Yearly Lesson Plan (Chemistry F5)

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WEEK 1, 2, 3, 4, 5




1.1.1 state what rate of reaction is, 1.1.2 identify observable changes to reactants or roducts for deter!ining rate of reaction, 1.1.3 deter!ine average rate of reaction, 1.1.4 deter!ine the rate of reaction at any given ti!e fro! a gra h, 1.1." solve nu!erical roble!s involving average rate of reaction, 1.1.# solve nu!erical roble!s involving rate of reaction at any given ti!e.

&iscuss the !eaning of rate of reaction, so!e e$a! les of fast reactions and so!e e$a! les of slow reactions. &iscuss to identify observable changes to reactants or roducts and its !ethod of !easure!ent in order to deter!ine the rate of reaction. 'arry out an activity involving a reaction between %inc and acid and lot a gra h to deter!ine average rate of reaction and the rate of reaction at any given ti!e. 'arry out roble! solving activities involving rate of reaction. &iscuss osible factors affecting the rate of reaction. &esign and carry out activities to investigate factors affecting th rate of reaction, ie si%e of reactant, concentration, te! erature and catalyst. (iew co! uter si!ulations to investigate how the !ove!ent and collison of articles in a reaction are affected by te! erature, si%e of reactant, ressure concentration and catalyst. 'ollect and inter ret data to e$ lain factors affecting the rate of reaction in the following ) a* co!bustion of charcoal b* storing food in a refrigerator c* cooking food in a ressure cooker d* industrial roduction of a!!onia, sul huric acid and nitric acid. Solve roble!s involving rate of reaction. 'arry out si!ulations on a* !ove!ent and collision of articles in che!ical reactions b* !ove!ent and collisions of articles in reactions affected by te! erature, si%e of reactant, ressure concentration and catalyst. 'ollect, inter ret data and discuss the following a* collision b* effective collision c* activation energy d* collision frequency e* effective collision frequency f* energy rofile diagra! &iscuss to conce tualise collison theory 'arry out so!e daily activities related to factors affecting the rate of reaction. 'ollect and inter ret data on cientists+ contribution in enhancing the quality of life. 'arry out roble! solving activities involving rate of

1.2 Synthesising factors affecting the rate of reaction

1.2.1 design e$ eri!ents to investigate factors affecting the rate of reaction, 1.2.2 give e$a! les of reactions that are affected by si%e of reactant, concentration, te! erature and catalyst, 1.2.3 e$ lain how each factor affects the rate of reaction, 1.2.4 describe how factors affecting the rate of reaction are a lied in daily life and in industrial 1.2." solve roble!s involving factors affecting rate of reaction.

1.3 Synthesising ideas on collision theory


relate reaction with energy roduced by !ove!ent and effective collision of articles, describe activation energy, sketch and describe energy rofile diagra!, relate the frequency of effective collisions with the rate of reaction, 1.3.2 relate the frequency of effective collisions with factors influencing the rate of reaction, 1.3.3 describe how a certain factor affects the collision of articles in a reaction.

1.4 Practising scientific knowledge to enhance quality of life.

1.4.1 a ly knowledge on factors affecting the rate of reaction in everyday activities, 1.4.2 ado t roble! solving a roaches and !ake

rational decisions based on research. !, ", #, 9, 10 CHAPTER 2 CARBON COMPOUN$S 2.1 ,nderstandin g carbon co! ounds 2.1.1 state what carbon co! ound is, 2.1.2 state that carbon co! ounds can be classified into two grou s, i.e. organic and inorganic, 2.1.3 state what organic co! ound is, 2.1.4 gives e$a! les of organic and inorganic carbon co! ounds, 2.1." state what a hydrocarbon is, 2.1.# list the sources of hydrocarbon, 2.1.- identify the co!bustion roducts of organic carbon co! ounds. 2.2.1 state what alkane is, 2.2.2 state what structural for!ula is, 2.2.3 deduce the !olecular for!ulae of the first ten alkanes, 2.2.4 draw the structural for!ulae for the first ten straight.chain alkanes, 2.2." deduce the general for!ula of alkanes, 2.2.# na!e the first ten alkanes, 2.2.- relate changes in hysical ro erties with increase in the nu!ber of carbon ato!s in alkane !olecules, 2.2./ e$ lain the effect of the increase in nu!ber of carbon ato!s in alkane !olecules on the !olecules boiling oints, 2.2.0 describe co! lete and inco! lete co!bustion of alkanes, 2.2.11 describe the substitution reaction of alkanes, 2.2.11 write che!ical equations for co!bustion and substitution reactions of !ethane, 2.2.12 describe how !ethane affects everyday life.

reaction in the field of science and technology through e$ eri!ent and research.

