Ashtar Lol

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1 Liberty Debate

Ashtar Answers 2AC Frontline (1/2)

2 Liberty Debate

1. Preventing nuclear conflict is key to actual ascension- the real Ashtar command wants an end to nuclear use first
Gramaha, representative of the real Ashtar Command, 1977 (The Ashtar Galactic Command, Quoted from an article by John Hurst, a UFOologist; the message was delivered via television broadcast., accessed 6-6-10) RKB "This is the voice of Gramaha [?], a representative of the Ashtar Galactic Command, speaking to you. For many years you have seen us as lights in the skies. We speak to you now in peace and wisdom as we have done to your brothers and sisters all over this, your planet Earth. "We come to warn you of the destiny of your race and your world so that you may communicate to your fellow beings the course you must take to avoid the disasters which threaten your world, and the beings on our worlds around you. This is in order that you may share in the great awakening, as the planet passes into the New Age of Aquarius. The New Age can be a time of great peace and evolution for your race, but only if your rulers are made aware of the evil forces that can overshadow their judgments. "Be still now and listen, for your chance may not come again. For many years your scientists, government and generals have not heeded our warnings; they have continued to experiment with the evil forces of what you call nuclear energy. Atomic bombs can destroy the Earth, and the beings of your sister worlds, in a moment. The wastes from atomic power systems will poison your planet for many thousands of your years to come. "We, who have followed the path of evolution for far longer than you, have long since realised this - that atomic energy is always directed against life. It has no peaceful application. Its use , and research into its use, must be ceased at once, or you all risk destruction. All weapons of evil must be removed. "The time of conflict is now past. The race of which you are a part may proceed to the highest planes of evolution if you show yourselves worthy to do this. You have but a short time to learn to live together in peace and goodwill.

3 Liberty Debate

2. Its a trap!

4 Liberty Debate

A. The Ashtar command that wants to interact with humanity is actually a faction that supports the Draco-Orion empire- the benevolent Ashtar command your impacts assume wants isolation
Branton, alien abductee and UFOologist, 2004 (Dulce & The Military-Industrial Establishment in the Dulce Book, accessed 6-6-10) RKB
All this is based on reports from contactee Israel Norkin and others that the

Ashtar collective has been infiltrated by Draconian-Orionite agents posing as "ascended masters", and that a large segment of the "Ashtar Command" has been commandeered by these interventionistcollectivist forces and has split off from another large segment of the 'alliance' which has apparently sided with the Andro-Pleiadean Federation. What distinguishes the two is that the Andro-Pleiadean Federation believes in Truth-Individualism-Non Interventionism whereas the Draco-Orion Empire adheres to a philosophy of Deception-Collectivism-Interventionism. ] According to contactee Alex Collier these two factions are now or have been at war within the Sirius-B system, and this conflict has entered the Sol system with the Draconian-Orion reptilians and their paraphysical overlords
operating from Hale-Bopp comet in collaboration with their rebel Sirian cultists who were/are operating from within the "infiltrated" segment of the Ashtar collective, occupying Hale-Bopp's so-called "Companion" battleship -- reputedly a "...former Sirian alliance battleship..." -- which some have dubbed "Hale-Mary". This saturn-shaped object was seen AND photographed by BOTH Chuck Shramek AND is also seen in a leaked Hubble Space Telescope image, along with other 'objects' that apparently 'jumped ship' as the comet circled around the sun. This

scenario seems to be remaniscent of the movie "LIFE FORCE" which depicted a race of draconian-like alien 'vampires' that entered the system undetected in the tail of a comet. Alex Collier claims that the non-interventionist from the Pleiades and Andromeda constellations, from Tau Ceti, Procyon and others systems, have "blockaded" the Sol system near the orbital sphere of Neptune in order to keep the Draconian-Orionite forces out and to keep them from interfering with our planet at this CRITICAL and VULNERABLE point in planet earth's history. According to Collier's other-wordly friends, there have been devastating battles with casualties on both sides that have been waged between the Federation and the Empire in this CURRENT "war in heaven" [ current as this is being written] involving our Sol system, and also in one that was waged shortly before this in the Sirius system... a war that has gravitated from Sirius to our own Sol system. So, PRAY FOR our "friends out there" who are risking their lives for OUR sakes. It is the very LEAST that we can do...

