A Smart Energy Distribution and Management System For Renewable Energy Distribution and Context-Aware Services Based On User Patterns and Load Forecasting

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IEEE Transactions on Consumer Electronics, Vol. 57, No. 2, May 2011

A Smart Energy Distribution and Management System

for Renewable Energy Distribution and Context-aware Services
based on User Patterns and Load Forecasting
Jinsung Byun, Insung Hong, Byeongkwan Kang, and Sehyun Park, Member, IEEE
Abstract Emerging green IT and smart grid technologies
have changed electric power infrastructure more efficiently.
These technologies enable a power system operator and a
consumer to improve energy efficiency and reduce greenhouse
gas emissions by optimizing energy distribution and
management. There are many studies of these topics with the
trend of green IT and smart grid technology. However,
existing systems are still not effectively implemented in home
and building because of their architectural limitations.
Therefore, in this paper, we propose a smart energy
distribution and management system (SEDMS) that operates
through interaction between a smart energy distribution
system and a smart monitoring and control system. Proposed
system monitors information about power consumption, a
users situation and surroundings as well as controls
appliances using dynamic patterns. Because SEDMS is
connected with the existing power grid and with the newrenewable energy system, we consider integration of newrenewable energy system through electric power control. We
implemented proposed system in test-bed and carry out some
experiments. The results show that a reduction of the service
response time and the power consumption are approximately
45.6% and 9-17% respectively1.
Index Terms smart grid, energy distribution system, energy
management system, power control, new-renewable energy

In the last 100 years, the average temperature of the earth

has risen 0.74 degrees Celsius, which has caused a variety of
environmental problems, such as climate change and rising sea

This research was supported by the MKE(The Ministry of Knowledge

Economy), Korea, under the HNRC(Home Network Research Center)
ITRC(Information Technology Research Center) support program supervised
by the NIPA(National IT Industry Promotion Agency (NIPA-2010-C109010110010) and by the Human Resources Development of the Korea Institute
of Energy Technology Evaluation and Planning (KETEP) grant funded by the
Korea government Ministry of Knowledge Economy (20104010100570) and
by the Ministry of Knowledge Economy(MKE) and Korea Institute for
Advancement of Technology(KIAT) through the Research and Development
for Regional Industry.
Jinsung Byun is with the School of Electrical and Electronics Engineering,
Chung-Ang University, Seoul, Korea (e-mail: [email protected]).
Insung Hong is with the School of Electrical and Electronics Engineering,
Chung-Ang University, Seoul, Korea (e-mail: [email protected]).
Byeongkwan Kang is with the School of Electrical and Electronics
[email protected]).
Sehyun Park is with the School of Electrical and Electronics Engineering,
Chung-Ang University, Seoul, Korea. He is the corresponding author. (e-mail:
[email protected], Phone: 82-2-822-5338, Fax: 82-2-822-5338)
Contributed Paper
Manuscript received 04/15/11
Current version published 06/27/11
Electronic version published 06/27/11.

levels. Furthermore, fossil fuel is being exhausted because of a

sharp increase in the consumption of energy after the
Industrial Revolution. Some environmental experts expect that
fossil fuel will run out completely in the near future. For this
reason, recently, smart grid technology used for sustainable
growth is emerging and a lot of related works have been done
by various researchers around the world [1], [2], [3].
A smart grid [4] is a next generation power network
utilizing IT technologies. It delivers power from suppliers to
consumers using two-way communications, which leads to
energy efficiency and grid reliability enhancement. It basically
has the capability to sense grid conditions, measure power,
and control appliances with two-way communications to
electricity generation, transmission, distribution and consumer
parts of the power grid (see fig. 1). This makes it possible for
the consumer to dynamically respond to changes in energy
consumption, demand and grid condition. For example, when
the power is low-cost, the user can allow the smart grid to turn
on certain home appliances such as washing machines that can
run at arbitrary hours, but, at peak times it could turn off the
appliances to reduce demand (which is called demandresponse). Smart grid also has the capability of integrating
new-renewable energy such as solar and wind power [5].
Environmental problems coupled with high oil prices and
increasing government support, are driving to increase newrenewable energy consumption and commercialization.
Therefore, smart grid is being promoted by many governments
as a way of solving energy independence and environmental
Smart grid considers enhancement of all parts of power
systems (from a generation part to a consumer part). In this
paper, we focus on a distribution part and a consumer part.
Electric power distribution system is a part of the power
systems, which delivers electricity to end customers.
Conventional distribution system simply delivers and breaks
electricity. Recently, some studies on intelligent distribution
system have been done.
However, existing distribution system has some problems.
First, it has centralized system architecture. Existing system
utilizes centralized schemes when gathering and analyzing
contexts to operate the power system intelligently, which
causes long service response times. Second, it delivers
electricity and control appliance based on fixed and predefined
values. For example, the existing system has a fixed (or static)
threshold. So, it controls power and devices according to these
threshold values. This mechanism has constraints on

