The Haunted Keeper Information: Bolded

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By Jon Hook

Keeper Information
Welcome to The Haunted, a sequel to Chaosiums classic introductory adventure, The Haunting. Keepers can ind the The Haunting in any edition o the core Call of Cthulhu rules, or even in Chaosiums Call of Cthulhu Quick Start Rules pd , availa!le or ree at """ #lder editions o the rules have the adventure titled as $he Haunted House, !ut that name "as chan%ed to avoid con usion "ith another adventure. &s this adventure is a sequel, it is stron%ly recommended that Keepers run their investi%ators throu%h The Haunting irst. $he author o this adventure has made the assumption that any Keeper runnin% it is amiliar "ith the ori%inal adventure, and sometimes makes re erence to it in this adventure. 't is assumed that the Keeper ran The Haunting in the classic ()*+s Call o Cthulhu settin%, thus this adventure "ill !e run in the same time period. Both adventures can !e recon i%ured to !e run in other time periods, !ut those ad,ustments are not covered in this document. -ost everythin% in this document is meant or the Keepers eyes only, !ut some parts are meant to !e read aloud to the investi%ators. $e.t meant to !e read aloud is italicized, "ith any %ame mechanics !ein% bol e . The Haunted is the investi%ation or missin% !oys, /austino and /rancesco -acario, the ten0 year old t"ins o 1ittorio and 2a!riela -acario. $he -acarios "ere the last amily to live in Walter Cor!itts haunted house. 3n!ekno"nst to all, the undead iend, Walter Cor!itt, trans erred a piece o his mind into /rancesco -acario in an attempt to have himsel re!orn, ,ust in case his e orts to ascend into an immortal !ein% ailed, 4as it eventually did5.

In!ol!in" the In!esti"ators

$he investi%ators notice an article in the ne"spaper in the national ne"s section, 46layer Handout 7(58 the articles headline says, More Lost Baltimore Boys. $he article reads9 The Baltimore, MD, police department has called off the most recent search for missing boys. Ten-year old twins, austino and rancesco Macario, were reported missing by their guardians, !nzo and Maria "iordano, one wee# ago. Detecti$e %ohn &lar# added the Macario names to a growing list of missing boys in the Baltimore area. 'ccording to Det. &lar#, ()t*s my belief that other than Mr. arnsworth, all of these boys are runaways. They*ll all return home once they*re hungry enough.+ Maria "iordano said, ()t*s possible that they may*$e runaway to Boston. ) pray e$ery day for their safe return.+ austino and rancesco*s parents, ,ittorio and "abriela Macario, were committed to the -o.bury /anitarium after an incident in their home. Maria is sister to "abriela. Desperate for the boys to come home, the "iordanos are offering a reward for their safe return. ()f anyone can help us find austino and rancesco safe and sound, we*re prepared to pay them our entire life*s sa$ings, 0112 dollars+, says Mr. "iordano.

By Jon Hook 2ive the players 6layer Handout 7( at the very !e%innin% o the adventure8 use it to kick0o the %ame. Because the investi%ators previously participated in The Haunting, the Keeper can remind them that the -acario amily "as the last to live in Walter Cor!itts house8 makin% this adventure a kind o closure to that investi%ation. &lso, the !ase motivation o a monetary re"ard should !e enou%h to dra" them into this adventure. $he ollo"in% scenes or this adventure are listed in the order that seemed the most or%anic !y the author or the investi%ation o the story, !ut Keepers should not eel constrained !y the order o these events. &s e.perienced Keepers kno", it is a rare thin% indeed "hen the investi%ators actually ollo" the pre0conceived order o events "ithin a Call o Cthulhu adventure. :ach scene is ully descri!ed !y the author, and also %ives su%%estions on ho" to levera%e the in ormation availa!le in that scene should the investi%ators circumvent it.

The #oston $lobe

$he investi%ators mi%ht !ite on the clue in the 6layer Handout 7( ne"spaper article a!out a -r. /arns"orth. ' they "ant to vie" the Boston "lobe*s ne"spaper mor%ue, they "ill need a success ul %ast Talk or &ersua e roll to %et in. &ny investi%ator "ith the occupation o Journalist "ill %et ;*+< !onus to their skill check, unless they are a sta mem!er or the Boston "lobe, in "hich case they %ain access to the mor%ue automatically. &ny investi%ator "ith the occupation o =ilettante may make a Cre it Ratin" roll instead o the /ast $alk or 6ersuade check to try and %ain entry to the mor%ue. &lso, i any investi%ator has previously visited this particular mor%ue, they "ill %et a ;>< !onus to their skill roll. #nce the investi%ators have %ained access to the mor%ue, they "ill need to make a success ul 'ibrar( Use roll to ind the article in question a!out -r. /arns"orth, 46layer Handout 7*5. $he article they ind is t"o "eeks old, and the headline says, "ruesome Murder3 $he article reads9 Baltimore police ha$e positi$ely identified the body of 4esley arnsworth, 56 years old. Disco$ered in &hesapea#e Bay on Thursday morning, 52 o*cloc#, by Mr. -udy "reer, a commercial fisherman. () was steaming bac# to harbor in need of repairs, when ) saw something in the water ahead of the bow. igured it for a buoy that come loose from its moorings, but as ) pulled alongside it became clear that it was no buoy ) found+, said Mr. "reer. Detecti$e %ohn &lar#, the detecti$e in charge of the case, released the following statement, () am able to confirm for you today that the body of young Mr. arnsworth was found. 4e are not releasing the details of his death, other than to say that it was a murder most foul. The people of Baltimore ha$e my word that ) will stop at nothing to bring the arnsworth family the 7ustice they deser$e.+ 4esley*s parents, -ichard and !lizabeth arnsworth, declined to comment. uneral ser$ices are scheduled for 6 o*cloc#, /unday afternoon, at /t. Michael*s Memorial "ardens. ' the investi%ators "ait until they %et to Baltimore to check or a ne"spaper article on -r. /arns"orth, then simply i%nore the name o the ne"spaper in 6layer Handout 7*, and mentally

By Jon Hook su!stitute in the name The Baltimore /un. ' or some reason the investi%ators choose not to search or the article on -r. /arns"orth, then their a!ility to complete the adventure should not !e adversely impacted "ithout it.

