Parasitology and Pathology of Marine Organisms of The World Ocean

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NOAA Technical Report NMFS 25

Parasitology and Pathology

of Marine Organisms of
the World Ocean

William J. Hargis, Jr. (Editor)

March 1985


National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration
National Marine Fisheries Service
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NOAA Technical Report NMFS 25

Parasitology and Pathology

of Marine Organisms of
the World Ocean

William J. Hargis, Jr. (Editor)

March 1985


Malcolm Baldrige, Secretary
National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration
John V. Byrne, Administrator

National Marine Fisheries Service

William G. Gordon, Assistant Administrator for Fisheries

The Symposium in which the communications, as they were called during the meeting, comprising
this volume were presented was held at the Zoological Institute of the Academy of Sciences of the
U.S.S.R. in Leningrad during 13 to 16 October 1981. Conducted as part of the cooperative program of
the U.S.A.-U.S.S.R. Working Group on Biological Productivity and Biochemistry of the World Ocean,
the Leningrad meeting was sponsored by the Academy of Sciences of the U.S.S.R. (the Zoological Insti-
tute) and the Ministry of Fisheries of the U.S.S.R. (The Scientific Council on Fish Diseases of the
Ichthyological Commission). It was an extremely interesting and successful Symposium, offering all
participants the opportunity to describe the results of their studies and reviews during the course of the
formal presentations and direct interchange between scientists during breaks in the program and the
organized and casual social activities. The facilities provided by the Zoological Institute were quite ade-
quate and the assistance offered by its Director, O. A. Scarlato and his staff in organization,logistics, and
translation was excellent. Several of our Soviet colleagues presided over the proceedings, as did I. All
were businesslike and efficient, yet graceful and accommodating. To O. N. Bauer Jell the brunt of pro-
grammatic detail and follow-up. He bore his burdens well and, with Director Scarlato and his staff, in-
cluding A. V. Gussev and others of the professional and technical staffs of the Zoological Institute,
helped make our stay pleasant and the Symposium productive. These organizations and individuals
deserve much credit and praise as well as the thanks of their American and British colleagues.

William J. Hargis, Jr.


BAUER, O. N., and Yu. I. POLIANSKI. Present state and perspectives of Soviet investigations on marine parasitology . 5
SINDERMANN, C. J. Recent studies on marine fish parasites and diseases 7
KUROCHKIN, Yu. V. Applied and scientific aspects of marine parasitology. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 15
ZUBCHENKO, A. V. Use of parasitological data in studies of the local groupings of rock grenadier, Coryphaenoides
rupestris Gunner . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 19
GAEVSKAYA, A. V., A. A. KOVALIOVA, and G. N. RODJUK. Parasitofauna of the fishes of the Falkland-Patago-
nian region 25
ALIOSHKINA, L. D., A. V. GAEVSKAYA, and A. A. KOVALIOVA. Parasitofauna of fishes of the Whale Ridge. .. .. 29
RODJUK, G. N. Parasitic fauna of the fishes of the Atlantic part of the Antarctic (South Georgia Island and South
Shetland Isles) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 31
DUBINA, V. R. On the parasitofauna of Xiphioidea of the northwest area of the Indian Ocean 33
KONOVALOV, S. M., and T. E. BUTORINA. Parasites as indicators of specific features offish ecology. . . . . . . . . . . . . 35
POZDNYAKOV, S. E. The taxonomic composition and origin of fish helminths in the epipelagic zone of the World
Ocean , .. . . .. . .. .. .. 39
LYADOV, V. N. Zoogeographical characteristics of the helminths of fishes from the Antarctic zone of the World
Ocean... .. .. . . .. .. .. .. ... ..... ... . . .. . . .. .. .. . .. .. ... . .... . .. . . . . . . .. ... . . . .. . . . . . . .. . . . . . .. . . 41
TKACH UK, L. P. Special features of the helminth fauna of Helicolenus maculatus (Cuvier) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 45
ZHUKOV, E. V. The flatworm fauna of fishes of the Gulf of Mexico and its genetic relations. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 47
SHCHEPKINA, A. M. The influence of helminths on the tissue lipid content of Black Sea anchovy, Engraulis encrasi-
colus ponticus, and bullhead, Neogobius melanostomus, during the annual cycle 49
STEIN, G. A. Certain results of the study of ciliates of the family Trichodinidae (Peritrichida) inhabiting fishes of the
seas of the U.S.S.R. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 53
KOVALIOV A, A. A., and S. S. SCHULMAN. Special features of the myxosporidian fauna from sea and ocean fishes .. 55
KRASIN, V. K. Myxosporidia of fishes of the North Pacific " ,. .. .. .. 59
USPENSKAYA, A. V. Investigations of the ultrastructure and cytochemical peculiarities of Kudoa quadratum (Thelo-
han, 1895) (Myxosporidia, Multivalvulea) , , ,.. .. . . .. . . 61
KOROTAEV A, V. D. Trematodes [digeneids 2 ] of commercial fish of the Pacific of practical importance . . . . . . . . . . . . 63
IV ANCHENKO, O. F., and T. A. GROZDILOV A. Infestation rate of the young of White Sea herring, reared under
experimental conditions and caught in the sea, by trematodes [digeneids] and their pathogenic effect .. . . . . . . . . . . . 65
NIKOLAEVA, V. M. Trematodes-Didymozoidae fauna, distribution and biology. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 67
GHICHENOK, L. A. Comparative analyses of monogenean faunas and populations from several Beloniformes fishes. . 73
EGOROVA, T. P. New data on the capsalid fauna of the World Ocean and questions of its specificity. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 75
LEBEDEV, B. Iv. On the taxonomic position of the monogenean Pseudaxine mexicana Meserve, 1938 77
AVDEEV, G. V. Plerocercoids of some Cestoda as bioindicators of the population structure of Podonema longipes . . . . . 79
SOLONCHENKO, A. I. Development of larval stages of Bothriocephalus scorpii . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 83
KAZACHENKO, V. N., and V. M. TITAR. Special features of the geographical distribution and practical significance
of the parasitic copepods of fishes of the Pacific. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 85
AVDEEV, V. V. Specific features of the distribution of marine parasitic isopod crustaceans of the family Cymothoidae
(Isopoda, Flabellifera). . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 89
WOLKE, R. E., C. J. GEORGE, and V. S. BLAZER. Pigmented macrophage accumulations (MMC; PMB): Possible
monitors of fish health .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 93
POTIEVSKI, E. G., L. A. TSAREVA, and V. V. BURLIN. Infectious diseases of fish involved in marine aquaculture in
the Soviet Far East 99
HARGIS, W. J., Jr. Recent studies in the United States on parasites and pathogens of marine mollusks, with emphasis
on diseases of the American oyster, Crassostrea virginica GmeHn 101
MATSHKEVSKI, V. K. Some aspects of the biology of the trematode, Proctoeces maculatus, in connection with the
development of mussel farms on the Black Sea. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 109
GALAKTIONOV, K. V. Special features of the infection of the mollusk, Littorina rudis (Maton, 1797), with parthen-
itae of Macrophallus pygmalus (Levinson, 1881) nec Odhner, 1905 and M. piriformes (Odhner, 1905) GaJaktionov,
1980 (Trematoda: Microphallidae) from the White Sea. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . III

IOrganized into groupings according to types or classes of papers into which several communications can be placed, albeit somewhat arbitrarily.
'As employed in these communications, the words trematode or Irematodes means Digenea or digeneids, respectively. Mosl Russian parasitologists accord Class slalus to
Trematoda or Digenea as well as to Monogenea or Monogenoidea.

NAIDENOYA, N. N., C. M. NIGMATULLIN, and A. Y. GAEYSKA YA. The helminth fauna and host-parasite rela-
tions of squids (Sthenoteuthis oualaniensis) (Lesson) (Cephalopoda, Ommastrephidae) in the Indian Ocean and the
RedSea 113
OYERSTREET, R. M. Some parasitological aspects of shrimp culture in the United States. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . II?
NAIDENOYA, N. N., and T. N. MORDYINOYA. The helminths and commensals of crustaceans of the Black Sea. . . . 123
DELAMURE, S. L., and A. S. SKRIABIN. Achievements of Soviet scientists in investigations of helminthofauna of
marine mammals of the World Ocean.... . .. .. .. . 129

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Parasitology and Pathology of Marine Organisms of
the World Ocean
Proceedings of the U.S.A.-U.S.S.R. Symposium conducted within the program
"Biological Productivity and Biochemistry of the World Ocean" held at
the Zoological Institute of the Academy of Sciences of the U.S.S.R.,
Leningrad, October 13-16, 1981 1


INTRODUCTION The 1981 meeting, hosted by the Zoological Institute of the

Academy of Sciences of the U.S.S.R., involved over 45 Soviet
Background of the Symposium scientists along with 4 from the United States and 1 from Great
Britain. Pretranslated or instantaneously translated reports were
In 1973 the President of the United States of America and the presented by most participants. It was agreed that acceptable
Premier of the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics signed an papers would be published in both languages in the respective
agreement establishing the common interest of the two countries countries.
in the phenomena and problems of the World Ocean and calling The Symposium was extremely productive. The program in-
for cooperative studies. The resulting joint activities, which in- volved about 50 oral communications or papers on a wide variety
volved programs in a number of scientific areas, were placed in of subjects related to the general topic-marine parasitology and
the hands of a combined U.S.A.-U.S.S.R. Committee to provide pathology. In accordance with the publication plan, the Soviets
general guidance and oversight and maintain high-level communi- have already or are now presenting the reports in their national
cations. The different disciplinary or operational segments of the language through the normal publication channels open to them.
several programs were assigned to the control of several joint Many were published in a single appropriately titled volume
U.S.A.-U.S.S.R. subcommittees called Joint Working Groups. printed and released in Leningrad in 1981 (Bauer et al. 1981).
That portion of the programmatic activity dealing with nonfish- Communications not included in that volume are being published
eries biological phenomena and processes was placed under the in appropriate journals in the Soviet Union.
Joint Working Group on Biological Productivity and The volume at hand, designed to provide English-reading audi-
Biochemistry of the World Ocean. Early on, the Chairmen and ences with the results of the Symposium, includes all of the
members of the Joint Working Groups met to arrange mutually communications or papers whose authors have agreed to their
suitable activities, which included exchanges of scientists, jointly publication and made them available. It is hoped that it will serve
sponsored symposia, conferences, or workshops as well as coop- to indicate the wide variety of topics discussed and demonstrate
erative publications, expeditions, and other projects of mutual in- the extent and productivity of Soviet workers in this important
terest. These programs and projects were solemnized in formal field of biological oceanography or marine ecology. Only five
working agreements or protocols which included lists of the activ- non-Russian scientists were able to participate, for various
ities planned for the period in question. The overall program, due reasons. Their contributions, though noteworthy and valuable,
to expire in 1981, has been extended for three more years, until were overshadowed by those of the numerous Soviet speakers, as
1984. would be expected. 3
The last formal protocol of the Working Group on Biological But the Soviet contributions were impressive in more than
Productivity and Biochemistry, developed and signed in Tallin number or bulk. They reflected the emphasis that Soviet marine
(Estonia) U.S.S.R. in 1979, called for two companion symposia on science places upon parasites, pathogens, and diseases of sea and
parasites and pathogens of marine organisms of the World Ocean. marine organisms. They also ind'cated the magnitude of the
One was to be held in each nation to affort maximum opportunity Soviet biological and fishery research efforts in the World Ocean.
for participation by scientists of each and for significant inter- Personnel of their numerous fishery reconnaissance and fishery
change of information. research vessels, biological research ships, and the many elements
For various reasons the first symposium did not take place until of their world-ranging fishing fleet have assisted in this work by
fall of 1981 in Leningrad, U.S.S.R. We hope that the second or making parasitological collections themselves or by providing
reciprocal meeting in the United States will be convened within a collecting and research platforms for many of the specialists
year or two. involved.

'Contribution No. 1170 from the Virginia Institute of Marine Science, College of 'Several Soviet participants and our Welsh colleague (Jack Llewellyn) chose not
William and Mary, Gloucester Point, VA 23062. to have their communications presented here, otherwise the number of papers
'Professor of Marine Science, The School of Marine Science and The Virginia presented in this volume would be greater. Also some who apparently did want their
Institute of Marine Science, The College of William and Mary in Virginia; and U.S. papers included did not or could not answer my plea for translations, abstracts, and
Co-Chairman of the U.S.A.-U.S.S.R. Working Group on Biological Productivity and references. In such cases the papers arc presented as they were available, with ap-
Biochemistry of the World Ocean. propriate editing or as we were able to translate and fill them out ourselves.
Without disparaging the significant and valuable efforts of publication could only be somewhat arbitrary. As shown in the
other countries, including our own, the magnitude of Soviet Contents, general or historical papers are presented first (Items
research activity in the parasites, pathogens, and diseases of under II); those dealing with parasites and pathogens of fish are
marine OIganisms, especially those of direct or indirect economic second (Items under III); and those treating invertebrate hosts are
importance, is impressive. Russian scientists have made major third (Items under IV). One of the papers (Infectious Diseases of
contributions in fundamental and applied parasitology and pathol- Fish Involved in Marine Aquaculture in the Soviet Far East, by
ogy of the World Ocean as well as of their own coastal waters and Potievski et al.) treated both fish and mollusks now under culture
int~rior seas. Thousands of individual hosts were involved in in northeastern Russia and is interposed as a "bridge" between
many of their faunistic and zoogeographic studies-some projects those offerings dealing with fish hosts on the one hand and inver-
used many thousands apiece. Hundreds of host species have been tebrate hosts on the other. The single paper on marine mammals is
studied and many are reported in this volume. Our Russian col- included under V.
leagues deserve much credit for their great interest, activity, and There are two major categories-Parasites and Pathogens of
productivity in this vital field. Fish, and Parasites and Pathogens of Invertebrates. Within the
In preparing the papers for this volume every effort has been first category, which is the larger, the organization into sub-
made to remain faithful to the first translations provided or to the categories is as follows: 1) Mixed major parasitic taxa, 2) indivi-
originals where translations have been made locally. In many in- dual major taxa (i.e., protozoans, digeneids, monogeneids,
stances extensive editing was required to make them readily intel- cestodes, acanthocephalans, nematodes, and crustaceans, which
ligible to English readers. In these presentations the editor's inter- may, along with viruses and bacteria, all be included in the "mix-
pretations of the meaning of obscure or unusual words or phrases ed major parasitic taxa" subcategory mentioned above), and 3)
(to American readers) has been included in brackets after the miscellaneous. The miscellaneous parasite topic or subcategory
words or phrases in question in order that the author's words could includes the pigmented macrophage accumulations offering of
be retained. I regret and apologize to the original authors or Wolke et al. as well as the Russian offering dealing with pathogens
translators, where their versions are significantly different from of salmon and mollusks in the "aquatoria" of the Soviet far east
those presented herein (and I hope there are few), for any diver- (Potievski et aI., cited above).
gences from original meaning which may have been introduced in
the extensive editing process. ACKNOWLEDGMENTS
It is hoped that this volume will convey to the reader the scope
and detail of the communications contributed by Soviet colleagues A large number of individuals are due acknowledgments and
as well as our own and will prove a useful addition to the world thanks for their assistance in the preparation of this volume. I
literature of parasitology and pathology. must especially mention O. N. Bauer of the Zoological Institute of
the Academy of Sciences of the U.S.S.R. who contacted and
Organization of the Volume stimulated our Russian colleagues to provide their communica-
tions or papers. Those who responded to his urgings should be
Developing a suitable organization for this volume was diffi- thanked also. Since their names are included with their offerings,
cult. The papers presented during the symposium were varied in they will not be listed here.
topic, scope or range, emphasis, and extent. Some were historical, A number of my associates here at the Virginia Institute of
dealing witb past and current activities in research on parasites Marine Science of the College of William and Mary must be men-
and pathogens. Some were reviews. Some presented findings in tioned with appreciation. Included are: Alice Lee Tillage, Shirley
general fashion. Others were quite specific in treating results of O. Sterling, and Regina A. Marsh for assistance with typing the
recent research. A few dealt with tbe practical aspects of fishery several early drafts of the original manuscript and Annette C.
parasitology and disease studies such as the effects on perishabil- Stubbs, Dorothy M. E. Smith, and Ruth A. Edwards of the VIMS
ity (shelf-life), attractiveness, and marketability of fishery prod. Word Processing Unit for later drafts.
ucts and even their possible effects on the health of humans. My wife, Marcia Jean McK. Hargis, assisted in the time-
Several presented discussions of the effects of diseases and consuming editing process by reading from the first translation
parasites on fish and invertebrates under culture and techniques of drafts to assure that the final draft did not stray. To her my grateful
dealing with them. A larger number dealt with parasites as bio- thanks.
indicators, useful in studies of paleogeography, zoogeography, and Preparation of this volume was made possible by Contract
phylogeny of their bosts. Zoogeographical topics are significant in NA82 FAC 0071 from the Northeast Fisheries Center of the Na-
a number of them. A few treated quite different aspects such as the tional Marine Fisheries Service, National Oceanic and Atmo-
influence of parasites on the physiology of their hosts, and one spheric Administration, U.S. Department of Commerce.
dealt with the possible use of pigmented macrophage accumula- Robert L. Edwards, immediate past Director of the Northeast
tions as indicators of fish health or of stress from anthropogenic Fisheries Center and my able associate in the workings ofthe U.S.
pollution. Certain presentations focused on single major taxo- half of the Joint Working Group on Biological Productivity and
nomic groups (mostly classes) of parasites and pathogens, while Biochemistry of the World Ocean, encouraged the entire program
others dealt with a number of different classes or even phyla in a and provided support from the Center. Helen F. Mustafa has
single paper. The largest number of presentations (communica- assisted in her service as NMFS Project Manager. O. A. Scarlato,
tions) treated fish as hosts, with those dealing with mollusk and Director of the Zoological Institute in Leningrad, provided the
crustacean hosts ranking as distant seconds and thirds, respective- facilities and staff assistance which made the Symposium possi-
ly. One paper, which had to be translated from the Russian to be ble. To all of these individuals and to Carl J. Sindermann of the
included here, dealt with parasites of marine mammals. National Marine Fisheries Service, into whose competent
With such a diversity of presentations as were made during the editorial hands the manuscript was delivered, my appreciation and
Symposium, any selection of organizational arrangement for this thanks.

