Moh-Uae Pharmacy Federal Law in English1

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UAE FEDERAL LAW NO: 4, 1983 The Pharmaceutical Professions and Institutions Contents Chapter Title & Articles

contained Definitions 1 Pharmacists and Assistants 2-5 2 The License Committee 6-9 3 Temporary licenses 10 4 Prescriptions 11-15 5 Phamacist duties 16-18 6 Licensing of Pharmacists 19-33 7 Licensing of Drug Stores and ad hoc provisions
34-46 8 Licensing of Medicines factories and ad hoc provisions 47-58 9 Licensing of Scientific officies and ad hoc provisions 59-62 10 Registration of Medicines, companies and pricing

11 Poisons and Dangerous drugs 68-76 12 Inspectors authority 77 13 Disciplinary powers and fees 78-94

Federal Law No: 4 of 1983 on Pharmaceutical Profession and Institutions We, Zayed Bin Sultan Al Nahyan, President of the United Arab Emirates: After taking cognisance of the provisional constitution; Federal Low No: 1 of 1972 and the laws amending it on jurisdictions of Ministries and powers of Ministers; Federal Law No: 5 of 1974 on practicing pharmaceutical profession and trading in a medicine; And in accordance with what has been submitted by Minister of Health, approved by the Cabinet and Federal National Council and endorsed by the Federal Supreme Council; Have issued the following:

ARTICLE 1 In the application of the provisions of this law, the following words and phrases shall have the meanings stated herein: 1 2 3 4 The Country The Minister The Ministry Pharmaceutical profession The United Arab Emirates The Minister of Health The Ministry of Health Preparation, composition, separation, manufacturing, bottling or packing, selling or distribution of any medicine for protection or treatment of human beings or animals. Any person holder of pharmacy certificate from a recognised high institute, college or university. The Committee stated in the article 6 of this law Any person licensed to pharmaceutical profession according to the provisions of this law. Public or private, pharmacy, medicine factories and stores and scientific offices. Any medicine that contains one or more element for treatment or protection of human beings and animals. Basic elements composing the medicine Equipment other than medicine and which are used for medical purposes. Any institution inside the country for import, storage and distribution of medicine (wholesale) The production unit inside the country and which manufactures medicine. The scientific centres that notify and give information about medicine and chemical elements produced by factories, which the scientific offices affiliate.

The Pharmacist

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Licensing Committee Licensed Pharmacist

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The Pharmaceutical Institution Medicine

10 11 12

Chemical Elements Medical Appliances Medical Store

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Medical factory Scientific offices

ARTICLE 2 No person is permitted to practice pharmaceutical profession without obtaining a licence according to the provisions of this law. Persons who apply to obtain the licence should: 1 2 3 4 5 Hold a pharmacy certificate from a recognised high institute, college or university. Practiced pharmaceutical profession for a period not less than two years (for foreigners) Have a clear police record. Fluent Arabic and foreign language. Pass the examination to be organised by the Ministry in this regard and according to the rules to be issued by the Minster in consultation with the licensing committee. ARTICLE 3 No person should practice the profession of assistant pharmacist without obtaining the licence according to the provisions of this law. To obtain the said licence the applicant should be: 1 2 3 4 5 Holder of a recognised assistant pharmacist certificate Practiced the profession for at least two years in one of the pharmaceutical institution under the supervision of a licensed pharmacist. Have a clear police record. Fluent in Arabic and one of the foreign languages. Pass the examination to be conducted by the Ministry for this purpose and according to the rules to be issued by the Minster after consultation with licensing committee. ARTICLE 4 The documents to be attached to the application for obtaining the licence stated in article 2 and 3 shall be determined by the decision to issue by the Minister. ARTICLE 5 The licensed pharmacist may appoint as an aide an assistant pharmacist who fulfilled the conditions stated in the article 3 of this law. He may also appoint with him in the pharmaceutical institution students from Pharmacy College or assistant pharmacists who did not completed the training period after obtaining the Ministrys approval and shall be responsible for the mistakes they may commit.

