The Present With Religion

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The Present

(with Religion)

by Michael Smith
Last updated: October 3, 2013 First Edition e101

Table of Contents
Section 1 - Foreword ....................................................... 1 Section 2 - ntroduction .................................................. Section ! - The "ltimate Truth ...................................... 11 Section # - $ig Picture - Present .................................. 1 !hapter .1 " Find the #ruth ............................................ 1 !hapter .2 " Mind"Sel$ ................................................... %0 !hapter .3 " &'a(enin) to Li$e ...................................... %% !hapter . " Li$e is the *oal ........................................... + !hapter .% " Satan ......................................................... +, !hapter .+ " !enter o$ the -ni.erse ............................... / !hapter ./ " #he 0ey is #ruth ........................................ /+ !hapter ., " Mind 1n$ection ............................................ ,2 !hapter .2 " #he !ollecti.e -nconscious ....................... 22 Section % - $ig Picture & Past ' Future ........................ 22 !hapter %.1 " Li$e &$ter 3eath .......................................... 22 !hapter %.2 " 4ell .......................................................... 10+ !hapter %.3 " Our #rue 5ast .......................................... 102 !hapter %. " 6eli)ion 7 #he !rossroads ...................... 123 !hapter %.% " 8e' #ruth .s. Old #ruth ........................... 1 0

Section ( - )ea*en on +arth ....................................... 1%1 !hapter +.1 " 9indo' o$ Opportunity ............................ 1%1 !hapter +.2 " 4ea.en .................................................... 1%2 !hapter +.3 " 5ast &nimal 8ature ................... 1+% !hapter +. " #he Second !omin) ................................ 1/% !hapter +.% " #he :eatles as 5rophets .......................... 1/+ Section , - Truth -ill Set .ou Free ............................ 122 !hapter /.1 " 8ature o$ 8othin), -ni$ied Field ............... 122 !hapter /.2 " &re ;ou 6eady to 3ie< ............................ 20/ !hapter /.3 " Limits o$ 0no'led)e 7 1n$inity .................. 21/ !hapter /. " #he #ruth &bout *od ............................... 222 !hapter /.% " :elie$=Fantasy .s #ruth=6eality ................ 232 !hapter /.+ " Separate 9heat $rom !ha$$ ..................... 2 , !hapter /./ " #he #ruth &bout >esus !hrist .................. 2+, !hapter /., " 8o !ontrol 7 1llusion o$ Free 9ill ............. 2/ !hapter /.2 " 3i.ine >ustice 7 #he :alance ................... 2,/ Section / - $oo0 of 1ife ............................................... 22, Section 2 - 3o 4ther -a5 ............................................ 312 Section 16 - 7os8el of Thomas .................................. 323

Section 1

am the 9l8ha and 4mega: the beginning and the ending: that which is: that which was: and that which is to come. Re*elations 1;/
#hat ?uote describes <life<: not an old man in the s(y, or a )od that loo(s human.

.ou are destro5ing the word of 7od through 5our traditions that 5ou ha*e handed down. =ar0 ,;1! 1n other 'ords@ the :ible says traditional reli)ions destroy the truth o$ *od. #he :ible is central to the !hristian reli)ion, but they donAt see 'hat it says. 3ewton: +instein: and Tesla were the greatest scientists and were m5stics. Science and reli)ion ha.e di$$erent pieces to the puBBle o$ li$e, and people need both to learn the ultimate truth o$ li$e. #his boo( unites them $or the $irst time. -hat if the $ible and other religious boo0s are being misinter8reted> 9hat i$ the truth is in the :ible and many other reli)ious boo(s, but no one can see 'hat it is< #his boo( uses science, philosophy, reli)ion, art and inspiration to re.eal the unseen truth. 1t sho's that most o$ the )reat prophets, philosophers, and poets are sayin) the same thin), but almost no one (no's 'hat it is.
?esus is sa5ing something com8letel5 different than what Christians thin0.

6eli)ious boo(s are not Cust $illed 'ith myths and morality tales as many people belie.e. #he truth is in them@ they are Cust bein) misinterpreted by reli)ions. The new inter8retation will be the best thing that e*er ha88ened to religion. 6eli)ions 'ill ma(e sense, and people 'ill be able to understand them $or the $irst time. #his 'ill ma(e reli)ions much more popular than they ha.e been. Traditional religions will not change@ 8eo8le will Aust see the truth in them. 6eli)ion 'ithout the truth is li(e a li)ht bulb 'ithout electricity. 9ith the truth, reli)ions 'ill be reborn, and there 'ill be an eDplosion in spiritual )ro'th. 6eli)ions 'ill no lon)er be based Cust on blind $aith. 1

?ust the truth; #he truth about li$e and death can be eDplained 'ithout any re$erence to reli)ion, and some people may pre$er that, but more than hal$ o$ the human race is in.ol.ed in a reli)ion. #hus, to be the ultimate eDplanation o$ the truth, it must include reli)ion, all reli)ions. This is the onl5 wa5 to unite us all. Science without religion is lame@ religion without science is blind. 9lbert +instein ;ou do not ha.e to be smart to (no' the truth, but you do ha.e to be rational, be honest, and (no' a $e' thin)s that could not be (no'n until no'. The word Ba8ocal58seC means to un*eil: not the end of the world. #he meanin) o$ the apocalypse is the opposite o$ 'hat most people thin(. 1t does not mean the end o$ the 'orld@ it means the re.ealin) o$ hidden secrets and the be)innin) o$ a hea.en on earth. The a8ocal58se is starting now. Many thin)s are the opposite, the mirror ima)e, o$ 'hat people thin(. For eDample, people thin( it is the conteDt surroundin) a statement that re.eals the meanin) o$ the statement, and that is true 'ith normal boo(s. 9ith the :ible, the opposite is true. #he conteDt hides the meanin). ;ou ha.e to di) throu)h a lot o$ roc( be$ore you $ind the nu))ets o$ )old that the roc( contains. ?esus said: <-hen the outer has become as the inner: and the lower as the u88er: then will this world find 8eace.< <"nless 5e ma0e the things of the right hand as those of the left: and those of the left as those of the right: and those that are abo*e as those below: and those that are behind as those that are before: 5e shall not ha*e 0nowledge of the 0ingdom.< 9cts of Peter DDDE Peter was gi*en the 0e5s to the 0ingdom@ the Fuote abo*e is the 0e5. #his boo( contains a ne' and di$$erent interpretation o$ the :ible, but it is not Cust about reli)ion. 1t is about the truth, the (ind o$ truth you can chec(. 1t is all ne', all true, and it re.eals the best possible ne's. 9n o8en mind is reFuired. 8e' and di$$erent re.elations are not easy to accept. 3o not let the thin)s you disa)ree 'ith stop you $rom readin) $urther. Many o$ the thin)s you do not a)ree 'ith or understand 'hen you $irst read them 'ill ma(e sense later in the boo(. 2

6eli)ious people are sensiti.e about ne' re.elations. #his boo( doesnAt replace or correct 'hat >esus said@ it clari$ies, eDpands on, and correctly interprets his 'ords. ha*e much more to sa5 to 5ou: but 5ou are not able to gras8 it now. -hen the s8irit of truth comes: he will guide 5ou into the whole truth. )e will not s8ea0 on his own but will tell 5ou what he has heard. )e will tell 5ou what is to come. ?ohn 1(;12-1! Sometimes people hold a core belie$ that is .ery stron). 9hen they are presented 'ith e.idence that 'or(s a)ainst that belie$, the ne' e.idence cannot be accepted. 1t 'ould create a $eelin) that is eDtremely uncom$ortable, called co)niti.e dissonance. &nd because it is so important to protect the core belie$, they 'ill rationaliBe, i)nore and e.en deny anythin) that doesnAt $it in 'ith the core belie$. FrantG Fanon Cogniti*e dissonance; *et to (no' these t'o 'ords. 1t is the unseen enemy o$ man(ind. 1t does more to cause 'ar, crime and su$$erin) than anythin) else, because it pre.ents people $rom learnin) and chan)in). 1$ you are ready to o.ercome your co)niti.e dissonance and learn the truth o$ li$e, (eep readin). Sa*e e*er5one; 1t is important to understand 'e do not 'ant to hurt anyone or anythin). 9e 'ant to $iD people and institutions that are $la'ed, that are sic( and in$ected 'ith :S. 9e Cust ha.e the medicine, the cure. 9e 'ant e.eryone to succeed, especially the Ebad )uys.E 9e are not anyoneAs enemy@ 'e 'ant to ma(e lo.e, not 'ar. 9hen the people in the do) eat do) animal 'orld, playin) the po'er )ame, the )et rich and $amous )ame, see the truth o$ li$e, they 'ill realiBe that they are their o'n 'orst enemy. #hey 'ill chan)e, because it is in their best interest to chan)e. #hey 'ill chan)e $or sel$ish reasons, 'hich is $ine as lon) as they see the truth o$ li$e and )et on the path to a paradise on earth. #he 'ord FsinG means to Fmiss the mar(.G 1t has nothin) to do 'ith brea(in) reli)ious or moral rules. #he only thin) you can do a)ainst *od=li$e is shut the truth and the li$e out, and Cust about e.eryone is currently doin) that. Shuttin) out the truth and the li$e is the only 'ay you can miss the mar(, the only 'ay you can sin. #he 'orst sin has to be not learnin) the truth o$ li$e 'hile you can. #he truth and the li$e has to be *od, so people that i)nore the truth or )i.e other thin)s priority are sayin) by their actions and their desires that they do not 'ant to (no' *od. #hat has to be the )reatest sin. #rue or $alse< 3

Section 2

#he accepted, but $alse interpretation o$ the :ible in a nutshell is the $ollo'in): & *od that loo(s li(e a man created the earth and the rest o$ the uni.erse in siD days, less than ten"thousand years a)o. 4e rested on the se.enth. 4e then created man and 'oman H&dam and E.eI, and they li.ed happily in the *arden o$ Eden. #he problem 'as that he also created an an)el that turned on him. #he an)el, dis)uised as a sna(e, tal(ed E.e into tal(in) &dam into eatin) some $ruit that *od told them not to eat. &dam too( a bite, so *od (ic(ed them out o$ paradise and cursed them and all o$ their descendants, including us. &bout $orty"$i.e hundred years a)o, *od )ot $ed up 'ith man(ind and dro'ned all land animals, eDcept $or one $amily and t'o o$ all land animals on earth H'hat about the plants<I by loadin) them all on one boat they built. #heir descendents repopulated the planet, but man(ind 'as still damned. #he ne' testament o$ the :ible says that *od sent his only be)otten son H>esusI 'ho 'as also *od to earth to ma(e an appearance and to sho' people the 'ay. &$ter doin) some miracles and preachin) $or three years, he $ound t'el.e people. 4e then sacri$iced himsel$ to his $ather in order to sa.e us $rom the curse he put on us $or 'hat &dam and E.e did, but 'e 'ere still cursed. 7od sacrificed himself: to himself: to remo*e the curse he 8ut on us. #hree days later, >esus came out o$ his )ra.e, had somethin) to eat, told a $e' $ollo'ers he 'as )oin) to hea.en, and then le$t. #hou)h the :ible says >esus died $or our sins, 'e someho' still ha.e them. #he only 'ay 'e can escape this curse Hori)inal sinI is to belie.e the story abo.e is true and 'orship this *od. 1$ 'e do not, 'e spend an eternity burnin) in a $ire. =eta8horical; Some people say the :ible is metaphorical and not literal truth. #hey are ri)ht about parts o$ it, but they do not (no' 'hat the metaphors mean. This boo0 sa5s the truth is in the $ible@ it Cust says most o$ the story abo.e is not true and not 'hat the :ible is about. #he :ible re.eals the truth and ma(es complete sense 'hen interpreted correctly.

1n the past, prophets and seers o$ the truth tried to tell people 'hat the truth 'as, but the people they told did not understand them. #his resulted in the creation o$ reli)ions that hide the truth that they are supposed to re.eal. 9hat the prophets said 'as misunderstood, distorted, and turned into myths. ?esus said: < tell 5ou the truth when sa5 that e*en those who follow the 8ro8hets do not understand them: for the5 s8ea0 of the things of the S8irit: which cannot be a88rehended b5 the 8h5sical mind.< & $e' thin)s the prophets said sur.i.ed their $ollo'ers and re.eal the truth. #he problem is, almost no one (no's 'hat the truth is. 5eople belie.e in the myths and do not see the truth they contain. 3ow we can 0now 'hat the prophets 'ere really sayin), and 'e o'e it to the prophets o$ the past and to correct the misinterpretations. For the $irst time, 'e can (no' 'hat they really said and meant. This boo0 is that long dela5ed: but alwa5s eH8ected: true eH8lanation. Most o$ the :ible and other old reli)ious boo(s are the interpretations, opinions, and the bias o$ many di$$erent uninspired people, and not 'hat >esus and other inspired prophets actually said or meant. #he brutal 6oman emperor !onstantine and the corru8t !ouncil o$ 8icaea he controlled created the o$$icial :ible. 1t 'as created to ser.e their political a)enda in 32% &3. 1t 'as created by the enemies o$ !hristianity, the people 'ho (illed >esus and tried to destroy the reli)ion. :illions o$ people belie.e in a boo( created by corrupt people. 1t 'as not created to enli)hten people@ it 'as created to control people. #his is 'hen !hristianity sold its soul. The truth has been hidden. Inow the truth; Most o$ the misinterpretations and distortions o$ 'hat a prophet said in ancient times happened be$ore it 'as 'ritten do'n. 9hat they said 'as passed do'n by 'ord o$ mouth $rom one person to another. #his 'ay o$ passin) do'n sayin)s and stories 'ill al'ays chan)e them, sometimes completely. #his is especially true 'ith primiti.e people in ancient times. :ac( then, people could not understand the truth, so 'hat a prophet said 'as turned into myths as it 'as passed do'n. E.en a$ter they 'ere 'ritten do'n, they continued to be misinterpreted and distorted durin) translations $rom one lan)ua)e to another. =ost of what ?esus said was ne*er e*en written down in the language he s8o0e. #he early interpreters did not (no' the truth. #o interpret 'hat a prophet says, you ha.e to (no' the truth. 1n the past, almost no one could (no' the truth. 8o', almost e.eryone can. Man(ind has $inally pro)ressed enou)h to see it clearly. %

?esus said: B-hoe*er finds the correct inter8retation of what sa5ing will find eternal life.C


9hen people see 'hat >esus is really sayin), they 'ill also be able to see 'hat all other enli)htened philosophers, prophets and poets are really sayin). 2 ' 2 J #; 1t does not e?ual anythin) else. #he truth is, there is only one truth. 2 J 2 K % or + or anythin) else does not ma(e it true. #here are an in$inite amount o$ 'ron) ans'ers, but only one true ans'er. Truth is what stands the test of eH8erience. 9lbert +instein The Rorschach in0blot test is that in(blot that psycholo)ists sho' to people, as(in) them 'hat they see. E.eryone 'ill see somethin) di$$erent dependin) on 'hat their ima)ination comes up 'ith. #he truth is, it is an in(blot@ that is the only true ans'er. 9 man should loo0 for what is and not for what he thin0s should be. 9lbert +instein =a0e belie*e; 1 do not play ma(e belie.e in real li$e, but billions o$ )ro'n people do and say it is the truth. 1 no lon)er belie.e in Santa !laus and the other myths, le)ends, and $airy tales the (no'n e.idence says are not true. Common denominator; #he truth is the only thin) that can unite all human bein)s. 1t is 'hat 'e all ha.e in common, and that 'ill chan)e. #here is only one s(y $or all o$ us. E.eryone eats, breathes, is born and dies, etc. #he ultimate truth is uni*ersal truth@ it is the same $or e.eryone, e.ery'here, and it al'ays has been and al'ays 'ill be. -e ha*e to see the big 8icture of life. f e*er5one loo0ed at the big 8icture of life: we would see the same thing. This sim8le thing would unite human beings: and we would li*e in 8aradise. The difference between 0nowing and not 0nowing is chec0ing. 8othin) could be more simple. 1$ you care enou)h about the truth to chec( 'hat it is, you 'ill (no' the truth o$ li$e. #he sad truth is, most people do not care, and man(ind and our 'orld are bein) destroyed as a result. 1$ you care, no' is the time to pro.e it. 4nl5 the truth can sto8 the wars and ma0e the world the 8aradise it can be. +

Reason; 9e can no' use our ability to reason, deducti.e lo)ic, and eDtrapolation o$ the (no'n e.idence to (no' and understand thin)s that the e.idence does not re.eal directly, such as li$e a$ter death. 9e ha.e pro)ressed enou)h to (no' and understand the $undamental truth o$ li$e. 1t 'ill trans$orm us and our 'orld. Scholarl5; 1 am not a )ood 'riter or a scholar, as you no doubt ha.e noticed, but most prophets 'ere not )ood 'riters or scholars. #his boo( 'ill not be sophisticated enou)h $or many intellectuals, but most people are not intellectuals. #he truth has to be eDplained in a simple, unsophisticated 'ay, or else (ids and most people 'ill not understand it. #he truth is $or e.eryone, not Cust intellectuals. $oo0s are to be distinguished b5 the grandeur of their to8ics. )enr5 Ka*id Thoreau 1 am dysleDic and ma(e some mista(es in )rammar, but the content is correct. #hat said, this boo( is much easier to read than most boo(s on the subCect. ?esus said: B$ut woe to 5ou: scribes and Pharisees: h58ocritesL $ecause 5ou shut u8 the Iingdom of )ea*en against men@ for 5ou donMt enter in 5oursel*es: neither do 5ou allow those who are entering in to enter.C #he scribes 'ere the 'riters and scholars in ancient times. #he 5harisees 'ere the reli)ious leaders. #hey belie.ed in a do)ma that made them closed"minded. Most reli)ious and philosophical scholars are not inspired people. #hey Cust ta(e other peopleLs inspirations and 'rite about them in a scholarly 'ay. 9hat they do not understand, they distort or misinterpret. &ll the bi) 'ords, $ootnotes and per$ect )rammar ma(e them loo( li(e real authorities on a subCect. #he opposite is true 'hen it comes to reli)ious truth. Scholars ha.e not (no'n 'hat they ha.e been tal(in) about@ thus, they ha.e been and are no' a $orce a)ainst the truth. Most reli)ious leaders are 'ell intentioned. #hey toe the line and $i)ht any chan)e in the status ?uo, but in doin), they perpetuate the misinterpretations. Scholars are o$ the mind. 5rophets and other inspired people are dealin) 'ith somethin) beyond the mind, 'hich means they see li$e in completely di$$erent 'ays. Scholars are not bad people, but they do not see the 'orld a prophet sees.

?esus said: <Show me the stone which the builders ha*e reAected. That stone is the cornerstone.< 1n other 'ords, the reCected or unseen truth is the actual truth. 7reat s8irits are alwa5s o88osed b5 mediocre minds. 9lbert +instein 9ll great truths begin as blas8hemies. 7eorge $ernard Shaw &nyone that says anythin) di$$erent $rom the accepted myths o$ reli)ion is labeled a blasphemer. >esus 'as a blasphemer in his time and eDecuted $or bein) one. 9ll truth 8asses through three stages. First: it is ridiculed. Second: it is *iolentl5 o88osed. Third: it is acce8ted as being self-e*ident. 9rthur Scho8enhauer Re8etition; 1$ somethin) is repeated, it ma(es a bi))er impression and chan)es your brain more, chan)es your inner en.ironment more. #hus, the more repetition, the better. #hat is 'hy 1 repeat some thin)s many times and say the same thin) many di$$erent 'ays. #M ad.ertisers repeat commercials $or this reason. &s a sin)le $ootstep 'ill not ma(e a path on the earth, so a sin)le thou)ht 'ill not ma(e a path'ay in the mind. #o ma(e a deep physical path, 'e 'al( a)ain and a)ain. #o ma(e a deep mental path, 'e must thin( and the (ind o$ thou)hts 'e 'ish to dominate our )enr5 Ka*id Thoreau 1 am ) it to you the same 'ay it 'as )i.en to me. #he ultimate truth is li(e a combination to a loc(@ it has to be in a certain order, and you need all o$ it to open the )ate to true li$e.
The truth is Aust what it loo0s li0e it is@ the problem is, people canAt see clearly.

?esus said: BThe hour is coming when will not s8ea0 to 5ou in dar0 sa5ings: but will tell 5ou 8lainl5 about 7od.C ?esus said: B)e who drin0s from m5 mouth will become as am and will become he and the hidden things will be re*ealed to him.C )idden things; Follo'in) are the correct interpretations and the hidden thin)s: ,

?esus said: < ha*e come that 5ou might ha*e life and ha*e it abundantl5.C 9bundant life; ;ou )et a little taste o$ it 'hen you see a beauti$ul 'ater$all, a sunset, ma(e a )reat )ol$ shot, ride a roller coaster, a $irst (iss, etc. 5ea( moments in your li$e $eel )ood, because you )et a lar)er percenta)e o$ 'hat each moment o$ li$e actually contains. 9bundant life J true life. True religion is real li*ing. 9lbert +instein 5eople in the past did not (no' 'hat >esus meant by Fabundant li$e,G so they turned around its literal meanin), interpretin) it to mean Fa li$e o$ abundance.G Many preachers use this to Custi$y )ettin) rich and an abundance o$ possessions. Misinterpretation leads people in the 'ron) direction. ;our mind is the )ate(eeper o$ li$e. Sometimes it lets a little true li$e in, but most o$ the time it doesnAt. ;ou can only see the truth 'hen it lets all o$ li$e in.

Fi)ure 1 sho's ho' man(ind currently li$e. Fi)ure 2 sho's true li$e. #he arro's represent li$e comin) to you $rom all directions. #he dotted line sho's ho' your mind bloc(s most o$ the li$e comin) to you. 9ithout the mind bloc(in) li$e, you recei.e all o$ li$e, abundant li$e, true li$e, and re$lect it all bac( out. )alos; #his is 'hy the saints and prophets in paintin)s are sho'n 'ith a halo. 1t illustrates their radiance@ they radiated li$e as sho'n in $i). 2 o$ the dra'in). Seein) 8ia)ara Falls or the *rand !anyon $or the $irst time is a pea( moment $or most people. 9hy does it ma(e you $eel so ali.e< 8othin) really happens to you. 9hy doesnLt it $eel as )ood the second time you see it< #he reason is, your mind opens up 'hen somethin) is ne' or special. tMs not what 5ou loo0 at that matters@ itMs what 5ou see. Thoreau #he truth is, e.ery moment o$ li$e is special, and you can be completely open to li$e most o$ the time. ;ou ha.e to (no' the truth to see true li$e. This is the truth... 2

Section !

The "ltimate Truth

The $ible sa5s; BThe gift of 7od is eternal life.C mmortalit5; B1tLs impossible to be conscious o$ bein) unconscious.G ;ou are readin) this boo(, so you are conscious Hali.eI. #his means you ha.e al'ays been conscious and al'ays 'ill be, because it is not possible $or you to be a'are o$ bein) dead HunconsciousI. ;ou cannot be a'are o$ not bein) a'are, you cannot be conscious o$ bein) unconscious. ;ou can be less conscious Hsleep=comaI, but not completely unconscious, because time 'ould stand still $or you. & billion years could pass, and you 'ould not (no' it. ;ou cannot be a'are o$ any )aps in li$e@ it is continuous and endin) $rom your o'n point o$ .ie'. .ou are immortal: because it is im8ossible for 5ou not to be. 3o cogniGance is ta0en of the la8se of time after a 8erson becomes unconscious in death. (+ccl. 2;%@ Ps. 1#(;#) 4a.e you eDperienced anythin) other than li$e< ;ou ha.enLt, because you cannot eDperience anythin) else@ anythin) you eDperience is li$e. Ener)y cannot be created or destroyed, and consciousness cannot be created or destroyed $or the same reason. t changes form. ;ou cannot ma(e nothin) out o$ somethin). 1$ you are conscious o$ li$e no', you are somethin). ;our body is Cust a .ery temporary mortal container $or your immortal consciousness. #he deducti.e lo)ic abo.e re.eals that 'e are not our bodies. 9e (no' our bodies die, and 'e (no' consciousness cannot, thus our consciousness H'hat 'e areI cannot be our bodies. The $ible calls it our s8irit or soul. ;ou 'ill die physically, but you 'ill be born a)ain@ bein) born happens, or you 'ould not be here no'. ;ou 'ere born into this li$e. 1t is 'hat 'e (no' happens $or certain to e.eryone There is no e*idence an5thing else ha88ens. 9hy 'ould 'e thin( anythin) else happens or e.en can happen< 5eople are playin) ma(e belie.e. 9e are dealin) 'ith time and space that ends. 1$ 'e 'ere born once, it 'ill happen a)ain@ thin)s repeat in nature. #he only ?uestion is 'here, 'hen, and 'hat you 'ill be reborn as, and 'e can (no' that too. 10

Consciousness; 5eople are tryin) to understand the uni.erse independent o$ consciousness Hli$eI, and it is the most important $actor in the e?uation. 5hysics has been dead since Einstein. E.en i$ the people that are in.ol.ed in the science o$ physics could understand the uni.erse independent o$ li$e, it 'ould not matter, because it 'ill not chan)e man(ind in a $undamental 'ay, and that is the only thin) that 'ill ma(e a real di$$erence. 5eople are spendin) billions o$ dollars on theoretic physics, and it is not )oin) to chan)e anythin) in a $undamental 'ay $or man(ind. #hey ha.e hi)h hopes $or a ne' multi"billion dollar particle collider. #hey may learn somethin), but it 'ill not chan)e man(ind. Li$e has to be in the e?uation to (no' the ultimate truth. The uni*erse as it relates to conscious life can be understood now. t is the ultimate truth: the truth that will transform man0ind and the world. 9nimals are consciousNali*e with or without a rational: thin0ing mind. Many people thin( human bein)s are the only animal that is conscious. 1s a do) or cat conscious< 9here do you dra' the line< 1s a bird conscious< #he truth is that all animal li$e is conscious and ali.e Cust li(e us. #he only thin) that ma(es humans di$$erent $rom other animals is that 'e ha.e a mind that can thin( and reason at a hi)h enou)h le.el to (no' the truth o$ li$e, and those that (no' rise abo.e animals. ntelligent design and e*olution both ha88ened. 4ur true histor5; #he hard e.idence says we human bein)s H4omo SapiensI e.ol.ed $rom other animals. #here is .ery little physical di$$erence bet'een us and other animals. 9e ha.e blood, bones, hearts, brains, s(in and 38& in common. 9e beha.ed li(e them until Cust recently, and some people still do. 1n addition to the e.idence 'e ha.e been di))in) up all the 'orld, our ne' understandin) o$ the )enetic code allo's us to see 'here e.ery animal came $rom and is no' on the e.olutionary ladder. #here is no missing lin0 no'.


Crown of creation; E.olution is no lon)er Cust a theory@ it has been pro.en true beyond a reasonable doubt. #he problem is, e.en people 'ho belie.e e.olution is true disassociate $rom the process. #hey someho' s(ipped all the lo'er $orms o$ animal li$e and Cust started out as the Fcro'n o$ creationG at the top o$ the e.olutionary ladder. #he e.idence says that 'e e.ol.ed as li$e e.ol.ed. n other words: 5ou were a microbe: an insect: a fish: a dinosaur: an a8e... ;ou had to be lo'er animals to be a human no', Cust as you had to be a baby to be an adult no'. Someone has to be all the other t58es of animals. 9 consciousness (s8irit) is in other animals. 4ther animals are ali*e Aust as 5ou are: and 5ou 0now it. The <5ou onl5 li*e once< theor5; Many people say that they do not belie.e in reincarnation@ they belie.e 'hen you die, youAre dead. 9hat about $ish, clams, horses, bears, $lies< 5eople that say you only li.e once are sayin) some souls )et to li.e Cust one li$e as a 'orm, and that is it $or all o$ eternity. Other people belie.e you are Cud)ed by a )od a$ter you die. 1s the 'orm Cud)ed< t is time to see and acce8t the truth the e*idence su88orts. #here is no point in denyin) the truth@ it does not )o a'ay. #he truth is the truth. 9hen there is'helmin) e.idence that somethin) happened or did not happen, it is the truth beyond a reasonable doubt to honest and rational people. Truth will ha*e no gods before it. Friedrich 3ietGsche 1$ our courts o$ la' i)nored the e.idence the 'ay reli)ions do, 'e 'ould still be in a Cun)le. 1$ doctors and hospitals did it, 'e 'ould not )o to the hospital. The e*idence J the truth. Religions sa5 the truth is the wa5: but ignore it. 9e con.ict people o$ crimes, sentence them to li$e in prison, and e.en eDecute them based on the e.idence. 9e ac(no'led)e that the e.idence re.eals the truth in e.ery area o$ li$e eDcept reli)ion. #he apocalypse is )oin) to chan)e that.


t is the truth that ma0es the law and medicine wor0. For religions to wor0 the wa5 that the5 8romise to: the5 must also be based on the truth. t is the reason wh5 ?esus uses the word BtruthC more than an5 other word. ?esus said: < came into the world: that should bear witness unto the truth. +*er5 one that is of the truth heareth m5 *oice.< ?ohn 1/;!, The $ible sa5s religion must be founded on roc0. t is a meta8hor meaning that religions must be founded on the truth: because it is as solid as a roc0. 9hy 'ould someone else ha.e to be all the other animal li$e and not us< 9hy 'ould 'e Cust appear on earth no' at the top 'hen li$e is )ood< 3o you really thin( someone else had to li.e throu)h all the tou)h times o$ the past so that 'e could Cust sho' up and enCoy the $ruits at the end< Koes that ma0e sense> 9rrogance; 1$ you belie.e 'hat the :ible says is true, you cannot belie.e 'e Cust appeared. #he :ible says *od is $air, so either the past did not happen, or 'e e.ol.ed. 1t also says not to be arro)ant, that pride comes be$ore a $all, and that 'e are separate $rom the rest o$ creation is pure arro)ance. t is time to see and acce8t the truth the e*idence su88orts. 9e ha.e come a .ery, .ery lon) 'ay, but 'e ha.e a little $urther to )o. #he neDt and last step in our e.olution is learnin) and acceptin) the truth o$ li$e, and this includes ac(no'led)in) our true past. ?esus said: BThe truth ma0es 5ou free.C The ultimate truth frees us from the animal world we all e*ol*ed from. MFor e*er5 action: there is an eFual and o88osite reaction.M F9$ J -F$9 Peo8le do not realiGe what saac 3ewtonMs !rd law of motion reall5 means. +*er5thing is balanced. E.erythin) physical Hmatter=ener)yI )oes bac( and $orth in balanced circles, cycles, or the e?ui.alent. :irth"death, old" youn), bi)"small, stron)"'ea(, start"stop, up"do'n, rich"poor, be)innin)" end, $ast"slo', hot"cold, pain"pleasure, 'in"lose, day"ni)ht, $ull"empty, hi)h"lo', in"out, success"$ailure, united"di.ided, )i.e"recei.e, creation" destruction, on"o$$, 8ositi*e-negati*e, etc. 13

Positi*e and negati*e forces mo*ing in balance are the 8h5sical uni*erse. E.erythin) physical Hmatter=ener)yI )oes bac( and $orth in balanced circles, cycles, or the e?ui.alent. E.en li)ht and other $orms o$ ener)y that appear to )o strai)ht out mo.e up and do'n in balanced ' The 8h5sical uni*erse has to mo*e in 8erfect balance to eHist. 1uc0; *ood luc( and bad luc( are the balance in action and the 'ay the balance most a$$ects our Luc( is mani$ested on many le.els. #here is the day"to"day luc(, $rom little thin)s li(e )ettin) a )ood par(in) space or a bad one, to bi) thin)s, such as 'innin) the lottery or $indin) out you ha.e cancer. #hen there is the lon)"term luc(. ;ou are luc(y i$ you are born 'ith )ood loo(s, money, health, talent and intelli)ence. ;ou are unluc(y i$ you are born unattracti.e, poor, sic(ly and 'ithout talent or intelli)ence. Most people are in bet'een the eDtremes, but it does not matter, because 'e are immortal, and it 'ill all balance out. Luc( 'ill mo.e bac( and $orth@ e.eryone 'ill )et e?ual amounts o$ )ood and bad luc(. -hat goes around comes around. +*er5one gets their turn. The eternal miHer; #he balance is the result o$ e.erythin) around randomly. EDample: i$ you ta(e a Car $illed 'ith blac( and 'hite )rains o$ sand and you sha(e it, it 'ill turn )ray and miD per$ectly, and no matter ho' lon) you sha(e it, the blac( and 'hite )rains o$ sand 'ill al'ays stay e.enly miDed. #ime and random mo.ement 'ill al'ays create a per$ect balance o$ all physical thin)s. 1t is as certain as ni)ht and day, and 'hy 'e ha.e a ni)ht and a day. 1$ you $lip a coin a thousand times, it 'ill come up heads about hal$ the time and tails about hal$ the time. #he odds o$ random e.ents are predictable@ this is 'hy Las Me)as al'ays ma(es a pro$it on )amblin) year a$ter year. ;ou can see the truth i$ you loo( at the bi) picture. ;ou 'ill see that random e.ents are predictable because they balance. 1tAs a $undamental truth o$ li$e e.eryone (no's, but i)nores. #his is 'hy on the Fourth o$ >uly, about 1+2 people 'ill be (illed in auto accidents, and e.ery $ourth, about the same amount are (illed. &n a.era)e o$ t'el.e auto accidents happen e.ery minute@ about siD"thousand teena)ers are (illed in auto accidents e.ery year in the -S. &bout $our million people are bitten by do)s per year. -h5 is the number about the same e*er5 5ear>

E.erythin) is determined, the be)innin) as 'ell as the end, by $orces 'hich 'e ha.e no control. 1t is determined $or insects as 'ell as $or the stars. 4uman bein)s, .e)etables or cosmic dust@ 'e all dance to a mysterious tune, intoned in the distance. 9lbert +instein Kestin5; 8ot bein) in control does not mean our $uture is predestined. 8o one (no's the $uture@ the $uture cannot be (no'n. &nythin) can happen. #he only thin) 'e can be certain o$ is that it 'ill be a lot li(e it has been and be balanced. The good news is: all of the best things are going to ha88en to 5ou@ the bad news is: so will all of the worst things: if 5ou do not learn the truth. Keath is the great eFualiGer; 1$ you are born 'ith ad.anta)es, you can ha.e more )ood times than bad times in your li$e, but 'hen you die, you are reborn 'ith disad.anta)es, and ha.e more bad times than )ood times and .ice .ersa. 1n the lon) run, no one has it better or 'orse than anyone else does, because li$e 'ill al'ays balance e.entually. 1t is the nature o$ the uni.erse 'e are part o$, the uni.erse 'e can see. 6eli)ious boo(s say li$e is $air, and it is the truth. +*olutionists are missing the intelligence behind it: the s8iritual influence. +astern religions; ;ou may thin( that 1 am tal(in) about somethin) that sounds li(e :uddhism or 4induism. 5arts o$ the truth are $ound in all reli)ions, includin) :uddhism and other eastern reli)ions, but they ha.e also been distorted, misinterpreted, and misunderstood, Cust as the :ible has been. Eastern reli)ions and philosophies do not 'or( any better than the reli)ions and philosophies o$ the 'est at re.ealin) the ultimate truth. #he truth in them has also been unseen by man(ind, but it 'ill be seen no' by those 'ho are ready to see it. For 7od gi*es his sunlight to both the e*il and the good: and he sends rain on the Aust and the unAust ali0e. =atthew %;#% ConseFuences; 5eople may thin(, i$ e.erythin) is balanced, then it does not matter 'hat you do. #hat is true, i$ you 'ant to continue in the sa.a)e animal realm. 1$ you 'ant to e.ol.e past the animal realm, to a realm 'here there is no $ear, pain or death, you ha.e to learn and spread the truth o$ li$e. ;ou ha.e to li.e as a spiritual bein). 1$ you li.e li(e an animal, you 'ill continue to be one. 1%

Truth will ha*e no gods before it. The belief in truth begins with the doubt of all truths in which one has 8re*iousl5 belie*ed. Friedrich 3ietGsche Many !hristians 'ant to belie.e so badly they 'ill i)nore scienti$ic e.idence, reason, common sense and their o'n better Cud)ment. 6eli)ions ha.e per.erted the meanin) o$ the 'ord EtruthE. #he 9ebsterAs 3ictionary de$inition belo' says 'hat the 'ord means: truth: being in accord with fact or reality Many thin)s reli)ious people say they belie.e are not in accord 'ith $act or reality. #hey are myths, superstition, tradition, hope, not truth. #o say it is truth is a lie. #hey are brea(in) one o$ the ten commandments, bein) dishonest hypocrites. #hey are decei.ers, doin) the 'or( o$ Satan. #his needs to chan)e. #rue or $alse< #hey thin( they are doin) the 'ill o$ )od, 'hen in truth, they are doin) the 'ill o$ the enemy o$ )od, Satan, de$ined in the :ible as the )reat, the (in) o$ all lies. 9 decei*er is defined in the $ible as the Ke*il: Satan. >esus said he came to re.eal the truth. #hus, to be a true !hristian H$ollo'er o$ !hristI, you ha.e to (no' and tell the truth. 1t is not Cust reli)ion@ it is chasin) money, po'er and $ame 'hen it al'ays ends in death. 5eople lea.e 'ith Cust the animal mind that they came into this li$e 'ith, but they cannot see this until the last $e' minutes o$ their )onestl5: what do all the 0ings: dictators: and rich and famous 8eo8le that li*ed and died in the 8ast ha*e now> Can 5ou see the actual truth> f eHtreme 8ain and death were not real: the real truth would not matter: but the5 are real: and the5 cannot be o*ercome without the real truth. .ou are going to dieL =a5be toda5. This boo0 ma0es 5ou read5 for it. The truth is absolutel5 necessar5; #he maCor reli)ions o$ the 'orld ha.e been 'ith man(ind $or a lon) time. #hey ha.e not trans$ormed man(ind or the 'orld as they are supposed to do and promise to do. 5eople need to see the unseen truth in them $or them to do 'hat they are intended to do. There is no other wa5. 1+

?esus said: BPeo8le honor me with their li8s: but their heart is far from me. The5 worshi8 me in *ain: teaching the 8rece8ts and 8rinci8les of men.C #he $ollo'ers o$ eastern reli)ions are doin) the same thin) that the $ollo'ers o$ 'estern reli)ions are doin). #hey belie.e in the myths, rituals and traditions, and are blind to the truth they contain. 5arts o$ the ultimate truth are in all o$ them. Christianit5; #his boo( $ocuses mostly on the unseen truth in 'estern reli)ions, primarily !hristianity, but 'hen you can see the truth in !hristianity, you 'ill be able to see it in all reli)ions and e.ery'here else in li$e. #he truth is at the core o$ many myths and le)ends, especially 'hen it comes to reli)ious myths. 4nl5 the west has enough 8ower; &merica and most o$ the 'estern 'orld is !hristian@ the truth must be seen in !hristianity be$ore the 'orld can chan)e.


&s you can see $rom the )raph on the pre.ious pa)e, most o$ the 'orld in a reli)ion, and !hristianity is the lar)est. !hristianity, bein) in the 'estern 'orld, has most o$ the material 'ealth and po'er. #hat is 'hy this boo( $ocuses on !hristianity. #he truth has to be seen in !hristianity, or there is no hope $or the human race. The ob*ious is that which is ne*er seen until someone eH8resses it sim8l5. Ihalil 7ibran ?esus said: BThat which is hidden from the wise and educated has been re*ealed unto the o8en minded.C Many educated people do not ha.e open minds, and that is 'hy they cannot see the truth as easily as people that are less educated, but more open minded. The onl5 thing that interferes with m5 learning is m5 education. 9lbert +instein #he truth about li$e is actually .ery simple@ it is Cust hard to see $or the $irst time. -hen the solution is sim8le: 7od is answering. 9lbert +instein 1ife; 1t all boils do'n to ho' you $eel $rom moment to moment, ho' o$ten you $eel )ood and ho' o$ten you $eel bad, and it 'ill be balanced li(e e.erythin) else physical. ;our in$inite past 'as balanced, and your in$inite $uture 'ill be too, unless you chan)e $rom a physical bein) into a spiritual bein). #o chan)e into a spiritual bein), you Cust ha.e to (no' the truth. 1t chan)es your point o$ .ie' and your perspecti.e o$ li$e so that you can start to li.e your li$e as a spiritual bein). Inow it to do it; Our li$e does not ha.e to be Cust $i$ty"$i$ty li(e the physical 'orld, because our spiritual"sel$, our immortal"sel$, is not physical, and does not need to be balanced to eDist. Our physical en.ironment cannot $undamentally chan)e, but 'e can. .ou Aust ha*e to 0now it to do it. 8othin) is )oin) to ma(e any real di$$erence in your li$e eDcept separatin) yoursel$ $rom the balanced physical 'orld. 1t can and 'ill chan)e e.erythin). .ou se8arate 5ourself from the balance of 8h5sical life b5 seeing the truth. 1,

-e Aust want the 8ositi*e without the negati*e. t is so ob*ious@ there is no other real goal 8ossible that ma0es an5 difference. #he truth re.eals that you do not need to eDperience the bad to ha.e the )ood. #he bad 'ill still happen, but you 'ill percei.e it di$$erently. #he spirit is the only thin) in the uni.erse that does not need to balance. #he (no'led)e o$ the balance chan)es you. 1t leads to your transition into a spiritual bein). ConseFuences; (no'led)e o$ the balance does not remo.e all the conse?uences o$ beha.ior. The o88osite is true@ 5ou are res8onsible.
?esus said: B-hen 5ou ma0e the two one: 5ou will be called sons of men.C

7oodNbad; One o$ the 'ays to ma(e the t'o one is as $ollo's: you ta(e the t'o sides o$ li$e, the )ood and bad sides, and see them as one 'hole. ;ou do this by understandin) 'hat the balancin) $orce means. 1t means that all bad times 'ill pass and be compensated $or by an e?ual amount o$ )ood times. 1t also means that all )ood times 'ill pass and be paid $or 'ith an e?ual amount o$ bad times. 9hen you (no' the truth, you 'ill enCoy the )ood times more and still a.oid a bad time 'hen you can, but 'hen you cannot, the (no'led)e o$ the balance helps you )et throu)h the bad times. #his is because you (no' that the 'orse it )ets, the better it 'ill be@ it ma(es bad times almost enCoyable. More importantly, it centers your perspecti.e o$ li$e. ;ou see both sides o$ li$e, whole life. -hole life J )ol5 life. #he (no'led)e o$ the balance ta(es a'ay your reasons to be mad, sad, hate, 'orry, en.y, be disappointed, it ta(es a'ay all ne)ati.e emotions and $eelin)s. The mind starts disa88earing: and true life starts a88earing. &s the mind )ets smaller, li$e )ets bi))er. &s the mind shrin(s, li$e eDpands. 9hen the mind disappears completely, your perception o$ li$e becomes clear. E.entually, you 'ill only thin( 'hen you ha.e to, 'hich is not .ery o$ten. ;ou 'ill start in the present, the eternal 8O9. 7od is a meta8hor for that which transcends all le*els of intellectual thought. tOs as sim8le as that. ?ose8h Cam8bell 12

#he more you li.e in the present, the more $ul$illin) li$e )ets. #ime 'ill slo' do'n. ;ou 'ill see the ma)ic and 'onder o$ li$e you sa' as a child, and you 'ill eDperience it 'ithout the i)norance and all the ne)ati.e emotions o$ childhood. ?esus said 5ou ha*e to see life li0e a child to enter hea*en. Child-time; #ime is subCect to perception, and that is the reason it slo'er $or children. 3o you remember ho' lon) the summer used to last< Summer actually does last lon)er $rom a childAs perspecti.e. #he more a'are you are, the slo'er time tra.els, because each moment contains more li$e. #he older you )et, the stron)er the mind )ets, the less li$e you recei.e, and the $aster time $rom your perspecti.e and eDperience. & child more o$ li$e, because the mind has not completely ta(en their li$e yet. #he 'orld you sa' as a child is still here@ you Cust cannot see it anymore. #he 'orld did not chan)e@ 5ou changed. ;ou became less a'are. 0ids still see it. 1t is re.ealed to babes. .ou li*e more from birth to the age of ten than from age ten to a hundred. 9hen you (no' the truth, you become more a'are a)ain, and you 'ill see li$e li(e you did then. Soon, you 'ill be able to see li$e better than a child sees it or any animal has seen it. ;ou 'ill see the real 'orld, an enchanted 'orld. The $ible sa5s: B9 child will show the wa5.C &ll children sho' the 'ay. #he $amous sayin) by 3escartes, F1 thin( there$ore 1 am,G is 'ron). #he opposite is true. ;ou are more conscious, more a'are o$ li$e, more ali.e, and more your true sel$ 'hen you are not thin(in). 9hen you are thin(in), you are your mind. 9hen you are not thin(in), you are your spiritual"sel$, your immortal sel$, your real sel$, 5our true self. Most people are not a'are o$ the $act that they ha.e t'o di$$erent ;ou ha.e a mind and a spirit, and thou)h they seem li(e one thin), they are separate. #he 'ay to realiBe that this is true is to realiBe that somethin) has to be listenin) to the thou)hts created by your mind. -hat is it that hears 5our thoughts> .our two sel*es; #here is the part o$ you that thin(s, and the part that hears the thou)hts. #he thin(in) part is your mind@ the part that hears the thou)hts is your spiritual"sel$. ;ou do not actually hear thou)hts throu)h your ears, because your mind is already inside your head. #he point is that your spiritual" sel$ the thin)s the mind creates in a similar 'ay to hearin) them. 20

Chec0 it out; >ust as( yoursel$, 'hat is it that is hearin) the thou)hts you are thin(in) ri)ht no'< t is 5our s8iritual-self: the same thing that recei*es all life. 9hat is it that hears your .oice 'hen you tal(< 9hat is it that all o$ li$e< ;our spiritual sel$ is represented by the inner circle sho'n in the dra'in)s on pa)e se.en. #o )et to (no' your true sel$, your immortal, spiritual"sel$, the animal mind must be o.ercome. .ou ha*e to 0now true life to 0now 5our true self. &s sho'n in the dra'in), man(ind is currently as their mind"sel$, and as a result, does not (no' their spiritual"sel$. F0no' thy sel$,G as Socrates said. ?esus said: B-hosoe*er 0nows himself is higher than the world.C Pers8ecti*e and 8erce8tion; #he same 'orld is percei.ed di$$erently by a $ro) and a cat, a cat and a do), a do) and a human, a child and an adult, a 'oman and a man. ;ou see somethin) completely di$$erent than 'hat >esus sa'. -e do not see things the wa5 the5 are@ we see things the wa5 we are. 5eople see and eDperience li$e throu)h their o'n mind and senses, $rom their o'n uni?ue perspecti.e and a'areness le.el. >esus sa' the 'orld in a di$$erent 'ay than most people do no', because he sa' true li$e, di.ine li$e. #he physical 'orld 'ill chan)e@ it cannot chan)e and still eDist, but the 'ay you percei.e it can. #his is the secret to bein) $ul$illed and happy all the time. 5erception and perspecti.e determine ho' clearly and truly you see li$e, and ho' $ul$illin) or un$ul$illin) li$e is $or you. #he truth ma(es it possible to see li$e clearly. tMs not what 5ou loo0 at that matters@ itMs what 5ou see. )enr5 Ka*id Thoreau &ll animals other than man li.e in the present and are more $ul$illed because they ha.e less mind bloc(in) li$e, but they are stuc( 'ith the perspecti.e and perception they are born 'ith. 9e can )reatly impro.e ours by learnin) the truth.


9ll the 8roblems we ha*e stem from 8eo8le not 0nowing the ultimate truth.

"nha885; 5eople loo( around and thin(@ 'hy are there so many people that are unhappy< 9e ha.e pro)ressed so $ar, yet people are still unhappy. 9hy isnLt this 'orld the 'onder$ul place it could be< Changing the world doesnOt change us. 1t does not matter ho' much 'e pro)ress materially@ it 'ill not chan)e anythin). Only learnin) and seein) the truth 'ill chan)e us, and thus chan)e e.erythin). The truth transforms a mortal man into a di*ine: immortal s8iritual being. 1t does this by sho'in) you 'hat you truly are, and that chan)es e.erythin). #he truth does the same thin) $or the 'ay 'e see the 'orld, and $or the same reason. 1t sho's you li$e clearly@ it sho's you true li$e $or the $irst time. True life is 8erfect; ;ou can see and eDperience a per$ect li$e, because that is the 'ay li$e actually is. t is onl5 our minds that mess it u8. 1t is hard to belie.e $rom your current perspecti.e and le.el o$ a'areness, but it is true. 1t is your o'n mind that ma(es li$e imper$ect. #he uni.erse has to be per$ect to eDist. #he uni.erse 'ould come apart and not eDist lon) i$ it 'as not per$ect. .ou do not ha*e to belie*e it@ 5ou can 0now it. The 8resent; 1t is interestin) that the F8O9E is called the Fpresent.G #he present is the ultimate )i$t@ it is the )i$t o$ truth and li$e. ;ou are bein) )i.en the present e.ery second, and you 'ill recei.e it $ *od is ) you the present@ acce8t it. #he present is the only thin) that eDists, the only thin) you are conscious o$. ;our li$e is a series o$ presents throu)h time. #he $uture does not eDist until it becomes the present. 1ife is one 8er8etual 8resent. Creation is ha88ening now; ;our body, mind, and the 'orld around it are bein) created $rom microsecond to microsecond. #hin)s may appear the same, but they are not@ e.erythin) is constantly chan)in) and bein) re" created. *od=li$e=nature is creatin) our li$e and our 'orld $rom moment to moment. Li$e and e.erythin) in it is al'ays ne'. The $ible sa5s: B$ehold: ma0e all things new.C 22

Many prophets ha.e said you ha.e to enCoy the Courney and be $ul$illed by the Courney. #his is because the Courney is the destination. 3estinations are al'ays the end o$ one Courney and the be)innin) o$ another. Li$e is a"endin) Courney and a"endin) destination. 1t is an endless circle. & spiritual bein) in the center o$ the circle o$ li$e by seein) it all. -hen 5ou become aware of creation: 5ou become aware of the creator. 1$ you cannot be $ul$illed by the present, you are in real trouble, because there is nothin) else. The 8resent is 5our life: all of it. Most people thin( that they are not )ood loo(in) enou)h, youn) enou)h, thin enou)h, rich enou)h, etc. The 8resent has to be our goal: because it is the onl5 thing that eHists. Most people are in real trouble, because they do not (no' the truth, and as a result, they are missin) most o$ their li$e. #hey li.e on the ed)e o$ the circle and Cust )o around and around $, lost in the illusions o$ their minds. 7reener grass; #he concept o$ past and $uture and a distorted perception o$ the present (eeps people runnin) $or the )reener )rass on the other side o$ the $ence. #hese people miss the present in the process. Chasing the horiGon; 1t is li(e runnin) a$ter the horiBon@ the $aster you )o, the $aster it a'ay $rom you. One day you realiBe that you are standin) on it. 9hat you 'ere runnin) a$ter is 'here you already are, and al'ays 'ill be. $e where 5ou are; E.ery place you ha.e been, all the places you ha.e li.ed and stayed at, the houses, hotels, motels, resorts, businesses, someone is there ri)ht no'. Someone is on e.ery street and $ree'ay, at e.ery, mountain and la(e. Someone is loo(in) at the Statue o$ Liberty ri)ht no'. 5eople are eatin) at all the restaurants. 5eople are tra.elin) in boats, planes, cars, truc(s, buses ri)ht no'. 5eople are seD. 5eople are $i)htin) and bein) murdered. 5eople are e.ery'here they )o, doin) e.erythin) they can do at this moment. #o be at one place, doin) one thin), means you are missin) all o$ the other places and thin)s. 1t is $oolish to thin( you are missin) anythin). #o do one thin) is to miss another. #he only 'ay to miss out is to miss the present. #his understandin) is important, because a bi) problem is people 'antin) to be some'here besides 'here they are, doin) somethin) besides 'hat they are doin), which is im8ossible. 23

1tAs $oolish to thin( you are missin) anythin) or to 'ant to be any'here eDcept 'here you are, no matter 'here it is or 'hat you are doin). 9hat )oes around comes around. >ohn Lennon said in the son) 1nstant 0arma, F9hy on earth are you there, 'hen youAre e.ery'here, )onna )et your shareNG 9ll 8eo8le want is what is in the 8resent: but the5 do not 0now it: because the5 ha*e ne*er o8ened it. 9lmost no one 0nows what the 8resent reall5 is. The big tease; ;our mind 'ill open up part 'ay $rom time to time to )i.e you a taste o$ true li$e, and then ta(e it a'ay. 1t 'ill attach the open moments to thin)s that are hard to do all the time, li(e thin)s that cost a lot o$ money, or that are di$$icult or dan)erous, or that it considers ne' or special. ;our mind ma(es you pay $or li$e in one 'ay or another and 'ill let you ha.e any true li$e $or $ree. The truth is com8lete fulfillment: is alwa5s free and alwa5s a*ailable. Fulfilled; 1t is the 'ay 'e $eel 'hen our minds are completely open to li$e@ 'e become F$illedG 'ith li$e. :ein) $illed 'ith li$e ma(es you $eel the 'ay you 'ant to $eel all the time. 1t is true happiness. 3octors say that you $eel )ood or happy because o$ the release o$ chemicals in your brain that ma(e you $eel )ood, 'hich is true. !hemicals such as endorphins, adrenaline, serotonin, and dopamine ma(e you $eel )ood, but they do it by allo'in) you to $eel a little true li$e. Li(e all dru)s, the e$$ect is temporary and has a balancin) do'n side. #he ultimate truth is not temporary and has no do'n side. 8o dru)s are necessary. 1ife is li0e light; Li)ht contains all the colors o$ the rainbo', but 'e only see it as 'hite. Li$e contains e.erythin) you can sense in e.ery moment, but your mind only lets you sense certain thin)s, and only 'hen certain thin)s happen. 9hen you see all o$ li$e to)ether, it is li(e seein) all colors to)ether. >ust as all the colors seen to)ether create somethin) completely di$$erent H'hite li)htI, all o$ li$e recei.ed to)ether creates somethin) completely di$$erent and uneDpected. 1$ you miD the three primary colors, blue, yello' and red, you do not )et 'hite, but you do 'hen it comes in the $orm o$ li)ht. 1t is the same 'ith parts o$ li$e. ;ou 'ould thin( i$ you recei.ed them all at once, it 'ould be sensory o.erload, but the opposite happens. ;ou recei.e the most pure and clear eDperience possible.

.our % senses are more than the sum of their 8arts. Together: com8letel5 o8en: the5 o8en a door to a new unseen world@ the5 re*eal true life. The mind cannot create life@ it can Aust mani8ulate what alread5 eHists. See the light; 9hen the mind is out o$ the 'ay and you can recei.e all o$ li$e, it mani$ests as the ultimate Coy. 1t is di.ine Coy, and it is beyond any mortal pleasure possible. 9hen you (no' the truth, you see the li)ht as the :ible says@ you see true li$e. 1t is much more than Coy@ the best 'ord to describe it is bliss. .ou do not go around smiling and laughing all the time. .ou do not a88ear to be much different to other 8eo8le: but 5ou see e*er5thing differentl5. -hen 5ou 0now the truth: 5ou li*e in a constant state of grace. 1n this animal realm, physical pain and pleasure 'ill come and )o, but you can al'ays be $illed 'ith li$e H$ul$illedI once you (no' the truth, because you (no' it is all *od. ?esus said: B ha*e come that 5ou ma5 be filled with the fullness of 7od.C Freedom; 1$ you tie your $ul$illment to thin)s that happen in your en.ironment, you are at the mercy o$ the constantly chan)in) en.ironment. ;ou 'ill only )et a taste o$ $ul$illment 'hen thin)s )o your 'ay, 'hen you 'in or )et 'hat you 'ant. Spiritual people are $ul$illed 'hen they lose. 1$ you do not attach your $ul$illment to 'hat happens in your en.ironment, you can be $ul$illed all the time. 1t is mental, and you can control your mental"sel$, but you canAt control your en.ironment. #rue $reedom is bein) able to be $ul$illed independent o$ 'hat happens in the en.ironment. &lmost no one on earth is $ree no'. 4nl5 the truth will set 5ou free. tMs not what 5ou loo0 at that matters@ itMs what 5ou see. )enr5 Ka*id Thoreau nstant gratification; 9hy put re?uirements on $eelin) )ood< #rue li$e is bein) )i.en to us all the time@ 'e Cust ha.e to let it in all the time. t is instant and com8lete gratification that costs nothing. 2%

The secret; Most people (no' you do not need Fthin)sG or thin)s to happen to be happy Hbe $ul$illedI, but most people do not (no' ho' it 'or(s. #he secret is openin) your mind. 9ithout thou)ht and ne)ati.e emotions, the same thin) happens that happens 'hen you )et 'hat you thin( you 'ant. .ou become as sensual as 5ou can 8ossibl5 be@ 5ou become 5our senses. ;ou can $eel better than you 'ould $eel i$ you Cust 'on the lottery e.eryday. 9hy not< 1t is Cust a state o$ mind or state o$ no mind. 1t is your li$e@ Cust ta(e 'hat is comin) to you. ;ou can be $ul$illed ' you 'ant. .ou deser*e it. 1t is 'hat >esus 'anted us to ha.e@ it is the abundant life he is tal(in) about. E.erythin) he says has one purpose, and that is to re.eal true li$e to us. $eing fulfilled: being filled b5 life all the time: is the true goal of man0ind. E.erythin) that people do directly and indirectly, )ood and bad, is to be $ul$illed by li$e. Once you (no' the truth, you can s(ip all the thin)s, and Cust be $ul$illed. 7et what 5ou want; ;ou can $eel li(e you are )ettin) 'hat you 'ant all the time, because you really are@ you Cust donLt (no' it yet. -hen 5ou 0now the truth: 5ou see the di*ine in e*er5thing@ 5ou see life. Inow 5ou 0now; 1t is ho' you (no' i$ you (no' the truth. 1$ you are $ul$illed, you (no' it. 1$ you are not completely $ul$illed, you do not (no' it or understand it, so you need to (eep studyin) and spreadin) the truth until you (no' truth and li$e. ?esus said: BTherefore sa5 that if one is unified: one will be filled with light: but if one is di*ided: one will be filled with dar0ness.C 1t is a )ood eDample o$ >esus usin) the 'ord li)ht as a metaphor $or true li$e. 4e is sayin) i$ you are uni$ied 'ith *od=li$e, you are $ul$illed. 1$ not, you are empty.


?esus said: B-hen 5ou ma0e the two one: 5ou will be called sons of men.C

*ettin) your mind out o$ the 'ay and reunitin) your spirit 'ith the spirit o$ *od is another 'ay you ma(e the t'o one. #here are many 'ays, but this is the bi))ie. 9hen you (no' the truth, your mind turns o$$, and you are $ul$illed no matter 'hat is happenin) in your en.ironment, e.en 'hen you are eDperiencin) physical pain. >esus 'as more $ul$illed in his 'orst moments on the cross than man(ind is in the best moments o$ their
Peo8le want e*er5thing: and 5ou can ha*e e*er5thing if 5ou 0now the truth.

?esus said B am 8oor: but ha*e e*er5thing.C =ind disease; Our o.erbearin) minds are li(e a disease. Li(e many diseases, it ma(es us $eel bad. #he mind, by separatin) us $rom true li$e, does not let us $eel nearly as )ood as 'e should. #he mind pre.ents us $rom bein) uni$ied 'ith li$e. 9e Cust need a lar)e dose o$ the truth to cure it and eradicate it $rom the earth, but 'e are doin) the opposite, and 'e are doin) thin)s that Cust ma(e us more sic(. This boo0 is not meant to be entertaining: a good read li0e most boo0s. t is meant to transform 8eo8le from unfulfilled: mortal animals into com8letel5 fulfilled: immortal s8iritual beings. t ma0es all of life entertaining fore*er. )ow a medicine tastes doesnOt matter@ it is what it does that sa*es 5our life. Man(ind has a .ery conta)ious $orm o$ a sleepin) sic(ness. #he truth is the cure, but at $irst, it does not taste as )ood as $antasy, so no one is ta(in) it. The 8ublic ha*e an insatiable curiosit5 to 0now e*er5thing: eHce8t what is worth 0nowing. 4scar -ilde


)uman0ind cannot stand *er5 much realit5. T.S. +liot Fantas5 *s. realit5; #he mind is tryin) to replace reality 'ith $antasy. Mostly 'ith tele.ision, but there are also mo.ies, .ideo )ames, the 1nternet, etc. #his boo( is competin) 'ith all the abo.e. #he truth in 'ritten $orm is not .ery entertainin). #he only reason $antasy is doin) so 'ell is that almost no one (no's 'hat reality is. 5eople do not ha.e a clue ho' 'onder$ul, $ascinatin) and enchantin) true li$e really is. 5eople are in a perpetual daydream that bloc(s true li$e. ?esus said: < ha*e come so that 5ou might ha*e life: for the wa5 of mortals is a li*ing death.C >esus is sayin) that the human race is spiritually dead. 5eople are literally dead to reality=true li$e, and the more they )et into $antasy, the more dead they become. 1$ 'e do not turn it around .ery soon, people 'ill li.e most o$ their short li$e in a man"made $antasy 'orld. #he main ar)ument $or reality is that it is real. 1t is also much more $ul$illin) than any $antasy is or can be, but only 'hen you can see it clearly. )ow much better is realit5> t is being reall5 ali*e *s. being reall5 dead. !K; #rue li$e has real hei)ht, 'idth and depth. #M is Cust 23, or t'o" dimensional. Fantasy 'ill be able to compete 'ith true li$e once true li$e is seen as it truly is. 6eality is in$inite@ it is e.erythin). 1t is in$initely more than anythin) else is. ;ou really li.e and really die only in the real 'orld. #here is )ood, )reat, and real. 4ur world is much more enchanting and eHciting than an5 fantas5 world. #he problem is that $antasy is better than the li$e people are currently, so $antasy is becomin) more and more popular. 1$ you do not li.e in the present, $antasy is better. 1$ you li.e in the present, $antasy is not e.en close. 6eli)ion the 'ay it is currently interpreted is Cust another $antasy that people say is true. +*er5one 0nows the same truth@ what ma0es us different is how we choose to distort it. -ood5 9llen 2,

Fear of death; Man(ind is more a$raid o$ death than any other animal. 9e are because 'e (no' it is )oin) to happen, and other animals do not. #his (no'led)e that only man(ind has is a double"ed)ed s'ord, a curse and a blessin). 1t is a .ery )ood thin), because our (no'led)e that death is )oin) to happen ma(es us the only animal that has a chance to o.ercome death. 4o', the $ear o$ death also causes people to try to escape reality H'hich is impossibleI and )et into $antasies and myths. 5eople are doin) the opposite o$ 'hat they should be doin). 1nstead o$ tryin) to escape li$e, 'e need to )et into li$e completely. 1t is the only 'ay to o.ercome the $ear o$ death and death itsel$. 1$ you )et into li$e completely, you learn the truth and transcend $ear and death. .ou become eternal life. ?esus said: < am in all things: 5et am be5ond all things.C .ou become all things: 5et are be5ond all things. >esus said, E1 am in this 'orld, but not o$ this 'orld.E t can be the same for 5ou. ;ou become all thin)s, because you li.e totally in the present, but are beyond all thin)s, because you also li.e in immortality and in$inity at the same time. ;ou li.e in your temporary body, but (no' you are immortal. ;ou li.e 'ithin the ran)e o$ 'hat you can see and sense, but are a'are e.erythin) is in$inite. The fear of death follows from the fear of life. 9 man who li*es full5 is 8re8ared to die at an5time. =ar0 Twain Li$e is per$ect and absolutely secure and $ul$illin) in and o$ itsel$. 5eople do not (no' 'hat they are missin). #hey are literally missin) e.erythin) $or nothin). +m8t5; &s sho'n in the dra'in) on pa)e /, the mind ma(es it impossible to (no' reality Htrue li$eI and to be $ul$illed. #he present 'ith the mind bloc(in) and distortin) it is not $ul$illin). 1t you empty and $ull o$ desire $or somethin) to $ill the emptiness. #he thin)s the mind does to try to $ill the .oid Cust bloc( li$e more. #he more people run to'ards 'hat they thin( they 'ant, the more they miss it. 9hat they thin( is the solution to the problem is the cause o$ the problem. Something missing; 5eople $eel that somethin) is missin), because somethin) is missin). #heir *od")i.en, di.ine li$e is missin). 22

am the wa5: the truth and the life. 3o one goes to the father eHce8t through me. ?esus: ?ohn 1#;( )e is literall5 sa5ing that he is the truth and the life. 4e does not say he is a man or *od@ he says he is truth and li$e. 4o' could it be more clear or direct< ?esus is sa5ing; f 5ou 0now the truth and the life: 5ou 0now him. Inowing the truth and true life (a.0.a. ?esus) is the wa5. >esus also says you ha.e to )o throu)h him to )et to *od=hea.en. 1n other 'ords, you ha.e to (no' the truth and the li$e be$ore you can (no' *od. The truth ' the life J 7od. ?esus said: B.ou will 0now the truth: and the truth will ma0e 5ou free.C >esus is sayin) that the truth 'ill set you $ree $rom your o'n mind, your $alse sel$. >esus said, F1 ha.e o.ercome the 'orld.G >esus is sayin) the truth 'ill o.ercome deception, the mind o$ the 'orld. ?esus said: <.our minds must be cleared of the falsehoods of this realm if 5ou are to be taught +ternal Truth.< !hristians that belie.e a bearded man in a sheet and sandals 'ill )reet them 'hen they die are )oin) to be disappointed. #hat >esus, the man >esus, no lon)er eDists, but the truth and the li$e, the spiritual >esus, does eDist. ?esus said: BThe world will see me no more: but 5ou will see me: because li*e: 5ou will li*e also: 5ou are in me and am in 5ou.C ?esus said: B am in s8irit and truth.C &)ain, 'hat he says is per$ectly clear. The $ible sa5s; .ou shall be li0e ?esus: for 5ou shall see him as he is. False Christians; 5eople 'ho do not (no' the truth and the li$e cannot call !hristians. >esus says you ha.e to (no' the truth and li$e to (no' him, be li(e him. t is what the $ible sa5s literall5@ it is not an inter8retation. Peo8le that worshi8 an image of a dead man do not 0now the truth and life. ?esus said: BPeo8le honor me with their li8s: but their heart is far from me. The5 worshi8 me in *ain: teaching 8rece8ts and 8rinci8les of men.C 30

The $ible sa5s that 8eo8le who worshi8ed him according to the teaching: the 8rece8ts and 8rinci8les of men: will hear this from 7od after the5 die; B ne*er 0new 5ou@ de8art from me.C 7o to hea*en; #he sayin) abo.e is metaphorical and 'ill not literally happen, but it says that the people that belie.e they (no' >esus and *od no' really do not. #he sayin) says that the people 'ho thin( they (no', but do not (no' >esus and *od no', 'ill not be 'ith *od a$ter they die@ they 'ill not )o to hea.en. t sa5s that 5ou can and must 0now 7od now to go to hea*en after 5ou die. ?esus said: <Ta0e heed of the li*ing one while 5ou are ali*e: lest 5ou die and see0 to see him and be unable to do so.< 4o' can you call yoursel$ a !hristian i$ you do not (no' 'hat >esus says he is< 5eople are 'orshipin) the dead >esus, because they do not (no' the one. ?esus J the truth and the life. The truth and the life J the 8resent: the 34-. #hey said to >esus: #ell us 'ho you are, so that 'e can belie.e you. >esus replied: F;ou analyBe the appearance o$ the s(y and the Earth, but you donLt reco)niBe 'hat is ri)ht in $ront o$ you@ you donLt (no' the nature o$ the present moment.G 4nce again: he ma0es it clear that he is the 8resent: the truth and the life. >esus is 'ith e.eryone no'. 4e al'ays has been and al'ays 'ill be. 1$ you 'ant to meet >esus Htruth=li$eI, Cust open your mind, open your present. ?esus said: B$ehold: stand at 5our door and 0noc0@ o8en the door and will come to 5ou.C The door; ;our mind is li(e a door, and it is currently closed. ;ou ha.e to ha.e a truly open mind to learn the truth and eDperience the li$e Hthe presentI. Most people, e.en biblical scholars, 'ill be learnin) 'hat >esus is sayin) $or the $irst time 'hen they read this boo(. #hey ha.e been decei.ed by the Many people belie.e that they can only see *od a$ter they die. #his is because their minds 'ill not let them see that *od is in the present, is the 8resent. 31

?esus said: B)e who drin0s from m5 mouth will become as am and will become he and the hidden things will be re*ealed to him.C 1n other 'ords, once you understand 'hat >esus is sayin), *od and true li$e 'ill be re.ealed to you. 1t is a $act. The $ible sa5s: B7od is the al8ha and the omega: the beginning and the end: that which was: that which is now: and that which will be.C =an5 statements in the $ible are the literal truth; #he 'ords abo.e are an eDample o$ a statement that is literally true. )ow could it be clearer> #he :ible says that *od is omnipresent, that *od is e.ery'here all the time. t literall5 sa5s 7od is life and e*er5thing in it. ?esus said: B ha*e come: that 5ou ma5 be filled with the fullness of 7od.C 1n other 'ords, he is sayin) he came so that 'e may be $illed 'ith di.ine li$e. am with 5ou: sa5eth the 1ord. #hat statement says *od is )+R+ 34-. 7odNlife; #here is a *od that creates and controls e.erythin)@ *od mani$ests as li$e itsel$. *od is li$e@ li$e is the only thin) that is omnipresent. The $ible sa5s that the 8ath to destruction is wide: and narrow is the gate that leads to life. =atthew ,;1!-1# -h5 doesnOt it sa5 Bnarrow is the gate to hea*en or 7od>C t sa5s Blife:C doesnOt it> 1 o$ten use F*od=li$eG to describe this ultimate po'er o$ the uni.erse. #hat 'ay, no one 'ill thin( 1 am re$errin) to the old man in the s(y, or any other outdated, misleadin), $alse symbol or )ra.en ima)e that people picture as *od. 7ood wa5 to loo0 at life; 1t is not Cust a )ood 'ay to loo( at li$e@ it is the only 'ay that you can see li$e truly and li.e li$e truly. t is the wa5. 6eli)ious people say there is a *od, and atheists say that there is no *od, but they are both missin) the truth and the li$e. #hey are both missin) 'hat >esus says he is. ?esus said: B)ea*en is s8read u8on the earth and men do not see it.C )ea*en is in most ancient reli)ions $or a reason. 1t is possible, and 'e al'ays (ne' it on a subconscious le.el, e.en in the distant past. 9e Cust had to pro)ress to the point 'e are reachin) no' be$ore 'e could see 'hat hea.en actually is, and ho' it really 'or(s. The 0e5 to hea*en is the ultimate truth. 32

?esus said 5ou must be born again to see hea*en. ?esus said 5ou must be born of s8irit to get to hea*en. -hen 5ou 0now the truth of life: 5ou are born into a new: s8iritual world. Truth 5ou can chec0; 1t is the (ind o$ truth that once re.ealed, becomes as matter o$ $act as the )round and as use$ul as $ood. 1t is the (ind o$ truth that can ma(e hate and 'ar as unnecessary as i)norance. 1t is the only FrealG truth. do not belie*e in 7od or ?esus. the life. 0now them. 0now the truth and

1 do not belie.e in >esus or 'hat >esus says@ 1 do not ha.e to. 1 ha.e done my home'or( and chec(ed it out. 1 (no' the thin)s he has said are true. #he thin)s 1 cannot chec( mysel$ directly, such as li$e a$ter death, 1 use the tools Hlo)ic=reasonI *od=li$e )a.e me to (no'. ;ou only ha.e to belie.e in somethin) you do not (no'. is not the )oal@ (no'in) is the )oal. .ou ha*e to 0now 7od. ?esus said: B am the truth and the life:C not am the m5th and the life. ?esus said: B ha*e come into the world to bear witness to the truth.C ;ou cannot )o to hea.en i$ you belie.e in a myth, because you do not (no' the truth, and as >esus says, you ha.e to (no' the truth to )et to hea.en. That which is; #he literal meanin) o$ the 'ord FtruthG is Fthat 'hich is.G #he truth K that 'hich is. #hat 'hich is K the present. #hat 'hich is K *od. B74KC is an ancient word that literall5 means BThat -hich s.C 7 stands for Bthat:C 4 stands for BwhichC and K stands for Bis.C 7od is Bthat which is.C #he truth o$ the past K that 'hich 'as. #he truth o$ the $uture K that 'hich 'ill be. ;ou can only truly (no' Fthat 'hich is,G because it is the only thin) that eDists. #he past is a memory or a story. #he $uture is Cust an educated )uess. ;ou can only (no' the true past and 'hat the true $uture 'ill be by (no'in) Fthat 'hich is possible.G 1$ you (no' ho' li$e 'or(s, ho' *od 'or(s, you (no' e.erythin).


Kefinition of ultimate truth; 1t is (no'in) the truth o$ li$e. 1t is (no'in) the $undamental, eternal la's o$ nature H*odI, and the nature o$ the mind 'hich distorts and hides it. 1t is an accurate and complete understandin) o$ Fthat 'hich is,G or *od. -hen 5ou 0now that which is: 5ou 0now 7od. .ou do not and cannot understand e*er5 detail of life and do not ha*e to. .ou Aust ha*e to understand the big 8icture: the fundamental nature of life. #his truth chan)es, because Fthat 'hich isG can chan)e. 1t cannot chan)e and eDist. 9hen you (no' li$e completely, you become li$e completely. The $ible sa5s that 7od describes himself as B am as am.C #hat is clear. 1n other 'ords, *od is sayin) he is Fthat 'hich is.G 7od is life itself. 9 man should loo0 for what is and not for what he thin0s should be. 9lbert +instein 4mni8resent; 1$ you belie.e in the :ible, 'hy 'ould you thin( you ha.e to 'ait until a$ter you die to see *od< #he :ible says that *od is omnipresent. Either you do not really belie.e in the :ible, or you ha.e not really read 'hat it says. The millions of 8eo8le that sa5 the5 belie*e in the $ible reall5 donOt. .ou ha*e to belie*e in what the $ible actuall5 sa5s to belie*e in the $ible. From 1u0e in the $ible: it sa5s <the 0ingdom of 7od is inside e*er5one.< 1t is inside e.eryone that (no's the ultimate truth and is open to *od=li$e, but not people that do not (no' the ultimate truth and that are closed to *od=li$e. #he :ible says that *od is here no', and 'hen you are truly here no', you are 'ith *od. 1t is that simple. *od is here no'@ it is man(ind that is not here no'. ?esus said: <)ea*en is inside 5ou and all around 5ou.C #hat says it all. Ken5ing ?esus: den5ing 7od; 5eople 'ho i)nore the truth, deny the truth, are i)norin) and denyin) >esus and *od. >esus says he is the truth. True or false> 7reatest sin; 9hen you deny the truth, you are denyin) *od, because *od is the truth. 3oin) it intentionally 'hen you (no' better is the )reatest possible sin, yet all reli)ions and Cust about e.eryone else are currently doin) it. 3

?esus said: BThe truth is hidden until 5ou ha*e e5es that will see and ears that will hear.C Sin; 5eople do not e.en (no' the meanin) o$ the 'ords in the :ible. EDample: #he 'ord FsinG means to Fmiss the mar(.G #he 'ord comes $rom ancient *ree(, and it re$ers to an arro' missin) the tar)et. 1t has nothin) to do 'ith brea(in) reli)ious or moral rules. F!hristianG means to be !hrist" li(e, not to Cust praise and 'orship an ima)e o$ the 'ay >esus may ha.e loo(ed t'o"thousand years a)o. #hat is idol 'orship o$ a )ra.en ima)e, and the :ible says not to do it. #he 'ord F'orshipG means F'orth"ship.G #he best 'ay to sho' ho' much *od is 'orth to you is by Cust acceptin) the present *od=li$e is creatin) and tryin) to )i.e to you. >ust accept the )i$t, accept the truth and the li$e that is in e.ery moment. The $ible sa5s: BThe wages of sin is death.C The sinful mind of man is death: but the mind controlled b5 the S8irit is life and 8eace. Romans /;( 1t is true, 'hen you miss the mar(, miss the present, you are dead to true li$e. Self-e*ident; #here is nothin) easier to (no' than the truth, because it is li$e itsel$. 1t is nothin) more and nothin) less. t is the 8resent. $eing is the great eH8lainer. )enr5 Ka*id Thoreau t is all true; #he truth is simply e.erythin) there is, e.erythin) that truly eDists. 1$ it does not eDist, it is not the truth@ i$ it does, it is. F#hat 'hich isG is e.erythin) eDcept $or the deceptions created by the mind, and they are only real to you 'hen you let them be. #he truth is li$e, so e.erythin) is the truth@ it is all true. The truth is incontro*ertible@ malice ma5 attac0 it: ignorance ma5 deride it: but in the end: there it is. -inston Churchill 1$ the mind 'ere not hidin) the truth, e.eryone 'ould (no' it immediately. #he truth is 'ithin you and all around you, Cust as >esus said. 3%

?esus said to lo*e the truth. 1$ you do, $aith 'ill not be )ood enou)h $or you, and the :ible says you must F(no'G *od to be 'ith *od no'. t is now or ne*er. Faith@ not wanting to 0now what is true. Friedrich 3ietGsche 4e is ri)ht about that $or some people. Faith is also $or people that do not (no' the truth, but 'ant to. ;ou cannot lo.e the truth 'hen you do not (no' it. .ou ha*e to start with faith as the $ible sa5s: but not faith in a m5th. Faith; #he $aith the :ible is tal(in) about is $aith you 'ill learn the truth and the li$e. 1$ you ha.e $aith you 'ill (no' it, you 'ill (no' it soon. 1$ you ha.e $aith in the truth and li$e, you ha.e $aith in >esus, because he says he is the truth and li$e. .ou ha*e to ha*e faith in the truth and the life to ha*e faith in ?esus. $aith or belie$ in a myth 'ill not help you and 'ill hurt you, because it ma(es you less recepti.e to learnin) the truth. 1t is the 'orst thin) you can do. ?esus said: B-hoe*er finds the correct inter8retation of what am sa5ing will find eternal life.C 9hy 'ould he say it i$ he 'ere not bein) misinterpreted< ;ou ha.e to ha.e $aith and belie.e in the actual truth, the truth that ma(es sense, the truth you can chec( yoursel$ in the real 'orld, in *odLs 'orld, in the present. -hat is great in man is that he is a bridge and not the goal. Friedrich 3ietGsche The bridge; 9hen you ha.e $aith in the truth and the li$e, you do not need it lon), because you 'ill (no' it soon. Faith is not supposed to be a permanent 'ay o$ li$e. Faith is Cust a brid)e to (no'in) the truth and li$e. donOt ha*e to ha*e faith@ ha*e eH8erience. ?ose8h Cam8bell Once you (no' the truth and the li$e, you no lon)er need $aith, because you ha.e 'hat you had $aith in. ;ou are 'here you 'ant to be, and you al'ays 'ill be. 3+

Faith in the truth is necessary to )et you throu)h any trials and tribulations you may ha.e to )et past 'hen ma(in) the transition into a spiritual bein). The $ible sa5s that those who belie*e in ?esus will ha*e eternal life. 1n other 'ords, those 'ho belie.e in the truth and the li$e 'ill ha.e the truth and the li$e. >esus K the truth the li$e. Those are his words: not mine. >esus says you ha.e to belie.e in the truth and the li$e to )et eternal li$e. Faith in the truth and the li$e is essential until you 0now the truth and the li$e. 1$ you ha.e $aith you 'ill (no', you 'ill (no'@ i$ not in this li$e, you 'ill in the neDt. t is not true Aust because ?esus said it@ it is true because it has to be true. The truth and the life is the onl5 wa5: because nothing else trul5 eHists. $aith in Cust the name >esus and an ima)e o$ the 'ay you thin( he loo(ed t'o"thousand years a)o is not the 'ay. That is a gra*en image: and one o$ the ten commandments says not to 'orship a )ra.en ima)e, so 'hy do people that call !hristians and say they belie.e in the :ible do it< 1t is Cust a $antasy created by the mind. ;ou ha.e to see >esus the 'ay he says he is no'. >esus said, F1 am in spirit and truth,G F1 am the truth and the li$e.G 1$ you ha.e $aith in 'hat >esus says he is, you ha.e the $aith that 'ill )et you to hea.en. Faith now; Some peopleLs minds 'ill be too stron) $or them to o.ercome the control o$ their animal mind be$ore the body they ha.e no' dies or is (illed, so $aith in the real thin), not a myth, is essential to ha.e ri)ht no'. t is the wa5. $aith in the truth and the li$e is all most people 'ill be able to truly ha.e in this 'orld because o$ the in$luence o$ other minds, but as >esus said, $aith in him is all you need to )et to hea.en in the neDt li$e. 9ll 5ou ha*e to do is tr5 5our best (hel8 the truth) and ha*e faith the truth and the life is the wa5 to go to hea*en when 5ou die: Aust as ?esus sa5s. Follow ?esus; ;ou eDpress your $aith by see(in) the truth and the li$e at all times. ;ou $ollo' >esus by tryin) your best to spread the truth and the li$e, e.en i$ all you ha.e yoursel$ is $aith it is the 'ay, and no one understands you. ;ou Cust need $aith in the truth and the li$e in this li$e to )et hea.en in the neDt, and it 'ill come ?uic(er than people thin(. 3/

.ou ha*e true faith right now if 5ou ha*e faith in the truth and the life. )o8eNbelief; and hopin) somethin) is true or )oin) to be true does not ma(e it true i$ you do not start 'ith the real truth. 1t is the truth, or it is not. #here is no 'ay to ma(e somethin) that is not true, true. )o8e is a wa0ing dream. 9ristotle Faith in faith: 1n and o$ itsel$, belie$, $aith, hope, 'ishin), )ood luc( charms, holy relics, symbols, positi.e thin(in), )ood intentions, prayin), curses, .oodoo, ma)ic spells, $ortune tellers, psychics, etc. do not do anythin) eDcept ma(e people $eel li(e they ha.e some control li$e. The5 are Aust co8ing strategies.
f 5ou belie*e a fair5tale or m5th is true: 5ou will not li*e ha88il5 e*er after.

5eople 'ho currently ha.e $aith and belie$ in a myth are a $orce a)ainst the truth and the li$e. The5 are the decei*ed: and if the5 8ass it on: are the decei*ers. #he people that thin( they are closest to *od and doin) *odLs 'or( are actually the $arthest a'ay, and they do the 'or( o$ the, the 1n the past, the truth could not be (no'n by most people, so $aith 'as all they could ha.e. #hey 'ill be $or)i.en $or people i$ they chan)e no'. 5eopleLs $aith in myths 'as necessary to )et us to 'here 'e are no', but no' that the truth is re.ealed, faith is Aust a bridge to 0nowing. Sa5ing that 5ou see things that do not eHist is a sin: the worst sin 8ossible. t is gi*ing false witness: which is against one of the ten commandments. The real truth unites 8eo8le@ it does not di.ide them. 1t ma(es sense, and it applies to e.eryone, e.ery'here, all o$ the time. 1t creates clarity, not con$usion. #he truth leads to real e?uality, $reedom, peace, lo.e and understandin). #he real truth only as(s you to belie.e in somethin) 5ou can chec0 for 5ourself. 9n5one who cares about the truth enough to chec0 what it is will 0now the truth. Those who do not care enough will not learn the truth and will be lost and deser*e to be lost. 3,

$elie*ing what 5ou are told; ;ou should not ha.e to ta(e someone elseLs 'ord $or anythin) as serious and important as the truth about li$e and death. 5eople lie, misunderstand, distort, misinterpret and eDa))erate. 5eople can Cust be 'ron), or ha.e schiBophrenia and hear .oices that they belie.e come $rom *od. =on0e5 see: mon0e5 do; Most people Cust tell people 'hat they ha.e been told the truth is. #hey Cust accept 'hat others say the truth is, especially i$ it is 'hat people ha.e been acceptin) as the truth $or thousands o$ years. 1t is mon(ey see, mon(ey do. Second"hand truth should not be belie.ed or repeated 'ithout chec(in) it out $or yoursel$. #he a)e o$ playin) $ollo' the leader is endin) no'. Second"hand truth is called hearsay in a court o$ la', and it is not admissible $or an important reason@ it has pro.en not to be a dependable source o$ the truth. 9hat could be more irresponsible than sayin) somethin) is true 'ithout (no'in) beyond a reasonable doubt that it is true< :illions o$ people are doin) it. 6eli)ion is li$e and death, and it is e.en more important to be sure somethin) is true, because your current li$e is based on it, and your immortal li$e depends on it. Ko not belie*e what an5one sa5s: including me@ chec0 things for 5ourself. .ou ha*e to see the truth 5ourself in life itself to 0now it. ;ou are at 'hat could be the end o$ a .ery lon) and di$$icult ?uest. ;ou no' ha.e the opportunity to complete the ?uest and lea.e the animal realm $ #he only real di$$erence bet'een man(ind and other animals is our ability to reason and thin(. #hus, reason has to be 'hat 'e ha.e to use to e.ol.e $urther. 9e ha.e to use 'hat sets us apart $rom other animals. The truth; ;ou no' (no' Fthe truthG part o$ the truth and the li$e. #here are only $i.e $undamental thin)s you need to (no' and they are: 1. 4ur true histor5. 2. .ou are immortal. !. +*er5thing will balance. #. .ou are a s8iritual being. %. The 8resent (life) is 7od. 32

#he truth o$ the balance is most clear at the ed)es o$ physical reality. 1$ you loo( at the bi))est thin)s in the uni.erse, the stars and planets, you 'ill see that they are all )oin) in balanced circles Horbitin)I around each other. 1$ you loo( at the smallest thin)s that ma(e up all matter and atoms, you 'ill see the same thin)@ electrons )oin) in circles around a nucleus. #he ed)es re.eal clearly the $undamental nature o$ our reality. +*er5thing is going around in circles. &s you become more a'are, you be)in to see all physical thin)s, in bet'een the bi))est and smallest, are doin) the same thin) in one 'ay or another. Soon it 'ill be as clear to you as ni)ht and day, and you 'ill (no' the nature o$ e.erythin). -hat is said in this boo0 is not Aust a theor5@ it is what the e*idence sa5s. t is truth 5ou can chec0: and that ma0es it the real truth and the onl5 truth. ;ou Cust ha.e to chec( it out $or yoursel$ so you (no' you (no' it and remember it until it sin(s in. 1t has to )o deep into your subconscious. ;ou ha.e to see the truth in e.ery moment 'ithout thin(in) about it@ you ha.e to (no' it intuiti.ely. The greatest 8resent; For the $irst time in history, the $irst time in our /00 million years on this planet, 'e can (no' li$e, (no' 'hat 'e are, 'here 'e come $rom, and 'here 'e are )oin). 9e ha.e to ta(e ad.anta)e o$ this brie$ opportunity. 1t has been a lon) time comin) and 'ill be a lon) time )one. #his boo( 'ill )i.e you the po'er to chan)e our present course to one that leads to a place 'ithout pain, $ear or su$$erin), a place some 'estern reli)ions call hea.en. 1 F+ I34- 37 1 F+ S T)+ -9. ;ou ha.e to (no' the ultimate truth be$ore you can (no' the ultimate li$e. #he (ey truth is the (no'led)e o$ the balancin) opposites, because you can see this truth in action e.ery'here you loo(. 9hen you see it clearly, you (no' it. 0no'in) the di.ine balance is the (ey, because your mind 'ill realiBe it is not needed much, that it cannot really ma(e a $undamental di$$erence eDcept to open up. 9hen it does, the other part o$ the ultimate truth becomes sel$"e.ident. .ou now ha*e been told Bthe truth.C 3ow all 5ou need to 0now is Bthe life.C 0

Section # & $ig Picture - Present; Cha8ter #.1

Find the Truth

The life; #he truth is not in 'ords, 'ritten or spo(en, as the mind truth is. #he truth is realiBed only 'hen the mind is not in the present 'ith you. BThe lifeC is the 8resent without the mind. There are two t58es of truth; truth 5ou 0now: and truth 5ou eH8erience. #he mind truth is the opposite o$ or real truth. #hey cannot eDist to)ether, so you ha.e to sacri$ice one $or the other. Man(ind is currently sacri$icin) li$e $or the mind. 9e Cust ha.e to do the opposite. 9e ha.e to start in Fthat 'hich isG and stop thin(in) all the time. 9e Cust ha.e to )et our minds out o$ the 'ay@ they are bloc(in) true li$e. #he mind ma(es it impossible to see and (no' *od. The truth and the life; 9hen you can be completely a'are o$ e.erythin) comin) to you throu)h your li$e senses, you 'ill eDperience Fthe li$e.G ;ou 'ill then (no' Fthe truth and the li$e,G (no' 'hat >esus says he is, and become 'hat he is no'. t is what the $ible and ?esus literall5 sa5. t is one of the most im8ortant unseen truths that are in the $ible. f 5ou 0now it: 5ou are going to hea*en. Truth J life: life J truth. #he more you see the truth, the more you 'ill see the li$e. #he more you see the li$e, the more you 'ill see the truth. #hey 'ill build on each other, and your (no'led)e o$ them 'ill )ro' until you (no' li$e completely and become li$e. The truth shows the creator and the creation are together in the 8resent. See0 (to 0now) the 0ingdom of 7od first: and all things will be gi*en to 5ou. =atthew (;!! Truth first: 5eople ha.e it bac('ards. #hey 'ant true li$e be$ore they (no' the truth, and as a result )et the truth or li$e. 5eople can )et close and loo( li(e they ha.e it all, especially the bi) stars in sho' business. #hey loo( li(e they are $ull o$ li$e and e.eryone 'ants to be li(e them, but they do not ha.e it all. E.en 22O is not all o$ it. ;ou need it all to ta(e the neDt step in e.olution and become a spiritual bein). 4o' can you li.e completely 'hat you do not (no' completely< 9hen you (no' li$e completely, you start it completely. 1

)ow can 5ou enAo5 life before 5ou 0now how life wor0s> 3o one can full5 enAo5 life until the5 0now wh5 things ha88en and where their life will lead. =one5: seH: success: 8ower: fame: will not wor0. The truth is the onl5 wa5. Many spiritual teachers 'ho claim to be enli)htened say you need to eDperience li$e $irst, throu)h meditation, etc. #hey say that the 'ay to (no' the truth is throu)h the eDperience o$ li$e. #hey say that because they do not (no' the truth, not all o$ it, so they cannot say 'hat the truth is. #hey say to eDperience li$e to (no' the truth, because it seems li(e that can be done, but actually that cannot be done. 9hen people do not (no' the $ull truth, it means they ha.e eDperienced li$e $ully, or they 'ould (no' the ultimate truth. )ow can someone be enlightened and not 0now the truth> Inowing the truth would ha*e to come with enlightenment: or 5ou would not be enlightened. True or false> #here are re.elations in this boo( that no )uru, prophet, or any spiritual master (ne', so no one has really been enli)htened. #here ha.e been many that thou)ht they 'ere and con.inced others they 'ere, but they did not (no' all the truth o$ li$e, and that is a $act you can chec(. Many ha.e (no'n parts o$ the puBBle o$ the truth o$ li$e. #his boo( $or the $irst time adds the last pieces to the puBBle. Many o$ the )reat prophets o$ the past (ne' the time 'as not ri)ht, and they did 'hat they could until the ri)ht time came. #hat time is no'. 1 am not sayin) the )reat prophets and spiritual leaders o$ the past did not become enli)htened masters. #hey did, but not 'hen and ho' the unenli)htened people o$ this 'orld thin(. 8o' you can (no' the complete truth o$ li$e $or the $irst time in history. 7ood is not good enough. Many people are a moral,, and ) li$e no', 'hich is a step in the ri)ht direction. 1t may be enou)h to come bac( as a human a)ain, but it 'ill not be enou)h to )et to hea.en. ;ou ha.e to at least (no' the mind part o$ the ultimate truth, and ha.e $aith you 'ill (no' true li$e in the near $uture. >esus says that i$ you do, you 'ill )o to hea.en $or certain. B7od is dead.C Friedrich 3ietGsche 1/##-1266 *od is dead to e.eryone that does not (no' the ultimate truth. 8ietBsche 'as ri)ht in that sense, e.en thou)h he may not ha.e (no'n it 'hen he said it. 7od is not dead: man0ind is dead. 7od cannot die@ 7od is life. 2

?esus said: < ha*e come so that 5ou might ha*e life: for the wa5 of mortals is a li*ing death.C 3o you belie.e 'hat >esus says< )e sa5s 5ou are dead. 1 ?uote 8ietBsche $orty times, because he has many short, inspired insi)hts re)ardin) the truth, not because 1 thin( e.erythin) he says is true or he 'as anythin) special as a person. Some )ood stu$$ passed throu)h him. 4e has been misunderstood and misinterpreted also. #his boo( sho's that his 'ords say somethin) di$$erent $rom 'hat most people thin(. will teach men the sense of their eHistence: which is the Su8erman: the lightning out of the dar0 cloud man. Friedrich 3ietGsche EDample: Most people thin( that his re$erence to a superman means a superior man as described by 8aBi *ermany. #he superman or o.erman tal(ed about by 8ietBsche is actually the same as the son o$ man >esus is tal(in) about. 4is EPbermenschE Ho.erman=supermanI does not mean Eo.erE as in EsuperiorE but as in EbeyondE the animal mind. 4itler certainly did not see it that 'ay. #he truth Cust passes throu)h people, and many times, the people it passes throu)h $irst do not understand it, and they misinterpret it in addition to others t'istin) it. Kisclaimer; Quotin) someone in this boo( does not mean 1 a)ree 'ith e.erythin) the prophet or philosopher says. 1 only ?uote the thin)s they say that help re.eal the truth. 8ietBsche says many thin)s that 'ere inspired by the time and place he li.ed. 1 do not a)ree 'ith many o$ those thin)s, and do not include or endorse them. #he same )oes $or any other prophet or philosopher 1 ?uote. 5rophets and philosophers o$ the past could not (no' 'hat 'e can (no' no', so they can be 'ron), and they ha.e said thin)s that ma(e no sense no'. Fuote ?esus the most: because e*er5thing he said was true. ha*e found man5 misinter8retations: but nothing he actuall5 said that is not true. =ental disorders; Many prophets, philosophers, poets, and other seers o$ the truth ha.e some mental disorders. 1t is the mental disorders that )i.e them a di$$erent perspecti.e on li$e. -n$ortunately, it also causes some o$ them to say some demented thin)s that people can use to discount or e.en .ili$y them. &s a result, many seers o$ the truth 'ere seen by people as $ools or lunatics in their li$etime. 1t is only a$ter they died that people disco.ered they 'ere sayin) somethin) important and true, but people ha.e yet to understand 'hat they 'ere really sayin). Many people are close to understandin), but are missin) the truth. 3

The $ible sa5s 8eo8le are falling short of the truth: and it is a fact. Throw the bab5 out with the bathwater; >ust because they say somethin) 'ron) or demented, you should not discount e.erythin) they say, because it is to be eDpected. 3o not thro' the baby out 'ith the bath'ater, as the sayin) )oes. True and false; #he :ible and other reli)ious boo(s ha.e many thin)s in them that are not true, such as the $lood story, but they also contain the ultimate truth. Most old boo(s about reli)ion and philosophy ha.e both. 1$ you Cud)e them by the thin)s that are not true, you also miss the truth they re.eal. ;ou ha.e to loo( throu)h all old sources o$ truth 'ith a discernin) eye to $ind the nu))ets o$ truth. ;ou ha.e to mine them. 1 ha.e Cust ta(en the thin)s they say that re.eal the truth, and put them all to)ether. 1 do it to support the ne' thin)s 1 say, and sho' that all the )reat prophets, philosophers, and poets are essentially sayin) the same thin). #hey are considered )reat and are popular because the truth is in 'hat they say, and most people (no' it. 1$ not consciously, a subconscious le.el. 7enuine 8oetr5 can communicate before it is understood. T.S. +liot The straight truth; #he truth is the truth@ it re$lects reality, 'hich is the same $or e.eryone, and $undamentally chan)es. #he truth is Cust eDpressed in di$$erent 'ays that re$lect the seerLs o'n mind and the time and place a prophet, philosopher or poet li.ed, but the truth is al'ays at the core o$ 'hat they are tryin) to eDpress. 1 put it all to)ether and )i.e it to you strai)ht $or the $irst time. Many so"called !hristian belie.ers are under the impression that the :ible is the in$allible E'ordE o$ *od. #o claim the creator o$ the in$inite uni.erse 'ould copyri)ht 'ords $rom men that 'ere not inspired prophets is the most arro)ant you can )et. n the beginning was the -ord. The -ord was with 7od: and the -ord was 7od. ?ohn 1;1 #he En)lish translation has substituted E'ordE $or Lo)os. #he term ELo)osE means the mind=intent='ill o$ *od, but people ha.e misinterpreted this to mean the 'ords o$ the mind. 5eople are 'orshipin) thou)hts and 'ords o$ man(ind. #ruth comes $rom the spirit and li$e itsel$. #he mind cannot comprehend the truth, but it can (no' the mind truth, 'hich allo's us to see the di.ine mind, the 'ill o$ *od.