0098 3063/11/$20.00 2011 IEEE

J. Byun et al.: A Smart Energy Distribution and Management System for Renewable Energy Distribution and Context-aware Services
based on User Patterns and Load Forecasting


Fig. 1. Concept of a smart grid (generation part, transmission part, distribution part, and consumer part)

intelligent service provision. Furthermore, this system is not

able to deal with complex and dynamic events such as users
situations. Third, it does not consider various energy sources
such as new-renewable energy, distributed energy, etc.
For this reason, we have designed a smart energy
distribution and management system (SEDMS). SEDMS is
connected with the existing power grid and with the newrenewable energy system. SEDMS has several novel features
as follow:
1) New-renewable energy distribution and management: As
the use of the new-renewable energy is increased worldwide,
many issues about the power system operation arise. The
different frequency and voltage are key issue when integrating
new-renewable energy systems into the existing power
networks. Therefore research on intelligent distribution
considering integration of the new renewable energy system is
needed. In addition, existing systems cannot provide any
intelligent management functions.
2) Adaptive and Dynamic demand management: In the power
grid, demand response (DR) is to manage power consumption
in response to supply conditions and market prices, for
example, having power customers reduce their consumption at
peak times. Existing DR mechanism reduces power
consumption according to predetermined policies of load
priority during the peak times. However proposed system
reduces power consumption considering not only predefined
policies but also the user and environmental situation.
3) Device control through pattern-based service prediction:
Existing intelligent control systems manage an appliance in
accordance with a static and fixed value. That is, they control
an appliance when receiving predetermined events. Our
system however, controls an appliance through changing
(dynamic) rules which are dynamically modified according to
the location characteristics and the users situations. In this
paper, we propose a dynamic rule generation algorithm with

location grouping scheme in order to provide rule-based

prediction device control service.
4) Location based context-aware service: Our system is
generally installed in each room to optimize service provision
based on location and a user. It can reason situations by using
collected situational events. So, it can provide the adaptive
service based on space and user characteristics. Furthermore,
our system performs various tasks such as user and device
power/environment information gathering and analysis and
provision of energy management services.
5) Light-weight system design through adaptive
middleware: A device with small system resources has
difficulty in managing complex events and services. Lightweight system design plays an important role in reducing the
process time and the electricity consumption. Therefore, we
design our system through adaptive middleware. Adaptive
middleware provides an effective service provision in the
building because of fewer collisions and sudden situational
The remainder of this paper is organized as follows: we
discuss related research on electric power distribution systems
in Section II; we present overall system architecture of our
system in Section III; we address full implementation of our
system in Section IV. In addition, we show service examples
using our system; we illustrate the experimental environments
and the results of the experiment in Section V; finally, in
Section VI, after summarizing this paper, we discuss our
conclusions and address our future work.
Existing studies on distribution systems focus on the
efficiency and reliability of power delivery [6], [7], [8].
Recent studies of distribution systems [9] have been


IEEE Transactions on Consumer Electronics, Vol. 57, No. 2, May 2011

Fig. 2. Overview of the smart energy distribution and management system (SEDMS) in smart grids

developed examining various Green IT and smart grid aspects

concerning power distribution, and monitoring and controlling
power consumption. The distribution systems that have been
studied provide a means by which power consumption can be
measured using a CT sensor. Additionally, the distribution
systems allow communication with a user through ZigBee,
RS-485, Ethernet, etc for the user to shut down power if
necessary, or if the power is above the permitted limit.
Another research direction within the realm of distribution
systems concerns auto-recovery distribution panels [10].
commercialize distribution systems. However, such research
endeavors emphasize only passive characteristics of distribution
systems. That is, the development of additional functions and
intelligent aspects of the distribution panels does not exist.
Other power electric fields have conducted research on
intelligent components related to electric power. One such
intelligent component is a power monitoring and controlling
system using a power socket. This monitors present power
consumption, predicts future power consumption based on the
monitored data and senses risk situations in each device
plugged into the power socket. This system thus provides
intelligent services and possesses smart, not passive,
This paper presents the design of SEDMS that provides
intelligent services based on pattern based situation awareness.
SEDMS also considers the integration of the new-renewable
energy system.

