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ME 266 Solid Mechanics Laboratory Virtual Hardness Test Tutorial

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YU/DME Yeditepe University

Department of Mechanical Engineering


lu. This document was Prepared by Rza Bayog

Problem Description

One of the most popular hardness tests is Rockwell B whose conguration is shown in Fig. 1. In this test, an indenter is pressed onto the surface of the specimen, to which a hardness number is assigned, based on the indentation depth. The minor and major loads applied in this test are 10 kgf and 100 kgf, respectively. The diameter of the ball indenter is 1/16 in (r = 0.8 mm).

Figure 1: Test conguration for Rockwell B testing.

The purpose of this tutorial is to show you how to perform a Rockwell B hardness test in ADINA. Please make it habit to follow the procedures shown here step by step. Remember that ADINA System does not require to select any unit system. For example, if your geometry entities are in mm, and force is in Newton, software will automatically know that your pressure unit will be in MPa. This problem can be solved with the 900 nodes version of the ADINA System.



Model Control Data

Now, lets adjust some control parameters in this part. Problem heading: Choose Control = Heading, enter the heading ADINA Hardness Test Tutorial and click OK. Master degrees of freedom: Choose Control = Degrees of Freedom, uncheck the X-Translation, X-Rotation, Y-Rotation and Z-Rotation buttons and click OK. (We perform this step because the two-dimensional solid elements that we will use only provide stiness for the y-translation and z-translation degrees of freedom.) Choose Control = Time Function, adjust the parameters as indicated in the below gure.

Choose Control = Time step, adjust the parameters as indicated in the below gure.



Analysis Assumptions

Choose = Analysis Assumptions = Kinematics and select Large Displacement and Large Strains.


Test Geometry (Solid Modeling)

Due to axisymmetry about the z -axis, our model is constructed as a 2 D problem. Therefore, only right side beyond the symmetry axis is modeled. Here is a diagram showing the key geometry points used in dening this model: , enter the following inforTo dene points, click the Dene Points icon mation into the X2, X3 columns of the table (you can leave the X1 column blank), then click OK. Points 1 2 3 4 5 6 X2 0 10 10 0 0.8 0 X3 0 0 10 10 10.8 10.8

Arc line: Click the Dene Lines icon , add line 1, set the Type to Arc, set P1 to 4, P2 to 5, Center to 6 and click Save. , add surface 1, make sure that Surface: Click the Dene Surfaces icon the Type is set to Vertex, then use points 4, 3, 2, 1. The graphics windows should look something like this.


Material Properties

In this tutorial, we will assume that our specimen is steel, and dene material properties given in the below table. Material Properties Youngs Modulus (MPa) Yield Stress (MPa) Strain Hardening Modulus Poissons Ratio experiment 200000 220 1700 0.3

Click the Manage Materials icon , and click the Plastic Blinear button, then click add. In the Dene Blinear Elastic-Plastic Material dialog box, add material 1, set the Youngs Modulus to 2E5, the Poissons ratio to 0.3, initial yield stress to 220, strain hardening modulus to 1700, and click OK. Click Close to close the Manage Material Denitions dialog box.


Loads and Boundary Conditions

Dening and Applying Boundary Conditions

We need only one boundary condition (B.C.) for specimen xation (we dont need to use symmetry boundary conditions in this problem due to the fact that ADINA accepts z -axis as the axisymmetry axis, and automatically takes cares everything. , and click the Dene... button. In the Dene Click the Apply Fixity icon Fixity dialog box, add xity name ZT, check the Z -Translation button and click Save. In the Apply Fixity dialog box, set the Apply to eld to Lines. Set the xity for line 4 to ZT.


Dening and Applying Loads

, dene and apply -1 mm displacement in the Click the Apply Load icon z direction to line 1, (y = 0).

Dening and Applying Contact

, add contact group

Contact Group: Click the dene Contact Groups icon 1 and click OK.

Contact surfaces: Click the Dene Contact Surfaces icon , set the Line number to 1 and save. Then, add contact surface number 2, set the Line Number to 2 and click OK to close the dialog box. Contact pair: Click the Dene Contact Pairs icon , add contact pair number 1, set the Target Surface to 1, the Contactor Surface to 2 and click OK.



Mesh Generation
Specimen Mesh

Element group: Click the Dene Element Groups icon , add group number 1, set the Type to 2 D Solid, set the Element Subtype to Axisymmetric, and click OK. Subdivision data: In this mesh, we will apply mesh densities for each line in the model. Choose Meshing=Mesh Density=Line, and adjust the Number of Divisions and Length Ratio of Element Edges according to the Fig. 2.

Figure 2: Mesh densities for each model edges.

Element generation: Click the Mesh Surfaces icon , enter 1 in the rst row of the Surface table, change Nodes per Element to 8 and click OK.


Target Surface Mesh

in the dene Contact Groups

Click the Mesh Rigid Contact Surface icon menu

, set the Contact Surface to 1 and click OK. Click the Show Segand Show Contact Surfaces icon . Finally, the

ments Normal icon


complete FE model should look similar to the Fig. 3.

Figure 3: Complete nite element model.

Generating the ADINA data le, running ADINA, loading the porthole le: First click the Save icon , and save the database to le hardness tutorial. To generate the ADINA data le and run ADINA, click the Data , set the le name to hardness tutorial, make sure that File/Solution icon the Run Solution button is checked and click Save.


When ADINA is nished, close all open dialog boxes. Choose Post-Processing from the Program Module drop-down, list and discard all changes. Click the , and open porthole le hardness tutorial. Now, you are ready Open icon for post processing. Here, the report deliverables to be included in virtual part of your hardness test report will be mentioned.


Strain Contour Plot

Obtain a contour plot of the plastic strain over the entire domain.


Contact Force Displacement Graph

Obtain the variation of contact force in the z -direction at the contact interface as a function of displacement applied (in the z -direction).

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