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IND 548 Design for Sustainable Development Research Project

LIU Hongyang_MSD NPI

Research Project:

Sustainable Development Proposal (APRIL 22. 2013)

Research report 1. Background
There is nothing intrinsically wrong with rich nations consuming a large percentage of natural re-sources if those resources remain plentiful and can be recycled, as in the case of iron and steel (85% of which are consumed by the top 20% of people, who do not thereby limit the consumption of poor nations). Indeed, the rich nations' conversion of natural resources into human capital often enhances human welfare all round (Myers, 1997). The most money is spent by the richest people, so if we can figure out how to reduce the overconsumption in high-income populations, then some part of energy consumptions waste can be reduced accordingly. This study focuses on the problem among the high income populations, and proposes a potential solution for that problem. By using the quantitative economic and ecological benefits descriptions, and qualitative social benefits of proposed solutions, the impact of the new product/system can be analyzed. The large scale of a public building can have a big effect on the reduction of consumption. For example, the automatic energy management system is an effective way to control the consumption of energy. A community manager and investor should realize that the concept of sustainability needs to be addressed to the beginning of the process when the community builds. Eco-design was applied to the large group so people can benefit a lot more. Overconsumption of natural resources implies a significant environmental threat. The patterns of overconsumption can be seen in three market sectors: housing, home appliances, and personal goods (Hamilton, 2002). I think we need a new idea and concept from these three sectors. And because consumer durables are crucial to explain the life cycle profiles of consumption and economic savings (Fernandez-Villaverde, & Krueger, 2002), design for durability is also a good way to expand the lifetime of the product, such as reduce the speed of the replacement of furniture or personal goods. So the design proposal which is focusing on saving energy and enhancing the life time of product can be a good start to create the target groups (high income populations) environmental awareness.

IND 548 Design for Sustainable Development Research Project

LIU Hongyang_MSD NPI

2. Descriptions of population and the problems being addressed (include two proposals)
2.1 Population served: for business people (in upscale communities)

Graph 2.1-1 to 2.1-4. Target people and upscale communities environment which the design proposal being addressed

For the eco-design for high income population, the first target group I am focusing on the people who are living in the upscale communities. The aim for the project is trying to use eco-design strategies to benefit these whole communities. The characteristics of the eco-design product consumptions for my first target group are: Cost for the first usage (the price of the product/system) is high; During the use phase, the product/system may save energy, have low energy consumption and low emissions.

IND 548 Design for Sustainable Development Research Project

LIU Hongyang_MSD NPI

2.2 Problem in the high income communities

Graph 2.2-1 to 2.2-3. Current street light situation

I want to design a public facility for the upscale communities. I found that during the night, even there was no vehicle or the people passing by the street light may still turn on. Industry of street lighting systems are growing rapidly and going to complex with rapid growth of industry and cities. To control and maintain complex street lighting system more economically, various street light control systems are developed. Nevertheless most of developed systems have some drawbacks (Lee, Nam, & Jeong et al, 2006). I propose a new light control system which can overcome existing systems drawbacks. I surveyed various street light control systems and analyzed its characteristics. Through these efforts, I found that common drawbacks of most light control systems are uneasiness of handling and difficulty of maintenance, such as voice - activated systems and optical control systems. To reduce uneasiness of handling and difficulty of maintenance in operating a light control system, I propose a new street light system for upscale communities that reduce electricity consumption. Since the outdoor environment in the upscale communities include the lighting system, the design for the upscale communities outdoor streetlight system can combine the eco-design concept with the current technologies, such as the application of a piezoelectricity switch system.

IND 548 Design for Sustainable Development Research Project

LIU Hongyang_MSD NPI

2.3 Population served: for business people (under the home environment)

Graph 2.3-1 to 2.3-4. Target people and the home environment which the design proposal being addressed

Also, many opportunities exist to design for the business people in the home environment. I am focusing on the outlet design. The aim for the project is to use product design strategy to reduce the electricity consumption under the home environment and use the sustainable design concept which will be include in the product to enhance target groups environmental awareness.

