Keith Baker - Eberron Confidential
Keith Baker - Eberron Confidential
Keith Baker - Eberron Confidential
On the Cover
The ruinbound dwarf Rusty finally reveals the
secret of what lies beneath his smoked glasses—
though Dela d’Cannith has already guessed the
truth. This scene is brought to life by Olie Boldador.
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Introduction Character secrets add unique elements to player
characters and provide Dungeon Masters with
a host of hooks to explore over the course of a
should hav e mentioned it
campaign. Eberron Confidential presents fifty-four
earlier,” Dela said, studying the intriguing character secrets, a discussion of how
remnants of the warforged assassins. to use these in a campaign, and an appendix of
“Merrix ordered me to stop my research. tables to help when you need to create a secret on
the fly. This book is designed so you can print out
I thought he might have me excoriated. But I never the secrets and distribute them as player handouts,
dreamed that I might be putting all of us in danger.” and appendix B includes a blank set of handouts
Gentle smiled softly at the woman, putting a so you can create some secrets of your own.
reassuring hand on her shoulder. “You didn’t mean Some of the secrets contained in Eberron
to hurt us. You were afraid you might lose us if we Confidential involve topics discussed at length
in the hardcover Exploring Eberron, available on
knew the truth. But we’re here, and we’re stronger
the Dungeon Masters Guild. While you can
than ever.” certainly enjoy these secrets without that book,
“You’re right,” Dela nodded. “From now on, no the DM Tips section for each secret calls out
more secrets.” when Exploring Eberron contains a particularly
“Well, in that case…” Gentle sighed and took a deep relevant section, in case you want to share it
breath. “There’s something you need to know.” with your players.
The Role of Secrets DMing with Secrets
As a DM, once you decide you want to use secrets,
Player characters are the foundation of every you’ll have to determine which ones to use. Yes,
campaign, the protagonists of the stories we’re you could print out all the secrets in this book and
creating. A character’s class tells us what they let players pick randomly, but these secrets cover
can do, while their background explains how a vast range of possibilities. Not all of them make
they acquired their skills and what they did sense in every campaign. Other secrets might fit,
before they were adventurers. But classes and but you might not be interested in telling the story
backgrounds are intentionally broad—an entire associated with it—if a player character is secretly
party of adventurers could be former soldiers or Prince Oargev, they’ll eventually want to strike
criminals, and all of them be fighters or rogues. back against the imposter prince, so if you’re not
In contrast to these broad elements that can interested in exploring that plot thread, don’t give
be shared by many characters, a secret is some- someone that secret. Likewise, there’s one section
thing unique, something that helps to make the of secrets that are specifically linked to Sharn,
bearer unlike any other character in the world. building on the families and factions within the
Perhaps they’re an outlaw branded for their City of Towers; these are an excellent choice for
former crimes, a hidden heir on the run from a campaign that’s based in Sharn or that uses the
political enemies, or an orphan determined to city as a central hub, but if you have no plans for
avenge their murdered parents. A secret may be the adventurers to visit Sharn, you’ll want to avoid
the reason the character has become an adven- these secrets. The “Secret Identities” section can
turer, leaving their background behind—whether make for a fascinating character—but you prob-
it’s driving them to become a hero or forcing ably don’t want five party members who have each
them to flee their former life. For the player, this been body-swapped. Some secrets are light and
can provide a sense of motivation and establish funny, while others have serious, far-reaching
their place in the world. For the DM, it adds implications. You know the basic story of your
elements that can embellish any adventure. campaign; before ever distributing secrets to your
A player character’s secret usually won’t drive players, winnow down the options to only those
the campaign itself, though this supplement secrets you’re interested in exploring. Appendix B
includes suggestions about how it could affect the also contains a set of blank handouts in case you
wider story. A character might secretly be Prince want to create your own secrets.
Oargev of Cyre, but they simply don’t have the
power or support to challenge the imposter Late-Breaking Secrets
prince as a 1st-level character. Oargev needs to Generally, players should choose (or be given)
gain experience and allies through adventures— secrets during character creation—these are part
and there are other adventurers in the party of each character’s backstory and may affect other
with them, perhaps with secrets of their own. decisions made during character creation. However,
if the players and DM agree, characters could be
Though the campaign doesn’t center around given secrets later in a campaign. It’s possible
Oargev, aspects of their secret can bleed into any the character had repressed these memories and
adventure—if there are innocent Cyrans in peril, they’re only now being recovered, or that they’ve
the hidden prince automatically has a reason to always had the secret, but are only now feeling com-
help them. And at any moment, assassins in the fortable enough to share with the other adventurers.
