Final Exam Communication Principles For A Lifetime: B. Adolescence

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Name: ____________________________________ Date: _____________________________________ Instructor: Mrs.

Souza HCOM-100

FINAL EXAM Communication Principles for a Lifetime

1.) Accordin to t!e te"t#oo$% at &!ic! sta e in 'i(e do re'ations!i)s &it! our )eers #ecome t!e most im)ortant socia' in('uence in our 'i*es+ a. c!i'd!ood b. adolescence c. adu't!ood d. senior adu'ts ,.) -ara and .ara are co-&or$ers. -ara te''s .ara t!at s!e does not 'i$e t!eir ne& #oss and t!at s!e &is!ed s!e &or$ed in a di((erent de)artment. -ara &as s!oc$ed &!en !er su)er*isor con(ronted !er a#out t!e matter t!e ne"t da/. .!is incident cou'd !a*e #een a*oided i( -ara !ad _______________. a. used uncertaint/ reduction to determine i( .ara cou'd #e trusted. b. adapted by remembering that or! and personal relationships are different. c. used a))ro)riate non*er#a' s$i''s% so !er emotions cou'd #e understood d. used #etter 'istenin s$i''s to res)ond more a))ro)riate'/ 0.) Dan and Donna #e in se'(-disc'osin in(ormation a#out t!eir dreams (or t!e (uture% *a'ues% and re'i ious #e'ie(s% #ut t!e/ sti'' s)end a 'imited amount o( time &it! one anot!er. .!e/ are mo*in into &!ic! sta e o( re'ationa' esca'ation+ a. initiation b. e"ploration c. intensi(ication d. interaction a&areness 1.) Maria and Andre !a*e #een married (or (i*e /ears% #ut as o( 'ate t!e/ !ard'/ ta'$ un'ess it2s necessar/. .!e/ used to ta$e time out o( t!eir #us/ sc!edu'es to o on dates or 3ust ta'$. It o(ten (ee's 'i$e t!e/2re 3ust oin t!rou ! t!e motions. 4!at sta e o( re'ationa' de-esca'ation does t!is e"am)'e i''ustrate+ a. turmoi' sta e b. stagnation stage c. indi*idua'ization sta e d. de-intensi(ication sta e 5.) 4!at does researc! s!o& a#out !o& )eo)'e end re'ations!i)s a. most #rea$u)s are #i'atera' 6done #/ #ot! )arties). #. most )eo)'e use direct #rea$u) strate ies c. most people prefer indirect brea!up strategies d. indirect #rea$u) strate ies are t!e most inter)ersona''/ communicati*e. 7.) 4!ic! o( t!e (o''o&in is t!e most nota#'e contri#utin (actor to a destructi*e con('ict+ a. )oor *er#a' communication s$i''s #. 'ac$ o( simi'ar *a'ues c. lac! of fle"ibility d. issues concernin mone/ 8.) Sandra and 9enni(er !a*e #een roommates (or se*era' /ears and #ot! 'o*e to entertain. 4!en t!e/ &ant to )'an a s)ecia' e*enin (or (riends% Sandra )'ans t!e menu% *isits se*era' ourmet mar$ets% and s)ends t!e a(ternoon !a))i'/ )re)arin an e":uisite (east. 9enni(er% on t!e ot!er !and% ta$es care o( t!e in*itations% c'eans t!e a)artment% and se'ects t!e entertainment (or t!e e*enin . In re ard to entertainin % t!is re'ations!i) &ou'd #e c!aracterized as #ein ______________________. a. com)'ementar/ #. s/mmetrica' c. parallel d. uni'atera'

