Waves Qns

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QUEST TUTORIALS Head Office : E-16/289, Sector-8, Rohini, New Delhi, Ph.


Q 1. A transverse wave is described by the equation Y = Asin2(tkx). The maximum particle velocity is equal to the wave velocity if the value of A is (A) 3/k (B)2/k (C) 1/k (D) none of these Vibrations of period 0.25 sec. propagate along a straight line at a velocity of 48cm/sec. 10sec. after the emergence of vibrations at the initial point, displacement of the point, 59 cm from it is found to be 3 cm . [ Assume that at initial point particle is at its mean position at t = 0 ] (A) amplitude of vibrations is 6 cm. (B) amplitude of vibrations is 6/2 cm. (C) displacement of a point at a distance 62 cm from the source of vibration at the same instant is 33cm. (D) displacement of a point at a distance 62 cm from the source vibration at the same instant is 3 cm . Sources separated by 20m vibrate according to the equation y1 = 0.06 sin t and y2 = 0.02 sin t. They send out waves along a rod with speed 3m/sec. What is the equation of motion of a particle 12m from the first source and 8m from the second. y1, y2 are in m. The period of ocillations of a point is 0.04 sec. and the velocity of propagation of ocillation is 300m/sec . The difference of phases between the ocillations of two points at distances 10 and 16 m respectively from the source of ocillations is (A) 2 (B) /2 (C) /4 (D) A perfectly elastic uniform string is suspended vertically with its upper end fixed to the ceiling and the lower end loaded with the weight. If a transverse wave is imparted to the lower end of the string, the pulse will (A) not travel along the length of the string (B) travel upwards with increasing speed (C) travel upwards with decreasing speed (D) travelled upwards with constant acceleration If the tension in a stretched string fixed at both ends is changed by 20%, the fundamental frequency is found to change by 15Hz. Then the (A) original frequency is 150Hz (B) velocity of propagation of the transverse wave along the string changes by 5% (C) velocity of propagation of the transverse wave along the string changes by 10% (D) fundamental wave length on the string does not change. A uniform rope of mass per unit length and of length L is lying straight on a smooth horizontal table. A constant force F is applied at one end of the rope, along the length of the rope. If the pulled end of the rope is given a small transverse pulse, its velocity of progress at a section distant x from the free end is _______. The vibration of a string of length 60 cm is represented by the equation y = 3cos(x/20) cos (72t) where x and y are in cm and t in sec. Write down the component waves whose superposition gives the above wave. Where are the nodes and antinodes located along the string. What is the velocity of the particle of the string at the position x = 5cm and t = 0.25 sec. A nonuniform rope of mass M and length L has a variable linear mass density given by = k x where x is the distance from one end of the wire and k is a constant . Show that M = kL2/2 Show that the time required for a pulse generated at one end of the wire to travel to the other end is given by t = (8ML/9F) where F (constant)is the tension in the wire.

Q 2.

Q 3.

Q 4.

Q 5.

Q 6.

Q 7.

Q 8. (i) (ii) (iii) Q 9. (a) (b)

QUEST TUTORIALS Head Office : E-16/289, Sector-8, Rohini, New Delhi, Ph. 65395439

Q 10. A transverse wave is travelling along a string from left to right. The fig. represents the shape of the string (snapshot) at a given instant . At this instant (a) which points have an upward velocity (b) which points will have downward velocity (c) which points have zero velocity (d) which points have maximum magnitude of velocity. Q 11. A string vibrates in 4 segments to a frequency of 400Hz. (i) What is its fundamental frequency ? (ii) What frequency will cause it to vibrate into 7 segments.