ARTICLE 6 A committee to be named the licences committee shall be set up in the Ministry. The formation of this committee and its work regulations shall be determined by a decision to be issued by the Minister. The licences committee shall look into the application for obtaining the licences stated in article 2,3,18,34,47 and 60 of this law. The committee shall submit its recommendations in this concern to the Minister for action. ARTICLE 7 The licence committee shall practices its duties stated in the article 6 considering that priority for obtaining licences shall be for UAE nationals, Arab nationals and then other nationalities. ARTICLE 8 The committee should state the reasons for rejecting the application and the applicant may submit to the Minister his complaint on the committees decision within a period of 30 days from the date of his notification about the decision rejecting the licence. The ministers decision in this concern shall be final. ARTICLE 9 A record including the pharmacists and assistant pharmacists licensed to practice the pharmaceutical profession according to the provisions of this law shall be set up in the Ministry. The Minister shall issue a decision determining the form of the record and the information and statements, which should be included. ARTICLE 10 Pharmacists and assistant pharmacists employed by the government authorities shall be granted by a decision to be issued by Under Secretary of the Ministry temporary licence to work only with the employer. ARTICLE 11 The licensed pharmacist should not give any medicine or medicinal preparation without a medical prescription in a clear hand-writing carrying the mane of the

licensed doctor who issued it, its stamp and date issue. If the prescription included one of the drugs stated in one of the tables appended to this law, the licensed pharmacist should make sure of the following before giving the drug. That the medical prescription is numbered and stamped by the Ministrys stamp and issued in the form prepared for this purpose. 2 Written in an ineffaceable material 3 The prescription should include the amount of medicine in letters and figures, directions and name and address the patient. 4 Should not be issued for a period exceeding two days. 5 The prescribed dose should not be more than what has been stated in the pharmacopoeia and the period of usage not to exceed three days. The provisions of the paragraph 1 of this article shall not apply on what is sold by a pharmacy to another or to a medical institution. 1 ARTICLE 12 Licensed pharmacist is not permitted to grant, dispense of sell poisons on amounts in excess of the doses laid down in the pharmacopoeia. ARTICLE 13 Licensed pharmacist is not allowed to make any changes in the medical prescription before consulting the doctor who issued the prescription. He is also not permitted before obtaining the approval of the doctor, to repeat the supply of tranquillisers or medicine including abortifacients or, a medicine, which may lead to addiction. ARTICLE 14 If the licensed pharmacist discovered a mistake or omission in the medical prescription of become doubtful about part of it, he should discreetly contact the doctor who issued the prescription and he may return the prescription to the doctor if he rejected the clarification made by the doctor. In this case, the doctor should underline the issue in dispute and sign it.

ARTICLE 16 The licensed pharmacist should carry out his duties in conformity with regulations of the profession and in particular: 1 Shall not conduct any practices against the honour of the profession. 2 Shall keep confidential the disease, which he may come to know through the medical prescription presented to him or through any means related to his practicing of his work. Shall abide by the laws and regulations followed in this profession. Shall notify the communicable diseases he may discover during practicing his duties. Should not under take himself any work other than his work in the pharmacy. ARTICLE 17 The licensed pharmacist should not commit any work in violation of the duties of the profession in particular: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 Encouragement of patients to by medicine from his pharmacy through secret deals with others. Monopoly, hiding or selling of medicine for prices higher than the fixed prices Change of medicine as regards quantity or quality in contradiction with the provision stated in the law Selling of free medical samples Practicing medical or nursing works except for those relating to first aid and in necessary cases Dispensing of medical prescription through a code or a signal not agreed upon scientifically. Agreement with a doctor to write prescription in a special way or code between them. Criticizing or abusing the doctor whom issued the prescription before others. ARTICLE 18 No person is permitted to open a pharmacy before obtaining a license according to the provisions of this law.