?esus said: < t is the S8irit who gi*es life@ the flesh is no hel8 at all.< 1n other 'ords, *od, truth and li$e, is not made up by the mind o$ man(ind. The words that ha*e s8o0en to 5ou are s8irit and are life. ?ohn (;(! 6eli)ious people that are loo(in) $or truth are loo(in) $or it bac('ards. $lind faith; #hey ta(e $or )ranted 'hat is said in the :ible is true, misinterpret it, and try to $ind it in the real 'orld. 9hen they do not $ind it, they ha.e to say you must ha.e blind $aith, e.en in the $ace o$ hard e.idence to the contrary. 1t Cust ma(es them loo( li(e $ools, and it hurts the credibility o$ the :ible and reli)ion. :lind $aith is a dead thin) practiced by dead people. 1et the dead bur5 the dead: as it sa5s in the $ible. #he should try to brin) them to li$e Hraise the deadI. 1$ people do Cust the opposite and ta(e $or )ranted that 'hat is in real li$e is true, and then loo( $or it in the :ible, they 'ill $ind the ultimate truth. )ow do 0now the truth> 1 (no' because 1 can see the ultimate truth in e.erythin). 1t is sel$"e.ident to me, and 'ill be $or you also a$ter you ha.e read this boo(. 9hen the truth da'ns on you, it is li(e the 'hole 'orld opens up, and you can see and understand e.erythin). ;ou 'ill see thin)s the 'ay >esus and other enli)htened spiritual bein)s see thin)s. .ou become enlightened. B1et this mind be in 5ou: which was also in Christ ?esus.C Phili88ians 2;% ;ou attain and embody !hrist"consciousness, or enli)htenment. >esus also says it in the $ollo'in) statement: ?esus said: B)e who drin0s from m5 mouth will become as am: and will become he: and the hidden things will be re*ealed to him.C 1n other 'ords, he is sayin) that i$ you read 'hat he is sayin) and understand the true meanin), you 'ill become as he is, and you 'ill see li$e as he did. 1 understand his 'ords, so 1 see 'hat he sa' Cust as he said 1 'ould. #his boo( Cust eDplains 'hat the real 'orld is li(e to people that cannot see it yet. 9fter 5ou finish reading this boo0 and do a few things: 5ou will also see life in a new wa5. .ou will see life the wa5 ?esus and all s8iritual beings see it.

ConteHt; 5eople are al'ays tellin) me that 1 am ?uotin) >esus and the other prophets out o$ conteDt, and they are ri)ht@ it is the conteDt that hides the truth. 9hat a prophet is tryin) to say is usually $ound in Cust a $e' sentences. #he rest o$ the para)raph or story is Cust $iller to $lesh out the myth that some scholar belie.ed 'as true. #his is 'hy most o$ the :ible and other reli)ious boo(s hide the truth. #he truth is surrounded by myths 'ritten by mis)uided scholars. ?esus said that we ha*e to se8arate the wheat from the chaff. 1n other 'ords, 'e ha.e to separate the truth $rom deception 'ith e.erythin) in li$e, includin) the :ible. #he cha$$ hides the 'heat, Cust as myths hide the truth. 9hen you 'a(e up, you 'ill be able to see the di$$erence, and be able to separate the truth $rom deception in all thin)s, includin) the :ible. #he truth in the :ible 'ill stand out $rom the deception . ;ou 'ill see the true ma)ic o$ the :ible. -h5 do billions of rational 8eo8le belie*e in things that ma0e no rational sense> Could the5 intuiti*el5 0now the truth is in their religious boo0s> #hey do@ people subconsciously (no' the truth. E.eryone subconsciously (no's the truth@ the time has come $or people to (no' it consciously. #his boo( Cust screens out the misleadin) and $alse interpretations o$ the prophets o$ the past. #hen, it $ills in the blan(s, adds the ne' truth that has been disco.ered, and ) it to you strai)ht $or the $irst time. =ine the truth; 1t is li(e $indin) )old. #o )et one ounce o$ )old, you ha.e to si$t throu)h tons o$ the 'orthless ore that hides it and ma(es it hard to )et. 1t is the same 'ith the :ible and other reli)ious 'ritin). 1 ha.e done much o$ the si$tin) $or you, but there is more to $ind. 1 Cust pulled out the bi))est nu))ets $or this boo(. Finding the ultimate truth of life and death is the true mission of man0ind. Re8etition; ;ou may ha.e noticed that certain sayin)s and concepts are repeated throu)hout this boo(. 6epetition is necessary to penetrate peopleLs minds, so do not let it bother you. &n impression has to be made, and repetition is necessary. Re8etition is not fun to read: but necessar5 to transform 8eo8le. &s a sin)le $ootstep 'ill not ma(e a path on the earth, so a sin)le thou)ht 'ill not ma(e a path'ay in the mind. #o ma(e a deep physical path, 'e 'al( a)ain and a)ain. #o ma(e a deep mental path, 'e must thin( and the (ind o$ thou)hts 'e 'ish to dominate our )enr5 Ka*id Thoreau +

3o not let the thin)s you do not understand or disa)ree 'ith diminish the thin)s you do relate to. ;ou 'ill $ind that many o$ the thin)s you do not a)ree 'ith 'hen you $irst read them 'ill ma(e sense later. ?ust ta0e what 5ou can and mo*e on. -hen 5ou see the truth: e*er5thing becomes ob*ious and self-e*ident. #he ?uestion is, 'hy is it so di$$icult to see and eDpress the truth clearly no'< Something has to be hiding the truth and life and hiding itself. 9hy do 'e ha.e so much trouble seein) the true nature o$ our< 1t should be the most ob.ious thin) there is. 9hy do people ha.e so many di$$erent opinions and belie$s about 'hat the ultimate truth is 'hen it should be sel$"e.ident< -e all li*e in the same world@ wh5 does e*er5one see it differentl5> #he truth is Cust 'hat it loo(s li(e it is. #he problem is, people cannot see clearly. .our inner en*ironment; #his is your en.ironment $rom your s(in in, $rom your senses in. #his en.ironment is 'here your mind 1t is bet'een li$e and your spiritual"sel$. #he mind is the closest thin) to you. The mind is so close to 5our s8irit that most 8eo8le do not realiGe that the5 are two se8arate things. =ind creates the illusion that it is the s8irit. SiHth sense; 5eople do ha.e a siDth sense@ their o'n mind. ;ou ha.e the sense o$ si)ht, hearin), smell, touch, taste and mind. ;our mind is li(e a sense, because your consciousness, or spiritual"sel$, senses=eDperiences the mindLs thou)hts, emotions, and $eelin)s the same 'ay it does li)ht, sounds, sensations, scents and tastes. The mind is bloc0ing what 7od is creating with what it is creating. ;ou recei.e the input $rom your mind the same 'ay you recei.e input $rom your $i.e li$e senses, but 'hat the mind creates is not real@ it is not *odLs 'orld. -ordNlife; ;our $i.e li$e senses sense li$e. ;our mind produces and sends you thin)s that do not come $rom li$e@ it sends you thin)s it ma(es up itsel$. 1t creates and sends you emotions, desires, thou)hts, )uilt, $ears and 'orries. ;our mind bloc(s most o$ the li$e comin) to you, and 'hat it does not bloc(, it con.erts into 'ords, the mental code $or li$e. ;our mind attempts to reduce all o$ li$e to 'ords, mental pictures, abstract thou)hts, or bites o$ data. EDample: ;our sense o$ si)ht sees a rose. 1nstead o$ comin) to you directly as all that a rose really is, it is turned into the 'ord Frose.G 1t is then disre)arded or $iled a'ay as a memory 'ithout lettin) you eDperience it. /

+diting 5our life; 1$ you ha.e seen somethin) be$ore, your mind does not consider it important to see it a)ain, and does not let you see it@ it edits your li$e. 9hen you see a rose throu)h the mind, you do not see it as it truly is. ;our mind does this 'ith e.erythin), unless it it as ne', special, or dan)erous. :y reducin) real thin)s to 'ords or thou)hts, they can be processed in your mind. & real thin) cannot be. 9e are payin) a hi)h price $or this@ 'e pay 'ith our li$e. 1t 'as necessary in the past to be able to process li$e this 'ay to help us )et control o$ an un(no'n and dan)erous 'orld. 1t is no lon)er necessary to do it most o$ the time, but people still do it all the time any'ay. 1t is li(e a bad habit. 9ll of this is going on between 5our s8iritual-self and life. t is the reason wh5 8eo8le cannot see the truth and eH8erience true life. 9e paid a hi)h price to )et 'here 'e are no'. #he time has come to stop ) all our li$e to our minds. #o do it, you Cust ha.e to see thin)s li(e you are seein) them $or the $irst time. 1t is that simple, but you ha.e to (no' the truth to do it. True religion is real li*ing. 9lbert +instein Ta0e control of our minds; 9e no' (no' enou)h and ha.e enou)h control o$ the 'orld. 9e no lon)er need to miss most o$ our 9e need to see all o$ li$e no' to see the real threats to our and to become spiritual bein)s. 1t is time to start )ettin) control o$ to )et control o$ our minds. 1t is our $alse and lac( o$ a'areness that are the )reatest dan)ers to us. The greatest danger to man0ind is now man0ind. #he mind o$ human bein)s has become too po'er$ul and too dan)erous to be out o$ control. #he thin) that helped our most 'ill be 'hat destroys us i$ 'e do not )et control o$ it soon. Right and wrong; 9ithout the ultimate truth, no one really (no's 'hat to do or 'hy to do it. #hat is becomin) .ery dan)erous, and it 'ill (ill us all soon. &bout ten countries are (no'n to ha.e nuclear 'eapons, and it is estimated that at least thirty"t'o countries are tryin) to )et them. #here are also biolo)ical and chemical 'eapons and people 'ho do not (no' ri)ht $rom 'ron) yet. 9eapon technolo)y is $aster than 'e are. #echnolo)y is ma(in) it easier and easier $or $e'er and $e'er people to do )reater and )reater dama)e. Mery soon, one person 'ith a biolo)ical 'eapon 'ill be able to (ill e.eryone. ,

-ithout the real truth: there is no real moralit5: no real right and wrong. 48timism is a )ood thin) to a point, but people are 'ay too sure e.erythin) 'ill 'or( out 'ell. #hat is not 'hat the e.idence says. 9ithout the truth, there is no hope $or the o$ the human race $or e.en t'enty more years, maybe a lot less. #his is 'hy it is essential that people learn the truth no'. Right and wrong cannot be (no'n 'ithout (no'in) 'hat is true and 'hat is not true. *reat po'er 'ithout )reat understandin) 'ill destroy us .ery soon. -e are dri*ing on a dangerous mountain road blindfolded. #he mind creates $ear, 'orry, )uilt, re)ret, sadness, en.y, )reed, hate and all other mind"made, ne)ati.e $eelin)s you recei.e. #hese uncontrolled emotions are creatin) all the misery in the 'orld. ;ou Cust ha.e to realiBe they are not real, and they 'ill disappear. 9hy li.e 'ith the pain and su$$erin) created by the mind< -h5 let 5our own mind hurt 5ou> >ust as you do not ha.e to thin( thou)hts you do not 'ant to thin(, you do not ha.e to $eel the thin)s the mind creates. f the mind is creating something: it can sto8 creating it. 1$ you (no' the truth, you do not ha.e to li.e 'ith anythin) that is not real. ;ou Cust ha.e to li.e one"hundred percent 'ith 'hat is real, and you 'ill lea.e no room in your li$e $or anythin) that is not real. t is interesting that Be*ilC is Bli*eC s8elled bac0wards. +*il is Aust the o88osite of life: so true life is as far from e*il as 5ou can get. ?esus said: B$lessed are those that ha*e suffered and found life.C 1t is all about $indin) true li$e, abundant li$e, as >esus said. Most people ha.e to su$$er a lot be$ore they really start loo(in), but it is not necessary. ?esus said: B ha*e come: that 5ou ma5 be filled with the fullness of 7od.C 1n others 'ords, $illed 'ith li$e. 9hen you are $illed 'ith *od=li$e, you are $ul$illed. Most o$ the su$$erin) in your li$e is created by the mind, and most o$ the 'orldLs troubles are also. 9e ha.e su$$ered enou)h@ it is time to $ind li$e. &ll 'e ha.e to do is ta(e control o$ our minds to do it. #he a)e o$ the mind is comin) to an end. The truth is the 0e5 to controlling 5our mind. 2

Section # & $ig Picture & Present; Cha8ter #.2

=ind-self; #he mind is a )ood thin) i$ it the spirit. #he problem is that ri)ht no', the opposite is true. #he mind has been so use$ul to our that 'e ha.e )i.en it complete po'er our -e ha*e begun to belie*e we are our minds. This falsehood 8uts our minds in control of us. 9e cannot be our minds, because our minds end at death and 'e do not. 9e cannot, because 'e are immortal, and our minds or brains are not. ;our mind Hcurrent sel$I is a biochemical and bioelectric part o$ your body. 1t eDists in the brain, and it is destroyed 'hen the rest o$ your body is destroyed in death, Cust as a computerLs data is destroyed 'hen a computerLs hard dri.e is destroyed. ;our mind can be destroyed e.en sooner than death by brain inCuries, diseases such as &lBheimerAs, and other mental disorders. ;ou can be certain that you are not your mind, because i$ it 'as )one, you 'ould still be here. ;ou 'ould still be a'are o$ li$e. ;ou 'ould actually be more a'are o$ li$e, completely a'are o$ it. #he mind does not )i.e us li$e@ 'e )i.e the mind li$e. The mindOs Aob; #he mind is li(e a sophisticated computer@ its $unction is to learn, remember, and process or understand li$e and the thin)s in it. ?esus said: B1a5 5our burden down.C 1n other 'ords, donLt let it bother you. #he ultimate thin) $or the mind to learn and understand is the nature o$ li$e, our true past, true $uture, and the nature o$ itsel$. Once you (no' the ultimate truth, the mindLs ultimate Cob is done. 1ts reason $or is accomplished. #hus, its purpose $or bein) is )one, so it can be )one. ;ou can lay it do'n. =asterNser*ant; Once you (no' the mind truth, or intellectual truth, your mind can ta(e you no $urther. 1t needs to relaD and become Cust a technical consultant. 1t needs to become your ser.ant and stop bein) your master. The brain is the most o*errated organ in the bod5. The im8ortant things enter 5ou another wa5. -ood5 9llen The age of the mind; #he mind has been such a bi) part o$ our 'orld that a 'orld'ide reli)ion o$ the mind has de.eloped. 5eople ha.e $aith in the mind. 5eople thin( the mind is the (ey to our success in e.erythin). #his $aith has )i.en the mind too much po'er our %0

The mind has become 7od on this 8lanet. =ore than minds; #he mind is the (in) o$ this 'orld. >ust about all institutions, schools, businesses and )o.ernments promote and support the mind. #his is all $ine and )ood as lon) as 'e (no' that 'e are more than our minds, that our minds are Cust a .ery small and temporary part o$ us. $ehind 5our thoughts and feelings: m5 brother: there stands a might5 ruler. 9n un0nown sage - whose name is self. n 5our bod5 he dwells. There is more reason in 5our bod5 than in 5our best wisdom. Friedrich 3ietGsche 1t is time to stop ne)lectin) our spirit, our true E.en 'hen our minds are acti.e, 'e are less than one percent our minds and more than ninety"nine percent spirit. 5eople Cust do not (no' it. Our bodies do not )et in the 'ay o$ our spirit@ they enhance it, but our minds do )et in the 'ay. #hey blot out the truth and the li$e. The truth and the life is the last frontier. -sin) our mind 'as the (ey to our success in the past, but it 'ill not be in the $uture. #he opposite is true no'. 7etting 8ast the mind will be the 0e5 to success. ?esus said: BTo those that o*ercometh: will gi*e a crown of life.C 4e is sayin) that i$ you can o.ercome your dominatin) mind, he 'ill )i.e you li$e. #he mind 'ill still be the (ey to the neDt step in e.olution, but not by doin) 'hat it did in the past. 1t has to chan)e $or us to chan)e. -e ha*e been doing the mindOs will: and we need to be doing 7odOs will. 9ll want to learn is how to thin0 li0e 7od thin0s. 9lbert +instein The $ible sa5s: B-hoe*er does 7odOs will shall abide in hea*en fore*er.C Th5 0ingdom come: th5 will be done on earth. =atthew (;16 9e need an a)e o$ the spirit no'. Our spirit must be seen as the more important part o$ us. 1t is the real part, the eternal part, 'hat 'e ha.e al'ays been and al'ays 'ill be@ it is the real us. 9hen 'e are not thin(in), 'e are a 100O spirit. %1

7od is a meta8hor for that which transcends all le*els of intellectual thought. tOs as sim8le as that. ?ose8h Cam8bell +*er5one is waiting for a sa*ior: when 5ou need to sa*ior self. Ste8 u8; ;our mind has to step do'n, so your true sel$, your eternal, spiritual"sel$, can step up. 1t is the neDt and last step in your e.olution. To do 7odOs will: 5ou ha*e to 0now the truth and the life: and become it. ;our mind needs to )et out o$ the 'ay so that you can learn the spiritual truth, the truth, the real truth, the truth that is beyond the mind. The onl5 thing between 5ou and 7od is 5ou: or that which 5ou thin0 is 5ou. The mind; 1t is Cust a tool that should only be used 'hen it is needed. ;ou use a hammer 'hen you need to pound a nail. 9hen you do not need it, you put it a'ay. ;our mind is al'ays there 'hen you need it. ;ou use a chair 'hen you need to sit do'n, but you donAt carry it around 'ith you all the time. 1t 'ould 'ei)h you do'n. &s the last :eatles son) said: E:oy, youAre )oin) to carry that 'ei)ht a lon) time.E The $ible sa5s: B$eing absent from the bod5 is being 8resent with the lord.C -hen the mind is absent: 5ou are 8resent with the lord (7odNlife). Ta0e care of business; ;ou do not ha.e to 'orry about not thin(in) enou)h to ta(e care o$ business. #he only problem you 'ill ha.e is the problem you al'ays ha.e had@ thin(in) too much to li.e in the present, to li.e in the truth and the li$e. 1i*e e*er5 moment: li0e it is 5our last dance on earth. Carlos Castaneda The well beha*ed mind; #he controlled mind is li(e a pet do) that sleeps a lot. 1t is runnin) around you and bar(in) all the time no'. 1t is out o$ control and ruinin) your li$e. 9hen you )et control o$ it, it becomes li(e a 'ell beha.ed pet. -hen the mind slee8s: 5ou are awa0e. -hen the mind is awa0e: 5ou are aslee8. %2

1$ you 'ant to be completely a'a(e, you must put your mind to sleep, put it on standby. 1t is al'ays there at your bec(oned call. 1t 'ill 'arn you o$ dan)er and protect you. ;our mind is al'ays ready and 'aitin) to Cump into your li$e $or any reason. 9hen it is 'or(in) ri)ht, it is li(e an autopilot that 'or(s behind the scenes. 1t ta(es care o$ the nuts and bolts o$ li$e so that you are $ree to Cust li.e. ;ou are certain o$ your e.ery action@ e.erythin) is deliberate and done by your mind $or your spirit in the moment, in truth, 'ithout thou)ht or concern o$ conse?uences, because you are completely conscious and al'ays do the ri)ht thin). ;ou can do no 'ron) in a uni.erse you (no', and you (no' it. Com8uters; Let the machines do the thin(in). Our )oal is not to thin(, but to li.e, and 'e ha.e to 'orry about machines doin) it better. !omputers are bein) de.eloped so that 'e can thin( less and li.e more. 9ith the (no'led)e o$ the ultimate truth, you are no lon)er man(ind or mind"(ind, because you are no lon)er )oin) to li.e as a mind@ you are a ne' bein). ;ou are )oin) to li.e as an immortal spirit. ;ou are metamorphosin) li(e a caterpillar metamorphosin) into a butter$ly@ you are becomin) a spiritual bein) and realiBin) your spiritual"sel$ $or the $irst time. t is onl5 when we forget all our learning that we begin to 0now. )enr5 Ka*id Thoreau The full 8otential of the mind; -sin) your mind less does not mean you are not usin) your mind to its $ull potential@ less is more. #he less you bloc( li$e, the more you 'ill (no' it. Inow e*er5thing; 9hen the mind is on standby, it is still in the )ame@ it is completely a'are o$ the 'orld ri)ht alon) 'ith you. 1t sees and (no's e.erythin) $or the $irst time, much better in$ormed than be$ore you too( control. The onl5 source of 0nowledge is eH8erience. 9lbert +instein ;ou 'ill thin( less, but (no' a lot more, because you 'ill eDperience a lot more, and 'hat you eDperience 'ill be real, not a deception or illusion. ;ou 'ill use your mind much less, but 'hen you need it, it 'ill 'or( much better. 9hen you use your mind less, you are doin) 'hat the mind is meant to do, 'hat it e.ol.ed to do. ;ou are usin) your mind to its absolute $ull potential i$ you use it to o.ercome itsel$ in order to (no' the truth and the li$e. ?esus said: BThose that o*ercome will be 8illars in the 0ingdom of hea*en.C 4e is sayin) that those that o.ercome the deception created by their o'n minds 'ill support a hea.en on earth.


The $ible sa5s: B.ou will 0now the un0nowable.C #his is re$errin) to true li$e, 'hich is un(no'able 'ith the mind bloc(in) the truth and the li$e. Once the mind is out o$ the 'ay, you 'ill (no' the mysteries o$ li$e. The $ible sa5s: B$e not conformed to this world: but be transformed b5 the renewing of 5our mind: so that 5ou ma5 0now 7od.C ?esus said: B f 5ou are not with me: 5ou are against me.C Friend or foe; ;our mind can be your 'orst enemy or your best $riend. 1$ you are usin) it to o.ercome or transcend itsel$ and realiBe the truth and the li$e, it is your best $riend. 1$ not, it is your 'orst enemy. E.erythin) the mind does distracts and pre.ents you $rom seein) the truth and li$e in one 'ay or another. ?esus said: BKo not tr5 and tem8t me Satan: for it is written that 5ou shall ser*e the s8irit.C Re8ent; #he 'ord FrepentG literally means Fto chan)e your mind.G 9e must chan)e it $rom the ser.ant o$ the beast, $rom the, to an an)el, the ser.ant o$ the spirit, and then into the mind o$ !hrist. #he :ible says you become a ne' bein) in !hrist. $ible sa5s B.ou must renew 5our mind.C B1et this mind be in 5ou: which was also in Christ ?esus.C Phil. 2;% The goal is to ha*e the mind of Christ: the mind of a s8iritual being. 1o*e th5 enem5; >esus 'as not re$errin) to people, but to the mind, the animal mind, the beast 'ithin all man(ind that must be o.ercome 'ith the truth. >esus said, EFirst you must put o$$ your lo.e o$ the lie, the $alse 'ay o$ li$e $ollo'ed by the children o$ this plane o$ eDistence, and be con.erted, chan)ed so that you hate that 'hich you ha.e pre.iously lo.ed, and lo.e that 'hich you ha.e pre.iously hated. #hen 1 'ill be able to sho' you all thin)s, $or there is nothin) hidden 'hich 'ill not be mani$ested 'hen you ha.e put on the mind o$ #ruth.E #o lo.e means to Epay attention.E ;ou ha.e to lo.e thy enemy, pay attention to the animal mind, to o.ercome it so that it no lon)er has any po'er your li$e. n 5our head: it is not a battle between good and e*il. f 5ou fight something 5ou gi*e it life. The wa5 is to Aust want the truth and life. -hen 5ou do with all 5our heart: the e*il mind: 5our ad*ersar5 Aust ceases to eHist in 5our life. +*en confusion is seen as a form of lo*e after 5ou 0now the truth. %

Section # & $ig Picture - Present; Cha8ter #.!

9wa0ening to 1ife
True life; ;ou are only a .ery small percenta)e o$ all the li)ht that enters your eyes, the sounds that enter your ears, the sensations comin) $rom inside and outside your body, all the scents in the air and tastes in $ood. ;our mind is distortin), $ilterin), interpretin) and bloc(in) most o$ it as sho'n in the dra'in). #he $irst time you eDperience li$e completely, it 'ill astound you. 1t is the best thin) there is or can be, and it is here all the time in e.ery moment o$ your li$e, Cust 'aitin) $or you to let it in. 1t is the truth and the li$e as >esus says he is@ it is di.ine lo.e, *od, and the completely ali.e you. ;ou 'ill be truly ali.e $or the $irst time. .ou ha*e risen from the dead: the onl5 death there is. Kead to life; >esus has really been misinterpreted 'hen it comes to death. 9hen he says thin)s li(e Fyou 'ill not taste death,G he is not tal(in) about physical death. E.eryone has to taste physical death, e.en him, so he could not mean that. 4eAs tal(in) about spiritual death. 4eAs sayin) 'eAre dead to li$e. The resurrection; #he story o$ the resurrection is a metaphor 'hich sho's 'e must all rise $rom our dead to (no' the truth and the li$e. The 8roblem is that 8eo8le are too dead to life to 0now the5 are dead to life. Peo8le are too unconscious to 0now that the5 are unconscious. The5 are too closed-minded to 0now that the5 are closed-minded. The5 are too aslee8 to 0now that the5 are aslee8. #he $amous miracle o$ >esus raisin) LaBarus $rom the dead is a )ood eDample o$ a sayin) that has been completely distorted and misinterpreted. ?esus said: B4ur friend 1aGarus is fallen aslee8: but awa0en him out of slee8.C ?ohn 11;11 go: that ma5

#hat is 'hat the :ible says. 4e is sayin) that LaBarus is Cust asleep. 1$ he 'as dead and >esus 'as )oin) to brin) him bac( to li$e, he 'ould not ha.e said it. -h5 would ?esus sa5 1aGarus is Aust aslee8 if he was reall5 dead> %%

>esus said he 'as dead later@ he meant dead to li$e, not physically dead. ?esus said: B-hoe*er belie*es in me: but is dead: will li*e again.C #hat sayin) is the (ey to understandin) 'hat he really means. 4e cannot be tal(in) about someone that is really dead, because they could not belie.e in him. Only someone that is Cust dead to li$e could belie.e in him. See 'hat 1 mean< ?esus said: B was dead: but now am ali*e.C #hat is the only re$erence >esus ma(es to resurrection in the :ible, and it is not re$errin) to his physical death, because he said it be$ore he died. #he myth that LaBarus 'as physically dead and that >esus brou)ht him bac( to li$e 'as created by people misinterpretin) 'hat he actually said and meant. The big slee8; 1t does not seem li(e much o$ a miracle to Cust 'a(e someone up $rom sleep. #he interpreter did not understand 'hat >esus 'as tal(in) about. 4e did not realiBe that people are in a state o$ 'a(in) sleep, a death. ?esus said: < ha*e come so that 5ou might ha*e life: for the wa5 of mortals is a li*ing death.C >esus is clearly sayin) that man(ind is spiritually dead. 8o one actually came bac( $rom the dead@ that is impossible, but a'a(enin) $rom the state o$ 'a(in) sleep is possible. ;ou Cust need the ultimate truth to do it. f 5ou belie*e in the acce8ted inter8retation of the $ible: 5ou are aslee8. #he LaBarus story is a )ood eDample o$ ho' >esus can say somethin) pro$ound and true, but it can be totally distorted and turned into a miracle myth. 1t is the same 'ith the miracle o$ ma(in) the blind see. 1t is a metaphor $or people that are blind to the truth and the li$e. 4e did not literally ma(e blind people see. ?esus said: < f a blind man leads a blind man: the5 will both fall into a 8it.< %+

The blind will see; Once his 'ords are interpreted correctly, people can see the truth and the li$e that they ha.e been too blind to see. 9hen people 'a(e up to the truth, they 'ill see 'hat >esus 'as actually tal(in) about, and see 'hat he 'as really tryin) to do. The $ible sa5s: in ?ohn 2: B4nce was blind and now can see.C 9hen you understand, it 'ill be li(e a man 'ho has been physically blind his 'hole li$e seein) li$e $or the $irst time. 1t is a )ood metaphor, because 'hen a man sees true li$e $or the $irst time, it is Cust as surprisin) and 'onder$ul. 1t is li(e 3orothy in the 9iBard o$ OB )oin) $rom her blac( and 'hite 'orld to the ma)ical and enchanted #echnicolor 'orld o$ OB. >ust as a man that has been blind $rom birth cannot ima)ine ho' li$e really loo(s, a person in their minds cannot ima)ine 'hat true li$e is li(e. 1tLs a surprise. )58nosis; Man(ind is hypnotiBed. 4ypnotiBed means to be put into a state o$ semi"consciousness, a 'a(in) sleep. #he problem is that 'e ha.e been hypnotiBed to not (no' that 'e are hypnotiBed. 1t is a $orm o$ sel$"hypnosis created by our minds and the minds o$ others. "nder a s8ell; 1t is li(e 'e are under a spell that has put us to sleep. 9e need the (iss o$ truth to 'a(e up $rom this spell. ?esus can heal the sic0@ his message cures their slee8ing sic0ness. >esus did not come to be a )reat doctor and heal the physically sic(@ he came to heal the spiritually sic(. Ma(in) someone physically normal is no bi) deal. 8o matter ho' 'ell they may )et physically, they are still spiritually dead. #hey arenLt $ul$illed, and they 'ill )et sic( a)ain and die physically no matter 'hat. >esus 'as tryin) to )i.e people the truth and the li$e, to 'a(e them up, to )i.e them somethin) really important, somethin) that $ul$ills them and lasts $, but people missed it. 4is messa)e is: 5ou cannot slee8 wal0 5our wa5 to hea*en. Peo8le ma5 ha*e missed it in the 8ast: but we do not ha*e to miss it now.


Fatal focus; ;our mind concentrates or $ocuses your attention mostly on the sense o$ si)ht and thou)ht. #his is because those senses helped our the most in the past. 1n tryin) to sa.e our, 'e $ocus on Cust part o$ li$e, and in doin) this, 'e do not )et the 'hole@ 'e do not recei.e our true li$e. 9s ?esus said: B f 5ou tr5 to sa*e 5our life: 5ou will lose it.C #here are times 'hen you need to $ocus on part o$ li$e, $or 'or(, to learn thin)s, and in dan)erous situations, but the rest o$ the time, you do not ha.e to. & spiritual bein)Ls attention $ocuses and eDpands dependin) on the situation. #o 'or( you ha.e to $ocus on a small part o$ li$e, and a spiritual person becomes completely $ocused and )ets it done, but does it only 'hile 'or(in) or studyin). EDample: ;ou ha.e to $ocus to read this boo(, but 'hen you stop readin) it, you can open up a)ain. #o read and learn somethin) ne', you ha.e to use your mind, so you cannot be a'are o$ much else 'hile you do it, but it is necessary. ;ou ha.e to be $ocused 'hen a car or around dan)erous thin)s, but 'hen you are not, you can open up all the 'ay. ;ou 'ill (no' 'here and 'hen not to open up@ you Cust ha.e to be sure to open up e.ery time you can. .ou focus com8letel5 when 5ou need to: then 5ou o8en u8 com8letel5. Sto8 doing things Aust 8art wa5. Start doing things all the wa5: 166P. ?udge 5e not; ;ou ha.e to repro)ram your mind to stop Cud)in) the .alue o$ one moment another, or one sense another, until they $all in balance and melt to)ether. 1nstead o$ $ocusin) on part o$ li$e, you $ocus on all o$ li$e. ;ou do it by not $ocusin) at all. ;our mind does the $ocusin), so all you ha.e to do is open it up. ;our eyes 'ill still $ocus re$leDi.ely 'ithout the mind, but on the 'idest possible $ield o$ .ision. ;ou 'ill (no' 'hen your mind is open, because e.erythin) becomes ne'. The $ible sa5s: B.ou will rise to the newness of life.C #he :ible says *od creates all thin)s ane'. 9e Cust ha.e to be)in to see thin)s as they truly are, as they are truly )i.en to us.


The 8ursuit of truth and beaut5 is a s8here of acti*it5 in which we are 8ermitted to remain children all our li*es. 9lbert +instein Careless; 5eople $eel that they 'ould run amuc( 'ithout their minds on at all times. #hey $eel that because the mind ma(es them $eel that, but it is not true. in the present, 'ithout the mind, does not mean you 'ill be out o$ control and li.e in a careless or rec(less 'ay. #he opposite is true@ you 'ill be in more control. ;ou 'ill be in real control o$ your li$e $or the $irst time. 1etting go; Once the truth sin(s in, you 'ill not ha.e any cares, so technically you 'ill be care"less, but you 'ill not li.e in an irresponsible 'ay. .ou will be carefree: but not careless. Child-li0e: but not childish. nnocent: but not ignorant. .ou will ha*e it all: but not need an5thing. ;ou 'ill li.e deliberately and more consciously o$ your e.ery action, so you do not ha.e to 'orry about lettin) )o. :y lettin) )o o$ 'hat is out o$ control, you )et control. :y lettin) )o o$ nothin), you )et e.erythin). :y lettin) )o o$ the illusion, you can see reality $or the $irst time. ?esus said: < am in all things@ 5et am be5ond all things. 3ot through see0ing will 5ou find me: but through 8eace of mind.C #he maDim, F;ou )et 'hat you are tryin) $or 'hen you stop tryin)G does not al'ays 'or( 'hen it comes to people and thin)s, but it does al'ays 'or( 'hen it comes to li$e. ;ou )et it 'hen you are not tryin) to )et it. .ou cannot thin0 5our wa5 to true life. 3ot thin0ing is the wa5. ;ou do not try to open up your mind@ that does not 'or(. ;ou ha.e to do the opposite and Cust let li$e in completely. ;ou lea.e no room $or the mind. =ore life J less mind: less mind J more life. Charging 5our batteries; 1t is li(e char)in) your batteries@ e.ery bit o$ li$e in the present you let in 'a(es you up a little more, and li$e Cust (eeps )ettin) better. #he more you )et, the more you 'ill be able to )et. 1t sno'balls. ?esus said: <-hoe*er has a lot will recei*e more: and whoe*er has little will get e*en less.< -ntil no', most people thou)ht >esus 'as re$errin) to Fthin)s,G that the rich 'ould )et richer, or $aith, the more $aith you ha.e, the more you 'ill )et. #he truth is, he 'as re$errin) to Fli$e.G #he more li$e you recei.e, the more you 'ill recei.e. %2

Plugged in; 9hen you li.e in the present, you plu) into your li$e source. Man is currently 'ith a loose plu). 1t is time to )et plu))ed in completely. Two wa5s; #here are only t'o 'ays to eDperience li$e@ throu)h the mind or not throu)h the mind. ;ou ha.e t'o choices in e.ery moment o$ li$e@ to be 'ith your mind, or to be 'ith *od=li$e. The choice is 5ours. Slow e*er5thing 5ou do down Aust one 8ercent: and 5ou will get a hundred 8ercent more life. 4ne 5ear will be li0e a thousand 5ears: as the $ible sa5s. 9hen 1 say slo' do'n, that does not mean you 'ill not be able to do e.erythin) you are doin)@ you Cust do it consciously. ;ou )et into your e.ery mo.e, be a'are o$ e.ery mo.e you ma(e. 1$ you do, you 'ill actually do more 'ithout e.en tryin). 7oing to Kisne5land; 3o you remember 'hen you 'ere a (id and 'ent to 3isneyland $or the $irst time< #hat day seemed to last $ 1t did because you 'ere .ery into the present. E.erythin) 'as ne' and interestin), so you s?ueeBed e.ery bit o$ li$e out o$ e.ery moment. 9hen you 'a(e up to the truth and the li$e, e.eryday 'ill be Cust li(e that day at 3isneyland. #ime 'ill slo' do'n $or you, because you 'ill )et more li$e out o$ each moment. :e$ore people 'a(e up, they see a robot o$ &braham Lincoln as more interestin) than a person. #he truth is, siDty"trillion cells 'or(in) to animate a body is much more interestin) than a $e' hundred parts animatin) a robot. ?esus said that 5ou ha*e to be born again to see the 0ingdom of 7od. $orn again; ;our $i.e li$e senses are much more than the sum o$ their parts. #o)ether, completely open, they re.eal true li$e, *od=li$e. ;ou 'a(e up $rom a lon) sleep and are born a)ain in the body you are in no'. .ou do not need all fi*e senses to 0now true life. .ou can be deaf and blind and still eH8erience it. t is Aust about getting 5our mind out of the wa5. t is Aust a change of 8ers8ecti*e: from being a manNs8irit to a s8iritNman.


The start of the Fuest for true life; ;ou start by )ettin) to (no' Cust one sense at a time. Start 'ith the ones you ha.e ne)lected, such as your sense o$ smell. #he senses you ha.e not been usin) to their $ull potential 'ill ta(e time to 'a(e up@ they ha.e been semi"dead $or a lon) time. The mind 8roblem; &s you concentrate on your senses and try to open and balance them, you become a'are o$ the presence o$ your mind. ;ou be)in to see ho' it pre.ents you $rom li$e completely and naturally. 1t 'ill al'ays concentrate your attention on part o$ 'hat you are, the 'hole. 7odNlife is e*er5thing eHce8t the mind. The mind is the 8roblem; #he mind cannot sol.e this problem the 'ay it usually problems, because it is the problem and did not (no' it until no'. 1ts .ery presence is in the 'ay o$ li$e. 1t is this a'areness that )radually ) you the ability to chan)e your mindLs nature, open up and stay open. 1t ta(es some practice be$ore you can do it, but you 'ill )et a (nac( $or it. Ko what 5ou can: with what 5ou ha*e: where 5ou are. Theodore Roose*elt ;ou do not ha.e to )o to a ca.e and chant. >ust start openin) up your perception e.ery'here you are, ' you can. 4ur senses gi*e our s8irit a window to the 8h5sical uni*erse. 4ur bodies ha*e Aust one 8ur8ose: and that is to su88ort our senses. 4ur bodies are sim8l5 a 8h5sical su88ort s5stem for our senses. #his is because it is our senses that open up the 'orld o$ physical li$e to us. Our bodies Cust protect and mo.e our senses around $or us. Our bodies and physical li$e ha.e no other reason $or bein). 9e need to become present in our senses. .ou Aust ha*e to remember that the goal of 5our life is to be more aware of it. )ow can that not be the most im8ortant: most worthwhile thing to do> ;ou need to (no' that as open as possible, as much as possible, is the 'ay. ;ou normally 'ould not 'ant to try to $eel, see, hear, smell and taste e.erythin) in the present as much as you can. ;ou 'ill no'. =ost 8eo8le do not 0now that Aust li*ing in the 8resent is the goal of life. +1

3ormall5: you do not $eel the )round 'hen you 'al(@ you 'ill no'. 8ormally, you do not hear e.ery little sound, but you 'ill no'. ;ou normally do not try to smell e.ery scent in the air, but you 'ill no'. 9hen you 'ant it all, you 'ill e.entually )et it all. 1t is Cust a matter o$ time once you (no' the truth and be)in the ?uest. .ou need to 0now 5ou are li0e fig. 1 in the drawing@ the goal is to be fig. 2. 1t may ta(e you a 'hile to open up completely, but Cust $eelin) the )round belo' your $eet more o$ten and bein) a'are o$ other thin)s you normally 'ould not be a'are o$ ma(es li$e much richer. 1t char)es your spiritual batteries, and li$e Cust )ets better and better as you open up to the present. donOt belie*e 8eo8le are loo0ing for the meaning of life as much as the5 are loo0ing for the eH8erience of being ali*e. ?ose8h Cam8bell &t $irst, you Cust hear, $eel, see and smell a little more than usual, but that is better than it 'as be$ore, because you )et that much more o$ li$e. E.ery bit helps. Li$e builds on li$e, li$e $eeds on li$e. #he more li$e you )et, the more you 'ill )et. 6emember that >esus said that those that ha.e more shall be )i.en more and those 'ithout much 'ill )et e.en less. 1n other 'ords, the more li$e you )et, the more li$e you 'ill )et, and the less li$e you let in or )et, the less you 'ill )et. So let it all in and )ro' in the li$e. &s :ob 3ylan said, you are busy, or busy dyin). -e do not see things the wa5 the5 are@ we see things the wa5 we are. #he thin)s that you )et throu)h your senses are your li$e@ nothin) more, nothin) less. 1t is e.erythin)@ there is nothin) else but li$e. True ha88iness isQ to enAo5 the 8resent: without de8endence u8on the future. 1ucius 9nnaeus Seneca anHious

;ou start to )et into the Courney, the present, and it ma(es your li$e better the minute you start to do it. ;ou li(e it, and you start doin) it more and more until you can be completely open and stay that 'ay most o$ the time. ?esus said: BFind the 0ingdom of 7od first: e*er5thing else will follow.C 4nl5 Aob; #he Courney, the present, 'ill become the most important thin) to you, and that is 'hat is important. 1$ you li.e Cust t'ice as much as you are no', you 'ill double the li$e you li.e in your current li$e cycle. 1$ you triple it, you li.e three times more li$e, etc. 1$ you li.e in the present, you truly do li.e more than you 'ould in a thousand years throu)h your mind, Cust as the :ible says. +2

t is not the 5ears in 5our life@ it is the life in 5our 5ears that matters. 9braham 1incoln ;ou no' (no' that your only Cob is to li.e, to be ali.e, and to )et as much o$ li$e as possible as much o$ the time as is possible@ e.erythin) else 'ill $ollo'. .ou should de*ote 5our life to life: because it is the onl5 thing that eHists. -e are discussing no small matter: but how we ought to li*e. Socrates .our best; #o ta(e the neDt step in e.olution, you ha.e to do the absolute best you can do in this li$e 'ith 'hat you ha.e to 'or( 'ith. ;our absolute best is to learn and li.e in the truth and the li$e. 1t is all you ha.e to do to 'in the )ame. ?esus said: BSee0 7od first: and all these things will be added to 5ou. Ko not be anHious about tomorrow@ tomorrow will ta0e care of itself.C 1n other 'ords, dedicate your li$e to your li$e. +*er5 moment in the 8resent is 8erfect and com8lete in and of itself. 1ife is without meaning. .ou bring the meaning to it. The meaning of life is whate*er 5ou ascribe it to be. $eing ali*e is the meaning. ?ose8h Cam8bell 3ote; Iee8 in mind the ultimate truth has to go subconscious in 5ou before 5ou can wa0e u8 to life: so 5ou ha*e to read and understand this boo0 first. .ou ha*e to 0now the truth subconsciousl5 before 5ou can 0now the life. -hat is life> 1t is simply e.erythin) real that is in the present. Li$e lasts $, because it is impossible $or it not to $rom your o'n point o$ .ie'. 9e also (no' that li$e is balanced and absolutely $air $or e.ery thin). 4*ercoming; 9e also (no' ho' to o.ercome the balance 'ith the truth o$ li$e Hperspecti.eI, thus 'e are in the process o$ o.ercomin) pain and all ne)ati.e $eelin)s and emotions, so 'e can be $ul$illed by li$e $ Could an5thing be more amaGing or wonderful> )ow can 8eo8le Aust ta0e it for granted> )ow can 5ou be unha885 in light of the true situation> 1t is the most realistic possible@ it is in the ultimate hi)h de$inition and surround sound. 1t is e.en in smell"o".ision, and 'e are the stars o$ it $ )ow can that be beat> +3

Section # & $ig Picture & Present & Cha8ter #.#

1ife is the 7oal

The $ible sa5s the 8ath to destruction is wide: and narrow is the gate that leads to life. -h5 doesnOt it sa5 leads to hea*en or 7od> t sa5s Blife.C ?esus said: B-hoe*er finds the correct inter8retation of what am sa5ing will find eternal life.C #he :ible plainly says in many places that li$e is the )oal. ?esus said: < ha*e come so that 5ou might ha*e life: for the wa5 of mortals is a li*ing death.< 1ife is what ha88ens to 5ou while 5ouOre bus5 ma0ing other 8lans. ?ohn 1ennon 1ife goals; 8aturally, you ha.e other )oals besides $indin) the truth and the li$e, but you 'ill ha.e a much better chance o$ attainin) them i$ your primary )oal is the present. &s >esus says, $ind the (in)dom $irst, and e.erythin) else 'ill $ollo'. The 8resent is the onl5 thing that reall5 eHists@ how can it not be the goal> #he mind and society that is dominated by the mind is )oal oriented, and that is a )ood thin) to a point. ;ou need to ha.e )oals and plans, but you do not ha.e to thin( about them all the time as people do no'. ;ou Cust set them as a )uideline $or your li$e and then li.e in the present as you 'or( to'ards them. ;our ultimate )oal is al'ays the present. #he $uture is not as important as the present, simply because it does not really eDist. 0eep your eye on the priBe, true li$e. 5eople no' ha.e their priorities bac('ards. ?esus said that 5ou must be born again to see hea*en. ?esus said that 5ou must be born of s8irit to get to hea*en. True lo*e; 9hen you succeed in openin) up the present completely $or the $irst time, you (ind o$ $eel li(e you did 'hen you $ell in lo.e $or the $irst time. ;ou be)in to notice all the little thin)s, the birds sin)in), etc. ;ou li(e it a lot@ you $eel li(e you are reborn, because you are reborn to true li$e. The $ible sa5s: B7od is lo*e.C +

;ou are $allin) in lo.e 'ith li$e itsel$. Li$e 'ill lea.e you or stop ) itsel$ to you completely. ;ou Cust ha.e to let it in and lo.e it bac(. #o (no' *od is to lo.e *od. *od is lo.e, as the :ible says. 1t is a lo.e a$$air bet'een you and the truth and the li$e. 1t is true lo.e@ a lo.e that 'ill last $, a lo.e that is al'ays ne', a lo.e that dies. -hen 5ou see true life: all 5ou feel is awe and wonder@ it is sublime. Commitment; 1$ you commit yoursel$ to this lo.e a$$air, you 'ill become completely $ul$illed. 1t demands your total commitment, but that is not as(in) much 'hen you )et bac( literally e.erythin). +*er5thing; 9hen you commit to the truth and li$e, you are actually committin) yoursel$ to e.erythin) in li$e. E.ery part o$ your ne' li$e, $rom your Cob to your $amily, 'ill bene$it $rom it. Commit; :y totally committin) to Cust one thin), you totally commit to e.erythin) in your li$e at the same time. 4o' could it be easier< 1t is somethin) you can start today. #here is no time li(e the present, and no time but the present. 2 J 6; 9hen you really see the opposites as a 'hole, they disappear, and the mind disappears also. #here is no you and li$e, no you and *od, there are not t'o, not e.en one. .ou are e*er5thing and e*er5thing is 5ou. am not tal0ing Aust 8eace and contentment@ am tal0ing about true bliss. 0no'led)e o$ the balancin) opposites ma(es the mind disappear, because the mind (no's it is not needed, that li$e is sa$e, $air, and that it is on autopilot. 3othing is more secure and certain than 5our life when 5ou 0now the truth. #he truth is the eDact opposite o$ 'hat people thin(, because they thin( on a physical le.el. On the physical le.el, nothin) us more certain than death. On the spiritual le.el, the opposite is true@ nothing is more certain than life. #his is 'hy the truth is so important@ it sho's you 'hat you really are and 'hat is really happenin) all the time. 1t sho's you that li$e is per$ect all the time. +%

7odNlife is in absolute control and e*er5thing will be fair and 8erfect. ;ou and e.eryone else 'ill li.e balanced no matter 'hat you do or do not do. The onl5 Fuestion is; Ko 5ou want to do better than a balanced life> 8o one is doin) better or 'orse than anyone else. Some people are up ri)ht no' materially, and some people are do'n, but it is a cycle, and e.eryone )ets the same amount o$ )ood and bad. 1t 'ould not be $air any other 'ay, 'ould it< -hen 5ou see the whole of life: 5ou get the whole: not Aust half and half. 9n5 8leasure 5ou get without true life will be balanced: so wh5 see0 it> #he only pleasure you really 'ant is the bliss that comes $rom (no'in) the truth and the li$e and in the present. 1t is the only thin) that has true .alue. The mind see0s 8leasure@ the s8irit see0s truth. Those who see0 8leasure will ne*er find the truth and the life: and be lost in the animal realm fore*er. The $ible sa5s ?esus brea0s down the 8artition: brea0s down the walls. 1n other 'ords, the truth and the li$e brea(s do'n the mind that separates us $rom *od and each other@ the opposites unite. >esus unites us 'ith e.erythin). 1$ you Cust )et out o$ your o'n 'ay and let li$e happen, you 'ill )et 'hat you really 'ant. ;ou 'ill )et all that there is or 'ill be. 1t really is that simple. 0no'in) it and doin) it are t'o di$$erent thin)s, but (no'in) it is the start. The neHt best thing to finding 7odNlife is loo0ing for it. .ou cannot lose. -a0ing u8; ;our controllin) mind 'ill be)in to (no' that it cannot help you as much 'hen it is on as 'hen it is o$$. 1t 'ill be)in to understand 'hat it has to do in order to ma(e $urther pro)ress. -hen 5our mind understands: it will hel8 5ou 0now true life. t will begin to o8en itself u8 when it is not needed. t will change from a de*il to an angel. 1t 'ill Cust $ade into the bac()round. 1t 'ill be there in a split second i$ you need it, but 'hen you do not, it is )one or turned do'n as $ar as possible )i.en the situation. 1t 'ill do this automatically, re$leDi.ely, and naturally. ++

n 5our head: it is not a battle between good and e*il. f 5ou fight something it gi*es it life. The wa5 is to Aust want the truth and life. -hen 5ou do with all 5our heart: the e*il mind: 5our ad*ersar5 Aust ceases to eHist in 5our life. 9hen you become a spiritual bein), your mind 'ill only be on 'hen you need it, but it 'ill not be needed much, and 'hen it is, it can be barely on most o$ the time. 9hen you ha.e completed your trans$ormation, your mind 'ill be repro)rammed to operate at the minimum le.el 'hen needed and to turn itsel$ o$$ 'hen it is not needed. 1t 'ill turn on any ne)ati.e emotions or bad $eelin)s. +ternal 8artner; ;our spiritual"sel$ cannot do anythin) $or itsel$. 1t needs a mind as a partner to )et thin)s done, includin) openin) itsel$ up 'hen it is not needed. :e$ore the mind can help you, it $irst has to understand it is the problem. The solution is the 8roblem; 1t is not easy $or your mind to realiBe that it is the problem, because it has al'ays been Cust the solution to problems until no'. -nderstandin) it is the problem 'ill ta(e your mind some )ettin) used to and time to repro)ram itsel$, but it 'ill do it. #he mindAs true purpose is to ser.e the spirit. 6emember, >esus said, F3o not try to tempt me Satan, $or it is 'ritten that you shall ser.e the spirit.G True 8ers8ecti*e; ;our mind is li(e dust on the mirror o$ your soul, or ripples on a pond that distort its re$lection. 1t is 'hat ma(es you see li$e throu)h the )lass dar(ly, as the :ible says Hbarely see li$eI. ;our mind ma(es it impossible to see true li$e, and it also ma(es it impossible to see itsel$. ;ou cannot see your mind $rom your current perspecti.e and le.el o$ a'areness, because you are loo(in) throu)h the mind at the mind. #he mind is tryin) to see itsel$ throu)h itsel$. #hat is 'hy your perspecti.e must chan)e be$ore you can see it clearly. The $ible sa5s: B-e fight not with flesh and blood: but against in*isible hosts of e*il.C ;ou ha.e to loo( $rom your spirit, your true sel$ to see it. Only then can you see it $or 'hat it is and ho' it is the ad.ersary o$ the truth and the li$e.


Section # & $ig Picture - Present ; Cha8ter #.%

The $ible sa5s: BSatan is the 8rince of 8ower on earth.C The whole world is in the 8ower of the e*il one. ?ohn %;12 Satan; #he 'ord FSatanG means Fad.ersary.G #he :ible describes the as Ethat 'hich the 'orld.E #here is only one thin) that us, one thin) that hides the truth and li$e $rom us, but it is too close $or most people to see it. Some people thin( the is a creature, somethin) 'ith horns and a pointed tail, a cosmic criminal. 1t is actually a metaphor $or our o'n animal minds. #he is Cust a name $or the $orce o$ deception in all our #he ad.ersary o$ *od, the &ntichrist, etc. is the mind, the beast 'ithin. 9nd the great dragon was cast out: that old ser8ent: called the de*il and Satan: which decei*eth the whole world. Re*elation 12;2 The beast within; #here is only one 1t is ' it is that pre.ents us $rom seein) the truth and the li$e, $rom seein) true li$e, $rom bein) 'ith *od. The dragon is a m5thical beast that does not reall5 eHist. #he :ibleLs metaphorical description could not be better. #he or dra)on re$erred to in the :ible is our animal mind, the in.isible beast 'ithin us. The $ible sa5s that Christ will sla5 the 9ntichrist with truth. 9hen people learn the truth and the li$e, they 'ill ha.e the mind o$ !hrist and 'ill use the truth a)ainst the $orces o$ deception to control the, chan)e the ?esus said: B7et behind me SatanL .ou are bloc0ing m5 wa5LC 7uardian angel; >esus does not )et rid o$ the HmindI@ he Cust ta(es control o$ it and puts it in its place in the bac()round, behind li$e. +,

Satan will be transformed into an angel of light. The bringer of light; #he 'ord Luci$er means Fbrin)er o$ li)ht, or brin)er o$ da'n.G Once the mind realiBes that it is the problem, it 'ill be)in to turn $rom Satan into Luci$er. #he story is o$ bad an)els and )ood an)els. &ll an)els represent the mind, a bad mind and )ood mind, and e.en the )ood ones are still mind, somethin) that bloc(s the truth and the li$e. #he )ood ones represent the )ood mind that helps you see the truth and li$e, a )uardian an)el that $i)hts the bad states o$ mind. #hey are not real, Cust metaphors to represent di$$erent states o$ mind. #he :ible says that Satan is a $allen an)el, the hi)hest an)el that turned into the, the enemy o$ *od. 1t Cust has to do the opposite and turn $rom the bac( into *odLs helper a)ain, and you 'ill become a di.ine, spiritual bein). .our mind is now in front of 5our s8irit: and it needs to be behind 5ou. -ntil your mind is trans$ormed into your helper, your )uardian, the mind is your mortal enemy, the enemy o$ truth and li$e and the enemy o$ *od. #he mind is 'hat the :ible calls Satan and the, your ad.ersary. +*il is li*e s8elled bac0wards. 9ll e*il is: is the o88osite of true life. 6eli)ious boo(s are all scre'ed up and $ull o$ contradictions. Luci$er is seen as bad and )ood, and there are all sorts o$ other an)els and demons, but you can sort throu)h all the contradictions and see the truth is actually hidden in there. 1$ you spend your time studyin) all the .arious interpretations and myths, you 'ill be $allin) into a trap, and spendin) your time in the mind instead o$ in *od=li$e. #hat is 'hat most reli)ious scholars are doin), and it is a )ra.e mista(e. TruthNdece8tion; #here are no )ood or people@ there are Cust those that (no' the truth and those that do not. #he battle bet'een )ood and is a battle bet'een the truth and deception, nothin) more, nothin) less. The $ible describes Satan as the Bdecei*er:C and b5 definition: that means that Satan has to be 5our mind. 9ll there is: is the mind and life: and life b5 definition is Bthe truth:C so Satan: the de*il: has to be the dece8ti*e mind. There is life and the imagination@ there is nothing else. True or false> +2

The tal0ing sna0e; #he mind is snea(y li(e the sna(e in the :ible@ it is the per$ect metaphor $or the 1t 'ill slip into your head and your li$e 'ithout you noticin) it. 1t is a thou)ht, a Cud)ment, a belie$, an idea, )uilt, en.y, hate, $ear, 'orry or one o$ the mindLs other mani$estations. 1t ta(es you out o$ the present i$ you donLt notice it and reco)niBe it $or 'hat it is. #his controllin) mind is not your $riend. 1t is no more your $riend than the sna(e in the story o$ the *arden o$ Eden 'as &dam and E.eLs $riend. 1t 'ill tempt, distract, decei.e and mislead you. 1t separates you $rom *od=li$e and paradise. Tree of 0nowledge; 1n the mythical story o$ the *arden o$ Eden, the tree &dam and E.e ate $rom and man(ind continues to eat $rom is the tree o$ (no'led)e. 1t is described as the (no'led)e o$ )ood and 1t is the (no'led)e o$ Cud)ment, o$ comparison, o$ ri)ht and 'ron), success and $ailure, birth and death, past and $uture, the opposites o$ li$e. &dam and E.e learned o$ the opposites, but not the balance o$ the opposites, so the )rass started loo(in) )reener on the other side o$ the )arden. #hey sa' their bodies and $elt na(ed $or the $irst time. #hey sa' death and started 'orryin). #he (no'led)e caused human bein)s to start thin(in) and 'orryin) about li$e instead o$ it. #hey le$t the present, because they could no lon)er see it@ they no lon)er percei.ed the paradise. #hey could not see li$eLs per$ection. 4uman bein)s became a mind. Man(ind Hmind"(indI 'as created. &s a result, 'e ended up in the land o$ 8od. #he land o$ 8od is the land o$ semi"sleep. 9e 'ere not )ood enou)h, so 'e be)an in a dream 'orld@ we nodded off. 1t is interestin) that the 'ord nod, a place in a mythical story, came to mean sleep, or not bein) a'a(e to the truth and li$e. >ust a coincidence< Inowing the time: that now it is high time to awa0e out of slee8: for now is our sal*ation nearer than when we belie*ed. Romans 1!;11 -e shall not all slee8: but we shall all be changed. 1 Cor. 1%;%1 -herefore he saith: 9wa0e thou that slee8est and arise from the dead: and Christ shall gi*e thee light. +8h %;1# #he :ible says in many places that man(ind is Cust sleepin) and Cust needs to 'a(e up. #he problem is that 'e are too asleep to (no' 'e are asleep.


The tree of life; #here is another tree in the story o$ the *arden o$ Eden that man(ind is about to start parta(in) o$. #he :ible calls it the tree o$ li$e. Once 'e (no' the ultimate truth, 'e 'a(e up to di.ine li$e@ 'e metaphorically be)in to start parta(in) o$ the tree o$ li$e. 9e are born a)ain as spiritual bein)s. & spiritual bein) metaphorically eats $rom both trees. The $ible sa5s: B$ehold the man has become as one of us to 0now good and e*il: now lest he 8ut forth his hand and ta0e also from the tree of life and eat and li*e fore*er.C 7enesis !;22 9hen you eat $rom the tree o$ li$e, you 'ill (no' both the mind truth Htree o$ (no'led)eI and the truth Htree o$ li$eI. ;ou 'ill then (no' the truth and the li$e H>esusI. >ust another coincidence< #hat :ible .erse is supposed to represent the .oice o$ *od. #he (ey 'ord is Fli.e,G not Cust eDist $ ;ou can li.e in *od=li$e $, in hea.en $ #he :ible says that *od tells &dam and E.e: F1$ you eat the $ruit o$ the tree o$ (no'led)e, you 'ill surely die.G #hey did not die physically, but they did die spiritually. #hey died to true li$e@ they died to the present, and paradise 'as lost. #he :ible .erse plainly says that i$ 'e eat $rom the tree o$ li$e a$ter 'e eat $rom the tree o$ (no'led)e, 'e 'ill be as )ods, Ebecome as one o$ us.E 1t says that 'e 'ill be more than &dam and E.e 'ere. &dam and E.e 'ere not li(e )ods be$ore eatin) the apple. 9e do not 'ant to )et bac( to the )arden. &dam and E.e did 'hat they had to do to )et to hea.en. #he *arden o$ Eden 'as not per$ect, hea.en is. #o realiBe hea.en, you ha.e to (no' the truth and the li$e@ you ha.e to metaphorically eat $rom both trees. 5eople ha.e been misinterpretin) the story. 5eople belie.e they did somethin) 'ron)@ the opposite is the truth. #hey sacri$iced paradise $or (no'led)e. #he serpent did them the ultimate $a.or in the lon) run. 9e needed the mind to learn the truth, and 'e needed the truth to (no' di.ine li$e, to )et to *od and hea.en. The $ible sa5s: B-e must turn our minds into the minds of an angel.C #he story o$ &dam and E.e has many hidden thin)s in it, but the o.erall messa)e is ho' our minds 'ere created. 1t describes ho' 'e Coined 'ith the, and ho' 'e can turn this bac( into an an)el. To him that o*ercometh will gi*e to eat of the tree of life: which is in the midst of the 8aradise of 7od. Re*. 2;, 1n other 'ords, 'hen you o.ercome the delusions o$ the mind, you can see li$e as it truly is, and it 'ill $ul$ill you. #he metaphor o$ li$e as $ruit or $ood means li$e, 'hen truly seen, 'ill nourish you. >esus said, man does not li.e by bread alone. /1

TrueNmeta8hor; #he :ible story o$ &dam and E.e is a myth=metaphor and not literal truth, but it eDplains the literal truth eDactly. & coincidence< #he story metaphorically describes the transition o$ human bein)s into man(ind per$ectly. 1t also sho's us the neDt step in our e.olution. #he odds o$ it Cust bein) a coincidence are 'ay too hi)h. #his story came $rom our collecti.e unconscious, or the 4oly Spirit, i$ you pre$er the reli)ious terminolo)y. Re*elations is about the beginning of Christianit5@ 7enesis is about now. Li(e most reli)ious thin)s, the :ible is bac('ards and upside do'n. 5eople are thin(in) *enesis is about Cust the be)innin) o$ man(ind, and it is actually more about the end@ it is about 'hat is happenin) no'. 5eople are loo(in) in the boo( o$ 6e.elations thin(in) it applies to no' or the $uture, 'hen it is mostly about the be)innin) o$ !hristianity. +++ 'as 8ero, the Emperor o$ 6ome. Much o$ both boo(s and the rest o$ the :ible are misinterpretations or meant $or people that li.ed in the past. #ryin) to $ind truth 'here it does not eDist is Cust a deception o$ the mind to distract people $rom the real truth that the boo(s contain. The truth in the $ible is all miHed u8@ things are not in the order of e*ents. 9bout now; E.erythin) about e.erythin) is about no', because nothin) else eDists. loo( $or the truth in the past or $uture@ it is all about 34-. 1t too( us ten"thousand years to )et into a position to see and understand the (no'led)e and be able to eat $rom the tree o$ li$e Hthe 8O9I, but better late than Eatin) $rom the tree o$ li$e 'ill not be as easy as bitin) into an apple. 1t 'ill re?uire ta(in) control o$ our animal mind and puttin) it behind our spirit.


Truth first; &s the story o$ &dam and E.e attests, you ha.e to learn the truth be$ore you )et the li$e. 1t is in that order, not the other 'ay around. Eastern reli)ions, throu)h meditation and ritual, try to (no' the li$e $irst, and it 'ill not 'or(. ;ou ha.e to learn the truth o$ this realm, all o$ it, be$ore you can ta(e the neDt step in e.olution and (no' true li$e. 4o' could it be any other 'ay< 1$ you do not understand the 'ay the 'orld 'or(s, ho' can you o.ercome it< ;ou cannot o.ercome 'hat you do not (no'. 1tLs the tree o$ (no'led)e, then the tree o$ li$e in the story o$ &dam and E.e, and >esus says he is the truth and the li$e. The mind is not ali*e unless 5ou let it steal 5our life. #he mind is not a bein), but it 'ill resist ) up control as lon) as you let it ha.e your li$e. 1$ you do, it 'ill become a bein). 1t 'ill be you and try to sur.i.e li(e all bein)s. 9hen the ultimate truth is seen, it 'ill cease to eDist. F3e.ilG is 'ith a letter added to turn a condition into a thin). #hat thin) is your o'n mind. 1ts presence 'or(s to (eep you separated $rom the truth and true li$e. ;our mind 'ill use its control the tap that turns the 'ater o$ li$e on and o$$ to stay in control and )et more control. #hus, you ha.e to really pay attention to o.ercome it, but as >esus said, those that o.ercome 'ill ha.e eternal li$e. ;ou ha.e to ta(e the time to honestly )et to (no' yoursel$. ;ou ha.e to (no' the nature o$ both your mind"sel$ and spiritual"sel$ to (no' the ultimate truth. #he mind does not li(e to do stupid thin)s, and itsel$ is about as stupid as it can )et. #he more a'are you )et, the more your mind sees the problem@ the more it sees the problem, the more a'are you 'ill be. #his leads to total clarity. ?esus said: <.our minds must be cleared of the falsehoods of this realm if 5ou are to be taught +ternal Truth.<


Section # & $ig Picture - Present ; Cha8ter #.(

Center of the "ni*erse

Center of the uni*erse; 9hen you eDperience li$e e?ually $rom all directions, you eDperience natural li$e, true li$e. .ou become the center of the uni*erse: because that is what 5ou trul5 are. The uni*erse is infinite in all directions. 3o matter where 5ou mo*e: 5ou alwa5s remain in the center. ;ou may be sayin) that this is a )ood 'ay to loo( at it, but it is more than that, because it is the truth. 1t is the only true 'ay to loo( at the bi) picture o$ li$e. 9hen 1 'al(, 1 am not Cust 'al(in) on the street. 1 am 'al(in) throu)h the center o$ my o'n personal uni.erse, and 1 donAt miss much o$ 'hat comes to me. #he :ible 'as ri)ht@ 'e are at the center o$ the uni.erse. *alileo, 0epler and !opernicus 'ere also ri)ht $rom the mindLs perspecti.e, but $rom your o'n perspecti.e, the only perspecti.e that really matters to you, you are at the center o$ the uni.erse, and that is the only place you can be in an in$inite uni.erse. First ste8; 9hen you realiBe that you are the center o$ the in$inite uni.erse and al'ays 'ill be, you realiBe ho' special you are to *od=li$e. ;ou are al'ays at the eDact center o$ li$e, the center o$ *odLs attention. &ll li$e that comes to your center is Cust $or you and no one else. ;ou are in your o'n uni?ue uni.erse@ e.erythin) in the in$inite uni.erse is Cust $or you. 'ith the a'areness that you are the center o$ e.erythin) is the $irst step people ta(e to becomin) a spiritual bein). #his is because it is the easiest thin) to do. ;ou can do it 'ith your mind the 'ay it is and 'ith other people around. Most people can do it ri)ht a'ay. #ry it ri)ht no', and you 'ill see 'hat 1 mean. ;ou 'ill see you really are the center o$ the uni.erse. ;ou 'ill see that li$e really is comin) $rom e.ery direction, and no matter 'hat you do, that chan)es. Stay a'are that you are the center. 3o not let anyone or anythin) dra' you out o$ the center. 1nstead, dra' them in alon) 'ith e.erythin) else. The womb; 9hen you 'ere $irst born, your center 'as at your na.el, because that is 'here physical li$e came $rom throu)h the umbilical cord. 1n your motherLs 'omb you $elt li$e e.enly around you, head 'as no di$$erent than $eet. #he minute you 'ere born, you started breathin) and opened your eyes@ your consciousness started to mo.e up to'ards your head. 1n a $e' years, your li$e 'as mostly in your head. &s you become a spiritual bein), you start )oin) the other direction@ you )et bac( in your body and )et in touch 'ith all o$ li$e a)ain. #he nine months you spent in your motherLs 'omb 'as the closest to hea.en you ha.e been in your current body. /

ha*e alwa5s been regretting that was not as wise as the da5 was born. )enr5 Ka*id Thoreau 1t is do'n hill $rom the time you are born, because $rom that time on, you became more out o$ balance and less and less a'are o$ li$e. Li$e is semi" )ood until you reach about the a)e o$ ten, then the mind really starts ta(in) control o$ your li$e. ;ou be)in to (no' more about the truth, but less about the li$e. #he )oal o$ li$e is to )et bac( into balance 'ith the truth and the li$e. .ou li*e more from birth to age of ten than from age ten to one hundred. #he older you )et, the more out o$ balance you )et. ;ou are close to di.ine balance a)ain until you die and are in the 'omb a)ain, or until you become a spiritual bein) and li.e in *odLs 'omb. 1t is a better balance, because you also (no' the truth you had to learn. 1t is the balance o$ a spiritual bein). 7odOs womb; & spiritual bein) eDperiences pure li$e, e.en more pure than 'hen you 'ere in the 'omb o$ your mother, and it lasts $ 1t is the )oal o$ all li$e. ;ou become pure o$ heart as it says in the :ible. 4eart re$ers to the center o$ li$e, not your heart that pumps blood. #he 'hole uni.erse is *odLs 'omb, and you are al'ays ri)ht in the middle o$ it. Once you become a'are o$ the $act that you are the center o$ the uni.erse, your consciousness=spirit starts to pull do'n out o$ your head. #he more it does, the easier it becomes to li.e outside your mind. #he mind does not ha.e near the hold on you outside your head. >ust stay in the center o$ e.erythin), and e.erythin) 'ill be)in to come to you as the dra'in) on pa)e se.en sho's. #a(e the $irst step, and reclaim your true position in li$e. ?esus said: B4ne who 0nows e*er5thing else: but who does not 0now himself: 0nows nothing.C #he neDt step is to become 'hat you truly are, to (no' yoursel$ and to be yoursel$. 9hen you (no' your true sel$, you 'ill (no' *od=li$e at the same time. The mind barrier; #he .ery mind that has made )ettin) to the threshold o$ hea.en possible is no' the only thin) pre.entin) us $rom ta(in) the last step, the $inal step in human e.olution. #he dra'in) on pa)e se.en ma(es the beast .isible. 1t is a sel$"portrait, a be$ore and a$ter portrait. ?esus said: < shall gi*e 5ou what no e5e has seen and what no ear has heard and what no hand has touched and what has ne*er occurred to the human mind.C /%

Section # & $ig Picture - Present; Cha8ter #.,

The Ie5 is Truth

The Ie5; #he ultimate truth is the (ey to hea.en that >esus metaphorically )a.e to St. 5eter, the $ounder o$ the church@ he )a.e him the mysteries o$ the (in)dom. #he !atholic church, the ori)inal !hristian church, 'as $ounded by 5eter, but most !atholics do not e.en bother to read 'hat he says. #hose 'ho do read misinterpret 'hat their $ounder says. 5eterLs last 'ords say that a spiritual bein) is the eDact opposite o$ the 'ay people are no'. 4e as(ed to be cruci$ied upside do'n to sho' man(ind 'as seein) thin)s upside do'n. #his (no'led)e 5eter )a.e to the church is the (ey to the (in)dom o$ *od. See: &cts o$ 5eter, RRRMlll. #he church should be doin) 'hat >esus and their $ounder 5eter say to do. 9hen they do, they 'ill $ul$ill their purpose and create a hea.en on earth. -ntil no', no one could understand 'hat 5eter meant 'hen he said@ F'hen the upper becomes the lo'er and the lo'er the upper, 'hen the inside becomes the outside and the outside becomes the inside, 'e 'ill see the (in)dom o$ *od.G 8o' 'e can (no' 'hat he 'as tal(in) about. 1t did not ma(e sense until no'. ?esus said: <-hen the outer has become as the inner: and the lower as the u88er: then will this world find 8eace.< 5eople are as their $alse, mortal mind sel$, and they should be as their immortal spiritual sel$, the eDact opposite o$ the 'ay they are no'. ;our mind is li(e a door or )ate, and the truth is the (ey to that door. #he truth causes the mind to be)in to chan)e its relationship 'ith you. #he truth chan)es the mind $rom the, your 'orst enemy, into an an)el, your best $riend. 1t is no coincidence that 5eter is metaphorically the )ate (eeper o$ hea.en, or that the altar symbol o$ the Eucharist loo(s li(e $i)ure 2 o$ the dra'in). ;our mind is no lon)er you@ it is Cust a small part o$ you. 1t is no lon)er your master@ it is your ser.ant. 1t has to do the eDact opposite o$ 'hat it has e.ol.ed to do HcontrolI. #hat is 'hy it ta(es the truth and some e$$ort to )et $ree o$ it. t is easier to denature 8lutonium than it is to denature the e*il from the s8irit of man. 9lbert +instein /+

"nclean s8irit; 9hen >esus tal(s o$ unclean spirits, he is re$errin) to a spirit that is tainted by the mind. #o ha.e a clean spirit, your animal mind must be o.ercome. Pure of heart; 9hen >esus re$ers to bein) pure o$ heart, he means be pure o$ spirit, to ha.e a spirit 'ithout your o'n thou)hts and $eelin)s contaminatin) it. Crac0 life o8en; ;ou ha.e to Cust )et a little space in bet'een your spiritual"sel$ and your mind, crac( it open. ;ou Cust need to reco)niBe 'hat comes $rom li$e=*od and 'hat is Cust manu$actured in your mind. ?esus said: B.ou ha*e to se8arate the wheat from the chaff.C 4e is sayin) separate your spirit $rom your mind. Separate the truth $rom the :S. &ll thou)hts, $eelin)s and emotions come $rom the mind, and they are not real unless you )i.e them li$e. ;ou Cust ha.e to reco)niBe them $or 'hat they are, and they 'ill disappear, and true li$e 'ill appear. 1et us 8urif5 oursel*es from e*er5thing that contaminates bod5 and s8irit: 8erfecting holiness out of our lo*e of 7od. 2 Corinthians ,;1 >ust seein) the di$$erence bet'een your mind and your spiritual"sel$ is the hardest part. #hey ha.e been to)ether $or a lon) time. 9hen you truly see the di$$erence, your spirit and mind start to separate. Once you )et that little crac(, it starts to open up. ;ou Cust ha.e to nurture it, and the space 'ill )ro'. f it is created b5 the mind: it is not real@ e*er5thing else is real. The mind contaminates our s8irit. 1t ma(es it impure, and *od is pure spirit. #he ultimate truth the contamination, and you connect or become one 'ith *od. ;ou are trans$ormed, and you )o $rom an un$ul$illin) mortal li$e to a $ul$illin), immortal spiritual li$e. 9hat could be simpler or be o$ a )reater bene$it< "ltimate truth J transformation. 1t is the reason that >esus says the truth sets you $ree. #he truth trans$orms you by sho'in) you 'hat you truly are already. #his is ho' 'e can (no' that traditional reli)ions are not tellin) the truth, at least not in a 'ay that people can understand it. 8o one is bein) trans$ormed by 'hat they are teachin). 9hen somethin) has been tried by millions o$ people $or thousands o$ years 'ithout success, an intelli)ent bein) 'ould be)in to realiBe that it does not 'or(. 6eli)ion needs to $ind 'hat it is missin). &ll the 'ars that ha.e been $ou)ht and the ones bein) $ou)ht no' and in the $uture 'ill be $ou)ht because people do not (no' the truth. //

t is not Aust religion@ it is chasing mone5: 8ower: and fame when it alwa5s ends in death. Peo8le lea*e with what the5 came with: animal minds: but the5 cannot see it until the last few minutes of their li*es. 3o guts no glor5; 4uman bein)s are $amiliar 'ith the mind and not $amiliar 'ith true li$e. #he mind tal(s to you@ *od=li$e does not. #he mind ma(es you $eel li(e you are not alone, but 'ith *od=li$e you are not alone, althou)h it $eels li(e it at $irst. #he 'orld o$ the mind is small and coBy@ the 'orld o$ *od=li$e is in$inite. 5eople are used to $alse li$e, and it 'ill ta(e time to )et used to true li$e. &t $irst, you 'ill be much more com$ortable in the mind than in li$e. 5eople $eel sa$e in the $amiliar and unsa$e in the un$amiliar, so you 'ill ha.e to )et to (no' true li$e a little at a time. 1t is li(e )ettin) into hot or cold 'ater. ;ou ha.e to )et used to real li$e be$ore you can )et into it all the 'ay. 1t 'ill happen i$ you (no' the truth and really 'ant to (no' the li$e. 1t 'ill happen naturally@ it 'ill Cust ta(e your attention and practice. 1i*ing in the mind ma5 feel natural: but li*ing in an illusion is not li*ing. Ti88ing 8oint; &s you be)in to eDperience true li$e, you 'ill li(e it more. #he more you li(e it, the more you 'ill )et in touch 'ith it, and the more you )et in touch 'ith it, the more you 'ill li(e it. 8o', you li(e bein) in the mind more than you li(e bein) in true li$e. Soon you 'ill li(e bein) in true li$e more, a lot more. #hat is the tippin) point, the point o$ no return, the point o$ your transition into a spiritual bein). The wa5; ;ou Cust ha.e to do one thin), and that is to learn to reco)niBe 'hat is real H*od=li$eI and 'hat is not real HmindI. #hen )i.e your li$e to Cust 'hat is real. 1$ you do this, the $alse mind created thin)s 'ill no lon)er control your li$e@ you 'ill be $ree. #hin( about it until you understand the truth completely, and then Cust do 'hat the truth dictates. t reall5 is that sim8le: but most 8eo8le cannot see the truth now. 9nd those who were seen dancing were thought to be insane b5 those who could not hear the music. Friedrich 3ietGsche nsanit5; Many people 'ho read this 'ill not understand 'hat 1 am sayin) and 'ill thin( 1 am craBy. #hat is the mindLs $irst response to anythin) di$$erent $rom 'hat most people belie.e. #he sayin) Fhe has lost his mindG is the 'ay people describe craBy people. 1nsane or craBy people ha.e not lost their minds@ they ha.e a de$ecti.e mind. #hey li.e in the mind more than anyone does, but they li.e in a de$ecti.e mind. /,

1t is the 'orst thin) that can happen to someone, because they 'ill ha.e a harder time learnin) the truth and the li$e. 1$ they can learn it, it can cure them, because they 'ill (no' they are not their mind and not let it ad.ersely a$$ect their 9ith medications and the truth, 'e 'ill be able to cure most mental illnesses. 9hen most people ha.e the same insanity, they thin( it is normal and that anyone di$$erent is insane. Semi-insane; &ctually most people are semi"insane but do not (no' it, because they can $unction 'ith others. -sually the people they )et alon) 'ith are as insane as they are, and that is 'hy they )et alon). *ettin) alon) 'ith others or bein) popular does not mean you are sane@ it means you are li(e them, and all o$ you could be semi"insane. 5opular people Cust (no' ho' to play the mindLs )ame that others li(e to play, and they do it 'ell. Kefinition of insanit5; My de$inition o$ insanity 'ould be anyone that in an illusion=delusion, anyone that does not (no' 'hat true li$e is. So 1 see Cust about e.eryone as insane, but a )ood insane, because they can learn the truth and the li$e, and most 'ill once someone tells them 'hat is happenin). :ad insane is true insanity. 1t is people 'ith a bro(en mind, a physical disability. #hey may not ha.e the tools to learn the truth and the li$e in their current li$espan, but they 'ill be some sort o$ )enius in their neDt li$e. 1t 'ill all balance out. 7oing sane; 9hen you $irst start to turn o$$ the mind, your mind can ma(e you $eel li(e you are )oin) craBy or dyin). 1t is a de$ense mechanism built into the mind desi)ned to (eep the mind in control. .ou are not going insane@ 5ou are going sane. #he truth is, you are Cust turnin) your mind o$$ or do'n as much as you can so you can see and eDperience as much li$e as you can. #here is nothin) craBy about that, is there< *ettin) the most out o$ li$e is a no"brainer, literally. ?esus said: <The see0er should not sto8 until he finds. -hen he does find: he will be disturbed. 9fter ha*ing been disturbed: he will be astonished. Then he will reign o*er e*er5thing.C /2

#urnin) o$$ the mind and openin) up to true li$e may ma(e you $eel li(e youLre )oin) craBy, but you are not, and i$ you do it ri)ht, no one (no's you are doin) it. 1n the be)innin), you ha.e to be by yoursel$ or not interactin) 'ith people HmindsI 'hen you do it. 9hen you are 'ith other people, you ha.e to play the mind )ames, unless you are 'ith other people in transition or that can li.e 'ithout the mind. The mind is more 8owerful than the s8irit in this world. The mind is a dominant force; #he mind 'ill al'ays in$ect a person that is clear o$ the mind. & spiritual person cannot cause a person in the mind to stop in the mind, but a person in the mind can cause a spiritual person to acti.ate their mind. #he mind is a $orm o$ ener)y@ the spirit is li(e a .oid. The $ible sa5s that the de*il has the 8ower in this world. #he mind has the upper hand in this 'orld. 1t is the 'ay it is, so you ha.e to be alone or 'ith other people that (no' the truth to li.e 'ithout the mind. #hus, it 'ill )et easier to li.e clear o$ mind in this 'orld as more people learn the truth. ;our mind and other minds 'ill do e.erythin) to (eep you out o$ the present and (noc( you o$$ the path. .our Aob is to Aust let it do it: to watch it and see it $or 'hat it is, and it 'ill )radually )et 'ea(er. 1t 'ill )et easier to stay on path. Many prophets did and said craBy thin)s $rom time to time. #hat is to be eDpected $rom those that ha.e to deal 'ith a 'orld $illed 'ith bein)s that see a completely di$$erent 'orld Ha $alse 'orldI. 1i*ing with less e*ol*ed 8eo8le; 1ma)ine you 'ere the only modern man in a 'orld $illed 'ith ca.emen. #hatAs ho' spiritual bein)s $eel 'ith man(ind. ;ou 'ould be tryin) to eDplain electricity to them, and they 'ould thin( you 'ere craBy. 1$ you made them a hammer, they 'ould use it to scratch their asses or to (ill each other, not to build a house. &$ter you ha.e o.ercome the mind, 'ith mind"(ind is challen)in). 1t 'ould ma(e anyone a little nuts. >esus 'as in this position, and most people thou)ht he 'as craBy. 9ho 'as really craBy< Many prophets did and said thin)s that others percei.ed as insane@ it is to be eDpected. 1ma)ine i$ e.eryone you (ne' acted li(e an ape. ;ou thin( they are craBy, and they thin( you are craBy. 1t 'ill be a lot better 'hen e.eryone


The modern 8ro8het; #here are many $alse prophets. & true prophet is Cust someone that sees thin)s as they really are, someone that (no's the truth and the li$e. & $alse prophet does not, but )oes around tellin) people he (no's the truth. Most o$ the time, people that really (no' the truth and the li$e 'ill not )o around tellin) other people anythin). #hey 'ill li.e and let li.e 'hile they anonymously spread the truth on the internet. & real prophet does not as( anyone to belie.e anythin). #hey 'ill do the opposite and tell people the truth is not any belie$ system. #hey 'ill tell them the truth is li$e, the truth is in the present, and you either (no' it, or you do not. & real prophet 'ill tell you the truth, Cust as >esus did. ?esus said: B7od is inside 5ou and all around 5ou.C #he spiritual bein) o$ the present can and should learn $rom the prophets o$ the past and not ma(e the same mista(es. For a prophet to be most e$$ecti.e, they must $it in 'ith other people. 1t does not ser.e the truth to upset people or ma(e them thin( you are craBy or a threat to them. ;ou 'ant to do the opposite. #he )oal should be to $it in 'ith e.eryone and be popular. #he only di$$erence people should see in a spiritual person is that they are more sel$"con$ident, independent, sel$"contained, $earless, open and than most other people. 9 s8iritual being 0nows e*er5thing balances: so the5 li*e e*er5 single moment of life no matter whatMs ha88ening. The5 Aust flow with it. Spiritual people are al'ays in a )ood mood@ nothin) can upset them $or .ery lon) i$ at all. #hey ha.e character and .irtue, alon) 'ith a child"li(e, $un" ?uality and simple, common sense 'isdom. #hey are Cust people you li(e to be around. Ko not belie*e an5thing; Spiritual bein)s do not belie.e in anythin). #hey see only Ethat 'hich isE and )i.e their complete attention to e.eryone and e.erythin). #hey ha.e a )reater presence than other people do, because they li.e in the present and are more ali.e. Many )et into sho' business in one 'ay or another. 9lone; Spiritual bein)s li(e bein) 'ith people, but they are also loners, because they 'ill al'ays li(e their o'n company the best. 9hen spiritual bein)s are alone, they can li.e completely clear o$ the mind and Cust be 'ith *od=li$e. #here is a bi) di$$erence bet'een bein) alone and bein) lonely. & spiritual bein) is lonely, because a spiritual bein) is al'ays 'ith *od. E.en a person that (no's the truth and the li$e, a spiritual person, can only li.e 'ithout the mind completely 'hen they are alone, unless they are 'ith others that (no' the truth and the li$e. #his is 'hy they may seem li(e loners. ,1

Section # & $ig Picture - Present; Cha8ter #./

=ind nfection
The craGiest 8eo8le are running the as5lum. =inds beget minds; Schools, $amily, 'or(, social )roups, reli)ions, and political parties are all minds creatin) other minds in their o'n ima)e. Other minds are li(e an in$ectious disease@ the closer you are to them, the more they in$ect your mind. 1t starts 'ith the closest, most in$luential people around you, such as $riends, $amily, and superiors at 'or( or school. ;our $amily has the most po'er to acti.ate your mind, especially parents and brothers and sisters, because they 'ere there 'hen you 'ere .ery youn) and your mind 'as de.elopin). 1t is .ery hard to a.oid reactin) to thin)s your $amily says and does 'ithout reactin) to it as you al'ays ha.e. ;ou do not ha.e to stay a'ay $rom $amily or close $riends@ you Cust ha.e to (no' 'hat to eDpect 'hen dealin) 'ith them. 1t is more di$$icult to be open 'ith them, but not impossible. ;ou ha.e to try harder and 'atch your mind closer 'hen you are 'ith them. )ate 5our famil5; & )ood eDample o$ the sayin)s o$ >esus bein) misinterpreted is the sayin) attributed to >esus that says you ha.e to hate your $amily. 4e did not say that@ he said you ha.e to lo.e him Hthe truth and the li$eI more than e.en your $amily. 1$ you lo.e the truth and the li$e, you lo.e e.erythin), includin) your $amily. t is a sign; 1t is important that it is in the :ible, because it ma(es it clear that there are misinterpretations. E.en hardcore belie.ers 'ho no' belie.e the 'hole :ible is literally true 'ill realiBe that a man o$ lo.e li(e >esus 'ould say to hate anyone, let alone your o'n $amily. >esus is the )uy that says to lo.e e.en your enemy. 1$ people can realiBe that there is at least one misinterpretation $or certain, it opens the door to realiBin) that there ha.e to be many bad translations and misinterpretations. #his one re.elation 'ill ma(e people more open to 'hat >esus is really sayin). 1t could be the (ey to learnin) the real truth $or people that belie.e e.erythin) in the :ible is true. ;ou ha.e to be open to the truth to see the truth in li$e. ?esus said: B-hoe*er finds the correct inter8retation of what sa5ing will find eternal life.C ,2 am

4e 'ould not ha.e said it i$ he did not (no' that do'n the road there 'ould be misinterpretations and that most people 'ould not understand 'hat he said. 1amb of 7od; 9hen you become a Lamb o$ *od, you are li(e a lamb, not a lion. #he lamb does not ha.e po'er and a))ression. 5eople ha.e misinterpreted that metaphor and thin( it means a sacri$icial lamb. #he lamb is a metaphor >esus uses to sho' the 'ea(ness o$ a spiritual bein) compared to people that li.e in the mind o$ the beast. #he beast is li(e a lion, a po'er$ul predator. #he lamb is a 'ea( prey animal. #he beast 'ill 'in in a physical contest o$ stren)th, because they are physically stron)er, and it is in their nature to $i)ht and try to dominate li$e. 1t is a spiritual bein)Ls nature to accept and $lo' 'ith li$e li(e a lamb 'ithout hurtin) anyone. & lion has to eat lambs to sur.i.e@ a lamb does not ha.e to (ill others to sur.i.e. CanOt lose; #he beast may 'in on a mortal le.el, but 'ill al'ays lose on the immortal le.el. 9 s8iritual being can ne*er reall5 lose and 0nows it. The beast can ne*er reall5 win and does not 0now it. & spiritual bein) is lousy at (illin), but )reat at Man, bein) a predatory animal, had to be )reat at (illin), li(e all predatory animals. 9e had to (ill@ it 'as necessary to sur.i.e and to )et to 'here 'e are no'. Mi)ht 'as ri)ht, and e.en i$ it 'as not, it 'or(ed. For the $irst time in our history, the opposite is true. 8o' 'e ha.e to )et )reat at to sur.i.e and pro)ress. 9e ha.e chan)ed the nature o$ the 'orld enou)h@ now we ha*e to change the nature of oursel*es. 8o', mi)ht is not the ri)ht 'ay. #he one eDception is 'hen it is used $or sel$" de$ense. 9e ha.e to protect $rom the dan)erous animals in our 'orld. .esterda5 we obe5ed 0ings and bent our nec0s before em8erors. $ut toda5 we 0neel onl5 to truth: follow onl5 beaut5: and obe5 onl5 lo*e. Ihalil 7ibran =ight is no longer right; E.en thou)h mi)ht, $orce, and physical po'er 'or(ed Hbene$ited usI in the past, it 'ill not 'or( Hbene$it usI in the $uture, eDcept in sel$"de$ense. &s 1 say later, 'e are not out o$ the 'oods yet, but 'e 'ill be soon.


?esus said: BThe mee0 will inherit the earth.C 1t has been interpreted 'ron). >esus actually said the F'ea(G 'ould inherit the earth. #here 'as nothin) mee( about >esus. Spiritual people 'ill not loo( or act mee(. 9e are respect$ul, but not mee(. 9e 'ill be 'ea( in material po'er compared to the beast, but 'e 'ill be stron) in spirit and $earless. 9e 'ill ha.e the shield o$ truth, as the :ible says. *od throu)h a spiritual bein)@ you cannot )et more po'er$ul. ?esus said: BThose that o*ercometh will not be hurt b5 the second death.C #he $irst death is 'hen the mind too( our >esus is sayin) i$ you o.ercome it, you 'ill not be hurt by your second death H'hen you die physicallyI. ?esus said: B3othing can hurt us.C )ow can an5 man be wea0 who dares to be at all> )enr5 Ka*id Thoreau Power; 1$ you truly 'ant po'er, you ha.e to let *od li.e throu)h you, because you become the ultimate po'er in the uni.erse. ;ou cannot )et more po'er$ul. *od=li$e is the only po'er in the uni.erse, because it is the uni.erse@ e.erythin) else is Cust a delusion created by the mind. Powerful 8eo8le are farts in the wind. 9here are 4itler, Stalin, or any so"called po'er$ul people that li.ed in the past no'< 9hat po'er did they really ha.e< 1t is Cust a costly, .ery short illusion that can cost you your soul, and o$ten does. The attem8t to combine wisdom and 8ower has onl5 rarel5 been successful and then onl5 for a short while. 9lbert +instein 15ing and d5ing; #he ?uest $or material po'er in our short li$espan does not ma(e much sense. 5eople lie, cheat, and sell their souls $or po'er, and at best, they ha.e a $e' years o$ po'er other people, and then they lose it and=or )et old and die completely po'erless. 1t is all (ind o$ a 'aste o$ time, isnLt it< ?esus said: BKoes it 8rofit a man to gain the world and lose his soul>C >esus ma(es a )ood point. 9ho 'ould 'ant material 'ealth i$ it costs you your immortal $uture in hea.en< ;ou are tradin) $ $or a $e' short years. E.erythin) is balanced any'ay. 5o'er 'ill be balanced by 'ea(ness.

