Unit 6 A Future Jobs

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Date: 05/10/2010

Unit 6: Future jobs

Period 31: Reading
I. Objectives: By the end of the esson! "s #i be ab e to: $ re%ie# a series of jobs they ha%e earnt through &a'e( $ be a)*no# edged #ith #hat they shou d do before! during and after a job inter%ie# and *no# ho# to +erfor' #e in an inter%ie#( $ de%e o+ su)h reading 'i)ro$s*i s by )hoosing the best 'eaning for the gi%en #ords and de)iding #hether the state'ents are true or fa se( II. Materials: ,e-t boo*! +osters! handout( III. Anticipated problems: "s 'ay ha%e no idea of a rea job inter%ie#! so , shou d fa)i itate ne)essary infor'ation re ating to job inter%ie#( IV. Procedure: Stage and time Warm-up ./ Procedure $ Pre+are so'e +i)tures of jobs and hang the' on the board( $ 0s* "s to )a the na'e of ea)h +i)ture( $ 1hi)h grou+ has the )orre)t ans#ers first #i be the #inner( Interaction &rou+ #or* 1ho e ) ass

1. Carpenter


3. Farmer

4. Waiter

Be ore !ou read 10/

5. Teacher 6. Tailor 7. Worker 8. Policeman $ &et feedba)* and gi%e )orre)t ans#ers $ 2ntrodu)e ne# esson : Unit 6: Future jobs $ 0s* "s to #or* in grou+s( ,i)* 3 4 the fa)tors that they thin* #ou d he + the' su))eed in a job inter%ie#( 5 #earing )asua ) othes 5 gi%ing ) ear! honest ans#ers 5 fee ing se f$)onfident 5 fee ing ner%ous 5 ha%ing a good sense of hu'our 5 a%oiding diffi)u t 6uestions $ &et feedba)*( $ &i%e "s suggested ans#ers( Pre-teac"ing vocabular!(

&rou+ #or* 1ho e ) ass

$ 1rite so'e ne# #ords and +hrases on the board - create / make an impression on !" - !acanc# n" - res$me n" - certi%icate n" - &ot 'o(n !" - keenness ) ea*erness n" $ 0s* students to guess the 'eanings of the #ords $ &uide "s to read $ 0s* students to read the #ords in )horus t#i)e( $ 7a t#o students to read the #ords in front of the ) ass $ 7a on so'e "s to read a oud the ne# #ords( $ &i%e feedba)*( W"ile !ou read 8/ Set t"e scene: To kno( ho( a &o+ inter!ie( is carrie' o$t an' ho( to per%orm it (ell '$rin* the inter!ie(, the passa*e (ill *i!e #o$ a'!ice on (hat sho$l' #o$ 'o +e%ore, '$rin* an' a%ter an inter!ie(. #as$ %: $ 0s* students to #or* in +airs to read the +assage and de)ide #hether state'ents are true or fa se( $ 0s* "s to )o'+are their ans#ers #ith another +airs( $ 7a on so'e " to gi%e the ans#ers( $ 0s* )o''ents fro' the others( $ &i%e feedba)* and )orre)t ans#ers( -. .rin* (ith #o$ a letter o% application an' #o$r r/s$m/s to the inter!ie(er 2. 0emem+er to 'ress neatl# an' %ormall#. 3. .e clear, impolite an' honest. 4. 1o$ sho$l' sa# *oo'+#e to the inter!ie(er a%ter lea!in* the inter!ie(. -. T 2. T 3. F 4. F #as$ &: $ 0s* "s to read the +assage again and )ir) e the best ans#er( $ 9a%e "s )o'+are their ans#ers #ith a +artner( $ &o around and gi%e he +( $ 7a on so'e "s to gi%e ans#ers( $ Feedba)* and gi%e )orre)t ans#ers -. 1o$ sho$l' %in' o$t as m$ch as possi+le a+o$t2.. 3. the &o+ .. the !acanc# C. all o% them D. none o% them 2. .e%ore the inter!ie(, #o$ sho$l'22222.. 3. kno( (here the inter!ie( is an' ho( to *et there .. .e on time or a %e( min$tes earl#. C. 4one D. 3 an' . 3. 1o$ sho$l' sho(222.(hen the &o+ is e5plaine' 3. enth$siasm .. r/s$m/s C. certi%icates D. 6$estions 4. 2222ma# help #o$ prepare +etter (hen #o$ are calle' %or the ne5t &o+ inter!ie(. 3. inter!ie(er7s comments .. comments C. inter!ie(er D. 3ll o% them -. C 2. D 3. 3 4. 3

Pair #or* 1ho e ) ass


2ndi%idua #or* 1ho e ) ass

A ter !ou read $ 0s* "s to #or* in grou+s to +ut a ti)* in the right )o u'n( 8/ $ &o around obser%ing and gi%ing he +( $ 7o e)t "s/ ideas( $ &i%e )o''ents( .e%or D$rin* 3%ter e -. 8ho( #o$r +est si'e, #o$r keenness to (ork an' #o$r sense o% ! responsi+ilit#. 2. 4ot to +e too 'isappointe' i% #o$ ! are not s$ccess%$l. 3. .rin* (ith #o$ #o$r school certi%icates an' letters o% ! recommen'ation %rom #o$r teachers or pre!io$s emplo#ers 4. 8ho$l' concentrate on (hat the ! inter!ie(er is sa#in* Wrap-up 2/ $ "u''ari:e the 'ain +oints of the esson $ For ho'e#or*! 0s* "s to earn by heart ne# #ords and +re+are for the ne-t esson(

&rou+ #or*

1ho e ) ass

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