana A u Talhah Muhammad !"harul Hasan Mahmood Sah#
$%an&lat'd By: Mufti Af(al )u&ain *lia& Sahib


Yes my father is here, he is eating

*azrat )bu 7atadah
,Ra#i$allahu Anhu)

had iven a

loan to another Muslim. 6ue to this person sufferin from extreme poverty, he was unable to repay the debt. #very time *azrat )bu 7atadah hide in his house. Bne day *azrat )bu 7atadah came to his house seekin 7atadah
,Ra#i$allahu Anhu) ,Ra#i$allahu Anhu) ,Ra#i$allahu Anhu)

would come to him seekin the repayment, he would

the repayment. *e was

inside the house eatin at the time. When *azrat )bu knocked at the door, this person&s child came to the door to find out who was it and what was it they wanted. *azrat )bu 7atadah
,Ra#i$allahu Anhu)

en"uired of the child if his2her father

!+ December 2013

Safar 1435

was present. The child said that he was present, and he was busy eatin . *azrat )bu 7atadah
Anhu) then ,Ra#i$allahu

called out to the person sayin that he knew

that he was in the house, and that he should please come out. When the person came out, *azrat )bu 7atadah ,Ra#i$allahu Anhu) asked him as to why he was in hidin . The man said that he was under oin difficult financial conditions. *earin that he was sufferin
,Ra#i$allahu Anhu)

from poverty, *azrat )bu 7atadah kin of both worlds that he who

be an cryin . *e then said, 5I have learnt from the ives respite or overlooks the debt of a debtor, )llah Ta&ala will protect him from the fears and torment of the 6ay of -ud ment.9 ,ayin

this he for ave his debtor8

Aet us ponder for a while. The result of the truth spoken by the child was that the debt of the father was for iven. Indeed this is the blessin of speakin the truth. Bn the other hand, look at the ,ahaabi
,Ra#i$allahu Anhu)C

he wipes out the entire debt by virtue and with what perfection did he

of hearin

one statement of *azrat 3abi )kram

+Sallallahu Alaihi &asallam.

enact his teachin s.

(To be concluded, Insha Allah)

!3 December 2013

Safar 1435


!A(&A &AS$L$LLA!
'rom )he )eachin*s and advices of 'a+eeh,l-$mma). !a/ra) %,f)i %ahmood !asan 0an*ohi (Rahmatullahi Alaihi)
Compiled by: Hazrat Maulana Muhammad Rahmatullah Sahib Kashmiri (Daamat- Barakatuhum) (Continued from the previous issue of AN-NOOR)

AND !EI& L"VE '"&


Avoiding customs of shirk and having firm belief in the Oneness of Allah Taala
A Muslim should have such faith that he is not prepared to bow down before any idol, tree or building. He should only bow his head before Allah Ta'ala. He does not have to lower his head before anyone or anything else. He should believe that it is only Allah Ta'ala who controls all affairs. People who have such faith should ask only from Allah Ta'ala. When they are in need of something, they seek the help of Allah Ta'ala. They consider Him to be the only one who cures. He only is the all powerful. He alone gives life. He is the one who takes lives. They understood that benefit or harm is only from Allah Ta'ala. They have discarded the thought that any other being can benefit or harm them.

!4 December 2013

Safar 1435

Hazrat Maulana Gangohi ,Rahmatullahi Alaihi) writes, I do not consider that harm or benefit comes to me from anyone other than Allah Taala. This thought no longer remains in my heart. Leave alone the customs of Shirk, the senior Ulama of Deoband remained completely safe from even bidat (innovations).

Hazrat Gangohi )Rahmatullahi Hazrat Sheikhul-Hind )Rahmatullahi Alaihi*



A yearly Urs celebration used to be held in Gangoh at the Khanqah of Hazrat Sheikh Abdul Quddoos Gangohi ,Rahmatullahi Alaihi). Later on, this Khanqah became the residence of Hazrat Maulana Rashid Ahmad Gangohi ,Rahmatullahi Alaihi). However, during the three days of the Urs, Hazrat Maulana ,Rahmatullahi Alaihi) used to leave the Khanqah and leave Gangoh. He would grant his students and mureeds leave for three days to go away. They would only return when the Urs was over. After teaching the sixth period on a Thursday, Hazrat Sheikhul-Hind ,Rahmatullahi Alaihi) would usually come from Deoband to Gangoh to visit Hazrat Maulana Gangohi ,Rahmatullahi Alaihi). Once, Hazrat Sheikhul-Hind's friend, who was very close to him during his student days had later on become a government employee, asked, O Mahmood, tell me, what is there in Gangoh, that you go there every Thursday? Hazrat ,Rahmatullahi Alaihi) replied, O ignorant one! You haven't experienced the benefits. Come with me one day. ,To be concluded( *nsha-Allah)

