Rules and Regulations

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1.Title. These Regulations may be called The Regulations relating to the Award of the Degree of Doctor of Philosophy. 2.Definitions. In these Regulations, unless the context otherwise requires(i) Act, Statutes, Ordinances, and Regulations mean respectively the Act, Statutes, Ordinances, and Regulations of the University. .

(ii) Centre for Research means the Institution where the University allows a Researc h Scholar to carry out research on the subject as approved by the University, leading to a Ph. D. Degree. (iii) School/Department/Centre means the School/Department/Centre of Study and Research established by the Statutes. (iv) Doctoral Committee means a Doctoral Committee constituted to monitor the progress of research of each student registered for research in the School/Department/Centre/Institution of the University. (v) Fellowship means regular monetary assistance awarded to a Research Scholar and includes the National Merit Scholarship, University Scholarship and those offered by approved funding agencies such as NCERT, ICAR, ICSSR, DST,DBT, CSIR and UGC and other Universities. (vi) Laws of the University means the Act, Statutes, Ordinances, Regulations and Rules of the University as the case may be. (vii) Registration means registration in the Kerala University of Health Sciences as a Research Scholar for Ph. D. Degree under these Regulations.

(viii) Research Scholar means any Full-time or Part-time student duly registered for the Ph. D. Degree of the University under these Regulations. (ix) Supervising Teacher means a teacher or any other person approved by the Governing Council of the University as a Qualified Guide to supervise research. (xi) Adjudicator/Examiner means the expert appointed by the Governing Council. 3. Eligibility for Admission to the Ph. D. Program. 3.1. Candidates seeking registration to the Ph. D. Program, whether full time or part time shall hold a Masters Degree/Post Graduate Degree or a degree accepted as equivalent to it by the Kerala University of Health Sciences with at least 60 per cent marks or CGPA 6 out of a 10 point scale or equivalent grade, where ever marks/grades are granted, in the qualifying examination in the concerned or allied/ cognate subject. 3.2. Candidates of Indian origin or foreign students of other nationality who hold a Masters/Postgraduate Degree from an accredited foreign University securing a minimum of 60 % marks or equivalent grade are also eligible. 3.3. Additional Requirement of Experience for Ph.D. Part-time. (i). Permanent academic/scientific staff of colleges / Universities / other educational institutions of higher learning / Research & Development Laboratories and Organizations with at least three years of continuous approved teaching / research experience

4. Centre for Research. 4.1.A candidate may be permitted to pursue research for the Ph. D degree in any of the following institutions:(i). All the Schools / Departments / Centres and other academic Institutions of the University which is recognized for conducting PhD programs.

4.2. Recognized Institutions. (i) The University may decide to accord recognition to a research institution according to the provisions of the Act(2010), and the relevant statutes and Ordinances in this regard, provided the University is satisfied that the institution will be able to provide the required facilities to candidates to pursue their studies in the Institution for the degree of Doctor of Philosophy of the University and to fulfill such other conditions including fees, constitution of admission

committee etc. that the Governing Council may stipulate from time to time. Specific guidelines as approved by the University shall be followed to recognize Institutions for research for PhD. These institutions which the candidates may choose as Centre for Research may include (a). National Research Institutes under ICMR, CSIR, ICSSR, DRDO, DAE, ISRO., and all Government of India/Government of Kerala Research Institutes of National importance (b) R & D laboratories of public sector undertakings, Centers of research for Social Sciences, Management etc with years of standing and good track record in research which are duly recognized by the University as having necessary facilities after due inspection by a Committee (c) Post graduate Departments of colleges affiliated to the University with proven track record and recognized by the University as having necessary facilities after due inspection by a Committee.
(ii) Individual or group- owned clinics or nursing homes shall not be eligible for recognition as Centre for Research.