Q 12. A wave represented by the equation y = acos(kxt) is superposed with another wave to form a stationary wave such that the point x = 0 is a node. The equation of the other wave is : (A) a sin(kx +t) (B) a cos (kxt) (C) a cos (kx+t) (D) a sin(kxt) Q 13. A string fixed at both ends is vibrating in the lowest mode of vibration for which a point at quarter of its length from one end is a point of maximum displacement. The frequency of vibration in this mode is 100Hz. What will be the frequency emitted when it vibrates in the next mode such that this point is again a point of maximum displacement. Q 14. A travelling wave of amplitude 5A is partially reflected from a boundary with the amplitude 3 A . Due to superposition of two waves with different amplitudes in opposite directions a standing wave pattern is formed. Determine the amplitude at node and antinodes . Q 15. A tube of 1.0m long is closed at one end. A wire of length 0.3m and mass 1x102kg is stretched between two fixed ends and is placed near the open end. When the wire is plucked at its mid point the air column resonates in its 1st overtone. Find the tension in the wire if it vibrates in its fundamental mode . (Vsound=330m/s) Q 16. Three resonant frequencies of string are 90, 150 and 210Hz. If the length of the string is 80cm what is the speed of the transverse wave in the string. (A) 45 m/s (B) 75 m/s (C) 48 m/s (D) 80 m/s Q 17. A transverse wave described by equation y = 0.02sin (x+30t) (where x and t are in metres and sec.) is travelling along a wire of area of cross section 1mm2 and density 8000kg/m3. What is the tension in the string: (A) 20N (B) 7.2N (C) 30N (D) 14.4N Q 18. A wire having a linear density 0.1kg/m is kept under a tension of 490 N. It is observed that it resonates at a frequency of 400Hz and the next higher frequency 450Hz. Find the length of the wire (A) 0.4m (B) 0.7m (C) 0.6m (D) 0.49m Q 19. A 110cm long wire is to be divided into 3 segments by placing two bridges on a sonometer so that their fundamental frequency are in the ratio 1:2:3. The positions of the two bridges should be (A) 40 and 50cm from one end (B) 60 and 90cm from one end (C) 30 and 50 cm from one end (D) 35 and 50 cm from one end. Q 20. Two sound waves move in the same direction in a medium. If the average powers transmitted across a cross section by them are equal while their wavelength are in the ratio 1:2 their pressure amplitudes would be in the ratio ________ .

Q 21. Two point sound sources A and B each of power 25 W and frequency 850Hz are 1m apart. (a) determine the phase difference between the waves emitting from A and B received by detector D as in fig. (b) also determine the intensity of the resultant sound wave as recorded by detector D. Velocity of sound = 340m/s.

QUEST TUTORIALS Head Office : E-16/289, Sector-8, Rohini, New Delhi, Ph. 65395439 A 90 0 1m 2.4m


Q 22. Two sound waves one in air and the other in fresh water are equal in intensity. Find the ratio of pressure amplitudes of the wave in water to that of the wave in air. (b) If the pressure amplitudes of the waves are equal then what will be the ratio of the intensities of the waves . [Vsound = 340m/s in air and density of air = 1.22 kg/m3, Vwater = 1488m/s] Q 23. A metallic rod of length 1m is rigidly clamped at its end points. Longitudinal stationary waves are setup in the rod in such a way that there are six antinodes of displacement wave observed along the rod. The amplitude of the antinode is 2x106m. Write the equations of the stationary wave and the component waves at the point 0.1m from the one end of the rod. [Young's modulus = 7.5x1010 N/m2 density=2500kg/m3] Q 24. A is singing a note and at the same time B is also singing a note with 1/8th the frequency of A . The powers of the two sounds are equal. The amplitude of the note of B is: (A) same as that of A (B) twice that of A (C) four times that of A (D) eight times that of A Q 25. A source of sound of frequency 165 Hz is placed in front of a wall at a distance 2m from it . A detector is also placed in front of the wall at the same distance from it. Find the minimum distance between the source and detector for which maximum sound is recorded in the detector. The speed of sound is 330m/s. (A) 4m (B) 3m (C) 1m (D) 2m
. . Q 26. An organ pipe P1 is closed at one end vibrating in its first overtone & another pipe P2 open at both the ends vibrating in its third overtone are in resonance with a given tuning fork . The ratio of the length of P1 to that of P2 is _________.

Q 27. A cylindrical tube, open at both ends, has fundamental frequency f in air. The tube is . dipped vertically in water so that half of it is in water. The fundamental frequency of the air column is now : (A) f/2 (B) 3f/4 (C) f (D) 2f Q 28. A standing wave in second overtone is maintained in a open organ pipe of length l. The distance between consecutive displacement node and pressure node is ________ . Q 29. A closed organ pipe of length l = 100cm is cut into two unequal pieces. The fundamental frequency of the new closed organ pipe piece is found to be same as the frequency of first overtone of the open organ pipe piece. Determine the length of the two pieces and the fundamental tone of the open pipe piece. Take velocity of sound = 320 m/s. Q 30. Two cosecutive overtones produced by a narrow air column closed at one end and open at the other are 750Hz and 1050Hz. Then the fundamental frequency from the column is _______. Q 31. A standing wave of frequency 1100Hz in a column of methane at 200C produces nodes that are 20 cm apart. What is the ratio of the heat capacity at constant pressure to that at constant volume . Q 32. A long tube contains air at a pressure of 1 atm and temperature 770C. The tube is open at one end and closed at the other by a movable piston. A tuning fork near the open end is vibrating with a frequency of 600Hz. Resonance is produced when the piston is at distances 18, 55.5 & 93cm from the open end (i) what is the speed of sound in air at 770C (ii) what is the ratio = Cp/Cv . (take molar mass of air =29gm)

QUEST TUTORIALS Head Office : E-16/289, Sector-8, Rohini, New Delhi, Ph. 65395439