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ARTICLE 19 For opening a pharmacy the following should be fulfilled: 1 The applicant for the licence should be a UAE national. 2 A licensed pharmacist should manage the pharmacy. 3 The distance between the pharmacy and the nearest pharmacy should not be less than 200 meters. 4 The pharmacy should fulfil the health and technical conditions to be determined by the Minister. ARTICLE 20 Applicant who wants to obtain a licence to open a pharmacy should submit his application to the licences committee including the following: 1 2 Name, nationality and address of the applicant. Number and date of issue of the licence for practicing the pharmaceutical profession granted to the pharmacist who shall be responsible for the management of the pharmacy. The Minister shall determine the documents, which should be attached with the application and which. ARTICLE 21 The concerned administrative authorities in the Ministry shall examine the place supposed to be occupied by the pharmacy to see whether all conditions stated in the law are fulfilled. The said authorities shall submit a report on its work to the licences committee. ARTICLE 22 The licence for opening a pharmacy shall be personal and should not be relinquished to others. The licence shall be considered null and void by the power of law if the ownership of the pharmacy is transferred to another person. In this case, a new licence should be obtained. In all cases the licences for opening a pharmacy shall be for one year renewable. ARTICLE 23 Without obtaining the approval of the Ministry, the pharmacy should not be shifted from one place to another and no change should be introduced in its designs of planning.

ARTICLE 24 The name of the pharmacy should be written a big Arabic letters on a board to be fixed in an easily visible place. ARTICLE 25 The licence of the pharmacy shall be considered expired by the force of law in the following cases: 1 2 3 The transfer of the ownership of the pharmacy to another The closure of the pharmacy for six consecutive months without strong reason accepted by the licences committee. Failure to start work in the pharmacy within six months from obtaining the licence. ARTICLE 26 No person shall be licensed to operate more than one pharmacy. A pharmacist who is a government employee is not permitted to open, manage or work in a private pharmacy. ARTICLE 27 In case of absence of the licensed pharmacist responsible for administration of the pharmacy, another licensed pharmacist should be appointed to replace him. The period of the annual absence should not exceed 60 days. An assistant pharmacist who worked in the pharmacy for at least three months should be present. ARTICLE 28 The pharmacy should be reserved only for storing, preparing of medicine and medical preparations, selling of cosmetic material, perfumes, childrens food, medical milk, insecticides, medical surgery optical and laboratory equipment, dental equipment, toothbrush and pastes and shaving soaps and similar items. ARTICLE 29 No pharmacy should have an entrance leading to a clinic, shop, apartment or any place, which has no relation with its activities.

ARTICLE 30 The urgent first aid equipment, basic medicine, other equipment reference books and official records which should be secured in the pharmacy shall be determined by a decision to be issued by the Minister. The Minster shall also issue a decision determining the banned medicines and ways of keeping and circulation of tranquillisers and poisons. ARTICLE 31 The medicines should be kept in the pharmacy in a good condition and according to the to the technical conditions. Medicines whose date is expired should not be kept in the pharmacy. ARTICLE 32 The Ministry shall organize the night and morning shifts of the pharmacies. ARTICLE 33 Licence may be granted for opening of pharmacies for a government body, public authority, public institution, society or private hospitals on condition that these pharmacies are under the management of a full-time licensed pharmacist and serve only the party, which may affiliate. The conditions for opening such pharmacy shall be determined by a decision to be issued by the Minister. ARTICLE 34 Before obtaining a licence according to the provisions of this law, no person is permitted to open a medical store. ARTICLE 35 The following conditions should be fulfilled before opening of a medical store: 1 2 3 The applicant to obtain the licence should be a UAE national. A licensed pharmacist should run the stores management. The store should fulfil the medical and technical conditions to be determined by the Minister.

ARTICLE 36 Applicant, for obtaining a licence for a medical store should submit to the licences committee an application including the following: 1 Name nationality, age and address of the applicant.