5 Liberty Debate

Ashtar Answers 2AC Frontline (2/2)

6 Liberty Debate

B. The impact is intergalactic massacre- the Draco-Orion empire intends to use the Earth as its next base in their drive for conquest
Branton, alien abductee and UFOologist, 2004 (Dulce & The Military-Industrial Establishment in the Dulce Book, accessed 6-6-10) RKB William Hamilton incidentally has voiced his concern that Sharula, being a member of the ruling class of Telos, seems to be involved in this current conflict taking place between the two Ashtarian factions, the Draco-Orion faction and the Andro-Pleiadean faction, although just how this has affected her on a personal basis is unclear. This may also hold true with the entire "Melchizedek Order" which has a major presence in Telos, in the Saturnian moon base-cities, in Sirius, in Arcturus and elsewhere. Most of the misled Sirian cultists are being led to believe that the New World Order is being orchestrated for the purpose of establishing world peace and laying the groundwork to usher in a "planetary ascension" into higher dimensions in a harmonious and orderly fashion. They forget however the history of atrocities that have followed the ancient Bavarian-Roman cults who are promoting the New World Order and of their reptilian hosts in Draconis and Orion... the massacres in Lyra, Rigel and Procyon being a few examples (if you don't know what I'm talking about at this point, you WILL by the time you finish this 'volume'. - Branton). In short, the Draconians and Orions are psychologically and emotionally manipulating their cultic human followers in Sirius-B, the Gizeh empire & Bavaria who are tied-in with the "dark side" of the Ashtar collective, to establish a global government which they intend to annex to their Luciferian Interstellar empire-collective.

7 Liberty Debate

3. Their claims have empirically been liesAshtar has promised to save us before
Elizabeth Joyce , natural clairvoyant and healer, 1994 (The Ashtar Command, accessed 6-6-10) RKB Dr. Charles Laughead, an MD on the staff of Michigan State University in Lansing, Michigan, started communicating with various entities "from outer space" in 1954, largely through trance mediums who served as instrument for Ashtar and his cronies from that great intergalactic council in the sky. A number of minor prophecies were passed long, and as usual, they came true on the nose. Then Ashtar tossed in his bombshell. The world was going to end on December 21, 1954 , he announced convincingly. North America was going to split in two, and the Atlantic coast would sink into the sea. France, England and Russia were also slated for a watery grave. However, all was not lost. A few chosen people would be rescued by spaceships. Naturally Dr. Laughead and his friends were among that select group. Dr. Laughhead made sober declarations to the press and on December 21, 1954 he and a group of his fellow believers clustered together in the Garden to await rescue ... and waited. And waited. And waited!

8 Liberty Debate

4. Turn- warning the public makes our salvation impossible- empirically announcing Ashtars coming changes the actual time of his return
Elizabeth Joyce , natural clairvoyant and healer, 1994 (The Ashtar Command, accessed 6-6-10) RKB In Denmark a man named Knud Weinking began receiving telepathic flashes in May, 1967, including a number of impressive prophecies which came true ..He was then instructed to build a lead-lined bomb shelter and prepare for a holocaust on December 24, 1967 ...Mediums, telepaths, sensitives, and UFO contactees throughout the world were all reporting identical messages. There was definitely going to be an unprecedented event on December 24, 1967. Ashtar was talking through Ouija boards to people who had never before heard the name. Another busy entity named Orlon was spreading the word. The curious thing about these messages was that they were all phrased in the same manner, no matter what language was being used. They all carried the same warning. People were reporting strange dreams, dreams about symbols of Christmas ... There were also stories about dead telephones and glowing entities prowling through bedroom and homes. Many of these messages, dreams and prophecies were collected together by a British organization calling itself Universal Links. The stage was set for Doomsday. Thousands, perhaps even millions, of people had been warned The Danish cult locked themselves up in their bomb shelter ... After the imaginary crisis had passed, the American wire services finally carried stories about the cowering Danes, ridiculing them, of course. But Mr. Weinking came up with a message that explained it all: "I told you two thousand years ago that a time would be given and even so I would not come. If you had read your Bible a little more carefully, you would have borne in mind the story of the bridegroom who did not come at the time he was expected. Be careful so that you are not found without oil in your lamps. I have told you I will come with suddenness, and I shall be coming soon!"