5. Supervising Guide. 5.1. Recognition of supervising guides. (i). No person shall ordinarily be recognized as a supervising guide unless she/he has a degree of Doctor of Philosophy/Doctor of Medicine (DM/MCh) with post-doctoral research experience as evidenced by at least 2 publications as first author in peer reviewed scientific/professional

Journals. The teachers in the Institutions of the University or of the Institutions affiliated to the University who are in the grade of Associate Professor or an equivalent grade and above with a postgraduate degree in health sciences with 10 years teaching and research experience after acquiring the postgraduate qualification, having at least 5 publications in peer reviewed

scientific/professional journals and guided at least 2 dissertation/thesis or who have already been recognized as supervising teacher to guide research may also be recognized as supervising guides. (ii). Scientists in the service of a Recognized Institution in the grade equivalent to Assistant Professor and above in the University, whose probation has been declared and who has been awarded the degree of doctor of Philosophy will be eligible to apply for recognition as a Supervising Guide of the University and the University may consider the application and take an appropriate decision on it, provided however that such recognition will cease to exist as soon as they are retired or they take up employment with an institution which is not a Recognised Institution of the University. (iii). Any other outstanding person recommended by Board of Studies and the concerned Faculty and approved by Academic committee, whose services will be of value to the University as a Supervising Guide may also be given recognition as a Supervising Guide 5.2. Number of Research Scholars with a Supervising Guide. (i) The maximum number of research students working with a Supervising Guide at a given point of time shall not be more than eight. 5.3. Joint Supervision. (i) In cases where for valid academic reasons it is felt that the services of an additional supervisor will be desirable, the Department/Centre may recommend a co-guide for joint supervision provided the research student makes such a request which is also supported by the principal guide. The external guide should satisfy qualification requirements of the guide and her/his role shall be limited to being a co-guide only.

(ii) In reckoning the maximum number of students who may be registered under a Supervising Guide, joint supervision, shall not be taken to into account 5.4. Responsibilities of Supervisors. The Supervisor carries the major responsibility of guiding the academic progress of the candidate throughout the period of study. He / she counsel the student in academic matters, and provide guidance on the nature of course work and research, the standards expected, the adequacy of progress, and the quality of work. The Supervising guide shall maintain a record, in a prescribed format of all important matters connected with the research work and progress of the candidates and this shall be made available to the Doctoral Committee or the Vice-Chancellor if requested for by them. 5.5. Assignment of Supervisor/s. (i). Assignment of supervisor will be mainly according to the candidates preference. The candidate will select Supervisors according to their area/s of interest commensurate with the supervisors area of specialization. The candidate will be required to select 2 guides, out of which one will be recommended by the Admission Committee in accordance with his/her availability. In the event of non-availability of the supervisor(s) chosen by the candidate the Admission Committee may recommend any other Supervisor in the field. (ii). In order to promote interdisciplinary research, supervisor and co-supervisor can be chosen from allied subjects from other Departments/Centres (iv). In the event of an external supervisor, there shall be a co-supervisor from the University . 6. Admission of students to the Ph. D. Programme. (i) A candidate who wishes to pursue a program of study and research leading to the Degree of Doctor of Philosophy (Ph. D.) will be required to seek registration to the program, under these regulations as a full-time or part-time research student under an appropriate faculty/ School in a Department/Centre of study or in a Recognized Institution (RI), so recognized for this purpose by the university (Sec 4.2).

(ii) Candidates who are working in a research project which has been taken up by a University Department/Centre of University or by a Recognized Institution and which are funded internally or by external funding agencies will be deemed to be full-time students if they are admitted to the Ph. D. Program. 6.1. Procedure for applying for admission. (i) Candidates seeking registration to the doctoral program may do so by submitting their applications in the prescribed form in response to the notification in this respect issued by the University. Registration for PhD may be granted in January and July sessions every year for which applications may be received in response to notification, by 31st July and 31st respectively. However, the University reserves its right not to invite applications. (ii) Applications for admission shall be submitted to the Head of the concerned University Department/Centre/School/Head of the Recognised Institution in the prescribed application form and on payment of the prescribed fees. (iii). All candidates applying for admission to the .Ph.D. program shall submit a clear written proposal of the research to be conducted, giving sufficient background material and the proposed line of research, and obtain the consent of a guide duly recognized by the University within the University area. January

6.2. Admission Test. (i). Candidates who are applying for admission to the Ph. D. Program in the Department/School/Recognized Institution shall be required to have passed an admission test conducted by the University. The admission test will have two parts with descriptive type questions. First part will be general including topics of Research Methodology, biostatistics and ethics, applicable to all applicants; the second part will be subject-specific. The qualifying marks shall be 50% in each paper. The tests will be conducted in October/April every year and the result will remain valid for 2 years.