?esus said: <The glories of this realm last onl5 a moment@ the glories of the hea*enl5 realm abide fore*er.< The world is not enough. ?ames $ond #hat is a bad bar)ain, no matter ho' you loo( at it. This life is short. #he only possible reason people 'ill ma(e that bar)ain is i$ they do not (no' the truth. -ealth is the abilit5 to full5 eH8erience life. )enr5 Ka*id Thoreau 9hen people be)in to see the truth, no one 'ill be interested in material po'er. 8ot only is it not 'orth the e$$ort and price you ha.e to pay $or it, it also comes 'ith a lot o$ responsibility, pressure, con$lict, disappointment, stress, and $alse $riends, etc. :ein) rich, $amous, and po'er$ul is not as )ood as it loo(s. 1t is a deception created by the mind. thin0 celebrities are the unha88iest 8eo8le in the world. 7lenn $ec0 Loo( at :ritney Spears@ she has $ame, $ortune, youth and physical beauty, and she is less happy than some people 'ho ha.e cancer. She has 'hat most little )irls thin( they 'ant, because they do not see the reality o$ it, e.en thou)h it is on the ne's. #hose )roups o$ celebrity )irls that no one thin(s should be on the ne's are teachin) a )reat lesson in truth, but no one is )ettin) it. 1t is e.en 'orse 'ith men in po'er. 1t loo(s much better than it actually is in reality. 8eedin) material 'ealth and po'er is Cust a 'ea(ness in a personLs character, somethin) that insecure people aspire too. *ettin) po'er does not ma(e these people less insecure, because they are al'ays 'orried about losin) it. &ll and all, it is not that )reat, a castle made o$ sand. 9antin) po'er Cust means you do not (no' the truth. 5o'er is Cust a passin) illusion=delusion. #he truth is the onl5 real 8ower. 1 use the term illusion=delusion, because it is a delusion to the people that ha.e it and see( it, and an illusion to the people that see it in others and belie.e it is somethin) 'orth aspirin) to. 1t is Cust a mind )ame that costs you e.erythin). -hen the 8ower of lo*e o*ercomes the lo*e of 8ower: the world will 0now 8eace. ?imi )endriH 1 am not puttin) anyone do'n or sayin) people 'ith po'er or that need po'er are bad@ they are Cust mis)uided li(e most people. #hey can learn the truth and )o to hea.en Cust li(e anyone else can, and many o$ them 'ill. ,%

The 8oet ?ohn Ieats once said; B$eaut5 is truth: truth beaut5: that is all 5e 0now on earth and all 5e need to 0now.C $eaut5; Spiritual bein)s are truth personi$ied. #hus, they are as beauti$ul as it )ets. :eauty is in the eye o$ the beholder, and spiritual people see li$eLs beauty. 9e 'ill loo( better than the beast, especially to each other, $or the $irst time in history. 1n the past, the beast loo(ed better, because people did not (no' the beast 'as a loser. #he beast has a real beauty, but it hides a real u)liness. #here is nothin) more beauti$ul than a sna(e or 'ol$, but 'hat they do is u)ly. Li(e all predatory 'ild animals, they catch, (ill, and eat other animals. ?ust because it is nature does not ma0e it good. t is animal nature@ we can do better than animal nature. -e can ha*e s8iritual nature for the first time. 5o'er$ul people loo( stron) and li(e 'inners. #hey ha.e money, po'er and 'omen, and in the past, prophets loo(ed li(e 'ea( losers by comparison. 1n the near $uture, the opposite 'ill be true. #he spirit has real beauty and has no u)liness at all. 9hen the truth is seen, they 'ill be seen as the most beauti$ul. 9hen 'omen )i.e their lo.e to men see(in) the truth instead o$ the bad boys and all the other $ools and phonies, the 'orld 'ill chan)e $ast. -a0e u8 ladies. Power of women; 1$ it 'as not $or manLs attraction to 'omen, 'e 'ould still be in Men built this 'orld to please 'omen. #he semi" ci.iliBed 'orld 'e no' ha.e is because o$ the po'er$ul attraction men ha.e to 'omen. 9hen 'omen see the truth, they 'ill no lon)er be attracted to the $ools and phonies. 9hen they 'a(e up to the truth, they 'ill only be attracted to men that 'ill )i.e them and their children truth and li$e, true security. #his 'ill chan)e men and chan)e the 'orld $aster than anythin) else 'ill. 1n this sense, it ma(es 'omen the (ey to our and sal.ation. 1$ they do not 'a(e up, 'e are all dead. 9omenLs bodies are made to ser.e reproduction, to be attracti.e and ma(e babies. #o best ser.e reproduction, they ha.e to (eep men on the animal le.el. #hey need men to be in tune 'ith seD to 'ant to mate. #he problem is that it is a double"ed)ed s'ord. #he )ood side is lo.e, seD, and babies. #he bad side, the other side o$ the same coin, is .iolence and 'ar. 9omen (eep that instinctual beast in men in po'er. 1$ they (ne' 'here it 'ould lead, they 'ould not do it, but they canAt see it, because it is their biolo)ical $unction, the matin) )ame. #here are eDceptions, but most $emales play that )ame no'. ,+

1t is promoted in the mo.ies and other popular culture. #he animal tou)h )uy is cool and )ets the )irl. 9omen rein$orce bad emotional beha.ior by li(in) it and encoura)in) it. -nless 'omen can chan)e that in, there is not much hope $or the human race. 3ew man; & spiritual male needs to (no' a 'oman .alues the truth and the li$e more than carnal attraction, .alues *od more than the animal in man. & spiritual man (no's the dan)er o$ carnal lo.e and ho' the temptation o$ it can cost them e.erythin). 9omen i)norant o$ the truth do cause manLs do'n$all. & spiritual man is not to be con$used 'ith a reli)ious man. One (no's the truth and the li$e, (no's e.erythin)@ the other (no's myths. #he spiritual man is a ne' li$e $orm that )a.e birth to himsel$. 4e is the son o$ man >esus re$ers to, the o.erman or superman that Friedrich 8ietBsche re$ers to. #he man that in myths is a $ool and a bore. #he spiritual man is the real deal, the ultimate man, immortal and anythin) but borin). 4e needs nothin) but 'hat he has, and he has e.erythin). )e gi*es women e*er5thing. One sho's the 'ay to hea.en, the other to hell. One is the best man possible, and one is the 'orst. 6eal men are .ery rare, but that can and 'ill chan)e 'ith the apocalypse happenin) no'. 9nimals; 9omen are no' attracted to men $or animal reasons. #hey are attracted to )ood loo(s, a )ood personality, con$idence, chemistry and po'er@ the same reasons animals are attracted to each other. 9omen do 'hat they do $or the same reason insects do 'hat they do to mate and reproduce. 9hen the truth is seen, 'omen 'ill realiBe 'e are not here to Cust reproduce li(e other animals. 9e ha.e been there and done that millions o$ times. #his time thin)s are di$$erent, or 1 should say, could be di$$erent. 9e can do and be somethin) much more than an animal, and e.eryone that learns the truth 'ill. 9e can and 'ill mate and reproduce. 9e do not ha.e to )i.e up any positi.e, enCoyable animal beha.ior, but 'e ha.e to rise abo.e the animal le.el and do 'hat 'e do on the spiritual le.el. 1t ma(es the animal thin)s much better and ) you and your $amily hea.en $ &ll men and 'omen 'ill ta(e the spiritual path once they see it. 9hen 'omen see the truth and 'a(e up, they 'ill become ne' creatures in !hrist Htruth and li$eI, and they 'ill not trade eternal bliss in hea.en $or a $e' lau)hs, thrills, animal chemistry and temporary po'er. #hey 'ill )et all those thin)s and more if and onl5 if they )i.e their lo.e to a man that (no's the truth. 1t is the essential in)redient $or a truly success$ul relationship, a relationship that is more romantic and $ul$illin) than any $antasy ima)inable. #hey 'ill ha.e it all, and they 'ill ha.e it $ ,/

The 0night in shining armor is a metaphor $or a man shinin) in truth and li$e. #he romance 'omen ha.e al'ays dreamed o$ is no' possible i$ they see the truth. 9omen 'ant it all and can ha.e it all i$ they can $ind a man that (no's it all. #he lo.e o$ 'omen 'ill be the stron)est moti.ation $or men to learn the truth. #his is 'hy it is so important that 'omen learn the truth. #he $aster they learn it, the $aster men 'ill learn it, and the $aster this 'orld 'ill turn into a hea.en. 9 8ersonOs bod5 is li0e a car the s8irit is dri*ing. 9 intelligent being does not Audge a 8erson b5 the car the5 are tem8oraril5 dri*ing. 1oo0s; 1t is hard to belie.e $or someone that in the mind, but loo(s do not matter to a spiritual person, and a)e does not matter either. 9hen one spiritual bein) loo(s at another spiritual bein), all they both see is beauty. #his does not mean that $emales are not more attracti.e 'hen they are youn) and in their physical prime o$ li$e. #hat period can be short, so 'omen do not 'ant to 'aste any o$ that .aluable time on a phony. 1n hea.en, that type o$ romance can last $, but in this 'orld, there is a time limit. &$ter it passes, a spiritual couple to a di$$erent, but e?ually $ul$illin) phase o$ li$e. Loo(s and a)e do not matter 'ith men, because 'hat ma(es a man attracti.e is 'hat he (no's and is. 1t is Cust the 'ay it is in this 'orld, and the truth is the truth. Roles; #he man is responsible $or the truth@ the 'oman is responsible $or the li$e. 8ature supports these di$$erent roles. 8ature is *od, so *od supports these di$$erent roles $or males and $emales, thus it is a sin to not )o alon) 'ith them. :y (eepin) the $amily in the truth, the man ) 'omen the security to $reely li.e in the li$e and brin) more li$e into the $amily. #he responsibilities are clear"cut, but melt to)ether 'hen males and $emales both li.e in the truth and the li$e. The coolest 8eo8le do not thin0 much. The5 deal with the real. True religion is real li*ing. 9lbert +instein Cool; ;oun) people 'ant to be cool. 5eople that realiBe the truth and the li$e 'ill be the $irst cool !hristians on earth. &ctually, they 'ill be the $irst !hristians since >esus, period. #hey 'ill only deal 'ith the real, and a.oid e.erythin) else. Spiritual people 'onAt act or tal( reli)ious@ theyAll Cust li.e true li$e. "ncool; #he so"called !hristians today are uncool, because most are hypocrites and )o around preachin) about the 'rath o$ *od and other thin)s they do not understand. Most o$ the people that do it ha.e been uncool their 'hole and are Cust usin) reli)ion to ha.e some pseudo" $riends that 'ill put up 'ith them. ,,

Spiritual bein)s could be anyone@ most o$ the time they 'ill not tal( about 'hat is true and 'hat is not. #hey 'ill li.e the truth and the li$e and 'al( the 'al(. #he only thin) people 'ill notice is that spiritual bein)s ha.e the presence o$ stars and are $un and interestin) to be around, that they are the coolest people. Fighting; Spiritual people do not li(e $i)htin)@ it is no lon)er in our nature, but 'e 'ill do it 'hen necessary Hsel$"de$enseI. 5eople ruled by the beast 'ill do it 'hen it is not necessary, and that is 'hy they ha.e 'on in the past. #he best de$ense is usually o$$ense. #he beast in $ear and insecurity, and it 'ill de.ote its li$e to )ettin) and protectin) material po'er. 5eople ruled by the beast thin( about it a lot and are constantly 'orryin) and preparin) $or the 'orst or some sort o$ con?uest. Spiritual bein)s li.e in lo.e and 'orry about anythin). Spiritual people de.ote their li$e to li$e and do not thin( about $i)htin) and po'er or anythin) else much o$ the time. #his ma(es them 'ea(er in a physical sense. The onl5 real securit5 is 0nowing the truth and the life (?esus). Truth is the onl5 safe ground to stand on. +liGabeth Stanton Spiritual people do not 'orry about the 'orst happenin), because 'e (no' it 'ill happen to e.eryone, and there is absolutely nothin) anyone can do about it. E.eryone is )oin) to die. Spiritual bein)s (no' the truth and do not li.e in denial o$ the truth. 9e are eDpectin) the 'orst and are )oin) to li.e e.ery second o$ li$e until it happens. #hen 'eAll be born a)ain in hea.en and do the same thin), only better. Fighting is not cool eDcept in the rin) or mo.ies. Fi)htin) is u)ly and costly in real li$e. 4uman animals are not cool. 6o'dy, .iolent people are human animals and a $orce a)ainst the truth and the li$e. & spiritual person can only enCoy the beast in a controlled situation, such as hea.y metal music, mo.ies, the rin), etc. Fighting gets 5ou in the 8resent: but there is a better wa5 now.


-h5 8eo8le fight; #he real reason people $i)ht is not 'hat they thin( it is. #hey thin( it is $or a cause, to ri)ht a 'ron), but it is actually to )et into the present. 5eople do e.erythin) they do, directly and indirectly, to )et into the present, and people 'ill continue to $i)ht until the ultimate truth is (no'n and people can li.e in the present all the time. Fi)htin) to )et into the present is the 'orst 'ay to do it, because it ) more po'er to the beast than anythin) else does. 5eople that )et drun( and tell stories that )lori$y 'ar and .iolence are liars and $ools. -sually, these same people )et drun( $or coura)e and then )et ro'dy and .iolent. 1n the near $uture, people 'ill 'al( a'ay $rom them in protest o$ their beha.ior. Tough gu5s; #hey use the threat o$ .iolence to )et attention. #hey thin( it is respect, but it is Cust a si)n o$ immaturity and i)norance. #hey are $ools. Combat; 5eople that sur.i.e combat al'ays $eel li(e somethin) is missin), because the present is missin). #he $ear and intensity o$ combat brin)s people into the present, ma(es them $eel more ali.e and alert. 9hen they )o bac( to normal li$e, it is missin). #his is 'hy they loo( bac( on it and thin( it 'as )reat. 1t is 'hy people )et into dan)erous sports@ dan)er can help )et you into the present, but it is not the 'ay. 1t )ets you closer, but 'ill )et you all the 'ay. #he beauty is that you do not ha.e to )et into combat or dan)erous situations to )et into the present or be more a'are o$ li$e. ;ou Cust ha.e to learn the ultimate truth. The tric0 is to be able to get into the 8resent without danger or *iolence. #he truth is, dan)erous thin)s Cust )i.e you a taste o$ the present. #hey do not )i.e you all o$ it, because $ear, adrenaline, endorphins, and other brain chemicals are (eepin) you $rom bein) completely open. #he only 'ay to really )et into the present is to be able to do it 'hen thin)s are not dan)erous. f 8eo8le cannot get in the 8resent with the truth: the5 will fight and do other foolish things to do it. Programmed for war; millions o$ years and countless battles, the mind o$ human males has been pro)rammed to $or)et the reality o$ combat. Men $or)et ho' much their $eet hurt and e.ery other part o$ their bodies hurt. #hey $or)et that they 'ere hun)ry, do) tired, dirty, scared, sic(, hot or cold, .ery uncom$ortable and bein) eaten ali.e by insects. ;ou are carryin) a lot o$ 'ei)ht and are armed to the teeth so you can (ill another man, another soldier Cust li(e you, in a microsecond $rom the time you see him. 1$ he is the luc(y one, he sees you $irst and (ills you. 1t is li(e (illin) your t'in, because soldiers are all the same. 20

9ll 5our idealism is gone and 5ou are Aust tr5ing to sur*i*e@ that is the truth.

1t could not be 'orse, but e.olution has pro)rammed us to $or)et, so 'e are ready to )o to 'ar a)ain. 1t 'as necessary in the past to be this 'ay to sur.i.e, but 'e ha.e $inally made it, and no' 'ar is not only unnecessary, it is essential that 'e chan)e our 'ays. 9e ha.e to see the truth and chan)e to sur.i.e no'. 5eople that beha.e .iolently 'ill only loo( )ood in the mo.ies and in the rin) no'. 9hen people 'a(e up, people that beha.e .iolently in real li$e 'ill be unpopular and seen $or the lo'li$es that they are by e.eryone, especially their $riends. -p until no', it 'as necessary to )lori$y .iolence and encoura)e ro'dy, .iolent beha.ior, because 'e li.ed in a do) eat do) 'orld and needed to prepare youn) men $or 'ar. #he times are chan)in) no', and anyone that tries to han) on to the sa.a)e past 'ill be seen $or the $ools that they are and be socially ostraciBed until they chan)e their 'ays. Only the truth can stop people $rom $i)htin). The truth sto8s *iolence; #he truth ma(es people happy and secure. Only unhappy, insecure or $ear$ul people $i)ht. 9hen the truth and the li$e is re.ealed to e.eryone, e.eryone 'ill be happy and secure, and this 'ill stop all con$lict. "nha88iness was good. 1n the past, it 'as better to be unhappy, un$ul$illed, because i$ you 'ere happy, you did not pro)ress as much materially. 1n the past, unhappy people that pro)ressed more 'ould attac( and (ill you. #his $orced e.eryone to li.e in a state o$ unhappiness to sur.i.e. #his is one o$ the reasons 'e all ha.e to hear the truth at about the same time and )et happy to)ether. Kestro5 nati*e 8eo8le; & )ood eDample is con$lict bet'een Europeans and nati.e cultures. #he 'ere happy 'ith their Europeans 'ere not, so their 'eapons pro)ressed $aster, ) them the po'er to destroy the 7reat s8irits are alwa5s o88osed b5 mediocre minds. 9lbert +instein


Section # & $ig Picture & Present; Cha8ter #.2

The Collecti*e "nconscious

#he only hope $or the truth is $or it to be heard by a lar)e percenta)e o$ man(ind at about the same time. !ommunication technolo)y has $inally e.ol.ed to the point that the truth can reach most o$ man(ind in a short period. Once the ultimate truth is de$ined, it can be spread to e.eryone almost instantaneously, in the blin( o$ an eye as it says in the :ible. 1n the past, the truth could not )et out and sur.i.e, because only a .ery small percenta)e o$ man(ind could hear the truth. #he maCority o$ the people that did not understand it or belie.ed in a myth 'ould beat prophets do'n, and the truth 'ould end up hidden in myths. S8iritual beings could not win in the 8ast: but the times are changing: and than0s to worldwide communication: s8iritual 8eo8le can win now. The collecti*e unconscious; 1n the last $e' )enerations, 'e disco.ered t'o in.isible $orces: electricity and electroma)netic HradioI ' 8o one belie.ed they eDisted a $e' hundred years a)o. 1n this )eneration, 'e are )oin) to a ne' in.isible $orce 1 call the collecti.e unconscious mind. 1t is the $orce, or part o$ the $orce, that ) us continuity $rom one li$e to another. 9ithout it, there could be no e.olution. )ol5 S8irit; #he :ible calls it the 4oly Spirit and the boo( o$ li$e. >ust as the :ible says, it contains e.erythin) 'e do and controls our e.olution. +mergence; & )uidin) $orce (eeps us on trac(. 1t is the only part o$ our mind that is not destroyed 'hen our bodies die, and it can pass throu)h physical death 'ith us. 1t is outside o$ our bodies and independent o$ our bodies. D factor; 1t is 'hy ants, bees, a school o$ $ish or a $loc( o$ birds mo.e li(e one bi) or)anism. 1t is 'hy in the ri)ht en.ironment, 38& and li$e 'ill $orm $rom the random mo.ement o$ inor)anic molecules. #here is a subtle intelli)ence. 9hy is it that e.erythin) seems to be )uided by a *od or some (ind or uni.ersal, omnipresent intelli)ence< FEmer)enceG science is studyin) the phenomena. Most thin)s can be eDplained by (no'n $orces, not e.erythin). #he reason 'e ha.e not disco.ered this $orce yet is because it is .ery subtle, e.en thou)h it ) order to literally e.erythin). 1t 'ill be impossible to detect or measure on any instruments 'e ha.e no'. 9e cannot see it, but 'e can see 'hat it does. 9e (no' it eDists because 'e can see its e$$ects. #his R $actor, alon) 'ith random chance and the o$ the $ittest, has resulted in the e.olution o$ li$e. #he collecti.e unconscious is this R $actor, or is at the .ery least interactin) 'ith it. 1t connects us on a subconscious le.el 'ith the minds o$ all other li$e. 22

Kar0 energ5; Scientists say that more than ninety"percent o$ the uni.erse is made up o$ somethin) they call dar( matter and dar( ener)y. #hey (no' it is there because o$ its )ra.itational e$$ects on thin)s they can see, but that is all they (no' about it. #hey are sayin) they do not (no' 'hat ninety"percent o$ the uni.erse is. #his dar( ener)y could be 'here 'e $ind the collecti.e unconscious. 9e (no' the collecti.e unconscious eDists $or the same reasons@ 'e can see its e$$ects on li$e. &t this time, the only 'ay 'e can (no' the collecti.e unconscious mind eDists is that it has to. 9e needed help to )et to 'here 'e are no'. 4ld man in the s05; 1t 'ould be easy to ima)ine that the helper is a *od that loo(s li(e us Hour ima)eI, but there is no e.idence o$ that. 1t has to be more li(e a .ery subtle, in.isible $orm o$ ener)y, li(e )ra.ity and=or electroma)netic ', or somethin) 'e ha.e not disco.ered yet that is li(e them, in that it a$$ects li$e. 5uttin) the $orce that controls li$e in a human body 'or(ed in the ancient past, because primiti.e people did not (no' about in.isible $orms o$ ener)y. -n(no'n $orces o$ nature 'ere eDplained by sayin) a *od did it. Since then, our (no'led)e has e.ol.ed and pro)ressed. 8o' 'e (no' about unseen $orces. 9e (no' that they are Cust a $orm o$ ener)y. ntelligent design eHists@ religions Aust do not 0now what it is 5et. #he collecti.e unconscious is not ali.e. 1t is Cust a part o$ our minds, an eDtension o$ our minds, not a separate li$e $orm. #he collecti.e unconscious is somethin) li(e )ra.ity that connects all o$ us. >esus calls it the 4oly Spirit. ?esus said: BThe )ol5 S8irit will teach 5ou all things.C !arl >un) also used the term Fcollecti.e unconscious.G 1 use it to describe somethin) much more po'er$ul than he does. 1 use the same term because it best describes the phenomenon 1 am attemptin) to eDplain. 9e do not (no' much about it yet. #hat 'ill chan)e in this )eneration. 1 ha.e a theory: "ni*ersal mind; >ust as ma)netic tape and dis(s store in$ormation on computers, )ra.ity and=or a similar $orm o$ all per.asi.e ener)y could collect and store all o$ our mindsL in$ormation. 1t also could process the in$ormation by miDin) 'ith the collecti.e unconscious o$ all other li$e on Earth and e.en 'ith li$e in other 'orlds. Li(e a computer, it can be accessed and used to translate in$ormation bac( to people as inspiration, etc. Some people can tune in and do'nload a re.elation or a son), a 'or( o$ art, or a boo( li(e this one. &ll 'e can be sure o$ is it is possible to communicate 'ith some (ind o$ uni.ersal mind. 23

+*er5 eHtension of 0nowledge arises from ma0ing conscious the unconscious. Friedrich 3ietGsche 1n other 'ords, 'hen you )et your mind out o$ the 'ay, you become conscious o$ 'hat you 'ere not conscious o$ be$ore. ;ou become conscious o$ somethin) beyond the mind. ;ou can ma(e contact 'ith the uni.ersal mind o$ li$e. The intellect has little to do on the road to disco*er5. There comes a lea8 in consciousness: call it intuition or what 5ou will@ the solution comes to 5ou and 5ou donMt 0now how or wh5. The trul5 *aluable thing is the intuition. 9lbert +instein ns8iration; #he 'ord means Fbreath o$ *od.G 1t is 'here ideas, art, poetry, mo.ies, philosophy, music, in.entions, re.elations and all ne' creati.e thin)s come $rom. 1t mani$ests in many 'ays, such as talent, intuition and insi)ht. ntuition; 1ntuition and inspiration come $rom the same place. #hey are both mani$estations o$ the collecti.e unconscious. 9hen as(ed 'here they )ot the idea $or somethin), creati.e people 'ill say they 'ere inspired, they dreamed it, it Cust came to them in a $lash, etc. &ll ne', creati.e thin)s come $rom outside our o'n minds. :y de$inition, they ha.e to come $rom outside your mind to be truly ne'. Once 5aul Mc!artney 'as as(ed 'here his son)s come $rom. 4e ans'ered, F1 donAt (no', they seem to come out o$ the air.G -hen real music comes to me: the music of the s8heres: the music that sur8asses understanding - that has nothing to do with me: because Mm Aust the channel. The onl5 Ao5 for me is for it to be gi*en to me: and to transcribe it li0e a medium... those moments are what li*e for. ?ohn 1ennon The e*idence; #here has to be an outside in$luence, because ideas can come to many people at about the same time. For eDample, lan)ua)e de.eloped at about the same time e.ery'here on the planet. 6eli)ions $rom di$$erent times and places ha.e many thin)s in common. 1n.entions and styles o$ music and art come to people at about the same time. 1t is not Cust a coincidence. ;ou can (no' that all )reat or inspired music comes $rom the collecti.e unconscious, because i$ it did not, the musicians 'ho 'rote the classic son)s in the past 'ould still be 'ritin) classic son)s no'. & $e' are, but most are not. 2

*reat inspirations come 'hen they come, and 'hen they ?uit comin), there is no 'ay $or the musicians to do it on their o'n. 4o' 'ell you play has nothin) to do 'ith it. #he older musicians )et, the better they )et on their instruments, but they o$ten ha.e their )reat son)s 'hen they 'ere youn) and could not play as 'ell. 1t is the same 'ith boo(s, art and in.entions. E.ery once in a )reat 'hile, you )et a MoBart, :eetho.en, an Edison or an Einstein. #hese people 'ere Cust more connected to the collecti.e unconscious@ thus, they recei.ed more inspirations. =5 brain is onl5 a recei*er: in the "ni*erse there is a core from which we obtain 0nowledge: strength and ins8iration. ha*e not 8enetrated into the secrets of this core: but 0now that it eHists. 3i0ola Tesla =oGart: Tesla: and +instein were Aust more ins8ired than most 8eo8le. Einstein had all his )reat ideas in one year H120%I 'hen he 'as a patent cler( in his t'enties. 4e called it his miracle year@ it 'as a year o$ )reat inspirations. 4e spent the rest o$ his li$e 'or(in) on those ideas, and he did not ha.e any more )reat inspirations. 4is li$e ma(es it clear that )reat ideas come in inspirations. 1t too( three years $or people to see 'hat he 'as tal(in) about and accept his ideas. &lmost all )reat inspirations are ahead o$ their time, and it ta(es the rest o$ the 'orld a lon) time to accept them. 1t is the same 'ith the thin)s said in this boo(. 1t 'ill ta(e time $or most people to accept 'hat is said as the truth. 1nspiration has tra.eled around to di$$erent places and people at di$$erent times in history. 1t is currently in &merica, because 'e are creatin) all the )reat ne' in.entions, but it 'as in !hina at the time they created )unpo'der, the compass, etc. 1t 'as in E)ypt 'hen they built the pyramids, *reece in the $orm o$ &ristotle and Socrates. 1t 'as in Spain durin) the time o$ the con?uistadors, 6ome 'hen it created the best en)ineerin). 1t 'as in the Middle East at the time o$ &l">aBari. 1t 'as in Florence durin) the renaissance, Mienna durin) the )olden a)e o$ classical music. 1t 'as in *ermany, 'hen it in.ented Cet en)ines and roc(ets. 1t 'as in En)land 'hen the steam en)ine 'as in.ented and 'hen the industrial a)e started.


1n the past, these times o$ )reat inspiration in a )roup o$ people o$ten also mani$ested in military po'er and 'ar, ma(in) that place or country it happened in the most po'er$ul country in the 'orld. #his po'er o$ inspiration comes and )oes. 1talians are not 6omans, and none o$ the other places and people 1 mentioned are 'hat they 'ere. #he only di$$erence is the people that li.e there are no lon)er inspired more than other people. 1$ you study history, you can literally see the inspiration around throu)h di$$erent people at di$$erent times and places. 1t comes and )oes, and a personLs or nationAs po'er and )reatness comes and )oes 'ith it. &merica 'ill be the place inspiration stays the lon)est, because it is made up o$ people $rom e.ery'here. ns8iration can come and sta5 if 5ou learn the truth and the life. #his does not mean you 'ill al'ays be creatin) )reat in.entions or music, because 'hen you realiBe the ultimate truth, you realiBe those thin)s are not that important. ;ou realiBe that the only thin) that is important is and spreadin) the truth and the li$e. The $ible sa5s: B$lessed are those that ha*e suffered and found life.C Many artists belie.e you need to su$$er to be inspired to )reatness, but it is not necessary, and a 'aste o$ li$e. ;ou Cust need to (no' the truth and the li$e. Su$$erin) can destabiliBe the mind and let a little inspiration pass throu)h, so it does 'or(, but 'hy do it the hard 'ay 'hen there is no' a more pleasant 'ay< &lmost e.erythin) you are readin) no' came out o$ the air as inspiration. My inspirations come as re.elations o$ the truth. #he thin)s 1 )ot $rom other people are Cust to support the ne' re.elations in this boo(. :y de$inition, any truly ne' truth has to come $rom outside yoursel$ and the rest o$ the 'orld to really be ne'. 1$ somethin) is (no'n or eDists, it is not ne'. 9ll religions: arts and sciences are branches of the same tree. 9lbert +instein


)ow see life; 1n my boo(s, you 'ill see that 1 interpret thin)s Hmo.ies, music, the :ible, etc.I $rom my o'n uni?ue perspecti.e. 1t is o$ten much di$$erent than the authorAs interpretation. 1 see e.erythin) as comin) $rom 'hat 1 call the collecti.e unconscious mind. 6eli)ions call it the 4oly Spirit. 1 see t'o distinct cate)ories@ the animal mind and spiritual mind Hdi.ine mindI. &ll conscious, li$e $orms Hpeople and animalsI )et their bodies and li$e $rom one o$ the t'o cate)ories, or a combination o$ both. #hese minds permeate all o$ reality li(e radio ', but are not ener)y as 'e (no' it. 4umans and animals are tuned into these ' li(e a radio &ll animals eDcept humans and their pets are tuned to Cust the animal mind. 4umans, do)s and cats are )ettin) a combination o$ the t'o. Some are more animal than spiritual, and some ha.e more spiritual than animal. E.ery human is on a di$$erent combination. 5eople that can see the truth o$ li$e can tune into enou)h o$ the spiritual channels to connect 'ith the mind o$ *od Hthat 'hich creates the uni.erseI. Once you ma(e this connection, you lea.e the animal realm mentally, and 'ill lea.e it physically 'hen you die and are reborn. #hat is the )oal. >esus said, ELearn the meanin) o$ the creation 'hich surrounds you, and you 'ill percei.e the mysteries hidden $rom your si)ht, $or Eternal #ruth is recorded on all that eDists. 1 tell you the truth 'hen 1 say that there is nothin) hidden 'hich 'ill not be re.ealed to the person 'ho can read the creation o$ the Eloheim Hli$eI.E 3ot 8erfect; #his boo( is not per$ect. &nyone that can see the truth 'ould not eDpect it to be. #he reason is because the in$ormation comin) $rom the collecti.e unconscious has to pass throu)h my imper$ect animal mind. #hat said, it is the clearest, most accurate and complete eDplanation o$ the truth o$ li$e on earth. 1t has been at the top o$ the #ruth !ontest $or $i.e years. 1t 'ill remain in the top position until somethin) better is submitted to the contest. #his boo( is constantly bein) impro.ed and updated, so it should be re"read o$ten. 6epetition is necessary $or it to )o into your subconscious and chan)e your mind and your li$e. Re8etition; 1t is better to read this boo( and than to read other boo(s that are not as accurate and complete. 6eadin) other boo(s Cust sidetrac(s people $rom the best path. ;ou should also copy this boo( to your hard dri.e $rom time to time, Cust in case the $orces o$ deception remo.e it $rom the 1nternet.


Connected; :ein) connected mentally by )ra.ity and=or the earthLs ma)netic $ield or somethin) li(e that is not so $ar"$etched. Our minds are Cust bioelectrical acti.ity in our brains. *ra.ity and electro"ma)netic $ields are passin) throu)h our brains at all times. 1t 'ould be more surprisin) i$ they did not a$$ect us. *ra.ity is connected to e.erythin) in the in$inite uni.erse, so our minds could also be connected on a subconscious le.el. The future loo0s bright; Scientists say that the EarthLs ma)netic $ield 'ill re.erse in the near $uture. 1 'onder i$ it 'ill ha.e any e$$ect on man(ind. 1t probably 'ill not. 1$ somethin) does happen, it does not ha.e to be the end o$ the 'orld or some disaster. #here is actually a better chance o$ somethin) 'onder$ul happenin) to the human race than somethin) horrible. 9e are due. #here ha.e been a lot more bad times than )ood times in the last ten"thousand years. 9e ha.e been the cause o$ most o$ the bad times, but that does not matter. & bad time is a bad time. #he cause o$ it 'ill not stop the balancin) $orces $rom creatin) balance. Peace: lo*e and understanding; Our history has been $ull o$ 'ar, hate, $ear, despair and con$usion. 9e ha.e some peace, lo.e and understandin) comin). 9e should )et at least ten"thousand years o$ it to balance the last ten" thousand years. 9e spent the last ten"thousand years semi"asleep@ 'e should 'a(e up $or at least the neDt ten"thousand. 1nstead o$ the end o$ the 'orld, the odds are it 'ill be the be)innin) o$ a hea.en on earth. .ou are not de8endent on an5one. ;our spiritual $uture is not dependent on this 'orld turnin) into hea.en. #here is also a )ood chance it 'ill not happen, or not happen in your li$espan@ you could die be$ore it happens. ;ou are only dependent on the truth and the li$e. 1$ you (no' it, you are sa.ed@ i$ not, youLre not sa.ed. 1t 'ould help i$ people around you be)an to see the truth, and it should be the )oal o$ all man(ind, but you can only do 'hat you can do. 1$ the only thin) you can do is learn the truth and the li$e yoursel$, you ha.e done all you need to do. 1$ you learn the ultimate truth in this li$e, hea.en is )uaranteed in your neDt li$e, no matter 'hat happens to the rest o$ this 'orld. 0no'in) the truth not only )ets you to a place reli)ions call hea.en a$ter you die, it ) you the best possible li$e here and no'. 1t is the ultimate 'in"'in.


Section % & $ig Picture & Past and Future & Cha8ter %.1

1ife 9fter Keath

+*er5one dies: but almost no one reall5 li*es. 1ife after death; #he e.idence does not directly tell us 'hat happens a$ter 'e die, but that does not mean 'e cannot (no'. 9e can Cust ta(e 'hat 'e do (no' and proCect it into the $uture. 9hen the e.idence does not tell you directly 'hat 'ill happen, you can use eDtrapolation and deducti.e lo)ic to (no' 'hat 'ill happen. EDample: 'e do not (no' $or certain that the sun 'ill rise in the mornin). &ll 'e can (no' is 'hat has happened in the past and that nature 'ill (eep doin) 'hat it has done in the past unless somethin) happens to chan)e it. -sin) this method, 'e can be almost certain the sun 'ill rise in the mornin), because the Earth 'ill (eep turnin) and the sun 'ill (eep burnin) a 'hile lon)er. -sin) this method, 'e can (no' 'hat 'ill happen a$ter 'e die. #he $ollo'in) is 'hat eDtrapolatin) the (no'n e.idence says 'ill happen and 'hy. t ha88ened before; 9e (no' 'e 'ere born into this li$e and 'orld at least one time, our current #here is no e.idence that anythin) else happens or can happen. #he e.idence says only one thin)@ 'e are born, li.e, die and then do the same thin) a)ain. 1t sho's 'e e.ol.e as 'e )o throu)h the cycles. .ou are going to dieL =a5be toda5. This boo0 ma0es 5ou read5 for it. Keath; 1t is somethin) 'e ha.e been throu)h countless times. 1t is the endin) o$ your current physical li$e and body, includin) your mind. #he only thin) that your physical death other than your spirit is the position in the collecti.e unconscious you achie.ed in this li$espan. 1t $ocuses you Hyour spiritI in your neDt li$e at the a'areness le.el you achie.ed in this li$espan. E.eryone dies 'ith a dama)ed brain@ death happens as the result o$ your brain bein) dama)ed to the point that it can no lon)er contain your consciousness. 1n the collecti.e unconscious, you actually die at the hi)hest le.el you achie.ed in this li$e be$ore your brain 'as dama)ed, e.en i$ it 'as years be$ore. :ecause o$ this, people 'ho become mentally ill or ha.e brain inCuries that cause them to lose their memory and connection to the truth and li$e still )o to hea.en.


7uarantee; #he collecti.e unconscious loc(s you in 'hen you learn the ultimate truth, not necessarily 'hen your body dies physically. ;ou can lose the le.el o$ a'areness you achie.e in this li$e, no matter 'hat happens a$ter you learn the ultimate truth, because o$ the collecti.e unconscious. 1$ the collecti.e unconscious did not 'or( this 'ay, there 'ould be no e.olution. 9hen people die, their brains and thus their minds are compromised in one 'ay or another. :y de$inition, physical death causes you to lose e.erythin) physical, and this includes your brain=mind. #hus, e.eryone loses the truth be$ore they die. Our essential mind, or spiritual mind, has to be preser.ed outside our physical sel$ and 'hat 'e ha.e learned and (no', or there could not be any e.olutionary pro)ress. Since 'e can see that there is e.olutionary pro)ress, it has to 'or( this 'ay. E.en >esus lost it near the end 'hen he 'as on the cross. #hat is 'hy he said, FFather, 'hy ha.e you $orsa(en me<G 1t happens to e.eryone. $irth; 1t is the start o$ a ne' physical li$e cycle. ;our consciousness is startin) out in a ne' physical body and mind. ;our ne' mind is a blan( slate eDcept $or the instinctual le.el o$ mind i$ you are born a)ain on the animal le.el. ;our ne' mind is completely blan( i$ you come bac( as a spiritual bein) in hea.en. .ou were not afraid to be born@ wh5 be afraid to die> t is the same thing. :irth and death can be seen as Cust one e.ent, because that is the 'ay you 'ill percei.e it. #he transition is instantaneous $rom your perspecti.e. 7uiding angel; 3eath is your consciousness endin) in one body and be)innin) in another. #he collecti.e unconscious stays 'ith you al'ays li(e a )uidin) an)el and brin)s 'hat you learned 'ith you. 1t is 'ith you on a subconscious le.el i$ you come bac( on the animal le.el. 1t is 'ith you on a conscious le.el i$ you come bac( as a spiritual bein) in hea.en. Keath is as sure for that which is born: as birth is for that which is dead. $haga*ad 7ita Reincarnation; ;ou are immortal, so it is important to (no' 'hat you can come bac( as. ;ou can come bac( as the hi)hest $orm o$ animal li$e Hman(indI, as the lo'est $orm o$ animal li$e HbacteriaI, or you can rise abo.e the animal le.el and come bac( as a spiritual bein).


f 5ou die as an animal: 5ou are reborn as an animal. f 5ou die as a s8iritual being: 5ou are reborn as a s8iritual being: so it is im8ortant to become one. 1t all depends on your perspecti.e and le.el o$ a'areness you achie.e in this li$e. #he collecti.e unconscious connects 'ith you on di$$erent le.els o$ a'areness. ;ou are connected subconsciously to other souls or spirits that are as a'are o$ the truth and the li$e as you are. :irds o$ a $eather $loc( to)ether a$ter death. Together fore*er; 4o' can 'e (no' 'e 'ill be to)ether 'ith our lo.ed ones a$ter death< 9e 'ill be to)ether i$ our minds are to)ether no', because they are also to)ether in the collecti.e unconscious 'hich determines 'here and 'hat 'e are reborn as a$ter death. ;ou 'ill al'ays be 'ith those that (no' the truth and the li$e $ once you learn it. #his is 'hy you 'ant e.eryone you lo.e to (no' it. The m5th of hea*en; One o$ the bi) sellin) points o$ the myth o$ hea.en is you reCoin your lo.ed ones that ha.e died be$ore or a$ter you. #he myth says that you see your lo.ed ones the 'ay they loo(ed in this li$e. 1tAs not true@ you are born into ne', di$$erent bodies. #he only thin) that is the same is the spirit. !omin) bac( as you are does not ma(e sense, and no one 'ould really 'ant it to be true. 9hen a child dies, the parents eDpect them to still be a child 'hen they see them in hea.en a$ter they die. 3oes someone that dies as a child ha.e to stay in a childLs body $< 3o old )randmas stay old< 1t does not happen. #here is no Cud)e or Cud)ment 'hen you die@ you 'ill )o 'here li$e $orms li(e you )o. 1$ you li.e as an animal, youAll be an animal in the neDt li$e. 1$ you li.e as a spiritual bein), youAll continue to be one your neDt li$e. 9s ?ohn 1ennon said: B t is li0e getting out of one car and into another.C 7hosts; Spirits do not li.e 'ithout a physical body o$ one (ind or another. *hosts or disembodied spirits that tal( to people and haunt houses do not eDist. 1$ there 'ere )hosts 'here people die, e.ery hospital 'ould be haunted. ;our spirit needs a body to li.e Hbe conscious o$ li$eI. ;ou need $unctional eyes to see, or the blind could see. ;ou need ears to hear, .ocal cords to tal(, etc. 9hen you die, $rom your o'n perspecti.e, you are instantly reborn into another body inside the 'omb o$ your $uture mother. 9hen you lea.e the 'omb, you 'ill be in a ne' en.ironment that re$lects the le.el o$ a'areness you achie.ed in this li$espan. ;our le.el o$ a'areness in the collecti.e unconscious mind determines the nature o$ your ne' body and en.ironment. 1t is 'hat all the e.idence says is true. 1$ you learn the truth, you are born into a $amily 'ith the souls o$ people you are related to and=or lo.ed in this li$e and past i$ they are also on the same le.el o$ a'areness. ;ou 'ill e.entually be 'ith all your lo.ed ones in hea.en a$ter they learn the truth. 101

1$ you are a lo' li$e, you 'ill continue to be one in one body or another. 1$ you li.e in the animal mind, the best you can do is be as you are no' a)ain. #he 'orst you can do is start at the bottom o$ the e.olutionary cycle on Earth. -eOre all of us guinea 8igs in the laborator5 of 7od. )umanit5 is Aust a wor0 in 8rogress. Tennessee -illiams The c5cle of the mind; 9e (no' it can ta(e about three and a hal$ billion years to e.ol.e $rom plant bacteria to man(ind, but 'e did not ta(e that 'hole trip. 5lant li$e is not conscious li$e@ only animal li$e is, so 'e )ot on the e.olutionary ladder 'hen animal li$e be)an about se.en hundred million years a)o. Plant life does not ha*e consciousness or a mind li0e animal life does. Cambrian eH8losion; 9hen li$e became conscious, e.olution really started $ast. !onsciousness hoo(ed up e.olution more directly to the collecti.e unconscious, and this )reatly accelerated e.olution. 1$ you loo( at the $ossil e.idence, you 'ill see that about hal$ a billion years a)o, li$e eDploded on earth. 1t started .ery $ast. 1t did this as a direct result o$ consciousness. Come together; 9here 'e are no' has a lot in common 'ith the !ambrian eDplosion. #hen, 'e 'ent $rom sin)le cell animals to multiple cell animals. 9e had to in order to sur.i.e the $uture chan)es on the planet. Sin)le cells came to)ether $or the bene$it o$ all, and 'e are doin) it a)ain. -ithout the truth: it is e*er5 man for himself. -ith the truth: it is one for all and all for one. The truth and communication technolog5 are connecting us. 4uman bein)s are li(e bi), sin)le cell animals. 9e are not connected to each other consciously, and Cust a little bit on the subconscious le.el. 9e are in the process o$ connectin) 'ith each other in order to ta(e the neDt step in our e.olution. 9e 'ill connect spiritually 'hen the truth is realiBed. The bod5 is a unit: though it is made u8 of man5 8arts@ and though all its 8arts are man5: the5 form one bod5. So it is with followers of Christ. 1 Corinthians 12;12 The connection; #he ultimate truth 'ill connect us, and 'e 'ill become li(e one bi) or)anism. 1t 'ill ma(e the o$ the human race possible, and trans$orms us into spiritual bein)s as indi.iduals. 102

7ates of hea*en; !urrently, 'e are at the top o$ the e.olutionary cycle o$ this 'orld. #here is no'here to )o eDcept to the bottom and start, come bac( as a human a)ain, or e.ol.e into a spiritual bein). 9lwa5s getting better; Many people thin( that li$e 'ill al'ays )et better, that 'e are al'ays more and more. 1t is Cust 'ish$ul thin(in). #he e.idence does not support that. Our physical li$e cycle sho's that you physically pro)ress until about a)e thirty"$i.e, and then you physically start )oin) do'n hill, so thin)s do not al'ays )et better and better, do they< #hey only do i$ you (no' the truth. The e*idence shows that e*er5thing is going in a circle. ;ou cannot come bac( any'here in the middle o$ the e.olutionary cycle, because thin)s naturally )o in a complete circle. 1$ you cannot come bac( in the middle, it means you ha.e to come bac( at the end. ;ou 'ill ha.e to )o to the end o$ the line, or it 'ould not be $air to other animals in the e.olutionary line. *od=li$e is al'ays $air. +*olution: linear or c5clical; &ll animals are doin) the same thin)@ #he bi) ?uestion is, is it linear or cyclical< 1$ it is linear, 'e are 'ay ahead o$ all other animal li$e on earth. 1$ it is cyclical, 'e are ahead and behind, because 'e are ahead no', at the top o$ the cycle, but start at the bottom 'hen 'e die. 9e ha.e to assume it is a cycle, because e.erythin) else in the uni.erse is in a cycle. 9e ha.e to do 'hat has the best chance o$ the animal cycle $or a better realm. & better realm is possible, one 'here you do not eat each other and there is no pain, $ear, and death. Some reli)ions call it hea.en. #hey say the truth, learnin) it and spreadin) it, is the 'ay. Science and common sense say the same thin), so learnin) and spreadin) the truth o$ li$e is the 'ay to )o. The truth dictates that there are onl5 three wa5s to go when 5ou die. ;ou can )o to hea.en, start at the bottom o$ the cycle, or come bac( 'here you are no'. #he best o$ the three options 'ould be to mo.e on 'hile on is possible. 1$ you start at the bottom o$ the e.olutionary cycle, you 'ould ha.e to li.e in the animal 'orld, the 'orld o$ the $an) and cla', $or millions o$ li$e spans be$ore you )et bac( in this position a)ain. 9ho 'ants to do it a)ain< -e ha*e done it at least once@ wh5 do it again> 103

#he li$e you can see says you die, then start 9hy 'ouldnAt all o$ e.olution do the same thin)< 9e are at the top or end o$ it, so it 'ill start $or those that do not )et $ree $rom it 'hile they ha.e the chance. 8o' i$ some e.idence sho's up that indicates somethin) else, then maybe it could be di$$erent, but until then, 'e ha.e to )o 'ith the truth 'e can chec(. ;ou only ha.e to 'orry or be a$raid i$ you choose to i)nore the truth@ then you 'ould deser.e to ta(e the $all. 1$ you are )oin) to $ace the truth and li.e in it, you should be happy, not $ear, and li.e in lo.e and deser.e to )o to a hea.en, and your a'areness o$ the path you are on should ma(e you e.en happier. #rue or $alse< ;ou can only lea.e the animal cycle and become a spiritual bein) 'hen you are in our .ery rare position. 1$ you realiBe your true nature and be)in to li.e the li$e o$ a spiritual bein), you 'ill not )o to any animal le.el a)ain. "se it or lose it; #he only real di$$erence bet'een man(ind and all other animals is our ability to reason and thin( at a hi)h enou)h le.el to (no' the truth o$ li$e. #hus, our minds ha.e to be 'hat 'e ha.e to use to e.ol.e $urther. 9e ha.e to use 'hat e.ol.ed that set us apart $rom other animals. -e ha*e to use the last ste8 we too0 to ta0e the neHt ste8. 4ur onl5 Aob is to become more than we are while we can. f we do not use our abilit5 to 0now the truth of life: we ma5 lose it: and we ma5 ha*e to go to the end of the line. "ltimate 8ur8ose; Since 'e are the only animal 'ith a rational mind, 'e must use it $or its ultimate purpose. 9e are the only animal that can learn and understand the 'orld 'e li.e in. 8o other animal e.en (no's it is )oin) to die. #here can only be one ultimate purpose $or man(ind, and that is to transcend or e.ol.e past the animal 'orld. ?esus said 5ou must be born again to see hea*en. ?esus said 5ou must be born of s8irit to get to hea*en. 1$ you die Cust as i)norant o$ truth as an animal, you cannot be anythin) more in the neDt li$e. ;ou ha.e to chan)e yoursel$ 'hile you can. ;ou ha.e to become more than Cust a smart animal 'hile you can. ;ou ha.e to learn the truth o$ li$e. =ost 8eo8le now are Aust mon0e5s with car 0e5s. 10

+*er5one is li*ing li0e an animal until the5 0now the truth and li*e the life. E.en people that are a )ood, moral li$e are still animals@ they are Cust 'ell beha.ed animals. !riminals are the ob.ious animals, but at least they are bein) honest to their true nature. #hey are Cust actin) ho' an animal acts. Criminals; !riminals li.e li(e animals. #he 'orst is the serial (iller, a recent and alarmin) de.elopment in our society. Serial (illers are actually doin) 'hat comes natural to animals. &ll predatory animals li.e li(e serial (illers. Serial 0illers; 3o you (no' that serial (illers and sadomasochistic (illers are becomin) an epidemic< #hese are people that )et o$$ seDually by the pain and $ear o$ people they hurt. #hey )et pleasure $rom controllin), possessin), and (illin) people. 1t is the beast, the predator=prey in its purest $orm. Costs e*er5thing; 1t is the natural 'ay all lo'er animals li.e and al'ays ha.e li.ed. #he predator=prey relationship is the animal 'orld, so people, a lot o$ people, are )oin) bac( to their animal"sel$, because they see no other )ood 'ay to )o, no reason not to do it. 6eli)ion is $oolish in its current $orm@ people do not belie.e it e.en i$ they say they do, so it is not a po'er$ul enou)h incenti.e to be moral and nice to others. Money='ealth does not brin) $ul$illment, so some $i)ure, 'hy not ha.e some animal satis$action< #hey are )oin) bac( to animal beha.ior that actually does $ul$ill them $or a short 'hile, but it costs them e.erythin). Only the truth can )i.e people a real, concrete reason to be moral. 1t also ) them more than animal $ul$illment, so they 'ill rise abo.e the animal. #here is a lot o$ animal satis$action in .iolent and predatory animal beha.ior, and that is 'hy some people do it. #he ?uestion they need to as( is: 1s it 'orth the price< E.eryone, e.en )ood people, ha.e to as( this ?uestion. #he sta(es could not be hi)her@ hea.en $, or millions o$ years and millions o$ $i)hts to the death to cla' your 'ay bac( up the $ood chain. 1$ criminals (ne' the truth, they 'ould chan)e their 'ays@ 'e should tell them.
The $ible sa5s: some will be sa*ed b5 lo*e and some will be sa*ed b5 fear.


Section % & $ig Picture - Past and Future; Cha8ter %.2

)ell; 6eli)ions say hell is a place o$ $ire and brimstone Hsul$urI. 1t Cust so happens that li$e at the bottom o$ the animal e.olutionary cycle around sul$ur spe'in) .olcanoes at the bottom o$ the ocean miles belo' the sur$ace.

The 8hotogra8h abo*e is of hell. #he hell described in the :ible is a real place on earth. 1t is the most hostile en.ironment 'here animal li$e is $ound on earth. 1$ you )o to the bottom o$ the e.olutionary cycle, the be)innin) o$ the cycle, you )o to a place li(e the place described as hell. & coincidence< Most o$ the popular descriptions o$ hell 'ere described by 'riters li(e Milton, :la(e and 3ante, and many reli)ions ha.e adopted parts o$ these popular descriptions. Sul$ur, 'ater Hthe la(eI, a un?uenchable $ire, a deep pit, dar(, abyss, cold, 'orms, and the other thin)s that hell is described as are not $ound in any other en.ironments 'here li$e is $ound. #he place in those pictures is the only place. #hese .ents are also 'here the $irst li$e on earth 'as $ound, the actual bottom o$ our e.olutionary cycle. #he odds o$ it bein) a coincidence are impossibly hi)h. -ntil Cust recently, 'e did not (no' that any li$e could li.e in super heated 'ater miles do'n at the bottom o$ the ocean. #he $ood chain starts do'n there 'ith bacteria that $eed on sul$ur Hhydro)en sul$ideI that comes out o$ .olcanic .ents in the ocean $loor. Scientists recently disco.ered that this bacterium 'as the .ery $irst animal li$e on earth, the start o$ the animal e.olutionary cycle. Mideo: www.5outube.comNwatch>*JK(2h7*Cs-g9 10+

#he .ents are called blac( smo(ers, because they spe' blac(, sul$ur"$illed, super"heated 'ater. & $e' $eet $rom the .ents, the 'ater is $reeBin) cold. 1t is totally dar(, as blac( as in(. 3o light reaches that de8th of water. #he 0oran actually describes hell as a place 'ith boilin) 'ater and $reeBin) cold 'ater. 3o you (no' o$ any other place on Earth that has li$e and those eDact conditions< #here is no other place li(e it. 1t is the hell described by reli)ions. .ou ha*e made 5our wa5 from worm to man: and much in 5ou is still worm. Friedrich 3ietGsche 7iant tubeworms; Many descriptions o$ hell mention 'orms. *iant blood" red tube'orms eat the bacteria that li.e around the .olcanic .ents. #he bacteria actually li.e in the 'ormLs )ut, in the belly o$ the beast, in a symbiotic relationship 'ith the 'orm.

#he blood"red tube'orms pictured abo.e )ro' up to nine $eet lon) and can be t'o hundred years old. #hese animals li.e in total dar(ness, miles beneath the sur$ace o$ the ocean. E.en the color is eDactly the color o$ the mythical &t the bottom o$ our e.olutionary ladder is a $orm o$ bacteria that actually in the 'ormLs stomach. #here are many more bacteria in their stomachs than there are human bein)s on the Earth. #his is a $act. The worm is s8read under thee: and the worms co*er thee. saiah 1#;11 10/ in the )ut o$ a nine"$oot 'orm, thousands o$ $eet do'n at the bottom o$ the pitch blac(, $reeBin) cold ocean, neDt to scaldin) hot .ents is 'here the bottom o$ the $ood chain is $ound. There are trillions more souls in hell than there are human beings on +arth. 4ell is also depicted as a bein) eaten by beasts. 1$ you return to the bottom o$ the $ood chain, you 'ill be eaten ali.e by other animals millions o$ times be$ore you e.ol.e into a human bein) a)ain. 9e already did it at least once@ 'e had to, to )et to 'here 'e are no'. 9e (no' humans e.ol.ed directly $rom that place. 8inety"percent o$ the space and most o$ li$e on earth is in the ocean. 1$ you are not interested in learnin) the ultimate truth, 1 hope you li(e the 'ater. 3e*er forget 'hat 'e had to )o throu)h to )et to 'here 'e are no'. 9e li.ed $or millions o$ years in a sa.a)e 'orld. 9e need to remember 'here 'e came $rom to (no' appreciate ho' luc(y 'e are to be 'here 'e are no' and ho' easy it 'ould be to )o bac( 'here 'e came $rom. ?ust a few minutes. Those who do not remember the 8ast are doomed to re8eat it. t is true. ;ou ha.e to (no' the situation to ta(e ad.anta)e o$ it. 9hat separates us $rom the beast is 'e can (no' the situation. 9e can (no' the truth, lea.e the cycle. 9e also ha.e to remember it a$ter 'e (no' it. #he problem is that most people $or)et that their true purpose is to escape the animal realm. 5eople )et cau)ht up in their e.eryday and $or)et. ;ou ha.e to li.e in the truth at all times. To forget oneMs 8ur8ose is the commonest form of stu8idit5. Friedrich 3ietGsche Farthest from the light; #hose bacteria are $arthest $rom the li)ht, both in distance and time. #he 'ay a bacteria $eels is balanced li(e all animal li$e, so bein) one is not any better or 'orse than bein) any other animal li$e $orm. 9hat ma(es it the 'orst thin) to be is you are the $arthest a'ay $rom 'here 'e are no', the $arthest a'ay $rom *od=li$e and hea.en. #he bacteria are se.en" hundred million years a'ay, ma(in) it the 'orst place on Earth, the real hell. Someone has to be bacteria, a lot o$ some ones. #here are more bacteria than human bein)s, a lot more. 9hy are they 'here they are, and 'hy are you 'here you are< 9hat did they do to )et 'here they are< 9hat did 'e do to )et 'here 'e are< 9e did not do anythin) and they did not do anythin). 9e are both Cust animal li$e $orms in di$$erent places in the e.olutionary cycle on Earth. & li$e $orm can really only do one thin) that matters, and that is to learn the truth and the li$e and become a spiritual bein). ;ou can only do it 'here 'e are no'. 9re 5ou on the 8ath of truth> 10,

Section % & $ig Picture & Past and Future & Cha8ter %.!

True Past
-e were in the sou8; For millions o$ years, 'e li.ed as bacteria. #he oceans 'ere li(e a bacteria soup 'ith trillions o$ bacteria and dyin). 1t too( a lon) time to e.ol.e past bacteria. 1t is a (no'n scienti$ic $act that this is true. Primordial sou8; 9e 'ere sin)le cell animals $or more than ei)hty percent o$ the time 'e ha.e been on Earth. 1$ there is a man=*od in the s(y 'atchin) us, *od 'atched nothin) but bacteria $or millions o$ years. *et a microscope, ta(e a loo( at the 'orld o$ your past, and see ho' lon) you can 'atch them. #hin( about it, i$ there 'as a man=*od in the s(y 'atchin) us, he spent millions o$ years 'atchin) bacteria, and millions more 'atchin) insects, dinosaurs and other assorted borin), predictable beasts until 'e e.ol.ed into man(ind Cust a $e' thousand years a)o. Man(ind is a .ery ne' $orm o$ li$e $or us. 4umans 'ere on earth $or about t'o hundred thousand years, and only appeared to *od in the last siD thousand years, accordin) to the :ible. #hat means $or 2%O o$ time, he did nothin). 9hat about those people< 9hen *od did sho' up, he chose the 'orst place on earth, the dumbest, most .iolent people that li.ed in the Middle East. 9hy did he completely i)nore the more ad.anced and ci.iliBed !hinese< 4e i)nored e.eryone eDcept those in the Middle East. 9hen you see the bi) picture, you realiBe that i$ a story is localiBed, it is made up by the people in that area. & *od o$ all man(ind 'ould not i)nore most o$ man(ind, 'ould he< 1ife cloc0; 1$ the time li$e e.ol.ed on earth 'as reduced to a t'enty $our hour day, human bein)s e.ol.ed Cust t'o seconds $rom the end o$ the day. -e ta0e being human for granted. )ow can we do that with what we 0now now> -e crawled on this earth for a lot longer than we ha*e wal0ed on it. 9e 'ere on the eDact same earth 'e are on no'. 9e loo(ed up at the same s(y and sa' the same moon, sun and stars. #he only di$$erence is 'e 'ere in a di$$erent type o$ body. 9e e.ol.ed $rom them, so the odds are 'e 'ere them. 102

>ust as you are loo(in) out o$ human eyes no', you loo(ed out o$ the eyes o$ a dinosaur. Li$e loo(ed the same@ the only real di$$erence is that you 'ere loo(in) $rom a di$$erent body. ;ou should ima)ine 'hat in other bodies 'as li(e. -hen the dinosaurs went eHtinct: we went eHtinct as dinosaurs. 7et it> Soul migration; >ust as ener)y cannot be created or destroyed, it is the same 'ith li$e. 9hen one li$e $orm or species )oes eDtinct, another $ills the .oid, and the soul HyouI )oes $rom body to body, species to species, reptile to mammal, etc. &s >ohn Lennon said@ death is li(e )ettin) out o$ one car and into another. 9hen one model becomes obsolete, it is replaced 'ith a di$$erent, better model. Li$e does the same thin). >ust as cars ha.e e.ol.ed $rom the model E#E to the models o$ today, animal li$e e.ol.ed $rom bacteria to humans, and the dri.ers HusI remained the same. &$ter the initial conscious li$e HsoulsI came to earth as bacteria, the e.idence says all animal li$e, includin) us, e.ol.ed $rom them, but the initial souls had to come $rom some'here besides earth. =ost 8eo8le do not see that there is absolute 8roof that souls migrated from some 8lace other than earth. Four and a half billion 5ears ago: there was no life on earth: so all life had to come from somewhere else. Soul mi)ration means that reincarnation is true. #he alternati.e, the you only li.e once theory, ma(es no sense. 1t 'ould mean that i$ you 'ere a ma))ot, or a rat, you )ot to li.e as only a ma))ot, rat, or one o$ the trillions o$ other types o$ li$e $orms one time, and that 'as it $or all o$ eternity. $ig realiGation; 9hen you read boo(s and 'atch #M pro)rams about e.olution, they al'ays tal( about the animals li(e 'e 'ere not them. 1n the near $uture, people are )oin) to ma(e the connection and see 'hat the e.idence is really sayin). &c(no'led)in) our true past is the neDt bi) step $or man(ind. The real missing lin0; 9hen it happens, man(ind 'ill start trans$ormin) into spiritual bein)s in the e.olutionary t'in(lin) o$ an eye, Cust as the :ible says. Most people cannot $athom Cust ho' lon) 'e li.ed as sa.a)e animals, and they need to in order to realiBe ho' ne' bein) in a human body is $or us. 110

9 billion is a big number; 1$ you start countin) non"stop, day and ni)ht, se.en days a 'ee(, and said a ne' number e.ery second, it 'ould ta(e almost thirty"t'o years $or you to count to a billion. &nimal li$e is almost one billion years old. 1$ you put those seconds into years, you )et an idea o$ ho' lon) 'e ha.e been on earth as some other $orm o$ li$e. Someone had to be those animals, and since 'e e.ol.ed directly $rom them, it had to be us. 8othin) else 'ould ma(e sense. 9e cannot recall any o$ our past, because 'hen one o$ our bodies dies, our minds and memories die 'ith it, but no' 'e (no', and this 'ill chan)e us. The truth sets 5ou free; 9e may not remember 'e li.ed be$ore, but 'e no' (no' 'e did. 9e ha.e to act on that (no'led)e i$ 'e do not 'ant to )o throu)h the e.olutionary cycle a)ain. #he truth sets you $ree $rom the animal cycle. Time machine; 1$ you could )et in a time machine and )o bac( in time at the rate o$ one hundred years per second, you 'ould only be man(ind $or about t'o minutes and in a human body $or about t'enty minutes. For the neDt thirteen"point"ei)ht H13.,I hours, you 'ould be in the body o$ apes and mon(eys. &$ter you )o bac( about se.en and a hal$ days, at one hundred years per second, you 'ould be in the body o$ a dinosaur. For the rest o$ the neDt t'enty $i.e years )oin) bac( at the rate o$ one hundred years per second, you 'ould be in an animal body that is belo' the dinosaur le.el. Most o$ the time, you 'ould be in the ocean, mostly as a $orm o$ bacteria. #he roc( at the top o$ Mount E.erest is marine limestone created by the shells o$ trillions o$ creatures that died at the bottom o$ the ocean. 9e 'ere there 'hen that roc( $ormed. Some o$ those shells could be our shells. #hat roc( mo.ed $rom the bottom o$ the ocean to the top o$ the hi)hest mountain at about one inch per year. 9e 'ere durin) that same time into humans. &ll 'e 'ere 'as $ood in the $ood chain until Cust recently. ;ou ha.e been eaten ali.e millions o$ times by e.ery species o$ predator that li.ed. Shar0s; 1$ you belie.e a man=*od eDists, he must ha.e li(ed shar(s the best, because they ha.e been on earth $or $our hundred and $i$ty" million years, lon)er than any other .ertebrate. #he coc(roach has li.ed unchan)ed $or three hundred million years. 111

Ca*emen; 8eanderthals li.ed on this earth $or t'o hundred and $i$ty" thousand years lon)er than modern humans, and at least $orty times lon)er than man(ind. 1$ a man=*od created all this, the e.idence sho's he really li(ed brutal, animal"li(e ca.emen. 9as he 'atchin) those sa.a)e brutes all that time< Fi$teen"million years a)o, the (in) o$ all shar(s li.ed. 1t had the most po'er$ul bite o$ any animal. 1t 'as called a Me)alodon, and 'as the siBe o$ a Cumbo Cet. 1t li.ed in all the 'orldLs oceans $or millions o$ years lon)er than humans ha.e been here. #hey 'ere the top predator, Cust as 'e are no'. 9e li.ed in that 'orld. -e were them and their 8re5: mostl5 whales. 4ur s8irit went from 8redator to 8re5 and bac0 again for million of 5ears. 4ur s8irit bounced bac0 and forth from 8redator to 8re5 and s8ecies to s8ecies as we e*ol*ed. #hose dinosaur bones 'e are al'ays di))in) up 'ere part o$ someoneLs body that li.ed a lon) time a)o. 1t is no di$$erent than di))in) up the s(eleton o$ a human that li.ed lon) a)o. :ones are proo$ o$ a bein) that li.ed be$ore. & million years $rom no', someone could di) up the bones that are in our bodies no'. 9ould people understand that they belon)ed to someone that really li.ed< 9ould they understand that the bones could ha.e been theirs< 9ould they realiBe that they could be di))in) up their o'n bones $rom another li$e they li.ed< 166P of the e*idence sa5s it is true. There is no other e*idence: 8eriod. 9e ha.e thousands o$ museums o$ natural history $illed 'ith the hard e.idence o$ our e.olution, and there is no hard e.idence that anythin) else happened. Rational mind; & rational mind is the only thin) that separates us $rom the lo'er animals. 1$ 'e do not use it, 'e are not usin) 'hat ma(es us special and superior to other animals. 9e are ) up 'hat ma(es us di$$erent $rom other animals. 1$ you do not use the rational mind, you are not usin) the one thin) you need to use to learn the truth and ta(e the neDt step in e.olution. 6eason is 'hat 'e )ained in our last step in e.olution. 1t is 'hat ma(es us man(ind. 9e no' ha.e to use it to ta(e the neDt step and become spiritual bein)s. -se it or lose it. 9hen literally all o$ the e.idence says e.olution is true, and there is Bero" percent hard e.idence $or anythin) else, a rational honest person has to accept the $act that 'e came $rom lo'er animals. 1t is 'hat a rational mind 'ould conclude. 112

f 5ou do not ha*e a rational mind: that is what is not right: not e*olution. The e*idence is sacred; 1t is the most sacred thin) that there is, because it re.eals the truth, and that is the truth. #he truth re.eals true li$e and sets you $ree. 7od is the e*idence@ the e*idence is 7od. The e*idence; #he bones are $ound on our planet in the dirt 'e no' 'al( on, and 'e (no' their a)e $or certain. #heir a)es $it per$ectly 'ith ho' lon) it 'ould ta(e to e.ol.e $rom them to us. E.erythin) adds up per$ectly. #he bones are $rom animals that are in our direct )enetic line. 9e are )enetically less than t'o"percent di$$erent $rom chimpanBees. 9e are )enetically connected to all animal li$e that li.ed on this planet, includin) the bacteria by those hot .ents in the ocean. 3inosaurs had t'o eyes, a brain, bac(bones, hearts, lun)s, stomachs, blood, mouths, noses, ears and $our limbs. #hey had the same basics 'e ha.e no' as humans. #hey slept, ate, mated, and 'ere born and died, Cust as 'e do no'. Kifferent; Most people are doin) the same thin)s@ 'hat ma(es them di$$erent< 9e can and must do 'hat they did, but 'e must also do 'hat only 'e can do to ma(e us truly di$$erent. 9hen 'e really do, 'e really lea.e the animal realm. The e*idence sa5s that we were them: that 'e e.ol.ed $rom them. #here is no e.idence that 'e come $rom some'here else. #hus, 'e ha.e to conclude it is true until there is some better e.idence that 'e came $rom some'here else. +*er5thing in this boo0 Aust sa5s what the e*idence sa5s: what 7od sa5s. #here 'ill be any other e.idence, because it 'ould ha.e to say the bones 'ere planted Cust to $ool us, and that ma(es no sense at all. 9e all (no' 'hat the truth is@ 'e are Cust in denial. #he truth is the truth, and it is 'hat sets you $ree. -e 0now we wal0ed the earth in the bodies of dinosaurs for eight hundred times longer than we ha*e been in human bodies. This is the first boo0 about 8h5sical and s8iritual truth based on realit5. 113

#here are many boo(s about 'hat is true, but this is the $irst one that Cust says 'hat the e.idence says is true. #he truth is reality@ nothin) more, nothin) less. #here are ten million (no'n species o$ animals on earth. #here may be as many as one hundred million species. 9e are Cust one o$ them, nothin) more or less. The truth is Aust what it loo0s li0e it is. )ow could it be an5thing else> The truth is: human beings are a small new twig on our e*olutionar5 tree. Our spirit 'as not Cust the t'i), it has been the 'hole tree o$ li$e on this planet. This is im8ortant news to 8eo8le: but most will den5 their true 8ast. 4uman bein)s are Cust one o$ millions o$ di$$erent species o$ li$e on earth. 9e are nothin) special in the eyes o$ creation. 9e are Cust le)ions in our o'n minds and ha.e created myths to )lori$y, not *od. 9re we intelligent beings> 9e are special in the sense that 'e ha.e a rational mind, but that is not a bi) deal, especially i$ you misuse it and spread deception, or do not use it at all. The life of all animals below humans is fundamentall5 the same. #he creator has $a.ored other li$e $orms much more than human bein)s. :acteria is by $ar the predominate li$e $orm on the planet. 1t is really their planet. Microbial li$e has been here lon)est, and there are more o$ them than anythin) else no'.
f man0ind destro5s itself: bacteria will sur*i*e and e*olution will start o*er.

:acteria are becomin) resistant to all o$ our antibiotic dru)s and may (ill man(ind o$$ in the near $uture. 9e should put more money into 'innin) that $uture 'ar. 9e are not more po'er$ul than them. 9e ha.e the brains, but they ha.e the numbers. #heir numbers could easily pre.ail our intelli)ence i$ 'e do not start puttin) more o$ our resources into counterin) this comin) 'ar. 1t 'ill be a real contest bet'een and *oliath, and the little )uy 'on in that story. 11

Out o$ si)ht may be out o$ mind, but the truth is, bacteria are e.ery'here, ali.e and conscious o$ li$e, Cust as 'e are. 1$ you loo( throu)h a microscope at them, you can see $or yoursel$. #hey eat and di)est $ood, are born, die, reproduce, sleep, and a.oid a.ersi.e stimuli Cust as 'e do. 9hat ma(es us di$$erent, our minds< 6i)ht no' 'e use our minds to $i)ht 'ars, to destroy the en.ironment, and to decei.e 1$ anythin), 'e are usin) our minds to be less than they are. &t least they li.e in the present and are more a'are o$ li$e than man(ind is no'. #he only real di$$erence is that 'e can be di$$erent i$ 'e learn the ultimate truth. 9e are di$$erent only in (no'led)e and the ability to understand the 'orld around us. 1$ 'e do nothin) 'ith it, 'e are no di$$erent at all, and 'e 'ill remain as animals, but not at the top o$ the $ood chain. #he 'heel o$ li$e (eeps turnin). Put on the new man: which is renewed in 0nowledge after the image of him that created him. Colossians !;16 9e are di$$erent only in (no'led)e and the ability to understand the 'orld around us. 1$ 'e do nothin) 'ith it, 'e are no di$$erent at all and 'ill stay an animal. -aste our ad*antage; :ein) thin(in) creatures is Cust a small di$$erence, but this small di$$erence can ma(e all the di$$erence i$ 'e use it. #his is 'hy 'e do not 'ant to 'aste our intelli)ence that myths are the truth. 1t ma(es our )reater intelli)ence useless and ma(es us no better than any other animal. 1$ 'e are not any better than an animal, 'e 'ill continue to be one. See clearl5; E.olution in action is the most terri$yin) thin) there is. 8ature is beauti$ul, but it is also a slau)hter house, eat and be eaten. 9hen e.eryone really sees animal nature $or 'hat it is, it 'ill scare people into becomin) somethin) other than an animal. #rue (no'led)e o$ nature 'ill e.ol.e us out o$ it. 0no'led)e o$ nature, e.olution, and our true past ma(es it possible to lea.e the animal realm. The wheel of life; ;ou ha.e been 'here li$e has been in the past. ;ou had to be there to be 'here you are no'@ 'e e.ol.ed $rom them. ;ou 'ill be there a)ain unless you become a spiritual bein) and lea.e the animal e.olutionary cycle. & li$e $orm only )ets to be on top so lon), as the 'heel o$ li$e (eeps turnin). RareNluc05; #here are more bacteria on your s(in and inside your body than there are human bein)s on the 'hole planet. #his $act should emphasiBe Cust ho' rare and luc(y it is to be human. .ou can chec0 this is true for 5ourself. 11%

1$ there is a man=*od in the s(y, he li(ed all the other $orms 'e 'ere in more than our current $orm. #he dinosaurs, the ultimate in $an) and cla', 'al(ed the same earth 'e are no' 'al(in) $or at least $orty thousand times lon)er than human bein)s ha.e. 9e 'al(ed, s'am, and cra'led $or a lot lon)er in other bodies. The truth is the truth 5ou can chec0: and it is the truth that sets 5ou free. Ken5 the e*idence; 1$ you deny the e.idence, you are denyin) the truth=*od. Some people belie.e the e.idence 'as planted to $ool the rational, honest people. 6eli)ious people 'ill say anythin) to han) on to the myths, e.en that the e.idence o$ the past 'as planted by *od to test peoplesL $aith in the :ible. 9e need to $i)ht $or the truth as hard as they $i)ht $or the myths to 'in the battle $or the minds o$ the human race. 9e ha.e the e.idence on our side, so 'e 'ill 'in. The truth is what it loo0s li0e it is: and all honest: rational 8eo8le 0now it. The truth is no fair5tale. t was inconcei*abl5 long and brutal and should scare the hell out of 5ou. The $ible sa5s fear is the beginning of wisdom. Coincidence; #he :iblical and historical descriptions o$ hell are Cust too close to the 'ay the actual bottom o$ the e.olutionary cycle is to be Cust a coincidence. 1t has to be the 'or( o$ the collecti.e unconscious, and this is proo$ it eDists. 1t mana)ed to )et the truth in reli)ious boo(s, li(e the :ible, be$ore the people 'ho li.ed 'hen it 'as 'ritten had any possibility o$ (no'in) the truth. 1t is a si)n to sho' man(ind the truth no' as to the eDistence o$ an intelli)ence outside o$ us. The truth is in the $ible; #his the collecti.e unconscious eDists, and that it is tryin) to tell us the ultimate truth 'ith 'hat is 'ritten in reli)ious boo(s. The $ible is tangible 8roof that there is a subconscious force in our li*es. Son of man; 1t is interestin) that the :ible re$ers to >esus as the Eson o$ manE many times more than it re$ers to him as the son o$ *od. #he accepted story o$ >esus is that he 'as the son o$ *od, not the son o$ man.


-hich is it; the son of 7od or the son of man> 9hy is it e.en in the :ible< 1t contradicts the story. 1t is a si)n $or us to 'hen 'e can understand its meanin). 6eli)ious boo(s are $ull o$ si)ns. .ou become the son of man if 5ou gi*e birth to 5ourself. 1$ you interpret Fson o$ manG literally, that is the only thin) it can mean. 9hen you are born a)ain in your current body, you become the son o$ man, the son o$ your o'n mind, the son o$ yoursel$. ;ou become 'hat the :ible says >esus 'as. ?esus said 5ou must be born again to see hea*en. ?esus said 5ou must be born of s8irit to get to hea*en. 9hen you learn the truth and the li$e, you become the o$$sprin) or creation o$ yoursel$, your o'n mind. #hus, you literally become the son o$ man. ?esus said: B4nl5 men not born of woman will see hea*en.C #here are t'o si)ns in the $ollo'in) ?uote $rom the :ible:B$ehold the man has become as one of us to 0now good and e*il: now lest he 8ut forth his hand and ta0e also from the tree of life and eat and li*e fore*er.C $ecome as one of us; 9hy is that in the :ible< 1t basically says there is more than one )od, and 'e can be one. 1t is eDactly the opposite o$ 'hat people belie.e the :ible says. #hey belie.e there is only one *od, and the best 'e can do is li.e in his (in)dom. E&nd 74K said, LE# "S ma(e man in 4"R image: a$ter 4"R li0eness.E *enesis 1:2+ Could it be more clear> Can 5ou see what the $ible sa5s> &ll the Semitic reli)ions, >e's, !hristians, and Muslims, belie.e in the old testament o$ the :ible and are monotheists. #hey belie.e in one *od, so 'hy is that .erse at the be)innin) o$ *enesis, the .ery $irst boo( o$ the :ible< 9hen somethin) is there that should not be, it is a si)n that sho's us the 'ay.


Signs; #here can only be one reason the si)ns are there. 1t has to be the 'or( o$ the collecti.e unconscious to sho' us the truth, to sho' us the 'ay. 1t is hidden truth, a si)n $or us to see no' that the time is ri)ht to see it and understand it. & si)n is somethin) that should not be there, but is. #hat is 'hat ma(es it stand out to those that are a'are enou)h to see them. & si)n $rom the collecti.e unconscious is Cust li(e a road si)n that sho's you the 'ay to )o. =an5 more; #he si)ns 1 ha.e re.ealed here are Cust the most ob.ious si)ns in the :ible to sho' there are si)ns. #hey point the 'ay to other hidden truth in the :ible and other reli)ious 'ritin)s. #here is hidden truth all throu)hout the :ible. Creation *s. e*olution; !reationists ar)ue that li$e is too complicated $or it to ha.e Cust happened, and they are ri)ht. #here is intelli)ent desi)n, but the desi)ner is not an old man that in the s(y. #here is no e.idence that the intelli)ence comes $rom a bein). #he too complicated ar)ument is $la'ed, because the creator 'ould ha.e to be more complicated than the creation. 9hat created the creator< 1$ you are )oin) to say somethin) al'ays eDisted, 'hy not Cust accept that creation al'ays eDisted< 9e (no' it eDists, but there is no e.idence that an old man in the s(y or any all"po'er$ul li$e $orm eDists. #he creationists ar)ue that e.olution has some missin) lin(s in the $ossil e.idence, and they 'ould be ri)ht, but no one 'ould eDpect $or there not to be a $e' missin) thin)s. 9e are luc(y 'e ha.e e.idence $or most o$ it. 9e may or may not $ind all the e.idence, but it does not matter. & $e' minor thin)s missin) does not chan)e the $act that there is'helmin) e.idence that the theory o$ e.olution is true. 1n the 38& e.idence, there is nothin) missin). #he creationists are sayin) that e.idence matters, yet they ha.e absolutely no e.idence to support their mythical theories. !reationists must not see ho' stupid they loo( 'hen they ar)ue a)ainst hard scienti$ic e.idence and lo)ic. #hey are not helpin) their interpretation o$ reli)ion 'ith their irrational ar)uments. #hey say the $e' missin) bits o$ e.idence mean e.olution is not true, so they are admittin) that e.idence matters, yet they ha.e none to support their theories. #he interestin) thin) is that the truth is actually in the :ible, but the people that are currently into reli)ion do not (no' 'hat it is. #he truth is, e.olution and creation both happened and are happenin) ri)ht no'. Science and religion are both right. 11,

The $ible sa5s: B n the beginning was the word: and the word was with 7od: and the word was 7od.C 1t is a )ood eDample o$ a statement in the :ible that contains the truth and also hides it and misleads people. Most people ha.e ta(en that sentence to mean that e.erythin) that is said in the :ible is the 'ord o$ *od. #he truth is, all the 'ords in the :ible come $rom men 'ho 'ere not inspired prophets, and they could not help but misinterpret them. The beginning or creation of man0ind did come with the word or words. 4uman bein)s be)an to spea( and thin( in 'ords about ten thousand years a)o, about the same time the :ible says creation happened. & coincidence< The $ible sa5s the word became flesh. 1n other 'ords, the mind became $lesh. 1t did 'hen the mind too( complete control o$ our bodies. The stor5 in the $ible of the beginning is actuall5 the stor5 of the end. t sa5s Bthe word was 7od:C so that means 7od will become flesh@ it will now. B n the beginning was the word.C 1t 'as the be)innin) o$ man(ind, o$ mind (ind. #he mind o$ man(ind did not eDist be$ore 'ords, thou)hts in 'ords and most importantly, inspiration. Once the mind learns the truth, it becomes *od. The word Bins8irationC means breath of life. #he :ible says *od created man by breathin) into &damLs nose, ) him the breath o$ li$e. 1n other 'ords, *od )a.e the intellect to human bein)s and made it possible $or humans to recei.e (no'led)e $rom outside #his chan)ed human bein)s into man(ind. 9hen humans became intelli)ent, inspired bein)s, mind"(ind 'as created. #he :ible 'as ri)ht a)ain@ *od=li$e created our 'orld, the 'orld o$ man(ind, about ten"thousand years a)o in the Middle East. !reation and e.olution both happened@ science and reli)ion are both ri)ht as to the creation o$ man(ind. )uman beings ha*e been on earth for about two hundred thousand 5ears: but man0ind was created about ten thousand 5ears ago: as the $ible sa5s. 112

#he $amous paintin) o$ creation that Michelan)elo painted on the Sistine !hapel ceilin) has a recently disco.ered hidden si)n in it. #he picture depicts *od reachin) out his hand to &dam, and people ha.e al'ays interpreted it as the moment *od )a.e man li$e. 8o' 'e can see that the picture o$ *od is also a picture o$ the human brain. 1t can only mean one thin)@ that *od is ) &dam the intellect, or mind. Michelan)elo did not do it@ the 4oly Spirit did it $or us. !hec( the lin( belo': www.theca*eonline.comN9P+)Nmichelangelosbrain.html ntelligent design; E.olution and intelli)ent desi)n both happened and are both happenin) no'. #he uni.ersal mind $ound in our collecti.e unconscious is the intelli)ence in nature. Karwin; 3ar'in 'as unconscious $actor that o$ the $ittest. 1t is not a intelli)ence, but there balancin) $orce. ri)ht@ 'e e.ol.ed, but there is the collecti.e ) intelli)ence to random selection and thin(in) and emotional man=*od that supplies the is an intelli)ence 'or(in) in concert 'ith the

ntelligent design as inter8reted b5 religion is false: but it does eHist. ntelligent design J the collecti*e unconscious J the )ol5 S8irit. #his intelli)ence is .ery subtle in nature, almost imperceptible, eDcept in the pro)ression o$ li$e to'ards more intelli)ent li$e $orms. 1t pro)resses .ery slo'ly, but intelli)ently, until it reaches the top o$ the animal cycle Hman(indI. 1ntelli)ent desi)n 'or(ed .ery slo'ly 'hen it could only in$luence li$e biolo)ically. 8o' that it can 'or( in intelli)ent bein)s Hman(indI, it is 'or(in) $aster and $aster. #he more intelli)ent 'e )et, the more intelli)ence 'e can and do recei.e. #he intelli)ence is easy to see in us. 1t can be seen in e.ery inspired 'or( 'e ha.e done and started about ten thousand years a)o 'hen man(ind e.ol.ed. 9ords, lan)ua)e, and thou)ht e.ol.ed to a point that 'e connected to the collecti.e unconscious at the le.el o$ our modern minds $or the $irst time. #his made it possible to recei.e (no'led)e throu)h inspirations and lo)ic.


ns8ired beings; #his source o$ ne' (no'led)e trans$ormed us into inspired bein)s, into man(ind. #he inspirations made all the technical pro)ress in the last ten thousand years possible. 9e did not become man(ind or mind(ind until 'e connected 'ith the uni.ersal mind@ 1 call it the collecti.e unconscious or 4oly Spirit. $efore it ha88ened: human beings were no different from other animals. The cus8; Somethin) happened about ten thousand years a)o that chan)ed e.erythin). 1t 'as the start o$ humans in one place, in to'ns and cities. 1t 'as the start o$ a primiti.e ci.iliBation. 1t 'as also the start o$ a)riculture, domestication o$ animals, and $arms. 1t 'as the end o$ the hunter")atherer 'ay o$ li$e humans li.ed $or the pre.ious one hundred and ninety thousand years. 1t 'as the start o$ a completely ne' li$e $orm. #echnical pro)ress did not start until about ten thousand years a)o. 9e 'ent $rom hunter")atherers to 'here 'e are no' in the e.olutionary blin( o$ an eye. Critical mass; &bout $i.e to siD thousand years a)o, the mind reached a critical mass. 9ar$are and other $actors $orced people to lea.e smaller .illa)es and )roup to)ether in lar)er cities, mainly because o$ the need $or lar)e armies. #his put our technolo)ical pro)ress in hi)h )ear. 9ritten lan)ua)e be)an, the lar)e monuments li(e pyramids 'ere built, and armies started roamin) the earth. t was the start of what we call modern ci*iliGation. 9e e.ol.ed and pro)ressed more in the last ten thousand years than 'e did in the pre.ious se.en hundred million. 9e had to become a ne' li$e $orm to do it. )uman beings became a fundamentall5 new life form. 9e became a ne' li$e $orm in a .ery short period o$ time, and the same thin) is happenin) a)ain, only a lot $aster. Man(ind has reached a ne' cusp, the end o$ one li$e $orm and the be)innin) o$ another. nner change; 9e )ained the po'er to chan)e our outside en.ironment about ten thousand years a)o, and that time, 'e ha.e chan)ed it to suit our needs. 9e no' ha.e to chan)e our inner en.ironment, our minds.


Son of mind; 9e need to become the son o$ man as >esus says, be reborn as the sons o$ our o'n minds. 9hen 'e do it, 'e ta(e the neDt and last step in our e.olution and create a hea.en on earth. 1t is all in the :ible. ?esus said: BEeril5: *eril5: sa5 unto thee: eHce8t a man be born again: he cannot see the Iingdom of 7od.C ?ohn !;! ?esus said: B+Hce8t a man be born of the s8irit: he cannot enter into the Iingdom of 7od.C ?ohn !;% ?esus said: BThat which is born of the flesh is flesh and that which is born of the s8irit is s8irit.C ?ohn !;( Final ste8; &bout t'o hundred thousand years a)o, 'e too( our $irst real step a'ay $rom the animal realm, the realm o$ $lesh, and became human bein)s Hhomo sapiensI. &bout ten thousand years a)o, 'e too( the second step and became man(ind Hmind"(indI. 8o', 'e are about to ta(e the third and $inal step. S8iritual beings; Man(ind is about to accomplish 'hat it e.ol.ed to do. #he human race is )oin) to chan)e into a ne' human li$e $orm $or the third time. 9e 'ill e.ol.e $rom man(ind or mind"(ind to *od(ind. 9e 'ill become spiritual bein)s. The $ible sa5s we will become new creatures in Christ. 1$ you belie.e the :ible, that is 'hat it says is happenin). 1$ you do not belie.e in the :ible, Cust belie.e your o'n eyes@ you can see it happenin). -hat ?esus sa5s; Most reli)ious people thin( that they can be li(e >esus, that the best 'e can do is be one o$ *odLs subCects in his (in)dom a$ter 'e die. 1t is not 'hat >esus says. 4e says i$ you learn the truth, you 'ill be Cust li(e him. ?esus said: B)e who drin0s from m5 mouth will become as am and will become he and the hidden things will be re*ealed to him.C The $ible sa5s: all that is hidden will be re*ealed. =atthew 16;2( 9rrogance; 5eople thin(, ho' can anyone be so arro)ant to belie.e they can be li(e *od< #he opposite is the truth. #hin(in) the ultimate po'er in the uni.erse has nothin) better to do than listen to your prayers is the ultimate arro)ance. 122

Section % & $ig Picture & Past and Future & Cha8ter %.#

Religion & The Crossroads

3o one is loo0ing; Science cannot see the ultimate truth, because it is not really loo(in). #hey are lost in the endless complicated parts o$ li$e and do not e.en loo( at the simple 'hole o$ li$e, the bi) picture that must include consciousness. Peo8le will onl5 see what the5 are read5 to see. Ral8h -aldo +merson 6eli)ion cannot see the ultimate truth, because it is not loo(in) either and spends all its time in the myths o$ the past and $antasies o$ the $uture, pie in the s(y. Religious 8eo8le that are loo0ing are loo0ing for truth bac0wards. $lind faith; &s 1 said earlier, people ta(e $or )ranted 'hat is said in the :ible is true, misinterpret it, and try to $ind it in the real 'orld. 9hen they do not $ind it, they ha.e to say you ha.e to ha.e blind $aith it is true, e.en in the $ace o$ hard e.idence to the contrary. #his is the reason reli)ions are )oin) do'nhill. 1$ people do Cust the opposite and ta(e $or )ranted that 'hat is in real li$e is true and then loo( $or it in reli)ious boo(s, they 'ill $ind the ultimate truth is in them. =an5 a doctrine is li0e a window8ane. -e see truth through it: but it di*ides us from truth. Ihalil 7ibran Traditional religion; 9hen people $inally see the truth, reli)ions east and 'est 'ill ma(e sense $or the $irst time. 1t 'ill ma(e them much more popular. 5eople that ha.e had any interest in traditional reli)ions 'ill become interested once they can see the ultimate truth in them. #hey 'ill $ul$ill their true purpose. Traditional religions will become more 8o8ular when the truth is seen. Ste88ing stones; #raditional reli)ions do not need to chan)e@ they need to stay the same as they ha.e traditionally been. #his 'ay, e.eryone can relate to them on their o'n le.el o$ a'areness. 123

The beautiful thing is the truth does not mean religions ha*e to change. #his is .ery $ortunate $or e.eryone, because it 'ould be .ery di$$icult, i$ not impossible $or or)aniBed reli)ions to chan)e in any 'ay. 1$ reli)ions had to chan)e, the truth 'ould Cust cause )reat con$lict. &s it is, it 'ill do the opposite and ma(e reli)ions come to)ether and prosper li(e be$ore. The truth is the wa5. Sta5 the same; #raditional reli)ions are necessary as a steppin) stones to the ultimate truth. Many people 'ill not be able to )o $rom the deception o$ the mind to the ultimate truth 'ithout them. 1t is the reason reli)ions are here and there are so many di$$erent ones. 1t ma(es it easy $or di$$erent people to come to the truth. 1$ they 'ere not here, 'e 'ould be in trouble, because the truth 'ould ha.e no lar)e in$rastructure to support it. 1 'rote this boo( to sho' the truth in them, because 'e need them. 3ew re*elations o$ the truth are not meant to replace traditional reli)ions. #hey are meant to complement them, clari$y them, and to re.eal the truth hidden in them. #o be holy, people ha.e to $ollo' >esus and other prophets by updatin) reli)ion 'ith ne' re.elations o$ the truth that are bein) re.ealed to man no'. ?esus said: B did not come to destro5: came to fulfill: not to tear down: but to build u8.C )e also said to Bcome follow me: and s8read the truth.C The di*ine 8uGGle; #he ne' re.elations >esus re.ealed 'ere not meant to destroy traditional belie$s o$ the time@ they 'ere meant to build on them, add some ne' pieces to the puBBle. 1t is the same 'ith all ne' re.elations o$ the truth. 1$ they are truly re.elations o$ the ultimate truth, they 'ill enhance all current belie$ systems, not replace them. #he truth 'ill )i.e reli)ions ne' po'er. )ow could it be an5 other wa5> 1$ the truth 'ere not in all reli)ions, it 'ould cause con$lict, not peace. 1t 'ould separate people, not unite them. For the truth to ma(e this 'orld into a hea.en, it had to be in all reli)ions. The truth (collecti*e unconscious) had to ma0e e*er5one right. 12

+ast and west; Lots o$ eastern reli)ions ha.e said that the clutter o$ the mind is the problem, that the no' or present is the )oal o$ li$e, but they do not say the truth is the 'ay to clear the mind. #he 'est H!hristianityI says the truth is the 'ay, but they do not say the clutter o$ the mind is the problem, or that the truth clears the mind, or 'hat the truth is. This is the first boo0 that does it. #he east is 'ron) about su$$erin) and ritual clearin) the mind@ that is the standard eastern :S. #he truth is, all you need is the ultimate truth and 'or( to spread it until it )oes subconscious and chan)es you into a spiritual bein). #he people at the time o$ >esus could not understand 'hat he 'as sayin)@ the time 'as not ri)ht. 4e (ne' it, but he planted the seeds o$ truth any'ay and paid a hi)h price $or doin) it. 1$ 'e do not see the truth, his sacri$ice 'ill be $or nothin). The wa5 religion was inter8reted in the 8ast was necessar5 to be here now. Religion is a *er5 good thing; 1t has Cust been interpreted 'ron). 1 still )o to !atholic !hurch HLatin massI because 1 )re' up 'ith it, and it helps (eep me on the spiritual path. 1 can li.e completely in the present 'hen 1 am in church. 1 li(e the 'ay e.eryone )ets dressed up, the 'omen in nice dresses, and all the candles and stained )lass. #he old rituals and traditions ha.e the po'er to 'a(e people up and brin) out the spirit in people, i$ they (no' the truth. +*er5 8eo8le ha*e gods to suit their circumstances. )enr5 Ka*id Thoreau 1$ 1 )re' up as a >e', 1 'ould be )oin) to a >e'ish temple, a Muslim, a Mos?ue, etc. 1 )re' up !hristian, so 1 (no' most about it and $eel most com$ortable 'ith it. #he ultimate truth is in all the maCor reli)ions, so you can see it in any o$ them. Religions will do what the5 8romise to do when 5ou 0now the truth. 9hen people learn the ultimate truth, most people 'ill stic( 'ith their reli)ion, ' it is, and )et into it more, be reborn in it. 1t 'ill be ?uite a party. #hey 'ill not see other reli)ions as better or 'orse or as a threat to their reli)ion. &ll reli)ious 'ars and con$licts 'ill stop, and this 'orld 'ill be)in to chan)e into a hea.en. 9hen you 'a(e up, 'hat has happened and can happen is ob.ious. 12%

lo*e 5ou when 5ou bow in 5our mosFue: 0neel in 5our tem8le: 8ra5 in 5our church. For 5ou and are sons of one religion and it is the s8irit. Ihalil 7ibran #he truth is in all the maCor reli)ions, li(e pieces o$ a puBBle. Eastern reli)ions are closer to the truth in some 'ays than 'estern reli)ions, and in other 'ays, they are $arther a'ay. 1t is the same 'ith 'estern reli)ions. 1$ you combine the truth in 'estern reli)ions 'ith the truth in eastern reli)ions, you 'ill see a more complete picture, so ma(e the t'o one, as the :ible says. The word BreligionC means Bunit5<. #hus, there 'ill not be a real reli)ion until they unite 'ith each other as Cust di$$erent 'ays to see the ultimate truth. 1t is a )ood thin) that the truth is spread out throu)h all reli)ions. 1t sho's that the 4oly Spirit or collecti.e unconscious does not $a.or anyone. Only people that are able to see the truth in other reli)ions 'ill be sa.ed, and that is the 'ay it should be. 1$ you cannot see the truth in other reli)ions, you cannot see it. #he di$$erences that are causin) the con$lict no', a )reat ne)ati.e, 'ill become a )reat positi.e. #he di$$erences 'ill unite reli)ions and ma(e them all necessary, e?ual, and le)itimate 'hen the truth is seen. +*er5 religion is true one wa5 or another. t is true when understood meta8horicall5. $ut when it gets stuc0 in its own meta8hors: inter8reting them as fact: then 5ou are in trouble. ?ose8h Cam8bell 5ieces o$ the puBBle, or eDplanations o$ the truth, are $ound in many di$$erent places. Our tas( is to $ind them and put them to)ether into a complete picture. EDample: 9estern reli)ion does not say much about the (no'led)e o$ the balancin) opposites, but ancient E)yptian and eastern reli)ions do, such as #aoism, :uddhism, etc. #he :ible Cust deals 'ith it usin) )ood and Eastern reli)ions ha.e creation myths, but the truth is not in them as clearly as it is in the :ible@ at least they are not as clear $rom my perspecti.e. Muslims pray $i.e times a day, and ac(no'led)in) *od=li$e many times a day is absolutely essential. 1 call it spiritual eDercise. #hey ha.e no pictures, statues or other ima)es o$ *od, and this is .ery important, because ima)es mislead people. 12+

#he :ible does not tal( about reincarnation, but :uddhism and 4induism do. 6eli)ions such as Scientolo)y, -ni$ication !hurch, 8e' &)e, the Mormons, and all the )reat independent philosophers and poets also ha.e di$$erent pieces to the puBBle. ;ou Cust ha.e to remember that there are also a lot o$ thin)s that are not true. ;ou ha.e to remember that e.en the $ounders or prophets o$ a ne' 'ay o$ seein) li$e misinterpret their o'n inspired re.elations. 9hen you see clearly, you 'ill see the true and $alse in all reli)ions. Most o$ the truth is $ound in science and no'here else. #ruth is also $ound in philosophy, no.els, mo.ies, music, poetry and the per$ormin) arts, etc. There is onl5 one religion: though there are a hundred *ersions of it. 7eorge $ernard Shaw 3ow that 8eo8le can see the truth: e*er5thing needs to be reinter8reted. &ll reli)ious boo(s need to be reinterpreted no' 'ith our ne' ability to see the ultimate truth. -e do not change them@ we Aust see what the5 reall5 sa5. The o88osite; #he :uddhists say that 'hen you ha.e no desire, you $ind hea.en Hnir.anaI. 1 say you ha.e to be $ul$illed here and no'. 1t is the same thin)@ 1 Cust say it in the opposite 'ay. One o$ the 'ays 1 $ound the truth in reli)ions is that 1 Cust loo( at 'hat they belie.ed 'as true and loo(ed at the eDact opposite, and many times, that 'as 'here the truth 'as. #he mind re.erses thin)s Cust li(e a mirror. 9hen you (no' this, you can use it as a tool to $ind the truth in most myths. 5eter, the $ounder o$ the church, said people 'ere seein) thin)s upside do'n and bac('ards, and it 'as 'hy he 'as cruci$ied upside do'n. To become a s8iritual being: we become the eHact o88osite of the wa5 8eo8le are now. See: 9cts of Peter: DDDElll ?esus said: <-hen the outer has become as the inner: and the lower as the u88er: then will this world find 8eace.< 5eople, man(ind, are as their $alse, mortal mind"sel$, and they should be as their immortal spiritual"sel$, the eDact opposite o$ the 'ay they are no'. 9hen reli)ions are $i)htin) 'ars to destroy each other as they ha.e done in the past and are doin) no', you can be sure that somethin) is missin). 4rganiGed religions can be the best or worst thing for the truth. 12/

6itual and tradition is a .ery )ood thin) i$ you (no' the truth. 1$ you do not, it 'ill be misleadin). The first ste8 is an o8en mind: tolerance: and 8eace. For to set the mind on the flesh is death: but to set the mind on the S8irit is life and 8eace. Romans /;( Some people protect their belie$s by $i)htin) any di$$erent ideolo)y than theirs. Sometimes, they e.en (ill and torture people that disa)ree 'ith them. 1t really does not ma(e them loo( too enli)htened, but they are too unconscious to realiBe it. #hey unconsciously do the 'or( o$ the in the name o$ *od. For if 5ou li*e according to the flesh: it is death@ but if b5 the S8irit 5ou 8ut to death the misdeeds of the bod5: 5ou will ha*e life. Romans /;1! -orshi8 the dead; 6eli)ions ha.e it all bac('ards. #hey 'orship thin)s o$ the past, dead thin)s, but they say to 'orship li$e, not death. Many reli)ions are currently into death and $ear, and they should be into li$e and lo.e. #hey are dead and do not (no' it. &s the :ible says, let the dead bury the dead. Li$e is $or the, and i$ they do not 'ant to 'a(e up, so be it. t is now or ne*er. The one who sows to his flesh will from the flesh rea8 corru8tion: but the one who sows to the S8irit will from the S8irit rea8 eternal life. 7alatians (;/ ?esus said: <Ta0e heed of the li*ing one while 5ou are ali*e: lest 5ou die and see0 to see him and be unable to do so.< The li*ing one is an5one that li*es in the truth and the life. ?erusalem; #he 'ord means F5lace o$ 5eace,G and it is the eDact opposite. >erusalem is considered the holiest place $or the three Semitic reli)ions@ >udaism, !hristianity and 1slam. 1t has also been the most .iolent place on earth. #his should tell people that somethin) is missin). 9hat is missin) is the ultimate truth. 1t has been hidden by their o'n belie$ systems and traditions. -h5 is there more conflict in the so-called hol5 land than an5where else> #here can only be one reason@ the people there are the most mis)uided. >erusalem is the most .iolent place in history because the people $i)htin) it ha.e been the most mis)uided people in history. #he past is hidin) the present. 12,

srael; #he 'ord 1srael means Fstru))le 'ith *od.G #hat is eDactly 'hat most people there are doin). 9hen the truth is seen, they 'ill do the opposite. #hose that belie.e they are closest to *od and hea.en are actually the $arthest a'ay. #his is tra)ic and so unnecessary. #hey Cust ha.e to do 'hat their o'n reli)ious boo(s really tell them to do. The ultimate truth is in their own religion: and the time has come to see it. Many people in that con$lict are too close to the problem and too mental to learn the truth and chan)e. The 8ro8hets of the 8ast would be a88alled. 5eople 'ho $i)ht and (ill places and thin)s no' are lost. #hey are lost, but most o$ the human race can see the truth and chan)e. 9e ha.e to be care$ul not to let the mis)uided people $i)htin) in the Middle East dra) us do'n 'ith them. =5 7od is better than 5our 7od@ m5 7od can beat u8 5our 7od. 1t is all pretty silly and stupid, but it is happenin). 1t is as stupid as it )ets, and it is time to see it $or 'hat it is and start chan)in) thin)s be$ore it destroys us all. Fighting for a dece8tion: a misinter8retation: is the ultimate waste of life. Eiolence gi*es 8ower to the mind and must onl5 be used in self-defense. #he truth 'ill re.eal itsel$ to those 'ho are ready to see it. 1t 'ill be seen by those 'ho are not ready to see it. #ryin) to hurt others 'ill Cust ma(e thin)s 'orse. 1$ a reli)ion cannot sell itsel$ on its o'n merit in a non" .iolent comparison 'ith other reli)ions, it means people are misinterpretin) your reli)ion, not that you need to start (illin) people 'ho disa)ree 'ith you. ;our Cob is to 'a(e up. ;ou can 'rite a boo( about it or teach it to others i$ it helps you stay in the present. #he most important thin) you can do $or the truth is Cust li.e in it. 1$ the truth does not spread usin) non".iolent methods, the time is not ri)ht $or it. 1t is al'ays the most i)norant, most emotional people that cause all the trouble. #hey are ruled and possessed by the they are the beast incarnate. #hese people thin( they are doin) *odLs 'ill and are )oin) to )o to hea.en, but they are as $ar $rom *od, the truth and hea.en as you can )et. 1$ they (ne' this, they 'ould chan)e their 'ays. 9e need to enli)hten them be$ore they (ill us all. 122

*od does not need any .iolent 'arriors no'. &ll 'ars are brother a)ainst brother, and no' that the truth is bein) re.ealed, there 'ill be another Custi$ied reli)ious 'ar or any reli)ious .iolence. #here 'ill al'ays be a $e' $ools causin) trouble, and 'e 'ill de$end $rom them 'ith .iolence i$ necessary. -e must learn to li*e together as brothers or 8erish together as fools. =artin 1uther Iing ?r. 1$ a reli)ion is not secure in and o$ itsel$, there has to be somethin) missin) $rom it, and all that has to be done is to $ind that 'hich is missin). ?esus said: <)e who ta0es u8 the sword will 8erish b5 the sword.C Ko 5ou thin0 that e*il can be o*ercome b5 e*il> 1t should be ob.ious that .iolence is not the 'ay to sell a reli)ion or to become a spiritual bein). 9hen the truth is seen, 'ar and all con$licts 'ill stop. So-called hol5 warriors are feeding the beast: doing the wor0 of the beast. There are no good or e*il 8eo8le. There are Aust those that 0now the truth and those that do not. The battle between good and e*il is a mental one. Fighting o*er things; 8o one that is $i)htin) land or other thin)s $or reli)ious reasons (no's the truth. #he most mis)uided !hristians, >e's, and Muslims are $i)htin) a little place called >erusalem. #hey thin( that their *od there, and they ha.e to )et it bac( $or him. #heir *od needs their help, e.en thou)h he is all"po'er$ul. 1t ma(es no sense, but nothin) that they do ma(es sense. #he truth is, the beast occupies the Fholy landG inside them. 9rmageddon; #his con$lict bet'een a $e' i)norant people could start a 'ar that costs millions o$ Many o$ them are hopin) it 'ill, that the :ible says it has to happen. 5eople are actually hopin) to start a reli)ious 'orld 'ar that the :ible calls &rma)eddon. 1t is sic(, but happenin). 1t is the most dan)erous misinterpretation. Peo8le who belie*e a hol5 war that 0ills most of man0ind has to ha88en are the most misguided and dangerous 8eo8le on the 8lanet. 130

5eople 'ho put .alue in and $i)ht thin)s, be it so"called holy relics or holy places, are in the mind o$ the beast. #he truth is, *od is not in this and not in that. *od is not in one place more than another. *od=li$e is e?ually e.ery'here. >esus says it is not in one thin) or another 'hen he says, F1$ hea.en 'as up in the s(y the birds 'ould be closer to it.E 1t has been misinterpreted, so 1 'ill not ?uote it all here, but loo( it up and you 'ill see 'hat 1 mean. >esus and the :ible say many times in many 'ays that *od is e.ery'here, but no one cares, especially those 'ho say they belie.e. #hese people cannot read their o'n holy scripture. 1t plainly says that *od is omnipresent. 9hat (ind o$ people can do .iolence in the name o$ *od and disre)ard the boo( they say 'as 'ritten by their *od< Only blind people can. Relics; 9hy do people thin( that thin)s li(e the shroud o$ #urin, the lost ar(, a piece o$ 'ood $rom the cross, or other thin)s that may or may not ha.e been close to a prophet ha.e some mystical po'er< 1t is idol 'orship. The hol5 grail is the truth of life. 5eople 'ill tra.el thousands o$ miles and spend thousands o$ dollars to see a stain on a 'all that some people thin( loo(s li(e one o$ their saints. 9orshipin) idols, ima)es and relics is a pa)an practice and a)ainst the teachin)s o$ >esus, but so"called !hristians do it any'ay. 9hat are they thin(in)< & piece o$ 'ood or somethin) that has been blessed by some mis)uided preacher has no .alue, eDcept to the 9a(e up people. #he truth is, e.eryone in.ol.ed in relic 'orship is hurtin) their reli)ion and is mis)uided by the So"called holy thin)s and places Cust )i.e the somethin) to $i)ht #hey are a dan)erous deception. #he truth is, *od=li$e is e.ery'here you are all the time. #here is nothin) to $i)ht in the name o$ *od. 7od is truth and life@ thus the enem5 of truth and life is the enem5 of 7od. 9ntichrist; #his same misinterpretation ma(es the possibility o$ a man o$ peace comin) to the Middle East almost impossible. #hese same people 'ill see him as the &ntichrist and (ill him. #his is the dan)er o$ reli)ious misinterpretation and the other deceptions created by our o'n minds. #hey are the real antichrists.
Peo8le that 0ill other 8eo8le in the name of 7od are doing the de*ilOs wor0.