'ollect and inter ret data on a* the !eaning of carbon co! ound b* the !eaning of organic co! ound with res ect to its sources, content and co!bustion roducts. c* the !eaning of hydrocarbon, inclusive of saturated and unsaturated hydrocarbons d* sources of hydrocarbon e* e$a! les of organic and inorganic co! ounds 'arry out an activitiy to identify the roducts of the co!bustion of organic co! ounds ie carbon dio$ide and water. 'ollect and inter ret data on a* the !eaning of alkanes b* the !eaning of structural for!ula 'arry out an activity to construct !olecular !odels and draw structural for!ulae of the first ten straight. chain alkanes. 'onstruct a table showing na!es, !olecular for!ulae, structural for!ulae and hysical ro erties of the first ten straight chain alkanes. 'ollect and inter ret data on a* hysical ro erties of alkanes, ie !elting and boiling oints, density, hysical state at roo! te! erature, solubility in water and electrical conductivity. b* che!ical ro erties of alkanes ie co!bustion, substitution reactions with halogens. &iscuss a* the relationshi between changes in hysical ro erties with increase in the nu!ber of carbon ato!s in alkane !olecules. b* the effect on boiling oints of alkanes due to increase in the nu!ber of carbon ato!s in alkane !olecules. c* the co! lete and inco! lete co!bustion of alkanes. d* the substitution reactions of alkanes. 2rite che!ical equations for co!bustion and substitution reactions of !ethane. &iscuss that deco! osition of organic !atter roduces !ethane and how this !ay cause fire in land fills and eat swa! s 'ollect and inter ret data on the !eaning of alkenes 'arry out an activity to construct !olecular !odels and draw structural for!ulae of the first nine straight. chain alkenes. 'onstruct a table showing na!es, !olecular for!ulae, structural for!ulae and hysical ro erties of the first nine straight chain alkenes. 'ollect and inter ret data on a* hysical ro erties of alkenes, ie !elting and boiling oints, density, hysical state at roo! te! erature, solubility in water and electrical

2.2 Analysing alkanes

2.3 Analysing alkenes

2.3.1 state what alkene is, 2.3.2 deduce the !olecular for!ulae of the first nine alkenes, 2.3.3 deduce the general for!ula of alkenes, 2.3.4 na!e the first nine alkenes, 2.3." draw the structural for!ulae for the first nine straight.chain alkenes, 2.3.# relate changes in hysical ro erties with increase in the nu!ber of carbon ato!s in alkene !olecules, 2.3.- e$ lain the effects on boiling oints of alkenes

2.3./ 2.3.0 2.3.11 2.3.11 2.3.12

due to increase in the nu!ber of carbon ato!s in alkene !olecules, describe che!ical ro erties of alkenes, co! are and contrast alkanes with alkenes, relate the reactivities of alkanes and alkenes to their che!ical bonds, generalise the characteristics of ho!ologous series based on alkanes and alkenes, construct various structural for!ulae of a articular alkane and alkene,

