Morning and Evening Duas

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Shaikh-ul-Arab Wal Ajam Arifbillah
Hazrat-e-A!a" Maula#a Shah
Hakeem Muhamma! Akhtar Saheb
$Damat %arakaatuhum&

Published By:
'utub 'ha#a Mazhari
Gul"ha# Ibal %l()k *

.able (f /(#te#t"
Dedication 3
Important Note: 4
Protection from the Evil of All Creations 5
Salvation from the Worries of Both Worlds
Pro tection from the Calamitie s of Earth and S!" #$
D%a for Increasin& the 'ardens of (annah #3
Protection from Evil Destin" and Diffic%lties #)
D%a for the *%lfillment of De+ts and ,emoval of
'rief and Sorro- ..
Salaat%l /a0aat .4
D%a for *ollo-in& the 1r%th and A+stainin& *rom
*alsehood .)

All my writings and compilations of this
humble servant are collections of the benefits
and blessings of the companionship of our
spiritual mentor:
Muhiyyus Sunnah Hadrat Aqdas Mauln
Shh Abrr-ul-Haqq Shib rahimahullh,
Hadrat Aqdas Mauln Shh Abdul
Ghan Shib Phulpr rahimahullh and
Hadrat Aqdas Mauln Shh Muhammad
Ahmad Shib rahimahullh.
Muhammad Akhtar
(May Allh Taala Pard!n Him"

Important Note:
The full benefit of taking tonics and
health supplements will only be achieved
by the one who refrains from eating
poisonous substances.In the similar
manner, those who refrain from sin will
experience the full benefit of the virtues
mentioned herein. If they occasionally err
and slip into sin, they immediately repel
the harm of the sin with sincere taubah
and istighfaar. Therefore, it is vitally
important to refrain from sin in order to
achieve the benefits of reciting the
wazaif mentioned in this booklet.

0r(te)ti(# fr(m the E1il (f All
$Re)ite thri)e&
#t is r$p!rt$d %r!m Hadhrat Abdullah #bn
&hubaib that !n'$ !n a dar( rainy ni)ht, *$
*$nt !ut in s$ar'h !% +asulullah (sall$llah!
alaih$ *asallam", and *$ %!und him.
+asulullah (sall$llah! alaih$ *asallam" said,
,Say # $nquir$d, What should I say? H$ said,

` ,
, - ,

= .- - - = - = -
. ., =- - _ . = -
., = = -

= .- c- - ,
= = - = _ =,
_= - -
thri'$ $-$ry m!rnin) and $-$nin), it *ill
su%%i'$ (as pr!t$'ti!n" %r!m $-$rythin)..
(Mish(aat p./00"
Surah Ikhlaas
In the name of Allah! Most "racious! Most
Say $e is Allah! the %nly %ne!
Allah! the Independent &whom all creatures need'!
$e begets not! nor is $e begotten#
And there is none like unto $im(
Surah Al-Falaq
In the name of Allah! Most "racious! Most
Say: I seek refuge with the Sustainer of daybreak
)rom the evil of what $e has created!
)rom the evil of the darkness as it overspreads!
)rom the mischief of thosewho blow on knots &by
practicing black magic'!
And from the mischief of the *ealous one as he
practices envy#
Surah An Naas
In the name of Allah! Most "racious! Most
Say: I seek refuge with the Sustainer &+ord and
,herisher of Mankind'!
-he .ing &or uler' of Mankind!
-he Ilaah &"od' of Mankind!
)rom the mischief of the Whisperer &of evil'! who
withdraws &after his whisper'!
Who whisper into the hearts of mankind!
Among *inns and among men#

N(te2Mullah Ali 1ari (rahmatullah alaih$" has
qu!t$d Allamah Tibi (rahmatullah alaih$" in
his Mirqaat (-!l. 2 p.345", that th$ m$anin) !%
Hadith _= - ci"
._ - = - c ;that th$s$
thr$$ surahs ar$ su%%i'i$nt %!r th$ pr!t$'ti!n
%r!m all $-il, and i% th$ r$ad$r d!$s n!t r$ad
any !th$r *a6i%ah b$sid$s this, it *!uld su%%i'$