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Number and date of the licence issued to the pharmacist charged with conducting the management of the store. The documents which should be attached to the application (the documents shall be determined by the Minister ARTICLE 37

The palace to be selected for the premises of a medical store shall be examined according to what has been stated in article 21 of this law. ARTICLE 38 The licence to open a medical store shall be personal, not to be relinquished to others. The licence shall be considered null and void by the force of law if the ownership of the store was transferred to another person. In all cases, the licence of the store shall be for one year renewable. ARTICLE 39 A record shall be established in the Ministry to include manes of the owners of licensed stores. The Minister shall issue a decision determining the form of the record, the information to be included and the administrative authority, which shall supervise and organize the record. ARTICLE 40 No person is permitted to import medicines, chemicals or medicinal preparations unless he is owner of medical store and obtained a licence for import of the said items according to the provisions of the law. ARTICLE 41 If the owner of the medical store is an agent for the party that produces the medicine, medicinal preparations or chemicals, he shall not be granted the importation licence except from the same party. ARTICLE 42 Owner of medical store should keep a general record to include incoming medicines, pharmaceutical preparations and chemicals, date of their supply and the daily amounts dispensed. He should also keep a special record for poisons, dangerous medicines and psychiatric drugs. The two records shall be kept by the pharmacist-responsible for the management of the store.

ARTICLE 43 The owner of the store or the pharmacist responsible for its administration is not permitted to sell or grant as a sample to any pharmacy a medicine or medicinal preparation not priced or which has expired. Any of them are also not permitted to enter into a deal with doctors or pharmacist to pursue personal interests in contradiction with the provisions of the law ARTICLE 44 The owner of the store or the pharmacist responsible for its administration are not permitted to sell to a pharmaceutical, medical or treatment institution any medicine to any person other than those licensed by the concerned authorities. Chemicals used in industrial or agricultural purpose are also not to be sold to persons other than those licensed by the authorities. The provisions of article 28 of this law shall apply on the medical store. ARTICLE 45 Owner of the store or the responsible pharmacist is not permitted to sell, dispense or hand-over poisons in excess of the dose laid down in the pharmacopoeia Licensed pharmacist responsible for the administration of a pharmacy, a doctor licensed according to the provision of law or a person permitted to use poisons material in his profession are exempted from the provision of the above paragraph. The number and price of any medicine or medical preparation should be written on the cover. ARTICLE 46 Owner of the store and the pharmacist responsible for its management should abide by the provisions of laws and regulations on import, storing and distribution of medicines. ARTICLE 47 No person is permitted to open medical factory before obtaining a licence according to the provisions of this law.

ARTICLE 48 Without prejudice to the provisions of federal law No: 1 of 1979 on organisation of Industry affaire, the following should be fulfilled for obtaining a licence for medicine factory. 1 The factory should include production section, chemical, disinfection and bacteriological laboratories and should fulfil the technical and medical conditions to be determined by the Minister. The supervision of the factory with all its sections and laboratories should be by a manager licensed to practice pharmaceutical profession according to the provisions of this law. Every laboratory should be supervised by licensed pharmacists and specialists in the medicines produced by the factory.

ARTICLE 49 To obtain a licence for opening a medical factory, an application should be submitted to the licences committee including: 1 2 3 The contract for establishing the factory or its articles of association including names of shareholders in its capital. Number and date of the licence issued to manager of the factory to practice pharmaceutical profession and licences issued to pharmacists. Other documents determined by the minister. ARTICLE 50 The site and premises of the factory, should be examined according to what has been stated in article 21 of this law. ARTICLE 51 Manager of the factory shall be responsible for dangerous drugs and keeping their records. ARTICLE 52 In case of absence of manager of the factory for a certain period another person licensed to practice the pharmaceutical profession should replace him. And in the case of the manager who resigns, or is dismissed, a successor should be appointed within 15 day from the date of the previous manager leaving the work.

