Men's Basketball: Pre-Season 2005 Strength & Conditioning
Men's Basketball: Pre-Season 2005 Strength & Conditioning
Men's Basketball: Pre-Season 2005 Strength & Conditioning
Tempo - 3:0:X Tempo - 3:0:X Tempo - 3:0:X
Strength Speed - Strength/Power Strength - MAX EFFORT
Monday Wednesday Friday
Agility Ladder Agility Ladder Agility Ladder
Lateral Box Jumps 3 x 0:30
Week 1 Squat 6x2x255 Week 1 Hang Clean 6x3x145 Week 1 Squat 6x3x255 1x6x350 Box Squat
Bench 6x3x225 Push Jerks 6x3x80 Bench 6x2x225
Barbell Lunges 3 x 10 Pull-Ups 3xMAX Barbell Lunges 3x6
Incline D/B Press 3 x 10 Seated Military Press 3x8 Incline D/B Press 3x6
Abs x 100 T-Bar Rows 3 x 10 Abs x 100 Close Grip D/B Bench 3x8 Abs x 100 T-Bar Rows 3x6
Choice Hamstring Curls 3 x 10 Choice Cable Scarecrows 3x8 Choice Hamstring Curls 3x6
Barbell Curls 3 x 10 Calf Raises 3x8 Barbell Curls 3x6
Week 2 Squat 6x2x255 Week 2 Hang Clean 6x4x145 Week 2 Squat 6x4x255 1x6x385 Box Squat
Bench 6x4x225 Push Jerks 6x3x80 Bench 6x2x225
Barbell Lunges 3 x 10 Pull-Ups 3xMAX Barbell Lunges 3x6
Incline D/B Press 3 x 10 Seated Military Press 3x8 Incline D/B Press 3x6
Abs x 100 T-Bar Rows 3 x 10 Abs x 100 Close Grip D/B Bench 3x8 Abs x 100 T-Bar Rows 3x6
Choice Hamstring Curls 3 x 10 Choice Cable Scarecrows 3x8 Choice Hamstring Curls 3x6
Barbell Curls 3 x 10 Calf Raises 3x8 Barbell Curls 3x6
Week 3 Squat 6x2x255 Week 3 Hang Clean 6x5x145 Week 3 Squat 6x5x255 1x6x385 Box Squat
Bench 6x5x225 Push Jerks 6x3x80 Bench 6x2x225
Barbell Step-Ups 3 x 10 Pull-Ups 3xMAX Barbell Step-Ups 3x6
Chain-Push-Ups 3 x 10 Overhead Military Press 3 x 8 Chain-Push-Ups 3x6
Abs x 100 Low-Pulley Rows 3 x 10 Abs x 100 Close Grip D/B Bench 3x8 Abs x 100 Low-Pulley Rows 3x6
Choice RDLs 3 x 10 Choice Cable Scarecrows 3x8 Choice RDLs 3x6
Standing D/B Curls 3 x 10 Calf Raises 3x8 Standing D/B Curls 3 x 6
Week 4 Squat 6x2x255 Week 4 Hang Clean 6x6x145 Week 4 Squat 6x6x255 1x6x385 Box Squat
Bench 6x6x225 Push Jerks 6x3x80 Bench 6x2x225
Barbell Step-Ups 3x8 Pull-Ups 3 x MAX Barbell Step-Ups 3x5
Chain-Push-Ups 3 x MAX Overhead Military Press 3 x 6 Chain-Push-Ups 3 x MAX
Abs x 100 Low-Pulley Rows 3x8 Abs x 100 Close Grip D/B Bench 3x6 Abs x 100 Low-Pulley Rows 3x5
Choice RDLs 3x8 Choice Cable Scarecrows 3x6 Choice RDLs 3x5
Standing D/B Curls 3x8 Calf Raises 3x6 Standing D/B Curls 3 x 5
Week 5 Squat 6x2x255 Week 5 Hang Clean 5x5x155 Week 5 Squat 5x5x270 1x6x415 Box Squat
Bench 5x5x240 Push Jerks 6x3x80 Bench 6x2x225
Bulgarian Split Squats 3 x 8 Pull-Ups 3 x MAX Bulgarian Split Squats 3 x 5
Floor D/B Chest Press 3 x 8 Seated Arnold Press 3x6 Floor D/B Chest Press3 x 5