As always, it’s up to the DM to decide how to
service of the imposter prince could leap out of distribute secrets and up to the player to decide
the shadows! Consider Aragorn in The Lord of the whether to accept one—it’s okay if there’s a player
Rings. Eventually, his secret heritage becomes a in the group who doesn’t want to add a new twist
crucial focus of the story, but in The Fellowship to their story. But it can be a fun surprise for the
of the Ring, it’s a secret known only to a handful wizard to confess, “You know, we’ve been adven-
turing together for a year… I think it’s time to tell
of people, and Aragorn’s story doesn’t drive the
you all that I’m really Prince Oargev.”
fellowship on their quest to save the world.
M echanical B enefits y Allow each player to review the secrets and
Each secret grants its character a minor mechan- choose a few they’re interested in, then deal
ical benefit, often a language or skill proficiency, them one at random.
though a few have more dramatic effects. As y Without letting the players review the whole
always, it’s up to you to decide what to allow in set, offer each player a choice of a few secrets
your campaign, and if you’re not comfortable that you feel fit their play style. This is the best
with the benefit provided by a particular secret, choice if you don’t want the players to know
leave it out! You can still use the story aspects what other secrets are out there.
of each secret, but tell the players ahead of time It’s essential to remember that a player is the
that you won’t be using the mechanical benefits. ultimate arbiter of their character’s story, not the
If you choose this path, there are secrets you DM, and they should never feel that they have to
should definitely leave out; it doesn’t make sense take a secret. Whatever method you use, a player
for a character to have a Secret Dragonmark should always have the option to refuse a secret;
if they don’t actually have a dragonmark. But at that point, you and the player can decide
someone could be a Crystal Star without actually whether you should offer another choice, or have
having Performance proficiency. the character proceed without a secret.
Most secrets are intended to play out over the course of a campaign—it will probably take time for Prince
Oargev to reveal their true identity. By contrast, rumors are a way to expand the characters’ backstories and
immediately introduce drama. These don’t need to be linked to the character’s secret—in fact, rumors work just
as well in games that don’t utilize secrets at all.
If you wish to integrate rumors at the beginning of the campaign, have each player write down three rumors
that might actually be circulating in the world:
y One thing their character did that they’re proud of.
y One thing their character did that they’re ashamed of.
y One false rumor about the character of the player to their left.
The first two rumors should be generally true, though details can get warped in the retelling. The last rumor
should be something plausible—but untrue—that other player characters might believe if they heard it through
the grapevine.
As the DM, it’s up to you how to use these rumors. You can immediately distribute all the rumors to players
as things their characters have heard. Or you can deal just one to each player—so everyone starts knowing one
rumor about one of the other characters—and gradually introduce others through NPCs. When the characters
enter a tavern, one of the patrons might say “Hey, you’re Dela d’Cannith! I heard you were responsible for that
factory fire that burned down Rattlestone!” Or a character might receive a note during an adventure: “I see
you’re traveling with Ban. Do you know he’s a spy for the Shaarat’khesh?”
Rumors typically aren’t as significant as secrets, but they can cause tension. What are you ashamed of, and
can you atone? What’s the outlandish thing you don’t even realize people are saying about you? The revelation
of a rumor, whether true or false, can liven up any scene.
Each secret is accompanied by a few sug- Ultimately, a secret is supposed to be fun. It
gestions about how that secret could affect a gives you something new to play with, something
campaign. As DM, always look for additional that makes your character unique with a special
ways to make the secret relevant. If one of the connection to the world. As a player, your secret
adventurers was Raised by Gnolls, perhaps shouldn’t be a burden; it should be something
they’ll meet some Znir gnoll mercenaries on that makes your adventures more exciting.
their travels. If they’re a Circus Runaway, they
might run into a former coworker or a fan in the Greater & Lesser Secrets
tavern. These encounters add dimension to the In the following pages, Eberron Confidential
story, highlighting that each character has depth presents sheets with many secrets that can
beyond their ability scores and proficiencies. be printed, cut out, and easily distributed to
players. These secrets share a similar structure,
Playing with Secrets and each provides unique mechanical benefits.
