Scenario The Haunted

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The document provides an introduction to the sequel adventure 'The Haunted' which involves investigating the disappearance of twin boys Faustino and Francesco Macario. It may involve the undead spirit of Walter Corbitt.

The goal of the investigation is to find the missing twin boys Faustino and Francesco Macario and return them safely to their guardians.

The main characters involved are the missing twin boys Faustino and Francesco Macario, their guardians Enzo and Maria Giordano, and possibly the undead spirit of Walter Corbitt.


By Jon Hook

Keeper Information
Welcome to The Haunted, a sequel to Chaosiums classic introductory adventure, The Haunting. Keepers can find the The Haunting in any edition of the core Call of Cthulhu rules, or even in Chaosiums Call of Cthulhu Quick Start Rules pdf, available for free at Older editions of the rules have the adventure titled as The Haunted House, but that name was changed to avoid confusion with another adventure. As this adventure is a sequel, it is strongly recommended that Keepers run their investigators through The Haunting first. The author of this adventure has made the assumption that any Keeper running it is familiar with the original adventure, and sometimes makes reference to it in this adventure. It is assumed that the Keeper ran The Haunting in the classic 1920s Call of Cthulhu setting, thus this adventure will be run in the same time period. Both adventures can be reconfigured to be run in other time periods, but those adjustments are not covered in this document. Most everything in this document is meant for the Keepers eyes only, but some parts are meant to be read aloud to the investigators. Text meant to be read aloud is italicized, with any game mechanics being bolded. The Haunted is the investigation for missing boys, Faustino and Francesco Macario, the tenyear old twins of Vittorio and Gabriela Macario. The Macarios were the last family to live in Walter Corbitts haunted house. Unbeknownst to all, the undead fiend, Walter Corbitt, transferred a piece of his mind into Francesco Macario in an attempt to have himself reborn, just in case his efforts to ascend into an immortal being failed, (as it eventually did).

Involving the Investigators

The investigators notice an article in the newspaper in the national news section, (Player Handout #1); the articles headline says, More Lost Baltimore Boys. The article reads: The Baltimore, MD, police department has called off the most recent search for missing boys. Ten-year old twins, Faustino and Francesco Macario, were reported missing by their guardians, Enzo and Maria Giordano, one week ago. Detective John Clark added the Macario names to a growing list of missing boys in the Baltimore area. According to Det. Clark, Its my belief that other than Mr. Farnsworth, all of these boys are runaways. Theyll all return home once theyre hungry enough. Maria Giordano said, Its possible that they mayve runaway to Boston. I pray every day for their safe return. Faustino and Francescos parents, Vittorio and Gabriela Macario, were committed to the Roxbury Sanitarium after an incident in their home. Maria is sister to Gabriela. Desperate for the boys to come home, the Giordanos are offering a reward for their safe return. If anyone can help us find Faustino and Francesco safe and sound, were prepared to pay them our entire lifes savings, $550 dollars, says Mr. Giordano. 1

By Jon Hook Give the players Player Handout #1 at the very beginning of the adventure; use it to kick-off the game. Because the investigators previously participated in The Haunting, the Keeper can remind them that the Macario family was the last to live in Walter Corbitts house; making this adventure a kind of closure to that investigation. Also, the base motivation of a monetary reward should be enough to draw them into this adventure. The following scenes for this adventure are listed in the order that seemed the most organic by the author for the investigation of the story, but Keepers should not feel constrained by the order of these events. As experienced Keepers know, it is a rare thing indeed when the investigators actually follow the pre-conceived order of events within a Call of Cthulhu adventure. Each scene is fully described by the author, and also gives suggestions on how to leverage the information available in that scene should the investigators circumvent it.

The Boston Globe

The investigators might bite on the clue in the Player Handout #1 newspaper article about a Mr. Farnsworth. If they want to view the Boston Globes newspaper morgue, they will need a successful Fast Talk or Persuade roll to get in. Any investigator with the occupation of Journalist will get +20% bonus to their skill check, unless they are a staff member for the Boston Globe, in which case they gain access to the morgue automatically. Any investigator with the occupation of Dilettante may make a Credit Rating roll instead of the Fast Talk or Persuade check to try and gain entry to the morgue. Also, if any investigator has previously visited this particular morgue, they will get a +5% bonus to their skill roll. Once the investigators have gained access to the morgue, they will need to make a successful Library Use roll to find the article in question about Mr. Farnsworth, (Player Handout #2). The article they find is two weeks old, and the headline says, Gruesome Murder! The article reads: Baltimore police have positively identified the body of Wesley Farnsworth, 12 years old. Discovered in Chesapeake Bay on Thursday morning, 10 oclock, by Mr. Rudy Greer, a commercial fisherman. I was steaming back to harbor in need of repairs, when I saw something in the water ahead of the bow. Figured it for a buoy that come loose from its moorings, but as I pulled alongside it became clear that it was no buoy I found, said Mr. Greer. Detective John Clark, the detective in charge of the case, released the following statement, I am able to confirm for you today that the body of young Mr. Farnsworth was found. We are not releasing the details of his death, other than to say that it was a murder most foul. The people of Baltimore have my word that I will stop at nothing to bring the Farnsworth family the justice they deserve.

By Jon Hook Wesleys parents, Richard and Elizabeth Farnsworth, declined to comment. Funeral services are scheduled for 2 oclock, Sunday afternoon, at St. Michaels Memorial Gardens. If the investigators wait until they get to Baltimore to check for a newspaper article on Mr. Farnsworth, then simply ignore the name of the newspaper in Player Handout #2, and mentally substitute in the name The Baltimore Sun. If for some reason the investigators choose not to search for the article on Mr. Farnsworth, then their ability to complete the adventure should not be adversely impacted without it.