2.4 Problem exist in the home environment

Graph 2.4-1 to 2.4-4. The problem exist in the home outlet

IND 548 Design for Sustainable Development Research Project

LIU Hongyang_MSD NPI

So I noticed that for those business people who are busy and always travel or even for many of us, we usually forget to unplug an appliance after we dont need to use the electric product or forget to unplug the cellphone charger after the battery are already full. Most of time we would like to leave the electric product under the standby mode. An increasing number of appliances feature a standby mode in which the appliance does not fulfill its primary function for which it has been purchased, but will still use (some) electrical power. The word 'standby' refers to the situation where the appliance does not perform its main function but is ready to do so. However, in most situations also the electricity consumption of auxiliary or support functions and the consumption in the off mode is calculated as standby consumption. Therefore a general definition of standby electricity consumption is the electricity consumption of the appliance in the mode where the appliance doesn't fulfill its primary technical-economical function but still uses electricity from the mains (Molinder, 1999). Although power consumption per appliance in this mode is in most cases low compared to consumption in the operating mode, it may result in considerable energy consumption. Appliances tend to be left in standby mode for relatively long periods of time, and the total numbers of appliances left in standby mode are large. Because of the low power levels involved, standby energy consumption is often neglected when looking at household energy consumption. However, an investigation of standby consumption in the Netherlands showed that on average about 10% of household electricity consumption is standby consumption. Investigations in Germany and Japan came up with the same result (Siderius, & Holsteijn, 2007). Appendix A shows the part of the standby power summary table which can show that the power consumption of electric product in the standby mode in annual electricity use (the "Count" refers to the number of products that measured.)

3. Potential solution for the upscale communities street lighting system

Street light control is usually a centralized system which control and monitor the status of street lights installed along with the electricity load. Lights are switched to ON/OFF by this systems control command. Its local status information is also monitored by control system via com munication channel. Status information which is monitored are on/off status information, energy saving mode status, control group status information and safety related information, etc. To transfer control command and status information between street light control system and remote street light control terminals which installed at each light pole, various communication media and communication protocols are used. As communication media, wireless or power lines are used generally. Various frequency bands from tens of MHz to RF bands are used for wireless systems (Lee, Nam, & Jeong et al, 2006).

IND 548 Design for Sustainable Development Research Project

LIU Hongyang_MSD NPI

3.1 Design concept

Graph 3.1-1 & 3.1-2.Using the piezo switch to turn on the streetlight

In this potential solution, I am focusing on using the piezoelectric sensor to control the street light system. A piezo switch is an electrical switch based on the field effect transistor (FET). The charge generated by the piezoelectric element in the switch is typically used to turn on an integrated semiconductor device such as a FET, causing the switch assembly's output to be active, or "on". When the FET is on, current can flow through it as with a conventional metal contact-based switch. After the voltage pulse is dissipated in the gate resistor, the FET turns back "off", its normal high impedance state. The Piezoelectric Effect uses force applied to cause stresses that generate this electric charge. In the case of piezo switches, the force could be compressive pressure that causes the (typically disc-shaped) piezo element to bend very slightly like a drumhead. Thus piezo switches produce a single, brief "on" pulse. This pulse can vary with the amount of pressure which is applied, since higher pressures generate higher voltages which take longer to dissipate. A capacitor may be used to store the charge in order to lengthen the time constant of the gate circuit and therefore the width of the pulse. With additional circuitry this pulse can be extended further or used to change the state of an output from steady "Off" to steady "On" by toggling a flip-flop.

