Engine Questions
Engine Questions
Engine Questions
1. Engines types: a. Turbo prop. b. Turbo shaft. c. Turbo jet. d. Turbo fan. e. Ram jet. f. Pulse jet.
2. Turbofan engine Components: a. Air intake Diffuser. b. Fan. c. Cold re ion !" pass duct and #ot re ion d. e. f. . h. i. j. k. $%& $nlet %uide &ane ' directs inlet air onto the first sta e of a compressor rotor. (P compressor. #P compressor. C.C )%&. (P Turbine. #P Turbine. *+haust )o,,le Propellant )o,,le.
3. Compressors types: a. Centrifu al -Diffuser. impeller. plenum chamber double face onl"/. i. 0ulti sta es. ii. Double face. b. A+ial -stator. rotor/. i. 1ne pool. ii. 0ulti pools. 6
4. Combustion chamber types: a. Can 0ultiple chambers. b. Can Annular or turbo annular'combustors. c. Annular.
5. Divisions of combustion chamber air: a. 0i+in ,one. b. Combustion ,one. c. Dilution ,one has a dilution holes to cool flame head.
. Combustion chamber components: a. 23irl 4ane. b. Dilution holes. c. Fuel no,,les. d. (iners. !. The parts of the "#o$ enter Turbofan: a. Primar" Air Flo3 567 of Total Air8 i. Primar" mi+es 3ith the fuel for combustion purposes. ii. 2econdar" metered into the combustion chamber to complete combustion. iii. Territor" $t is metered to3ards the outlet end of the combustion chamber to cool the hot ases. b. !"'Pass flo3 967 of total Air. %. ðo's (f )ecuring *otor +#a'es: a. 21($D R11T -:ith retainin pin and lockin rin s/. b. F$R TR2* R11T -:ith lockin plate/. a. D1&*TA$( R11T -:ith lockin blade and scre3/. ,. The main types of bearing : a. !all Radial and a+ial loads. b. Roller Radial loads. c. Tapered roller accept radial loads and a+ial loads in one Direction. i. (AR%* TAP*R ; (AR%* A<$A( T#R=2T F1RC*. 6
d. e. a. b.
ii. 20A(( TAP*R ; (AR%* RAD$A( T#R=2T F1RC*. )eedle roller loads are purel" radial locations 3ill be the end of a control shaft or uni4ersal couplin . An ular contact. Fluid damped dampen out d"namic loads and 4ibration. Plain>!ushin s.
1-. +earings #ocation on Engine )haft: a. )1. !earin ................................ ............ b. )1. !earin ................................ ............ c. )1. !earin ................................ ............ d. )1. !earin ................................ ............ e. )1. !earin ................................ ............
? 5 @ A 6
11. Compressor )urge /compressor sta##0: a. $tBs a phenomenon happened if all compressor blades are stalled. b. $f there is a decrease in 4elocit" 3ithout a compensatin chan e in rpm. blades an le of attack 3ill increase 3hich leads to stall. 12. Types (f )urge: a. (o3 speed. b. 14er fuellin . 6
c. 2=R%* $)D$CAT$1)2 13. The visib#e an' au'ib#e in'ications of surging are: a. *n ine 4ibration. b. Rpm falls off. a. #i h T%T or CPT. b. !an in and>or rumblin from the compressor. 14. 1hat can be 'one to contro# surge2 a. The e+cessi4e pressure in a compressor can be relie4ed b" compressor bleed 4al4es !leed 4al4es are fitted to eliminate lo3 speed compressor sur e and allo3 smooth acceleration b" release e+cess 4olume of air to atmosphere. b. 1r the use of 4ariable 4anes These 4anes are located prior to the first sta e rotor and the" are automaticall" adjusted to redirect the airflo3 into the compressor as the compressor speed falls off. Thus. the air continues to meet the first sta e rotors at the correct an le of attack. c. At hi h mach numbers. there is an e+cess of intake air and this additional 4olume of air could choke the compressor so the 4elocit" of the air must be slo3ed do3n. This is done b" another method of sur e control kno3n as intake eometr" control.