distribution system (SEDS) and a smart monitoring and

control system (SMCS).
A. The Electric Power Control of SEDS
The SEDS is connected with the existing power network
and with the new-renewable energy system. Therefore, we
need to consider output voltage control of a power
conditioning system (PCS), active power and reactive power
control, and a reduction of harmonics. The SEDS is connected
with new-renewable energy (photovoltaic energy) system in
parallel. Fig. 3 shows an equivalent circuit of the system
architecture of SEDS. In the equivalent circuit, the source
voltage VS is defined by


where ZS, IS, and VR refer to the source impedance, the current
from the source, and voltage at the connection.
Since the resistance in impedance ZC is usually small (RC +
jXC jXC), the output voltage VC and the current IC at the
connection are



In this paper, we present the whole system architecture of
SEDMS for energy distribution and management service in
the building. We discuss schemes and methods in order to
effectively provide energy distribution and management
services in smart grids. Fig 2 illustrates an overview of
SEDMS. It is composed of two components: a smart energy

Fig. 3. Fig. 3 shows an equivalent circuit of system connection model


J. Byun et al.: A Smart Energy Distribution and Management System for Renewable Energy Distribution and Context-aware Services
based on User Patterns and Load Forecasting

IC (VC / XC ) sin j (1 / XC )(VR VC cos )


where is the phase difference between VC and VR.

The complex power S supplied to a load from the storage of
the new-renewable energy system is
S P jQ
(VRVC / XC ) sin j (VRVC cos V R2 / XC )


Thus, the active power and the reactive power can be

obtained as follows:
P (VRVC / XC ) sin


(2 KT 2 / XC )VRVb sin(r / 2) sin

Q (VRVC cos VR2 ) / XC

1 / XC 2 KT 2VRVb sin(r / 2) cos VR2


where r, KT, and Vb refer to the control angle of the pulse with,
the coefficient harmonic of transformer winding, the direct
voltage of the storage. The equations (5) and (7) represent the
active power and the reactive power. We can control the active
power through the phase difference and control the reactive
power Q through the pulse width modulation (PWM) method.
B. Pattern Generation Method with a Domain Grouping
SMCS controls an appliance through changing (dynamic)
rules which are dynamically modified according to the
location characteristics and the users situations. Before


discussing a dynamic pattern generation method, we define

information convergence. The information convergence means
that a system not only uses the information generated in the
local domain but also uses the information generated other
The existing systems employ two types of pattern or rule
learning methods [Zion Hwang, et al.]. One manages the
contexts in one domain; the other manages the contexts in the
whole domains. However, they spend too much time on
learning in complex environments, or perform poorly in
pattern learning for simple environments. Therefore, we
propose a domain grouping scheme to effectively generate
rules. For instance, domain A has six rooms and five residents.
Domain B also has six rooms, five residents. Furthermore, in
the two domains, the power consumption patterns are similar.
We can predict the service faster and more accurately by using
information convergence between two domains. The dynamic
pattern generation method with a domain grouping scheme
follows five steps (see fig 4).
Step 1: SEDS sends information about a domain to a
domain management agent. It then computes similarity among
domains. We define the similarity function SAB between the
domain A and B by


where SRAB, SSAB, and SPAB is a similarity of resident, a

similarity of space, and a similarity of power consumption
between the domain A and B. We define the similarity
function of resident SRAB by

max( N , M )


A, i

SB , i ) k ( AA, i AB , i ) l ( JA, i JB , i )

i 1

/3 max( N , M )


where SA,i, AA,i, and JA,i, refer to Sex, Age, and Job of the ith
resident in the domain A. N, and M refer to the number of
residents in domain A, the number of the residents in domain
B. k and l are arbitrary constants. We define the similarity
function of space by
m( NA NB ) n( SAA SAB )/ 2


where NA and SAA are the number of rooms of domain A and

surface area of domain A. m and n are arbitrary constants.
We define the similarity function SPAB of power consumption

PA, i PB , i / q


i 1

where PA,i, and PB,i refer to the power consumption from time
Fig. 4. The process of pattern generation method with domain

(i 1) to time i. q is a arbitrary constant. We can group

domains according to the value of SAB.