IND 548 Design for Sustainable Development Research Project

LIU Hongyang_MSD NPI

Piezo switches have some interesting advantages over their conventional mechanical counterparts. One is that there are no moving parts necessary for them to do their job. This means the lifetime of such a switch can be ensured to be tens of millions of operations, since there is no wear involved. Another advantage is that they may easily be completely sealed from the environment and thus made weatherproof. They are often constructed with stainless steel housings such that they are resistant to damage by vandals or heavy use. (Info source: The piezoelectric effect in polymers is usually explained in terms of the uniaxial orientation of the polymer crystallites and the classical piezoelectric property of these crystallites. Polarization caused by stress gradient seems to be necessary to the understanding of the geometrical relationship between stress and polarization (Fukada, 1968).

3.1.1 Concept sketch

IND 548 Design for Sustainable Development Research Project

LIU Hongyang_MSD NPI

Graph 3.1.1-1 and 3.1.1-2. Design concept of the piezo tap-switch and optical sensor main switch

IND 548 Design for Sustainable Development Research Project

LIU Hongyang_MSD NPI

The limited speed at the upscale community is 25 mph. The piezoelectricity sensor panel will be installed under the ground 5cm deep and it will at the same line as the extension cord of the bottom of the street light and perpendicular to the middle of the road. So the distance between each piezoelectricity sensor panel is the same as the distance between each streetlight: 80m. The speed of the automobile is 11m/s approximately. So after the automobile pass the street light NO.6, it will touch the piezoelectricity sensor panel underground, and the panel is connect to the tap-switch of street light NO.4, which is 160m far away. After fourteen seconds the automobile will touch the piezoelectricity sensor panel near the street light NO.4, and the street light NO.2 will be turned on (at this time the street light NO.5 is already on). Meanwhile since the time of illumination of each street light is eighteen seconds. So after four seconds, the automobile is already moving forward 44m. And the street light NO.4 will be turning off automatically. Also, the main switch is still controlled by the optical sensor switch. So during the day time the street light system in the upscale community does not work. The system will start to work after the sunlight was dim. The pressures gives to the piezoelectricity sensor panel is the switch of the street light, not the whole lighting system.

3.1.2 Technical practicality

Sensors play a crucial role in structural systems with concern over reliability/ failure issues. The development of wireless monitoring systems has been of great interest because wireless transmission has been proven as a convenient means to transmit signals while minimizing the use of many long wires. However, the wireless transmission systems need sufficient power to function properly. Conventionally, batteries are used as the power sources for the remote sensing systems. However, due to their limited lifetime, replacement of batteries has to be carried out periodically, which is inconvenient. In recent years, piezoelectric materials have been developed as sensing and actuating devices mostly, and power generators in some cases (Ng, & Liao, 2005). In this potential solution, a self-powered piezoelectric sensor is introduced, in which one piece of piezoelectric element is simultaneously used as a sensor and a power generator under vibration environment. Concurrent design with piezoelectric materials in sensor and power generator is integrated with energy storage device.

3.1.3 Limitation and scope

In this design concept, I assumed that the target group which is the upscale community is located in the safety area. And the piezo panel system is only for

IND 548 Design for Sustainable Development Research Project

LIU Hongyang_MSD NPI

the street which is mainly for the automobile to pass by, not for the residents who live in the communities to pass by. And in addition to the upscale communities, this design proposal could be applied to other areas, such as the parking lot for the carnival or the highway in the urban area.