Ro)bur( Sanitarium
't is assumed that the investi%ators are not currently in or near the city o Baltimore, !ut instead are near enou%h to Boston to have previously participated in The Haunting. ' the investi%ators dont think to intervie" 1ittorio and 2a!riela, then the Keeper should allo" an I ea roll to or it. $he ?o.!ury @anitarium is located a e" miles outside o Boston. 3pon arrival, the investi%ators meet the ront desk receptionist, Ainda Bro"n. -s. Bro"n is sad to in orm them that 1ittorio is dead8 he took his o"n li e ,ust last ni%ht. When they inquire a!out 2a!riela, she says that no one is allo"ed to see her. & success ul &ersua e, alon% "ith a !ri!e o any reasona!le amount, "ill convince her to let the investi%ators in !et"een shi t chan%es. $hey "ill only have i teen minutes to talk to her i they %o that direction. When the time is ri%ht, -s. Bro"n "ill escort the investi%ators do"n to 2a!rielas cell. $he sturdy iron door has a tiny porthole door that -s. Bro"n opens so the investi%ators can have a ace0to0 ace conversation "ith 2a!riela. 2a!riela looks a ri%ht8 she is trussed0up in a strai%ht ,acket, and her room is literally a "hite padded cell. 'nvesti%ators may make a &s(choanal(sis roll "hen they see 2a!rielas current state8 a success ul roll "ill %ive that investi%ator the insi%ht that they have cau%ht 2a!riela in a moment o clarity. 2a!riela pleads to the investi%ators, (8lease, you must sa$e them3 )t has them3 )t comes to me in my dreams, whispering curses in my ear. )t wants my children9 it*s going to corrupt their souls. 8lease you*$e got to sa$e them3 )t taunts me9 it says that it has them, and that they are going to Hell itself3 "o to Baltimore, that*s where they are. /a$e them3+ $he investi%ators have little time to talk to her, or as soon as 2a!riela pleads her case to the investi%ators8 a shado" seems to all over her as a madness suddenly takes over. @he seems to %o into a stru%%le "ith an invisi!le oe. $he stru%%le ends "ith her stickin% her ton%ue out as ar as she can, ri%ht !e ore she !ites it o 8 sprayin% !lood and spittle rom her mouth. 2a!rielas !ody momentarily sti ens, and then she drops to the loor in a heap, still and li eless. $he investi%ators need to make a *+, - Sanit( check. &s soon as 2a!riela alls to the loor, -s. Bro"n rushes the investi%ators to an emer%ency to %et them out o there !e ore the doctors come runnin%. ' the investi%ators insist on stayin%, t"o hu%e hulkin% orderlies sho"0up !e ore the doctors do, and -s. Bro"n orders them to kick the investi%ators out. :ach orderly has STR ,., and investi%ators "ill have to match a%ainst them on the ?esistance $a!le i they still resist leavin%. Conversely, i the investi%ators ask to meet "ith 2a!rielas doctor, =r. -alcolm Aindsey, -s. Bro"n can arran%e that meetin% "ith a simple %ast Talk or non0!ri!ed &ersua e roll. =r. Aindsey is happy to talk to them in %eneralities, !ut "ill not discuss speci ic details a!out 2a!rielas illness or care. & success ul &s(cholo"( roll "ill endear =r. Aindsey to the

By Jon Hook investi%ators or their o!vious kno"led%e in the ield o psycholo%y8 investi%ators "ith the occupation o 6sycholo%ist %et a ;*+< !onus on this roll. He "ill share "ith them that 2a!riela screams every ni%ht a!out the sa ety o her children8 that )t has them. @he is quite distrau%ht over the sa ety o her children. =r. Aindsey is concerned a!out the sta o the hospital, !ecause o!viously someone is leakin% ne"s to her a!out her missin% children. ' the investi%ators try to convince =r. Aindsey to let them meet "ith 2a!riela, they may try either %ast Talk or &ersua e at hal their value, 4as a penalty5. =r. Aindsey is a pro essional, so it is very di icult to convince him to !end the rules. ' they are success ul thou%h, they "ill e.perience the same event "ith 2a!riela noted a!ove, !ut it "ill !e =r. Aindsey that escorts them to her cell, and he "ill escort them o the premises throu%h the ront door a ter she dies. ' the investi%ators ail to visit the sanitarium, the Keeper can have them overhear a report on the radio a!out 1ittorios recent suicide and 2a!rielas sudden atal heart attack.

Tra!elin" to #altimore
$he investi%ators may either drive to Baltimore, or take the train. 't "ill take B+ hours to drive there, versus only (C hours !y train. & one0"ay ticket to Baltimore rom Boston is D(.>+ per person. &ssumin% the investi%ators are travelin% !y train, they may talk "ith the conductor. $he Keeper may %rant an I ea roll to %ive them the idea that the conductor mi%ht kno" somethin% a!out ho" the railroad checks their trains or ho!os "ho try to ride the rails or ree. & success ul Cre it Ratin" roll "ill remind the conductor o his duty to !e a service to the passen%ers. He "ill tell them that contrary to popular !elie , the railroad is very %ood a!out erretin% out the ri 0ra that try to hop the rails either on passen%er trains or rei%ht trains. ' the investi%ators voice their concern a!out the !oys possi!ly makin% their "ay to Boston ille%ally !y rail, then the conductor "ill e.cuse himsel to %o to the radio room. Hell check "ith his supervisors to see i any o the rail lines have picked0up any !oys recently. $he conductor "ill return a hal hour later "ith in ormation a!out a doEen people cau%ht hidin% on a train, 4usually in a rei%ht trains !o. car5, !ut none o them are t"in ten0year old !oys. ' the investi%ators are drivin% to Baltimore, then on the mornin% o their second day drivin%, they pick0up a ne"spaper "ith an article that notes that due to the rash o runa"ays rom the Baltimore area, that the railroads have stepped0up their investi%ations or ho!os ridin% the rails. &nd "hile several people have !een cau%ht tryin% to sto"a"ay on the trains, none have met descriptions or any o the reportedly missin% !oys.

Arri!in" in #altimore
When the investi%ators arrive into Baltimore, "hether !y train or automo!ile, they "ill need to decide on "hat course o action to take. $he lo%ical course o action is to either visit the 2iordano home or =et. Clark. #r, they mi%ht "ant to do a pu!lic li!rary or ne"spaper mor%ue search, or may!e secure a hotel room to use a !ase o operations. $he 2iordano, =et. Clark, pu!lic li!rary, and ne"spaper mor%ue scenes are detailed !elo"8 i the investi%ators choose to

By Jon Hook ind lod%in%s, then the Keeper can ad0hoc role0play any appropriate type o room and !oard, and its cost, or them.

The #altimore Sun

$he Baltimore @un !uildin% is located in do"nto"n Baltimore, and is not located on the provided map o Colonial Cove, 42ame -ap 7(5. ' the investi%ators did not look or, or success ully ind, the ne"spaper article on Wesley /arns"orth, 46layer Handout 7*58 then they may do so a%ain at $he Baltimore @un. $he same skill checks and possi!le !onuses noted in $he Boston 2lo!e scene a!ove to ind the article also apply in this scene. &nd a%ain, not collectin% this article should not ,eopardiEe the investi%ators a!ility to complete this adventure. $here are no other articles o note to ind in $he @un mor%ue, !ut a success ul 'ibrar( Use roll "ill also %ive the investi%ators the home address o the 2iordano amily.

