KLF Volunteer Program Handbook

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Effective Date: 11/20/13 Approved by: Full Board Cancels: 2/20/13, 2/2/2010 Volunteer Policies, Guidelines & Authorizations

See Also: Procedure 5011: Conducting Background Checks; 5011 Forms A & B: Background Check Authorizations; 5011 Form C: KLF Guidelines for Background Checks Policy 5010: KLF Handbook of Volunteer Policies Volunteers are essential at Kalamazoo Loaves & Fishes (KLF). Volunteers are used throughout the agency to plan and implement the programs and activities to meet KLFs mission: to feed hungry people and engage our community in the fight to end hunger. As a valuable resource for KLF and the community it serves, volunteers are given assignments that fit their skills, are given effective direction to perform their duties to the best of their abilities, and are celebrated and recognized for their key role in the organization. 1. OVERVIEW OF AGENCY, VOLUNTEER HANDBOOK & VOLUNTEER ROLES a. Overview of Agency The vision of Kalamazoo Loaves & Fishes is for a hunger-free community. Our mission is to feed hungry people and engage our community in the fight to end hunger. Kalamazoo Loaves & Fishes was organized in 1982 by several downtown churches concerned about increasing requests for food assistance. The congregations joined together to share resources and create an organized response to local hunger and formed Kalamazoo Loaves & Fishes. Over the years the number of congregations increased and the food distribution sites expanded to serve the entire county of Kalamazoo. Programs have expanded also and though the Grocery Pantry Program is still the largest of our programs, KLF works with and through others to provide prepared meal support, senior commodity programs, agency food support, backpacks for kids, and other community food programs. KLF is the largest charitable food distribution system in Kalamazoo County. Vision: Kalamazoo Loaves & Fishes vision is a hunger-free community. Mission: Kalamazoo Loaves & Fishes will feed hungry people and engage the community in the fight to end hunger. Core Values: Respect, Diversity & Inclusion, Stewardship & Accountability, Integrity, Collaboration, Urgency, and Service. i. ii. Respect: We respect the inherent worth and dignity of every person and treat all with justice, equity and compassion. We honor the lives, concerns and stories of people in need and expect our partners to do the same. Diversity & Inclusion: We accept one another and encourage diversity of thoughts and ideas and actively seek greater discussion, learning and action to create inclusive, learning environments within the organization and in the broader community. Additionally, we are committed to intentionally increasing our practices of inclusion accepting and encouraging participation. Stewardship and Accountability: We keep faith with the public trust through the efficient and compassionate use of resources entrusted to us and are mindful that our mission is accomplished through the generosity of others. We maintain and communicate accurate and timely information on hunger needs, education, advocacy and service. We evaluate and account regularly for how resources are used and implemented and achieve our mission.


Effective Date: 11/20/13 Approved by: Full Board Cancels: 2/20/13, 2/2/2010 Volunteer Policies, Guidelines & Authorizations See Also: Procedure 5011: Conducting Background Checks; 5011 Forms A & B: Background Check Authorizations; 5011 Form C: KLF Guidelines for Background Checks Policy 5010: KLF Handbook of Volunteer Policies iv. v. Integrity: We act with honesty, trust and openness and deliver on commitments. We act within the spirit of agreements, contracts and the law. Our intentions and actions will be transparent and above reproach. Collaboration: We believe in the power of community. We collaborate and build strong relationships, based on trust, with and among those who share our vision of creating a hunger-free community. We work together to accomplish our vision, valuing each others roles and using an open process and honest communication. We seek out and are responsive to the input and counsel of our partners. Urgency: We operate with an acute sense of urgency that reflects the immediate needs of people struggling with hunger. We challenge our employees, volunteers and partners to embrace the same sense of urgency to accomplish our shared vision. Service: We believe service to others is fundamental to creating a hunger-free community. We serve with excellence, compassion and responsiveness to meet the needs of those with whom we work, internally and externally. The better we serve the more people we bring together in commitment to our vision.

vi. vii.