3.2 Economic implications

Significant savings could be made in product costs, as well as improved productivity and product quality, if manufacturing is considered at all the various stages of design (Boothroyd, & Radovanovic, 1989). In order to reduce the cost of the piezoelectric panel, I assumed that all piezoelectricity panels will import from China. The cost of one LED streetlight might be 80 US dollars. The cost of optical sensor is about 8 US dollars for one street light. And the 100 pieces of piezoelectricity panel for the street area might be 10 US dollars. The whole street light system will contain 50 street lights. And each streetlight needs to use a group of piezoelectricity panel to turn on. One group of piezoelectricity panel contains 100 pieces of piezoelectricity pane. And each streetlight needs to have a trigger to be turn on. The cost of one trigger would be 5 US dollars. Design is the first step in manufacturing, and it is where most of the important decisions are made that affect the final cost of a product. Since 1980, analysis techniques have been made available which can guide designers towards products which are easy to manufacture and assemble. The availability of these techniques has created a revolution in manufacturing industry, especially in the USA, leading to reduced product cost, better quality, and shorter time to market, lower inventory, few suppliers, and many other improvements (Boothroyd, 1994). So I assumed that for the landfill phase of the whole system, the material of piezo could be recycled. Hence there need to have the cost for worker to dissemble the piezo panel from the system component. The total dissemble fee would be 500 US dollars for one streetlight system. So the total cost of the piezo controlled streetlight system for one streetlight would be 80 + 8 + 10 + 5 + 500/50 = $ US 113.

3.3 Ecological implications

The timeframe is assumed between 1995-2025. This streetlight system is used in the United States. I assumed that 1 LED streetlight can uses 6 years, 365


IND 548 Design for Sustainable Development Research Project

LIU Hongyang_MSD NPI

days per year, ten hours per day. The total weight of the piezoelectricity panel for one street light is 5 lbs. And the weight of one trigger for each streetlight would be two lbs. All products are made in China and transfer to the LA, the distance is 6500 miles. I assumed the 1000 mile could be distance between the local transportation center and the upscale community. So the Hours of service/lifetime of one LED light which is controlled only by the light-operated switch could be: 6 years 365 days per year 10 hours per day = 21900 hours of service/lifetime The transport values (ton-miles) for the one group panel from China to LA could be: (5 lbs. + 2 lbs.) 6500 miles/ 2000 = 22.75 ton-miles The transport values (ton-miles) for the one group panel from the local transportation center to the upscale community could be: (5 lbs. + 2 lbs.) 1000 miles/ 2000 = 3.5 ton-miles Electricity (kilowatt-hours) consumed over the lifetime of one LED streetlight which is controlled only by the light-operated switch could be: 105 w 21900 hours / 1000 = 2299.5 Kw-hr I assumed that from 7 pm until 5 am next day, the traffic volume at the upscale community would be 45 per hour. So the Hours of service/lifetime of one piezo controlled streetlight (max consumptions) could be: 6 years 365 days per year 2.25 hours per day = 4927.5 hours of service/lifetime Electricity (kilowatt-hours) consumed over the lifetime of one piezo controlled streetlight (max consumptions) could be: 105 w 4927.5 hours / 1000 = 517 Kw-hr The function unit for the impact of the streetlight system should be hours of service hours of service. So for the normal LED Street light which is controlled by the light-operated switch, the function unit would be: 6 years 365 days per year 10 hours per day = 21900 hours of service/lifetime


IND 548 Design for Sustainable Development Research Project And for the piezo switch street light system, the function unit would be: 21900 hours of service/lifetime

LIU Hongyang_MSD NPI

According to the Appendix B, the impact for the normal LED Street light which is controlled only by the light-operated switch would be: 30596.5075 millipoints / 21900 hours of service/lifetime = 1.4 And according to the Appendix C, the impact for the piezo switch street light system would be: 18782.7425 millipoints / 21900 hours of service/lifetime = 0.86

3.4 Social implications

The social impact for this upscale community outdoor streetlight system has many different aspects of benefits: 1. Through reducing unnecessary electricity consumption, this system will benefit a lot of people, as well as the reputation of the upscale community 2. Safety for vehicles when lighting is needed.

4. Potential solution for the power saving under home environment


IND 548 Design for Sustainable Development Research Project

LIU Hongyang_MSD NPI

4.1 Design concept

Graph 4.1-1 to 4.1-3. Combine with timer with the outlet; the main switch on the outlet to shot down the power

This concept combines the timer with the electricity outlet. For instance, when we charge the phone we usually forget to unplug it at time. Even the alarm LED light can inform us that the cellphone battery is fully charged. So this product is aim to unplug the device automatically. Before we charge the device we can set up how much time to charge, after that time the outlet will automatically stop working. So the electricity will not be wasted even if we forgot unplug our device. Furthermore, not offering the power from the outlet is better than unplug the connector frequently, because reduces physical wear and damage to the connector plug.