Re*enge; 5eople are trapped in tradition, trapped in the i)norance o$ the past and a endin) cycle o$ re.en)e. 1t ma(es e.eryone in.ol.ed dan)erous $ools 'ithout any hope o$ )ettin) to hea.en. 6e.en)e is a tool o$ a $ool. The de*ilNmind is using the 8ast to destro5 the 8resent and the future. !o"optin) the name o$ *od $or .iolent con?uests or any (ind o$ material )ain is the 'orst thin) a human bein) can do, 'hether the people doin) it (no' it or not. #hey are not on the path to hea.en@ they could not be more lost.
"sing religion to do bad things can onl5 ha88en in the absence of the truth.

5eople in the past ha.e Custi$ied doin) some .ery bad thin)s, because they thou)ht it 'as in their reli)ions to do it. Many people are still doin) it no'. #he la' can stop some o$ it, but only the truth can put an end to it all" to)ether. 9hen people do not (no' the truth, they can be told anythin) is the truth to suit the desires o$ their mis)uided and leaders, and you cannot (no' they are lyin). #hese leaders can con.ince people that they cannot )o to hea.en and 'ill )o to hell i$ they do not do 'hat they are told. Only the ultimate truth can stop this. #his is one o$ the reasons 'hy the truth is so essential to ta(in) control o$ and our 1t is tra)ic that it has been )oin) on $or so lon), but e.erythin) happens 'hen it happens. 9e should Cust be )lad the truth is here no'. n addition to 8eo8le being 0illed: thousands of 8eo8le and e*en children are being robbed: ra8ed: and ruined s8irituall5 in the name of 7od. The 8ast; 1t all had to happen to )et us 'here 'e are no'. E.eryone 'ill be $or)i.en $or 'hat they did be$ore they (ne' the truth, but no' they (no'. S8iritual 8eo8le do not defile the 8resent with what ha88ened in the 8ast. ?esus said: BForgi*e them: for the5 0now not what the5 do.C E.eryone 'ill be $or)i.en $or 'hat they did be$ore the truth 'as re.ealed i$ they chan)e 'hen they learn the truth Hread this boo(I. #here are no bad )uys, Cust people that do not (no' the truth, people that ha.e been mis)uided. 132

The war now; #he only 'ar that needs to be $ou)ht is a personal one. 1t is a battle bet'een the mind and spirit, the and *od, deception and the truth. 3o one needs to do *iolence for their religion an5more. 3ow 5ou 0now. t is self-e*ident to 8eo8le who ha*e wo0en u8 and 0now the ultimate truth. $e a fanatic for the truth: lo*e: 8eace: 8ros8erit5 and 5ou will do 7odOs will. 9ll-together now; &ll con$licts happen because someone 'ith po'er does not see the truth. 1$ one )roup sees the truth, but one )roup does not, the one that does not can $orce the one that does to $i)ht in sel$"de$ense. #his is 'hy 'e all ha.e to learn the truth at about the same time to a.oid a bi) con$lict. Most people 'ho create $ear and .iolence are o$ the beast, and most people 'ho create peace and lo.e are o$ the spirit@ it is that simple. !on$lict 'ill not stop, but it has to happen soon, or 'e are )oin) to destroy =isguided 8eo8le and nuclear wea8ons are a *er5 dangerous combination. 9hen 1 'atch the ne's, 1 mostly see rich celebrities )ettin) into trouble and people re.ertin) bac( to their primiti.e animal sel$ and doin) somethin) horrible to someone. #hese thin)s Cust help hide the monster that is really destroyin) us. Religious scri8ture and tradition should not be changed@ it is necessar5. #he :ible and other reli)ious scriptures say that it is sacrile)ious to chan)e anythin) 'ritten in them, and it is true. 1t should not be chan)ed@ it does not need to be chan)ed. 9e need them as they are as steppin) stones to the ultimate truth, a literal stair'ay to hea.en. 1 do not say to chan)e anythin) in any traditional reli)ious scripture. 1 am sayin) the opposite and sayin) that the ultimate truth is in them no', but only a $e' people can see it no'. #his is the $irst boo( that interprets 'hat is actually 'ritten in the :ible correctly. 1t does not say it all, but it says enou)h to sho' the 'ay. The ultimate truth ne*er changes: because it is realit5 itself: but the real truth is not for e*er5one at first. =ost 8eo8le need the m5ths first.


=5steries of the 0ingdom; Most o$ the other Semitic prophets and >esus said that there is a secret (no'led)e, the enli)htened truth, the mysteries o$ the (in)dom that are Cust $or the elect or $or those that are ready to see it. #he )ospel o$ >ohn says, F>esus said the ultimate truth is hidden in parables that cannot be understood until people are ready.G Many people are ready to understand no'. ?esus said: BThe hour is coming when will not s8ea0 to 5ou in dar0 sa5ings: but will tell 5ou 8lainl5 about 7od.C "se traditions to re*eal the truth; #he leaders o$ reli)ion need to (no' the truth and )i.e it to their con)re)ations, but they should use the old traditional 'ays o$ doin) it. 5eople should be told only myths that contain the truth, so people that are ready to hear the truth 'ill hear it in the traditional myths. #hey need to stop tellin) the myths about the $lood and other thin)s that are ob.iously not true 'ithout eDplainin) that they are a morality tale and not the actual truth. say somethin) is literally true that is not. 9hen people start to see the truth in the myths, you tell them to read this boo( or another boo( that re.eals the enli)htened truth. 1t is that simple. Many people ha.e not e.ol.ed enou)h to understand this boo(, so they 'ill need the myths that contain the truth to $all bac( on and still be on the path. 5eople that belie.e in reli)ion 'ill need to see the truth throu)h their reli)ion to be able to accept it as the truth. The truth needs the old traditions to wor0 best. The truth without religions would cause conflict: not 8eace. The truth the wa5 it is eH8lained now is the onl5 wa5 the truth can do what it needs to do. Self-dece8tion; #he ?uestion is, ho' many people that say they belie.e in the :ible and other reli)ious boo(s really belie.e it< -h5 are e*en the de*outl5 religious afraid of death> f the5 reall5 belie*ed the5 are going to hea*en when the5 die: the5 would not fear death. #he truth is, no one can really belie.e anythin) they do not understand. #hey can say they belie.e somethin) that does not ma(e sense, but they cannot really belie.e it or e.en ha.e $aith in it. #hey are Cust tryin) to decei.e 1$ someone that says they (no' the truth tells you that sna(es can tal(, you can 'ant to belie.e them and say you belie.e it, but you cannot really belie.e it. 13

3o rational: educated 8erson can belie*e the whole world was flooded. 1$ all the hard e.idence says it is not true, the myth cannot help them@ it misleads them and is not the 'ay. 1$ you do not understand somethin), you cannot say you (no' it, because you do not F(no'G anythin). #he truth is only the truth to you 'hen you understand it and it ma(es sense. 8o one truly understands the :ible or other reli)ious boo(s the 'ay they are currently interpreted, because it does not ma(e sense, and thus is not possible to understand. The first ste8 is getting honest with 5ourself. can honestl5 sa5 belie*e in the $ible: because understand it. ;ou ha.e to (no' 'hat the :ible actually says be$ore you can say you belie.e in it. 6i)ht no', most people say they belie.e in the myth 1 describe on pa)e three o$ this boo(, and not in 'hat the :ible really says or means. 9hat do you belie.e< ?esus said: BPeo8le honor me with their li8s: but their heart is far from me. The5 worshi8 me in *ain: teaching the 8rece8ts and 8rinci8les of men.C 1n other 'ords, people tal( about *od, pray to *od and say they belie.e in *od, 'hen the truth is, they do not (no' *od or 'hat the :ible is really sayin). #hey cannot say they belie.e in somethin) unless they (no' 'hat it is. #he problem is, people are stubborn and hard"headed and do not 'ant to admit they 'ere 'ron). Religious leaders; #his is especially true 'ith reli)ious leaders. #hey thin(, Fho' can 1 say 'hat 1 'as teachin) 'as not true<G #hey thin( they 'ill lose e.erythin), but the opposite is true@ they 'ill )et e.erythin). The5 do not e*er ha*e to admit the5 were wrong: because the5 were not wrong. The5 did what the5 had to do before the a8ocal58se (un*eiling). #hey told all the truth that could be seen, so they did no 'ron). 8o' that the truth can be seen, they (eep teachin) basically the same thin). #hey Cust start some thin)s out li(e the $lood, miracles, the uni.erse bein) made in siD days and the other ob.ious :S. >ust start tellin) the myths that contain the truth. Religious leaders can sta5 in their 8ositions if the5 can see the truth now.


Paul did it; 1$ the current leaders o$ the church cannot see the truth, they ha.e to be replaced by people that do. #he leaders o$ the church ha.e to do 'hat 5aul did. #hey ha.e to )o $rom the 'orst to the best. #he eDample o$ 5aul is no coincidence@ it sho's that people can turn their completely around, so 'hen church leaders do it, they Cust use the 5aul story to sho' that it is not unusual and actually necessary to ma(e the chan)e 'hen the truth is re.ealed. Religions are Aust going from belie*ing to 0nowing. #he :ible says that *od reCected someone tryin) to enter hea.en because they did not (no' him. 1t is a metaphor that tells people you ha.e to (no' *od, not Cust belie.e in a reli)ion, to )et into hea.en. &lmost no one could (no' until no'. 8o one can really belie.e in somethin) that does not ma(e sense or that is not supported by the e.idence. 1$ you belie.e, you ha.e to belie.e in 'hat the :ible says to )o to hea.en. ;ou are not )oin) to )o to hea.en until you learn 'hat it is really sayin), and no' you can (no'. Satan has been using the $ible against itself and religion to hide the truth. The ultimate dece8tion; #he :ible says that those 'ho belie.e they are closest are actually the $arthest 'ay. 1t is re$errin) to those currently the most de.oted to reli)ions. #he is pullin) o$$ the ultimate deception by ma(in) people thin( they belie.e in the :ible, 'hen they really do not (no' 'hat it is sayin). 1t ma(es the people that are most into reli)ion the most decei.ed and the de.ilLs #hey say they are *odAs army, but they are actually the de.ilAs army. =isinformation; 1t is an old tric(. 5eople 'ho belie.e in conspiracies thin( the )o.ernment is ) people misin$ormation on -FOs. #he 'ay it is done is you release a story that is $alse, but has part o$ the truth to mislead people. 1t ma(es them thin( they (no' the truth, so they do not loo( anymore or loo( in the 'ron) direction. 1t is one o$ the best, most e$$ecti.e $orms o$ deception. BThose who thin0 the5 are closest to 7od are the farthest awa5.C ?esus Christ #he people 'ho thin( they are dedicatin) their li$e to *od are actually doin) the eDact opposite. 9hat could be more ironic or tra)ic< #he is Cust as snea(y and sly as the :ible says. 5eople (no' that the :ible contains the truth, but not much else. #he has $ooled Cust about e.eryone until no'. 1t is the Semitic reli)ions, >e's, !hristians and Muslims, that are $arthest $rom the truth, but the $arthest a'ay are the closest 'hen they see the truth. 13+

?esus said: B f we see0: we shall find.C 8o one is see(in). >esus 'ould not ha.e said Fi$ 'e see( 'e 'ill $indG unless 'e ha.e to see( to $ind. ;ou need to do 'hat >esus says to $ollo' >esus: see0. =ost de*out religious 8eo8le are not see0ing the truth: because the5 thin0 the5 alread5 0now it. .ou ha*e to 0now 5ou do not 0now to see0. 4e 'ould not ha.e said 'e ha.e to see( i$ 'e did not need to do it. >esus is sayin), 'hat people no' (no' is not all there is to (no', that there is somethin) ne' to (no' H*odI. !hristians thin( they (no' all there is to (no', so they are not loo(in). #hey are Cust i)norin) 'hat >esus is tellin) them to do, yet they are still callin) !hristians and sayin) that they belie.e in the :ible. 8o one in a position o$ po'er in traditional reli)ions has really been loo(in) $or the truth@ they ha.e not been see(in) as >esus told them to do. 4o' can you call yoursel$ a !hristian i$ you do not do 'hat !hrist tells you to do< #hey ha.e to stop thin(in) they (no' the truth and tellin) other people they (no' it, and start really see(in), or it 'ill cost them their immortal souls. The neHt best thing to finding 7odNlife is loo0ing for 7odNlife. 9hen you start loo(in) $or truth, you start $indin) it, Cust as >esus said. 8e' re.elations o$ the truth 'ill Cust start comin) to you $rom out o$ the air Hthe 4oly Spirit=collecti.e unconsciousI. #hat is 'here the ne' re.elations in this boo( came $rom. #he ne' re.elations allo' you to connect the dots and put the puBBle to)ether into a complete picture. See0ing ne*er ends; ;ou can (no' the truth completely, but (no' the li$e completely. 1t is in$inite, and to (no' it the best it can be (no'n is achie.ed by constantly loo(in) deeper, by constantly see(in) it, bein) open to more o$ it. The $ible sa5s: 5ou will 0now the un0nowable. ntent; ;ou cannot thin( your 'ay to true li$e, because you cannot turn the mind o$$ by thin(in). 1t is a contradiction in terms, but you ha.e to 'ant it. ;ou ha.e to ha.e the intent to )et the truth and the li$e to )et it. ;ou ha.e to be see(in) it 'ith all your heart $or it to come to you. 1t comes in the $orm o$ true li$e and inspirations. 1ntent connects you to the collecti.e unconscious or 4oly Spirit as it is called by some reli)ions. #his is ho' you )et 'hat you 'ant 'ithout tryin). 13/

n the uni*erse there is an immeasurable: indescribable force which shamans call intent: and absolutel5 e*er5thing that eHists in the entire cosmos is attached to intent b5 a connecting lin0. Carlos Castaneda 3ot get it; Many people 'ill belie.e the old traditional myths until they die, e.en a$ter they ha.e learned a more accurate interpretation o$ spiritual truth. #his is because they are not ready to ta(e the last step in e.olution. Peo8le will onl5 see what the5 are read5 to see. Ral8h -aldo +merson #hey cannot understand the ultimate truth yet. #hey may ha.e to come bac( as a human on the le.el o$ man(ind a $e' more times. To8 of the animal c5cle; ;ou can come bac( as a man or 'oman in the neDt li$e i$ you do not hear the ultimate truth, or i$ you hear the ultimate truth but do not understand it. Most people in the past could not (no' the truth. ;ou do not reach the top o$ the animal e.olutionary cycle until you hear and understand the ultimate truth. 5eople are 'here they are. Lo'er animals ha.e no chance to (no' the ultimate truth, and it is the same 'ith less e.ol.ed humans. ?esus said: BForgi*e them: for the5 0now not what the5 do.C 1n other 'ords, i$ you do not (no' 'hat you are doin), you 'ill )et another chance e.entually. 1$ you do (no' the truth, you ha.e to ta(e ad.anta)e o$ it 'hile you ha.e the chance, or you 'ill pay the ultimate price. The crossroad; 1$ you are told the ultimate truth and understand it, but deny it, you 'ill )o to the bottom o$ the e.olutionary cycle 'hen you die. ;ou had your chance, and you did not ta(e it. ?ust about all of man0ind will 0now the ultimate truth: at least the mind 8art: in this generation. 1$ you are readin) this boo(, you (no' 'hat the ultimate truth is, because 1 ha.e told you it. Only you (no' i$ you understand it and 'hat it means.


"nforgi*able; 1$ you do understand the truth and do not at least try to ta(e the neDt step to spread the truth and learn the truth, you are denyin) the truth and the li$e, and there is no )reater sin than denyin) *od. 1t is truly a mortal sin. 1t is the only un$or) sin, the only real sin. 9hen you die, you 'ill be reborn at the bottom o$ the ocean, the bottom o$ the $ood chain. ;ou could be there in the neDt $e' minutes. 1t is hard to belie.e, but it is 'hat all the e.idence says, and that cannot be denied. #he truth is serious business@ it can bless or damn you $or a .ery lon) time. ;ou ha.e to mo.e up 'hen you )et the chance, or you automatically mo.e do'n. Man(ind is at the top o$ the animal e.olutionary cycle, so 'hen you mo.e up, you mo.e all the 'ay up. 9hen you mo.e do'n, you mo.e all the 'ay do'n. .ou are now at the crossroads: the cross. -hich wa5 are 5ou going to go> 1i*ing in the 8ast; 5eople 'ant to belie.e 'hat they ha.e been tau)ht is the truth, because their parents, )randparents and all their ancestors belie.ed it. #his is because it is tradition@ it is the 'ay it has al'ays been. 1t is established and entrenched in the culture. 1t is not easy $or people to chan)e their .ie' o$ and the 'orld. 1n the past, chan)e 'as almost impossible $or people@ in some places it still is. 1t can e.en )et you (illed, but chan)e is )oin) to happen any'ay@ the truth cannot be stopped. &s more people become educated, more people 'ill see the truth or at least see that 'hat they ha.e been tau)ht is $alse or incomplete, and that is the start. #he past can be our best $riend i$ the truth is seen, or our 'orst enemy i$ the truth is not seen. 9e 'ill not )i.e up our old traditions, customs and rituals. #here is nothin) 'ron) 'ith them as lon) as people (no' the truth. 1$ people (no' the truth, they 'ill see the truth and true bene$it in them and not be misled by them as they are no'. Old traditions, customs, and rituals ser.e a positi.e purpose@ they brin) people to)ether and )i.e structure to li$e. 3othing has to change eHce8t 8ers8ecti*e.


Section % & $ig Picture & Past and Future & Cha8ter %.%

3ew Truth *s. 4ld Truth

3ew truth *s. old truth; Many people thin( Fthe older the betterG 'hen it comes to the truth. #he opposite is the truth. 0no'led)e al'ays and )ets more complete and accurate. #he latest is almost al'ays the most accurate 'hen it comes to eDplanations o$ the truth and most other thin)s. 1 (no' more than 1 did yesterday, and 1 'ill (no' more tomorro' than 1 do today. 1t is the same 'ith e.eryone@ (no'led)e )ro's as time )oes by. #echnolo)y and (no'led)e al'ays )ro' and pro)ress. #his is because the truth builds on itsel$. 6eli)ious truth should be doin) the same thin), but it is not. 6eli)ious truth has not been updated, and it needs to be updated. ;ou do it by addin) the truth o$ the past 'ith the ne' truth. Ma(e the t'o one. 8e' re.elations o$ the truth Cust add to 'hat is already (no'n. 9ncient wisdom; #he reason .ery old myths are so popular is because they ha.e had lon)er to become entrenched in a culture. #here has been more time to ma(e up thin)s about it and $ine tune the myths. #he $urther you )o bac(, the less documentation there is o$ 'hat really happened. 5eople can claim anythin) happened, and it cannot be disputed by any incon.enient $acts o$ 'hat really happened at the time. -hen 8eo8le see the truth: 8ro8hets will start doing better in their lifetime. 1i*ing 8ro8hets; #his is 'hy prophets do not $are 'ell@ people can see that they are Cust ordinary human bein)s. &$ter a prophet dies, they become popular, because people can and do say that they 'ere super"human in some 'ay. 5eople 'ant to belie.e it ta(es someone supernatural to reach *od or hea.en. 5eople thin( that i$ prophets are Cust ordinary people, they cannot help, 'hich ma(es people responsible $or helpin) 9ll 8eo8le ha*e to do is see the truth@ the5 do not ha*e to do an5thing else. 5eople do not 'ant to ta(e responsibility $or their, because they do not thin( they can ma(e it happen, 'hen they really can and ha.e to. f normal 8eo8le could not do it: no one could do it: because e*er5one is Aust a normal 8erson. Peo8le do not see this sim8le: ob*ious fact.

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5eople are underestimatin) their o'n abilities. #he truth is, 'e are the cro'n o$ physical creation, and not only can 'e ma(e it happen, 'e 'ill ma(e it happen, because i$ you do not do it, no one 'ill, and you (no' it deep do'n. The 8ast is the most o*errated thing that there is. Many boo(s and mo.ies romanticiBe the past, so most people do not (no' 'hat it 'as really li(e. #he )ood old days are mostly Cust :S. #hin)s are much better no' than they 'ere $or most people. P5ramids; 5eople are o.erly impressed 'ith the accomplishments o$ the past. #here is nothin) amaBin) or out o$ the ordinary that happened. #he past 'as a time o$ i)norance, brutality and inCustice. #he $urther you )o bac(, the more i)norant, brutal and unCust it 'as. 5eople )lori$y the past to )lori$y #he pyramids and other old $eats o$ construction are not amaBin) i$ you see them $or 'hat they are. !ould anythin) be more 'aste$ul than puttin) the hard labor o$ thousands o$ people $or many years into buildin) a tomb, somethin) intended to be o$ bene$it $or only one dead person< -h5 do 8eo8le thin0 the5 are great> #he pyramids are Cust a bi), 'ell"stac(ed piles o$ roc(s, eDactly 'hat 'e 'ould eDpect to be built by mis)uided, primiti.e people. #hey had nothin) better to do bet'een 'ars. Food production 'as easy $or them in that time and place, so they had the time and man po'er to build bi), useless monuments. 6ulers realiBed that lar)e buildin) proCects (ept lar)e numbers o$ men to)ether, or)aniBed, and in )ood physical shape bet'een 'ars. Lar)e numbers o$ youn) men can be dan)erous to rulers i$ they are not (ept busy. 1t also made the rulers $eel important and po'er$ul. #he monuments 'ere also intended to (iss the butt o$ some in.isible )od or )ods they 'ere dedicated to. Lar)e construction proCects also told other rulers that they should thin( t'ice about attac(in) them. 1t ) the messa)e that i$ a ruler can or)aniBe lar)e numbers o$ stron), resource$ul men $or massi.e buildin) proCects, he can use the same men $or 'ar. #he bi))er and more di$$icult the monument 'as to build, the bi))er the potential army could be. >ust about e.erythin) people in the past did had somethin) to do 'ith 'ar, reli)ion, and=or a rulerLs e)o.

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#he stones are so bi) and di$$icult to mo.e because it impressed people, and i$ they 'ere not that bi), they 'ould not still be here today. #here 'ere a lot o$ other hu)e and $antastic thin)s built in the past that are not here anymore, Cust because the stones 'ere small and easier to carry o$$. 1n a later time 'hen people needed to build other structures, they Cust used the stones $rom pre.ious structures to build the ne' ones. 3othing that ha88ened in the 8ast was sur8rising in an5 wa5. #he only thin) 'e (no' about the past $or certain is that people 'ere i)norant, superstitious, sa.a)e, unCust, e)otistical, scared and li(ed to tell stories. 1$ an archaeolo)ist du) up an ancient *olden *ate :rid)e or a telephone, 1 'ould thin( that maybe somethin) amaBin) or uneDpected happened in the past. -ntil then, no one should thin( anythin) too important or $antastic happened. Those monuments Aust testif5 to suffering: inAustice and ignorance. 9hen people see the su$$erin) and inCustice that buildin) the monuments caused, they 'ill not thin( so much o$ them anymore. Poor 8eo8le were wor0ed to death for nothing. )istor5 sa5s <such and such great 0ing< built something great. The truth is: the5 did not build an5thing. The5 forced the 8oor 8eo8le under their control to build them. )istor5 has to sto8 glorif5ing these monsters. 6emember, you 'ere there. ;ou no doubt 'asted many li$e spans 'or(in) $or some e)otistical (in). 5icture yoursel$ toilin) in the hot sun, $rom sun up to sun do'n, se.en days a 'ee(, cuttin) and stones 'ith your bare hands. 1t ) you a ne' perspecti.e about bi) ancient monuments. The 0ings did not build them as the histor5 boo0s sa5@ the5 Aust watched. 5eople al'ays loo( $ondly at the distant past and do not see it $or the horror it really 'as. #his is dan)erous, because as the sayin) )oes: Those who do not remember the 8ast are doomed to re8eat it. 8o' (ids play .ideo )ames o$ armies $i)htin) 'ith s'ords and thin( it 'as more honorable than $i)htin) 'ith )uns. #hey sho' the piles o$ 'ounded lyin) on the battle$ield slo'ly dyin). #hey did not ha.e any medi.acs bac( then. 1 2

.ou were there. .ou were in countless armies throughout histor5. &ll the tal( o$ honor, )lory and ad.enture is :S. 1t 'as as u)ly and horrible as it can )et. 1t 'as Cust people $i)htin) a bi) sa.a)e (ni$e $i)ht. 1ma)ine that it is happenin) no' in your nei)hborhood, and there are no police to stop it. 1t is not li(e it is sho'n in the mo.ies. 1t is easier to understand i$ you picture a bi), craBy motorcycle )an) 'ith really bi) ( comin) the hill to rape and (idnap your 'i$e and children and put you into sla.ery i$ they did not (ill you. ;ou 'ere there, either in the )an) or $i)htin) the )an), or one o$ the 'omen bein) raped, $or most o$ the history o$ man(ind. -a0e u8 8eo8le: and smell the blood: guts: and gore. The 8ast ha88ened. magine what ha88ened in the 8ast ha88ening in 5our neighborhood now. t is ha88ening now in 9frica and other 8laces in the 8oor third-world. 9nimal realm; 9e Hman(indI ha.e been in.ol.ed in the acti.ity abo.e thousands o$ times in the last ten"thousand years. 1t 'ould be i$ 'e did not (no' that it happened. #his sa.a)ery is 'hat 'e 'ill lea.e behind 'hen 'e learn the truth and the li$e. !ould anythin) be more important< 4ur 8ast has been one long nightmare: and now we can lea*e it fore*er. #he days o$ (ni)hts and chi.alry 'ere Cust myths to put a )ood $ace on somethin) so u)ly and horrible that no one can ima)ine or comprehend it. 1oo0 at the 8ast without the $S: and 5ou can see the truth for the first time. The $ible; #he truth in the :ible is li(e pearls miDed in 'ith a lot o$ 'orthless pebbles. ;ou ha.e to si$t throu)h a lot o$ stu$$ that 'as meant Cust $or people that li.ed a lon) time a)o. EDample: >e's, !hristians and Muslims all belie.e in the old testament o$ the :ible. 1t says that *od )ets mad 'hen 'e misbeha.e and does .ery nasty thin)s. 1t says one time he thre' do'n $ire and burned up e.ery man, 'oman and child in a city HSodomI. #he :ible says he did it because people had become too seDually per.erted, but the one $amily he let escape because they 'ere the only ri)hteous people 'ere incestuous. 1$ that is not per.erted, nothin) is. &$ter LotLs 'i$e 'as turned into a pillar o$ salt $or loo(in) bac( at the city bein) destroyed, it says Lot had seD and children 'ith his o'n dau)hters.

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f 5ou belie*e in the $ible: 5ou belie*e in incest and child sacrifice. #he 'ay the :ible is currently interpreted, the children o$ &dam and E.e had to ha.e seD 'ith each other, because there 'as no one else. 1t is the same 'ith the $amily o$ 8oah. 5eople that say they belie.e the myths are condonin) incest, child murder, and all sorts o$ other sic( thin)s. s that a good thing> & $e' thousand years a)o, it says that *od made it rain $or $orty days and $orty ni)hts, dro'nin) almost e.eryone and e.erythin). 1t says that he did it, because he scre'ed up, and his creation 'as $la'ed. 1t ma(es no sense and did not happen, could not happen@ there is not enou)h 'ater on earth to it completely. #o the hi)hest mountains, the oceans 'ould ha.e had to )et $i.e miles deeper. #he top o$ Mount E.erest is more than thirty thousand $eet abo.e sea le.el. #here 'ould ha.e to be more than three times the amount o$ 'ater than is currently in the ocean. ;ou could not triple the .olume o$ the oceans in $orty days and $orty ni)hts o$ rainin). 1t 'ould ha.e to rain $or millions o$ years. 9here did all the 'ater come $rom and )o< 3id *od pull a plu)< #he 'ater 'ould ha.e (illed all plant li$e. #he animals $rom the ar( 'ould ha.e had nothin) to eat. 8o one thin(s o$ that. &$ter bein) co.ered 'ith salt 'ater $or a month, the land 'ould be as barren as the moon. 7od can do an5thing; 3o not resort to the F*od can do anythin)G ar)ument@ it does not ma(e sense either. 1$ he could snap his $in)ers and ma(e the 'ater appear and disappear and the plants )ro' bac(, he could ha.e snapped his $in)ers and Cust made man(ind disappear 'ithout all the drama. #here 'as=is no need $or the $lood and ar( and the rest o$ the story that no honest, rational person could belie.e. 1$ *od 'ants people to belie.e in the :ible, he 'ould not ha.e put a story in it that ma(es it impossible to belie.e. -here in the $ible does it sa5 7od can do an5thing> 1t Cust says he is all"po'er$ul, the almi)hty, and controls e.erythin) H'hich is trueI, but *od=li$e does it 'ithin the la's o$ nature and de.iates $rom them. 1$ he did do miracles, there could be no truth you could (no', no li$e you could (no'. #he >esus o$ truth and li$e could not eDist 'ithout a truth and a li$e that chan)es. 1

7od-0ind; 9hen 1 say that the )oal is to become *od, people ri)ht a'ay thin( that means 1 am sayin) that people 'ill be able to do miracles and 'ill be able to control the 'eather and do all the other thin)s that the myths say *od does. #he truth is, you 'ill not be able to do anythin) special, because *od does not do anythin) out o$ the ordinary. #he ordinary is the ultimate miracle, and all a person that as *od does is the ordinary. #he only di$$erence is that they (no' 'hat it is and the ultimate miracle it is and are $ul$illed by it. am as am; #hat is ho' the :ible says *od de$ines himsel$, and it is the absolute best description possible. *od is li$e and Cust does 'hat 'e can see that li$e does. #han(s to science, 'e ha.e $inally learned 'hat *od=li$e really does. &ll these miracle myths stem $rom the misconception that *od is an emotional man that can do anythin). *od only creates li$e and creates balance@ nothin) more and nothin) less, and that is the truth that sets you $ree. 7od did not create us in his image@ the o88osite ha88ened. -e created 7od in our image: irrational emotions and all. >esus says many times that the truth is the most important thin), so 'hy do people 'ho say they are his $ollo'ers tell ob.ious untruths< 1t is understandable 'hy they did it in the past, but people are still doin) it. >ust a pair o$ e.ery insect on earth 'ould mean 8oah 'ould ha.e had to collect, house, and $eed t'enty"million insects. 9e no' (no' the $lood and other thin)s 1 mentioned did not happen $or a lot o$ reasons too numerous to mention here. #hey are myths=morality tales that 'ere meant Cust $or primiti.e people that could not (no' it 'as not true. The m5ths were needed in the 8ast to get the truth to us now: but now we 0now better: and we ha*e to ta0e the neHt ste8 and ac0nowledge the truth.

1 %

7row u8; 1t is time to )ro' up and stop in ob.ious myths and $airytales. 9e ha.e to )ro' up i$ 'e 'ant to )i.e our children the chance to )ro' up. #he myth o$ the $lood is harmless, but other $alse thin)s ha.e cost many people their EDample: the :ible says, F;ou should not let any 'itch li.e.G #his led directly to thousands o$ 'oman bein) labeled 'itches and bein) burned to death. The m5ths hide the truth and 0ee8 us in bondage. The truth sets us free. 1iteral truth; #he people in or)aniBed reli)ions 'ho tell people that e.erythin) 'ritten in the :ible is the literal truth are 'ron). #hey are not tellin) the truth. Most are )ood intentioned, but are still 'ron), and no' 'e (no' it $or certain. #hey are not bad people@ they are Cust mis)uided, and they $ear chan)e. #hey are bein) decei.ed by their o'n mind. #hey did the same thin) in the time o$ >esus, and he addressed it in the $ollo'in) 'ay: ?esus said: B$ut woe to 5ou: scribes and Pharisees: h58ocritesL $ecause 5ou shut u8 the Iingdom of )ea*en against men@ for 5ou donMt enter in 5oursel*es: neither do 5ou allow those who are entering in to enter.C 1n that sayin), >esus is tellin) us not to belie.e the scholars that 'rote the :ible and the leaders o$ reli)ion that tell us that it is true. 1t could not be clearer, but people still $ollo' them. 9oe to them. 1n addition to tellin) e.eryone that the scholars and leaders are not tellin) the truth, that sayin) also says or in$ers that you do not ha.e to die to )o to hea.en. Most people do not notice that. 4e is tal(in) li(e you can enter hea.en anytime. 3o one is telling the truth. 3o one 0nows it: but 8eo8le are telling 8eo8le that the5 do 0now. f this does not change: there is no ho8e for man0ind. $e afraid: *er5 afraid. The $ible sa5s fear of the lord is the beginning of wisdom. 1n other 'ords, i$ you $ear li$e and death, it 'ill moti.ate you to learn the truth. The $ible sa5s that some 8eo8le will be sa*ed b5 lo*e: and some b5 fear. Forgi*en; 0eep in mind, i$ those people 'ho are not tellin) the truth do chan)e, they 'ill be $or)i.en, because they (ne' not 'hat they did until no'. 1 +

:ecause o$ the mis)uided scholars and leaders, three billion people, more than hal$ the human race, are tryin) to belie.e *od is an in.isible old man 'ho in the s(y, that the all"po'er$ul, all"(no'in) creator and controller o$ the in$inite uni.erse has petty human emotions and li(es to be praised and ha.e his butt (issed. #hey are sayin) that *od is the absolute 'orst (ind o$ person. Most picture *od as a (in) 'ith a cro'n and lon) 'hite beard sittin) on a throne. 9e ha.e been $i)htin) and dyin) to be $ree o$ (in)s, yet people 'ant one $< Religions ha*e been fighting science and 8rogress and ha*e been losing. Kownhill; since the renaissance, 'hen science really started pro)ressin), reli)ions started to see it as a threat. #hey belie.ed their do)ma 'as the only truth, so anythin) that con$licted 'ith it must be 'ron). #he church 'as all"po'er$ul at the time, but it has )one do'nhill since. The truth business; #he problem is, the church is in the truth business, and at the time, they could not see the truth 'as in their do)ma. #heir 'hole reason $or bein) is to re.eal the truth, and once the 'orld could see that they did not (no' it, they started to lose their credibility and po'er. &s science )re' stron)er, the church )re' 'ea(er. 8o' the opposite is )oin) to happen. "8hill; 8o' that 'e can see the truth is actually in the :ible and other reli)ious boo(s, the church and other reli)ions 'ill start re)ainin) their lost popularity and po'er in the 'orld. 1t 'ill be uphill $or reli)ion $rom no' on i$ they embrace the ne' re.elations o$ the truth. #hey 'ill ha.e respect instead o$ loo(in) li(e $ools. Science has done religions a great ser*ice. t has re*ealed the real truth. #he truth is the stated )oal o$ most reli)ions, so science is reli)ionLs best $riend. 6eli)ious people see science as their enemy, 'hen the opposite is the truth. For the last $i.e hundred years, reli)ions ha.e been $i)htin) science to protect their myths. #hey ha.e tortured and (illed in the name o$ myths. ScienceNreligion; #he thin)s done in the past can be $or)i.en, because people could not (no' 'hat they 'ere doin) 'as 'ron), but not anymore. 8o', reli)ious people ha.e to embrace science and the truth it re.eals in combination 'ith the truth reli)ious boo(s re.eal. #he combination is )oin) to be e.eryoneLs sal.ation. Science without religion is lame: religion without science is blind. 9lbert +instein Science is reli)ionLs best $riend, because it re.eals the truth, and the truth is 'hat sets people $ree $rom the myths created by the 1 /

-heat from the chaff; #he :ible says 'e ha.e to separate the 'heat $rom the cha$$, and that is 'hat science does. 1t separates the truth $rom the myths. &ccordin) to reli)ions, *od is truth, thus the enem5 of truth is the enemy o$ *od. 7reatest sin; 9hen you deny the truth, you are denyin) *od, because *od is the truth. 3oin) it intentionally 'hen you (no' better is the )reatest possible sin, yet all reli)ions are currently doin) it. #he ?uestion is, 'hy are they doin) it< ?esus said: <The truth is hidden until 5ou ha*e e5es that will see and ears that will hear.C Most people do not e.en (no' the meanin) o$ the 'ords in the :ible. EDample: #he 'ord FsinC means to Fmiss the mar(.G #he 'ord comes $rom ancient *ree(, and it re$ers to an arro' missin) the tar)et. 1t has nothin) to do 'ith brea(in) reli)ious or moral rules. B!hristianG means to be !hrist"li(e, not to Cust praise and 'orship a name and an ima)e o$ the 'ay >esus may ha.e loo(ed t'o"thousand years a)o. #hat is idol 'orship o$ a )ra.en ima)e. #he 'ord F'orshipG means F'orth"ship.G #he best 'ay to sho' ho' much *od is 'orth to you is by Cust acceptin) the present *od=li$e is creatin) and tryin) to )i.e to you. >ust accept the )i$t, accept the truth and the li$e that is in e.ery moment. -orshi8 all 5ou can see: and more will a88ear. +Fuus The $ible sa5s: BThe wages of sin is death.C 1t is true@ 'hen you miss the mar(, miss the present, you are dead to true li$e. ?esus said: B$5 hearing 5ou will hear: but 5ou will not understand. For this: 8eo8leOs hearts are hardened and their ears are dull and their e5es ha*e been closed.C #he only thin) you can do a)ainst *od=li$e is shut the truth and the li$e out, and Cust about e.eryone is currently doin) that. Shuttin) out the truth and the li$e is the only 'ay you can miss the mar(, the only 'ay you can sin. 1$ you (no' the truth and the li$e, you do not need any moral la's, because spiritual people naturally do the moral thin). #hey treat others as they 'ould 'ant to be treated. #hey see e.eryone as i$ they 'ere them@ they see them truly. 1 ,

The word Ba8ocal58seC means Bthe un*eiling:C not the end of the world. 9hat is )oin) to be un.eiled< !ould it be the ultimate truth< 9hat else< The a8ocal58se (the un*eiling); 1t means the truth is .eiled or hidden. 1$ the :ible is true, then no one (no's the truth yet, because it says almost no one does. Most reli)ious people are missin) this $act. #he boo( they belie.e is the truth says they do not (no' the truth yet. #his is a (ey understandin). ?esus said: B7od is the S8irit of truth: whom the world cannot recei*e: for it cannot see 7od or 0now 7od.C 1t eDplains 'hy people belie.e in the myths that do not ma(e sense and do not e.en see the truth that does ma(e sense in the same boo(. 5eople are either really stupid, or some unseen $orce is pre.entin) people $rom seein) it. #he :ible says there is an unseen $orce or .eil. #he :ible says the ultimate truth cannot be (no'n until the apocalypse. 1t is Cust startin) no', so most people could not (no' the ultimate truth be$ore no'. 1t is 'hat the :ible says. The *eil is created by our o'n minds and the collecti.e unconscious to pre.ent most people $rom seein) the truth be$ore the time is ri)ht. t is mass h58nosis. The )ol5 S8irit has h58notiGed us to 8rotect us. t is good the truth has been hidden; 1t actually hurts the truth to see it be$ore the time is ri)ht. 1t $orces the truth into myths and it (ills or ma(es its prophets outcasts. #his is the reason almost no one has seen the truth be$ore no'. >esus and other prophets ha.e planted seeds that needed to be planted, but they paid a hi)h price to do it. #he seeds o$ truth they planted are no' startin) to )ro' and blossom, and this is helpin) to ma(e our sal.ation possible. :y hidin) the truth and the li$e until no', the collecti.e unconscious protected the truth and us. #he time has to be ri)ht $or the truth, or it Cust causes trouble. #he collecti.e unconscious can )i.e us in$ormation 'e did not (no', and it can also pre.ent us $rom seein) thin)s i$ it is not in our best interest to see them. <+*en the S8irit of truth@ whom the world cannot recei*e: because it seeth him not: neither 0noweth him; but 5e 0now him@ for he dwelleth with 5ou: and shall be in 5ou.< ?ohn 1#;1, 1 2

?esus said: BThe hour is coming when will not s8ea0 to 5ou in dar0 sa5ings: but will tell 5ou 8lainl5 about 7od.C #he collecti.e unconscious has been ma(in) it impossible $or people to turn their minds o$$ and see the truth. #he .eil is Cust be)innin) to li$t no', so 'e can see the truth and understand no'. #his is 'hat ma(es the time 'e li.e in so )reat. =5ths in the $ible; #he scholars and leaders actually did the ri)ht thin) 'hen they hid the truth in myths. #hey did not do it consciously, but they did it, and that 'as a )ood thin). 1t made it so almost no one could learn the truth by readin) the :ible in the past. E.erythin) has happened the 'ay it needed to. 3o one can see the hidden truth in the $ible until the5 wa0e u8. Most o$ 'hat is 'ritten in the :ible is meant to hide the truth, not re.eal it. #his is the opposite o$ 'hat most people thin(, but it is the truth. ?esus said: B ha*e more things to tell 5ou: but 5ou cannot understand them now: but when the )ol5 S8irit comes: the S8irit of Truth: it will guide 5ou in all truth. -hen the S8irit comes: it will ma0e all things clear to 5ou.C m8ro*ing these boo0s; 1t is not so much that this boo( needs to chan)e as people need to chan)e. 9hen communication technolo)y and society ha.e e.ol.ed enou)h, 'hen the time is ri)ht $or people to see the truth o$ li$e, they 'ill see the truth in this boo(, e.en 'ith some $la's. Iill 8ro8hets; #o (no' the truth be$ore the time is ri)ht can )et you (illed by $ools and $anatics. &t the .ery least, it can ma(e you unpopular and an outcast. Kie for the truth; *andhi, Lincoln, Lennon, >esus, 0in), 0ennedy and many others died $or the truth. 3yin) $or the truth is the best 'ay to )o, but $or the truth is better. #han(s to the 1nternet, the truth can be told more sa$ely no'. gnorance 0ills. Religious fools are the most dan)erous $ools, because they thin( they are doin) the ri)ht thin), doin) it $or *od. #he truth is, they ha.e mental problems, and they are doin) the 'or( o$ the, not *od. #here is nothin) 'orse a person can do. 1t actually hurts the (iller much 'orse than the person they (ill. 1t could be $or)i.en in the past because o$ i)norance, but not no'. 1%0

Section ( & )ea*en on +arth & Cha8ter (.1

-indow of 488ortunit5
=an0ind 'ill be able to li.e to)ether in peace and harmony. 1t has and 'ill. 1t is impossible, because it is not in man(indLs true nature. Man(indLs true nature is the nature o$ the beast. 5eople can and do resist it, but it cannot be chan)ed by resistin) and repressin) it. Only the truth can o.ercome it. Man(ind 'ill al'ays act li(e man(ind 'hen push comes to sho.e, and push 'ill al'ays come to sho.e. 9hen it happens, the maCority o$ man(ind 'ill al'ays beha.e li(e the animals they are, dra))in) e.eryone do'n to the animal le.el. The beast must die: and the onl5 wa5 to 0ill it is with the truth. #he only 'ay to )et rid o$ the beast is at the source. #he beast must be o.ercome $or the spiritual bein) to be born. 1$ the beast does not die, the 'hole human race 'ill die. 9e are all in an undeclared mental 'ar $or this 'orld. Peo8le ha*e it bac0wards@ 5ou are not reborn: the animal mind Aust dies. & spiritual bein) is not really born, because it is al'ays inside you@ it is hidden by the mind. #he spirit cannot be born, it is immortal, but the mind can and must die. .our s8irit is im8risoned b5 5our own mind: and onl5 the truth sets it free. 3ow is the time; #his is ho' 'e (no' that no' is the time to see the ultimate truth@ it is now or ne*er. For the $irst time man(ind can and 'ill destroy itsel$. ?esus said: B4nl5 the sword of truth can sla5 the beast.C #he mind di.ides people, because almost all minds are o$ the beast@ this is 'hy man(ind 'ould be able to li.e to)ether and sur.i.e $or .ery lon). =an0ind must die for s8iritual beings to li*e. -e sacrifice the beast to 7od. 1t is interestin) ho' in the old testament, people are al'ays (illin) and sacri$icin) animals to *od. 1t 'as the best 'ay to please *od. 1t ma(es sense no'. 1%1

#he truth unites people, because it (ills the mind o$ the beast and trans$orms them into their spiritual"sel$. Our spiritual are all the same@ they are pure lo.e, so they naturally come to)ether and )et alon). #his does not mean 'e 'ill be all the same li(e a bunch o$ identical, un$eelin) robots@ the opposite is true. 5eopleLs personalities 'ill be more di$$erent and much more $ull o$ li$e than they are no'. 9e 'ill be li(e a bunch o$ bi), )ood (ids. 1t is important to remember that the 'orld o$ hea.en 'ill loo( almost eDactly li(e the one 'e li.e in no'. 9e 'ill not become uniseD, be all ali(e, or e.en chan)e much@ 'e 'ill Cust )et rid o$ pain and su$$erin). 1 realiBe it is hard to .isualiBe, but that is 'hat 'or(in) as a prophet )radually re.eals. ;ou see ho' it 'ould 'or( and ho' simple it is. 9e do hide and deny all the serious ne)ati.e stu$$ no', so in a 'ay, society (ind o$ 'ithout consciousness o$ the horrible side o$ li$e no'. #he only di$$erence is that in hea.en it really 'ill not eDist. To be born again: 5ou must die to 5our old self: but it is more of a transition. Transition; #he reason it happens, lasts, and is not really scary is because you realiBe you are much more than Cust the person the 'orld has pro)rammed you to thin( you are, and the 'orld is much more than the 'ay you thin( the 'orld is. 1t is sa$er, more secure, more satis$yin), etc. ;ou are 'hat you 'ere, but a lot more, so you really donAt lose 'hat you had or die to it so much as it Cust becomes a .ery small percent o$ 'hat you become. #hat is 'hy no one else notices this )iant chan)e, because you can al'ays sho' people the old sel$ they are used to, but you see yoursel$ and the 'orld completely ne' and di$$erently. 6emember that >esus said, F*et behind me SatanN ;ou are bloc(in) my 'ayNG >esus does not )et rid o$ or $i)ht the HmindI@ he Cust ta(es control o$ it and puts it in its place in the bac()round, behind li$e. 1t is said that man(ind is in bet'een animals and *od, but that is misleadin). 9hen it comes to chan)in) $rom a man to a spiritual bein), it is blac( and 'hite. ;ou are, or you are not. 9hen you chan)e, you become a ne' li$e $orm $ 7lor5 to glor5; #here is a period o$ transition, but you are an animal until you ma(e the transition. Once you ma(e it, you )o bac( to an animal. t is not a destination: because li$e becomes more ne' e.eryday. ;ou Cust )ro' in the spirit and )race $ ;ou )o $rom )lory to )lory, as the :ible says. 1%2

=an is a ro8e: tied between beast and o*erman -- a ro8e o*er an ab5ss... Friedrich 3ietGsche 9e ha.e tamed the beast in most people, but man(ind is still an animal Cust under the sur$ace, and it 'ill resur$ace more sa.a)e than 1t ta(es time to )et complete control o$ the mind, but you can start the transition the minute you (no' Fthe truthG and chan)e your perspecti.e to that o$ your spiritual"sel$. F#he li$e,G or )reater perception, 'ill $ollo', sometimes $ast, sometimes slo'@ e.eryone is di$$erent. ;our en.ironment can help or hurt. The swing tric0; #he mind has many tools and tric(s to (eep you $rom ma(in) contact 'ith the truth and li$e. One o$ its most po'er$ul tric(s is )oin) $rom one eDtreme to another. #he middle or center is 'here it is at, but you ha.e to be there, totally conscious. 5eople are loo(in) $or truth and lo.e in all the 'ron) places. #hey are loo(in) e.ery'here eDcept the present, the only place it eDists. .ou must li*e in the 8resent: launch 5ourself on e*er5 wa*e: find 5our eternit5 in each moment. )enr5 Ka*id Thoreau The 8roblem and the solution are sim8le , but it is still possible that man(ind 'ill miss the small 'indo' o$ opportunity. Man(ind thin(s thin)s 'ill Cust (eep )ettin) better and better. #he opposite is true. #hin)s cannot (eep )ettin) better@ it is impossible $or that to happen in the physical 'orld. 1t )oes bac( and $orth $rom )ood to bad and .ice .ersa. 1t 'ill )et 'orse. 9hen it does, it 'ill brin) out the beast in man(ind. ;ou can Cust loo( at our bloody history to see 'hat 'ill happen. FoolOs 8aradise; #he stable times 'e are in 'ill pass, because it is the nature o$ nature to chan)e. 1t may be the result o$ )lobal 'armin) and se.ere 'eather chan)es or 'ar. & 'orld'ide $amine 'ould do it, and it 'ill come soon. 9hen the beast )ets hun)ry, it 'ill sell its soul to eat. &s sure as the 'orld 'ill (eep turnin), somethin) 'ill happen, and our true nature 'ill re.eal itsel$. 9e ha.e to ma(e the transition be$ore it does. 9e are in a $oolLs paradise, in a castle made o$ sand, in a house o$ cards, and the 'ind is startin) to blo'. CanMt ha88en now; 5eople al'ays thin( it can happen in their time, because they are too ci.iliBed and smart to let it happen. :e$ore the hundred" year 'ar and a pla)ue that (illed almost one hal$ o$ the population o$ Europe, there had been a three hundred year )olden a)e o$ relati.e peace and prosperity. 1t 'as an a)e o$ li)ht be$ore it )ot dar(. 3ar(ness $ollo's li)ht. #he 'eather suddenly )ot a little colder, Cust a $e' de)rees, and ci.iliBation $ell apart. 1t Cust happened naturally, and it 'ill happen a)ain. & small di$$erence in temperature has actually controlled most o$ human history. 1%3

The worst alwa5s follows the best; 1n nature, the 'orst al'ays happens 'hen thin)s are the best. 9hen an animal is enCoyin) a drin( o$ 'ater, eatin) or matin), they are the most distracted and most li(ely to be attac(ed and eaten by predators. #he 'orst happens 'hen the best is happenin). 1t is no di$$erent $or us. 9e are eatin), drin(in), and seD li(e be$ore. 9e are preoccupied 'ith it, and that ma(es us blind to the dan)ers comin) our 'ay. Peo8le thin0 it can ne*er ha88en to them: when it is certain to ha88en. 5eople thin( that nothin) really bad can happen to them, that it only happens to other people. #his is one o$ the most po'er$ul deceptions created by the mind. The truth is e*er5one dies: so the worst will ha88en for certain. t is the same with all disasters: manmade or natural@ the5 will ha88en for certain. 8atural disasters 'ill happen to people that (no' the truth also, but spiritual people 'ill not ma(e the situation 'orse by turnin) into .iolent animals. Social u8hea*al; 1t is the social that comes 'ith maCor natural disasters that spiritual people 'ill a.oid. #his o$ten mani$ests as 'ars and social chaos that causes much more dama)e than the disaster itsel$. Kisaster triggers; 1n addition to the 'eather, there are other thin)s that tri))er disasters. &merica 'as the most prosperous it had been be$ore the stoc( mar(et crashed and sent the 'hole 'orld into a depression. :e$ore the crash, the people in po'er 'ere 'earin) top hats and tails to parties. 9 light alwa5s burns the brightest before it burns out. 3ight follows da5. -- ; 9orld 9ar ll started the year the #he 9iBard o$ OB came out, and $un" musicals 'ere the most popular mo.ies. #here 'as not as much seD and .iolence in the mo.ies as there is today. 5eople 'ere more re$ined and $riendly@ they did not loc( their doors or ha.e alarm systems. Peo8le were more ci*iliGed than we are now Aust before both world wars. Men 'ore suits, 'omen 'ore dresses, and both had much more class than today. 5eople had better manners and respected and others much more than no'. E.en so, they 'ent out and (illed $i$ty"million o$ each other. 1$ it happened then, it can happen no', easier, $aster, and it can be much 'orse. 1%

;ou ha.e to admit that the human race has )otten a lot 'eirder, more lost, and a lot more dan)erous. 9e need to $ace the $act that it can and 'ill happen to us i$ 'e do not do somethin) to stop it $rom happenin). 1t is Cust a natural cycle. #he most optimistic o$ times has al'ays preceded this 'orldAs dar(est days. #hin)s be$ore most disasters 'ere Cust as they are no'@ people 'ere asleep. 1t is as i$ 'e are $ast on a mountain road 'ith our eyes closed. #here is absolutely no hope $or man(ind i$ 'e do not open our eyes. =an0ind is in a state of h58nosis and needs to see it and wa0e u8 now. Man(ind has not chan)ed. #he only di$$erence no' is there is a lot more people, and 'e are more alienated, con$used, .ulnerable, and much more dan)erous. -e ha*e been 8utting more and more of our eggs in one bas0et. 9e ha.e been centraliBin) the necessities o$ li$e. #he $ood, 'ater, and electricity that e.eryone is no' dependent on can be disrupted .ery easily and send us ri)ht bac( to the la's o$ the Cun)le in Cust a $e' days. 5eople could start runnin) out o$ clean 'ater in Cust a $e' days, and this 'ould release the beast. people lose the necessities o$ li$e, it becomes do)"eat"do) .ery ?uic(ly. 5eople used to ha.e their o'n 'ells and access to other natural sources o$ 'ater@ .ery $e' people do today. Our .ery is no' at the mercy o$ a system created by society, and it 'or(s because society ma(es it 'or( $rom day to day. 1$ society brea(s do'n $or Cust a $e' days, the system that (eeps us ali.e brea(s do'n 'ith it. 1t is a catch 22@ society cannot eDist 'ithout this li$e support system, but i$ it brea(s do'n, it 'ill be di$$icult, i$ not impossible, to )et it )oin) a)ain be$ore millions die in a $ree $or all o$ (illin). 1t has happened be$ore, but 'e ha.e needed a central li$e support system be$ore no'. 1t has happened on a smaller scale many times in the past. Ko not thin0 it cannot ha88en. 1t 'ill happen i$ 'e do not 'a(e up to the truth soon. 1t 'ould be much 'orse than anythin) that happened in the past. do not 0now with what wea8ons world war three will be fought: but world war four will be fought with stic0s and stones. 9lbert +instein #he most important and dan)erous di$$erence is 'e no' ha.e nuclear bombs. One modern, thermo"nuclear bomb can ha.e more destructi.e po'er than all the con.entional bombs used in all the pre.ious 'ars. #his does not bode 'ell.


The unleashed 8ower of the atom has changed e*er5thing: sa*e our modes of thin0ing: and we thus drift toward un8aralleled catastro8he. 9lbert +instein ;ou Cust ha.e to loo( at the content o$ our mo.ies and music to see 'here man(ind really is. Miolence is at an all time hi)h in mo.ies and music. :e$ore the last 'orld 'ar, 'e had :in) !rosby sin)in) 9hite !hristmas. 9e no' ha.e (ids (illin) (ids at schools, serial (illers. 1t 'as much less li(ely that the last t'o 'orld 'ars 'ould happen than a 'orld 'ar happenin) today. 1ittle s8ar0s start big fires; #he neDt 'orld 'ar is shapin) up to be a 'ar bet'een reli)ions, and this 'ill ma(e it much 'orse than any precedin) 'ar. 1nstead o$ $i)htin), 'e need to see the truth in reli)ions. There are two infinite things@ the uni*erse: and manOs stu8idit5. 9lbert +instein #he $irst 'orld 'ar started one person shootin) another person. One shot lead to millions o$ shots bein) $ired. 1t 'as the assassination o$ a member o$ a royal $amily. E.erythin) happened the honor o$ a royal $amily, somethin) that meant nothin) to anyone else, but it 'as a spar( in an eDplosi.e 'orld. 1t 'as no bi) deal, but it started the bi))est bloodbath in history. #hat one shot set o$$ a chain reaction that en)ul$ed the 'hole 'orld. #he Second 9orld 9ar 'as Cust an eDtension o$ the $irst one. 4itler 'ould not ha.e )ot in po'er or did 'hat he did i$ not $or the First 9orld 9ar and the $inancial depression. 1t does not ta(e much to set the 'orld on $ire. 1t 'ill Cust ta(e a little spar( a)ain, and our 'orld 'ill literally be)in to eDplode, nuclear eDplosions this time. #he spar(s are $lyin) in the Middle East and the 'orld is li(e )unpo'der ri)ht no'. #hin)s could not be more dan)erous, and most people do not e.en (no' it, 'hich ma(es it e.en more dan)erous. #he :ible says that the 'orld 'ill be destroyed by $ire this time@ nuclear 'eapons could do it. #he :ible also says that the 'orld has already been destroyed once by 'ater. #hat did not really happen, so its prediction that the 'orld 'ill be destroyed a)ain probably 'ill not happen either i$ 'e 'a(e up in time. 1 do not thin( all o$ the human race 'ill be destroyed no matter 'hat happens, but 'e could (ill most o$ man(ind and set bac( a thousand years i$ 'e do not pay attention no'. #he luc(y ones 'ill be the ones that are (illed. Tribulation; #he odds are )ood that 'e 'ill see a hea.en on earth, but be$ore it happens, 'e could ha.e some .ery tryin) times. 1t could )et dar(er be$ore the da'n, but that 'ould not matter as lon) as the da'n comes. 1%+

Kar0 9ge; 1t could also )o the other 'ay and be the 'orst times, li(e all the 'ars o$ the past stac(ed on top o$ each other. Man(ind may collecti.ely commit suicide, and any sur.i.ors 'ould li.e in the dar(est a)e in history. 9e can ha.e a thousand years o$ dar(ness or a thousand years o$ li)ht dependin) on 'hat 'e do no'. #he $uture 'ill be our 'orst ni)htmare, or )reatest dream come true. #he :ible calls it the tribulation, and says it 'ill last se.en years, but no one can (no' 'hen real hard times 'ill come, ho' bad they 'ill be, or ho' lon) it 'ill last. -inding a s8ring; 9e ha.e been in a .ery peace$ul, stable, and producti.e period since the end o$ 9orld 9ar 11. 1t is the lon)est period o$ relati.e peace and prosperity that this many people ha.e eDperienced. 1t is li(e 'indin) a sprin), so a balancin) period is comin), and it could sprin) bac( all at once. 1$ you loo( at our history, you 'ill see that e.ery $e' years, 'e ha.e a maCor blood bath. 1t is a cycle, and unless 'e chan)e, the cycle 'ill continue. The ultimate truth is the onl5 thing that can sto8 it from ha88ening. 1$ the tribulation is )oin) to happen, it 'ill start soon. #he trans$ormation o$ man and the tribulation could happen at the same time, but the odds are a)ainst it. -e ha*e to change if we want the world to change@ it is a reflection of us. =a0e ha5 while the sunNson is shining; 1t may ta(e somethin) that really scares man(ind to 'a(e us up, but i$ it does, it 'ill be too late $or most people. 1t is not necessary, and those that ma(e the chan)e be$ore it happens 'ill be )lad they did. 4ard times )i.e po'er to the beast and 'ill ma(e the transition harder $or most people and impossible $or many. 'ill be our only concern. 9 s8iritual being cannot be hurt b5 an5thing that ha88ens. 8othin) can hurt someone that (no's the truth, so you need to be sure you do. in peace and harmony is the true nature o$ spiritual bein)s, so 'hen times )et tou)h, they do not start $i)htin) and (illin) each other@ they start 'or(in) to)ether to ma(e the best o$ it until it passes. Spiritual people can handle, e.en enCoy, anythin) that nature or man thro's at them@ it ma(es li$e more interestin). 1$ 'e stay on the animal le.el, 'e 'ill ha.e a blood bath in the near $uture $or certain. 1$ 'e chan)e into spiritual bein)s and there is enou)h o$ us, and i$ 'e do it $ast enou)h, there is a much better chance a blood bath 'ill not happen. 1$ it does happen, it 'ill not a$$ect spiritual bein)s@ a spiritual bein) cannot lose. 9e Cust ha.e to )et past the mind ali.e. 9e ha.e to reco)niBe 'hat is happenin) and )o 'ith it. 9e are be)innin) to see the t'o paths and can ta(e the ri)ht one. 1%/

Peo8le can ta0e the 8ath of fear or the 8ath of lo*e as long as it is the truth. *od=li$e uses the carrot and the stic(, hea.en and hell, to )et people on the ri)ht path. 1t 'ill 'or( 'hen people see the truth. 1t 'ill not i$ they do not see it soon. This boo0 has Aust one 8ur8ose: and that is to show 8eo8le the truth. -hen 8eo8le see the truth: the5 will get on the 8ath to hea*en. t is a no-brainer. The age of the mind; ;ou may be thin(in) 1 am puttin) do'n the mind, the mind that has created e.erythin) 'e ha.e no'. 1 am not sayin) the mind is a bad thin)@ 1 am Cust sayin) the mind is a double"ed)ed s'ord. #he mind has done a lot o$ positi.e cuttin), and i$ it does not chan)e, it 'ill s'in) the other 'ay and do a lot o$ ne)ati.e cuttin), and it 'ill do it soon. 9ge of the s8irit; 9e are simply at a ne' cusp, the end o$ one era and the be)innin) o$ another. 1t is the end o$ the a)e o$ the mind and the be)innin) o$ the a)e o$ the spirit. 1t can be a smooth transition i$ 'e see the truth soon. 1 am not puttin) do'n the mind@ it has done its Cob and done it 'ell. 1t has done a lot o$ )ood, but it is about to do a lot o$ bad. 9e ha.e no choice eDcept to mo.e past it, or 'e 'ill ha.e the )reatest catastrophe in our history. The future; 1$ the beast pre.ails, 'e (no' 'hat 'ill happen, because 'e (no' our bloody, sa.a)e history, but most people cannot ima)ine 'hat the $uture 'ill be li(e i$ 'e all be)in to learn the ultimate truth. The rest of our current lifes8an; 1n the past, 'e had to $i)ht and (ill to sur.i.e. 8o', $or a brie$ period, man(ind no lon)er has to hurt or destroy others o$ its o'n (ind to sur.i.e@ 'e no lon)er need to li.e li(e the animals 'e e.ol.ed $rom. #his means 'e ha.e time to chan)e. 9hen 'e chan)e, the 'orld 'ill chan)e 'ith us. For the first time in histor5: we can turn the world into a hea*en.


Section ( & )ea*en on +arth & Cha8ter (.2

Most people cannot see the animal 'orld clearly. E.eryone that sees it clearly 'ill see that it is as u)ly as it can )et, unless you thin( bein) $orced by hun)er to murder your $ello' bein)s and eatin) them is beauti$ul. #he animal truth is as u)ly as it )ets, but the di.ine truth is as beauti$ul as it )ets. Seein) the truth o$ both realms po'ers the e.olution o$ animals into spiritual bein)s. #here ha.e been many mythical descriptions o$ hea.en. #hey ha.e sho'n a hea.en that is up in the clouds 'ith e.eryone 'earin) 'hite. 1t loo(s .ery borin), and it 'ould be. #he real hea.en, the one you 'ill be in a$ter you die i$ you (no' the truth and the li$e, the place you could be in the neDt $i.e minutes and you 'ill be in less than a hundred years, the real hea.en, is not borin). 1t is more interestin) and $ul$illin) than you can ima)ine or 1 can describe completely. #his section 'ill )i.e you the basics o$ ho' it 'ill be. ;our neDt li$e in hea.en 'ill be much the 'ay the 'orld is no', only all human bein)s 'ill be spiritual bein)s. 1t is not do)"eat"do) li(e the animal 'orld@ it is do)" lo.e"do), metaphorically spea(in). 1t 'ill loo( li(e the best parts o$ this 'orld. #here 'ill be the same positi.e di$$erences bet'een people and cultures that 'e see today, e.en more so. 8othin) really chan)es that much that is on the outside o$ you. 8ature is nature H*odI, and it 'ill $undamentally chan)e much. #he only thin) that really chan)es completely is your perspecti.e and a'areness. ;ou are a spiritual bein), and the people you li.e around are also spiritual bein)s. 4ea.en 'ill be Cust as li$e is no', Cust 'ithout the parts 'e can li.e better 'ithout. f it is 8ossible: it eHists somewhere in an infinite uni*erse. The $ible sa5s: BThere will be no sadness or 8ain@ the5 will 8ass awa5.C +*ol*ing 8ast 8ain; 9hen 'e die and are reborn, the physical parts o$ our brains and ner.ous system that create and send us pain, $ear, sadness and the other ne)ati.e aspects o$ our current li$e 'ill not be part o$ our ne' bodies. 9e 'ill ha.e e.ol.ed past them. 9e 'ill ha.e Cust enou)h pain to let us (no' 'hen 'e are inCured or sic(, and no more. Se*ere 8h5sical 8ain will not eHist in hea*en. #he part o$ our brain that is responsible $or $eelin) pain and the other un'anted sensations 'ill simply not be in our ne' bodies. 9e 'ill be hard'ired only $or pleasure and $ul$illment. 1%2

5hysical pleasure 'ill come and )o li(e in this li$e, but there 'ill be no se.ere pain or undesirable $eelin)s and emotions, and 'e 'ill al'ays be $ul$illed 'ith the spirit o$ *od. ?ust 8leasure; 9e 'ill be reborn 'ith bodies that can $eel pleasure better than 'e can $eel it no', but our bodies 'ill not be capable o$ the ne)ati.e side o$ li$e. 9e 'ill still be moti.ated to do thin)s, because 'e 'ill still 'ant to $eel the pleasure created by doin) certain thin)s. Spiritual li$e does not need the carrot and the stic( Hpleasure=painI, Cust the carrot. #he need to $eed and breed, in combination 'ith the natural en.ironment, 'ill control 'hat 'e do Cust as they do no'. &s 1 ha.e pointed out, the physical uni.erse cannot chan)e and eDist. FearN8ain: the 8ower of e*olution; 9e no lon)er need se.ere pain, sadness, $ear and the other ne)ati.e thin)s to e.ol.e. 9e did in the past@ $ear and pain po'ered e.olution. 1t is an animalLs $ear o$ pain and death that moti.ates them to e.ol.e to a.oid it better. 1t is the main po'er behind all animal e.olution. 1t is po'erin) the e.olution o$ man(ind into spiritual bein)s no'. &s the :ible says, $ear o$ *od Hli$eI is the be)innin) o$ 'isdom. &$ter you (no' the ultimate truth, you ha.e 'isdom, so e.olution is $inished, and $ear and pain are no lon)er needed. 9e no lon)er need $ear, se.ere pain or any o$ the other ne)ati.e aspects o$ li$e 'e needed to e.ol.e. #hus, the ability to eDperience ne)ati.e aspects o$ li$e 'ill be discarded in the chan)e $rom your current body to your ne' spiritual one. 8ature=*od 'astes anythin), and i$ you do not need somethin), you 'ill not ha.e it. 1$ you (no' the ultimate truth, you no lon)er need the ne)ati.e side o$ li$e, so you 'ill not ha.e it. 1n hea.en, 'e 'ill ha.e all the 'ith Cust enou)h o$ the ne) to )i.e de$inition to li$e. 9e had to ha.e the ne) in the past in order to promote our e.olution to the point 'here 'e could see the truth and the li$e, and we are there now. Fore*er 5oung; #han(s to )enetic en)ineerin) and other ad.ances in medical science, no one 'ill a)e past youn) adulthood or die $rom any diseases. 1i*e a thousand 5ears; 9e 'ill ha.e a .ery lon) li$e eDpectancy and a)e, because a)in) is a disease 'e 'ill ha.e cured. #he medical e.idence and the la's o$ probability say our li$espan 'ill be about one thousand years. 9e 'ill use )enetic en)ineerin) to slo' our a)in) to adulthood, so childhood 'ill last as lon) as 'e 'ant it to. 9e 'ill enCoy childhood $or a much lon)er time. 1+0

The son of 5ourself; & short li$e 'as necessary $or biolo)ical e.olution. &$ter you reach the pea( o$ 'hat biolo)y can do, li$e no lon)er needs to be short. 9e ha.e e.ol.ed biolo)ically almost as $ar as 'e are )oin) to naturally. ;ou e.ol.e mentally no', until you (no' the truth and the li$e and are reborn the son o$ man. &ccidents 'ill still happen in hea.en and people 'ill still die $rom accidents. Our physical bodies 'ill still be mortal li(e they are no'. 8o one really 'ants a body that does not die. #here 'ill be situations 'hen you 'ill 'ant to be able to )et out o$ the body you are in and start in a ne' body. 1$ you are accidentally buried ali.e in an earth?ua(e or a.alanche, you 'ould not 'ant to be in that position $, 'ould you< 1$ you 'ere trapped in a $ire, you 'ould not 'ant that to last $, 'ould you< #hose thin)s can and 'ill happen, so death is necessary. 5eople 'ill not a)e physically past about t'enty"one or )et sic(, but e.entually, your body 'ill be dama)ed in an accident beyond repair. ;ou 'ill be than($ul that you can trade it in $or a ne' one. 1n hea.en, there 'ill be no $ear o$ death. 3eath and birth 'ill be seen as the one e.ent they really are. 9e 'ill li.e (no'in) ho' li$e and death 'or(s $or the $irst time. #his ma(es all the di$$erence. t is the wa5 it could be: should be: and will be for those that learn the truth. E.erythin), e.en the bu)s, $ish, and bacteria 'ill )et to a permanent hea.en, a place 'ithout predators, Cust plant eaters and plants. #here 'ill be limited pain and sorro', and 20O o$ the time, 'e 'ill be totally $ul$illed, and almost totally $ul$illed the other 10O o$ the time. 1t is the 'ay it could be, should be and 'ill be. #he only ?uestion is, ho' lon) it 'ill ta(e< 1 am shootin) $or no later than the neDt li$e, or as soon as possible. #here 'ill be a hea.en on earth@ the only ?uestion is ho' lon) it 'ill ta(e. 1t could be t'enty years, or t'enty million years. 1t does not matter, because 'hen 'e die, 'e 'ill be reborn there, and no time 'ill ha.e passed $rom our o'n perspecti.e. E.eryone that has 'or(ed as a prophet lon) enou)h to chan)e 'ill be there. Others 'ill come bac( to the animal 'orld in $uture )enerations 'hen there are many more people, thousands, e.en millions, 'or(in) on spreadin) the truth and creatin) a hea.en on earth. 9ithout predators, li$e on the animal le.el 'ould reproduce until they used up the $ood resources and then star.ed o$$, 'hich is almost as bad as bein) eaten. Li$e that (no's the truth o$ li$e 'ill control their reproduction to o.erpopulate an en.ironment. #his is the reason the truth 'ill ma(e hea.en@ it has practical .alue. 1+1

Taste death; 9hen you die in hea.en, you 'ill be reborn in hea.en as a baby and start a ne' li$e. #his 'ill )o on $ 9hen reli)ious boo(s say 'e 'ill li.e $, 'ill not taste death, they mean spiritual death. 9e 'ill )o bac( to bein) the dead man(ind is no'. 5hysical death is part o$ the per$ection. ?esus said: < ha*e come so that 5ou might ha*e life: for the wa5 of mortals is a li*ing death.C .ou will still a*oid death e*en in hea*en. 1t 'ill not be horrible li(e it is no', but it 'ill still be the thin) you 'ill 'ant to a.oid the most. #he di$$erence is that you do not $ear it and it is not pain$ul, so in hea.en, it Cust ma(es li$e more interestin). 3eath 'ill not hurt or be $eared, but it 'ill be a maCor disruption o$ your li$e, and you 'ill al'ays try to a.oid it 'hen possible. 3eath is the opposite o$ li$e, so li$e 'ill li(e it and al'ays a.oid it 'hen possible. 5hysical death is necessary $rom time to time $or li$e to be per$ect. -hen 5ou 0now the truth and the life: 5ou would not change the wa5 life wor0s: e*en if 5ou could. Self-sufficient; #he trend to bein) sel$"su$$icient 'ill continue, but so 'ill dependence on each other. :oth ha.e ad.anta)es and disad.anta)es, and a balance 'ill be $ound that 'or(s best. 9e do not 'ant to li.e e.ery man $or himsel$ and separate $rom society. 9e 'ant to do the opposite and come to)ether in cooperation $or our mutual bene$it. #he only reason you 'ant to become sel$"su$$icient is so that you need less $rom others and ha.e more to )i.e to others in need. Our need $or ener)y has been )oin) up $or a lon) time. 1t 'ill be)in to )o in the opposite direction, and 'e 'ill need less and less. 9e 'ill sol.e our po'er problems in the near $uture. 8e' technolo)ies 'ill ma(e electricity a.ailable to e.eryone, almost $or $ree. Per8etual motion; #he uni.erse is sel$"po'ered@ it is a perpetual motion machine. #here is no ener)y shorta)e, and 'e 'ill learn ho' to tap this endless source o$ ener)y sa$ely and cheaply in the near $uture. )ea*en-tech; 1n hea.en, technolo)y 'ill pro)ress $ E.erythin) that is possible to do, 'e 'ill do. 9e 'ill ma(e contact 'ith other li$e in the uni.erse. 9e 'ill (eep all the old thin)s 'e li(e such as music, classic cars, motorcycles, clothes and houses, etc. #he best o$ the old 'ill be miDed 'ith the ne'.


Cool cars: motorc5cles: boats: horses and e*er5thing else 5ou li0e will be in hea*en and a*ailable to 5ou. .ou will do eHactl5 what 5ou want fore*er. 5icture the )reatest romantic you ha.e seen, remo.e all the mind created bad times, and you 'ill )et an idea o$ 'hat li$e 'ill be li(e in hea.en. #his is because romance is the most pleasurable thin) human bein)s can do. 9omen 'ill still be 'omen and men 'ill still be men H'ithout the bad sideI. >ust about e.ery youn) person 'ould be in.ol.ed in a )reat romance i$ they could. 1n hea.en, e.eryone 'ill be youn) and healthy, so they 'ill be in.ol.ed in relationships $or the same reasons 'e do it no'. #he interplay bet'een male and $emale, $amily and children, 'ill be the core o$ e.ery li$e. 9e 'ill li.e the natural 'ay that human bein)s li.e, Cust in the best 'ay possible. Spiritual bein)s are human bein)s. 8ature al'ays stays the same, because it cannot chan)e and still eDist. Only our minds can chan)e.
-eMll still need to breed: feed: and want to succeed@ that will ne*er change.

9e 'ill start ta(in) our nourishment in pill $orm, because eatin) is too pleasurable. 9e 'ill not start reproducin) in an arti$icial 'ay $or the same reason. &dd all the pleasure you )et $rom doin) 'hat you really 'ant to do, to complete $ul$illment, ta(e a'ay all o$ li$eLs percei.ed ne), and you ha.e an idea o$ 'hat hea.en 'ill be li(e most o$ the time. 8atural disasters 'ill still happen. 8ature H*odI 'ill be in complete control o$ our Cust as it is no', so our 'ill chan)e as it does. 8ature 'ill be the same, includin) the occasional natural disaster, but it does not bother you in hea.en. 1t Cust to ma(e li$e more surprisin), interestin) and romantic. 8ature is 'hat (eeps the ad.enture o$ li$e *od=li$e is 8ature, and 'hen you see it clearly, it is the ma)ic (in)dom. ;ou may be thin(in) F1 am not up to that@ it is too much.G ;ou may not be up to it no' or e.en interested in it. 1n hea.en, you 'ill be up to it and be interested in it. ;ou 'ill li.e a li$e you can only dream about no'. ;ou 'ill be beauti$ul i$ you are a 'oman@ men 'ill be handsome. E.eryone 'ill ha.e a near per$ect body. E.eryone 'ill be $earless, youn), healthy, di$$erent, and completely ali.e $


$eaut5 is in the e5e of the beholder; 5eople 'ill not all loo( the same@ they 'ill all be di$$erent, but spiritual bein)s 'ill see e.eryone as beauti$ul. 1n hea.en, you can li.e a per$ect li$e. Li$e can be per$ect, because li$e is per$ect. 5er$ection is the natural state o$ thin)s@ our minds are Cust messin) it up. t is the wa5 it could be: should be: and will be for those that learn the truth. 1n hea.en, you 'ill be $ youn), healthy, stron), beauti$ul, $earless, 'ise, 'itty, $unny, and completely $ul$illed $ 1t is as )ood as it can )et and better than you can ima)ine or than 1 can describe. n hea*en: lo*e will be reflected in lo*e fore*er. This is not hea*en; 9e are not there yet, and unless 'e see the truth, 'e are not )oin) to )o there a$ter 'e die. 6eli)ious boo(s contain the truth, but they are bein) misinterpreted. 5eople are startin) to 'a(e up, so there is some hope. The word: Bgos8elC means: Bgood news.C The gos8el truth; 9hen you understand 'hat the :ible really says, it is the best ne's possible. ;ou can help create a place 'here there are no predators in the human 'orld, 'here the stron) do not prey on the 'ea( and there is no hate, no pain or con$lict o$ any (ind. 1t lasts $, and all you ha.e to do is see li$e H*odI ho' it truly is. #his is the best ne's possible, and it is literally the )ospel truth, 'hat the )ospels really say re.ealed here $or the $irst time. -ntil no', almost no one could (no' the )ood ne's in the )ospels, but no' 'e all can. &ll 'e ha.e to do is to (no' 'e (no', chan)e our minds, and turn our around 'hile 'e can. -e now ha*e the 0e5 to the gates of hea*en. 9ll we ha*e to do is turn it.


Section ( & )ea*en on +arth & Cha8ter (.!

+*ol*ing Past 4ur 9nimal 3ature

Plants; 5lants are non"conscious $orms o$ li$e. #hey are li(e your arm or le). #hey are ali.e, but not conscious. 8on"conscious li$e supports conscious li$e. ;ou are connected to trees and other plants as certainly as you are connected to your arms and le)s. ;ou are also connected to the Earth, the air, and all non" thin)s, etc., because they ma(e our li$e possible. E.erythin) in the uni.erse is as much a part o$ you as your s(in. Some people thin( human bein)s are someho' separate $rom the rest o$ nature. #he truth is, 'e are Cust a part o$ nature. 1t should be ob.ious@ e.erythin) is a part o$ the 'hole. 8othin) is separate in truth and li$e. 9e are interdependent and all part o$ the same reality. The histor5 of nature is our histor5: because we are Aust 8art of nature. 9e 'ould not be here 'ithout plants. #hey )i.e us physical li$e by $eedin) our bodies directly and indirectly, and they support our spiritual li$e 'ith their presence. ;ou can open up any'here, anytime, but it is easiest to li.e in the present Hespecially $or be)innersI, 'hen you are out in nature. !ampin), hi(in), boatin), and other acti.ities out in nature 'ill become more popular. *ardenin), home and community $armin) are )oin) to )et much more popular. Spiritual people 'ill brin) as much o$ nature as 'e can into our E.eryone is )oin) to )o )reen and li.e that help the natural en.ironment. #he :ible tells us to. #he en.ironment 'ill become sacred to e.eryone that sees the truth. 5eople ha.e a misconception about animals in the 'ild. 9e )re' up 'atchin) :ambi and 3isney mo.ies, and 'e do not realiBe 'hat li$e is really li(e in the 'ild. 1t is literally do) eat do), predators and their prey, eat and be eaten. 3ature is onl5 beautiful if 5ou do not loo0 at the nature of nature. &ll animal li$e is li(e 'ith serial (illers on e.ery bloc( that eat you, and there 'ould be no police or 'eapons to protect #hat is the reality o$ li$e in the animal 'orld. 9e 'ere there Hin their s(inI $or more than ninety"nine percent o$ the time 'e ha.e been on earth, and 'e are still there no'. 9e are not out o$ the 'oods yet. 4nl5 humans and their 8ets die of old age. =ost wild animals get eaten before the5 reach old age. The5 li*e in a *er5 brutal and sa*age world.


9hen 'e 'ant somethin) to eat, 'e Cust )o to a store or a restaurant. 1t 'as not too lon) a)o that 'e had to )o out, catch another animal, (ill it, clean it and coo( it. 9e had to 'or( $rom da'n to dus( Cust to )et enou)h $ood to sur.i.e. 1t too( up all o$ our time and 'e $ailed and star.ed to death most o$ the time. 9hile doin) this huntin), 'e 'ere bein) hunted@ 'e became the (illed and eaten until Cust recently. 8atural li$e is a constant stru))le $or 9e 'ere $ood $or other animals as recently as ten" thousand years a)o. 8o animals die o$ old a)e@ most are (illed by other animals. 1t 'ould be li(e a serial (iller (ill all o$ us Cust past middle a)e. 1t is not a )ood 'ay to )o, and (eeps you in the animal cycle. Our children 'ere the pre$erred meal, and star.ation and bein) eaten 'as the $ate o$ most o$ our children until Cust recently. 1t still is $or all lo'er animals that li.e in the 'ild. #hat is 'hy most animals ha.e so many o$$sprin). #hey ha.e to, because most 'ill be eaten. Seein) your children bein) eaten is not happiness. Pets; 3o)s and cats are neDt in line to come bac( as humans a$ter they die, because they ha.e learned 'hat it is to be human $rom us. 9e help them e.ol.e by ma(in) them less dependent on actin) instincti.ely. &ll animals other than man li.e in the present, 'hich ma(es it easier $or people 'ith them to li.e in the present. 3o)s teach unconditional lo.e. 3o) bac('ards is *od. & coincidence< *od is unconditional lo.e. 3o)s are as close to *od=li$e as a non"human animal can )et. #hey are much closer to the truth than their o'ners. 3o)s help us to e.ol.e to *od=li$e, and 'e help do)s e.ol.e to human. 1t is truly a match made in hea.en. !at does not spell anythin) bac('ards, but they help us also, and 'e help them, e.en thou)h they 'ill ac(no'led)e it. !ats sho' us ho' to be independent, sel$"contained and cool. #hey ha.e cool lo.e. :oth are eDceptional animals and can teach us a lot. #hey can play a bi) part in our trans$ormation and 'e play a bi) part in theirs. E.eryone should ha.e pets. )ea*en on earth; 9e may or may not be able to create a hea.en on earth $or human bein)s this time around, but 'e can do it $or our pets $or certain. 9e should do it Cust because 'e can, and it ma(es you $eel )ood to be able to create a hea.en ri)ht no' $or some creatures. #hey li.e in the present and re$lect the lo.e you )i.e bac( at you, so it enhances your li$e as 'ell as their li$e. #here is also the possibility 'e could trade places 'ith them and be someones pet in our neDt li$e, Cust as predators and their prey )o bac( and $orth $rom li$espan to li$espan as they e.ol.e up the e.olutionary ladder. 4umans could do the same thin) 'ith their pets. 9e 'or( at creatin) a hea.en on earth $or humans, but do it $or do)s, cats, other pets and $arm animals. #hat is 'hat a spiritual bein) does. 1++

9nimals are closer and farther awa5 from hea*en; &nimals ha.e less o$ a mind bloc(in) the input $rom their senses, thus they eDperience much more o$ li$e than man(ind. #hey li.e in the present, and they are more $ul$illed and closer to the truth than 'e are. #hey ha.e less o$ a 'ay to )o, but they cannot )et past that last little bit, the instinctual mind. 4riginal sin; #he :ible calls it ori)inal sin. ;ou are born 'ith this part o$ the mind. #he beast 'ithin comes into the 'orld 'ith your body as the instinctual mind. #hat is 'hy the :ible says 'e are all sinners, all missin) the mar(. The $ible sa5s: B+*er5one falls short of the glor5 of 7od.C 1n other 'ords, 'e are all $allin) short o$ the )lory o$ the truth and the li$e. KonMt feed the beast; 3o not $eed the beast 'ith )reed and eDpensi.e thin)s, 'ith dru)s, 'ith unhealthy $oods, 'ith seD, etc. #o e.ol.e past your animal nature, you cannot Cust )i.e in to 'hat the beast 'ants to do. ;ou must do 'hat the beast does not 'ant to do and see( truth instead o$ chase pleasure. 9ll the wa5; 8on"human animals are much closer to *od=li$e, but e.en i$ you are )ettin) ninety"nine percent o$ the li$e comin) to you, it is no'here near 'hat a hundred percent is li(e. 8inety"nine percent 'ith *od is still not bein) 'ith *od. & planet can ha.e ninety"nine percent o$ the mass o$ a star and not be a star. 1t is that last one percent that i)nites it and turns it into a star that shines 'ith li)ht. 1t is the same 'ith human bein)s. ;ou ha.e to )o all the 'ay to become a spiritual bein). !lose only counts in horseshoes, as the sayin) )oes. =ind *s. mind; ;ou need the mind o$ man to )et past the animal mind. #hat is 'hy 'e e.ol.ed $rom lo'er animals to humans. 9e could not )et to hea.en $rom 'here they are. ;ou ha.e to (no' the intellectual mind truth, the thou)ht or 'ord truth, be$ore you can separate $rom the mind completely. #hus, you ha.e to be 'here 'e are no'. ;ou ha.e to (no' that you ha.e a mind and its nature@ you ha.e to (no' that you are really a spiritual bein) and the nature o$ spiritual thin)s. ;ou ha.e to (no' that you are )oin) to die and be reborn. ;ou ha.e to (no' about the opposites and the balancin) $orce. ;ou ha.e to (no' Fthe truthG o$ this 'orld to )et to the neDt one. Since animals other than man cannot (no' it, they ha.e no chance to )et $ree $rom the mind and )et to hea.en. #hey ha.e to e.ol.e biolo)ically into a man be$ore they )et the opportunity 'e ha.e. Man(ind, on the other hand, can e.ol.e 'ithout chan)in) bodies. 9e can )i.e birth to, as the :ible says. 1+/

?esus said: B f Satan is di*ided against himself: then how will his 0ingdom stand> 9nd if Satan has risen u8 against himself: he cannot stand but will come to an end.C 1n other 'ords, 'hen Satan Hyour mindI )oes up a)ainst itsel$, it ta(es control o$ itsel$. 1t turns $rom Satan into your *uardian &n)el, and you are sa.ed $rom the animal 'orld. ;ou transcend the animal 'orld and e.ol.e into a spiritual bein). The $ible sa5s that Christ will sla5 the 9ntichrist with truth. 9hen people learn the truth and the li$e, they 'ill ha.e the mind o$ !hrist and 'ill use the truth a)ainst the $orces o$ deception to banish deception $rom the earth. 9nimal mind; 5eople 'ho are tryin) to )et clear o$ the mind usually learn ho' to turn o$$ the conscious le.el o$ the mind in a short period o$ time, $or short periods o$ time, and then they )o no $arther. #his is because they thin( they made it and are $ree. Li$e is much more $ul$illin) 'ithout the conscious mind bloc(in) it. 9hen the conscious mind closes do'n, you are at the a'areness le.el o$ all lo'er animals. ;ou become as a'are as do)s, cats, and all other lo'er animals. 1t is so $ul$illin) that people stop there. #his is the last and stron)est illusion. #his does not mean that you 'ill see as 'ell as an ea)le or hear as 'ell as a do). &ll animals ha.e some specialiBed senses that are stron)er than other animals to help them sur.i.e and e.ol.e. Our specialiBed sense that 'as superior to all other animals 'as and is our minds. 1t )a.e us a hu)e ad.anta)e other animals and put us 'here 'e are at the top o$ the $ood chain, but it is not enou)h. #he closest are the $arthest a'ay. 1t is all about bein) more a'are o$ your en.ironment. Our minds made us a'are on a completely ne' le.el o$ perception. 1t not only )a.e us the po'er to con?uer the animal 'orld, it ) us the po'er to e.ol.e and to manipulate our en.ironment li(e no other animal, but 'e are all still Cust smart animals. -hat man0ind has been doing and could be doing in the future is un8recedented in the animal realm: and 8eo8le ta0e it for granted. t is the most wonderful and miraculous thing 8ossible. .ou Aust ha*e to 0now the truth and use the mind to its full 8otential@ to o*ercome the animal realm.