b. Purpose of KLF Volunteer Handbook The KLF Handbook provides overall direction to staff and volunteers engaged in volunteer service and management both on and off site of the KLF Facility. This handbook is intended for internal guidance concerning KLF volunteers and does not constitute, either implicitly or explicitly, a binding contractual or personnel agreement. c. Role of the Volunteer Program Coordinator The productive utilization of volunteers requires a planned and organized effort. The function of the Volunteer Coordinator is to provide a central point for effective volunteer utilization within KLF. The Volunteer Coordinator assists staff and volunteers in identifying productive volunteer roles, in recruiting and orienting suitable volunteers, establishing the initial link between volunteers and their supervisors, and for tracking, recognizing and evaluating the contributions of volunteers within the agency. d. Volunteer Standards and Responsibilities Volunteers should actively perform their duties to the best of their abilities, volunteer at their assigned times, and remain loyal to the mission and procedures of KLF. It is the volunteers responsibility to inform supervisors if unable to undertake or complete a task due to any medical condition or any other reason and to report all accidents, hazards or incidents to supervisors as soon as possible. e. Definition of a KLF Volunteer A volunteer is anyone who performs a task without compensation at the direction of and on behalf of KLF. KLF Volunteers include those who work off-site in food distribution programs. These volunteers may also be required to follow the policies and procedures of a partner agency; if KLF and the partner agency policies conflict, this should be brought to the attention of the KLF supervisor or Volunteer Coordinator for problem-solving.

Effective Date: 11/20/13 Approved by: Full Board Cancels: 2/20/13, 2/2/2010 Volunteer Policies, Guidelines & Authorizations See Also: Procedure 5011: Conducting Background Checks; 5011 Forms A & B: Background Check Authorizations; 5011 Form C: KLF Guidelines for Background Checks Policy 5010: KLF Handbook of Volunteer Policies Volunteers are not employees of the agency. KLF Volunteers may offer professional services, such as bookkeeping, grant writing and legal opinion without remuneration. Any paid contractual agreement shall be specified in writing and changes the relationship from volunteer to employee or contractual staff. f. Representation of the Agency Volunteers need training, consultation and approval from appropriate staff prior to representing the agency at a public event or making a public statement which might affect or obligate KLF. These actions may include, but are not limited to, public statements to the press, coalition with other organizations, or any agreements involving contractual or other financial obligations. g. Special Case Volunteers KLF accepts as volunteers those participating in student community service activities, student intern projects, corporate volunteer programs, and other volunteer referral programs depending on organizational needs and the availability of appropriate supervision. On occasion, KLF may accept community service volunteers through alternative sentencing or diversion programs. h. Youth Volunteers KLF welcomes volunteers under the age of 18 years, but may require supervising adults to accompany them, based on the volunteer assignment. To ensure the safety of young volunteers, youth 12 years of age and younger need parent/guardian supervision and the approval of the program supervisor prior to volunteering. i. Board Members as Volunteers Members of the agencys board of directors serve as volunteers to the organization. Board members may also serve as direct service volunteers within the agency, distinguishing between the differing roles and respecting the boundaries inherent in serving in either capacity. j. KLF Volunteers as Clients KLF Volunteers needing to utilize KLFs Grocery Pantry Program or other food assistance programs are encouraged to access KLF services directly through routine client procedures (ideally during times not scheduled to volunteer at KLF). In unique circumstances, volunteers may privately request food assistance from their direct Supervisor. The Supervisor will assess the situation and either schedule an appointment at a convenient pantry location or discreetly serve the volunteer directly through the KLF pantry. Records will be maintained as with routine client services and client confidentiality will be respected. 2. VOLUNTEER RECRUITMENT, ORIENTATION AND ASSIGNMENT a. Recruitment The sole qualification for volunteer recruitment shall be suitability to perform a task on behalf of the agency. (See KLF Policy 9412, Nondiscrimination Policy.) b. Orientation New volunteers will receive a general orientation on the nature and purpose of KLF. The orientation includes information about the agency mission, its volunteer program, and a tour of the