1981. Symposium on Parasitology and Pathology of Marine Organisms. Ab-
slracts of Communications Publishing House (Nauke), Leningrad, U.S.S.R.,
115 p.

Present State and Perspectives of Soviet
Investigations on Marine Parasitology


Soviet investigations in marine parasitology are reviewed. During the first half of this century the parasites
of fishes living in inland rivers, lakes, and ponds, and, to a lesser extent, those of fishes of the inland (Aral and
Caspian Seas) and adjacent seas were studied. At the end ofthe 1950's,long-term studies of marine organisms in
different parts of tbe World Ocean were undertaken. Less work has been done on parasites and diseases of
cultured sea organisms because maricultnre Is as yet poorly developed In the U.S.S.R.

In vestigations of parasites and diseases of sea fishes in the papers on Monogenea of Pacific fishes were published by B. E.
Soviet Union were begun in the early 1930's. This happened after Bychovski.
the organization of the first department on fish diseases by our As can be seen, until the 1950's and 1960's, the chief work in
prominent zoologist and parasitologist, Professor Valentin Dogiel. marine parasitology had been done in the continental and adjacent
The first expeditions of this department were to the Aral Sea in seas of the Soviet Union.
1930 and to the Caspian Sea in 1931-32. The materials gathered At the end of the 1950's our country began a long-term pro-
were not only faunistic. Data on the biology of the parasite fauna gram to increase catches of fish and other sea products in the open
and on the influence of the environment on the fish contributed to parts of the World Ocean. These catches increased up to 20
the development of ecological parasitology. The influence of million tons in 1975. At the beginning of the program it was
salinity on parasitic infection of fishes was discussed thoroughly discovered that fish stocks of several species in some parts of the
in the publications by Dogiel and Bychovski (1934, 1938) based World Ocean are heavily infected by parasites and could not be
upon these data. It has been shown that the parasite fauna of fishes used for consumption. Since then the problems of marine parasi-
of the Aral Sea is truly freshwater in nature. But in the Caspian tology have been recognized to be of economic importance, and
Sea brackish and sea (marine) elements have been found. The use the need for special departments has been emphasized. The
of parasites as indicators of local fish stocks was discussed for the Department of Marine Parasitology of the Institute of Biology of
first time. Southern Seas in Sevastopol headed by V. M. Nikolaeva became
During the second half of the 1930's, parasitological data were the first such department. It began its investigations in 1958.
gathered from Black Sea fishes. The paper of Osmanov (1940) Later, similar departments were organized in the Research Insti-
dealing with these data is especially noteworthy. tute of the Ministry of Fisheries. In 1966 [two were established],
Investigations of fish parasites from the Pacific region had been one in the Pacific Institute (TlNRO)-headed by Yu. V. Kuroch-
undertaken earlier by Layman (1930). In 1937 an expedition of kin-and the other in the Atlantic Institute (AtlantNIRO)-
Leningrad University, headed by V. Dogiel, began investigations headed by A. V. Gaevskaya, and others. At the beginning of this
of the parasites of fishes and invertebrates of the Sea of Japan. Yu. program, work on helminths dominated. Since then attention has
I. Polianski, M. M. Isakova-Keo, and A. V. Gussev participated. been given to other groups of parasites-Protozoa (especially
Materials dealing with parasitic Protozoa of fishes (Dogiel 1948), Myxosporidia) and Crustacea (both Copepoda and Isopoda). Dur-
Mollusca and Echinodermata (Polianski 1951a, b), and parasitic ing the last 20 yr an enormous amount of materal has been
Copepoda (Gussev 195 I) from this expedition were published in gathered. Summaries of much of this work will be presented in the
postwar years. Interesting data on the parasite fauna of Leuciscus contributions to this Symposium.
brandti, a migratory cyprinid, were also published by Isakova-Keo We now have trained and experienced scientists with expertise
in 1952. in different groups of parasites who can solve problems of
In postwar years investigations of marine parasites increased. A theoretical and economic importance. Some examples of the last:
long-term survey of parasites of fishes and shellfishes of the Of great economical value are the investigations of the TlNRO
Barents Sea was accomplished by Polianski (1955) and his pupils, parasitologists on how to trim carcasses of teragra, Theragra
Uspenskaya (1960) and Chubrik (1966). The fish parasites of the chalcogramma, that are heavily infected by tetrarhynchids. Scien-
White Sea were thoroughly investigated by Schulman and tists of the Zoological Institute and AtlantNIRO have worked out
Schulman-Albova (1953). Helminths of fishes of Pacific seas recommendations connected with pelagic fishes infected by
[bights, bays or basins-coastal waters] were studied by Zhukov Myxosporidia-Multivalvulea of the genus Kudoa. This parasite
(1960), Strelkov (1960), and Oshmarin et al. (1960). A summary causes muscle lysis in stored fish.
of all these materials was made by V. A. Dogiel in 1954. Many Less research has been done on parasites of shellfishes but dur-
ing the last several years it has increased. Several papers of this
Symposium will be devoted to this problem. An example is the
'Zoological Institute of the Academy of Sciences of the U.S.S.R., Leningrad,
U.S.S.R. research in the Barents and White Seas on ecology, histology, and
'Leningrad State University, Leningrad, U.S.S.R. physiology of some trematodes heavily infecting fish and seabirds.

The parthenogenetic stages of these species infecting mollusks little attention was paid to pathology of marine organisms,
have been thoroughly studied using cytochemical and electron- especially cultured ones. We hope that this problem will be
microscopical (ultramicroscopical) methods. Such methods help thoroughly discussed at this Symposium.
us to understand the host-parasite relations of the system. The
results of this research, done by A. A. Dobrovolski, K. V. Galakti- LITERATURE CITED3
nov, and 1. A. Tichomirov, have shown that recent ecological
parasitology, marine parasitology included, must be done not only
1966. Fauna and ecology of Trematoda larvae in Ihe molluscs of Barents and
on the organismal but also on cellular and molecular levels. White seas. [In Russ.) Tr. Murm. MOrsL BioL Stanzii. 10(14):78-166.
Until now little has been done in our country in the culture of DOGIEL, V. A.
fish and shellfish in coastal waters. But during recent years more 1948. Parasitic Protozoa of fish of Peter the Great Bay. [In Russ.] lzv. Vses.
attention has been given to this area. Experience of other coun- Nauchno··lsled. lnst. Ozem. Rechn. Ryhn. Kboz. 27:17-66.
1955. The general character of the parasitc faona of animals inhabiting far-
tries, especially the United States, Japan, and England, has shown
eastern seas. [In Russ.) Tr. Zool. lost. 21:.53-59.
that such culture is often accompanied by mass diseases, the DOGIEL, V. A., and B. E. BYCHOVSKI.
causative pathogens of which are not only parasites of animal 1934. The fish parasite fauna of the AraI Sea. [In RIISS-, EogL somm.) Para·
nature, especially those lacking intermediate hosts (i.e., Protozoa, zitol. Sb. 4:241-346.
1938. Parasites of Caspian fishes. [In ROllS.., EogI. summ.) Publishing house
Monogenea, and parasitic crustaceans), but of others in different
of the USSR Acad. Sci., Leningrad. 151 p.
systematic positions such as bacteria, viruses, and fungi. During GUSSEV, A. V.
the last decade a large number of such diseases of marine and 1951. Parasitic copepods from some sea fishes. [In RUSSo] Parazitol. Sb. 13:
anadromous fish have been described. Many are of great 394·463.
economic importance in mariculture. ISAKOVA-KEO, M. M.
1952. Parasite fauna of uuciscus bnuulti aDd its peculiarities. (In Russ.]
In our country the earliest experience in such diseases was ob- Uch. Zap. Leningr. Gos. Univ. 141:230-237.
tained when culture of salmonids was begun in the coastal waters LAYMAN, E. M.
of the Baltic Sea. Vibrio anguillarum was the first pathogen of 1930. Parasitic worms of fisbes of Peter the Great Bay. (In Russ., Eng!.
economic importance studied. BaltNIRKH and its branch in summ.) Izv. Tikhookeanskoy nauchoo-pmmyslovoy staozii. 3:1-102.
Tallin [Estonia] have studied this disease and employed methods
1940. Studies on the parasitology ofBIac1I: Sea fishes. [In Russ.. EogL summ.]
of control, including immunoprophylaxy. Vaccines from the Ger- Uch. Zap. Leningr. Gos. Pedagog. lost. 30:187-265.
man Democratic Republic and the United States have been exam- POUANSKI, Yu. I.
ined with good results. However, an increase of such research in 1951a. On some parasitic ciliates from sea molluscs and Hololhuria. [In
mariculture is greatly needed. Russ.] Parazito!. Sb. 13:355-370.
1951 b. Cmates of the intestine of the sea an:hins. [In Ross.) Parazitol. Sb.
It is also noteworthy that the experience of Soviet fish parasi-
tologists in seafish culture has shown that even widely distributed 1955. Materials on fish parasitology of the USSR Northern seas. Parasites of
parasites, which are described as harmless, can act as pathogens. fishes of the Barents Sea. [In Russ.) Tr. Zoollost. 19:.5-170.
Scientists of the Zoological Institute have described mortalities of SCHULMAN, S. S., and R. E. SCHULMAN-ALBOVA.
1953. Parasites of fishes of the White Sea. [In R......] Publishing house of
young White Sea herring infected by only a few specimens of
the USSR Acad. Sci., Leningrad., 198 p.
trematodes such as members of the well-known Lecithaster and STRELKOV, Yu. A.
Brachyphallus genera. Fish parasitologists from other countries 1960. Endoparasitic worms of the sea fisbcs of castero Kamchatka. [In Russ.)
have also described such cases. The same will be said when we Tr. Zoo!. Inst. 28:147·196.
discuss the culture of shellfish.
1960. Parasitofaune des crustaces benthiques de Ia mer de Barents (Expose
By the end of the 1960's, the urgency of coordinating research preliminaire). An. de Parasitologic Hum. et Comp. 35(3):221-242.
in parasitology and pathology of sea organisms was clearly recog- ZHUKOV, E. v.
nized. In 1970, the first All Union Symposium on Parasitology 1960. Endoparasitic worms of fishes of the Japanese Sea. [In Russ.) Tr.
sponsored by the Council on Fish Diseases of the Ichthyological Zoo!. Inst. 28:3-146.

Commission was held in Sevastopol with great success. The sec-

ond took place in Kaliningrad in 1976. Now we are gathered for
the third time, but this time with our colleagues from the United
States and one from Great Britain. During the first two Symposia 'Not all citations mentioned in tbe text are included here.

Recent Studies on Marine Fish Parasites and Diseases

Progress in research on marine flSb diseases and parasites in tbe United States can be discussed in tbree
categories: Diseases and parasites in natural populations, disease in degraded babitats, and disease in marine
aquaculture. Principal interest is in tbe effects of diseases on wild or cultured populations of economic impor-
tance, but tbere are subsidiary interests in diseases and parasites as indicators of environmental cbanges, in
public bealtb aspects of fisb diseases and parasites, and in effects of parasites on market quality of flSb products.
Studies of natural populations of fisb bave concentrated on patbogens and parasites wbicb occur at
epizootic levels. Important bere are viral diseases, particularly viral erytbrocytic necrosis, some bacterial
diseases, sucb as tbat caused by Pasteurella piscicida, and a systemic fungus disease caused by lchthyophonus
hoferi. Attempts to quantify tbe effects of disease on fisb abundance bave increased, and tbere is growing accep-
tance of tbe conclusion tbat disease-related mortality is a significant environmental factor in tbe sea.
Recent emphasis has been placed on diseases which may be associated with estuarine/coastal pollution in the
vicinity of buman population centers. Several diseases and disease signs-notably integumental lesions sucb as
ulcers, fin erosion, papillomas, and Iymphocystis-bave been associated (some only circumstantially) with envi-
ronmental degradation. Chromosomal anomalies and developmental abnormalities (skeletal malformations)
have been studied also, from tbe viewpoint of increased prevalences in polluted zones. An important role for
facultative microorganisms-particularly bacteria of tbe Vibrio, Pseudomonas, Aeromonas group-bas emerged.
Evidence is accumulating for localized effects of pollutants on fish populations, and for the utility of certain
disease signs as indicators of environmental stress.
The slow hut continuous development of marine aquaculture in tbe United States has been accompanied by
increasing attention to diseases and disease control. Sea cage rearing of Pacific salmon (genus Oncorhynchus) on
both coasts has been possible only by control of vibriosis (principally Vibrio anguillarum). Effective polyvalent
vaccines now limit the problem, but other diseases, such as bacterial kidney disease (BKD) and furunculosis
(caused by Aeromonas salmonicida) persist. Additionally, certain salmonid virus diseases seem capable of trans-
mission and of causing mortality of salmon in seawater.
Parasites which reduce market quality of marine fish include the bistozoic myxosporidan Protozoa and
larval belmintbs, particularly larval nematodes. Few of tbese are of public health concern, but many result in
rejection of infected fish as food.
Witb tbe impetus provided by declining marine fish stocks, increasing coastal pollution, and developing
aquaculture, fisb disease researcb has expanded in recent decades. There is still a need for quantification of
disease effects on population abundance.


