Mini Chassis/VIN Numbers and Commission Numbers: Part I: 1959 - 1980

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Mini Chassis/VIN Numbers and Commission NumbersPart 1:

1959 1980
Compiled by Chuck Heleker (Revised April 29, 2004)

The inform !ion used !o compile !he follo"in# " s ! ken from f c!ory service p r!s lis!s nd f c!ory microfiche$ %nder close scru!iny, !here ppe rs !o be some conflic!s nd mis! kes in !he f c!ory number schemes, bu!, for !he mos! p r!, !he lis!in#s re ccur !e enou#h for c r iden!ific !ion$

&le se no!e !h ! !he Ch ssis ('()) number nd !he Commission number re only one indic !ion of !he c!u l model nd d !e of !he c r$ The Ch ssis number pl !e is e sily duplic !ed, especi lly on e rly c rs, nd i! is no! unusu l for l !er c rs no! mee!in# %* +,T nd -&A s! nd rds !o h ve e rlier Ch ssis number pl !es !! ched !o !hem !o #e! !hem in!o !he %* ille# lly$ Also, Ch ssis number pl !es h ve been kno"n !o be .f ked/ !o !urn less v lu ble c r in!o more v lu ble one0 e$#$, s! nd rd * loon in!o Cooper or Cooper *$

Part I: 1959 - 1980 1959 Through e!tember 19"9 #ng$ish %ui$t &'tober 19"9 to 19() *Mode$ +ear, #ng$ish %ui$t 19() *Mode$ +ear, To 1980 *Mode$ +ear, #ng$ish %ui$t 1980 *Mode$ +ear, #ng$ish %ui$t

Part II: 1980 - -000 Oct 1980 to Nov 1985 English Built Nov 1985 to Circa 1990?? English Built 1990 XN-----010001 On (1300cc cars only) English Built

1959 Through e!tember 19"9 #ng$ish %ui$t

The genera$ .ormat .or these ear$/ 'ars is: A1A2*231444A 0irst !osition 1*2, in the abo3e e4am!$e5: A 5 Aus!in (o!her !h n Cooper nd *) C 5 Aus!in Cooper or Aus!in Cooper * 6 5 7orris Cooper or Cooper * 7 57orris R 5 Riley 8 5 8olseley e'ond !osition 1a$so *2, in the abo3e e4am!$e5: 5 A series en#ine$ Any s! nd rd 7ini en#ine for !he period9 :4:cc 920cc Cooper * 992cc Cooper 99:cc Cooper nd non1Cooper ;02;cc Cooper * ;22<cc Cooper * Third !osition1s5 1*- , in the abo3e e4am!$e5: 5 =ody !ype9 2* 5 21door s loon>sed n$ C u!ion9 bure ucr !ic bun#les of!en in!erpre! !his s 2< (!"en!y1five) = 5 7oke (.=uckbo rd/?) % 5 &ick1up$ C u!ion9 % nd ' c n be mis! ken one for !he o!her$ ' 5 & nel v n$ C u!ion9 % nd ' c n be mis! ken one for !he o!her$ 8 5 -s! !e ("i!h or "i!hou! "ood)$ ,ffici lly, .+u l1purpose/ 0ourth !osition 1*(, in the abo3e e4am!$e5: 5 *eries of Aus!in, or 7orris, e!c$9 ; 5 7k ( Riley -lf, 8olseley Horne!, nd Aus!in>7orris 7oke 2 5 7k (( Riley -lf or 8olseley Horne! @ 5 7k ((( Riley -lf or 8olseley Horne! 4 5 7k ( 7orris A 5 7k (( 7orris 2 5 7k ( Aus!in = 5 7k (( Aus!in !osition 1*6, in the abo3e e4am!$e5:

