Sample Analysis - Graphene Sample Analysis

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Graphene sample analysis


Ref: 44640

A graphene sample was analysed using a 514 nm laser excitation source to estimate the thickness of the graphene layer as well as to assess the uniformity of the layer Spot measurements SynchroScan was used to generate seamless, high resolution spectra over a wide and user definable spectral range. Experimental conditions are specified in Table 1.
Table 1. Experimental conditions Model Excitation Objective Scan type Grating Scan range Acquisition time inVia Reflex Raman microscope + 514 nm (Ar ) 50x N plan (diffraction limited) SynchroScan 1800 lines/mm -1 -1 1000 cm to 3200 cm 20 s

* G

** D


D+G (a)



Figure 1. Raman spectra taken from (a) the centre of the sample, (b) 1 mm from the centre of the sample and (c) 3 mm from the centre of the sample. The graphene G, 2D and D are labelled and SiC modes are denoted with *.

Graphene Sample Analysis

Figure 1 illustrates the typical spectra obtained from spot measurements on the samples using the conditions specified in Table 1. The characteristic modes for graphene, G-peak, 2D-peak and D-peak as well as the SiC modes are labelled. The relative intensity of the G and SiC mode at ~1550 can be used to qualitatively assess the thickness of the graphene layer, with thicker layers having a higher ratio. This implies that spectrum (c) originates from -1 multilayer graphene, a fact which is further reinforced by the shift of the 2D peak at ~2700 cm to a lower wave number (closer to that of freestanding graphene). The graphene layer thickness has been shown to effect the shape of the 2D-peak in graphene obtained by micromechanical cleavage of graphite (A. C. Ferrari et al., PRL 97, 187401 (2006)). Ni et al. (PHYSICAL REVIEW B, 77, 115416 (2008)) have characterised monolayer graphene samples on SiC using Raman spectroscopy. The peak width and position of the 2D peak from spectra (a) and (b) is consistent with that from 1-3 monolayers of graphene. A calibration measurement of a sample with known thickness is needed To determine the precise number of graphene layers. StreamLine imaging measurements A calibration measurement of a sample with known thickness is needed to analyse the uniformity of the graphene film mapping measurements were taken using StreamLine imaging. This enabled a high spatial resolution map of the target area to be measured quickly. StreamLine uses a laser line instead of a spot, for graphene this give the added benefit of lowering the laser power density on the sample, reducing any effects of laser heating. The measurement configuration used for these measurements is given in Table 2. By extracting the 2D peak width from the measured data the thickness of the graphene layer can be assess on a large scale. Local stress information can be obtained by investigating the peak position of both the G and 2D phonon modes.
Table 2. Experimental conditions Model Excitation Objective Scan type Grating Scan range inVia Reflex Raman microscope + 514 nm (Ar ) 50x N plan (diffraction limited) Streamline 1800 lines/mm -1 -1 1260 cm to 2930 cm

Figure 2 contains Raman map images of a 200 m x 200 m area lying at the centre of the sample consisting of 6162 points, illustrating the uniformity of the graphene in this region. Figure 3 consists of Raman images taken from a longer region with the top right hand corner of the map located 100 m to the left of the area in Figure 2.

Graphene Sample Analysis


59.9 cm


2D peak width

57.3 cm



2727.8 cm


2D peak position

2726.5 cm


1590.7 cm



G peak position

1589 cm


Figure 2. Raman images of the region at the centre of the sample (a) 2D peak width, (b) 2D peak position and (c) G peak position.

Graphene Sample Analysis

58 cm


1590.7 cm


2D peak width

G peak position

54..3 cm


1583.9 cm


Figure 3. Raman images of a region near the centre of the sample (a) 2D peak width, (b) 2D peak position and (c) G peak position.

Graphene Sample Analysis

For both the areas mapped the 2D peak width is consistent with that of a few monolayers of graphene, the small variation in peak width over the area suggests that the sample is of uniform thickness but contains a distribution of defects. The region in the bottom right of Figure 3 shows a distinct variation in G peak position in relation to the rest of the area suggesting a variation in local stress in this region. Ni et al. determined the -1 stress coefficient for graphene on SiC to be 7.47 cm /GPa giving a maximum stress variation in Figure 3 of ~0.9 GPa.

Conclusion Raman spectroscopy has been used to assess the thickness and quality of graphene grown on a SiC substrate. The use of the Renishaw SynchroScan spectral collection method allowed spectrum to be collected in one go without changing optics and at the highest spectral resolution. This is important as the -1 Raman bands specific to Graphene lie over a large spectral range ~1500cm and measurements of all these bands are required to gain maximum material information. StreamLine Raman imaging was used to estimate the thickness of graphene and uniformity of the graphene layer quickly over larger length scales using a laser line enabling a much lower laser power density to be used on the sample reducing any effects of laser heating.

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