(ii). Candidates who have already passed the UGC/CISR tests conducted within two years prior to the notification for the present admission made by the University or those who have been selected for the award of fellowship for research by UGC/CSIR/ICMR/DBT/KSCSTE or other similar fellowships or those who have been selected by the UGC under the Faculty improvement Program (FIP) or those who have been sponsored under a foreign scholarship scheme or those who have M. Phil with CGPA above 6.0 in a 10 point scale or equivalent grade/marks are exempted from the provisions under sub section (i) above. (iii).Candidates admitted under Memorandum of Understanding between the Kerala University of Health Sciences and a University / Institution in India or abroad where specific clause(s) exist for registration of candidates to Ph. D degree by the University and those selected under international cultural/educational exchange schemes of Government of India / UN bodies are exempted from taking the admission test. (iv). The candidate would be required to give a presentation on the proposed topic of research in the concerned School/Department/Centre before the admission committee, before forwarding the application along with research proposal, to the University. The admission committee / University may also adopt any other method of evaluation of the candidate (suggested by board of studies and approved by Academic council) which will also form the basis for considering the provisional admission to the candidate. The Admission Committee / University should be convinced of the potential of the candidate to carry out research. 6.3. Admission committee (i). For selection of Ph.D. candidates, an Admission Committee for each

Department/Centre/School shall be constituted, consisting of all the faculty members eligible to guide in that Department and a nominee of the Vice-Chancellor. Head of the Department will convene the meetings of the Admission Committee (ii). For recognized institutions where Ph. D program is offered, an Admission Committee with a nominee of the Vice-Chancellor will be constituted by the University on the basis of the recommendation from the Head of the institution.

6.4. Interview for Admission. (i) All candidates seeking admission to the Ph. D. Program shall be required to present themselves for an interview with the Admission Committee, at which the academic record of the candidate, the research proposal made by him/her in the application, long-term plan of academic work to be undertaken by the candidate and other related matters may be discussed. The committee shall satisfy itself that the candidate possesses the competence to carry out the proposed research and that the research work can be undertaken and uninterruptedly pursued in the University/Research centre. (ii). The Committee shall scrutinize the academic, professional and research record of the candidates. Based on the performance in the written examination (if required; Sec6.2) and interview / seminar / Group Discussion, the Committee shall duly certify on the eligibility of the candidate for provisional registration for Ph.D. program. 6.5. Preparation of the Admission List. (i) Ranking of candidates coming under the purview of Section 6.2 (ii) above shall be done on the basis of the marks awarded to them in their qualifying examination, at the interview and for the presentation. The respective weightage shall be 50% for the qualifying examination, 20% for the interview and 30% for the presentation. (ii) In all other cases, relative ranking of candidates for admission shall be done on the basis of the total admission scores of candidates, obtained by adding together the scores they have obtained in the concerned written test, at the interview and for the presentation. The respective weightage shall be 50% for the test, 20% for the interview and 30% for the presentation (iii) The Department/Centre shall forward the application along with the admission list and the waiting list of all eligible candidates to the University and recommend the name of a Guide to be appointed as supervising teacher at the appropriate time. 6.6. Admission and Registration.

(i). If the University is so satisfied that (a) The candidate is competent to take up research in the proposed subject, (b) The proposed research work is feasible and can be profitably pursued in the university /Research Centre; it may admit the candidate granting provisional registration to the program

leading to the PhD Degree and at appropriate time, appoint on the recommendation of the School/Department/Centre/admission committee concerned, supervisor to guide and supervise the work of the candidate. (ii). Each selected candidate shall be issued with an admission letter by the appropriate authority. (iii). A candidate who has been selected for admission may take provisional admission with the Department/Centre by paying the required fees and fulfilling such other requirements as per the admission rules. (iv). A candidate who wishes to take admission shall do so within two weeks of the notification of the admission list. (v). A candidate for PhD is not allowed to take up any other course simultaneously. (vi). The Head of the Department/Centre/School shall forward to the University a consolidated list of all those who are provisionally admitted to the Ph. D. Program as soon as the admissions have been completed. (vi). At the end of the 1st year, there will be a Pre PhD evaluation comprising of Continuous Assessment, Yearly progress report and written examination on research methodology and specific subject. The examinations will be conducted by Doctoral Committee and supervised by the Controller of examinations. Those who secured marks above 50% will be registered for the PhD program and others will be given two more chance after 6 months each. 7. Doctoral Committee. 7.1. There shall be a Doctoral Committee (DC) to monitor the progress of each student registered for research in the University Department/Centre/School/Recognized Institution.

