Ee Prom Work Beginners Advanced

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Eeprom Work for Beginners

Why would you undertake Eeprom work?

Ok so you have found that your OBD programmer does not work on this make and model of vehicle. What do
you do next? Do you just walk away from the job? Or maybe you could research an Eeprom solution?? Well in
order for a vehicle to start you need the pin code and/or the key data in order to program and/or create the
cars transponder.

So now you have the task to find the security information hidden in the car yourself (Remember: the car is
always programmed at manufacture to know this information as it has to complete a series of challenge
responses to the working key in order for the car to switch off the immobiliser and then start). The true task is
finding which chip has the information that you need and where it is located. Security data such as the security
code (pin code) of the vehicle, and the key data (that is written and recorded on the vehicles transponder key)
as well as any other type of pre-coding/coding data is normally found stored on the vehicles ECU and/or a
separate immobiliser box.

Within that immobiliser box (see below example of a Citroen Relay immo box ) there will be a device which is
soldered onto a printed circuit board (PCB) which holds this specific security data. Doing your research (using
Touchclone) you will be able to define which device holds the information, and how to extract it successfully.

The immobiliser box in this instance is located above the foot pedals underneath the dash board and attached
to the steering column. This means that you will have to get a torch, limber up your joints, and get down into
the foot well, look up and disconnect any looms going into this immobiliser box and undo the Torx screws.
Dont forget you need to get the box out of the vehicle before claustrophobia strikes (or cramp).

Copyright 2012 - 1st Call Lockouts Ltd Author: Richard Bunn Product: Touchclone
Once the box has been removed carefully from the vehicle you need to take it back to your workshop bench
(be it in your van, shed or office the main thing is you will need excellent lighting). Before you start doing any
work on the board you should always take a high resolution picture of the PCB (as shown below), of both the
front and back of the PCB. This is incredibly significant if you are going to desolder a component off the board.
In many cases where excessive heat or hot air has been used components can become unaligned or worse
still fly off the board. The only way of resurrecting that type of damage is to inspect the high resolution picture
against your work and make good.

For those that are new to Eeprom work you will be pleased that you do not need to desolder with the
following option.

The option that we are going to take using Touchclone is to clip on to the Eeprom device. The microprobes
that we are using will connect to the device (which stores all the security information) with zero damage, and
you do not need a soldering iron!!

Copyright 2012 - 1st Call Lockouts Ltd Author: Richard Bunn Product: Touchclone
Using several of the colour coded micro probes (as shown above), we will connect to the Eeprom device
highlighted on the PCB. How we actually do this is illustrated below:-

Technically the unit is now readable using Touchclone, below a screenshot of the application software shows
the user how to:- Identify the immobiliser box, ID the device which holds the security information, how to then
connect to it (without desoldering) and finally create a working transponder key for your customer.

The immobiliser box is then refitted securely to the vehicle. No further programming is necessary and you can
then start the vehicle. The data that has been taken off the vehicle can then be stored (securely) against the
customers record. In the instance that a customer requires another key for that same vehicle in the future
then this can be completed without having to remove the immobiliser box again - (this can be very lucrative
for auto locksmiths that have fleet customers).

Copyright 2012 - 1st Call Lockouts Ltd Author: Richard Bunn Product: Touchclone
Jargon Buster

Chip or device: This is used interchangeably to mean an Eeprom (see below) or an MCU. Auto locksmiths when
discussing a key may also mean the transponder itself.

Eeprom: A device that stores data (electrically erasable programmable read only memory).

SMT: Surface mount techonolgy. A device that is soldered onto the surface of a printed circuit board (as
opposed to the legs of the device going through the board).

Clip on Probes: A device which connects to an individual leg of an Eeprom device, enabling the device to be
powered and data retreived while the device is still incircuit.

Bin File: The data that is read from an Eeprom storage device. Normally has a bin file extension indicating a
binary file.