4.1.1 3D model


IND 548 Design for Sustainable Development Research Project

LIU Hongyang_MSD NPI

Graph 4.1.1-1. Design concept of the COUNTDOWN outlet

The initiation point of the pull out ring is zero. That means the outlet has no power currently. When the user needs to charge the phone or use the outlet, he needs to pull out the countdown ring to turn on the power from outlet. The string which was pulling out by the user starts to roll back and counting down. In this case, if the user forgets to unplug after charging the device, it still can prevent the waste of the electricity. And in mean time, it will protect the battery and extend the life time of device. Rather than force user plug the plug contact (which may damage the contact), shutting down the power is a good way to control the electricity consumption.

4.1.2 Technical practicality


IND 548 Design for Sustainable Development Research Project

LIU Hongyang_MSD NPI

Graph 4.1.2-1. The smart chip insert in the outlet

The smart chip is aiming to control the power of the outlet. It can detect the start of the countdown and the end of the countdown. After the pull out countdown ring goes back to the initiation point, it will send a small electric single to the smart chip. Then the smart chip can cut off the power transportation from the ground wire in the outlet automatically.

4.1.3 Limitation and scope

Since the system which contains the pull out countdown ring has the function of shut down the power from the outlet. So the outlet is more suitable for a charging device than a display device, such as TV or DVD player, because these electric products are not suitable for shut down suddenly. But as for the devices which usually stay in the standby mode, the COUNTDOWM outlet is suitable, such as the CD player or the stereo, because the countdown system can automatically turn off the power supply.


IND 548 Design for Sustainable Development Research Project

LIU Hongyang_MSD NPI

4.2 Economic implications

According to the marketing research, one normal outlet panel could be 8 US dollars, plus the smart chips for the countdown system and the pull up interaction device which would be 12 US dollars. The total cost for this COUNTDOWN system would be 20 US dollars.

4.3 Ecological implications

The timeframe is between 1995-2025. The outlet is used in the United States. The weight of one normal outlet panel should be 1.1 lbs. approximately. I assume all the materials are manufacturing at the local factory. The distance between local factory and local retailer store would be 1000 miles. So the transport values (ton-miles) for one normal outlet panel could be: 1.1 lbs. 1000 miles/ 2000 = 0.55 ton-miles I assume the normal outlet will be use 10 years, 300 days per year, 4 hours per day. So the lifetime should be: 10 years X 300 days per year X 4 hours per day = 12000 hours use/lifetime So the electricity (kilowatt-hours) consumed over the lifetime could be: 12000 hours use/lifetime X 115 volts X 6.2 amps X kW/ 1000W = 8556 kW-hr/ lifetime. The smart chip in the COUNTDOWN outlet panel should be 0.08 lbs. And the pull out countdown device would be 0.5 lbs. The total weight of the COUNTDOWN outlet would be 1.65 lbs. So the transport values (ton-miles) for one COUNTDOWN outlet panel could be: 1.68 lbs. 1000 miles/ 2000 = 0.84 ton-miles After combine with the timer set up, I assume that 25% electricity would be saved, due to the auto plug out design.


