Sexual Samskaras and Eradication of Lust

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The text discusses the difficulty of eradicating lust and controlling sexual impulses. It mentions that strong sadhana through practices like meditation, japa, yoga, and surrender to God are needed to overcome lust.

The text mentions controlling sexual impulses in the early stages by diverting the mind through chanting mantras or praying. It also mentions drawing up the sex energy through pranayama and seeking company of spiritual people to avoid acting on strong impulses.

The text mentions methods like fasting, diet control, pranayama, japa, meditation, thought control, asanas, bandhas, mudras to attack lust from all sides. It stresses the need for constant vigilance and rigorous practice.


by Swami Sivananda

Extracts from the book


Practice of brahmacharya.pdf Sexual Samskaras in the sub !ns i!us min" A sexual act produces a Samskara or impression in the subconscious mind or Chitta. This Samskara raises a Vritti or thought-wave in the mind and the Vritti again causes a Samskara. Enjo ment thickens the Vasanas. Through memor and imagination! a revival o" the sexual desire comes in. #emembrance o" the image o" a woman unsettles the mind. $hen a tiger has once tasted human blood! it alwa s runs to kill human beings. %t becomes a man-eater. Even so! when the mind has once tasted sexual pleasures! it alwa s runs a"ter women. &rom the bed o" Samskaras and Vasanas in the mind emanates 'alpana or imagination through Smriti or memor . Then comes attachment. Along with imagination! emotion and impulse mani"est. Emotion and impulse exist side b side. Then comes sexual irritation (craving and burning in the mind and throughout the bod . The irritation and burning in the mind percolate into the ph sical bod ! just as the water inside a pot percolates into the sur"ace o" the pot. %" ou are ver vigilant! ou can drive o"" the bad imagination in the ver beginning itsel" and avert the impending danger. Even i" ou allow the thie" imagination to enter the "irst gate! keep a care"ul watch at the second gate when the sexual irritation mani"ests. )ou can stop the burning now. )ou can stop also! easil ! the strong

sexual impulse "rom being transmitted to the %ndri a itsel". *raw the sex energ up towards the brain through +ddi ana and 'umbhaka. *ivert the mind. Chant ,-m. or an other /antra with concentration. 0ra ! meditate. %" ou still "ind it di""icult to control the mind! immediatel seek Satsanga and do not remain alone. $hen the strong impulse mani"ests suddenl and is transmitted to the organ! ou "orget ever thing and become blind. )ou become a pre to lust. 1ater on ou repent. Era"i ati!n !# lust is n! eas$ task )ou will have to search out care"ull this dire enem ! lust that lies hidden in the various corners o" our heart. 2ust as the "ox hides itsel" within the bush! so also! this lust hides itsel" in the substratum and corners o" the mind. )ou can detect its presence onl i" ou are vigilant. %ntense sel"-examination is ver necessar . 2ust as power"ul enemies can be con3uered onl i" ou attack them "rom all sides! so also! ou can keep the power"ul senses under control onl i" ou attack them "rom all sides! "rom within and "rom without! "rom above and "rom beneath. The senses are ver turbulent. The power"ul virus that causes s philis is attacked on all sides b the doctor b various contrivances such as inunction or local rubbing! injection! mixture and powder. So also! the senses must be controlled b various methods such as "asting! restriction in diet! 0rana ama! 2apa! 'irtan! meditation! Vichara or en3uir o" 4$ho am %54! 0rat ahara or abstraction! *ama or sel"-restraint! Asanas! 6andhas! /udras! thought-control and destruction o" Vasanas. Sa"eguard oursel" against the error o" "oolishl imagining that ou have succeeded in getting rid o" lust b the mere "act o" having lived a single li"e "or a number o" ears or experiencing a little "eeling o" serenit or purit . )ou must not labour under the delusion that ou have eradicated lust completel b adjusting the diet a bit! b practising 0rana ama and b doing a little 2apa! and that ou have nothing more to do.

