Volunteer Handbook: Volunteering Towards Success

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Volunteering Towards Success

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Volunteer Handbook
Rev: 5/3/2019
The San José Public Library staff welcomes you to our team and would like to thank you for
selecting the library as a place to share your time, energy and talents. We hope to provide you
with a rewarding volunteer experience that allows you to use your skills to benefit customers
and enhance library services.

San José Public Library enriches lives by fostering lifelong learning and by ensuring that every
member of the community has access to a vast array of ideas and information.

Volunteer Responsibilities
As a volunteer for the City of San José, you have certain responsibilities that will be reviewed
with you once you begin your new assignment. The Branch or Unit Coordinator of Volunteer
Engagement is available to review these expectations and responsibilities with you throughout
the year. In addition to responsibilities directly related to the volunteer assignment, all
volunteers are expected to meet the following responsibilities:

 Comply with City policies, procedures and regulations, particularly those having to do
with smoking, alcohol, and other substance abuse areas.
 Keep your work commitment.
 Be willing to participate in job development activities.
 Adhere to all confidential requirements in the course of carrying out duties and
 Refrain from the use of job knowledge or contacts for personal gain.
 Treat customers and co-workers with respect.
 Be aware of Departmental procedures and rules including safety rules.

If you have questions about any of this information you should speak with your Coordinator of
Volunteer Engagement or the Manager of the Library’s Volunteer Program.

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Volunteer Handbook
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Volunteer Rights
Each volunteer in the City of San José is viewed as an important part of the organization's
ability to get the job done. As a volunteer you are accorded rights as individuals and
volunteers. Below are some of the rights volunteers may expect during their tenure with the

 Volunteers are to be treated with respect and courtesy.

 Volunteers are to receive proper training for the job to be done.
 Volunteers are to be informed about any reimbursement policy, i.e. for the use of
private cars, etc.
 Volunteers are not to be discriminated against because of race, ethnicity, religion,
gender, age, marital status, sexual orientation or disability.
 Volunteers will receive information on issues regarding legal protection, liability and
other concerns.
 Volunteers will be recognized for their efforts in providing program services.
 Volunteers will be treated as co-workers.
 Volunteers will know as much about the organization as possible.
 Volunteers will be evaluated and receive recognition.

Policies and Procedures

Orientation and Training
After joining the specific Branch/Unit, you will be provided with an on-the-job orientation and
training by your Coordinator of Volunteer Engagement and/or the staff member you work
with. In some instances, training is also provided by other volunteers.

Fingerprinting and Background Checks

Volunteers age 18 and over may be required to be fingerprinted and submit to a background
check. Volunteers will be informed if fingerprinting is required for their position. Volunteers
who do not agree to the required screening will be refused an assignment.

Work schedules of volunteers are diverse and varied depending on the volunteer’s role
(project) and/ or location. Your Coordinator of Volunteer Engagement will work with you to
establish a schedule that is mutually agreeable.

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Volunteer Handbook
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Regular attendance is important. For those times when you are unable to volunteer, you must
call your Coordinator of Volunteer Engagement as far in advance as possible. If you fail to show
for two shifts in a row without calling, it will be assumed that you no longer want to volunteer
and you will be withdrawn from the program. Volunteers are expected to be prompt. Being
late may inconvenience those who are counting on your assistance. If you are going to be late,
please notify your Coordinator of Volunteer Engagement in advance.

Workers Compensation
All volunteers are automatically covered under the City of San José Workers Compensation
Insurance. You are required to read and sign the Volunteer Signature Form and return it to
your Coordinator of Volunteer Engagement or staff liaison. This agreement specifies that
coverage is available to volunteers, and spells out your legal rights and responsibilities.

Fair Treatment/Problem Solving

If a problem should arise concerning any condition of your work with the Library, you should
work to reconcile the matter with your Coordinator of Volunteer Engagement. If you do not
receive a satisfactory resolution from your Coordinator, you should take the matter to the
Manager of the Branch/Unit and/or the Manager of the Library’s Volunteer program. If you
feel that a workable agreement or a satisfactory solution to the problem has not been
reached, you may contact the Library’s Assistant Director.