T!day, many Muslims ha-$ pr!bl$ms. S!m$
say bla'( ma)i'(8ad!!" has b$$n d!n$ !n
th$m, th$ir %amili$s !r !n th$ir busin$ss$s. #%
*$ r$ad this simpl$ *a6i%ah, Allah Ta9ala *ill
sa-$ us %r!m all 'alamiti$s.
Sal1ati(# fr(m the W(rrie" (f %(th
$Re)ite "e1e# time"&
Hadhrat Abu :arda (radhiallah! anh!"
narrat$s that +asulullah (sall$llah! alaih$
*asallam" has said, ,Whoever recites this
morning and evening seven times! then Allah
-a/ala will become sufficient for his worries of both
worlds# (ohul ma0ani! pg# 12 *u3# 44'
v _, =_ . - - , - ,
=- -
.he 4a"t Ver"e" (f Surah Ha"hr
#t has b$$n narrat$d by Hadhrat Maqal #bn
;asaar that +asulullah (sall$llah! alaih$
*asallam" said that !n$ *h! r$'it$s thri)e in
th$ m!rnin)7
- .= = - - _ .-
I seek protection of Allah! the All5$earing! and All5
knowing from shaitaan! the re*ected one#
%!ll!*$d by th$ last thr$$ -$rs$s !% Surah Hasr
(#)e5 Allah Taala *ill app!int !-$r him
45,555 an)$ls *h! *ill b$) %!r %!r)i-$n$ss
.- - , -, v =
.,= =
v - ; c , - ,
.,= , _, ,- ,
.=, - __,
_ =| - = _ - - _, ,
,- _|
0r(te)ti(# fr(m the /alamitie" (f
Earth a#! Sk3
$.hri)e m(r#i#- a#! e1e#i#-&
Ha6rat Abban bin <thman (radhiallah! anh!"
narrat$s %r!m his %ath$r that +asulullah
(sall$llah! alaih$ *asallam" said, , Any servant
who recites &the following' thrice in the morning
and thrice in the evening! nothing will harm him.
(Mish(aat, p).=5>"
= = , _- _= -= _ _
_ _ -
In the name of Allah! with $is 6ame! nothing can
harm anything in the earth and sky and $e is All5
hearing and All5knowing#

6(r 0r(te)ti(# (f O#e" Reli-i(#5 4ife5
Off"7ri#-5 6amil3 a#! Wealth
$Se1e# time"&
_ ,. _- _ _
_ -
May the blessings of the 6ame of Allah be on my
religion! myself! my offspring! my family and my
possessions#&kan3ul 7mmaal vol# 8 pg# 929'
0r(te)ti(# fr(m I#"a#it35 4e7r("35
White 4i1era#! 0aral3"i"
$6(ur time"&
Ha6rat Abdullah #bn$ Abbas (radhiallah!
anh!" r$p!rts that +asulullah (sall$llah! alaih$
*asallam" said7 ,When the dawn breaks and you
have performed your fa*r salaah! then recite the
following dua four times# :ou will be protected
from insanity! leprosy! white liver and paralysis
&Amal al5youm wal5laylah! Ibnus Sunni! pg#44;'
.,= =- ,

<ure and Sublime is Allah! -he Mighty
And praise belongs only to $im# -here is no power
&to save a person from sins' nor strength &to
accomplish good' but with the help of Allah#
0r(te)ti(# fr(m All 6atal Di"ea"e"
$O#)e !ail3&
#t has b$$n narrat$d by Ha6rat Anas
(radhiallah! anh!" that +asulullah (sall$llah!
alaih$ *asallam" *!uld ma($ this dua7
, _` .- c - .=,
;= _`= ;=
%h Allah! I seek protection from white liver disease!
insanity! leprosy and all fatal diseases#=
&>awaahirul ?ukhari! pg#1@A'