conductivity. b* che!ical ro erties of alkenes ie co!bustion, addition reaction and oly!erisation. &iscuss a* the relationshi between changes in hysical ro erties with increase in the nu!ber of carbon ato!s in alkene !olecules. b* the effect on boiling oints of alkenes due to increase in the nu!ber of carbon ato!s in alkene !olecules. c* the co!bustion of alkenes. d* the addition reactions of alkenes. e* the oly!erisation of alkenes 2rite che!ical equations for co!bustion, addition and oly!erisation reactions of alkenes. 3nvestigate addition reactions of alkenes through co! uter si!ulation. 'arry out activities to co! are ro erties of alkanes and alkenes having the sa!e nu!ber of carbon ato!s such as he$ane and he$ene with res ect to a* the sootiness of fla!e b* reaction with bro!ine c* reaction with acidified otassiu! !anganate 4(33* 'o! are qualitatively the sootiness of fla!e during co!bustion of an alkane with the corres onding alkane. &iscuss to generalise the characteristics of ho!ologous eries in ters of having the sa!e general for!ula, can be !ade by si!ilar !ethods, steady changes in hysical ro erties and si!ilar che!ical ro erties. 'ontruct all ossible !odels and draw structural for!ula for a articular alkane and alkene. 'onstruct a table showing na!es and for!ulae of alkyl grou s. &iscuss iso!eris! &icuss the e$istence of iso!ers &raw structural for!ula of alkane and alkene iso!ers and na!e the!. 5$a!ine iso!eris! through odels or co! uter si!ulations

2.4 Synthesising ideas on iso!eris!

2.4.1 e$ lain what iso!eris! is, 2.4.2 use 3,PA' no!enclature to na!e the carbon co! ounds.


FIRST SEMESTER BREAK 14%& M'( 2009 ) 22*+ M'( 2009 2." Analysing alcohols 2.".1 state the general for!ula of alcohols, 2.".2 identify the functional grou of alcohols, 2.".3 list the na!es and the !olecular for!ulae of the first four alcohols, 2.".4 draw structural for!ulae for iso!ers of ro anol 4'36-76* and butanol 4'46076*, 2."." na!e iso!ers of ro anol and butanol using 3,PA' no!enclature, 2.".# describe the industrial roduction of ethanol, 2.".- describe the re aration of ethanol in the laboratory, 2."./ state the hysical ro erties of ethanol, 2.".0 describe the che!ical ro erties of ethanol, 2.".11 redict the che!ical ro erties of other !e!bers of alcohols, 'arry out an activity to derive the general for!ula of alcohols and identify the functional grou 'arry out an activity to draw various osible structural for!ulae of the first four alcohols and na!e the!. 'onstruct a table showing na!es and !olecular for!ulae for the first four alcohols. 'ollect and inter ret data on the industrial roduction of ethanol. 'arry out an activity on the re aration of ethanol in the laboratory through fer!entation and distillation. 'ollct and inter ret data on the hysical ro erties of ethanol ie colour, odour, boiling oints, hysical state at roo! te! erature, volatility and solubility. 'arry out activities to investigate the che!ical ro erties of ethanol in ter!s of

12, 13

2.".11 2.".12

e$ lain with e$a! les the uses of alcohols in everyday life, e$ lain the effects of the !isuse and abuse of alcohols.

a* co!bustion b* o$idation c* dehydration 2rite che!ical equations for the above reactions invoving ethanol, ro anol and butanol. 'arry out activity to redict the che!ical ro erties for other !e!bers of alcohols. 'ollect and inter ret data on a* uses of alcohols in everyday life b* effects of alcohol !isuse and abuse 'arry out an activity to derive the general for!ula of carbo$ylic acids and identify the functional grou . 'onstruct a table with na!es and !olecular for!ula of the first four !e!bers of carbo$ylic acid and draw their structural for!ula. 'ollect and inter ret data on the re aration of ethanoic acid in the laboratory. 'ollect and inter ret data on the hysical ro erties of ethanoic acid ie colour, odour, boiling oint, hysical state at roo! te! erature and solubility in water. 'arry out activities to investigate the che!ical ro erties of ethanoic acis through its reactions with a* base b* !etallic carbonate c* !etal d* alcohol 'arry out activity to write che!ical equations for the above reactions involving ro anoic acid and butanoic acid. 'arry out an activitiy to redict the che!ical ro erties of other !e!bers of carbo$ylic acids. 'ollect and inter ret data on the uses of carbo$ylic acids in everyday life. 'arry out an activity to derive the general for!ula of esters and identify the functional grou 'onstruct a table of !olecular for!ulae and na!es of esters 'arry out an activity to re are ethyl ethanoate in the laboratory. 'arry out an activity to investigate the hysical ro erties of ethyl ethanoate, ie the odour and solubility. &iscuss to redict the esters roduced fro! the esterification between various carbo$ylic acids and alcohols. 2rite equations for esterification reactions. 'ollect and inter ret data on a* the natural sources of ester b* uses of ester in everyday life 'arry out a ro8ect to e$tract esters fro! lants. 'ollect and inter ret data on a* what oils and fats are b* why our body needs fats and oils c* sources and the uses of oils and fats d* the difference between oils and fats at roo! te! erature in ter!s of hysical state e* structural for!ulae for fat !olecules of certain fatty acids 'ollect and inter ret data on