Roxbury Sanitarium
It is assumed that the investigators are not currently in or near the city of Baltimore, but instead are near enough to Boston to have previously participated in The Haunting. If the investigators dont think to interview Vittorio and Gabriela, then the Keeper should allow an Idea roll to for it. The Roxbury Sanitarium is located a few miles outside of Boston. Upon arrival, the investigators meet the front desk receptionist, Linda Brown. Ms. Brown is sad to inform them that Vittorio is dead; he took his own life just last night. When they inquire about Gabriela, she says that no one is allowed to see her. A successful Persuade, along with a bribe of any reasonable amount, will convince her to let the investigators in between shift changes. They will only have fifteen minutes to talk to her if they go that direction. When the time is right, Ms. Brown will escort the investigators down to Gabrielas cell. The sturdy iron door has a tiny porthole door that Ms. Brown opens so the investigators can have a face-to-face conversation with Gabriela. Gabriela looks a fright; she is trussed-up in a straight jacket, and her room is literally a white padded cell. Investigators may make a Psychoanalysis roll when they see Gabrielas current state; a successful roll will give that investigator the insight that they have caught Gabriela in a moment of clarity. Gabriela pleads to the investigators, Please, you must save them! It has them! It comes to me in my dreams, whispering curses in my ear. It wants my children; its going to corrupt their souls. Please youve got to save them! It taunts me; it says that it has them, and that they are going to Hell itself! Go to Baltimore, thats where they are. Save them! The investigators have little time to talk to her, for as soon as Gabriela pleads her case to the investigators; a shadow seems to fall over her as a madness suddenly takes over. She seems to go into a struggle with an invisible foe. The struggle ends with her sticking her tongue out as far as she can, right before she bites it off; spraying blood and spittle from her mouth. Gabrielas body momentarily stiffens, and then she drops to the floor in a heap, still and lifeless. The investigators need to make a 0/1d2 Sanity check. As soon as Gabriela falls to the floor, Ms. Brown rushes the investigators to an emergency exit to get them out of there before the doctors come running. If the investigators insist on staying, two 3

By Jon Hook huge hulking orderlies show-up before the doctors do, and Ms. Brown orders them to kick the investigators out. Each orderly has STR 18, and investigators will have to match against them on the Resistance Table if they still resist leaving. Conversely, if the investigators ask to meet with Gabrielas doctor, Dr. Malcolm Lindsey, Ms. Brown can arrange that meeting with a simple Fast Talk or non-bribed Persuade roll. Dr. Lindsey is happy to talk to them in generalities, but will not discuss specific details about Gabrielas illness or care. A successful Psychology roll will endear Dr. Lindsey to the investigators for their obvious knowledge in the field of psychology; investigators with the occupation of Psychologist get a +20% bonus on this roll. He will share with them that Gabriela screams every night about the safety of her children; that It has them. She is quite distraught over the safety of her children. Dr. Lindsey is concerned about the staff of the hospital, because obviously someone is leaking news to her about her missing children. If the investigators try to convince Dr. Lindsey to let them meet with Gabriela, they may try either Fast Talk or Persuade at half their value, (as a penalty). Dr. Lindsey is a professional, so it is very difficult to convince him to bend the rules. If they are successful though, they will experience the same event with Gabriela noted above, but it will be Dr. Lindsey that escorts them to her cell, and he will escort them off the premises through the front door after she dies. If the investigators fail to visit the sanitarium, the Keeper can have them overhear a report on the radio about Vittorios recent suicide and Gabrielas sudden fatal heart attack.

Traveling to Baltimore
The investigators may either drive to Baltimore, or take the train. It will take 30 hours to drive there, versus only 18 hours by train. A one-way ticket to Baltimore from Boston is $1.50 per person. Assuming the investigators are traveling by train, they may talk with the conductor. The Keeper may grant an Idea roll to give them the idea that the conductor might know something about how the railroad checks their trains for hobos who try to ride the rails for free. A successful Credit Rating roll will remind the conductor of his duty to be a service to the passengers. He will tell them that contrary to popular belief, the railroad is very good about ferreting out the riffraff that try to hop the rails either on passenger trains or freight trains. If the investigators voice their concern about the boys possibly making their way to Boston illegally by rail, then the conductor will excuse himself to go to the radio room. Hell check with his supervisors to see if any of the rail lines have picked-up any boys recently. The conductor will return a half hour later with information about a dozen people caught hiding on a train, (usually in a freight trains box car), but none of them are twin ten-year old boys. If the investigators are driving to Baltimore, then on the morning of their second day driving, they pick-up a newspaper with an article that notes that due to the rash of runaways from the Baltimore area, that the railroads have stepped-up their investigations for hobos riding the rails. 4

By Jon Hook And while several people have been caught trying to stowaway on the trains, none have met descriptions for any of the reportedly missing boys.

Arriving in Baltimore
When the investigators arrive into Baltimore, whether by train or automobile, they will need to decide on what course of action to take. The logical course of action is to either visit the Giordano home or Det. Clark. Or, they might want to do a public library or newspaper morgue search, or maybe secure a hotel room to use a base of operations. The Giordano, Det. Clark, public library, and newspaper morgue scenes are detailed below; if the investigators choose to find lodgings, then the Keeper can ad-hoc role-play any appropriate type of room and board, and its cost, for them.

The Baltimore Sun

The Baltimore Sun building is located in downtown Baltimore, and is not located on the provided map of Colonial Cove, (Game Map #1). If the investigators did not look for, or successfully find, the newspaper article on Wesley Farnsworth, (Player Handout #2); then they may do so again at The Baltimore Sun. The same skill checks and possible bonuses noted in The Boston Globe scene above to find the article also apply in this scene. And again, not collecting this article should not jeopardize the investigators ability to complete this adventure. There are no other articles of note to find in The Sun morgue, but a successful Library Use roll will also give the investigators the home address of the Giordano family.