7.2. Immediately after the provisional admission of the candidates for PhD program the Vice Chancellor will constitute a Doctoral committee from a panel of names suggested by the supervisor and recommended by the Department for each of the candidates admitted. The Doctoral Committee shall consist of the Guide / Supervisor (as Convener he/she would initiate steps for the formation of the Committee), Co-Guide, if applicable, a faculty member from the Department and one faculty member from outside the Department / School (within the University or outside the University) specializing in a related field. However the maximum number of members of the Committee shall be limited to four. All members of the Doctoral Committee must be recognized research guides. 7.3. In the case of Recognized Institutions, there shall be a Doctoral Committee for each candidate with the supervising guide, a Co-guide, if any, and an approved Supervising guide from the same or allied area in a University Department/Division/School as members. 7.4. The Supervising Guide shall be the convener of the Doctoral Committee, though in exceptional situations the Head of the Department/Centre/Recognized Institution/School shall also be competent to convene special meetings of the Doctoral Committee. 7.5. The Doctoral Committee shall be in existence during the full period of registration of a candidate, with such changes in membership as may become necessary from time to time. 7.6. The Doctoral Committee shall be responsible (a) to ensure assistance to the Supervising guide of the candidate (b) to ensure periodically that the candidates work is progressing satisfactorily and (c) to prescribe the necessary course work that the candidate may have to do. 7.7. The Doctoral Committee shall be competent to recommend to the University any action, including cancellation of registration in case of consistently poor progress by the student or gross indiscipline or misconduct by the student. 7.8The Dean (Research) shall be the responsible officer for PhD programs. The Dean shall:i. Monitor timely Constitution of the Doctoral Committee.


ii. Monitor meetings of Doctoral Committee, at least, once in a year where the candidates progress is assessed. iii. Maintain the records of the reports/minutes of the Doctoral Committee. iv. Maintain details of course work prescribed by the doctoral committee for each student and the pre-PhD course completion reports. 8. Course Work for Ph. D. Progamme. (i). Each student granted provisional registration for Ph. D shall do course work prescribed by the doctoral committee, during the first year. The courses may include:(a) Research Methodology & Academic writing (b) Core Paper on the specific subject and (c) Elective paper. The syllabus of core paper and elective paper shall be framed by the Doctoral committee of each Scholar, recommended by the Board of Studies and approved by the Faculty. The Dean has the right to select the appropriate Board of studies and in case of any dispute; academic council shall be the final authority. The elective paper shall be related to the proposed area of research. There shall be a comprehensive viva voce examination. (ii). Curriculum . The syllabi for the course shall be prescribed by the Doctoral Committee. The conduct of the course shall be arranged by the Doctoral Committee in consultation with the Head of the Department. The course may be organized in each Department/Centre or may involve more than one Department. The mode of transaction of the course may involve lectures, lecture demonstration, tutorials, seminars etc. (iii) Evaluation. Evaluation of the course shall include Continuous Assessment (CA) and Year End assessment (YEA). The continuous assessment shall be done on the basis of specific components such as

tests/seminars/assignment/journal club by the teacher offering the course.

The yearend

examination for each paper will be of 3 hours duration. The relative weightage for CA and YEA shall be prescribed by the doctoral committee and shall generally be in the proportion 25:75 unless otherwise prescribed. Each paper shall carry a maximum of 100marks. A Viva board with the Head of the Department as chairman and the supervising teacher as member shall conduct comprehensive viva voce examination on completion of the registered courses by the student. In case the Head of the Department is the supervising teacher, another Professor from the same subject in another Institution, from allied subject area or from outsiders nominated by the Dean shall be the member of the Viva voce Examination Board. In the case of students registered for PhD in recognized research Institutions the year end examination (YEA) and the comprehensive viva voce examination shall be conducted by the Controller of examinations. Comprehensive viva voce examination shall carry a maximum of 100 marks. (iv) Grading. The academic performance of a student in the Pre PhD program is indicated by grade. Grades will be awarded to each student based on the total marks scored for the written examinations for all the papers and the viva voce examinations. Those who get 80% and above shall be placed in S grade; those who get 65% and above but below 80% shall be placed in A grade and those who get 50% and above but below 65% shall be placed in B grade .Those who get total scores below 50% shall be placed in F grade and those who get F grade may reappear for the whole examination after 3 months. The supervising teacher, as the convener of the doctoral committee, shall arrange to submit the mark / grade sheet of each student in the prescribed format through the Head of the Department to the Dean who shall forward it after due verification to the Controller of Examinations for the issue of grade card.