Q 33. The air in a closed tube 34cm long is vibrating with 2 nodes and 2 antinodes and its temperature is 510C. What is the wavelength of waves produced in air outside the tube when the temperature of air is 160C. (A) 42.7 cm (B) 68 cm (C) 17 cm (D) 102 cm Q 34. If the fundamntal frequency of a pipe closed at one end is 512Hz. The fundamental frequency of a pipe of the same dimensions but open at both ends will be: (A) 1024 Hz (B) 512Hz (C) 256 Hz (D) 128Hz Q 35. An air column in a pipe, which is closed at one end, is in resonance with a vibrating tuning fork of frequency 264 Hz. If v = 330m/s, the length of the column in cm is: (A) 31.25 (B) 62.50 (C) 93.75 (D) 125 Q 36. Two sources of sonic oscillations S1 and S2 emitting notes having equal frequencies and which are in phase are located symmetrically about centre O along diameter of a circle of radius R . The separation S1S2 = 2 where is the wavelength of the sound signals emitted by them . For a detector moving along this circle at constant angular velocity what would be the number of intensity maximas detected by the detector every second. Assume R > . Q 37. A progressive wave and a stationary wave have same frequency 200Hz, same velocity 50m/s. The amplitude of progressive wave is twice that of the stationary wave. If the intensity of progressive wave is twice that of the stationary wave. If the intensity of progressive wave is 0.09units. The equation of stationary wave can be written as (A) y = 0.3 sin 2 (200t 4x) (B) y = 0.1 cos 8x sin400t (C) y = 0.3 cos 8x sin4t (D) y = 0.09 sin 2 (200t 4x) Q 38. What is the percentage change in the tension necessary in a sonometer of fixed length to produce a note one octave lower (half of original frequency) than before (A) 25% (B) 50% (C) 67% (D)75% (E) 200% Q 39. Two identical piano wires have a fundamental frequency of 600 vib/sec. When kept under the same tension. What fractional increase in the tension of one wire will lead to the occurence of six beats per second when both wires vibrate simultaneously . Q 40. A metal wire of diameter 1 mm, is held on two knife edges separated by a distance of 50 cm . The tension in the wire is 100N. The wire vibrating its fundamental frequency and a vibrating tuning fork together produces 5 beats per sec. The tension in the wire is then reduced to 81 N . When the two are excited beats are again at the same rate. Calculate (a) the frequency of the fork and (b) the density of the material of the wire. Q 41. Two persons A and B each carrying a source of frequency 500Hz are standing a few metres apart . A starts moving towards B with a velocity of 4.5m/s. If the speed of sound is 300m/s . Which of the following are true. (A) A hears a note of lower freuency (B) No. beats heard by A is higher that that heard by B. (C) The no. of beats heard by B is 38 in 5 sec. (D) both A and B will hear the same no. of beats every sec. Q 42. The first overtone of an open organ pipe beats with the first overtone of a closed organ pipe with a beat frequency of 2.2Hz. The fundamental frequency of the closed organ pipe is 110 Hz . Find the lengths of the pipes.Velocity of sound =330 m/s . Q 43. The beat frequency produced by three tuning forks of frequency 500 Hz, 505Hz and 515 Hz is ________ .

QUEST TUTORIALS Head Office : E-16/289, Sector-8, Rohini, New Delhi, Ph. 65395439

Q 44. A source of sound with frequency 100 Hz and a receiver are located at the same point. At the moment t =0 the source and the receiver start receding from each other with acceleration 3m/s2 and 1.2m/s2 respectively. Find the oscillation frequency registered by the receiver at t = 8.5 sec . After the start of motion.Velocity of sound=330m/s . Q 45. A tuning fork P of unknown frequency gives 7 beats in 2 sec with another tuning fork Q. When Q runs towards the wall with a speed of 5m/s it gives 5 beats per sec with its echo. On loading wax on Pit gives 5 beatsper second with Q. What is the frequency of P? Assume speed of sound=332m/s. Q 46. A sounding body emitting a frequency of 150 Hz is dropped from a height. During its fall under gravity it crosses a balloon moving with a constant velocity of 2m/s one second after it started to fall .The difference in the frequency observed by the man in balloon just before and just after crossing the body will be : (given that velocity of sound = 300m/s; g = 10m/s2) (A) 12 (B) 6 (C) 8 (D) 4 Q 47. An observer rides with a sound source of frequency f and moving with velocity v towards a large vertical wall. Considering the velocity of sound waves as c find (i) the number of waves striking the surface of wall per second (ii) the wavelength of the reflected wave (iii) the frequency of reflected wave (iv) beat frequency heard by the observer.