+ 5 +e13uBe$ 3 5 3ef! h nd drive$ Ri#h! h nd drive " s no! desi#n !ed * 5 *uper +e13uBe Number !ositions 1*777, in the abo3e e4am!$e5: 5 The seCuen!i l build number9 The firs! c r ! 3on#brid#e " s number ;0;, s " s !he firs! ! Co"ley$ Drom !hen on, e ch f c!ory con!inued "i!h !heir o"n number seCuence re# rdless of !he model0 e$#$, * loon, ' n, e!c$ (n o!her "ords, e ch model did no! s! r! ! ;0; nd m in! in i!s o"n seCuence$ * loons nd ' ns, e!c$, re miBed in !he number seCuence lon# "i!h !he Cooper nd Cooper * models$ The number seCuence " s in!o seven di#i!s, 4444444, by !he end of *ep!ember ;9A9$ 6ast !osition 1*2, in the abo3e e4am!$e5: 5 Assembly pl n!$ ,ffici lly, .(n!ern l %se ,nly/ This seems !o be used inconsis!en!ly on -n#lish buil! c rs nd i! is unders!ood !h ! !he c r " s buil! ! !he .norm l/ f c!ory if !he le!!er is lef! off0 e$#$, n Aus!in, Riley or 8olseley ! 3on#brid#e m y or m y no! h ve n A f!er !he seCuence number$ Ees, !here "ere Aus!in 7inis buil! ! !he 7orris pl n! in Co"ley nd 7orris 7inis buil! ! !he Aus!in pl n! in 3on#brid#e$ )o!e !h ! ll -n#lish buil! Cooper nd Cooper * models (Aus!in nd 7orris) s "ell s Riley -lf nd 8olseley Horne! models "ere buil! ! !he 3on#brid#e, Aus!in pl n!$ A 5 3on#brid#e 7 5 Co"ley #4am!$es: A1A2*21;2@4<A (or A1A2*21;2@4<AA) A ri#h! h nd drive, 7k (, Aus!in 7ini * loon buil! ! 3on#brid#e 71A2*A1;2@4<A2 (or 71A2*A1;2@4<A27) A ri#h! h nd drive, 7k ((, 7orris 7ini * loon buil! ! Co"ley C1A2*231;2@4<A A lef! h nd drive, 7k (, Aus!in Cooper or Cooper * R1A2*21;2@4<A A ri#h! h nd drive, 7k ((, Riley -lf A1A=;31;2@4<A A lef! h nd drive, Aus!in 7oke 71A%41;2@4<A A ri#h! h nd drive, 7k ( 7orris &ick1up

= ck !o Top

&'tober 19"9 to 19() *Mode$ +ear, #ng$ish %ui$t

+urin# !he previous mon!hs le din# up !o !he c rs in !his !ime period, Commission )umber " s in!roduced !o #o lon# "i!h !he Ch ssis )umber>'()$ =o!h re helpful in iden!ifyin# c r$ C82 I N9M%#:/VINThe genera$ .ormat .or the Chassis Number/VIN .or these 'ars is: F1A2*;)1FFF1A VIN; 0irst Position 1*<, in the abo3e e4am!$e5: This is simply dismissed by !he f c!ory s .non si#nific n!/? VIN; e'ond Position 1*2, in the abo3e e4am!$e5: 5 -n#ine !ype :4:cc 99: ;22<cc Cooper * nd ;22< GT VIN; Third Position 1*- , in the abo3e e4am!$e5: 5 =ody !ype 2* 5 21door s loon>sed n$ (-Bcep! 7k ((( Copper * nd ;22<GT) C u!ion9 bure ucr !ic bun#les of!en in!erpre! !his s 2< (!"en!y1five) 28 5 -s! !e (.2 +oor +u l &urpose/) + 5 2 door s loon (7k ((( Cooper * nd ;22<GT only) % 5 &ick1up$ C u!ion9 % nd ' c n be mis! ken one for !he o!her$ ' 5 & nel v n$ C u!ion9 % nd ' c n be mis! ken one for !he o!her$ VIN; 0ourth Position 1*1N, in the abo3e e4am!$e5: H=l nkI 5 7ini :<0$ &roduced only in !he .round nose/ s!yle ; 5 Round nose, !r di!ion l 7ini body s!yle$ (ncludes9 7ini ;000, 7k ((( Cooper *, ' n, nd &ick1up$ 2 5 Clubm n, sCu re nose s!yle$ (ncludes9 Clubm n s loon, Clubm n -s! !e, nd ;22<GT$ VIN; Position 1*N, in the abo3e e4am!$e5: ) 5 7ini ;000