;.) <eo)'e &!o use #'ame as a strate / (or &innin a con('ict are usin &!ic! con('ict st/'e+ a. noncon(rontationa' #. constructi*e c. coo)erati*e d. confrontational =.) Hector2s #oss !as 3ust to'd !im to enter some (i ures in t!e #oo$s t!at Hector $no&s are &ron . Hector sa/s% >?oss% I don2t t!in$ t!ese (i ures are ri !t.@ .!e #oss sa/s% >Are /ou c!a''en in m/ (i ures% Hector+@ Hector re)'ies% >No #oss. 4!at e*er /ou sa/ #oss. I2'' enter t!em 3ust 'i$e /ou &ant.@ 4!at noncon(rontationa' st/'e is Hector most 'i$e'/ em)'o/in + a. distractin #. com)utin c. &it!dra&in d. placating 10.) 4!at is t!e (irst ste) in t!e )ro#'em-so'*in )rocess+ a. enerate so'utions #. e*a'uate so'utions c. identi(/ oa's d. define the problem 11.) 4!ic! o( t!e (o''o&in 'ists contains e'ements o( t!e de(inition o( a sma'' rou) i*en in t!e te"t#oo$+ a. common )ur)ose% , to 15 )eo)'e% (ace-to-(ace interaction #. mem#ers e"ert in('uence on ot!ers in t!e rou)% 1 to ; )eo)'e% (orma' 'eader c. # to $% people& common purpose& members feel a sense of belonging d. (orma' 'eader% 0 to 15 )eo)'e% mem#ers (ee' a sense o( #e'on in 1,.) At ?ett/2s 4ei !t 4atc!ers meetin % t!e rou) (re:uent'/ discusses t!e c!a''en e o( sta/in a&a/ (rom *endin mac!ines% )assin u) dou !nuts at &or$% and dea'in &it! t!e stress o( t!e !o'ida/s. 4!at t/)e o( rou) is descri#ed !ere+ a. )rimar/ rou) #. stud/ rou) c. therapy group d. (ocus rou) 10.) Sara! o#ser*es t!at s!e usua''/ $ee)s !er t!eater rou) (ocused on re!earsin and t!at !er (riend Maureen o((ers t!e rou) inno*ati*e ideas. .!e )atterns o( communication o#ser*ed #/ Sara! &ou'd #e rou) ____________ a. roles #. norms c. st/'es d. )ositions 11.) Ao'es in a rou) ___________________________________________. a. are #ased on one2s )ersona'it/% so t!e/ tend to #e t!e same (rom rou) to rou) #. are usua''/ assi ned #/ t!e rou) 'eader c. are #ased u)on *er#a' #e!a*ior% #ut not non*er#a' #e!a*ior d. are dynamic because e ad'ust our beha(ior by listening and responding to others 15.) .om &as a mem#er o( t!e (i*e-mem#er committee (or e*a'uatin student com)'aints. 4!en .om raised a :uestion% ot!er mem#ers a#ru)t'/ c!an ed t!e to)ic. Se*era' times .om made su estions (or ne& )rocedures% #ut !is ideas &ere summari'/ dismissed. In addition% ot!ers in t!e rou) tended to interru)t !is statements &it! ideas o( t!eir o&n. .om )ro#a#'/ !as ____________. a. emer ent 'eaders!i) b. lo status c. !i ! status d. #'oc$in #e!a*iors

17.) 9ason 'oo$s u) to and res)ects !is roommate% A'. 9ason admires t!e &a/ A' is a#'e to ma$e (riends easi'/% and is a'so success(u' in !is sc!oo'&or$. ?ecause o( t!is admiration% A' !as a reat dea' o( in('uence on 9ason2s decisions. ?ased on t!is in(ormation% &!at t/)e o( )o&er does A' !a*e (or 9ason+ a. coerci*e b. referent c. e")ert d. re&ard 18.) <au'a is a mem#er o( a rou) in &!ic! t!e mem#ers tru'/ 'i$e one anot!er and (ee' a sense o( 'o/a't/ to t!e rou). .!is is an e"am)'e o( ____________. a. rou) oa's #. rou) et!ics c. group cohesi(eness d. rou) )o&er 1;.) 4!ic! o( t!e (o''o&in correct'/ de)icts t!e re'ations!i) #et&een rou) co!esi*eness and rou) )roducti*it/+ a. as co!esi*eness increases% )roducti*it/ increases #. as co!esi*eness increases% )roducti*it/ decreases c. the relationship bet een producti(ity and cohesi(eness is cur(ilinear. d. t!e re'ations!i) #et&een )roducti*it/ and co!esi*eness is 'inear. 1=.) 4!en 9enni(er2s teac!er di*ided !er c'ass into rou)s% 9enni(er ended u) in a rou) &it! (our ot!er )eo)'e &!o &ere a'' stran ers to eac! ot!er. At (irst% t!e/ too$ turns introducin t!emse'*es and te''in t!e ot!ers t!eir ma3ors. A't!ou ! t!e discussion &as )'easant% it &as some&!at strained and uncom(orta#'e. 9enni(er &ondered &!o in t!e rou) &ou'd #e moti*ated to &or$% and &!o &ou'd #e a s'ac$er. .!is rou) is most 'i$e'/ e")eriencin ____________________. a. primary tension #. secondar/ tension c. !i ! co!esi*eness d. communication #rea$do&n ,0.) 4!ic! o( t!e (o''o&in is a t/)ica' assum)tion o( an indi*idua'istic cu'ture+ a. )'annin s!ou'd #e done #/ t!e entire rou) #. t!e )rime o#3ecti*e o( a meetin is to reac! a consensus c. team&or$ is more im)ortant t!an com)etition d. indi(iduals should be re arded for their accomplishments ,1.) Accordin to t!e te"t#oo$% t!e most centra' e'ement in a'' as)ects o( )re)arin /our s)eec! is _______________. a. /our su))ortin materia' b. considering your audience c. #ecomin con(ident in t!e )rocess d. se'ectin /our to)ic ,,.) Me'inda *isits t!e communication 'a# and &atc!es a *ideota)e o( a success(u' )resentation se*era' times. S!e #ecomes *er/ (ami'iar &it! t!e ta)e. Bina''/% s!e )ictures !erse'( as t!e s)ea$er on t!e ta)e. S!e can see !erse'( i*in a success(u' )resentation. 4!at tec!ni:ue is Me'inda usin to o*ercome !er an"iet/+ a. co niti*e restructurin #. s/stematic desensitization c. s/stematic sensitization d. performance (isuali)ation

