h> int main() { int i, j, k; for(i=1;i<=5;i++) { for(j=i;j<5;j++) { printf(" "); } for(k=1;k<(i*2);k++) { printf("*"); } printf("\n"); } return 0; } 2. C code to find minimum or smallest element present in an array. #include <stdio.h> int main() { int array[100], minimum, size, c, location = 1; printf("Enter the number of elements in array\n"); scanf("%d",&size); printf("Enter %d integers\n", size); for ( c = 0 ; c < size ; c++ ) scanf("%d", &array[c]); minimum = array[0]; for ( c = 1 ; c < size ; c++ ) {
if ( array[c] < minimum ) { minimum = array[c]; location = c+1; } } printf("Minimum element is present at location %d and it's value is %d\n", location, minimum); return 0; } Output: Enter the number of a element in array:5 2 5 4 1 6 7 Minimum element is present at location 4 and its value is 1. 2. permutation #include<stdio.h> #include<stdlib.h> #include<conio.h> int lev=-1,n,val[50],a[50]; void main() { int i,j; clrscr(); printf("Enter how many numbers?\n"); scanf("%d",&n); printf("\nEnter %d numbers:\n\n",n); for(i=0;i<n;i++) { val[i]=0; j=i+1; scanf("%d\n\n",&a[j]); } visit(0); getch(); } visit(int k)
{ int i; val[k]=++lev; if(lev==n) { for(i=0;i<n;i++) printf("%2d",a[val[i]]); printf(" "); } for(i=0;i<n;i++) if(val[i]==0) visit(i); lev--; val[k]=0; } Output: 1, 2, 3 1 2 3, 1 3 2, 2 1 3, 3 1 2, 2 3 1, 3 2 1 4. find minimum no in array #include <stdio.h> int main() { int array[100], maximum, size, c, location = 1; printf("Enter the number of elements in array\n"); scanf("%d", &size); printf("Enter %d integers\n", size); for (c = 0; c < size; c++) scanf("%d", &array[c]); maximum = array[0]; for (c = 1; c < size; c++) { if (array[c] > maximum) { maximum = array[c]; location = c+1; } } printf("Maximum element is present at location %d and it's value is %d\n", location, maximum); return 0;} Output: Enter the number of element in array:
5 Enter 5 integers: 45682 Maximum array is pressent at location 4 and the value is 8 6. Create text editor features like insertion, deletion #include<stdio.h> #include<conio.h> #include<process.h> int i,j,ec,fg,ec2; char fn[20],e,c; FILE *fp1,*fp2,*fp; void Create(); void Append(); void Delete(); void Display(); void main() { do { clrscr(); printf(\n\t\t TEXT EDITOR); printf(\n\n\tMENU:\n\t\n ); printf(\n\t1.CREATE\n\t2.DISPLAY\n\t3.APPEND\n\t4.DELETE\n\t5.EXIT\n); printf(\n\tEnter your choice: ); scanf(%d,&ec); switch(ec) { case 1: Create(); break; case 2: Display(); break; case 3: Append(); break; case 4: Delete(); break; case 5: exit(0); } }while(1); } void Create() { fp1=fopen(temp.txt,w); printf(\n\tEnter the text and press . to save\n\n\t);
while(1) { c=getchar(); fputc(c,fp1); if(c == .) { fclose(fp1); printf(\n\tEnter then new filename: ); scanf(%s,fn); fp1=fopen(temp.txt,r); fp2=fopen(fn,w); while(!feof(fp1)) { c=getc(fp1); putc(c,fp2); } fclose(fp2); break; }} } void Display() { printf(\n\tEnter the file name: ); scanf(%s,fn); fp1=fopen(fn,r); if(fp1==NULL) { printf(\n\tFile not found!); goto end1; } while(!feof(fp1)) { c=getc(fp1); printf(%c,c); } end1: fclose(fp1); printf(\n\n\tPress any key to continue); getch(); } void Delete() { printf(\n\tEnter the file name: ); scanf(%s,fn); fp1=fopen(fn,r); if(fp1==NULL) { printf(\n\tFile not found!); goto end2; }
fclose(fp1); if(remove(fn)==0) { printf(\n\n\tFile has been deleted successfully!); goto end2; } else printf(\n\tError!\n); end2: printf(\n\n\tPress any key to continue); getch(); } void Append() { printf(\n\tEnter the file name: ); scanf(%s,fn); fp1=fopen(fn,r); if(fp1==NULL) { printf(\n\tFile not found!); goto end3; } while(!feof(fp1)) { c=getc(fp1); printf(%c,c); } fclose(fp1); printf(\n\tType the text and press Ctrl+S to append.\n); fp1=fopen(fn,a); while(1) { c=getch(); if(c==19) goto end3; if(c==13) { c=\n; printf(\n\t); fputc(c,fp1); } else { printf(%c,c); fputc(c,fp1); } } end3: fclose(fp1); getch(); }