#altimore &ublic 'ibrar(

$he li!rary is location B on the Colonial Cove map, 42ame -ap 7(5. &%ain, it is possi!le to ind the ne"spaper article on Wesley /arns"orth in some o the archived ne"spapers in the li!rary. & simple 'ibrar( Use roll is all that is need to ind it. &nd another 'ibrar( Use check "ill also reveal the 2iordanos home address in a stack o pu!lic housin% records. $here is nothin% else to ind in the li!rary.

Det/ 0ohn Clark

$he police station is location & on the Colonial Cove map, 42ame -ap 7(5. /indin% the Baltimore 6olice =epartment is as easy as askin% a common !eat0cop or directions, !ut meetin% "ith =et. Clark is a little more di icult. ' the investi%ators call ahead to the police station, they reach # icer =onald -cAeod, and they may try to schedule an appointment to meet "ith =et. Clark throu%h him. & success ul Cre it Ratin" roll "ill %rant the investi%ators a meetin% "ith him on the ne.t mornin%8 "hile a critically success ul roll %rants an immediate meetin% "ith him. ' they dont call ahead, and ,ust %o directly to the station, they meet # icer -cAeod as he "orks the ront desk. $he police station is a !ee hive o activity as the investi%ators o!serve lots o uni ormed police o icers !ustlin% a!out, to and ro. $he activity in the station is already chaotic enou%h or # icer -cAeod, so i the investi%ators ,ust sho" up lookin% or =et. Clark, they su er a 0(+< penalty to their Cre it Ratin" roll. Go other o icers have the time or inclination to help the investi%ators, so they "ill have to "ait or =et. Clark to !ecome availa!le. #nce =et. Clark !ecomes availa!le, he invites the investi%ators to meet "ith him in his o ice. Because o the success ul Credit ?atin% roll required to %et the appointment "ith =et. Clark, he already kno"s that the investi%ators have some level o clout. What he doesnt kno" is "hat they "ant. >

By Jon Hook =et. Clarks o ice is a private o ice ,ust o the main squad room "here all o the re%ular o icers have their desks. His o ice has a couple o lar%e "indo"s that look into the squad room, and those "indo"s have aluminum !linds on them. His door has a lar%e rosted "indo" on it "ith is name stenciled on the %lass. $"o other "indo"s look outside, and a sin%le0!ul! li%ht i.ture "ith a "ire %rill han%s rom the ceilin% over his desk. His desk has a lar%e !lack phone in one corner and a heavy metal type"riter in the other. =et. Clark is sittin% in a "ooden s"ivel desk chair, and t"o re%ular "ooden chairs sit in ront o his desk. $he investi%ators are escorted to =et. Clarks o ice !y a rookie cop on his irst "eek o duty. &s the investi%ators enter the o ice, they see =et. Clark scoop some paper"ork to%ether in a heap, put the heap into a manila older, and then close the older. =et. Clark looks up and says, (Let*s get right down to business. 4ho are you, and what can ) do for you:+ ' the investi%ators are honest a!out "hy they are in Baltimore, then the detective tries to assure them that he as thorou%hly investi%ated the !oys disappearances, and is con ident that they are ,ust runa"ays that "ill soon !e comin% home. ' the investi%ators ask =et. Clark a!out the murder o Wesley /arns"orth, they "ill need make a success ul %ast Talk or &ersua e roll8 investi%ators "ith any kind o police o icer or detective occupation %ets a ;*+< !onus to their roll. Conversely, investi%ators "ith any kind o ,ournalist or "riter occupation, 4and =et. Clark has !een in ormed that they are a ,ournalist or "riter5, %et a 0(+< penalty to their roll !ecause =et. Clark is actively "ithholdin% in ormation a!out this case rom the pu!lic until he can solve it. With the success ul /ast $alk or 6ersuade roll, =et. Clark tells them, ()*m still loo#ing for the fiends that murdered that poor boy. The autopsy confirmed that the boy fought his attac#ers before being cut to ribbons. 's near as ) can tell, the boy was 7umped by an un#nown number of attac#ers armed with crude home-made #ni$es that inflicted 7agged cuts similar to claw mar#s, but much larger than any #ind of animal attac#, unless he was attac#ed by a bear.+ He adds under his !reath. ()*$e tried to carefully retraced Mr. arnsworth*s final actions, and ) suspect that once he was attac#ed, Mr. arnsworth made a brea# for the bay. 8robably hoping to swim away. ;nfortunately, his murderers hit an artery during their attac#, so it was only a matter of time before he would die.+ =et. Clark "ill only share the actual case ile "ith other la" en orcements people, and only i that investi%ator is critically success ul on a ne" Cre it Ratin" roll. &nyone vie"in% the case ile photos o Wesley /arns"orths mutilated !ody needs to make a *+, - Sanit( check. &nyone vie"in% the open case ile may attempt either a 'ibrar( Use or Spot Hi en roll, "hichever is hi%her, !ut anyone "ho tries to %lance at the hurriedly closed case ile older on the desk may attempt a simple Spot Hi en check. With a success ul check, 4Ai!rary 3se or @pot Hidden5, the investi%ator notices a circled and hand0"ritten note that says &olonial &o$e. ' asked, =et. Clark "ill admit that he has not yet i%ured out "here the actual attack a%ainst Wesley /arns"orth took place, !ut he !elieves it mi%ht have taken place some"here in Colonial Cove. =et. Clark "arns the investi%ators to keep their noses out o his investi%ation, and or them to stick to lookin% or the -acario !oys.

By Jon Hook

The $ior ano Home

$he 2iordano home is location C on the Colonial Cove map, 42ame -ap 7(5. $he investi%ators can discover the 2iordano home address in a num!er o "ays. $hey can use the li!rary, the ne"spaper mor%ue, or simply pick up a phone and ask the s"itch!oard operator8 in the ()*+s no one "as concerned a!out keepin% their home address secretive. Whether the investi%ators call ahead or not, :nEo and -aria 2iordano are availa!le to meet "ith the investi%ators immediately, 4no skill roll needed5. $he 2iordanos, :nEo, 4a teamster driver5, and -aria, 4a homemaker5, are !eside themselves "ith "orry. :nEo has !een o "ork the entire time that the !oys have !een %one, and their house is a "reck as -aria has %iven up tryin% to clean0up until the !oys come home. $he 2iordanos "elcome any help possi!le to ind the !oys8 they provide the investi%ators "ith a photo o the t"o !oys, 46layer Handout 7B5. ' the investi%ators are interested, they may try a &s(cholo"( check8 a success ul roll in orms the investi%ator that the 2iordanos %rie and "orry is %enuine, and that they are not holdin% !ack any in ormation a!out the disappearance o the !oys. 'nvesti%ators that "ant to try and ease o o their %rie may try another &s(cholo"( check8 a success "ill endear the 2iordanos to the investi%ators even more. ' the investi%ators are success ul in easin% their %rie , then -aria "ill also %ive the investi%ators the necklace she is "earin%. $he necklace has a hin%ed cameo charm on it "ith a small photo o 2a!riela inside o it, 46layer Handout 7F5. $he investi%ators may use %ast Talk to ilter throu%h all o the in ormation that the 2iordanos are voluntarily providin% to them, in order to !oil it do"n to the most important clues. & success ul skill check "ill provide the ollo"in% in ormation to the investi%ators9 The boys ha$e had a hard time integrating into their new school. Their teacher, Mrs. Birdswell, is $ery concerned about them. </ee the (&olonial &o$e 8ublic /chool+ lead below= The "iordanos ha$e gotten a few complaints from some of the other neighborhood parents that the boys ha$e been fighting with the neighborhood boys. </ee the (>eighborhood Boys+ lead below= Maria tells them that the boys are $ery emotional, and they miss their parents terribly. /he begs the in$estigators that should they find the boys, for them to not tell them that their parents ha$e died. Because it would de$astate them, and she doesn*t want to put the boys through anymore tragedy.