9hen 'e learn the ultimate truth, the conscious and subconscious part o$ our minds start to shut do'n and )o into the bac()round. 1t $eels so )ood and is so $ul$illin) that people are not a'are that there is anythin) else bet'een them and li$e=*od. #here is@ it is the instinctual part o$ our minds, the deepest part o$ our minds. 1t does not shut itsel$ do'n 'ith the other parts. The instinctual mind is .ery po'er$ul and is harder to see than the conscious mind. ;ou see your conscious mind by Cust tryin) to )et in touch 'ith your li$e senses. 9hen they are all clear and all o$ the li$e comin) to you, you can (no' that the conscious mind is not in your li$e. ;ou cannot do that 'ith the instinctual part o$ your mind. #he instinctual part o$ your mind does not bloc( your other senses .ery much, not enou)h to (no' it that 'ay. -sin) that method to see it does not 'or(. #hat is 'hat ma(es it the most dan)erous part o$ your mind. 1t is di$$icult and scary to )et past. #he instinctual part o$ your mind mani$ests itsel$ as $ear, carnal lo.e, the seD dri.e, )reed, hate, as 'ell as racism and all other animal a))ressi.e and .iolent beha.ior. )itler and =anson are eDamples o$ people that )ot their charisma and presence $rom 'ithout the conscious mind much o$ the time. 1t )a.e them their po'er, but 'ithout the conscious mind to (eep the instinctual mind in chec(, you ha.e a .ery charismatic super"predator. 4itler 'as more or)aniBed, Manson 'as more spontaneous, but they 'ere on the same le.el. #hey )ot past $ear, but not a))ression. #hey 'ere charismatic, $earless and a))ressi.e, and 'e all (no' the result o$ that state o$ mind. Manson and 4itler did not (no' they 'ere 'ithout the conscious mind@ they did not turn it o$$ deliberately. #hey 'ere not a'are that they had no conscience. #hey literally lost their minds@ they did not ta(e control o$ them as a spiritual bein) does. Only those that (no' the ultimate truth can turn o$$ their mind. To go most of the wa5 and then sto8 before 5ou get 8ast the instinctual mind can be a disaster. .ou will Aust be turning the beast loose at full 8ower. 4nl5 those who will ris0 going too far can 8ossibl5 find out how far one can go. T.S. +liot ;ou ha.e to )et past the $ul$illment and $ear o$ )oin) $arther. 1$ you stop, you 'ill Cust be a .ery dan)erous animal. #his is 'hy it is important to (eep openin) up until you connect 'ith *od=li$e. ;ou 'ill (no' 'hen it happens.


;ou do not 'ant to spend too much time enCoyin) the beast in its pure $orm, because it is much too dan)erous. 1$ you are actin) a))ressi.e, and it is not in direct sel$"de$ense, you are not past it. ?esus said: BThe see0er should not sto8 until he finds. -hen he does find: he will be disturbed. 9fter ha*ing been disturbed: he will be astonished. Then he will reign o*er e*er5thing.C The mindOs last stand; &s you be)in to )et past the instinctual mind, it can $eel li(e you are dyin). #hat $ear usually stops you $rom )oin) $arther until you realiBe it is not death@ it is birth. ;ou are dyin) to your mind"sel$ and bein) born to your spiritual"sel$. E.en 'hen you thin( you are clear, (eep openin) up@ it al'ays )ets better and better. #o stop searchin) or openin) up is to die spiritually. &s the :ible says, you )o $rom )lory to )lory, and it ends. #he (ey is to stop see(in) more, 'antin) more truth and li$e. 1t ends, because li$e is in$inite. The beginning and the end; #he instinctual mind is the last thin) that holds you in the animal realm. &nimal li$e started 'ith the instinctual mind, and it 'ill end 'ith the instinctual mind. 9hen you )et past it, your spirit is $ree. #he reason it is so hard to see and so hard to )et past is that our spirit has spent se.en"hundred million years 'ith the instinctual mind. 9e ha.e only been 'ith the conscious and subconscious mind $or about ten" thousand years. 1t is di$$icult to )et past, but many o$ us can and 'ill )et past it. Others 'ill stop at the instinctual mind and cause a lot o$ trouble 'ith their charismatic presence. t ne*er goes awa5 in this life@ it is more that 5ou see it when it shows itself. t is alwa5s lur0ing@ it is the lion ?esus sa5s 5ou ha*e to be *igilant against. E.erythin), includin) the ?uest $or enli)htenment, is a double"ed)ed s'ord. #he price $or many people becomin) enli)htened is many people )oin) Cust part 'ay and becomin) more dan)erous animals. Many people that )o part 'ay are )oin) to be charismatic politicians, but 'e 'ill see them $or 'hat they are. Other people 'ho li.e in the mind are al'ays )oin) to be a problem 'e 'ill ha.e to li.e 'ith in this 'orld. #he :ible 'arns us o$ the 'ol$ in sheepLs clothin). 9e 'ill (no' 'ho they are because o$ the 'ay they beha.e. &s >esus said, 'e 'ill (no' people by their 'or(s. 1$ someone is in the mind, it 'ill sho'. &s >ohn Lennon said, B4ne thing 5ou canOt hide is when 5ouOre cri88led inside.C


-ntil all people that li.e in the mind are )one, 'e are )oin) to ha.e to deal 'ith them. >ust bein) around other minds, especially stron) ones, ma(es it almost impossible to stay completely mind $ree and open to the present $or .ery lon). 7reat s8irits are alwa5s o88osed b5 mediocre minds. 9lbert +instein #he )ood ne's is, once you (no' true li$e, ma(e the *od=li$e connection, you (no' *od=li$e $, because the collecti.e unconscious 'ill let you $or)et the 'ay. ;ou 'ill be able to li.e in the truth and the li$e part time $or the rest o$ this li$espan, and 'hen you die, you 'ill be born into a place 'here you can li.e in the truth and the li$e $ulltime, because e.eryone else is in the present. =5 doctrine is; 1i*e that thou ma5est desire to li*e again - that is th5 dut5 - for in an5 case: thou wilt li*e againL Friedrich 3ietGsche Child-li0e not childish; 1n the $uture, people 'ill play a lot. 9e 'ill be child"li(e, but not childish or irresponsible. ;ou 'ill be $illed 'ith li$e e.en more than a child. 1eaders; 1$ the truth is seen by most o$ man(ind in the near $uture, the human race 'ill e.ol.e past leaders and $ollo'ers and any other real di.isions bet'een people. #here 'ill be people that are more popular than others are, but that is about it. 1t 'ill )o bac( and $orth $rom li$espan to li$espan li(e e.erythin) else. )e who cannot obe5 himself will be commanded. That is the nature of li*ing creatures. Friedrich 3ietGsche #here 'ill be a )o.ernment, but not much o$ one. Most o$ it 'ill be part time .olunteers. 1nstead o$ leaders, 'e 'ill ha.e teachers o$ the ultimate truth. 4ne no longer becomes 8oor or rich; both reFuire too much eHertion. -ho still wants to rule> -ho obe5> $oth reFuire too much eHertion. 9n5one that does not agree goes *oluntaril5 into the as5lum. Friedrich 3ietGsche 5eople that (no' the ultimate truth lead they )o 'here lo.e leads. The $uddhaOs last words were: B$e a light unto 5ourself.C


Real men; 5eople are al'ays sayin) F$i)ht li(e a man.G #he truth is, only animals $i)ht. 6eal men and 'oman do not $i)ht, eDcept in sel$"de$ense. & spiritual personLs $earlessness deters most potential attac(ers, but you may be attac(ed any'ay. -n$ortunately, sel$"de$ense may be necessary, until 'e )et to hea.en or create one on earth. >ust remember, durin) the course o$ our e.olution, 'e ha.e had to )o throu)h millions o$ $i)hts to the death. 1$ 'e ha.e to )o throu)h a $e' more, it is no bi) deal. 9hen you ha.e the option, you al'ays call the police and let them do the $i)htin) $or you. #hey are prepared $or it, and it is their Cob to do it. ;ou only resort to .iolence 'hen there is not another 'ay. 9e ha.e come a lon) 'ay, and most people in the ci.iliBed 'orld 'ill not ha.e to physically de$end anymore, but i$ you are unluc(y and are attac(ed, you no' (no' 'hat a spiritual bein) 'ould do and 'hy. Pain and fear ha.e been the )reatest allies. 1n addition to causin) all the hate, deception and discontent, the mind tries to close do'n your sense o$ $eelin) as much as it can to a.oid physical pain. 1t does not 'or(@ pain still 'ill hurt Cust as bad. #he problem is, your sense o$ $eelin) stays closed e.en a$ter the pain is )one. 5eople try to hide $rom pain, and they end up hidin) $rom true li$e. 9hen the mind tries to shut out pain, it does not succeed, but it does succeed in shuttin) do'n your perception o$ true li$e. 1t is the 'orst bar)ain you can ma(e. -ntil you )et to hea.en, you ha.e to embrace all o$ li$e completely, includin) physical pain. 1t is *od, li(e e.erythin) else real. happens in the present is *od. #ryin) to i)nore *od=li$e is the 'orst thin) you can do. 1t is the only sin there is. #o lo.e *od is to be open to all o$ the present all o$ the time. .ou ha*e to ta0e the bitter with the sweet to li*e true life. ;ou Cust ha.e to remember the pain 'ill pass and be compensated $or 'ith an e?ual amount o$ pleasure. *od is in pain, as *od is in all o$ li$e. ;ou can be in pain and still be $ul$illed, $illed 'ith li$e, $illed 'ith *od. 8o one li(es pain@ e.eryone 'ill still try to a.oid pain 'hen they can, but 'hen you cannot, you Cust ha.e to suc( it up and endure it until it passes. 9hy try to mentally a.oid it 'hen it does not 'or( any'ay< ;ou ha.e to ta(e 'hat is comin) to you and ta(e it all, no matter 'hat it is. ;ou cannot try to shut out pain 'ithout shuttin) out li$e. Pain and fear are the tools of the de*il.


;ou can ta(e pain medication to stop or relie.e pain ' you can, but close your mind to the present. 1$ you try to a.oid the present, you are tryin) to a.oid *od. 1t is all or nothin) 'hen it comes to *od. Se8arating the s8iritual beings from the animals; 1t is easy to be completely open 'hen li$e is )ood@ almost anyone can do that. 1t is 'hen times are bad that it is most di$$icult. 1t is 'hat separates the spiritual bein)s $rom the animals. 1t is the baptism o$ $ire. 3i$$icult or not, you ha.e to be open to the present at all times. ;ou ha.e to 'ant it 'ith all your heart, no matter 'hat it is, and let it in, embrace it as your true lo.e. 1$ you do not lo.e e.ery part o$ li$e, you do not lo.e *od. )ardwired; Once you (no' the ultimate truth, you 'ill be able to separate yoursel$ $rom $ear completely, alon) 'ith all ne)ati.e thin)s created by the mind, but not physical pain, because it is hard'ired into our bodies. Some people can mentally reduce pain $or short periods o$ time, but most people cannot. 5ain medication 'ill help, but not al'ays, and you 'ill not al'ays ha.e access to pain medication. 1$ there is no 'ay to a.oid it, 'hy try< 5hysical pain 'ill hurt as lon) as you are in your current body. 0no'in) the balance 'ill help you throu)h it, but it 'onLt stop it. 5ain is hard'ired into our current bodies. 1t 'ill not be in hea.en, but 'e are not there yet. Most o$ the pain, sadness, and discom$ort in our is mental, a creation o$ our minds. Our minds create it, so they can stop creatin) it once 'e realiBe the truth, but 'e cannot do much about the physical pain in our #he pain caused by inCuries or disease is real. 1t is real and cannot be a.oided, but it comprises a small percent o$ most peopleLs, and it is balanced by pleasure. Pain is concentrated 8leasure; & little pain buys a lot o$ pleasure. ;ou can $eel as )ood as you can $eel bad. #he 'orst pain $eels a lot 'orse than the )reatest pleasure $eels )ood. 5ain, especially $rom inCuries, is a lot more concentrated and intense. #he pain=pleasure balance is e?ual in intensity or duration. & $e' minutes o$ eDtreme pain can e?ual months o$ $eelin) )ood or hours o$ pleasure. Fear factor; &$ter you (no' the truth and start openin) up to the li$e, you 'ill become more $ear$ul o$ dan)erous situations. 1t is natural and to be eDpected@ it tells you that you are on the ri)ht path and becomin) more a'are. #he $ear can ser.e a positi.e or ne)ati.e purpose, dependin) on ho' you loo( at it. 1t can ha.e a po'er$ul ne)ati.e e$$ect i$ you let it close you do'n and ma(e you less a'are o$ the present. try to mentally hide $rom anythin). -se $ear as a cue to brin) you into the present.


Fear is a )reat positi.e i$ you let the $ear ma(e you more a'are o$ li$e, let it brin) you more into the present. Fear can ma(e you more a'are, more in the present, and more moti.ated to see( and spread the truth. Fear is the mindLs )reatest tool to control you, but i$ you ta(e control o$ it, it turns it around. 1t can be used as your )reatest tool to $ree yoursel$ $rom the mind. 9hat is no' your 'orst enemy can become your best $riend. =a0e fear 5our friend. Loo( at a coyote@ it in constant $ear, and it is a'are o$ e.erythin) happenin) around it. *et into $ear 'hen it occurs, and use it to open you up to *od=li$e. let it close you do'n more. 9s =arlon $rando sa5s at the end of the mo*ie 98ocal58se 3ow: B.ou ha*e to ma0e horror 5our friend: or it will be an enem5 to trul5 fear.C Marlon 'as not paid $or his )reat actin)@ he 'as paid $or his )reat presence. Fear really )oes a'ay, because it is a re$leD response to dan)erous situations, semi"hard'ired into our bodies. #he best you can do is separate yoursel$ $rom it, see it $or the mind made thin) it is, and not let it control you. -ar; 9ars 'ill Cust $ade a'ay. 5eople 'ill ha.e a hard time they happened. #he 'hole last ten"thousand years 'ill be seen as one lon) 3ar( &)e, a pathetic and u)ly time that 'e 'ill not e.en 'ant to remember. -h5 do 8eo8le that want the same things ha*e conflicts> t is stu8id when seen from the truth and the life. -hen 8eo8le wa0e u8: all conflicts will sto8 for man5 reasons: but sur*i*al will be the main one. 1n the past, 'e had to $i)ht $or limited resources to sur.i.e, so it 'as necessary. 8o', the opposite is true, and 'e Cust ha.e to see this $act in time. 9e no lon)er ha.e any reason to $i)ht 'ith each other, and 'e ha.e e.ery reason not to, bein) the main one. #he truth and communication 'ill be the (ey. The age of man0ind; 1t 'ill be rele)ated to museums. #he a)e o$ man(ind 'ill be ri)ht neDt to the eDhibit o$ the ca.eman. -e lo*e seeing our celebrities fall and *iolent human animal beha*ior. :ein) interested in this stu$$ is actually )ood, because 'e see ho' the rich and $amous do not ha.e it that )ood, and 'e also see ho' close 'e are to the Cun)le. $efore 5ou can do the right thing: 5ou ha*e to 0now what the right thing is. 1/

Section ( & )ea*en on +arth & Cha8ter (.#

The Second Coming

Second coming; #here 'ill be a second comin) as it says in the :ible. !hrist comes bac( 'hen you let the truth and the li$e in. 4e comes bac( throu)h our bodies as spirit and truth. ?esus said: B am in s8irit and truth.C ?esus said: BThe world will see me no more: but 5ou will see me: because li*e: 5ou will li*e also: 5ou are in me and am in 5ou.C Spiritual people 'ill not act as >esus did t'o"thousand years a)o. 9e 'ill be our o'n person and do our o'n thin). >esus did not )o around parrotin) the 'ords o$ the prophets that came be$ore him, and spiritual people 'ill not parrot his 'ords. So"called !hristians no' )o around Cust repeatin) 'hat >esus said 'ithout e.en (no'in) 'hat it means. #hat ma(es them the enemy o$ the truth and the li$e. >esus re.ealed ne' eDplanations o$ the ultimate truth@ he updated the truth. Spiritual people no' 'ill also update the truth, do 'hat >esus did, and thus they 'ill be true $ollo'ers o$ >esus and be the first true Christians. #he only thin) 'e 'ill ha.e in common 'ith the !hrist o$ t'o"thousand years a)o is that 'e 'ill also (no' the truth and li.e the li$e o$ a spiritual bein). 9e do not need to tell others the truth in person li(e >esus did. 9e tell it on the 1nternet. Some people 'ill do it in person, such as people in or)aniBed reli)ions, but most people 'ill Cust li.e the li$e and spread the truth and the li$e 'ithout people e.en (no'in) they are doin) it. am not sa5ing ?esus was not di*ine@ he was. am sa5ing we all can be. Pro8hets; Most people thin( all the prophets li.ed hundreds o$ years a)o, but the truth is, there ha.e been many recent prophets. Most recent prophets ha.e been in sho' business and the arts. Let me tell you about $our o$ the most po'er$ul.


Section ( & )ea*en on +arth & Cha8ter (.%

The $eatles as Pro8hets

B1i*ing is eas5 with e5es closed: misunderstanding all 5ou see.C EStra'berry Fields Fore.erE The $eatles 'ere li(e other men, but the music and lyrics channeled throu)h them contained ma)ic and messa)es $rom beyond the mind. #hey say they did not (no' 'hat their son)s meant anymore than anyone else. 1 remember the $irst time 1 heard a :eatles son). 1t 'as in February 12+ , Cust a $e' months a$ter 5resident 0ennedy 'as shot and (illed. E.eryone 'as in a stran)e $un(. 1 'as 'al(in) home $rom school HsiDth )radeI 'ith a $riend, and 'e 'ere )oin) to a nei)hborLs house. 4e 'as older and .ery cool. 4e built dra) racin) cars in his )ara)e, and he al'ays had his radio blarin). #here 'as a son) comin) out o$ it that stopped me in my trac(s. On a cold and )loomy 'inter day, the 'ind blo'in) throu)h my hair, 1 heard: B f thereMs an5thing that 5ou want: if thereMs an5thing can do: Aust call on me: and Mll send it along: with lo*e: from me to 5ou.C 9e stood there on the corner and listened to the 'hole son) in silence. 1 'as stunned. My $riend said that Ethe son) is called A From Me To You.A #hey are called the :eatles and they all )ot haircuts li(e Moe o$ the #hree Stoo)es.E 1t 'ent ri)ht throu)h me@ it seemed $amiliar and un(no'n at the same time. 1t 'as one o$ those rare moments that you $or)et that chan)es your li$e. The Ienned5 assassination was one of them. lost m5 innocence: and The $eatles ga*e it bac0 to me. 1 'ent $rom no hope, to anythin) is possible, and 1 'as not alone. 1t seemed li(e it happened to e.ery (id in the 'orld. #here 'as no shorta)e o$ )reat music at the time. 1 did not really li(e or disli(e the son)@ it 'as Cust di$$erent, li(e somethin) $rom another planet. 1 had heard anythin) li(e it, no one had. 1t 'as (ind o$ 'eird, because they 'ere sayin) silly thin)s li(e little (ids, and they had haircuts li(e little (ids. 1/+

#heir son)s said thin)s li(e, Fshe you yea yea yea, 1 'ant to hold your handG and stu$$ li(e that, 'hich 'as stran)e, but it had a po'er$ul .itality and Coy. 1t )ot my attention. #he 'ords 'ere simple and direct, and it seemed li(e they 'ere tal(in) directly to you, not Cust some un(no'n )irl li(e other son)s. :e$ore #he :eatles, 'e 'ere all into loo(in) li(e >ames 3ean and tryin) to be cool. &$ter #he :eatles sho'ed up, at about the album 6ubber Soul or, 'e ?uit 'earin) shoes and started )ro'in) our hair. 1t 'as time to )o our o'n 'ay and )et into li$e. 1t 'as the start o$ a lon) party $or me and a lot o$ other (ids. #he mo.ies &nimal 4ouse and &merican *ra$$iti depict the 'ay cars, music, and people 'ere in 12+3, Cust be$ore #he :eatles sho'ed up. 9e 'ere happy 'ith the music and 'ere not loo(in) $or somethin) ne'. 1 am still into that music and hotrods. #he music be$ore the :eatles 'as the )reatest roc( and roll made. 1t did not matter@ #he :eatles chan)ed e.erythin) any'ay. #heir po'er 'as'helmin). 8othin) li(e it happened be$ore or has happened since. That is what made what the5 did so unusual and magical. Force of nature; 1 am not sayin) their music 'as better. 1 li(ed the music be$ore they came better, but they 'ere better. 1t 'as the 'hole pac(a)e. #he :eatles 'ere a $orce o$ nature, and all us (ids 'ere Cust s'ept a'ay. The mo*ie; #hen that FA Hard Days NightG came out Hthe blac( and 'hite oneI. 5eople Cust did not act that 'ay. 1t 'as a .ery conser.ati.e time bac( then. #o see a bunch o$ )ro'n men Cump around and Cust act silly $or a 'hole 'as a shoc(, to say the least. 1t 'as the most ridiculous made. 1t 'as li(e a comedy, but not a comedy@ it 'as and still is beyond description. 1t 'as the $irst time 'e sa' them do somethin) besides playin) a son). 8o one else could ha.e acted that 'ay and )ot a'ay 'ith it, but their music 'as so )ood that it did not matter 'hat they did. 1 sa' it in the summer o$ 12+ . 1 'as ele.en, and 1 sa' it at the !rest #heatre 'ith many )irls. & $e' o$ them 'ere screamin) in the theater li(e it 'as a li.e concert. 1 remember 1 'ould )et uncom$ortable, because 1 really did not li(e men actin) silly at that time, but ri)ht 'hen 1 $elt li(e they played a son).


1t opens 'ith FA Hard Day's Night,E then FI Wanna e Your Man,G and FDon't other Me.G #hen they put you in the seat permanently 'ith the son) EAll My !o"ing.G 1n that son), they tal( to us. #hey say in the son) that F'hile they are a'ay, they 'ill 'rite home e.eryday, and send all their to us,E and they do. 1t is prophetic, because they are )one or a'ay, but they still send their lo.e Cust li(e they said they 'ould in their music and mo.ies. 1t also says they 'ill al'ays be true, and they al'ays ha.e been, and 'e are Cust $indin) out ho' true no'. 1 did not realiBe 'hat the 'as about then. 1t 'as sho'in) the contrast bet'een the youn)er )eneration and the old establishment. #hey did e.erythin) they could to loo( li(e $ools, but the older )eneration still loo(ed li(e the $ools and completely phony and miserable. #hat 'as the true start o$ lettin) it all han) out. 1$ you loo( at the people in the audience o$ their early concerts, you 'ill notice that in bet'een the screamin) )irls, there 'ere a $e' )uys, and many 'ere 'earin) a suit and had a cre' cut. #hat is conser.ati.e. #he )uys 'ould Cust be sittin) or standin) there 'ith a dumb loo( on their $aces. #hey did not (no' 'hat 'as happenin). #hey could not understand 'hy their )irl$riends 'ere comin) completely un)lued. #hey 'ould scream and cry, 'et their pants and pass out. *irls can pull lo.e ri)ht out o$ the air, and they let e.eryone (no' it 'hen they do. #he :eatles Cust put a lot o$ lo.e into the air, and the )irls Cust )ot it and re$lected it bac( at them in a .ery loud 'ay. 1t is not Cust #he :eatles@ )irls screamed at any popular teen idol, but li(e e.erythin) else, #he :eatles too( it to a hi)her le.el. &t their early concerts, the )irls screamin) sounded li(e a Cet plane landin). 1t is not so much 'hat they did to the )irls that 'as di$$erent@ it is 'hat they did to all o$ society. #hey put somethin) out that 'as a lot more than Cust music. #he times they 'ere a"chan)inA as 3ylan said. #he times 'ere .ery conser.ati.e, and e.erythin) the :eatles did 'as a maCor shoc( to the system. #he 'as one o$ many $irsts. &$ter they did it, other bands made .ideo shorts o$ them actin) silly, but it Cust 'as not the same. #he :eatles 'ere the real thin). #here 'as e.en a #M series made about them called, F#he Mon(ees.G #he :eatles made bein) silly acceptable, and it turned us loose.


1t 'as a )reat time to be a teena)er. 1t seemed li(e they came out 'ith a ne' son) e.ery $e' 'ee(s that 'as totally di$$erent and better than the one be$ore. #his is at a time 'hen they sold sin)le records 'ith one son) on each side@ they called them $orty"$ So at the be)innin), 1 bou)ht their son)s t'o at a time. Peo8le that were not there cannot com8rehend what it was li0e for a 0id to hear a new $eatles song for the first time. t 8ut a real magic in the air. #his 'as at an a)e that 1 started )ettin) interested in )irls H1 started earlyI, and 1 lin(ed di$$erent )irls 'ith di$$erent son)s. #o this day, 'hen 1 hear an old son), especially a :eatles son), 1 thin( o$ the )irl 1 'as interested in, 'here 'e 'ere, and 'hat 'e 'ere doin) 'hen 'e $irst heard it. #he )irl and son) to)ether made impressions that ha.e stuc( in my mind. #hey 'ere .ery ma)ical times. #his 'ent on $or se.en years and too( me $rom the a)e o$ ele.en to nineteen. #he :eatles 'ere the sound trac( $or my 'hole teena)e li$e. 1 'as blessed. 1 'as too cool $or the :eatles a$ter the $irst year or t'o. 4o', 1 al'ays (ne' #he :eatles 'ere there, bein) per$ect, bein) better than should be possible $or mortal men. #hey 'ere li(e the )ods o$ the siDties. &ll other bands in the siDties 'ere Cust )reat musicians. #he :eatles 'ere somethin) more, and they 'ere ours. Most people that are into )ood music (no' the siDties 'as a time o$ musical (in)s. E.eryone 'as )reat, but the :eatles 'ere the (in) o$ (in)s, and that is 'hy they 'ere so eDceptional. &nyone can be bi) no'. #hen, the bi))est meant somethin). :ein) )reat 'as the norm@ to be the undisputed best too( ma)ic. That is wh5 tal0 about them in this boo0. t is not for their music@ it is for the wa5 the5 too0 o*er the hearts and minds of most 5oung 8eo8le when it should ha*e been im8ossible to do. -hat the5 did was magic. t is a sign. 8ature set them apart $or a reason. 1t is so 'e do not Cust thin( they 'ere another )reat band, so 'e loo( closer and listen a little better. 1/2

#here 'as an R $actor to #he :eatles, and e.eryone (ne' it on some le.el, e.en the adults and people that did not li(e their music. &s musicians, they 'ere unbelie.ably )reat. &s people, they 'ere $unny and smart. #hey 'ere the stron)est .oice o$ a )eneration o$ many stron), talented .oices. #hey made the older )eneration loo( stupid and made us loo( )ood@ they )a.e us real stren)th. 1 li(ed to hear them tal( in's. >ohn Lennon 'as more honest and had a ?uic(er 'it than anyone on the planet. 4e 'ould Cust shred anyone that 'anted to play mind )ames 'ith him. 4e 'as our spo(esperson. 4e made the older )eneration loo( $oolish and phony, 'hich they 'ere. 4e had more )uts than anyone, and he 'ould do and say the thin)s that e.eryone else 'as thin(in), but did not ha.e the )uts or po'er to say or do. 8o one had a bi))er heart, and no one 'as tou)her. 1t 'as somethin) to see. 9hen he said they 'ere more popular than >esus 'as, he 'as Cust tellin) the truth, and he really bac(ed do'n $rom that statement. #he :eatles )a.e us a con$idence. :ecause o$ them, the human race seemed special, li(e it could do anythin). #here really 'as real ma)ic. 9e 'ere )oin) some'here 'onder$ul. #hey sho'ed that truth and lo.e had real po'er. 1 too( them $or )ranted li(e most people, and 1 did not (no' ho' special they 'ere until years a$ter they 'ere )one. 1 al'ays thou)ht that some other band 'ould e.entually come alon) and be that )ood. 8o one has, and no' 1 (no' 'hy. The $eatles were not Aust musicians@ the5 were 8ro8hets. Spiritual bein)s (no' that 'e do not need a ne' band to come alon)@ 'e still ha.e them. 1t is Cust as 'e do not need a ne' >esus to come bac(@ 'e still ha.e the 'ords $rom the $irst one. 9e Cust need to hear them $or the $irst time. S8iritual e*ent; #he :eatles music 'as behind and po'ered the last bi) spiritual e.ent. 1t 'as called the peace and lo.e mo.ement. #hey )a.e it le)itimacy and that )reat :eatles F'e can do anythin) and ha.e $un doin) itG .ibe. #hey )ot it )oin) 'ith albums li(e Ma)ical Mystery #our, S)t. 5epperLs and ;ello' Submarine, and they ended it 'ith #he 9hite &lbum .ia !harles Manson. 1,0

9hat happened 'as not their intention, but their music on #he 9hite &lbum H4elter S(elter=5i))iesI 'as in.ol.ed in endin) the mo.ement in the summer o$ 12+2. 4ippies 'ere not seen as harmless anymore. 1t 'as dead and buried by #he 6ollin) Stones concert at &ltamont and 'hen #he :eatles bro(e up. t ha88ened li0e this; 9hen Martin Luther 0in) >r. 'as shot, it started )oin) do'n. 1t ended politically 'hen :obby 0ennedy 'as shot. #he hippie mo.ement ended 'ith the Manson murders and #he Stones concert at &ltamont. 1t then ended spiritually 'hen the :eatles bro(e up. &s >ohn Lennon said, the dream 'as =ost 8eo8le felt if the $eatles could not ma0e it ha88en: nothing could. 9hen they )a.e up, 'e )a.e up. 1n the siDties, some o$ the best and some o$ the 'orst happened because o$ #he :eatles music. #hey 'ere in.ol.ed in the be)innin) and the end o$ a spiritual mo.ement. #hey did not do it all, but they 'ere the bi))est, stron)est player in it, and started and ended it. #hat is a $act. ns8iration shift; &t the end o$ the siDties, some o$ the inspiration shi$ted $rom )reat music to )reat mo.ies, such as #he *od$ather, #he EDorcist, and many others. 5opular music turned into disco, pun(, )run)e, ne' 'a.e, and rap. &ll music is inspired, but to di$$erent de)rees. 1n the siDties, it 'as .ery inspired. Sa*e the world; #he :eatles music 'as behind many bi) thin)s that most people do not (no' about, such as the $all o$ communism in 6ussia. #heir music 'as smu))led in, and it helped po'er the mo.ement that ended 'ith the :erlin 9all comin) do'n and the $all o$ communism. Many 6ussians 'ill s'ear it 'as #he :eatles music that 'as behind the $all o$ communism. 9hen the 6ussian (ids heard their music, they thou)ht, F1$ democracy produced #he :eatles, it must be the best system.G #he :eatles made $reedom sound really )ood, and as a result, may ha.e sa.ed the 'orld $rom nuclear destruction. Most people thin( it 'as 6ussiaLs 'ar in &$)hanistan and 6ea)anLs Star 9ars missile de$ense system, but the corrupt and soulless communist system 'as bro(en spiritually, and #he :eatles music played a bi) part in doin) that. The $eatles hel8ed sa*e the world: and the5 will hel8 do it again now.


#hey also )ot eastern meditation )oin) in the 'est by )oin) to 1ndia, and Lennon did more to end the 'ar in Mietnam than anyone else did. The $ible sa5s: B$lessed are the 8eace ma0ers.C The $eatles made +ngland and 9merica one famil5; &t one time, En)land 'as our 'orst enemy@ no' they could not be closer to our hearts. 9e are no' li(e $amily. 9e are their youn)er, but bi))er and stron)er brother. 1$ anyone bi))er and stron)er messed 'ith them, 'e 'ould step in and (ic( their butts. 9e stepped in $or them in 9911, but it 'ould be di$$erent no'. #his time it 'ould be personal. #here are many reasons 'e 'ould protect them, but the reason it 'ould be personal is mainly #he :eatles. #hey made us one $amily. )idden messages; #o hear the hidden messa)es in #he :eatles music, you do not ha.e to play the son)s bac('ards li(e some people in the siDties thou)ht@ you Cust ha.e to chan)e your perspecti.e, listen bac('ards. 1nstead o$ their son)s bein) sun) to a )irl some'here, you hear them as bein) sun) to you personally. ;ou listen li(e the son) is ne', and you ha.e heard it be$ore, because you really ha.enLt. 8o one has, not e.en the :eatles n the song <Julia<: ?ohn 1ennon sa5s: <)alf of what sa5 is meaningless: but sa5 it Aust to reach 5ou.< This clearl5 means that half of what the5 sa5 is meaningful: and the rest is Aust there to reach us. Some o$ their son)s 'ere ob.iously bein) sun) directly to the listener@ others are Cust lo.e son)s to a )irl, but most are both. #hey are bein) sun) to a )irl and to you, e.en i$ you are not a )irl. #hey can be interpreted either 'ay dependin) on your perspecti.e. From the perspecti.e o$ a teena)e )irl, you hear a silly lo.e son). From the perspecti.e o$ a truth see(er, you 'ill hear a lo.e son) also, only itAs spiritual lo.e, di.ine lo.e. Other bands are Cust sin)in) lo.e son)s to a )irl some'here, but in hindsi)ht, 'e no' (no' that the :eatles 'ere into somethin) bi))er, that they 'ere prophets. Time loc0; Most o$ their early son)s appear to be Cust silly lo.e son)s. #his is 'hat made it possible to )et a spiritual communication to most people. #hey su)ar"coated the truth, hid it as a lo.e son), and sent it to the truth see(ers o$ the 'orld under the radar. 1t 'or(ed i$ 'e )et it no'. 1t 'as actually created $or no'.


#he truth is hidden in their music, Cust as it is hidden in the :ible, and there is a time loc( on it. 8o one could (no' until no', not e.en #he :eatles The sign; #here is a si)n in their son)s to let us (no' that the son)s are not Cust a lo.e son) to a )irl. #he si)n is the 'ord <friend:< 'hich is not a 'ay that you 'ould address a )irl 'hom you are sin)in) a lo.e son) to. EDamples: #he son) EI'll Follow the #unE: E#hou)h 1 may lose a friend, in the end you 'ill (no'. Someday youAll $ind 1 'as the one.E #he son) E We $an Wor% It &utE: ELi$e is .ery short and thereAs no time $or $ussin) and $i)htin) my friend.E #he son) E$an't uy Me !o"eE: E1 'ill buy you a diamond rin) my friend, i$ it ma(es you $eel alri)ht.E #he son) E I'll (et YouE: ESo 1Am tellin) you my friend, 1All )et you in the end.E #hey 'ill )et us no'. 1n that last son), FI'll (et You,G they say, E#here is )oin) to be a time, 'hen 1Am )oin) to chan)e your mind.E #hey mean literally chan)e your mind, $rom the mind o$ man(ind, to the mind o$ a spiritual bein). >ohn says that line, and 5aul says, E1 am )oin) to ma(e you mine,E at the same time. #hat ma(es it an important si)n. 3ote; 3o not start listenin) to the son)s no'. 6ead this section o$ the boo( $irst. 9hen you clic( on the son), ;ou#ube 'ill start playin) the son) automatically. 9hen listenin) to the son)s, be sure to remember that they are tal(in) to you ri)ht 34-. 1t is one thin) to read about them and another to listen to them. 1 am Cust tellin) you 'hat they really mean. -ords with two meanings; *irl, her, baby, honey, she, darlin), etc. K #he is $emale, Cust as $emales biolo)ically recei.e the seed o$ li$e $rom males. is listenin) to their music is the, because you are the music. #he 'ord man, he, him, his, etc. K transmitter or sender. #he collecti.e unconscious .ia the :eatles are the transmitters@ they are sendin) the music and messa)e. 4ome K the 5resent, *od, End K be)innin), etc. This is wh5 meta8horicall5 7od is a male. 7od gi*es us life@ we recei*e it. 9hen they say Fyou,G they mean 5ou. #hey use metaphors li(e reli)ious boo(s do. #he t'o meanin)s $or the 'ord Flo.eG are di.ine lo.e, 'hich means *od, the present, total a'areness, etc. #he other meanin) $or lo.e is carnal lo.e Hman 'oman lo.eI. One meanin) is $or your soul, the other is $or that mystery )irl. 1,3

1t is not a man sin)in) a lo.e son) to another man@ there is nothin) seDual about it. 1t is the spirit communicatin) to your spirit, sin)in) to your spirit. S8irituall5: we are all female in a sense: because we recei*e truth and life. 7od is a male: because he is the gi*er of life: so s8irituall5: we are female. #hat is the reason 'omen are closer to true li$e than men@ $emales are Cust better at bein) $emale than men. Men ha.e to learn ho' to do it@ 'omen are born 'ith the ability to do it. 9omen are not completely clear and ha.e to learn the ultimate truth to become completely clear, but they are a lot closer naturally. #he 'ords in the :eatlesL son)s need to bypass your mind. 1$ you are a )uy and it ma(es you $eel uncom$ortable, it means it is not )ettin) past your mind. 1$ your mind is in the 'ay e.en a little bit, you do not hear the son) clearly and truly. 6emember that they are sin)in) to a )irl and e.eryoneLs spirit at the same time. 1t is easier $or )irls to listen to it, but it is also easier $or them to miss the spiritual messa)e and Cust thin( it is a lo.e son) to them. t is the s8irit singing to the s8irit. Their s8irit is tal0ing to 5our s8irit. 1and of no mind; On the spiritual le.el, 'here their 'ords come $rom, there are no seDes. #he spirit has no seD, so listen $rom your spirit, $rom your true sel$, and you 'ill not )et uncom$ortable i$ you are a )uy. #he mental discom$ort is a cue that tells you that you are not present. *et in the present, the land o$ no"mind. 15rics; ;ou ha.e to (no' 'hat the lyrics really say be$ore you can interpret them correctly. One misinterpreted 'ord can chan)e the meanin) o$ the son), so you need to see the 'ords. & )ood eDample is in the son) FI want to hold your hand .G Most people thin( they are sayin), F9hen 1 touch you 1 )et hi)h.G #hey actually say, F9hen 1 touch you 1 canLt hide.G #he $irst time you listen to these son)s a)ain, Cust listen 'ithout the lyrics or thin(in) about 'hat the lyrics are sayin). 1$ you listen to son)s li(e FTwo of )sG HLet 1t :eI and FYour ird $an #ingG H6e.ol.erI and FWaitG, FThe WordG or FThin% For YourselfG H6ubber SoulI, you 'ill see the meanin)s clearly, and you (no' 'here they are comin) $rom and 'ho they are tal(in) to. ;ou 'ill realiBe they are tal(in) to you in the here and no'.


Some other son)s 'here it is easy to see the dual meanin)s are the son)s: FAll My !o"ingG H9ith the :eatlesI, FI WillG H#he 9hite &lbumI, FTell Me What You #eeG H4elpN albumI, FNo *e+lyG or FWhat You're DoingG on the album :eatles $or Sale, or FThings We #aid TodayG on the & 4ard 3ayLs 8i)ht album. On that same album, the son) FI'll e ac%G is tellin) us they 'ill be bac(, a second comin), once 'e can see the true meanin)s o$ the son)s. Second coming; #he :eatles are comin) bac(, but not as the cute mop tops 'e sa' the $irst time. #his time 'e 'ill see them $or the prophets they really 'ere, and hear the spiritual and truth side o$ their music. t will change the world again. #he po'er and .ibe is still there@ add the truth and the li$e Hthe presentI, your ne' perspecti.e, and you ha.e a door to the ma)ical mystery tour, a tic(et to ride. #he lon) and 'indin) road that leads to your door@ they mean your door, your spirit. 9hen they say F1 'ant to be your man,G it means they 'ant to be your Fmind,G send you a transmission, in$orm you. 9hen they say F1 'ant to hold your hand,G it means they 'ant to connect to you, sho' you the 'ay, be 'ith you, etc. -hen the5 sa5 Bcome on:C the5 mean come on li0e a light: wa0e u8. Listen to F,"erybody's (ot #omething to Hide ,-ce+t Me and My Mon%eyG on #he 9hite &lbum, and you 'ill see 'hat 1 mean by the 'ords Fcome on.G Some o$ their lyrics mean eDactly 'hat they say, and some ha.e hidden meanin)s, Cust li(e all reli)ious material. Sometimes, you ha.e to listen to them repeatedly until you )et it. 1 hear somethin) di$$erent e.ery time 1 listen to them. #heir album names ha.e dual meanin)s and spiritual connotations., 6ubber Soul, 4ard 3ays 8i)ht, Ma)ical Mystery #our, Let 1t :e, &bbey 6oad, etc. The5 did not write the songs; 0eep in mind that #he :eatles say they 'ere Cust 'ritin) a lo.e son) to a )irl. &t least, that has been their story. 1 belie.e they did not (no' the spiritual content o$ their son)s until a$ter they 'ere 'ritten, that they came out o$ the air, Cust as they said. #hey came $rom the collecti.e unconscious, or 4oly Spirit i$ you pre$er, not their o'n minds. >ohn once said, F#he more 1 try to 'rite somethin) that ma(es no sense, the more sense it ends up ma(in).G #his ma(es it clear they 'ere in bi))er hands. 1,%

-hen real music comes to me & the music of the s8heres: the music that sur8asses understanding & that has nothing to do with me: cause Mm Aust the channel. The onl5 Ao5 for me is for it to be gi*en to me: and to transcribe it li0e a medium... those moments are what li*e for. ?ohn 1ennon 9hen you )et your mind out o$ the 'ay, it allo's the collecti.e unconscious to come throu)h. #he messa)e Cust passed throu)h them 'ithout them (no'in) it, and it is true in one 'ay and Cust a story in another 'ay. #hey (ne' it to some eDtent, Cust as 'e all did. #he spirit 'as tal(in) to e.eryone that could hear it, and 1 am sure they could hear that side o$ their music also. #hey (ne' somethin) 'as up, and they Cust 'ent 'ith it as lon) as they could. 8o one has done it lon)er or better. #hey are the state o$ the art, o$ art. #hat is ho' the 4oly spirit=collecti.e unconscious communicates. ;ou usually do not (no' it at $irst, and you usually )et it be$ore anyone else, but not al'ays. EDample: 5aul says the son) FMartha My dearG 'as 'ritten $or his sheep do) Martha. >ohn said F!ucy in the #%y with DiamondsG 'as inspired by a dra'in) his (id made. FDear .rudenceG 'as to try to )et Mia Farro'Ls sister to stop meditatin) and come outside 'hen they 'ere in 1ndia. 1 am sure they did 'rite the son)s $or those reasons. #hou)h it may not ha.e been intended, there are ob.iously other meanin)s 'e )et $rom those and most o$ their other son)s. The5 did not 0now the truth; 1t is true that they do not (no' 'hat their son)s mean. 8o one could (no' until no', not e.en them. #here are thin)s in :eatles son)s that )o more $or a $eelin) than a thou)ht or messa)e. 6emember, thin)s that come $rom the collecti.e unconscious can )et )arbled by our minds, so you ha.e to interpret it. #his ma(es it possible $or thin)s such as poetry and son)s to mean di$$erent thin)s to di$$erent people. #he early son)s are more direct and $rom and to the heart Hno mindI@ they )et more cerebral in their later son)s. #ry listenin) to them $rom this ne' spiritual perspecti.e, and you 'ill see 'hat 1 mean. & )ood 'ay to do it is start 'ith their later son)s Hso you (no' they are spiritualI, and 'or( bac('ards to their $irst son)s. Listenin) to their music bac('ards does sho' you 'hat they are sayin), but not sin)le son)s bac('ards.


Most people thin( the later son)s are more spiritual than the early son)s. #he opposite is true. 1t is the early ones that ha.e the most spiritual content, but you ha.e to (no' it to hear it, and the later son)s ma(e their intent clear. Their most s8iritual albums were their first ones. One o$ their $irst albums, F9ith the :eatlesG 12+3, is the most spiritual to me. 1$ you thin( the later ones 'ere the most spiritual, listen to this one. #he son) FNot a #econd TimeG ma(es a lot o$ sense no'. #he son), FI Wanna e Your ManG is literally sayin) F#hey 'ant to be your mind.G 1t is the spirit tal(in). #heir music 'ent $rom .lease MeG and FDo You Want to 0now a #ecretG to FI Am the WalrusG and FA Day in the !ife.G &nyone that has been in a band 'ill tell you that 'hat they did 'as impossible. #he band that )a.e us FI Want to Hold Your HandG could not ha.e been the same band that )a.e us the son) FIn My !ife,G and it 'asnLt@ they chan)ed completely. Changelings; #hey 'ere chan)elin)s@ it is a characteristic o$ many prophets. E.ery time you loo( at them, you see a di$$erent person, because a spiritual person chan)es as the present chan)es. #hey re$lect the present as it chan)es. ;ou chan)e Hre$lect li$eI as the li$e around you chan)es, and it is chan)in) all the time. Listen to the son)s abo.e or any early and later son) and you 'ill see 'hat 1 mean. #hey are a completely di$$erent band. #hey loo(ed and sounded di$$erent. 1 li(e to listen to the FS)t. 5eppersG album and the F9ith the :eatlesG album bac( to bac(. 1t is a po'er$ul and enli)htenin) eDperience. & lot o$ bands and per$ormers made the )irls scream and )o craBy. #he :eatles did that, plus they did a lot o$ thin)s that 'ere di$$erent than any other musicians or pop stars. #heir music channels the truth and the li$e. =agic; #hey 'rote $orty"ei)ht son)s durin) the $e' 'ee(s they stayed in 1ndia. 9ho else could do that< Many o$ those son)s are on #he 9hite album. #heir music speeds up and slo's do'n@ you cannot dance to most o$ it. #hey use obscure instruments and odd sounds. #hey did some stran)e and di$$erent stu$$.


#hey 'ould create )reat son)s $aster than anyone else has. EDample: >ohn Lennon )ot the idea $or the son) FInstant 0arma,G rented a piano, and recorded it all in one day. Most people ha.e to 'or( on a son) $or a lon) time be$ore they )et it ri)ht, and it is rarely a hit. #he :eatles did it all the time. The song nstant Iarma sa5s most of what this boo0 sa5s in one song. *eor)e Martin, their producer, said #he :eatles created son)s much $aster than any o$ the other bands he 'or(ed 'ith be$ore or since. 4e said the son)s and albums seemed to )ro' by 1 am not tryin) to say that they did not 'or( as hard as anyone else did@ they did. 1 am tryin) to sho' ho' they 'ere more inspired than any other )roup o$ people. &ll a prophet is, is a person or )roup o$ people that can connect 'ith somethin) beyond their o'n minds $or a period o$ time, and channel or brin) into the 'orld somethin) $rom beyond it that re.eals the di.ine truth and li$e. #heir son)s chan)ed and they chan)ed in a .ery short period o$ time. &s their relationship 'ith each other )ot 'orse, their music )ot better. ;ou cannot say that about anyone else. &$ter the :eatles bro(e up, t'o o$ them brou)ht their ' Hnot musiciansI into their ne' bands. 9ho else could or 'ould do that< #here 'as somethin) behind them that could not be stopped, somethin) that )a.e them a po'er to do thin)s that no other band has had be$ore or a$ter. &nother thin) that made them di$$erent $rom any other band 'as that they 'ere all e?ual. ;ou (ne' all o$ them e?ually. 9hen they spo(e in's to)ether, they 'ere li(e one person. One 'ould tal(, but it did not matter 'ho it 'as@ it came $rom them all. #his is really di$$erent, and sho's the spiritual $actor that sets them apart. #heir solo stu$$ 'as also .ery spiritual. EDample: $rom the >ohn Lennon son) FYer luesG: FMy mother 'as o$ the s(y, my $ather 'as o$ the earth, 1 am o$ the uni.erse and you (no' 'hat itAs 'orth.G #hat is as clear as it )ets. #he son)s F(immie #ome Truth,G FMind (ames,G F*eal !o"eG and FImagineG also tell you 'here he 'as at. The older get: the more get Paul; 5aul 'as and is deep, so deep that he is shallo' at the same time. 4is main messa)e is Cust lo*e life.


1n the siDties and up to about a $e' years a)o, 1 'as Cust into Lennon, but 1 am $indin) 5aul 'as Cust as deep and maybe deeper. 4is music is mostly li)ht"hearted, 'here LennonLs usually had an ed)e. *et the .ideo E5aul is Li.eE 8e' 9orld #our 1223, and you 'ill see somethin) po'er$ul. 1 ha.e 'atched it many times, and it )ets better e.ery time. 1t is a complete spiritual eDperience. :e sure to 'atch the credits at the end. 5aul )ets serious and ed)y 'hen necessary. #here are all (inds o$ unseen thin)s in the .ideo, but 1 am not )oin) to tell you 'hat they are. 1 do not li(e analyBin) 5aulLs son)s as much as >ohnAs, because >ohn 'ould not mind. 5aul mi)ht, but there is Cust as much deep stu$$ in them. 4e is one bad dude, bad bein) )ood. #he 5aul is Li.e 1223 concert is part o$ my reli)ion. 1 thin( the 5aul is Li.e concert sho's e.eryone somethin) uneDpected and ne'. 9atch it here: www.5outube.comNwatch>*JA3H,KRiwcFR 1 tal( mostly about Lennon here because he 'as the percei.ed leader o$ the band, and 1 $ocus on him, but the others 'ere Cust as deep. Son)s $rom 5aul li(e FThe Fool on the Hill,G F lac%bird,G FMother Nature's #on,G FTwo of us,G F,leanor *igby,G F!et It e,G FYesterday,G FHey 1ude,G etc. are .ery spiritual son)s. #he si)n in 4ey >ude is, F#he mo.ement you need is on your shoulder.G #he reason it is a si)n is it is out o$ place and ma(es no sense i$ you do not consider the $ollo'in). #he :ible says, F#he (ey o$ is on your shoulder.G >ude is the *erman 'ord $or >e'. #he (ey o$ is a metaphor $or the (ey to true li$e. 5aul said he did not li(e the line and 'as )oin) to remo.e it, but >ohn said he (ne' 'hat it means and that 5aul should lea.e it in, so he did. There are a lot of connections between the $ible and the $eatles. 5aulLs musical talent and 'onder$ul tunes o.ershado'ed 'hat he had to say in his lyrics, but he may ha.e been the most inspired o$ all o$ them. *eor)e is o.ertly spiritual, so there is no doubt his son)s 'ere spiritual in nature. 1$ you loo( at 6in)oLs solo stu$$ 'ith albums li(e FMertical Man,G you can see he 'as spiritual also. 4e 'as the essential heart o$ the band and the 'orldLs best drummer. S8ea0ing on reincarnation in 12(/: 7eorge )arrison said; <.ou go on being reincarnated until 5ou reach the actual Truth.<


#hey 'ere the best at 'hat they did. 5aul 'as the best bass player, >ohn the best rhythm )uitar player, *eor)e on lead and 6in)o on drums. ;ou ha.e to use a sound miDer to separate the indi.idual instruments on a son) to see 'hat 1 mean. Listen to Cust the rhythm )uitar, and the son) almost sounds better. 1 li(e to play Cust >ohnLs )uitar and 5aulLs bass sometimes to hear ho' Cust those t'o sound and interact 'ith each other, and there is ma)ic $lyin) e.ery'here. #heir sound 'as also di$$erent. >ohnLs )uitar sounded di$$erent than any other )uitar, and it is the same 'ith the rest o$ them. >ohnLs rhythm )uitar po'ered most o$ their son)s and )a.e them a $eelin) uni?ue to #he :eatles. 5aulLs bass 'as the bac(bone o$ the son)s@ no one has played it better. 6in)o had a real dead, bac(bone sound, 'hich ) the son)s a uni?ue and pro$ound presence. Many people could out lic( *eor)e on the lead )uitar and out solo 6in)o on the drums, but no one could hit Cust the ri)ht note at Cust the ri)ht time li(e they could. 6in)o and *eor)e had a minimalist approach, and they did more than eDactly 'hat the son) needed. #hey sho'ed o$$ 'ith lead )uitar or drum solos li(e people in other bands. #hey did not ha.e to. &bout the closest thin) 'as FThe ,nd,G the last son) on their last album &bbey 6oad. *eor)e and 6in)o 'aited until the last son) on their last album to sho' ho' )ood they really 'ere 'ith a mini solo. 1 ha.e heard the drums or a lead )uitar semi"solo that 'as better. 6ealiBe ho' di$$erent it is than other music. >ohn and 5aul also played the piano and other (eyboards better than anyone else. 1n addition to bein) the best, most success$ul son)'riters in history, they 'ere also the best musicians in history, and they could not e.en read sheet music and had no $ormal trainin). #hey did it all by ear, inspiration and heart. >ohn may ha.e started the band and been the most out $ront, but all his son)s 'ere also 5aulLs son)s, because 5aul 'as his bi))est inspiration, and .ice .ersa. #hat is 'hy most o$ their son)s are Lennon"Mc!artney son)s, no matter 'ho actually 'rote the son). #hey 'ere truly a match made in hea.en. !an you ima)ine bein) *eor)e or 6in)o in that band< #hey had to (eep up 'ith those t'o, and they did so brilliantly. 1t 'as inspiration re$lected in inspiration.


1 de.ote at least hal$ hour a day to listenin) to their music, Cust to )et in touch 'ith that .ibe. #he i5od has made it easy. 1 listen to early son)s and later son)s bac( to bac(, and once in a'hile 1 listen to a 'hole album throu)h )ood headphones lyin) in bed 'ith my eyes closed. ;ou 'ill hear thin)s you ha.e heard be$ore, no matter ho' many times you ha.e heard the son)s. ;ou 'ill not understand e.erythin) at $irst, so do not try to or e.en thin( about it, and you 'ill )et a little more each time you listen. >ust remember they are tal(in) to you 'hen you are listenin) to them. #hey 'ere the masters o$ the present. 1t ma(es sense@ you are the one listenin), and no one else is. 1$ the son) 'ere $or someone else, it 'ould not ma(e sense. E.erythin) that comes to you is Cust $or you. 1t is the same 'ith this boo(. 1t is Cust $or you 'hen you are readin) it. Start 'ith the &ntholo)y Mideo. 1$ you do not already ha.e them, )o out and buy them or )et them online. #hese albums contain son)s that most people ha.e heard be$ore. ;ou can hear them in concert and in the recordin) studio. #his 'ill remind you o$ ho' 'itty, $unny and spontaneous they 'ere. #hey made ma)ic alon) 'ith music. ;ou should )et e.erythin) they put out. 5eople should listen to their son)s 'hile they are readin) this boo(, because 1 did much o$ the time 'hile 1 'as 'ritin) it, especially this section. 1 'rote this boo( on my computer and listened to music on my computerAs media player as 1 did Hi$ 1 'asnLt 'atchin) #MI. 1$ you do, you 'ill )et the ne' re.elations o$ the truth the same 'ay 1 did 'hile 1 'as listenin) to them. #heir music is li(e a door to a 'orld beyond the mind. #hey are .ery inspirin), and 'hen you are interested in truth and li$e, they open a channel to it e.ery time you listen to them. 1$ you listen to them as you are readin) this boo(, 'hen you hear somethin) ne' in one o$ their son)s, stop readin) and start listenin). #hey usually repeat 'hat they say in a son) in the second .erse. 9hen you are no lon)er hearin) anythin) ne', )o bac( to readin). 1n this 'ay, you can tap t'o sources o$ truth at the same time. 1 recommend it. 9e all need a little help $rom our $riends, as they say. .ou can hear e*er5thing The $eatles did together in about twent5 hours: and e*er5thing ?esus said in about twent5 minutes. There is not that much. #he :eatles and >esus both ha.e the unseen truth in the thin)s they say and do. 121

m8ortant; 6ead and listen to the son)s in this section at least once a 'ee(, no matter 'hat. 1t is the most essential thin) you ha.e to do to 'a(e up. ;ou must discipline yoursel$ to read it all and listen to it all e.ery 'ee(. 3onLt s(ip anythin). 3i.ide it in se.en parts and listen to a part e.eryday. Ma(e it part o$ your routine. The $ible sa5s we ha*e to renew our minds e*er5da5: and the $eatles do it. #heir incredible success is the most ob.ious si)n o$ ho' di$$erent they 'ere. 1n the last $orty years, some other people ha.e bro(en their sales records, but i$ they had the competition #he :eatles had and the :eatles $or competition, they 'ould not ha.e done as 'ell. #he truth is, no one has e.en come close to the success o$ the :eatles. #hey may ha.e been the most success$ul people that li.ed, because they 'ere success$ul prophets in their o'n li$etime. 1o*e has ne*er been so successful. +l*is; 5eople are al'ays comparin) the :eatles to #his is li(e comparin) apples and oran)es@ they are t'o di$$erent thin)s. did not 'rite or play his o'n son)s. 'as a .ery spiritual person. #he spirituality he con.eyed 'as in 'hat he 'as, his presence on sta)e, eDtraordinary )ood loo(s, his .oice and personality. 4e made a connection on many le.els 'ith his audience. 4e had the po'er to brin) people into the present 'ith him 'hen he 'as on sta)e, but there are not many hidden messa)es in his son)s. once said, F9hen 1 am sin)in) on sta)e, 1 send out all my lo.e to the audience and they send it bac( to me@ it is a complete circle o$ lo.e that is beyond any mortal hi)h.G Most people do not realiBe ho' spiritually deep he 'as. had the same problem most entertainers ha.e. #hey can only li.e in the present 'hen they are on sta)e or in $ront o$ a camera or their $ans. 1$ they (ne' the ultimate truth, they could $eel the 'ay they $eel on sta)e any'here. #hou)h di$$erent, they 'ere part o$ the same thin). 9ithout, there 'ould ha.e been no :eatles. 4e inspired Lennon to )et #he :eatles to)ether. #hey started somethin) that 'e ha.e not $inished@ letLs not let them do'n. #he :eatles are the most po'er$ul recent prophets, and certainly the most success$ul. #he :eatles music 'ill play a bi) part in the transition o$ man. #hey ma(e the truth much easier to ta(e. &s *eor)e 4arrison said, they made it s'in). 122

-e were all on this shi8 in the siHties: our generation: a shi8 going to disco*er the new world and the $eatles were in the crowOs nest of that shi8. ?ohn 1ennon The a88le; #he transition could not ha.e happened in the siDties@ the time 'as not ri)ht. 9e needed computers and the 1nternet. ;ou 'ould not be readin) this boo( i$ it 'asnLt $or the 1nternet. #he ultimate truth had to come on the 1nternet $or $ree, because boo(s cost money and are not a.ailable to e.eryone. 5ublishers are intellectuals, so a boo( li(e this 'ould ha.e a hard time )ettin) published. 1t is one o$ the reasons the truth has not )otten out. 1t could )et past the closed"minded publishers. 1ntellectuals 'ill be the last to see the truth. #he strai)ht truth could not )et out until no'. #hin)s are happenin) the only 'ay they could happen. #he ultimate truth had to be $ree and a.ailable to e.eryone at the same time, and a boo( or anythin) that costs money 'ould not 'or(. Peo8le Aust ha*e to 8ass it on. .ou would not be learning the truth now if it were not on the nternet free. The a88le is associated 'ith e.ery maCor step in man(indLs e.olution. #he apple in the *arden o$ Eden 'as the creation o$ man(ind Hmind (indI, the apple $ell $rom the tree 'hen 8e'ton realiBed the la's o$ motion and )a.e birth to calculus. #hen there is &pple 6ecords, #he :eatles record company, and &pple !omputers, the start o$ 'idespread computer use. &nother coincidence< 5eople say the apple in the *arden o$ Eden and in the 8e'ton story really happened, and it didnLt. 1t does not matter i$ it really happened or not, because most people thin( it did. 9hy do they< Somethin) put the apple at the maCor e.ents in human e.olution. 1$ it did not really happen, it is e.en more ma)ical and ma(es it e.en a )reater si)n o$ a di.inity, the collecti.e unconscious, in our #he 'ord FappleG means Fe.ilG in Latin, and is li.e bac('ards. FroGen in time; #he time is ri)ht no', and the :eatlesL music is still here eDactly li(e it 'as then. &ctually, it has been remastered and is e.en better. #he :eatles ha.e been $roBen in time still youn), 'aitin) $or us to e.ol.e enou)h to hear 'hat the music contains, Cust as >esus has been 'aitin) $or us to understand him. #he son) FYesterdayG did not e.en ma(e sense until no'. #hey $irst san) it at the pea( o$ their success. 9hy 'ould they be yearnin) $or the past or yesterday at the pea( o$ their success< 1t ma(es total sense i$ you listen to it no'. & lot o$ their son)s only ma(e sense no'. #he :ible and the :eatles are $or no'. 123

1isten to The $eatles when 5ou do not feel good: the5 alwa5s turn it around. #he di.ine ma)ic is in all )ood music to some de)ree more or less, because it comes $rom beyond the mind and eDists only in the present. #he :eatles are Cust by $ar the bi))est most concentrated source o$ it. 1 personally li(e other music better $or Cust listenin) to. 1 ha.e an eclectic taste in music. 1 am into some classical, i$ it is not too cerebral, 3oo 9op, siDties soul HMoto'nI, roc( and roll and rhythm and blues. 1 also li(e !at Ste.ens H;usu$ 1slamI, 3ylan, :ob Marley, sur$ music such as the :each :oys H:rian 9ilsonI, :o'ie and the other music $rom the :ritish in.asion. My $a.orite son)s are one hit 'onders. 1 li(e simple $un music. 1 am a dancer, a romantic. Most o$ the music 1 li(e does not ha.e a hidden messa)e. 1 usually do not e.en listen to the 'ords in a son), Cust the melody and $eelin). 9hy 'ould 1 care 'hat they ha.e to say< 9hat does a musician (no'< 1 )o $or the .ibe, the sound. 1 did not really listen to the :eatlesA 'ords until l realiBed 'ho they 'ere. #he most inspired band a$ter #he :eatles 'as 8ir.ana. #hey roc(ed the 'orld in a .ery intelli)ent and di$$erent 'ay. #hey too( us $or a little ride. 1t chan)ed the 'orld a bit, not li(e the :eatles, but they had some spiritual po'er $or a 'hile. 8e' music is ne', so 1 listen to it, but it is not )reat on the class cur.e. Music has not been super"inspired since the siDties. 9e are o.erdue to )et some ne' super"inspired music. E.en super"inspired music is not at #he :eatles le.el. Li(e >esus, they 'ere eDceptional. 1 hope there 'ill be a second comin) o$ a band li(e them, but it has not happened yet, and it does not need to, because 'e can ha.e them a)ain, Cust as 'e can ha.e >esus a)ain. 9e Cust need to 'a(e up and hear them ane'. 1 am 'ith it, no matter 'hat it is that is happenin). 1 li.e in the present li(e this boo( says. 1 'as e.en into pun(, metal and disco@ 1 could dance li(e #ra.olta. 1 practiced 'ith some hot partners many hours to be ready $or Saturday ni)ht. #he practicin) 'as the best part. 3isco may ha.e suc(ed, but it )a.e men and 'omen an eDcuse to )et to)ether and put our arms around each other, and that made it a )ood thin). &ll music has its place. #he :eatles music is $or the spirit.


1 li(ed e.erythin) 'hile it 'as happenin), but there is a di$$erence bet'een inspired music and super"inspired music. 1 li(e the music be$ore #he :eatles sho'ed up, because it 'as a simpler 'orld, and the music re$lected it. #hat is 'hy 1 li(e early :eatles son)s li(e that $irst :eatles son) 1 heard, F From Me to YouG H#he :eatles +2"+%I or FI #hould Ha"e 0nown etterG H4ard 3ayLs 8i)ht albumI. FThan% You (irlG or F#he's a WomanG H5ast Masters albumI, or FThere's a .laceG H5lease 5lease Me albumI. FHold Me TightG H9ith the :eatlesI or FTell Me WhyG or EI Feel FineG H#he :eatles +2"+%I. #he $ollo'in) are a $e' more :eatles son)s 'ith 'ords that mean t'o di$$erent thin)s@ see i$ you can hear the hidden meanin)s: Hey ulldog, ;ello' Submarine $ry aby $ry, #he 9hite &lbum (lass &nion, #he 9hite &lbum !ady Madonna, :eatles 1 Across the )ni"erse, Let 1t :e Fool on the Hill/ #a(e , &ntholo)y 2 I'm !oo%ing Through You, 6ubber Soul As% Me Why, 5lease, 5lease Me I'm &nly #lee+ing, *eal !o"e, &ntholo)y 2 #e-y #adie/ #he 9hite &lbum You Won't #ee Me, 6ubber Soul aby's In lac%, :eatles For Sale The Night efore, 4elpN #gt2 .e++er's !onely Hearts $lub and, S)t. 5eppers With a !ittle Hel+ from My Friends/ S)t. 5eppers #hey ha.e hundreds o$ son)s. ;ou should buy and do'nload them all. 1t is not eDpensi.e, and it is a )ood in.estment you can ma(e in your o'n e.olution. *et all o$ their solo stu$$ and e.erythin) that 5aul and 6in)o come out 'ith no'. &lso, )o to any o$ their concerts 'hen you can. #he .ibe is still there, and li$e is too short to miss any li.e sho' 'ith a :eatle in it.


1 do not listen to #he :eatles music to Cust listen to music. #heir music is in its o'n cate)ory. 1 listen to the :eatles $or the same reasons 1 read the :ible and other reli)ious boo(s. #he :eatles are a part o$ my reli)ion, alon) 'ith )ol$, sur$in), romance, hotrods, classic cars, boats, eatin) and e.erythin) else. #heir music helps (eep me in the present and on the spiritual path. #he :eatles are Cust another thin) that ma(es my reli)ion more enCoyable than most others. =5 religion is the 8resent and e*er5thing in it. The last line: in their last son) medley, in the last album the :eatles released, &bbey 6oad, says it all. E(olden #lumbers,E E$arry That Weight,E FThe ,nd2G 1t says, B9nd in the end the lo*e 5ou ta0e: is eFual to the lo*e 5ou ma0e.C 1n other 'ords, the more lo.e you ta(e $rom li$e or accept $rom li$e, the more you 'ill be able to ma(e or re$lect bac( to people. 1t is the most important thin) to do. 5eople thin( it means, the more lo.e you ma(e, the more lo.e you 'ill ta(e, but they ha.e it bac('ards. ;ou cannot ma(e lo.e@ only *od=li$e can ma(e lo.e. ;ou can only let it in and re$lect it bac( out. #he more lo.e you ta(e, the more lo.e you can ma(e or re$lect to other people. Remember: e*er5thing is bac0wards. 1 ha.e heard the actual last 'ords in a son) they recorded 'as, FOne, t'o, three, $our, $i.e, siD, se.en, all )ood children )o to hea.en,G 'hich is also true. #hose three son)s are actually three parts o$ one son). 1 separate them because they ha.e di$$erent pieces to the puBBle. #he $irst is re$errin) to us bein) asleep, the second is about the 'ei)ht o$ our minds. 9hen 'e ?uit carryin) that 'ei)ht, drop the ba))a)e, la5 our burden down: as ?esus said, 'e 'ill rise. 9e ha.e to drop our ballast, the 'ei)ht o$ our minds, blo' our ballast, our minds, and 'e 'ill rise li(e a yello' submarine. #he son) #he End is about the be)innin). t is now the time to start listening to The $eatles music with new ears. 3ot Aust for entertainment this time@ listen Aust for its s8iritual *alue. E.en i$ you do not li(e their music, it is easier to listen to them than to read reli)ious boo(s. 1t is a painless 'ay to )et a shot o$ truth e.eryday. Listen to them to learn the truth, and you 'ill be hearin) them $or the $irst time.


9lread5 0now; 1$ you )re' up in the siDties li(e me, you probably thin( you already (ne' that they 'ere some (ind o$ prophets and listened to them $rom that perspecti.e already. ;ou may thin( you already (no' the hidden messa)e. #rust me 'hen 1 tell you, you do not, especially i$ you thin( you do. There is more. #he :eatles did not (no', e.en i$ they thou)ht they did. #hey are )oin) to $ind out 'hen e.eryone else does, probably a$ter e.eryone else, because they are too close to it to hear it or belie.e it. Roc0 and roll; &ll roc( and roll is made by youn) people $or youn) people. 9hat the (ids o$ today ha.e to realiBe is that they 'ill not be listenin) to music $or old people, their parentLs music. #hey 'ill be listenin) to music by (ids their a)e. *eor)e 'as Cust $i$teen 'hen he Coined the band@ they started out as a teena)e band. #hey bro(e up in their t'enties. #he :eatlesL music is made by youn) people $or youn) people, no' and $ 1t is more this )enerationLs music than it 'as ours, because this )eneration 'ill understand it. 9e did not@ 'e Cust thou)ht 'e did. #he time is ri)ht $or it no'. 9a(e up (ids@ it is all $or you no'. #he (ids o$ today ha.e to realiBe all roc( and roll is their music. #hey ha.e their ne' music and all the roc( and roll that came be$ore, because it 'as all made by youn) people their a)e. 1t is one o$ the reasons (ids today ha.e it better than any )eneration o$ (ids that came be$ore. The5 need to claim all of their music. #he $ollo'in) lin( is a short .ideo retrospecti.e to remind you o$ 'ho 1 am tal(in) about. #here are no hidden messa)es in this son). #hey did not 'rite it, but the .ideo and music sho's the spirit, .itality and ho' they chan)ed physically: www.5outube.comNwatch>*JK?i+Hf7e*3g 1t is no coincidence that many radio stations play a sho' called brea($ast 'ith #he :eatles on Sunday mornin)s. Subconsciously, most people (no' that there is somethin) reli)ious about them. >ohn and *eor)e may ha.e died physically, but they are still 'ith us in spirit and truth and in son). LetLs not 'ait $or the last t'o to die be$ore 'e 'a(e up. +*er5thing is for now; &s 1 said earlier, e.erythin) that happened in the past 'as Cust to help us $ind the truth and the li$e no'. 1t is not Cust the :eatlesL music@ it includes most )reat music.


& )ood eDample is classical music. *ro'in) up in the era o$ roc( and roll, 1 had appreciated classical music. 9hen 1 'o(e up, 1 'as amaBed that 1 suddenly li(ed some classical music as much as roc( and roll. #he best eDample is :eetho.enLs 8inth symphony. 1t contains the spirit o$ con?uest, so it has been stolen and used by e.ery dictator and tyrant $rom Stalin to 4itler since it 'as 'ritten. 1t 'as per$ect to inspire armies marchin) into battle, but :eetho.en 'rote it $or the eDact opposite purpose. Most people thin( it is Cust an instrumental and has no lyrics, but actually it 'as 'ritten $or a poem by the *erman poet Friedrich .on Schiller called FOde to >oy.G 1t is about man(ind becomin) one brotherhood. 1t 'as be$ore its time, because it 'as impossible $or man(ind to become one brotherhood and sisterhood until no'. #he music does inspire con?uest, the con?uest o$ the spirit. &$ter you 'a(e up and listen to it, you 'ill be astonished as to ho' per$ect it embodies that con?uest. Li(e :eatlesL son)s, you 'ill be hearin) it $or the $irst time. ;ou can $ind many .ersions on ;ou#ube. -hen 5ou realiGe e*er5thing that e*er ha88ened is for now: 5ou also realiGe Aust how much hel8 we ha*e to get to hea*en. t ma0es it so much easier. 8ote: ;ou should come bac( and read and listen to the son)s in this section o$ten. Listenin) to :eatlesL music is a )ood 'ay to share the present and the ultimate truth 'ith people, because e.eryone can relate to it on their o'n le.el. 3onLt lie to (ids about Santa !laus@ tell them the truth about #he :eatles. #heir true story is )reater than any myth. #hey sho' 'hat can be done 'ith inspiration. 1n ancient E)ypt, a beetle 'as the symbol $or eternal li$e@ another coincidence< #hey said they 'ould be bac(... < Mll $e $ac0< Retros8ecti*e Eideo www.5outube.comNwatch>*J#AIahl+Io6R <1i*ing is eas5 with e5es closed: misunderstanding all 5ou see.< E#trawberry Fields Fore"erE 9ll 5ou need is lo*e . 9ctuall5: all 5ou need is the truth. .ou need the truth first. True lo*e onl5 comes after 5ou 0now the truth of life. 9ll 5ou need is lo*e: of the truthL #hey lay it all out in the son)s abo.e. *od is lo.e. Lo.e is e.erythin), but the only 'ay to recei.e and (no' e.erythin) is to realiBe that you are nothin). 12,

Section , & The Truth -ill Set .ou Free & Cha8ter ,.1

The 3ature of 3othing & "nified Field

The nature of nothing; 1$ you ta(e a'ay e.erythin) that is physical Hmatter=ener)yI, youLre le$t 'ith nothin) Hno thin)I. 8othin) is completely empty space, absolute cold, silence and dar(ness. F8othin)G is in$inite, eternal and indestructible. 1t does not mo.e. 1t does not ha.e to@ it is already e.ery'here. #he uni.erse is more than 22.222O empty space, includin) our o'n bodies. 9ll 8h5sical things are made of atoms which are mostl5 em8t5 s8ace. f the nucleus is the siGe of a marble: the electrons would be s8ec0s of dust a half mile awa5. +*er5 8h5sical thing has that much em8t5 s8ace in it. 1$ you remo.ed all the empty space $rom human bodies only electrons and the other subatomic particles, all se.en billion human bodies 'ould $it in the space o$ a su)ar cube. True 8ers8ecti*e; #he 'ay our solar system is sho'n in boo(s does not )i.e you a true perspecti.e o$ it. 1t sho's the sun and the other planets orbitin) it in rin)s that are not to scale. #hey could not )et it in a boo( i$ it 'as to scale. #he actual scale is more li(e this@ i$ the sun 'as the siBe o$ a bas(etball, the earth 'ould be about the siBe o$ a )rain o$ sand, and it 'ould be ,/ $eet a'ay $rom the sun. 5luto, the outer most planet in our system, 'ould be a )rain o$ sand a hal$ mile a'ay. #he neDt star outside our solar system 'ould be thousands o$ miles a'ay. 1t ta(es li)ht that tra.els about one hundred and ei)hty"siD thousand miles a second about , and a hal$ minutes to )o $rom the sun to our planet. 1t 'ill )o around the earth se.en times in one second, but it ta(es $our years to )et to the neDt star outside our solar system, and 2.% million years to )et to the neDt )alaDy. 9hat is $aster, the speed o$ li)ht or the speed o$ dar(< #urn o$$ the li)ht and try to )et into bed be$ore it )ets dar(. 1 am Cust (iddin), but 1 am tryin) to ma(e a point. ;ou cannot turn o$$ Fnothin)G or do anythin) to it. 1t al'ays stays the same, is al'ays e.ery'here all the time. 1$ *od is e.ery'here, in$inite, omnipresent, and eternal as the :ible states and the e.idence dictates, *od has to be li(e nothin). 3othing is reall5 something.


EinsteinAs )eneral relati.ity e?uations sho' that space bends, and it that nothin) is really somethin) 'ith substance. Space is shaped, and it is the shape o$ space that creates the )ra.ity that controls and creates the 'hole uni.erse. 1t holds the planets in orbit, ma(es the sun and other stars burn, bends li)ht, (eeps us $rom $allin) o$$ the earth, and it is empty space, nothin). 3othing causes e*er5thing to ha88en. 1t creates )ra.ity, )ra.ity creates planets and stars, stars concentrate and release all ener)y and matter. #hus e.erythin) physical comes $rom and is created by nothin). 6 J 2. Ealue of general relati*it5; 1 al'ays 'ondered 'hat the practical bene$it o$ )eneral relati.ity 'as, and no' 1 (no'. 1t that nothin) controls and creates the 'hole uni.erse, directly and indirectly. Our spirit is also li(e nothin). 1t is the so"called empty space bet'een e.erythin). #he maCority o$ e.erythin) is nothin), and it connects e.erythin), e.ery'here. Our essential, immortal sel$ or soul is li(e the blan( sheet that physical li$e is 'ritten on, the dar(ness that ) li)ht a place to shine, the silence that ) sound a place to be heard, an in$inite stadium that the )ame o$ li$e is played in. 8othin) is the complete opposite o$ 'hat people thin(. 1t is impossible to )et your mind around. &ll you can do is (no' it is true and be it. There are some things that are be5ond the mind: literall5. .ou can onl5 0now them or in this case be them: when the mind is turned off com8letel5. #he current interpretation o$ the :ible labels dar(ness as bad and li)ht as )ood, because bad )uys do bad thin)s in the dar(. Li)ht is seen as better than dar(, because you can see in the li)ht, be enli)htened, etc. B1ight shined in the dar0ness: and the dar0ness understood it not.C #he sayin) abo.e $rom the $irst boo( o$ the :ible, *enesis, is sayin) that dar(ness is consciousness, because ho' could it understand or not understand the li)ht i$ it 'as not< 5eople ha.e not noticed this pro$ound re.elation be$ore. .ou cannot eH8erience nothing; ;ou do not loo( inside yoursel$ to $ind yoursel$ as some eastern reli)ions ha.e been sayin)@ there is nothin) there. ;ou cannot see or eDperience nothin)@ it is impossible. ;ou can be li(e nothin), but not eDperience it. #here is nothin) to eDperience. -hat does the eH8eriencing cannot be eH8erienced. 200

S8iritual 8ers8ecti*e; ;ou do not loo( in. ;ou do the opposite, and you loo( out throu)h your senses. 9hen you eDperience e.erythin), you eDperience nothin) at the same time. ;ou ha.e to be nothin) to eDperience e.erythin). 1$ you are somethin), there is no room $or e.erythin). 1t is the spiritual perspecti.e. ;ou are loo(in) out $rom nothin) to e.erythin), $rom no'here to e.ery'here, $rom stillness to mo.ement, from dar0ness to light. t is interesting that the word BnowhereC is also Bnow here.C The watcherNwitness; #he perspecti.e o$ a spiritual bein) is as i$ you are sittin) in a dar( theater 'atchin) li$e. 1$ the theater 'as not dar(, you could not see the ;our soul, or spirit, is in a dar(, silent .oid that is open to li$e. The 8eo8le that sat in dar0ness ha*e seen a great light. =atthew #;1( ;ou ha.e to bac( into it $rom your mind. 4ea.en 'ill (ind o$ suc( you in. #he 'ay it happens is really 'eird and uneDpected@ that is 'hy so $e' people $ind it. ?esus said: <-hen the outer has become as the inner and the lower as the u88er: then will this world realiGe the 0ingdom of 7od and be fulfilled.C #he :eatles say the same thin) in the son) F ,"erybody's (ot #omething to Hide e-ce+t Me and My Mon%ey.G F;our inside is out, 'hen your outside is in, so come on, it is such a Coy.G 5eter, the $ounder o$ the !hurch, also said the same thin) Cust be$ore he 'as cruci$ied upside do'n, 'hich 'as symbolic o$ the 'orld bein) seen upside do'n. #he most popular band and most popular boo( H:ibleI in history say the same thin) said in this boo(. >ust a coincidence< -e become the eHact o88osite of the wa5 8eo8le are now. See: 9cts of Peter: DDDElll t sa5s it clearl5. The $ible sa5s that Peter ga*e the church the 0e5 to hea*en. The secret is: we see things u8side down and bac0wards. ?esus said: <-hen the outer has become as the inner: and the lower as the u88er: then will this world find 8eace.< 201

5eople, man(ind, are as their $alse, mortal mind"sel$, and they should be as their immortal spiritual"sel$, the eDact opposite o$ the 'ay they are no'. 1$ you are completely open, li$e $ills the .oid completely. &ll li$e comes to you@ it is )i.en to you by *od=li$e. ;ou are Cust a ;ou do not create li$e@ all you can do is li.e it and re$lect 'hat you recei.e. Li$e around and throu)h you. 9hen you are completely open, nothin) is completely displaced 'ith e.erythin). ?esus said: B7od is within 5ou and all around 5ou.C -itness; :e a 'atcher, a 'itness o$ e.erythin) passin) by and throu)h you, and you 'ill that actually nothin) passes by you. E.erythin) comes to you, ri)ht to you. 1$ it does not, it is not your li$e, so there is no point in thin(in) about it. Obser.e, as Sherloc( 4olmes once said. 1$ you do it ri)ht, you 'ill not miss anythin) that is comin) to you Hnot sinI. ;ou 'ill become the present. "nified field eFuation; #he holy )rail o$ physics, the science that is tryin) to eDplain e.erythin) mathematically, is somethin) called a uni$ied $ield e?uation. 1t 'ould eDplain 'hy e.erythin) physical does 'hat it does in a mathematical e?uation. #hey ha.e not been able to do it, but they ha.e not been considerin) the $ield or tried to add it to the e?uation. #he $ield is 'hat 'e call nothin) Hli$eI. 1 'ould )i.e it a ne' mathematical symbol. & )ood symbol and model $or li$e in the uni.erse 'ould be an empty circle. #he circle represents ener)y=positi.e, the space inside the circle 'orld represent nothin)=ne)ati.e. -hen the solution is sim8le: 7od is answering. 9lbert +instein 2 J 6 sa5s it all; #'o bein) the balancin) opposites, 1 positi.e 1 ne)ati.e@ they cancel each other out, e?ual nothin) and e.erythin), represented by the ne' symbol. #hat is the uni$ied $ield e?uation. 1t eDplains e.erythin). #his is the symbol $or the uni$ied $ield e?uation:


+*er5thing should be made as sim8le as 8ossible: but not one bit sim8ler. 9lbert +instein ;ou can only understand the uni.erse i$ you loo( at it $rom the perspecti.e o$ li$e. 1t 'ill really be understood $rom the mindLs perspecti.e, because the mind cannot percei.e Fnothin)G $or 'hat it really is or understand anythin) in$inite, 'hich is the true nature o$ e.erythin) and nothin), the bi) picture o$ the uni.erse. ?esus said: BTherefore sa5 that if one is unified: one will be filled with light: but if one is di*ided: one will be filled with dar0ness.C 1n other 'ords, 'e Cust ha.e to )et our minds out o$ the 'ay and unite our spirit 'ith the spirit o$ *od=li$e, and the dar(ness 'ill be $illed, 'e 'ill be $ul$illed. The s8irit is more li0e dar0ness than light. 5eople thin( that the spirit is li(e li)ht@ *od is al'ays associated 'ith li)ht. #his is because li)ht re.eals 'hat 'as hidden in the dar(@ it represents li$e and dar( represents death. #he )ood )uys 'ear 'hite, and li(es the dar(. 3ar(ness represents, and li)ht represents )ood. 1t is a misunderstandin), a deception. #he opposite is true@ li)ht is more li(e, and dar( is more li(e *od or )ood. #his is because the spirit is li(e dar(ness. 3ar(ness is nothin), and so is the spirit. Li)ht is somethin), a $orm o$ ener)y@ the spirit has no ener)y. Then s8a0e Solomon: The 1ord said that he would dwell in the thic0 dar0ness. 1 Iings /;12 1 am not sayin) that li)ht is 1 am Cust sayin) as a metaphor $or *od, it is missin) the mar(. *od has more in common 'ith dar(ness or nothin). #he mind, li(e li)ht, is a $orm o$ ener)y, and the mind is the in our, so li)ht should not be associated 'ith *od, eDcept in the conteDt o$ enli)htenment. Kis8lace the s8irit; #he mind is a $orm o$ ener)y, and because it is, it 'ill al'ays displace the spirit, Cust as li)ht 'ill al'ays displace dar(ness. =ind 8ower; #his is 'hy you cannot li.e completely 'ithout the mind 'hen there are any other acti.e minds tryin) to communicate 'ith you. #he mind can al'ays intrude on the spirit, but the spirit can intrude on the mind. #he spirit is a .oid, and the mind 'ill al'ays $ill it, unless it is already completely $illed 'ith li$e.