ARTICLE 53 The Ministry should be notified about the absence of the manager and the one who replaced him. The Ministry should also be notified names of staff of the factory and those who are licensed to practice pharmaceutical profession and any change, which may occur in their status. ARTICLE 54 The type of records to be kept by the factory, their organization and the party authorised to inspect these records shall be determined by a decision to be issued by the Minister with taking in to account the following: 1 2 3 The records should be stamped by the Ministry stamp, numbered and kept with the manager responsible for the factory and its laboratories. All required information should be registered in these records daily. The records should include all transactions concluded in the factory mainly the raw materials, their preparation manufacturing and distribution. ARTICLE 55 The following stores should be attached to every medical factory: 1 2 3 Store for raw materials Store for dangerous materials Store for the manufactured preparations. ARTICLE 56 The following preparations should be maintained in medical factories: 1 2 3 4 The buildings should be separated from each other and provided with all safety measures. All sections should include emergency exits The wastes should be disposed of in a way not to lead to environmental pollution and not threaten general health. All technical and health conditions should be maintained to secure the safety of its staff.

ARTICLE 57 The provisions of articles from 33 to 45 of this law shall apply on stores of medical factories. ARTICLE 58 The licence for medical factory shall be considered by the force of law if the share of the UAE national in its capital dropped to less than the percentage stated in law No. 1 of 1979 on organisation of Industry affairs. ARTICLE 59 No person is permitted to open a scientific office before obtaining a licence according to the conditions to by determined by the Minister ARTICLE 60 For obtaining a licence for scientific office, the application should be submitted to the licences committee ARTICLE 61 Scientific offices should not import medicines or pharmaceutical preparations or store them for selling or advertising unless these offices are registered in the Ministry according to the provisions of this law. ARTICLE 62 The scientific offices should keep samples of medicines and pharmaceutical preparations, which they want to advertise for. The offices should also keep a record for their samples stamped with the Ministrys stamp and stating on every sample not for sale or an equivalent phrase. ARTICLE 63 A committee to be named medicines pricing and companies committee shall be established in the Ministry to register the medicine and pharmaceutical companies and fix the prices of medicines. The Minister shall issue the decision on the formation to the committee and regulation of its work.

The committee shall submit its recommendations on its work to the Minister for action. ARTICLE 64 The Minister may at the recommendation of the committee stated in article 63 decide the following: 1 2 Approve the registration of any medical company or any medicine or pharmaceutical preparation proved suitable for circulation. Ban the circulation of any medicine or pharmaceutical preparation proved at any time harmful to public health. In such cases, the medicine or pharmaceutical preparation should be cancelled from the Ministrys records if registered and all the amounts should be confiscated and destroyed without maintaining any right to the owners to contact the Minister for compensation. 3 Fixation of the price of any medicine or pharmaceutical preparation and consider the pricing. ARTICLE 65 No import medicine, pharmaceutical preparation or childrens food should be put for circulation before being registered in the Ministry. Any medical company, which plans the marketing of its production in the country, should be registered in the Ministry. ARTICLE 66 Any medicine or pharmaceutical preparation that undergoes a change to its constituents should be re-registered. ARTICLE 67 The following information and data should be written in Arabic and English in the inside and outside leaflet and container of a medicine or pharmaceutical preparation. 1 2 3 4 5 Name of medicine or pharmaceutical preparation and number of registration in the Ministry. Compounds of medicine and their amounts Date of expiry Name of the factory producing the medicine or pharmaceutical preparation. Directions of use and cautionary warnings.

ARTICLE 68 The Minister shall issue the necessary orders to protect people from harms of poisons and dangerous drugs. ARTICLE 69 The following categories may possess dangerous drugs in the places where they practice their profession and through the following means: 1 2 3 4 5 The pharmacist responsible for the management of the store and through importation or purchase from another store. The pharmacist responsible for the management of a pharmacy through purchase from medicines store or a pharmacy. The licensed doctor for use in purposes relating to his possess Curative institutions according to a special licence Medical factories through importation and purchasing according to the provisions of this law. ARTICLE 70 The licensed pharmacist responsible for the management of a pharmacy may dispense dangerous medicines for medical purposes only in one of the following cases. 1 2 3 For patients who carry a medical prescription issued by a licensed doctor. Owners of animals who carry diseases and who obtain a medical prescription issued by licensed veterinarian. Doctors according to a signed application certifying that the amount, which they require, is for use in their clinics.

