021 - Aircraft General Knowledge

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The key takeaways are about aircraft systems including pressurization, oxygen, fire detection, propulsion and hydraulics.

Spoilers are upper wing surface devices that can be deployed symmetrically or asymmetrically to disrupt lift and help with descent and landing. They function to help reduce lift during landing.

The purpose of an altitude mixture control is to enrich the mixture strength due to decreased air density at altitude to maintain the correct fuel-air ratio for proper engine operation.


1 In flight, a cantilever wing of an airplane containing fuel undergoes vertical loads which produce a bending moment: A B C D highest at the wing root equal to the zero -fuel weight multiplied by the span equal to half the weight of the aircraft multiplied by the semi span lowest at the wing root

2 The function of an accumulator in a hydraulic brake system is: A B C D to supply a limited amount of brake energy in case the hydraulic system normally powering the brakes does not function anymore. to damp pressure fluctuations of the auto brake system. to store the hydraulic energy recovered by the anti skid system to prevent wheel blocking. to function as a buffer to assist the hydraulic system during heavy braking.

3 Compared to a tyre fitted with an inner tube, a tubeless tyre presents the following characteristics: 1 - high heating 2 - valve fragility 3 - lower risk of bursting 4 - better adjustment to wheels The combination containing all the correct statements is: A B C D 3, 4. 2, 3. 2, 4. 1, 2, 3, 4.

4 On an aeroplane, spoilers are: A B C D lower wing surface devices, their deflection is symmetrical or asymmetrical. upper wing surface devices, their deflection is symmetrical or asymmetrical. lower wing surface devices, their deflection is always asymmetrical. upper wing surface devices, their deflection is always asymmetrical.

5 In hydraulic system, a shuttle valve: A B C D allows two units to be operated by one pressure source. regulates pump delivery pressure. allows two possible sources of pressure to operate one unit. is a self-lapping non-return valve.

6 The function of the selector valve is to: A B C D discharge some hydraulic fluid if the system pressure is too high. automatically activate the hydraulic system. select the system to which the hydraulic pump should supply pressure. communicate system pressure to either side of an actuator.


7 Assuming cabin differential pressure has reached the required value in normal flight conditions, if flight altitude and air conditioning system setting are maintained: A B C D the mass air flow through the cabin is constant. the outflow valves will move to the fully open position. the pressurisation system ceases to function until leakage reduces the pressure. the outflow valves will move to the fully closed position.

8 On most modern airliners the cabin pressure is controlled by regulating the: A B C D Airflow leaving the cabin. Airflow entering the cabin. RPM of the engine. Bleed air valve.

9 In a cabin air conditioning system, equipped with a bootstrap, the mass air flow is routed via the: A B C D turbine outlet of the cold air unit to the primary heat exchanger inlet. compressor outlet of the cold air unit to the primary heat exchanger inlet. secondary heat exchanger outlet to the turbine inlet of the cold air unit. secondary heat exchanger outlet to the compressor inlet of the cold air unit.

10 In jet aeroplanes the 'thermal anti-ice system' is primarily supplied by A B C D bleed air from the engines. turbo compressors. ram air, heated via a heat exchanger. the APU.

11 Generally, for large aeroplanes, electrical heating for ice protection is used on: A B C D Slat leading edges. Fin leading edges. Pitot tubes. Elevator leading edges.

12 Fire precautions to be observed before refuelling are: A B C D All bonding and connections to the earth terminal between ground equipment and the aircraft should be made before filler caps are removed. Ground Power Units (GPU) are not to be operated. Passengers may be boarded (traversing the refuelling zone) providing suitable fire extinguishers are readily available. Aircraft must be more than 10 metres from radar or HF radio equipment under test.

13 During fuelling the automatic fuelling shut off valves will switch off the fuel supply system when: A B C D there is fire. the surge vent tank is filled. fuelling system has reached a certain pressure. the fuel has reached a predetermined volume or mass.


14 Which of the following statements, relating to the application of Ohm's Law, is the most correct? A B C D power in the circuit is inversely proportional to the square of the current. current in a circuit is inversely proportional to the electromotive force. Current in a circuit is directly proportional to the applied electromotive force. The current in a circuit is directly proportional to the resistance of the circuit.

15 The connection in parallel of two 12 volt/ 40 amp hours batteries, will create a unit with the following characteristics; A B C D 12 volt / 40 amp hours 12 volt / 80 amp hours 24 volt / 40 amp hours 24 volt / 80 amp hours

16 A relay is: A B C D An electromagnetically operated switch. An electrical security switch. A switch specially designed for AC circuits. An electrical energy conversion unit.

17 In order that DC generators will achieve equal load sharing when operating in parallel, it is necessary to ensure that: A B C D adequate voltage differences exists. equal loads are connected to each generator busbar before paralleling. the synchronising bus-bar is disconnected from the busbar system. their voltages are almost equal.

18 A bus-bar is: A B C D the stator of a moving coil instrument. a device which may only be used in DC circuits. a distribution point for electrical power. a device permitting operation of two or more switches together.