14, 15, 1!, 1", 1#

2.# Analysing carbo$ylic acids

2.#.1 state the general for!ula of carbo$ylic acids, 2.#.2 identify the functional grou of carbo$ylic acids, 2.#.3 list the na!es and !olecular for!ulae of the first four !e!bers of carbo$ylic acid, 2.#.4 draw structural for!ulae of the first four !e!bers of carbo$ylic acid and na!e the! using the 3,PA' no!enclature, 2.#." describe the re aration of ethanoic acid in the laboratory, 2.#.# state the hysical ro erties of carbo$ylic acids, 2.#.- state the che!ical reactions of ethanoic acid with other che!icals, 2.#./ redict the che!ical ro erties for other !e!bers of carbo$ylic acid, 2.#.0 e$ lain with e$a! les the uses of carbo$ylic acids in everyday life.

2.- Analysing ester 2.-.1 state the general for!ula of esters, 2.-.2 identify the functional grou of esters, 2.-.3 list the na!es and !olecular for!ulae of si! le esters, 2.-.4 draw structural for!ulae of si! le esters and na!e the! using the 3,PA' no!enclature, 2.-." describe the re aration of ester in the laboratory, 2.-.# state the hysical ro erties of ethyl ethanoate, 2.-.- redict the ester roduced fro! the esterification reaction, 2.-./ write equations for the esterification reactions, 2.-.0 state the natural sources of ester, 2.-.11 state the uses of ester in everyday life. 2./ 5valuating fats 2./.1 state what oils are, 2./.2 state what fats are, 2./.3 state the i! ortance of oils and fats for body rocesses, 2./.4 state the sources of oils and fats, 2./." list the uses of oils and fats, 2./.# state the differences between oils and fats, 2./.- identify structural for!ulae for fat !olecules of certain fatty acids,

2././ state what saturated fats are, 2./.0 state what unsaturated fats are, 2./.11 co! are and contrast between saturated and unsaturated fats, 2./.11 describe the rocess of changing unsaturated fats to saturated fats, 2./.12 describe the effects of eating food high in fats on health, 2./.13 describe the industrial e$traction of al! oil, 2./.14 8ustify the use of al! oil in food roduction.

a* what saturated and unsaturated fats are b* sources and co! ositions of saturated and unsaturated fats c* the differences between saturated and unsaturated fats d* the need to convert unsaturated to saturated fats e* effects of fats on health &iscuss the roduction of !argarine by hydrogenation (isit a al! oil factory, !argarine lant or al! oil research institute. &iscuss a* the advantages of al! oil as co! ared to other vegetable oils b* research on oil al! in 9alaysia c* the i! ortance of al! oil industry to the develo !ent of the country 'ollect and inter ret data on a* natural oly!er ie natural rubber, starch and rotein and their res ective !ono!ers b* ro erties of natural rubber in ter!s of elascity, o$idation and the effects of heat and solvents c* uses of natural rubber d* structural for!ula of natural rubber 'arry out an activity to investigate the coagulation of late$ and !ethods to revent coagulation. 'arry out activities to roduce late$ roducts such as gloves and balloons. 'arry out an activity to roduce vulcanised rubber. 3nvestigate the rocess of rubber vulcanisation using co! uter si!ulation. &iscuss a* how the resence of sul hur ato!s in vulcanised rubber changes the ro erties of vulcanised rubber b* research on natural rubber in 9alaysia 'arry out activity to co! are the elascity of vulcanised and unvulcanised natural rubber. (isit a rubber lantation, a late$ rocessing factory, a rubber roduct !anufacturing alnt or a rubber research institute. 'onstruct a table na!ing each !e!ber of the ho!ologous series according to the increasing nu!ber of carbon ato!s. &iscuss the order in the hysical and che!ical ro erties of co! ounds in ho!ologous series. 'olelct and inter ret data on the e$istence of a variety of organic !aterials in consu!er roducts. Attend activities 4talks, foru!, e$hibition* related to good nutrition for health. 'onduct a foru! related to the contribution of al! oil and natural rubber industries with the country+s econo!y.