Effective Date: 11/20/13 Approved by: Full Board Cancels: 2/20/13, 2/2/2010 Volunteer Policies, Guidelines & Authorizations See Also: Procedure 5011: Conducting Background Checks; 5011 Forms A & B: Background Check Authorizations; 5011 Form C: KLF Guidelines for Background Checks Policy 5010: KLF Handbook of Volunteer Policies facility. The Volunteer Coordinator maintains a schedule of general orientation sessions. Volunteers are accepted and oriented by the agency prior to performance of tasks, unless specifically stated. c. Volunteer Assignments & Placements In assigning and placing a volunteer, attention is paid to the interests and capabilities of the volunteer, to the requirements of the volunteer position and to the needs of the organization. It is possible that KLF will not have immediate need for all potential volunteers. The Volunteer Coordinator will assess agency need and may postpone orientation or assignments as needed and will alert potential volunteers as such occasions arise. d. Volunteer Job Descriptions Each role will have a written job description which will be reviewed periodically. e. Staff Requests for Volunteers Requests for volunteers are submitted in writing to the Volunteer Coordinator and include a complete description of the duties and the requested timeframe. f. Reassignment If a volunteer is unable to fulfill the requirements of a volunteer position, the Volunteer Coordinator will discuss alternative service opportunities. In addition, volunteers who would like to explore other areas of service are encouraged to talk with the Volunteer Coordinator about alternative or additional service opportunities. g. Maintenance of Records Records are maintained on each volunteer, including emergency contacts and volunteer interests and skills. Volunteers are responsible for submitting requested information and updating the information, as appropriate, to the Volunteer Coordinator in a timely and accurate fashion. h. Insurance KLF carries liability coverage for KLF volunteers on-site and off-site for KLF operations during established hours of service. Volunteer liability coverage does not extend to Workers Compensation for volunteers. In addition, Michigans No Fault Auto Policy means that business auto insurance does not provide benefits to volunteer drivers; volunteers utilizing their own vehicles must carry their own auto insurance. Volunteers driving agency vehicles will be compliant with applicable regulations and policies. 3. VOLUNTEER SUPERVISION a. Volunteer/Staff Relationships Volunteers and staff are partners in implementing the mission and programs of the agency, each understanding and respecting the needs and abilities of the other. In addition, a volunteer may supervise other volunteers provided that the supervising volunteer is under the direction of a paid staff member.

Effective Date: 11/20/13 Approved by: Full Board Cancels: 2/20/13, 2/2/2010 Volunteer Policies, Guidelines & Authorizations See Also: Procedure 5011: Conducting Background Checks; 5011 Forms A & B: Background Check Authorizations; 5011 Form C: KLF Guidelines for Background Checks Policy 5010: KLF Handbook of Volunteer Policies b. On-the-Job Training and Continuing Education Program supervisors are responsible for on-the-job training of volunteer roles and take responsibility for the continued training of volunteers placed with them. Continuing education may include opportunities within KLF or provided by others. Prior supervisor approval is needed for reimbursement of expenses. c. Scheduling and Absenteeism Schedules are created between volunteers and their direct supervisor. If expecting to be absent, volunteers inform their supervisor as soon as possible so that alternative arrangements can be made. In addition, a phone call informing the supervisor of any sudden illness or inability to work as scheduled is requested. Continual absenteeism may result in a reassignment within the agency or dismissal from the volunteer assignment. d. First Aid and Emergency Care First aid kits are provided in the warehouse and in the main office. For more severe injuries, 9-1-1 will be called. Emergency contact information is critical; volunteers are required to keep such information up-to-date with the Volunteer Coordinator. e. Emergency Procedures KLFs emergency preparedness plan is posted at several locations throughout the facility. Volunteers review the plan, particularly regarding emergency evacuation procedures, with their supervisor as a part of volunteer training. f. Resignation Volunteers may resign from their volunteer service with the agency at any time. It is requested that volunteers who intend to resign provide advance notice of their departure and a reason for their decision. Exit interviews may be conducted with volunteers who are leaving their positions to ascertain reasons why the volunteer is leaving the position, suggestions the volunteer may have to improve the position and possibilities of involving the volunteer in some other capacity with the agency. g. Reassignment and Dismissals The relationship between the volunteer and agency is at-will and, as such, the volunteer or agency leadership may terminate the volunteer relationship at any time. Such dismissals may be related to, but are not limited to, the following: gross misconduct or insubordination, being under the influence of alcohol or drugs, theft of property or misuse of agency equipment or materials, abuse or mistreatment of clients or co-workers, failure to abide by agency policies and procedures, failure to meet requirements of the volunteer position. 4. VOLUNTEER SUPPORT AND RECOGNITION a. Reimbursement of Expenses It is not the policy of KLF to reimburse volunteers for expenses. However KLF volunteers are encouraged to seek out programs such as the Retired and Senior Volunteer Program (RSVP)