Baltimore Public Library

The library is location B on the Colonial Cove map, (Game Map #1). Again, it is possible to find the newspaper article on Wesley Farnsworth in some of the archived newspapers in the library. A simple Library Use roll is all that is need to find it. And another Library Use check will also reveal the Giordanos home address in a stack of public housing records. There is nothing else to find in the library.

Det. John Clark

The police station is location A on the Colonial Cove map, (Game Map #1). Finding the Baltimore Police Department is as easy as asking a common beat-cop for directions, but meeting with Det. Clark is a little more difficult. If the investigators call ahead to the police station, they reach Officer Donald McLeod, and they may try to schedule an appointment to meet with Det. Clark through him. A successful Credit Rating roll will grant the investigators a meeting with 5

By Jon Hook him on the next morning; while a critically successful roll grants an immediate meeting with him. If they dont call ahead, and just go directly to the station, they meet Officer McLeod as he works the front desk. The police station is a bee hive of activity as the investigators observe lots of uniformed police officers bustling about, to and fro. The activity in the station is already chaotic enough for Officer McLeod, so if the investigators just show up looking for Det. Clark, they suffer a -10% penalty to their Credit Rating roll. No other officers have the time or inclination to help the investigators, so they will have to wait for Det. Clark to become available. Once Det. Clark becomes available, he invites the investigators to meet with him in his office. Because of the successful Credit Rating roll required to get the appointment with Det. Clark, he already knows that the investigators have some level of clout. What he doesnt know is what they want. Det. Clarks office is a private office just off the main squad room where all of the regular officers have their desks. His office has a couple of large windows that look into the squad room, and those windows have aluminum blinds on them. His door has a large frosted window on it with is name stenciled on the glass. Two other windows look outside, and a single-bulb light fixture with a wire grill hangs from the ceiling over his desk. His desk has a large black phone in one corner and a heavy metal typewriter in the other. Det. Clark is sitting in a wooden swivel desk chair, and two regular wooden chairs sit in front of his desk. The investigators are escorted to Det. Clarks office by a rookie cop on his first week of duty. As the investigators enter the office, they see Det. Clark scoop some paperwork together in a heap, put the heap into a manila folder, and then close the folder. Det. Clark looks up and says, Lets get right down to business. Who are you, and what can I do for you? If the investigators are honest about why they are in Baltimore, then the detective tries to assure them that he as thoroughly investigated the boys disappearances, and is confident that they are just runaways that will soon be coming home. If the investigators ask Det. Clark about the murder of Wesley Farnsworth, they will need make a successful Fast Talk or Persuade roll; investigators with any kind of police officer or detective occupation gets a +20% bonus to their roll. Conversely, investigators with any kind of journalist or writer occupation, (and Det. Clark has been informed that they are a journalist or writer), get a -10% penalty to their roll because Det. Clark is actively withholding information about this case from the public until he can solve it. With the successful Fast Talk or Persuade roll, Det. Clark tells them, Im still looking for the fiends that murdered that poor boy. The autopsy confirmed that the boy fought his attackers before being cut to ribbons. As near as I can tell, the boy was jumped by an unknown number of attackers armed with crude home-made knives that inflicted jagged cuts similar to claw marks, but much larger than any kind of animal attack, unless he was attacked by a bear. He adds 6

By Jon Hook under his breath. Ive tried to carefully retraced Mr. Farnsworths final actions, and I suspect that once he was attacked, Mr. Farnsworth made a break for the bay. Probably hoping to swim away. Unfortunately, his murderers hit an artery during their attack, so it was only a matter of time before he would die. Det. Clark will only share the actual case file with other law enforcements people, and only if that investigator is critically successful on a new Credit Rating roll. Anyone viewing the case file photos of Wesley Farnsworths mutilated body needs to make a 0/1d2 Sanity check. Anyone viewing the open case file may attempt either a Library Use or Spot Hidden roll, whichever is higher, but anyone who tries to glance at the hurriedly closed case file folder on the desk may attempt a simple Spot Hidden check. With a successful check, (Library Use or Spot Hidden), the investigator notices a circled and hand-written note that says Colonial Cove. If asked, Det. Clark will admit that he has not yet figured out where the actual attack against Wesley Farnsworth took place, but he believes it might have taken place somewhere in Colonial Cove. Det. Clark warns the investigators to keep their noses out of his investigation, and for them to stick to looking for the Macario boys.

The Giordano Home

The Giordano home is location C on the Colonial Cove map, (Game Map #1). The investigators can discover the Giordano home address in a number of ways. They can use the library, the newspaper morgue, or simply pick up a phone and ask the switchboard operator; in the 1920s no one was concerned about keeping their home address secretive. Whether the investigators call ahead or not, Enzo and Maria Giordano are available to meet with the investigators immediately, (no skill roll needed). The Giordanos, Enzo, (a teamster driver), and Maria, (a homemaker), are beside themselves with worry. Enzo has been off work the entire time that the boys have been gone, and their house is a wreck as Maria has given up trying to clean-up until the boys come home. The Giordanos welcome any help possible to find the boys; they provide the investigators with a photo of the two boys, (Player Handout #3). If the investigators are interested, they may try a Psychology check; a successful roll informs the investigator that the Giordanos grief and worry is genuine, and that they are not holding back any information about the disappearance of the boys. Investigators that want to try and ease of of their grief may try another Psychology check; a success will endear the Giordanos to the investigators even more. If the investigators are successful in easing their grief, then Maria will also give the investigators the necklace she is wearing. The necklace has a hinged cameo charm on it with a small photo of Gabriela inside of it, (Player Handout #4).