2.0 Analysing natural rubber

2.0.1 list e$a! les of natural oly!ers and their !ono!ers, 2.0.2 draw the structural for!ula of natural rubber, 2.0.3 state the ro erties of natural rubber, 2.0.4 state the uses of natural rubber, 2.0." describe the coagulation rocess of late$, 2.0.# describe the !ethod used to revent late$ fro! coagulating, 2.0.- describe the vulcanisation of rubber, 2.0./ describe how the resence of sul hur ato!s changes the ro erties of vulcanised rubber, 2.0.0 co! are and contrast the ro erties of vulcanised and unvulcanised natural rubber.


'reating awareness of order in ho!ologu s series 5$ ressin g gratefulne ss for the variety of organic !aterial in nature

2.11.1 2.11.2

describe the syste!atic a roach in na!ing !e!bers of ho!ologous series, describe the order in the hysical and che!ical ro erties of co! ounds in ho!ologous series. describe the e$istence of various organic !aterials and their uses in everyday life, ractise good nutrition for health, relate the contribution of al! oil and natural rubber to the econo!ic develo !ent of the country.


2.11.1 2.11.2 2.11.3

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MI$,YEAR E-AMINATION MI$,TERM HOLI$AYS 30%& M'. 2009 ) 14%& J/*0 2009

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CHAPTER 3 O-I$ATION AN$ RE$UCTION 3.1 Analysing redo$ reactions 3.1.1 3.1.2 3.1.3 3.1.4 3.1." 3.1.# state what o$idation is, state what reduction is, e$ lain what redo$ reaction is, state what o$idising agent is, state what reducing agent is, calculate the o$idation nu!ber of an ele!ent in a co! ound, 3.1.- relate the o$idation nu!ber of an ele!ent to the na!e of its co! ound using the 3,PA' no!enclature, 3.1./ e$ lain with e$a! les o$idation and reduction rocesses in ter!s of the change in o$idation nu!ber, 3.1.0 e$ lain with e$a! les o$idation and reduction rocesses in ter!s of electron transfer, 3.1.11 e$ lain with e$a! les o$idi%ing and reducing agents in redo$ reactions, 3.1.11 write o$idation and reduction half.equations and ionic equation. 'ollect and inter ret data on o$idation, reduction, redo$ reaction, o$idising agent, reducing agent based on a* loss or gain of o$ygen b* loss or gain of hydrogen c* transfer of electron d* change in o$idation nu!ber. 'alculate the o$idation nu!ber of an ele!ent in a co! ound. 'arry out an activity to identify the o$idation nu!ber of an ele!ent in a co! ound and na!e the co! ound using the 3,PA' no!enclature. 'arry out an activity to identify o$idation and reduction rocesses in che!ical equations a* using o$idation nu!ber b* in ter!s of electron transfer 'arry out activities to investigate o$idation and reduction in the following reactions a* co!bustion of !etal in o$ygen or chlorine b* heating of !etallic o$ide with carbon c* change of iron433* ions to iron4333* ions and iron4333* ions to iron433* ions d* dis lace!ent of !etal fro! tis salt solution e* dis lace!ent of halogen fro! tis halide solution f* transfer of electrons at a distance4a variety of solutions to be used* 'arry out an activity to write o$idation and reduction half.equations and ionic equations for the above reactions. 'olelct and inter ret data on a* conditions for the rusting of iron b* the !eaning of corrosion of !etal c* the rocess of rusting in ter!s of o$idation and reduction &iscuss the redo$ reactions in corrosion of !etals including rusting. &iscuss on the use of other !etals to control rusting. 'arry out an activity to investigate the effect on iron nails when it is in contact with other !etals. 'olelct and inter ret data on !ethods to control !etal corrosion using a !ore electro ositive !etal or less electro ositive !etal. 'arry out an activity to investigate the reactivity of so!e !etals with o$ygen. Arrange !etals in ter!s of their reactivity with o$ygen. 'arry out activity to deter!ine the osiiton of carbon and hydrogen in the reactivity series of !etals. &iscuss to redict the osition of other !etals in the reactivity series. 'ollect and inter ret data on the e$traction of iron and tin. (isit !etal o$idation e$traction factories or view a