Temptation or /ara ma overcome ou at an moment. Eternal vigilance and rigorous Sadhana are ver essential. )ou cannot attain per"ect 6rahmachar a b limited e""ort. 2ust as a machine-gun is necessar to kill a power"ul enem ! so also! constant! vigorous! power"ul Sadhana is necessar to annihilate this power"ul enem ! lust. )ou must not be pu""ed up with pride "or our little achievement in celibac . %" ou are put to test! ou will hopelessl "ail. )ou must be ever conscious o" our shortcomings and ou must constantl strive to get rid o" them. The highest e""ort is necessar . Then onl ou will have sanguine success in this direction. %t is eas to tame a wild tiger or a lion or an elephant. %t is eas to pla with the cobra. %t is eas to walk over the "ire. %t is eas to devour "ire and drink the waters o" the ocean. %t is eas to uproot the 7imala as. %t is eas to get victor in the battle"ield. 6ut! it is di""icult to eradicate lust. #ight "rom the earlier stages o" evolution through the ages! the instinctive urge "or reproduction and multiplication has been kept up onl b the power o" lust. There"ore! despite all e""orts at controlling and subduing it! the power tries to mani"est itsel" "orcibl and overwhelm the Sadhaka or aspirant.

All the same% $!u nee" n!t "es&air e'en a bit( )a'e #aith in *!"% in )is Name an" )is +ra e( 1ust cannot be completel rooted out o" the mind except b the grace o" the 1ord. )ou are bound to succeed i" ou have "aith in 7im. )ou can destro lust in the twinkling o" an e e. The 1ord makes a dumb man speak and a lame man ascend a steep hill. /ere human e""ort alone will not su""ice. The divine grace is needed. 8od helps those who help themselves. %" ou do total sel"-surrender! /other 7ersel" does the Sadhana.

#egular meditation and 2apa o" a /antra! Sattvic diet! Satsanga! practice o" 0rana ama! Sirsha and Sarvanga Asanas! stud o" religious books! Vichara and seclusion "or three months on the banks o" an hol river will entirel annihilate lust! however power"ul the old Samskaras and Vasanas ma be. The positive alwa s overcomes the negative. )ou need not be discouraged at

an rate. 0lunge oursel" seriousl in meditation! kill this /ara! and come out victorious in the struggle. Shine as a brilliant )ogi. Thou art ever-pure Atman. &eel this! - Viswaranjan9 Sexual impulses can! with di""icult ! be controlled. A rebellion o" the sexual impulses takes place when ou attempt to control them. Constant 2apa and meditation "or a long period are necessar to direct the sex energ into the spiritual channel. Complete sublimation o" the sexual energ into O,as Sakti is necessar . Then onl ou are per"ectl sa"e. Then onl ou will be established in Samadhi! as #asasvad will entirel vanish. Extreme patience! constant vigilance! perseverance and rigorous Sadhana are necessar to eradicate the sexual impulses and attain per"ect purit in thought! word and deed.

6rahmachar a or purit can be attained onl through constant striving. %t cannot be achieved in a da or a week. 1ust is doubtless ver power"ul. %t is our deadl enem . 6ut our most power"ul "riend is the :ame o" the 1ord. %t will destro lust "rom its ver root. So! alwa s recite and sing! 4#am! #am! #am4.

)ogic practices! meditation and so on will attenuate or thin out the sexual desire to a ver great extent. 6ut! Sel"-reali;ation alone can completel destro or burn the sexual desire and the Samskaras in toto. As the 6hagavadgita rightl points out! "The objects of the senses turn away from the abstinent man leaving the longing behind, but this longing also turns away after he attains Self-realization" Sex urge is a creative "orce. +nless ou are inspired b spiritual ideals! it is di""icult to keep the sexual instinct in check. *irect the sex energ to the higher spiritual channel. %t will be sublimated. %t will be trans"ormed into divine energ . Complete eradication o" lust! however! cannot be done through personal e""ort. %t can be accomplished onl b 8od.s grace.

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