15. 3ccessory 4ear +o5: a. $nput shaft connected to the compressor shaft at )5 2ta e. b. $t has on it 2tarter enerator. c. C2D Constant 2peed Dri4er o4erns the output speed to the enerator. 1 . 1hats meaning +y Engine 1ash an' $hy $e use it2 $tBs a method to clean en ine parts especiall" compressor !lades from 3aste and salt to impro4e its performance. 1!. 1hat is a +orescope2
A borescope is an optical de4ice consistin of a ri id or fle+ible tube 3ith an e"epiece on one end. an objecti4e lens on the other linked to ether b" a rela" optical s"stem in bet3een. The optical s"stem is usuall" surrounded b" optical fibers used for illumination of the remote object and a ri id or fle+ible protecti4e outer sheath. The remote object is illuminated and an internal ima e formed b" the objecti4e lens is rela"ed to the e"epiece 3hich ma nifies the internal ima e and presents it to the 4ie3erDs e"e. 1%. 1hy 1e 6se +orescope in Engine2
a. $tBs used for inspection 3ork 3here the area to be inspected is inaccessible b" other means. e+ample8 i. 2ta e ? #PT !lades ii. 2ta e 5 #PT !lades. 6
iii. )o A !earin 2ca4en e Tube and #eatshield. i4. (PT. 4. Combustion Chamber. 1,. Engine Trimming: a. *n ines are trimmed. that is adjusted. to ensure that take off thrust can be achie4ed under all operatin conditions. b. The t3o main factors that o4ern en ine trimmin are temperature and pressure. c. Trimmin charts 3ill be found in 0aintenance 0anuals detailin all trimmin adjustments to be carried out under all 4ar"in conditions of temperature and pressure. 2-. Engine "ue# )ystem: a. Fuel is used in the en ine for po3er as a primar" function of the fuel. b. Fuel is used in the en ine h"draulic s"stem as a 3orkin fluid because itBs a4ailable in pressure from ?EEEF?5EE psi. $tBs used to operate &P&. &2&. 1 c. Fuel is used to cool en ine oil. 21. EEC /e#ectronic engine contro#0: a. $t can take about 6E input parameters. b. $t 3orks instead of FC= in modern A>C if CDP 5 fails **C depends on other parameters to Control fuel amount. 22. )tarting: a. T3o separate s"stems are reGuired to start a turbine en ine. a means to rotate the compressor>turbine assembl" and a method of i nitin the air>fuel mi+ture in the combustion chamber. b. 2tart AP= 23itch 1) position. c. AP= startin motor *lectric motor be in rotate the AP=. d. At 97 to ?E7 Fuel 4al4e opens but $ nition starts before operatin the fuel 4al4e. e. At 6E7 AP= starter drops out. f. At HE7 $%& start to open and at ?EE7 $%& 3ill full" open. . At I67 $ nition 2"stem turned off. h. (oad li ht turned 1). *lectric and Pneumatic po3ers are a4ailable. i. AP= can start usin Aircraft batteries at altitudes up to @EEEE feetJ it can use $D% or an" other enerator at an" Altitude. j. Pneumatic air can be taken from AP= at altitudes up to 5EEEE feet. not more. !ut electric po3er enabled at an" altitudes. k. -AP=. %round Cart or other en ine/ @ suppl" a starter throu h a start 4al4e b" reGuired pneumatic po3er. l. $ nition 2ub 2"stem -$ nition bo+ ??6& AC K 2park i niter/. m. Pneumatic 2"stem Dri4e *n ine #P rotor.
1 2
. Airframe hydraulic system is not Engine Hydraulic system. .Compressor discharge Pressure its used to adjust proper amount of F/A ratio. . !tarting Air !ources "AP#$ %round supply truc&$ Engine compressor tapping'.
n. o. p. G.
Pneumatic 2"stem consists of start 4al4e and starter. *C= opens the start 4al4e and $ nition bo+ is ener i,ed 3hen #P rotor speed is nominal. Fuel injected and burnin starts. :hen en ine reach 2elf'2ustainin speed LAD separate starter motor from en ine and no more need to AP= or other e+ternal po3er sources.