Effective Date: 11/20/13 Approved by: Full Board Cancels: 2/20/13, 2/2/2010 Volunteer Policies, Guidelines & Authorizations See Also: Procedure 5011: Conducting Background Checks; 5011 Forms A & B: Background Check Authorizations; 5011 Form C: KLF Guidelines for Background Checks Policy 5010: KLF Handbook of Volunteer Policies operated by Senior Services, Inc. RSVP volunteers 55 years and older may be eligible for reimbursement for limited mileage and meal reimbursement. Applications may be filed with the Volunteer Coordinator. Any other request for reimbursement must have prior approval of the KLF supervisor. b. Recognition The work undertaken by volunteers is highly valued by KLF and it is the responsibility of the Volunteer Coordinator and volunteer supervisor to ensure volunteers receive appropriate recognition. Volunteers are encouraged to let staff know what methods of recognition are most meaningful. c. Volunteer Satisfaction/Evaluation The Volunteer Coordinator may conduct periodic evaluation of volunteer satisfaction and/or volunteer utilization. Evaluation may include information gathered from volunteers, staff, and clients. 5. VOLUNTEERS ARE SUBJECT TO THE FOLLOWING ORGANIZATIONAL POLICIES a. Holiday Closings The KLF Office/Warehouse and its Grocery Pantries are closed on the following dates: New Years Day, Memorial Day, Independence Day, Labor Day, Thanksgiving Day, Day after Thanksgiving and Christmas Day. b. Nondiscrimination No person is excluded from KLF services, employment or volunteer participation because of ethnicity, race, national origin, age, gender identity, sexual orientation, economic circumstance, veteran status, physical and/or mental abilities/characteristics, philosophy/religion, or for any other discriminatory reason. (Policy 9412, Non-Discrimination Policy.) c. Confidentiality All information concerning clients and their families is considered confidential. Such information may only be released to those with a business need to know. Any other release of such information requires the approval of the client. All personal information on staff, volunteers and donors is also considered confidential; any release of information requires prior approval. The agency will respond to requests for confidential information by orders, court orders, court subpoenas, administrative subpoenas, or as otherwise required by law. The Executive Director is designated as the authorized person to release information in any legal action. Failure to maintain confidentiality may result in ending the volunteers relationship with KLF. d. Open Door Policy and Problem Solving Procedures Volunteers are a valuable asset of the agency. To allow volunteer and paid staff to perform at their best, it is important that there be open communication among and between volunteers, employees and management. If a volunteer is having a dispute with a co-worker, they should seek to resolve the situation themselves or talk it over with a supervisor if they are unable to resolve the situation themselves. Volunteers are encouraged to bring agency concerns to their immediate supervisor.