Algorithm: Display options new, open and exit and get choice. If choice is 1 , call Create() function. If choice is 2, call Display() function. If choice is 3, call Append() function. If choice is 4, call Delete() function. If choice is 5, call Display() function. Create() 1 Get the file name and open it in write mode. 2 Get the text from the user to write it. Display() Get the file name from user. Check whether the file is present or not. If present then display the contents of the file. Append() Get the file name from user. Check whether the file is present or not. If present then append the file by getting the text to add with the existing file. Delete() Get the file name from user. Check whether the file is present or not. If present then delete the existing file. 7.Create online reservation n cancellation: #include<stdio.h> #include<conio.h> #include<stdlib.h> #include<string.h> #include<iostream.h> #include<time.h> #include<iomanip.h> #include<fstream.h> char f[10]=f; char s[10]=s; int addr,ad,flag,f1,d,m,i,amt; float tamt; class login {
public: char id[100]; char pass[100]; char *password; void getid() { cout<<Enter your id:;gets(id); password=getpass(Enter the password:); strcpy(pass,password); } void displayid() { cout<<Id:;puts(id); cout<<Password:;puts(pass); } }; class detail { public: int tno; char tname[100]; char bp[100]; char dest[100]; int c1,c1fare; int c2,c2fare; int d,m,y; void getdetail() { cout<<Enter the details as follows\n; cout<<Train no:;cin>>tno; cout<<Train name:;gets(tname); cout<<Boarding point:;gets(bp); cout<<Destination pt:;gets(dest); cout<<No of seats in first class & fare per ticket:; cin>>c1>>c1fare; cout<<No of seats in second class & fare per ticket:; cin>>c2>>c2fare; cout<<Date of travel:;cin>>d>>m>>y; } void displaydetail() { cout<<tno<<\t<<tname<<\t<<bp<<\t<<dest<<\t; cout<<c1<<\t<<c1fare<<\t<<c2<<\t<<c2fare<<\t; cout<<d<<-<<m<<-<<y<<\t<<endl; } }; class reser { public: int pnr;
int tno; char tname[100]; char bp[10]; char dest[100]; char pname[10][100]; int age[20]; char clas[10]; int nosr; int i; int d,m,y; int con; float amc; void getresdet() { cout<<Enter the details as follows\n; cout<<Train no:;cin>>tno; cout<<Train name:;gets(tname); cout<<Boarding point:;gets(bp); cout<<Destination pt:;gets(dest); cout<<No of seats required:;cin>>nosr; for(i=0;i<nosr;i++) { cout<<Passenger name:;gets(pname[i]); cout<<Passenger age:;cin>>age[i]; } cout<<Enter the class f-first class s-second class:; gets(clas); cout<<Date of travel:;cin>>d>>m>>y; cout<<Enter the concession category\n; cout<<1.Military\n2.Senior citizen\n; cout<<3.Children below 5 yrs\n4.None\n; cin>>con; cout<<END OF GETTING DETAILS\n; } void displayresdet() { cout<<Pnr no:<<pnr; cout<<\nTrain no:<<tno; cout<<\nTrain name:;puts(tname); cout<<Boarding point:;puts(bp); cout<<Destination pt:;puts(dest); cout<<No of seats reserved:<<nosr; for(i=0;i<nosr;i++) { cout<<Passenger name:;puts(pname[i]); cout<<Passenger age:<<age[i]; } cout<<\nYour class:;puts(clas); cout<<\nDate of reservation:<<d<<-<<m<<-<<y;
cout<<\nYour concession category:<<con; cout<<\nYou must pay:<<amc<<endl; cout<<END OF RESERVATION\n; } }; class canc { public: int pnr; int tno; char tname[100]; char bp[10]; char dest[100]; char pname[10][100]; int age[20]; int i; char clas[10]; int nosc; int d,m,y; float amr; void getcancdet() { cout<<Enter the details as follows\n; cout<<Pnr no:;cin>>pnr; cout<<Date of cancellation:;cin>>d>>m>>y; cout<<END OF GETTING DETAILS\n; } void displaycancdet() { cout<<Pnr no:<<pnr; cout<<\nTrain no:<<tno; cout<<\nTrain name:;puts(tname); cout<<Boarding point:;puts(bp); cout<<Destination pt:;puts(dest); cout<<\nYour class:;puts(clas); cout<<no of seats to be cancelled:<<nosc; for(i=0;i<nosc;i++) { cout<<Passenger name:;puts(pname[i]); cout<<passenger age:<<age[i]; } cout<<\nDate of cancellation:<<d<<-<<m<<-<<y; cout<<\nYou can collect:<<amr<<rs<<endl; cout<<END OF CANCELLATION\n; } }; void manage(); void can();