As a player, a secret can help flesh out your In addition to the secret handouts in this sup-
character, giving you an interesting hook for plement, appendix A provides tables that can
roleplaying and a story you can explore. Some be used to generate random secrets for a player
secrets can endanger you and your friends if they character or NPC on the spur of the moment.
are revealed; if you’re the Prince of Ashes, your These don’t have any sort of mechanical effects
enemies will target you if they discover your and many require additional details to be filled
location. On the other hand, if you were Raised in, but they can be useful tools.
by Gnolls or you’re a Circus Runaway, you won’t
likely get in trouble if your secret is revealed.
The question is whether you want to keep it
secret… and what things might give you away. If
Character Secrets
The following secrets are designed to be printed
you were Raised by Gnolls, you might have hor- (or screenshotted) and distributed among your
rifying table manners or enjoy eating things the players. You have permission to reproduce these
other adventurers consider inedible. If you’re a handouts for personal use in your game.
Circus Runaway, do you now hate circuses and Each section of handouts is followed by a short
refuse to go near them, or are you constantly set of DM notes with suggestions about how to
performing, juggling and tumbling to pass the integrate those secrets in gameplay.
time? In this, a secret is much like an ideal or a
bond—a detail that can help you decide how your
character acts in a particular situation. Prerequisites
These secrets aren’t generally things that you Some of the secrets in Eberron Confidential have
have to keep hidden from your trusted fellow prerequisites. These might be something a char-
acter needs to have before taking that secret, like
adventurers; it’s that you may want or need to citizenship in the Five Nations. However, many of
keep them hidden from the rest of the world. these are “negative” prerequisites, requiring char-
Sometimes it can be more fun to let your com- acters to not have certain features to avoid conflict
panions figure out your secret over time rather with the fundamental story that secret is meant
than revealing it right away—to have them wonder to tell. These prerequisites do not restrict charac-
ters from later gaining those features if it fits the
why you have such weird taste in food, rather than story; for example, if a player is building a 1st-level
you just saying during the first session, “Oh, I was Arcanix Dropout, they can’t start with a spellcasting
raised by gnolls.” But secrets aren’t supposed to class—but over the course of their adventures, they
come between you and your companions—unless might eventually multiclass into one.
all the players involved want them to!
Occupational Hazards
Arcanix Dropout Circus Runaway Earworm
Prerequisite: Has no spell slots Prerequisite: Background other than noble Prerequisite: Background other than entertainer
I come from a long line of accomplished spell- When I was a kid, I had a talent for tum- You know that song you hear all the time
casters. There was no question that I’d follow bling, so I did what any child might do: I ran in Sharn and Fairhaven? I wrote it. I spent
in my parents’ footsteps and attend Arcanix. away and joined the circus. I spent my youth years getting it just right, then I made the
With such a family legacy, I wasn’t even traveling with House Phiarlan’s Carnival of mistake of performing it for Viceroy Kels
tested—which was lucky for me, because I’m Shadows. Eventually, I grew up and planned d’Phiarlan. Now, as you know, it’s the latest
terrible. After years of study, I only managed to move on, but I’d foolishly signed a con- hit by Phiarlan’s rising star, the Butterfly. No
to master a handful of cantrips, and I was tract with Phiarlan that was more restrictive one believes that I wrote it, and every time
finally expelled after a practical joke involving than I realized. And so I ran away. I was never I hear it, it hurts.
conjuration went horribly wrong. a star, and I hope they’ve forgotten about me, I have proficiency in Performance
I know prestidigitation and one but you never know… and with one musical instrument.
other cantrip of my choice from the I have proficiency in Acrobatics.
wizard spell list. Intelligence is my What’s the name of my song? What,
spellcasting ability for these cantrips. What was my favorite circus act to or who, was my inspiration?
perform? How long ago did I run away?
What was my nickname at Arcanix?
What was my least favorite class?
While this is an excellent secret for an aspiring
bard, any character could come up with one
song. Work with the player to come up with a
snippet of the song itself, then as the adventurers
explore, highlight how they hear it everywhere.
Everyone loves this song, and the Butterfly of
Phiarlan is the greatest songwriter of the age!