IND 548 Design for Sustainable Development Research Project So the electricity (kilowatt-hours) consumed over the lifetime could be: 12000 hours use/lifetime X25 % X 115 volts X 6.2 amps X kW/ 1000W = 6417 kW-hr/ lifetime. The function unit for the impact of the home environment out panel should be the hours of service through whole life time. So for the normal outlet panel, the function unit would be: 1.4 working hours/ kW-hr And for the COUNTDOWN outlet panel, the function unit would be: 1.4 working hours/ kW-hr According to the Appendix D, the impact for one normal outlet panel would be: 104526.295 millipoints / 12000 hours of service = 8.71 And according to the Appendix E, the impact for one COUNTDOWN outlet panel would be: 79041.844 millipoints / 12000 hours of service = 6.59

LIU Hongyang_MSD NPI

4.4 Social implications

This design proposal which is focusing on saving energy and enhancing the life time of product can be a good start to create target groups environmental awareness. During the use phase of the product, the user needs to have interaction with the outlet, which will be more fun. Whats more, this new outlet would break the boundary of the mediocre sense which was bringing by the normal outlet. Product attachment is defined as the strength of the emotional bond experienced with a product. This definition implies that an emotional tie exists between the owner and his/her object and that the specific product has an important meaning to the owner. When a person becomes attached to an object, (s)he is more likely to handle the product with care, to repair it when it breaks down, and to postpone its replacement. Many different design strategies have been proposed to reduce the environmental burden of products. This strategy is named lifetime optimization rather than lifetime extension because an extended lifetime is not per definition an environmental improvement. It is recognized that in some cases a shortening of the lifetime is environmentally preferable. This is for example the case when a newly available product is significantly more energy efficient than the product in possession (Van, & Cramer, 2005). Overall, the target people I am focusing on will like to possess the product which can convey their life style. So rather than design a product which can be used for many years, this design proposal is aiming to wake up peoples consciousness of saving energy, as well as showing their personal characteristic with consumer goods.


IND 548 Design for Sustainable Development Research Project

LIU Hongyang_MSD NPI

White, P., St. Pierre, L., & Belletire, S. (2007) Okala, Learning Ecological Design. Phoenix, AZ: IDSA Ecodesign Section. Myers, N. (1997). Consumption in relation to population, environment and development. Environmentalist, 17(1), 33-44. Hamilton, C. (2002). Overconsumption in Australia. The Australia Institute. Fernandez-Villaverde, J., & Krueger, D. (2002). Consumption and saving over the life cycle: how important are consumer durables?. Proceedings of the 2002 North American summer meetings of the Econometric Society, 1-55. Lee, J. D., Nam, K. Y., Jeong, S. H., Choi, S. B., Ryoo, H. S., & Kim, D. K. (2006). Development of Zigbee based street light control system. Power Systems Conference and Exposition. PSCE'06. 2006 IEEE PES, 2236-2240. Molinder, O. (1999). Study on miscellaneous standby power consumption of household equipment (light-audio-white goods). Energy Efficiency in Household Appliances, 318-321. Springer Berlin Heidelberg. Siderius, V. P., & Holsteijn, V. (2007). Stand-by Consumption in HouseholdsState of the Art and Possibilities for Reduction for Home Electronics. Kemma BV, Delft, The Netherlands. Boothroyd, G., & Radovanovic, P. (1989). Estimating the cost of machined components during the conceptual design of a product. CIRP Annals Manufacturing Technology, 38(1), 157-160. Ng, T. H., & Liao, W. H. (2005). Sensitivity analysis and energy harvesting for a self-powered piezoelectric sensor. Journal of Intelligent Material Systems and Structures, 16(10), 785-797.


IND 548 Design for Sustainable Development Research Project

LIU Hongyang_MSD NPI

Mugge, R., Schifferstein, H. N., & Schoormans, J. P. (2006). Product Attachment and Product Lifetime: The Role of Personality Congruity and Fashion. European Advances in Consumer Research, 7, 460-466. Van Nes, N., & Cramer, J. (2005). Influencing product lifetime through product design. Business Strategy and the Environment, 14(5), 286-299. Fukada, E. (1968). Piezoelectricity in polymers and biological materials. Ultrasonics, 6(4), 229-234. Boothroyd, G. (1994). Product design for manufacture and assembly. Computer-Aided Design, 26(7), 505-520.