Free parking is generally available for Branch volunteers in parking lots adjacent to each library
facility. Volunteers working at the Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. Library may park in the Fourth
Street parking garage, across the street from the library, for free each time they volunteer.
Coordinators of Volunteer Engagement will inform volunteers of the process for receiving
parking validation.

The Branch/Unit has a Building Emergency Team that will assist volunteers and customers
during an emergency and help ensure an efficient evacuation if needed. Staff will discuss
emergency procedures in your orientation.

Volunteer Badges
The Library will provide you with a volunteer badge, which you are required to wear while
volunteering in the Library.

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Volunteer Handbook
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Recording Hours
San José Public Library uses an online volunteer management tool to record volunteers’ hours.
This record is used to keep track of a volunteer’s hours, determine if service levels have
increased, and identify which services volunteers have enhanced. Your Coordinator of
Volunteer Engagement will familiarize you with the process.

Volunteer Area
Each Branch/Unit has a designated area for volunteers to obtain a volunteer badge and view
new and important information regarding volunteer services in the Library and community. A
safe location for volunteers to leave their personal items while volunteering at the Library is
also provided.

Dress and Appearance

Each volunteer represents the City to library customers. Your appearance contributes to the
overall impression that our City portrays. Clothing appropriate to a casual business
environment is expected as all volunteers are expected to present an image that is both
professional and appropriate to their working conditions.

Safety is everybody’s business, and must be given primary importance in every aspect of
performing your volunteer activities. We want to protect you against injury and illness. Please
report all injuries to your staff liaison immediately. Also advise staff of any equipment or
situation that may pose a safety hazard or if you experience or witness any inappropriate
behavior in the library.

If you are concerned about the safety of a child, or any other Library customer, bring it up to a
Library staff member immediately.

Each volunteer is provided a Volunteer Role Description that outlines their role and
responsibilities. If you would like to change or expand your volunteer role, speak with your
supervisor first. Volunteers should not meet with customers outside the Library to continue
their volunteer work without informing a Library staff member ahead of time.

Visitors and Children

We appreciate the importance you place on your role as a volunteer, and ask that you refrain
from visiting with friends and family during your shift at the library. In most instances, children
are not allowed to accompany volunteers to work.

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Smoking is prohibited inside all City facilities. Volunteers and employees who wish to smoke
may do so outside the building at least twenty feet from the entrance.

Volunteers shall not consume or possess alcoholic beverages on City premises. Volunteers who
violate this policy are subject to immediate dismissal.

Any volunteer who brings, possesses, is under the influence of, uses, transfers, sells, or
attempts to sell on City property or while on City business, at any time, any form of narcotic,
drug, or hallucinogen, except prescribed drugs and under the direction of a physician, is
subject to immediate dismissal.

Risk Management and Safety

Each registered volunteer is included in the City’s Risk Management and Safety program. This
means that before you begin your service, the Library will inform you of safe work practices as
required for employees. Any injury to volunteers or losses to any third party which involved a
volunteer must be reported and processed in accordance with existing City policies on matters
of this nature.

Discrimination and Harassment

It is the policy of the City of San José to promote and maintain a work environment free
of illegal discrimination and harassment in employment.

A volunteer who believes that he or she has been the victim of discrimination or harassment
should immediately report the alleged harassment or discrimination to their supervisor or
another Library staff member. Any volunteer who believes that he or she has witnessed or has
knowledge of any harassment or discrimination in the workplace is strongly encouraged to
report the acts or occurrences.

For more information, refer to the City of San Jose Discrimination and Harassment Policy:

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Volunteer Handbook
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Vehicle Usage and Travel/Mileage Reimbursement
Volunteers who are required to use a vehicle in the pursuit of their duties are required to have
completed the City’s Defensive Driver class. Volunteers who must use their own vehicles in the
pursuit of City business will not be covered against accidents and injury. All drivers are required
to have a current driver’s license and auto insurance. Volunteers will not normally be eligible
for mileage reimbursement. However, supervisors of volunteers have the option of
reimbursing volunteers on a case-by-case basis.