N(te2 T!day, *$ h$ar !% n$* dis$as$s all th$
tim$, *$ sh!uld r$ad this dua daily. ?n$ !% th$
primary 'aus$s !% dis$as$ is sins. @y
ass!'iatin) *ith th$ %ri$nds !% Allah Ta9ala , a
p$rs!n *ill build '!ura)$ and str$n)th t!
dis'ard sins.
Dua f(r I#)rea"i#- the Gar!e#" (f
$Se1e# time"&
Ha6rat Abu Hurairah (radhiallah! anh!"
narrat$s that +asulullah (sall$llah! alaih$
*asallam" said7 ,ead
freBuently! as this is from the treasures of >annah#
Ha6rat #brahim (alaihis salaam" t!ld
+asulullah (sall$llah! alaih$ *asallam" !n th$
ni)ht !% Mira8 t! t$ll th$ <mmah that th$y
must in'r$as$ th$ir )ard$ns !% Aannah by
r$'itin) th$ ab!-$. (Mirqaat, -!l.B"
Salaata# .u#ji#a
$Re)ite three time"&
, = - - `= _- _-
, - - `= = ,
- _- , = _= ,
_- =- - , `,= _-
=` , - =- =-_ _-
=,- _ , -, - _ -
= _ - = c ,
_- _= ,
% Allah( Shower :our salutations upon our
+eader and Master Muhammad &sallellaho alaihe
wasallam' and upon the family of our +eader and
Master Muhammad &sallellaho alaihe wasallam'#
Shower such salutations by means of which you
grant us salvation from all difficulties and
calamities! and by means of which :ou fulfill all
our necessities and :ou cleanse us from all sins!
and :ou elevate us to the highest stages! and :ou
cause us to achieve every aspiration! from all the
good in this world and after death# Cerily! :ou
have power over everything#
Th$r$ ar$ '!untl$ss bl$ssin)s %!r th$ r$'itati!n
!% this :ar!!d Shar$$%. #ts r$'itati!n is a m$ans
!% pr!t$'ti!n %r!m pla)u$s and all si'(n$ss$s.
Th$ h$art als! )ains tr$m$nd!us p$a'$ and
tranquility. Th$ r$'itati!n t! this :ar!!d
Shar$$% and r$'$i-in) its bl$ssin)s is am!n)
th$ $Cp$ri$n'$d pra'ti'$s !% th$ pi!us
p$rs!naliti$s. (Dadus Sa$$d"
0r(te)ti(# fr(m %la)k Ma-i)
$.hree time"&
+$'it$ Ayaat 0/, 0= !% Surah ;unus thri'$.
\ , - - _=- - ` =
. -=,= = . _, -
,' , -
@y r$'itin) th$ ab!-$ aayat thri'$ m!rnin) and
$-$nin), !n$ is n!t a%%li't$d by bla'( ma)i'. #%
!n$ has alr$ady b$$n a%%li't$d, th$ $%%$'ts *ill
b$ r$m!-$d.
0r(te)ti(# fr(m E1il De"ti#3 a#!
(Recite seven times)
, _` c.- - ,,- =_. =
= = - = -
+asulullah (sall$llah! alaih$ *asallam" said2
9O people! Seek refuge in Allah from severe
calamities, and from the grips of ill-hope, and
evil destiny and from the taunting of
enemies!(S$-$r$ 'alamiti$s m$an that a
p$rs!n is unabl$ t! '!p$ *ith a di%%i'ulty as a
r$sult !% *hi'h h$ d$sir$s d$ath".
Dua f(r Gui!a#)e a#! 0r(te)ti(#
fr(m the E1il (f O#e" Naf" $I##er-
$Re)ite three time"&
#t has b$$n narrat$d by Ha6rat #mraan bin
Husain (radhiallah! anh!" that +asulullah
(sall$llah! alaih$ *asallam" had tau)ht his
%ath$r this dua7
, _, ;=_ _=- - = _
%h Allah! inspire me with guidance and protect
me from the evil of myself#=
&-irmi3i vol#8 pg#4;9'

Dua f(r Deli1era#)e fr(m
Shirk$A""i-#i#- 0art#er +ith Allah
#t has b$$n narrat$d by Ha6rat Abu @ar(
(radhiallah! anh!" that +asulullah (sall$llah!
alaih$ *asallam" said7 ,Ascribing partners to
Allah in my 7mmah is much more hidden that the
pace of an ant crawling upon a black
stone..(&an6ul <mmaal -!l.= p).0/E"

Shir( is a -$ry hidd$n thin). #t $nt$rs th$ h$art
-$ry sil$ntly and -$ry %$* ar$ sa-$d %r!m it.
<p!n h$arin) this, Ha6rat Abu @a(r
(radhiallah! anh!" as($d in a %ri)ht$n$d
mann$r, ,$ow can one be saved from itF.
+asulullah (sall$llah! alaih$ *asallam" said7
Should I not show you such a supplication &dua'
that if yourecite it! you will be free from minor and
ma*or shirk# Ha6rat Abu @a(r (radhiallah!
anh!" b$))$d him t! t$ll him. +asulullah
(sall$llah! alaih$ *asallam" instru't$d him t!
, _` c.- . == c -
=-= -
% Allah! I seek protection in :ou from that I
ascribe partners to :ou knowingly and I seek
forgiveness from :ou for those things which I do
not know#= &.an3ul 7mmaal vol#8 pg#;49'

