Evolution of OS
Evolution of OS
Evolution of OS
Operating System
A program that controls the execution of application programs An interface between applications and hardware
! Allows computer system resources to be used in an efficient manner
Ability to evolve
! %ermit effective development& testing& and introduction of new system functions without interfering with service
%rogram execution Access to *+O devices ontrolled access to files System access
! Software errors
Arithmetic overflow Access forbidden memory locations
Operating System
2esponsible for managing resources 3unctions same way as ordinary computer software
! *t is program that is executed
%ortion of operating system that is in main memory ontains most fre.uently used functions Also called the nucleus
7ardware 3eatures
"emory protection
! -o not allow the memory area containing the monitor to be altered
! %revents a job from monopoli?ing the system
7ardware 3eatures
%rivileged instructions
! ertain machine level instructions can only be executed by the monitor
! $arly computer models did not have this capability
"emory %rotection
0ser program executes in user mode
! ertain instructions may not be executed
%rocessor must wait for *+O instruction to complete before preceding
=hen one job needs to wait for *+O& the processor can switch to the other job
0tili?ation 7istograms
>ime Sharing
0sing multiprogramming to handle multiple interactive jobs %rocessor@s time is shared among multiple users "ultiple users simultaneously access the system through terminals
"ajor Achievements
%rocesses "emory "anagement *nformation protection and security Scheduling and resource management System structure
A program in execution An instance of a program running on a computer >he entity that can be assigned to and executed on a processor A unit of activity characteri?ed by a single se.uential thread of execution& a current state& and an associated set of system resources
onsists of three components
! An executable program ! Associated data needed by the program ! $xecution context of the program
All information the operating system needs to manage the process
"emory "anagement
%rocess isolation Automatic allocation and management Support of modular programming %rotection and access control (ongAterm storage
Birtual "emory
Allows programmers to address memory from a logical point of view 8o hiatus between the execution of successive processes while one process was written out to secondary store and the successor proceess was read in
Allows process to be comprised of a number of fixedAsi?e bloc#s& called pages Birtual address is a page number and an offset within the page $ach page may be located any where in main memory 2eal address or physical address in main memory
Birtual "emory
! Assuring that users cannot read data for which access is unauthori?ed
! oncerned with the proper verification of the identity of users and the validity of messages or data
-ifferential responsiveness
! -iscriminate among different classes of jobs
! "aximi?e throughput& minimi?e response time& and accommodate as many uses as possible
System Structure
Biew the system as a series of levels $ach level performs a related subset of functions $ach level relies on the next lower level to perform more primitive functions >his decomposes a problem into a number of more manageable subproblems
(evel 2
! %rocessor@s instruction set ! Operations such as add& subtract& load& and store
(evel '
! *nterrupts
(evel ,
! Secondary storage devices ! >ransfer of bloc#s of data
(evel /
! reates logical address space for processes ! Organi?es virtual address space into bloc#s
(evel 4
! Supports longAterm storage of named files
(evel 15
! %rovides access to external devices using standardi?ed interfaces
(evel 12
! %rovides fullAfeatured facility for the support of processes
(evel 13
! %rovides an interface to the operating system for the user
=indows Architecture
"odular structure for flexibility $xecutes on a variety of hardware platforms Supports application written for other operating system
Any module can be removed& upgraded& or replaced without rewriting the entire system
6ernelA"ode omponents
! ontains base operating system services
"emory management %rocess and thread management Security *+O *nterprocess communication
! onsists of the most used components
6ernelA"ode omponents
7ardware abstraction layer ;7A(<
! *solates the operating system from platformAspecific hardware differences
-evice drivers
! >ranslate user *+O function calls into specific hardware device *+O re.uests
=indows $xecutive
*+O manager ache manager Object manager %lug and play manager %ower manager Security reference monitor Birtual memory manager %rocess+thread manager onfiguration manager (ocal procedure call ;(% < facility
0serA"ode %rocesses
Special system support processes
! $xD logon process and the session manager
lient+Server "odel
Simplifies the $xecutive
! %ossible to construct a variety of A%*s
*mproves reliability
! $ach service runs on a separate process with its own partition of memory ! lients cannot not directly access hardware
%rovides a uniform means for applications to communicate via (% %rovides base for distributed computing
=indows Objects
! Object consists of one or more data items and one or more procedures
! Support to some extent in the $xecutive
7ardware is surrounded by the operating system software Operating system is called the system #ernel omes with a number of user services and interfaces
! Shell ! omponents of the compiler
08*E 6ernel