By Jon Hook The investigators may use Fast Talk to filter through all of the information that the Giordanos are voluntarily providing to them, in order to boil it down to the most important clues. A successful skill check will provide the following information to the investigators: The boys have had a hard time integrating into their new school. Their teacher, Mrs. Birdswell, is very concerned about them. (See the Colonial Cove Public School lead below) The Giordanos have gotten a few complaints from some of the other neighborhood parents that the boys have been fighting with the neighborhood boys. (See the Neighborhood Boys lead below) Maria tells them that the boys are very emotional, and they miss their parents terribly. She begs the investigators that should they find the boys, for them to not tell them that their parents have died. Because it would devastate them, and she doesnt want to put the boys through anymore tragedy.

If the investigators were unsuccessful in their Fast Talk roll, the Giordanos are just clueless and cant think of anything that would be helpful to them, but will want their contact info so they can reach the investigators in case they do think of something. The investigators may attempt Idea checks to see if they can figure out the Colonial Cove Public School and Neighborhood Boys leads themselves.

Colonial Cove Public School

The school is location D on the Colonial Cove map, (Game Map #1). Depending on when the investigators visit the school, there may or may not be any students; faculty members are available for a few hours after the classes are dismissed. Again, being set in the 1920s, school security is lax, so any strangers on campus with any kind of air of authority are at least politely tolerated and addressed. Only strangers that project hostility or look like a hobo are run-off immediately. As the investigators enter the school, they see an elderly man, Mr. Giles Powell the janitor, sweeping the hall with a broom. Mr. Powell can direct the investigators to Mrs. Birdswells classroom or to Principal Fords office. Mrs. Eleanor Birdswells classroom is quaint and simple. The room has twenty childrens desks; the classic one-piece chair/desk piece of furniture with a hinged desktop lid over a bin for the storage of each childs school supplies. The room also has a large chalk board and a large wooden desk and chair for the teacher. When the investigators enter the room, Mrs. Birdswell is grading some papers. The investigators need to make a successful Credit Rating check to justify their presence and need to talk to her, investigators with any type of education occupation get a +15% to their bonus. Without this successful skill check, she will insist that they speak to Principal Ford, and she will escort them to him. If they are successful in their skill check, then 8

By Jon Hook they may attempt a Fast Talk roll to gain some information from her about the Macario boys. A successful roll reveals: The boys were quick to get angry when things didnt go their way. Mrs. Birdswell has overheard them talking to some of the other kids about joining their club, (she has no idea what club it is/was, and assumes that it mustve been some kind of game they were playing). A couple of the other missing boys were also from her class, (Keepers can make up those names). Mrs. Birdswell can point out each of the boys desks.

Searching Faustinos desk with a successful Spot Hidden roll will reveal some hidden artwork drawn by the boys, (Player Handouts #5a and #5b). Each piece of art seems to be a similar scene from two different perspectives. Francescos art depicts long clawed arms coming out of a black circle on the ground grabbing a boy in terror with Faustino in the background watching the event sadly. Faustinos art depicts long clawed arms coming out of a black circle on the ground grabbing a boy in terror with Francesco in the background watching the event happily; Francescos eyes are red. Because neither piece of art is signed, so it is impossible to know which brother did which piece of art or which brother is depicted in each piece of art. Viewing the artwork is a 1/1d3 Sanity check. In addition, investigators viewing the art may try an Art skill check, (or Art: Drawing or Art: Appraisal skill check); a successful roll grants them +1% Cthulhu Mythos. Principal David Fords office is neat and clean. The investigators will need a successful Credit Rating roll to justify their need to talk to him; investigators with any type of education occupation get a +15% bonus. Principal Ford can confirm that the Macario boys were troubled boys that have already been sent to his office in the short time that they have been attending CCPS. Principal Ford knows very little about the boys beyond their disciplinary issues. If the investigators ask to see the boys official school records, Principal Ford is happy to share it with them. With a successful Accounting roll, the investigators discover a transcript about the boys clubhouse in St. Michaels Memorial Gardens. If the investigators miss the opportunity for this clue, they should be able to get it in the Neighborhood Boys scene below.

Neighborhood Boys
If the investigators dont think to interview the neighborhood boys on their own, then the Keeper may grant them an Idea check for it. The investigators can find the neighborhood boys playing a game of stickball on Potee St. on the Colonial Cove map, (Game Map #1). None of the boys, (approximately 12 15 of them), are individually named here, so if need be the Keeper can name them for the investigators. It takes a successful Fast Talk or Persuade roll to get information from the boys, with female investigators of APP 15 or greater gaining a +10% bonus, and anyone providing a bribe gaining a +10% bonus to their roll. 9

By Jon Hook The boys tell the investigators that the Faustino and Francesco wanted them to join their club; (a successful Know roll will inform the investigator that a club is slang for a gang. The Macario twins were trying to start a gang). The Macario clubhouse is an old mausoleum in St. Michaels Memorial Gardens.

If asked, three of the boys will guide the investigators to the clubhouse, but they refuse to go into the old mausoleum.