Many parasilological and pathological problems concerning Vibriosis of marine fish has had a long history of attention by
marine fish are being addressed by scientists in a number of coun- fish pathologists-beginning over half a century ago with "red
tries. Interest is focused logically on those which affect survival, disease" of eels caused by Vibrio anguillarum (Bergman 1909).
either in natural or cultivated populations. Of the many topics Vibriosis has occurred at epizootic levels in wild populations as
which might be considered, I have selected the following four for well as cultivated ones. Juvenile saithe, Gadus virens, have ex-
discussion in this paper: 1) Vibriosis, 2) the emerging role of perienced repeated mortalities on the Norwegian coast due to V.
viruses in marine fish-especially lPN-like viruses, 3) blood Pro- anguillarum outbreaks, the most recent being 1967 and 1974
tozoa, and 4) fungus (/chthyophonus) epizootics. (Anonymous 1975). Vibrio anguillarum has also been identified as
In discussing these categories, I will try to emphasize results a pathogen of winter flounder, Pseudopleuronectes americanus,
obtained since 1970, recognizing that a number of the disease from the western North Atlantic (Levin et aJ. 1972).
entities have been known and examined well before that date. With the continued development of marine aquaculture, the
After this consideration of examples of progress in disease genus Vibrio has emerged as probably the most important
research in natural and cultivated fish populations, I would then pathogen group for fish and invertebrates (Sindermann 1977).
like to consider pollution-associated diseases, and our present Vibrio infections and Vibrio-caused mortalities have been reported
understanding of the relationship of estuarine/coastal pollution for virtually every species which has been cultivated extensively
and fish diseases. in saltwater. Vibriosis has been characterized as a haemorrhagic
septicemia, with lesions attributable to both exotoxin and endo-
toxin (Bullock and Conroy 1971; Umbreit and Ordal 1972;
Harbell et aJ. 1979).
Probably nowhere have Vibrio infections been of greater conse-
I Northeast Fisheries Center Sandy Hook Laboratory, National Marine Fisheries quence than in saltwater culture of salmonids. At times it seemed
Service, NOAA, Highlands, NJ 07732, U.S.A. as if the continued existence of seawater cultivation of salmon

depended on successful solution of the vibriosis problem, and VIRUSES IN MARINE FISH
some aspects of the problem still exist today, even though remark-
able advances have been made in disease control, particularly lPN-Like Viruses
through immunization.
Knowledge of viral diseases of marine fish has increased
Sea pen culture of Pacific salmon of several species, but parti-
remarkably in the past decade. Much recent attention has been
cularly of coho salmon, Oncorhynchus kisu/ch, began on the west
given to the so-called lPN viruses. A disease of salmonids known
coast of the United States in the early 1970's, and mortalities due
as Infectious Pancreatic Necrosis (IPN) was first described by
to vibriosis were noted almost immediately (Harrell et al. 1975).
McGonigle (1941) and its viral nature demonstrated by Wolf et al.
Initial approaches to control emphasized antibiotic treatment, but
(1960). Resembling a reovirus, the pathogen has since been
oral and other types of immunization developed rapidly. Immuni-
described from a wide range of vertebrate and invertebrate hosts
zation by injection of juveniles with killed pathogens was effec-
(including several species of mollusks) (Hill 1976; Underwood et
tive but labor-intensive. This method has now been replaced by
aI. 1977). Probably the most interesting recent finding in the
hyperosmotic spray and bath immunization, augmented when
United States is that a highly lethal and common disease of Atlan-
necessary by antibiotic treatment or use of furanace (where per-
tic menhaden, Brevoonia tyrannus, long known as "spinning
mitted) (Egidius and Andersen 1979). Oral immunization has also
disease," has been associated with infection of the central nervous
been demonstrated to be effective (Fryer et al. 1978). Polyvalent
system by an lPN-like virus (Newman 1980; Stephens, Hetrick,
bacterins have been produced, and vibriosis, while still a problem,
and Newman 1980; Stephens, Newman, Zachary, and Hetrick
is now considered a controllable factor in salmon cultivation in
the Pacific Northwest and in European waters. Vaccination is now
The reports represent a satisfying conclusion to decades of
part of the standard protocol for cultivation of Pacific salmon in
uncertainty about the cause of annual mortalities of menhaden
sea cages in the northwestern United States.
which bave occurred at various locations on the U.S. east coast-
Experience with vibriosis in cage culture of Atlantic salmon,
and for wbich records of mass deaths extend back to the 18th cen-
Salmo solar, in the northeastern United States and in northern
tury. The disease was transmitted by intraperitoneal injection;
Europe has profited from advances made in the Pacific. The
typical spinning signs were produced, and the virus was reisolated
disease, for example, has been a threat to Norwegian cage culture,
from experimental fish. The virus was antigenically similar to
particularly in coastal areas where vibriosis epizootics have also
IPN. Subsequent exposures of menhaden and American shad,
occurred in wild populations of saithe.
Alosa sapidissima, to water seeded with virus also produced infec-
An emerging phenomenon, both in North America and in
tions. It is relevant that some gross signs of IPN infection are
Europe, is the appearance of new strains or serotypes of V. anguil-
similar in menhaden and salmonids. The spinning behavior,
larum, which must be incorporated into the immunization pro-
exophthalmia, and heightened pigmentation are similar, but
tocol (Sawyer and Towle 1976; Egidius and Andersen 1978).
menhaden do not usually exhibit visceral hemorrhages.
Bacterins of west coast origin have been augmented with fractions
Additionally, severe outbreaks of lPN-like virus have been
reactive with additional strains of Atlantic vibrios to control
reported in eels (Anguilla japonica and A. anguilla) from Japan
disease in U.S. east coast stocks. The probability of a large number
(Sano 1976; Pilcher and Fryer 1980). The virus, antigenically
of serotypes complicates bacterin production, and requires con-
related to lPN, and called EVE, has produced extensive annual
stant vigilance to detect new forms of the disease. Some cross-
mortalities in eel culture ponds. It has been transmitted directly
protection is provided by various vaccines, but not enough and not
and by inoculation in juvenile eels, producing mortalities of 55 to
60% of experimental fish. The virus was reisolated from mori-
Another emerging phenomenon is the appearance of some of
bund fish, and seems distinct from other viruses isolated from the
the weD-known salmonid diseases, such as furunculosis (caused
blood of European eels with stomatopapilloma (cauliflower
by Aeromonas salmonicida), bacterial kidney disease (caused by
Renibacterium salmoninarum), and Viral Hemorrhagic Septicemia
From these and other studies, it seems that the former narrow
(VHS)--which have been and continue to be serious hatchery
concept of IPN virus of salmonids must be broadened to include
problems.--and causes of mortality in seawater as well (Frantsi et
an entire array of lPN-like viruses from fish and" invertebrates,
aI. 1971; Castric and deKinkelin 1980; Paterson et al. 1981).
and from freshwater, anadromous, catadromous, and marine
These diseases may be carried in a latent state from fresh to salt-
water, but furunculosis and VHS have been transmitted from fish
to fisb in seawater (Scott 1968; Novotny 1975; Castric and
Viral Erythrocytic Necrosis
delGnkelin 1980). Novotny, for example, cited instances of mor-
talities in sea cages of chinook salmon, Oncorhynchus tshawy/scha, Among the blood parasites of fishes, much attention has been
of up to 80% in 5 mo, caused by simultaneous epizootics of furun- paid during the past decade to a disease known as "Piscine Ery-
culosis and vibriosis. The furunculosis organism in this study throcytic Necrosis" (PEN). Viral etiology has been indicated in
proved to be salt-tolerant, as well as sulfa- and oxytetracycline- some studies, so the disease has been redescribed as "Viral Ery-
resistant.. throcytic Necrosis" (YEN). Cod, Gadus morhua, have been found
Other halophilic Vibrio species (V. parahemolyticus, V. algino- to be infected on both sides of the Atlantic (Laird and Bullock
lytials. and V. cholerae) have also been involved, along with V. 1969; Reno and Nicbolson 1980; Smail and Egglestone 1980).
anguillarum, in diseases of cultivated shrimps, crabs, and mollusks Other Atlantic species of commercial importance-herring
in several countries (DiSalvo et a1. 1978; Liebovitz 1978; Brown (ClIlpea harengus), alewife, Alosa pseudoharengus, American eel,
and Losee 1978). Vibriosis affects larval and juvenile stages in Anguilla rostrata, and rainbow smelt, Osmerus mordax-have
particular.. Additionally, vibriosis was also responsible for high been found to be infected (Doyle 1970; Sherburne 1973, 1977).
mortalities in juvenile turbot (Scophthalmus maximus) being farm- Additionally, the disease has been recognized in Pacific salmon.
ed in the United Kingdom (Horne et al. 1977). Bell and Margolis (1916) reported a VEN-Iike agent associated

with an epizootic of cultured pink salmon, Oncorhynchus gor- Mulsow 1911), it has subsequently been reported in outbreak pro-
buscha, in sea pens at Nanaimo, B.C., transmissible by injection to portions in mackerel in coastal waters of the British Isles
chum salmon, O. keta, and to other pink salmon. Subsequently the (Sproston 1944); in Atlantic herring on the east coast of North
disease was found in several other species of salmonids (Evelyn America (Sindermann 1970) and at present in haddock and plaice
and Traxler 1978) and in Pacific herring, Clupea harengus pallasi, in waters north of Scotland (McVicar 1980). Furthermore, it has
in prevalences up to 59% (MacMillan and Mulcahy 1979). Heavi- been reported in high prevalence in yellowtail flounder, Limanda
ly infected fish had surface hemorrhages. ferruginea, from the offshore fishing banks of Canada (Powles et
The usual VEN disease signs-intracytoplasmic inclusions and aI. 1968; Ruggieri et aI. 1970), from farmed rainbow trout in
nuclear changes, often with accompanying anemia-may occur in Australia (Munday 1976), and from rainbow trout in Japan
high prevalences. For example, up to 50% of the blood cells of cod (Miyazaki and Kubota 1977). Epizootics in cultivated salmon ids
were found to be infected in one study (Smail and Egglestone have been traced repeatedly to use of raw marine fish in diets
1980). VEN has not been definitely associated thus far with mass (Rucker and Gustafson 1953; Munday 1978).
mortalities, but infected chum salmon were found to be more One of the most interesting aspects of this disease is its ap-
susceptible to vibriosis, less resistant to oxygen depletion, and parent periodicity-with six recorded epizootics in herring of the
with decreased osmoregulatory ability (MacMillan et aI. 1980). It western North Atlantic (Fig. I). The most recent outbreak in
may well be that the disease has a greater effect on fish popula- herring and mackerel of the Gulf of St. Lawrence occurred in
tions than was formerly believed. 1954-56, with effects on population abundance that extended well
into the 1960's. In its acute form the disease is rapidly fatal, and it
BLOOD PROTOZOA was estimated that almost half the spring-spawned herring of the
Gulf were destroyed by the epizootic-an estimate that was
In addition to recent attention to the blood disease called Viral supported by statistics from the fishery. For the 5-yr period
Erythrocytic Necrosis (VEN), other blood parasites of fish have preceding the most recent outbreak, average landings in the south-
been reexamined from the viewpoint of mortality. The hemo- ern Gulf of St. Lawrence were 10,800 t; for the 5-yr period imme-
flagellate Trypanoplasma bullocki, found in a number of marine diately following they were only 6,700 t-a decrease of almost
fishes from the u.S. east coast, has been implicated in extensive 40%, with no apparent change in fishing effort (Fig. 2).
mortalities of young-of-the-year summer flounder, Paralichthys Growth rate increased immediately following the mortalities,
dentatus (Strout 1965; Daily 1978; Newman 1978; Burreson and and larval abundance declined drastically. Some recovery was
Zwerner 1982). Field and experimental evidence suggest that noted beginning in 1960-61 (Tibbo and Graham 1963), and
infections are lethal during the colder months of the year. The longer term effects on herring stocks have been described recently
finding of 100% infection in trawled samples from Chesapeake in the Canadian literature (Parsons and Hodder 1975). Reduction
Bay led to the possibility that the pathogen could have a severe ef- in competition and larval predation seemed to provide conditions
fect on survival of entire year classes of juvenile summer flounder favorable for production of good year classes-and the 1958 and
(Burreson and Zwerner 1982). 1959 year classes were very strong. Abundance of these two year
In other recent studies of hematozoa of fishes, a trypanosome classes as juveniles from 1959-62 and as adults in 1963-68 may
.vas found in high prevalences (up to 94%) .in cod, Gadus morhua, have contributed to poor survival of young for almost a decade.
from the Canadian Atlantic coast (Kahn et aI. 1980). Infestation In this example of environmental stress from epizootic disease
varied markedly among the stocks of cod sampled. can be seen a mechanism which tends to increase the amplitude of
Another group of blood-inhabiting Protozoa, the haemogre- population fluctuations-positively as well as negatively-and
garines, are among the most common of blood parasites of fish. even to provide some clues about stock recruitment. Man's inter-
Long considered as benign and widely distributed, their potential-
ly pathogenic role in aquaculture was recently demonstrated .~ :. '. ::. ' ..
(Kirmse 1980). Cultured turbot, Scophthalmus maximus, raised at
elevated water temperature, were found to be infected with
Haemogregarina sachai, which caused gross tumorous lesions of Reported fungus eplzootlc8 In
Saint Lawrenee herring
the musculature and viscera, in addition to severe blood parasit-
emias with marked anemia. The lesions were found in up to 6% of
cultured populations (Kirmse 1978; Kirmse and Ferguson 1976).
1940 1960 1960
This seems to be an excellent example of the potentially patho-
genic role which may be assumed in aquaculture by parasites con-
sidered benign in wild populations-in which mortalities, debili-
tation, decreased resistance to other pathogens, and reduced
market value may result.

Reported fungus epizootic! In

Gull 01 ,Dhll~_rr_,n. 9. _L-...J
A pathogen (or pathogen complex) with a remarkable world-
1920 1940 1960 1960
wide distribution, in fresh and saltwater, is the systemic fungus
parasite Ichthyophonus hoferi. It is of interest to us here because of
repeated and extensive epizootics in a number of marine species
in several parts of the world. New information about the pathogen
Figure I.-Reported epizootics oflchthyophonus holeri in herring of the western
has been developed in North America and elsewhere. Originally North Atlantic. The 1940 outbreak is included on the basis or newspaper
described as a parasite of rainbow trout in Europe (Plehn and accounts only.