VIN; Number !ositions 1*777, in the abo3e e4am!$e5: 5 The seCuen!i l build number9 %nlike !he e rlier c rs, e ch .!ype/ s! r!ed "i!h number ;0;0 e$#$, !he firs! 7ini :<0 in !his r n#e s! r!ed "i!h ;0; s did !he firs! 7ini ;000, !he firs! 7k ((( Cooper *, e!c$ VIN; 6ast !osition 1*2, in the abo3e e4am!$e5: 5 Assembly pl n!$ ,ffici lly, .(n!ern l %se ,nly/ (f used ! ll, !his "ould be .A/ for -n#lish buil! c rs$ All -n#lish buil! 7inis "ere no" bein# buil! ! 3on#brid#e$ A 5 3on#brid#e Commission NumberThe genera$ .ormat .or the Commission Number is: )20*1FFF Commission Number; 0irst Positions 1*N-0 , in the abo3e e4am!$e5: 5 C r !ype 20% 5 &ick1up 20' 5 ' n 208 5 Clubm n -s! !e +20* 5 7ini :<0 )20+ 5 7k ((( Cooper * )20* 5 7ini ;000 *20+ 5 ;22<GT *20* 5 Clubm n Commission Number !ositions 1*777, in the abo3e e4am!$e5: *eCuen!i l number s! r!in# ! ;0; for e ch c r !ype$

= ck !o Top

19() *Mode$ +ear, To 1980 *Mode$ +ear, #ng$ish %ui$t

VIN - The genera$ .ormat .or the VIN .or these 'ars is: F162*;)1FFF1A VIN; 0irst Position 1*<, in the abo3e e4am!$e5:

This is simply dismissed by !he f c!ory s .non si#nific n!/? VIN; e'ond Position 1*=, in the abo3e e4am!$e5: 5 -n#ine !ype A 5 H%nkno"n if !his " s used$ (f so, i! indic !ed ny of !he A series en#ines s!ill in produc!ion ! !h ! !imeI C 5 ;09:cc - 5 ;22<cc 6 5 :4:cc 3 5 99:cc VIN; Third Position 1*- , in the abo3e e4am!$e5: 5 =ody !ype 2+9 The f c!ory microfiche does no! lis! desi#n !or for !he ;22<GT$ This "ould imply !here " snJ! one0 ho"ever, i! is likely !he 2+ desi#n !or " s s!ill used$ The microfiche sho"s 2+ used for !he ;9:0 model ye r$ (f no desi#n !or is lis!ed, !he Commission number mus! be used !o iden!ify !he ;22<GT$ 2* 5 21door s loon>sed n$ (-Bcep! ;22<GT) C u!ion9 bure ucr !ic bun#les of!en in!erpre! !his s 2< (!"en!y1five) 28 5 -s! !e (.2 +oor +u l &urpose/) % 5 &ick1up$ C u!ion9 % nd ' c n be mis! ken one for !he o!her$ ' 5 & nel v n$ C u!ion9 % nd ' c n be mis! ken one for !he o!her$ VIN; 0ourth Position 1*1, in the abo3e e4am!$e5: ; 5 Round nose, !r di!ion l 7ini body s!yle$ (ncludes9 7ini :<0, 7ini :<0 Ci!y, 7ini :<0 *peci l +eluBe, 7ini ;000, ' n (:4:cc nd 99:cc), 7ini *peci l ;09:cc, nd &ick1up (:<0cc nd 99:cc)$ 2 5 Clubm n, sCu re nose s!yle$ (ncludes9 Clubm n * loon (99:cc Au!om !ic nd ;09:cc 7 nu l), Clubm n -s! !e (99:cc Au!om !ic nd ;09:cc 7 nu l), nd ;22<GT$ VIN; Position 1*N, in the abo3e e4am!$e5: ) 5 *peci l +eluBe (-Bcep! for )or!h Americ )$ (ncludes !he 7ini :<0 *peci l +eluBe, !he 7ini ;000, nd !he 7ini *peci l ;09:cc$ )or!h Americ 9 A 5 ;920 = 5 ;92; C 5 ;922 + 5 ;92@ - 5 ;924 D 5 ;92< G 5 ;92A H 5 ;922 K 5 ;92: 3 5 ;929