Abs x 100 1-Arm D/B Rows 3x8 Abs x 100 Close Grip D/B Bench 3x6 Abs x 100 1-Arm D/B Rows 3x5
Choice Hamstring Curls 3x8 Choice Cable Scarecrows 3x6 Choice Hamstring Curls 3x5
Preacher Curls 3x8 Calf Raises 3x6 Preacher Curls 3x5
Week 6 Squat 6x2x255 Week 6 Hang Clean 4x4x160 Week 6 Squat 4x4x290 1x6x415 Box Squat
Bench 4x4x250 Push Jerks 6x3x80 Bench 6x2x225
Bulgarian Split Squats 3 x 6 Pull-Ups 3 x MAX Bulgarian Split Squats 3 x 4
Floor D/B Chest Press 3 x 6 Seated Arnold Press 3x5 Floor D/B Chest Press3 x 4
Abs x 100 1-Arm D/B Rows 3x6 Abs x 100 Close Grip D/B Bench 3x5 Abs x 100 1-Arm D/B Rows 3x4
Choice Hamstring Curls 3x6 Choice Cable Scarecrows 3x5 Choice Hamstring Curls 3x4
Preacher Curls 3x6 Calf Raises 3x5 Preacher Curls 3x4
Week 7 Squat 6x2x255 Week 7 Hang Clean 3x3x170 Week 7 Squat 3x3x305 1x6x415 Box Squat
Bench 3x3x265 Push Jerks 6x3x80 Bench 6x2x225
Front Squats 3x6 Pull-Ups 3 x MAX Front Squats 3x4
Incline D/B Press 3x6 D/B Lateral Raise 3x5 Incline D/B Press 3x4
Abs x 100 T-Bar Rows 3x6 Abs x 100 Close Grip D/B Bench 3x5 Abs x 100 T-Bar Rows 3x4
Choice RDLs 3x6 Choice Cable Scarecrows 3x5 Choice RDLs 3x4
Barbell Curls 3x6 Calf Raises 3x5 Barbell Curls 3x4
Week 8 Squat 6x2x255 Week 8 Hang Clean 2x2x180 Week 8 Squat 2x2x320 1x6x450 Box Squat
Bench 2x2x280 Push Jerks 6x3x80 Bench 6x2x225
Front Squats 3x4 Pull-Ups 3 x MAX Front Squats 3x2
Incline D/B Press 3x4 D/B Lateral Raise 3x3 Incline D/B Press 3x2
Abs x 100 T-Bar Rows 3x4 Abs x 100 Close Grip D/B Bench 3x3 Abs x 100 T-Bar Rows 3x2
Choice RDLs 3x4 Choice Cable Scarecrows 3x3 Choice RDLs 3x2
Barbell Curls 3x4 Calf Raises 3x3 Barbell Curls 3x2
Week 9 Squat 6x2x255 Week 9 Hang Clean 1x1x190 Week 9 Squat 1x1x335
Bench 1x1x295 Push Jerks 6x3x80 Bench 6x2x225
Barbell Lunges 3x4 Pull-Ups 3x3 Front Squats 3x2
Incline D/B Press 3x4 D/B Lateral Raise 3x3 Incline D/B Press 3x2
Abs x 100 T-Bar Rows 3x4 Abs x 100 Close Grip D/B Bench 3x3 Abs x 100 T-Bar Rows 3x2
Choice Hamstring Curls 3x4 Choice Cable Scarecrows 3x3 Choice RDLs 3x2
Barbell Curls 3x4 Calf Raises 3x3 Barbell Curls 3x2
Basal Metabolic Rate and Calorie Need Calculator
Bulking Plan - Men
BMR = 1699
If you are Very Active = BMR X 1.725 (hard exercise/sports 6-7 days/week)
Calorie-Calculation = BMR X 1.725 Calorie Requirement =
If you are Extra Active (very hard daily exercise/sports & physical job or 2X day training)
Calorie-Calculation = BMR X 1.9 Calorie Requirement =
tep 5 Enter Calorie Requirement from above based on your activity level: 3212
nter Daily Caloric Intake based on your goal from the calculations above: 3712
To Gain Weight:
Weight 70.45
1 kilogram = 2.2 lbs.
Height 170.18
1 inch = 2.54 cm.
40 20
Carb % Fat %