void user(); void database(); void res(); void reserve(); void displaypassdetail(); void cancell(); void enquiry(); void main() { clrscr(); int ch; cout<<WELCOME TO RAILWAY RESERVATION SYSTEM\n; do { cout<<MAIN MENU\n; cout<<1.Admin mode\n2.User mode\n3.Exit\n; cout<<Enter your choice:; cin>>ch; cout<<endl; switch(ch) { case 1: database(); break; case 2: user(); break; case 3: exit(0); } }while(ch<=3); getch(); } void database() { char *password; char *pass=abc; password=getpass(Enter the admininistrator password:); detail a; fstream f; int ch; char c; if(strcmp(pass,password)!=0) { cout<<Enter the password correctly \n; cout<<You are not permitted to logon this mode\n; goto h; } if(strcmp(pass,password)==0) {
char c; do { cout<<ADMINISTRATOR MENU\n; cout<<1.Create detail data base\n2.Add details\n; cout<<3.Display details\n4.User management\n; cout<<5.Display passenger details\n6.Return to main menu\n; cout<<Enter your choice:; cin>>ch; cout<<endl; switch(ch) { case 1:,ios::out|ios::binary); do { a.getdetail(); f.write((char *) & a,sizeof(a)); cout<<Do you want to add one more record?\n; cout<<y-for Yes\nn-for No\n; cin>>c; }while(c==y'); f.close(); break; case 2:,ios::in|ios::out|ios::binary|ios::app); a.getdetail(); f.write((char *) & a,sizeof(a)); f.close(); break; case 3:,ios::in|ios::out|ios::binary|ios::app); f.seekg(0); while( *) & a,sizeof(a))) { a.displaydetail(); } f.close(); break; case 4: manage(); break; case 5: displaypassdetail(); break; } }while(ch<=5); f.close(); }
h: } void reserve() { int ch; do { cout<<1.Reserve\n2.Return to the main menu\n; cout<<Enter your choice:; cin>>ch; cout<<endl; switch(ch) { case 1: res(); break; } }while(ch==1); getch(); } void res() { detail a; reser b; fstream f1,f2; time_t t;,ios::in|ios::out|ios::binary);,ios::in|ios::out|ios::binary|ios::app); int ch; b.getresdet(); while( *) &a,sizeof(a))) { if(a.tno==b.tno) { if(strcmp(b.clas,f)==0) { if(a.c1>=b.nosr) { amt=a.c1fare; addr=f1.tellg(); ad=sizeof(a.c1); f1.seekp(addr-(7*ad)); a.c1=a.c1-b.nosr; f1.write((char *) & a.c1,sizeof(a.c1)); if(b.con==1) { cout<<Concession category:MILITARY PERSONNEL\n; b.amc=b.nosr*((amt*50)/100); } else if(b.con==2)
{ cout<<Concession category:SENIOR CITIZEN\n; b.amc=b.nosr*((amt*60)/100); } else if(b.con==3) { cout<<Concession category:CHILDERN BELOW FIVE\n; b.amc=0.0; } else if(b.con==4) { cout<<You cannot get any concession\n; b.amc=b.nosr*amt; } srand((unsigned) time(&t)); b.pnr=rand(); f2.write((char *) & b,sizeof(b)); b.displayresdet(); cout<<Your ticket is reserved\n; cout<<End of reservation menu\n; } else { cout<<Sorry req seats not available\n; } } else if(strcmp(b.clas,s)==0) { if(a.c2>=b.nosr) { amt=a.c2fare; addr=f1.tellg(); ad=sizeof(a.c2); f1.seekp(addr-(5*ad)); a.c2=a.c2-b.nosr; f1.write((char *) & a.c2,sizeof(a.c2)); if(b.con==1) { cout<<Concession category:MILITARY PRESONNEL\n; b.amc=b.nosr*((amt*50)/100); } else if(b.con==2) { cout<<Concession category:SENIOR CITIZEN\n; b.amc=b.nosr*((amt*60)/100); } else if(b.con==3) { cout<<Concession category:CHILDERN BELOW FIVE\n; b.amc=0.0;
} else if(b.con==4) { cout<<You cannot get any concession\n; b.amc=b.nosr*amt; } f2.write((char *) & b,sizeof(b)); b.displayresdet(); cout<<Your ticket is reserved\n; cout<<End of reservation\n; } else { cout<<Sorry req no of seats not available\n; } } getch(); goto h; } else { flag=0; } } if(flag==0) { cout<<Wrong train no\n; cout<<Enter the train no from the data base\n; } f1.close(); f2.close(); getch(); h: } void displaypassdetail() { fstream f; reser b;,ios::in|ios::out|ios::binary); f.seekg(0); while( *) & b,sizeof(b))) { b.displayresdet(); } f.close(); getch(); } void enquiry() {