CJ) addition to mortality, include spoilage and decay of flesh of heavi-
z ly infected haddock, and often extreme emaciation and jellylike
~ 12 flesh of infected plaice (McVicar 1980).
~ The important and timely matter of pollution-associated
LL 6 diseases of marine fish can be discussed in fi ve categories: I)
o Disease caused by facultative pathogens: Fin erosion and ulcers;
(f) 2) stress-provoked latent infections: Shrimp baculovirus, oyster
c herpes virus, herpes-virus disease of turbot, and Iymphocystis; 3)
environmentally induced abnormalities: Neoplasms and skeletal
:::> anomalies; 4) genetic abnormalities: Egg and larval genetic
o 0 ..
damage; and 5) experimentally induced lesions. Each of these
::I: 1948 50 52 54 56 58 60
~ categories can be examined here very briefly, with examples
YEAR drawn in part from our ocean pollution research in the western
North Atlantic.
Figure 2.-Herring landings in the southern Gulf of St. Lawrence.

Disease Caused by Facultative Pathogens

vention here, if any, may have been a positive one-to reduce
population size by overfishing beginning in the !Jlid-1960's (Fig. Our best candidate in this category is fin erosion or "fin rot" of
3), thereby reducing density-dependent factors which increase fish, which is probably the best known but least understood
vulnerability of the population to future epizootics. It is possible disease syndrome of fish from polluted waters. It has been found
that outbreaks may actually be delayed by this mechanism. in the New York Bight, the California coast, Puget Sound, Bis-
The most recent lchthyophonus outbreak-in haddock, Melano- cayne Bay, Escambia Bay, Irish Sea, Tokyo Bay, and the French
grammus aeglefinus, and plaice (Pleuronectes platessa)-occurred coast. It occurs in two types: 1) Site-specific-especially in
and still persists in waters north of Scotland. Presence of the demersal fish; probably from contact with contaminated sedi-
fungus was noted as early as 197 1; prevalences in haddock from ments; and 2) generalized-found especially in pelagic fish; with
1976 to 1980 reached 85% in some samples. Prevalences were involvement of all fins but especially the caudal; occasional
lower in plaice, not exceeding 25%, but the disease was consider- bacterial infections are found.
ed terminal in that species because of the acute nature of the In the New York Bight, fin erosion has been found in 22 species
infection and inefficient host responses. Effects of infection, in of fish, and has been demonstrated in flounders to be statistically
more abundant in that highly polluted wne than in other compar-
able coastal areas. It has a statistical association with high coli-
form and high heavy metal levels in sediments.
In another U.S. coastal area, southern California, fin rot has
Northwest Atlantic Herring Catch
been found in many species, and is clearly associated with prox-
imity to ocean outfalls of sewage systems. Wherever studied, fin
800 rot disease signs include: Epidermal hyperplasia, dermal fibrosis,
hyperemia, occasional hemorrhage, no consistent bacterial infec-
rn tion, and no pronounced inflammatory response.
The possible role of environmental chemical contamination in
() the etiology of fin erosion emerges more clearly as additional
a:f- 600 studies are reported. Fish from the New York Bight, reported in
W studies by Mahoney et a!. (1973), Murchelano (1975), and
Ziskowski and Murchelano (1975), exist in a highly contaminated
a area, with chemicals such as heavy metals and petroleum residues
rn in sediments far above background levels. McDermott and Sher-
~ 400 wood (1975) in California found DDT to be significantly higher
rn in fish with fin erosion, and PCB levels slightly higher in such fish
than in normal individuals. Wellings et a!. (1976) found abnor-
f- mally high concentrations of PCB in English sole and starry
flounders with fin rot from the Duwamish River in Washington.
20P Several authors have postulated that fID erosion in flatfish may
be initiated by direct contact of tissues with contaminated sedi-
ments. Mearns and Sherwood (1974), for example, suggested that
toxic substances (sulfides, heavy metals, chlorinated hydrocar-
bons, etc.) could remove or modify the protective mucus coat and
O.l,----.----..,-----~-___,.---___,.--------' expose epithelial tissues to the chemicals. Sherwood and Bendele
1920 1930 1940 1950 1960 1970 (1975) reported that Dover sole from California with fin erosion
YEAR produced much less mucus than normal fish.
It seems quite likely that the "fin erosion" syndrome in fish in-
I'tpn 3.-Recent trends In berrinl akbes III tile westera Nortll Atlatlc. cludes chemical stress, probably acting on mucus and epithelium;

stress resulting from marginal dissolved oxygen concentrations, relationship of fish neoplasms and environmental pollution. An
possibly enhanced by a sulfide-rich environment; and, secondary extensive literature has been developed in the United States and
bacterial invasion in at least some instances. elsewhere, but a direct causal relationship has not been
A second disease possibly related to pollution and effects of demonstrated.
facultative pathogens is ulcer disease-which is, next to fin ero- Skeletal anomalies, particularly those of the spinal column of
sion, probably the commonest abnormality in fish from polluted fishes, are the subject of an extensive literature. Included are
waters. It appears to be usually of bacterial etiology. Systemic in- spinal flexures and compressions, vertebral fusions, and head and
fections with V. anguillarum have been associated with ulcers in fin anomalies. Recent studies in California have reported increas-
New England and Europe. Last year, at a special meeting on ed prevalences of skeletal deformities, considered to be pollution
diseases of marine fish and shellfish held in Copenhagen, ulcer related. Valentine (1975) presented the most convincing evidence
disease of cod was described from Denmark, the Irish Sea, and the for environmental influences on induction of abnormalities in
northern coast of France-associated with areas of severe pollu- three species of fish from the sOllthern California and Baja
tion. Vibrio anguillarum was the most common isolate, but Danish California coasts. He found significantly higher prevalences of
workers have also identified two viruses in ulcerated fish. skeletal anomalies, especially gill raker deformities, from Los
Beginning in 1979, pathologists at our laboratory in New Jersey Angeles and San Diego than from Baja. He suggested a relation-
have recognized an ulcer disease of red hake, Urophycis chuss. The ship with high heavy metal and chlorinated hydrocarbon levels in
disease appears soon after the late winter inshore migration of that California, but stopped short of stating a direct causal relation-
species (Murchelano and Ziskowski 1979). ship.
So, for this first category, diseases caused by facultative patho-
gens, there is much room available for study at the boundary be- Genetic Abnormalities
tween infectious and noninfectious diseases. This is the area
The mutagenic properties of a number of chemical contami-
where environmental stress and facultative microorganisms are
nants, including pesticides and heavy metals, have been
important; where high bacterial populations in eutrophic waters
demonstrated in experimental studies with terrestrial animals. Re-
interact with exposed or injured or chemically modified surface
cent work suggests high percentages of chromosomal anomalies
membranes; and where nonspecific pathologies such as fin rot and
and high prevalence of dead fish eggs in polluted areas of the New
ulcers can occur in epizootic proportions.
York Bight (Longwell 1976). All degrees of chromosomal damage
have been found, and higher percentages of anomalies seem
Stress-Provoked Latent Infections
associated statistically with the degree of environmental degra-
dation. It may well be that a new and significant mortality
It is generally recognized that certain salmonid diseases in
factor- increased genetic damage-may have been introduced
freshwater-such as kidney disease and furunculosis in latent or
with increasing chemical pollution. These genetic disturbances
carrier states-may be provoked into patency by environmental
fall clearly within the definition of disease.
stress. Recent work suggests that latent infections in marine
species may be provoked into patency by pollutant stress. We
have found, for example, that Iymphocystis disease of striped bass,
Experimentally Induced Lesions
Morone american us-normally a rare disease in natural popula- There is a vast and almost unmanageable literature aboUl
tions-can occur in high prevalences (up to 25%) in fish over- induced lesions in fish after experimental exposure to chemical
wintering in heated effluents of electric generating stations contaminants. Fortunately, a number of good reviews are avail-
(Sindermann 1979). Also, a disease caused by a herpes-type virus able on pathological effects of heavy metals, pesticides, and petro-
was reported from turbot in Scotland in 1978. The flatfish were leum. Some generalizations that may be drawn are:
being raised in a fish farm using warmed seawater from a nuclear
power plant. One-year-old fish died in large numbers from the Increasing dosages, beyond a threshold, produce increasingly
disease. Viral arrays were seen in wild fish, but not mortalities- severe tissue abnormalities;
suggesting that the infections were enzootic and latent in the wild particular contaminants often exert effects on specific target
turbot population. tissues, but specific lesions cannot usually be described as charac-
Additionally, another herpes-type virus has been found to cause teristic of any group or class of chemicals;
mortalities in oysters on the New England coast, and a baculovirus much histopathology is nonspecific response to stress or infec-
produced experimental mortalities in penaeid shrimp of the Gulf tion;
of Mexico when exposed to PCB's. The conclusion must be that effects that may be of chemical origin may be obscured by
pollutant stress can give us very important clues about the role of stress-provoked infections with facultative pathogens; and
carrier states and later infections in the epizootiology of marine principal target tissues and organs seem to be gills, liver (or
diseases. invertebrate hepatopancreas), and neurosensory cells.

Environmentally Induced Abnormalities-Neoplasms Much experimental evidence exists, but it has numerous flaws:
and Skeletal Anomalies
Dosage levels are often beyond maximum observed environ-
We have at least 40 yr of circumstantial evidence-beginning mental levels;
with Schlumberger and Lucke's (1948) description of catfish epi- usually single chemicals are tested, ignoring synergisms and
theliomas in grossly polluted rivers, through the spread of cauli- antagonisms;
flower disease (Blumenkohlkrankheit) of eels in northern Europe often the tests are static acute and not chronic flow-through;
since the 1950's, and the extensive work with flatfish of the and
Pacific coast of North America (Stich et al. 1977)-for a possible experimental animals are often under stress from the mere act

of confinement-they may be injured, sick, or dying at the begin- LITERATURE CITED
ning of the experiment.
These and other flaws reduce some of the value of the experi- 1975. Vibriosis hits Norwegian fish. Mar. Fish. Rev. 37(2):42-43.
mental evidence, but a great pool of such information exists and is BELL, G. R., and L. MARGOLIS.
of value because of its volume. 1976. The fish health program and the occurrence of fish diseases in the
Pacific region of Canada. Fish PathoI. 10:115-122.
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about associations of pollution and disease, but evidence for such 1909. Die rote Beulenkrankheit des Aals. Ber. K. Bayer. BioI. Verso Stn.,
associations is increasing. Miinchen 2:10-54.
BROWN, c., and E. LOSEE.
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SOME EMERGING CONCEPTS IN MARINE os/rea virginico larvae. J. Invertebr. Pathol. 31:41-47.
1971. Vibrio diseases. In S. F. Snieszko and H. R. Axelrod (editors), Diseases
of fishes, 2A. Bacterial diseases of fishes, p. 42-50. TFH Pubis., Jersey City,
Disease is a significant factor in survival of fish and shellfish. N.J.
Information about the role of pathogens in marine populations is BURRESON, E. M., and D. E. ZWERNER.
accumulating at an accelerating rate. Among the emerging con- 1982. The role of host biology, vector biology, and temperature in the distri-
cepts in marine pathology are the following: bution of Trypanop/asma bullocki infections in the lower Chesapeake Bay.
J. Parasitol. 68:306-313.
I) The effects of parasites and diseases on marine fishes are 1980. Occurrence of viral haemorrhagic septicaemia in rainbow trout Sa/mo
quantifiable. In those few instances where quantitative studies of gairdneri Richardson reared in sea-water. J. Fish Dis. 3:21-27.
disease-caused mortalities have been made (such as the examina- DAILY, D. D.
1978. Marine fish hematozoa from Maine. J. Parasitol. 64:361-362.
tion of Ichthyophonus epizootics) significant reductions in popu-
lation size have been observed or inferred. 1978. Vibrio anguil/arum and larval mortality in a California coastal shellfish
2) Some of the diseases of salmonids, such as furunculosis and hatchery. Appl. Environ. Microbiol. 35:219-221.
bacterial kidney disease, long considered as problems in fresh- DOYLE, W. L.
water hatcheries, are emerging as problems and causes of mortali- 1970. Occurrence of a virus in erythrocytes of the eel, Anguilla. Bull. Ml.
Desert Island BioI. Lab. 10: II.
ty during marine phases of host life cycles. Conversely, vibriosis,
characteristically a marine problem, can be transported to fresh-
1978. Host-specific pathogenicity of strains of Vibrio anguil/arum isolated
water by species such as eels. from rainbow trout Salma gairdneri Richardson and saithe Pollachius virens
3) Virus diseases, in latent or patent form, have been identified (L.). J. Fish Dis. 1:45-50.
in marine fish, particularly during the past decade. Some of them, 1979. Bath-immunization-a practical non-stressing method of vaccinating
sea farmed rainbow trout Salrna gairdneri Richardson against vibriosis. J.
such as Iymphocystis and eel stomatopapilloma seem relatively Fish Dis. 2:405-410.
benign, while others, such as the lPN-like virus of menhaden, are EVELYN, T. P. T., and G. S. TRAXLER.
lethal to the host. 1978. Viral erythrocytic necrosis: Natural occurence in Pacific salmon and
4) Studies of diseases in marine aquaculture have shown that experimental transmission. J. Fish. Res. Board Can. 35:903-907.

some parasites, such as the haemogregarines, long considered FRANTSI, c., J. A. RITTER, and P. F. ELSON.
1977. Effect of corynebacterial kidney disease on ocean survi val and return of
benign, must be reassessed as potential pathogens and causes of
Atlantic salmon (Salmo salar). ICES CM 1977/M:29.
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5) In considering pollution-associated diseases of fish the 1978. Immunization of salmonids for control of vibriosis. Mar. Fish. Rev.
following conclusions seem warranted: 40(3):20-23.
1979. Studies on the pathogenesis of vibriosis in coho salmon Oncorhynchus
a) The significance of environmental stress from pollutants is kisulch (Walbaum). J. Fish Dis. 2:391-404.
emerging as a possible determining factor in a number of fish HARRELL, L. W., H. M. ETLINGER, and H. O. HODGINS.
diseases. This may take the form of direct chemical-physical 1975. Humoral factors important in resistance of salmonid fish to bacterial
damage to cell membranes or tissues, modification of biochemical disease. I. Serum antibody protection of rainbow trout (Sa/mo liairdneri)
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reactions, and buildup of facultative microbial pathogens. HILL, B. J.
b) Some circumstantial evidence for the role of environmental 1976. Isolation of lPN-like viruses from bivalve molluscs. FAO Aquacult.
carcinogens in inducing neoplasms of fish and shellfish is accum- Bull. 8(1):13.
ulating, and is suggestive, but definitive conclusions are not HORNE, M. T., R. H. RICHARDS, R. J. ROBERTS, and P. C. SMITH.
1971. Peracute vibriosis in juvenile turbot Scophthalmus maximus. J. Fish
justified at present.
BioI. 11:355-361.
c) The presence of marginal or degraded estuarine/coastal envi- KAHN, R. A., J. MURPHY, and D. TAYLOR.
ronments may be signalled by the appearance of fin erosion, 1980. Prevalence of a trypanosome in Atlantic cod (Gadus morhua) especially
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ulcers, Iymphocystis, and skeletal anomalies in teleost fishes. A
clear cause and effect relationship has not yet been demonstrated KIRMSE, P. D.
in every instance, but some statistical associations have been 1978. Haemogregarina sachai n. sp. from cultured turbot Scophlhalmus maxi-
made. mus (L.) in Scotland. I. Fish Dis. 1:337-342.
d) A number of viruses have been found in fish, crustaceans, 1980. Observations on the pathogenicity of Haemorgregarina sachai Kirmse,
1978, in farmed turbot Scophlhalmus maximus (L.). J. Fish Dis. 3:101-114.
and mollusks within the past decade, and the pathogenic role of a
number of them has been demonstrated by increasing environ- 1976. Toxoplasma-like organisms as the possible causative agents of a pro-
mental stress. It may well be that other latent virus infections will liferative condition in farmed turbot (Scophlhalmus maximus). In L. A. Page
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Applied and Scientific Aspects of Marine Parasitology