!5 December 2013

Safar 1435


Statements an! Ane"!otes o# $a%ee&'lUmmat Ha(rat )'#ti )a&moo! Hasan an*o&i ,,

Com1iled #23 %,f)i 'aroo+ %eer,)i Sahib Daamat- Barakatuhum

Method of Esaal-e-Thawaab
4 Bur forefathers have done a lot of ood to us. What must I do if my heart desires that I carry out some action by means of which the punishment or difficulty they are experiencin in the rave +May )llah Ta&ala forbid. is uplifted or li htenedD &0 There are numerous actions that one can do. Bnce someone had posed a similar "uestion to *azrat 3abi )kram +Sallallahu Alaihi &asallam. and he su ested the di in of a well, for as lon as the creation continues benefitin from the well, one will continuously receive Thawaab +reward..

Accepting the invitation of those intending Esaal-e-Thawaab

4 Will the Thawaab +reward. reach the one to whom

!6 December 2013

Safar 1435

the Thawaab is bein sent by performin Nafl +voluntary. Salah or by recitin the *oly 7ur&an or by invitin the (lama for meals in order to make 'ikr or recite the *oly 7ur&anD &0 The Thawaab will definitely reach the person to whom it is bein sent. *owever, people should not be called to recite the *oly 7ur&an. The reason for this is that when people are called to recite the *oly 7ur&an, they feel that meals will also be served. *ence, those who think in this way will not receive any Thawaab, let alone the one to whom the Thawaab is bein sent. It is correct to perform Nafl-Salah or recite the *oly 7ur&an and send the Thawaab to someone. *azrat )bu *urairah ,Ra#i$allahu Anhu) made a be"uest that people should o to a certain Masjid$,hareef, perform two Rak%aats Salah and send the Thawaab to him.

The incident of a Sahib-e-Kashf (one who receives inspiration)

) person once passed by a raveyard and saw pearls scattered about and the dead were out of their raves collectin them. *owever, there was one person who was out of his rave, but not collectin the pearls. The passer$by went up to him and en"uired from him re ardin the whole scene that he was witnessin D

!7 December 2013

Safar 1435

5eceased0 The family members and friends of the dead send Thawaab +reward. to them that take the form of pearls as you see.
(To be continued, Insha Allah)


+otions #or t&e Heart

A Translation o# Dawa-e-Dill
Continued from the previous issue of A - OO!

#23 !a/ra) 5eer (,lfi+ar Ahmad Na+ashbandi Sahib

Be"ome a sin"ere an! a"ti,e Aalim A non- el#e$er translates the Holy Quraan
*owever, the knowled e which is only limited to talks without bein put into practice, is nothin but discovery or Ma&lumaat. This is why in a -adith, the 'rophet +Sallallahu Alaihi &asallam. asked for beneficial Ilm. Many a times, a person may even be an 5)alim9 so to speakC but his heart is i norant. )llah Ta&ala says in the *oly 7ur&an ,ubhan$)llah8

So, have seen him who has taken his desires as his god? [Al-Jathiya 45:23 nly relevant !ortion o" the

!8 December 2013

Safar 1435

Aayah is do#$mented% They have become worships of their desires, lusts and wishes. )ll this is idol worship. The worship of )llah Ta&ala is a different thin alto ether. )fter the above )ayah, )llah Ta&ala says in the *oly 7uran/

And Allah &a'ala has let him go astray, des!ite having knowledge( [Al-Jathiya 45:23 nly relevant !ortion o" the Aayah is do#$mented% We therefore need to be fearful of this.