2!, 2", 2#, 29

3.2 Analysing rusting as a reaction

3.2.1 state the conditions for the rusting of iron, 3.2.2 state what corrosion of !etal is, 3.2.3 describe the rocess of rusting in ter!s of o$idation and reduction, 3.2.4 generate ideas on the use of other !etals to control rusting, 3.2." e$ lain with e$a! les on the use of a !ore electro ositive !etal to control !etal corrosion, 3.2.# e$ lain with e$a! les on the use of a less electro ositive !etal to control !etal corrosion. 3.3.1 3.3.2 3.3.3 3.3.4 3.3." 3.3.#! are the differences in the vigour of the reactions of so!e !etals with o$ygen, deduce the reactivity series of !etals, deter!ine the osition of carbon and hydrogen in the reactivity series of !etals, state what the reactivity series of !etals are, describe the e$traction of iron and tin fro! their ores, e$ lain the use of carbon as the !ain reducing agent in !etal e$traction, use the reactivity series of !etals to redict

3.3 ,nderstandi ng the reactivity series of !etals and its a lication

ossible reactions involving !etals.

video on the e$traction of !etals. &iscuss the use of the reactivity series of !etals to redict ossible reactions involving !etals. 'arry out an activity to investigate o$idation and reduction reactions in electrolytic and che!ical cells. ,sing co! uter si!ulation, study and discuss redo$ reactions in various ty es of cells. &iscuss the differences between electrolytic and che!ical cells in ter!s of a* basic structure, energy conversion and the transfer of electrons at the electrodes b* o$idation and reduction rocesses

3.4 Analysing redo$ reactions inelectrolytic and che!ical cells

3.4.1 3.4.2 3.4.3


e$ lain with e$a! les the o$idation and reduction reactions at the electrodes of various che!ical cells, e$ lain with e$a! les the o$idation and reduction reactions at the electrodes of various electrolytic cells, state the differences between electrolytic and che!ical cells in ter!s of basic structure, energy conversion and the transfer of electrons at the electrodes, co! are and contrast electrolytic and che!ical cells with reference to the o$idation and reduction describe the various a lications of the change of o$idation nu!ber in substances, describe the e$istence of various ty es of ores in our country, describe efforts to revent corrosion of !etals, describe the contribution of !etal e$traction industry to the econo!y of our country, a reciate che!ical cell as a source of renewable energy,

3." A reciating the ability of ele!ents to change theid o$idation nu!bers

3.".1 3.".2 3.".3 3.".4 3."."

&iscuss the a lications of the change of o$idation nu!ber in substances inthe following rocesses. a* e$tracting !etal fro! its ore b* corrosion of !etal c* reventing corrosion of !etal d* generation of electricity by cell e* recycling of !etals 'ollect and inter ret data on a* the e$istence of various ty es of ores in our country b* !ethods of reventing corrosion of !etal c* varieties of che!ical cells d* recyclign of !etals. &iscuss a* the contribution of !etal e$traction industry to the econo!y of our country b* the otential of new che!ical cells to be develo ed as an alternative source of renewable energy.

30, 31

CHAPTER 4 THERMOCHEM ISTRY 4.1 5valuating energy changes in che!ical reactions 4.1.1 4.1.2 4.1.3 4.1.4 4.1." 4.1.# 4.1.0 4.1.11 4.1.11 state what e$other!ic reaction is, state what endother!ic reaction is, identify e$other!ic reactions, identify endother!ic reactions, give e$a! les of e$other!ic reactions, give e$a! les of endother!ic reactions, construct energy level diagra!s for e$other!ic reactions, construct energy level diagra!s for endother!ic reactions, inter ret energy level diagra!, interrelate energy change with for!ation and breaking of bonds, describe the a lication of knowledge of e$other!ic and endother!ic reactions in everyday life. &iscuss the !eaning of e$other!ic and endother!ic reactions. 'arry out activities to study e$other!ic and endother!ic reactions in the a* reaction between sodiu! hydrogen carbonate and an acid b* reaction between sodiu! hydro$ide and hydrochloric acid c* dissolving of sodiu! hydro$ide in water d* dissolving of a!!oniu! salts such as a!!oniu! chloride, a!!oniu! nitrate and a!!oniu! sul hate in water. 'arry out an activity to construct energy level diagra!s for e$other!ic and endother!ic reactions. &iscuss to inter ret an energy level diagra!. &iscuss the release or the absor tion of energy during for!ation and breaking of bonds using si!ulation, co! uter ani!ation, ga!es or other !ethods. Show and discuss the a lication of e$other!ic and endother!ic reactions, such as in cold or hot acks. &iscuss the !eaning of heat of reaction for the