Parasitism is widely distributed among marine animals. At The principal trends of the development of marine parasitology
present about 15,000 species of parasitic organisms are reported (as in any other branch of the science) are determined, on the one
from marine ecosystems. But even the most understated calcula- hand, by the volume and level of knowledge accumulated in the
tion shows that on the average not more than 25% of living field and prospects based upon it. On the other hand they depend
marine parasite species have been described. PracticalIy alI on the development of research techniques, the general develop-
species of free-living marine animals are also involved in ment of adjacent scientific fields and, especialIy, on today's urgent
parasitism, serving as hosts of the appropriate stages of parasites needs of industry. In marine parasitology such practical require-
from different systematic groups. ments arise from the experience and prospects of the marine
The parasite fauna of marine fishes and invertebrates is fisheries.
extremely rich and diverse and has the largest total biomass. This Taking into account available data on the above-mentioned
is primarily due to the numerous helminth larvae (which usualIy conditions, I shall try to review the most important and promising
have wide specificity) and the peculiar and very rich fauna of directions of applied marine parasitological investigations and
parasitic copepods and isopods (Table I). Many dozens of species some of the fundamental scientific aspects involved.
of parasites are usualIy reported from those fish species which One must bear in mind that the volume and content of applied
have been extensively studied by parasitologists. Numbers of branches of aquatic parasitology are very different depending
parasites per host individual in fishes, and especialIy in marine upon the aquacultural, natural freshwater, and natural seawater
mammals, may reach hundreds of thousands or even milIions. conditions. Each of these three branches has its own problems, its
Many parasites are highly pathogenic to their hosts. They can own strictly definite possibilities, and its own methodology
cause diseases and affect the population sizes of marine animals. (Kurochkin 1979a). In this paper I shalI discuss the applied and
The role of parasites in natural marine ecosystems is undoubtedly scientific aspects of marine parasitology itself, gi ving no attention
very important. Besides, as is generalIy known, some marine to the problems of parasitology in mariculture.
parasites can be dangerous for human health. Ultimately, the Marine aquacultural parasitology, of course, is a very important
immensity of the seas and oceans; the great diversity of the branch of marine parasitology and it needs special consideration.
ecological conditions due to the wide range of abiotic and biotic However, marine aquaculture in our country has not yet reached
factors (such as temperature, depth, movement of the water the necessary level of development, and problems of control of
masses etc., the abundance of marine vertebrates and inverte- diseases of cultured marine animals are not so acute for us as com-
brates and their parasites, and the great biocenotic diversity); the pared with some other countries. It is a future problem for us
numerous food species of marine invertebrates and vertebrates, (though we are working on it now). Today's most important ap-
often with very abundant stocks; the highly developed coastal and plied and, accordingly, scientific problems of marine parasitology
offshore fisheries; and, hence, the huge economic losses [which are not in the field of parasitology of the few marine fish and
can be] caused by parasites-alI these features of applied marine invertebrate species under culture. Rather they are in the subject
parasitology provide a boundless field for diverse trends of applied of parasitology of the mass of commercial and the trophically
and fundamental investigations. important noncommercial species of animals of the natural
marine ecosystems connected with them.
I must add here that in natural marine ecosystems, contrary to
marine aquaculture, it is not the objects of microbiology (i.e.,
Table I.-Approximate number of species in some main groups of
parasites of marine animals. I viruses, bacteria, and fungi) but the multicellular (helminths,
parasitic crustaceans, and some protowan parasites) that are of
Systematic group Number of species Probable number of the greatest practical importance. The direct economic losses in
of parasites descri bed to date living species
these cases are not caused by the diseases themselves (as a factor
Trematodes 3,000 15,000-30,000 reducing the abundance of commercial animals) but by the
Monogeneans 2,200 9,900-13,000 parasites which damage the food and its technical qualities and
Cestodes 800 2,000- 2,500
thereby reduce the marketability of commercial marine fishes and
Nematodes 500 1,500- 2,000
Acanthocephalans 200 300- 500 invertebrates. PracticalIy speaking there is no possibility (at least
Parasitic copepods 2,500 2,500-28,000 for the present) of employing therapeutic or prophylactic methods
Parasitic isopods 900 2,000- 3,000 to control diseases an.! parasites in natural marine ecosystems (in
'Calculations were made by Manter (1966) 'on trematodes [digeneans), contrast to marine aquaculture). Here we must use quite different
Lebedev (in litl.) on monogeneans, and Kazachenko (in lilt.) on parasitic methods to reduce economic losses.
copepods of marine fishes. Based upon our experiences, I shalI consider below the most
significant principal directions [problem areas] of applied marine
parasitology and the fundamental aspects directly connected with
'Pacific Research Institute of Fisheries and Oceanography (TlNRO), Vladivostok, them. Six principal directions [problem areas] are enumerated
U.S.S.R. below:

1. The correct detennination of the taxonomic (specific) posi- This complex of investigations provides the parasitological
tion of parasites. characteristics of the commercial marine animals and fishing
Unfortunately, the importance or significance of this thesis areas. These characteristics, if sufficiently complete and detailed,
sometimes still needs to be proved (Willmott 1976), but it is quite allow, in many cases, the planning beforehand of the proper kind
impossible to carry out any applied or fundamental investigations of processing of the catches which otherwise could not be utilized
or to accomplish any practical measures without an exact identifi- properly because of high infestation by certain parasites. Some-
cation of the parasites involved. times it becomes possible for us to avoid significant economic
In marine parasitology, identification of the parasites is losses by not sending the fishing vessels to those areas where
especially important and often is connected with certain specific catches could not be utilized properly because of high infestation
difficulties. Here, unlike medical and veterinary parasitology (and by certain parasites. Of course, parasitological investigations
the parasitology of freshwater aquaculture), only a relatively small concerning new commercial species or new fishing areas must be
portion of living parasite species (probably from 10 to 60% in accomplished ahead of the development of a commercial fishery.
general systematic groups) are known at this point. The number of But the accumulation of parasitological data in well-exploited
species of marine parasites, as already stated, is extremely great, fishing areas over many years has to be accomplished also, by
but their systematics is still imperfect. In treating parasitological means of necropsies of larg.:: numbers of fishes obtained from
collections one often has to describe new species of parasites or commercial fishing vessels.
create new taxa of higher rank. At times economically important It takes parasitologists a long time and much trouble to collect
parasites appear to be new species. An example is the copepod the materials and data necessary for the above-mentioned pur-
Pennella hawaiiensis Kazachenko and Kurochkin, 1974, affecting poses, and it is almost impossible to do so without special research
the commercial fish Pentaceros richardsoni. (Some infonnation on vessels. For example, the Laboratory of Parasitology of Sea
this case will be given below.) Another example is the trematode Animals of the Pacific Research Institute of Fisheries and Ocean-
Gonocerca oshoro Shimazu, 1970, which was originally described ography (TINRO), Valdivostok, U.S.S.R., (as well as other labora-
by Shimazu (1970) from a few specimens of trematodes from a tories of this Institute) has a large research fleet at its disposal.
single fish. Parasitologists of TINRO soon discovered that these During the 15 yr of the existence of this laboratory (1966 to 198 I)
trematodes are often found in the ovaries of their fish hosts (Cory- its parasitologists have employed the research vessels of the Insti-
phaenoides pectoralis) in great numbers. As a result the hard roe of tute heavily. The duration of these expeditions totals up to more
parasitized fish becomes inedible and has to be discarded. Obvi- than 36 yr! More than 70,000 fishes, 500,000 invertebrates, and
ously, this trematode, Gonocerca oshoro, may also have adverse 6,000 marine mammals were dissected by parasitologists, who
effects on the reproduction of the host. also carried out some experimental investigations. Besides, a large
Often it becomes necessary to identify not only mature para- number of fresh and frozen marine fishes and invertebrates were
sites but also their larval stages, of which only their remains or studied by our parasitologists during numerous coastal parasit-
even traces may persist. We (Kurochkin 1969; Kazachenko and ological expeditions and in the laboratory in Vladivostok. Our
Kurochkin 1974) have described a case where the marketing of investigations in the direction [problem area] under discussion
commercial catches of the fish Pentaceros richardsoni was tem- have often yielded good practical results. For example, the utiliza-
porarily prohibited until the origin of [obvious] dark fonnations tion of our proposals based on the above-mentioned investiga-
in the muscles of the fishes was identified. First, the marketing of tions, regarding only the Alaska pollock, Theragra chalcogramma,
36,000 tons of this fish was delayed, then as many as 133,000 in 1977 allowed our fishing industry to produce an additional
tons. It is clear that the economic losses due to the delay of the 200,000 tons of food (Kirillova et al. 1979). As a result of our
marketing of such a large amount of fish (even if one takes into work during the last 5 yr, our country has received over 1.5
consideration only the cost of the electrical energy spent for the million tons extra of food production from Alaska pollock.
freezer storage of this quantity of fish) are rather high. The ban To develop this, one of the most important directions [problem
was removed only after some months, after our parasitologists had areas] of applied marine parasitology, it is useful and necessary to
found and proved that the above-mentioned dark fonnations in develop a certain complex of fundamental investigations with the
fish muscles are the remains and traces of a new copepod species main purpose of understanding the general mechanisms and fac-
(Pennella hawaiiensis) which is not dangerous to man. tors governing the spatial distribution of infestation of marine
Correct detenninations of the taxonomic position of parasites animals by parasites. It is very important to have knowledge of the
and, in particular, the elaboration of specific methods of identify- pennissible limits of extrapolation of some parasitological data in
ing them, as is necessary for the fisheries, are impossible without this field. It is also necessary for the purpose of developing the
further development of a certain complex of fundamental trends ability to forecast future changes in the distribution of infestation
of marine parasitology. Primarily, I mean the systematics and tax- and in the quantitative and qualitative indices of invasion. There-
onomy (with nomenclature) based on morphology (where study- fore, the relevant aspects of the parasitofaunistic, ecologicopara-
ing the individual, age, hostal and geographical variability of sitological, parasitocoenological, and zoogeographical studies as
parasites is especially important) and then corresponding aspects well as investigations in the fields of population biology and
of the ecology, biology, physiology, and biochemistry of parasites population ecology of parasites are of great practical importance.
and some aspects of their phylogeny. Preparation and publication
of systematic catalogues and monographs and keys for the deter- 3. Studies of the distribution of the important parasite species
mination of different groups of parasites are also of great practical within the bodies of marine fishes and other commercial
importance. marine animals.
Here I do not mean the generally accepted registrations [record-
Z. Studies of the spatial distribution of the infection of marine ings] of the localization [location] of parasites (gills, stomach and
commercial animals by important species of parasites, with intestine, etc.). These data are not very useful for most practical
due regard for the age, seasonal and long-tenn quantitative purposes. Usually relatively few species of parasites, mainly from
and quali tati ve changes. muscles and other edible parts of the host's body, are of practical
interest. In some cases very detailed and reliable statistical infor- the help of the organoleptic and laboratory biochemical indices.
mation about the topospecificity of these parasites are needed. Studies of the rate of such changes, with due regard for the
Obtaining such information demands much labor, especially if we chemical composition of parasites themselves, constitute an
must consider the possibilities of age and seasonal changes in the important practical problem. The results of these investigations
distribution of parasites. allow us to decide what kinds of uses are best for certain batches
Data thus obtained allow us to advise on methods of utilization of fish, to develop quantitative criteria for permissible contents of
of catches of some fish species or the most suitable kinds of parasites and injuries [parasite damage] in marine food stuffs, and
processing for these fishes. Also these data can be used as the basis to introduce necessary corrections into the procedures and tech-
for working out the rational geometry of dressing-out (cutting) nology of processing of marine fishes or invertebrates.
fishes or other commercial animals in order to remove the highest Many studies of this direction [problem area] have been carried
possible number of parasites, or their remains. Sometimes we, out in the U.S.S.R. and in other countries, but the area as a whole
ourselves, are able to propose new types of industrial processing cannot yet be considered to be well developed.
based on the data obtained. More often we use our information to This applied direction is based on relevant [fundamental]
check new types of processing proposed by workers of the fishing aspects of biochemistry, pathophysiology, pathoanatomy, histo-
industry. pathology, and toxicology.
To illustrate the practical importance of investigations of this
direction [problem area], I shall give some figures of the econom- 6. Development and improvement of methods and standards for
icallosses which we hope to eliminate using our proposals. Using the parasitological inspection of marine fishes and inverte-
the rejection of large amounts of tinned saury because of invasion brates.
and infections by bright red or orange acanthocephalans of the The main aim of this practical direction [problem area] of work
genus Rhadinorhynchus as an example-economic losses due to is prevention of the marketing of marine foodstuffs of poor quality
the discarding of some part of the production at only one of our or dangerous for human health (due to parasites) on the one hand
fish canneries reached the sum of more than a million roubles in and on the other, prevention of unjustified rejection of marine
1980. food production which is essentially of good quality. It is rather
Of the fundamental investigations immediately connected with difficult to achieve both of these mutually exclusive requirements,
the above-mentioned applied direction [problem area] of marine but, unfortunately, unjustified and erroneous rejections of food
parasitology one can notice, especially, research on parasite topo- fish are not rare, and they cause significant economic losses.
specificity, inyestigations of mechanisms of orientation and I shall enumerate the most important things that can be done to
migration of parasites in the host's body, and certain aspects of help avoid or reduce economic losses:
parasitocoenology, physiology, and population biology of
parasites. 1) Elaboration of standard procedures for the parasitological
inspection of fish and other commercial marine animals
(including establishment of sample sizes, etc.).
4. Studies of the survival and behavior of parasites in the fish
2) Elaboration of fast and reliable methods of detection and
host after death, during storage, and under the influence of
calculation of the most important parasites in raw material
various physical and chemical factors.
and in foodstuffs made of marine fishes or invertebrates.
The main aims of this experimental direction [problem area] of
3) Elaboration of express methods for identification of impor-
applied marine parasitology are to develop methods and condi-
tant species and groups of parasites.
tions of processing raw fish which guarantee the reliable killing of
4) Elaboration of quantitative criteria and norms for the permis-
parasites dangerous to man (e.g., anisakid larvae); to find
sible (or inadmissible) contents of parasites, their remains, or
measures to prevent the wandering of some parasites (e.g.,
injuries [damage] in different kinds of raw and processed
Nybelinia larvae) in the fish before it is frozen or processed; and to
marine fishes and invertebrates.
elaborate measures preventing the spoilage of the fish flesh by
5) Receiving approval of the appropriate official organizations
certain myxosporidian parasites (e.g., of the genus Kudoa) during
for the new regulations and standards that have been worked
the storage and after the fish had been frozen and defrosted.
out and introducing them into the State or departmental stan-
From this point of view it is very important to test new as well
dards and technological instructions; preparing and publish-
as routine methods of fish processing and to check the effects of
ing various methodological textbooks and manuals, including
such factors as temperature, time, salt (NaCl) content, etc.
the handbooks for parasitological inspection of marine fishes
Results of research by numerous investigators, both in the
and invertebrates, and, finally, performance of the parasit-
U.S.S.R. and abroad, have demonstrated the great pract;.cal signi-
ological inspections themselves.
ficance of this applied area of marine parasitology.
The fundamental trends of investigations related to these The experience of the Laboratory of Parasitology of Sea
applied works are the experimental ecology of the relevant stages Animals of TINRO concerning all of these questions shows that
of development of parasites and certain aspects of the physiology very often it is possible to succeed in reversing (in proper time)
of parasites. [where time allows] erroneous decisions to discard certain batches
of marine fish because of the presence of parasites. Such batches
5. Studies of the influence of parasites on the quality of raw and often contain several hundred tons of fish, and unjustified rejec-
processed marine fish and invertebrates. tions cause great economic losses which could be avoided. For
Parasites can cause different local and general disorders in the example, about a thousand tons of frozen Alaska pollack were
host organism. These are manifested in undesirable changes of discarded without good reasons (because of presence of parasites
appearance, structure [texture], flavoring, and other technical in the intestine and in the gills, etc.) in 1978. But in many cases
qualities of flesh or other tissues of marine commercial animals. we have time to step in and save large amounts of fish of good
These changes are usually registered [detected and recorded] with quality.

