Gaffer Deal Memo

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SLAK Productions LLC

PRODUCTION COMPANY: _____________________________________________________________ FILM TITLE: _________________________________________________________________________ START DATE: _______________________ POSITION: ____________________________________

GAFFER NAME: _____________________________________________________________________ NAME AS IT WILL APPEAR ON CREDITS: ________________________________________________ MAILING ADDRESS: __________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________________ PRIMARY PHONE: __________________________ EMAIL: _________________________________

***************************************** (ITEMS BELOW TO BE COMPLETED BY PRODUCTION COMPANY ONLY) COMPENSATION: $1,800 TO BE PAID AT PRODUCTION COMPANYS EARLIEST CONVIENIENCE SCREEN CREDIT: ____________________________________________________________________ OTHER TERMS: ______________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________________


This Deal Memo shall confirm the agreement between the above named Gaffer (Contractor ) and SLAK Productions LLC (Production Company), in connection with the film presently entitled Menschen (Film). For good and valuable consideration, the receipt of which is hereby acknowledged, Production Company and Contractor agree as follows: SERVICES: Contractor shall render services hereunder from the Start Date, which are usual and customary of the services required of a person employed in this capacity in the film industry, and shall render such services exclusively to Production Company thereafter through the completion of Contractor s services as determined by Production Company. Contractors services in the position stated above shall be rendered of the best of the Contractors ability and as Production Company directs in its sole discretion, including, without limitation, all matters of taste and judgment. In the event that the Contractor secures a higher paying employment opportunity, Contractor agrees to gives a notice of at least one week to Production Com pany of Contractors departure. PAYMENT: (ONLY APPLIES IF A COMPENSATION IS STATED ABOVE) Production services fees shall be paid to Contractor within 30 days after Production Companys receipt of Contractor s invoice, unless previously agreed upon by Contractor and Production Company. A full invoice must be issued by the Contractor. The invoice must include an itemization of Contractor costs indicating services completed while on the set of the Film, also including a breakdown of payment amount that was previously agreed upon by Production Company and Contractor. Pay date may be delayed by reason of an intervening federal or state holiday. Contractor shall not receive any overtime, turnaround or other hourly payments. In the event that Contractor has to leave the Film, Contractor will reimburse the Production Company for services not rendered. Contractor acknowledges that failure to reimburse Production Company will result in legal action taken by Production Company. PURCHASES: All purchases, rentals and other expenses incurred by Contractor must be approved in advance by Production Companys Producer or Film Director. SCREEN CREDIT: Unless otherwise specified in this Deal Memo, screen credit is at Production Companys discretion subject to Contractors performance of all services required through completion of term.

TERM: Unless expressly provided elsewhere in this Deal Memo, Contractor s employment hereunder shall not be for a run of the show or for any guaranteed period of employment. Production Company has the right to discharge Contractor at any time, subject only to the obligation to pay the balance of any guaranteed compensation due provided that Contractor is not in material breach of its obligations hereunder. Production Company will attempt to notify Contractor a minimum of 24 hours in advance of layoff. Use of drugs or alcohol during hours of employment will result in Contractors immediate termination. This agreements subject to immediate suspension and/or termination (at production Companys election) without further obligation on the part of Production Company in event of any incapacity or default of Contractor or in the case of any suspension, postponement or interference with the Films production by reason of labor controversy, strike, earthquake, act of God, governmental action, regulation, or decree or for any other customary force majeure reason. The expiration of termination of this Deal memo shall not affect the ownership by Production Company of the rights granted herein. NO WAIVER: The terms and conditions of this Deal Memo are binding for Production Company and Contractor and shall not be waived or altered by any method. Any added conditions on the front of this Deal memo inconsistent with these conditions of production services shall be null and void. WORK FOR HIRE: Production Company shall be the owner of all of the results and proceeds of Contractor s services, including any copyright, trademark and any other intellectual property rights in any work or property created by Contractor , or anyone under Contractor s direction. Contractor acknowledges that Contractor s work is a work made for hire within the scope of Contractor s work, and therefore Prod uction Company shall be the author and copyright owner of any work created under this agreement. PUBLICITY: Company shall have the right to use Contractor s name, voice, picture and likeness in connection with the Film, the advertising and publicizing thereof, and any promotional films or clips respecting the Film without additional compensation therefore. Admittance of any non-contracted guests to the set is at the sole discretion of the Production Company. Any and all media, (photography, film, voice recordings) including media taken by Contractor or their affiliates (family, friends, etc.) pertaining to the Film cannot be reproduced, posted online, shown publicly, or used for any promotion of the Contractor or the Film without Production Companys con sent. ENTIRE AGREEMENT: This deal memo sets forth the entire understanding of the parties regarding the subject matter and may not be amended except by a written instrument signed by the parties. Any added conditions on the front of this deal memo inconsistent with the conditions of employment detailed in the body of this agreement shall be null and void. All rights, title and interest in and to the results and proceeds of the services and performances rendered by Contractor in connection with the filming of the Film or any portion therefore shall, from its inception, be the sole property of the Production Company, free from any claims whatsoever by Contractor and/or any other person. NO OBLIGATION TO PRODUCE: Production Company will not be obligated to produce or release the Film, or to use the results of Contractor s services. HOLD HARMLESS: Contractor shall indemnify and hold Production Company harmless from and against any and all loss, claim, liability, judgment, cost or expense suffered by Production Company for any breach or default of this Deal Memo by Contractor. Contractor indemnifies Production Company of any violation of union or guild rules that prohibit Contractor from participating in a non-union production. The Contractor will provide their own medical insurance while on set (rehearsal, principal photography, and re-shoots) and will not rely on Production Company to provide medical services. However, in case of emergency, Contractor understands that every effort will be made to provide Contractor with the proper medical treatment, including hospitalization, at the expense of the Contractor . CONTRACTOR ACCEPTS ALL CONDITIONS OF PRODUCTION SERVICES WORK AS DESCRIBED ABOVE AGREED TO AND ACCEPTED: __________________________________________________________ CONTRACTOR Date: _______________

__________________________________________________________ PRODUCTION COMPANY PRODUCER (SLAK Productions LLC)

Date: _______________

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