FNCP Proper
FNCP Proper
FNCP Proper
Intervention plan Method of contact, proposed actions and methods of teaching Resources required
Goal of care: The family will be able to provide adequate nursing care to the family member with hypertension. Objectives of care: LTO: After two to three home visit, the family will: a. Explore with health care provider all feasible measures on the prevention of hypertension. b. Implement these identified measures to avoid severity of the health problem. STO: After 2 hours of appropriate nursing interventions and health education, the family will: a. Understand the essential information about hypertension specifically the definition, signs and symptoms, and causes of hypertension b. Identify all prevention
Method of contact: Home visit Activities: 1. Assess blood pressure every home visit. 2. Assess for other manifestations of hypertension from the family members. 3. Note the kind of lifestyle which the family has. 4. Assist family in identifying possible prevention measures that they can apply in their situation. 5. Health Education a. Evocative discussion - nature of hypertension - signs and symptoms - complications
Available to family: > Time > Effort > garlic Resources of the student nurse: > teaching skills and characteristics of a health educator >pamphlet on hypertension > sphygmomanometer > stethoscope > paper > ballpen
The goal was fully met if the family will provide adequate nursing care to the family member with hypertension. LTO: After two to three home visit, the family
Inability to provide adequate nursing care to the sick family member related to
a. inadequate
knowledge about the disease or health condition b. philosophy in life that it is part aging
Explores with health e. own interventions care provider all feasible measures on the prevention of hypertension the home visits. during
Mrs. Josefa started to use the discussed preventive measures such as decrease in their sodium intake
Short term objectives: After 2 hours of appropriate nursing interventions and health education, the family : Understood about the essential information hypertension
measures on hypertension after the health teaching. c. Be able to prepare garlic tincture properly d. Show interest and cooperation with the nursing interventions
- prevention - interventions at individual level Low sodium intake Low fat intake High potassium Intake Dash diet Maintenance drugs
Return demonstration
on hypertension after the health teaching. Able to prepare garlic tincture properly as evidence enumerating steps of by the garlic
tincture preparation Showed interest and cooperation with the nursing interventions by asking further about teachings questions health given.
Given a follow up home visit, the family shows evidences of having implemented agreed upon intervention measures.
Health Problem
Intervention plan Method of contact, proposed actions and methods of teaching Resources required
Goal of care: The family will be able to take appropriate health action regarding Objectives of care:
Method of contact: Home visit Activities: 1. Health education a. Evocative discussion reflective thinking: - nature of the problem - observations - beliefs as to causes - what will happen if no health actions b. Motivate and support correct ideas and beliefs 2. Contracting
Available to family: > Time > Effort Resources of the student nurse: > teaching skills and characteristics of a health educator > paper > ballpen
Changes / correct:
Instant feedbacking
Knowledge and attitudes a. nature of the about having a balanced problem diet b. signs and symptoms c. the correct causes of imbalanced nutrition d. prevention in acquiring diseases e. resources available in the community and within the family
LACK OF INTAKE OF excessive intake of certain nutrients SOME IMPORTANT NUTRIENTS AS A HEALTH THREAT Inability to make decisions with respect to taking appropriate health action related to: inadequate knowledge as to alternative courses of action open to them
Given the first home visit, the responsible family member will: 1. explain the importance of a balanced nutrition 2. enumerate the diseases brought by imbalanced nutrition 3. enumerate all possible ways in addressing imbalanced diet 4. discuss the rationale of each intervention measure 5. share all possible resources present in the home that will help resolve the problem Given a follow up home visit, the family has adequate knowledge on the importance of having a balanced diet.