!%noran&e after #lm

'eople who smoke ci arettes know that they cause cancer. These same people will even advise their children a ainst smokin , tellin them that it is an evil thin and ruins lives. They advise other people a ainst itD #ven the ci arette manufacturin companies put a warnin one each packet/ 6i#arette smoki"# is harmful to your health *owever, the smoker will, after a little while of abstainin , develop a deep cravin for a ci arette and will not rest until he has smoked one. The above is an example of bein despite havin knowled e. i norant

! December 2013

Safar 1435

In the same way, a person may know that a certain deed amounts to a major sin, but ,atan is in control of him, his Nafs overpowers him, his senses are clouded. 6espite his knowled e, he commits a major sin. This is i norance despite havin knowled e.

So, have yo$ seen him who has taken his desires as his god, and Allah has let him go astray, des!ite having )nowledge, and has sealed his ear and his heart( [Al-Jathiya 45:23 nly relevant !ortion o" the Aayah is do#$mented% )llahu )kbar8
)llah Ta&ala has put a seal over his ears and heartE

And !$t a #over on his eye( [Al-Jathiya 45:23 nly relevant !ortion o" the Aayah is do#$mented%

*ow who will g$ide him a"ter Allah &a'ala? Still, do yo$ not take lessons? [Al-Jathiya 45:23 nly relevant !ortion o" the Aayah is do#$mented%

+" December 2013

Safar 1435

Therefore, the ac"uirin of Ilm is but the first step. True Ilm is that on which a person acts. Btherwise, it will be mere Ma%lumaat, not Ilm. This is why it is said/

+lm witho$t a#tion is an evil )nd

A#tions witho$t +lm are a so$r#e o" misg$idan#e ,o first one must ac"uire Ilm, and secondly act upon it.

+To be .oncluded( *nsha-Allah )

'amil2 #ond

BR!'(!'( )* CH!+,RE' !' !S+AM

By: Maulana D%, Muhammad )abibullaah Mu-htaa% Sahib ransla)ed b23 .'nab Rafi/ Abdu%%ahmaan Sahib
(0ontinu'd f%om th' 1%'2iou& i&&u' of AN-NOOR)

6urin the days of +aahili$$ah +period of i norance

+! December 2013

Safar 1435

prior to the advent of Islam., ,ayyidina (mar

+Ra#i$allahu embracin

was very rude and harsh, but, after

Islam, it seemed as thou h mercy flowed

from his heart. When ,ayyidina )bu !akr

anhu) +Ra#i$allahu anhu)


farewell to the army of ,ayyidina (saamah


he forbade them not to kill any woman, a ed

people or children. *e instructed them not to pull out trees or chop down any fruit$bearin trees, and not to kill people who reside in churches. ,uch was the compassion of Islam towards all livin centres were set up to look after lost do s. Islam also founded trusts to provide the poor with the necessities for their marria e. Trusts were created for the sick and for travelers, so that they could be attended to and fed. ) trust was also created to help employees who broke their master&s utensils, so that they could be reimbursed and protected a ainst the punishment of an ry employers. Aikewise, trusts were created to provide clothes, food and so on. Madrasahs were also built. The "ualities of mercy and tenderness promoted our ancestors to carry out such deeds. /elfless"ess ,elflessness is to prefer others over oneself in thin s that

++ December 2013

Safar 1435

matters involvin profit and personal interests. This is a reat psycholo ical awakenin . When it is done with the aim to seek the pleasure of )llah Ta&ala, then it is a si n of true Imaan and a pure soul. It is a stron pillar supportin collective and mutual assistance. The 3oble 7ur&an created a sense of fraternity amon Muslims and declared a selfless person as a successful person.4 The Ansaars offered e"ual shares to the Muhaa/irs, thus presentin a rand example of selflessness that is not found anywhere else. Thus we learn that when a ,ahabi of the 3oble 1asulullah
+Sallallahu Alaihi &asallam.

, was presented with ave it as a ift to

a piece of a sacrificial animal, he

another, who passed it on to a third person who passed it on to a fourth person, and so on. In short, each of them preferred the other over himself until the item returned to the first person.: (mmul Mu$mineen, ,ayyidina Faynab bint -ah$ sh )l$)sadiyyah
+Ra#i$allahu anha)

was known as

(mmul$Masaakeen +mother of the poor and needy., because of her selflessness. )t the time of ifts, ,ayyidina (mar,
+Ra#i$allahu anhu)

distribution of

sent her share. ,he promptly distributed all of it

! +

Su%ah )a&h%3 5 : , Imam ;hazali&s Ihyaa$ul$(loom.

+3 December 2013

Safar 1435

amon various people. ,ayyidina )a&ishah

anha)( distributed

ten thousand 0irhams in charity.