VIN; Number !ositions 1*777, in the abo3e e4am!$e5: 5 The seCuen!i l build number9 - ch .!ype/ of c r ("i!h one eBcep!ion) s! r!ed "i!h number ;0;0 e$#$, !he firs! 7ini :<0 in !his r n#e s! r!ed "i!h ;0; s did !he firs! 7ini ;000, !he firs! ;22<GT, e!c$ The f c!ory records lis! one eBcep!ion9 !he eBpor! 7ini *peci l ;09:cc$ The s! r!in# number, for some re son, is lis!ed s ;0;20;; VIN; 6ast !osition 1*2, in the abo3e e4am!$e5: 5 Assembly pl n!$ ,ffici lly, .(n!ern l %se ,nly/ (f used ! ll, !his "ould be .A/ for -n#lish buil! c rs$ A 5 3on#brid#e C&MMI I&N N9M%#:The genera$ .ormat .or the Commission Number is:

)20*1FFF Commission Number; 0irst Positions 1*N-0 , in the abo3e e4am!$e5: 5 C r !ype 20% 5 &ick1up 20' 5 ' n 208 5 Clubm n -s! !e =20* 5 7ini Ci!y +20* 5 7ini :<0 K20* 5 7ini ;;00 *peci l (%6 only) )20* 5 7ini ;000 *20+ 5 ;22<GT *20* 5 Clubm n T20* 5 7ini :<0 *uper Commission Number !ositions 1*777, in the abo3e e4am!$e5: *! r!in# numbers re s follo"s9 20% 5 ;@20<3 20' 5 :4A293 208 5 220@;A =20* 5 ;0; +20* 5 :@A223 K20* 5 ;0; )20* 5 20<@;3 nd 2@0<42A *20+ 5 ;94;AA *20* 5 ;04A@2A T20* 5 ;0; )o!e !h ! !here is no lis!ed eBpl n !ion for !he .A/ nd .3/ endin#s$ (f !hese re in!ended !o be !he s me s used for '() numbers, !he .A/ "ould be 3on#brid#e$ 3i!er !ure h s su##es!ed !h ! .3/ 5 7orocco? This h s no! been confirmed from f c!ory microfiche$

= ck !o Top

1980 Model Year English Built

VIN Note that the VIN plate for these cars is likely marked, BL CARS LTD The general format for the VIN for these cars is: !"#S$N! !A VIN, First Position (X in the above example : This is simply dismissed %y the factory as &o& si'&ifica&t( VIN, !econ" Position (# in the above example : ) *&'i&e type C ) $+,-cc * ) $#./cc " ) -0-cc L ) ,,-cc VIN, Thir" Position ($! in the above example : ) Body type #D ) $#./1T #S ) #!door saloo&2seda&3 4*5cept $#./1T6 Ca7tio&8 %7rea7cratic %7&'les ofte& i&terpret this as #/ 4t9e&ty!fi:e6 #; ) *state 4# Door D7al <7rpose6 = ) <ick!7p3 Ca7tio&8 = a&d V ca& %e mistake& o&e for the other3 V ) <a&el :a&3 Ca7tio&8 = a&d V ca& %e mistake& o&e for the other3 VIN, Fo%rth Position (& in the above example : ) Series of model $ ) Ro7&d &ose, traditio&al >i&i %ody style3 # ) Cl7%ma&, s?7are &ose style3 VIN, Fifth Position (N in the above example : ) Specificatio& N ) Special Del75e3 The factory microfiche does &ot i&dicate that North America& cars co&ti&7ed o& 9ith the dati&' code 7sed o& pre:io7s cars@ e3'3, > ) $,-+3

VIN, N%mber positions (''' in the above example : ) The se?7e&tial %7ild &7m%er8

B7ild &7m%ers are &ot listed3 It is s7spected that they carry o& 9ith the &7m%ers from the pre:io7s series of cars@ i3e3, &7m%ers 9ere &ot started from $+$, a'ai&3 VIN, (ast position () in the above example : ) Assem%ly pla&t3 Afficially, I&ter&al =se A&ly If 7sed at all, this 9o7ld %e A for *&'lish %7ilt cars3 A ) Lo&'%rid'e

Mini Chassis/VIN Numbers and Commission Numbers

Part -: 1980 -000
Compiled by Chuck Heleker nd ( n Dre rson (Revised April 29, 2004)