Website resource: Van Holsteijn . (2013) LANGIR Electric Company. (2013) Photos source:

Appendix A: Standby power summary table (Resource from:

Air Conditioner, room/wall Off Charger, mobile phone On, charged On, charging Power supply only Computer Display, CRT

Average (W)
0.9 2.24 3.68 0.26

Min (W)
0.9 0.75 0.27 0.02

Max (W)
0.9 4.11 7.5 1

1 4 23 32


IND 548 Design for Sustainable Development Research Project Off On Sleep Computer Display, LCD Off On Sleep Computer, desktop Off On Sleep Computer, notebook Full on, charged Full on, charging Off Power supply only Sleep Printer, inject Off On Printer, laser Off On Coffee Maker Off DVD Player 0.8 65.1 12.14 1.13 27.61 1.38 73.97 2.84 21.13 29.48 44.28 8.9 4.42 15.77 1.26 4.93 1.58 131.07 1.14 0 34.54 1.6 0.31 1.9 0.37 27.5 0 1.1 14.95 27.38 0.47 0.15 0.82 0 1.81 0 1.7 0 2.99 124.78 74.5 3.5 55.48 7.8 180.83 9.21 83.3 73.1 66.9 50 26.4 54.8 4 22 4.5 481.9 2.7

LIU Hongyang_MSD NPI

21 21 14 32 31 30 63 64 52 13 8 19 19 16 25 25 7 5 12


IND 548 Design for Sustainable Development Research Project On, not playing On, playing Off Television, CRT Off by remote Off by switch Timer, irrigation Off Ready 7.54 9.91 1.55 3.06 2.88 2.75 2.84 0.24 5.28 0 0.3 0 1.5 1.5 12.7 17.17 10.58 10.34 16.1 5.9 5.9

LIU Hongyang_MSD NPI

33 33 33 38 58 14 16

Appendix B: Okala impact calculation for the reference street light system
light-operated street light system
element material of light-operated resistance name copper, primary Epoxy resin paint, oil base Ceramic, porcelain manufacture of resistance use stage transportation from China to LA transportation from local factory landfill thermoforming calendaring electricity, average container ship truck, 28 ton copper amount unit 0.5 / lb. 0.1 / lb. 0.1 / lb. 0.7 / lb. 0.1 / lb. 0.1 / lb. 2299.5 / kW-hr 4.225 / ton-mi 0.65 / ton-mi 0.5 / lb. Okala factor unit 320 / lb. 7.3 / lb. 23 / lb. 2.9 / lb. 6.4 / lb. 3.1 / lb. 12 / kW-hr 2.5 / ton-mi 1.9 / ton-mi 5600 / lb. Okala impact millipoint 160 0.73 2.3 2.03 0.64 0.31 27594 10.5625 1.235 2800


IND 548 Design for Sustainable Development Research Project Epoxy resin Ceramic, porcelain paint 0.1 / lb. 0.7 / lb. 0.1 / lb. (est.)22 / lb. (est.) 20 / lb. 85 / lb. Total impacts/lifetime

LIU Hongyang_MSD NPI

2.2 14 8.5 30596.5075

Appendix C: Okala impact calculation for solution 1: Piezo streetlight system

piezoelectricity panel system
element material of light-operated resistance name copper, primary Epoxy resin paint, oil base Ceramic, porcelain material of piezo panel material of trigger Ceramic, porcelain copper, primary Epoxy resin paint, oil base manufacture use stage transportation from China to LA transportation from local factory landfill thermoforming calendaring electricity, average container ship truck, 28 ton copper amount unit Okala factor unit 320 / lb. 7.3 / lb. 23 / lb. 2.9 / lb. 2.9 / lb. 320 / lb. 7.3 / lb. 23 / lb. 6.4 / lb. 3.1 / lb. 12 / kW-hr 2.5 / ton-mi 1.9 / ton-mi 5600 / lb.