The practical importance of reference books and other research Some other important trends of applied and fundamental inves-
publications is illustrated by the fact that two editions of tigations in marine parasitology are outlined by Sindermann
"Methodical handbook for parasitological inspections of marine (1970), Rohde (1976), Llewellyn and Owen (1960), Llewellyn
fishes" (Kurochkin 1980a, b) were published and sold out (based (1972), and others. Very interesting reviews on the problems of
on orders from the fishing industry) within a year. fish parasites and of parasite coenoses in fish (with many ques-
It is clear that this important direction [problem area] of tions concerning marine parasitology) were published by Bauer
applied marine parasitology is connected with a large complex of (1978,1980). There are other papers containing considerations of
different fundamental studies which were mentioned above when the subject.
I considered the other applied directions. Undoubtedly, all aspects of marine parasitology have to be well
The enumerated six main directions [problem areas] of applied developed. Among them special attention has to be paid to those
marine parasitology are based on the present immediate needs and applied aspects I have mentioned. Doing so will further the sub-
tasks of our fishing industry. Results of investigations in these sequent development of both applied and fundamental investiga-
areas are not merely of conditional or of indirect practical impor- tions in the field.
tance but of real effectiveness, which usually is very high and may
be easily estimated in terms of weight or money. LITERATURE CITED
It would be extremely useful for the future development of
applied and, therefore, fundamental investigations in marine 1978. Parasite coenoses in fish. In !togi i perspektivy issledovaniy po para-
parasitology if both the general and detailed information on cases zitozenologii v SSSR, p. 51-56. [In Russ.) Moscow, Nauka.
and on the scale of economic losses were always estimated and 1980. Population of fish parasites, recent state and perspectives. [In Russ.)
Parazito!. Sb. 29:24-34.
published. Economical losses in this field and the practical
(economical) possibilities of applied marine parasitology are 1974. On a new species of parasitic copepod, Pennella hawaiiensis sp. nov.,
much more significant than generally realized. The main purpose from the boarfish, Pen/aceros richardsoni. [In Russ.) Izv. T1NRO 88:42-
of this report is to invite attention to the possibility of avoiding 53.
very large economic losses by development of the applied aspects KIRILLOV A, L. P., P. S. SHEENKO, and G. G. SCHEVCHENKO.
1979. Contribution to the problem of infestation of muscles of Alaska pollack
of marine parasitology.
by Nybelinia larvae. VII Vsesoyuznoye soveshcha niye po parazitam i bolez-
Of course, it will not be possible to forestall [obviate] all mani- nyam ryb. [In Russ.) Tez. DoH Leningrad, Nauka, p. 53-54.
festations of parasites' ravages. For example, justifiable rejections KUROCHKIN, Yu. V.
of highly infested fish are inevitable. Even so, parasitological 1969. Contributions to the problem of the economic imponance of parasites
of marine fishes. In Problemy parazitologii. Pt. 2, p. 245-248. [In Russ.)
inspection of such fish performed as soon as possible (not after
long-term storage and long transportation) will diminish 1979. Specific characterislics and content of applied marine ichthyoparasi-
economic losses. tology. VII Vsesoyuznoye soveshcha niye po parazitam i bolenznyam ryb.
There are other trends of investigations in marine parasitology [In Russ.) Tez. DoH Leningrad, Nauka, p. 63-64.
which, with good reason, may be considered as applied, though 1980a. Methodical handbook for parasitological inspecting of marine fish.
[In Russ.) Vladivostok, p. 1-84.
they usually are not of direct applicability. They are:
1980b. Methodical handbook for parasitological inspecting of marine fish.
2d ed. [In Russ.1 Vladivostok.
I) Studies of the medical aspects of the parasitofauna of marine LLEWELLYN, J.
animals (diagnostics, pathogenesis, clinical course of 1972. Behavior of monogeneans.ln E. G. Canning and C. A. Wright (editors),
Bahavioural aspects of parasite transmission, p. 19-30. Zoo!. J. Linn. Soc.
diseases, epidemiology, prophylaxis, etc.).
(Supp!. I) 5\.
2) Studies of the diseases caused by parasites and their influence LLEWELLYN, J., and 1. L. OWEN.
on the populations of marine animals (levels or degrees of 1960. The attachment of the monogenean Discocoty/e sagilla/a Leuckan to the
mortality, reduction of reproduction, estimation of losses of gills of Sa/rno /rulla L. Parasitology 50:51-59.
weight or number of fishes, estimations of reductions in the MANTER, W. H.
1966. Parasites of fishes as biological indicators of recent and ancient condi-
volume of catches, clinical signs of diseases, etc.).
tions. /n J. E. McCauley (editor), Host-parasite relationships, p. 59-7\.
3) Studies of the infectious (viral, bacterial, and fungal) diseases Oregon State Univ. Press, Corvallis.
of marine animals and their role in the natural ecosystems. ROHDE, K.
4)Studies of the interaction between infectious and invasive 1976. Marine parasitology in Australia. Search 7(11-12):477-482.
diseases of marine animals.
1970. Gonocerca oshom sp.n. (Trematoda: Hemiuridae) from the ovary of the
5) Studies of the possibility of using parasites as tags of popula- rat tail, Nerna/onurus pectoralis. from the Gulf of Alaska. Jpn. J. Parasitol.
tion structure, migration routes, and some other aspects of the 19(3):271-28\.
ecology and biology of marine free-living animals. SINDERMANN, C. J.
1970. Principal diseases of marine fish and shellfish. Acad. Press, N.Y.,
369 p.
It is obvious that at least three of the above trends of investiga- WILLMOTT, S.
tions are of direct practical importance for aquaculture in the 1976. The role of the taxonomist in biological parasitology. Wiad. Para-
marine environment. I shall not dwell upon the subject. zyto!. 33(4-5):391-394.

Use of Parasitological Data in Studies of the
Local Groupings of Rock Grenadier,
Coryphaenoides rupestris Gunner



The local groupings of rock grenadier in the northwestern, northeastern, and open Atlantic are identified on
the basis of parasitological data. It is shown that these are temporary groupings mixing with each other. The
problem of interrelation of the fishes under study in different parts of the area is discussed. The pattern of the
life cycle of the rock grenadier involves the migration of Immature fishes from the southern areas of the north-
west Atlantic (Flemish Cap and northern Newfoundland Banks) to the reproductive areas located in the eastern
regions of the North Atlantic.

Studying the population structure of certain sea fishes by using idium sp., Contracaecum aduncum, and the cestode, related to the
parasitological data is not a new subject. It is sufficient to mention Dibothriocephalidae family, were found in fish from the
the papers of Sindermann (1961), Yanulov (1960,1962), Norwegian Sea (Nobel et al. 1972). The rock grenadier of the
Templeman (1967), Kabata (1959, 1963, 1967), Schulman North Atlantic were found to contain Myxidium coryphaenoidium
(1950,1956), Konovalov (1971), and others. These papers are not (Yoshino and Noble 1973; Moser et al. 1976); Hemiurus (=
equal in value but they proved the possibility of using parasites to Glomericirrus) macrouri and Gonocerca macrouri (Gaevskaya
study fishes. True, in all these cases freshwater, diadromous, shelf- 1975, 1979); Myxidium melanostigmum, M. melanocetum, M.
dwelling fish and also fish dwelling in the upper pelagic layers, (noblen), Myxidium sp., Zschokkella hildae, Auerbachia pulchra,
served as the subjects of study. Deepwater fish have not been Diclidophora macruri, Bothriocephalus sp., Scolex pleuronectis I.,
studied in this respect. Aporocotyle simplex, Hemiurus macrouri, Aponurus argentini,
The rock grenadier is a typical bathyal dweller. This species is Derogenes varicus, Gonocerca macrouri, Sclerodistomum sp., Con-
widespread, being distributed near the coast of North America, tracaecum aduncum, Anisakis sp. 1. and Copepoda gen. sp. (Zub-
from Baffin Island to Cape Hatteras; in the waters around Green- chenko 1975, 1976; Zubchenko and Krasin 1980); and
land and Iceland; in the central part of the North Atlantic along Dolichoenterum sp., Gonocerca crassa (Szuks 1975), and Parac-
the Mid-Atlantic Ridge up to lat. 40 oN; on the continental slope cacladium jamiesoni (Bray and Gibson 1977). Considering only
of Europe; and near the Scandinavian coast up to the Skagerrak those whose diagnoses have been verified, 21 species of parasites
Strait. The biology of this species has been studied only poorly. are known for the rock grenadier.
This species is of especial interest because near the coast of North Collections of parasites in rock grenadier which were made in
America only immature fish were found, whereas in the central 1973-80 on different areas of the North American continental
and eastern parts of the North Atlantic fish of all stages of maturi- slope, on the Mid-Atlantic Ridge, and on European deepwater
ty were captured. It is not clear yet whether there is an interrela- banks. such as Bill Bailey's Bank, Lousy Bank, George Bligh
tion between these groups, though there is a supposition that such Bank, Hatton Bank, and Porcupine Bank, provide the material for
relations exist (Zakharov and Mokanu 1970). Such supposition is the present paper.
based on indirect data. Also, a preliminary conclusion based on Twenty-five species of parasites were found in 1,126 fishes
parasitological data was made on the existence of a common rock investigated by the method of complete parasitological dissection
grenadier population in the western and central parts of the North and examination. (Among those listed above only Steganoderma
Atlantic (Zubchenko 1976). There are data which confirm this abyssorum, Dolichoenterum sp., and Gonocerca crassa were not
supposition (Alekseev et al. 1979), and there also are contrary found.) Nine of them (Myxidium melanostigmum, M. melanocetum,
opinions (Marshall 1965; Galaktionova 1978; Dushchenko 1979). M. (noblen), Auerbachia pulchra, Diclidophora macruri,
The first information on parasites of rock grenadier appeared in Philiobytos atlanticus, Glomericirrus macrouri, Gonocerca
1911 when Odhner (1911), using fish which were caught offshore macrouri, and Paraccacladium jamiesoni) are typical for the
of Norway, described the trematode Proctophantastes parasitic fauna of the rock grenadier. It is not ascertained yet to
(=Steganoderma) abyssorum. Later, Brinkmann (according to which species such parasites as Myxidium sp. and Nematoda gen.
Sproston 1946) described the monogeneid Dactylicotyle sp. belong. The other parasites (Zschokkella hildae, Grillotia
(=Diclidophora) macruri in fish from the Skagerrak Strait, and erinaceus, Scolex pleuronectis 1., Pseudophyllidea gen. sp.,
Berland (1961) found the nematode Contracaecum aduncum in Aporocotyle simplex, Lecithophylium antheroporum, Derogenes
grenadier from the Norwegian Sea. During the last decade study of varicus, Gonocerca macroformis, Contracaecum aduncum, Anisakis
the parasite fauna of rock grenadier was rather intensive. Myx- sp. 1., Echinorhynchus sp., Chondracanthus radiatus, Lateracan-
thus quadripedis, and Cia vella aduncum) are widespread and have
1 Arctic Research Institute of Fisheries and Oceanography (PINRO) Murmansk,
a wide circle of hosts. Invasion [infection] of fish by them is
U.S.S.R. mainly light and has an accidental character. In this group of