ARTICLE 71 Medical store or factory is not permitted to import dangerous drugs without submitting an application signed by the licensed pharmacist or director f the factory. The application should include all details relating to dangerous drugs to be imported such as the amounts, type, loading methods, clearance station, the exporting party and its address. The importation shall be after obtaining the approval of the administrative party to be named by the Minister.

ARTICLE 72 The medical prescription issued by the licensed doctor may include some dangerous compounds of a medicine or a pharmaceutical preparation. The Minister shall issue the decision determining these medicines. ARTICLE 73 The licensed pharmacist responsible for the pharmacy or the medicines store should keep a special record for dangerous medicines. The pages must be clearly numbered and sequential according to the official ministry format The pages should include detailed statement about the amount of dangerous drugs purchased or imported, name of its supplier or exporter, date of delivery or arrival, the amounts dispensed or sold, name and address of the patient or the buyer. ARTICLE 74 The licensed pharmacist responsible for the management of the pharmacy or medicines store should keep all medical prescription for dangerous medicines dispensed or sold for at least five years from the date of selling or dispensation. ARTICLE 75 The licensed pharmacist responsible for the management of the pharmacy or medicines store should conduct a regular inventory to examine that what is stated in the dangerous medicines record is in conformity with what is actually found. If any differences arediscovered he should inform the Ministry to take the necessary measures. ARTICLE 76 Without prejudice to the provisions of the International agreements which the country ratified, the Minister may add to the tables No.1, 2 and 3 appended to this law, any medicines or pharmaceutical drugs proved as poisonous or dangerous. The Minister may also drop from the said tables any medicines or pharmaceutical preparations proved not poisonous or dangerous. The Ministers decision in this regard shall be published in the official gazette and enter into force as from the date of its issue.

ARTICLE 77 The Minister of Justice, Islamic Affairs and Awkaf shall after consultation with Health Minister, issue a decision determining the person who shall have the legal authorization for inspection of pharmaceutical institutions. Owners of the pharmaceutical institution should cooperate with officials in their work. The appointed inspectors may inspect any pharmaceutical institution to check whether it is dealing in medicines and poisons trade with obtaining a licence. ARTICLE 78 The licences committee shall look into the cases committed by licensed pharmacists and owners of the pharmaceutical institutions in violation of the provisions of this law and its executive rules and regulations. The committee should notify the violator to stand before it at least three days before the date fixed for the session. If the violator failed to appear before the committee on the fixed date the committee may take its decision in his absence. ARTICLE 79 The licence committee may impose one of the following disciplinary punishments on the violating licensed pharmacist: A. Warning B. Suspension for a period not to exceed one year. C. Withdrawal of the licence. The committee may impose on owner of the pharmaceutical institution one of the following: D. Warning. E. Closure of the institution for a period not exceed 60 days If the violation is repeated, the institution may be closed for period not exceed six moths in total in the same year. The committee may also withdraw the licence. The punishments stated in this article should be taken only after hearing the violators defiance. If he failed to appear before the committee, it may take its decision according to the documents before it. The committee shall issue its decisions to the Minister for approval.