St. Michaels Memorial Gardens

The mausoleum clubhouse is located within location F on the Colonial Cove map, (Game Map #1). Location E on the Game Map #1 is St. Michaels Catholic Church. The grounds of St. Michaels church and cemetery are old and overgrown. Huge trees, thick vegetation, and lots of grand tombstones and mausoleums have turned St. Michaels Memorial Gardens into a virtual maze. It is quite easy to get lost in the cemetery. A successful Navigate skill check is required to travel through the cemetery, with the requirement that the individual already has a reasonable understanding of his destinations location in the cemetery. Without any destination knowledge, then a Luck roll is required, with a -15% penalty, to reach the intended destination. If the investigators allow the trio of neighborhood boys to guide them to the Macario clubhouse, then the success of finding the exact mausoleum is automatic. The main entrance to the cemetery is on Hanover St, next to St. Michaels Catholic Church. There is also a secondary side entrance on Redbird St. If the investigators scout out the mausoleum ahead of time, they will learn that the mausoleum looks old, broken down, and in disrepair. It is the old mausoleum for the La Croix family. It is possible to gather some information about the mausoleum and the La Croix family in the archived church records in St. Michaels Catholic Church. St. Michaels is a poor church that runs a soup kitchen and provides shelter for the homeless. Fr. Enrique Domingo is the current priest; he is 60 years old, and has been at St. Michaels for fifteen years. Fr. Domingo is very active, so the investigators will need a successful Credit Rating roll to get a moment of his time; the investigators are not able to search the archived church records without Fr. Domingos blessing. Investigators that donate at least two dollars to the church will get a +15% bonus to their roll. The investigators may also try a Fast Talk roll to see if Fr. Domingo has any other information about the old mausoleum or the cemetery in general. With a successful roll, Fr. Domingo tells them:


By Jon Hook Fr. Domingo has had a problem recently of boys vandalizing some of the headstones. The vandalism includes the damaging of some headstones and the break-in of some of the family mausoleums. Fr. Domingo used to employ some of the more unfortunate men who use St. Michaels as a shelter to clean and tend the cemetery, but the vandals have also taken to beating up on the homeless men. To the point now where none of the homeless will accept any work in the cemetery. Many of the men that St. Michaels used to give shelter to have disappeared without a trace; no doubt driven off by the vandals, Fr. Domingo surmises.

The archived church records are located in the churchs cold, but dry, basement. A successful Library Use roll is required to find La Croix family records, three large hand-written tomes of gemological and church history. The following information is fairly easy to acquire; it takes one hour to gather the following information: The La Croix familys earliest records document Pierre and Evelyn La Croix joining the church on March 15th, 1785, with the baptism of their first son, Jean Paul. The books contain the list of seven more children born to Pierre and Evelyn. The history begins to get quite extensive as the La Croix family tree begins to grow and expand as sons take wives, and daughters join some of the other church families.

A long and careful read of the tomes, (eight hours minimum), along with a successful Accounting check is required to find the detailed information below. Each additional hour invested researching the tomes, past the minimum required, will grant a +5% bonus per hour to the investigators skill roll. The extra information found is: August 19th, 1802 The La Croix family request prayer for the return of their son, Jean Paul, who has run away from home. July 3rd, 1805 The La Croix family celebrates the return of their lost son. July 12th, 1805 The La Croix family is horrified by the changes in their son, both physically and mentally. They petition the church to perform an exorcism. August 8th, 1805 Fr. James Francis petitions the diocese for an exorcism. December 4th, 1805 Cardinal Edward Talbot arrives to perform the La Croix exorcism. December 5th, 1805 Jean Paul La Croix is sequestered by his parents into an attic room in their home. Many sketches and papers written by Jean Paul are declared blasphemous and destroyed. (Except for one scrap of paper with a strange sketch on it that is found in the tome next to this entry.) Give the investigators Player Handout #6. December 7th, 1805 The exorcism ends with Jean Pauls death, due to a sudden heart attack as the Devil was expelled from his soul. December 7th, 1805 Jean Paul La Croix is interned in the family tomb.

No other information is available in the tome on Jean Paul La Croix, including how he became possessed, what that strange symbol represents, or why he was buried on the same day he died. 11

By Jon Hook In truth, Jean Paul dropped out of polite society at age seventeen, and he soon found himself in the seedy underbelly of Baltimore. It was there, living like a hobo, that Jean Paul discovered a clan of ghouls. Fascinated by them, he slowly worked his way into their society. He learned about their culture, ecology, and this clans worship of The One Who Waits in the Dark, until finally he began to change into a ghoul himself. The changes in his mind and body frightened him, so he fled the ghouls and returned to his family. Jean Pauls transformation continued, until his family finally turned to the church for help, believing him to be possessed by the Devil himself. As Jean Pauls mind continued to reshape itself into a ghouls mind, he began writing journals and making sketches to document his education with the ghoul clan. As noted above, all of his writings were destroyed by the church, except for a strange sketch of a lidless eye within an inverted triangle. This sketch is a symbol, (one of many), for the Chapel of Contemplation, an ancient cult for The One Who Waits in the Dark. As luck would have it, it was on the day of his exorcism that Jean Pauls conversion into a ghoul was finally going to culminate. There was a great contest of wills on that day, between Cardinal Talbot and Jean Paul, and in the end just as Jean Pauls final vestige of humanity faded away, his new ghoul body went into a massive seizure and then collapsed. Cardinal Talbot and the La Croix family believed that the exorcism worked, but at the cost of Jean Pauls life; when in reality, his new body suddenly snapped into a deep hibernation after its dramatic conversion. Cardinal Talbot entombed Jean Paul on the same day of his death to prevent anyone outside the immediate family from viewing the horror that Jean Paul had become.