parasites only the copepod Lateracanthus quadripedis (previously first after 1 to 1.5 mo and then in a year, there were no changes in
observed in the Pacific Ocean), is of a proper interest (the very the degree of infection of fish of the northern grouping by the
fact of its finding is historically unique). The same is so with the principal parasites, except that they were infected by the cestode
microsporidian Zschokkella hildae and the trematodes [digeneids] Phillobytos atlantieus to a lesser degree (from 40 to 13.3%).
Gonocerca macrofonnis and AporocotyLe simpLex. The first two Similar changes were observed in fish from the central and south-
species are typical for Gadidae and the third for plaices. Finding ern groupings. Besides, the fish had a decreased incidence of at-
these parasites in the rock grenadier bears witness to the tacks by Microsporidae. For example, invasion by Auerbaehia
phylogenetic and ecological closeness between fish of the orders pulchra decreased from 60 to 40% and their invasion by Phillo-
Macruriformes, Gadiformes, and Pleuronectiformes. bytos atlanticus increased from 13.3 to 33.3%. These facts testify
In any case, the most interesting are the parasites from the first that the differences observed in the distribution of parasites are
group which are widespread and which, as a consequence, charac- not related only to age. The changes observed in the quantitative
terize the parasitic fauna of the rock grenadier. In the fish studied indices of invasion of fish by a group of parasites during short
offshore of North America-where, as was already mentioned,. periods of time are connected, in my opinion, with the migration
only immature fish were observed-l 9 species of parasites were of the fish (as they grow) from the northern areas to the southern
found, 8 of which were related to the first group. Only the trema- ones. This supposition is confirmed indirectly by the fact that fish
tode [digeneid] Paraccacladium jamiesoni was not found. In North from the southeni grouping are, in general, larger (mode 69-74
Atlantic waters we can identify three main groups of fish based em) than those from the northern groupings (mode 63-65 cm).
upon differences in the degree of infection of fish by parasites: The great number of parasites common to these three areas (75%)
The northern group--dwelling in the area between the Greenland- also indicates connections between these groups.
Canadian Threshold and the southern edge of Baffin Island; the Studies of fish from the open part of the North Atlantic dis-
central group-dwelling in the Labrador area; and the southern closed 17 species of parasites, among which are all of the 9
group-dweIling in the area of the Grand Newfoundland Bank species characteristic for rock grenadier. According to the differ-
and the Flemish Cap Bank. (The names of groups are provisional) ences in infection of the fish by those nine species of parasites
Fish from the northern grouping were not infected by Myxidium (just as offshore of North America), we may identify three main
melanocetum or Glomericirrus macrouri, but they were severely groups of fish: The northern--dweIling between Iceland and the
infected by Auerbachia pulchra (85.3%); moderately by Myxidium middle part of the Reykjanes Ridge; the central--dwelling close to
melanostigmum (38.6%); and weakly by Gonocerca macrouri the southern part of this ridge; and the southern--dwelling in the
(14.6%) and other parasites. Fish of the southern grouping were northern waters of the North Atlantic Ridge (all the names of the
infected to a lesser level by Auerbachia pulchra (60.0%) but they groups are conditional), but these differences are expressed rather
were more severely infected by Myxidium melanostigmum than slightly.
those in the north (46.6%) and also by Gonocerca macrouri The trematode [digeneid] Glomericirrus macrouri was not found
(33.3%). In fish oftbis grouping, spores of Myxidium melanocetum in the rock grenadiers of the northern group, but they were invad-
were found (16.6%) and also the trematode [digeneid] Glomeri- ed [infected] slightly by the microsporidians Myxidium meLano-
cirrus macrouri (13.3%). Due to its degree of infection the central stigmllm (24.2%) and Auerbachia pulchra (29.3%). The fish were
grouping occupies an intermediate position, so to speak. Just as in infected more severely by the trematode [digeneid] Parae-
fish from the northern region, Glomerieirrus maerouri were not cacladillm jamiesoni (37.4%). Fish of the central group (like those
found in the fish studied from this area. Infection by Auerbachia of the northern group) were not infected by GLomericirrus
pulehra in these fish appears like that in fish from the southern macrouri, also. But fish of the central group were infected to a
area, and the infection by Myxidium meLanostigmum (33.3%) ap- lesser degree by Myxidium melanostigmum (18.9%), Auerbaehia
pears like that in the northern area fish. Spores of Myxidium pulchra (14.9%), and Paraccacladium jamiesoni (12.3%) than
melanocetum were also found in a small number (4.4%), just as in those in the north. In the southern areas, specimens of GLomeri-
the south. cirrus macrouri were found only rarely. But the fish there were in-
While investigating rock grenadier from these areas I learned fected by Myxidium meLanostigmum (30.2%) and, more severely,
that infection by Auerbaehia puLehra is the most severe in the by Allerbachia pulchra (34.8%). Fish of the southern group were
northern areas (from 13.3 up to 100%) and especially in fish infected by Paraccacladium jamiesoni more heavily than those of
having lengths of from 42 to 70 cm, which are heavily invaded. the central group.
To the south where the fish infected by Auerbaehia pulehra had an Analysis of my data disclosed that the degree of fish infected by
average length of 65-85 cm, the invasion was less severe. Mainly the principal parasites varied significantly during the different
sporadic [occasional] spores were found in this case while tens periods covered by the investigation. Thus, during the winter
and hundreds of spores were observed under the microscope very period fish of the northern group were infected severely by Parae-
rarely. cacladium jamiesoni (33.3-53.3%) and slightly by Auerbaehia
In fish invaded by the trematode [digeneid] Gonocerca pulchra (6.6-13.3%). In fish of the central and southern groups.
macrouri, and the myxosporidian Myxidium meLanostigmum, the Paraccacladium jamiesoni was not found at all and the degree of
picture was just the contrary. Here the infection of fish increased their invasion by Auerbachia pulchra was very low (6.6-20.0%
in the direction from north to south. In this case big fish (from 65 and 6.6-13.3%, respectively). In April the infection of the north-
cm and longer) were infected most severely. As was mentioned ern rock grenadier group by Paraccacladium jamiesoni decreased
above, fish in the southern areas were invaded by Myxidium to 13.3% and then gradually increased to 25.0% in May and
melanocetum and Glomericirrus macrouri which were not found in 50.0-58.3% in June-August. In April the degree of infection of
fish of the northern grouping. fish of the central and southern groups by this trematode increased
At first sight, all these differences have an age character which abruptly (38.5% and 50.0%, respectively). Afterwards, in the cen-
relates first and foremost to the parasite's developing with the tral area it decreased to 12.5-13.0% (May to July) and again in-
change of intermediate hosts. But having taken duplicate samples, creased in August to September up to 20.0-33.3%. Invasion of

fish of the northern grouping by Auerbachia pulchra during the 66.6%, respectively). Infection by Auerbachia pulchra decreased
period April to August was very low (13.3-23.6%) and it increas- (20.0%), and the trematode [digeneid] Paraccacladium jamiesoni
ed only in September (33.3%). -not observed earlier-appeared.
The picture in the two other groups of fish infected by this In fish of the third grouping, infection by Myxidium melano-
microsporidian was quite different. Invasion of fish from the cen- stigmum and M. melanocetum also increased up to 93.3% and
tral grouping increased sharply in April (46.6%). It decreased in 53.3%, respectively, and the cestode Phillobytos atlanticus also ap-
the period May to August (20.0-12.5%) and again increased in peared. In my opinion, the changes in the parasitic fauna of the
September (46.6%). During almost all this period, fish from the rock grenadier, which were identified in the summer period, in-
southern grouping were severely invaded by Auerbachia pulchra dicate an interconnection of the fishes from different groupings.
and only in September did the degree of infection decrease to The intermingling of fish from neighboring groupings as well as
33.3%. Other quantitative and qualitative changes were observed a considerable increase in the percentage of fish infected by Myx-
during our investigations. So, in April and May the microspori- idium melanostigmum, M. melanocetum, and Paraccacladium
dian Myxidium melanocetum disappeared from the northern jamiesoni, and the appearance of Phillobytos atlanticus testify that
grouping of fish and the cestode Phillobytos atlanticus, not ob- fish from the central part of the North Atlantic, where a high
served in winter, appeared (3.6%). Incidence of infection by the degree of infection by these parasites was observed, migrate to the
monogenean Diclidophora macruri decreased (l 0.8%). But in European coast.
June, fish of this grouping became infected by Myxidium melano- But this is not the only fact indicating the existence of an inter-
cetum (8.3%), while the percentage of fish invaded by connection between the rock grenadier groupings which dwell on
Diclidophora macruri increased (33.2%) and in July to August the the European continental slope, on the Mid-Atlantic Ridge, and
initial picture of the infection was restored approximately, except along the coast of North America. While studying the parasitic
for an increased infection by Phillobytos at/anticus (25%). Notice- fauna of fish collected in these areas ! learned that of the 25
able quantitative and qualitative changes took place also in the species of parasites discovered, 15 species (60%) may be found in
two other groupings. These changes coincided with the maximal all of the above mentioned areas. Among these parasites eight of
spawning activity of the rock grenadier also. nine (88.9%) are common and characteristic for rock grenadier.
The facts presented testify that an interconnection exists be- For example, if we compare the parasite faunas of the northern
tween the groupings of rock grenadier dwelling on the Mid- grenadier, Macrurus berglax, studied in the same areas, only 4 of
Atlantic Ridge, and the nature of the changes in infection of fish 26 species (15.4%) were common-3 of them are widespread and
indicates that fish from the northern areas migrate south to the only I species (A uerbachia pulchra) is characteristic for
spawning grounds where all the groupings mix with each other. Macrouridae.
After spawning, the fish migrate back to the feeding areas, which Infection of the rock grenadier by this species is very peculiar
is confirmed by the restoration of the initial picture of infection. and interesting. In the Mid-Atlantic Ridge area and offshore
On the deepwater banks of the European continental slope Europe, fish of larger size (63-104 em) are infected by Auerbachia
where 19 species of parasites, including all the main species, were pulchra more severely than those offshore of North America
found in rock grenadiers, quantitative and qualitative changes also (55-73 cm). Additionally, the most severe infections in the first
were observed which allow delineation of three groupings of fish. two areas occur in fish from 70 to 95 cm long. About 80.0% of
The first grouping dwells in the area of the Bill Bailey's and Lousy fish infected by that microsporidian are distributed in the
Banks. The microsporidian Myxidium (noblei?) was not found in southern areas, i.e., those areas where fish of different groupings
fish of that grouping, nevertheless they were heavily infected by were mixed (as was mentioned above). Offshore of North
the microsporidian Auerbachia pulchra (46.6%) and the mono- America, fish of the northern grouping are severely infected by
genean Diclidophora macruri (46.6%), and slightly infected by the this parasite (85.3%). The invasion [infection] decreases to the
microsporidians Myxidium melanostigmum (26.6%) and Myxidium south but, nevertheless, remains high enough (48.8-60%). Exactly
melanocetum (22.2%). Infection by other parasites was very low the same picture may be observed in fish dwelling on the conti-
and did not exceed 13.3%. The trematode [digeneid] Paraccacla- nental slope of Europe. But, on the contrary, infection by Auer-
dium jamiesoni was not found in fish of the second grouping, bachia pulchra in fish of the Mid-Atlantic Ridge decreases from
dwelling on the northern part of Hatton Bank and on George Bligh south to north. Additionally, it is peculiar that in this area the
Bank. Though fish of that grouping were quite heavily infected by percentage of infected fish does not exceed 6.6 to 20.0% during
Myxidium melanostigmum (50.0%) and Auerbachia pulchra the winter period, but in summer the number of infected fish in-
(40.0%), invasion by Myxidium melanocetum was less severe creases and reaches 57.1% in August. Minimal invasion (13.3-
(33.3%). Invasion by other species of parasites was slight. The 20.0%) by Auerbachia pulchra in fish dwelling on the continental
third grouping of fish is distinguished by the absence of the slope of Europe is observed in summer, and in winter the percen-
cestode Phillobytos atlanticus. Nevertheless, it is heavily infected tage of infected fish substantially increases and reaches 53.3% in
by Auerbachia pulchra and less infected by Myxidium melanostig- the northern part of the area. We relate the fluctuations in rock
mum (33.3%) and Myxidium melanocetum (33.3%). This grouping grenadier infection by Auerbachia pulchra to the fact that rock
dwells on the southern part of Hatton Bank and on Porcupine grenadier from offshore of North America, where the level of
Bank. This particular grouping had the most permanent character- infection by this microsporidian is constant and high, migrate to
istics in winter when duplicated investigations did not expose the southern areas of the Mid-Atlantic Ridge and also to the
[disclose] any substantial qualitative and quantitative changes of northern areas of the continental slope of Europe.
the parasitic fauna. Sucfl\changes were marked in summer when The observed regularities in rock grenadier invasion [infection]
the percentage of fish of the first grouping infected by Parac- by the cestode Phillobytos atlanticus support this supposition. In
cacladium jamiesoni increased abruptly (53.3%). Invasion of the the summer of 1973, 14.9% of dissected and examined fish from
fish by other parasites was almost unchanged. the Mid-Atlantic Ridge were invaded by this parasite. Worms of
In fish of the second grouping, infection by Myxidium melano- from 4 to 10 cm long, with well-developed sexual complexes,
stigmum and M. melanocetum increased still more (73.3 and were found in the fish. In a year, Phillobytos atlanticus were not
found in fish of this area but were found in rock grenadier (19.8%) DUSHCHENKO, V. V.
caught in the North Newfoundland Bank area. The length of the 1979. Quick esterases phenotypes frequencies of the Hatton Bank rock grena-
worms was 2-3 cm and their sexual complexes were poorly devel- dier (Macrurus rupestris). In Biochimicheskaya i populyatsionnaya genetika
ryb, p. 54-57. [In Russ.]
oped. In the winter of 1974-75, Phillobytos at/anticus were found GAEVSKA YA, A. V.
in 15.3% of fish captured offshore of North America. These were 1975. Two new species of trematodes, Gonocera macrouri sp. n, and Hemiurus
very young worms, having lengths of from 2 mm to I cm. At the macrouri sp. n. from Macrurus rupestris of the North-East Atlantic. [In Russ.,
same time the percentage of fish infected by this cestode decreas- EngL summ.] Parasitology 9(5):457-459.
1979. On the taxonomic position of Hemiurus macrouri Gaevskaya, 1975
ed to 6.6% in the area of the North Newfoundland Bank, where it
(Trematoda: Hemiuridae). [In Russ., Eng I. summ.) Parasitology 13(3):
usually fluctuated between 19.8 and 33.3%. Finally, during the 269-270.
summer of 1975, Phillobytos at/anticus were found in fish dwell- GALAKTIONOV A, A. I.
ing on the Mid-Atlantic Ridge. A quite similar picture was observ- 1978. Intraspecific structure of rock grenadier (Coryphaenoides rupestris G.)
ed in 1976-77, in 1978-79, and in 1979-80 in the southern areas from the northern part of the Mid-Atlantic Ridge. [In Russ.] Synopsis of
thesis for a candidate's degree. Sevastopol, p. 1-24.
of Hatton Bank. Disappearance and appearance of Phillobytos
at/anticus in rock grenadier from the eastern areas of the North
1959. Investigations of the subdivisions of North Sea whiting population. II.
Atlantic are evidently cyclic in nature. It should be added that Some observations on gall-bladder Protozoa in North Sea whiting. ICES,
cyclic recurrence is observed also in infections of fish by Auer- Near Northern Seas Committee, p. 36.
bachia pu/chra. 1963. Parasites as biological tags. ICNAF, Spec. PubL 4(6):31-37.
From these findings we may suppose that rock grenadier migra- 1967. Whiting stocks and their gall-bladder parasites in British waters.
Mar. Res. 2:5-11.
tions from the coast of North America have a 2-yr cycle, KONOV ALOV, S. M.
apparently. The fact that during some years fish of the eastern 1971. Differentiation of sockeye salmon local stocks. [In Russ.] Izdatelstovo
areas were not infected by Phillobytos at/anticus indicates that the "Nauka," M., p. 1-229.
main breeding ground of invasion by this cestode is in the North MARSHALL, N. B.
Atlantic and the parasite is brought to the Mid-Atlantic Ridge by 1965. Systematic and biological studies of the macrourid fishes (Anacanthini-
migrating fish. The same thing relates also to the microsporidian Teleostii). Deep-Sea Res. 12:299-322.
MOSER, M., E. R. NOBLE, and R. S. LEE.
Myxidium (nob/ei?) infection which decreases from west to east.
1976. The genus Myxidium (Protozoa: Myxosporida) in macrourid fishes. J.
According to the data of Gaevskaya (1979), exactly the same pic- ParasitoL 62:685-689.
ture is observed in fish infected by G/omericirrus macrouri. NOBLE, E. R., J. D. ORIAS, and T. D. RODELLA.
Thus, the results obtained allowed us to discover that in the 1972. Parasitic fauna of the deepsea fish, Macrourus rupestris (Gunnerus)
from Korsfjorden, Norway. Sarsia 50:47-50.
areas investigated the rock grenadier forms local groupings [popu-
lations] which mix with each other during certain periods. The ODHNER, T.
1911. Zum naturlichen System der digenen Trematoden. II. ZooL Anz. 37:
peculiarities of rock grenadier distribution and differences in their
invasion by Auerbachia pu/chra and Phillobytos at/anticus, and by SCHULMAN, S. S.
some other parasites, show the interrelation between fish dwelling 1950. Fish parasites of the Latvian water basins. [In Russ.] Tr. Gel'mintoL
near the coast of North America, on the Mid-Atlantic Ridge, and Lab. A.S. USSR 4:278-281.
1956. Parasitic fauna of the White Sea herring, smelt and navaga. [In Russ.]
on the continental slope of Europe. Considering these data, the
Tr. Karelo-finsk. FiL A.S. USSR, 4, Ser. ParasitoL, p. 50-67.
scheme of rock grenadier migrations proposed earlier (Zubchenko
1976) should be clarified or modified as follows: Rock grenadier
1961. Parasitological tags for redfish of the western North Atlantic. Rapp.
larvae are carried by the North Atlantic Current to the northern P.-V. Reun. Cons. Perm. Int. Explor. Mer 150:111-117.
areas of the Ridge where some of the larvae settle. The rest reach SPROSTON. N. G.
Davis Strait with the western branch of the Current and there 1946. A synopsis of the monogenetic trematodes. Trans. Zoo!. Soc. Lond.
become distributed along the Canadian coast. As the rock grena- 25: I 85-600.
dier [individuals] grow, they move to the Grand Newfoundland 1975. Zum Befall von Macrourus rupestris (Gunnerus) aus dem Bereich von
Bank and Flemish Cap Bank whence they migrate to the Mid- Labrador mit digenen Trematoden. Wiss. Z. Pad. Hochsch. Liselotte-
Atlantic Ridge and Hatton Bank areas where their main spawning Hermann Gustrow. Math.-naturwiss. Fa. 2:225-231.
grounds are situated. Two spawning areas may be identified on the TEMPLEMAN, W.
Mid-Atlantic Ridge, the southern area, where fish from the Cana- 1967. Adult redfish, Sebastes mentella, pelagic over oceanic depths in the
dian coast spawn, and the northern one, where the main part of Labrador Sea. J. Fish. Res. Board Can. 24:1275-1290.
the grouping consists of repeat spawners. Also there are reasons to
1960. On locality of red fish stocks in the Newfoundland and Labrador areas.
suppose that fish from the northern areas of the Mid-Atlantic [In Russ.] Sovet. Rybokhoz. Issled. v Moryah Evropeysk. Severa. M., p.
Ridge migrate to the European banks areas. Spawned-out fish do 299-307.
not return to the Canadian coast, but remain in the eastern areas of 1962. Parasites as indicators of redfish stocks. [In Russ.] Sovet. Rybokhoz.
Issled. v Moryah Evropeysk. Severa. M., p. 273-283.
the North Atlantic.
YOSHINO, T. P., and E. R. NOBLE.
1973. Myxosporida in macrourid fishes of the North Atlantic. Can. J. Zoo!.
1979. A polymorphic system of muscular esterases, ecologic structure of 1970. Distribution and biological characteristics of rock grenadier (Macrurus
settling and investigation of species structure of rock grenadier (Macrurus rupestris) from the Davis Strait in August-September, 1969.ln Sovremennoe
rupestris Gunn.). In Biochimicheskaya i populyatsionnaya genetika ryb, p. sostoyanie biologicheskoy produktivnosti i syryievych biologicheskih
58-63. [In Russ.1 resursov Mirovogo okeana i perspecktivy ih ispolzovaniya, p. 146-154. [In
BERLAND, B. Russ.] Kaliningrad.
1961. Nematodes from some Norwegian marine fishes. Sarsia 2:1-50. ZUBCHENKO, A. V.
BRAY, R. A., and D. I. GIBSON. 1975. On the parasitic fauna of the North Atlantic Macrourids. [In Russ.]
1977. The Accacoeliidae (Digenea) of fishes from the North-East Atlantic. Tr. Pol. N.-iss!. in-ta Morsk. Rybn. Khoz. i Oceanogr. 35:234-238.
Bull. Br. Mus. (Nat. Hist.) ZooL 31 :51-99. 1976. On the existence of a single population of rock grenadier (Macrouris
rupestris Gunner.) in the Northwest Atlantic in the light of parasitologic data. ZUBCHENKO, A. V., and V. K. KRASIN.
[In Russ.] Kr. Theses Dokl. " Vsesoyuzn. Sympos. po Parasitam i Bolezn. 1980. Myxosporidia of the genus Myxidium in some macrurids from the
Ryb i Morsk. Zhivotnyh. Kaliningrad, p. 29-30. Northern Atlantic and Pacific. [In Russ.] Parasitology 14(2):168-176.