Q 1. A wire of density 9x103 kg/m3 is stretched between two clamps 1m apart & is subjected to an extension of 4.9x104m . What will be the lowest frequency of transverse vibrations in the wire ? [Youngs Modulus of the material 9 x1010N/m] [ REE 87, 7 ] Select correct alternative(s) : [ JEE 87, 2 ] The displacement of particles in a string stretched in xdirection is represented by y . Among the following expressions for y , those describing wave motion are : (A) cos (kx) sin(t) (B) kx t (C) cos (kx + t) (D) cos (kx t) In a sonometer wire the tension is maintained by suspending a 50.7 kg mass from the free end of the wire . The suspended mass has the volume of 0.0075 CuM . The fundamental frequency of the vibration of wire is 260 Hz . If the suspended mass is completely submerged in water , the fundamental frequency becomes ______ Hz . [The density of water is 103 kg/m3] [ JEE 87, 2 ] The following equations represent transverse waves z1 = A . cos (kx t) , z2 = A . cos (kx + t) & z3 = A . cos (ky t) . Identify the combination(s) of the waves which will produce ; (i) standing waves (ii) a wave travelling in the direction making an angle of 45 with positive x & positive y axes . In each case , find positions at which the resultant intensity is always zero . [ JEE 87, 7 ] A train approaching a hill at a speed of 40 km/h sounds a whistle of frequency 580 Hz when it is at a distance of 1 km from a hill A, wind with a speed of 40 km/h is blowing in the direction of motion of the train . Find : (i) the frequency of the whistle as heard by an observer on the hill & (ii) the distance from the hill at which the echo from the hill is heard by the driver & its frequency . (Velocity of sound in air 1200 km/h) [ JEE 88, 5 ] A wave represented by the equation y = a cos(kx t) is superposed with another wave to form a stationary wave such that the point x = 0 is a node . The equation for other wave is : (A) a sin (kx + t) (B) a cos(kx + t) (C) a cos(kx t) (D) a sin(kx t) [ JEE 88, 1 ]

Q 2.

Q 3.

Q 4.

Q 5.

Q 6.

QUEST TUTORIALS Head Office : E-16/289, Sector-8, Rohini, New Delhi, Ph. 65395439

Q 7.

An organ pipe P1 is closed at one end vibrating in its first harmonic & another pipe P2 open at both the ends vibrating in its third harmonic are in resonance with a given tuning fork . The ratio of the length of P1 to that of P2 is : (A) 8/3 (B) 3/8 (C) 1/2 (D) 1/3 [ JEE 88, 2 ] Note : in this question the paper setter has misused the term harmonic for overtone . Read overtone instead of harmonic in the question & then solve . A point source emits sound equally in all directions in a non absorbing medium . Two points P & Q are at a distance of 9m & 25 m respectively from the source . The ratio of the amplitudes of the waves at P & Q is ______ . [ JEE 89, 2 ] Velocity of sound in air is 320 m/s . A pipe closed at one end has length of 1 m . Neglecting end corrections the air column in the pipe can resonate for sound of frequency : (A) 80 Hz (B) 240 Hz (C) 320 Hz (D) 400 Hz [ JEE 89, 2 ]

Q 8.

Q 9.

Q 10. Show that the slope of the transversely vibrating string at any point on it is numerically equal to the ratio of the particle speed at that point to the wave speed on the string. [ REE 89, 3 ] Q 11. Two speakers connected to the same sourse of fixed frequency are placed 2 m apart in a box . A sensitive microphone placed at a distance of 4 m from their mid point along the perpendicular bisector shows maximum response . The box is slowly rotated till the speakers are in line with the microphone . The distance between the mid point of the speakers & the microphone remains unchanged . Exactly 5 maximum responses are observed in the microphone in doing this . Calculate the wave length of the sound wave. [ REE 89 , 3 ] Q 12. A wave is given by the equation y = A sin 10 x + 15 t + where x is in metres & t in seconds . The expression represents : (A) a wave travelling in positive x direction with a velocity of 1.5 m/s (B) a wave travelling in the negative x direction with a velocity of 1.5 m/s (C) a wave travelling in the negative x direction with a wavelength 0.2 m (D) a wave travelling in the positive x direction having wavelength 0.2 m . [ JEE 90, 2 ] Q 13. The amplitude of a wave disturbance propagating in the positive x direction is given by y=
1 1 at t = 2 sec where x & y are in meters . The 2 at time t = 0 & by y = 1+ x 1 + (x 1)2

shape of the wave disturbance does not change during the propagation . The velocity of the wave is _______ m/s . [ JEE 90, 2 ]
N Q 14. A source of sound is moving along a circular orbit of radius 3m with an angular velocity of 10 rad/s . A sound detector D A B C located far away from the source is executing linear SHM 3 m along the line BD with an amplitude BC = CD = 6 m . The frequency of oscillation of the detector is 5/ per second . M The source is at the point A when the detector is at the point B . If the source emits a continuous sound wave of frequency 340 Hz , find the maximum & minimum frequencies recorded by the detector .(Vsound=330m/s) [ JEE 90, 7 ]

