Models - Sme.stress Dependent Elasticity
Models - Sme.stress Dependent Elasticity
Models - Sme.stress Dependent Elasticity
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In this example, you learn how to implement materials having different elastic modulus
values under compressive and tensile loads.
Model Definition
The geometry is a 10 cm by 1 cm cantilever, fixed at the left end. A pure bending moment
is applied on the other end in terms of a linear stress distribution with the peak value
0.1 MPa.
The material model is a linear elastic material model where Youngs modulus is a function
of the sign of the mean stress (that is, the pressure). Under compression the material has
an elastic modulus of 700 MPa, while under tension the elastic modulus drops to
200 MPa. The transition between the two values is assumed to be continuous between
compressive and tensile stress, with a transition zone of 1e3 Pa.
Note: In this example, Poissons ratio is assumed to be constant. This actually violates
thermodynamic laws and an accurate implementation would require a variable Poissons
ratio too.
Figure 2 shows the Youngs modulus value in the material. Note that the compressive
region (in red) is thinner than the tensile one (in blue).
= E()
To solve the problem with the circular variable dependency you need to introduce a new
variable onto which the stress value is mapped. Use a weak contribution and an auxiliary
dependent variable to map the computed pressure value to the new variable p. Finally
define Youngs modulus as a function of this new variable p.
To access the weak contribution feature, you need to activate the Advanced Physics Options.
In the New window, click Model Wizard.
1 In the Model Wizard window, click 2D.
2 In the Select Physics tree, select Structural Mechanics>Solid Mechanics (solid).
3 Click Add.
4 Click Study.
5 In the Select Study tree, select Preset Studies>Stationary.
6 Click Done.
Rectangle 1 (r1)
1 On the Geometry toolbar, click Primitives and choose Rectangle.
2 In the Settings window for Rectangle, locate the Size and Shape section.
3 In the Width text field, type 10[cm].
4 In the Height text field, type 1[cm].
5 Right-click Rectangle 1 (r1) and choose Build Selected.
6 Click the Zoom Extents button on the Graphics toolbar.
You will now create a step function. Later you will use this function to define the Youngs
modulus with the input argument being the pressure.
Step 1 (step1)
1 On the Home toolbar, click Functions and choose Local>Step.
2 In the Settings window for Step, type E0 in the Function name text field.
3 Locate the Parameters section. In the From text field, type 3e8.
4 In the To text field, type 7e8.
5 Click to expand the Smoothing section. In the Size of transition zone text field, type 1e3.
Roller 1
1 In the Model Builder window, under Component 1 (comp1) right-click
Solid Mechanics (solid) and choose Roller.
2 Select Boundary 1 only.
Fixed Constraint 1
1 In the Model Builder window, right-click Solid Mechanics (solid) and choose Points>
Fixed Constraint.
2 Select Point 1 only.
Boundary Load 1
1 Right-click Solid Mechanics (solid) and choose Boundary Load.
2 Select Boundary 4 only.
3 In the Settings window for Boundary Load, locate the Force section.
4 Specify the FA vector as
1e5*(Y-0.5[cm])/0.5[cm] x
0 y
5 In the Model Builder windows toolbar, click the Show button and select
Advanced Physics Options in the menu.
Weak Contribution 1
1 Right-click Solid Mechanics (solid) and choose the domain setting More>
Weak Contribution.
2 Click in the Graphics window and then press Ctrl+A to select all domains.
3 In the Settings window for Weak Contribution, locate the Weak Contribution section.
4 In the Weak expression text field, type test(p)*(
You will now define the material properties. As the study is stationary, you can assume the
density to be zero.
Material 1 (mat1)
1 In the Model Builder window, under Component 1 (comp1) right-click Materials and
choose Blank Material.
2 In the Settings window for Material, locate the Material Contents section.
3 In the table, enter the following settings:
Distribution 1
1 In the Model Builder window, under Component 1 (comp1) right-click Mesh 1 and choose
2 Right-click Mapped 1 and choose Distribution.
3 Select Boundary 1 only.
4 In the Settings window for Distribution, locate the Distribution section.
5 In the Number of elements text field, type 20.
Distribution 2
1 Right-click Mapped 1 and choose Distribution.
2 Select Boundary 2 only.
3 In the Settings window for Distribution, locate the Distribution section.
4 In the Number of elements text field, type 50.
5 Click Build All.
Step 1: Stationary
In the Model Builder window, under Study 1 right-click Step 1: Stationary and choose
Compute Selected Step.
The default plot shows the von Mises stress distribution. Duplicate the plot to display the
Youngs modulus.
Stress (solid) 1
1 In the Model Builder window, under Results right-click Stress (solid) and choose
2 In the Settings window for 2D Plot Group, type Youngs modulus (solid) in the Label
text field.
Surface 1
1 In the Model Builder window, expand the Results>Youngs modulus (solid) node, then
click Surface 1.
2 In the Settings window for Surface, locate the Expression section.
3 In the Expression text field, type solid.E.
Change also the quality settings to get a better visualization.
4 Click to expand the Quality section. From the Resolution list, choose No refinement.
5 From the Smoothing list, choose None.
6 On the Youngs modulus (solid) toolbar, click Plot.
Finally, display the stress variation through the thickness of the beam.
Cut Line 2D 1
1 On the Results toolbar, click Cut Line 2D.
2 In the Settings window for Cut Line 2D, locate the Line Data section.
3 In row Point 1, set X to 5[cm].
4 In row Point 2, set X to 5[cm] and Y to 1[cm].
1D Plot Group 3
1 On the Results toolbar, click 1D Plot Group.
2 In the Settings window for 1D Plot Group, locate the Data section.
3 From the Data set list, choose Cut Line 2D 1.