The Macario Clubhouse

Once Faustino and Francesco were moved to Baltimore, the spark of Walter Corbitt in Francesco remembered a ghoul once known as Jean Paul La Croix that lived in Baltimore. Francesco, (driven by Corbitt), lead his brother in search of the ghoul, Jean Paul. After much searching, the boys finally found the La Croix family mausoleum, and within the mausoleum they discovered a hidden doorway to the ghouls den under St. Michaels Memorial Gardens. Corbitt knew about Jean Paul and the ghouls in Baltimore because they too worship The One Who Waits in the Dark, as records in the Boston chapter of the Chapel of Contemplation noted. The Macario Clubhouse (Game Map #2) 1. The door to this mausoleum is old and in severe disrepair. Once upon a time, there was an iron gate over heavy oak door, but when the investigators come to the mausoleum they find the old wrought iron gate discarded to the wayside. The gate is peppered in rust and overgrown weeds and ivy have laced through the gate and holds it firmly to the ground. So it is obvious that the gate has been off its hinges for years. The oak door is swollen 12

By Jon Hook and very difficult to move. The door is stuck half-way open. If the investigators want to try and move the door, they need to do an opposed roll on the Resistance Table of STR vs. STR; the door has a STR 20. 2. The center chamber has decorative tile inlaid in the floor, with marble on the walls, and a glass dome ceiling above. All of the glass in the dome ceiling above has long ago been broken out, so rain and leaves can freely fall into this part of the mausoleum. There are a couple of decorative urns in artistic niches on the curved walls in this room. There are abandoned birds nests in the urns. 3. Each chamber of the mausoleum holds 36 individual tombs for the La Croix family. Each wall of each chamber is six tombs wide, by three tombs high. Each tomb has a marble seal with the decedents name, birth, and death dates. The end of each chamber also has a small leaded stained glass window. All of the floors in each chamber are covered in dust and leaves. There are also child-sized footprints all over the place. The chaos of footprints masks which tomb is the entrance to the ghouls den. If the investigators attempt to open any of the tombs, it requires a STR vs. STR test on the Resistance Table, with the tomb seals varying in strength from STR 7 STR 11. Other than the tombs noted below, they always find a coffin with a long dead corpse within. 4. If the investigators are aware of Jean Paul, and are specifically looking for his tomb, then they are able to find it in less than ten minutes without any skill checks. The seal on Jean Pauls tomb reads, Jean Paul La Croix, Jan. 9, 1785 Dec. 7, 1805. His tomb is top one in that column of tombs. A successful Spot Hidden check will reveal that the grout around the marble seal is broken and crumbled away. Investigators of SIZ 16 or greater are tall enough to reach Jean Pauls tomb; shorter investigators will need to devise a way to reach the tomb, if they so desire it. Removing the seal is a STR vs. STR contest on the Resistance Table; the seal has STR 10. To the investigators surprise, (or maybe not), Jean Pauls coffin within his tomb is empty! 5. Because so many of the tombs in this mausoleum are in such disrepair, it takes three successful Spot Hidden checks to finally zero-in on the correct tomb that hides the entrance to the ghouls den. With the third successful skill roll, the investigators notice a tomb seal that not only has broken grout, but there is a strange symbol carved into the face of the seal. The symbol is of a lidless eye within an inverted triangle, one of the signs for the Chapel of Contemplation. If the investigators encountered the symbol for the chapel in The Haunting, then the Keeper should allow an Idea check for them to recognize that this symbol, although slightly different, is most likely similar in origin and meaning. The seal on this tomb reads, Evelyn La Croix, Oct. 10, 1766 Nov. 19, 1809, with the chapels symbol carved into the seal above Evelyns name. The first investigator to touch the seal must make a 0/1 Sanity check as the magical ward, (the symbol for the chapel), zaps the investigator with a 1 hit point of damage electrical shock. After the first touch, the ward is drained of energy, but any investigator that touches the seal now feels 13

By Jon Hook an irritating tingle on their foreheads. The sensation ceases once they stop touching the seal. Once the seal is removed, (this seal is STR 7), the investigators notice a wrought iron handle has been bolted to the back-side of the seal. Evelyns tomb is located at the bottom of the column her tomb is in, so the bottom of her tomb is level with the floor of the mausoleum. The inside of her tomb is completely empty, not even a coffin; inside, the investigators see a tunnel dug into the ground. Evelyns tomb is the entrance to the ghouls den, and leads to area 1 on The Ghouls Den map.

The Ghouls Den

For more than a century, the ghoul once known as Jean Paul La Croix has been tunneling under St. Michaels Memorial Garden. His network of tunnels was dug so he could raid freshly buried bodies. Jean Pauls secret entrance to the cemetery grounds is in his old family mausoleum, and his primary den is deep in the network of tunnels, area 4 below. The Ghouls Den (Game Map #3) 1. The Dens Entrance: This hand-dug chamber is approximately 10 round, with a steep ramp that leads up to Evelyns tomb in the La Croix family mausoleum above. The ramp has hand/foot holds dug into it, making it a very easy to climb up or down, (a +20% bonus to the Climb skill). The chamber is dank and smells of rotting earth. The floor of the chamber moist, with a small puddle of muddy water pooled in the center of the chamber. The networks of tunnels crisscrossing throughout cemetery that connect the various chambers are all quite narrow. In fact, all of the tunnels are so small that people must crawl on their hands and knees in single file to move through them. If the investigators are attempting to travel in a particular direction, or explore for a specific known location, will need a successful Navigate roll. Like the Dens Entrance, the tunnels are damp with small grass roots dangling from the ceiling, and they smell of rotting earth. A slick of water runs throughout the tunnels. It is impossible for someone to crawl through here without getting filthy from head to toe. Any investigator SIZ 12 or higher must make a 0/0 Sanity check; anyone failing this check refuses to be first to crawl into the tunnels. Any investigator with an existing phobia to darkness, tight spaces, or anything else that the Keeper feels is applicable also needs to make a 0/1 Sanity check; anyone failing a sanity check against an existing phobia will need to be successfully Persuaded by a fellow investigator before they will crawl through the ghouls tunnels. On occasion, the investigators will encounter one or two rats in the tunnels. The rats never attack; they always run away when an investigator gets near them. 2. Coffins: Each of these tunnels ends in a small chamber that measures approximately 8 wide, 4 deep, and 5 tall. Each chamber has one coffin in it. Each coffin is empty.