,0.) 4!at t/)es o( or anizationa' )attern is re('ected in t!ese main )oints+ I. As a /oun c!i'd% 9.A.A. .o'$ien and !is /oun cousins in*ented a 'an ua e ca''ed Ne#os!. II. As a co''e e student% 9.A.A. .o'$ien in*ented se*era' 'an ua es in('uenced #/ 4e's! and Binnis!. III. ?/ t!e time !e )u#'is!ed t!e &or$s o( (iction (or &!ic! !is is (amous% 9.A.A. .o'$ien !ad in*ented a num#er o( C'*is! 'an ua es. a. chronological #. s)atia' c. to)ica' d. )ro#'em-so'ution ,1.) A (e& minutes remain in t!e c'ass )eriod. .!e teac!er assi ns a student to stand #e(ore t!e c'ass and i*e a #rie( s)eec! on e((ecti*e stud/ !a#its. 4!at met!od o( de'i*er/ is used in t!is situation+ a. memorized s)ea$in #. e"tem)oraneous s)ea$in c. manuscri)t s)ea$in d. impromptu spea!ing ,5.) Crai 2s teac!er su ests t!at !e use t!e &ord >#aritone sa"o)!one@ rat!er t!an >musica' instrument@ in !is s)eec!. 4!ic! )rinci)'e o( e((ecti*e *er#a' de'i*er/ is Crai 2s teac!er )ointin out to Crai + a. use specific& concrete ords #. use un#iased &ords c. use *i*id &ords d. use correct &ords ,7.) 4!en teac!in a )rocess% it is !e')(u' to (o''o& t!e acron/m .-C-A-C-H% &!ic! stands (or t!e (o''o&in : a. train% e")'ain% administer% coo)erate% !e') #. teac!% e"am)'e% a))'/% communicate% !ear c. tell& e"ample& apply& coach& help d. te''% e")'ain% attri#ute% coac!% !ear ,8.) Masa/u$i a*e a s)eec! on &a/s t!e !i ! conte"t *a'ue in 9a)anese societ/ re('ects itse'( in t!e cu'ture. His t!ree main )oints &ere t!e 'an ua e% t!e i(t- i*in customs% and t!e *isua' arts. His s)eec! is or anized accordin to &!ic! )attern+ a. topical #. s)atia' c. c!rono'o ica' d. com)'e"it/ ,;.) .!e )rimar/ di((erence #et&een a )ersuasi*e s)eec! and an in(ormati*e s)eec! is __________________. a. a )ersuasi*e s)eec! does not need to #e as &e'' or anized as an in(ormati*e s)eec! needs to #e. #. a )ersuasi*e s)eec! needs more detai'ed and *aried su))ortin materia' t!an an in(ormati*e s)eec! needs. c. a )ersuasi*e s)eec! is de'i*ered (rom a manuscri)t% an in(ormati*e s)eec! is de'i*ered e"tem)oraneous'/. d. a persuasi(e speech as!s the audience to ma!e an e"plicit choice* an informati(e speech offers information about the options. ,=.) Brazier is 'istenin to a )ersuasi*e s)eec! on assisted suicide. He (ee's uncom(orta#'e #ecause !e is #e innin to :uestion !is o&n o)inion. 4!at is t!e #est term (or &!at Brazier is e")eriencin + a. *a'ues erosion b. cogniti(e dissonance c. )redetermined moti*ation d. credi#i'it/ deterioration