9. Confirmation of Registration: The admission of the candidate shall be confirmed on the basis of the following requirements, to be prescribed in each case by the Faculty, namely:-


(i) The completion of and the satisfactory performance in course or courses prescribed by the School/Department/Centre/Doctoral Committee and getting B Grade and above. Provided that in special cases, admission to the program leading to the Ph. D. degree may be confirmed on the recommendation of the School/Department/Centre by the university, on the basis of written test(s) and/or Practical examination(s) comparable in standard to the examinations in the courses specified in 8(1) above, the test(s) and /or Practical examination(s) being in each case prescribed and conducted by the School/Department/Centre concerned (ii) In the case of candidates admitted to the PhD program by virtue of the relaxation provided in Clause 10 (iv) below, admission shall be confirmed on the completion of and the satisfactory performance in the courses prescribed by the School/Department/Centre extending over a period of at least the first two consecutive semesters. (iv). The University shall issue a grade card for the student indicating the grade obtained by the student. The grade card shall list the title of the paper, the marks awarded for each paper, total marks secured, the grade of the student and indicate whether the student has satisfied the Ph. D. course requirements or not. (v). On confirmation of the registration of the candidate, the university shall on the

recommendation of the School/Department/Centre/Doctoral Committee concerned approve the topic of research of the proposed thesis leading to the award of the PhD degree. 10. Duration of the Program. (i) The minimum duration of research including the time spent for course work shall generally be 3 (three) years and the maximum period is 5 (five) years for full time registration, provided however that the Doctoral committee shall be competent to reduce the minimum period of duration by six months on application made by the candidate duly recommended by the doctoral committee. For part time registration the minimum period of research shall be 4 years and the maximum period shall be 6 years. (ii) The name of a candidate shall be removed from the rolls of the University, if she/he fails to submit her/his thesis for the award of the PhD degree within the maximum period prescribed under 10 (i).


(iii) The University on the recommendation of the concerned School/Department/Centre, may, however, subsequently accept the request of a candidate whose name has been removed from the rolls of the University under sub clause (ii) above, to get re-enrolled and become eligible for submission of the thesis, provided that she/he submits her/his thesis not later than the expiry of one year from the date of re-enrollment.

NOTE : The period of re-enrollment as provided above shall be in continuation of the original registration of five years or 6 years as the case may be without any break or interval. (iv). Before completing the minimum period prescribed in Clause 10 (i), no candidate admitted to a program of research for the PhD degree shall undertake any employment or join any course of study, provided that those engaged in teaching and research may be exempted from the limitation of this sub-clause. (v) The University may cancel the admission of a candidate for a breach of the provisions of clause 10 (iv) and or on account of his unsatisfactory progress, on the basis of the monitoring reports and the proposal from the doctoral committee recommended by the Centre/Department concerned. 11. Submission of Synopsis. (i). Not less than three months before the submission of the thesis, every candidate shall submit to the University, through the supervisor and Head of the Department, ten copies of the synopsis of the thesis, and prescribed application and examination fee. The candidate shall prepare the synopsis carefully in consultation with the supervisor. The synopsis should bring out in abridged form, the background and the objective of study, the methodology of the work done, results and conclusions. (ii). Pre submission seminar: The candidate shall present the work at a pre-submission seminar in the Department before submission of the synopsis. The suggestions that come up during the seminar shall be suitably addressed while preparing the thesis. The pre submission seminar shall be arranged by the doctoral committee in the Department/Centre/RI in which all the faculty members and researchers participate. (iii). The Synopsis of the thesis shall not be less than 1000 words or more than 2000 words. It must be typed on A4 size paper with one and half space. The University shall prescribe a format for the synopsis from time to time. The candidate shall also submit the electronic version (read only format) of the synopsis.