Q 15. Two identical straight wires are stretched so as to produce 6 beats/sec. when vibrating simultaneously . On changing the tension slightly in one of them , the beat frequency remains unchanged . Denoting by T1, T2, the higher & the lower initial tensions in the strings, then it could be said that while making the above changes in tension : (A) T2 was decreased (B) T2 was increased (C) T1 was increased (D) T1 was decreased [ JEE 91, 2 ]

QUEST TUTORIALS Head Office : E-16/289, Sector-8, Rohini, New Delhi, Ph. 65395439

Q 16. The displacement of the medium in a sound wave is given by the equation ; y1 = A cos (ax + bt) where A, a & b are positive constants . The wave is reflected by an obstacle situated at x = 0 . The intensity of the reflected wave is 0.64 times that of the incident wave . (A) what are the wavelength & frequency of the incident wave . (B) write the equation for the reflected wave . (C) in the resultant wave formed after reflection , find the maximum & minimum values of the particle speeds in the medium . (D) express the resultant wave, formed after , as a super position of a standing wave and a travelling wave . What are the positions of the anti nodes of the standing wave ? What is the direction of propagation of the travelling wave ? [ JEE 91, 8 ] Q 17. A uniform rope of mass 0.1 kg & length 2.45 m hangs from a ceiling . (a) find the speed of the transverse wave in the rope at a point 0.5 m distant from the lower end . (b) calculate the time taken by transverse wave to travel the full length of the rope . [ REE 91, 7 ] Q 18. The displacement y of a particle executing periodic motion is given by ; y = 4 cos (t/2) sin (1000 t) . This expression may be considered to be a result of the super position of : (A) 2 (B) 3 (C) 4 (D) 5 independent harmonic motions . [ JEE 92, 2 ] Q 19. A cylindrical resonance tube open at both ends has a fundamental frequency F in air . Half of the length of the tube is dipped vertically in water . The fundamental frequency of the air column now is ______ . [ JEE 92, 1 ] Q 20. Two radio stations broadcast their programmes at the same amplitude A & at slightly different frequencies 1 & 2 respectively, where 2 1 = 103 Hz . A detector receives the signals from the two stations simultaneously . It can only detect signals of intensity 2 A . (i) Find the time interval between successive maxima of the intensity of the signal received by the detector . (ii) Find the time for which the detector remains idle in each cycle of the intensity of the signal . [ JEE '93, 4 ] Q 21. A wire of 9.8 x 103 kg mass per meter passes over a frictionless pulley fixed on the top of an inclined frictionless plane which makes an angle of 30 with the horizontal . Masses M1 & M2 are tied at the two ends of the wire . The mass M1 rests on the plane and the mass M2 hangs freely vertically downwards . The whole system is in equilibrium. Now a transverse wave propagates along the wire with a velocity of 100 m/sec . Find the value of masses M1 & M2 . [ REE '93, 4 ] Q 22. The stationary wave y = 2a sin kx cos t in a closed organ pipe is the result of the superposition of y = a sin (t kx) & _______ . [ REE '94, 2 ] Q 23. A metallic rod of length 1 m is rigidly clamped at its midpoint . Longitudinal stationary waves are set up in the rod in such a way that there are two nodes on either side of the mid point . The amplitude of an antinode is 2x106m . Write the equation of motion at a point 2 cm from the midpoint and those of the constituent waves in the rod . [Youngs modulus = 2 x 1011 Nm2, density = 8000 Kg m3) . [ JEE '94, 6 ] Q 24. A whistle emitting a sound of frequency 440 Hz is tied to a string of 1.5 m length and rotated with an angular velocity of 20 rad s1 in the horizontal plane . Calculate the range of frequencies heard by an observer stationed at a large distance from the whistle . [ JEE '96, 3 ]

QUEST TUTORIALS Head Office : E-16/289, Sector-8, Rohini, New Delhi, Ph. 65395439