;ou could say that the mind is more po'er$ul than the spirit, and you 'ould be ri)ht, eDcept that the spirit does not need po'er to do somethin). 1t is already e.ery'here and the bi))est part o$ e.erythin). #he spirit could be seen as the ultimate po'er@ it is simply 'hat is. 1t is automatically ' ener)y is not. #he spirit is the only thin) in the uni.erse that re?uires no ener)y to eDist. #he mind is a))ressi.e, the spirit is passi.e. #his is 'hy you ha.e to be by yoursel$ or be around other people that (no' the truth to really be $ul$illed. ;ou 'ill be much more a'are than people that do not (no' the truth, but you 'ill not be able to be completely open, completely $ul$illed around acti.e minds. 1t is a dra), but the 'ay it is and 'ill be until e.eryone (no's the truth. #his is 'hy you ha.e to learn to eDperience true li$e alone at $irst. ;ou Cust ha.e to start )ettin) a'ay $rom the mind as much as you can, ' you can. E.entually, you recei.e the input o$ other minds, Cust as you ta(e in all other ener)y, and it is not so bad, but it is not as )ood as the ener)y you )et directly $rom li$e. 0rishnamurti says about meditation: Meditation is not a search, itAs not a see(in), a probin), an eDploration. 1t is an eDplosion and disco.ery. 1tAs not the tamin) o$ the brain to con$orm, nor is it a sel$"introspecti.e analysis@ it is certainly not the trainin) in concentration 'hich includes, chooses and denies. 1tAs somethin) that comes naturally, 'hen all positi.e and ne)ati.e assertions and accomplishments ha.e been understood and drop a'ay easily. 1t is the total emptiness o$ the brain. 1tAs the emptiness that is essential, not 'hatAs in the emptiness, there is seein) only $rom emptiness, all .irtue, not social morality and respectability, sprin)s $rom it. 1tAs out o$ this emptiness lo.e comes, other'ise itAs not lo.e. Foundation o$ ri)hteousness is in this emptiness. 1tAs the end and be)innin) o$ all thin)s. The significant 8roblems we ha*e cannot be sol*ed at the same le*el of thin0ing with which we created them. 9lbert +instein The new mind; & ne' and impro.ed mind 'ill be 'ith you $ 1t 'ill start 'ith e.ery death and birth, but it 'ill )ro' in the collecti.e unconscious $ #he bi) di$$erence is, it 'ill be your ser.ant, not your master. ;our mind 'ill become your trusted $riend. 1t is a .alued and necessary part o$ a di.ine li$e $orm. +*er5thing is =ind & man loo(s at an open $ield and thin(s, E1 could build a house there,E and soon there is a house there. 9hat starts as nothin), Cust a thou)ht, becomes mani$est as somethin). #he mind o$ *od Cust does it 'ith e.erythin) that eDists. 20

The double slit eH8eriment 8ro*es that the mind affects energ5 and matter. 9hen the laser beam is obser.ed, it chan)es $rom a particle to a 'a.e, so the obser.erAs mind is a$$ectin) ener)y and is connected in.isibly to the particles. #he di$$erence bet'een the 'ay the animal mind Hmind o$ man(indI and the spiritual mind mani$ests is the spiritual mind does it on the subatomic le.el, the le.el 'here matter and ener)y is created. #he mind o$ man(ind mani$ests on the le.el abo.e the atomic le.el, the 'orld 'e are conscious o$, eDcept in the rare times li(e the double slit eDperiment 'hen 'e become a'are o$ ?uantum beha.ior or phenomena belo' the atomic le.el. The s8iritual mind could be called the mind of what religions call 7od. E.erythin) comes $rom nothin). 1t comes $rom a thou)ht. Man"made thin)s come $rom the mind o$ man. Other animals come $rom the lo'er animal mind. E.erythin) else in the uni.erse comes $rom the mind o$ *od Hthat 'hich isI. #he mind eDists, but not in the con.entional 'ay that mass and ener)y eDist. 1t eDists li(e shaped space eDists. 1t eDists, but does not eDist. 1t is li(e Enothin) is somethin).E 1t is at the ed)e o$ understandin), li(e in$inity. =ind of 7od J The collecti*e will of all full5 e*ol*ed life in the uni*erse. 8ot all thou)hts, but certain (inds o$ thou)hts create mo.ement and ma(e nothin) into somethin). want to 0now 7odMs thoughts: the rest are details. 9lbert +instein EKM!2 is an eDample o$ *odAs thou)ht. &toms, the buildin) bloc(s o$ all matter, are really Cust mo.ement, ener)y so $ast in a circle that it appears and $unctions as somethin) solid. #hat is ho' mo.ement becomes physical. 1$ the mo.ement inside an atom stopped, it 'ould turn into nothin). 1$ the atom is split, it releases the ener)y out in a strai)ht line and mani$ests as a nuclear eDplosion. EKM!2 tells you ho' much $orce or ener)y is released $rom a )i.en amount o$ mass or solid matter 'hen the atoms split. +*er5thing is mo*ement@ thought creates e*er5thing in the 8h5sical uni*erse. #hat does not mean any $antasy you ha.e 'ill come true, only that 'hich is in accord 'ith the mind o$ man or the di.ine mind. 9hat mani$ests $rom the mind o$ man is temporary@ the thin)s o$ the di.ine mind last $ tMs time for the di*ine mind to start manifesting on earth. 20%

#he thou)hts o$ man can and do become mani$est in physical reality. #hey are currently mani$estin) as e.erythin) the human race has built, and 'hat the human race does, such as corporations, reli)ions, science, etc. #he man"made 'orld re$lects ho' man thin(s. Most o$ it is not the same as 'hat *od thin(s. Man(ind, or the mind o$ human bein)s is in the process o$ a'ay $rom the animal mind and into the mind o$ *od. +*er5 man 0nows what he is and what he does. 9 man is but the 8roduct of his thoughts. -hat he thin0s: he becomes. =ohandas 7andhi 8o' that the truth o$ li$e can be seen, that e.olution 'ill be)in to accelerate. 9e are be)innin) to be able to see the di$$erence bet'een a creation o$ the animal mind and a creation o$ the mind o$ *od. 9e are also startin) to see that 'e need the mind o$ *od to create a hea.en on earth. Ki*ine 8rogram; #his boo( is Cust spiritual thou)hts, a di.ine pro)ram that is no' bein) do'nloaded into your mind. 1t 'ill chan)e you and the rest o$ man(ind into spiritual bein)s, and create a hea.en on earth. 1t is important to simpli$y the 'ay you see and (no' li$e, because it is the only 'ay it can be (no'n. 1t can be almost in$initely complicated, and tryin) to understand it all is 'hat man(ind is tryin) to do. 9e ha.e to )o the other 'ay and see and (no' it in the most simple 'ay, because it is the only 'ay 'e can (no' all that can be (no'n. 9e can (no' all the details, they are in$inite and it is impossible, but 'e can (no' the simple bi) picture o$ li$e. #hat is 'hat this boo( attempts to do. +*er5thing should be made as sim8le as 8ossible: but not one bit sim8ler. 9lbert +instein 1n this boo( 1 say do not thin(, clear your mind, because 'hat is le$t is the mind o$ *od, the mind o$ creation itsel$. 1$ you allo' the mind o$ *od to become your mind, hea.en 'ill mani$est in your li$e a$ter you die or 'hen enou)h people in the animal 'orld 'e are in no' see the truth. #he :ible describes this usin) )ood and bad an)els. &n)els that ser.e *od, and $allen an)els that are the ad.ersary o$ *od. Michael is a )ood an)el, and Satan represents the bad an)el. #hey represent your o'n mind and the mind o$ the 'orld, 'hich is no' controlled by Satan, but is )oin) to be chan)ed by Michael. 74K J T)9T -) C) S J 1 F+ J T)+ PR+S+3T 20+

Section , & The Truth -ill Set .ou Free & Cha8ter ,.2

9re .ou Read5 to Kie>

.ou are going to die. 9re 5ou read5> ?esus said: <The glories of this realm last onl5 a moment@ the glories of the hea*enl5 realm abide fore*er.< 1$ you are not, you need to )et ready and stay ready. &lmost no one is truly ready. &lmost no one is ready $or the most serious and important thin) that happens to them, that they (no' 'ill happen, and is certain to happen soon. #hat is stupid, and it can be costly, because it could determine your eternal $uture. 5eople should learn the truth and the li$e ahead o$ time@ then it does not matter ho' you ta(e it, but a lot o$ people are )oin) to ha.e their only chance to learn it ri)ht 'hen it happens. #his is because it is human nature to put thin)s o$$, especially any thou)hts o$ death. Most people only $ace it 'hen they ha.e no other choice, and that is 'hen it is actually happenin). 1t is too late then. 9e are the only animal that (no's it is )oin) to die. #hus, 'e are the only animal that can be ready $or it. 1$ 'e do not ta(e ad.anta)e o$ the opportunity, 'e 'ill die Cust li(e any other animal, and 'e 'ill become an animal a)ain in our neDt li$e. Inowing the ultimate truth is going to be the onl5 thing that matters when 5ou die. f 5ou do not 0now the truth and the life: 5ou are not read5. 1$ you belie.e in a myth, you $ind out ri)ht a'ay, because e.erythin) but the truth )oes ri)ht out the 'indo' 'ith the rest o$ your mindLs deceptions. &ll there is, is the truth and the li$e, and you either (no' it, or you do not. ;ou cannot remember 'hat you belie.ed 'hen it happens. &ll mind truth disappears, abandons you at the last minute. #he $ear and surprise o$ your impendin) death 'ill brin) you to the 8O9. ;our mind disappears eDcept $or $ear, and you be)in to eDperience the present $or the $irst time in your li$e. ;ou 'ill not reco)niBe it, and you 'ill $ear it. 1t is a bad 'ay to )o, but it is the 'ay almost e.eryone )oes. 1t is the 'ay you are )oin) to )o i$ you do not )et in touch 'ith your spiritual"sel$, your immortal sel$, be$ore you die. 1$ you 'ait until you are about to die, you 'aited too lon). 20/

From your perspecti.e, your death is )oin) to be the most unreal eDperience o$ your li$e, because it 'ill be the $irst real eDperience o$ your li$e. ;ou 'ill be eDperiencin) real li$e $or the $irst time, and it 'ill scare you. MiDed in 'ith all the $ear, pain, and surprise is the realiBation that you are dyin) 'ithout 1n addition to all the rest o$ it, you die $eelin) li(e a $ool. ;ou 'ill 'ish you could )o bac( in time and study the subCect, to do 'hat you are doin) no', only ta(e it much more seriously. $orn again; 9hen you die to your mortal mental"sel$ be$ore you die physically, you are born a)ain as your spiritual immortal sel$ in the body you are in no'. ;ou are beyond death be$ore you )o throu)h the maelstrom o$ physical death. 8o one happily a$ter. Li$e ends in death, o$ten in some horrible, dis)ustin) and pain$ul 'ay. #hat is not happiness. #he only 'ay you can truly li.e happily a$ter is to learn and (no' the truth and the li$e be$ore you die. ?esus said: <Ta0e heed of the li*ing one while 5ou are ali*e: lest 5ou die and see0 to see him and be unable to do so.< ?esus said: BPeo8le honor me with their li8s: but their heart is far from me. The5 worshi8 me in *ain: teaching the 8rece8ts and 8rinci8les of men.C ?esus said to the 8eo8le that worshi8ed him according to the teaching: the 8rece8ts and 8rinci8les of men: B ne*er 0new 5ou@ de8art from me.C .ou ha*e to 0now the real ?esus before 5ou die to see him after 5ou die. ;ou hear people say that so and so died instantly. 8o one dies instantly, at least not $rom their o'n perspecti.e. #he physical death o$ your body may be slo' or $ast, but your moment o$ death happens instantly $rom 'here you are. ;our li$e does not pass be$ore you. ;ou are too scared $or there to be anythin) eDcept $or $ear and horror. ;ou may see the li)ht that people 'ho ha.e near death eDperiences say they see, but it is Cust an e$$ect created by the brain 'hen it is dyin), mostly due to oDy)en depri.ation. 1t is not the li)ht $rom hea.en that people thin( 'ill )uide them to their mythical *od behind the pearly )ates. 6eal death happens a$ter all the minds illusions die. 20,

3ear death is not death. 8o one comes bac( $rom real death, because by de$inition, your body is dama)ed too much to support your consciousness or to li.e in any lon)er. #he chemical reactions that ta(e place in a dyin) or inCured brain can cause all (inds o$ eDperiences similar to some dru)s li(e LS3 and 3M#. 1t is Cust a di$$erent and .ery interestin) phenomena or hallucination created by the dyin) mind. & spiritual bein) reco)niBes it, (no's it is not real, that it is the mind and 'ill pass. 1t is o$ten eDperienced as a bri)ht 'hite li)ht or $loatin) around the room. 1t is a near death eDperience, not a death eDperience. #he death eDperience happens ri)ht a$ter the near death eDperience. ;our mind dies@ all that is le$t is you and the collecti.e unconscious mind. ;ou are li$e 'ithout your mind $or the $irst time i$ you are not a spiritual bein). 1$ you are a spiritual bein), you ha.e li.ed 'ithout the mind be$ore, and are at home 'ith it. & spiritual bein) is ready $or anythin) that happens, because a spiritual bein) (no's e.erythin) is *od, no matter 'hat happens, )ood or bad. E.eryone has the realiBation that they are )oin) to die Cust be$ore they do. #hat moment 'ill be the most important moment o$ your li$e. 1t is the moment o$ truth. The moment of truth; 3eath strips a'ay e.erythin) that is not true, not eternal and not immortal, o$ten in a .ery stran)e and .iolent 'ay. 1$ your truth is in 'ords and myths, Cust mind truth, you are in trouble, because your mind dies and you do not. 1$ you (no' the present, the truth and the li$e, you 'ill reco)niBe it and embrace it, be it, no matter 'hat it is. E.en i$ you (no' the truth and the li$e, you 'ill $eel $ear be$ore your mind dies, because it is a part o$ your brain, a re$leD, but you 'ill not be it. ;ou 'ill 'atch $ear and pain die $or the last time. ;ou 'ill be enterin) your ne' hea.enly body in the 'omb o$ your ne' mother. ;ou ha.e become pure lo.e, and you 'ill stay that 'ay $ ;ou 'ill ha.e no memory o$ 'here you 'ere be$ore you died, but it does not matter, because you 'ill ha.e done your Cob in li$e. 1t 'ill be stored and recorded in the collecti.e unconscious, and you 'ill be reborn in hea.en. & spiritual bein) is not surprised by the truth and the li$e they encounter 'hen they die. & spiritual bein) meets the essence o$ >esus in ad.ance and )ets to (no' the truth and the li$e intimately. 202

1$ you are 'ith the real, >esus no' Hthe truth and the li$eI, you al'ays 'ill be. 3eath has no e$$ect on it. Inow 7od; & spiritual bein) also al'ays has their *uardian &n)el, the collecti.e unconscious H4oly SpiritI, to )uide them throu)h the transition. ;ou become intimate 'ith *od=li$e ahead o$ time, so you (no' *od=li$e and *od=li$e (no's you. 1t is all about bein) ready $or anythin), because that 'ay, nothin) can happen that thro's you. ;ou (no' that e.erythin) that can possibly happen is *od=li$e. 1$ you do not truly (no' the truth and the li$e or $ind it at the last minute, you 'ill be bac( in the animal 'orld. ;ou need to Cust (no' the ultimate truth. .ou will find it at the last minute if 5ou Aust reall5 0now the ultimate truth. 3eath=birth is the 'ildest ride in the uni.erse, e.en to a spiritual person. 8o one li(es to )et hurt, and bein) (illed or dyin) is as hurt as you can )et. #he death eDperience is your physical body and mind bein) completely destroyed. -orm food; Cust one o$ your hands destroyed 'ould be a )reat trauma. 1ma)ine 'hat it is li(e to li.e throu)h your 'hole body bein) destroyed. ;our body )oes $rom 'hat you thou)ht you 'ere, to a pile o$ )arba)e, 'orm $ood that has to be burned or buried be$ore it starts to smell bad. #ruth is stran)er than $iction. ;ou not only lose your body, you lose your 'hole 'orld. 1t ta(es e.erythin) you ha.e and e.erythin) you 'ould ha.e had i$ you had li.ed. #ruly, there is nothin) more de.astatin) or 'orse. 1t is shoc( and a'e to e.eryone )oin) throu)h it. Once you )et throu)h it, it is 'onder$ul, because you are reborn and spend time in the 'omb o$ your ne' mother. 1$ you are a spiritual bein), it stays 'onder$ul and )ets better $ 1$ you are still an animal, it 'ill be do'n hill ri)ht a$ter you are born, because you did not )et $ree o$ the mind. 4ne last time; 6eady or not, death is the most intense thin) that happens in li$e. E.en the (no'led)e that you ha.e been throu)h it millions o$ times is no real com$ort to you 'hen the time comes. #hat is 'hy it is important to ta(e it seriously. 1t is somethin) you de$initely do not 'ant to i)nore or underestimate. 9e are )oin) to ha.e to )o throu)h a bad death H'ith pain and $earI at least one more time. 1$ you do not (no' the truth and you are luc(y, you 'ill die on a morphine drip in the hospital. 1t is the best 'ay to )o, and more and more people are )oin) that 'ay, 'hich is a real blessin), but 'ithout the truth you 'ill be bac(. 210

Chec0ing out; 5eople that do not (no' the truth 'ill do anythin) to li.e a little lon)er, e.en i$ they are old and ha.e a terminal disease. Spiritual people 'ill not do that. 9hen they are sure they ha.e an incurable disease or their bodies are Cust too old, sic(, or dama)ed to li.e a ?uality li$e any lon)er, they 'ill end it 'ithout all the eDpense and other :S. $est wa5 to die; 8o one 'ill intentionally commit suicide, but they 'ill start usin) hi)her and hi)her doses o$ heroin and other dru)s until they accidentally o.erdose and die. #hey 'ill administer the dru)s i$ they can. 9hen the time comes to start chec(in) out, people 'ill announce to all their lo.ed ones that they are chec(in) out, and they 'ill 'rap up their current li$e. #hen they 'ill essentially start a party that lasts as lon) as it ta(es them to die. 1t could ta(e months. 5eople they lo.e 'ill come and )o, last 'ords 'ill be said, etc. #heir intention 'ill not be to die@ it 'ill be to use enou)h o$ the dru)s to ta(e a'ay any pain and discom$ort, so li$e 'ill be )reat until the amount o$ dru)s needed to do it 'ill (ill them. 1t is the best 'ay to )o, and it 'ill be the 'ay most people 'ill chec( out in the $uture, i$ they are luc(y enou)h to )et a choice o$ ho' to die. Only people that do not (no' the truth and the li$e 'ill dra) out a li$e in a body that is at the end o$ its li$e cycle. & spiritual person (no's 'here they are )oin) 'hen they die, and they 'ill loo( $or'ard to a ne', youn), healthy body and in hea.en. The 8roblem is: 5ou cannot alwa5s control when: where: and how 5ou die. $lood: guts and gore; Many people also die in a .ery bad 'ay, so you ha.e to be prepared to )o in the 'orst 'ay possible. Mo.ies are al'ays sho'in) people bein) (illed in bad 'ays. >ust put yoursel$ in the .ictimLs position, and try to really understand 'hat it 'ould be li(e. 1t could happen to you. 5eople die li(e that all the time, e.ery $e' minutes. &s( yoursel$ honestly i$ you are ready $or it. 1$ you are not, (eep studyin) the truth until you are. ;ou can and need to be ready $or any possible death. ;ou can be a$raid, but you do not 'ant to be surprised, or unprepared. 211

1oo0 forward to bein) (illed by a bullet, (ni$e, bat, some other 'eapon, or dro'nin), burnin) to death, bleedin) to death, electrocution, hi)h $all, crushed, car 'rec(, su$$ocation, a heart attac(, cancer, poison and in$ections, etc. #hose are some o$ the common 'ays that people are (illed. #here are many other uni?ue 'ays, so you ha.e to be ready $or anythin). #hey are all di$$erent. Most people are no' dyin) in a hospital o$ old a)e, but that is not the norm. 1t is actually .ery rare, and i$ people do not see the truth .ery soon, that 'ill chan)e .ery soon. 9e 'ill )o bac( to the real norm, 'hich is .iolent death, such as in the mouth o$ a predator, so you need to be ready $or the 'orst 'ay. #his is 'hy 'atchin) so"called slasher mo.ies is actually )ood $or someone that (no's the truth@ it helps prepare you $or 'hat could happen to you in the near $uture. #he reason the mo.ies are scary is because thin)s li(e that really happen. #hese (inds o$ mo.ies really do ha.e some socially redeemin) .alue. 9atch the, #he 3e.ilLs 6eCects. &s( yoursel$, 'hat i$ you 'ere the .ictims< .ou ha*e to be read5 to die in the worst wa5 8ossible to be read5 to li*e in the best wa5 8ossible. .ou cannot fa0e it. .ou ha*e to trul5 be read5 for it. Cheat death; #he hero in the al'ays )ets out o$ the bad situation, but in real li$e, you )et into a .ery bad situation, and you 'ill not )et out o$ it. 5eople al'ays relate to the hero, because they thin( they 'ill al'ays cheat death, but it is better to ima)ine youLre the one that )ets (illed, because it is more realistic. #here are some .ery .iolent, pain$ul and terri$yin) 'ays to )o, and you ha.e to be ready $or the 'orst possible 'ay to really li.e li$e $ully. t is human nature to li*e in a state of denial: but it does not ser*e the truth. Sur8rised; 1$ you are surprised, it means you do not (no' the ultimate truth, and you are not ready to )o. 1$ you are not surprised, you are ready, and it 'ill pass $ast, and you 'ill )o to hea.en and ha.e to )o throu)h a bad death a)ain.


1t 'ill be the end o$ millions o$ bad deaths you ha.e had to )o throu)h to )et to 'here you are no'. 1t is .ery important to be ready to )o in order to )o to the best place you can )o. 1t also ma(es you $ree in the li$e you are no'. .ou are not free until 5ou are literall5 read5 for an5thing that is 8ossible. Primal fear; Mo.ies al'ays ha.e a scene 'here someone is bein) chased by a monster or a (iller, and they are runnin) $or their li$e. 1t scares you a lot, because it puts you in touch 'ith your primal $ears. &s 'e e.ol.ed throu)h the animal realm, 'e 'ere chased by predators and eaten. ;ou ha.e actually been in this situation millions o$ times in the past. -nless you 'ant to be in that situation a)ain, you ha.e to learn the ultimate truth, because only it 'ill $ree you $rom the animal realm $ 3o your home'or( on this one subCect. ;ou ha.e nothin) to lose and e.erythin) to )ain. 8othin) is more serious, and nothin) is more important. Li.e it up until the 'orst happens. 0no'in) 'hat 'e ha.e to loo( $or'ard to should help you li.e e.ery moment to the $ullest until death comes. Li.e until you die. ;ou are born alone and you die alone, so you ha.e to $ace it and deal 'ith it alone. 1t is the one thin) that no one else can do $or you. >esus cannot sa.e you. 4is 'ords can sho' the 'ay, but you can and must use them to sa.e yoursel$. .ou die b5 5ourself: so 5ou ha*e to transcend death b5 5ourself. Mo.ies and #M can sho' you ho' brutal and sa.a)e li$e in the animal 'orld can be. 1t helps to moti.ate you to lea.e the animal realm. #he truth is the 'ay out. $asil Iing said: B$e bold: and might5 forces will come to 5our aid.C #hat does not mean those $orces 'ill sa.e you physically, but they 'ill spiritually. :ein) bold has )otten more people (illed than anythin) else. #hus, you ha.e to choose care$ully 'hat to be bold 'ith and 'hen. 9 little fear is good. t can do more to 0ee8 5ou ali*e than an5thing else. #he lon)er you can a.oid death, the better prepared you can be, so do not ta(e any unnecessary ris(s. Li.e a healthy li$estyle, and most importantly, li.e in the present to )et more li$e out o$ each moment. 213

The certain 8ros8ect of death should sweeten e*er5 life with a 8recious and fragrant dro8 of le*it5. Friedrich 3ietGsche 3ear death eH8eriences; 9hy does e.eryone that has a near death eDperience say the same thin)< #hey al'ays say it made them appreciate li$e more, that they no' li.e more in the moment, more in the present. #his is 'hat 'e can learn $rom people that ha.e near death eDperiences, not 'hat happens a$ter death. 3eath is as bad as it )ets, and you ha.e to )o throu)h it e.ery once in a 'hile. 1t is a short eDperience compared to the li$e you )et, so it is 'orth it. 1$ you (no' the truth and li$e, you understand it and accept it, but you li(e it. 1i*e more in a da5; & spiritual bein) 'ill li.e more in a day than someone that years in the mind. The $ible sa5s: B4ne da5 with 7od is li0e a thousand 5ears in the world.C 1n other 'ords, time slo's do'n, and you )et a lot more out o$ a day. #ime actually stops completely $rom your spiritual perspecti.e, 'hen you 'a(e up. Peo8le 8ut all their effort into learning how to sur*i*e: when the5 should be learning how to li*e and die: because e*er5thing else will fail 5ou. >ust remember, death cannot be a.oided $or .ery lon), e.en i$ you are care$ul. ;ou ha.e to be as ready as you can be to die, because it can happen anytime. 6ealiBe ho' unprepared you are. 6ealiBe the reality o$ dyin) and 'hat you 'ill ha.e to $ace, and it 'ill be the start o$ a )lorious ?uest $or the truth and the li$e. 3eath is not a pleasant subCect. 1t is the 'orst thin) that there is, and no one 'ants to tal( about it or thin( about it, but it is true, and $acin) the truth o$ it is the only 'ay to o.ercome it. &s >esus said, it is the truth that sets you $ree. The true 0nowledge of death leads to the true 0nowledge of life. 4*ercoming; >esus re$ers to Fo.ercomin),G he is tal(in) about o.ercomin) your o'n mind and the mind o$ the rest o$ man(ind. Securit5; 9hen you o.ercome the mind, you o.ercome death, because death does not eDist spiritually. #he truth and the li$e is the only real security. The truth J life: the dece8tions of the mind J death. t is Aust that sim8le. 21

1 hope 1 scared you, because as it says in the :ible, $ear o$ *od Hli$eI is the be)innin) o$ 'isdom. :e a$raid@ be .ery a$raid. 1t is the one thin) to truly $ear. #his $ear can lead directly to your sal.ation. 1 hope you are as scared as you should be. ;ou need to be scared enou)h to do somethin) about it. Fear is a .ery )ood moti.ator, the moti.ator that po'ers all o$ e.olution, includin) ours. The $ible sa5s: some will be sa*ed b5 lo*e: and some will be sa*ed b5 fear. ;ou cannot beat death, but you can stop it $rom beatin) you. 1t can be the bi))est step up or the bi))est step do'n, dependin) on 'hat you (no'. Ko not ta0e this world for granted@ it could disa88ear for 5ou at an5time. ;ou ha.e probably already $or)otten the reality o$ the situation, so ima)ine your heart Cust stopped ri)ht no'. 1t happens all the time@ it is the number one (iller and ho' most people die. #his means it is the 'ay you 'ill most li(ely die. #hey call it heart $ailure. ;our heart does not need a reason to stop. 1t can Cust stop. #hey 'ill come up 'ith a reason later, but that does not help you. 8aturally, the older you )et, the hi)her chance o$ it happenin), but it happens to youn) people also, e.en to (ids that are in )reat shape. 9bout two 8eo8le die e*er5 second: in one wa5 or another. Peo8le li0e 5ou. 4eart $ailure, stro(es, blood clots, and accidents happen to youn) people, so do not thin( it cannot happen to you. E.ery time you eat, you could cho(e. E.ery time you )et in a car, another can (ill you, so do not be surprised 'hen death comes to you. ;ou could die today, and many people Cust li(e you 'ill. 1t does not Cust happen to others@ the opposite is true. 1t happens to e.eryone, and the $irst step to the ultimate truth is acceptin) it and 'hat it means. 3eath is the bi))est thin) that happens in li$e. 1t is the most important thin) that happens.


Keath is the most certain thing in life: and most 8eo8le are not read5 for it. 1$ you ha.e e.en a little bit o$ ima)ination, it should scare you. ;ou can use that $ear to )et you in the present@ the $ear 'ill turn into true li$e and you 'ill be home. 5eople ta(in) $or )ranted that they 'ill li.e throu)h the ni)ht are $ools. #hin( about it@ you ha.e to breathe 'hile you are semi"conscious $or hours e.ery ni)ht, and people Cust ta(e it $or )ranted. 1t is a miracle, and people need to see this incredible )i$t $or 'hat it is to li.e li$e to the $ullest. 0no'in) *od has to be 'ith you doin) e.erythin) to (eep you ali.e 'ithout any help $rom you is a .ery secure, $eelin) and helps you sleep li(e a baby. 8o one sleeps alone or they 'ould die. Somethin) has to (eep your heart beatin) and breathin) and it is not you. 0no'in) this truth ma(es sleep much better. The truth and the life (?esus) teaches 5ou how to li*e and how to die. 9s ?ohn 1ennon said: death is li0e getting out of one car and into another: and that is true: but it is the onl5 car 5ou 0now until 5ou 0now 5our s8irit. $est wa5s to die; 0no'in) the truth and the li$e is the most important thin), but 'hen you ha.e a choice, ) your li$e to sa.e the li$e o$ someone else is the best 'ay to )o. EDample: 3yin) by $ire, bein) burnt to death is one o$ the 'orst 'ays to )o, but i$ it happens 'hile you are tryin) to sa.e someone else $rom bein) (illed, such as bein) burnt to death, it is one o$ the best 'ays to die. 1$ you die as >esus did, $or the truth and the li$e, it is the absolute best 'ay to )o. #hatLs 'hy it is best to spend your li$e doin) all you can to spread the truth.


Section , & The Truth -ill Set .ou Free & Cha8ter ,.!

1imits of Inowledge & nfinit5

.ou need to 0now all 5ou can 0now: and 0now it is all 5ou can 0now: to 0now it all. 1t is as important to (no' 'hat you canAt (no' as it is to (no' 'hat you (no' about the bi) picture o$ li$e. #his is because you 'ill 'aste time tryin) to (no' somethin) that is impossible to (no', that does not e.en matter, instead o$ in 'hat you can (no'. There are things we can understand with our minds and things we cannot. nfinit5; Some thin)s are beyond the mind, thus beyond understandin). #he mind has to realiBe it has limitations. &ll in$inite and"endin) thin)s are beyond the mind, and the essence o$ e.erythin) is in$inite and endin). EDample: 'e cannot comprehend that the uni.erse )oes out $, but 'e can understand that it has to. 1t is impossible $or the uni.erse to stop )oin) out. Somethin) has to (eep )oin) out, e.en i$ it is Cust empty space. #his tells us in$inity eDists. 9e can understand in$inity eDists 'ithout understandin) in$inity. Outer space is the easiest place to see in$inity, but it is actually the nature o$ e.erythin) in one 'ay or another. #he amaBin) thin) is, it has to be true. 1t is a certain truth, and it is impossible to comprehend. #hat is mind blo'in), but itAs one o$ those thin)s that brin)s ma)ic to (no'in) the truth and li$e. 1t is a per$ect eDample o$ (no'in) the un(no'able. nner s8ace; #here is no end to inner space either. #he truth is, there has to be an in$inite number o$ uni.erses inside e.ery atom in our body. 1$ you ta(e a piece o$ cheese and cut it in hal$, and cut the hal$ in hal$ and (eep )oin), you could cut $, and you 'ill run out o$ somethin) to cut. ;ou cannot ma(e nothin) out o$ somethin)@ it is impossible. Ener)y cannot be created or destroyed, and all matter is a $orm o$ ener)y. 1$ you could ma(e nothin) out o$ somethin), you 'ould be destroyin) ener)y, 'hich is not possible. #his is ho' you can use deducti.e lo)ic to (no' somethin) that could not be (no'n any other 'ay. 9hen you burn somethin) up in a $ire, you are Cust turnin) it into heat, li)ht, ash and smo(e@ nothin) is lost. #he electricity that runs your #M or computer is not lost. ;ou can loo( at it as 'ater $lo'in) throu)h the cord into the screen and sprayin) out into the room and bac( into the en.ironment a)ain. 8othin) is lost@ it is Cust chan)ed into another $orm, in a circle or cycle.


)ow often ha*e said to 5ou that when 5ou ha*e eliminated the im8ossible: whate*er remains: howe*er im8robable: must be the truth> Sir 9rthur Conan Ko5le Process of elimination; Sometimes it is easier to (no' 'hat somethin) is not than to (no' 'hat somethin) is. #o $ind out the nature o$ somethin) you cannot understand, you can use the process o$ elimination. Marie !urie used this process to radium. She Cust too( some earth she (ne' radium 'as in, and remo.ed e.erythin) else she (ne' 'as there. #he only thin) le$t 'as radium. ;ou can do the same thin) 'ith li$e. >ust remo.e e.erythin) that you (no' is untrue, and 'hat is le$t has to contain the truth. 1$ you belie.e in myths, start 'ith them. #he truth is in many o$ them, and you can o$ten $ind it by the process o$ elimination. +Htra8olation; &nother method o$ learnin) the truth about somethin) that cannot be (no'n any other 'ay is by usin) eDtrapolation. EDample: 'e do not (no' $or certain that the sun 'ill rise in the mornin). &ll 'e can (no' is 'hat has happened in the past, and that nature 'ill (eep doin) 'hat it has done in the past unless somethin) happens to chan)e it. 9e can then proCect or eDtrapolate 'hat 'ill happen in the $uture, or at least (no' 'hat has the best chance o$ happenin) in the $uture. -sin) this method, 'e can be almost certain the sun 'ill rise in the mornin). #he earth 'ill (eep turnin), and the sun 'ill (eep burnin) a 'hile lon)er. The 0nown uni*erse; #he (no'n uni.erse is about thirteen and a hal$ billion li)ht years out, and at the le.el o$ subatomic particles in. #his is 'hat 'e can see and understand usin) current instruments and=or math. 1t is 8e'tonLs uni.erse@ he eDplains it per$ectly. EinsteinLs 'or( 'as on the ed)es, the ed)e o$ the uni.erse, and the ed)e o$ 'hat our minds can understand and (no' $or certain. 4ne of the goals of this boo0 is to say all 'e can (no' and chec( about the bi) picture o$ li$e. 9hen somethin) in$inity or immortality, 1 say as little as possible. 1t is a 'aste o$ time, o$ li$e, to thin( about somethin) that is un(no'able. #he 'ay to (no' the un(no'able is to (no' all you can (no' about 'hat can be (no'n. #he ed)e is not a place to d'ell too lon), or )o to .ery o$ten. 1 Cust touch on it $rom time to time, Cust to (no' 'here it is, to (no' the boundaries o$ the mind. 21,

9ll we need to 0now; 9e do not need to (no' anythin) other than the (no'n uni.erse, and 'e 'ill, because 'e can only eDist in the (no'n uni.erse. Li$e only in the (no'n uni.erse, and it 'ould not be possible any'here else. Since 'e can only be conscious o$ li$e in the (no'n uni.erse, there is no point in tryin) to )o any $arther and tryin) to (no' more. 1t 'ould be impossible, and it 'ould be a 'aste o$ time and resources. &ll 'e need is a complete understandin) o$ the (no'n uni.erse to )et to hea.en. 9hen you (no' the truth and the li$e, you (no' e.erythin) you need to (no' and can (no'. $ig bang; EDtrapolation can sho' us the true past. #he bi) ban) theory o$ ho' the (no'n uni.erse be)an 'as disco.ered by usin) eDtrapolation in re.erse. 9e could see that the current uni.erse is eDpandin), so it could be traced bac( to 'hen it 'as all in one small area. 9e Cust ran the e.ent bac('ards. +ternal uni*erse; Scientists use the (no'led)e o$ the bi) ban) to say the uni.erse has a be)innin), that e.erythin) started at some point, and that the uni.erse is not eternal Hal'ays been hereI. #his is a )ood eDample o$ ho' the mind can only understand thin)s 'ith a be)innin) and an end. #he truth is, it is eternal, and it has al'ays been here in some $orm. 1t may eDpand and contract and a)ain, li(e a heart beatin) $ 1t may eDpand out until it runs into another eDpandin) uni.erse, but it is eternal and in$inite, because anythin) else 'ould be impossible. #he (no'n uni.erse may ha.e a be)innin) and an end, but the in$inite uni.erse does not, cannot. ;ou can ma(e nothin) out o$ somethin)@ it Cust Reason obe5s itself: and ignorance submits to whate*er is dictated to it. Thomas Paine 1ogicNreason; 1 used eDtrapolation and the other methods to e.aluate 'hat is true and 'hat is $alse, to e.aluate 'hat is 'ritten in this boo(. 1$ you thin( 1 am 'ron) about somethin), you should use them to chec( it $or yoursel$. 4ne of the easiest wa5s to 0now something is true: is it ne*er changes. #he proo$ that the thin)s 1 say in #he 5resent are true is the 'ay they $it to)ether and support each other, and ho' 1 ha.e really corrected anythin) in these boo(s in t'enty years. 1 ha.e added or ta(en thin)s out, and said them in di$$erent 'ays, but ha.e $ound anythin) incorrect, nor has anyone else corrected anythin) or added anythin) in the $i.e years that it has been at the top o$ the #ruth !ontest. #his tells you they are true.


#here are many thin)s that ha.e been said be$ore by other people, but there are hundreds o$ thin)s that ha.e been said be$ore, ne' re.elations o$ the truth o$ li$e. ;ou 'ould thin( that in $i.e years it has been on the 1nternet at the top o$ the contest, someone 'ould ha.e corrected or added at least one thin), but they ha.e not, and you can chec( this 'ith the 'ebmaster that has been in.ol.ed 'ith the contest e.eryday $or the last $i.e years. Su8reme 8ur8ose; 9e e.ol.ed a thin(in), rational mind $or one supreme purpose, and that purpose is to use it to learn the $undamental truth o$ li$e. 1t has to be the purpose, because nothin) else really matters. 1t eDplains our li$e. f 0nowing the truth of life is not the most im8ortant thing: what is> 1t is 'hat separates us $rom other animals. 1t is the only thin) that can ma(e a di$$erence. 1t does not matter 'hat else 'e do, as lon) as 'e learn the ultimate truth about li$e. 9e ha.e to do the one thin) that 'e can do better than other animals to $ul$ill our e.olutionary position in li$e and mo.e on to the neDt position. 9e can be sure that in $alse truths, such as myths, is not )oin) to help us and 'ill probably hurt us. #he truth is the only thin) that can possibly help us. The ultimate truth J bliss: because 5ou 0now what is ha88ening alwa5s. Stairwa5 to hea*en; 9e can use truth $indin) tools to (no' that 'e are immortal and a spiritual bein). 9e cannot understand immortality or be directly a'are o$ our spiritual nature, but 'e can use deducti.e lo)ic to understand ho' it is impossible $or us not to be, so 'e ha.e to be. 1ife shows 5ou the truth: and the truth shows 5ou the life. The first truth; 1t all starts 'ith the $act that it is impossible to be conscious o$ bein) unconscious. 1t tells us that 'e ha.e to be immortal, and that leads to e.erythin) else. 1t is the $irst truth, because it is us@ the only thin) 'e can be absolutely certain o$ is our o'n consciousness. 9e cannot e.en be sure anyone else is conscious. Our o'n consciousness is the only thin) 'e can say 'e really (no', but it leads directly to all other truth, and the truth leads to the li$e. #he truth leads to the li$e, and the li$e leads to the truth. #his is one reason 'hy once you $ind the truth and the li$e, you lose it. 220

eHisted from all eternit5: and behold: am here: and shall eHist till the end of time: for m5 being has no end. Ihalil 7ibran #he $act o$ our o'n consciousness leads directly to the (no'led)e that 'e are immortal spiritual bein)s. 1$ you add the e.idence o$ e.olution and ho' li$e naturally pro)resses, you can also be certain that reincarnation is true and that 'e e.ol.ed. One thin) leads to another. 1t is li(e climbin) stairs one step at a time. ;ou can only see the step you are on and the neDt step. 9hen you ta(e that step Hlearn that truthI, the neDt step becomes .isible or is re.ealed to you, and so you )o up the stair'ay to hea.en Hultimate truthI, startin) 'here you are at no'. Snowfla0es; 1n$inity does not mean that there is another 'orld eDactly li(e ours or many thin)s eDactly ali(e. #he opposite is true. #here are an in$inite amount o$ thin)s, and none o$ them are eDactly ali(e. E.erythin) is li(e sno'$la(es. Fractals; ;ou can see this 'ith 'hat they call $ractals or the =andelbrot Set Hsearch the netI. & simple $ormula or pattern can repeat itsel$ an in$inite amount o$ times 'ithout resultin) in the same thin) or outcome. Most thin)s 'ill be .ery close to the same, but eDactly the same. #hat is ho' *od=li$e 'or(s. #he same simple thin) is done and a)ain Hbalancin) oppositesI, and in doin), 'ith the help o$ the collecti.e unconscious, it creates the most complicated and di.erse thin)s in nature, includin) us. Fractals are the wa5 that we can understand how the 8h5sical uni*erse mo*es in a 8erfect balance: but it is ne*er the same. t is trul5 alwa5s new. 7odOs will; #he balancin) $orce mani$ests as all ener)y Hmo.ement=$orceI and all matter Hphysical thin)sI. #he balance does e.erythin) and is e.erythin). Loo( at the bi) picture, the 'hole, and you 'ill al'ays be able to see the ultimate truth. 1t is behind the in$inite di$$erences o$ li$e. ;ou 'ill see and (no' the 'ill o$ *od. 9ll want to learn is how to thin0 li0e 7od thin0s. 9lbert +instein .our 0ingdom come: 5our will be done on earth. =atthew (;16 221

Once you (no' *odLs 'ill, you (no' the $undamental nature o$ e.erythin), and you see that li$e is per$ect and on automatic. ;ou can relaD, stop thin(in), lea.e the to *od, and Cust li.e li$e in the present. *odLs 'ill becomes your 'ill. The $ible sa5s: whoe*er does 7odOs will shall abide in hea*en fore*er. Inowing the future; 0no'in) *odLs 'ill does not mean that you can predict the $uture. 8o one (no's the $uture. 1t cannot be (no'n. ;ou can (no' 'hat it 'ill be li(e and 'hat the best odds o$ somethin) happenin) are, but (no' eDactly 'hat 'ill happen. Pro8hec5; #here are an in$inite amount o$ .ariables and .ariations possible. &ll prophecy is untrue. 5eople are Cust )uessin), and sometimes they )et luc(y. Post-diction; #he prophecy that appears to be completely accurate 'as 'ritten a$ter the e.ent and Cust pre"dated to $ool people. 1t is called post" diction as opposed to prediction. Other so"called prophecy is 'ritten in a .a)ue 'ay so that many thin)s can be ima)ined or read into it. #hen there are the thin)s li(e the :ible predictin) the State o$ 1srael. 5eople say it is proo$ that the :ible predicts the $uture. #he >e'ish people ha.e been 'antin) and 'or(in) to'ards )ettin) a homeland $or all o$ their history. 1t 'as .ery li(ely that it 'ould happen e.entually. >e'ish people 'rote the :ible and said they 'ould )et a homeland in it be$ore they did, because it helped them )et it. #hey could and did say it 'as prophesied, and 'hen it happened, say it prophecy is true. #hey say that i$ it came true, all the others 'ill come true also. 8o one can predict 'ith certainty or (no' $uture e.ents. #he only thin) you can be certain o$ and the only thin) you need to (no' is that it 'ill be balanced. 4ccurrences in this domain are be5ond the reach of eHact 8rediction because of the *ariet5 of factors in o8eration: not because of an5 lac0 of order in nature. 9lbert +instein ;ou do not ha.e to be smart to (no' the ultimate truth@ a child can (no' it. #hat is the beauty o$ it. #he sun risin) and settin) sho's it. 1n $act, it is the so" called smart and learned people that ha.e the most trouble seein) the truth. 9s ?esus said: BThat which is hidden from the wise and educated has been re*ealed unto babes (o8en minded).C


Time and s8ace; 1t only eDists in relation to a bein) and in relation to 'hat is )oin) on in that bein)Ls en.ironment. #here is no bi) or small, $ast or slo', eDcept in relation to itsel$ and other thin)s around it and as seen $rom a bein)Ls perspecti.e, $rom an indi.idualLs consciousness. 5eople thin( that there is no 'ay to tra.el to other 'orlds that ha.e li$e li(e ours@ the distances are too )reat. #hat may be true $or physical li$e, but not $or spiritual li$e. 9e could be reborn in the 'orlds inside o$ us 'ithout to )o any'here. Einstein pro.ed that space, time, siBe and distances are relati.e, and the truth is that spiritually, 'e are already e.ery'here, Cust as empty space is e.ery'here. 9e are only conscious o$ the en.ironment in and around the body our spirit is currently $ocused in, and 'e are al'ays $ocused in a body. 9e need physical senses to percei.e li$e, and 'e ha.e to be in a physical body to ha.e physical senses to eDperience li$e. ;ou need eyes to see, ears to hear, etc. S8ace time: rebirth; Space, time, siBe and speed are relati.e. 1$ you had no re$erence points, you 'ould not be able to (no' anythin) about space, time, siBe or speed. 1t is because those thin)s only eDist in relation Hrelati.eI to obCects in the en.ironment. 9ithout these re$erences, there 'ould be no 'ay to (no' ho' much time is passin), the siBe o$ the en.ironment, or ho' $ast you are ;ou )et in this state a$ter you die. #his state ma(es it possible $or the collecti.e unconscious mind to put you any'here in physical reality. #o you it seems as i$ no time has passed and no mo.ement has occurred, e.en i$ you are reborn a billion years later and a billion li)ht years a'ay $rom 'here you 'ere 'hen you died. #he $act that 'e are spiritually e.ery'here means that 'e can al'ays be instantly reborn any'here in the in$inite uni.erse, in a time and place to match our le.el o$ a'areness, and 'here 'e need to )o to (eep our balanced. 1n a 'orld 'ith as many humans as earth, there is no need to )o to other 'orlds $or balance. Most spirits are reincarnated and li.e e.ery li$espan ri)ht here. The un0nown; 9e cannot understand ho' 'e can be e.ery'here anymore than 'e can understand in$inity. #he mind cannot understand 'hat nothin) is any more than it can understand 'hat somethin) is. #here are many thin)s 'e 'ill understand or be able to understand. 9e do not ha.e to understand 'hat anythin) is in order to )et to hea.en. 9e Cust ha.e to (no' 'hat e.erythin) does as it relates to us, and no' 'e do. 223

#hin)s such as blac( holes, ?uantum mechanics, 'orm holes, other dimensions, strin) theory, dar( matter and ener)y, time 'arps, -FOs, and other mysterious phenomena may or may not be understood, but it doesnLt matter, because it 'ill al'ays be Cust a mani$estation o$ the balance in one 'ay or another. E.en i$ hi)hly ad.anced aliens $rom another planet sho' up, it 'ill not ma(e a real di$$erence, because they li.e in the same uni.erse as us and are controlled by the same $orce. #he ultimate truth is the same $or e.erythin) in the uni.erse. "F4; 1$ 'e are bein) .isited by li$e $rom other 'orlds or dimensions, they 'ould ha.e to be much more e.ol.ed than us. #hese hi)hly ad.anced li$e $orms $rom outer space, inner space, other dimensions, no doubt (no' the truth and the li$e, and are Cust 'aitin) $or us to learn it and li.e it be$ore they ma(e direct contact. #hey are probably Cust 'aitin) $or us to become spiritual bein)s be$ore they ma(e their presence (no'n. #heir ad.anced technolo)y 'ill be a re'ard $or us 'hen 'e rise abo.e the animal realm. #heir ad.anced technolo)y is probably )i.en to all li$e $orms that rise abo.e the animal le.el, li(e a )raduation present. #hey 'ill sho' us ho' to stop a)in), cure all disease, etc. #hey cannot )i.e us this ad.anced technolo)y be$ore 'e chan)e, because 'e 'ould use it to (ill and try to (ill them. #hey cannot help us ma(e the chan)e, because 'e ha.e to chan)e #hey could sho' us the 'ay and probably 'ere the an)els that appeared to the prophets in the past. #hey could be responsible $or the mass hypnosis that hid the truth until no' and that has hid their presence $rom us. #hey may be usin) me to 'rite this boo(. Somethin) has been usin) me, and it could be them. 5eople are al'ays 'aitin) $or someone to come and sa.e them, be it a messiah or E#, and the truth is, we ha*e to sa*e oursel*es . 1t is the only 'ay it can 'or(. The $ible sa5s 7od hel8s them that hel8 themsel*es . #his is 'hat the :ible 'as tal(in) about. Some thin)s 'e ha.e to do $or, and becomin) spiritual bein)s is one o$ them, the most important one, the only one that matters. 22

Chase our tails; #he mind 'ould chase thin)s it does not understand $ 1n the physical uni.erse, e.ery solution creates another problem, e.ery ans'er raises another ?uestion. #his 'ill cause the mind to run around in circles $, i$ 'e let it. #his is eDactly 'hat the 'ants us to do. #he one thin) that 'e ha.e to understand is that 'e do not ha.e to understand e.erythin), cannot understand e.erythin). 9e Cust ha.e to understand 'hat 'e can understand, nothin) more, and nothin) less. 9e Cust ha.e to understand the $undamental nature o$ e.erythin), and 'e do i$ 'e understand the balancin) $orce, our minds, and the collecti.e unconscious. 9hen you understand li$eLs simple nature, you (no' the ultimate truth. #his is 'hy >esus said babes or children can understand it. #he heart o$ complicated computers use simple opposites Hon=o$$I li(e the rest o$ li$e does. 1t is a mani$estation o$ the opposites called a binary code. E.erythin) in the uni.erse is based on the positi.e and ne)ati.e dance o$ li$e, because it is li$e. Turn science on the big 8icture; Scientists are busy 'or(in) on some part o$ li$e, but 'e need them to help de$ine the bi) picture. 1$ the most talented scientists 'ould Cust $ocus on the bi) picture $or a $e' months, 'e 'ould ha.e it done. #hen they could )o bac( to the parts, (no'in) 'hat they are 'or(in) on part o$. 6eli)ions need more scienti$ic input. Science and reli)ion need to )et to)ether on the bi) picture proCect. 9e need all o$ our best minds 'or(in) on it. #his boo( eDplains it all, but it could al'ays be eDplained better. #he more people that eDplain it and the more di$$erent 'ays it is eDplained the better. Science is not an organiGation@ it is a method of testing and retesting a theor5 enough times to establish that it is the truth. 5eople thin( that i$ you understand ho' li$e 'or(s, it 'ill ta(e the ma)ic out o$ it. #he opposite is the truth. ;ou 'ill be)in to see the true ma)ic o$ li$e. 9n adult will still see the m5ster5 of life with the wonder of a child. 9s we acFuire 0nowledge: things do not become more com8rehensible: but more m5sterious. 9lbert SchweitGer The most beautiful thing we can eH8erience is the m5sterious. 9lbert +instein 22%

4bAecti*eNsubAecti*e; Science deals 'ith the obCecti.e, the truth o$ the mind. 6eli)ion deals 'ith the subCecti.e, thin)s that cannot be understood by the mind. 5eople do not thin( they are compatible. #hey are not only compatible, they are both essential to learnin) and in the ultimate truth. Science as0s Bhow.C Religions as0 Bwh5.C ;ou ha.e to ma(e the t'o one 'ith the obCecti.e and subCecti.e, 'ith science and reli)ion, in order to see the complete picture. #he obCecti.e is the 'ords in a son), the subCecti.e is the music. #he 'ords are o$ the mind@ the music is o$ the spirit. ;ou ha.e to be both a scientist and a mystic to (no' the ultimate truth. The greatest scientists were m5stics. 3ewton and +instein were m5stics. Einstein said that the more 'e learn, the more mysterious the uni.erse becomes. 8e'ton 'as a de.outly reli)ious person that spent more time tryin) to understand the :ible than the physical 'orld. #hey both (ne' that science by itsel$ 'ould be able to eDplain e.erythin). n this boo0: Fuote +instein more than an5one: eHce8t for ?esus.
?esus said: B-hen 5ou ma0e the two one: 5ou will be called sons of men.C

4bAecti*eNsubAecti*e: scienceNreligion: 8h5sicalNs8iritual: manN7od: are the two that 5ou ha*e to ma0e one to 0now and li*e in the truthNlife. Science without religion is lame@ religion without science is blind. 9lbert +instein +*er5thing ma0es sense; >ust because not e.erythin) can be understood 'ith the mind, it does not mean that e.erythin) cannot ma(e sense. 1t can, but it Cust cannot ma(e sense usin) science alone. ;ou ha.e to put the obCecti.e and subCecti.e to)ether, the $inite and in$inite $or it all to ma(e sense. 3ot e*er5thing that can be counted counts: and not e*er5thing that counts can be counted. 9lbert +instein Science has its limits, and they are $ound at the ed)es o$ the uni.erse. 1$ you )o Fout,G you run into in$inity, 'hich ma(es no sense to the mind. 1$ you )o Fin,G you run into ?uanta mechanics, 'hich also ma(es no sense $rom the mindLs perspecti.e. #his tells us that no sense can ma(e sense. ;ou do not ha.e to understand somethin) 'ith your mind $or it to ma(e sense or be true. #he $act is that it 'ould not ma(e sense i$ 'e could understand e.erythin) 'ith the mind. 22+

.ou can 0now something is true without being able to understand it. 1n$inity is a )ood eDample o$ that. 9e (no' it has to be true, but 'e 'ill be able to understand it. #he mind can only understand thin)s 'ith boundaries@ it in that 'orld only. Our spirit in the 'orld o$ boundaries and another 'orld that 'e 'ill be able to understand, because it is in$inite and eternal. 3o sense ma0es sense. #he $act that no sense can ma(e sense is the (ey to $reedom $or intellectuals, scientists, and others that belie.e stron)ly in the mind. Some thin)s are not possible to understand, and they 'ill be, and that can be understood, so e.erythin) can be understood. ;ou Cust ha.e to understand that some thin)s are impossible to understand, that they are not supposed to be understood, and that ma(es sense. #here is a di$$erence bet'een thin)s at the ed)es o$ our reality that do not ma(e sense, and nonsense. =ost of what 8eo8le belie*e is the truth in
traditional religions is nonsense.

EDample: the story o$ Lot. 4e )a.e his .ir)in dau)hters to a mob to rape, to sho' )ood manners, and )et them to stop ban)in) on his door. 4e also had seD 'ith his dau)hters, and the :ible says he 'as one o$ the most ri)hteous men that li.ed. Most thin)s in the :ible do not ma(e sense, but it is the thin)s in the :ible that do ma(e sense that 'ill be the (ey $or many to escape the mind. 7odNlife 'ill al'ays be a mystery. 9e can (no' 'hat *od=li$e does, but 'e 'ill (no' 'hat it really is or 'hat anythin) actually is. 9e do not (no' 'hat )ra.ity is or anythin) else really is, and 'e 'ill. &ll 'e can say is that e.erythin) physical is a $orm o$ ener)y in balance, and that is it. 1t does not matter, because 'e Cust ha.e to (no' the truth HbalanceI and eDperience the li$e completely. #he mystery o$ 'hat li$e actually is Cust ma(es li$e e.en more 'onder$ul and interestin). mmortalit5 and infinit5 both start with < <. #hey are thin)s you can (no' that are beyond the mind. 0no'in) those t'o thin)s leads to (no'in) the other E1E HSel$I, the third in the E1E trinity o$ thin)s that are un(no'able to the mind. The $ible sa5s: 5ou will 0now the un0nowable. #hat means you 'ill (no' ho' li$e 'or(s but (no' 'hat li$e is. 1t is un(no'able, because it is in$initely deep and shallo' at the same time. 1t means that e.en i$ you li.e $ (no'in) ho' it 'or(s, 'hich you 'ill, you 'ill (no' 'hat it is. ;ou 'ill (no' it better and better. ;ou 'ill (no' it as much as you can and be 'ith it as much as you can, but you 'ill stop see(in) and (no'in) more about the un(no'able. 1t surprises you $ life is alwa5s new. 22/

1ast ste8; &ll (no'in) ho' it 'or(s does is $ree you to start (no'in) 'hat it is. 9hen you no lon)er ha.e to thin( about 'hy thin)s happen, and (no' e.erythin) is per$ect all the time, you can really start Cust it completely. 0no'in) ho' it 'or(s is the $irst step, and almost no human bein)s ha.e ta(en that step. #hat is 'hat this boo( is $or and 'hy 'e need to tell people to read it. 9e need people to ta(e the $irst step. #he neDt step is the li$e, and that is the last step, because it ends. ;ou 'ill (no' the un(no'able as the :ible says, but it still is the un(no'able. #here is no contradiction there, e.en thou)h people that ha.e not ta(en the $irst step 'ill thin( it is. 1t actually could not be more clear. -isdom sets bounds e*en to 0nowledge. Friedrich 3ietGsche +*er5thing is mind; *od can be said to be a mind or 'ill that mani$ests as li$e and the physical uni.erse, e.erythin) real. Our )oal is to (no' this mind completely, (no' 'hat it does and 'hy it does it@ to (no' it so 'ell 'e become part o$ it, become it. *odAs 'ill becomes our 'ill@ his mind our mind. 9e become the hand o$ *od and do *odAs 'ill. 9e also ha.e to (no' there is a per.ersion o$ *odAs mind, the animal mind, or mind o$ the beast, 'hat reli)ions call the 1t is inside o$ us and must be o.ercome be$ore 'e can see and (no' *od. #he mind o$ *od or di.ine collecti.e unconscious is comprised o$ all conscious li$e, eDcept the animal mind. #he physical uni.erse is a mani$estation o$ the 'ill o$ all $ully e.ol.ed li$e $orms, plus the 'ill o$ man(ind, and lo'er animals on earth. That is as close as 5ou can get to understanding what e*er5thing is. #he mind o$ *od creates all o$ truth and li$e. &ll o$ physical reality is the mind o$ *od in action, mani$estin) itsel$. #here 'ould Cust be nothin), an empty .oid i$ not $or the mind. #o become one 'ith that mind is to become one 'ith *od, and e.ol.e past the animal mind. #he animal realm 'e are in no' is also a mind, competin) 'ith the mind o$ *od $or our souls. #he .ery $irst lines o$ the :ible describe ho' the mind o$ *od chan)es the $ormless .oid into the uni.erse 'e li.e in, and ho' it 'as per$ect. #hen *enesis describes ho' this 'orld 'as corrupted by the mind o$ the beast that 'e ha.e been tryin) to o.ercome since. 1$ you (no' ho' to interpret it, the ne' testament tells us ho' to o.ercome the animal mind. 9s the $ible sa5s@ whoe*er does 7odOs will shall abide in hea*en fore*er. 7odMs will is to $irst (no' 'hat it is, learn the truth o$ li$e, then teach others the truth. ;ou become a prophet. #hat is the neDt and last step in human e.olution. 22,

Section , & The Truth -ill Set .ou Free & Cha8ter ,.#

The Truth 9bout 7od

#he only thin) that could be called *od is nature, truth, li$e, lo.e, the present, the no', the $orce, ener)y, e.erythin) and nothin). *od is the balancin) $orce that creates and controls the in$inite uni.erse, the $orce that ) us li$e and e.erythin) in it. #hat eDplains it in 'ords, but it is not e.en close to eDperiencin) 'hat it really is. Some thin)s, most real thin)s, you can only (no' by eDperience. -hat 7od does not do; 9e can and do (no' *od doesnLt )et mad, 'atch us or Cud)e us, re'ard and punish us, or loo( or act li(e a human bein). *od does not tal( to people, ans'er prayers, thin( or plan thin)s. *od is not li(e a (in) sittin) on a throne. *od is not 'hat the myth says *od is. 9l8haNomega; *od is not a separate li$e $orm. *od is all li$e $orms. *od is li$e itsel$ and the balancin) $orce that controls it. #he :ible says the same thin). 1t says, F*od is the alpha and the ome)a, the be)innin) and the end, that 'hich 'as, that 'hich is and 'ill be, the almi)hty.G 1t cannot be said better than that. -hat 7od does do; 1 am as 1 am. 8o' 'e (no' 'here *od is He.ery'hereI, 'hat *od loo(s li(e He.erythin)I, 'hat *od does He.erythin)I, and ho' to be 'ith *od Ho.ercome our animal mindsI. E.erythin) eDcept $or our $alse mental" sel$ is *od, and *od is that also in an indirect 'ay. 9hen you lo*e 5our enem5, 'hich the :ible says to do, you lo.e the animal mind. 6emember, lo.e means to pay attention. ;ou need to pay attention to the animal mind to o.ercome it. ;ou ha.e to see it $or 'hat it is to not be able to stand it, and do 'hat you ha.e to Hlearn and spread the truth and li$eI to o.ercome it. Ki*ine relationshi8; *od is only in human $orm 'hen 'e let *od mani$est throu)h us. 9e represent *od and the mind. *od can li.e throu)h us, and 'e can li.e throu)h *od. *od ) us li$e, and 'e )i.e *od a physical body. 1t is truly a match made in hea.en. #he truth ma(es *od become $lesh throu)h us. ?esus said: B)e will abide in 5ou and will li*e in 5ou.C


Iings; 9hy 'ould people assume that a *od 'ould be li(e and li(e the same thin)s that a .ain, sel$"absorbed, insecure and e)otistic, earthly (in) 'ould li(e< 9hen the :ible 'as 'ritten, (in)s 'ere all po'er$ul, so naturally, they concluded that *od must be li(e an e.en more po'er$ul (in). #hey thou)ht that i$ a (in) li(es to be praised and told he is )reat, so 'ould a *od. cannot belie*e in a 7od that wants to be worshi8ed all the time. Friedrich 3ietGsche 5eople dra) the i)norance o$ the past into the present, 'hich ma(es them e.en more i)norant than the people in the past 'ere. 1 can understand 'hy primiti.e, i)norant people in the past 'ould belie.e and do the thin)s they did, but 'hy 'ould modern people still do the same thin)< 0in)s 'ere the 'orst people that li.ed@ they 'ere the ultimate serial (illers. 1t is insane to belie.e *od is li(e them. 9ho 'ould really 'ant to spend eternity 'ith a bein) li(e that< $urn 8eo8le; Many reli)ions belie.e hell is a place 'here *od sends people to burn $ 1 'ould not 'ant to be 'ith someone that burns a cat, let alone someone that burns millions o$ people $ 8o decent person 'ould. E.en the people that realiBe that hell is Cust a metaphor and thin( hell is really Cust a place 'here you 'ill su$$er $ are no better. 8o one should su$$er at all, let alone $ &, all"po'er$ul *od 'ould not let anyone su$$er. &ccordin) to the :ible and reli)ion, ninety"nine percent o$ the creatures that *od created are )oin) to hell. Only a $e' priests and preachers are )oin) to be in hea.en. 9hy 'ould an all po'er$ul *od o$ lo.e do that< 4e 'ouldnLt, so the :ible, or the 'ay that it has been interpreted, is not true. +*er5 religion is true in one wa5 or another. t is true when understood meta8horicall5. $ut when it gets stuc0 in its own meta8hors: inter8reting them as fact: then 5ou are in trouble. ?ose8h Cam8bell Time to sto8; #he :ible portrays *od as a bearded old man that acts li(e a stern $ather or a (in) on a throne, because >esus and others used the $ather metaphor $or *od and the (in)dom metaphor $or hea.en. & metaphor is not meant to be literal truth, but people, past and present, are sayin) that they are the literal truth. 1t is time $or people to stop doin) it. 1t distorts the truth, and it is misleadin).


?esus said: B$ut woe to 5ou: scribes and Pharisees: h58ocritesL $ecause 5ou shut u8 the Iingdom of )ea*en against men@ for 5ou donMt enter in 5oursel*es: neither do 5ou allow those who are entering in to enter.C #he :ible portrays *od as e.erythin) Halpha and ome)aI, and as an old man in the s(y. 1t is Cust one o$ many, many, many contradictions in the :ible. E.en 'ith all the contradictions, many people still insist that it is the literal truth. 1$ anyone to burn $, it is people that say they belie.e that the myths are true. #hey ha.e no re)ard $or the truth, and they ma(e it so di$$icult $or the real truth to be (no'n. n Christianit5: neither moralit5 nor religion comes into contact with realit5 at an5 8oint. Friedrich 3ietGsche -atching o*er us; #he 'hole concept o$ a man=*od in the s(y is .ery e)otistical. Only a li$e $orm that is really $ull o$ itsel$ Hman(indI 'ould thin( that another li$e $orm 'ould de.ote its li$e to their li$e. #he truth is, no one is 'atchin) you, and you 'ould not 'ant it any other 'ay. The truth is: no one would reall5 want the m5ths to be the truth. E.eryone really 'ants a little pri.acy. 5eople that say F1 can $eel *od 'atchin) meG really )i.e me the 'illies. #hat means the *od they en.ision 'atches them in the bathroom and 'hen they are seD. #he same people thin( the same thin) about lo.ed ones that ha.e passed a'ay. 1 sure hope my mom and )randmother are not 'atchin) me. 1 (no' they are their o'n ne' li$e. -ould 5ou reall5 wish for them to ha*e to s8end their life watching 5ou> 5eople really do not thin( about the thin)s they say. 8o one 'ould really 'ant anyone 'atchin) them all the time, especially not a Cud)mental old man, or a parent. #he only time they 'ould li(e it is 'hen they are in trouble. Most people do not see this ob.ious truth. #he $act that they do not see this sho's ho' asleep people are. 1t is Cust a myth, and than( *od it is.


Section , & The Truth -ill Set .ou Free & Cha8ter ,.%

$eliefNFantas5 *s. TruthNRealit5

Religion e*ol*ed; 6eli)ions, li(e e.erythin) else, e.ol.ed $rom earlier myths. EDample: #he story o$ &dam and E.e in the *arden o$ Eden came $rom a Sumerian myth that predates the 4ebre' :ible by a thousand years. 1t came $rom the story o$ *il)amesh. #hat creation story has the sna(e, and many o$ the other (ey points o$ the story. 1t is the same 'ith the story o$ the $lood and many others. One o$ the reasons the truth is $ound in all modern reli)ions is because many o$ them e.ol.ed $rom the same sources. =5ths; 1n the past, the truth could not be (no'n. 5eople could not understand e.ents such as death and li$e a$ter death, so they made up a story to eDplain it. 5eople Cust made up stories and told others it 'as the truth. #hey did it $or a lot o$ reasons, such as to )i.e some importance in the )roup, or Cust to tell a more entertainin) story. Other people passed it do'n in )ood $aith actually it 'as the truth or 'antin) to belie.e it 'as the truth. #hese )ood intentioned people are the most responsible $or all the 'orldLs reli)ions. #he people that passed it do'n chan)ed it, embellishin) it as they did. 1$ they did not remember a story eDactly, 'hen they retold it, they 'ould $ill in the parts they could not remember 'ith ' they thou)ht they heard. Stories chan)e as they are passed by 'ord o$ mouth $rom one person to another. time, they can chan)e completely. 1t does not ta(e a lon) time $or it to happen. E.en recent e.ents in &merican history ha.e been turned into myths. 9e ha.e all heard the myths o$ )unslin)ers li(e :illy the 0id or soldiers li(e !uster. #heir true stories are Cust startin) to be told. The true stor5 is almost ne*er told. Peo8le lo*e a good fair5tale: especially i$ there is a lot o$ supernatural stu$$ and you li.e happily a$ter at the end. #hat is 'hy there are so many o$ them 'ith supernatural themes. &n all"po'er$ul *od that tal(ed to a $e' chosen people and did miracles made a )ood story, and it made the story teller loo( li(e someone special. 1$ they said *od tal(ed to them, they 'ould ha.e po'er others.


For most o$ the history o$ man(ind, stories 'ere the only thin) people could do to entertain 1t 'as the only 'ay people communicated until Cust recently. #he more supernatural the story, the more popular it 'ould be, and the more it 'ould be repeated and passed alon). :y the time the thin)s the prophets said 'ere 'ritten do'n, the truth in them 'as distorted beyond reco)nition. Kramatic license; 1n the ma(in) business, they call it Fdramatic license.G 5eople in the past 'ould ma(e chan)es to a story to ma(e it more dramatic and interestin). 1t is ho' the stories o$ >esus doin) impossible miracles )ot started. #he story o$ >esus 'as a lot less dramatic 'hen it 'as $irst told. #he people tellin) the story realiBed that they needed to spice it up in order to (eep it )oin). 1t had to be able to compete 'ith other stories bein) told around the camp$ire. Star -ars; that a myth is the actual truth is li(e modern people the Star 9ars 'as actually true. #he, li(e all )ood myths, has the actual truth contained in a story that is not true. *eor)e Lucas created an updated, more complete and accurate myth in the $orm o$ a modern 1t has the $orce, the balance, li$e .ersus mind H)ood=e.ilI, the temptation, $all $rom )race and redemptions, etc. 1t has a lot o$ the real truth 'rapped in a $ictional, romantic, action"ad.enture story. #he Star 9ars myth is called the heroLs Courney. #here are many .ersions, and none are literally true. The real heroOs Aourne5; #he important thin) to understand is that the heroLs Courney is Cust about learnin) the truth o$ li$e, )oin) $rom i)norance to 'isdom. #he truth is, you can do it 'ithout all the blood, )uts, )ore, and runnin) around. Most people are missin) that point. #he true hero does the opposite o$ 'hat is in the myths and Cust learns the truth 'ithout all the drama and .iolence. #he Courney is an inner ?uest $or ultimate truth. 5eople 'ho 'atch Star 9ars do not thin( it is true. 1t is not old enou)h, and it is $uturistic. Only myths that are set in the distant past can turn into a reli)ion. Most people are missin) the truth contained in the Star 9ars story and are Cust )ettin) into the $antasy part o$ it, Cust as they do 'ith reli)ion. 233

The -iGard of 4G; 1t is the $emale .ersion o$ the heroLs Courney. #here are many mo.ies that ha.e the unseen truth hidden in them. F#he 9iBard o$ OBG is about in a $antastic $antasy 'orld created by the mind, and e.entually learnin) that there is no place li(e home HrealityI. #here are so many thin)s hidden in that that 1 could 'rite a 'hole boo( on it. 1 'ill )i.e you a $e' thin)s most people do not notice. 9hen they )ot out o$ the dan)erous 'oods and could see OB $or the $irst time, they thou)ht they had it made, but they did not@ the 'itch o$ the 'est stopped them in their trac(s. #he 'ic(ed 'itch put them to sleep, didnLt she< 9hy didnLt she (ill them or con$ine them< 9hy 'ould she put them to sleep< Most people do not see ho' unusual that is. 1t is eDactly 'hat the has done to man(ind to (eep us $rom sal.ation. #o do it, she used poppies. 9hy 'ould poppy $lo'ers put someone to sleep< #he )ood 'itch used sno' to 'a(e them up. 9hy 'ould sno' 'a(e you up< Morphine and heroin are made $rom poppies and 'ill put you to sleep Hnod o$$I. #he 'ord narcotic means sleep. !ocaine 'a(es you up, and it is (no'n as sno'. !ould they be tal(in) about hard dru)s in a (idLs< 9hat else< 9hen they 'a(e up, they start runnin) $or the Emerald !ity Hhea.enI, and the music is sayin): F;ouLre out o$ the 'oods Hanimal realmI and into the li)ht.G #he messa)e is, in a state o$ 'a(in) sleep 'ill (eep you $rom )ettin) to *od Hthe all po'er$ul OBI, and 'a(in) up 'ill ma(e it possible to )et there. 1t is a metaphor@ dru)s 'ill stop you in your trac(s ri)ht be$ore you )et there. #here are a lot o$ thin)s that put you to sleep besides dru)s, such as carnal lo.e, intellectual pursuits, chasin) money, etc. 9hen the 'as made, they thou)ht cocaine 'as a )ood thin)@ 'e no' (no' it is as bad as heroin. 1t is a si)n, because dru)s should not be in a (idLs, and all out o$ place thin)s sho' you somethin). The heroOs Aourne5 is about being aslee8 and wa0ing u8 to true life. #he son) the 6ainbo'G is sayin) )et your dreams, because no matter ho' 'onder$ul and eDcitin) they are, they are not real. 1t is the opposite o$ 'hat e.eryone thin(s it is about. #here is no place li(e home, home bein) completely a'a(e in the present. #he story is actually about someone that is unconscious and dreams a 'ild and beauti$ul dream, and then they 'a(e up. #he scarecro', lion, and tin man are metaphors $or the (no'led)e, coura)e, and lo.e you need to ma(e the transition into a spiritual bein). 3orothy represents li$e in the process o$ 'a(in) up, and the path to hea.en is the yello' bric( road. 23

#he 'iBard turns out to be a $raud, a $alse *od, Cust as the *od o$ reli)ion is, but a$ter she does 'hat she has to do and (ills the 'itch, destroys the in her li$e, she realiBes the truth. #he 'iBard turns out to really (no' the truth. 4e tells them that 'hat they are see(in), they already ha.e it, but they Cust do not (no' it. &$ter they (no' the truth, they )et e.erythin) they came $or and needed and li.e happily a$ter, because they already had e.erythin) to start 'ith. #he story is tellin) us 'e already ha.e 'hat 'e 'ant and need, but 'e Cust do not (no' it no'. 9e are already home, but 'e ha.e not realiBed it yet. 1t is tellin) us the reason 'e do not (no' it is that 'e are unconscious and need to 'a(e up. &t the end o$ the 'hen 3orothy is as(ed 'hat she learned, she said, F9hen you )o loo(in) $or your hearts desire, donLt loo( past your o'n bac( yard.G BThere is no 8lace li0e home.C 1n other 'ords, there is no place li(e the present, no place li(e real li$e. 1t should be said, F#here is no place but home Hreal li$eI,G and you are al'ays there. 4ome is 'here the heart is, 'here *od and lo.e is. 1t is 'here a spiritual bein) is at. 9hy 'ould 'ater (ill the 'itch< 1t represented the 'ater o$ li$e. 9ater is used symbolically and literally to 'a(e people up. :aptism 'ith 'ater is supposed to destroy and 'a(e you up to spiritual li$e. 1t is the same metaphorical ritual. She le$t the enchanted 'orld o$ OB to )o bac( to 'ith dirt poor $armers, but she sa' it in a ne' 'ay. 3in) don), the 'ic(ed 'itch is dead. 9here are her mother and $ather< She 'ith her aunt and uncle. 9hy is there no mention o$ the 'itch o$ the south< #here are many thin)s that no one notices. =issing; #he thin)s that are missin) are more important than the thin)s that are there, but you ha.e to (no' the thin)s that are there to (no' the thin)s that are missin). 1t is the same 'ith mo.ies, the :ible, this boo( and li$e itsel$. Star -ars and The -iGard of 4G are telling the same stor5 as the $ible. 1t is the story o$ the human Courney $rom i)norance to the truth and the li$e. 23%

9 hero is someone who has gi*en his or her life to something bigger than oneself. ?ose8h Cam8bell #he 9alt 3isney Slee8ing $eaut5 is about the same story. 1t e.en has the needle that puts her to sleep. #he title says it all. &lso, Sno' 9hite 'ith the apple. #he collecti.e unconscious has put the truth in many mo.ies and stories, includin) the :ible itsel$. 1t is Cust hidden by our minds. Once you (no' the truth, you see it e.ery'here, especially in the :ible and other reli)ious boo(s. &nother classic that comes to mind that has hidden messa)es is called FForbidden 5lanet.G 1t is about ho' the in.isible beast is created by our o'n minds 'ithout us (no'in) it Hmonsters $rom the idI. #he F3emon SeedG is about ho' the )oal o$ all (no'led)e and reason is li$e, Cust to li.e. &ll the )reat boo(s and mo.ies tell this story, because it is the story o$ the human condition, the story o$ our e.olution into spiritual bein)s. =ost mo*ies are about the struggle to li*e 8h5sicall5 and s8irituall5. #he mo.ies F&merican :eautyG and FForrest *umpG are about ho' li$e is on automatic and Cust happens. #he ba) and $eather blo'in) in the 'ind are metaphors o$ ho' li$e is under the control o$ some unseen $orce. 1 doubt that these thin)s 'ere put in these and other mo.ies Cust to con.ey the messa)e 1 am pointin) out. #hey 'ere probably slipped in by the collecti.e unconscious 'ithout the 'riter e.en (no'in) the messa)e, or (no'in) ho' true it is. &s you be)in to become more a'are, you start seein) these interestin) subconscious si)ns. #oto pulls the curtain bac( in #he 9iBard o$ OB, and the truth is re.ealed. #he Fountain 4ead is another 'ith a messa)e and one 1 associate closely 'ith. 1t is about in the truth no matter the personal cost. 1t is about standin) alone in the truth. Reflections of us; Most mo.ies and #M sho's are about )ood )uys $i)htin) bad )uys, cops and robbers, 3r. >e(yll and Mr. 4yde, )ood .ersus #hey are all really Cust an unconscious re$lection o$ us, the inner $i)ht bet'een the *od=spirit and the 1n the mo.ies, the )ood )uy al'ays 'ins. 4o' come you see the bad )uy 'in< One reason is that happy endin)s ma(e people $eel )ood, but the real reason is, 'e are pro)rammin) to 'in the real $i)ht. 23+

The big lie; #here is a lot o$ truth in the Star 9ars .ersion o$ the heroLs Courney myth, but li(e all other myths, there is also a lot that is not true. 1n addition to the prere?uisite, super"natural stu$$, there is the (in) o$ all lies, the Fall you ha.e to do is belie.e somethin) completely 'ithout any doubtG and it 'ill come true. f it is night: 5ou can belie*e it is da5 all 5ou want: but it will still be night. #he lie that i$ you belie.e it enou)h, it 'ill come true, is the bi) lie that is in many myths. 1t is a complete lie@ you can belie.e that completely. a positi.e attitude is the 'ay to be, and it 'ill help )et you 'hat you 'ant, but it does not ma(e anythin) happen or a$$ect the balance in any 'ay. -hat 5ou thin0 the truth is does not matter@ onl5 the truth will be the truth. #he lie says i$ you can ima)ine it and belie.e it, it 'ill come true. 1t says the mind has the po'er to create a true reality, 'hich it cannot. 1t is the mindLs $a.orite myth, because it is 'hat our minds 'ant to belie.e the most@ it ) our mind *odLs Cob. #his is 'hat ma(es it the most po'er$ul and dan)erous o$ all myths. #he Star 9ars 'as al'ays sayin) that you can do miracles i$ you Cust belie.e it completely, such as Lu(e could s'ord $i)ht better blind$olded. #ry it. Many people ha.e tried the true belie$ method $or $lyin) and 'ere (illed or inCured as a result. ;ou do not ha.e to Cump o$$ a cli$$ to $ind out you cannot $ly. ;ou Cust need to belie.e the truth is 'hat it loo(s li(e it is, nothin) more nothin) less. 1earn the wa5s of the force@ surrender to the force. #here is an in.isible $orce, and you must surrender to it to become a spiritual bein), but you cannot manipulate it. 1t controls you@ you cannot control it. Myth ma(ers ta(e somethin) that is true and t'ist it. #he $act that there is some truth in it ) it some credibility and ma(es it more to some people. The force; #he balancin) $orce is the $orce, and it is 'ith us al'ays, in$luencin) our e.ery mo.e. & spiritual bein) is constantly a'are o$ it. #he mind bloc(s this a'areness@ it is *od=li$e in action. #he sayin) should be, Fmay the positi.e side o$ the $orce be 'ith you,G but it ma(es no sense, because it in balance. 23/

5eople li(e to 'atch luc(y people in the mo.ies. &ll o$ our heroes 'ere really Cust .ery luc(y people, in real li$e and the mo.ies. *eor)e 9ashin)ton may ha.e been .ery bra.e and smart, but he 'as also .ery luc(y. :ullets came so close to (illin) him that one 'as $ound inside his coat. 1$ that bullet had been Cust a $e' inches to the ri)ht, history 'ould be di$$erent, and someone else 'ould be on the dollar bill. #he truth is, )ood and bad luc(, or the balance, controls e.erythin). For e.ery 9ashin)ton, there are many patriots that 'ere Cust as bra.e and smart, but not as luc(y, so they died in obscurity. #he real 'orld is the real 'orld. ?ames $ond; 9e li(e 'atchin) :ond in action, because he is the luc(iest person that li.ed. 4e )ets out o$ one impossible situation a$ter another and )ets the )irl, 'hich does not happen in real li$e. 1t is a )reat $antasy. The 8ower of belief is the most o*errated and lie-ins8iring m5th there is. $elie*ing in belie*ing; #he truth has no )reater enemy than belie$ and $aith. in is the po'er o$ deceptionLs )reatest 'eapon, and it is the one most people are $allin) $or. t is undesirable to belie*e a 8ro8osition when there is no ground whatsoe*er for su88osing it is true. $ertrand Russell Faith in faith; 1$ ma(es it true, it means that all reli)ions 'ill come true $or the people that belie.e in them. 9hat Mormons belie.e 'ill become reality, and it 'ill be di$$erent than all the other reli)ions. Muslims, 4indus, :uddhists, >e's and !hristians all belie.e somethin) di$$erent is )oin) to happen. 1$ 'hat they call $aith and belie$ is all you need, all those di$$erent thin)s 'ill ha.e to become true. 9here do you dra' the line< !an $airytales come true< #hey 'ould ha.e to i$ all it ta(es is belie$ that a story is true. 1$ a (id in Santa !laus dies, are Santa !laus and his real $or them in the a$terli$e< The 8roblem is that man5 religions belie*e that the5 are the onl5 true wa5: so if their belief comes true: all of the rest would ha*e to not come true. #he E)yptians belie.ed more than anyone. #heir 'hole culture 'as de.oted to *ods, so they must be 'ith 1sis, Osiris and their other *ods no'. 1t is the same 'ith the *ree(s@ they must be 'ith Seus and &pollo. 1t is interestin) that Seus and 1sis sound a lot li(e >esus. >ust a coincidence< 23,

4ne wa5; 1$ Cust one o$ the belie$s comes true, it 'ould not be .ery $air $or the ones that do not. Most people do not ha.e a choice in 'hat they are told the truth is. 5eople that are born and are raised in one area belie.e 'hat the other people that li.e in the area belie.e. 3oes time and place determine your eternal $uture< KoesnOt add u8; -ntil recently, most people did not e.en (no' 'hat people in other places belie.ed. 1$ they 'ere not born in the ri)ht area, they 'ould not ha.e a chance, 'hich 'ould not be $air and Cust, and e.eryone says their *od is $air and Cust. 1t Cust does not add up, does it< &ll the maCor reli)ions ha.e old sacred boo(s, ancient traditions and )lorious 'ar $illed histories. #here is no 'ay to say one is more le)itimate than another. Seen clearl5; 1$ someone came $rom another planet and compared the :ible to a boo( o$ $airytales, they 'ould be seen as the same. EDample: One tells a story about a tal(in) sna(e@ the other tells a story about some tal(in) bears. #hey 'ould both Cust be boo(s $illed 'ith $ictional morality tales. 8o distinction could be made based on the e.idence. -ea8ons of the de*il; #he beast 'ithin has many 'eapons to (eep people $rom seein) the truth and the li$e. SeD, money, ne)ati.e emotions and desires are po'er$ul 'eapons the uses, but the )reatest 'eapon o$ them all is belie$. Ki*ide and conFuer; 9ithout the 'eapon o$ belie$, belie$ in di$$erent reli)ions and di$$erent political ideolo)ies, the could not cause di.isions, the hate, and discontent that leads to 'ars and all the su$$erin) that comes 'ith them. $elief is the ultimate wea8on of the de*ilNmind: because it di*ides 8eo8le from each other and 7od. t 8re*ents them from seeing the truth. $elief di*ides and ma0es 8eo8le em8t5; :elie$s are not based on reality, so they can be and are di$$erent, and this can be and is used to cause con$lict. #hey pre.ent people $rom seein) the truth and bein) $ul$illed, so it ma(es people empty and unhappy, and then it ) them an enemy to blame all their unhappiness on. #his 'as the cause o$ most o$ the 'ars o$ the past. Faith and belief in the truth and the life is onl5 necessar5 until 5ou 0now it.


?esus said he will destro5 the de*il with the sword of truth. The truth unifies and fulfills; #he truth does the opposite o$ 'hat belie$ does. #he truth 'ill destroy the, because it is the same $or e.eryone, so it unites people. 1t also $ul$ills them, so they are happy 'ith 'hat they ha.e. #his is 'hy the truth 'ill ma(e the 'orld a hea.en. The wonderful thing is that the truth is in reli)ious boo(s Cust under the sur$ace. #hey all ha.e a part o$ the ultimate truth hidden in them, so no one 'as 'ron)@ all reli)ions are le)itimate. #he ultimate truth lin(s them to)ether. )o8e business; E.eryone is sellin) hope and dreams, not reality. E.eryone $rom politicians to priests are in the hope business. &lmost no one is in the truth business. &s as it may be, this is the $irst boo( o$ reli)ious truth that is bac(ed up by hard e.idence. 1t 'ill be .ery unpopular, because it is the truth. The main reason for m5ths is; the truth did not loo0 *er5 good until now. 1oo0ed bad; 1t loo(ed li(e you Cust li.ed a di$$icult li$e and then you )re' old and died in some horrible 'ay. #hat is 'hy people ha.e all these di$$erent belie$s. &nythin), no matter ho' $ar"$etched, 'as better than 'hat the real truth loo(ed li(e. 5eople 'ould rather try and belie.e in the impossible than a truth they did not 'ant to belie.e. 1 do not blame them@ no one 'ants to belie.e li$e is pointless and horrible. Krowning 8eo8le will grab a sna0e: a tal0ing sna0e. The most wonderful thing is; the truth has turned out to be hea*en. Time for the truth; 8o' 'e can (no' the truth, and it is not horrible as people thou)ht. 1n $act, it is better than anyone could ha.e hoped $or. 1t could not be more per$ect or better, so it is time to $or)et the myths and embrace the truth. f 5ou remo*e e*er5thing that 5ou 0now is not true: what 5ou are left with has to be the truth. +*er5one can do it@ e*er5one can 0now the truth now. The truth is not; #oday 'e can (no' 'hat the truth is not. 9hen you (no' 'hat the truth is not, you ha.e a chance to (no' 'hat the truth is. The real truth; #he di$$erence is as )reat as the di$$erence bet'een a real li$e and an ima)inary li$e. ;ou are really )oin) to die, so i$ you are really )oin) to li.e, you need to (no' the real truth. Literally, e.erythin) depends on the truth. 2 0

Truth is what stands the test of eH8erience. 9lbert +instein Remember: 2 ' 2 J #; 1t does not e?ual anythin) else. #he truth is, there is only one real truth. 2 J 2 K % or + or anythin) else does not ma(e it true. #here are an in$inite amount o$ 'ron) ans'ers, but only one real ans'er. #he real truth has the po'er to ma(e sense out o$ the 'orld, and in doin), trans$orm a man into a spiritual bein). 8othin) else does anythin) but decei.e. #here is the story that is bac(ed up by all the e.idence and e.erythin) else. #he real story is li(e the in 2 J 2 K . &ll other stories are li(e all the other numbers. Real hero stor5; #here are )ood stories, )reat stories, and e.en the )reatest story told@ then there is the real story. 6eal heroes are the real story. conAure 5ou: m5 brethren: to remain faithful to earth and do not belie*e those who s8ea0 unto 5ou of su8er terrestrial ho8esL Poisoners the5 are: whether the5 0now it or not. Friedrich 3ietGsche There is no such thing as the su8ernatural: Aust the natural: and it is su8er. Tools of dece8tion; :elie$ in the supernatural is one o$ the mindLs $a.orite tools o$ deception. #he mind 'ants to belie.e in the supernatural, because it cannot see the ma)ic in the natural. 9hen people see li$e truly, there 'ill be no need $or anythin) else, and it 'ill Cust disappear, because it really eDisted. Peo8le want to be fooled to sus8end disbelief: to enAo5 a fantas5. Ma)icians ha.e al'ays (no'n this $act, and it is 'hat (eeps them in business. 1t is called Fsuspension o$ disbelie$.G 1t is necessary $or people to enCoy a ma)ic act. 5eople ma(e belie.e it is true, e.en thou)h they (no' it is a tric(. #hey do the same thin) 'ith their reli)ion, because they ha.e to, to belie.e it. Suspendin) disbelie$ is o(ay to do $or entertainment, but 'ith real li$e. 1t leads to certain disaster. 1t is the eDact opposite o$ 'hat >esus tells us to do. 2 1

=iracles; 5eople 'ant to belie.e in a *od that does thin)s that are impossible. Many people thin( doin) the impossible is 'hat ma(es *od, a *od. !reatin) the in$inite uni.erse and our li$e is not )ood enou)h $or some people. #hey 'ant to see somethin) outside reality, somethin) that chan)es reality. #hey 'ant to see the impossible, 'hich is impossible. f 7odNlife is not good enough for 5ou: 5ou cannot see life as it reall5 is. #here is some ob.ious $alse stu$$ in the :ible, such as the $lood story and the story o$ >oshua stoppin) the sun in the s(y. #he sun does not mo.e around the earth, but the story ma(ers did not (no' it. ;ou ha.e to admit those thin)s could not ha.e happened, and you ha.e to admit that i$ there is one thin) that is not true, there can be many more less ob.ious thin)s. 1$ >esus really did all the miracles that !hristians say, ho' come at his trial, no one stood up $or him< 1$ a lot o$ people really sa' him do miracles, they 'ould ha.e all $ollo'ed him and not been 'orried about the 6omans. 1$ he did miracles to pro.e 'ho he 'as in his li$e, 'hy 'ouldnLt he ha.e done a $e' to pro.e 'ho he 'as to the >e's and the 6omans at his trial< .our choice; 1$ you 'ant to belie.e in ma)ic and myths, you cannot (no' the truth. 1t is one or the other@ it is your choice. >esus said the truth ma(es you $ree. 4o' come no miracles happen no'< 4o' come they Cust happened in the past< !ould it be because you cannot chec( i$ they really happened or not< 1$ *od did miracles in the past to pro.e he 'as real and promote his messa)e, he 'ould be doin) them no' $or the same reason. 1$ *od did not eDpect the people in the past to belie.e in him and do his biddin) 'ithout doin) miracles or a sho' o$ po'er, 'hy 'ould he eDpect modern man to< #he main $ounders o$ all the Semitic reli)ions such as &braham and Moses did not ha.e to belie.e in a story that ma(es no sense, that none o$ the e.idence says is true. #hey did not need to ha.e $aith. 9hy should 'e be eDpected to<

2 2

1$ you belie.e the story, *od did more than tal( to &braham. #he :ible says *od hun(ered do'n to eat a meal 'ith him. 4e did lunch 'ith the almi)hty. Moses had a tal(in) burnin) bush, and ten commandments 'ritten by *od himsel$. 9hy doesnLt *od sho' himsel$ to us li(e he sho'ed himsel$ to them< 1t 'or(ed $or them, and it 'ould 'or( $or us. Modern people need proo$, e.en more than people in the past did. 9e no' (no' that people ma(e thin)s up. 1$ there 'as reason $or *od to appear in the past, there is Cust as much no', i$ not more. #he truth is, an all"(no'in) *od 'ould ha.e to (no' he 'ould ha.e to )i.e some )ood e.idence o$ his eDistence $or honest, intelli)ent people to belie.e he eDists. #o truly belie.e a myth that ma(es no sense, you ha.e to be )ullible or i)norant, not 'ise as the :ible says. 9ise men do not belie.e the 3o the )ullible and i)norant )et into hea.en, and 'ise, intelli)ent men do not< 48rah show; 1$ the *od described in the myths really eDisted, he 'ould )o on the Oprah sho' and do a $e' miracles. #hat is all he 'ould ha.e to do, and e.eryone in the 'orld 'ould $all ri)ht in line. 1$ he did it in the past, he could do it a)ain $or the same reason. >ust the appearance o$ an an)el 'ould do. 1n the past, an)els 'ere all the place. #hey 'ould appear and do miracles $or Cust about anyone. 9here are they no'< &n)els ha.e been replaced by -FOLs and little )reen men@ an)els are out o$ $ashion. 3elusions $it the times. #he reason a man=*od does not appear or tal( $rom the s(y or do impossible miracles no' is because it did not happen in the past. 4nl5 the truth is sacred. Fantasies: fables: fair5tales and m5ths are not. 1ea8 of faith; 6eli)ions as( us to belie.e that the 'orld 'e li.e in and can see 'ith our o'n eyes is $alse, and the $airytale 'orld described in old boo(s $illed 'ith impossible miracles and contradictin) interpretations is the real truth. 1$ there really 'as an all"(no'in) *od, li(e in the myth, he 'ould not eDpect honest, intelli)ent bein)s to belie.e 'hat reli)ions are sayin) is the truth. 2 3

f belief does not wor0 in life: wh5 would a 7od eH8ect intelligent beings to belie*e it wor0s in death> $elie*ing the rent will be 8aid does not 8a5 it. $elie*e in belie*ing; #he truth is, e.eryone that in in the in the mind and is no'here near the truth and the li$e H>esusI.
The $ible sa5s: BThose who thin0 the5Mre the closest are the farthest awa5.C

)uman nature; 0no'in) nature as 'e do no', includin) human nature, 'hich is more li(ely@ an in.isible man=*od that in the s(y did impossible miracles, or people 'ho made it up< )onest5; #he truth is, it is more li(ely people made it up. #hat is the truth $or certain. & truly honest person 'ould ha.e to admit that and not belie.e myths or say they do 'ithout some real e.idence. 3o only dishonest people )o to hea.en< To 0now that 5ou do not 0now is the best. To 8retend to 0now when 5ou do not 0now is a disease. 1ao TGu Kelusions; #he .ery nature o$ the human mind is delusional. 1t 'ill see 'hat it 'ants to see, 'hat it or 'ants to belie.e eDists. 5eople try to see :i) Foot, -FOs, $airies, 'ere', leprechauns, an)els, )ods, )hosts, )oblins, dra)ons, sea monsters, mermaids,, little )reen men, )iants, unicorns, .ampires, trolls, demons, succubus, Bombies, cherubs, cyclops and the boo)ie man, etc. #hen there are the )enies and ma)ic lamps, ma)ic 'ands, .oodoo dolls, $lyin) carpets, $ountain o$ youth, the philosopherLs stone, potions and spells, etc. -e ha*e no hard e*idence that the5 are real or e*er eHisted: but we ha*e a lot of hard e*idence of hoaHers: 8eo8le that lie: and the mentall5 ill. #hey are all Cust mind )ames that the has used to hide the di.ine truth.

-ntil recently, people could not (no' those thin)s 'ere not real, so 'hen someone told them they 'ere real, people 'ould Cust belie.e them and pass on the story as the truth. Many people ha.e said they ha.e seen e.erythin) abo.e. 9hich is more li(ely@ that the thin)s abo.e 'ere or are real, or that someone made them up< The most common lie is that which one lies to himself@ l5ing to others is relati*el5 an eHce8tion. Friedrich 3ietGsche 5eople ma(e thin)s up and try to con.ince people that they are true. &n honest person has to admit it and conduct accordin)ly. 1$ you cannot be honest 'ith yoursel$, there is no hope $or you. 9ll 5ou ha*e to be is honest to learn the truth and li*e the life. 1 li(e a )ood story as much as the neDt )uy, but 1 do not li(e it 'hen people try to say it is true 'ithout any e.idence to support their claims. 1$ it is bac(ed up by the e.idence, it is the truth. 1$ it is not, it is Cust a story. 1t is that simple. Pro*e it is not true; Some thin)s are so $ar out that people say, Fyou cannot pro.e 'hat 1 belie.e is not true.G #hat is true, but the truth is not $ound 'here you cannot pro.e it is 'ron) or ri)ht. 1t is $ound 'here you can pro.e and (no' it is true. 9e are not loo(in) $or truth that cannot be pro.en 'ron) or ri)ht. 9e are loo(in) $or 'hat can be pro.en true beyond a reasonable doubt. -hen all the e*idence sa5s it is true and none sa5s it is false: it is true. Truth chec0; #here are $our ?uic( tests you can use to determine 'hat the truth is and 'hat is not the truth. #he $irst is OccamLs raBor, 'hich says that the simplest, most ob.ious eDplanation is usually the true eDplanation. #he second is that the real truth can be chec(ed in the real 'orld. The truth is Aust what it loo0s li0e it is@ wh5 is that so sur8rising to 8eo8le> 1$ it cannot be chec(ed by hard e.idence, it must be chec(ed 'ith lo)ic and reason. 1$ it does not ma(e sense, it is most li(ely not true. #he third is, i$ it sounds li(e a $airytale, it probably is a $airytale. #he last and hardest $or most people is, 5ou ha*e to be honest with 5ourself. .ou ha*e to admit 5ou do not 0now the truth to ma0e room for the truth. 2 %

?esus said: <.our minds must be cleared of the falsehoods of this realm if 5ou are to be taught +ternal Truth.< 9hat is not clear about that statement< 3oes it rin) true< 9hen you $irst hear or read somethin) ne' re)ardin) the truth, does it stri(e you as the truth< &ll people (no' the truth subconsciously, so it 'ill sound li(e the truth to you 'hen you hear it or see it. f it loo0s li0e a duc0: wal0s li0e a duc0: and Fuac0s li0e a duc0: it is a duc0. #here is a small chance it really is an alien $rom Mars in a duc( costume, but the 'ise man stands by 'hat he sees and (no's, and resists any $orces o$ deception. Faith healers; #he so"called mental healers out there are Cust tric(sters. 4o' come they heal a bro(en le), someone that is shot, or e.en a bad cut< )ow come the5 ne*er heal an5thing that 5ou can see or chec0> #hese same people are al'ays as(in) $or money. 1$ they could really heal people, they could Cust )o to a hospital and ma(e millions. #he preachers that claim to be able to heal people are some o$ the 'orst enemies o$ the truth and the li$e. 1$ it does not 'or(, they say you did not belie.e enou)h, that it is your $ault. +Htraordinar5 claims reFuire eHtraordinar5 8roof that the5 are true. Raising the dead; 4ealin) the sic( and inCured is the same as raisin) the dead. & dead person is Cust a person that is so sic( or inCured that their bodies can no lon)er li.e and support a spirit. & healer is sayin) that they can physically rearran)e the atoms in a personLs body and ma(e them 'or( ri)ht. 1t is the same as sayin) that they can reattach a persons head a$ter it has been cut o$$, or ma(e a ne' le) )ro' on an amputee. #he only di$$erence is, you could see them do that i$ they could. 4ealers al'ays do their repair 'or( on the inside 'here no one can see it happen or not happen. 1$ you can really mo.e atoms around, you could turn a tree into a pi)@ it is Cust a matter o$ de)ree. 1$ they can turn one thin) into another, they 'ould Cust turn roc(s into )old, and they 'ould not need to steal money $rom poor, sic( people. 2 +

#here is a :ible myth about >esus ma(in) a cripple 'al( a)ain. #o do it, he 'ould ha.e had to instantly )ro' ne' ner.e and muscle tissue. 1$ that could be done, he could instantly )ro' a 'hole ne' le) $or an amputee. 4ealers do anythin) li(e that, that could be seen as a miracle, because they really do anythin). 5eople made up the >esus myth, and healers are decei*ers. #hey thin( >esus did miracles, and said others li(e him can do miracles also. #o ma(e people thin( they are li(e >esus, these people ha.e to act li(e they can do miracles also. 1$ people cannot see that they did not heal someone, they can say they did, and some )ullible or desperate people 'ill belie.e them. ?esus did not do miracles: so to be li0e him 5ou do not ha*e to either. 1$ saints and $aith healers could really rearran)e a personLs $lesh, they could rearran)e the $lesh on a persons $ace and ma(e them loo( di$$erent. #hey could ma(e healthy people sic(. 4ealin) is Cust .oodoo in re.erse. #he reason you ha.e seen a healer actually heal somethin) is because they really ha.e. Someone should brea( a healerLs arm and see i$ he can heal it. 9hy not< 4e should not mind. #he po'er o$ positi.e thin(in) helps a little, sometimes, but it is not a miracle. 8o one 'ould really 'ant that po'er to eDist, because i$ it could be used to heal, it could also be used to hurt. 1t 'ould be used more to hurt than to heal in this 'orld. !urses to hurt people do not 'or(, and prayers to help them do not either. ?esus can reall5 raise the dead@ he can raise the s8irituall5 dead with the 8ower of the truth. -hat is in the $ible are meta8hors about raising the s8irituall5 dead: not 8h5sicall5 dead 8eo8le. Peo8le are too dead to 0now it. There are onl5 two wa5s to li*e 5our life. 4ne is as though nothing is a miracle. The other is as though e*er5thing is a miracle. 9lbert +instein #here are no real miracles or ma)ic other than li$e itsel$. #he ma)ic is that li$e cannot be chan)ed, that it is predictable. #here are ma)icians and conmen that do tric(s that appear to be ma)ic to those that do not (no' the tric( or the truth, but no one that can chan)e reality itsel$, and that is the real ma)ic. 2 /

Section , & The Truth -ill Set .ou Free & Cha8ter ,.(

Se8arate -heat From Chaff

The )istor5 Channel; Millions o$ people are 'atchin) the history channel, and it is )oin) to $orce reli)ions to ta(e a stand. #o hold onto the myths, they ha.e to )o 'ith blind $aith that the history, the e.idence that science says happened, did not happen. #hey are )oin) to ha.e to say all the e.idence is Cust a deception to $ool the un$aith$ul, or they are )oin) to ha.e to re.ise their o$$icial interpretations. 48tion one; #he past did not happen the 'ay the e.idence and science says it did. #he :ible is the literal truth, and a *od that loo(s li(e an old man created the uni.erse in siD days about ten thousand years a)o. &ll the miracles happened Cust as the :ible says. #hose that 'ill not or cannot belie.e it are )oin) to hell. $lind faith; 1$ reli)ions )o 'ith option one, the blind $aith option, they 'ill )et less popular and less po'er$ul, because the scienti$ic, e.idence"based, 4istory !hannel point o$ .ie' is Cust )oin) to )et stron)er. #he stron)er it )ets, the 'ea(er blind $aith reli)ions 'ill )et, and the more $oolish the people in.ol.ed 'ill loo(. 48tion two; 1$ reli)ion accepts the e.idence and re'rites their point o$ .ie' in a 'ay that includes e.idence, they 'ill become much more in$luential and popular. Center of life; 1n $act, i$ reli)ion )oes 'ith option t'o, they 'ill become the most popular and po'er$ul or)aniBations on earth, Cust 'hat they should be. #hey 'ill be more po'er$ul than )o.ernments and the center o$ e.eryoneLs li$e. #he people leadin) them 'ill be the most re.ered and respected people on earth. f religions ta0e o8tion one: there is no ho8e for man0ind: the de*il wins. Fi*e 5ears; 1$ reli)ions ta(e option t'o, 'ithin $i.e years, they 'ill be the most po'er$ul $orce on earth, and the 'orld 'ill be)in to chan)e into a hea.en. =5 hel8; 1$ reli)ions ta(e option t'o, they 'ould ha.e to include many o$ the thin)s said in this boo(. & ne' boo( 'ill need to be 'ritten that is speci$ic to their traditions and be much more re.erent and reli)ious soundin) than this boo(.