DM Tips: Occupational Hazards H eretic
Something went wrong with these characters’ What is the belief that branded the character as
careers. Either they were robbed of opportuni- a heretic? This could be similar to the Discovery
ties or they are concealing misdeeds. With any of feature of the hermit background—a cosmic
these secrets, you’ll want to work with the player truth or actual divine revelation—or it could
to develop more details about their former career. be something smaller and more personal. Who
Keep in mind that you don’t need to establish all are the forces within the faith that want to
of these details before the first adventure; both suppress this belief? Will they continue to
you and the player can continue to add depth to pursue the character? Chapter 3 of Exploring
the story as the campaign unfolds. Eberron contains a wealth of information on the
Here are some suggestions for you to help world’s faiths.
each character explore their secret and involve
it in the campaign. I nconvenient Mark
Unlike many secrets, which don’t fundamentally
Arcanix D ropout change a character’s life if they’re revealed, it’s
This secret is primarily an embarrassment, and it important this character knows they will suffer
works best with a player who enjoys in-character loss if their aberrant dragonmark becomes
discomfort and good-natured teasing from their widely known. Why? People hold strong negative
DM. If the player likes the idea of exploring superstitions around aberrant marks, but why is
their character’s embarrassment, professional it particularly bad for this character? Would their
spellcasters (and anyone with proficiency in family disown them? Would they lose friends? Or
Arcana) is appalled by their clumsy casting tech- is it tied to their personal fear of aberrant marks?
nique and criticizes them when they cast spells.
Knows Too M uch Sole Survivor
What was the mission that went horribly wrong— The player can help determine what the adven-
and how much does the informant actually know turer’s last mission was, though the character’s
about it? Did the shadow tell the player character instructions came on a need-to-know basis
something they don’t realize was important, or and they’ll likely learn more truths about their
perhaps give them a trinket that has unexpected mission as the campaign unfolds. Who was
value? Do any of the shadow’s associates know responsible for the deaths of their friends? Is
the adventurer was an informant? This could just there a deeper secret about the mission that the
be a tragic loss, or it could pull the adventurers adventurer never knew? Could the traitor want to
into a world of espionage and intrigue. kill them to bury it forever? The character could
also face other reminders of the war and have to
Outlaw deal with former enemies.
Work with the player to decide what crime the
character committed that earned their brand. War Crimes
It’s easy enough to conceal the brand with a Work with the player to establish what the
glove—but officers of the law will always check character did during the war and what the reper-
their hands if the character is arrested, and cussions were. The character could encounter
other institutions may do the same. The brand NPCs who suffered because of their crimes, or
generally won’t cause anything worse than inquisitives investigating the case. Is
suspicion, but it means that the character isn’t there a way the adventurer can
protected by the law; if someone commits a atone for their crimes?
crime against them, it’s not considered to be
a crime. If it fits the character’s backstory, it’s
possible they might have had a run-in with
Daanvian law and be branded with the judgment
tattoo (discussed in the “Daanvian Judgment”
sidebar in chapter 5 of Exploring Eberron),
though most mortals on Eberron aren’t
terribly concerned with matters of
the planes and may view this as a
mere curiosity.
Secret I dentities
Devil Deserter Hidden Dragon Prince of Ashes
I was once a devil of Shavarath, an immortal Prerequisite: No existing dragonmark I’m Oargev ir’Wynarn, last prince of Cyre.
soldier in the Legion of Tyranny. I fought I’m a child of Argonnessen, a dragon of the Days before the Mourning, I was kidnapped
that plane’s endless war since the dawn of Tapestry. I sought knowledge forbidden by and held prisoner. A masked f igure per-
creation—until something changed within the Conclave, and they said death was too formed a ritual that transformed me into my
me. I was weary of the endless battle and quick a punishment. Instead, I was trapped in current form, leaving me unrecognizable. By
took no joy in oppression and bloodshed. the time I escaped, Cyre was destroyed and
So I found a way to project my essence into this pathetic form with much of my memories
and magic stripped; I can’t even remember an imposter had claimed my title. I don’t
this mortal host, even though it meant losing know who’s behind this, but they possess
most of my skills and my immortal gifts. Now what secret knowledge I sought. They want
me to drown in this humanoid form, to fully immense power. I’ll need to gain experience
I wonder: am I still a devil at all, or have
I become something new? And are my old forget who I am—but I will not. and strong allies before I can challenge this
comrades in arms searching for me? imposter prince, but someday I’ll reclaim my
I know Draconic and have crown and rebuild my shattered kingdom.
I know Infernal and have proficiency in Arcana.
proficiency in Intimidation. I have proficiency in Persuasion.
What sort of dragon was I? Do I
What sort of devil was I? Did I remember my original name? Who do I believe is behind my kidnap-
choose my mortal host, or was I ping? Do I try to aid Cyrans, even
surprised at who I became? though they don’t know me?
Retired Virtuoso
Work with the player to develop more informa-
tion about their previous identity, including
their stage name and some of their greatest hits.
