Mini Chassis/VIN Numbers and Commission Numbers: Part I: 1959 - 1980
Mini Chassis/VIN Numbers and Commission Numbers: Part I: 1959 - 1980
Mini Chassis/VIN Numbers and Commission Numbers: Part I: 1959 - 1980
1959 1980
Compiled by Chuck Heleker (Revised April 29, 2004)
The inform !ion used !o compile !he follo"in# " s ! ken from f c!ory service p r!s lis!s nd f c!ory microfiche$ %nder close scru!iny, !here ppe rs !o be some conflic!s nd mis! kes in !he f c!ory number schemes, bu!, for !he mos! p r!, !he lis!in#s re ccur !e enou#h for c r iden!ific !ion$
&le se no!e !h ! !he Ch ssis ('()) number nd !he Commission number re only one indic !ion of !he c!u l model nd d !e of !he c r$ The Ch ssis number pl !e is e sily duplic !ed, especi lly on e rly c rs, nd i! is no! unusu l for l !er c rs no! mee!in# %* +,T nd -&A s! nd rds !o h ve e rlier Ch ssis number pl !es !! ched !o !hem !o #e! !hem in!o !he %* ille# lly$ Also, Ch ssis number pl !es h ve been kno"n !o be .f ked/ !o !urn less v lu ble c r in!o more v lu ble one0 e$#$, s! nd rd * loon in!o Cooper or Cooper *$
Part I: 1959 - 1980 1959 Through e!tember 19"9 #ng$ish %ui$t &'tober 19"9 to 19() *Mode$ +ear, #ng$ish %ui$t 19() *Mode$ +ear, To 1980 *Mode$ +ear, #ng$ish %ui$t 1980 *Mode$ +ear, #ng$ish %ui$t
Part II: 1980 - -000 Oct 1980 to Nov 1985 English Built Nov 1985 to Circa 1990?? English Built 1990 XN-----010001 On (1300cc cars only) English Built
The genera$ .ormat .or these ear$/ 'ars is: A1A2*231444A 0irst !osition 1*2, in the abo3e e4am!$e5: A 5 Aus!in (o!her !h n Cooper nd *) C 5 Aus!in Cooper or Aus!in Cooper * 6 5 7orris Cooper or Cooper * 7 57orris R 5 Riley 8 5 8olseley e'ond !osition 1a$so *2, in the abo3e e4am!$e5: 5 A series en#ine$ Any s! nd rd 7ini en#ine for !he period9 :4:cc 920cc Cooper * 992cc Cooper 99:cc Cooper nd non1Cooper ;02;cc Cooper * ;22<cc Cooper * Third !osition1s5 1*- , in the abo3e e4am!$e5: 5 =ody !ype9 2* 5 21door s loon>sed n$ C u!ion9 bure ucr !ic bun#les of!en in!erpre! !his s 2< (!"en!y1five) = 5 7oke (.=uckbo rd/?) % 5 &ick1up$ C u!ion9 % nd ' c n be mis! ken one for !he o!her$ ' 5 & nel v n$ C u!ion9 % nd ' c n be mis! ken one for !he o!her$ 8 5 -s! !e ("i!h or "i!hou! "ood)$ ,ffici lly, .+u l1purpose/ 0ourth !osition 1*(, in the abo3e e4am!$e5: 5 *eries of Aus!in, or 7orris, e!c$9 ; 5 7k ( Riley -lf, 8olseley Horne!, nd Aus!in>7orris 7oke 2 5 7k (( Riley -lf or 8olseley Horne! @ 5 7k ((( Riley -lf or 8olseley Horne! 4 5 7k ( 7orris A 5 7k (( 7orris 2 5 7k ( Aus!in = 5 7k (( Aus!in !osition 1*6, in the abo3e e4am!$e5:
+ 5 +e13uBe$ 3 5 3ef! h nd drive$ Ri#h! h nd drive " s no! desi#n !ed * 5 *uper +e13uBe Number !ositions 1*777, in the abo3e e4am!$e5: 5 The seCuen!i l build number9 The firs! c r ! 3on#brid#e " s number ;0;, s " s !he firs! ! Co"ley$ Drom !hen on, e ch f c!ory con!inued "i!h !heir o"n number seCuence re# rdless of !he model0 e$#$, * loon, ' n, e!c$ (n o!her "ords, e ch model did no! s! r! ! ;0; nd m in! in i!s o"n seCuence$ * loons nd ' ns, e!c$, re miBed in !he number seCuence lon# "i!h !he Cooper nd Cooper * models$ The number seCuence " s in!o seven di#i!s, 4444444, by !he end of *ep!ember ;9A9$ 6ast !osition 1*2, in the abo3e e4am!