Copyright 2012 - 1st Call Lockouts Ltd Author: Richard Bunn Product: Touchclone
Eeprom Work for Advanced Users

If you have played with Eeproms in the past you will know that how we read an Eeprom out of circuit (i.e. not
soldered to a PCB) becomes irrelevant when it is in circuit for several reasons. We will now explain each reason
and how it affects successful reading. Ultimately we will give you some ideas of how to create custom
solutions to enable a higher success rate with incircuit Eeprom reading.

We are using Touchclone to demonstrate how custom read methods work as it gives us the flexibility to
change otherwise fixed parameters. To put you in the right mind set try these real life examples:- A BMW
engine may be designed on the bench (out of the car) to allow speeds of up to 250mph, but due to the weight
of the car, wind resistance, friction on the road etc the top speed may be only 200mph OR Imagine having a
conversation with a friend at a train station. When there is no train passing you can easily talk between
yourselves, however when a train comes through at speed it makes it difficult to communicate and you wait
for it to pass.

When it comes to Eeprom work we know (from electrical datasheets) how to read a specific Eeprom type,
however due to other components on an immobiliser board many more design factors will affect a successful
data read.

Getting Started

When using Touchclone first of all we will need to clip onto the Eeprom correctly. We then have 5 different
parameters (the boxes highlighted from Yellow through to Orange) that we can change to allow for a
successful read. We will break down what each parameter means and then give you a real life example so that
you can try it for yourself. This knowledge will allow you to experiment on Eeproms in circuit with the goal of
obtaining all the data off the device without having to desolder.

Clip-on Instructions
For each chip type supported by TouchClone we give you a button which once clicked opens up a page with
instructions of how to clip onto that Eeprom chip

Chip Type Select

Select the chip that you will be clipping onto (this information can be read off the chip itself).

Copyright 2012 - 1st Call Lockouts Ltd Author: Richard Bunn Product: Touchclone
Power up Delay

This is the time period after the immobiliser box is powered up before reading commences. Measured in
milliseconds, generally speaking the larger capacitors and more components on the board, the larger this value
should be (As you have to wait for the capacitors to have sufficient chargeto create a stable voltage across the

An example of when you would apply a power up delay would be if the Eeprom read is displaying suspected
data corruption at the beginning (comparing your newly read bin file to other known successful bin file
reads). Therefore delaying for a set time period would wait for the initial interference to pass before the read
command is operative. This interference is ultimately capacitors filling up in the circuit where T=5 x R x C (Time
= Resistance x Capacitance)

2. Power off Delay

The time period after the immobiliser box is powered down before it is turned back on by the Eeprom reader.
Certain immobiliser PCBs with capacitors on can continue to power the board preventing them from turning
off as soon as the Eeprom reader power is removed. This value, measured in milliseconds, allows you to make
sure the board is turned off completely (capacitors have discharged) before reading the next section of data.
This function only becomes active when a value other than 0 is set in the Consecutive byte read field.

Increase this if after a consecutive byte read restart, the data remains incorrect.

3. Byte Delay

The delay between reading bytes measured in microseconds. 0 is in most cases the best value as you want to
extract the most data in the shortest time possible.

4. Consecutive Byte Read

The number of bytes to be read consecutively before the box is turned off and restarted. If the value is zero
the device will pull all data off without restarting the box.

Change this value when you can see data corruption after a certain data address in the read. For instance, if
you managed to read up to address 40 without corruption you would set the consecutive byte read value to
40. Then using the power off delay ensure the box is powered down for long enough to allow the circuit to
discharge fully, ready for the next 40 address bytes to be read. This will keep cycling from the last read address
until TouchClone has retrieved all data from the Eeprom.

5. Organisation

This option allows you to change the read method to handle different memory organisations found with
EEPROMs. Only available on some EEPROMs, this is often labelled as x8 or x16 on other software and will be
set by the circuit the eeprom is in.

In most cases an Eeprom will read in an 8x organisation. If you are seeing data duplications E.g. 31 31 45 45 67
67, you should change the organisation to 16x to fix this read.