Throughout the campaign, you might add details
tied to this. Perhaps a local bard is playing one of
the character’s signature songs… are they doing
it justice or mangling it horribly? The Sharn
Inquisitive could be running articles about the
disappearance of this famous musician. While
this secret is appropriate for a bard—whose magic
could reflect an untapped layer of their talent—
any character can take it.
Stolen Life
Though the character’s former associates would
never recognize them, they could meet Cyran
refugees they knew or be confronted with other
details about their secret past. Work with the
player to decide who they were in their former
life. And in their current life, the character is
bound to encounter difficulty when they don’t
know an important detail that the person whose
life they stole would surely remember.
Trusted Agent
Work with the player to develop details about
their life in Zilargo. Did they have family? A
Prince of B lood lover? As they adventure, might they encounter
gnomes that they knew in that life? How will
Most likely, the imposter king is the vampire
they respond? After all, the agent isn’t sup-
Kaius I. Will the character accept their exile, or
posed to have any contact with anyone from
will they try to unmask the imposter, even if they
their old life!
are fighting for Karrnath? If Lady Illmarrow
learns of the character’s true identity, she may try Warrior of the Mark
to use them to undermine or destroy Kaius I, as Work with the player to develop details about
he is actively fighting against the Emerald Claw. their old life during the War of the Mark. If the
Prince of the Forge player is a warlock or sorcerer, they could say
that their dragonmark is the source of their class
Aaren lost most of their memories in the
features—their mark was unusually powerful, but
transfer, which is why they are a low-level
they temporarily lost access to those powers in
character. As they gain experience, you could
the transition to the current time. The character
have them remember some of Aaren’s secrets;
might also remember the location of aberrant
perhaps they know the location of a hidden
strongholds—now ancient ruins. House Tarkanan
forgehold or the existence of a malevolent
will be very interested in this character, but will
cabal in House Cannith. The Lord of Blades
Twists and Tragedies
Barfly Betrayal Creepy Doll
From the Drowning Sorrows tavern in One year ago, I betrayed one of my closest A week ago, I discovered a small rag doll
Stormreach to the Drunken Dragon of Sharn, friends. I was supposed to keep someone or in my belongings. I threw it away—and the
if the ale is strong and cheap, you’ll find my something safe—and didn’t. Perhaps I was next day, I found it again in my pocket. I’ve
picture on the wall. I’ve seen the inside of distracted by my own problems, or perhaps burned it, buried it, and it still keeps coming
almost every pub in Khorvaire, and quite a I needed money and betrayed my trust for back. I don’t know where it came from, and
few beyond it. Usually this works to my advan- gold. My former friend has never forgiven since it appeared, I’ve also noticed that I
tage; I know almost every innkeeper and can me, and I’m not even sure if they’re still alive. strangely know things I didn’t know before—
almost always pick up a few rumors or cadge a I’m haunted by that mistake and determined secrets about magic and arcane things—and
discount at an inn. However, there are certainly to atone for my actions. I have no idea how. I don’t know if this is a
a few places where I still have a tab, or where threat, but it’s definitely creepy.
a few brawlers are waiting for another round! I have proficiency in Perception.
I have proficiency in Arcana.
I have proficiency with brewer’s supplies Who was my friend, and
and have advantage on Charisma how did I betray them? What does the doll look like?
checks made while in a tavern. Have I given it a name?
What’s my favorite bar? Do I
have any particularly funny—or
embarrassing—drinking stories?
reduce the cost of food or lodging by one cat- could be important. Is this a natural gift or
egory (getting a comfortable meal at a modest something the Kech Volaar engineered? The
price, or squalid shelter for free) and can almost character can’t remember their birth parents or
always pick up rumors or job offers in the local original name, and this could be a mystery with
pub. Of course, they’re bound to eventually run an important answer!
into an old enemy or two!
B etrayal
Work with the player to determine the details
of their former friendship and the betrayal that
ended it. This could just be something that
haunts the character, or it could have a more
direct impact on the campaign. Is the friend
still alive? Could there have been more to
the betrayal than the character understood?
Might this be part of the schemes of a
powerful conspiracy?
Creepy Doll
It’s up to you to decide exactly where this doll
came from, why it’s bound to the character, and
whether its effects grow with time. Is it some
sort of fey creature or artifact? Is it a ghost or
a manifestation of a curse? It could be entirely
harmless, but there could be more to this story!
This doll—or its creator—could even make for an
intriguing warlock patron.