$e5: 5 Assembly pl n!$ ,ffici lly, .(n!ern l %se ,nly/ This seems !o be used inconsis!en!ly on -n#lish buil! c rs nd i! is unders!ood !h ! !he c r " s buil! ! !he .norm l/ f c!ory if !he le!!er is lef! off0 e$#$, n Aus!in, Riley or 8olseley ! 3on#brid#e m y or m y no! h ve n A f!er !he seCuence number$ Ees, !here "ere Aus!in 7inis buil! ! !he 7orris pl n! in Co"ley nd 7orris 7inis buil! ! !he Aus!in pl n! in 3on#brid#e$ )o!e !h ! ll -n#lish buil! Cooper nd Cooper * models (Aus!in nd 7orris) s "ell s Riley -lf nd 8olseley Horne! models "ere buil! ! !he 3on#brid#e, Aus!in pl n!$ A 5 3on#brid#e 7 5 Co"ley #4am!$es: A1A2*21;2@4<A (or A1A2*21;2@4<AA) A ri#h! h nd drive, 7k (, Aus!in 7ini * loon buil! ! 3on#brid#e 71A2*A1;2@4<A2 (or 71A2*A1;2@4<A27) A ri#h! h nd drive, 7k ((, 7orris 7ini * loon buil! ! Co"ley C1A2*231;2@4<A A lef! h nd drive, 7k (, Aus!in Cooper or Cooper * R1A2*21;2@4<A A ri#h! h nd drive, 7k ((, Riley -lf A1A=;31;2@4<A A lef! h nd drive, Aus!in 7oke 71A%41;2@4<A A ri#h! h nd drive, 7k ( 7orris &ick1up
= ck !o Top
VIN; Number !ositions 1*777, in the abo3e e4am!$e5: 5 The seCuen!i l build number9 %nlike !he e rlier c rs, e ch .!ype/ s! r!ed "i!h number ;0;0 e$#$, !he firs! 7ini :<0 in !his r n#e s! r!ed "i!h ;0; s did !he firs! 7ini ;000, !he firs! 7k ((( Cooper *, e!c$ VIN; 6ast !osition 1*2, in the abo3e e4am!$e5: 5 Assembly pl n!$ ,ffici lly, .(n!ern l %se ,nly/ (f used ! ll, !his "ould be .A/ for -n#lish buil! c rs$ All -n#lish buil! 7inis "ere no" bein# buil! ! 3on#brid#e$ A 5 3on#brid#e Commission NumberThe genera$ .ormat .or the Commission Number is: )20*1FFF Commission Number; 0irst Positions 1*N-0 , in the abo3e e4am!$e5: 5 C r !ype 20% 5 &ick1up 20' 5 ' n 208 5 Clubm n -s! !e +20* 5 7ini :<0 )20+ 5 7k ((( Cooper * )20* 5 7ini ;000 *20+ 5 ;22<GT *20* 5 Clubm n Commission Number !ositions 1*777, in the abo3e e4am!$e5: *eCuen!i l number s! r!in# ! ;0; for e ch c r !ype$
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VIN - The genera$ .ormat .or the VIN .or these 'ars is: F162*;)1FFF1A VIN; 0irst Position 1*<, in the abo3e e4am!$e5:
This is simply dismissed by !he f c!ory s .non si#nific n!/? VIN; e'ond Position 1*=, in the abo3e e4am!$e5: 5 -n#ine !ype A 5 H%nkno"n if !his " s used$ (f so, i! indic !ed ny of !he A series en#ines s!ill in produc!ion ! !h ! !imeI C 5 ;09:cc - 5 ;22<cc 6 5 :4:cc 3 5 99:cc VIN; Third Position 1*- , in the abo3e e4am!$e5: 5 =ody !ype 2+9 The f c!ory microfiche does no! lis! desi#n !or for !he ;22<GT$ This "ould imply !here " snJ! one0 ho"ever, i! is likely !he 2+ desi#n !or " s s!ill used$ The microfiche sho"s 2+ used for !he ;9:0 model ye r$ (f no desi#n !or is lis!ed, !he Commission number mus! be used !o iden!ify !he ;22<GT$ 2* 5 21door s loon>sed n$ (-Bcep! ;22<GT) C u!ion9 bure ucr !ic bun#les of!en in!erpre! !his s 2< (!"en!y1five) 28 5 -s! !e (.2 +oor +u l &urpose/) % 5 &ick1up$ C u!ion9 % nd ' c n be mis! ken one for !he o!her$ ' 5 & nel v n$ C u!ion9 % nd ' c n be mis! ken one for !he o!her$ VIN; 0ourth Position 1*1, in the abo3e e4am!