)dawii says, 56urin the !attle of Garmuk, I went lookin for my cousin. I had some water with me. I said, 0if I find him wounded I will ive him this water to drink.& I found him. I said to him, 06o you want to drink waterD& he indicated, 0Ges&, with his head. )t the moment nearby someone moaned, 0aah aah.& My cousin indicated that I must o to him. I saw he was *isham bin )l$)as. I found he had died. I returned to *isham and found he had died. I came back to my cousin who had also died. 3one of them had drunk the water due to ee$thaar +selflessness. for one another.9 ,To be continued( *nsha Allah) 0rea) 5ersonali)2

,ahimah$llah$ &a'ala
#23 Allamah %,hammad Ibn 6,s,f Salihi Dimash+i Shafi7i Rahmatullah Alayhi

(0ontinu'd f%om th' 1%'2iou& i&&u' of AN-NOOR)

Ha7rat 8mam /ahib9s 3uris%rude"tial skill i" the li#ht of the other 8mams
@. /ufyaa"

Thawri +Rahmatullahi alaihi.

*azrat )bu 7adim Ibn Has narrates that *azrat

+4 December 2013

Safar 1435

)bdullah Ibn Mubarak said/ 5I in"uire from ,ufyaan Thawri +Rahmatullahi Alaihi. as to what his view is over invitin the non$believers towards Islam before war wa in war with them. *e replied. 5The non$believers are "uite aware of the reason we are wa in invite them before wa in a ainst them.9 +in other words, it is not necessary to war.. I thereupon asked/ 56oes )bu *anifah ,Rahmatullahi Alaihi) hold the same view as you doD9 *earin this, he lowered his head for a little while. 1aisin said/
(To be continued, Insha- Allah)

his head once a ain, he

looked about him and when he saw nobody about, he

Children7s Col,mn

Edi)ed #23 Mufti Af(al )u&ain *lia& Sahib

In time an! on time

5E.. and the student to attain first position in the entire school is the brilliant (mar )liD9 I was so excited to hear these words from my teacher at the awards evenin that it could almost burst. I then walked up to the sta e to collect my prizes as all my friends con ratulated me. *owever, as I ot to the sta e, I suddenly heard my mother shoutin , 5;et

+5 December 2013

Safar 1435

up (mar8 )re you not oin to schoolD9 ) slap on the head soon had me sittin up in my bed and I realized that I was still dreamin . 5,leepin late and unable to et up early in the mornin 89 I heard my mother sayin as I rubbed my eyes and looked around me. It was very late when I went to bed last ni ht and I had for otten to set my alarm. !y now I had missed the car to school and would have to take a bus and then walk the rest of the way. Aookin at the clock, I was happy to know that there was still three "uarters of an hour left. I jumped up and went strai ht to the bathroom, where I spend 4? minutes. I then dressed in my uniform and wore my shoes without any time to polish them as I ou ht to have done. My mother always told me to et all my thin s ready the previous ni ht, but playin had made me for et. I then started to comb my hair, but I would not come ri ht. )s I stru led in front of the mirror, father remarked, 5,o much time to front of the mirrorD It seems like everyone in the school is oin to be starin at you only.9 I then ate a "uick breakfast and rushed out of the door. I just made it on the last bus and mana ed to rab on to one of the handles since all the sittin space was taken. ,uddenly the bus braked at the stop and I was sent flyin across to the end. #veryone lau hed as I ot up and dusted my clothin off. The conductor then came around to collect the bus fare and I was forced to

+6 December 2013

Safar 1435

part with my spendin money, which would not have been necessary if I was early enou h to et the car. )nyway, the bus finally halted a stop and I spran off to walk the other half of the way to school. I was happy to note that the bus saved half the time, but when I looked at my watch, all my happiness disappeared. There was only five minutes left for school to start. I started to run as fast as I could, but I soon stumbled and fell headlon on the pavement as my sole buckled. I had for otten to have my shoes repaired and now it finally ave up. )ll flustered, I finally made it to the school ate. The first period was chemistry and the teacher started to check our books. Bnly when he came to me did I realize that I had been so busy playin that I had for otten to complete my homework the previous ni ht. I felt the sharp pain as the teacher hit my head. That was the second shot for the day after mother&s. The rest of the day was just as remarkable and I was ever so pleased that I was walkin home alive that afternoon. In keepin with events of the day, the afternoon brou ht a storm and I was drenched as I walked. To complete the day, I then slipped in the mud and was covered in dirt when I ot home. When I knocked on the door, Mother lau hed, 5,orry, dear be ar, but the food is not yet ready. 'erhaps you should come later.9 I bit my lip in an er, but said nothin as I went upstairs to chan e my clothes and take a bath.