00.) An in(ormati*e s)eec! !as #een assi ned% so 9ama' starts to &orr/ a#out &!at !e can )ossi#'/ )resent to !is c'ass. .!at ni !t !e ta$es out a #'an$ s!eet o( )a)er and 3ust starts &ritin do&n e*er/ )ossi#'e idea (or a s)eec! to)ic t!at !e can t!in$ o(. 4!at is 9ama' doin + a. e")eriencin in(ormation o*er'oad b. brainstorming c. (indin 'o ica' di*isions in !is t!in$in d. usin a cate orica' a))roac! to to)ic se'ection 01.) In Dar/'2s s)eec! on (oot#a''% !e te''s t!e audience in t!e introduction t!at !e is oin to discuss t!e !istor/ o( t!e s)ort% some o( t!e ru'es% and t!e #ene(its o( )'a/in (oot#a'' on cardio*ascu'ar (itness. 4!at t/)e o( si n)ost is Dar/' demonstratin + a. a transition b. a pre(ie c. an interna' summar/ d. an e"terna' summar/ 0,.) Instead o( sim)'/ sa/in % >.!e do s'e)t on t!e c!air%@ Cmi'/ said% >.!e 'et!ar ic dac!s!und snoozed contented'/ on t!e o*erstu((ed armc!air.@ .!is #est i''ustrates &!at )rinci)'e o( e((ecti*e *er#a' de'i*er/+ a. use un#iased &ords b. use (i(id ords c. use sim)'e &ords d. use correct &ords 00.) In !er )ersuasi*e s)eec!% Mart!a s)o$e a#out t!e a''e ed es)iona e #/ t!e C!inese% and t!e )ossi#'e t!e(t o( D.S. nuc'ear armament secrets. S!e ot t!e audience to t!in$ a#out t!e )ossi#i'it/ t!at C!ina cou'd one da/ rise u) and use !i !-tec! nuc'ear &ea)ons a ainst t!e Dnited States. S!e c!a''en ed t!em to monitor Senate !earin s on t!e )ro#'em and to et in*o'*ed #/ &ritin or emai'in t!eir con ress )ersons. 4!at (orm o( moti*ation did Mart!a success(u''/ em)'o/ in !er s)eec!+ a. an a))ea' to )atriotism #. an a))ea' to #asic se'(-esteem and se'(-actua'ization needs c. a )ositi*e *isua'ization d. a fear appeal 01.) ><eo)'e s!ou'd &atc! 'ess te'e*ision #ecause t!e/ don2t eat !ea't!/ (ood%@ is an e"am)'e o( &!ic! o( t!e (o''o&in 'o ica' (a''ac/+ a. !ast/ enera'ization b. non se+uitur c. )ost !oc d. ad !ominem 05.) 4!ic! o( t!e (o''o&in is a recommended strate / (or an unrece)ti*e audience+ a. )ro*ide a c'ear o#3ecti*e #. te'' /our audience &!at /ou &ant t!em to do c. ac!no ledge opposing points of (ie d. sa*e /our stron est ar ument (or 'ast 07.) >?ein a. b. c. d. /ourse'(: Dnderstandin Autonom/@ &as a s)eec! i*en re ardin : Se'(-su((icienc/ ,he media-s influence on the ay e thin! Se'(- o*ernance .!e de)endenc/ s/ndrome

08.) >Dancin in t!e Streets@ &as a s)eec! to)ic &!ic! &as an e"am)'e o( aEan: a. informati(e speech #. )ersuasi*e s)eec! c. causa'-e((ect s)eec! d. )ro#'em-so'ution s)eec!