Q 25. Select the correct alternative : [ JEE '96, 2 x 2 = 4 ] (i) The extension in a string, obeying Hooke's law is x . The speed of sound in the stretched string is v . If the extension in the string is increased to 1.5 x , the speed of sound will be (A) 1.22 v (B) 0.61 v (C) 1.50 v (D) 0.75 v (ii) An open pipe is suddenly closed at one end with the result that the frequency of third harmonic of the closed pipe is found to be higher by 100 Hz than the fundamental frequency of the open pipe . The fundamental frequency of the open pipe is : (A) 200 Hz (B) 300 Hz (C) 240 Hz (D) 480 Hz Q 26. A transverse wave is described by the equation y = x0 cos 2 vt . The maximum particle velocity is two times the wave velocity provided = ______ . [ REE '96, 1 ] Q 27. When 0.98 m long metallic wire is stressed, an extension of 0.02 m is produced . An organ pipe 0.5 m long and open at both ends, when sounded with this stressed metallic wire, produces 8 beats in its fundamental mode . By decreasing the stress in the wire, the number of beats are found to decrease . Find the Young's modulus of the wire . The density of metallic wire is 104 kgm3 & sound velocity in air is 292 ms1 . [ REE '96, 5 ] Q 28. A whistle giving out 450 Hz approaches a stationary observer at a speed of 33 m/s . The frequency heard by the observer in Hz is : (A) 409 (B) 429 (C) 517 (D) 500 [ JEE '97, 1 ] Q 29. The first overtone of an open organ pipe beats with the first overtone of a closed organ pipe with a beat frequency of 2.2 Hz . The fundamental frequency of the closed organ pipe is 110 Hz . Find the lengths of the pipes . [ JEE '97, 5 ] Q 30. A place progressive wave of frequency 25 Hz, amplitude 2.5 x 105 m & initial phase zero propagates along the (ve) xdirection with a velocity of 300 m/s . At any instant, the phase difference between the oscillations at two points 6 m apart along the line of propagation is ____ & the corresponding amplitude difference is ____ m . [ JEE '97, 2 ] Q 31. Fill in the blanks : [ REE '97, 1 + 1 ] (i) Out of the following three wave forms ; (a) 2 A cos kx sin t , (b) 2 A cos (/2) t cos (t kx) & (c) 2 A cos (/2) sin (t kx + ) ______ represent the phenomenon of stationary wave . (ii) Two sound waves reaching a point at time t are represented by P = P01 sin (kx t) and P = P02 sin [k (x + x) t + 0] respectively . The phase difference between these waves is ______ .

Q 32. When a train is approaching the observer, the frequency of the whistle is 100 cps while when it has passed the observer, it is 50 cps . Calculate the frequency when the observer moves with the train . [ REE '97, 5 ] Q 33. A band playing music at a frequency f is moving towards a wall at a speed vb . A motorist is following the band with a speed vm . If v is the speed of sound, obtain an expression for the beat frequency heard by the motorist . [ JEE '97, 5 ] Q 34. A travelling in a stretched string is described by the equation y = A sin (kx t) . The maximum particle velocity is : (A) A (B) /k (C) d/dk (D) x/t [ JEE '97, 1 ] Q 35. The fundamental frequency of a sonometer wire increases by 6 Hz if its tension is increased by 44 % keeping the length constant . Find the change in the fundamental frequency of the sonometer when the length of the wire is increased by 20 % keeping the original tension in the wire .

QUEST TUTORIALS Head Office : E-16/289, Sector-8, Rohini, New Delhi, Ph. 65395439

Q 36. Select the correct alternative(s) . [ JEE '98 2 + 2 + 2 ] (i) The (x , y) coordinates of the corners of a square plate are (0, 0) (L, 0) (L, L) & (0, L). The edges of the plate are clamped & transverse standing waves are set up in it . If u (x, y) denotes t he displacement of the plate at the point (x, y) at some instant of time, the possible expression(s) for u is/are : (a = positive constant) (A) a cos (C) a sin (ii)
x y cos 2 L 2 L

(B) a sin

y x sin L L y 2 x sin L L

x 2 y sin L L

(D) a cos


A string of length 0.4 m & mass 102 kg is tightly clamped at its ends . The tension in the string is 1.6 N . Identical wave pulses are produced at one end at equal intervals of time, t . The minimum value of t which allows constructive interference between successive pulses is : (A) 0.05 s (B) 0.10 s (C) 0.20 s (D) 0.40 s A transverse sinusoidal wave of amplitude a, wavelength & frequency f is travelling on a stretched string . The maximum speed of any point on the string is
v , where v is 10

speed of propagation of the wave . If a = 103 m and v = 10 ms1, then & f are given by : (A) = 2 x 102 m (B) = 102 m (C) f =
10 3 Hz 2