Due to varied circumstances, volunteers occasionally choose to leave the program before the
completion of their commitments. If, for any reason, you cannot complete your project as
planned, please inform your staff liaison of your decision and try to allow us sufficient time to
find a qualified replacement.

Volunteers who do not adhere to the rules, policies, and regulations of the City of San José or
who fail to meet goals satisfactorily are subject to dismissal. A volunteer may be dismissed at
any time. The City of San José reserves the right to request that a volunteer leave immediately
if circumstances warrant such action.

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Volunteer Handbook
Rev: 5/3/2019
San José Public Library
Volunteer Signature Form
BRANCH/UNIT: _______________________________ Date_____________________________

City of San José Volunteer Code of Ethics and other volunteer information:

Volunteers are an important asset of the City’s workforce and make it possible for the City to deliver services to San José
residents. As a volunteer, you represent the City of San José. As such, it is important that you adhere to the City’s
Volunteer Code of Ethics.

I, _________________________________________________________as a volunteer with the City of San José agree to:

Print First and Last Name

 Conduct myself in a professional manner; maintaining high standards of integrity and honesty.
 Treat all members of the public, employees, and other volunteers with respect and courtesy.
 Avoid any activity that could be seen as a conflict of interest, such as accepting gifts or favors from individuals or
businesses that could be seen to be an attempt to influence a City decision.
 Respect confidential information that is available to me as a result of my volunteer work with the City, and refrain
from using it for personal gain or for personal, non-City business related reasons. Bring any violation of this
confidentiality to my supervisor.
 Promptly raise questions and concerns regarding possible violations of City policy or local, State or Federal law
with my immediate supervisor or another manager within my department.
 Reinforce the City of San José's commitment to equal employment opportunity and a work environment free of
discrimination and harassment, including sexual harassment. Please see City Administrative Policy 1.1.1 at

I understand that I may be released from my volunteer position with the City of San José for not adhering to the above
Code of Ethics.

I acknowledge that there is no salary or other compensation for my services as a volunteer.

I understand that during the course and scope of my (or my child’s) volunteer services to the City, I (or my child) will be
covered under the City’s Workers’ Compensation self-insurance. I also understand and agree that my sole remedy for
any injury that I (or my child) may sustain during the course and scope of my (or my child’s) volunteer services to the
City, which is covered by Workers’ Compensation, shall be through the City’s Workers’ Compensation self-insurance
coverage. I waive any other right or remedy that I (or my child) may have against the City of San Jose, its employees,
officers, and agents (collectively referred to as “City”) available to me for an injury as described above (including an
injury arising out of the City’s negligence). Further, I release the City from all other liability arising from my (or my
child’s) volunteer service or activities as provided hereunder.

I understand that the City of San José or San José State University may photograph or videotape the events or activity in
which I am (or my child is) participating. I give my permission for the City and the University to use photographs or
videotape of me (or my child) for the purpose of promoting the City of San José (and/or San José State University) and its
services/programs. I give my permission with the following understanding: No compensation of any kind will be paid to
me (or my child) at this time or in the future for the use of my (or my child’s) likeness.

(Signature required on reverse)

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Volunteer Handbook
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I also acknowledge and agree that my (or my child’s) services are provided for the convenience of the City and may be
terminated for any reason or for no reason and at any time by the City without prior notice or hearing. I, the undersigned,
certify that the information stated on this agreement and release is true, complete and correct to the best of my knowledge
and belief and is made in good faith. Any false statements made by me may be used as a basis of rejection for this
application or termination of volunteer services.

Print Name of Applicant Applicant Signature Date

____________________________________ ____________________________________ _____________________

Please fill out the below if any applicants are under the age of 18.

Print Name of Parent/ Legal Guardian Parent/ Legal Signature Date

____________________________________ ____________________________________ _____________________

____________________________________ ____________________________________ _____________________

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Volunteer Handbook
Rev: 5/3/2019

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