Family Pressure Raised by Gnolls
Work with the player to come up with details The adventurer may encounter old friends
about their family and the role they’re expected among the gnoll mercenaries employed by
to play. Are their family nobles? Criminals? House Tharashk, and they could be troubled
Merchants? Priests? What is the character sup- by savage gnolls that still serve fiends. Znir do
posed to do in a year and why is it so important? not kill other Znir; a gnoll wounded by another
The point of this secret isn’t to force them to gnoll is expected to stand down from battle. Will
retire in a year, but rather to challenge them to the character ever learn about their original
find an alternative that won’t harm their family. parents? Is their heritage important? The Znir
If they’re supposed to marry a rival to solidify an gnolls are discussed in chapters 4 and 6 of
alliance, can they find another way to establish Exploring Eberron.
that bond? If they’re supposed to become a
cloistered priest, can they prove that their work True Changeling
as paladin is more important? If the character is a spellcaster, their spell-
casting could be presented as fey magic. The
Gifted M usician character can fight beasts without trouble,
The character has made a bargain with an archfey but if they ever land a killing blow, they lose
known as the Lady in Shadow, discussed in their ability to cast speak with animals and have
chapter 5 of Exploring Eberron. While the bargain disadvantage on all Animal Handling checks
won’t allow the character to refuse a request to until they find a way to atone.
perform, this must be a reasonable request made
in good faith; a villain can’t demand a song in
the middle of a fight. Should the character refuse
a reasonable request, until they find a way to
placate the Lady in Shadow, they lose their pro-
ficiency and expertise, and have disadvantage on
all ability checks involving instruments.
Secrets of Sharn
Abandoned Heir Boromar Connection Dated Daask
Prerequisite: Human or half-elf, Prerequisite: Background other than noble
background other than noble I had an intense relationship with a Daask
When I was young and foolish, I ran with the enforcer named Raza. It didn’t last for
Before my mother died, I learned that I’m Rattlestone Rakes along with Ilya Boromar. long—our lives were too different—but
an illegitimate child of Lord Dalian ir’Tain, A city councilor died and I was on the hook there’s still a connection between us. If I’m
one of the richest and most powerful nobles for it, but Ilya got her family to pull some ever in serious trouble, I could call on Raza
in Sharn. A decade ago, Dalian promised to strings. The Rakes are gone now, and Ilya is for help… but I wouldn’t count on doing it
acknowledge me—but he disappeared on his running Boromar operations in Callestan. I more than once.
next sea voyage and never returned. I’ve kept haven’t seen her for years… but someday she’s
quiet, as I fear Lady Celyria ir’Tain might going to call in that favor. I have proficiency in Intimidation.
have me killed if she learned of my existence. I have proficiency in Stealth. Daask includes humans, orcs, ogres,
But I still believe my father had plans for me, goblins, medusas, and more—what
and that I’ll one day receive my birthright. How did the councilor die? Did I species is Raza? How did we meet?
I have proficiency in History. have a nickname with the Rakes?
Who was my mother, and
how did she pass away?
Baron’s Child Dragonmarked Secret False Changeling
Prerequisite: Any non-aberrant drag- Prerequisite: Any non-aberrant dragonmark Prerequisite: Changeling, back-
onmark, background other than noble ground other than noble
My parents suppressed the development of
I play the part of a lowly nobody in my drag- a tool that would let anyone perform the During the last decade of the war, a rogue
onmarked house, but that’s a lie. I’m actu- primary service my house is known for. I branch of House Vadalis and the Royal Eyes
ally a child of the baron of the house, and believe they killed the artificer who devel- of Aundair worked to magebreed humans
my parents expect great things from me. oped it—and beyond that, I suspect my who could change their shape. I was one of
They’ve already planned my marriage, and parents still have copies of their work and their few successes. At the end of the war, my
starting next year, they expect me to start a prototype hidden in their workshop, even fellow false changelings and I learned that
working in house administration full time; though they should have destroyed it all. our creators planned to kill us all, hiding their
adventuring is my last chance for freedom. actions. I escaped into the world, posing as a
I have a strong dragonmark; true changeling; I don’t know if my creators
I have a strong dragonmark; when I use my mark’s Intuition are still looking for me.
when I use my mark’s Intuition trait, I roll a d6 instead of a d4.
trait, I roll a d6 instead of a d4. I have proficiency in Stealth
Do I support my parents’ actions? and own a shiftweave outfit.
What’s my real name? Do my
parents know where I am? What does my human form look like? When
did I last contact another magebred human?