IEEE Transactions on Consumer Electronics, Vol. 57, No. 2, May 2011

Step 2: SEDS collects information about an environment

and resident's situations such as a temperature, humidity,
intensity of illumination, a residents movement and the power
consumption via a wireless network or a wired network (PLC
or RS485). It then analyzes and classifies the gathered
contexts and stores them in the knowledge repository.
Step 3: SEDS try to find other domains that are similar to
the local domain according to the value of the similarity
function SXY. It them cluster the domains in accordance with
the policies related to similarity between them. After grouping
similar domain, SEDS requests SEDSs in other domains to
transmit the information and patterns.
Step 4: SEDS generates patterns through reasoning process.
That is, it generates the patterns by using collected
information in local domain and other domain. After
generating patterns, it updates the knowledge repository by
matching the residents and environmental situation to created
Step 5: Finally, SEDS provide energy distribution and
management service according to dynamic pattern-based
service prediction.
C. Energy Management based on Load Forecasting with
User Patterns
SEDS processes complex tasks, such as electrical load
forecasting, building three-dimension (3D) simulation based
on energy management, overall user and device management,
a nomadic user and device authentication / authorization, etc.

Fig. 5. Middleware architecture of SEDMS (SEDS and SMCS)

Various methods and techniques are currently used for

electrical load forecasting, such as using a neural network
[11], monte-carlo [12], and ARIMA model [13]. We adopted
simple ARIMA model, because in theory, it is the most
general class of models for forecasting a time series for
electrical load forecasting.
D. Adaptive Light-weight Middleware Architecture
As stated above, reducing the system resources plays an
important role in enhancing the performance and efficiency of
the service. Therefore in this sub section, we present the
adaptive light-weight middleware architecture in order to
optimize system resources according to a users state and
surroundings. Thus, the proposed system is able to deal with
complex events effectively. Fig. 5 shows middleware
architecture for SEDS and SCMS.
SEDS plays an important role in providing energy
distribution and management services. It is connected with the
existing power grid and with the storage of new-renewable
energy. It performs various tasks that include new-renewable
energy distribution and management, adaptive and dynamic
demand management, location based context-aware service,
service decisions and provision, information collecting and
analysis, and pattern generation.
SEDS is composed of seven components: a context
management module (CM), a pattern generation and
management module (PGM), a network and communication
management module (NCM), the knowledge repository (KR),
the control manager, a service configuration and management
module (SCM), a energy distribution and management module
(EDM), and a information convergence management module
1) CM: This module manages the contexts such as
information about users state and surroundings. This module
consists of three parts: a context management component
(CMC), a reasoning component (reasoner), and a context
correlation component (context corelator). CMC sends the
contexts, service status, and environmental status to KR. RC is
mainly used to determine when the services should be
provided and which services should be provided to a user
under a given situation. CCC computes the correlation
function and manages the correlation among the contexts.
2) PGM: The main roles of PGM are to generate various
patterns by utilizing the data in KR. PGM analyzes the KR
information, and reasons service patterns by a reasoning
process of RC. PGM generate the patterns according to the
proposed pattern generation method, discussed in the previous
sub section B. PGM also manage the generated patterns. PGM
store the patterns generated by PGM in the service-patternlook-up table (in KR) by comparing and matching the
generated pattern with the service. It also removes obsolete
patterns by periodic checks on KR. If SEDS receives patterns
from other domains, PGM determines which patterns are used
according to the defined policy.
3) NCM: This module is used for network management
between devices and SEDS. SEDS is able to interact with
various devices such as a home appliance, a mobile phone,

J. Byun et al.: A Smart Energy Distribution and Management System for Renewable Energy Distribution and Context-aware Services
based on User Patterns and Load Forecasting


according to the similarity value to enhance pattern generation

efficiency. Thus, ICM develops system scalability and service
satisfaction such as service response time and service hit ratio.
7) EDM: this module plays an important role in energy
distribution and management in the building. This module is
composed of three components: electric power control
component (EPC), load forecasting component (LFC), and
new-renewable system management component (NSM).