19 It may be determined that an aircraft is not properly bonded if: A B C D there is interference on the VOR receiver. there is heavy corrosion on the fuselage skin mountings. static noises can be heard on the radio. a circuit breaker pops out.

20 The alternators, when connected, are usually connected: A B C D Dependant on the type of generator. Dependant on the type of engine. In parallel mode. In series mode.


21 The services connected to a supply bus-bar are normally in: A B C D parallel, so that isolation of loads decreases the bus-bar voltage. series, so that isolation of loads increases the bus-bar voltage. parallel, so that isolating individual loads decreases the bus-bar current consumption. series, so that isolating one load increases the bus-bar current consumption.

22 The wavelength of a radio signal transmitted at the frequency of 75 MHz is: A B C D 4 m. 40 m. 7.5 m. 75 m.

23 The working cycle of a four-stroke engine is: A B C D compression induction, power, exhaust. induction, compression, expansion, power. induction, compression, power, exhaust. induction, power, compression, exhaust.

24 The oil system for a piston engine incorporates an oil cooler that is fitted: A B C D in the return line to the oil tank after the oil has passed through the scavenge pump between the oil tank and the pressure pump after the pressure pump but before the oil passes through the engine after the oil has passed through the engine and before it enters the pump

25 The purpose of an ignition switch is to: A B C D control the primary circuit of the magneto connect the secondary coil to the distributor connect the battery to the magneto connect the contact breaker and condenser in series with the primary coil

26 Which statement is correct concerning the effect of the application of carburettor heat? A B C D The density of the air entering the carburettor is reduced, thus leaning the fuel/air mixture. The volume of air entering the carburettor is reduced, thus enriching the fuel/air mixture. The density of the air entering the carburettor is reduced, thus enriching the fuel/air mixture. The volume of air entering the carburettor is reduced, thus leaning the fuel/air mixture.

27 One of the advantages of a turbocharger is: A B C D to make the power available less dependent on altitude. that is has a better propulsive efficiency. that there is no torsion at the crankshaft. that there is no danger of detonation.


28 In a piston engine, the purpose of an altitude mixture control is to: A B C D enrich the mixture strength due to decreased air density at altitude. weaken the mixture strength because of reduced exhaust back pressure at altitude. prevent a weak cut when the throttle is opened rapidly at altitude. correct for variations in the fuel/air ratio due to decreased air density at altitude.

29 The main purpose of the mixture control is to: A B C D adjust the fuel flow to obtain the correct fuel/air ratio. decrease the air supplied to the engine. increase the oxygen supplied to the engine. decrease the oxygen supplied to the engine.

30 The 'slipstream effect' of a propeller is most prominent at: A B C D low airspeeds with high power setting. high airspeeds with low power setting. high airspeeds with high power setting. low airspeeds with low power setting.

31 The pitch angle of a constant-speed propeller A B C D increases with increasing true air speed. only varies with engine RPM. decreases with increasing true air speed. is independent of the true air speed.

32 During climb with constant throttle and RPM lever setting (mixture being constant) the: A B C D RPM decreases. Manifold Air Pressure (MAP) decreases. RPM increases. Manifold Air Pressure (MAP) increases.

33 When starting an engine or when the engine runs at an idle rpm on ground, the mixture is: A B C D rich, because the choke valve is closed rich, to make starting possible and to cool the engine sufficiently when idling lean, to prevent hat the engine consumes too much fuel. rich, because carburettor heat is switched on

34 The diffuser in a centrifugal compressor is a device in which the: A B C D pressure rises and velocity falls. pressure rises at a constant velocity. velocity, pressure and temperature rise. velocity rises and pressure falls.


35 In very cold weather, the pilot notices during startup, a slightly higher than normal oil pressure. This higher pressure: A B C D is normal, if it decreases after startup. is abnormal and requires the engine to be shut down. is abnormal but does not require the engine to be shut down. requires an oil change.

36 The indication of the fire detection systems is performed by a: A B C D warning bell. warning light and a warning bell (or aural alert). gear warning. warning light.

37 The bimetal strip detectors of an engine fire detection system: 1 - are arranged in series. 2 - are arranged in parallel. 3 - open during a fire. 4 - close during a fire. The combination containing all of the correct statements is: A B C D 1 and 4 only. 1 and 3 only. 2 and 4 only. 2 and 3 only.

38 The demand valve of a diluter-demand type oxygen regulator in normal mode, operates when the: A B C D diluter control is in normal position user breathes in pressure in the oxygen reservoir is more than 500 psi user requires 100 percent oxygen

39 Oxygen systems are systems used on pressurized airplanes in: 1. an emergency in the case of depressurization. 2. an emergency in the case of the indisposition of a passenger. 3. normal use in order to supply oxygen to the cabin. 4. an emergency in the case of smoke or toxic gases. The combination regrouping all the correct statements is: A B C D 1,4 1, 2, 4 3 2, 3

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