0;.) Durin a. #. c. d.

t!e 4a'$in (or MS s)eec! &e 'earned t!at: MS is a disease o( t!e #rain and s)ina' cord .!ere is no cure (or MS 4e need to raise mone/ or donate to (ind a cure All of the abo(e

0=.) .!e t!esis statement in t!e s)eec! re ardin t!e >?ene(its o( C"ercise@ is: a. -ac$ o( e"ercise is un!ea't!/. #. Di((erent acti*ities /ou can do are s&immin % &a'$in % 3um) ro)in and runnin . c. E"ercise is (ery beneficial to your ell.being& and e(eryone should e"ercise. d. Fo*ernor Arno'd Sc!&arzene er sa/s e*er/#od/ s!ou'd e"ercise. 10.) In t!e >-earnin to .eac! t!e ?asics@ s)eec! &e (ound out t!at: a. Most c!i'dren are so cute and cudd'/ t!at /ou &ant to teac! t!em #. Most c!i'dren are a 'ot o( &or$ and /ou can2t turn /our #ac$ on t!em c. ,here are personal +ualities re+uired to be an effecti(e elementary school teacher. d. .eac!in is a 'ucrati*e occu)ation 11.) .!e San Die o C!ar ers s)eec! c'ari(ied to us t!at t!e/ are a: a. #ase#a'' team #. #as$et#a'' team c. football team d. S!o))in team 1,.) In t!e s)eec! a#out street racin &e 'earned t!at street racin is: a. unsa(e% i''e a' and sometimes done in residentia' areas #. *er/ 'ucrati*e 6t!ere is a 'ot o( mone/ in it) c. #orin and c!ea) d. not a s)ort t!at attracts teena ers 10.) .!e s)eec! a#out roc$ c'im#in &as a ood e"am)'e o( aEan a. causa'-e((ect s)eec! #. )ro#'em-so'ution s)eec! c. informati(e speech d. )ersuasi*e s)eec! 11.) .!e or anization strate / used in t!e s)eec! on teac!in e'ementar/ sc!oo' c!i'dren &as: a. recenc/ #. )rimac/ c. comple"ity d. c!rono'o ica' 15.) 4e 'earned a 'itt'e #it a#out 9a)anese cu'ture in a s)eec! &!ic! used t!e _____________________ or anizationa' strate /. a. com)'e"it/ b. chronological c. s)atia' d. cause and e((ect 17.) Bor t!e D.S. Dru <o'ic/ s)eec! t!e s)ea$er o)ened t!e )resentation &it! a *ideo c'i) (rom ?as$et#a'' Diaries &!ic! (eatured a dru addict 6)'a/ed #/ -eonardo DiCa)rio) oin t!rou ! intense emotiona' and )!/sio'o ica' &it!dra&a' s/m)toms and a (riend near#/ s!o&in reat em)at!/ (or t!e dru addict #ut #ein stron not to 'et t!e addict ta$e more dru s. .!is t/)e o( attention- etter cou'd #e cate orized as aEan: a. illustration #. ana'o / c. non*er#a' transition d. r!etorica' :uestion

18.) Guittin smo$in is an e"treme'/ di((icu't t!in to succeed at. In t!is s)eec! &e &ere ad*ised t!at smo$in causes se*era' ad*erse !ea't! e((ects. .!is s)eec! is a ood e"am)'e o( aEan: a. )ro#'em-so'ution s)eec! #. causa'-e((ect s)eec! c. )ersuasi*e s)eec! d. All of the abo(e 1;.) 4e 'earned a 'itt'e #it a#out a disease ca''ed >-u)us.@ .!is &as a ood e"am)'e o( aEan ________________ s)eec!: a. im)rom)tu #. manuscri)t c. e"temporaneous d. memorized 1=.) In t!e s)eec! >Street Bas!ion: Brom Cat&a'$ to Side&a'$@ t!e s)ea$er $ne& t!e audience &ou'd res)ond sa/in t!e )eo)'e in t!e )!oto did not 'oo$ success(u'. As$in t!e audience a :uestion% &aitin (or t!eir res)onse and t!en &or$in t!e res)onse into t!e )resentation is a reat e"am)'e o(: a. audience participation #. r!etorica' :uestionin c. un#iased &ords d. (i urati*e 'an ua e 50.) .!e autism s)eec! ta'$ed a#out a t/)e o( autistic condition $no&n as a Hsa*ant.2 .o (urt!er catc! our attention t!e s)ea$er used &!at t/)e o( attention ettin su))ortin materia'+ a. ana'o / #. mode' c. pictures d. *i*id descri)tion

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