By Jon Hook 3. Continuing Network: These tunnels continue off the map and lead to other coffin chambers. Keepers may either run curious investigators through these tunnels on-the-fly, or they may have the investigators encounter things like a massive hoard of rats that are protecting a nest, and thus do not run away when the investigators get nearer, they attack. Keepers should reference the Rats entry in the Call of Cthulhu core rulebook. Or, the Keeper can have the investigators encounter a collapsed part of the tunnel, thus forcing them to go into another direction. The only entrances/exits to this maze of tunnels is area 1 noted above, and area 4 noted below. 4. Jean Pauls Den: This chamber is huge. Jean Paul has been working for the better part of a century on it. As the investigators are crawling toward this chamber, they can see a light source ahead of them emanating from the den. The smell of rot is even worse as they crawl closer to this chamber. As the investigators enter this chamber, they can see that the den is well lit by six lanterns hung throughout the room. The floor is covered in crushed and broken bones, some are animal bones, but there are scores and scores of human bones. There are also piles of bones in a couple of corners. One wall of the chamber has a huge copy of the Chapel of Contemplation symbol, and a small alter below it. Hidden under the small alter is a wooden box, and within that box is an English copy of The Cult of Ghouls, (detailed in the Mythos Grimoire section below); a successful Spot Hidden check is required to find the wooden box. There is an old wooden table next to a ring of stones around an extinguished campfire. The nude torso, head, and arms of a boy lay on the table. Seeing the dead boy on the table requires a 1/1d6 Sanity check, but if any investigator saw Det. Clarks crime photos of Wesley Farnsworth will recognize the remains on the table as Wesley, and must make a 1d2/1d6+1 Sanity check instead. There are a few wooden pallets on the floor with some moldy blankets on them, and at the back of the chamber is a huge exposed clay sewer pipe. The pipe is 6 in diameter, and it has a huge break in the pipe, exposing the sewage flowing out to Chesapeake Bay. The investigators have also found Faustino and Francesco, they are covered in dried filth and mud, but otherwise they look no worse for wear. The ghoul, Jean Paul, is not in the chamber. At this point, the investigators may suspect that one or both of the boys may be possessed by the spirit of Walter Corbitt, but it is also possible that they are completely unaware of Corbitts influence. Either way, Corbitt believes that he has been discovered, and that they know that he is within Francesco. But before Corbitt can act, and before the investigators can act, Faustino points at his brother and yells out to the investigators, Help! My brother is possessed by the Devil! Corbitt/Francesco then immediately reacts and says, Not me! Please help my brother; hes been possessed by the Devil, while pointing at Faustino. Unless all of the investigators made successful Sneak rolls while crawling through either of the tunnels that lead into the den, Corbitt was aware that the investigators were coming into the chamber, and has already cast Flesh Ward on himself.


By Jon Hook The boys will continue to try and convince the investigators that the other boy is the one possessed until the investigators choose to act. If any investigator tries to apprehend Francesco/ Corbitt, that is when Corbitt will choose to change his tactics and go on the offense. He will grab an iron rod that was leaning against the wall right behind him, and lash out at the investigators. When Corbitt finally decides to go on the offense, Francescos eyes begin to glow with a red light. Corbitt will taunt the investigators during combat, telling them that striking at him will kill the boy, Francesco, but he will just leap into a new body and continue to live on. This part is a lie, when Corbitt transferred a piece of his mind into Francesco, it cost him use of the Dominate spell. Corbitt is hoping that his lie will cause the investigators to delay and hold their actions long enough for him to either kill them, or have the ghoul, Jean Paul, return. Another combat tactic Keepers might consider is to have Corbitt grab Faustino and use him as a hostage or human shield until Jean Paul returns. The Keeper might also want to use the initial five combat rounds for Corbitt to give a classic villain monologue. Corbitt can boast about the rebirth of the Chapel of Contemplation, and how The One Who Waits in the Dark will conquer the earth and bathe in the blood of the fallen. Or he can tell the investigators how easy it was to bully and lure the children to the mausoleum so they could be sacrificed upon an alter of blood and bone. After the fifth combat round, the ghoul Jean Paul will arrive, and the investigators will be too preoccupied to listen to Corbitt monologue. It is impossible for the investigators to physically expel Corbitt from Francescos mind, but if the investigators tell the boys that their parents are dead, (against Maria Giordanos wishes), then both boys are overcome with unbelievable grief. Faustino begins to wail and cry immediately, but Francesco goes into an internal conflict that is apparent to everyone around him. The Keeper should then grant all of the investigators an Idea check. A successful roll will clue that investigator into the fact that Francesco is now in a battle of wills with the fiend Corbitt within his mind. The successful roll also informs the investigator that they can help Francesco in his battle by reminding him of the depth of his loss; he can never hug his mom again, never kiss her again, or hear her voice again. Any investigator trying to help Francesco in his battle with Corbitt must make a POW vs. POW contest against the Corbitt side of Francesco on the Resistance Table. If three investigators are successful in this contest, then the spirit of Corbitt is successfully destroyed, and Francesco is freed. If the investigators have Marias cameo necklace, (Player Handout #4), and they show it to Francesco during this conflict, then that automatically achieves one of the three successes they needed. If combat lasts for five rounds, then at the beginning of the sixth round, the ghoul Jean Paul enters the chamber from the open sewer pipe. The investigators may try a Listen check with a +15% bonus, (due to the echoing in the sewer pipe), at the end of the fifth combat round. A successful check will alert that investigator to someone approaching the chamber from the sewer. If any of the investigators were positioned to look into the sewer, looking for approaching danger, may first try a Spot Hidden check, with a -15% penalty due to darkness, to see the approaching ghoul. The Listen check is only done right as the ghoul approaches the break in the pipe that leads into the chamber. If all of the investigators fail their Spot Hidden and/or Listen 16