fstream f;,ios::in|ios::out|ios::binary); detail a; while( *) & a,sizeof(a))) { a.displaydetail(); } getch(); } void cancell() { detail a; reser b; canc c; fstream f1,f2,f3;,ios::in|ios::out|ios::binary);,ios::in|ios::out|ios::binary);,ios::in|ios::out|ios::binary); cout<<CANCELLATION MENU\n; c.getcancdet(); while( *) & b,sizeof(b))) { if(b.pnr==c.pnr) { c.tno=b.tno; strcpy(c.tname,b.tname); strcpy(c.bp,b.bp); strcpy(c.dest,b.dest); c.nosc=b.nosr; for(int j=0;j<c.nosc;j++) { strcpy(c.pname[j],b.pname[j]); c.age[j]=b.age[j]; } strcpy(c.clas,b.clas); if(strcmp(c.clas,f)==0) { while( *) & a,sizeof(a))) { if(a.tno==c.tno) { a.c1=a.c1+c.nosc; d=a.d; m=a.m; addr=f1.tellg(); ad=sizeof(a.c1); f1.seekp(addr-(7*ad)); f1.write((char *) & a.c1,sizeof(a.c1)); tamt=b.amc; if((c.d==d)&&(c.m==m))
{ cout<<You are cancelling at the date of departure\n; c.amr=tamt-((tamt*60)/100); } else if(c.m==m) { cout<<You are cancelling at the month of departure\n; c.amr=tamt-((tamt*50)/100); } else if(m>c.m) { cout<<You are cancelling one month before the date of departure\n; c.amr=tamt-((tamt*20)/100); } else { cout<<Cancelling after the departure\n; cout<<Your request cannot be completed\n; } goto h; c.displaycancdet(); } } } else if(strcmp(c.clas,s)==0) { while( *) & a,sizeof(a))) { if(a.tno==c.tno) { a.c2=a.c2+c.nosc; d=a.d; m=a.m; addr=f1.tellg(); ad=sizeof(a.c2); f1.seekp(addr-(5*ad)); f1.write((char *) & a.c2,sizeof(a.c2)); tamt=b.amc; if((c.d==d)&&(c.m==m)) { cout<<You are cancelling at the date of departure\n; c.amr=tamt-((tamt*60)/100); } else if(c.m==m) { cout<<You are cancelling at the month of departure\n; c.amr=tamt-((tamt*50)/100); } else if(m>c.m) {
cout<<You are cancelling one month before the date of departure\n; c.amr=tamt-((tamt*20)/100); } else { cout<<Cancelling after the departure\n; cout<<Your request cannot be completed\n; } goto h; c.displaycancdet(); } } } } else { flag=0; } } h: if(flag==0) { cout<<Enter the correct pnr no\n; } f1.close(); f2.close(); f3.close(); getch(); } void can() { int ch; do { cout<<CANCELLATION MENU\n; cout<<1.Cancell\n2.Return to the main menu\n; cout<<Enter your choice:; cin>>ch; cout<<endl; switch(ch) { case 1: cancell(); break; } }while(ch==1); getch(); } void user() {
login a; int ch; cout<<WELCOME TO THE USER MENU\n; fstream f;,ios::in|ios::out|ios::binary); char id[100]; puts(Enter your id:);gets(id); password=getpass(Enter your password:); while( *) & a,sizeof(a))) { if((strcmp(,id)==0)&&(strcmp(a.pass,password)==0)) { do { cout<<1.Reserve\n2.Cancell\n3.Enquiry\n4.Return to the main menu\n; cout<<Enter your choice:; cin>>ch; cout<<endl; switch(ch) { case 1: reserve(); break; case 2: cancell(); break; case 3: enquiry(); break; } }while(ch<=3); goto j; } else { d=1; } } if(d==1) { cout<<Enter your user id and password correctly\n; } getch(); j: } void manage() { int ch; fstream f;
char c; login a; cout<<WELCOME TO THE USER MANAGEMENT MENU\n; do { cout<<1.Create id data base\n2.Add details\n; cout<<3.Display details\n4.Return to the main menu\n; cout<<Enter your choice:; cin>>ch; cout<<endl; switch(ch) { case 1:,ios::out|ios::binary); do { a.getid(); f.write((char *) & a,sizeof(a)); cout<<Do you want to add one more record\n; cout<<y-Yes\nn-No\n; cin>>c; }while(c==y'); f.close(); break; case 2:,ios::in|ios::out|ios::binary|ios::app); a.getid(); f.write((char *) & a,sizeof(a)); f.close(); break; case 3:,ios::in|ios::out|ios::binary); f.seekg(0); while( *) & a,sizeof(a))) { a.displayid(); } f.close(); break; } }while(ch<=3); getch(); }