Effective Date: 11/20/13 Approved by: Full Board Cancels: 2/20/13, 2/2/2010 Volunteer Policies, Guidelines & Authorizations See Also: Procedure 5011: Conducting Background Checks; 5011 Forms A & B: Background Check Authorizations; 5011 Form C: KLF Guidelines for Background Checks Policy 5010: KLF Handbook of Volunteer Policies Should a volunteer feel unable to address the matter with his/her immediate supervisor, the Volunteer Coordinator or the Director of Resource Development/Public Relations or Director of Operations should be contacted. Should the volunteer be unable to take the concern to any of the above, he/she should contact the Executive Director , who oversees a prompt and thorough investigation of the matter. Once the matter has been investigated, the volunteer will be informed of the results, as appropriate. e. Duality of Interest KLF maintains a Duality of Interest policy for employees and volunteers to gain awareness and sensitivity to the various roles and interactions of each individual. In general, volunteers are asked to disclose to the Volunteer Coordinator or supervisor any duality of interest they may have with any agency activity or program, whether personal, philosophical, or financial. (See Policy 9413, Duality of Interest.) f. Use of Agency Equipment & Communication Systems KLF maintains a variety of equipment, which may be used only for agency business. Exceptions may be granted at the discretion of the supervisor. Such equipment includes, but is not limited to: cars, vans, mail, email, computer systems, KLF provided Internet access, telephone and cellular phones, copier machines, facsimiles, and janitorial equipment. Use of agency email and Internet access is prohibited as follows: any use that violates state or federal law; any use that violates existing agency policies; and use that is inappropriate, offensive or that negatively affects a persons ability to perform his or her job or has that effect or may have that effect on others. The agency maintains the right to access and monitor both business and personal messages and files on its computer system. g. Background Checks KLF values the safety of its clients, volunteers, and employees and conducts background checks on volunteers who work in high risk roles. Background checks are conducted prior to providing services. Background checks may or may not disqualify an individual from certain roles. An individualized assessment by the program supervisor, Director of Operations and Executive Director will consider, among other factors, the nature and age of occurrence and the relevance to the role under consideration. h. Safety & Security KLF is concerned about the safety and security of employees, volunteers, clients and visitors and complies with all applicable federal, state, and local health and safety regulations and provides a work environment as free as practicable from recognized hazards. Volunteers are expected to comply with all safety and security requirements. If volunteers observe unsafe practices and/or safety hazards, they must immediately report them to their supervisor or the Operations Director. All accidents, injuries, or illnesses, no matter how minor, occurring either while the volunteer is at KLF or in the course of their volunteer work must be immediately reported to their supervisor or to the Operations Director.

Effective Date: 11/20/13 Approved by: Full Board Cancels: 2/20/13, 2/2/2010 Volunteer Policies, Guidelines & Authorizations See Also: Procedure 5011: Conducting Background Checks; 5011 Forms A & B: Background Check Authorizations; 5011 Form C: KLF Guidelines for Background Checks Policy 5010: KLF Handbook of Volunteer Policies An Incident Report is completed any time a KLF employee, volunteer or visitor experiences an unusual event that causes harm to person (requiring medical treatment greater than general first aid), property, or equipment. The Incident Report Form is written within 24 hours of the incident and may be acquired from any supervisor. . Incidents involving vehicles and/or property, whether onsite or off, require the completion of an additional form, KLF Vehicle/ Property Damage Report Form. i. Safety Practices & Training i. Vehicular Safety: A drivers license check is required for positions that require use of agency vehicles. A Drivers License check and auto insurance verifications are conducted periodically as required by the insurance carrier. Drivers can have no health conditions that would prevent Department of Transportation certification. ii. Cell phone usage while operating agency vehiclesis strictly prohibited. iii. Equipment: Volunteers utilizing equipment that requires special certification to operate, such as forklifts, must be certified prior to use. iv. Protective clothing and equipment: Staff and volunteers are expected to dress appropriately for the work they are conducting. Volunteers handling food are required to wear closed-toe shoes for safety reasons. In addition, warehouse staff and volunteers are trained in the proper use of equipment and safety practices. v. MSDS Access: Material Safety Data Sheets are maintained outside the Clean Room for quick access in case of emergency. An electronic file is maintained on Shared Documents. j. Emergency Closing Emergencies such as severe weather, fires, or power failures can disrupt agency operations. In extreme cases these circumstances may require closing the agency, including both on- and off-site locations. Agency closings will be announced on the KLF website (www.kzoolf.org), its facebook page and WWMT (Channel 3). k. Smoking Policy KLF and the State of Michigan recognize that smoking in the workplace can adversely affect employees, volunteers, and clients. Accordingly, smoking is prohibited at all times on KLF property, including KLF vehicles. l. Drug-Free Work Environment KLF will make every effort to maintain and promote a drug-free work environment. In such an environment it is understood that the agency will not tolerate unlawful possession of, or use of, controlled substances on the work site or while conducting KLF business. m. Fitness for Duty The agency will make every effort to maintain and promote a productive and safe work environment. Volunteers unable to safely perform their duties will not be allowed to work until safe performance expectations are met.