@y '!ntinu!usly r$'itin) this :ua, th$r$ is
)uarant$$ !% sa%$ty %r!m shir(, and )lad
tidin)s !% sin'$rity.
Sa33i!ul I"ti-hfaar
$Re)ite (#)e&
Ha6rat Shaddad bin Aus (radhiallah! anh!"
r$p!rts that +asulullah (sall$llah! alaih$
*asallam" said7 ,Sayyidul Istighfaar &i#e# -he
"reatest Istighfaar' is to beseech Allah -a/ala in
the following manner:
, . _`_ v - . _- =,-
=,- _- = - .-= = - c.-
- = .-= - c c- _-
= - _, - , - _- = = .
% Allah( :ou alone are my abb & +ord'# -here is
none worthy of worship besides :ou# :ou indeed
have created me and I am only :our slave# I am
steadfast upon :our covenant and promise to the
eDtent I can# I seek refuge in :ou from the sins I
have committed# I acknowledge :our favors upon
me and I confess to my sins# )orgive me for verily
none forgives sins eDcept :ou#=
&?ukhari Shareef! vol# 8 pg#E285E22'

NO.E2 #n a narrati!n !% @u(hari Shar$$% and
Gasai Shar$$%, it is r$p!rt$d %r!m Ha6rat
Shaddad bin Aur (radhiallah! anh!" that
+asulullah (sall$llah! alaih$ *asallam" said7
,-he one who recites this dua in the morning and
passes away before the evening! he will pass away
as a Shaheed &martyr'# +ikewise! the one who
recites this in the evening and passes away before
the morning! he too will pass away as a Shaheed#

/(mme#tar37Appar$ntly, th$ s$'r$t in th$r$
b$in) su'h a )r$at -irtu$ %!r this #sti)h%aar is
that $-$ry *!rd is %ill$d *ith th$ spirit !%
s$r-itud$ and sla-$ry.

A /(m7rehe#"i1e Dua that /(#"i"t"
(f all the Dua" ma!e b3 Ra"ulullah
$Sallellah( Alaihe Wa"allam& i# hi"
.+e#t3-.hree :ear" (f 0r(7het H((!
$Re)ite (#)e&
Ha6rat Abu <mama (radhiallah! anh!"
r$p!rts that +asulullah (sall$llah! alaih$
*asallam" mad$ num$r!us duas but s!m$ !%
us '!uld n!t r$m$mb$r any !% th$s$ duas. H$
said t! him7 ,% 6abi of Allah &sallellaho alaihe
wasallam'( :ou have made immumerable duas but
we do not remember any of them.. +asulullah
(sall$llah! alaih$ *asallam" r$pli$d7 ,Should I
not show you such a comprehensive dua which
includes all these duas? Say:
, _` c= - - c= - -- c,
- = -- = c.- - = -
.-= -- c, =`- -- = .
.- c- g, ,
% Allah( I beg of :ou for all the good that :our
6abi Muhammad &sallellaho alaihe wasallam'
asked of :ou and I seek refuge from all the evil that
:our 6abi Muhammad &sallellaho alaihe wasallam'
sought refuge from# :ou alone are the one from
whom help is sought# And it is upon :ou to answer
our plea# -here is no power to refrain from sins and
to perform righteous deeds eDcept from :ou#

Dua f(r the 6ulfillme#t (f Debt" a#!
Rem(1al (f Grief a#! S(rr(+
Ha6rat Abu Sa$$d &hudri (radhiallah! anh!"
r$p!rts that a p$rs!n 'am$ t! +asulullah
(sall$llah! alaih$ *asallam" and said7 ,I have
been overcome by worries and debts&that I am
consumed by the worry of the payment of my huge
debts". +asulullah (sall$llah! alaih$ *asallam"
r$pli$d7 ,Should I not show you such a dua which!
if you read it! Allah -a/ala will remove your
worries and will fulfill your debts? Th$ p$rs!n
$C'laim$d7 ,<lease do tell me.. +asulullah
(sall$llah! alaih$ *asallam" said7 ,ecite the
following every morning and evening:
, _` c.- - , . c.-
- - c.- - , ,
c.- - -,- , , ,-`
% Allah( I seek refuge in :ou from grief and
worries! and I seek refuge in :ou from being unable
&to do what is reBuired' and from la3iness and
cowardice! and I seek refuge in :ou from eDcessive
debts and from being overpowered by
people#=&Mishkaat pg#841"