+7 December 2013

Safar 1435

I had finished eatin when father ave me his shirt to have ironed, sayin , 5'lease do it for me because I have an important appointment toni ht.9 I took to shirt with me, but was irritated about havin another chore when I was so tired. 5'erhaps I should lie down a while,9 I thou ht to myself. *owever, I was so exhausted that I immediately fell fast asleep. 5Where is my shirt, (marD9 were the words that woke me up before the third slap of the day landed on my head. Iather would be late for his appointment because of my ne li ence. 6ear friends8 3ot doin thin s immediately and when they ou ht to be done causes unnecessary trouble for everyone. Therefore, always ensure that you are always in time and on time.

Letters to t&e E!itor

',ll of Fitan
Dear Editor:

The present day world is full of 1itan/ Trials. To save our *maan from destruction, it is very necessary to identify all such 1itan which are prevailin in our day$to$day life. )nd for identifyin a 1itnah, we need sound knowled e of Islam. To achieve the pure and

+8 December 2013

Safar 1435

sound knowled e of Islam, we have to keep the company of pious scholars of Islam by attendin their classes and speeches, and we have to study the Islamic books written by ri hteous authors on different Islamic topics. Gour monthly journal, ANN22R, is one of the best books on Islamic knowled e. It provides us a special li ht/ Noor, and with the help of that li ht we are able to identify 1itan of our daily life. Thanks a lot for publishin such a knowled eable journal.
Sa'-aan Na(eer S&a& S+ Colle*e Srina*ar

The esteemed readers of A*-* , may feel free to send their letters on email address as follows/

CAM*)S R-)',)*
Fayya" Ahmad .aroo

raheemiyah:#mail com

!a/ra) %a,lana 8ari Abd,llah Saleem Sahib


visi)s &aheemi22ah varsi)2

) master of the science of readin s, that is, Ta/ eed J 3ira%ah, *azrat Maulana 7ari )bdullah

+ December 2013

Safar 1435

,aleem ,ahib 0aamat-Barakatuhum, who is, at present, servin the Islamic needs of the Muslim community in %hica o )merica, visited 6arul$(loom 1aheemiyyah !andipora on := Bctober Thursday :K4<. This septua enarian scholar was accompanied by his son$ in$law, Maulana Waasif *usain ,ahib alias 3adeemul$Waajdi. )t the 1aheemiyyah campus, the esteemed rector of 1aheemiyyah varsity, *azrat Maulana Muhammad 1ahmatullah ,ahib 7asmi
'eeda-Ma/duhum, and the faculty members of this

institution welcomed both the uests with open arms. 3ext day, *azrat 7ari ,ahib delivered a valuable speech at %entral -ami&ah$Masjid of !andipora prior to Iriday$,alah at the special re"uest of Imam$e$-ami&ah$cum$president )w"aaf, Maulana Hhurshid )hmad 3advi ,ahib. In his speech, *azrat 7ari ,ahib placed reater emphasis on holdin the *oly 7ur&an and the blessed Sunnats of the beloved 'rophet Sallallahu Alaihi learnin them, teachin
asallam in hi h esteem by

them to children and

adherin to them affectionately. The Iriday$ 4hutbah was read by *azrat 7ari ,ahib and then Iriday$,alah was also led by him at the re"uest of Imam$e$ -ami&ah, Maulana Hhurshid ,ahib. )fter Iriday$,alah, a special Majlis of the reciters/ qaris was held at 1aheemiyyah in which