(D) f = 104 Hz

Q 37. The air column in a pipe closed at one end is made to vibrate in its second overtone by a tuning fork of frequency 440 Hz . The speed of sound in air is 330 ms1 . End corrections may be neglected . Let P0 denote the mean pressure at any point in the pipe & P0 the maximum amplitude of pressure variation . (i) Find the length L of the air column . (ii) What is the amplitude of pressure variation at the middle of the column ? (iii) What are the maximum & minimum pressures at the open end of the pipe . (iv) What are the maximum & minimum pressures at the closed end of the pipe ? [ JEE '98, 2 + 2 + 2 + 2 ] Q 38. Two metallic strings A and B of different materials are connected in series forming a joint. The strings have similar crosssectional area. The length of A is lA = 0.3m and that B is lB = 0.75m. One end of the combined string is tied with a support rigidly and the other end is loaded with a block of mass m passing over a frictionless pulley. Transverse waves are set up in the combined string using an external source of variable frequency . Calculate (i) the lowest frequency for which standing waves are observed such that the joint is a node and (ii) the total number of antinodes at this frequency. The densities of A & B are 6.3 x 103kg m3 and 2.8 x 103kg m3 respectively. [ REE 99 ] Q 39. In hydrogen spectrum the wvaelength of H line is 656 nm, whereas in the spectrum of a distant galaxy, H line wavelength is 706 nm. Estimated speed of the galaxy with respect to earth is, (A) 2 x 108 m/s (B) 2 x 107 m/s (C) 2 x 106 m/s (D) 2 x 105 m/s [ JEE '99, 2 ] Q 40. A long wire PQR is made by joining two wires PQ and QR of equal radii. PQ has length 4.8 m and mass 0.06 kg. QR has length 2.56 m and mass 0.2kg. The wire PQR is under a tension of 80N. A sinusoidal wavepulse of amplitude 3.5cm is sent along the wire PQ from the end P. No power is dissipated during the propagation of the wavepulse. Calculate (a) the time taken by the wavepulse to reach the other end R of the wire, and (b) the amplitude of the reflected and transmitted wavepulses after the incident wavepulse crosses the joint Q. [ JEE "99, 4 + 6 ]

QUEST TUTORIALS Head Office : E-16/289, Sector-8, Rohini, New Delhi, Ph. 65395439


Q 41. As a wave progagates : (A) the wave intensity remains constant for a plane wave (B) the wave intensity decreases as the inverse of the distance from the sounce for a spherical wave (C) the wave intensity decreases as the inverse square of the distance from the source for a spherical wave (D) total intensity of the sherical wave over the spherical survace centered at the source remains constant at all times . [ JEE '99, 3 ] Q 42. y (x, t) = 0.8/[(4x + 5t)2 + 5] represents a moving pulse, where x & y are in meter and t in second . Then : (A) pulse is moving in +x direction (B) in 2s it will travel a distance of 2.5 m (C) its maximum displacement is 0.16 m (D) it is a symmetric pulse . [ JEE '99, 3 ] Q 43. In a wave motion y = a sin (kx t), y can represent : (A) electric field (B) magnetic field (C) displacement (D) pressure [ JEE '99, 3 ] Q 44. Standing waves can be produced : (A) on a string clamped at both the ends (B) on a string clamped at one end and free at the other (C) when incident wave gets reflected from a wall (D) when two identical waves with a phase difference of p re moving in same direction [ JEE '99, 3 ] Q 45. A train moves towards a stationary observer with speed 34m/s. The train sounds a whistle and its frequency registered by the observer is f1. If the trains speed is reduced to 17m/s, the frequency registered is f2. If the speed of sound is 340m/s then the ratio f1/f2 is (A) 18/19 (B) 1/2 (C) 2 (D) 19/18 [ JEE 2000 Screening, 1 ] Q 46. Two vibrating strings of the same material but lengths L and 2L have radii 2r and r respectively. They are stretched under the same tension . Both the strings vibrate in their fundamental modes, the one of length L with frequency f1 and the other with frequency f2. The ratio f1/f2 is given by (A) 2 (B) 4 (C) 8 (D) 1 [ JEE 2000 Screening, 1 ] Q 47. A 3.6 m long vertical pipe resonates with a source of frequency 212.5 Hz when water level is at certain heights in the pipe . Find the heights of water level (from the bottom of the pipe) at which resonances occur . Neglect end correction . Now, the pipe is filled to a height H (~ 3.6 m) . A small hole is drilled very close to its bottom and water is allowed to leak . Obtain an expression for the rate of fall of water level in the pipe as a function of H . If the radii of the pipe and the hole are 2 102 m and 1 10 3 m respectively, calculate the time interval between the occurence of first two resonances . Speed of sound in air is 340 m/s and g = 10 m/s2 . [ JEE 2000 Mains, 10 ] Q 48. A source of sound revolving in a circle of radius 15 m is emitting a signal of frequency 200 Hz. It completes one revolution in 3 seconds . Calculate the maximum and minimum frequencies of the signal heard at a point 30 m from the centre of the circle . (speed of sound = 330 ms 1) [ REE 2000 Mains, 3 ] Q 49. A wave pulse starts propagating in the + x direction along a nonuniform wire of length 10 m with mass per unit length given by m = m0 + x and under a tension of 100 N . Find the time taken by the pulse to travel from the lighter end (x = 0) to the heavier end . (m0 = 10 2 kg/m and = 9 10 3 kg/m2) [ REE 2000 Mains, 6 ]