2 ,

Ti8 of the iceberg; 1 (no' 'hat to do and ho' to do it, and i$ 1 am as(ed, 1 'ill help do it. #his .ersion o$ the truth is Cust the tip o$ the iceber), an' 'ith a little bit $or e.eryone, mainly Cust to )et peopleLs attention and 'a(e them up. & boo( li(e this has to 'al( the $ence and try to )et to e.eryone, but doin) it that 'ay also upsets almost e.eryone. Speci$ic boo(s need to be 'ritten $or each reli)ion, but the people in the reli)ions ha.e to 'a(e up and see the truth $irst. The religious leaders that wa0e u8 first will become the most 8owerful leaders on earth. 9t first: the5 will get a lot of resistance: but the truth will 8re*ail. The religious leaders that do not wa0e u8 and o88ose those that do will lose the 8ower the5 ha*e: and be remo*ed from organiGed religion. The m5ths of miracles are hurting religions more than an5thing else. ?esus did not do it; >esus 'ould ha.e done a miracle e.en i$ he could ha.e, because it 'ould not represent the truth and the li$e. >esus 'as sayin) and doin) thin)s that re.eal the miracle o$ li$e itsel$, the opposite o$ 'hat people thin(. $e honest; 4a.e you seen anythin) happen that 'as out o$ the ordinary< 4a.e you seen a human bein) not physically die< 4a.e you seen a human bein) do anythin) that human bein)s cannot do< 8o one has really seen anythin) that cannot eDist in true li$e, because it is impossible. #rue li$e is as it is. 1iars; 5eople that say they ha.e seen anythin) out o$ the ordinary are delusional, liars, i)norant, or they ha.e been tric(ed. 8othin) else is possible. 1ife is the onl5 miracle; #he $act that nothin) happens out o$ the ordinary means the ordinary or nature can be understood. 1t does certain thin)s and does not do others, and 'e can (no' 'hat those thin)s are. t is how we can 0now 7od. 1$ there is no one truth, you could not (no' li$e, you could not (no' *od, and the :ible clearly says you ha.e to (no' >esus and *od to )et to hea.en. One o$ the thin)s that ma(e li$e so miraculous is that you can understand it, (no' Fthe truth,G and (no' that anythin) a)ainst the la's o$ nature H*odLs la'I is impossible. 1$ miracles 'ere possible, it 'ould mean li$e is not understandable, that there is no truth o$ li$e. ;ou could (no' Fthe truthG >esus says he is. 2 2

The most incom8rehensible thing about the world is that it is at all com8rehensible. 9lbert +instein +ternal truth; #he miracle is that there is one eternal truth that you can (no' and al'ays count on. 1t is this truth that ma(es it possible to relaD and o.ercome the animal mind, 'hich you ha.e to do to (no' true li$e. 1t is the truth that sets you $ree. 1$ you could not (no' the ultimate truth, you could (no' that li$e is sa$e and $air, and you 'ould be able to )et $ree $rom the mind. *od, nature, li$e, ' you 'ant to call it, al'ays stays the same, stays $air and balanced $or e.eryone, no matter 'hat people do or say. ?o5 in loo0ing and com8rehending is natureOs most beautiful gift. 9lbert +instein 3o truth; 1$ ma)ic or miracles other than our true reality 'ere possible, there 'ould be no true reality, nothin) to (no' and count on. Li$e 'ould not be the miracle it actually is. 1$ there 'as no truth, you could (no' it and the li$e. So you can choose bet'een the miracles that 'ere supposed to ha.e happened in the past, or the real miracle o$ li$e that you can see $or yoursel$. #hey cannot both be true. f eHtreme 8ain and death were not real: the real truth would not matter: but the5 are real: and cannot be mastered (o*ercome) without the real truth. #he so"called miracles did not happen, could not happen. #he illusions and deceptions are created by the mind o$ the and the mind o$ the person decei.ed 'ho 'ants to belie.e in the supernatural. #he and the decei.ed are both people that do not see or do not 'ant to see the truth. magination; 1ma)ination is a )ood and necessary thin) 'hen it comes to bein) creati.e, but not )ood 'hen it comes to the truth. #he ima)ination has been runnin) 'ild, and it is responsible $or all the myths about li$e and death. :illions o$ people are playin) ma(e belie.e. #hey belie.e or are tryin) to belie.e in a $alse ima)inary 'orld, a 'orld that does not really eDist, eDcept in their heads, in their ima)ination. 1t is a certain recipe $or physical and spiritual death. There is not enough lo*e and goodness in the world for us to be 8ermitted to gi*e an5 of it awa5 to imaginar5 things. Friedrich 3ietGsche 2%0

The made u8 stories of ?esus doing miracles ha*e done more to su88ress and hide the message ?esus was con*e5ing than an5thing. Face the truth; 1$ 'e do not $ace the truth H>esusI no' that 'e (no' it HhimI, 'e deser.e to be destroyed and )o to the 'orst place there is. 9e are as(in) $or it. The $ible describes Satan as the Bdecei*er:C and b5 definition: that means that Satan has to be 5our mind. 9ll there is: is the mind and life: and life b5 definition is Bthe truth:C so Satan: the de*il: has to be the dece8ti*e mind. There is life and the imagination. There is nothing else. True or false> The hidden truth; 1t is not surprisin) that much o$ the :ible is not true or rele.ant in todayLs 'orld. 9hat is surprisin) is ho' much o$ the truth is actually in the :ible. #here is too much $or it to Cust be a coincidence. The fact that the real truth is in the $ible 8ro*es that the )ol5 S8irit eHists. The message; #he truth in the :ible that there is somethin) outside that is tryin) to tell us the secrets o$ li$e, to re.eal the hidden truth to us. 1t has to be more e.ol.ed spiritual people li(e >esus that communicate to us and all other li$e throu)h the collecti.e unconscious=4oly Spirit. 1$ 'e see and act on this truth, 'e can learn the ultimate truth, and 'e can $ollo' them to hea.en. ?esus said: B ha*e man5 more things to tell 5ou: but 5ou cannot understand them now: but when the )ol5 S8irit comes: the S8irit of Truth: it will guide 5ou in all truth. -hen the S8irit comes: it will ma0e all things clear to 5ou.C #he prophets $rom the past are communicatin) 'ith us no', throu)h reli)ious boo(s, and directly throu)h the collecti.e unconscious. 5eople (ne' deep do'n 'hat the truth is subconsciously, and that is 'hy the truth stayed at the core o$ the myths. #his ma(es the :ible a .ery important boo(@ it is a re.elation in itsel$. 8o matter ho' much it )ot t'isted and distorted, the core truth al'ays remained $or thousands o$ years, e.en thou)h it passed throu)h thousands o$ people that did not consciously (no' the truth. #his made it possible $or the truth to be transmitted $rom thousands o$ years a)o to a time and place 'here it could be re.ealed. #he truth used corruption, hitched a ride on it to the present. 2%1

t is tangible 8roof; #he hidden messa)es 'ould not be there 'ithout some all"per.asi.e, in.isible $orce at 'or(. 1t that such a $orce eDists. #hat is the main reason 1 include so many :iblical sayin)s in this boo(@ they re.eal the truth. !ould anythin) be more e)otistical than sayin) that *od is li(e us< 9e cannot mana)e our o'n, yet millions o$ people thin( that a bein) that loo(s and acts li(e a .ery emotional, .en)e$ul man controls the in$inite uni.erse. 7odOs image; *od did not create man in his ima)e as it says in the :ible@ 'e created *od in ours. 1t is the opposite o$ 'hat most people belie.e. 9hat is interestin) is *od 'ill loo( li(e a man 'hen 'e allo' *od to li.e throu)h us. #here$ore, the :ible is tellin) the truth a)ain. 9e 'ill be the ima)e o$ *od the minute 'e )et our minds, our $alse, out o$ the picture. #he :ible is tellin) the truth@ it Cust tells it on a le.el that most people are not a'are o$ yet. #he ultimate truth is Cust 'aitin) there in the :ible, 'aitin) $or people to e.ol.e enou)h to see it, to ha.e eyes that see and ears that hear, as >esus said. =essage *s. messenger; #he truth is, 'e do not e.en (no' i$ a man named >esus eDisted. 4e could be a myth, but that does not matter. 9hat matters is that 'e (no' the sayin)s attributed to him do eDist. 1t is the messa)e, not the messen)er that matters. 4e says it is only the messa)e that matters himsel$. ?esus said: B+*er5one who s8ea0s a word against the Son of man will be forgi*en. 9 8erson that blas8hemes the )ol5 S8irit will not be forgi*en.C &ll spiritual re.elations come $rom the collecti.e unconscious H4oly SpiritI. 1t Cust passes throu)h the prophet, so it is the messa)e that matters. ?esus said: <The words that s8ea0 unto 5ou s8ea0 not of m5self but the father that dwelleth in me: he doeth the wor0s.C ?ohn 1#;16 #here is a consistency to the 'ords that are attributed to >esus that is stron) e.idence that he eDisted. #he 'ords attributed to him re.eal e.erythin) 'e need to (no', i$ 'e interpret them correctly, and i$ 'e can see them in the present. &ctually, there is no e.idence that most o$ the thin)s that happened in the :ible really happened. #here is little e.idence that 0in) Solomon, Moses, or e.en >esus eDisted, and a lot o$ e.idence that they did not. 1t does not matter, because it is e.en more ma)ical i$ they didnLt. #he truth 'ill al'ays $ind a 'ay, e.en i$ it ta(es a myth to re.eal it. 9hat could be more ma)ical or astonishin)< 2%2

Peo8le learn most of the truth contained in the $ible through m5ths and meta8hors. t does not matter how 5ou learn the truth as long as 5ou do. #here are many mythical (in)s and cities that are used to tell morality tales that are outside reli)ions. 6eli)ions do not ha.e a monopoly on myths. & )ood eDample is the story o$ 0in) &rthur and !amelot. #hey did not really eDist. =oses; #here is no e.idence that the eDodus actually happened, or that Moses e.en eDisted, and there is a lot o$ hard e.idence that it is all a myth. 5eople care 'ay too much i$ reli)ious boo(s are history or i$ the people in it really li.ed. #he important thin) is, the ultimate truth is in them, and it is $ound no'here else. #hat ma(es the :ible and other reli)ious boo(s the most important thin)s. t does not matter; E.en thou)h there is no real e.idence outside stories in the :ible and other related ancient 'ritin)s that >esus eDisted, 1 thin( >esus 'as a real man, but he 'as a lot di$$erent than he is depicted in the stories about him. #he thin) people ha.e to understand is that it does not matter, because he is not here in the $lesh no' any'ay. &ll 'e ha.e is the messa)e, so that is 'hat 'e ha.e to 'or( 'ith to )et to 'here he says he is no' Hthe truth and the li$eI. #he messa)e comes $rom the 4oly Spirit or collecti.e unconscious, 'hether >esus said it or not. 5eople ha.e to stop 'orshipin) a )ra.en ima)e o$ the messen)er, and they ha.e to start to pay attention to the messa)e. ?esus said: B-hoe*er finds the correct inter8retation of what sa5ing will find eternal life.C am

>esus said, $inds the correct interpretation o$ my sayin)s 'ill )o to hea.en.G 4e did not say E' 'orships a )ra.en ima)e 'ill )o to hea.en.E 1 use all o$ the thin)s that 1 (no' >esus 'ould ha.e said in this boo( $i.e hundred re$erences and ?uotesI, and 'hat he says ma(es sense $or the $irst time. #hat 'ould not be so i$ 'hat 1 'as sayin) 'as not the truth. Most o$ the sayin)s attributed to him made sense until no'. True or false> 2%3

$ac0wards; 5eople are loo(in) $or truth bac('ards. #hey ta(e $or )ranted 'hat is said in the :ible is true, then they try to $ind it in the real 'orld and they donLt. #hen they ha.e to say that you Cust ha.e to ha.e blind $aith its true, e.en in the $ace o$ hard e.idence to the contrary. 1$ you do Cust the opposite, and ta(e $or )ranted that 'hat is in real li$e is true, and then loo( $or it in the :ible, you 'ill $ind truth. ?esus sa5s that he came so we ma5 ha*e life and ha*e it more abundantl5. 4e did not say that he came so that 'e may ha.e abundant money. The hol5 hustle; #he sayin) abo.e means Cust 'hat it says@ abundant li$e, not abundant money or possessions. 9hat >esus is sayin) could not be more clear, but there are many mis)uided preachers out there tryin) to t'ist that one around. #he ones 1 am tal(in) about are the preachers that are $lyin) around in pri.ate Cets paid $or by thousands o$ poor, old people, and $amilies stru))lin) to )et by. -ho is more foolish; the fool: or the fool that follows him> #hey do not (no' the truth, but they say they do. 1t is mostly an e)o and po'er trip, the same old story, the 'ol$ in sheepLs clothin), the $alse prophets as >esus said. Many preachers are Cust mis$its that need to be the center o$ attention, and they cannot )et attention any other 'ay. Control frea0s; Many o$ these people ha.e been usin) the 'ords o$ the :ible to )et seD $rom undera)e (ids, steal )ood peopleLs money, and ma(e .irtual out o$ people. #here is no bi))er lie or 'orse thin) a human bein) can do. .ou can fool some of the 8eo8le all of the time and all of the 8eo8le some of the time: but 5ou cannot fool all of the 8eo8le all of the time. 9braham 1incoln E.en the )ood ones are not .ery )ood, because they mislead people in the most important Courney in li$e. 4nl5 the truth can sto8 the 8er*erts and the other 8eo8le doing the beastOs wor0. -hen 8eo8le wa0e u8: the5 will see these most e*il of 8eo8le clearl5. 2%

#he )ood ones do not preach to )et money or control people. #hey li(e to preach because it )ets them attention, and it can brin) them and the audience some'hat into the present. 1t ) them a taste o$ true li$e. #he problem is that the rest o$ the time, they are in the 1$ you do not (no' the truth, this taste o$ true li$e does more dama)e than )ood, because it )ets you Cust part 'ay there, and it ) you a $alse present. ?esus said: < f a blind man leads a blind man: the5 will both fall into a 8it.< 5reachers are more in the entertainment business than the sal.ation business. Con*ictions are more dangerous enemies of truth than lies. Friedrich 3ietGsche Some preachers actually belie.e in 'hat they are doin), but in a 'ay that is e.en 'orse. #hey may ha.e )ood intentions, but as the sayin) )oes, the road to hell is pa.ed 'ith )ood intentions. Many are Cust sel$"ri)hteous hypocrites. #he truly ri)hteous ones 'ill chan)e their 'ays once the ultimate truth has been re.ealed. ?esus said: B-hat goes into 5our mouth will not defile 5ou: but what comes out of 5our mouth can defile 5ou.C #hose that thin( they are the closest to the truth and *od are actually the $arthest a'ay. 1t is one o$ the )reat ironic tric(s o$ the 1$ you (no' the truth, )oin) to reli)ious )atherin)s is a )ood thin), because you 'ill understand 'hat the preacher is sayin), e.en i$ the preacher does not. 1$ you do not (no' the truth, )oin) to reli)ious )atherin)s 'ill Cust mislead you. So learn the truth and then )o to the reli)ious )atherin)s that are popular in your area. False inter8retations; 5eople that preach the :ible are a )ood thin), because the truth is in the :ible, and e.entually people 'ill (no' 'hat that truth is. 1t is not 'hat they ?uote $rom the :ible so much as their interpretations that mislead people. 1$ preachers 'ould Cust stic( to 'hat is said in reli)ious boo(s and lea.e out their interpretations, it 'ould be a lot better. Religion will be more 8o8ular; 6eli)ious )atherin)s, such as )oin) to church, temples and re.i.als 'ill become more popular 'hen the truth is (no'n, because spiritual people 'ill hear the truth in 'hat a preacher says $or the $irst time. #he truth 'ill not destroy reli)ion as many people thin(@ it 'ill do the opposite. 1t 'ill re.eal the truth in reli)ions and ma(e them more popular. 2%%

Real Christian; >esus reinterpreted the :ible o$ his day and re.ealed ne' re.elations o$ the ultimate truth. #he 'ord F!hristianG means F!hrist"li(e,G so to be a !hristian, you ha.e do 'hat !hrist did. 1$ you do not, you are not a !hristian. #hat does not mean you act li(e he did, but you ha.e to li.e the truth and the li$e. ?esus said: BPeo8le honor me with their li8s: but their heart is far from me. The5 worshi8 me in *ain: teaching the 8rece8ts and 8rinci8les of men.C 7oing through the motions; 6eadin) the :ible, )oin) to church, sin)in) )ospel son)s, and in popular myths does not ma(e someone a !hristian. 1t ma(es you the opposite o$ someone li(e >esus. 4e did not do that stu$$, did he< ;ou ha.e to (no' the real truth and spread the real truth, e.en i$ it is not popular. 9hat >esus tau)ht 'as not popular. 9hat >esus said 'as so unpopular in his time that it )ot him (illed. 1 am not sayin) you need to )et yoursel$ (illed $or the truth. >esus already did that, and the point has been made. ;ou ha.e to stand up $or the truth at all costs, but you can do it by Cust not sayin) anythin) $alse and tellin) people to read this boo(. Most people are Cust beatin) around the burnin) bush, so to spea(, and are not on the ri)ht path to )et to hea.en. >ust )et on the path and )o 'here it leads you. The $ible sa5s that 7od does not li0e 8eo8le that are lu0ewarm@ it sa5s that it ma0es him feel li0e 8u0ing. 1 am not (iddin), it says somethin) li(e that. 1t means that people need to be committed one hundred percent to the truth and the li$e. 1t is all or nothin). :ein) 'ron) and thin(in) that you are ri)ht is the 'orst thin). 1t is better to (no' that you do not (no' the truth than to thin( you do 'hen you do not. Raise the dead; >esus healed anyone physically, raised the physically dead, or rose $rom the )ra.e. #hey are myths, but he did do somethin) $ar more important and miraculous. 4e sa' the truth, told the truth and li.ed the li$e, and he did it at a .ery di$$icult time to do it.


?esus said: BCome follow me.C #o be a real !hristian, you must do the same thin) he did. >esus said, $ollo' me. 1n other 'ords, do as he did@ reinterpret scripture and li.e in the truth and the li$e. 5eople that belie.e in the supernatural belie.e in somethin) that does not eDist, and in doin), miss 'hat does eDist. #hey are missin) e.erythin) $or nothin). ;ou rise $rom the dead 'hen you learn the truth and the li$e. 1t is the only true 'ay to raise the dead. 1$ you belie.e that people can really come bac( to li$e a$ter they are dead and buried, 5ou are dead, dead to the truth and the li$e. 1et the dead bur5 the dead: as the $ible sa5s. The ?esus m5th; Or)aniBed reli)ions teach that the metaphor o$ the Lamb o$ *od means Fsacri$icial lamb,G and that >esus 'as supposed to be the ultimate sacri$ice to *od, that >esus 'as sacri$iced $or our sins. )uman sacrifice; #he truth is, it is a story created by people that 'ere into the primiti.e practice o$ sacri$icin) animals to .arious mythical *ods. 4uman sacri$ice 'as not done at the place and time that >esus li.ed, but the myth is that >esus made himsel$ a human sacri$ice. Sacri$icin) animals is an ancient practice in)rained in the minds o$ the primiti.e people o$ the time as the 'ay to please *od. #he idea is that you )i.e *od 'hat has the most .alue to you, and peopleLs li.estoc( 'ere their most .aluable possessions. #hus, by that lo)ic, ) a human li$e, your o'n or your children Hanother :ible storyI, is the most .aluable )i$t you can )i.e *od. 1t does not ma(e much sense no', but it did then. 1t is 'hat people 'anted to hear. #hey 'ere ready to )o 'ith anythin), eDcept $or the truth. #he $ollo'ers o$ >esus did not 'ant to belie.e that the person they ha.e been tellin) e.eryone 'as the son o$ *od died Cust li(e any ordinary criminal. 1t made them loo( li(e liars, and they could not li.e 'ith that, so they made up a story they could li.e 'ith, a story that made 'hat they claimed about >esus more credible. #hey 'ould ha.e pre$erred that >esus 'ould ha.e done a last minute miracle and $loated o$$ the cross unharmed and 'ent up in the s(y and then struc( do'n all his tormentors 'ith a bolt o$ li)htnin). 2%/

Many o$ the people that 'ere there 'ere eDpectin) him to do Cust that, and they 'ere surprised and disappointed 'hen nothin) happened. 1t made him and all his $ollo'ers loo( li(e phonies. 1t loo(ed li(e the 6omans 'ere ri)ht. #he 6omans eDpected him to admit that he 'as not 'hat he said he 'as, and his $ollo'ers eDpected him to stop his eDecution 'ith some (ind o$ miracle, and he did neither. 1t 'as .ery anticlimactic. E.en >esus thou)ht somethin) 'ould happen. #hat is 'hy he said: FFather, 'hy ha.e you $orsa(en me<G 1$ >esus planned it, then >udas did not betray him as reli)ions say@ he helped him accomplish his )oal o$ (illin) himsel$ to sa.e the 'orld. #his is Cust one o$ the many inconsistencies and contradictions that sho' reli)ions do not (no' the truth. S8in-doctors; #he problem 'as that 'hat actually happened 'as not )ood enou)h to base a ne' reli)ion on, so the myth"ma(ers, in their 'isdom, decided to chan)e the story around to ma(e it loo( li(e >esus planned to be a human sacri$ice and=or the most pain$ul suicide o$ all time. #he $ollo'ers $i)ured that >esus had to (no' 'hat 'as )oin) to happen to him, because he 'as the only be)otten son o$ *od. #hey had to eDplain it someho'. :elie.ers at the time belie.ed *od 'ould let that humiliatin) death happen to his only son, i$ his son did not 'ant it that 'ay. 4is $ollo'ers could not belie.e their eyes 'hen that is 'hat happened, and they 'ent into denial. #hey had to ma(e it more than it 'as and brin) a supernatural, more spectacular element into it, or their ne' reli)ion 'ould die 'ith >esus. #he spin"doctors 'ent to 'or(. Most o$ the $alse parts o$ the testimony o$ >esus came $rom this need to ma(e it loo( li(e >esus planned $or e.erythin) to happen, especially his o'n eDecution. 1t is an old tric(, another eDample o$ the bi) lie. #his .ersion has been used throu)hout history. #he 'ay it 'or(s is, the more outra)eous and a lie is, the more people 'ill belie.e it. 5eople 'ill use the rationaliBation that no one could ma(e up somethin) that, so it must be true. 2%,

#he myth"ma(ers re'rote the thin)s that >esus actually said to $it the ne' scenario, and in doin) it, they created one o$ the most success$ul myths in history, the monster o$ all myths. The truth is; >esus did not plan to be cruci$ied or be a sacri$ice to *od, or plan a slo', pain$ul suicide. 1t 'as not preordained. 4e 'as a)ainst the pa)an practice o$ sacri$ice, so he certainly 'ould not promote it 'ith his o'n death. 9hat happened is 'hat appeared to happen@ it 'as nothin) special or out o$ the ordinary. 1t 'as somethin) that happened to thousands o$ people at that time in history. Kied for our sins; &nyone that has been (illed by another can be said to ha.e died $or our sin$ul nature. 4is $ollo'ers Cust made a bi) deal out o$ it to ser.e their sel$"interests. >esus 'as nothin) special to anyone eDcept $or a $e' desperate outcasts. &t the end o$ his li$e, he had no one on his side. #he truth is, >esus did not ha.e any $ollo'ers that really belie.ed he 'as the son o$ *od. 1$ they did, they 'ould ha.e stood up $or him at his trial. 8o one 'ould ha.e betrayed him as >udas 'as said to do, and they 'ould not ha.e all been sleepin) 'hen he 'as s'eatin) blood 'hen the 6omans 'ere comin) $or him. 1$ he actually did miracles, li(e brin) the dead bac( to li$e, they 'ould not ha.e been 'orried about 'hat the 6omans 'ould do to them, 'ould they< #he truth is, no one thou)ht he 'as *od, could do miracles, or e.en li(ed him that much. E.eryone at the $ disli(ed him so much that they pardoned a common criminal instead o$ him. #hat is part o$ the accepted story o$ e.ents. One reason you can (no' >esus sacri$icin) himsel$ to sa.e us did not happen is that it contradicts the .ery theolo)y it is supposed to support. 9hy 'ould someone dyin) $or our sins, absol.e us o$ our sins< The onl5 wa5 for our sin to be forgi*en: according to ?esus: is for us to re8ent: see the truth and li*e the life: sto8 missing the mar0 (sinning). &ccordin) to 'hat >esus tau)ht, another person cannot chan)e us into spiritual bein)s, no matter 'hat they do. #hey can sho' the 'ay, but 'e ha.e to ma(e the actual chan)e HrepentI 6ealiBin) the truth and the li$e is 'hat ma(es us chan)e into a ne' li$e $orm@ nothin) else does. 9e ha.e to chan)e. -e do not see things the wa5 the5 are@ we see things the wa5 we are. 2%2

Sayin) you belie.e in somethin) does not trans$orm you. ;ou are still an animal, still eDactly as you 'ere be$ore you said you belie.ed, still missin) the mar(. 3o 8roblem can be sol*ed from the same le*el of consciousness that created it. 9lbert +instein Re8ent; Only the truth trans$orms you, because only the truth literally chan)es your mind into somethin) totally ne', and 'hen your mind literally chan)es, you literally chan)e into a spiritual bein). 1et this mind be in 5ou: which was also in Christ ?esus. Phili88ians 2;% Truth; 9hy 'ould >esus ma(e FtruthG his central theme, say it is 'hat he is, i$ it did not matter< #he truth is the truth and belie$ is belie$. #hey are opposites. #he 'ord FtruthG has a true meanin) i$ you loo( it up in the dictionary, and it does not K $aith or K belie$ or K myth, etc. 1t means 'hat the e.idence says: that 'hich is. 6eli)ions do not e.en bother to chec( 'hat the 'ord truth really means. 4o' can they ar)ue 'hat the truth is 'hen they do not e.en (no' 'hat the 'ord means< Change 5our mind; #he 'ord FrepentG comes $rom Latin, and means to Fchan)e your mind.G 1t does not mean 'hat most people thin( chan)in) your mind means. 1t means literally chan)in) your mind, $rom the mind o$ an animal, to the mind o$ a spiritual bein). #hat is 'hy repentin) you@ it actually chan)es you. ?esus said@ BKo not tr5 and tem8t me Satan: for it is written that 5ou shall ser*e the s8irit.C !han)in) your mind means chan)in) $rom a mind that controls your spirit to a mind that your spirit and *od. :ein) sa.ed means learnin) the truth. -e shall reFuire a substantiall5 new manner of thin0ing if man0ind is to sur*i*e. 9lbert +instein Sin means to miss the mar(. #o stop sinnin), you ha.e to $ind the mar(@ no one can $ind it $or you. #hey can sho' you the 'ay, but you ha.e to realiBe it yoursel$. 2+0

:esides common sense, the 'ay 'e (no' the human sacri$ice story is not true is that it has not caused people to learn the truth and the li$e and be trans$ormed into spiritual bein)s. 1t does the opposite and hides the truth. 1t is deception. The eas5 wa5; 9hy 'ould >esus ha.e told people to repent Hlearn the truth and li.e the li$eI i$ he (ne' they did not ha.e to< 4e should ha.e been tellin) people to Cust 'ait until he sta)es the human sacri$ice o$ himsel$, and then Cust belie.e he did it $or them, and they 'ill )et a $ree pass to hea.en. 1n other 'ords, you can be a serial child"rapist and (iller ri)ht up till the moment o$ your death, and then Cust say E1 belie.e >esus died $or me and my sins,E and you 'ill )o to hea.en. 1t 'ill not 'or(, because it does not ma(e you a spiritual bein). #here has been an on)oin) debate bet'een !hristian theolo)ians as to i$ it is $aith or 'or(s that ?uali$y you $or hea.en. 1n other 'ords, is it the )ood moral 'ay you li.e, or the $aith >esus died $or us that matters< Most people ha.e concluded you need both, 'hich contradicts the :ible. #he truth is, neither one 'ill sa.e you i$ you do not (no' the truth. 1t is Cust a mind )ame, the 'or( o$ the to distract people $rom the real truth, to decei.e them into missin) the mar(. 1t is another contradictin) premise no one seems to see. Kied to forgi*e our sins; 9hat the hec( does that really mean< E.eryone dies@ some in a 'orse 'ay than >esus. 4o' is dyin), somethin) that happens to e.eryone, a sacri$ice< >esus 'as )oin) to hea.en@ is )oin) to hea.en a sacri$ice< ;ou are al'ays hearin) preachers say that our sins ha.e been 'ashed a'ay by the blood o$ >esus. 9hat a horrible thou)ht. 1t literally says (illin) *odLs only son 'as a )ood thin), because it )ets people into hea.en. 1t ma(es no sense, yet the spin"doctors mana)ed to ma(e it the central theme o$ a 'hole reli)ion. f ?esus wanted the Romans to 0ill him as Christians belie*e: then ?udas was hel8ing him: not betra5ing him as the5 also belie*e. -hich is it>


Sacrifice to himself; 1t is understandable 'hy primiti.e, i)norant people belie.ed it in the past, but 'hy do at least a billion people say they belie.e it no'< 1 mean, sacri$icin) an animal to please *od is bad, but rampin) it up to human sacri$ice is 'orse, and *od sacri$icin) his o'n son to himsel$ is be5ond nuts. ;et, a )reat promoter named 5aul mana)ed to ma(e this myth the most .enerated part o$ !hristianity, the .ery mechanism $or a personLs sal.ation, the literal (eys to hea.en. 1t is a deception, and an ob.ious one, but people belie.e it. Paul in*ented the Christian religion around (# 9K. Paul 'as much more responsible $or the !hristian reli)ion 'e ha.e today than >esus 'as. 4e almost sin)le handedly created the modern do)ma. Many other people re$ined the belie$ system, the rituals etc., but it 'as 5aul that put to)ether the basic do)ma that persists to this day. #he stories 'ere around be$ore 5aul, but he too( one o$ them, re$ined it, and ran 'ith it. The a8ostles; #he people that $ollo'ed >esus 'hen he 'as 'ere the $irst to start a reli)ion based on >esus. 1t 'as more accurate, because they 'ere 'ith him. #hey )ot it $rom the source, but they misinterpreted him too. #he problem 'as, they all had their o'n interpretations and 'ere in competition 'ith each other. #hey 'ere all 'ron)@ none o$ them (ne' 'hat >esus 'as tal(in) about. #hey all had their o'n $ollo'ers, and they literally $ou)ht 'ith each other and (illed to de$end their interpretations. #his .iolence tells you that they 'ere already misinterpretin) >esus. #hey really did not mana)e to )et much )oin). #hey Cust $ou)ht 'ith each other and su$$ered a lot o$ persecution $rom the 6omans and the >e's. & $e' e.en 'ere cruci$ied, but it 'as a 'ay to sur.i.e and ma(e a, and bac( then, it 'as hard to ma(e a On the other hand, 5aul Cust $ocused on one interpretation, and he mar(eted it .ery s(ill$ully and success$ully. 4e said his interpretation 'as the only interpretation, thus, the others 'ere Cust $or)otten in time, especially a$ter !onstantine. 5aul came a$ter >esus 'as dead, so he met him, but he may ha.e been the )reatest spin"doctor and promoter that li.ed. .ou ha*e to choose between what ?esus sa5s and what Paul sa5s. =ost Christians belie*e in what Paul sa5s and not ?esus. ;ou cannot belie.e both are tellin) the truth, because they contradict one another.


Paul is the best and the worst thing that has ha88ened to Christianit5. #he best, because 'ithout him, the reli)ion 'ould not e.en be here today. #he 'orst, because the do)ma he created completely contradicts the truth that >esus 'as tryin) to )i.e to the 'orld. 3o not )et me 'ron)@ 5aul re.eals more truth in the :ible than anyone eDcept >esus does. 1t is Cust his o.erall conclusions that are 'ron). Our sin is not 'ashed a'ay by the blood o$ >esus as 5aul said and as the church is al'ays preachin) since he said it and it 'as canoniBed. t is not the blood that ?esus bled@ it is the truth that ?esus said that sa*es. 5aul 'as actually named Saul be$ore he chan)ed his name and his 'ays. &s Saul, he 'as one o$ the )reatest enemies o$ the early church. 4e 'as a 5harisee and responsible $or a lot o$ persecution and e.en the (illin) o$ early !hristians. 4is )oal 'as to (ill all !hristians. 9hen on a trip, he said >esus appeared to him and con.inced him to become a !hristian. 5aul is a (iller o$ !hristians, turned !hristian saint. #his unli(ely scenario actually ma(es people belie.e it more. 4e is responsible $or most o$ the ne' testament o$ the :ible. ;ou may not li(e this story, but it is the truth, and as >esus said, it is the truth that sets you $ree. The more far out a stor5 is: the more 8eo8le that will belie*e it. The nonsense factor; Many so called !hristians that belie.e in the >esus died $or our sins, suicide=human sacri$ice story, loo( do'n at people that belie.e in 'itch doctors and superstitions. ;et they belie.e in somethin) that ma(es e.en less sense and is more $ar out. Child murder; &braham, the $ounder o$ the >e'ish, !hristian and Muslim reli)ions, 'as plannin) to cut his o'n sonLs throat to sacri$ice him to *od. >esus, the son o$ *od, 'as sacri$iced to his $ather. 0in) 4erod, the leader o$ the >e'ish reli)ion at the time, 'as said to ha.e had all the male babies and children in a 'hole city murdered. #he interpretation o$ the :ible in the past and present says most o$ its most re.ered leaders and prophets 'ere doin) the most horrible thin)s ima)inable. Murder, human, child and animal sacri$ice, incest, .en)eances and inCustices are maCor precepts o$ the accepted interpretation o$ the :ible. 6isin) $rom the )ra.e, and the symbolic drin(in) o$ blood and eatin) o$ $lesh sounds a lot li(e a Bombie, .ampire story.


&ll this tal( about the ma)ic nature o$ the blood o$ >esus stems $rom the misconception that people had in the past@ that li$e, or the spirit, 'as in the blood. 9e no' (no' that li$e is not in the blood. 1$ it 'as, a complete trans$usion should put the spirit o$ someone else in your body. #he more somethin) is, the more $anatical the $ollo'ers 'ill be. 1t ma(es no sense, but it is part o$ human nature. 1t is the nature o$ the Ka Einci Code; 6ecently a ne' myth has been proposed called F#he 3a Minci !ode.G 1t is more :S about the po'er o$ blood@ this time it is the :loodline. #his and other ne' boo(s, li(e the Le$t :ehind boo(s, are Cust the mind creatin) ne' myths to add to the old myths. & myth is a myth@ deception is deception. Kece8tion 0ills@ onl5 the truth sa*es. 3eception (ills, because it buries the spirit in deception. Only the truth can sa.e us, and no one (no's 'hat it is. Most do not e.en 'ant to (no'. +sca8e realit5; 8e' myths are .ery popular. #he 3a Minci !ode and #he Le$t :ehind series o$ boo(s ha.e been best sellers, because people are loo(in) $or an escape $rom reality, not loo(in) $or reality. #he problem is, it is impossible to escape reality. Li$e is reality. reality is di$$erent does not ma(e it di$$erent. The subconscious and conscious fear of death which is im8ossible to a*oid is actuall5 0ee8ing 8eo8le s8irituall5 dead. Ra8ture; #he Le$t :ehind boo(s are about somethin) called the rapture, 'here the chosen $e' are supposed to rise up into the s(y ri)ht be$ore e.eryone else )ets scre'ed. #hey base the 'hole idea on a $e' sentences in the :ible that has been interpreted to mean the $aith$ul 'ill meet >esus in the air. 1t is Cust 'ish$ul thin(in), a $antasy o$ the hi)hest order. #he :ible says that Satan is the prince o$ the air. #hat tells you 'here they are really )oin). 1t is the old pie in the s(y deception repac(a)ed. 3ow: if 5ou re8ent: ?esus will be in the air and e*er5where. The onl5 reason 8eo8le want to esca8e realit5 is that the5 do not 0now what realit5 reall5 is@ the5 do not 0now that it is better than an5 m5th. 5eople are tryin) to escape $rom the truth and the li$e, and that is 'hat >esus literally says he is. 5eople 'ant deception, and that is 'hat the :ible literally says the is. 5eople Cust ha.e to 'a(e up and do the opposite. 2+

The age of esca8ism has to end: or the human race will end. in an illusion 'ill lead to our destruction. ;ou ha.e to (no' the true situation to deal 'ith it. 1$ you are tryin) to disarm an atomic bomb, you ha.e to (no' ho' it 'or(s to do it. 1$ you Cust start 'ires around because you ha.e $aith it is the ri)ht thin) to do, it 'ill set the bomb o$$. 1$ you belie.e poison is mil( and drin( it, it 'ill (ill you. 1t should be ob.ious, but the truth is that most people do not see ho' dan)erous blind is. #he blind are leadin) the blind. ?esus said: B f the blind follow the blind: the5 will both fall into a 8it.C =oderates; 5eople that are the moderate maCority in a reli)ion say it is Cust the $anatics that are causin) all the problems, 'hen in $ace they are enablin) them. 9atch the :ill Maher 6eli)ulous@ it eDplains the cost o$ reli)ious :S. 1n the past, illusions and misunderstandin)s caused most o$ our con$licts, but 'e 'ere not po'er$ul enou)h to completely destroy 9e are no'. This is wh5: e*en though we do not want to face the truth: we ha*e to. 9s ?ohn 1ennon said: the dream is o*er. 9e 'ill end it, or it 'ill end us. #he has not had to 'or( .ery hard to decei.e people. #hey 'ill belie.e anythin) someone tells them, no matter ho' nonsensical. #he more nonsensical, the more they belie.e. :elie.ers are the true a)ents o$ the #he problem is that the truth is Cust too normal $or most normal people to belie.e in. -e were damned b5 someone else and sa*ed b5 someone else> #he !hristian reli)ion says man(ind 'as damned, because o$ somethin) &dam and E.e did, and 'e are sa.ed by 'hat >esus did. 9e did not do anythin) to )et into trouble Hori)inal sinI, and 'e do not ha.e to do anythin) to )et out o$ it H$or)i.en o$ our sinsI eDcept to belie.e it all really happened. 1$ you belie.e the :ible the 'ay it is interpreted by the !hristian reli)ion, man(ind is not e.en in the loop. 9e do nothin) to )et in trouble or )et out o$ it. Could an5thing be more unbelie*able or ma0e less sense> 2+%

9hy 'ould an all (no'in) and Cust *od hold innocent people responsible $or somethin) &dam and E.e did< #hat is not $air or Cust, no matter ho' you loo( at it. 9hy 'ould *od sacri$ice his only son to himsel$ in order to $or)i.e us o$ the sin 'e are not responsible $or in the $irst place< The 8ublic will belie*e an5thing: so long as it is not founded on truth. +dith Sitwell 1iesNtruth; 1$ a charismatic person 'ith )reat storytellin) s(ills told people that an)els appeared to him, or >esus or *od appeared or tal(ed to him, and the timin) 'as ri)ht, he could start a reli)ion. Some (ind o$ lie or misunderstandin) is actually ho' all reli)ions )et started. EDample: 5aul and >oseph Smith both started maCor reli)ions by sayin) they sa' and tal(ed to a spirit, a )host"li(e apparition that appeared to them. 5aul started modern !hristianity, and >oseph Smith started the Mormon reli)ion. 3o one did an5thing wrong in the 8ast@ e*er5thing had to ha88en as it did. 1$ a lie or delusion leads to people no' seein) the ultimate truth, they are )ood. ;ou ha.e to (eep in mind that e.erythin) 'as a lie or deception until no'. 1n the past, our minds 'ould not let us see the truth@ lies 'ere all you could 'or( 'ith. #he collecti.e unconscious or 4oly Spirit has to use the mind in order to re.eal the truth. #his means it has to use lies to re.eal the truth. 1t has to use the, our decepti.e minds, because the truth cannot reach us directly. 1t has to )o throu)h our minds. The s8iritual Aourne5 is a Courney o$ seein) the truth hidden in lies or deception. 1t is about seein) reality in illusion. 1t is about trans$ormation, sinners turnin) into saints, de.ils turnin) into an)els, lies turnin) into truth, and man(ind turnin) into spiritual bein)s. Turn it around; #he opposite o$ the truth becomes the truth. #here is no 'ay to a.oid this path to the ultimate truth, because 'e all start out in deception. #hat is the real ori)inal sin. The collecti*e unconscious has to use lies to re*eal the truth.


Time ca8sule; &ll the deception 'as necessary, because the deception $ormed an impre)nable container $or the truth. 1t protected the truth, so it could pass throu)h time 'ithout bein) chan)ed. 8o' all 'e ha.e to do is open the deception container and let the truth out. 9e open it by Cust seein) the opposite o$ it. Religious m5ths acted as truth containers to 8reser*e the truth until now. &ll reli)ions contain lies, deception, misunderstandin)s, and the truth. #he lies and misunderstandin)s start somethin) that people 'ill )et in.ol.ed 'ith and build on, because they appeal to the mind. #he collecti.e unconscious planted the truth in the myths and used the $ictional story to transport the truth until no'. t is good the truth has been hidden; 1t actually hurts the truth to see it be$ore the time is ri)ht. 1t $orces the truth into myths and it (ills or ma(es its prophets outcasts. #his is the reason almost no one has seen the truth be$ore no'. >esus and other prophets ha.e planted seeds that needed to be planted, but they paid a hi)h price to do it. #he seeds o$ truth they planted are no' startin) to )ro' and blossom, and this is helpin) to ma(e our sal.ation possible. :y hidin) the truth and the li$e until no', the collecti.e unconscious protected the truth and us. #he time has to be ri)ht $or the truth, or it Cust causes trouble. #he collecti.e unconscious can )i.e us in$ormation 'e did not (no', and it can also pre.ent us $rom seein) thin)s i$ it is not in our best interest to see them. <+*en the S8irit of truth@ whom the world cannot recei*e: because it seeth him not: neither 0noweth him; but 5e 0now him@ for he dwelleth with 5ou: and shall be in 5ou.< ?ohn 1#;1, 3ow that we can: as ?esus said: we must se8arate the wheat from the chaff. #he cha$$ is the outer co.erin) that protects the 'heat $rom the 'eather, but it has to be remo.ed be$ore you can eat it, be nourished and )i.en li$e by it.


Section , & The Truth -ill Set .ou Free & Cha8ter ,.,

The Truth 9bout ?esus Christ

The *irgin birth; Mary probably made up the story o$ *od impre)natin) her so that she 'ould not be an outcast or stoned to death $or bein) a teena)e, un'ed mother. She could ha.e been raped by a 6oman soldier or some other per.ert as 'ere thousands o$ youn) 'omen. :ac( then, the 'omen 'ere penaliBed more than the rapists. She could ha.e Cust told a bi) lie and started !hristianity. She 'ould ha.e had to tell >esus that he 'as the son o$ *od to (eep the lie )oin), so he )re' up really *od 'as his $ather. >esus 'as not lyin) 'hen he said he 'as the son o$ *od, because he Cust belie.ed 'hat his mother told him. #his inspired him and connected him to the collecti.e unconscious, 'hat he called the 4oly Spirit. #his )a.e him the ability to channel all the truth that he did. 4e loo(ed $or the truth in the present, because he belie.ed *od, his $ather, 'ould try to communicate 'ith him. >ust thin(in) this opened up the door to the uni.ersal mind and the truth and the li$e. >esus 'as .ery open" minded and bra.e. t is a good eHam8le of how a lie can lead to the truth. The em8t5 tomb; 5eople say, 'hat about the empty tomb< #he 6omans could ha.e Cust ta(en his body and buried it in an un(no'n spot, so his )ra.e did not turn into a rallyin) point $or his $ollo'ers. #hey usually buried criminals in a common )ra.e 'ith other criminals, and that is 'hat >esus 'as to them, so that is probably 'hat happened. #here is no reason 'hy they 'ould ha.e treated him di$$erently than any other criminal or troublema(er. #he story o$ a rich person ) his $amily tomb to >esus does not rin) true, because no one 'anted to sho' the 6omans that they li(ed >esus@ it could ha.e )otten them in trouble. >esus did not ha.e any 'ealthy $ollo'ers that 'ould stand up $or him in any 'ay. 1$ the rich )uy li(ed >esus so much, 'here 'as he at his trial< 1$ he 'ould not ris( sho'in) he 'as 'ith >esus to sa.e his li$e, it ma(es no sense that he 'ould do it a$ter he 'as already dead. The Resurrection; 5eople then say, 'hat about the $ollo'ers that sa' him 'al(in) do'n the road, sa' his 'ounds, tal(ed to him and ate 'ith him a$ter he 'as supposed to be dead< 9hy 'ould he eat li(e a mortal< Someone could ha.e bribed the )uards and )ot him o$$ the cross be$ore he died, or the 6omans let him )o, so they 'ould not create a martyr, and he 'as Cust to'n 'hen some o$ his $ollo'ers sa' him. 2+,

4e may ha.e not been hurt as bad as the story says, and it may ha.e been lon)er than three days 'hen he sho'ed up. Some people say that >esus 'ent to 1ndia and li.ed to a ripe old a)e and is buried some'here around 0atmandu. #he :ha)'an 6aCneesh HOshoI is 'here 1 heard that story@ search the internet and chec( it out $or yoursel$. 1 do not (no' i$ it is true, but it ma(es more sense than the accepted story. The stor5; #he resurrection story comes $rom Cust one place, 5aul, and he 'as not e.en there, so he could ha.e Cust made it up to help ma(e the ne' reli)ion he 'as promotin) more success$ul. 5aul re.eals the most truth and also the most :S. do not 0now what ha88ened. 3o one does: and that is the real truth. #here is no e.idence o$ 'hat happened, Cust con$lictin) stories $rom dubious sources, but the thin)s 1 state abo.e are possible, and sin)le"seD conception Himmaculate conceptionI and risin) $rom physical death are not. 1$ >esus actually did any miracles, li(e raise the dead, the people that sa' them 'ould ha.e $ollo'ed him and not $eared anyone $or any reason. #he :ible says hundreds o$ people sa' him do miracles. 1$ that 'as true, he 'ould ha.e had a lot more than t'el.e $ollo'ers, and they 'ould not ha.e all acted li(e they did not (no' him or betray him as the :ible says they did. 1t Cust does not rin) true, does it< The truth is the truth: and ?esus sa5s it is the truth that sets 5ou free. #here is no e.idence that >esus eDisted, but i$ he did, and i$ he did die on the cross, the 6omans most li(ely Cust remo.ed his body and secretly burned it. #hey did this (ind o$ thin) 'hen they 'anted to end the in$luence o$ a troublema(er. 1t bac($ired on them this time. 1$ >esus did die on the cross, as the story says, it 'as a sacri$ice $or the truth, but nothin) more. 1 thin( some o$ the story o$ >esus 'as true, but it does not matter. f nothing in the $ible was historicall5 true: it would not ma0e it less im8ortant. t would ma0e it more im8ortant. This is because it re*eals the ultimate truth: and that is what matters. This ma0es the $ible more im8ortant and miraculous: because it 8ro*es there is a )ol5 S8irit or collecti*e unconscious that created it to show us the truth.


1$ most o$ the story is true, he made a )reat sacri$ice $or the truth@ he )ot tortured to death $or it. 4e did not ha.e to@ he could ha.e stopped the torture anytime. 4e Cust had to say he 'as lyin). #hat is 'hy the authorities tortured him so much@ they 'anted to hear him say he 'as lyin). #he story says that he )a.e in, and $e' other people could ha.e done it. E.en a craBy person could not ha.e done it. #han(s to 'hat he did, 'e ha.e his re.elations no'. 9hat he did 'as a )reat sacri$ice to )et the truth out, and it 'ould be tra)ic i$ no one (no's 'hat that truth is. 1$ he 'ould ha.e recanted, he 'ould ha.e been callin) his mother a liar, and that could ha.e been one reason 'hy he did not do it. 4e 'ould ha.e destroyed her. The death of ?esus; >esus sho'ed us 'hat a spiritual bein) can do. #he $act that he didnAt )i.e in to the pain and $ear o$ death tells you that he (ne' the truth and the li$e, 'as the truth and the li$e. & mortal and phony could not ha.e done it. 1t 'ould be impossible. #hat is 'hy the 'ay he died is si)ni$icant, and a )reat )i$t, not that he died $or our sins as reli)ions say. ?esus was more than human; 4e is the only person you can (no' $or sure 'as more than human by the 'ay he $aced the 'orst death possible. #o $ollo' him is to be ready $or somethin) as bad, 'hich may not e.en be possible. 4e may ha.e endured the 'orst thin) possible to ma(e it easier $or us to endure our death. 1$ 'e ha.e a choice, 'e ta(e an easy, painless 'ay, but that is not al'ays up to us. 1t is up to *od, the balancin) $orce, li(e birth and the rest o$ li$e. 1$ he died on the cross or did not, it does not matter, because he )ot the messa)e out. 4e said that he (ne' 'hat the truth 'as, and it has pro.en to be the ultimate truth. 1t is one o$ the best eDplanations o$ the ultimate truth made. 1 personally thin( 'hat he said is the best eDplanation o$ the ultimate truth, and that is 'hy 1 ?uote him so many times in this boo(. The things ?esus said had so much 8ower: that 8eo8le thought the5 were true: e*en when the5 were being misinter8reted. That is amaGing in itself. he did 'as enou)h to )et his re.elations out. #he true story is as )ood as the myth. #he myth 'as needed to carry 'hat he said to us.


-hat he did would be for nothing if 8eo8le Aust belie*e in the m5ths. Remember: the truth is the goal. ?esus sa5s itOs the truth that sets 5ou free. Flat world; >ust a $e' hundred years a)o, people belie.ed the 'orld 'as $lat, and e.en 'hen there 'as )ood e.idence that it 'as round, most people did not belie.e it or 'ant to belie.e it. #hey did not 'ant to admit they 'ere 'ron). The truth will set 5ou free: but first: it will 8iss 5ou off. 7loria Steinem 1t is uncom$ortable to learn 'hat you thou)ht 'as the truth all your li$e is not true, but that is part o$ )ro'in) up. 1t 'as a blo' 'hen 'e $ound out the story o$ Santa !laus 'as a myth, and no' 'e are learnin) the same thin) about reli)ion. ?esus said: <.our minds must be cleared of the falsehoods of this realm if 5ou are to be taught +ternal Truth.< 7row u8; !ould 'hat he says be clearer< 1t is tou)h to accept, but 'e ha.e no choice@ it is 'hat is )oin) to separate the decei.ers $rom the true !hristians. 1t is time to )ro' up and stop in myths and $airytales. 1$ 'e do not )ro' up no' and $ace the truth H>esusI, our children 'ill not )et the chance to )ro' up. 1t is Cust that simple. #he :ible says, F9hen 1 'as a child, 1 belie.ed as a child does, spo(e as a child, but no' that 1 am )ro'n, 1 must put childish thin)s aside.G #hose old myths and $airytales 'ere $un and com$ortin) to belie.e in, but 'e ha.e run out o$ $oolin) around time. Only the truth can sa.e us no'. .ou ha*e to ha*e the awareness of a child and the 0nowledge of the truth. #hose that can accept the truth 'hen they hear it and see it are )oin) to be sa.ed. #hose that do not or Cust 'ant to stay in their popular and coBy com$ort Bone are )oin) to be lost. #hat is $air. ?esus said: <Show me the stone which the builders ha*e reAected. That stone is the cornerstone.< 1n other 'ords, you cannot stay in your com$ort Bone, 'ith the $amiliar. #he truth is di$$erent than 'hat is popular, so you cannot )o 'ith the cro'd. ;ou ha.e to )i.e up the $alse in order to realiBe the real.


7andhi said: B f 5ou are a minorit5 of one: the truth is still the truth.C #he truth is, at the time >esus li.ed, i$ someone caused the >e'ish elite and 6omans trouble, they eDecuted them. >esus threatened the >e'ish and 6oman status ?uo. 4e 'as a blasphemer to the >e'ish rulers and a troublema(er to the 6omans, so they eDecuted him usin) the standard method o$ the day. 9ll great truths begin as blas8hemies. 7eorge $ernard Shaw !ruci$iDion 'as no bi) deal in those brutal times. #hey cruci$ied people Cust $or preachin) 'ithout a license. >esus died Cust li(e any other common criminal or troublema(er. #here 'ere a lot o$ sel$"proclaimed sa.iors around bac( then. ?esus was a man; 5eople 'ant to belie.e >esus 'as physically more than Cust a normal man, 'hich he 'as not. 4e 'as no di$$erent than other men physically@ he 'as Cust more inspired, more connected to the uni.ersal mind H4oly SpiritI than other people 'ere. 4e )a.e birth to himsel$ spiritually. Li(e other prophets, he channeled thin)s $rom beyond the mind. 1t is not the prophet that is important@ it is 'hat passed throu)h the prophet that is important. &s >esus said himsel$: B t is the s8irit who gi*es life@ the flesh is of no 8rofit. The words that ha*e s8o0en to 5ou are what is im8ortant: because the5 come from s8irit and life.C 1n other 'ords, it is o( to say he is nothin) special, because he (ne' it is 'hat passed throu)h him that mattered. 9hat came $rom the 4oly Spirit matters. ?esus said: B+*er5one who s8ea0s a word against the Son of man or 7od will be forgi*en. $ut if a 8erson blas8hemes the )ol5 S8irit: the5 will not be forgi*en.C 1n other 'ords, you do not ha.e to thin( much o$ the prophet that the messa)e passes throu)h, but you ha.e to respect the messa)e, or you 'ill not )et it.


7ra*en image; Most people only picture >esus loo(in) up to the hea.ens in some sort o$ spiritual pose. #o see >esus $or 'hat he really 'as, you Cust ha.e to picture him doin) thin)s that all other men do e.eryday in their li$e, and you 'ill realiBe he 'as a human bein) Cust li(e us. 4e ate $ood and relie.ed himsel$ li(e other men, so try picturin) him s?uattin) behind a bush 'hen you start to thin( he 'as not human. 4e had to do it Cust li(e any other human, and they did not ha.e toilets 'hen he li.ed. 1t is irre.erent, but re.erence does not set you $ree. Peo8le are worshi8ing the messenger and missing the message. 5eople act li(e it is the messen)er that matters and not the messa)e, e.en 'hen the messen)er says it is the messa)e that matters. 1n ancient times, i$ people did not li(e a messa)e that a messen)er brou)ht, they 'ould (ill the messen)er. 1$ they li(ed the messa)e, they made the messen)er a bi) hero. 1t is nonsense. am not sa5ing ?esus was not di*ine@ he was. am sa5ing we all can be. 1 am not sayin) anythin)@ it is >esus and the :ible that say it. 1 am Cust pointin) this $act out to people that say they belie.e in the :ible, but must not ha*e reall5 read it. >esus said that it is the truth that sets you $ree. #hat is the truth. #he truth is not al'ays 'hat people 'ant to hear, but it is 'hat sets you $ree. =eta8horicall5: it is all true. Eirgin birth; ;ou )i.e birth to yoursel$ 'hen youAre born a)ain, so itAs a .ir)in birth. The resurrection is true in the sense that >esus did rise $rom the dead. 4e Cust did it lon) be$ore he 'as physically (illed. &t some point in his early li$e, he stopped as a spiritually dead person. 4e learned the truth and became an immortal spiritual bein). #hus, he did rise $rom the dead. 9hen you learn the truth, you do the same thin)@ you rise $rom the dead. ?esus said: <The wa5 of mortals is a li*ing death.C The em8t5 tomb; #he story about the empty tomb is also metaphorically true. &ll ) are empty@ there is a body, but the conscious spirit is )one. 2/3

Section , & The Truth -ill Set .ou Free & Cha8ter ,./

Control and Free -ill

Peo8le thin0 the5 are in control of their life@ the o88osite is true. Iarma; Most people thin( that 'hat you do 'ill ha.e an e$$ect on your $uture li$e, e.en a$ter death, that 'hat you do 'ill come bac( to you, etc. 1t is not true. 3oin) somethin), bad or )ood, to or $or someone, 'ill not create the )ood and bad in your $uture li$e. 1t is balanced@ it Cust happens no matter 'hat you do. #he balance ma(es e.eryoneLs li$e $air, Cust, e?ual and per$ect, but it is not in$luenced by any actions you ta(e, )ood or bad. 9hat you do is not up to you@ it is not your Cob. 1t is *od=li$eLs Cob. #han( *od, *od is in control. #he !hristian mandate that you $or)i.e those that hurt you, or trespass a)ainst you as the LordAs prayer says, is not necessary, because 'hen li$e is seen truly, you (no' that no one is doin) anythin). *od is, the balance is, so you do not ta(e it personally. >ust as you 'ould not ta(e a shar( or bear attac( personally or ha.e to $or)i.e the animal that hurt you, you do not do it 'ith humans $or the same reason. 5eople 'ould not be per$ectly $air, *od is. ;ou can only do one thin) that matters, and that is to see the truth and li.e the li$e that is bein) )i.en to you. ;ou are a .ictim o$ anyone. E.erythin) that happens is al'ays *od=li$e creatin) balance. ;our only choice is to see it $or 'hat it is, or not see it. There is occasions and causes wh5 and wherefore in all things. -illiam Sha0es8eare Fate *s. freewill; ;ou physically are a )roup o$ siDty"trillion cells that do 'hat they do by E.ery second, there are trillions o$ thin)s happenin) inside our bodies that (eep us $rom droppin) dead, and 'e ha.e no control it. :lood is bein) pumped, cells are bein) created, hormones distributed@ a trillion thin)s out o$ our control ha.e to happen Cust $or us to di)est $ood, and 'e are not e.en a'are that it is happenin) ri)ht no'. 5eople are a'are o$ the $act that they are not in control o$ the inner 'or(in)s o$ their bodies, but most people are not a'are o$ the $act that they do not control 'hat is )oin) on outside o$ them either. Most people belie.e they are in control, and the eDact opposite is the truth. 2/

The dance of life; *od=li$e leads and 'e $ollo' in the dance o$ li$e. 1n other 'ords, the physical en.ironment does somethin), and your inner en.ironment HmindI reacts to it. -e are under the absolute control of our en*ironments. ;ou )et hun)ry you eat, need money you 'or(, the phone rin)s you ans'er it, )et cold you put on a coat, )et hot you ta(e it o$$, and i$ you ha.e an itch, you scratch it. #hen there is lar)er en.ironmental control@ 'here and 'hen you are born, i$ you are rich or poor, educated, talented, healthy, loo(s, seD and race, etc. Chec0 it; #he easiest 'ay to chec( i$ 'e are in control or not is to Cust loo( $or someone that does not die li(e e.eryone else. 8o one beats death, not e.en the $aith healers, and no one 'ants to die. #he $act that e.eryone dies and in less than a hundred and $i$ty years tells you 'ith no doubt that 'e are not in control. -e do not ha*e free will@ we ha*e something better. -e ha*e 7odOs will. Free 'ill or control is an illusion, a deception created by the mind. 1t is the second )reatest deception a$ter the deception that you are your mind. 9hen you 'a(e up to the truth, the $irst thin) you realiBe is that you are not in control. .ou see that the creator and the creation are together in the 8resent. 5eople 'ant to belie.e in an all"po'er$ul *od, but they also 'ant to belie.e that they are in control or ha.e a $ree 'ill. 1t is another mind )ame. *od=li$e is in control o$ e.erythin) all the time, no matter 'hat you thin(. 9ll want to learn is how to thin0 li0e 7od thin0s. 9lbert +instein Th5 0ingdom come: th5 will be done on earth. =atthew (;16 1t is easy to belie.e you are in control. &$ter all, you do ' you 'ant. #he truth is that you 'ant to do somethin) because somethin) in your en.ironment ) you a reason to do it, e.en i$ it is your mind. The en*ironment is e*er5thing that isnOt me. 9lbert +instein


1n other 'ords, e.erythin) outside your spiritual"sel$, includin) your mind, is your en.ironment. ;our mind 'as and is created by your )enetics and your en.ironment, past and present. ;our mind is part o$ your en.ironment, Cust as your body is, and it is controlled by the lar)er en.ironment, directly and indirectly. ;ou can say lo'er animals are also in control o$ 'hat they do and do not do. & bear or 'ol$ can decide 'hat to do $rom moment to moment, but it is Cust reactin) to 'hat is happenin) around it. ;ou do the thin)s you do $or the same reason a bear or any other animal does 'hat they do. 4umans do the same thin) as all other animals, but in a sli)htly less direct 'ay. Our minds )i.e us a )reater a'areness o$ the past and $uture than lo'er animals. #hus, 'e ta(e 'hat 'e ha.e learned in the past and 'here 'e 'ant to )o in the $uture into account 'hen 'e react to the en.ironment, so 'e react a little less directly than lo'er animals 'hen 'e can. +*er5thing is determined: the beginning as well as the end: b5 forces o*er which we ha*e no control. t is determined for insects as well as for the stars. )uman beings: *egetables or cosmic dust: we all dance to a m5sterious tune: intoned in the distance. 9lbert +instein &s 1 said earlier, the $irst bi) 'orld"chan)in) realiBation 'ill be 'hen science realiBes that e.olution bein) true means 'e e.ol.ed $rom all lo'er animals, that 'e 'ere those animals, that 'e 'ere dinosaurs, bu)s, etc. The second big realiGation; Science 'ill realiBe that 1saac 8e'tonAs la's o$ motion mean that the la's that )o.ern all matter include us, because our bodies are matter. 9e are not in control@ $ree 'ill is an illusion, a delusion. 1t is Eaction"reactionE that causes the motion o$ all thin)s in the uni.erse, includin) us. #here can be no matter in the uni.erse that is eDempt $rom these $undamental la's o$ nature. 4is boo( .rinci+ia Mathematica eDplains the la's o$ motion, and they ha.e pro.en to be true. #hat boo( is the $oundation o$ modern physics. Our bodies are )o.erned by those same la's, because our bodies are matter in the uni.erse. #rue or False< #a(e a closer loo( at the thin)s you do, and you 'ill see the truth. #here is al'ays a reason precedin) your e.ery action. From the mindLs perspecti.e, the 'orld is a hu)e maBe. ;ou ha.e choices, but a limited number o$ them. ;ou al'ays choose 'hat you thin( is the best one. 8one o$ the choices 'ould ma(e any real di$$erence until no'. E.eryone is playin) Amon(ey see mon(ey doA and blindly )oin) around in circles, bi) and small. 2/+

1ife is what ha88ens to 5ou while 5ouMre bus5 ma0ing other 8lans. ?ohn 1ennon Kancing with the de*il; Man(ind is currently dancin) 'ith the 9e are lettin) the mind lead, and 'e $ollo'. &ll 'e ha.e to do is drop the mind and start dancin) 'ith *od. Let *od lead, and you 'ill ha.e the per$ect dance partner. Thin0ing we are in control (free will) is the root of all 8roblems on earth. t is the de*ilNmindOs most 8owerful tool. -hen ?esus tal0s of o*ercoming: he is tal0ing about o*ercoming this dece8tion. t se8arates 5our s8irit from 7od. +go; 1n the siDties, e.eryone 'as tal(in) about droppin) your e)o. #hey had the ri)ht idea, but a)ain, the time 'as not ri)ht to do it. ;ou ha.e to (no' the ultimate truth, and the ultimate truth could not be (no'n by most people until no'. &t its 'orst, $ree 'ill mani$ests as pride, arro)ance and )reed, but Cust thin(in) you are separate is the ultimate sin, the root o$ all and con$lict in this 'orld. The carrot and the stic0; 5eople do e.erythin) they do to a.oid pain and $eel pleasure. ;ou 'al( a path bet'een these $orces. 1t may loo( li(e some people are doin) somethin) $or another reason, but it is an illusion=delusion. EDample: Sel$"sacri$icin) beha.ior is only done i$ it ma(es the person doin) it $eel )ood to do it. #o some people, it $eels )ood to help others, or it $eels )ood to do 'hat you thin( is the ri)ht thin) to do. ;ou do e.erythin) you do $or sel$"preser.ation and sel$")rati$ication, directly or indirectly. E.ery mo.e you ma(e is ultimately $or yoursel$, no matter 'hat you may thin( or ho' it appears to others. #he thin)s you do may not al'ays ma(e you happy, but you al'ays thin( they are )oin) to e.entually, one 'ay or another, or you 'ould not do them. Mother #eresa helped the poor, because it made her $eel )ood to do it and=or $or the re'ard that she thou)ht she 'ould )et in the a$terli$e H$eel )ood laterI. -hen 5ou see the truth: hel8ing others is the best wa5 to hel8 5ourself. &$ter people (no' the ultimate truth, they 'ill help others much more, because it 'ill $eel e.en better than it $eels no' to do it. 1t blesses the one helped and the helper. Spiritual people see others as, so they lo.e to help others.


&$ter the truth is (no'n, it 'ill be a 'ay o$ li$e $or spiritual people, but it 'ill still be $or sel$ish reasons. 9e 'ill li(e helpin) others, because 'e 'ill (no' e.eryone is Cust li(e us. 9e put in other peoples shoes and do the thin) 'e 'ould 'ant done i$ 'e really 'ere them, thus 'e are helpin) in t'o 'ays. 9e 'ill also help others because 'e (no' it is indirectly helpin) 9e (no' that 'e ha.e to help others $or the human race to sur.i.e and to create the hea.en 'e 'ant on earth. 9e also (no' that 'e could be li(e them in the $uture. )e who eH8eriences the unit5 of life sees his own Self in all beings: and all beings in his own Self: and loo0s on e*er5thing with an im8artial e5e. $uddha & spiritual bein) Cust naturally helps others. Spiritual people see e.eryone as a member o$ their o'n $amily, because the truth is, 'e are one $amily o$ li$e on earth. Spiritual bein)s are much more a'are, thus they $eel other peopleLs pain, pleasure, and le.el o$ $ul$illment much more acutely. ?esus said: 1o*e 5our neighbor as 5ou lo*e 5ourself. !urrently most people do not lo.e, but they 'ill soon. The 8ower of 8ain; 9e a.oid pain and see( pleasure, and it does not ta(e much o$ it to control us completely. Most people can and do accept a certain amount o$ pain in order to )et more pleasure in the $uture in one 'ay or another. #hey )o to 'or( in order to ha.e pleasure later, etc. #here$ore, you could say that 'e are not under the direct control o$ pain and pleasure, and you 'ould be ri)ht. 5eople can and do intentionally ta(e some pain and a.oid some pleasure, but they still do it to a.oid pain or )et more pleasure at a later date. Man(ind does this a lot, 'hile lo'er animals are controlled much more directly by the en.ironment. #he 'ay man(ind deals 'ith the control o$ pain and pleasure is Cust less direct and harder to see, but the truth is, it boils do'n to the same thin). #he en.ironment controls our e.ery mo.e. Only man(ind can de$er pain and pleasure, but it is only possible i$ the pain is limited. 1$ the pain is unlimited, it 'ill al'ays control you directly. #he po'er o$ pain is absolute. #orture 'ill ma(e people turn in their $amily and $riends (no'in) they 'ill ha.e to )o throu)h the same thin) they did. 8othin) in the physical 'orld has more po'er to in$luence people than physical pain.


Torture wor0s; 5hysical pain can ma(e anyone do anythin). 1n the mo.ies, the hero tal(s, no matter ho' much he is tortured. #he truth is, e.eryone tal(s, and it usually doesnLt re?uire much pain to ma(e them do it. #he really tou)h 'ill Cust ta(e lon)er. 1$ a torturer starts smashin) toes and $eet 'ith a hammer and 'or(s their 'ay up, most people 'ill tal( be$ore the torturer )ets to the (neecaps. &$ter the (neecaps there is the )enitals. Electric shoc(s are e.en more pain$ul, and it no mar(s. *i.en enou)h time, e.eryone 'ill crac(. 1t is no di$$erent $or spiritual people. 9e can all be controlled by our o'n physical bodies until 'e )o to hea.en and our bodies are no lon)er hard'ired $or se.ere pain. 6i)ht no', thousands o$ people are bein) tortured by pro$essionals. 1t is estimated that at least a hundred million people ha.e been tortured in this century alone. #he immi)ration department says $our"hundred thousand torture .ictims are in the -nited States ri)ht no'. #he most brutal torturers did it in the name o$ reli)ion. #he so"called 4oly 1n?uisition in.ented all those $amous torture de.ices li(e the 1ron Maiden, the rac(, and thumb scre's. #hey made torture a science. Fire and hot po(ers 'ere al'ays the $a.orite. #he church did not ban these de.ices until 1, ,. To be moti*ated enough to do what it ta0es to lea*e the animal realm: we need to be reminded how bad it can get in the animal world. #hin)s can )et u)lier $or man(ind than $or any other animal. #he best and the 'orst ha.e happened to us in the past, and it 'ill happen to us a)ain i$ 'e do not lea.e the animal realm 'hile 'e can. =an is the cruelest animal. Friedrich 3ietGsche t gets worse; 5ain is in absolute control o$ us, and anyone that can cause us eDtreme pain can control us absolutely. 1ma)ine some lo'li$e that does not deser.e to ha.e control o$ you, has control o$ you. 1ma)ine your 'i$e and children are also under the said lo'li$eLs control. 1ma)ine that this )uy is a sadist and )ets his enCoyment directly $rom the pain he causes you. #he more pain and an)uish he in$licts on you, the more pleasure and happiness he )ets. #his stin(in) $ool has seD 'ith your 'i$e and dau)hters ' he $eels li(e it. Our past suc(ed. Power and control turns the beast on: so there is no ho8e for this realm.


Miolence to'ard others is the easiest 'ay to )et peopleLs attention, e.en i$ they do not 'ant to )i.e it. 5ain 'ill )et someoneLs complete attention $or certain. 1t is a bad 'ay to )et attention, but it 'or(s, so is used by people in po'er. 1ma)ine a lo'li$e has po'er you and your lo.ed ones, and he tortures you e.ery chance he )ets. 1ma)ine this has happened to you more than once. 1t has happened in most o$ the li$espans you li.ed in the past hundred thousand years. ;ou ha.e li.ed in this most horrible o$ situations thousands o$ times. The leader of the 8ac0; For most o$ the time human bein)s li.ed on the earth, 'e li.ed in small tribes o$ men, 'omen and children. #here 'as al'ays one )uy that 'as bi))er, stron)er, and more brutal than the others. #his man al'ays became the absolute leader o$ the pac(, and he stayed the leader by usin) eDtreme $ear and .iolence a)ainst the 'ea(er people in his )roup. #he more sadistic the leader 'as, the more po'er he had@ cruelty 'or(ed. 1n the mo.ies, the )uy that is in the ri)ht al'ays 'ins and his 'omen and children. #he truth is, the )ood )uy usually loses, )ets beat up or (illed in $ront o$ his lo.ed ones (no'in) that the lo'li$e is )oin) to )o a$ter them neDt. t is as ugl5 as it gets: but it is true: and it is the truth that sets 5ou free. ;ou 'ere that leader many times, but you 'ere the leaderLs .ictim more o$ the time. 1t is the truth, and it is more horrible than 1 can describe. #he bi))est and the stron)est o'ned the 'orld until the in.ention o$ $irearms. 8o', the bi))est is Cust a bi))er, slo'er tar)et. #hey no lon)er are in char)e. t is balanced; #he eDtreme pain caused by torture )uarantees that you ha.e a 'hole lot o$ pleasure comin) in the $uture, but that does not ma(e it a )ood thin). do not want to li*e an5 longer in a world where it ha88ens: do 5ou> #he truth is, no one 'ould, but the problem is, people do not see their true past, and because they do not, they 'ill ha.e to li.e it a)ain. #hose that see 'ill not. -ho would want to li*e in a realm that rewards eHtreme brutalit5> t is not enAo5able to tal0 about it: but ha*e to show 5ou what is at sta0e.


#he only reason 1 am tellin) you these horrible thin)s is because your mind 'ill not let you see them. 1t 'ill mytholo)iBe the past into some entertainin), but $alse $airytale. 1t 'ill tell you that you 'ere not there, 'hen the e.idence says you 'ere. ;ou need to see the true past to ha.e the moti.ation needed to escape the animal realm. ;ou ha.e to be hit hard 'ith the truth to 'a(e up. Those who do not remember the 8ast are doomed to re8eat it. .ou ha*e to 0now the worst to get the best. ;ou ha.e to (no' the 'orst in order to )et to hea.en@ you do not ha.e to li.e it anymore as people thin(. #he sayin) you ha.e to )o throu)h hell to )et to hea.en is true, but 'e already 'ent throu)h it many times, and 'e do not ha.e to do it a)ain. 9e Cust ha.e to (no' 'e did it to not ha.e to do it a)ain. .ou ha*e to see how dar0 it can get before 5ou see how light it can get. ;ou ha.e to see and (no' ho' bad or dar( li$e can )et be$ore you 'ill be able to brea( throu)h the clouds o$ the mind to di.ine li$e. 1t is no coincidence that the cross is the symbol o$ the !hristian !hurch. #he pseudo"!hristians do not (no' it, but it is to sho' people ho' bad li$e in this realm can )et. 1$ this can happen to a man doin) the best thin) a man can do, it can happen to anyone in this realm. #he death o$ >esus on the cross sho's ho' bad the animal realm can )et, and it as(s the ?uestion@ do 5ou want to li*e in this world> 8o one can be truly $ree $rom the control o$ the physical 'orld until 'e are in hea.en. 6eality in the animal realm is hard to ta(e and impossible to ta(e at its 'orst. 1$ 'e $or)et this, 'e stop searchin) $or the 'ay out, and ha.e to li.e 'ith it. The worst is 'here all animal li$e e.entually leads. ;ou ha.e to )et o$$ that path 'hile you can. #he 'orst is 'here unconsciously 'ill lead i$ you do not 'a(e up. 1t is as certain as the sun risin) and settin). -e 0now it ha88ens: and if it ha88ens: it can ha88en to 5ou. =ost im8ortant thing; 9hat )oes around comes around, and this is 'hy 'e ha.e to )et out o$ a 'orld 'here eDtreme pain eDists and 'here the bad )uy has all the ad.anta)es. 9e can only do it no', so nothin) is more important. 2,1

Cannibalism; 1 'ill )i.e you one last bit o$ u)liness. 9hen you 'a(e up, you 'ill realiBe many thin)s that ha.e been hidden completely by our minds. One o$ the best hidden is cannibalism. Most people ha.e heard o$ it happenin) once in a 'hile in .ery rare and desperate situations. 9e ha.e heard o$ the 3onner party trapped in the 6oc(y Mountains, the plane crash in South &merica, and some &$rican headhunters, but that is about it. #he truth is, it is a normal part o$ animal beha.ior. 4uman bein)s are no eDception, and 'e ha.e done it as much as any other animal. 1t happens e.ery time people be)in to star.e, and it 'ill happen a)ain. 1$ 'e do not chan)e, 'e 'ill start (illin) and eatin) each other. 1t is a $act. $ur5ing or burning meat does not ha88en when it is the onl5 thing to eat: and 5ou will star*e or 5our children will star*e if 5ou do not eat it. #he $act is, people 'ill (ill people to eat them i$ they are and can )et a'ay 'ith it. 1t happened all the time in the past, and it has happened recently. &lmost no one realiBes 'hat 'ent in the ste'pots in concentration camps and )hettos durin) the 'orld 'ars. ;ou do not bury meat 'hen you ha.e people dyin) all around you. ;ou do not let people (no', but people do not as(. 9hen you 'a(e up, 'hat amaBes you most is ho' completely the mind can hide thin)s $rom us. #he $act that it can hide it scares you more than 'hat it hides. The animal 0ingdom is in a ne*er-ending state of war. ts nature is 0ill or be 0illed. f 5ou do not want to li*e the millions of 5ears of horror again: 5ou ha*e to learn the truth and the life and become a s8iritual being now. The 0ingdom of 7od is the o88osite of the animal 0ingdom. #hin)s are not bad no' $or us, but they 'ill be a)ain i$ 'e i)nore the truth. 9e ha.e to ma(e hay 'hile the sun shines, escape in the brie$ time that 'e can. $e sa*ed now. &ll 'e ha.e to do is 'hat is best $or us no' to ha.e the best later. Inowledge of the 8ast will moti*ate e*er5one to lea*e the animal realm. 1 ha.e Cust told you about pain at its eDtremes, but it controls us at its lo'er le.els also. 1t Cust loo(s li(e it ) us a choice.


The animal 8ath; 9e all 'al( a path a'ay $rom pain, discom$ort and $ear, and to'ard pleasure and percei.ed security. ;ou 'ill continue to $ollo' this path e.en a$ter you (no' the ultimate truth. *od=li$e uses these $orces to )uide us home. #he mind uses these $orces to (eep us )oin) in a circle. 1$ you (no' the ultimate truth, you are )oin) to hea.en. 1$ you do not, you are )oin) in a circle. ;ou are in a brutal holdin) pattern until you learn the truth. =anNanimal; 5eople do 'hat they do $or the same reasons all other animals do 'hat they do. 9hy does your do) or cat do 'hat they do< Man(ind is not any di$$erent. 9e )o a$ter 'hat 'e 'ant and mo.e a'ay $rom 'hat 'e do not 'ant. 9e try to adapt, sur.i.e, and thri.e in our en.ironment li(e all animal li$e. #he only di$$erence is, man(ind thin(s it is in control and is not as $ul$illed as other animals. 9ll animals are the same@ the onl5 difference is man0ind can 0now the truth. 8ot bein) in control does not ma(e you less@ it ma(es you more. E.en i$ 'e could li.e li$e under the control o$ our mind, it 'ould not be nearly as )ood as li$e under the control o$ *od=li$e. The truth is: you 'ould not 'ant to be in control, e.en i$ you had the option. 9hen you learn the ultimate truth, you realiBe li$e outside the animal mind is per$ect the 'ay it is, and you 'ould not chan)e anythin). 1ife is not im8erfect@ it is Aust 8eo8leOs awareness of life that is im8erfect. There is too much going on for the mind to control life: e*en if it could. Li$e does not need to chan)e. 1t cannot chan)e@ it eDists because it is per$ect. For somethin) to last $, it has to be per$ect. .ou are onl5 trul5 free when 5ou 0now for certain; .ou are not in control. #he only thin) that can chan)e and needs to chan)e is peopleLs perception and le.el o$ a'areness. 5eople need to see the per$ection o$ li$e. 9hen they do, they become a re$lection o$ per$ection, and they become per$ect ?esus said: B.ou are to be 8erfect: as 7od is 8erfect.C #he animal mind by its .ery eDistence ma(es your li$e imper$ect and un$ul$illin). #hen it becomes stron)er by tryin) to $iD it. #he stron)er it becomes, the less per$ect li$e appears. 1t is the ultimate .icious circle. The $ible eH8lains it 8erfectl5. Satan creates the dece8tion it controls. 2,3

9lmight5; *od=li$e is )oin) to create balance, no matter 'hat you do or thin(. *od=li$e controls the in$inite uni.erse@ it (eeps the sun burnin) and the earth and all the other planets around it. From the bi))est thin)s, stars around )alaDies, to the smallest thin)s, electrons around the nuclei o$ atoms, *od=li$e ma(es e.erythin) )o in a balanced circle, cycle or the e?ui.alent. #he mind is Cust a dream machine. 9hat is it compared to the in$inite uni.erse< Too sim8le; 1$ *od=li$e controls the 'hole in$inite uni.erse, it is beyond stupid to thin( you are the one eDception to the rule. !ould anythin) be more impossible< Our bodies are physical and thus part o$ and under the control o$ the physical uni.erse, Cust li(e e.erythin) else. -hen the solution is sim8le: 7od is answering. 9lbert +instein 9e need to see the truth and the li$e and Cust relaD and $lo' 'ith li$e, accept li$e, surrender to li$e, li.e the li$e 'e are bein) )i.en as it is bein) )i.en. 1t is impossible to li.e totally ali.e all the time in this 'orld, but the more o$ li$e 'e li.e, the more $ul$illed 'e 'ill be. 9e Cust ha.e to turn o$$ and open up our minds 'hen they are not needed, and 'e can. #he truth is, 'e can li.e 'ithout it most o$ the time. 9hat could be more ob.ious, easier or smarter< #he truth is Cust too simple and ob.ious $or our minds to reco)niBe it, and the mind does not 'ant to see it. 5eople really 'ant a *od that is in complete control. #hat is 'hy the mythical *od is characteriBed as an all"po'er$ul $ather or (in). 5eople 'ant someone that is lar)e and in char)e, someone that is al'ays )oin) to be there and al'ays is $air and Cust, and that is the 'ay it actually is, so 'hat is the problem< #he only problem is the mind is not lettin) us see the truth@ there are no other problems. The ob*ious is that which is ne*er seen until someone eH8resses it sim8l5. Ihalil 7ibran Kestin5; 8ot bein) in control does not mean our $uture is predestined. 8o one (no's the $uture@ the $uture cannot be (no'n. &nythin) can happen. #he only thin) 'e can be certain o$ is that it 'ill be a lot li(e it has been and be balanced. 5eople may thin(, i$ e.erythin) is balanced, then it does not matter 'hat you do. #hat is true eDcept $or one thin)@ you ha.e to spread the truth, o.ercome the animal mind, and li.e $ully ali.e to )et to hea.en. 1$ you are, you 'ill )o to hea.en. 1$ you are not, you are headin) $or hell. 2,

To be or not to be; #hat is the ?uestion. #here are t'o 'ays to be ri)ht no' and in e.ery moment o$ li$e, and that is to li.e or not to li.e, to li.e in the present or not li.e in the present, to be completely ali.e or not be completely ali.e, to be 'ith *od=li$e or be 'ith mind=death. 9hich path are you on< The onl5 o88ortunit5 that matters; 1t does not matter i$ you ha.e a $ree 'ill or not. 9hen it comes to the physical 'orld, it 'ill be balanced, no matter 'hat you do. #he only thin) that matters is i$ you (no' the truth and the li$e and li.e in the present. ;ou ha.e that opportunity no', and it is the only opportunity that matters. t is no coincidence that 5ou are reading this boo0 now. 3ew en*ironment; #he (no'led)e in this boo( has no' become part o$ your en.ironment and has chan)ed you and your options. 1$ you understand it completely, it 'ill chan)e you and the 'ay you see your en.ironment completely. .ou do not want to be a mind-made man@ 5ou want to be a 7odmade man. ;ou are 'hat you truly are, and 'hen you realiBe it, you truly become a sel$"made man, because you be)in to li.e in the truth and the li$e. $orn again; Sel$"made man means sel$"made mind. 9hen you see the truth, you )i.e birth to yoursel$ and really become a sel$"made man, the son o$ man. -hen 5ou see the truth: 5ou go from free will to 7odOs will: which is better. 5eople thin( $ree 'ill is the most important thin), that it is 'hat ma(es us special, but the opposite is true. ;ou ha.e either the 'ill or *odLs 'ill. ;ou are not independent o$ the physical uni.erse@ you are part o$ it. #he only di$$erence is 'hat part o$ it you li.e as. ;ou can be the physical or spiritual. ;ou can li.e 'ith Satan in belie$ and deception, or 'ith *od in reality. 9ll want to learn is how to thin0 li0e 7od thin0s. 9lbert +instein "ltimate freedom; #here 'ill be more so"called Esel$"made millionairesE and sel$"made men 'hen the truth is seen, because you 'ill ha.e more inspiration. ;ou 'ill be inspiration itsel$. ;ou 'ill ha.e *od in you. ;ou 'ill ha.e the ultimate po'er in the uni.erse and al'ays do 'hat you 'ant. ;our 'ill becomes *odLs 'ill. .our 0ingdom come: 5our will be done on earth. =atthew (;16 2,%

Re8etition; 1$ somethin) is repeated, it ma(es a bi))er impression and chan)es your brain more, chan)es you more. #hus, the more repetition the better. #hat is 'hy 1 repeat some thin)s many times and say the same thin) many di$$erent 'ays. #M ad.ertisers repeat commercials $or this reason. 4ope$ully, 1 repeated thin)s enou)h to chan)e you enou)h. Only time 'ill tell. 9s a single footste8 will not ma0e a 8ath on the earth: so a single thought will not ma0e a 8athwa5 in the mind. To ma0e a dee8 8h5sical 8ath: we wal0 again and again. To ma0e a dee8 mental 8ath: we must thin0 o*er and o*er the 0ind of thoughts we wish to dominate our li*es. )enr5 Ka*id Thoreau =indNbrain; 8e' (no'led)e actually chan)es you physically. Memories and other aspects o$ your mind are created and sa.ed bio"chemically in your brain. Inowledge causes 5our brain to change: ma0ing 5ou change 8h5sicall5. &s you read this boo(, the physical ma(e"up o$ your brain is actually chan)in), thus your en.ironment is chan)in). ;ou are becomin) a little di$$erent physically. &nythin) you learn chan)es your brain a little bit. #he more time you spend 'ith somethin) or the more impact somethin) has on you, the more you are chan)ed. ;our brain is no' actually chan)in) physically as you read this. The en*ironment controls 5ou: but 5our en*ironment has now changed.


Section , & The Truth -ill Set .ou Free & Cha8ter ,.2

Ki*ine ?ustice & The $alance

Ki*ine sense of humor; 9hen you be)in to see li$e truly, you $eel li(e lau)hin) all the time li(e some demented person HdonLt do it, people 'ill thin( you are craByI. 5eople belie.e ob.ious myths are the actual truth, and these same people thin( they are intelli)ent bein)s. #hat is $unny. #he beauti$ul people, the success$ul celebrities in this li$e, 'ill be the e?ui.alent opposite in the neDt li$e. #hose that ha.e the best thin)s in li$e 'ill ha.e the 'orst. #hose that ha.e the most pleasure in their current li$espan 'ill ha.e the most pain in their neDt. #he most com$ortable 'ill be the most uncom$ortable. #he most po'er$ul 'ill be the most po'erless. 5eople 'ill )o $rom the best situation to the 'orst unless they learn the ultimate truth be$ore they die. That is bad news for those who are on to8 in this life: and great news for those on the bottom: but the truth is: it is not good for an5one who does not see this truth: and good for e*er5one: rich or 8oor: that does see it. 7oing in an endless circle is not good for an5one. Many po'er$ul and success$ul people )o around thin(in) they ha.e 'hat they ha.e because they are better than unsuccess$ul people in some 'ay. #hey ta(e credit $or their position in li$e. 5ride comes be$ore a $all, as the :ible says. -hat goes around comes around. #he truth is, ' people ha.e, *od=li$e )a.e them. #he Lord ) it, and the Lord ta(es it a'ay, as the :ible says. #he 'ord FLordG means master, and *od=li$e is truly our master. Many rich and $amous people ta(e credit $or their success and loo( do'n on the less $ortunate, and they 'ere and are )oin) to be Cust li(e them .ery soon. #hat is $unny. ;ou )et to be a rich, beauti$ul person by bein) the Elephant Man in another li$e. #he Elephant Man 'as the u)liest man in the 'orld in one li$e, so he 'as the best"loo(in) person in another li$espan. 9ho is the best" loo(in) person ali.e no'< #hat person could ha.e been the Elephant Man or is )oin) to loo( somethin) li(e him in the near $uture. Someone 'as the elephant man@ he li.ed on this planet. *oin) $rom or #om !ruise to the Elephant Man is not the 'ay to li.e. Loo(s, talent, po'er, and personality traits )o bac( and $orth li(e e.erythin) else.

2,/ in the truth o$ li$e is a better 'ay. 6ise abo.e the opposites. 1$ you do not, todayLs 'inner is tomorro'Ls loser. 1$ you rise abo.e the balance, it does not matter. The truth is: no one is s8ecial or different from an5one else. 3o one is s8ecial: and e*er5one is s8ecial. 1ife has to be balanced to be fair. -a0e u8: rich: beautiful 8eo8le. 4o' could you e.en thin( that you deser.e to ha.e a better li$e than other people do< 9hat ha.e you done to deser.e a better li$e than some sic(, poor person< ;ou ha.e not done anythin) ha.e you< 1$ you do not 'a(e up and chan)e your 'ays, you 'ill be a sic(, poor person .ery soon. Peo8le born with a debilitating 8h5sical disabilit5 or disease are in a c5cle. #hat is ho' the balance 'or(s@ it is 'hat ma(es li$e $air $or e.eryone. 1t is 'hat ma(es li$e per$ect, and (no'in) it ) you the ability to li.e 'ith an open mind. ?o5 in loo0ing and com8rehending is natureOs most beautiful gift. 9lbert +instein The edge; ;ou no lon)er ha.e to 'onder 'hy some people are born poor 'ith a cripplin) disease and others are born 'ith health and 'ealth, or 'hy someone )ets (illed by a serial (iller and someone else 'ins the lottery. #hey are Cust people at the ed)e o$ the balance. ;ou do not $eel sorry $or one and en.y the other, because they 'ill essentially s'itch places in their neDt li$e to create balance. E.eryone else does the same thin), only most people li.e closer to the middle o$ the balancin) $orces and ha.e a normal li$e o$ ups and do'ns. #he middle o$ e.erythin) is the best place to be. f 5ou Aust loo0 at the earth: there are more 8oor than rich: so how can it balance> -hen 5ou wa0e u8: 5ou see infinit5: and that time and s8ace are relati*e: and that there are man5 worlds that ma0e it 8ossible to balance. Su8erman; Sometimes a li$e o$ bi) ups and do'ns happens in Cust one li$espan. #here is no clearer place to see this than in the li$e o$ !hristopher 6ee.e. 4e became a rich and $amous star playin) Superman, and he 'ent $rom there to a ?uadriple)ic that could not e.en breathe on his o'n. #he balance can happen in minutes, hours or days. Mery bad and .ery )ood thin)s can happen $ast. ;ou can be shot, but li.e, ha.e a heart attac(, but li.e, $all o$$ a cli$$, but land in the 'ater, etc. 2,,

#he balance 'ill happen e.en i$ it ta(es many li$espans. 4nce 5ou 0now the truth and the life: 5ou ne*er ha*e to as0 Bwh5C again. 4ne in a million; 6ich, po'er$ul people ha.e less $ortunate people thin(in) that it is their $ault that they are not as rich and po'er$ul as they are. #he rich 'ill ac(no'led)e that they 'ere Cust luc(y, because most o$ them do not (no' it@ they really thin( they are better or smarter or 'or( harder, etc. #hey belie.e the illusion, because they 'ant to. #he truth 'ill be seen by poor people $irst, because they 'ill 'ant to see it more. #he truth is, $or e.eryone that succeeds, there are many more that tried Cust as hard that did not. :ecomin) rich and $amous is at least a one in a million shot. #hat means i$ a million try, only one 'ill succeed. #hat doesnLt mean some that try 'ill not become .ery success$ul, they 'ill Cust not ma(e it to the .ery top, the dream li$e, and that is 'hat people 'ant and thin( they need to be $ul$illed. -e are selling 8eo8le dreams: and we need to be selling 8eo8le realit5. #here are .ery many le.els o$ success and $ailure, but only a $e' )et the brass rin) and )o to the top o$ the success scale. 1$ people really understood the certainty o$ the odds, there 'ould not be as many dreamers and there 'ould be many more people that are happy 'ith 'here they are in li$e. ;ou ha.e to $ully li.e your li$e. 8aturally, you should )i.e e.erythin) you )o a$ter your best shot. 1t may be your turn to 'in, but blame yoursel$ i$ you do your best and it is not )ood enou)h. 1t really is not up to you, so ho' can it be your $ault< .ou gi*e 5our all. f it is 5our time to become a mo*ie star: it is 5our time. -or0 hard; 5eople are al'ays sayin) that all you ha.e to do is 'or( hard, 'or( smart, and you too 'ill be rich and po'er$ul. 1t is not true. #he rich say it and=or thin( it, because they are really sayin) they are better than you are, that they 'or( harder or are smarter. 5eople 'ho tell you that you can do anythin), accomplish anythin) you 'or( $or, are not tellin) the truth. #he balance 'ill determine 'hat happens in your li$e. #he truth is, i$ it is not your time, thin)s 'ill happen to pre.ent it. 1$ it is meant to happen, the opposite 'ill happen, and you 'ill ha.e 'hat it ta(es or )et it. ;ou 'ill )et in a 'innin) )roo.e or losin) )roo.e, and it is not up to you. f it is 5our time: the things 5ou tr5 turn to gold. f not: the5 turn to lead.