(iv).After the submission of the synopsis and on the nomination of the examiners by the Vicechancellor form the panel submitted by the supervising teacher as recommended by the doctoral committee and forwarded through the Head of the Department/Dean the controller of examination shall conduct the examinations. 12. Submission of Thesis. The Ph.D. program culminates with the submission of a thesis of a substantial work of original research carried out by the candidate under the guidance of the supervisor. (i). To be eligible to submit the thesis, the candidate should satisfy the requirements prescribed by the School/Department/Centre and shall include (a) Presentation of the work in National/International conferences/Seminars as approved by the Department/Centre. (b) shall have at least two papers published/accepted for publication in peer reviewed journals approved by the Board of studies ( c ) Shall have presented the research work in a pre submission seminar. (ii). Style Manual: The thesis shall not be less than 40000 words and shall not exceed 80000 words, excluding Annexure and list of references. It shall be prepared in clear print in A4 size paper on both sides in 12 pt, Times New Roman Font with 1.5 line space. Figures and charts shall be embedded in the text itself. Pages shall be numbered continuously in Arabic numerals. Appendix shall be provided at the end. (iii). The candidate shall submit four copies of the thesis in a soft bound form to the Controller of examination for evaluation by the experts. Once the thesis gets approved, the candidate shall incorporate all the corrections / suggestions, if any, and resubmit two copies of the final version of the thesis in hard bound form and two copies in the electronic form (read-only format) through supervisor and Head of the University Department / Head of the institution/Dean. The supervisor shall certify that the corrections / suggestions (if any) were incorporated. (iv). The thesis shall be submitted to the University for evaluation not later than three months after the submission of the synopsis, through the supervisor, and through the Head of the University Department / Head of the Institution,


(v). If the Candidate fails to submit the thesis within three months from the date of submission of synopsis, maximum extensions of three months may be given with approval from the Vicechancellor after which the process gets cancelled. Then, he / she shall submit the synopsis again based on the recommendations of the Doctoral Committee. The Guide / Supervisor, with the approval of the Doctoral Committee shall submit a fresh panel of examiners. (vi). Once the thesis is accepted and the degree awarded, one copy of the thesis shall be placed in the University Library and one copy will be sent to National Library. One copy of the thesis will be placed in the internet server after the award of the PhD degree. (vii). The thesis shall ordinarily be submitted not later than five years from the date of registration in the case of full-time candidates and six years in the case of part-time candidates. A maximum of two extensions of six months each shall be given at the discretion of the ViceChancellor /Academic Council on the recommendations of the Guide / Doctoral Committee after the expiry of which the registration will stand automatically cancelled. (viii) Every candidate shall submit with his/her thesis (1) a certificate from the Supervisor under whom he / she worked, that the thesis submitted is a record of original research work done by the candidate during the period of study under his / her supervision.(2) a declaration to the effect that the thesis has not previously formed the basis for the award to the candidate of any Degree, Diploma, Associateship, Fellowship or other similar titles and that the thesis represents independent work on the part of the candidate. Suitable acknowledgements shall also be included. 13. Adjudication of Thesis. (i). The thesis submitted by the candidate for the award of the Ph. D degree shall be examined by three external examiners of high eminence, not in the service of the University, to be appointed by the Governing Council on the recommendation of the Doctoral Committee . (ii). A panel of not less 10 examiners from outside the University area, shall be recommended by the Doctoral Committee for evaluating the thesis and for conducting the public viva-voce examination to be held later. (iii). The thesis shall be referred to a Board of Examiners as per the Statutes and Ordinances of the University. Once all the reports reach the Controller of Exam, he/she shall forward them in sealed cover to the Dean. The Dean shall make specific recommendations along with a consolidated report and recommend for the viva-voce if the examiners have unanimously