The inform !ion used !o compile !he follo"in# " s ! ken from f c!ory service p r!s lis!s, f c!ory microfiche, nd f c!ory C+s$ %nder close scru!iny, !here ppe rs !o be some conflic!s nd mis! kes in !he f c!ory number schemes, bu!, for !he mos! p r!, !he lis!in#s re ccur !e enou#h for c r iden!ific !ion$ &le se no!e !h ! !he Ch ssis ('()) number nd !he Commission number re only one indic !ion of !he c!u l model nd d !e of !he c r$ The Ch ssis number pl !e is e sily duplic !ed, especi lly on e rly c rs, nd i! is no! unusu l for l !er c rs no! mee!in# %* +,T nd -&A s! nd rds !o h ve e rlier Ch ssis number pl !es !! ched !o !hem !o #e! !hem in!o !he %* ille# lly$ Also, Ch ssis number pl !es h ve been kno"n !o be .f ked/ !o !urn less v lu ble c r in!o more v lu ble one0 e$#$, s! nd rd * loon in!o Cooper or Cooper *$

P$ease s'ro$$ do>n to 3ie> re$e3ant se'tions?

&'t 1980 to No3 1985 #ng$ish %ui$t

VIN )o!e !h ! !he '() pl !e for !hese c rs is likely m rked, .Aus!in Rover Group 3T+/ (! is possible !h ! !he d !in# in !he f c!ory microfiche is incorrec! nd !he ch n#e d !e is ,c!ober ;9:4, no! ;9:<$ 7 Lor ch n#es "ere m de by ,c!ober ;9:4 (for ins! nce, :$4/ br kes nd ;2/ "heels bec me s! nd rd)$ The genera$ .ormat .or the VIN .or these 'ars is: *AF1F162*;)1FFF1A

VIN; 0irst Three Positions 1* 2<, in the abo3e e4am!$e5: This is !he 8orld 7 ke (den!ifier$ The f c!ory microfiche indic !es !his " s s! r!ed on !hese c rs in Deb ;9:;$ *AF 5 7G1Rover VIN; 0ourth Position 1*<, in the abo3e e4am!$e5: This is simply dismissed by !he f c!ory s .non si#nific n!/? VIN; Position 1*=, in the abo3e e4am!$e5: 5 -n#ine !ype C 5 ;09:cc 6 5 :4:cc 3 5 99:cc VIN; i4th 1and e3enth5 Position 1*- , in the abo3e e4am!$e5: 5 =ody !ype 2* 5 21door s loon>sed n$ C u!ion9 bure ucr !ic bun#les of!en in!erpre! !his s 2< (!"en!y1five) 28 5 -s! !e (.2 +oor +u l &urpose/) G 5 &$,$ 7 il ' n % 5 &ick1up$ C u!ion9 % nd ' c n be mis! ken one for !he o!her$ ' 5 & nel v n$ C u!ion9 % nd ' c n be mis! ken one for !he o!her$ VIN; #ighth Position 1*1, in the abo3e e4am!$e5: 5 *eries of model ; 5 Round nose, !r di!ion l 7ini body s!yle$ 2 5 Clubm n, sCu re nose s!yle$ VIN; Ninth Position 1*N, in the abo3e e4am!$e5: 5 *pecific !ion ) 5 H3, *peci l, H3-, or 7 yf ir R 5 7ini 2< * 5 7 yf ir (3H+ M Dr nce only) VIN; Number !ositions 1*777, in the abo3e e4am!$e5: 5 The seCuen!i l build number9

=uild numbers re no! lis!ed$ (! is suspec!ed !h ! !hey c rry on "i!h !he numbers from !he previous series of c rs0 i$e$, numbers "ere no! s! r!ed from ;0;, # in$ VIN; 6ast !osition 1*2, in the abo3e e4am!$e5: 5 Assembly pl n!$ ,ffici lly, .(n!ern l %se ,nly/ (f used ! ll, !his "ould be .A/ for -n#lish buil! c rs$ A 5 3on#brid#e

No3 1985 to Cir'a 1990@@ #ng$ish %ui$t

VIN )o!e !h ! !he '() pl !e for !hese c rs is likely m rked, .Aus!in Rover Group 3T+/ (! is possible !h ! !he s! r! d !e is re lly )ovember ;9:4, no! ;9:< s s! !ed in !he f c!ory microfiche$ The genera$ .ormat .or the VIN .or these 'ars is: *AF1F132*;)201FFF1A VIN; 0irst Three Positions 1* 2<, in the abo3e e4am!$e5 This is !he 8orld 7 ke (den!ifier$ *AF 5 7G1Rover VIN; 0ourth Position 1*<, in the abo3e e4am!$e5: This is simply dismissed by !he f c!ory s .non si#nific n!/? VIN; Position 1*6, in the abo3e e4am!$e5: 5 -n#ine !ype 3 5 99:cc VIN; i4th 1and e3enth5 Position 1*- , in the abo3e e4am!$e5: 5 =ody !ype