Okala impact millipoint 160 0.73 2.3 2.03 14.5 512 1.46 4.6 1.28 0.62 6204 67.4375 7.885 11760

0.5 / lb. 0.1 / lb. 0.1 / lb. 0.7 / lb. 5 / lb. 1.6 / lb. 0.2 / lb. 0.2 / lb. 0.2 / lb. 0.2 / lb. 517 / kW-hr 26.975 / ton-mi 4.15 / ton-mi 2.1 / lb.

IND 548 Design for Sustainable Development Research Project Epoxy resin Ceramic, porcelain paint recycle Ceramic, porcelain 0.2 / lb. 0.7 / lb. 0.3 / lb. 5 / lb. (est.)22 / lb. (est.)20 / lb. 85 / lb. 0 / lb. Total impacts/lifetime

LIU Hongyang_MSD NPI

4.4 14 25.5 0 18782.7425

Appendix D: Okala impact calculation for the reference outlet in the home environment
normal outlet panel
element material name PC, primary paint, oil base copper, primary Epoxy resin manufacture copper drawing injection molding thermoforming transportation from local factory use stage landfill truck, 28 ton electricity, average PC paint copper Epoxy resin amount unit Okala factor unit 36 / lb. 23 / lb. 320 / lb. 7.3 / lb. 29 / lb. 10 / lb. 6.4 / lb. 1.9 / ton-mi 12 / kW-hr 25 / lb. 85 / lb. 5600 / lb. (est.)22 / lb.

Okala impact millipoint 25.2 2.3 96 0.73 8.7 7 5.12 1.045 102672 17.5 8.5 1680 2.2

0.7 / lb. 0.1 / lb. 0.3 / lb. 0.1 / lb. 0.3 / lb. 0.7 / lb. 0.8 / lb. 0.55 / ton-mi 8556 / kW-hr 0.7 / lb. 0.1 / lb. 0.3 / lb. 0.1 / lb.

IND 548 Design for Sustainable Development Research Project Total impacts/lifetime

LIU Hongyang_MSD NPI


Appendix E: Okala impact calculation for solution 2: COUNTDOWN outlet

element material for the panel name PC, primary paint, oil base copper, primary Epoxy resin material for the pull out device PP, primary PVC, flex, primary paint, oil base material for the smart chip copper, primary Epoxy resin paint, oil base Ceramic, porcelain manufacture copper drawing injection molding thermoforming calendaring transportation from local factory use stage truck, 28 ton electricity, average amount unit Okala factor unit 36 / lb. 23 / lb. 320 / lb. 7.3 / lb. 13 / lb. 17 / lb. 23 / lb. 320 / lb. 7.3 / lb. 23 / lb. 2.9 / lb. 29 / lb. 10 / lb. 6.4 / lb. 3.1 / lb. 1.9 / ton-mi 12 / kW-hr Okala impact millipoint 25.2 2.3 96 0.73 2.6 4.25 1.15 9.6 0.073 0.23 0.087 9.57 11.5 0.192 0.341 1.596 77004 0.7 / lb. 0.1 / lb. 0.3 / lb. 0.1 / lb. 0.2 / lb. 0.25 / lb. 0.05 / lb. 0.03 / lb. 0.01 / lb. 0.01 / lb. 0.03 / lb. 0.33 / lb. 1.15 / lb. 0.03 / lb. 0.11 / lb. 0.84 / ton-mi 6417 / kW-hr

IND 548 Design for Sustainable Development Research Project landfill PP paint copper Epoxy resin Ceramic, porcelain PVC 0.9 / lb. 0.16 / lb. 0.33 / lb. 0.11 / lb. 0.03 / lb. 0.25 / lb. 7.2 / lb. 85 / lb. 5600 / lb. (est.) 22 / lb. (est.) 20 / lb. 5.3 / lb. Total impacts/lifetime

LIU Hongyang_MSD NPI

6.48 13.6 1848 2.42 0.6 1.325 79041.844


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