Law of God

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Princess Keziah A. Magcayan




How many of you know exactly the law of God? For today, I’m going to talk about the importance,
meaning, and the purpose of the law of God. For our start let me tell you a quote about my topic for
today, “Law is order, and good law is good order.” This quote is from Aristotle.


Let me tell you a story, there is a one little girl named, Rina, she’s not a very obedient child. There are
times that she doesn’t obey her parents or the people around her. She is not the kind of child that is
obedient, she is a stubborn child.

One day, her parents went out to attend a gathering. Her parents reminded Rina about the things that
she is not allowed to do while her parents are out. As soon as her parents got out, she also went out to
play with her friends, which her parents did not allowed her to go without texting them and asking for
their permission. Rina happily played outside not minding that it’s already getting dark, and the night
came, she immediately run towards their house but a very fast bicycle was about to hit her, and in just
in time her parents went home already, her dad immediately get Rina who got shock, her mom and dad
asked her if she is okay, and reality struck her, she is about to be hit by a bike. Rine cried while keep on
saying sorry to her parents. Her parents hugged her.

The moral lesson of the story is that you should obey the commands of your parents because everything
that they command you is only for your sake and for you to a good life. Just like God, he gave us the ten
commandments to guide us in everything. In the book of, Joshua 1:8 it says, “This Book of the Law shall
not depart from your mouth, but you shall meditate in it day and night, that you may observe to do
according to all that is written in it. For then you will make your way prosperous, and then you will have
good success.” God’s law is made for us to have a good life, obeying his law will make a successful
person. With God, you can do everything, and you can make his commandments your guide. God’s law
makes us safe, this is will make us be good person.


For the conclusion, we shall obey God’s law for our sake. God does not want anything but he only want
the best for his people that’s why he gave us the ten commandments. The law of God has own purposes
in our lives. I hope someday we could worship God not only going to church but also obey his laws and
commandments. I hope you learned something from my talk today, Thank you for listening and may
God bless us all as we seek and follow his laws and commands.


What is baptism? Why do we need to be baptized? What is the importance? In this sermon I’ll be talking
about all about baptism. May God be with as we talk about this important part of our lives. And may
God guide and be with me as I speak his word.


To begin my talk, I’m going to tell you story about a woman that got baptized and had the chance to
know and serve God in many ways.

There’s a one fine woman that a great servant of God, she does not miss going to church every Sabbath,
she prays to God, she goes to a choir, she gives tithes and offering, she willingly participate in church
activities. But she thinks that there is still missing in her life, she thinks that she lack something.

One Sabbath morning, she get up early and prepare everything, then she go to the church with a smiling
face while greeting everyone a happy Sabbath. Then she already proceeded to the first service and
listened to speaker. She got really interested in sermon of the pastor, because it is about baptism, and
an idea hit her. That’s why she is feeling incomplete and feels something is missing is that because she
still haven’t been baptized. After the pastor finished his sermon, she immediately run towards the
pastor, and approach the pastor. She asked more about baptism, the importance of it, the pastor told
her everything she needs to know. The pastor also told her that, next Sabbath he will baptize people
who are willing to accept God and turn away from all of their sins. That Sabbath day, she decided to be
baptized to serve God, with a clean heart and conscience. She got baptized, she felt complete and happy
that finally, she got more chances to serve and worship God.

We all have the choice whether we want to baptize or not, I tell you, being baptized is a great way to
start again a life with God. In Acts 22:16, it says, “And now why are you waiting? Arise and be baptized,
and wash away your sins, calling on the name of the Lord.” This verse simply means that we need to be
baptized to us to be free from sins and to be born again with a new, clean and pure heart. Being
baptized, means that we are turning our heart to God and committing our lives to Him. We shall not
make baptism as a joke, baptism is a serious thing, this is a significant way of turning to God our Father.


To all that is willing to be great servant of god, what are you waiting for? Go and be baptized and share
the word of God to make more servants of God. Be baptized willingly. Accept Jesus as your personal
savior. I hope my sermon inspired to be baptized and serve God with a clean heart. May God be with
you as you decide whether you want to baptize or not. Thank you for listening and God bless!


What is a Bible? What are the things that are written in it? What is the importance of the bible? For this
time I’m going to talk about the bible. I know many of knows what is a bible but I know that only few
reads your bible. I hope you lend me your ears as I speak in front of you.


To begin my sermon, I’m going to tell a story.

There is a one little girl that really wants to read a book every time. She has a shelf in her that is
overflowing with books. One afternoon, she went up into her room and looked for a book that she’ll
read, but unluckily she haven’t found one, because she already finished everything that is in her shelf.
So she sneaked into the room of her parents look for a book there until she found a medium size book,
with a hard cover, and a gold bold letters written in front of the book. Because of curiosity, she get the
book and went downstairs, she approach her mom and asked what is this book’s story, and if she could
borrow it. Her mom smiled at her and let her sit beside her. Bea’s mom explained that the book that she
is holding is a bible, her mom told her that the bible has the most wonderful stories in the world. Bea
got interested and started reading the bible. while growing up her knowledge about the word of God
expanded because of the bible. and now the bible was already her favorite book, not only because
everything that is written in there is true but also because she got to know more about God, she know
more about love God give us.

There are so many verses that tells about the word of God, but there is a verse that caught my attention,
and that is in the book of 1 Peter 1:25, “But the word of the lord endures fever.” This may be a short
verse but this verse is really meaningful, everything that we read in the bible is true, everything that we
hear about the bible is also true. There is also a verse that I want to share with you and that is in the
book of 1 Thessalonians 4:7, it says, “For this reason we also thank God without ceasing, because when
you received the word of God which you heard from us, you welcomed it not as the word of men, but as
it is in truth, the word of God, which also effectively works in you who believe.” This means that the
word that men preach our not from their own understanding that’s why we should not take it as the
word of men, instead we should take or receive it as the word of God because everything that a
preacher says it is all from God.


I request everyone to open their bible and start reading God’s word, for God’s word is all true. As you
read the bible I pray that may God be with you as you study his word. I hope you learned something
from my sermon. Thank you for listening and God bless you!

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