Fig. 6. Flow chart of service decision and creation

and a laptop. These devices utilize different communication

technologies such as power line communication (PLC), 3G,
WLAN, or ZigBee. The NIM manages these communication
and network technologies.
4) KR: This module is a set of components that manage the
use of a database. It controls the information ontology,
service-pattern-look-up table, context/rules and policy. It
automatically updates the information ontology when a new
situational event occurs. Furthermore, it autonomously
modifies the policies and rules to enhance service maintenance
and pattern management efficiency.
5) SCM: This module has the role of service prediction,
service creation, service determination, service execution,
service configuration, service management, etc. It also deals
with service conflicts based on predetermined policies. This
group infers the service through the events, service rules, and
patterns. SCM is composed of three components: service
decision component (SDM), pattern correlator (PC) and
context analyzer (CA). When a context is sent to CA, CA
analyzes it to determine the present situation of the user. PC
then performs correlation analysis between the service pattern
and the present situation. Finally, SDM determines which
service needs to be provided.
6) ICM: This module is used to perform the information
convergence. It searches for similar domains (which mean that
they have a similarity in the characteristics of the user, space,
and power consumption pattern.). Furthermore, it controls the
interconnection to other domains. ICM groups domains

E. System Interconnection Flow

Context correlator collects various data and forms the data
to process in the context analyzer to make a decision in SEDS,
although context analyzer does this finally. In general, it
recognizes a change of a context by receiving the information
from knowledge repository without a request in a regular
period. It would be better to gather information more
frequently for the Quality of Service (QoS) but this rapidly
depletes the battery lifetime. Therefore, we use a 10-minute
period, because an environmental change is not so variable in
a home or office. It recognizes the context based on this
period. Fig 6 shows the flow chart. However, it is able to
modify the period timing, so that it can be applied in various
The important component in the part is how to process the
temperature, humidity, and user information about activities in
the context correlator. The following information is collected
in the context analyzer: seasonal indoor adequate temperature
and weather condition. Therefore, the context correlator
decides the temperature used in a home by using these two
types of information. The information from the knowledge
repository is not stored in the context correlator exactly; it is
first compared to previous data, and then these are updated.
Thus, the change of the new and previous data is compared to
the web information to predict future power consumption.
Then, the predicted data are also compared to the energy
information in the knowledge repository to decide on an
increase or decrease in power consumption.

We implemented our system, the smart energy distribution

and management system (SEDMS). In this section, we address
the technical realization of our system. In addition, we present
some feasible service examples.
A. System Implementation
Fig. 7 shows the hardware block diagram, the PCB, and
prototype of the SEDS. It is divided into four groups: the main
processor group, the communication group, the electrical
power sensing group, and the power group. The detailed
hardware of the SEMG is as follows.
The main processor group consists of a microprocessor and
memory. This part has the main role of processing the contexts
and events, running the middleware, and dynamic pattern
generation, and domain analysis and grouping operation, and
electric power control. We used a 32-bit microprocessor as the
main CPU of SEDS.


IEEE Transactions on Consumer Electronics, Vol. 57, No. 2, May 2011

Fig. 8 Snapshot of the application program of SEDS

controlling the relay. For example, if a leakage of electricity or

an overvoltage occurs, the SEDS can recognize abnormal
events and react to them quickly.
B. The Energy Management Service examples
We will discuss some intelligent building
management service scenarios.


1) Energy monitoring and device control: SMCS gathers

information about power consumption, user movement, and
environment. This information is transmitted to SEDS. SEDS
then analyzes the power consumption pattern, user living
pattern, and environmental pattern by dynamic pattern
generation method. We can maximize energy savings by
controlling the devices using these patterns. In addition, it is
possible to provide an energy monitoring and device control
anywhere, anytime, by using a users smart phone. If smart
phone user enters the room, the SEDS transmits a list of the
manageable devices and their real-time energy consumption to
the smart phone.
Fig. 7. (a) Hardware block diagram of the SEDMS; (b) PCB of the
SEDMS; (c) prototype of the SEDMS and snapshot of the energy
monitoring in the specific location

The communication group is composed of a ZigBee

(IEEE.802.15.4 standard) module, a PLC module, an Ethernet
module, and a WLAN module. As we discussed earlier, these
modules are managed by the middleware component (network
and communication management module). Thus, SEDS can
interact with various devices such as a home appliance, a
mobile phone, and a laptop. We used a 2.4GHz ZigBee
module for communication with wireless sensor networks
(WSNs) and transmitting the control signal. The SEDS
interconnects with other SEDSs and Web-server through
packet data networks using a 10/100Mbyte Ethernet
transceiver module.
The energy monitoring and control group plays a role in
monitoring the power consumption and the power state, and

2) Smart shut-off in an emergency and the message sending

service: The SEMD monitors the power state of the consumer
device in real time. If a leakage of electricity or an overvoltage
occurs, the SEMD recognizes abnormal event. The SEMD
then analyzes the abnormal event and takes immediate and
appropriate action based on the predefined risk levels. Existing
building disaster prevention systems, such as a fire disaster
prevention system, focuses on taking action after a fire occurs.
Our system, however, focuses on pre-emptive prevention
before a fire occurs by using a power sensor, so that we can
implement a zero-risk building.