' the investi%ators "ere unsuccess ul in their /ast $alk roll, the 2iordanos are ,ust clueless and cant think o anythin% that "ould !e help ul to them, !ut "ill "ant their contact in o so they can reach the investi%ators in case they do think o somethin%. $he investi%ators may attempt I ea checks to see i they can i%ure out the Colonial Cove 6u!lic @chool and Gei%h!orhood Boys leads themselves.

By Jon Hook

Colonial Co!e &ublic School

$he school is location = on the Colonial Cove map, 42ame -ap 7(5. =ependin% on "hen the investi%ators visit the school, there may or may not !e any students8 aculty mem!ers are availa!le or a e" hours a ter the classes are dismissed. &%ain, !ein% set in the ()*+s, school security is la., so any stran%ers on campus "ith any kind o air o authority are at least politely tolerated and addressed. #nly stran%ers that pro,ect hostility or look like a ho!o are run0o immediately. &s the investi%ators enter the school, they see an elderly man, -r. 2iles 6o"ell the ,anitor, s"eepin% the hall "ith a !room. -r. 6o"ell can direct the investi%ators to -rs. Birds"ells classroom or to 6rincipal /ords o ice. -rs. :leanor Birds"ells classroom is quaint and simple. $he room has t"enty childrens desks8 the classic one0piece chairJdesk piece o urniture "ith a hin%ed desktop lid over a !in or the stora%e o each childs school supplies. $he room also has a lar%e chalk !oard and a lar%e "ooden desk and chair or the teacher. When the investi%ators enter the room, -rs. Birds"ell is %radin% some papers. $he investi%ators need to make a success ul Cre it Ratin" check to ,usti y their presence and need to talk to her, investi%ators "ith any type o education occupation %et a ;(>< to their !onus. Without this success ul skill check, she "ill insist that they speak to 6rincipal /ord, and she "ill escort them to him. ' they are success ul in their skill check, then they may attempt a %ast Talk roll to %ain some in ormation rom her a!out the -acario !oys. & success ul roll reveals9 The boys were ?uic# to get angry when things didn*t go their way. Mrs. Birdswell has o$erheard them tal#ing to some of the other #ids about 7oining their club, <she has no idea what club it is@was, and assumes that it must*$e been some #ind of game they were playing=. ' couple of the other missing boys were also from her class, 4Keepers can make up those names5. Mrs. Birdswell can point out each of the boy*s des#s.

@earchin% /austinos desk "ith a success ul Spot Hi en roll "ill reveal some hidden art"ork dra"n !y the !oys, 46layer Handouts 7>a and 7>!5. :ach piece o art seems to !e a similar scene rom t"o di erent perspectives. /rancescos art depicts lon% cla"ed arms comin% out o a !lack circle on the %round %ra!!in% a !oy in terror "ith /austino in the !ack%round "atchin% the event sadly. /austinos art depicts lon% cla"ed arms comin% out o a !lack circle on the %round %ra!!in% a !oy in terror "ith /rancesco in the !ack%round "atchin% the event happily8 /rancescos eyes are red. Because neither piece o art is si%ned, so it is impossi!le to kno" "hich !rother did "hich piece o art or "hich !rother is depicted in each piece o art. 1ie"in% the art"ork is a ,+, 1 Sanit( check. 'n addition, investi%ators vie"in% the art may try an Art skill check, 4or Art2 Dra3in" or Art2 Appraisal skill check58 a success ul roll %rants them ;,4 Cthulhu 5(thos.

By Jon Hook 6rincipal =avid /ords o ice is neat and clean. $he investi%ators "ill need a success ul Cre it Ratin" roll to ,usti y their need to talk to him8 investi%ators "ith any type o education occupation %et a ;(>< !onus. 6rincipal /ord can con irm that the -acario !oys "ere trou!led !oys that have already !een sent to his o ice in the short time that they have !een attendin% CC6@. 6rincipal /ord kno"s very little a!out the !oys !eyond their disciplinary issues. ' the investi%ators ask to see the !oys o icial school records, 6rincipal /ord is happy to share it "ith them. With a success ul Accountin" roll, the investi%ators discover a transcript a!out the !oys clu!house in @t. -ichaels -emorial 2ardens. ' the investi%ators miss the opportunity or this clue, they should !e a!le to %et it in the Gei%h!orhood Boys scene !elo".

Neighborhood Boys
' the investi%ators dont think to intervie" the nei%h!orhood !oys on their o"n, then the Keeper may %rant them an I ea check or it. $he investi%ators can ind the nei%h!orhood !oys playin% a %ame o stick!all on 6otee @t. on the Colonial Cove map, 42ame -ap 7(5. Gone o the !oys, 4appro.imately (* K (> o them5, are individually named here, so i need !e the Keeper can name them or the investi%ators. 't takes a success ul %ast Talk or &ersua e roll to %et in ormation rom the !oys, "ith emale investi%ators o A&& ,6 or %reater %ainin% a ;(+< !onus, and anyone providin% a !ri!e %ainin% a ;(+< !onus to their roll. The boys tell the in$estigators that the austino and rancesco wanted them to 7oin their club9 4a success ul Kno3 roll "ill in orm the investi%ator that a clu! is slan% or a %an%. $he -acario t"ins "ere tryin% to start a %an%5. The Macario clubhouse is an old mausoleum in /t. Michael*s Memorial "ardens.

' asked, three o the !oys "ill %uide the investi%ators to the clu!house, !ut they re use to %o into the old mausoleum.