23. )e#f7)ustaining )pee': This is the speed at 3hich the ener " de4eloped b" the en ine is sufficient to pro4ide for continuous operation of the en ine 3ithout the startin de4ice. 24. )tarting types: a. #un start'' rpm is slo3 or fails to reach $D(* rpm. b. :et start '' hi h *%T and Torchin . c. #ot start '' Alert T%T e+ceeded lo3 supplier *(*C or Air. a. Aborti4e 2tart '' *n ine does not li ht up 3ithin specified period no $ nition or no Fuel. 25. )par8 p#ug Types: a. Annular'%ap $ niter lon Reach. b. Constrained' ap plu .
2 . 1hat Engine 9arts nee' to be Coo#ing: a. !earin s b" oil. a. Turbine shrouds and blades b" hi h pressure coolin air. b. Flam head 3hich e+it from C.C b" air from dilation holes. c. *n ine %ear bo+ b" oil. d. 1il c"cle b" either Air cooled 1il cooler -AC1C/ or -FC1C/. e. %enerall" 1il C"cle. an" mo4able contact Parts and #ot section parts. 2!. +#a'e creep 8 a. Turbines are subjected to hi h centrifu al loads plus #eat. b. The combination of temperature and centrifu al loads 3ill induce the turbine blades to stretch 3hilst the en ine is runnin . c. 1nce the en ine has stopped runnin the blades 3ill cool. d. The coolin blade 3ill not return to its ori inal shape and o4er a period of time 3ill tend to increase sli htl" in len th. This phenomenon is kno3n as blade creep. 2%. +#a'e Creep Types: a. Primar" '' occurs rapidl" o4er a relati4el" short period. but at a decreasin rate. b. 2econdar" '' creep rate is small but constant. c. Tertiar" M creep is rapid and leads to Fracture. 2,. Tip C#earance: 6
a. 1ne of the man" factors that o4ern the efficienc" of a turbine en ine is the maintenance of minimum clearances bet3een rotatin assemblies. b. The Tip clearance bet3een Turbine blades and 2hrouds must not e+ceed the ma+ allo3ed clearance. 3-. Engine Contro#s: a. For3ard thrust throttle controls. b. Re4erse Thrust. c. Fuel control s3itches or le4ers -#P cock controls/. 31. Engine :n'ications: a. *n ine instruments can be di4ided into t3o cate ories8 i. *n ine indication M performance. -RP0. *PR. *%T and Fuel Flo3 rate/ ii. *n ine indication M mechanical. b. Airborne &ibration 0onitorin . c. 1il -Pressure. Temperature. Luantit". (o3 pressure indicators/. d. Primar" $ndications must al3a"s be displa"ed at all times 8 -)?. *PR. *%T/. e. 2econdar" $ndications 3hich are normall" displa"ed on the lo3er screen8 -)5. 1il Pressure Parameters. &ibration indication/. 32. &ain components use' in an engine in'icating an' cre$ a#ert system: a. Computers ' aircraft s"stem inputs. b. Displa" units -CRTs/. c. Cancel>recall s3itches. d. 0aintenance s3itches. 33. Thrust *eversers: a. 0a" use Cold stream i. !locker door. b. 0a" use #ot stream8 i. Clamshell doors. ii. Deflector doors. iii. Combination of both. 34. Engine (i# )ystem: a. Draw the System. 35. 1il Tank Components look at attached raph8 a. Filler cap 3ith dip stick. b. 2uppl" to en ine oil pump. c. Drain &al4e and line. d. Return line from sca4en in line. 6
e. De'aerator. f. Luantit" Dip. . %lass 2creen 3ith Luantit" $ndication in %A(. 3 . (i# Coo#er Types /)ee ;uestion 2 0: a. FC1C. b. AC1C. 3!. )hip Detectors 00A%)*T$C P(=%28 a. The" are found in the sca4en e lines of a lubrication s"stem. b. The ma netic end is located in the oil flo3. and it 3ill attract an" ma netic particles bein carried alon in the oil. c. A ma netic plu 3ill normall" ha4e a ba"onet fittin . 3hich enables Guick and eas" remo4al for inspection. d. 1n remo4al. a sprin loaded check 4al4e 3ill close. pre4entin loss of oil from the s"stem. e. The debris attracted to these plu s 3ill help to indicate an" 3ear on ma netic parts 3ithin the en ine.