Effective Date: 11/20/13 Approved by: Full Board Cancels: 2/20/13, 2/2/2010 Volunteer Policies, Guidelines & Authorizations See Also: Procedure 5011: Conducting Background Checks; 5011 Forms A & B: Background Check Authorizations; 5011 Form C: KLF Guidelines for Background Checks Policy 5010: KLF Handbook of Volunteer Policies n. Anti-Harassment Creating and maintaining a well-functioning work environment is essential to the success of our mission. Behavior that undermines this environment can be perceived as harassing to any employee, volunteer, client or visitor and will not be tolerated. It is the policy of KLF to maintain a work environment free from behavior that is disruptive, abusive, or harassing or which interferes with the ability to perform assigned duties. Included in this area of offensive behavior is sexual harassment. Sexual harassment includes behavior such as comments or gestures with sexual overtones, sexually suggestive objects or pictures, unnecessary physical contact, or requests for sexual favors and need not be confined to work hours or the workplace and will not be condoned. Violators of this policy will be subject to disciplinary action up to and including discharge. o. Violence in the Workplace KLF is committed to preventing workplace violence and making the agency a safe place to work. Volunteers are expected to treat staff, clients, fellow volunteers and visitors with courtesy and respect at all times. Behavior that threatens, intimidates, bullies or coerces another person is not allowed, nor is any act of harassment. Report any suspicious person or activities to management. Volunteers should immediately report a threat of violence or an act of violence by anyone to any member of the management or to the Board President. If any volunteer has a protective restraining order on file with a law enforcement agency, the volunteer should report this to his/her supervisor or to the Operations Director. If volunteers commit a violent act, threaten violence or violate these guidelines in any way, they will be subject to disciplinary action, up to and including termination of volunteer assignment. p. Weapons Firearms, weapons, ammunition and other dangerous or hazardous devices and substances are not allowed on the premises or at agency functions without proper authorization by the Executive Director. q. Changes to Handbook Changes to the KLF Volunteer Handbook and agency policies and procedures may be made at any time with the approval of the Board of Directors. A hard copy current version is maintained by the Volunteer Coordinator; an electronic copy may be found on the agency website. 6. VOLUNTEER AUTHORIZATIONS a. Receipt of Policies Addendum A1

Effective Date: 11/20/13 Approved by: Full Board Cancels: 2/20/13, 2/2/2010 Volunteer Policies, Guidelines & Authorizations See Also: Procedure 5011: Conducting Background Checks; 5011 Forms A & B: Background Check Authorizations; 5011 Form C: KLF Guidelines for Background Checks Policy 5010: KLF Handbook of Volunteer Policies A1. Receipt of Volunteer Handbook The Volunteer Handbook contains important information about KLF and I understand that I should consult the Volunteer Coordinator regarding any questions not answered in the handbook. I have entered into my relationship with KLF voluntarily and understand that there is no specified length of volunteering and that either KLF or I can terminate the relationship at will, with or without cause, at any time. I understand that the Volunteer Handbook is subject to change at any time with the approval of the Board of Directors. I acknowledge that revisions to the handbook may occur and that such changes will generally be communicated through official notices, and that the revised information may supersede, modify, or eliminate existing policies. The current version of the Volunteer Handbook may be found on the KLF website and in KLF Shared Documents; a hard copy is maintained in the Volunteer Coordinators Office. I have read, understand and accept the KLF Volunteer Handbook. Signature: ___________________________________ Date: ____________

Printed Name: _______________________________________________________


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