By Jon Hook checks, then the ghoul can make a surprise attack against them as he leaps into the chamber. The investigators must make a 0/1d6 Sanity check when the ghoul enters the chamber. If the Keeper has a particularly strong or aggressive party of investigators, and wants to ramp-up the level of danger, then he can have Jean Paul bring one or two other ghouls along with him. If three or more ghouls arrive all at once, then the investigators will automatically lose the maximum sanity loss on a failed sanity check, 6 Sanity. When the ghoul Jean Paul enters the chamber, show the investigators Player Handout #7.

If the investigators are able to rescue both boys and return them safely to the Giordanos, then they are paid the $550 reward. If for some reason Francesco should die, and only Faustino is returned to the Giordanos, then they will still pay the entire reward to the investigators, but only after they learn the conditions of his death. If the investigators did everything they could to save Francesco, but had to kill him as an act of mercy, then Faustino will support whatever story the investigators tell the Giordanos and the authorities. If the investigators were cruel, and Francescos death might have been unnecessary, then Faustino will tell his side of the story, resulting in the investigators being arrested by Det. Clark. If the investigators are arrested, then the Keeper may want to design an adventure where they have to clear their name by showing Det. Clark the ghouls hidden den.

The Rewards If the investigators successfully expel Corbitt from Francescos mind, and return both boys home safely, then each investigator gains 1d10 Sanity. If the investigators only save Faustino, and Francesco died only as a last resort, then each investigator gains 1d6 Sanity. If the investigators only save Faustino, and Francesco died recklessly or unnecessarily, then each investigator loses 1d6 Sanity. If the investigators defeat the ghoul Jean Paul, then each investigator gains 1d6 Sanity.

Mythos Grimoire The Cult of Ghouls, (English translation of Cultes Des Goules): Translated by: Joseph Curwen, Weeks to study: 20, Sanity loss: 1d4/1d10, Cthulhu Mythos: +11%, Spells: Black Binding, Call/ Dismiss Shub-Niggurath, Call/Dismiss The One Who Waits in the Dark*, Contact Ghoul, Resurrection, Shriveling, Summon/Bind Byakhee, and Voorish Sign. (*This spell is similar to Call/Dismiss Skinless One, since The One Who Waits in the Dark is yet another avatar of Nyarlathotep. This spell cost the caster and participants a varying amount of magic points, and 1d10 Sanity points to the caster. A blood sacrifice in total darkness is required to complete the 17

By Jon Hook spell, with each sacrifice increasing the percentage to complete the spell by 1%. The form of this avatar is that of an animated two-dimensional shadow of SIZ 20. Keepers are encouraged to design the stats for this avatar to fit the needs of their game, should someone be foolish enough to call him.) Flesh Ward: Grants protection against physical attack. The spell costs 1d4 Sanity points and a varying amount of magic points. Each magic point spent gives the caster, or chosen target, 1d6 points of armor against non-magical attacks. This protection wears off as it blocks damage. The spell takes five rounds to cast, and lasts 24 hours, or until the protection is used up. Once cast, the spell may not be reinforced with further magic points, nor recast until the old spells protection has been used up.

Non-Player Characters FAUSTINO MACARIO Concerned Twin STR 07 CON 10 SIZ 09 INT 15 POW 14 DEX 14 APP 16 EDU 05 SAN 85 HP 10 Damage Bonus: -1d4 Weapons: none Skills: Hide 75%, Listen 60%, Twin Empathy 80% FRANCESCO MACARIO / (WALTER CORBITT) Haunted Twin STR 07 (18) CON 10 (22) SIZ 09 INT 15 (16) POW 14 (18) DEX 14 APP 16 EDU 05 SAN 20 HP 10 (16) Damage Bonus: -1d4 (+1d4) Weapons: Iron rod (attack: 25%, damage: 1d8+DB) Spells: Flesh Ward, Shriveling, and Summon/Bind Dimensional Shambler Skills: Conceal 30%, Cthulhu Mythos 18%, Listen 60%, Mislead 65%, Sneak 80%, Twin Empathy 10% Sanity Loss: none JEAN PAUL LA CROIX Ghoul STR 17 CON 14 SIZ 10 INT 13 POW 13 DEX 15 Move 9 HP 12 Damage Bonus: +1d4 Weapons: Claws 30%, damage 1d6+DB; Bite 30%, damage 1d6 + automatic worry (see creature listing in core rulebook) Spells: Black Binding, Shriveling, and Summon/Bind Byakhee


By Jon Hook Skills: Burrow 75%, Climb 85%, Hide 60%, Jump 75%, Listen 70%, Scent Decay 65%, Sneak 80%, Spot Hidden 50% Sanity Loss: 0/1d6

Player Handouts Player Handout #1


By Jon Hook

Player Handout #2


By Jon Hook


By Jon Hook Player Handout #3

Player Handout #4


By Jon Hook Player Handout #5a

Player Handout #5b


By Jon Hook

Player Handout #6


By Jon Hook Player Handout #7

Game Maps Game Map #1: Colonial Cove


By Jon Hook

Game Map #2: The Macario Clubhouse

Game Map #3: The Ghouls Den 26

By Jon Hook


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