5eople that actually 'or( the hardest ma(e the least money. 1mmi)rant $arm 'or(ers are bent in the hot sun pic(in) .e)etables all day $or less than minimum 'a)e. Most rich people hardly do any hard 'or(. #o )et in the position o$ 'ealth, rich, success$ul people may ha.e put many hours into 'or(in) at $irst, but it 'as no harder than someone else. Many people 'or( hard and 'or( smart, but the outcome is di$$erent. 1t is easy to 'or( hard 'hen 'hat you do is succeedin), 'hen you are in a 'innin) )roo.e. Most people 'or( their ass o$$ 'ith no luc( but bad luc(, and no chance o$ real success, and that is hard. Success and 'innin) is al'ays easy. Success factor; #he truth is, there are other thin)s in addition to hard 'or( that 'ill ma(e the di$$erence bet'een success and $ailure. 8inety" nine percent o$ the human race does not ha.e the opportunity $or the one in a million (ind o$ success. #he truth is, only one in a million really do. ;ou ha.e to ha.e a million thin)s that are not in your control. & $e' o$ them are, the ri)ht opportunities, education, access to capital, the ri)ht idea, the ri)ht connections and help $rom others, ability and other intan)ibles li(e timin), etc. 1$ it is not your time to succeed, you 'ill not ha.e or )et the thin)s you need. 1$ it is your time, you 'ill ha.e them or )et them. #he truth is, nine out o$ ten ne' businesses $ail. Since no one 'ants to $ail, it has to be out o$ our control. 9hen somethin) succeeds, it becomes part o$ nature in a sense. >ust as a tree 'ill )ro' i$ it )ets 'hat it needs, a business 'ill do the same and )ro'. & million thin)s ha.e to )o ri)ht, but i$ one thin) )oes 'ron), you can be dead in the 'ater. 8o one can control it@ those that thin( they do are missin) the truth. .our turn; 1$ it is your turn, e.en bad thin)s that happen 'ill turn out to actually help you. 1$ it is not your turn, e.en )ood thin)s that happen 'ill not help you. ;ou ha.e seen ho' some stars can )et in bi) trouble, and the publicity ma(es them bi))er stars, and you see other people 'in an Oscar and )o do'n the tubes. #he truth can be seen i$ you Cust loo( at 'hat happens in the real 'orld. Stri*e not to be successful: but rather to be of *alue. 9lbert +instein


1osersNwinners; #he perception that you ma(e your o'n $uture is promoted by the mind o$ this 'orld to )lori$y the mind and ensla.e people. 1t is not Cust the rich it is the school system and e.eryone else, especially people that are not rich but thin( they 'ill be soon. the centuries, peopleLs minds ha.e been pro)rammed to belie.e 'hat the rich and po'er$ul tell them. &s i$ it 'asnLt bad enou)h to be poor, you also ha.e to $eel li(e youLre a loser. #he truth is, all 'inners are losers, and .ice .ersa. Once people see the truth, the Fanythin) is possibleG lie 'ill be one o$ the $irst lies to )o. 1n the lon) run, $i$ty"$i$ty is the best you can do, the best anyone can do, eDcept $or those that (no' the truth and the li$e@ they )et one hundred percent. *od=li$e ma(es e.eryone e?ual. 1t is as certain as the sun risin) and settin) and happens $or the same reason the sun rises and sets. The B5ou can do an5thingC lie has caused more waste: heartache: and 8ower to the mind than an5thing else. S8iritual 8eo8le 0now the truth. 1i8 ser*ice; 8othin) is more sad than 'atchin) a youn) person beat a dead horse. 9hen the ship is sin(in), you ha.e )et o$$ it or )o do'n 'ith it. 9hen people start sayin) ho' )reat 'hat you are tryin) to do is, but do not help you, it is time to start )ettin) in a li$eboat. ;ou can al'ays start and try a)ain. 1uc05 8eo8le; &ll our heroes 'ere Cust .ery luc(y people. *eor)e 9ashin)ton may ha.e been .ery bra.e and smart, but he 'as also .ery luc(y. For e.ery 9ashin)ton, there 'ere many patriots that 'ere Cust as bra.e and smart, but not as luc(y. #hey died in obscurity, but that is o(ay, because it all balances out in time. E.eryone 'ants to be the 'inner. 8o one 'ants to $ail, Cust as no one 'ants to die. 1$ it 'ere up to us, 'e 'ould $ail or die. #he $act that e.eryone does it is not up to us. ;ou may say it is not the same thin), but it is. #hin)s 'e do not 'ant to happen 'ill happen, no matter 'hat 'e thin( or do. &s the bumper stic(er says, shit ha88ens: and it 'ill happen to you $or certain, but 'hen you see the truth, it does not matter to you. 9lwa5s do what 5ou li0e to do: e*en if it does not ma0e 5ou much mone5: because if 5ou are enAo5ing the Aourne5: 5ou cannot reall5 lose. 221

Tr5 different things; &$ter you learn the truth and the li$e, you can enCoy doin) any Cob, because you are $ul$illed by e.erythin) you do, but some 'or( is better suited to certain indi.iduals. ;ou should try di$$erent thin)s until you $ind 'hat $eels the most ri)ht to you. ;ou 'ant to be around people you relate to and in an en.ironment that inspires you. ;ou ha.e to support yoursel$, and i$ 'hat you lo.e doesnLt do it, )et another Cob. ;ou al'ays do your best, )o $or the )old, try to )et rich, because you 'ill ha.e more to )i.e to less luc(y people, but you do it 'ith the (no'led)e o$ the balance and that success is not really up to you, then you do not let $ailure hurt you. Shoot for the moon: but if 5ou do not ma0e it: be ha885 with what 5ou do. E.eryone can succeed at bein) middle class, and the truth is, it is the most $ul$illin) place to be. ;ou Cust ha.e to )i.e up the dream and li.e in the present. +*er5thing in moderation: the middle of e*er5thing is the best wa5 to go. -in-win; 1n sports, businesses, and other types o$ competition, it is better to be the 'inner than the loser, but only i$ e.eryone (no's the truth. 9hen people (no' the truth, the people that lose 'ill not $eel bad or li(e losers i$ they did their best, and the 'inner 'ill $eel e.en better about 'innin) than they do no', because their 'innin) did not hurt anyone. 1$ 'innin) hurts the losers, there is no 'inner. 1n the truth, there are no real losers, Cust the balance o$ li$e. #his is 'hy the truth needs to be spread to e.eryone, because no one can really enCoy 'innin) or losin) until e.eryone (no's the truth. .ou go for the edge: the best in accom8lishment: but 5ou li*e in the middle. Push the en*elo8e; For e.eryone that pushes the en.elope in sports and 'ins, there are many more that tried and lost and many that inCured tryin). #his has al'ays been s'ept under the carpet, so to spea(. 5eople that li.e in the mind only $ocus on the 'inner. & spiritual bein) sees both sides. #he truth is, luc(, or the balance, al'ays ma(es it happen. E.en i$ it 'as their talent or intelli)ence that made them 'in, they 'ere luc(y to ha.e the talent and intelli)ence. ;ou either ha.e 'hat it ta(es in that time and place, or you do not.


t 8asses; 9innin) is only enCoyed $or a brie$ moment. ;ou ha.e to as( yoursel$ i$ it is really 'orth all the pain and :S it can create. -inning onl5 lasts for a moment in time. The truth and the life is fore*er. 4nl5 ha88ens to someone else; 5eople really belie.e this, and it is a deception created by the mind. 9hat )oes around does come around to e.eryone. The onl5 wa5 to esca8e the c5cle is to learn and li*e in the truth and the life. ?esus sa*es; Only >esus can sa.e you, Cust as the :ible says, because only the truth and the li$e can sa.e you, and as >esus says, he is the truth and the li$e. Kreams; Many people thin( it is important to ha.e a dream. 1t is not, not because they 'ill not come true or that they cause most o$ the trouble in the 'orld, but because it is a $orce a)ainst the truth and the li$e, a)ainst the present and *od. Kreams are of the mind@ realit5 is of the s8irit. #he mind li(es dreamin) because it creates it, so it 'ould do it all the time i$ you let it. 1$ you compare daydreamin) to real li$e, you can see ho' 'ea( it is. 1t is Cust a 'aste o$ your real li$e. Only people that do not (no' the truth dream. Kreams are anti-life; #hey not only steal your real li$e, they separate us $rom the truth, and in the a)e o$ nuclear 'eapons, not (no'in) the truth 'ill lead to our destruction. 9e ha.e to (no' 'hat is really happenin) to do the ri)ht thin). =5ths are 8ublic dreams@ dreams are 8ri*ate m5ths. ?ose8h Cam8bell 1$ you are a dreamer, you are sayin) the present is not )ood enou)h $or you. ;ou are sayin) *od=li$eLs creation is not enou)h $or you. ;ou are reCectin) *od=li$e, and there is no )reater sin, because it leads to all the su$$erin) in li$e. ;ou are sayin) the present does not $ul$ill you and you 'ant somethin) else. >ust doin) it causes your li$e to be un$ul$illin) and leads to all other problems. 9hat it really says is you do not (no' the truth, because i$ you did, you 'ould al'ays be happy 'ith the present, because you 'ould (no' it is all there is. 223

The fact is: the onl5 wa5 for 5our ho8es and dreams to reall5 come true is to sto8 dreaming and wa0e u8 to real life. 3reamin) about the past or the $uture causes you to miss the present, and there is no )reater sin or mista(e. 1t is a tool o$ the to control people. 9merica 'as created by dreams. #hey 'ere necessary in the past, but no' they 'ill hurt more than they 'ill help. 1t is time to ma(e the dream come true. 1t may ha.e ta(en dreams to )et us to 'here 'e are no', but $or &merica and the rest o$ the 'orld to continue to sur.i.e and thri.e, 'e 'ill ha.e to start in the present. 3reams are not the truth@ they mislead and di.ide people. -ithout the dream: there would be no occasion for the di*ision of the world. Friedrich 3ietGsche True eFualit5; 8o' you (no' the truth, so you (no' that no one is better or 'orse than you in any 'ay. Li$e is al'ays $air, and you 'ill )et your share. Once the rich and po'er$ul (no' the truth, they 'ill start sharin) the 'ealth and be a lot more humble. #hey 'ill i$ they 'ant to )o to hea.en, and they 'ill 'ant to. 6ich only lasts a $e' years, and it is not that )reat. 4ea.en lasts $, and it is as )ood as it can )et all the time. ?esus said: <The glories of this realm last onl5 a moment@ the glories of the hea*enl5 realm abide fore*er.< -hen the 8ower of lo*e o*ercomes the lo*e of 8ower: the world will 0now 8eace. ?imi )endriH Mo.e, and let *od ta(e 9hen people see the truth, they 'ill see ho' pointless 'hat they are doin) is and 'ill 'ant to )et o$$ the pointless cycle. #he ultimate truth 'ill chan)e the 'orld. )ate; 1$ you put your attention into hatin) someone, you 'ill become 'hat they are in another li$e. ;ou can become 'hat you hate, 'hat you $ear or loo( do'n on. 1t is one reason 'hy you do not 'ant to hate and=or $ear anyone. 1$ racists and bi)ots (ne' they 'ould be 'hat they hate, they 'ould be chan)in) their 'ays. 9e should tell them. ;ou can also become 'hat you lo.e, so lo.e *od. 22

Rich-8oor c5cle; ;ou 'ill )o 'here you 'ant to )o, but only i$ it balances your li$e. ;ou may ha.e been rich and $amous in your last li$e, and it is not your turn this time. 1$ it is not your turn, it is not your turn, no matter 'hat you thin( or do. 1$ you )i.e your attention to tryin) to )et rich, e.en i$ you succeed, you 'ill Cust be )ettin) into the rich"poor cycle. #he hi)her you $ly, the $urther you 'ill $all. ;ou )et to play bi) shot $or a $e' years, and then you die, come bac(, and )et to play bum $or a $e' years. 1t Cust )oes bac( and $orth $ i$ you do not see the truth. 1$ you are tall, you are )oin) to be small. 1$ you are rich, you are )oin) to be poor. ;ou ha.e been around this cycle many times, and 'e can do better no'. t isnOt me; 9ithout the truth, people loo( at someone that has a bad li$e and Cust thin( FitLs not me and it is not my problem.G 9ith the truth, they (no' that it is their problem. #his insi)ht 'onAt let people o$$ the hoo( anymore@ it 'ill chan)e the 'orld. $lessed are those that are 8ure of heart: for the5 shall see 7od. =atthew %;/ =err5-go-round; 1$ you )i.e your attention to the truth and the li$e, that is 'hat you 'ill become. 1t is Fthe 'ayG as >esus said to )et o$$ the merry")o" round o$ li$e. 1t is the only 'ay you 'ill become 'hat you 'ant to be and stay that 'ay $ ;ou Cust ha.e to let *od=li$e )i.e you its attention $irst by openin) up to li$e. *odLs attention or lo.e is only in the present@ it is the present. ;ou ha.e to let lo.e Hli$eI in to ha.e it in your heart. ;ou do not create lo.e or li$e@ you Cust recei.e and re$lect as sho'n in the dra'in) at the be)innin) o$ this boo(. #he reason you actually $eel li(e lau)hin) all the time is because you $eel so liberated, but you ha.e to admit, di.ine Custice can be $unny. Shades of gra5; #he balance is mostly in shades o$ )ray. EDample: :eauti$ul people 'ith money and other ad.anta)es can ha.e a horrible li$e, and many poor people li.e )reat, happy Some people are success$ul $inancially, but $ailures at lo.e or ha.e bad health, and .ice .ersa. 1 use blac( and 'hite analo)ies Cust to ma(e a point. #he 'ay the balance actually happens is in$initely complicated, but the bottom line is, the balance 'ill al'ays balance e.erythin) e.enly and $airly in one 'ay or another, sooner or later, and it is as certain as day and ni)ht and the reason 'hy 'e ha.e day and ni)ht. 22%

will sa5 it again so it sin0s in. -hat goes around comes around. #here is no 'ay to escape the la' o$ the balancin) opposites, the la's o$ nature H*odLs la'sI, and only someone that does not (no' the truth 'ould e.en try. #here$ore, the only thin) that matters is to the truth o$ 'hat and 'here you really are. 0no' thy 'orld and (no' thy sel$, as >esus said. .ou donOt need an5bod5 to tell 5ou who 5ou are or what 5ou are. .ou are what 5ou areL ?ohn 1ennon 7o in: to get out; Our physical bodies are physical, so 'e 'ill al'ays be subCect to the balancin) $orce o$ the physical 'orld. #he only 'ay to )o in is by lettin) all o$ li$e in. ;ou can only )et out o$ the balance by seein) it and it. 3ature: to be commanded: must be obe5ed. Sir Francis $acon #his is because 'hen you )et into it all the 'ay Hbecome completely a'areI, you are trans$ormed into a spiritual bein) that is in the center o$ e.erythin), and Cust as the aDle o$ a 'heel does not turn, you mo.e. ;ou are al'ays in the center o$ the balance, and $rom that perspecti.e, the 'orld is al'ays per$ect. #he truth is, you are already there@ you Cust do not (no' it yet. #he 'ay to )o in is to be completely open to 'hat is comin) $rom outside o$ you. ;ou )o in and out at the same time 'hen you see the truth and the li$e. Listen to the :eatlesL son), F,"erybody's (ot #omething to Hide/ ,-ce+t Me and My Mon%eyG H#he 9hite &lbumI. 1t eDplains ho' to )o out and )o in at the same time. #hey say it much better than 1 do. &s they say in the son), F1t is such a Coy.G The 8ower of the truth; 1n the past, the poor thou)ht the rich and po'er$ul all had 'onder$ul, the type o$ the poor ima)ined in their dreams. #oday, 'e Cust ha.e to loo( at the )rocery store tabloid ne'spapers and ma)aBines or 'atch #M, and 'e can see ho' the rich and $amous really li.e. & $e' years a)o, all little )irls 'anted to )ro' up to be a princess. 8o', than(s to princess 3iana and the tabloids, )irls can see she had a .ery troubled, tra)ic li$e. 6ich, $amous peopleLs are not much better, and are sometimes a lot 'orse than most middle class peopleLs 1t is better to be success$ul than not be success$ul, but it is Cust part o$ a balancin) cycle, so it really does not matter 'hat you are, 'here you are, or 'hat you are doin). 22+

9e no' (no' 'hat people in the past did not (no', and that is that money, $ame and po'er are not that )reat. 1t certainly is not 'hat people are dreamin) it 'ill be, and it is certainly not 'orth sacri$icin) true li$e and hea.en $or. #rue or $alse< 0no'in) this is a )reat )i$t and one o$ the many )reat ad.anta)es the people no' ha.e people that li.ed Cust a $e' years a)o. #he po'er o$ the ne' re.elations o$ truth is the po'er to ma(e a $undamental chan)e in and our 'orld. 5eople in the past could not (no' the truth $or sure, but 'e can, because 'e can see the bi) picture $or the $irst time. 9e no' (no' that all 'e ha.e to do is ta(e 'hat is bein) )i.en to us, Cust ta(e 'hat is comin) to us, and 'e 'ill )o to hea.en. Farts in the wind; #he truth is not )oin) to chan)e the rich and $amous $or a 'hile, i$ at all. #he prince o$ dar(ness has a death )rip on those people, so they do not ha.e the chance at hea.en middle class and poor people ha.e. This is wh5 ?esus said: blessed are the 8oor: for the5 will see hea*en. 5oor people may be blessed in this 'ay, but they 'ill ha.e to 'al( the 'al( to hea.en 'ith the rich and po'er$ul in the 'orld bu))in) them. >ust (eep in mind that they 'ill only be around $or a $e' years, and they 'ill die o$$, or you 'ill die. ;ou ha.e been 'aitin) billions o$ years to )et a'ay $rom the beast@ 'hat is a $e' more years< 6ich people are Cust $arts in the 'ind, and their stench 'ill blo' by in no time. ;ou (no' it is true, so do not let losin) in the short run bother you. 9hen you truly (no' the truth, nothin) 'ill bother you, not e.en rich $ools. ?esus said: 7i*e to Caesar what is CaesarOs and to 7od what is 7odOs. .ou will Aust ha*e to deal with the de*ilNmind for a little longer.


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$oo0 of 1ife
)ereafter; 1$ you 'ant to (no' 'hat happens a$ter you die, Cust loo( at your o'n li$e. #his is the herea$ter. #his is 'hat happens a$ter you die. 1t is the herea$ter o$ the li$e you li.ed be$ore you 'ere born. This is the hereafterL ;ou are bac( $rom the last li$e you li.ed, and so is e.eryone else. #he people in this )eneration 'ere ali.e in the pre.ious )enerations. -e are man0ind: all of it. -e built this world: all of it. -e li*ed our histor5. 1t is interestin) that 'e open presents on !hristmas, the day 'e celebrate !hristLs birthday. Many belie.e that openin) presents on his birthday is 'ron). #he opposite is true@ it could not be more appropriate. 1t is !hristmas e.eryday. +*er5one is bac0 now to un*eil the truth and the life: to o8en our 8resents together. -e are all bac0 again; &ll the people that ha.e li.ed and died in the past ha.e been reborn and ha.e reCoined man(ind. &lmost e.ery human bein) 'ho has li.ed is ali.e ri)ht no' or 'ill be reborn in this )eneration, about 13 billion. The $ible in Re*elations sa5s that all the dead shall rise from their gra*es. ;ou could be *eor)e 9ashin)ton, !olumbus or &dol$ 4itler@ someone has to be them. #heir spirit is bac( alon) 'ith e.eryone else that li.ed in the past and did not learn the truth. #hey are Cust in a di$$erent body and mind and are nothin) li(e 'hat they 'ere in their pre.ious li$espan. E.eryone is bac( or 'ill be soon. #hat homeless )uy that as(ed you $or some chan)e could be *eor)e 9ashin)ton. 3o 8ast life memor5; 9e ha.e no memories o$ past, because memories are biochemical parts o$ the brain, and our past memories died 'hen our past physical mind=brain died. E.eryone that did not learn the truth and the li$e in their last li$e, includin) us, is bac( or 'ill be soon. -e ha*e to come bac0 until we learn the truth and become a s8iritual being. +*er5one that started the e*olutionar5 c5cle on earth will be here now to get their chance to finish the Fuest and lea*e the animal c5cle. 22,

9ncestors; 9e do not ha.e to blame or than( our ancestors $or $i)htin) all the 'ars and doin) all the 'or( that has )otten ci.iliBation to 'here it is no', because 'e 'ere our ancestors@ 'e did it. 9e did it $or us, and 'e did it $or no'. 9e ha.e been all the heroes and scoundrels throu)hout history. 9e built this ci.iliBation $or one purpose, and that purpose is to become spiritual bein)s. 4ld ones; Man(ind is the oldest li$e on earth. 9e are descended $rom the $irst animal li$e to e.ol.e on earth. 9e are at the .ery top o$ the e.olutionary cycle, because 'e ha.e been $or the lon)est time. #he people that see the truth and the li$e $irst 'ere the .ery $irst animal li$e to e.ol.e on this planet. 9e ha.e been tra.elin) to)ether a lon) time, ha.e seen it all and su$$ered it all. 9e 'ill be the $irst to see the truth and spread the truth. For we 0now that the whole creation suffers and tra*els in 8ain together until now. Rom. /;22 The eH8onential 8rogression; #he e.olution o$ the human race is acceleratin) in an eDponential )eometric pro)ression. More 'ill happen to our li$e on earth in the neDt $e' years than has happened to us in the last se.en"hundred million. Snowball; 9e are in a pro)ression that is no' ad.ancin) eDponentially. 1t too( ten"thousand )enerations $or the human population to reach t'o" billion people. 1n the last )eneration alone, 'e added more than t'ice that number o$ people. Our a.era)e li$espan 'ent $rom about thirty $i.e to se.enty ei)ht Hmore than doubledI in the last $e' hundred years. #echnolo)y 'ent $rom mus(ets to &"bombs in about the last hundred years. #he speed o$ tra.el 'ent $rom the horse to Cet aircra$t. 9orld communication 'ent $rom months to seconds. 1t is li(e a sno'ball rollin) do'n a hill@ it (eeps rollin) $aster and )ettin) bi))er and bi))er. 8o' that it is bi) and $ast, it )athers more sno' in a partial turn than it did $rom many re.olutions in the past. #his is 'hy 'e can e.ol.e more in the neDt $e' years than in the pre.ious se.en" hundred million, but this can only happen i$ 'e $ace the truth and stop playin) ma(e belie.e. 1$ 'e do not, 'e can undo all the )ains o$ the last se.en"hundred million years e.en $aster. 1t can )o either 'ay. 1t 'ill )o one 'ay $or those that learn the truth and the li$e, the other $or those that learn it, but do not accept it. 222

The human race will go where the maAorit5 of the 8o8ulation goes. 9hat most people do not realiBe is that e.erythin) that ma(es up our 'orld Cust happened. #M, cars, re$ri)erators, air conditionin), indoor plumbin), toilets, 'ashin) machines, micro' and computers, etc. ha.e all Cust appeared in the last $e' )enerations, most in this last )eneration. &mericans could le)ally o'n people as Cust one hundred and $i$ty years a)o. 9omen could not o'n property, si)n a le)al contract, or .ote until the 1220s, and they did not ha.e e?ual ri)hts under the la' until the 12+0s. E.eryone is actin) li(e li$e has al'ays been li(e it is no' or that it has been this 'ay $or a lon) time@ it hasnLt. 1t has all Cust happened, and it can all Cust end. #here 'as nothin) li(e the 'orld 'e li.e in no' in the past@ 'e ta(e e.erythin) $or )ranted. 1t is a deception, a .ery dan)erous deception. E.erythin) in the past 'as Cust leadin) to no'. #his is 'hat 'e ha.e all been 'or(in), $i)htin) and 'aitin) $or. #his 'orld is ne' and temporary. 9e ha.e to 'a(e up to this truth be$ore 'e can )o $urther. $oo0 of life; 1$ the less than t'o"hundred thousand year history o$ human bein)s H4omo sapiensI 'ere a t'o"hundred pa)e boo(, each pa)e 'ould represent one thousand years. For more than one hundred and siDty pa)es Hone hundred and siDty thousand yearsI, most o$ our history, you 'ould Cust read about 'ild animals, doin) 'hat 'ild animals do. 9e did not do anythin) di$$erent than any other 'ild animal $or more than three"$ourths o$ the time 'e ha.e been in human bodies. Our brains 'ere the same siBe they are no', and 'e loo(ed eDactly as 'e do no'. #he only di$$erence is ho' 'e li.ed. 9e had no permanent shelter other than, no 'eapons other than stic(s and stones, not e.en $ire. -e were food; #ry to ima)ine you and your $riends runnin) around na(ed in a hot Cun)le or )rassland 'ith only stic(s and stones $or protection. For most o$ our history on this planet, 'e 'ere eaten ali.e by bi) cats, bears, bi) liBards and e.en bi) birds. #he 4aas ea)le had cla's as bi) as a ti)erLs and 'as eatin) us $or more than ninety"percent o$ the boo(. 9e 'ere li(e bi), slo' rabbits to them. $eing eaten ali*e sounds horrible: because it is horrible: as bad as it gets. 300

1t 'as horrible to li.e on earth up until Cust recently. 1t 'as 'orse $or us than any other animal, and it 'as the 'orst $or our children@ most o$ them did not )ro' up. Ca*es; #he stron)est people li.ed in cold, dar(, dirty and insect $illed 1$ you 'ere the bi))est and stron)est, you 'ere luc(y, because you could ta(e and (eep the best places to li.e. ! )a.e you a little protection $rom the animals that tried to eat you, but you constantly had to $i)ht other humans $or the ca.e. Only the bi))est and stron)est, healthiest humans li.ed in them. Most people li.ed outdoors in small )roups. Most people 'ere out in the open, and 'hen it )ot dar(, you did not sleep 'ell. Most o$ the real li$e monsters that ate us ali.e snuc( up in the dar( 'hen 'e tried to sleep. 9e had no chance a)ainst them, and they ripped us apart and ate us. #oni)ht 'hen you are lyin) in bed in the dar(, ima)ine you are layin) on the )round in pitch dar(ness, 'ith no 'alls and doors. #housands o$ insects and other stran)e creatures are out in the dar( ma(in) loud noises. 1ma)ine there 'ere predators many times your siBe, 'ith lar)e $an)s and cla's, that can see in the dar( and smell 'here you are sleepin). .ou were there. &nimals li(e the Saber #ooth #i)er li.ed in the same places 'e li.ed up until about ten thousand years a)o, and they 'ere Cust one o$ many creatures that 'ould (ill and eat us ali.e. #his is the 'ay it 'as $or 20O o$ human history, our history. Fire; 9e could not ma(e a $ire up until about $orty"thousand years a)o. #hat means $or about one hundred and siDty thousand years, 'e had to )o to sleep 'ithout a $ire burnin). For most o$ the time 'e li.ed on earth, 'e $eared the ni)ht. am not tal0ing about ca*e men. am tal0ing about 8eo8le eHactl5 li0e us. 8ot too lon) a)o, seein) a rabbit runnin) around 'ould ha.e made you hun)ry. ;ou 'ould try to (ill it and eat it ra'. 9e did not )et rabbit .ery o$ten@ they 'ere hard to catch. 9e 'ould eat ' 'e could catch, mostly insects and liBards. For at least one-hundred and siHt5 8ages of the two hundred 8age boo0 (1(6:666 5ears): we did not ha*e fire: were eaten: and ate other animals raw.


;ou li.ed li(e that $or a lot lon)er than you ha.e been in a 'arm, sa$e house 'ith $ood in the $rid)e. #he truth is scary, but it is the truth that sets you $ree. The last 8aragra8h; Only on the last hal$ o$ the last pa)e in the boo( o$ our history 'ould you read about a 'orld that had boo(s Hthe printin) pressI. 9e did not really communicate 'ith each other be$ore then. #he truth is, Cust about e.erythin) happened in the last one percent o$ the time 'e ha.e been human. Smelled bad; Most people 'ent years bet'een baths up until Cust recently. 9hen *eor)e 9ashin)ton li.ed, e.eryone smelled bad. &lmost no one too( a bath in the 'inter. :e$ore indoor plumbin), ta(in) a bath 'as .ery di$$icult, so people did not do it .ery o$ten. 9e did not ha.e )arba)e pic("up until 1,2%. Li$e literally stun( until this last )eneration. 1ast sentence; &lmost e.erythin) that comprises the 'orld 'e li.e in no' happened in the last sentence o$ the last pa)e o$ the t'o"hundred pa)e boo( o$ our history as human bein)s. 9re 5ou starting to get the true 8icture> 4uman bein)s li.ed in an unbelie.ably brutal, sa.a)e 'orld $or at least ninety"nine percent o$ the time 'e ha.e been on earth. 9e ha.e only Cust recently enCoyed in a semi"sa$e, clean and semi"ci.iliBed 'orld. 8o one (no's it. $ad gu5 wins; 1n our past, the better (iller you 'ere, the more success$ul you 'ould be. 1t is a $iDed )ame 'here the bad )uy 'ins. The bad gu5 is usuall5 the aggressor: and the aggressor has the ad*antage. #his is 'hy 'e need to )et out o$ the animal realm 'hile 'e can. #o do it, 'e ha.e to do the eDact opposite o$ 'hat 'e did in the past to be success$ul. 9e ha.e to completely chan)e a mind that has been $or millions o$ years in a .ery short period o$ time to be success$ul no'. $eing eaten ali*e is the worst wa5 to go and is the fate of most animal life. 1t is 'hat happened to us millions o$ times. 1t is the ultimate incenti.e to become a spiritual bein) and lea.e the animal realm. 302

9hen 'e needed to eat or mate, it made us the most .ulnerable to attac( by other predators. 1t is one o$ the 'orst $eatures o$ the natural, animal 'orld, that Cust 'hen you thin( somethin) )reat is )oin) to happen, the 'orst does instead. -e are eating and mating now li0e ne*er before: and we thin0 something good is going to ha88en. This ma0es it the most dangerous time in histor5. #he animal realm $orces us to endure the absolute 'orst thin)s to moti.ate us to become the absolute best thin)s. 1t had to be the 'orst $or us to be the best. 3ot wor0ing now; 8ature has been tryin) to $orce us to e.ol.e into spiritual bein)s. 1t too( a lon) time, but 'or(ed in the past. 1t is not 'or(in) no', because the $orces o$ deception ha.e remo.ed the moti.ation to ta(e the last step. Roller coaster; #he pain o$ the past 'as balanced, but that does not ma(e it )ood. 9hen you 'on a battle or $i)ht to the death, or 'ere success$ul in (illin) an animal durin) a hunt, it 'as eDtremely pleasurable. #his is 'hy men still $eel )ood 'hen 'e (ill somethin). 1t sa.ed you and your $amily. ;ou 'ere much more a'are o$ the present, so li$e 'as much more $ul$illin) than it is no', but that does not ma(e it o(ay. on a roller coaster o$ eDtreme ups and do'ns pre.ents you $rom learnin) the truth and the li$e. Only at the rare times you )et o$$ the roller coaster o$ animal li$e do you ha.e a chance to see the truth and the li$e and ha.e the ability to e.ol.e past the animal realm. 9e (no' it has not happened $or at least se.en" hundred million years. Center of the storm; 4uman bein)s are no' li(e the eye o$ the hurricane. 1n the cyclone o$ animal li$e, it is only 'hile in the calm at the center o$ li$e that it is possible to see the ultimate truth and transcend the animal realm $ Ta0ing for granted; 9e are ta(in) the 'ay 'e li.e no' $or )ranted and actin) li(e our past did not happen and assumin) it can happen a)ain. 9e ha.e created myths o$ the past, so 'e can proCect an e?ually $alse myth o$ the $uture. #hus, i$ 'e $or)et or i)nore the true past, this 'ill literally cause us to lose in the bi))est possible 'ay. #o come all this 'ay and then stumble on the last step is the 'orst possible thin) that can happen, period. t is the ultimate disaster.


Those that do not remember the 8ast are doomed to re8eat it. For millions o$ years, our li$e 'as a daily stru))le Cust to sur.i.e the day and then the ni)ht. 9e 'ere hun)ry and a$raid $or millions o$ years. #hin)s li(e murder, rape and cannibalism 'ere standard beha.ior. 1t 'as more horrible than anyone can ima)ine or describe in 'ords. ;et, 'hen 'e $inally )et in a )ood situation $or a brie$ period, 'e spend our time tryin) to )et more rich, be 'inners, play )ames and ha.e as much seD as possible. 9hat could be more dan)erous or stupid< 9re we reall5 intelligent beings> -e are not acting *er5 intelligent. !oc(roaches ha.e seD t'o"hundred times a day and can run a scale hundred miles an hour. !oc(roaches can do 'hat most people are tryin) to do no' better. #ryin) to do 'hat a coc(roach can do better does not bode 'ell. -e are the eHce8tion; !oc(roaches ha.e been on earth unchan)ed $or more than three"hundred million years, and there ha.e al'ays been a lot more o$ them than us. 9e are the eDception to the rule o$ animal li$e@ they are the rule. The ultimate traged5; 9e no' ha.e the opportunity to chan)e our nature and escape the animal realm $, but instead o$ ta(in) ad.anta)e o$ it, 'e are ta(in) our situation $or )ranted and tryin) to li.e 'ith our eyes closed. -hen the truth is realiGed: 8eo8le will sto8 worr5ing if 8arts of their bodies are too big or too small: or if the5 are 8o8ular: winners or losers: etc. Fools 8aradise; 9e are missin) our opportunity to escape the animal realm. 9e are buryin) our heads in the sand and hopin) some myths 'ill sa.e us. 9e are busy playin) mind )ames, pleasure see(in) instead o$ truth see(in), and missin) an opportunity that 'e (no' only comes once e.ery se.en" hundred million years. For 'hat< 9e are not happy the lie. &ll 'e ha.e to do is ac(no'led)e the truth, but 'e are doin) the opposite and tryin) to li.e in a lie. !ould anythin) be more stupid or tra)ic< +instein said: there are two infinite things@ the uni*erse and manMs stu8idit5. 1t 'as $or) in the past 'hen 'e could not (no' the truth $or certain, but no' that 'e can (no' it $or certain, it is un$or) 30

The 8rice of hea*en; 9e ha.e spent at least the last se.en"hundred million years payin) the price to )et to hea.en. 9e ha.e almost paid it. -n$ortunately, it is also the time 'e are most asleep. -hat was it all for> -h5 did we ha*e to struggle and suffer for so long> "ltimate awareness; 1t 'as all to cause us to e.ol.e. #he $ear o$ bein) eaten causes a li$e $orm to e.ol.e better senses in order to a.oid predators and $ind prey. 1t caused us to become more a'are o$ our en.ironment, more a'are o$ li$e. +*er5thing that ha88ened was Aust to ma0e us more aware of life. 9e e.ol.ed a bi) brain in order to be more a'are o$ our en.ironment, but it 'as an indirect a'areness. 1t 'as a totally ne' 'ay o$ seein) li$e, a 'ay o$ understandin) it, a 'ay o$ (no'in) the truth o$ li$e. &ll our senses be$ore e.ol.ed to better (no' the en.ironment directly. Our minds actually did the opposite by bloc(in) our direct a'areness o$ the en.ironment@ 'e traded it $or the truth o$ li$e. There are two t58es of truth; truth 5ou 0now and truth 5ou eH8erience. =a0e the two one; 9e need both direct and indirect a'areness to ha.e the ultimate a'areness. Only 'hen 'e do 'ill 'e ha.e reached the top o$ the e.olutionary ladder and achie.ed total a'areness o$ our en.ironment and li$e. Our minds )a.e us the ability to (no' Fthe truth.G #he truth is indirect a'areness o$ our en.ironment. Our indirect a'areness came at the eDpense o$ our direct a'areness o$ our en.ironment, a'areness o$ Fthe li$e.G 9e Cust ha.e to put our direct and indirect a'areness to)ether to (no' the truth and the li$e and ta(e the $inal step in e.olution. 1 am hammerin) on this point, because $ rides on it. 3othing has e*er been as im8ortant as this is. -e 0now the truth; #he :ible and other reli)ious boo(s tell you ho' to do it. ;ou can literally understand e.erythin) that can be understood and be $ree $rom the animal realm $ &ll you ha.e to do is interpret reli)ious boo(s correctly. The truth and the life J ultimate awareness J hea*en. 30%

The last 8age; #he last pa)e o$ the boo( o$ our history on earth is turnin) no'. 9hat is )oin) to be 'ritten on the neDt pa)e< 9ill it be a story about hea.en or hell< 1t 'ill be one or the other, and 'hat is 'ritten is up to us no'. 1$ 'e 'a(e up to the truth in time, it 'ill be about a hea.en on earth. 1$ 'e stay asleep much lon)er, it 'ill be about a hell on earth, a 'orse one than has eDisted be$ore. 1t is the price o$ comin) so $ar and then thro'in) it all a'ay. #hin)s 'ill either become as )ood as they can possibly be or the 'orst it can possibly be. #hat is ho' the balance 'or(s@ it is as certain as the sun risin) and settin). 9e can be as smart as 'e can possibly be, or as stupid as 'e can be. #he sun risin) and settin), day and ni)ht, sho's us the nature o$ the uni.erse, the nature o$ the balance. 8othin) could be more ob.ious, yet almost no one can see the truth. #he sun is about to set or rise on the human race. 1ife after death; 9hy do people seem to care more about the $uture o$ the human race than their personal $uture< 9hy 'ill people sacri$ice their $or the $uture o$ man(ind< Soldiers sacri$ice their $or a better $uture@ 'hy do they do it< 9hy do salmon s'im upstream and )i.e their li$e $or their o$$sprin)< 9hy do most animals ris( their to sa.e their o$$sprin)< 1t is not Cust lo.e. #he most po'er$ul instinct is,G or sel$" preser.ation, so 'hy do 'e o$ten put the and 'ell bein) o$ our descendants ahead o$ our o'n< 1t is because subconsciously 'e (no' that 'e 'ill be our o'n descendents. 1$ you ha.e children, you 'ill most li(ely come bac( as your o'n )rand children or )reat )rand children. ;ou may e.en inherit some o$ your o'n money. #his is 'hy (in)s al'ays passed the cro'n to their o'n bloodline. 1$ you do not ha.e children, you 'ill come bac( as the o$$sprin) o$ 'ith the closest 38& to the 38& you ha.e no'. ;our spirit )oes 'ith 'hat it (no's, but there are many $actors that can chan)e your traCectory, and this boo( re.eals them. )ow we 0now where we go; #he balancin) $orce and 'hat you (no', do, and are in this li$e determines 'here and 'hen you come bac(@ you e.ol.e.


1$ you (no' the truth and the li$e, you come bac( in a hea.en, most li(ely on Earth i$ 'e create one here. 1$ 'e do not create a hea.en here, you 'ill )o to another planet or place and time some'here else in the in$inite uni.erse. 1t 'ould be Cust li(e Earth, and 'e 'ould be Cust as humans are no' i$ 'e do not mo.e up or do'n. #he reason it has to be true is that this 'orld could be destroyed, and 'e (no' our consciousness cannot be destroyed, thus there has to be other semi"identical 'orlds to Earth $or the collecti.e unconscious and e.olution to e.ol.e. #his can only be (no'n by usin) deducti.e lo)ic in combination 'ith 'hat 'e (no' about nature and e.olution. 0eep in mind 'e li.e in an in$inite uni.erse. ?esus said there would be a hea*en on +arth; 1n addition to all the reasons 1 mention in this boo(, the :ible and >esus say there 'ill be a hea.en on earth. >esus said he 'ould come bac( on Earth. 4e (ne' the truth and the li$e, so 'hen he died, he had to )o to a hea.en, so he cannot come bac( here until there is a hea.en on Earth. #his indirectly says that there 'ill be a hea.en on Earth. Most !hristians thin( he is )oin) to come bac( be$ore and lead the transition, but that cannot happen. 4e helps us 'ith the thin)s he said t'o"thousand years a)o and throu)h the collecti.e unconscious no'. >esus is in spirit and truth no', 'aitin) $or us to learn the truth and the li$e. 4e did it already@ 'e ha.e to $ollo'. -hat is said in this boo0 is not Aust a theor5@ it is what the e*idence sa5s. t is truth 5ou can chec0: and that ma0es it the real truth: the onl5 truth. 1ogic onl5; Some thin)s can only be chec(ed 'ith lo)ic, such as our $uture. #his is because our $uture does not eDist yet. &ll 'e can do is eDtrapolate usin) lo)ic, but 'e do that in our e.eryday, and it 'or(s. &s 1 ha.e pointed out, you do not (no' that the sun 'ill rise $or certain, but you can be .ery sure by eDtrapolatin) the billions o$ times 'e (no' it has happened in the past. Together fore*er; 9e 'ill be to)ether a$ter death 'ith our lo.ed ones i$ our minds are to)ether no', because our minds are to)ether in the collecti.e unconscious. #he (no'n e.idence, 'hen eDtrapolated out, says the collecti.e unconscious is 'hat determines 'hat 'e are reborn as and 'here 'e are reborn a$ter death. ;ou 'ill al'ays be 'ith those that (no' the truth and the li$e $ once you learn it. ;ou stay connected to those you are truly connected to no'. #he eDtrapolated e.idence also says that i$ you learn the truth, but continue to li.e as an animal, you start at the bottom o$ the animal $ood chain on earth. ;ou could be there later today, in $i.e minutes. ;ou had your chance and did not ta(e it. #he 'heel o$ li$e continues to turn, to )i.e one o$ the trillions o$ other spirits on the e.olutionary ladder its chance. 30/

-hen 5ou wa0e u8: e*er5thing is ob*ious: and 5ou see what is ha88ening. The s8iritual agenda; #he collecti.e unconscious, or 4oly Spirit i$ you pre$er, is the $orce behind e.olution. 1t is behind all pro)ress and the current population eDplosion. 1t has done 'hat it had to do in order to )et us all here no'. The last ice age; #he collecti.e unconscious 'or(s 'ith the natural en.ironment to mo.e the spiritual a)enda ahead ' it )ets the opportunity. 9hen the last ice a)e ended, it made its mo.e, and so $ar, it has resulted in the 'orld 'e are in no'. 1t has )otten us to the .ery door o$ hea.en. The en*ironment; #he unusual, lon) period o$ )ood 'eather in about the last ten"thousand years has made it possible $or us to pro)ress enou)h to )i.e all o$ man(ind a shot at hea.en. =oss on a roc0; #o nature, the human race is no di$$erent than moss )ro'in) on a roc(. 9e had a lot o$ sunli)ht, so 'e )re' and co.ered the 'hole roc(. #hat is the truth o$ 'hat happened and 'hy. #he 4oly Spirit has to 'or( 'ith nature. 9e are nothin) special to nature, but 'e are to, and than(s to the )ood 'eather and collecti.e unconscious, 'e ha.e a brie$ opportunity to become somethin) truly special $ 9e can ta(e it or lea.e it. t is 5our choice now. #he )ood 'eather )a.e the collecti.e unconscious the time and opportunity to learn the truth and de.elop 'orld'ide communication technolo)y to spread it. 1t also )a.e us the technolo)y to support all o$ man(ind on Earth at the same time. 1t is the reason 'e are all here no' or 'ill be soon, but it cannot last lon). 9e ha.e to ma(e the chan)e 'hile 'e can. #he 'indo' 'ill close in Cust a $e' years. Ko or die; 9e ha.e to do it no' or in the .ery near $uture to do it at all, because man(ind 'ill destroy the natural en.ironment and itsel$ soon i$ 'e do not. 9e cannot sustain 'hat 'e are doin) no' $or lon)@ it is impossible. #he sno'ball can only )et so bi) be$ore it eDplodes. #he human race is in a race $or it is no' or 1t has to happen no' or the en.ironment 'ill remo.e our options. =ore countries are getting nuclear and biological wea8ons. The5 will start being used if the truth is not seen soon. -e ha*e a choice: life or death. 30,

E.en i$ 'e do not destroy the en.ironment, nature 'ill. #he 'eather chan)es in natural cycles@ another bi) disaster is )oin) to come soon, no matter 'hat 'e do. 1$ 'e become enli)htened, spiritual bein)s, 'e 'ill sur.i.e most o$ 'hat nature thro's at us. 1$ 'e do not, 'e 'ill not sur.i.e e.en a minor 'orld'ide chan)e in the 'eather, because it 'ill unleash the beast 'ithin man(ind. For the $irst time, 'e 'ill be to)ether, and 'e ha.e e.erythin) 'e need to ma(e the transition as a )roup to spiritual bein)s and create a hea.en on Earth. For the $irst time, 'e also ha.e the means to destroy 1t is no coincidence. 9n animal s8ecies either e*ol*es to ada8t to its en*ironment when it has to: or goes eHtinct. -e are man0ind: all of it. -e ha*e to ta0e the neHt ste8: because there is no one elseL 9e are doin) 'hat 'e ha.e to do to )et to a hea.en or create a hea.en. 9e ha.e Cust been doin) it subconsciously until no'. 9e ha.e (no'n the ultimate truth subconsciously $or ten"thousand years. #he time has $inally come to (no' it consciously, and spread it consciously. -e shall not cease from eH8loration: and the end of all our eH8loring will be to arri*e where we started and 0now the 8lace for the first time. T.S. +liot 1ife is a 8ilgrimage. The wise man does not rest b5 the roadside inns. )e marches direct to the illimitable domain of eternal bliss: his ultimate destination. 4scar -ilde -here*er 5ou are: is where it is at. >ust see the bi) picture. 9hen you do, you are automatically in the center o$ it. 1ife is ha88ening e*en when nothing is ha88ening. t ha88ens all the time and will be ha88ening fore*er no matter what 5ou do. 3ature 0ee8s mo*ing. ;ou Cust ha.e to open your mind and the rest o$ your senses. 9hen you (no' the truth, you 'ant to be any'here eDcept 'here you are at. 1t is per$ect. =a0e the two one with e*er5thing: and 5ou will 0now e*er5thing. 302

;ou 'ill ha.e $inished a stru))le that too( about se.en"hundred million years on earth alone. 9e ha.e been )oin) around in circles $or a lot lon)er, $or an eternity. Fore*er; 9e ha.e been to a hea.en be$ore, or 'e 'ould still be there, so 'e ha.e literally been tryin) to )et to hea.en $ -e ha*e gotten as close as we are now man5 times: but we ne*er made it. Sin; #he 'ord FsinG means Fmiss,G or to miss the mar(. #he 'ord comes $rom ancient *ree( and 'as used in relation to archery and an arro' missin) the tar)et. Man(ind is missin) the present, the truth and the li$e, di.ine lo.e, *od. Missin) the truth and li$e is the 'orst thin) you can do. 1t 'ill cost you your eternal li$e in hea.en and a $ul$illin) li$e here no'. Sin is the per$ect 'ord@ it is Cust another one o$ those interestin) coincidences. The $ible had it right again. 1$ you miss the mar( HsinI this time around, it could be an eternity be$ore you )et another chance. *i.e it your attention. 8othin) is more important. E.eryone should de.ote their li$e to $indin) *od, Cust because they can, and the neDt best thin) to $indin) *od is searchin) $or *od. 1t is as )ood as it )ets. Sin is to waste an5 of the gifts of truth: time: and life 5ou ha*e now. #here is nothin) more enCoyable, and e.en i$ there 'as, it 'ould be balanced, so 'hat 'ould be the point< 8o one (no's ho' much time they ha.e, and to 'aste any o$ it de.oted to somethin) else 'ould be a sin, 'ouldnLt it< ?esus said: B f 5ou see0 hea*en: 5ou will find it.C >ust start doin) it no' and do not stop $or any reason or temptation. 1$ you stop, you deser.e the 'orst $ate. >esus said, E6eco)niBe 'hat is in your si)ht, and that 'hich is hidden $rom you 'ill become ob.ious to you, $or there is nothin) hidden 'hich 'ill not become mani$est.G >esus said, ELearn the nature o$ the creation 'hich surrounds you, and you 'ill percei.e the mysteries hidden $rom your si)ht, $or eternal truth is recorded on all that eDists.G 310

>esus said, E4ea.en is inside you and all around you. Split a piece o$ 'ood and 1 am there@ li$t a stone, and you 'ill $ind me.G >esus said, E#he (in)dom o$ hea.en 'ill not come by eDpectation. 1t is spread upon the earth, but men do not see it.G #hey said to >esus: #ell us 'ho you are, so that 'e can belie.e you. >esus replied: F;ou analyBe the appearance o$ the s(y and the Earth, but you donLt reco)niBe 'hat is ri)ht in $ront o$ you, and you donLt (no' the nature o$ the present moment.G &ll that >esus is as(in) us to do is to ac(no'led)e the truth 'e can see 'ith our o'n eyes and other senses. 5eople are doin) the eDact opposite o$ 'hat he is as(in), and the 'orst thin) is that they are usin) him and his 'ords to do it. ?esus ma0es it clear. The truth: the life: the wa5: is the 8resent. 9ll 5ou ha*e to do is o8en it. #he 5resent is the ultimate )i$t@ it is the )i$t o$ the truth and o$ li$e. #he present is al'ays the same H$ul$illin)I, al'ays ne' and di$$erent, and it 'ill last $ .ou must li*e in the 8resent: launch 5ourself on e*er5 wa*e: find 5our eternit5 in each moment. )enr5 Ka*id Thoreau >esus said to the disciples pri.ately: F:lessed are the eyes that see the thin) that you see. 1 tell you this, many prophets and (in)s ha.e desired to see and hear the thin)s that you no' do, and they didnLt see or hear them.G 1 ha.e intentionally not told you some important thin)s 1 (no'. #here are some thin)s you ha.e to $ind out $or yoursel$. 5rophets can bend the branch do'n, but you ha.e to pic( the $ruit yoursel$. Ko what nobod5 else can do for 5ou. 4mit to do an5thing else. )enr5 Ka*id Thoreau


Section 2

3o 4ther -a5
?esus said: Raise the dead: cast out de*ils; freel5 5e recei*e: freel5 gi*e. 4e is sayin) raise the spiritually dead, cast out the demons that control you and other people Haddictions, animal instinctual desires, bad emotions and all lies and deceptionI, and )i.e e.erythin) you can bac( to the truth and the li$e. 3ow it is all u8 to 5ou; ;ou no' (no' all you need to (no' to 'a(e up and li.e in the truth. 9here$ore he saith, &'a(e thou that sleepest and arise $rom the dead and !hrist shall )i.e thee li)ht. Eph. %:1 9e shall not all sleep, but 'e shall all be chan)ed, in a moment, in the t'in(lin) o$ an eye, the dead shall be raised incorruptible and 'e shall be chan)ed. For the corruptible must put on incorruption and the mortal must put on immortality. 1 !or. 1%:%1"%3 ?esus said: < ha*e come so that 5ou might ha*e life: for the wa5 of mortals is a li*ing death.C t is all about 34-: the 8resent: sim8l5 because nothing else reall5 eHists. +*er5thing we learn and do is to get into the 34- and sta5 in the 34-.

8o Other 9ay
This boo0 re*eals; #hat 'e are immortal. #he true past and $uture. #he $irst photo)raphs o$ hell. #hat all reli)ions ha.e the truth in them. #he truth 'ill ma(e reli)ion more popular. #hat *od is here no', but no one (no's it. #hat creation and e.olution both happened. #he truth is the opposite o$ 'hat people thin(. #hat 'e ha.e a choice bet'een li$e and death. #hat man(ind is in a state o$ 'a(in) sleep. #hat 'e need to 'a(e up $rom this sleep to see the truth. 312

#hat e.erythin) is balanced and $air $or e.ery thin). #hat hell is a real place, 'hat it is, and 'here it is on earth. #hat a hea.en eDists, 'hat it is, 'here it is, and ho' to )et in. #hat 'e are in the process o$ ta(in) the last step in e.olution. #hat our o'n minds are the or tal(ed about in reli)ions. #his boo( re.eals many important thin)s that no one has heard be$ore. True or false> KonOt belie*e me; 1 ?uote and re$erence ?esus %2! times: 9lbert +instein ,2 times: Friedrich 3ietGsche #! times: )enr5 Ka*id Thoreau !! times: The $eatles and many o$ the )reatest prophets, philosophers, scientists, leaders, seers, poets, and artists that ha.e li.ed on this planet. 1$ you cannot or 'ill not belie.e them, Cust belie.e your o'n eyes@ the ultimate truth is sel$"e.ident. 3o your part and tell your $riends to )o to and tell them to tell their $riends. 3onate as much to the truth contest as you can. 9e do not ha.e much time to spread the truth, so do it today. This is the best can do; 1$ you can do better, it is your responsibility to the human race to enter the contest and enli)hten e.eryone else or help me. #he only ?uestion 1 ha.e is i$ 1 can 'rite 'ell enou)h $or people to understand 'hat 1 am tal(in) about. :ein) dysleDic ma(es 'ritin) 'ell impossible $or me. Put u8 or shut u8; 1$ someone (no's the truth or they (no', they 'ould enter the contest, so 'e 'ill (no' 'ho is people Cust by the absence o$ an entry $rom them. &s( your preacher, rabbi, or )uru 'hy they ha.e not entered. 1$ they say 1 am 'ron), they should enter the contest, or stop sayin) they (no' the truth. 1$ they do not (no' the truth, you ha.e to stop supportin) them and 'al( a'ay, or you 'ill be a $orce a)ainst the truth Cust li(e them. There is onl5 one truth: so this entry can only be outdone i$ someone says the same thin) better. &ctually, 1 need to 'rite di$$erent .ersions o$ it 'ith the help o$ certain people. #hey 'ill (no' 'ho they are and contact me. 1 (no' eDactly 'hat needs to be done and ho' to do it, but 1 'ill need some help. Chec0 it; #here is only one truth, and this boo( eDplains 'hat it is. Some people 'ill not be ready to see it, so they 'ill thin( it is not the truth. Others 'ill )o into denial and try to $or)et it, because they ha.e too much in.ested in their belie$s. 313

9n5one can chec0 the things said in this boo0: but most 'ill not, because they do not really 'ant to (no' the truth. 1$ you do, chec( it. ;ou can play $ollo' the leader, mon(ey see, mon(ey do, or you can chec( 'hat is said in this boo(. >ust remember that >esus said, F1$ the blind $ollo' the blind, they 'ill both $all into a pit.E Koing nothing is the same as wor0ing for the de*ilNmind. ?esus said: if 5ou are not with him: 5ouMre against him. .ou ha*e to wor0 for the truth. The world is a dangerous 8lace to li*e: not because of the 8eo8le who are e*il: but because of those who donOt do an5thing about it. 9lbert +instein Kogma; #his boo( is not a static do)ma li(e reli)ions@ it is re.ised and ne' thin)s are added e.eryday. 1$ 1 missed somethin), let me (no'. 1$ you thin( 1 should add somethin) or ta(e somethin) out, let me (no'. 1 can use all the help 1 can )et, and this boo( can al'ays )et better. 1 read e.ery letter sent to me. #he minute you start helpin), you become one o$ us. ;ou become part o$ the e$$ort to spread the truth and the li$e and create a hea.en on Earth. ;ou 'ill be doin) 'hat >esus is tellin) people to do. ;ou become a true !hristian. Seed 8lanters; 9e are spreadin) the seeds o$ truth, and they 'ill )ro' in time. ?esus said that some seeds will fall on roc0s and not grow@ others will fall where the5 will be tram8led on: but some will fall on good soil and grow and multi8l5 a thousand fold. -e will ha*e to 8lant man5 seeds and do it fast: or the human race is o*er. -or0s; #he :ible says you ha.e to do )ood 'or(s to sa.e yoursel$. Spreadin) the ultimate truth is the 'or( the :ible is tal(in) about. 1t is the 'or( >esus did. E.eryone Cust needs to $ollo' him, Cust as he has as(ed us to, so start helpin) us to plant the seeds o$ truth.
-e ha*e tried e*er5thing else@ wh5 not tr5 the truth the e*idence su88orts>

(6 =inutes; &ndy 6ooney, the percepti.e )uy that closes the 'orldLs most in$luential ne's sho', said 'e should not be celebratin) Memorial 3ay. 4e said 'e need a ne' reli)ion or somethin) that 'ould put a stop to 'ar and youn) men bein) (illed in 'ars. 4e could not be more ri)ht, but 'e do not e.en need a ne' reli)ion. 9e Cust need to see the truth that is hidden in the reli)ions 'e ha.e. 31

7lorif5 the beast within; 1n the past, it 'as necessary to )lori$y the animal instinct $or .iolence and po'er in order to )et youn) men in the ri)ht state o$ mind to $i)ht 'ars. 9e ha.e been there and done that $or a .ery lon) time. +Htinct; 9e no' ha.e to do the opposite, or )o eDtinct. 22O o$ animal species that ha.e li.ed on Earth ha.e )one eDtinct. 9e are almost past it, almost out o$ the Cun)le, the realm o$ the animal, but you can )o $rom the top o$ the $ood chain to the bottom in $i.e minutes. 9hat (eeps your heart beatin)< 1t is not you, is it< 9hen you )o is not up to you, but 'here you )o is completely up to you no'. KonMt feed the beast; &$ter you (no' the truth, you (no' ri)ht $rom 'ron). #he neDt step is to tal( the tal( and 'al( the 'al(. 1n other 'ords, to spread the truth and do 'hat the truth dictates all the time in your li$e, do the ri)ht thin). 1 do not $eel li(e eDercisin), or 'or(in), but 1 do it because 1 (no' it is the ri)ht thin). 1 li(e the 'ay dru)s, alcohol and ci)arettes ma(e me $eel, but 1 do not use them because 1 (no' it is not the ri)ht thin) to do. 1 do not chase pleasure@ 1 do not do thin)s because they $eel )ood. 1 do thin)s because 1 (no' it is the ri)ht thin) to do. 5leasure is balanced by an e?ual amount o$ pain@ it is a cycle, and in it (eeps you in the animal realm. 1 do not li(e to donate money and my time to this truth contest, but 1 do, because 1 (no' it is the ri)ht thin) to do. $ad habits: addictions: and beha*iors are the demons that ?esus sa5s we must cast out. you do 'hat you (no' is not ri)ht, or beha.e badly, you are $eedin) the beast, ) it li$e and stren)th, becomin) it. #o become a spiritual bein), you ha.e to star.e the beast until it dies or )ets so 'ea( that it has no po'er in your li$e. Call of the wild; Once you (no' the truth, you 'ill hear the call o$ the 'ild, be tempted by the beast 'ithin, but you 'ill no lon)er heed it. ;ou 'ill be)in to hear the call o$ the spirit, and you 'ill heed it. ;ou 'ill, because you 'ill (no' 'hat is )oin) on Hthe truthI, and you 'ill not be $ooled a)ain. &nimal instincts 'ill lose their po'er people, and people 'ill become spiritual bein)s. 5eople 'ill (no' that the truth and the li$e are the only thin)s that really matter, and thou)h they 'ill li.e in this 'orld more than, they 'ill do e.erythin) they can to create a ne' 'orld, a better, (inder, )entler 'orld o$ peace, harmony, e?uality, prosperity and happiness. 6eli)ions call it hea.en and it is Cust around the corner. 1t starts in our o'n minds and then spreads out to the 'orld outside o$ us. 31%

The truth has to use religion: and religion has to use the truth. t is the wa5. Science without religion is lame@ religion without science is blind. 9lbert +instein &s 1 say on the $irst pa)e o$ this boo(, the ultimate truth could be eDplained 'ithout any re$erence to reli)ion, and some people may pre$er that, but most o$ the human race is in.ol.ed in reli)ions. 8ot includin) reli)ions in an eDplanation o$ the ultimate truth, or not re.ealin) the truth in reli)ions, 'ould do the opposite o$ 'hat the truth needs to do. One o$ the bene$its o$ the ultimate truth is 'orld peace and unity, so presentin) it in a 'ay that causes con$lict and resistance $rom the billions o$ people de.oted to reli)ions is not the 'ay. #he ultimate truth must be told $rom the perspecti.e o$ both reli)ion and science to be the ultimate eDplanation o$ the ultimate truth. 1t 'ill be resisted less@ thus, it is the best 'ay. Science fighting the truth; 9e do not ha.e enou)h time to build a 'orld'ide or)aniBation dedicated to de$inin) and spreadin) the ultimate truth $rom scratch, so 'e ha.e to educate and unite the 'orldLs reli)ions to do the Cob. 9e need a lar)e, dedicated or)aniBation to $i)ht the $orces o$ deception, and it has to be the 'orldLs reli)ions. So li(e it or not, reli)ion has to be in the e?uation o$ our 6eli)ions ha.e done so much dama)e and $ou)ht science so hard $or so lon) that people into science ha.e a lot a)ainst reli)ion, and ri)htly so, but 'e do not ha.e the option o$ $or'ard 'ithout the help o$ the 'orldLs reli)ions. 9e ha.e to use reli)ions $or 'hat they are intended to do, and the people in the 'orld o$ science 'ill ha.e to see the necessity o$ this and not $i)ht it. 1$ they do, they 'ill become the problem and be a $orce a)ainst the truth. #he truth 'ill unite science and reli)ion i$ they both see it and 'or( to)ether. =a0e the two one. Religions eHist to s8read the truth and sa*e 8eo8le s8irituall5: but they need to sa.e $irst. #hey ha.e it bac('ards. #hey thin( that i$ they ma(e others belie.e, they 'ill belie.e it also. ;ou ha.e to (no' 'hat the truth is to teach it, or you 'ill Cust be dra))in) other people do'n 'ith you. The difference between 0nowing and not 0nowing is chec0ing. 8othin) could be simpler. 1$ you care enou)h about the truth to chec( 'hat it is, you 'ill (no' the truth o$ li$e. #he sad truth is, most people do not care, and the 'orld is )oin) to hell as a result. 1$ you care, no' is the time to pro.e it. 31+

f e*er5one loo0ed real good at the big 8icture of life: e*er5one would see the same thing. This sim8le thing would unite the human race: and we would li*e in 8aradise. FaithNbelief is no longer enough@ 8eo8le ha*e to 0now the truth and the life (0now 7od). 1$ people 'ould Cust sa.e $irst, the 'orld 'ill start turnin) into a hea.en. 1t is time to stop de$endin) myths 'e (no' are not true. ?esus said: BPeo8le 8oint out the s8linter in other 8eo8leOs e5es: but do not see the log in their own e5es.C 6eli)ions ha.e the bi))est lo) in their eyes. ?esus s8ent his life o88osing traditional religions@ the5 were his enem5. 1ie and die; 9hen people realiBe that they are )oin) to su$$er and die alon) 'ith their $amilies in the .ery near $uture, they 'ill no lon)er be moti.ated by riches, po'er and $ame, or any other in$luences that come $rom our animal minds. 3ew world; Only the truth and the li$e 'ill matter to you, because they are the only thin)s that really eDist and the only thin)s that can sa.e us. E.erythin) else is Cust :S created by the mind. ;ou 'ill start to become a ne' li$e $orm, a ne' creature in the truth and the li$e H!hristI. E.erythin) 'ill become ne', and the old 'orld 'ill pass a'ay, Cust as it says in the :ible. Mental deception has po'ered most material pro)ress up until no'. 9hen the truth is seen, this 'orld 'ill become a hea.en, and e.eryone 'ill be $or)i.en by other people $or 'hat they did in the past, but they ha.e to start to chan)e no'. -aiting; ;ou ha.e been in li$eLs 'aitin) room. *od has been tryin) to )i.e you the present Htrue li$eI, and you ha.e been sayin) no, not ri)ht no', 1 am too busy, maybe later, 1 need this or that $irst. ;ou are sayin) you 'ant to be dead. f 5ou li*e in the 8resent: 5ou are sa5ing 5es to 7od: if not 5ouOre sa5ing no. 1$ you are not $ul$illed, not $illed 'ith li$e, you are not in the present 'ith *od. 1t is ho' you (no' i$ you are in the present or not. 1$ you are completely $ul$illed, you are in the present and 'ith *od@ it is that simple. 1$ youLre not 'ith *od, (eep learnin) the truth and see(in) the li$e 'ith all your heart. 31/

1o*e th5 enem5; >esus 'as not re$errin) to people, but to the, the animal mind, the beast 'ithin all man(ind that has to be o.ercome 'ith the truth. n 5our head: it is not a battle between good and e*il. f 5ou fight something: 5ou gi*e it life. The wa5 is to Aust want the truth and life. -hen 5ou do with all 5our heart: the e*il mind: 5our ad*ersar5: Aust ceases to eHist in 5our life. +*en confusion is seen as a form of lo*e after 5ou 0now the truth. ?esus said: BFind the truth and the life first: and e*er5thing will follow.C t is time to wa0e u8. t has been a long: hard road: but we are finall5 at the end of it@ we are at the gates of hea*en. -e Aust ha*e to acce8t the 8resent. )ereNnowNtruthNlifeN?esusN7odNlo*e are the same thing@ the5 are the 8resent. .ou ha*e life@ life is 7od: and 7od is lo*e. )ow could it be better> Remember; #he tas( is to remember the truth, hel8 the truth and li.e it. E.erythin) is balanced, so there is no reason not to be $ul$illed e.ery moment, no matter 'hat is happenin) or not happenin). The 8resent is for 5ou. ;ou Cust ha.e to accept it. -ithout the real truth: there can be no real moralit5: Austice: no real eFualit5: no real success: no real 8ower: no real intelligence: no real securit5: no real ha88iness: no real lo*e: no real life. -ith the real truth 5ou get them all. E1 'ent to the 'oods because 1 'ished to li.e deliberately, to con$ront only the essential $acts o$ li$e and see i$ 1 could not learn 'hat it had to teach and not, 'hen 1 came to die, that 1 had not li.ed. 1 did not 'ish to li.e 'hat 'as not li$e, is so dear@ nor did 1 'ish to practice resi)nation, unless it 'as ?uite necessary. 1 'anted to li.e deep and suc( out all the marro' o$ li$e, to li.e so sturdily and Spartan"li(e as to put to rout all that 'asnAt li$e.E )enr5 Ka*id Thoreau


Chosen one; ;ou may be 'onderin) 'hy most people cannot see the truth no', 'hy no one e.en seems to care about the most important thin) there is. 1t does not ma(e sense. &s it says on pa)e one o$ this boo(, the truth has been .eiled, hidden $rom human consciousness by the collecti.e unconscious. #he time has to be ri)ht@ technolo)y, politics, and all other $acets o$ li$e ha.e to e.ol.e to a certain point and be ready be$ore the truth can be seen, or it 'ill cause more harm than )ood. &s the :eatles son) E&ll ;ou 8eed is Lo.eE says, <ThereMs nothing 5ou can see that isnMt shown.< #he le.el o$ truth 'e can see no' could not be seen be$ore no', and e.en no', it can only be seen by a $e' people. &re you one o$ them< 1$ so, you ha.e been chosen to help re.eal the truth to the rest o$ the human race. 1t is a callin) you cannot re$use. 7reatest famil5; 9eAre 'or(in) 'ith the :eatles, >esus, :uddha, 8e'ton, #esla, Einstein, 8ietBsche, #horeau, and all the other )reat prophets, seers, and scientists that ha.e li.ed. #hey are our $riends, our partners and our $amily, and 'e are theirs. #his is your opportunity, your in.itation to Coin us in doin) *odAs 'ill. -orshi8; 9e do not 'orship a )ra.en ima)e o$ someone that died t'o thousand years a)o. 9e 'orship 'hat >esus says he is@ truth and li$e. 9e 'orship by doin) as he did@ 'e spread the truth and li$e. #he 'orst sin has to be not learnin) the truth o$ li$e 'hile you can. #he truth and the li$e has to be *od, so people that i)nore the truth or )i.e other thin)s priority are sayin) by their actions and their desires that they do not 'ant to (no' *od. #hat has to be the )reatest sin. #rue or $alse< 0no'in) the truth o$ li$e H)odI should be your main priority, and spreadin) it is ho' you learn it and )et to (no' it, so that is 'hy you do it. -or0ing with us ma0es 5ou a 8ro8het: which is the neHt ste8 in human e*olution. 9n5one who s8reads unseen truth of life and death is a 8ro8het. #o li.e in the truth is to de.ote yoursel$ to see(in) the truth o$ li$e, chec(in) it, then spreadin) the unseen truth you $ind. #hat is the li$e o$ the modern prophet. E.en i$ the seeds o$ truth you plant do not )ro' in others, the seeds you plant 'ill )ro' 'ithin yoursel$@ 5ou rea8 what 5ou sow. ;ou cannot be certain o$ helpin) others, you can only try, but tryin) to help others helps you $or certain. 1$ you so' truth, you 'ill reap truth. 1n other 'ords, you )et 'hat you )i.e. 1t is the best 'or( you can do $or this 'orld, and $or yoursel$. 312

Teach to learn; ;ou ha.e to teach the truth you (no' to others to learn ne' truth. 1$ you do not, you do not pro)ress. 5eople ha.e it bac('ards and thin( they ha.e to learn it completely be$ore teachin) others. #his is a mind tric( to stop the truth $rom bein) re.ealed, because people 'ho do not teach 'hat they (no' 'ill (no' the ultimate truth, and the truth 'ill not spread. f 5ou want 5our life to change: you ha.e to chan)e yoursel$ $irst. 1$ you do not chan)e yoursel$, and stay the same, your li$e 'ill stay the same. 5lantin) seeds o$ truth Hspreadin) the truth o$ li$eI is doin) *odAs 'ill. #hat is all *od does, is all *od is. 1t is really so simple 'hen you can see the truth and li$e H*odI clearly. 9hen you do *odAs 'ill, you become *od, at least 'hile you are doin) it. &ll *od is, is di.ine 'ill, a thou)ht or idea so to spea(, but so many trillions o$ $ully e.ol.ed li$e$orms are doin) *odAs 'ill that it mani$ests as the 'hole physical uni.erse. #here are trillions o$ li$e$orms inside the particles o$ e.ery atom doin) *odAs 'ill all at the same time. 1t mani$ests as the atom, a uni.erse o$ atoms and e.erythin) else. 6ead the E8ature o$ 8othin)E chapter $or details on ho' it 'or(s. -hate*er a man is sowing: this he will also rea8. 7alatians (;, 5eople that read one boo( a$ter another become enli)htened spiritual bein)s. 1t is best to Cust read #he 5resent and and ta(e the neDt step. 6eadin) this boo( is Cust the $irst step. #he neDt step is to help the truth. Those who ha*e the 8ri*ilege to 0now: ha*e the dut5 to act. 9lbert +instein ?esus said: come follow me. #here is only one 'ay to $ollo' him, to do as he did. ;ou ha.e to spread the unseen truth o$ li$e and death as he did. 4e also said that you are 'ith him or you are a)ainst him. f 5ou are not 8art of the solution: 5ou are 8art of the 8roblem. Many people read this boo( and thin( they (no' the truth, then $ade ri)ht bac( into the animal realm. #he po'er and in$luence o$ the animal mind cannot be o.erstated. ;ou ha.e li.ed in the animal realm $or a hal$ billion years. 9hat ma(es people thin( readin) a boo( $or an hour can chan)e all that< ;ou ha.e to be 100O committed in your e$$ort to stay in the truth.


Reading about the truth does not mean 5ou 0now the truth. 1$ you are old enou)h Htime on earthI and you ha.e paid your dues helpin) spread the truth, ho' li$e 'or(s becomes clear to you. ;our a)e is not up to you, but helpin) the truth is, so )i.e it all you can. 1t is ho' you $eel about yoursel$ that counts. 1$ you $eel you ha.e )i.en all you can, then you are in the best position you can be in, and you (no' it. 1$ you are not doin) 'hat you can, you also (no' it. .ou Audge 5ourself. ;ou (no' 'hen you are )oin) to die, so you al'ays 'ant to be in the best position you can be. Reflection of en*ironment; -nderstandin) the balance, immortality, and your history completely ma(es it possible $or you to relaD completely and li.e in the present completely, 'hich $ul$ills you completely. #he problem is, you are a re$lection o$ your en.ironment, and the animal en.ironment 'ill not allo' the abo.e to happen much o$ the time, so all you can do is 'or( to chan)e it 'ith the (no'led)e that you 'ill chan)e it or die tryin). .ou win either 'ay, because i$ you die tryin), you are reborn in an en.ironment in the $uture on earth a$ter it has chan)ed $rom your e$$orts and the e$$orts o$ others on the path. ;ou 'ill be reborn in an en.ironment o$ truth and li$e, 'hat reli)ions call hea.en. 1t could be ten years, a thousand years, or millions o$ years in the $uture. 1t 'ill not matter to you, because it 'ill seem to you as only a second $rom the time you die until you are reborn in a hea.en. #here 'ill be a hea.en on earth e.entually, e.en i$ it ta(es another billion years. ;ou canAt lose i$ you are helpin) to spread the truth, helpin) to create a hea.en. t could ha88en in a few 5ears. 7oal of boo0; 1t 'ill be di$$icult to be a truth see(er=spreader and li.e in the truth o$ li$e until you ma(e the connection 'ith 'hat 1 call the collecti.e unconscious, 'hat reli)ions call the 4oly Spirit. #he )oal o$ my boo(s and e.erythin) 'e do is to help people ma(e that connection. ;ou 'ill (no' 'hen it happens, because you 'ill realiBe you are not alone@ you are connected to an all (no'in) po'er, 'hat reli)ions call *od, that is omnipresent and omnipo'er$ul, is e.ery'here and does e.erythin). 1t is e.erythin) eDcept $or the animal mind, and it is the animal mind in an indirect 'ay. 9hen you see it, connect 'ith it, you 'ill see li$e per$ectly clear. ;ou see the ma)ic o$ li$e, the per$ection. ;ou become in.incible, and are loc(ed in on the path to a hea.en, and you (no' it. #hat ma(es this li$e as )ood as it can be, and the neDt li$e per$ect. For the neDt step, 'rite me at: michael,,,,,( 1 F+ I34- 37 1 F+: 1+9R3 T T +9R3 T. 321

#he boo( you Cust read interprets 'hat >esus says, and 'hat the truth is in the most clear, modern, and accurate 'ay to date. 1t is the most direct and correct, but it is )ood to read other interpretations also, to see it $rom di$$erent, especially the mystical in traditional reli)ions. Once you see the truth, you can see it e.ery'here. >ust remember, all older interpretations, e.en )ood ones, ha.e misinterpretations miDed 'ith truth: see neDt section 7os8el of Thomas. 4ere are more subCects that used to be part o$ this boo( but are no' part o$ a third boo( called E#he 5resent " 1nsi)hts.E #hey include politics, )o.ernment, money, education, crime, dru)s, lo.e, seD and more: see nsights sections: '''
T 200/"2013 &ll 6i)hts 6eser.ed


Section 16

7os8el of Thomas
8o' that you ha.e $inished readin) #he 5resent H'ith reli)ionI, the :ible and all other reli)ious boo(s and 'ritin)s 'ill ma(e sense. ;ou 'ill see 'hat 1 mean 'hen you read this one. Eloheim means *od=Li$e. S9. 37S 4F ?+S"S -- 7os8el of Thomas These are the sa5ings of the li*ing ?esus: recorded b5 Tomas: who is called Kid5mus. -hoe*er learns the inner meaning of these truths will li*e fore*er in the +ternal Sea. >esus said, EE.eryone 'ho see(s should continue see(in) until he $inds. 9hen he $inds, he 'ill be troubled at the contemplation o$ #ruth, but 'hen he has passed throu)h the time o$ trouble, he 'ill be astonished at the bri)htness o$ the Li)ht, $or the 9ay o$ #ruth is the 5ath'ay to the Eternal *odhead, and the price o$ the beati$ic .ision is the 'rin)in) o$ the soul. #he person 'ho desires to rise abo.e all thin)s must descend belo' all thin)s, $or the 'ay to the hei)hts passes throu)h the depths o$ an)uish, 'hich )enerate the $ires o$ Li$e. #he person 'ho has su$$ered and $ound Li$e is blessed.E >esus said, E1$ you say that the abode o$ the *ods is in the s(y, the birds 'ill arri.e there be$ore you. 1$ you say it is in the sea, the $ish 'ill arri.e there be$ore you. 0no' that the hea.enly realm is both inside you and outside you, and you 'ill (no' that 'hich is outside by that 'hich is inside. 9hen you ha.e $ound the Li)ht 'ithin, you 'ill (no' as you are (no'n. #hen you 'ill (no' that you are the children o$ the 5arents and that your destiny is to be as they are. #he person 'ho (no's not himsel$, is poor in Spirit, $or he is his o'n po.erty.E >esus said, E-nless you become li(e little children, you cannot (no' the meanin) o$ Li$e, $or your minds must be cleared o$ the $alsehoods o$ this realm i$ you are to be tau)ht Eternal #ruth.E >esus said, E1 am the door@ the person 'ho enters by me 'ill $ind Eternal bliss. 1 am the bed@ the person 'ho lies on me 'ill enter perpetual rest. 1 am the Li)ht@ the person 'ho sees by me 'ill .ie' all thin)s.E


>esus said, E#he 9ay o$ the 5rophets is a trail o$ tears. 1 ha.e commissioned you to be prophets to this )eneration. !onse?uently, they 'ill ridicule and re.ile you, sayin) all (inds o$ bad thin)s about you. 9hat< 3onAt you (no' that they ha.e al'ays reCected the prophets 'hom 1 ha.e sent amon) them< ;es, 1 tell you the truth 'hen 1 say that e.en those 'ho $ollo' the prophets do not understand them, $or they spea( o$ the thin)s o$ the Spirit, 'hich cannot be apprehended by the physical mind. #he prophet is alone 'ith the Eloheim, $or o$ all mortals, it is he 'ho sees the reality 'hich he cannot con.ey to his people. Lonely is the 9ay o$ the 5rophet, but i$ he brin)s one soul one step closer to Li)ht, all his loneliness and )rie$ is Custi$ied, $or )reat 'ill be his Coy in the hea.enly realm, and he 'ill become a )reat company at the seat o$ the 4i)hest.E >esus said, E#he person 'ho stands alone 'ill be 'ith the Eloheim@ the person 'ho is 'ith the Eloheim 'ill stand alone.E >esus said, EMany o$ you thin( that 1 ha.e come to establish peace in the physical realm. 1 'ill not brin) peace, but dissension, $ire, s'ord, and 'ar. Families 'ill be di.ided because o$ me@ $riends 'ill stop associatin) 'ith one another, nations 'ill Coin in battle. ;es, those 'ho 'ould $ollo' me must be 'illin) to $orsa(e e.erythin), and to stand alone, i$ they 'ould inherit the realm o$ my 5arents.E >esus said, E1 am the 9ay, the #ruth, and the Li$e@ the 9ay, because you must 'al( in my $ootsteps to reach the seat o$ the Eternal@ the #ruth, because 1 am the Eternal *od, the #otality o$ &ll #hat 1s@ the Li$e, because the #ree o$ Li$e, )rounded in the Earthly Mother and ascendin) to the 4ea.enly Father, is nourished in my blood.E >esus said, ELearn the meanin) o$ the creation 'hich surrounds you, and you 'ill percei.e the mysteries hidden $rom your si)ht, $or Eternal #ruth is recorded on all that eDists. 1 tell you the truth 'hen 1 say that there is nothin) hidden 'hich 'ill not be re.ealed to the person 'ho can read the creation o$ the Eloheim.E #he disciples ?uestioned >esus concernin) the 9ay o$ Li$e: E4o' should 'e $ast< 1n 'hat manner should 'e pray< 4o' should our alms be )i.en< 9hat dietary la' should 'e obser.e<E >esus said, E1 'ill instruct you in all these matters, but $irst you must put o$$ your lo.e o$ the lie, the $alse 'ay o$ li$e $ollo'ed by the children o$ this plane o$ eDistence, and be con.erted, chan)ed so that you hate that 'hich you ha.e pre.iously lo.ed, and lo.e that 'hich you ha.e pre.iously hated. #hen 1 'ill be able to sho' you all thin)s, $or there is nothin) hidden 'hich 'ill not be mani$ested 'hen you ha.e put on the mind o$ #ruth.E 32

Mary o$ :ethany as(ed him, E9ill the thirst $or (no'led)e be ?uenched<E >esus said, E9hen once you ha.e drun( $rom the sprin) o$ (no'led)e, you 'ill return a)ain and a)ain, $or each time your thirst is satis$ied, a ne' thirst 'ill )ro', )reater than the $irst. #he more you drin(, the )reater 'ill be your desire to drin(, but in the intensity o$ your desire, you 'ill be $illed. 1 tell you the truth 'hen 1 say that ' see(s 'ill $ind, and the $indin) 'ill cause him to see(, but in the see(in) is hidden the meanin) o$ Li$e.E >esus said, E1 ha.e i)nited a spar( in this 'orld, and 1 'ill nourish it until it blaBes into Eternal Li)ht.E >esus said, E#he shado's o$ this 'orld are percei.ed by mortals, and they thin( they (no' #ruth, but the 6eality 'hich casts the shado's is hidden $rom them, and they do not percei.e the Li)ht. 1 tell you the truth 'hen 1 say that only 'hen you percei.e shado's as shado's, and search the Li)ht, 'ill you percei.e the 6eality 'hich is *od.E >esus said, E#his earth and the planets surroundin) it 'ill pass a'ay, and e.erythin) 'ill become ne'. !onsider this: 1n the be)innin), you 'ere or)aniBed as one body, but 'hen you became t'o, the illusion o$ separateness entered the physical plane. 8o' you are many, and this illusion abounds. Listen to 'hat 1Am sayin)N ;ou must become a solitary person be$ore me, i$ you 'ant to d'ell on the ne' planets and the ne' earth 'hich 1 'ill create. #hose 'ho are enli)htened 'ill understand 'hat 1Am sayin).E Simon 5eter as(ed him, E9hen you ha.e departed $rom us, 'ho 'ill )i.e us Li)ht<E >esus replied, E9hen 1 am )one, you should loo( to >ohn, 'ho 'ill sho' you all the thin)s 'hich are hidden in me. 8e.ertheless, 1 tell you, Simon, that you are 5eter Umeanin) 6oc(V, and you 'ill be a 6oc( Uor $oundationV to my :ody. 1 ha.e )i.en you >ames and >ohn to be your ministers, to )uide you in the 9ay o$ Li$e, $or they 'ill re.eal to you the order and desires o$ those 'ho d'ell on the hea.enly plane. 1 'ill build my :ody on this 6oc( o$ Li)ht, so that the )ates o$ dar(ness 'ill be able to encompass it. &men.E 9atchin) the cro'ds 'anderin) in the mar(etplace, >esus said to Mary Ma)daline, ELoo( at them@ they are sheep 'ithout a shepherd, $or they re$use to hear my .oice. #he *ood Shepherd calls to them, but they reCect his barn, 'anderin) in dar(ness until they are consumed by the ' and the bears.E 32%

>esus as(ed his disciples, E9ho do you say that 1 am<E Simon 5eter said to him, E;ou are the 6uler o$ 1srael.E Matthe' said, E;ou are the *reatest o$ 5rophets.E >ohn said, E;ou are that 'hich cannot be named.E >esus said to >ohn, E1 tell you the truth 'hen 1 say that no mortal has tau)ht you this, but you ha.e been instructed throu)h the Li)ht.E #hen >esus too( him apart and sho'ed him the mysteries o$ Li$e, the po'er o$ unity throu)h 'hich mortals Coin the Eloheim. 9hen >ohn returned to the disciples, they desired $rom him the (no'led)e >esus had imparted. >ohn spo(e up and said to them, E1$ 1 'ere to re.eal to you at this time the mysteries into 'hich 1 ha.e been initiated by the Master, you 'ould pic( up stones and slay me, and you 'ould be )uilty o$ the innocent blood. !ontinue see(in), so that you, too, can attain this (no'led)e and enter into Li$e.E >esus said, E8o prophet is re.ered as a prophet amon) those 'ho (no' him best, $or the shado' o$ his li$e eclipses the bri)htness o$ his radiant Li)ht. E.en his disciples 'ill not (no' his true nature until he has passed beyond their reach.E >esus said, E#he people o$ this )eneration re.ere the dead prophets 'hile reCectin) the ones. 1t has been so in e.ery )eneration. #he children o$ those 'ho persecute you 'ill build monuments to your memory.E >esus said, E9hen the outer has become as the inner, and the lo'er as the upper, then 'ill this 'orld $ind peace.E 8athaniel as(ed him, E9hen you ha.e le$t the mortal plane, ho' 'ill 'e (no' the 5arents<E >esus said, E#he 5arents are 'ithin you. Learn yoursel$, and you 'ill (no' me and my 5arents, so that 'here 'e are, you can be also. ;ou are the sons o$ the Eloheim. Should the son not be li(e his Father< ;ou are the dau)hters o$ the Eloheim. Should the dau)hter not be li(e her Mother< :e care$ul that you do not pollute your birthri)ht.E >esus said, EMortals ha.e been created to d'ell in the *arden o$ 3eli)hts. &ll else is death. Find that *arden 'here the 5arents ha.e placed the Fountain o$ Lo.e, and you 'ill li.e $ in bliss.E >esus said, E1n the *arden o$ >eho.ah stands the holy #ree o$ Li$e. 4i)h in its branches sin)s a bird. Listen $or the .oice o$ the bird, $or 'hen you are properly ali)ned 'ith hea.en and earth, she 'ill tell you all thin)s.E 32+

>esus said, E1 )o to my 5arents so that 1 can brin) you to them. 3o not 'eep at my death, $or it is my hour o$ triumph. 1 am the *reat 4i)h 5riest. 9hen 1 ascend the cross, 1 'ill brea( the satanAs po'er $ Mary Ma)daline said to him, ELord, it is hard to thin( o$ you on the cross.E >esus said, E;es, Mary, a s'ord 'ill pierce your o'n soul also, but it is the $orerunner o$ )reat Coy. ;ou also 'ill die in a distant land at the hands o$ unholy mortals, but death is not the enemy. Li.e li$e in Coy and 'elcome death in peace. #hen 'ill you be one 'ith me.E >esus said, E4e 'ho ta(es up the s'ord 'ill perish by the s'ord. 3o you thin( that can be o.ercome by, or .iolence by .iolence< #he 9ay o$ 5eace re?uires coura)e and patience, but it 'ill pre.ail.E Simon the 5atriot as(ed him, EMaster, i$ the )entiles eDercise authority us by the s'ord, and 'e ta(e not up the s'ord to thro' o$ their yo(e, ho' 'ill the di.ine realm be established<E >esus said, E1 tell you the truth, Simon, 'hen 1 say that the hea.enly realm is 'ithin you. Only 'hen you ha.e established the di.ine realm 'ithin, and o.ercome the demons o$ doubt and $ear, 'ill you discern the (ey to the establishment o$ the realm o$ the Eloheim on the physical plane.E >esus said, E9hen the !om$orter has come, 'hom 1 'ill send to you, he 'ill lead you into all #ruth. Search the Li)ht 'ithin your souls, $or there 'ill you $ind the reality o$ all thin)s.E >esus said to 8athaniel, E;ou 'ill see an)els descendin) to minister to the Son o$ Man, and the hea.enly realm itsel$ 'ill be opened to you, so that you can understand the meanin) o$ all thin)s.E 8athaniel said, ELord, i$ 1 learn the meanin) o$ all thin)s, surely 1 'ill die.E >esus said, E4a.e 1 not )i.en to you my mind, 8athaniel, so that you could comprehend all thin)s< 3o not $ear the ac?uisition o$ (no'led)e, $or that 'hich you learn no' 'ill bless you in the li$e 'hich is comin).E EliBabeth as(ed him, EMaster, 'hy has 'oman been made une?ual 'ith man<E


>esus said, E1 tell you the truth, EliBabeth, 'hen 1 say that in the be)innin) the Eloheim created mortals male and $emale@ they 'ere one body, per$ectly united and absolutely e?ual. #hrou)h the Fall came disparity, and under the Fall there must al'ays be di.ision and disharmony and ine?uity. Only 'hen you are redeemed $rom the Fall 'ill male and $emale cease to eDist, $or you 'ill become a per$ect 'hole, accomplishin) a sin)le 'or(. Only then 'ill the purposes o$ the 5arents be accomplished in the rene'al o$ the physical realm. 1t is $or this reason that 1 ma(e the $emale male, and the male $emale, so that you may be in the physical realm as the 5arents are in the hea.enly realm.E 5hilip said to him, ELord, sho' us the 5arents.E >esus said to him, E4a.e 1 been 'ith you $or this lon) time, 5hilip, and you still do not (no' me< 4e 'ho has seen me has seen the 5arents. Loo(, 1 am the Father o$ your Sal.ation, and the Father o$ Fathers d'ells in me, as he 'ill d'ell in you throu)h the po'er o$ the !o.enant. &men.E >esus said, E4e 'ho loo(s at a 'oman, desirin) to possess her, has adulterated their relationship already in his heart, $or out o$ the heart proceeds e.ery 'ron) 'hich a$$licts the souls o$ mortals. 1$ you 'ould not concei.e o$ 'ron)ness, 'ron)ness 'ould not concei.e in your hearts. 5uri$y your hearts o$ the desire to do 'ron), and your deeds 'ill also be pure be$ore your 5arents, 'ho (no' all thin)s.E EliBabeth as(ed him, EMaster, ho' can a person puri$y his heart o$ the desire to do 'ron)<E >esus said, E:y thin(in) ri)ht thou)hts, 'hich lead to deeds o$ ri)hteousness. #he mind o$ the !hild o$ Li)ht 'ill be $illed 'ith Li)ht, the peaceable thin)s o$ the hea.enly realm. 4e 'ho d'ells on 'ron)ness 'ill d'ell in 'ron)ness. #he person 'ho is enli)htened 'ill understand 'hat 1 am sayin).E Simon the 5atriot said to him, ELord, 'e are surrounded by 'ron)ness e.ery moment o$ our 9hy do you say that 'e need not d'ell in 'ron)ness<E >esus said, E;ou hear my 'ords, Simon, but you do not percei.e their meanin). &s a person thin(s in his heart, so is he and so is the 'orld in 'hich he d'ells. E.ery person creates his o'n 'orld, accordin) to that 'hich he $ears and that 'hich he Simon 5eter said, E#here is so much 'ron) in the 'orld@ ho' can the 'orld be made pure<E >esus said, E5uri$y your o'n hearts, and the 'orld 'ill become pure.E 32,

>esus said to the multitude, E;ou come to me see(in) bread, but 'hen you ha.e eaten the bread you see(, you 'ill be hun)ry a)ain. Loo(, 1 am the :read o$ Li$e. 4e 'ho eats my body 'ill neither be hun)ry nor thirsty a)ain. !ome to me, all you 'ho are hun)ry, and you 'ill eat the $ruit o$ Eternal &ndre' as(ed him, ELord, 'hat is the $ruit o$ Eternal< >esus said to him, E3o you not yet (no' me, &ndre'< Loo(, my $lesh is real $ood and my blood is real drin(, $or he 'ho eats and drin(s o$ me 'ill die. &nd the $ruit 'hich 1 )i.e, the $ruit o$ Eternal, is that Spirit o$ 5eace and Lo.e and >oy and 5atience 'hich 1 ha.e recei.ed $rom my 5arents.E 8athaniel as(ed, ELord, 'ho are the 5arents<E >esus said, E1 am your Father, 8athaniel, but 1 ha.e a Father 'ho is )reater than 1. From him 1 ha.e recei.ed all thin)s, and 1 do only his 'ill. #hat 'hich 1 ha.e seen my Father do, is 'hat 1 do. #here$ore, 8athaniel, he 'ho (no's me, (no's the 5arents, $or 1 am in the 5arents, and the 5arents are in me, and the 5arents and 1 are one. #he deeds 'hich 1 do, 1 do not do by mysel$, but the 5arents, 'ho are in me, do those deeds. Loo(, 8athaniel, you should $ollo' me, $or in all my deeds, 1 sho' you the 5arents.E >esus too( his disciples to the shore o$ the la(e. EObser.e those 'ho $ish,E he said@ Ethey 'ait patiently until the net is $ull be$ore they dra' it in, and they )ather $ish o$ e.ery sort. Some they ta(e home 'ith Coy, 'hile others are returned to the la(e. 8or is e.ery $ish 'hich passes throu)h the net cau)ht up 'ith the net 'hen it is ta(en into the boat. 1t 'ill be the same 'ith you, i$ you are to be $ishers o$ mortals. ;ou must 'ait patiently until the see(er is ready to be brou)ht 'ithin the !hurch. Many 'hom you instruct 'ill be brou)ht in, and o$ those brou)ht in, many 'ill return to the 'orld. 8e.ertheless, one $rom a city and t'o $rom a re)ion, you 'ill )ather the true belie.ers 'ho 'orship the 5arents in Spirit and in #ruth. 1 tell you truly, these are the ones 'ho 'ill o.ercome the 'orld and inherit all thin)s.E >esus said, EMortals )o to 'ar so that they can inherit dust. 1t is because their .ision is distorted by the $ollo'ers o$ the lie that they .alue that 'hich is nothin). 1n destruction there is no .ictory but $or dar(ness. #he po'er o$ .ictory is not $orce but Lo.e.E >esus said, E&s li)ht disperses dar(ness, so does Lo.e s'allo' up hatred, and it is no more.E >esus said, E#he po'er o$ hate is stron), but Lo.e con?uers all. *od is Lo.e.E


>esus said, E#he )lories o$ this realm last only a moment@ the )lories o$ the hea.enly realm abide $ >esus said, E1 ha.e come so that you mi)ht ha.e Li$e, $or the 'ays o$ mortals are death, but the 9ay o$ the Eloheim is deathless Li$e. #he person 'ho 'al(s the 9ay 1 'al(, thou)h he may die, 'ill li.e $, $or he cannot be o.ercome. 3eath is s'allo'ed up in the .ictory o$ Li$e.E >esus said, E1n me, all thin)s become one, $or e.erythin) that is not o$ me is illusion and 'ill pass a'ay. Only Li)ht abides, $or Li)ht is #ruth, and #ruth has no end. 1 tell you the truth 'hen 1 say that 1 am the 9ay, the #ruth, the Li)ht, and the Li$e. 9al( in me, and you 'ill abide $, $or you 'ill be e.en as 1 &M.E >esus said, E1 am in all thin)s@ yet 1 am beyond all thin)s. 8ot throu)h see(in) 'ill you $ind me, but throu)h 5eace. 8e.ertheless, throu)h see(in) you 'ill $ind, and then 'ill you (no' the Eloheim.E & rich youn) leader o$ the >e's, comin) to >esus at ni)ht, as(ed him, E*ood Master, 'hat must 1 do to be sa.ed<E >esus said to him, E9hy do you call me )ood< Only the *ods are )ood, $or they are Li)ht, so i$ 1 am )ood, then 1 am a *od, $or 1 am Li)ht. Search that Li)ht 'ithin yoursel$, $or it is your )oodness and the po'er o$ your sal.ation, 'hen char)ed 'ith the $ree )i$t o$ the Son o$ the Eloheim. 9hen you li.e accordin) to the commandments o$ the La', it is the Li)ht that per$orms your )ood deeds.E #he youn) man said to >esus, E1 ha.e li.ed accordin) to the La' since my youth.E >esus loo(ed at him, $or he sa' the inte)rity o$ his soul and the bonds by 'hich they 'ere united be$ore the $oundations o$ the physical realm 'ere laid. #hen >esus said to him, EOnly one thin) remains $or you to do. Forsa(e all that you ha.e in the physical realm, and come 'ith me into Eternal :liss.E :ut the youn) man 'ent a'ay sorro'in), because his heart 'as in bonda)e to the physical thin)s. >esus 'ept, $or he lo.ed the youn) man and (ne' the )lorious Li)ht he had possessed 'ith the 5arents lon) a)o. Mary said to him, EMaster, you o$$ered him e.erythin) that you ha.e@ yet he has le$t you. #hat is really sad.E >esus said to her, E;es, Mary, $or this one 1 ha.e a special lo.e, but my heart ) $or e.ery soul 'ho does not come to the Li)ht. My heart is hea.y 'hen 1 consider the 'ei)ht o$ all man(ind restin) on me.E


Mary said to him, ELord, 1 'ill help you bear the 'ei)ht.E >esus said, E;es, Mary, 'e 'ill li$t up each other so that 'e can bear all thin)s. &s $or this youn) man, 'e 'ill claim him, $or o$ all that 1 ha.e been )i.en, none 'ill be lost, because the Li)ht is in them, and e.entually they 'ill come to the Eloheim. Let us reCoice in the po'er o$ the 4i)hest, 'ho redeems all man(ind 'hen they are ready to be sa.ed.E >esus said, E5ure Lo.e is a $lood 'hich co.ers all thin)s. 8othin) can stand a)ainst it, $or it $lo's $rom the Eternal Sea.E >esus said to Mary o$ :ethany, E#he true Lo.e, 'hich comes $rom the hea.enly realm, can die. 1t 'ill 'ithstand all storms, all temptations, all po'ers. 1t 'ill not .ary, either to the ri)ht hand or to the le$t. See( this Lo.e, Mary, $or it is the )i$t o$ the Eloheim to those 'hose hearts are pure.E >esus said to the disciples, E1$ you lo.e me, li.e by the principles 'hich 1 ha.e tau)ht you, $or Lo.e cannot rebel, but see(s total unity and per$ect peace.E >esus said, E;ou 'al( in mists o$ dar(ness, 'hich is the herita)e o$ this realm, but inside, you ha.e a Li)ht 'hich burns 'ith Eternal Fire. #his 'ill li)ht your 9ay to the Eloheim.E >esus said, E6aise your children in Lo.e and #ruth. ! them 'ith Lo.e and sho' them the 9ay o$ Li$e throu)h your )odly eDample, so that they 'ill not ha.e cause to depart $rom it.E !opied 'ith permission $rom !hurch o$ the 5earl " ESayin)s o$ >esusE


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