Dua f(r /(#ti#u(u" Wellbei#- a#!
Retai#i#- Of the 6a1(r" (f Allah

Ha6rat Abdullah bin <mar (radhiallah!
anh!ma" r$p!rts that +asulullah (sall$llah!
alaih$ *asallam" pray$d thus7
, _` c.- - ,_ c- ,
c- c _- c==
% Allah( I seek refuge in :ou from favors being
taken away! and I seek refuge in :ou from my
safety being snatched away! as well as from :our
sudden punishment and from every displeasure of
:ours#&Mishkaat pg#84@'

Salaatul Hajaat
.he Salaat t( %e 0erf(rme! Whe# O#e Ha" a
Hh$n a n$$d aris$s, p$r%!rm a pr!p$r *udhu
th$n p$r%!rm t*! ra(ats !% salaah *ith %ull
d$-!ti!n and '!n'$ntrati!n. Hymn th$ prais$s
!% Allah Taala, r$'it$ dar!!d up!n +asulullah
(sall$llah! alaih$ *asallam" and th$n r$'it$ th$
%!ll!*in) dua at l$ast !n'$. H!*$-$r, it may
b$ r$'it$d as many tim$s as !n$ *ish.
- , .,= =_ -
=- =_ - c= =,--
c_ - c-- -- -
-- - g -- ,=;
_-- -- c ,= =_
_ ,
-here is none worthy of worship besides Allah! the
,lement! the ?ountiful# "lory be to Allah!
Sustainer of the Magnificent -hrone# <raise be to
Allah! Sustainer of the worlds# %h Allah! I ask of
:ou all those actions which draw :our Mercy and
which makes :our forgiveness necessary! I ask of
:ou a fair share of every goodness and protection
from all sins# Fo not leave any of my sins
unforgiven and no need &of mine' with which :ou
are pleased! unfulfilled! % Most Merciful of those
who show mercy#&-irmi3i vol#4!pg#4A;54AE'
Dua f(r Stea!fa"t#e"" (# Dee#
Ha6rat Shahr bin Aaushab (radhiallah! anh!"
says7 I asked 7mme Salma &radhiallaho anha'
GWhat was the dua most often read by asulullah
&sallellaho alaihe wasallam' in his house?0 Sh$
r$pli$d that +asulullah (sall$llah! alaih$
*asallam" us$d t! r$ad7
.- , .` , = _, c,. _-
% the ,ontroller of hearts( Make my heart firm on
:our Feen#&-irmi3i'
Dua f(r 6(ll(+i#- the .ruth a#!
Ab"tai#i#- 6r(m 6al"eh((!
, _ |, _ -- ,` __
- - __ |
% Allah( Hnable me to see the -ruth as -ruth and
give me the ability to follow it# And enable me to
see the falsehood as false and give me the ability to
refrain from it#
&-afseer ibne .atheer vol#4 pg#8E8 verse 842'

#t is 'l$arly und$rst!!d %r!m th$ ab!-$ that it
is n!t su%%i'i$nt t! m$r$ly r$'!)ni6$ th$ Truth.
#t is als! n$'$ssary t! pra'ti'$ up!n it. #% !n$
r$'!)ni6$s th$ Truth but d!$s n!t pra'ti'$
up!n it, !n$ *ill b$ a 'riminal. Ii($*is$, it is
n!t su%%i'i$nt t! r$'!)ni6$ *hat is $-il. #t is
als! n$'$ssary t! r$%rain %r!m it. S!m$tim$s
!n$ r$'!)ni6$s th$ $-il. H$ und$rstands that it
is a sin, y$t h$ d!$s n!t r$%rain %r!m it. H$ t!!
is a 'riminal. #t is th$ $l!qu$n'$ !% th$ sp$$'h
!% +asulullah (sall$llah! alaih$ *asallam", that
in su'h sh!rt *!rds, su'h an $l!qu$nt and
'!mpr$h$nsi-$ m$ssa)$ is d$li-$r$d.
?n$ *h! '!ntinu!usly r$'it$ this dua, *ill
#nshallah b$ abl$ t! distin)uish b$t*$$n )!!d
and $-il, and h$ *ill r$'$i-$ th$ ability t!
pra'ti'$ !n th$ )!!d and r$%rain %r!m th$ $-il.

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