A. Test bed and experimental environments

We implemented proposed system in test-bed and carry out
some experiments. Our test bed [14] is about 198 square
meters and has eight rooms. Six people live in our test bed for

J. Byun et al.: A Smart Energy Distribution and Management System for Renewable Energy Distribution and Context-aware Services
based on User Patterns and Load Forecasting


a smart phone, and intelligent new-renewable energy


Fig. 9. Comparison of the service response time with and without a

distributed adaptive middleware scheme

the experiment. The test bed has eight air-conditioners (one

per room), two TVs, and a lot of LED lights.
B. Evaluation Results
Fig. 9 shows the service response time by the number of
information requests per minute. Even though the number of
service requests increases, our system with distributed lightweight adaptive middleware scheme maintains certain levels
of delay of the request and response. Our system also
gradually decreases the slope of the service response time,
whereas centralized server method when routing rapidly
increases the service response time due to the frequent packet
collision and packet loss. The results show that the service
response time reduction using our system is approximately
45.6% under conditions for generating 100 service requests
per minute.
Fig. 10 shows the results of a percentage of power reduction
for a week (5 working days). The results show that the power
saving using our system applying the distributed adaptive
middleware scheme with pattern learning is approximately 917% depending on the number of SMCSs by utilizing pattern
based energy management services, such as appliance control,
shutting up the standby power, the remote power control using

Recently, smart grid technology and green IT is emerging.

Many studies and development related to this topic have been
done by various researchers all over the world. This paper
proposes a smart energy distribution and management system.
We consider integration of a new-renewable energy system,
dynamic pattern based intelligent services, and adaptive
demand management to make the distribution and consumer
part (in smart grids) more energy efficient and intelligent. We
expect that our work will contribute to the development of
novel home and building energy distribution and management
system. . In order to verify the efficiency of our system, we
implemented our system in real test bed and carry out some
experiments. The results show that a reduction of the service
response time and the power consumption are approximately
45.6% and 9-17% respectively.




Fig. 10. Comparison of a percentage of power reduction

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IEEE Transactions on Consumer Electronics, Vol. 57, No. 2, May 2011

Jinsung Byun received his B.S and M.S. degree in the
School of Electrical and Electronics Engineering from
Chung-Ang University, Seoul, Korea in 2008 and 2010.
He is currently a Ph.D. candidate at Chung-Ang
University. His current research interests include power
electronics circuit and system design, embedded system
design, smart grid technologies, ubiquitous computing,
situation-aware middleware technologies,

Insung Hong his B.S and M.S. degree in the School of

Electrical and Electronics Engineering from Chung-Ang
University, Seoul, Korea in 2009 and 2011. He is
currently a Ph.D. candidate at Chung-Ang University. His
current research interests include ubiquitous computing,
embedded system, and home network

Byeongkwan Kang received his B.S degree in the school

of Electrical and Electronics Engineering from ChungAng University, Seoul, 2011. He is currently a M.S.
candidate at Chung-Ang University, Seoul, Korea. His
current research interests include New & Renewable
energy system design, power management system design,
embedded system design, ubiquitous computing and
smart grid.

Sehyun Park (M) received B.S. and M.S. degrees in

electronics engineering from the Chung-Ang University,
Seoul, Korea in 1986 and 1988, respectively, and a Ph.D.
from the University of Massachusetts, Amherst in 1998.
From 1988 to 1999, he was a member of the senior
research staff at ETRI, Korea. He is currently a Professor
at the School of Electrical and Electronics Engineering at
the Chung-Ang University, where he has established the
Ubiquitous Computing and Cipher Internet Laboratory.
He is the head of Chung-Ang University HNRC (Home Network Research
Center)-ITRC (Information Technology Research Center) supported by the
MKE (Ministry of Knowledge Economy), Korea. He is currently an IEEE
member. His major research interests include home networks, ubiquitous
computing and network security.

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