ARTICLE 80 Appeals and complaints against the committees decision may be submitted to the Minister within 15 days from receiving the decision. The Ministers decision in the appeal shall be issued within 30 days from the date of its submission and his decision in this concern shall be final. In all cases the decision on suspension, withdrawal of the licence of the pharmacist or closure of the pharmaceutical institution should not be implemented before the expiry of the date fixed for the appeal. ARTICLE 81 If the licences committee found that the continuation of the pharmaceutical institution in practicing its work will lead to harmful results, it may decide the institution be closed pending final decision. The precautionary closure shall be approved by the Undersecretary of the Ministry and shall be implemented as from the date of its approval. ARTICLE 82 The disciplinary decision taken according to the provisions of this law shall not nullify the criminal responsibility resulting from the same violation. ARTICLE 83 Without prejudice to any other harsher punishment decided by other low, imprisonment for a period not less than 6 months and not to exceed one year, a fine not less than Dh. 1,000 and not to exceed Dh. 5,000 or one of the two punishments shall be imposed on the person who: 1 2 Present false documents or wrong statements or followed illegal channels to obtain a licence in violation of the provisions of this law. Practiced the pharmaceutical profession without fulfilling the conditions stated in this law. ARTICLE 84 Without violation of harsher punishment stated by other law, imprisonment not less than six months and not to exceed one year, a fine not less than Dh. 1,000 and not exceed Dh. 3,000 or one of the two punishments shall be imposed in the following cases:

The pharmacist who fulfils the conditions stated in this law to practice pharmaceutical profession but practiced the profession before obtaining the licence. Any pharmacist who violate the provisions of article 13 or 16 of this law.

ARTICLE 85 Without prejudice to any harsher punishment stated in other laws, any person who violates the prices fixed for medicines and pharmaceutical preparations shall be fined not less than Dh. 1,000 and not more than Dh. 5,000 If he repeated the violation and a final conviction decision was taken, the licence granted to him shall be considered withdrawn by the force of law. ARTICLE 86 Without prejudice to any harsher punishment sated in other laws, any person who forge or fraud a medicine, pharmaceutical preparation or chemicals shall be sentenced to imprisonment for a period not less than one year and not to exceed three years, a fine not less than Dh. 2,000 and not to exceed Dh. 10,000 or one of the two punishments. Beside the punishments stated in article 83 and 84 and the first paragraph of this article, the court may order the withdrawal of the licence. ARTICLE 87 Any violator of the provisions of this law or its executive regulations and which are not included in one of the rules stated in article 83, 84, 85 and 86 of this law, shall be fined not less than Dh. 1,000 and not more than Dh. 5,000. ARTICLE 88 In the case of the withdrawal of the licence in accordance with the provisions of article 83 of this law or a final decision was taken on withdrawal of the licence in accordance with articles 81, 82 and 84 of this law, the Minister may permit the appointment of another pharmacist to undertake the management of the pharmacy or the store. He may also decide to final closure of the pharmacy or the store and after its liquidation of till assets and selling it under the supervision of the Ministry. ARTICLE 89 The Ministry may collect fees for the licences and registrations made according to the provisions of this law on conditions that the fees collected not to exceed Dh. 10,000 for the factory licence and Dh. 2,000 for other licences and records.

The Minister shall at the recommendation of the licences committee of the issue a decision determining these fees. ARTICLE 90 The obtaining of the licence stated in this law shall not exempt from obtaining other licences decided by existing laws and regulations. ARTICLE 91 If the agent of a medicine or pharmaceutical preparation is changed, the new agent should notify the Ministry about the change within 30 days from the date of transfer of the agency to him. ARTICLE 92 Publication of pamphlets or books and advertising through newspapers, radio and TV for any medicine pharmaceutical preparation or childrens food to be determined by the Minister shall not be permitted. ARTICLE 93 Except for the distance condition stated in article 19 of this law, all existing pharmaceutical institutions should correct their situation according to the provisions of this law within six moths from the date when this law enter into force. ARTICLE 94 Police staff shall assist in implementing the final disciplinary decisions on closing pharmaceutical institution according to the provisions of this law. ARTICLE 95 The Minister shall issue the executive decisions for implementation of this law. ARTICLE 96 Law No.5 of 1974 and provisions, which contradict the provisions of this law, shall be considered null and void. ARTICLE 97 This law shall be published in the official gazette and enter into force 30 days from the date of its publishing.

Zayed bin Sultan Al Nahyan President of the United Arab Emirates. Issued by us at the Presidential Palace in Abu Dhabi on: 25 Shaban, 1403 H Cor 6/6/1983.

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