Copyright 2012 - 1st Call Lockouts Ltd Author: Richard Bunn Product: Touchclone
Ok the theory is all well and good but lets work our way through a real example. The following is an example
of how the Touchclone developers have managed to work out custom read methods for lots of different
vehicles in circuit. Once you know the successful custom method you can make a note of how it was read and
you have gained a competitive advantage against all those that continue to desolder.

Custom Read Function Example

The vehicle we are working on is a 53 Plate Citron Relay van, we know which Eeprom to read on the
immobiliser, and we have found that it is a 93C56 Eeprom (please see selected screenshot above).

Default Read Method

If you have selected the chip you would like to read and have not changed any of the read method fields, the
chip will be read using the default read method. The result of the read is shown below:-

Copyright 2012 - 1st Call Lockouts Ltd Author: Richard Bunn Product: Touchclone
Default method data

When reading an Eeprom in circuit using the default read method you should check the data to make sure it
contains all the relevant data needed to be identified as a working module with TouchClone.

At first glance, the data read from the Eeprom would seem to look valid, but upon closer inspection you can
see that the data is copied in a 2 byte sequence. This indicates that the organisation field needs to be altered
from 8x to 16x or vice versa.

You will also notice the second half of the data is mostly FFs, indicating that there wasnt a full extraction of
data (experience of this vehicle would highlight this problem or comparison against a known successful read
on a similar vehicle/immobiliser box).

We can now assume that all the data could be retrieved from the Eeprom by changing the read method
parameters, as the Eeprom does respond with data albeit irregularly and corrupt. We will now show you how
we tune each parameter to ensure the data we get is valid.

Verify Your Data using Touchclone - Applying Hex Data

In the previous step we tried to draw our own conclusions of why the data looked incorrect and wouldnt
translate into a working immobiliser module. If you proceed to the next step using Touchclone with any hex
data you have read from an Eeprom, TouchClone will automatically use certain identifiers to try and match it
to a known vehicle immobiliser for creating a key.

As we can see above the data that was read in using the default read method was not complete and so a
vehicle module was not found.

Copyright 2012 - 1st Call Lockouts Ltd Author: Richard Bunn Product: Touchclone
Lets analyse the results further...

Let us now create your own custom read method

Consecutive byte read

Up to address 40 hex data is visibly changing but after that we are getting FF bytes. We now need to
determine whether the FF bytes are valid or if they are produced by interference due to reading in circuit.
As a safe measure the consecutive byte read is now set to 32. This will allow TouchClone to read up to the end
of line 0010 before powering off the Eeprom ready to read the next 32 bytes up to the end of line 0030,
this will then repeat until all data for that Eeprom has been read.

Power off delay

This parameter can be used to make sure that the board fully powers down between reads, therefore we are
going to allow a power off delay of 500ms (milliseconds).

The main reason for the delay is because the board which we are reading from has a capacitor which stores
charge (picture shown below), after so long the board is powered up long enough to wake up the
microcontroller on the PCB which then starts communicating with the Eeprom (which is its correct function).
We must therefore allow the capacitor to discharge and the microcontroller to go back to sleep before
restarting the read again.

This delay will occur each time 32 bytes have been read (set in consecutive byte read parameter).

Copyright 2012 - 1st Call Lockouts Ltd Author: Richard Bunn Product: Touchclone

The reason for the duplication of data is because the read commands for 8bit and 16bit organisations are
The eeprom organisation is set by the circuit itself and if the option here is incorrect, each two consecutive
bytes in the data will duplicate.

Above is the method that we have assumed by doing some simple investigation into the data collected using
the default read method. Below are the results of the custom read method:-

The data in comparison has vastly changed, there are no more duplications and we have eradicated the large
amount of FF bytes.

Copyright 2012 - 1st Call Lockouts Ltd Author: Richard Bunn Product: Touchclone
Now, click the next button on the Touchclone application to see if it can be recognised as a supported
vehicle module by TouchClone.

Yes... the data has been read from the Eeprom successfully and recognised by Touchclone successfully.

As labelled DEE57 is a supported module by TouchClone. Select that module and click next to go on to
create a key.

Copyright 2012 - 1st Call Lockouts Ltd Author: Richard Bunn Product: Touchclone

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