2* 5 21door s loon>sed n$ C u!ion9 bure ucr !ic bun#les of!en in!erpre! !his s 2< (!"en!y1five) VIN; #ighth Position 1*1, in the abo3e e4am!$e5: 5 *eries of body ; 5 Round nose, !r di!ion l 7ini body s!yle$ VIN; Ninth Position 1*N, in the abo3e e4am!$e5: 5 Cl ss ) 5 H3-, 7 yf ir (RH+) , 5 -, Ci!y * 5 7 yf ir (3H+) VIN; Tenth Position 1*-, in the abo3e e4am!$e5: 5 7odel ye r 2 5 ;9:4 on (This conflic!s "i!h !he microfiche indic !in# !his posi!ion " s used s! r!in# in )ovember ;9:<$) VIN; #$e3enth Position 1*0, in the abo3e e4am!$e5: 5 *!eerin# 0 5 RH+ ; 5 3H+ VIN; Number !ositions 1*777, in the abo3e e4am!$e5: 5 The seCuen!i l build number9 =uild numbers re no! lis!ed$ (! is suspec!ed !h ! !hey c rry on "i!h !he numbers from !he previous series of c rs0 i$e$, numbers "ere no! s! r!ed from ;0;, # in$ VIN; 6ast !osition 1*2, in the abo3e e4am!$e5: 5 Assembly pl n!$ ,ffici lly, .(n!ern l %se ,nly/ (f used ! ll, !his "ould be .A/ for -n#lish buil! c rs$ A 5 3on#brid#e

1990 <N-----010001 &n 11A00'' 'ars on$/5 #ng$ish %ui$t

VIN The genera$ .ormat .or the VIN .or these 'ars is: *AF1F)1)1A1E1=1=1+1444444 VIN; 0irst Three Positions 1* 2<, in the abo3e e4am!$e5 5 8orld 7 ke (den!ifier$ *AF 5 7G1Rover VIN; 0ourth and Positions 1*<N, in the abo3e e4am!$e5: F) 5 7ini ;@00 VIN; i4th Position 1*N, in the abo3e e4am!$e5: 5 Cl ss ) 5 *por!, Cooper, C briole! ' 5 6ensin#!on 8 5 H3*, 7 yf ir E 5 Ci!y, *pri!e VIN; e3enth Position 1*2, in the abo3e e4am!$e5: 5 =ody !ype A 5 21door s loon>sed n$ = 5 C briole! VIN; #ighth Position 1*+, in the abo3e e4am!$e5: 5 -n#ine + 5 ;@00 C rb 7 5 ;@00 C rb F 5 ;@00 *&i (s! nd rd compression r !io, 9$49;) E 5 ;@00 *&i (hi#h compression r !io, ;0$;9;) N 5 ;@00 7&i (hi#h compression r !io, ;0$;9;) VIN; Ninth Position 1*%, in the abo3e e4am!$e5: 5 RH+>3H+, Tr nsmission !ype, Din l +rive = 5 RH+, 7 nu l, @$;0<

C 5 RH+, 7 nu l, @$2; - 5 RH+, 7 nu l, 2$2A 6 5 RH+, Au!om !ic 7 5 3H+, 7 nu l, @$;0< ) 5 3H+, 7 nu l, @$2; R 5 3H+, 7 nu l, 2$2A E 5 3H+, Au!om !ic VIN; Tenth Position 1*%, in the abo3e e4am!$e5: 5 7odel Ch n#e A 5 ;@00 *peci l -di!ion = 5 ;@00 VIN; #$e3enth Position 1*B, in the abo3e e4am!$e5: 5 Assembly &l n! + 5 3on#brid#e VIN; Number !ositions 1*777777, in the abo3e e4am!$e5: 5 The seCuen!i l build number9 *! r!in# "i!h 0;000;

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