Busbar Trunking System (Busways)
Busbar Trunking System (Busways)
Read and conform to all electrical sections of these specifications,the general instructions for electrical division, section 16010, apply to and form part of all electrical sections. These shall be read in conjunction with design drawings. 1.01 RELATED DOCUMENTS
A. Drawings and general provisions of the Contract, including General and Supplementary Conditions apply to this Section. Requirements of all relevant sections of Division 16 apply to this section.
A. This Section includes the following: 1. Plug-in busbar trunking in a vertical run. 2. Busbar trunking fittings. 1.03 SUBMITTALS
A. General: Submit the following according to the Conditions of the Contract and Division 1 Specification Sections. B. Product data for each component. Include electrical ratings, dimensions, mounting position, mounting method, vertical supports, materials, fire stops, and weather stops. C. Shop drawings detailing fabrication and installation of busbar, including plans, elevations, sections, details of components, and attachments to other construction elements. Detail connections to switchgear, switchboards, transformers, and panelboards. Detail supports and connections to building. D. Coordination drawings, including floor plans and sections drawn to accurate scale. Submit with shop drawings. Show busbar layout and relationships between components and adjacent structural and mechanical elements. Show support locations, type of support, and weight on each support. Indicate and certify field measurements. E. Qualification data for firms and persons specified in the "Quality Assurance" Article to demonstrate their capabilities and experience. Include a list of
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completed projects with project names, addresses, names of Architects and Owners, and other information specified. F. Field test reports indicating and interpreting test results relative to compliance with specified requirements. G. Submit method statement for installation & Testing of Bus-bars. H. Submit necessary warrant / Guarantee and provide list of required spare parts. 1.04 QUALITY ASSURANCE
A. The system shall be constructed from high quality materials. Housing, accessory flanges and terminal enclosures shall be primed and painted steel B. A fire resistant divider or barrier shall be provided at all points where the busbar extends through the building walls. C. The ratings of the busbar system shall be as specified & indicated on the drawings. D. Single-Source Responsibility. All busbar components shall be the product of a single manufacturer. E. Bus Bars shall be generally IP65 with IP55 plug in feeders (non corrosive tap-off box) or as accepted & approved by Engineer &DEWA. F. All plug in breakers shall be current limiting type. 1.05 RELATED STANDARD.
A. BS EN 06529 (previously BS5486 Part 1 & 2). B. IEC 439 Part 1 & 2. C. DEWA Regulations/Standards. 1.06 APPROVED MANUFACTURER Refer list of specified manufacturers. 1.07 PROJECT CONDITIONS
A. Field Measurements: Verify existing dimensions by field measurements. Verify clearances and locate obstructions within manufacturing and installation tolerances of busbar.
PART 2 - PRODUCTS 2.01 A. 1. 2. VERTICAL BUSBAR RISERS. GENERAL: Type tests certified to meet the relevant standards by a member of LOVAG like, ASTA, ASEFA, CEBEC, CESI, KEMA or SEMCO. The enclosure shall be water proof in accordance with BS EN 60529 & DEWA requirements. Boltless housing. No nuts and bolts shall be used to increase strength of the housing. The enclosure shall be made of hot dip galvanized sheet steel treated in accordance with EN 10142 regulation with thickness not less than 1.5mm and be shaped in such a way as to give excellent electromechanical characteristic and heat dissipation. The busbar conductors shall be rectangular section made of hard drawn high conductivity copper of 99.9% purity. The busbar shall be designed for horizontal flat, horizontal edge and vertical mounting without the de-rating of the current carrying capacity of the busbar. Busbars shall be complete with factory installed fire barriers. A declaration of fire resistance for a minimum 230minutes to ISO 834, BS476. Provide expansion joints every 40 m of straight run or according to manufacturers recommendation, as well as on every building expansion joint. The enclosure should ensure lowest electro magnetic emissions. The enclosures shall be designed for maximum heat dissipation. The housing shall guarantee total safety against contact with live parts. Provide facility to check the tightness of the bolts with the busbar live and without removing the cover plate of the jointing block.