4.2 ,nderstandi

4.2.1 state what heat of reaction is,

ng heat of reci itation

4.2.2 state what heat of reci itation is, 4.2.3 deter!ine the heat of reci itation for a reaction, 4.2.4 construct an energy level diagra! for a reci itation reaction, 4.2." solve nu!erical roble!s related to heat of reci itation.

following ty es of reactions a* reci itation b* dis lace!ent c* neutralisation d* co!bustion 'arry out an activity to deter!ine the heat of reci itation for a reaction and construct its energy level diagra!. 'arry out an activity to solve nu!erical roble!s related to heat of reci itation using infor!ation based on ther!oche!ical equations. &iscuss the !eaning of heat of dis lace!ent. 'arry out an activity to deter!ine the heat of dis lace!ent for a reaction and construct its energy level diagra!. 'alculate heat of dis lace!ent using infor!ation based on ther!oche!ical equations. 'arry out an activity to solve nu!erical roble!s related to heat of dis lace!ent using infor!ation based on ther!oche!ical equations. &iscuss the !eaning of heat of neutralisation. 'arry out activities to deter!ine the heat of neutralisation and construct energy level diagra! for the following ty es of reactions between a* strong acid and strong alkali b* weak acid and strong alkali c* strong acid and weak alkali d* weak acid and weak alkali &iscuss the difference between the heat of neutralisation for a strong acid and:or strong alkali with heat of neutralisation for a reaction involving a weak acid and a weak alkali. 'arry out an activity to solve nu!erical roble!s related to heat of neutralisation using infor!ation based on ther!oche!ical equations. &iscuss the !eaning of heat of co!bustion. 'arry out activities to deter!ine the heat of co!bustion of various alcohols. &iscuss a* the difference between heat of co!bustion of various alcohols b* the differences between fuel values of various fuels c* the selection of suitable fuel for s ecific ur oses 'arry out an activity to solve nu!erical roble!s related to heat of co!bustion using infor!ation based on ther!oche!ical equations.

4.3 ,nderstandi ng heat of dis lace!ent

4.3.1 4.3.2 4.3.3 4.3.4

state what heat of dis lace!ent is, deter!ine heat of dis lace!ent, construct the energy level diagra! for a dis lace!ent reaction, solve nu!erical roble!s related to heat of dis lace!ent.

4.4 ,nderstandi ng heat of neutralisatio n

4.4.1 state what heat of neutrali%ation is, 4.4.2 deter!ine the heat of neutralisation, construct energy level diagra!s for various ty es of neutralisation reactions, 4.4.3 co! are the heat of neutralisation for the reaction between a strong acid and a strong alkali with the heat of neutralisation for a reaction between a weak acid and or a weak alkali, 4.4.4 e$ lain the difference of the heat of neutralisation for a strong acid and a strong alkali with the heat of neutrali%ation for a reaction involving a weak acid and:or a weak alkali, 4.4." solve nu!erical roble!s related to heat of neutralisation. 4.".1 4.".2 4.".3 4.".4 4."." 4.".# 4.".4."./ 4.".0 state what heat of co!bustion is, deter!ine heat of co!bustion for a reaction, construct an energy level diagra! for a co!bustion reaction, co! are the heat of co!bustion of various alcohols, state what fuel value is, describe the difference between heats of co!bustion of various alcohols, describe the a lications of fuel value, co! are and contrast fuel values for various fuels, solve nu!erical roble!s related to heat of co!bustion. describe a variety of energy sources, identify various technology used to harness energy, 8ustify the use of a articular energy source.