St/ 5ichael7s 5emorial $ar ens

$he mausoleum clu!house is located "ithin location / on the Colonial Cove map, 42ame -ap 7(5. Aocation : on the 2ame -ap 7( is @t. -ichaels Catholic Church. $he %rounds o @t. -ichaels church and cemetery are old and over%ro"n. Hu%e trees, thick ve%etation, and lots o %rand tom!stones and mausoleums have turned @t. -ichaels -emorial 2ardens into a virtual maEe. 't is quite easy to %et lost in the cemetery. & success ul Na!i"ate skill check is required to travel throu%h the cemetery, "ith the requirement that the individual already has a reasona!le understandin% o his destinations location in the cemetery. Without any destination kno"led%e, then a 'uck roll is required, "ith a 0(>< penalty, to reach the intended destination. ' the investi%ators allo" the trio o nei%h!orhood !oys to %uide them to the -acario clu!house, then the success o indin% the e.act mausoleum is automatic. $he main entrance to the cemetery is on Hanover @t, ne.t to @t. -ichaels Catholic Church. $here is also a secondary side entrance on ?ed!ird @t. ' the investi%ators scout out the mausoleum ahead o time, they "ill learn that the mausoleum looks old, !roken do"n, and in )

By Jon Hook disrepair. 't is the old mausoleum or the Aa Croi. amily. 't is possi!le to %ather some in ormation a!out the mausoleum and the Aa Croi. amily in the archived church records in @t. -ichaels Catholic Church. @t. -ichaels is a poor church that runs a soup kitchen and provides shelter or the homeless. /r. :nrique =omin%o is the current priest8 he is H+ years old, and has !een at @t. -ichaels or i teen years. /r. =omin%o is very active, so the investi%ators "ill need a success ul Cre it Ratin" roll to %et a moment o his time8 the investi%ators are not a!le to search the archived church records "ithout /r. =omin%os !lessin%. 'nvesti%ators that donate at least t"o dollars to the church "ill %et a ;(>< !onus to their roll. $he investi%ators may also try a %ast Talk roll to see i /r. =omin%o has any other in ormation a!out the old mausoleum or the cemetery in %eneral. With a success ul roll, /r. =omin%o tells them9 r. Domingo has had a problem recently of boys $andalizing some of the headstones. The $andalism includes the damaging of some headstones and the brea#-in of some of the family mausoleums. r. Domingo used to employ some of the more unfortunate men who use /t. Michael*s as a shelter to clean and tend the cemetery, but the $andals ha$e also ta#en to beating up on the homeless men. To the point now where none of the homeless will accept any wor# in the cemetery. Many of the men that /t. Michael*s used to gi$e shelter to ha$e disappeared without a trace9 no doubt dri$en off by the $andals, r. Domingo surmises.

$he archived church records are located in the churchs cold, !ut dry, !asement. & success ul 'ibrar( Use roll is required to ind Aa Croi. amily records, three lar%e hand0"ritten tomes o %emolo%ical and church history. $he ollo"in% in ormation is airly easy to acquire8 it takes one hour to %ather the ollo"in% in ormation9 The La &roi. family*s earliest records document 8ierre and !$elyn La &roi. 7oining the church on March 51th, 5AB1, with the baptism of their first son, %ean 8aul. The boo#s contain the list of se$en more children born to 8ierre and !$elyn. The history begins to get ?uite e.tensi$e as the La &roi. family tree begins to grow and e.pand as sons ta#e wi$es, and daughters 7oin some of the other church families.

& lon% and care ul read o the tomes, 4ei%ht hours minimum5, alon% "ith a success ul Accountin" check is required to ind the detailed in ormation !elo". :ach additional hour invested researchin% the tomes, past the minimum required, "ill %rant a ;>< !onus per hour to the investi%ators skill roll. $he e.tra in ormation ound is9 'ugust 5Cth, 5B26 D The La &roi. family re?uest prayer for the return of their son, %ean 8aul, who has run away from home. %uly Erd, 5B21 D The La &roi. family celebrates the return of their lost son.


By Jon Hook %uly 56th, 5B21 D The La &roi. family is horrified by the changes in their son, both physically and mentally. They petition the church to perform an e.orcism. 'ugust Bth, 5B21 D r. %ames rancis petitions the diocese for an e.orcism. December Fth, 5B21 D &ardinal !dward Talbot arri$es to perform the La &roi. e.orcism. December 1th, 5B21 D %ean 8aul La &roi. is se?uestered by his parents into an attic room in their home. Many s#etches and papers written by %ean 8aul are declared blasphemous and destroyed. <!.cept for one scrap of paper with a strange s#etch on it that is found in the tome ne.t to this entry.= 2ive the investi%ators 6layer Handout 7H. December Ath, 5B21 D The e.orcism ends with %ean 8aul*s death, due to a sudden heart attac# as the De$il was e.pelled from his soul. December Ath, 5B21 D %ean 8aul La &roi. is interned in the family tomb.

Go other in ormation is availa!le in the tome on Jean 6aul Aa Croi., includin% ho" he !ecame possessed, "hat that stran%e sym!ol represents, or "hy he "as !uried on the same day he died. 'n truth, Jean 6aul dropped out o polite society at a%e seventeen, and he soon ound himsel in the seedy under!elly o Baltimore. 't "as there, livin% like a ho!o, that Jean 6aul discovered a clan o %houls. /ascinated !y them, he slo"ly "orked his "ay into their society. He learned a!out their culture, ecolo%y, and this clans "orship o $he #ne Who Waits in the =ark, until inally he !e%an to chan%e into a %houl himsel . $he chan%es in his mind and !ody ri%htened him, so he led the %houls and returned to his amily. Jean 6auls trans ormation continued, until his amily inally turned to the church or help, !elievin% him to !e possessed !y the =evil himsel . &s Jean 6auls mind continued to reshape itsel into a %houls mind, he !e%an "ritin% ,ournals and makin% sketches to document his education "ith the %houl clan. &s noted a!ove, all o his "ritin%s "ere destroyed !y the church, e.cept or a stran%e sketch o a lidless eye "ithin an inverted trian%le. $his sketch is a sym!ol, 4one o many5, or the Chapel o Contemplation, an ancient cult or $he #ne Who Waits in the =ark. &s luck "ould have it, it "as on the day o his e.orcism that Jean 6auls conversion into a %houl "as inally %oin% to culminate. $here "as a %reat contest o "ills on that day, !et"een Cardinal $al!ot and Jean 6aul, and in the end ,ust as Jean 6auls inal vesti%e o humanity aded a"ay, his ne" %houl !ody "ent into a massive seiEure and then collapsed. Cardinal $al!ot and the Aa Croi. amily !elieved that the e.orcism "orked, !ut at the cost o Jean 6auls li e8 "hen in reality, his ne" !ody suddenly snapped into a deep hi!ernation a ter its dramatic conversion. Cardinal $al!ot entom!ed Jean 6aul on the same day o his death to prevent anyone outside the immediate amily rom vie"in% the horror that Jean 6aul had !ecome.