recommended. After the viva-voce the recommendations shall be sent to Controller of Examinations for declaration of result with approval of Vice-Chancellor. (iv). The Examiners who value the thesis apart from providing a detailed technical report shall report on the merit of the candidate for the PhD degree as follows: >The thesis to be accepted for the award of Ph. D. degree in the present form. >The thesis to be accepted for the award of Ph. D. degree after minor corrections / revisions >The thesis can be passed after obtaining clarifications at the time of viva-voce. > The thesis be revised and resubmitted for evaluation. > The thesis be rejected. (v).If the thesis is approved; each examiner may seek clarification/questions, if any, to be answered at the time of viva-voce. (vi).When examiners differ in their opinion while evaluating the thesis: In case, all the three examiners or two out of three examiners have not commended, the thesis shall be rejected. In case, one of the three examiners has not commended, then the thesis shall be again referred to a fourth examiner. If the fourth examiner commends the thesis, the candidate shall be allowed for the viva-voce examination. If the fourth examiner does not commend the thesis, it shall be rejected. (vii). If the examiner / examiners insist on any correction / revision to be made in the thesis, the same shall be made by the candidate before the public viva-voce examination and certified by the Supervisor. (viii). If the Examiner / Examiners explicitly suggests requirement of the revision and resubmission for further examination, then the revised thesis duly certified by the Guide shall be sent to the same examiner for further evaluation. In the absence of such a statement or if the examiner concerned specifically instructs that the revised thesis need not be sent back to him / her, the revised thesis duly certified by the Guide, Doctoral Committee and the Dean shall be accepted and the candidate shall be allowed for viva-voce. (ix). The candidate should revise and re-submit the thesis within the shortest possible period in any case not later than six months from the date of the communication of the notice from the University.

(x) In case the candidate fails to submit the revised form of the thesis within six months, the process of thesis evaluation gets cancelled. Then, the candidate shall submit the synopsis again to start the process of thesis evaluation. 14. Open Defense (Viva-Voce). (i). In cases where the thesis has been approved, and on receipt of communication from the University, the guide / supervisor shall coordinate the conduct of public viva-voce for the candidate. (ii). One external examiner of the thesis who shall be nominated as Chairman by the Vice Chancellor, and the Doctoral Committee shall conduct the public viva-voce Examination in the presence of faculty members, researchers, scientific staff and other interested members . In case where the examiner who evaluated the thesis is not available, the University may appoint an alternative eminent person, preferably from the panel previously submitted, for conducting the viva. (iii). The Supervisor shall fix the date and time of the viva-voce in consultation with the external examiner appointed by the University for conducting the viva-voce examination. The Guide / Supervisor shall give wide publicity and at least 10 working days notice for scheduling of the open defense. The maximum time limit for conducting viva-voce shall be three months from the date of consolidation of reports. If the candidate fails to take viva-voce within three months on valid grounds, the Vice-chancellor can permit extension by three months on specific request. If the candidate fails to take the viva-voce even after the extension, the PhD registration gets cancelled. (iv). In the viva-voce, the Supervisor will introduce the External examiner who will then conduct the examination. The candidate shall make a 30-minute presentation of the thesis. After the presentation, the external examiner shall begin the questioning followed by the faculty present and the other participants. (v). After conducting the viva-voce examination, the Guide / Convener shall convey to the Controller of Examinations of the University, through the HOD/Dean, the result of such examination endorsed by the external examiner. Report/proceedings of the open defense signed by the external examiner and a list of people who attended the open defense shall be forwarded. A candidate who is successful in the public viva-voce examination shall be declared to have qualified for the PhD Degree.


(vi). A candidate, who is not successful in the public viva-voce examination, may be permitted to undergo the viva-voce examination a second time, within a period of three months. In the event of him/her failing again, his/her candidature for the degree will be rejected. (vii). If the candidate passes the viva-voce examination, the viva-voce examiner and the Guide / Supervisor shall consolidate the recommendation and forward to the controller of examinations for the award of the degree based on (a). The reports of the examiners who adjudicated the thesis and, (b). The evaluation of the candidates performance in the viva voce examination. The Controller of Examinations shall submit the reports to the Dean who shall forward the consolidated recommendations to the University, along with such other documents as may be required, by the University for its Consideration. 15. Publication of Thesis. The research embodied in the thesis may be published in part or full in research journals or in the form of monograph or book with proper acknowledgement to the University. The abstract of the thesis to be made available to the University for Publication in website/University publication. 16. Power to remove any difficulty. (i). If any differences of opinion develop between the student and the supervisor / guide at any time during the course of the PhD program, then the Vice-chancellors decision shall be final and binding. (ii) Notwithstanding any of the provisions stated above, the Vice-Chancellor shall have powers to remove any difficulty while implementing this program. =====================================================================


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