$e5: ; 5 Round nose, !r di!ion l 7ini body s!yle$ (ncludes9 7ini :<0, 7ini :<0 Ci!y, 7ini :<0 *peci l +eluBe, 7ini ;000, ' n (:4:cc nd 99:cc), 7ini *peci l ;09:cc, nd &ick1up (:<0cc nd 99:cc)$ 2 5 Clubm n, sCu re nose s!yle$ (ncludes9 Clubm n * loon (99:cc Au!om !ic nd ;09:cc 7 nu l), Clubm n -s! !e (99:cc Au!om !ic nd ;09:cc 7 nu l), nd ;22<GT$ VIN; Position 1*N, in the abo3e e4am!$e5: ) 5 *peci l +eluBe (-Bcep! for )or!h Americ )$ (ncludes !he 7ini :<0 *peci l +eluBe, !he 7ini ;000, nd !he 7ini *peci l ;09:cc$ )or!h Americ 9 A 5 ;920 = 5 ;92; C 5 ;922 + 5 ;92@ - 5 ;924 D 5 ;92< G 5 ;92A H 5 ;922 K 5 ;92: 3 5 ;929
VIN; Number !ositions 1*777, in the abo3e e4am!$e5: 5 The seCuen!i l build number9 - ch .!ype/ of c r ("i!h one eBcep!ion) s! r!ed "i!h number ;0;0 e$#$, !he firs! 7ini :<0 in !his r n#e s! r!ed "i!h ;0; s did !he firs! 7ini ;000, !he firs! ;22<GT, e!c$ The f c!ory records lis! one eBcep!ion9 !he eBpor! 7ini *peci l ;09:cc$ The s! r!in# number, for some re son, is lis!ed s ;0;20;; VIN; 6ast !osition 1*2, in the abo3e e4am!$e5: 5 Assembly pl n!$ ,ffici lly, .(n!ern l %se ,nly/ (f used ! ll, !his "ould be .A/ for -n#lish buil! c rs$ A 5 3on#brid#e C&MMI I&N N9M%#:The genera$ .ormat .or the Commission Number is:
)20*1FFF Commission Number; 0irst Positions 1*N-0 , in the abo3e e4am!$e5: 5 C r !ype 20% 5 &ick1up 20' 5 ' n 208 5 Clubm n -s! !e =20* 5 7ini Ci!y +20* 5 7ini :<0 K20* 5 7ini ;;00 *peci l (%6 only) )20* 5 7ini ;000 *20+ 5 ;22<GT *20* 5 Clubm n T20* 5 7ini :<0 *uper Commission Number !ositions 1*777, in the abo3e e4am!$e5: *! r!in# numbers re s follo"s9 20% 5 ;@20<3 20' 5 :4A293 208 5 220@;A =20* 5 ;0; +20* 5 :@A223 K20* 5 ;0; )20* 5 20<@;3 nd 2@0<42A *20+ 5 ;94;AA *20* 5 ;04A@2A T20* 5 ;0; )o!e !h ! !here is no lis!ed eBpl n !ion for !he .A/ nd .3/ endin#s$ (f !hese re in!ended !o be !he s me s used for '() numbers, !he .A/ "ould be 3on#brid#e$ 3i!er !ure h s su##es!ed !h ! .3/ 5 7orocco? This h s no! been confirmed from f c!ory microfiche$
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VIN, N%mber positions (''' in the above example : ) The se?7e&tial %7ild &7m%er8
B7ild &7m%ers are &ot listed3 It is s7spected that they carry o& 9ith the &7m%ers from the pre:io7s series of cars@ i3e3, &7m%ers 9ere &ot started from $+$, a'ai&3 VIN, (ast position () in the above example : ) Assem%ly pla&t3 Afficially, I&ter&al =se A&ly If 7sed at all, this 9o7ld %e A for *&'lish %7ilt cars3 A ) Lo&'%rid'e
The inform !ion used !o compile !he follo"in# " s ! ken from f c!ory service p r!s lis!s, f c!ory microfiche, nd f c!ory C+s$ %nder close scru!iny, !here ppe rs !o be some conflic!s nd mis! kes in !he f c!ory number schemes, bu!, for !he mos! p r!, !he lis!in#s re ccur !e enou#h for c r iden!ific !ion$ &le se no!e !h ! !he Ch ssis ('()) number nd !he Commission number re only one indic !ion of !he c!u l model nd d !e of !he c r$ The Ch ssis number pl !e is e sily duplic !ed, especi lly on e rly c rs, nd i! is no! unusu l for l !er c rs no! mee!in# %* +,T nd -&A s! nd rds !o h ve e rlier Ch ssis number pl !es !! ched !o !hem !o #e! !hem in!o !he %* ille# lly$ Also, Ch ssis number pl !es h ve been kno"n !o be .f ked/ !o !urn less v lu ble c r in!o more v lu ble one0 e$#$, s! nd rd * loon in!o Cooper or Cooper *$