One of a Kind Warforged Smuggler
Work with the player to decide what sort of The character’s smuggling compartment is sealed
weapon their armblade is; while it’s retracted, with a form of the arcane lock spell—it’s up to you
it’s perfectly hidden. Rather than having this to decide how it can be unlocked, but the char-
weapon become obsolete as the character levels acter can’t open it themselves, and it’s unlikely
up, you could have it develop additional magical that a simple knock or dispel magic spell will
properties as the character’s true purpose circumvent its wards. However, if they do find a
and potential are slowly revealed. As they go way to open it, perhaps they can use it themselves
through their adventures, the character occa- moving forward. What’s in the compartment now
sionally just knows things their creator wants and what were the humans using it up to? They
them to do, but it’s always up to the character were definitely heirs of House Cannith—but were
whether to act on these directives. This secret is they followers of the Traveler? Conducting for-
intended to be a mystery for the character—who bidden research? Innocent lovers passing notes?
created them? Is their creator’s purpose noble Or something else?
or evil? Should the character oppose the plans of
their creator, and at what risk?
Epic Secrets
Chamber Operative Gatekeeper Seal Haunted by the Mourning
Though humanoid, I’m an agent of I wear a small stone amulet, an engraved tear- I was in Metrol on the Day of Mourning. Now
Argonnessen, trained by the dragon drop. It doesn’t look like much, but it’s an I’m bound to the spirits of those who died.
Ashtaralyx and charged with an important ancient artifact of the Gatekeepers—and it When I sleep, I dream their lost dreams. When I
task. I know that the adventurers I’m with holds one of the daelkyr at bay. I’m certain wake, a dead person’s memories accompany my
have a critical role to play in the Prophecy, that cultists are searching for it, but it can’t own—along with the knowledge of something
and I must guide them on the proper path. be removed against my will as long as I’m they want me to do. Sometimes it’s trivial: sing
I’ll receive more information as I need it—but attuned to it. I don’t know if I have a greater a song, eat their favorite meal. Other requests
I fear that the fiends known as the Lords of role to play in fighting the daelkyr, but I are more intense. If I ignore them, I’m wracked
with restless nightmares, which persist until I
Dust are searching for us, and they’ll also try know I must keep the amulet hidden and safe. do my best to fulfill the spirit’s desire.
to manipulate us. I have proficiency in Nature. When I finish a long rest, I gain a
I know Draconic and have language, skill, or tool proficiency of
proficiency in Deception. How did I come to possess the seal?
Have I shared my secret with anyone? the DM’s choice. I can’t gain a new one
How long have I been an agent until the spirit is satisfied, after which I
of Argonnessen? What drives my lose that benefit and can gain a new one.
allegiance to the Chamber? Do I wish to be freed from this, or
do I consider it a blessing?
Knight of Shadows Price of a Life
The Court of Shadows, a cult of the over- It’s up to you to decide what price the Queen
lord Sul Khatesh, is discussed in chapter 3 of of the Dead demands of the character. It most
Exploring Eberron. Its members aren’t inherently likely involves taking a life, but who must the
evil, but they are consumed by the desire to character kill? Ideally, this should be tied to the
rise within the Court and to be victorious in its long-term story of the campaign: if the players
intrigues. The requests made of the character are supposed to fight the Emerald Claw, then
could be fun and interesting challenges, and the price could be the death of Lady Illmarrow.
the information they receive in return could be If the Dreaming Dark is the enemy, perhaps
useful. Sul Khatesh might not be a major villain the character needs to kill the vessel of the
in your story, and perhaps there’s little risk of Devourer of Dreams. It could be that the task
her being released. Even so, her requests could set by the Queen of the Dead involves more
have unforeseen consequences, and the secrets than one life; perhaps they have to destroy a
she shares—while always true—could turn out to particular bloodline of vampires.
be things the character wishes they didn’t know. In theory, the character will die if they refuse
They could learn the location of a powerful to perform the service demanded of them. In
artifact, but it’s guarded by the Argentum of practice, this means they will start to waste away;
the Silver Flame—will the adventurers steal it at the end of each long rest, you might reduce
so they can use its power? They might learn the their maximum hit point score by 5 or 10 points,
identity of a murderer—who has always been a continuing this reduction until they return to
trusted friend and ally of the party. Again, the the task. While the character should feel that
information is always true and always useful, there is a real consequence, instant death isn’t
but secrets can be painful. fun for anyone.