3" December 2013

Safar 1435

*azrat 7ari ,ahib delivered an enli htenin speech in connection with recitin the noble 7ur&an in seven and ten readin s. 51ecitation of the noble 7ur&an in its particular readin its Tafseer and meanin and its preservation is a and then actin upon it is separate ri ht of the *oly 7ur&an while understandin another ri ht of the book of )llah,9 explained *azrat 7ari ,ahib with references and ar uments from the *oly 7ur&an. The blessed arrival of *azrat 7ari ,ahib offered a olden opportunity to convene a 4hanqahMa/lis at 6arul$(loom 1aheemiyyah. Many hundred persons attended this Majlis in which *azrat 7ari ,ahib underlined the need of attendin Ma/lis and keepin 4hanqahthe company of saintly scholars

and pious men of )llah. 5Ior the protection of one&s Imaan, it is necessary in the present era of deterioration to keep the company of saintly scholars and the pious men of )llah,9 he stressed. The faculty members of 6arul$(loom 1aheemiyyah were also honoured by *azrat 7ari ,ahib who spent some time with them and ave them many valuable advices affectionately. 5The scholars of Islam should not feel themselves inferior as they have been bestowed such an asset of honour which provides satisfaction to their hearts,9 *azrat 7ari

3! December 2013

Safar 1435

,ahib asserted. Bn the sidelines of this academic event, the respected students of 6arul$(loom 1aheemiyyah !andipora held a con re ation in which they welcomed Maulana 3adeemul$Waajdi ,ahib warmly. In his well$ rounded address to the 1aheemi$ students, Maulana Waajdi ,ahib Hashmir valley nearly <K years a o. 5)t that time, the said visit to Hashmir was arran ed in connection with holdin *azrat )llamah )nwar at the ,hah

ave a historical

account of his previous visit when he had visited the

a seminar on Hashmiri #ducation of


%olle e

,rina ar. This seminar was or anized by the then %hief Minister of the -JH state$cum$'resident of )w"aaf Islamiyyah -JH, -enab ,heikh Muhammad )bdullah, on behalf of )w"aaf in 4LMM. )t that time, Hashmir received a visit from the scholars of 6arul$ (loom 6eoband, especially the esteemed rector of 6arul$(loom 6eoband, *azrat Maulana 7ari Muhammad Toyyib ,ahib Rahmatullahi-Alaihi, who is also the first patron of 6arul$(loom 1aheemiyyah !andipora Hashmir. The concludin session of this important seminar was held at 6ar ah *azratbal ,rina ar on :4 3ovember 4LMM Iriday and it was attended by a lar e atherin of Hashmiri Muslims.

3+ December 2013

Safar 1435

Bn that day, the Iriday$,alah was led by *azrat Maulana 7ari Muhammad Toyyib ,ahib Alaihir-rahmah with a bi rush of Hashmiri Muslims. In the said seminar, Tilaa at of the noble 7ur&an was recited by *azrat Maulana 7ari )bdullah ,aleem ,ahib who also read his paper in the said historic seminar,9 Maulana 3adeemul$Waajdi ,ahib expatiated. 5)t that time, *akeemul$Islam, *azrat Maulana 7ari Muhammad Toyyib ,ahib Rahmatullahi-Alaihi expressed disappointment when he did not find any 0eeniMadarasah established in the Hashmir valley and said that only a 0eeni-Madarasah is suitable accommodation for the Islamic (lama. )fter it, only two years passed, 6arul$(loom 1aheemiyyah was established at !andipora in 4LML,9 he added. 5This is the outcome of *khlaas/ sincerity of these Akaabir -a#raat/ hi h rankin ri hteous scholars, that 6arul$ (loom 1aheemiyyah !andipora Hashmir has achieved %entral 'osition in the state,9 Maulana Waajdi ,ahib asserted. Maulana Waajdi ,ahib further asserted that )llah )lmi hty accepted the dutiful sons of 6arul$ (loom 6eoband had +6eoband been laid by alumni., whose foundation ,aa"i$e$Hauser for renderin

Sallallahu-Alaihi- asallam,


excellent services to the essentials of 6een$e$Islam

33 December 2013

Safar 1435

viz. protectin , preservin

and propa atin

Islam in

every nook and corner of the world. 5!y the race of )llah Ta&ala, they had rendered this reat service to the Muslim community and are continuously renderin it enthusiastically,9 he said. To substantiate his utterances, Maulana Waajdi ,ahib narrated some livin examples he has experienced himself recently. The honorable uests returned to their homes while the esteemed rector of 1aheemiyyah varsity, *azrat Maulana Muhammad 1ahmatullah ,ahib 7asmi
0aamat-Barakatuhum and -enab

*afiz *idayatullah

,ahib accompanied them from the 1aheemiyyah campus !andipora to the departure loun e of the ,rina ar )irport.

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