4." ,nderstandi ng heat of co!bustion

4.# A reciating the e$istence of various energy sources

4.#.1 4.#.2 4.#.3

'arry out grou work where each grou a* brainstor! and identify the various energy sources b* choose an energy source c* identify technology used to harness this energy d* discuss the ros and cons in using thsi energy source. &iscuss the uses of various energy sources and its effect on hu!ans and the environ!ent.

32, 33

CHAPTER 5 CHEMICALS FOR CONSUMERS ".1 Analysing soa and detergent ".1.1 ".1.2 ".1.3 ".1.4 ".1." ".1.# ".1.state what soa is, state what detergent is, describe soa re aration rocess, describe detergent re aration rocess, describe the cleansing action of soa , describe the cleansing action of detergent, co! are and contrast the effectiveness of the cleansing action of soa and detergent, ".1./ identify the additives in detergent and their res ective functions. 'ollect and inter ret data on a* the history of soa !anufacturing b* what soa and detergent are c* the addictives in detergent such as biological en%y!es and whitening agents d* the re aration of detergent 'arry out an activity to re are soa using the sa onification rocess. 3nvestigate the cleansing action of soa and detergent using si!ulation and co! uter ani!ation. &iscuss a* the cleansing action of soa and detergent b* the differences in the effectiveness of the cleansing action of soa and detergent. 'onduct a co! etition or carry out a ro8ect related to a* the !anufacturing of soa b* the re aration of detergent for !ulti le ur oses such as sha! oo and dish cleaner. 'ollect and inter ret data on the various ty es of food addictives in the !arket. 'ollect and inter ret data on the ty es of che!icals used in food addictives and their functions as a* reservatives and antio$idants eg sodiu! nitrite, sodiu! ben%oate, ascorbic acid b* flavouring agents eg !onosodiu! gluta!ate 49S;*, as arta!e c* stabilisers and thickening agents, eg gelatine, acacia gu! d* dyes eg a%o co! ound, tri henyl co! ound 'arry out a ro8ect to collect and observe the labels on food acks and identify teh addictives used. &iscuss a* the rationale for the use of food addictives b* the effect of food addictivies on health and the environ!ent c* life without food addictives 'ollect and inter ret data on various ty es and functions of !edicine a* traditional !edicine derived fro! lants and ani!als b* analgesics such as as irin, araceta!ol and codeine c* antibiotics such as enicilin and stre to!ycin d* sychothera eutic !edicine asuch as sti!ulant, antide ressant and anti sychotic. 'ollect and inter ret data on a* the side effects of !odern and traditional !edicines b* the correct usage of !odern and traditional !edicines. 'ollect and inter ret data on a* the discovery of che!icals taht can i! rove the quality of life such as antibiotic and detergent b* side effects of che!icals on life and the environ!ent

".2 5valuating the use of food additives

".2.1 ".2.2 ".2.3 ".2.4

state the ty es of food additives and their e$a! les, state the functions of each ty e of food additive, 8ustify the use of food additives, describe the effects of food additives on health and the environ!ent.

".3 ,nderstandi ng !edicine

".3.1 ".3.2 ".3.3 ".3.4 ".3."

state e$a! les of traditional !edicine, their sources and uses, state the ty es of !odern !edicine and their e$a! les, state the functions of each ty e of !odern !edicine, describe the ossible side effects of using !odern and traditional !edicine, describe the correct usage of !odern and traditional !edicines.

".4 A reciating the e$istence of che!icals

".4.1 ".4.2 ".4.3

describe that the discovery of che!icals i! roves quality of life, state the side effects of che!icals on hu!ans and the environ!ent, describe co!!on traits a!ong scientists in

".4.4 ".4."

carrying out research, describe life without che!icals, state a reciation and su ort for ro er !anage!ent of che!icals.

c* describe co!!on traits a!ong scientists in carrying out research, such as atience, !eticulousness and erseverance. 'arry out activity to discuss and redict how life would be without che!icals. &iscuss and ractise ro er !anage!ent of che!icals towards better life, hygience and health.

34 35, 3!, 3" 40, 41, 42, 43, 44, 45 4!


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