Another question for you to decide is how
members of the Court of Shadows can identify Sovereign Host
one another. Is it a lapel pin? A secret phrase? The character believes that they are the vessel for
Or do members of the Court simply know one one of the Sovereigns. This doesn’t grant them
another upon sight? Other members of the Court greater power than other party members, since
could be useful allies, but they all have their own all player characters are remarkable. However,
schemes and secrets. if the vessel is a rogue, they know it’s Olladra
granting them expertise. If they’re a paladin,
Marked for D eath they’re assured it’s Dol Arrah’s power that flows
The elven line of Vol carried the Dragonmark of through their smite. It’s up to you how often the
Death, but Vol’s line was supposedly eradicated character receives divine visions or directives;
by the dragons of Argonnessen and the Undying these could be frequent and specific, or rare and
Court. Has the Mark of Death reappeared on this vague. The ultimate question is what’s actually
character? Or is this mark something else—a lesser going on. Is the character truly a vessel for a
form of the mark, or just an unusual aberrant Sovereign? Is it some sort of trick? Or are they
dragonmark? Regardless of the truth, if Lady the vessel of an ancient champion who indeed
Illmarrow learns of it, the Order of the Emerald battled fiends in the Age of Demons, someone
Claw will certainly pursue the character. Would who inspired the legends of the Sovereigns—but
the Undying Court try to destroy the mark’s who was merely mortal?
bearer? Or have they come to regret their cruelty?
The Vigilant Eye
The character’s alien eye is tied to the daelkyr Appendix A:
Belashyrra. The daelkyr are enigmatic and it may
well be that this isn’t part of a grand malevolent
scheme; rather, Belashyrra simply wants to see
Lesser Secrets
things. Whatever the truth, it should certainly The following tables are intended to aid you
feel strange and unsettling for the character. in creating new secrets—or details of existing
Occasionally, the eye could grant greater ones. Some are associated with specific secrets
powers—unexpectedly manifesting a true seeing in this book, such as the Baron’s Child. Others
or see invisibility spell—but this should always are random campaign aids that may prove useful
come as a surprise, never something the player when an NPC or player character needs a secret
can rely on. And to get the benefits of the eye’s in a hurry. All are intended to generate basic
vision, it must be displayed prominently… and ideas and don’t have to be taken literally. If a
most people will be freaked out by the stranger character has “sworn to destroy a dragonmarked
with an eye on their hand! While the eye may house,” this could instead be a feud with a specific
forgive failure to accomplish a request, if the member of the house. “The Chamber” could
character completely ignores the eye, they involve a single dragon. “Druidic sect” could be a
could be troubled by nightmares (preventing few rogue druids. The purpose of these tables is
rest) or false visions, imposing disadvantage on to provide broad ideas, but you can always adjust
Perception checks. them to fit the shape of your campaign.
Ghostly Requests Imposters
d12 Request d12 The Imposter Is…
1 Consume their favorite beverage or meal 1-2 A changeling or doppelganger
2 Rest in a specific location 3-4 Wearing a hat of disguise
3 Convey an apology to someone they wronged 5-6 Using disguise self
4 Deliver an object or message 7 Using a disguise kit
5 Punish someone who wronged them 8 A lycanthrope
6 Perform an artistic work (song, play, story) 9 Possessed
7 Solve a mystery 10 Undead
8 Destroy an object or structure 11 A dragon
9 Expose a secret 12 A fiend or celestial
10 Fulfill a promise
11 Share their story Secrets
12 Perform a ritual or cast a spell d12 Subject Connected to…
1 I’ve been targeted for A dragonmarked
Vendettas assassination by… house
d6 My… Was… By…
2 I’m the product or A Cult of the
1 Best Financially A noble or dragon- subject of arcane Dragon Below
friend ruined marked heir experiments tied to…
2 Parent or Crippled A church, cult, or 3 I’m deeply in debt to… The Aurum
child priest
4 I’m secretly working for… A noble family
3 Sibling Slain A criminal or
5 I’ve sworn to destroy… A criminal
4 Mentor Slandered A professional rival
6 I’m being blackmailed or The Order of the
or old friend
possessed by… Emerald Claw
5 Comrade Imprisoned An archfey or
7 I need something I can The Church of the
in arms celestial
only get from… Silver Flame
6 Lover Robbed An undead or fiend
8 I was once a member of… A druidic sect
9 I know a dangerous The Daughters of
secret about… Sora Kell
10 I’m being framed by… The Dreaming Dark
11 I want to join… The Lords of Dust
12 My family is tied to… The Chamber
Appendix B: B lank Secrets