9 Liberty Debate

Ashtar Answers 1AR EXTN: #2A Draco-Orion Alliance

10 Liberty Debate

The leader of the Ashtar command is really Hatonn, a spy for the Draco-Orion Alliance bent on sabotaging the real followers of Ashtar
Branton, alien abductee and UFOologist, 2004 (The Omega File: [Greys, Nazis, Underground Bases, and the New World Order],, accessed 6-6-10) RKB We must realize that the ONLY being in the collective which is allowed to exercise individual choice is their dark leader, and to a lesser extent the inner council, and these beings do NOT want the Reptiloids and Greys to attain emotional individualism. But what about other "collectives" like the ASHTAR or Astarte collective? Just who is this "ASHTAR"? Why is the ASHTAR collective so involved with the Dulce base activity in joint capacity with the Greys and Reptiloids according to certain reports? Is it, as contactee Israel Norkin claims, because the "Unholy Six" star systems of Orion have infiltrated the ASHTAR collective to a massive extent? What about the bald 9-foot tall Reptilian "from the Pleiades" who supposedly defected from the Draconian collective, HATONN? Why hasn't Hatonn been warning about this infiltration of his own collective? Is it because he is secretly working FOR the Draconian-Orion empire? Certainly if he was truly converted from the Draconian collective he could be a lot more zealous in exposing it...especially its infiltration of the ASHTAR collective.

11 Liberty Debate

Ashtar Answers 1AR EXTN: #2B Intergalactic Violence

12 Liberty Debate

The Draco-Orion command only wants to make Earth the next step in its intergalactic conquest, No date (Super-Synopsis, accessed 6-6-10) RKB The infiltration of the Ashtar collective especially in Sirius-B allows the Draco-Orion forces to infiltrate and conquer one particular planet in Sirius-B, formerly inhabited by 'Nordics' yet the reptiloids began to infiltrate and "replace" the humanoids via shape-shifting, technosis, plasto-genetic surgery, and laser-holograms or a combination of the above. Another planet in Sirius-B [Bellaton] remained however under human control. The Draco-Orion backed planet in Sirius-B begins a massive campaign to amass a huge military space armada of warships for the purpose of invading planet earth strategically at a time when the eco-political systems are collapsing [with the help of their fifth column agents already one earth]. The invasion is scheduled for 2004 [the REAL purpose for most abductee programming], and the invasion force intends to join with their fifth column forces on and under planet earth [Kamagol-II cult and its extensions at Pine Gap Australia and Dulce/Lo! s Alamos New Mexico] to enforce the New World Order's electronic "assimilation" of the planet into the Draco- Orion "Hive" into which much of the Ashtar collective itself has since been assimilated. The purpose is so that planet earth and its unique animal, vegetable, chemical, liquid, mineral, genetic-metagene, energy and electromagnetic resources along with time-space vortex gates above and below ground can be assimilated so that planet earth can be used as a staging base to attack the enemies of the "Hive" on other worlds and in other dimensions.

13 Liberty Debate

Ashtar Answers Turn Mass Slaughter

14 Liberty Debate

Ashtar command supports the mass slaughter of all Christians

J D Hurst, resident abductee, channel and metaphysician, 1997 (Paradigms of Reality RKB Allen-Michael Noonan, another Californian, formed a group called the One World Family, after claiming to have experienced contact with an extraterrestrial. Apparently, he was working on a billboard before suddenly finding himself on another planet. Surrounding him were angelic creatures, seated around a luminous throne. A loud voice boomed, "Will you agree to be the Saviour of the world?" Noonan said yes, and has sinced remained in contact with an extraterrestrial called Ashtar, visited other inhabited planets, and regarded himself to be the Second Coming. Noonan also believes that he is the sole channel for genuine communications from Commander Ashtar. Ashtar has assured Noonan that the One World Family will eventually take over the planet, including its governments; but not until all Christians have been "eliminated". As far as I know, the group is still in existence and Noonan continues to receive communications from Commander Ashtar. He has also authored a massive reinterpretation of the Bible, called The Everlasting Gospel.

15 Liberty Debate

Ashtar Answers Turn Nazism

16 Liberty Debate

The Ashtar Confederation helped the Nazis

Branton, alien abductee and UFOologist, 2004 (The Omega File: [Greys, Nazis, Underground Bases, and the New World Order],, accessed 6-6-10) RKB 1932 -- Adolph Hitler gains control of German society enough to force scientists to work in laboratories on advanced aircraft design. Aided by the implosion vortex technology of Victor Schauberger, and the technical expertise of scientists like Schriever, Habermohl, Ballenzo and Miethe, the Germans make extraordinary progress. There is evidence that they might have been aided by contact with Gray entities from inside the Earth and an 'Ashtar' connected group of humanoid aliens in Aldebaran.

17 Liberty Debate

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