Os Overview

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Overview(Operating System)
1.1 Introduction
• Computer System = Hardware + Software
• Software = Application Software + System Software(OS)

• 1.1.1 What is Software?

• Software is a set of programs, which is designed to perform a
well-defined function.

• A program is a sequence of instructions written to solve a

particular problem.
Types of software
• There are two types of software −
• System Software: The system software is a collection of
programs designed to operate, control, and extend the
processing capabilities of the computer itself.
• Example: OS
• Application Software: Application software products are
designed to satisfy a particular need of a particular
• Example: Microsoft Word ,Microsoft Excel
1.1.2 What is Operating System
• An Operating System is a system Software that acts as
an intermediary/interface between a user of a computer
and the computer hardware.

• Every computer system must have at least one operating

system to run other programs.

• Applications like Browsers, MS Office, Notepad Games,

etc., need some environment to run and perform its tasks.
• What is an Operating System?
An Operating System (OS) is a software that acts as an
interface between computer hardware components and the

• Operating system goals:

• Execute user programs and make solving user
problems easier
• Make the computer system convenient to use
• Use the computer hardware in an efficient manner
History Of OS
• Operating systems were first developed in the late 1950s to manage
tape storage

• The General Motors Research Lab implemented the first OS in the

early 1950s for their IBM 701

• In the mid-1960s, operating systems started to use disks

• In the late 1960s, the first version of the Unix OS was developed

• The first OS built by Microsoft was DOS. It was built in 1981 by

purchasing the 86-DOS software from a Seattle company

• The present-day popular OS Windows first came to existence in 1985

when a GUI was created and paired with MS-DOS.
Examples of Operating System
with Market Share
Types of Operating System (OS)

• Following are the popular types of OS (Operating System):

• Batch Operating System
• Multitasking/Time Sharing OS
• Multiprocessing OS
• Real Time OS
• Distributed OS
• Network OS
• Mobile OS
• Batch Operating System
• Some computer processes are very lengthy and time-consuming. To
speed the same process, a job with a similar type of needs are
batched together and run as a group.
• The user of a batch operating system never directly interacts with the
computer. In this type of OS, every user prepares his or her job on
an offline device like a punch card and submit it to the computer
• Multi-Tasking/Time-sharing Operating systems
• Time-sharing operating system enables people located at a different
terminal(shell) to use a single computer system at the same time. The
processor time (CPU) which is shared among multiple users is
termed as time sharing.
• Real time OS
• A real time operating system time interval to process and
respond to inputs is very small. Examples: Military Software
Systems, Space Software Systems are the Real time OS
• Distributed Operating System
• Distributed systems use many processors located in different
machines to provide very fast computation to its users.
• Network Operating System
• Network Operating System runs on a server. It provides the
capability to serve to manage data, user, groups, security,
application, and other networking functions.
• Mobile OS
• Mobile operating systems are those OS which is especially that
are designed to power smartphones, tablets, and wearables
• Some most famous mobile operating systems are Android and
iOS, but others include BlackBerry and watchOS.
Functions of Operating System
Functions of Operating System
• 1. Process management: Process management helps OS to
create and delete processes. It also provides mechanisms for
synchronization and communication among processes.

• 2.Memory management: Memory management module

performs the task of allocation and de-allocation of memory
space to programs in need of this resources.

• 3. File management: It manages all the file-related activities

such as organization storage, retrieval, naming, sharing, and
protection of files.
• 4. I/O Device Management Function
• Input-output Device Management Function use by Operating
system to manage I/O activity that generated by the user.

• Operating system accepts the input from input device store it in

main memory and asked processor to execute it and finally provide
the result to Output Devices.
• 5. Security Management
• Security Management is one of the Keys to the management of any
Operating system because there are various virus threads which an
Interface with the normal Operation to a computer can be very
harmful result may be system crash or loss of Data.
Features of Operating System
• Program Execution
• Memory management
• Handling I/O operations
• Manipulation of the file system
• Error Detection and handling
• Resource allocation
• Information and Resource Protection
• Allows disk access and file systems Device drivers
Networking Security
Advantage of Operating System
• Easy to use with a GUI
• Offers an environment in which a user may execute
• The operating system must make sure that the
computer system convenient to use
• It provides the computer system resources with easy
to use format
• Acts as an intermediator between all hardware’s
and software’s of the system
Disadvantages of Operating System
• If any issue occurs in OS, you may lost all the
contents which have been stored in your system

• Operating system’s software is quite expensive for

small size organization which adds burden on them.

• It is never entirely secure as a threat can occur at any

Hardware concepts related to operating

• Hardware – Any physical device or equipment used

in or with a computer system (anything you can see
and touch).
• Internal hardware

• External hardware
Internal hardware

• Internal hardware devices (or internal hardware

components) – any piece of hardware device that is
located inside the computer.

• Examples: CPU, hard disk drive, ROM, RAM, etc.

External hardware
• External hardware devices (peripherals) – any
hardware device that is located outside the computer.

• Input device – a piece of hardware device which is

used to enter information to a computer for

• Examples: keyboard, mouse, trackpad (or

touchpad), touchscreen, microphone, light pen,
webcam, speech input, etc.
External hardware

• Output device – a piece of hardware device that

receives information from a computer.

• Examples: monitor, printer, speaker, display screen

(tablet, smartphone …), projector, head phone, etc.
What is Kernel in Operating

• Kernel is a computer program that is a core or heart

of an operating system.
• A kernel is the core component of an operating
system that acts as a bridge between the hardware
and software.
• It manages system resources such as memory, CPU,
and input/output devices, and provides a layer of
abstraction between the hardware and higher-level
software components.
System Calls
• A System call is a way for a user program to
interface with the operating system.
• A system call is a method for a computer program
to request a service from the kernel of the operating
system on which it is running.
• A system call is a method of interacting with the
operating system via programs. A system call is a
request from computer software to an operating
system's kernel.
System Calls
• The program requests several services, and the OS
responds by invoking a series of system calls to
satisfy the request.
• A system call can be written in assembly language or
a high-level language like C or Pascal.
• System calls are predefined functions that the
operating system may directly invoke if a high-level
language is used.

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