The 5acario Clubhouse

#nce /austino and /rancesco "ere moved to Baltimore, the spark o Walter Cor!itt in /rancesco remem!ered a %houl once kno"n as Jean 6aul Aa Croi. that lived in Baltimore. /rancesco, 4driven !y Cor!itt5, lead his !rother in search o the %houl, Jean 6aul. & ter much searchin%, the


By Jon Hook !oys inally ound the Aa Croi. amily mausoleum, and "ithin the mausoleum they discovered a hidden door"ay to the %houls den under @t. -ichaels -emorial 2ardens. Cor!itt kne" a!out Jean 6aul and the %houls in Baltimore !ecause they too "orship $he #ne Who Waits in the =ark, as records in the Boston chapter o the Chapel o Contemplation noted. $he -acario Clu!house 42ame -ap 7*5 (. $he door to this mausoleum is old and in severe disrepair. #nce upon a time, there "as an iron %ate over heavy oak door, !ut "hen the investi%ators come to the mausoleum they ind the old "rou%ht iron %ate discarded to the "ayside. $he %ate is peppered in rust and over%ro"n "eeds and ivy have laced throu%h the %ate and holds it irmly to the %round. @o it is o!vious that the %ate has !een o its hin%es or years. $he oak door is s"ollen and very di icult to move. $he door is stuck hal 0"ay open. ' the investi%ators "ant to try and move the door, they need to do an opposed roll on the ?esistance $a!le o @$? vs. @$?8 the door has a STR -*. *. $he center cham!er has decorative tile inlaid in the loor, "ith mar!le on the "alls, and a %lass dome ceilin% a!ove. &ll o the %lass in the dome ceilin% a!ove has lon% a%o !een !roken out, so rain and leaves can reely all into this part o the mausoleum. $here are a couple o decorative urns in artistic niches on the curved "alls in this room. $here are a!andoned !irds nests in the urns. B. :ach cham!er o the mausoleum holds BH individual tom!s or the Aa Croi. amily. :ach "all o each cham!er is si. tom!s "ide, !y three tom!s hi%h. :ach tom! has a mar!le seal "ith the decedents name, !irth, and death dates. $he end o each cham!er also has a small leaded stained %lass "indo". &ll o the loors in each cham!er are covered in dust and leaves. $here are also child0siEed ootprints all over the place. $he chaos o ootprints masks "hich tom! is the entrance to the %houls den. ' the investi%ators attempt to open any o the tom!s, it requires a @$? vs. @$? test on the ?esistance $a!le, "ith the tom! seals varyin% in stren%th rom STR 8 9 STR ,,. #ther than the tom!s noted !elo", they al"ays ind a co in "ith a lon% dead corpse "ithin. F. ' the investi%ators are a"are o Jean 6aul, and are speci ically lookin% or his tom!, then they are a!le to ind it in less than ten minutes "ithout any skill checks. $he seal on Jean 6auls tom! reads, %ean 8aul La &roi., %an. C, 5AB1 D Dec. A, 5B21. His tom! is top one in that column o tom!s. & success ul @pot Hidden check "ill reveal that the %rout around the mar!le seal is !roken and crum!led a"ay. 'nvesti%ators o SI: ,; or %reater are tall enou%h to reach Jean 6auls tom!8 shorter investi%ators "ill need to devise a "ay to reach the tom!, i they so desire it. ?emovin% the seal is a @$? vs. @$? contest on the ?esistance $a!le8 the seal has STR ,*. $o the investi%ators surprise, 4or may!e not5, Jean 6auls co in "ithin his tom! is emptyL >. Because so many o the tom!s in this mausoleum are in such disrepair, it takes three success ul Spot Hi en checks to inally Eero0in on the correct tom! that hides the entrance to the %houls den. With the third success ul skill roll, the investi%ators notice a tom! seal that not only has !roken %rout, !ut there is a stran%e sym!ol carved into the


By Jon Hook ace o the seal. $he sym!ol is o a lidless eye "ithin an inverted trian%le, one o the si%ns or the Chapel o Contemplation. ' the investi%ators encountered the sym!ol or the chapel in The Haunting, then the Keeper should allo" an I ea check or them to reco%niEe that this sym!ol, althou%h sli%htly di erent, is most likely similar in ori%in and meanin%. $he seal on this tom! reads, !$elyn La &roi., Gct. 52, 5AHH D >o$. 5C, 5B2C, "ith the chapels sym!ol carved into the seal a!ove :velyns name. $he irst investi%ator to touch the seal must make a *+, Sanit( check as the ma%ical "ard, 4the sym!ol or the chapel5, Eaps the investi%ator "ith a ( hit point o dama%e electrical shock. & ter the irst touch, the "ard is drained o ener%y, !ut any investi%ator that touches the seal no" eels an irritatin% tin%le on their oreheads. $he sensation ceases once they stop touchin% the seal. #nce the seal is removed, 4this seal is STR 85, the investi%ators notice a "rou%ht iron handle has !een !olted to the !ack0side o the seal. :velyns tom! is located at the !ottom o the column her tom! is in, so the !ottom o her tom! is level "ith the loor o the mausoleum. $he inside o her tom! is completely empty, not even a co in8 inside, the investi%ators see a tunnel du% into the %round. :velyns tom! is the entrance to the %houls den, and leads to area ( on $he 2houls =en map.

The $houl7s Den

/or more than a century, the %houl once kno"n as Jean 6aul Aa Croi. has !een tunnelin% under @t. -ichaels -emorial 2arden. His net"ork o tunnels "as du% so he could raid reshly !uried !odies. Jean 6auls secret entrance to the cemetery %rounds is in his old amily mausoleum, and his primary den is deep in the net"ork o tunnels, area F !elo". $he 2houls =en 42ame -ap 7B5 (. $he =ens :ntrance9 $his hand0du% cham!er is appro.imately (+ round, "ith a steep ramp that leads up to :velyns tom! in the Aa Croi. amily mausoleum a!ove. $he ramp has handJ oot holds du% into it, makin% it a very easy to clim! up or do"n, 4a ;*+< !onus to the Climb skill5. $he cham!er is dank and smells o rottin% earth. $he loor o the cham!er moist, "ith a small puddle o muddy "ater pooled in the center o the cham!er. $he net"orks o tunnels crisscrossin% throu%hout cemetery that connect the various cham!ers are all quite narro". 'n act, all o the tunnels are so small that people must cra"l on their hands and knees in sin%le ile to move throu%h them. ' the investi%ators are attemptin% to travel in a particular direction, or e.plore or a speci ic kno"n location, "ill need a success ul Na!i"ate roll. Aike the =ens :ntrance, the tunnels are damp "ith small %rass roots dan%lin% rom the ceilin%, and they smell o rottin% earth. & slick o "ater runs throu%hout the tunnels. 't is impossi!le or someone to cra"l throu%h here "ithout %ettin% ilthy rom head to toe. &ny investi%ator @'M (* or hi%her must make a *+* Sanit( check8 anyone ailin% this check re uses to !e irst to cra"l into the tunnels. &ny investi%ator "ith an e.istin% pho!ia to darkness, ti%ht spaces, or anythin% else that the Keeper eels is applica!le also needs to make a *+, Sanit( check8 anyone ailin% a sanity check a%ainst an e.istin% pho!ia "ill need to !e success ully &ersua e !y a ello" investi%ator !e ore they "ill cra"l throu%h the