VIN; 0irst Three Positions 1* 2<, in the abo3e e4am!$e5: This is !he 8orld 7 ke (den!ifier$ The f c!ory microfiche indic !es !his " s s! r!ed on !hese c rs in Deb ;9:;$ *AF 5 7G1Rover VIN; 0ourth Position 1*<, in the abo3e e4am!$e5: This is simply dismissed by !he f c!ory s .non si#nific n!/? VIN; Position 1*=, in the abo3e e4am!$e5: 5 -n#ine !ype C 5 ;09:cc 6 5 :4:cc 3 5 99:cc VIN; i4th 1and e3enth5 Position 1*- , in the abo3e e4am!$e5: 5 =ody !ype 2* 5 21door s loon>sed n$ C u!ion9 bure ucr !ic bun#les of!en in!erpre! !his s 2< (!"en!y1five) 28 5 -s! !e (.2 +oor +u l &urpose/) G 5 &$,$ 7 il ' n % 5 &ick1up$ C u!ion9 % nd ' c n be mis! ken one for !he o!her$ ' 5 & nel v n$ C u!ion9 % nd ' c n be mis! ken one for !he o!her$ VIN; #ighth Position 1*1, in the abo3e e4am!$e5: 5 *eries of model ; 5 Round nose, !r di!ion l 7ini body s!yle$ 2 5 Clubm n, sCu re nose s!yle$ VIN; Ninth Position 1*N, in the abo3e e4am!$e5: 5 *pecific !ion ) 5 H3, *peci l, H3-, or 7 yf ir R 5 7ini 2< * 5 7 yf ir (3H+ M Dr nce only) VIN; Number !ositions 1*777, in the abo3e e4am!$e5: 5 The seCuen!i l build number9
=uild numbers re no! lis!ed$ (! is suspec!ed !h ! !hey c rry on "i!h !he numbers from !he previous series of c rs0 i$e$, numbers "ere no! s! r!ed from ;0;, # in$ VIN; 6ast !osition 1*2, in the abo3e e4am!$e5: 5 Assembly pl n!$ ,ffici lly, .(n!ern l %se ,nly/ (f used ! ll, !his "ould be .A/ for -n#lish buil! c rs$ A 5 3on#brid#e
2* 5 21door s loon>sed n$ C u!ion9 bure ucr !ic bun#les of!en in!erpre! !his s 2< (!"en!y1five) VIN; #ighth Position 1*1, in the abo3e e4am!$e5: 5 *eries of body ; 5 Round nose, !r di!ion l 7ini body s!yle$ VIN; Ninth Position 1*N, in the abo3e e4am!$e5: 5 Cl ss ) 5 H3-, 7 yf ir (RH+) , 5 -, Ci!y * 5 7 yf ir (3H+) VIN; Tenth Position 1*-, in the abo3e e4am!$e5: 5 7odel ye r 2 5 ;9:4 on (This conflic!s "i!h !he microfiche indic !in# !his posi!ion " s used s! r!in# in )ovember ;9:<$) VIN; #$e3enth Position 1*0, in the abo3e e4am!$e5: 5 *!eerin# 0 5 RH+ ; 5 3H+ VIN; Number !ositions 1*777, in the abo3e e4am!$e5: 5 The seCuen!i l build number9 =uild numbers re no! lis!ed$ (! is suspec!ed !h ! !hey c rry on "i!h !he numbers from !he previous series of c rs0 i$e$, numbers "ere no! s! r!ed from ;0;, # in$ VIN; 6ast !osition 1*2, in the abo3e e4am!$e5: 5 Assembly pl n!$ ,ffici lly, .(n!ern l %se ,nly/ (f used ! ll, !his "ould be .A/ for -n#lish buil! c rs$ A 5 3on#brid#e
C 5 RH+, 7 nu l, @$2; - 5 RH+, 7 nu l, 2$2A 6 5 RH+, Au!om !ic 7 5 3H+, 7 nu l, @$;0< ) 5 3H+, 7 nu l, @$2; R 5 3H+, 7 nu l, 2$2A E 5 3H+, Au!om !ic VIN; Tenth Position 1*%, in the abo3e e4am!$e5: 5 7odel Ch n#e A 5 ;@00 *peci l -di!ion = 5 ;@00 VIN; #$e3enth Position 1*B, in the abo3e e4am!$e5: 5 Assembly &l n! + 5 3on#brid#e VIN; Number !ositions 1*777777, in the abo3e e4am!$e5: 5 The seCuen!i l build number9 *! r!in# "i!h 0;000;