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B. Plug-In Busbar Trunking: Low-impedance busbar trunking in nonventilated housing, single-bolt joints. 1. Voltage: 230/400 volts, 3 phase, 100 percent neutral capacity, with 50% earth bus. 2. Short-Circuit Withstand: 65/80 KA for 1 sec certified by a member of LOVAG. 3. Temperature: Rating: Busbars shall be designed for a maximum of 550C temperature rise for the busbars over the ambient temperature. 4. Bus Materials: Current-carrying copper conductors, fully insulated with Class-B 1300C insulation material consisting of two layers of polyester film around each busbar. Add moulded glass reinforced polyester and polypropylene at joint and plug-in opening areas. Busbars shall be tinplated at all contact surfaces. 5. Earth Bus: Copper 50% capacity. 6. Neutral Bus: Copper 100% capacity 7. Enclosure: Steel with manufacturer's standard enamel finish, plug-in openings at every 610 mm, captive hinged covers over unused openings.
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Bus-bars shall be copper, Tin plated or Silver plated for their entire length or as approved in full compliance with DEWA requirements. Fittings and Accessories: Manufacturer's standard elbows, equipment terminations, firestops, expansion fittings, spring-mounted vertical riser supports, rigid floor supports, horizontal hangers, tap fittings, and flange fittings. Provide suitable brackets for mounting on the edge, flat or vertical positions.
A. Molded-Case Circuit Breakers as indicated on the drawings: Hookstick-operated handle, lockable with 2 padlocks, interlocked with cover in CLOSED position; frame size, trip rating, number of poles, and auxiliary devices as indicated; MCCB shall be current limiting type, minimum 50 KA breaking capacity or as shown on the drawings. B. Housing: Painted and galvanized sheet steel. C. Cover: Hinged. D. Handle: External handle with ON/OFF and trip position. E. Handle Operation: With cover closed. F. Padlock: Provide padlock facility in OFF position for maintenance purpose. G. Interlock: 1. Provide interlocking to prevent removing tap OFF from busbar system when MCCB is ON. 2. Provide interlock to prevent opening of front cover when MCCB is ON. H. MCCB Connection to plug in: By busbar only (cables or flexible busbars are not acceptable). I. Plug in Earth Terminal: The tap OFF to be provided with earth terminal connected to earth bar by plug in contact. It should make first before phases when tap OFF is plugged in.
A. Install busbar trunking system level and plumb, according to manufacturer's written instructions, shop drawings, and referenced standards. B. Support busbar system independently from supports for other elements such as pipe, conduit, ceilings, and ducts. Bracket spacing shall not exceed 3 metres. 1. Design each fastener and support to carry 90 kg or 4 times the supported weight of the busbar, whichever is greater. 2. Support busbar system with not less than 10-mm steel rods. Install side bracing to prevent swaying or movement of busbar. Modify supports after completion to eliminate strains and stresses on busbars and housings. 3. Fasten supports securely to building structure. 4. Support bus bar independently from equipment enclosure at connections to panel boards and switchboards. C. Install expansion fittings at locations where busbar trunking crosses building expansion joints with no more than 90 percent of the manufacturer's recommended distance between fittings. D. Install firestop fittings where busbar trunking penetrates fire-rated elements such as walls, floors, and ceilings. Seal around penetration to satisfy authority having jurisdiction. E. Install appropriate weather seal fitting and flange where busbar penetrates exterior elements such as wall or roof. Seal around openings to make weathertight. F. Install 75-mm- high minimum concrete curb around busbar trunking floor penetrations. G. Coordinate busbar trunking terminations to equipment enclosures to ensure proper phasing, connection, and closure. H. Tighten busbar trunking joints with torque wrench or similar tool recommended by busbar manufacturer. Retighten joints after busbars have been energized for 30 days. I. Install busbar plug-in units. Support connecting conduit independently of plug-in unit. J. Connect busbar trunking and components to wiring system and to ground as indicated and instructed by manufacturer. Tighten connectors and terminals, including screws and bolts, according to equipment manufacturer's published torque tightening values for equipment connectors.
A. Testing: After installing busbar and after electrical circuitry has been energized, demonstrate product capability and compliance with requirements. 3.03 ADJUSTING
A. Set field-adjustable overload trips to match motor loads. B. Align busbar trunking runs vertically and horizontally to eliminate sags and twists. Provide additional stiffeners if required to restrict excessive movement. 3.04 CLEANING
A. After completing system installation, including outlet fittings and devices, inspect exposed finish. Remove burrs, dirt, and construction debris, and repair damaged finishes including chips, scratches, and abrasions. 3.05 COMMISSIONING
A. Train Owner's maintenance personnel on procedures and schedules for startup and shutdown, troubleshooting, servicing, and preventive maintenance.