Family Nursing Care Plan
Family Nursing Care Plan
Family Nursing Care Plan
Cielo BSN 3A
Intervention Plan
Family Nursing Method
Date Cues Health Nursing Goal of Care Objectives of Interventions of Resources Evaluation
Problem Problems Care Nurse- required
Nov. Objective Poor Inability to After the After the nursing 1. Broaden the Home Human Goal Partially
13, lighting provide a nursing intervention the knowledge of the Visit Resources: Met.
2018 Unhealthful and home intervention family will: family about Time and
environment, ventilatio environment the family will - Improve their skill poor lighting and effort of The family
lack of n as which is develop ways in carrying out ventilation student was able to
windows and health conducive for on how to measures to R: To educate the nurse and recognize the
poor lighting threat. health minimize the improve home family on the family. problem of
maintenance problem as environment dangers brought having poor
and personal evidenced by - Properly about by this Knowledge/ lighting and
development rearrangement understand the health problem Information ventilation as
due to less of furniture to consequence of 2. Discuss with the that the a health threat.
means to maximize to having poor family the nurse will The family
improve improve their lighting and consequence of impart to expresses their
home ventilation ventilation having a poor the family awareness of
environment inside the - Be able to find lighting and how they
house. alternative way on ventilation should have
improving their R: To make the more
ventilation inside
family realize the ventilation.
the house
dangers of not However, the
- Follow the health
doing anything family was not
teaching given to
about the present able to do
them by health
problem anything
care provider
3.Encourage the about it due to
family to actions their lack of
to improve their financial
Micaela Andrea C. Cielo BSN 3A