By Jon Hook %houls tunnels. #n occasion, the investi%ators "ill encounter one or t"o rats in the tunnels. $he rats never attack8 they al"ays run a"ay "hen an investi%ator %ets near them. *. Co ins9 :ach o these tunnels ends in a small cham!er that measures appro.imately C "ide, F deep, and > tall. :ach cham!er has one co in in it. :ach co in is empty. B. Continuin% Get"ork9 $hese tunnels continue o the map and lead to other co in cham!ers. Keepers may either run curious investi%ators throu%h these tunnels on0the0 ly, or they may have the investi%ators encounter thin%s like a massive hoard o rats that are protectin% a nest, and thus do not run a"ay "hen the investi%ators %et nearer, they attack. Keepers should re erence the ?ats entry in the Call of Cthulhu core rule!ook. #r, the Keeper can have the investi%ators encounter a collapsed part o the tunnel, thus orcin% them to %o into another direction. $he only entrancesJe.its to this maEe o tunnels is area ( noted a!ove, and area F noted !elo". F. Jean 6auls =en9 $his cham!er is hu%e. Jean 6aul has !een "orkin% or the !etter part o a century on it. &s the investi%ators are cra"lin% to"ard this cham!er, they can see a li%ht source ahead o them emanatin% rom the den. $he smell o rot is even "orse as they cra"l closer to this cham!er. &s the investi%ators enter this cham!er, they can see that the den is "ell lit !y si. lanterns hun% throu%hout the room. $he loor is covered in crushed and !roken !ones, some are animal !ones, !ut there are scores and scores o human !ones. $here are also piles o !ones in a couple o corners. #ne "all o the cham!er has a hu%e copy o the Chapel o Contemplation sym!ol, and a small alter !elo" it. Hidden under the small alter is a "ooden !o., and "ithin that !o. is an :n%lish copy o (The &ult of "houls+, 4detailed in the -ythos 2rimoire section !elo"58 a success ul Spot Hi en check is required to ind the "ooden !o.. $here is an old "ooden ta!le ne.t to a rin% o stones around an e.tin%uished camp ire. $he nude torso, head, and arms o a !oy lay on the ta!le. @eein% the dead !oy on the ta!le requires a ,+, ; Sanit( check, !ut i any investi%ator sa" =et. Clarks crime photos o Wesley /arns"orth "ill reco%niEe the remains on the ta!le as Wesley, and must make a , -+, ;<, Sanit( check instead. $here are a e" "ooden pallets on the loor "ith some moldy !lankets on them, and at the !ack o the cham!er is a hu%e e.posed clay se"er pipe. $he pipe is H in diameter, and it has a hu%e !reak in the pipe, e.posin% the se"a%e lo"in% out to Chesapeake Bay. $he investi%ators have also ound /austino and /rancesco, they are covered in dried ilth and mud, !ut other"ise they look no "orse or "ear. $he %houl, Jean 6aul, is not in the cham!er. &t this point, the investi%ators may suspect that one or !oth o the !oys may !e possessed !y the spirit o Walter Cor!itt, !ut it is also possi!le that they are completely una"are o Cor!itts in luence. :ither "ay, Cor!itt !elieves that he has !een discovered, and that they kno" that he is "ithin /rancesco. But !e ore Cor!itt can act, and !e ore the investi%ators can act, /austino points at his !rother and yells out to the investi%ators, (Help3 My brother is possessed by the De$il3+ Cor!ittJ/rancesco then immediately reacts and says, (>ot me3 8lease help my brother9 he*s been possessed by the De$il+, "hile pointin% at /austino. 3nless all o the investi%ators made success ul Sneak rolls "hile cra"lin% throu%h either o the tunnels that lead into the den,


By Jon Hook Cor!itt "as a"are that the investi%ators "ere comin% into the cham!er, and has already cast %lesh =ar on himsel . $he !oys "ill continue to try and convince the investi%ators that the other !oy is the one possessed until the investi%ators choose to act. ' any investi%ator tries to apprehend /rancescoJCor!itt, that is "hen Cor!itt "ill choose to chan%e his tactics and %o on the o ense. He "ill %ra! an iron rod that "as leanin% a%ainst the "all ri%ht !ehind him, and lash out at the investi%ators. When Cor!itt inally decides to %o on the o ense, /rancescos eyes !e%in to %lo" "ith a red li%ht. Cor!itt "ill taunt the investi%ators durin% com!at, tellin% them that strikin% at him "ill kill the !oy, /rancesco, !ut he "ill ,ust leap into a ne" !ody and continue to live on. $his part is a lie, "hen Cor!itt trans erred a piece o his mind into /rancesco, it cost him use o the Dominate spell. Cor!itt is hopin% that his lie "ill cause the investi%ators to delay and hold their actions lon% enou%h or him to either kill them, or have the %houl, Jean 6aul, return. &nother com!at tactic Keepers mi%ht consider is to have Cor!itt %ra! /austino and use him as a hosta%e or human shield until Jean 6aul returns. $he Keeper mi%ht also "ant to use the initial ive com!at rounds or Cor!itt to %ive a classic villain monolo%ue. Cor!itt can !oast a!out the re!irth o the Chapel o Contemplation, and ho" $he #ne Who Waits in the =ark "ill conquer the earth and !athe in the !lood o the allen. #r he can tell the investi%ators ho" easy it "as to !ully and lure the children to the mausoleum so they could !e sacri iced upon an alter o !lood and !one. & ter the i th com!at round, the %houl Jean 6aul "ill arrive, and the investi%ators "ill !e too preoccupied to listen to Cor!itt monolo%ue. 't is impossi!le or the investi%ators to physically e.pel Cor!itt rom /rancescos mind, !ut i the investi%ators tell the !oys that their parents are dead, 4a%ainst -aria 2iordanos "ishes5, then !oth !oys are overcome "ith un!elieva!le %rie . /austino !e%ins to "ail and cry immediately, !ut /rancesco %oes into an internal con lict that is apparent to everyone around him. $he Keeper should then %rant all o the investi%ators an I ea check. & success ul roll "ill clue that investi%ator into the act that /rancesco is no" in a !attle o "ills "ith the iend Cor!itt "ithin his mind. $he success ul roll also in orms the investi%ator that they can help /rancesco in his !attle !y remindin% him o the depth o his loss8 he can never hu% his mom a%ain, never kiss her a%ain, or hear her voice a%ain. &ny investi%ator tryin% to help /rancesco in his !attle "ith Cor!itt must make a &>= !s/ &>= contest a%ainst the Cor!itt side o /rancesco on the ?esistance $a!le. ' three investi%ators are success ul in this contest, then the spirit o Cor!itt is success ully destroyed, and /rancesco is reed. ' the investi%ators have -arias cameo necklace, 46layer Handout 7F5, and they sho" it to /rancesco durin% this con lict, then that automatically achieves one o the three successes they needed. ' com!at lasts or ive rounds, then at the !e%innin% o the round, the %houl Jean 6aul enters the cham!er rom the open se"er pipe. $he investi%ators may try a 'isten check "ith a ;(>< !onus, 4due to the echoin% in the se"er pipe5, at the end o the i th com!at round. & success ul check "ill alert that investi%ator to someone approachin% the cham!er rom the se"er. ' any o the investi%ators "ere positioned to look into the se"er, lookin% or approachin% dan%er, may irst try a Spot Hi en check, "ith a 0(>< penalty due to darkness, to see the approachin% %houl. $he Aisten check is only done ri%ht as the %houl approaches the !reak in the pipe that leads into the cham!er. ' all o the investi%ators ail their @pot Hidden andJor Aisten