QUEST TUTORIALS Head Office : E-16/289, Sector-8, Rohini, New Delhi, Ph. 65395439



Q 1. C Q 2. A, C Q 7.
Fx L

Q 3. 0.05 sin t 0.0173 cos t

Q 4. D

Q 5. B, D

Q 6. A, C, D

Q 8. (i) y1 = 1.5 cos {(/20)x72t}, y2 =1.5 cos {(/20)x + 72 t}, Q10. (a) D, E , F Q 13. 300 Hz Q 20. 1 (b) A, B, H Q 14. 2A, 8A Q 12. C Q 19. B

(ii) 10, 30, 50 cm and 0, 20, 40, 60 cm, (iii) 0 Q 9. Prove (c) C, G (d) A, E Q11. 100 Hz , 700 Hz Q 17. B Q 18. B
P0 w P0a

Q15. 735 N (b) I =

Q 16. C

Q 21. (a)


= (25 / 312) 2

Q 22.

= 60 ,

Pw = 2.8x10 4 Pa

Q 23. Y = 2x106 sin 6xcos(630x103t) at x = 0.1, Y = 1.9x106 cos(630x103t) Q 24. D Q 25. B Q 26. 3 : 8 Q 27. C Q 28. l/6 Q 29. 20, 80cm, 200Hz Q 30. 150 Hz Q 31. 1.28 Q 32. (i) 450m/s, 1:3.9 Q 33. A Q 34. A Q 35. A, C Q 36. 4 / Q 37. B (amplitude cannot be found) Q 38. D Q 39. 2% 3 3 Q 40. 95Hz, 12.74 10 kg/m Q 41. C Q 42. Lc = 0.75m, Lo = 0.99m, 1.000m Q 43. 5 Hz Q 44. 89.96 90Hz Q 45. 160 Hz Q 46. A Q 47. (i) n= n.(c/cv) (ii) = (v/f) = (c/f) (v/f) = (cv)/f (iii) n = n (iv) fbeat = [(c+v)n/v] f

Q 1. 35 per sec. Q 2. A, C Q 3. 240 Q 4. z = 2 A . cos kx . cos t , x = (2n 1)(/2k) , n N and z = 2 A . cos [(kx ky)/2] . cos [t (kx + ky)/2] , x y = (2n 1) (/k) n N Q 5. (i) 599 per sec (ii) 621 per sec Q 6. B Q 7. B Q 8. 25 : 9 Q 9. A, B, D Q 11. 0.4 m Q 12. B, C Q 13. 0.5 Q 14. max. = 442 , min. = 255 Q 15. B, D Q 16. (a) 2 /a , b/2 21 v b ( v + v m )f (b) y2 = 0.8 A cos (ax bt) (c) max. =1.8 b 15 A, min. =20 (d) y = 1.6 A sin ax sin bt , 2 v b , ve x axis or + ve x axis y = 0.2 A cos(ax + bt), x = (2m + 1) (/2a) where v m W Q 17. (a) 2.21 m/s (b) 1 sec Q 18. B Q 19. f Q 20. (i) 103 sec (ii) 5 x 104 s Q 21. m2= 10 kg , m 1 = 20 kg Q 22. a [sin (kx + t) + 2 sin(kx t)] Q 23. y = 2 x 106 sin (0.1 ) cos (25000 t+), for =0 : y1 = 106 sin (5 x 25000 t) , y2 = 106 sin (5 x + 25000 t) Q 24. fmax = 484 Hz , fmin = 403.3 Hz Q 25 (i) A (ii) A Q 26. x0 Q 27. Y = 1.76 x 1011 N/m2 Q 28. D Q 29. Lc = 0.75 m ; Lo = 0.99 m or 1.006 m Q 30. rad , 0 m Q 31. (i) (a) (ii) k x + 0 Q 32. 66.67 Hz Q 33. Q 34. A Q 35. 6 = 5.48 Hz decrease

Q 36. (i) B, C

(ii) B

(iii) A, C

Q 37. (i) L =

15 m 16


P0 2

(iii) Pmax = Pmin = P0 Q 38.

(iv) Pmax = P0 + P0 , Pmin = P0 P0 Q 39. B Q 40. (a) Time = 140 ms Q 42. B, C,D

5 m , where S= area of cross section of wire,8 3 70 S

V2 V1 2V2

(b) Ar = V + V Ai = 1.5 cm; At = V + V Ai = 2 cm 2 1 1 2 Q 43. A, B, C Q 44. A, B, C v = 5 10 3 Q 49. Q 45. D Q 46. D

5 H ; t = 80 (4 2 3)

Q 41. A, C, D
200 33

Q 47. h = 3.2, 2.4, 1.6, 0.8, 0 ;

Q 48. 200

[(m0 + l)3/2 (m0)3/2] =

10 10 1 s 105

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