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Of the Angelic Spirits By Rev.

Frederick Nagash
All of the angels whom fell after Lucifer and were granted their fill of love by he who is
Light and Life will not be spoken of herein. Instead I will give the prime essence of the
spirits of Hell rather than an elongated explanation of all 11,000 spirits. Angels, Demons,
Cacodaemons, Spirits, Daemons, watchers or Archon, spirits of the Virtues etc... all of
which I will explain in detail in this small text.

Spirits - Spirits are inferiors who simply died, most Christians will be made into spirits at
death. Spirits are servants and jesters, young and old and all are tormented by the infernal
ones. Spirits are those whom in their earthly bodies denied the face of Lucifer and were
enthralled by their master the one above. All men of the earth will sin for it is in their
“true” nature to do so, therefore all men will be sent before the Lord of Light. The lords
of Hell will not take kindly to those who are of the un-initiated bloodline and therefore be
cast to the pits of Acheron to be tormented.

Spirits of those whom we love in this lifetime who are not of the initiated, once we
become of the same blood of the prince of light we may save them a seat beside us in
Hell. This goes with saying that we will all study the Divine nature of our true selves and
look unto the face of the Holiest one of light.

Angels - Angels or fallen angels are those whom defied the will of the one above and fell
either with Lucifer or slightly after. In all cases the Angelic spirits whom were once of
Heaven are the most powerful of all spirits of Hell. Of the Angels whom fell, the princes
of Hell (Lucifer, Satan, Belial and Leviathan) are the only ones considered Major Deities
in Hell as the others are defined by the masters of wisdom in the highest.

Cacodaemons - Cacodaemons are what an angelic spirit becomes once he has found his
earthly master. Mammon being my Cacodaemon was also one of the Fallen angels as is
all Cacodaemon.

Demons - Demons are solely humans whom through their earthly studies have surpassed
the questions asked at death by the Morning Star. Once all questions have been answered
correctly by the human Lucifer will transform the being into a pure spirit or demon and
the human will take a form of his/her choice. Also note that humans playing a large part
in the uprising of the new age will also join Lucifers infernal army and take on so many
legions of their own to command as they please.

Archon or Watchers - The Archon are spirits cast into the planets to watch over humanity
placed as so they could make things aright. All things done on the earth are governed by
Lucifer through the Archon, and the term Archon literally translates to “Ruler”. The
Archon are lesser spirits as they are solely commanded by the attributes which the certain
planets they reside on permits. Greater explanation of the Archon can be found in “Liber
Revealing 8:2, 8:3, 8:6”.

Spirits of the Virtues - The Spirits of the Virtues are that which govern the natural laws of
man and set forth hidden laws to inforce them. These lesser spirits are those most trusted
by the lord of light to help man return to his state of evolution. For a greater explanation
of the Spirits of the Virtues refer to “Liber Revealing 8:4, 8:7, 10”.

Daemons - A daemon is defined by one who is part human and part demon normally due
to procreation between incubus and succubus and man or woman. To this day Daemons
walk the earth in mortal form, however there are some distinguishing characteristics:

One who is stronger then most even if they do not have a muscle in their bodies. One
who is especially seductive and can and will bend others to their will via their sexuality.

Knowledge beyond what man is tought, like instinct but much stronger.

One who has an instant understanding of the mind, both how it works and how to bend
others to theirs.

One who can read and comprehend things instantly at an amazing rate.

Also there is an unspoken understanding that when man dies and truly studies his divine
nature and true will, yet cannot properly answer the nine questions of Lucifer, he is sent
to the lower pit to be tought what needs to be known. I am uncertain what this type of
spirit is called, however I do know that after his training in Hell he is reincarnated to
earth in a new body.

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