By Jon Hook checks, then the %houl can make a surprise attack a%ainst them as he leaps into the cham!er. $he investi%ators must make a *+, ; Sanit( check "hen the %houl enters the cham!er. ' the Keeper has a particularly stron% or a%%ressive party o investi%ators, and "ants to ramp0up the level o dan%er, then he can have Jean 6aul !rin% one or t"o other %houls alon% "ith him. ' three or more %houls arrive all at once, then the investi%ators "ill automatically lose the ma.imum sanity loss on a ailed sanity check, ; Sanit(. When the %houl Jean 6aul enters the cham!er, sho" the investi%ators 6layer Handout 7I.

' the investi%ators are a!le to rescue !oth !oys and return them sa ely to the 2iordanos, then they are paid the D>>+ re"ard. ' or some reason /rancesco should die, and only /austino is returned to the 2iordanos, then they "ill still pay the entire re"ard to the investi%ators, !ut only a ter they learn the conditions o his death. ' the investi%ators did everythin% they could to save /rancesco, !ut had to kill him as an act o mercy, then /austino "ill support "hatever story the investi%ators tell the 2iordanos and the authorities. ' the investi%ators "ere cruel, and /rancescos death mi%ht have !een unnecessary, then /austino "ill tell his side o the story, resultin% in the investi%ators !ein% arrested !y =et. Clark. ' the investi%ators are arrested, then the Keeper may "ant to desi%n an adventure "here they have to clear their name !y sho"in% =et. Clark the %houls hidden den. $he ?e"ards ' the investi%ators success ully e.pel Cor!itt rom /rancescos mind, and return !oth !oys home sa ely, then each investi%ator %ains (d(+ @anity. ' the investi%ators only save /austino, and /rancesco died only as a last resort, then each investi%ator %ains (dH @anity. ' the investi%ators only save /austino, and /rancesco died recklessly or unnecessarily, then each investi%ator loses (dH @anity. ' the investi%ators de eat the %houl Jean 6aul, then each investi%ator %ains (dH @anity.

-ythos 2rimoire The Cult of $houls, 4:n%lish translation o Cultes =es 2oules59 $ranslated !y9 Joseph Cur"en, Weeks to study9 *+, @anity loss9 (dFJ(d(+, Cthulhu -ythos9 ;((<, @pells9 Black Bindin%, CallJ=ismiss @hu!0Gi%%urath, CallJ=ismiss $he #ne Who Waits in the =arkN, Contact 2houl, ?esurrection, @hrivelin%, @ummonJBind Byakhee, and 1oorish @i%n. 4N$his spell is similar to CallJ=ismiss @kinless #ne, since $he #ne Who Waits in the =ark is yet another avatar o Gyarlathotep. $his spell cost the caster and participants a varyin% amount o ma%ic points, and (d(+ @anity points to the caster. & !lood sacri ice in total darkness is required to complete the spell, "ith each sacri ice increasin% the percenta%e to complete the spell !y (<. $he orm o this avatar is that o an animated t"o0dimensional shado" o SI: -*. Keepers are encoura%ed to


By Jon Hook desi%n the stats or this avatar to it the needs o their %ame, should someone !e oolish enou%h to call him.5 %lesh =ar 9 2rants protection a%ainst physical attack. $he spell costs (dF @anity points and a varyin% amount o ma%ic points. :ach ma%ic point spent %ives the caster, or chosen tar%et, (dH points o armor a%ainst non0ma%ical attacks. $his protection "ears o as it !locks dama%e. $he spell takes ive rounds to cast, and lasts *F hours, or until the protection is used up. #nce cast, the spell may not !e rein orced "ith urther ma%ic points, nor recast until the old spells protection has !een used up. Gon06layer Characters %AUSTIN> 5ACARI> Concerned $"in @$? +I C#G (+ @'M +) 'G$ (> 6#W (F =:O (F &66 (H :=3 +> @&G C> H6 (+ =ama%e Bonus9 0(dF Weapons9 none @kills9 Hide I><, Aisten H+<, $"in :mpathy C+< %RANCESC> 5ACARI> + ?=A'TER C>R#ITT@ Haunted $"in @$? +I 4(C5 C#G (+ 4**5 @'M +) 'G$ (> 4(H5 6#W (F 4(C5 =:O (F &66 (H :=3 +> @&G *+ H6 (+ 4(H5 =ama%e Bonus9 0(dF 4;(dF5 Weapons9 'ron rod 4attack9 *><, dama%e9 (dC;=B5 @pells9 /lesh Ward, @hrivelin%, and @ummonJBind =imensional @ham!ler @kills9 Conceal B+<, Cthulhu -ythos (C<, Aisten H+<, -islead H><, @neak C+<, $"in :mpathy (+< @anity Aoss9 none 0EAN &AU' 'A CR>IA 2houl @$? (I C#G (F @'M (+ 'G$ (B 6#W (B =:O (> -ove ) H6 (* =ama%e Bonus9 ;(dF Weapons9 Cla"s B+<, dama%e (dH;=B8 Bite B+<, dama%e (dH ; automatic "orry 4see creature listin% in core rule!ook5 @pells9 Black Bindin%, @hrivelin%, and @ummonJBind Byakhee @kills9 Burro" I><, Clim! C><, Hide H+<, Jump I><, Aisten I+<, @cent =ecay H><, @neak C+<, @pot Hidden >+< @anity Aoss9 +J(dH


By Jon Hook

6layer Handouts 6layer Handout 7(


By Jon Hook

6layer Handout 7*


By Jon Hook

6layer Handout 7B

6layer Handout 7F


By Jon Hook

6layer Handout 7>a

6layer Handout 7>!


By Jon Hook

6layer Handout 7H


By Jon Hook 6layer Handout 7I

2ame -aps 2ame -ap 7(9 Colonial Cove


By Jon Hook

2ame -ap 7*9 $he -acario Clu!house

2ame -ap 7B9 $he 2houls =en


By Jon Hook


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