Parasitofauna of the Fishes of the
Falkland-Patagonian Region


Parasitological research of fish from the Falkland-Patagonian region was carried out during the period
1972-80. As a result, the number of known parasite species [from the area) has been increased from 129 to 206
and the number of fish species studied parasitologicaDy increased from S3 to 64. The degree of study of each
group of parasites is shown. Tbe inadequacy of research on the elUates, myxosporldians, microsporldians,
monogeneans, and parasitic copepods is noted. Some 30% of tbe fish species in the region have not yet been
examined for parasites.

INTRODUCTION reported coccidian from clupeoids of the Atlantic and Pacific

The Falkland-Patagonian Shelf region is a part of the South Thirty-one species of 14 genera of Myxosporidia were found.
American notal area and covers the shelf and continental slope of Five species (Zschokkella meglitschi, Z. globulosa, Davisia
the southern extremity of South America. The region is subject to newfoundlandia, Parvicapsula asymmetrica, and Auerbachia
the influence of two currents: A cold Falkland Current running pulchra) were new locality records, and nine representatives of the
from the south, northward, and manifesting itself especially over genera Zschokkella, Myxoproteus, Myxidium, Sphaeromyxa,
the shelf, on the slope, and at great depths; and a warm, southward Ceratomyxa, and Kudoa turned out to be new to science. Our
Brazil Current over parts of the shelf from 50 to 300 m deep. Mix- discovery of so many new species (30% of the total) indicates that
ing of the cold and warm waters of these currents, which occurs the study of this group of parasites in the southwestern Atlantic
approximately at lat. 45 aS, results in the formation of highly pro- had been given little attention.
ductive zones there. Based upon their distribution pattern, all Myxosporidia can be
The ichthyofauna is rather scanty on the shelf in terms of classified as follows: I) Those associated exclusively with the
species composition. According to Hart (1946), the shelf is usual- Falkland-Patagonian region, and 2) those occurring in other areas
ly inhabited by 95 fish species. The northern part, with warmer of the World Ocean. The first group is rather numerous and in-
water, produces a subtropical fauna similar to that in the Mediter- volves 24 species, or 77% of the total number. This is partly due to
ranean, while the southern waters are dominated by representa- the endemism of the fish harboring these parasites and to their
tives of cold-loving fauna-notothenoids, gadoids, etc. Due to the rather limited host-specificity, and to a certain extent, to the
proximity of the shelf to Atlantic waters, many fish species there paucity of information on oceanic Myxosporidia.
are common to those occurring in the Antarctic region. A second group, consisting of seven species, is basically associ-
With regard to the above-mentioned faunistic, ecological, and ated with deepwater fishes and usually occurs with its hosts all
hydrographical pecularities of the Falkland-Patagonian region, as over the region. So, Z. meglitschi, Z. globulosa, D. newfoundlandia,
well as to the poor knowledge of the fish parasitofauna there, we and M. coryphuenvidium found on the shelf have been reported
conducted parasitological studies of the most abundant fish from Macrouridae in many areas of the World Ocean. Regarding
species of the region in 1972-75. Z. globulosa, this species is likely to possess a rather high
This study increased the number of fish species examined for ecological valency, because it has been found in both the urinary
all parasites from 53 to 64, and the number of parasite species bladders and the gallbladders of many sea fishes belonging to dif-
reported from these fishes was 206 compared with the previous ferent taxonomic groups (i.e., Macrouridae, Cottidae, Tetraodon-
record of 129. tidae, and Heteropneustidae) (Kovaliova and Gaevskaya in litt.).
Since no analytical report on the extent of parasitism on the Auerbachia pulchra, described from Macrouridae of the North
fishes of the Falkland-Patagonian region has been available until Atlantic and California waters, was also reported from the shelf.
now, an attempt will be made in this presentation to analyze the The presence of P. asymmetrica in Macrourus holotrachys of the
parasitofauna of the fish of the region under study based on per- southwest Atlantic is noteworthy, because the only host ever
sonal and literary data. known to harbor this parasite was the lumpfish, Cyclopterus lum-
First of all, the absence of any evidence of the availability pus, in the White Sea (Schulman 1953). There has been no indica-
[presence] of the protozoan parasites such as haemogregarines and tion of P. asymmetrica infecting fish of other Atlantic regions;
trypanosomes should be noted. Coccidia were represented by a therefore, its migration routes to southern waters are not clear yet.
single species, Eimeria clupearum, reported from the mackerel, This group of widely spread species probably also includes
Scomber colias (Evdokimova 1973). This species is a commonly Chloromyxum ovatum reported from the blue shark, Prionace
glauca, (Kuznetzova 1977) and certain other Pacific sharks
(Jameson 1929, 1931).
I Atlantic Scientific Research Institute of Marine Fisheries and Oceanography Microsporidia were represented by a single species, Nosema
(AtlantNIRO). Kaliningrad. U.S.S.R. ovoideum, found in the Ii ver of Patagonian hake, Merluccius hubb-

si (Reimer and Jessen 1974; personal data). The paucity of the trematodes from 10 families. Some of them, Grubea cochlear,
species composition of the Microsporidia fauna suggests that the Anthocotyle merluccii, Heterobothrium affinis, Kuhnia scombri, and
study of parasites of this group has not been given due attention. Diclidophora minor, are very common in Atlantic waters and their
The Infusoria fauna includes three species of the genus Tricho- area of distribution is closely associated with that of their hosts.
dina, two of which were found only on the shelf. The third, T. So, G. cochlear and K. scombri have been reported only from the
oviducti, reported from four species of skates, also on the shelf northern shelf, where their hosts (mackerels) occur, and A. merluc-
(Evdokimova et al. 1969), was first described from Barents Sea cii and D. minor migrate considerably further to the south with
skates (Polianski 1955). their hosts-hakes and poutassou.
Trematoda [Digenea] is the most numerous group of parasites At present, Neogrubea soni, Tribuliforus salilotae, and Mega-
of fish of the Falkland-Patagonian region, numbering 50 species locotyloides patagonicus are recorded only on the shelf and,
of 96 genera of 16 families. The families Hemiuridae, Derogeni- evidently, are endemic species (Gaevskaya and Kovaliova 1975).
dae, Lepocreadiidae, and Fellodistomidae have the highest variety Pseudobenedenia nothothenia and Neopavlovskioides georgian us
[largest number] of species. The life cycle of trematodes of the are two species of the Antarctic fauna that have reached as far as
first two families is closely related to that of planktophagic fishes, the shelf. The banks of the South Antilles Ridge is the most likely
which show a rather large extent of invasion [infection] (about 50 path of migration of such species as tooth fish, Dissostichus
species per fish). Lepocreadiids and fellodistomids generally use eleginoides, which are the host of the above parasites. Toothfish
benthic invertebrates as second intermediate hosts and infect are caught at depths to 200 m, and the depths of the banks vary
fishes inhabiting the near-bottom layer which feed on those between 300 and 1,200 m. Although the shelf is separated from
invertebrates. The same trematode species can be found in fish the subantarctic zone of the Atlantic Ocean by considerable
belonging to different taxonomic groups, but using similar items depths and the powerful Antarctic Current, the Antarctic Counter-
of diet. For example, Elytrophalloides oatesi (family Hemiuridae) current, passing at great depths and overlapping the southern ex-
were present in Macrouridae, Gadoidae,Notothenia, Gobiidae, etc. tremity of the Falkland-Patagonian shelf, may promote the migra-
The availability of numerous endemic forms (30% of the total tion of deepwater fishes to a certain extent. This might have been
number of species) is a characteristic feature of the trematode one of the routes taken by Macruricotyle claviceps to appear in this
fauna of the region, which is evidently related to the distribution region from the Indian Ocean (Gaevskaya and Kovaliova 1977).
of the first intermediate hosts, the mollusks, which have a limited Fishes of the southwest Atlantic harbor few hyrocotilids, only
host-specificity for trematodes. three species having been reported from a number of Chondrich-
Additionally, the hydrographical peculiarities of the shelf may thyes fishes at different times (Kuznetzova 1974; MacDonagh
prevent the settling of the host mollusks in new oceanic areas. 1927; Mendivil-Herrera 1946). Usually, these parasites are not
The species composition of the trematode [digeneid] fauna strictly associated with a certain locality but occur all over the
includes Stephanostomum lineatum, Lepocreadium trullaforme, distribution area of their hosts.
Brachyphallus parvus, Dissosaccus gravidus, and Aponurus lagun- Cestodes form one of the most numerous groups of parasites of
cula occurring in the coastal Atlantic waters off of Europe and Falkland-Patagonian shelf fishes-32 species of 22 genera. The
North America, and such species as Monascusfiliformis, Opechona overwhelming majority of mature forms, 17 species, was found in
orientalis, Ectenurus virgula, Derogenes varicus, Gonocerca spp., Chondrichthyes fishes with just 4 species in teleosts. The latter
and Otodistomum spp. are widely distributed in many areas of the also yielded seven more larval cestodes whose mature stages have
World Ocean. not yet been observed on the shelf although developing in cartila-
The explanation for the presence of elements of Antarctic ginous fishes.
origin on the shelf appears to be based on the proximity of the The predominance of cestodes in cartilaginous fishes is not
shelf and the Antarctic. These are: Elytrophalloides oatesi, casual [or accidental] considering the phylogenetic correlation
Lecithaster australis, Lepidapedon antarcticus, and Opechona existing between the development of this class of parasites and
magnatestis. that of Chondrichthyes. A long-standing "parasite-host" system
It is highly possible that more extensive penetration of the Ant- with these helminths has resulted in their rather limited host-
arctic species onto the shelf is prevented by the regions [distance specificity, which explains the great variety of the species com-
and hydrographic features] separating the shelf and the Antarctic. position of the cestode fauna of cartilaginous fishes to a certain
The trematode [digeneid] fauna of deepwater macrourids, M. extent. This factor is also responsible for the relative homogeneity
holotrachys and Coelorhynchus fasciatus, and the "deepwater of the cestode distribution among the cartilaginous fishes of the
dory," Allocyttus verrucosus, studied in 1975, is very peculiar. The World Ocean. Anthobothrium cornucopia, for example, has been
trematode species compositon on these fishes appears to be entire- reported from sharks of the southwest, northwest, and northeast
ly different from that on other fishes of the shelf and simulta- Atlantic, and Platybothrium auriculatum from sharks of the Atlan-
neously very similar to the trematode fauna of some bathyal fishes tic and Pacific coasts of South America, etc.
of the West African continental slope. There is an immediate dependence of the species composition
Only two species of aspidogastrids, Lobatostoma ringens and of the cestode fauna in some species of cartilaginous fishes and
Taeniocotyle elegans, were reported respectively from Oncopterus their feeding patterns: The wider the spectrum of the fish feeding,
darvini from the northern part of the shelf (Szidat 1961) and from the higher the variety of species composition of their cestode
the chimaera (Kuznetzova 1974). The first species is characteris- fauna; and, the higher the feeding rate the higher the invasion in-
tic of the subtropical and tropical waters of the western Atlantic, tensity [intensity of infection] (Kuznetsova 1975).
and the second occurs along both coasts of the Atlantic. Infestation of teleosts with larval cestodes of Chondrichthyes
Monogenean trematodes [Class Monogenea] amount to 26 shows wide fluctuations, which most likely depend on the place
species of 2 genera. Of those, 12 species parasitize Chon- occupied by these fish in the life cycles of their parasites. Conse-
drichthyes fishes, of which 9 species were recorded only in the quently, according to our data, larval Grillotia erinaceus were
southwest Atlantic. Teleosts of the shelf yielded 14 monogenean reported from 5.1% of poutassou, Micromesistius australis, (at an

invasion intensity of 2 to 42 parasites per fish), 15% of toothfish known at the beginning of the study by 40%. It has become clear
(I 10 12 parasites per fish), 6% of hakes (I to 2 parasites per fish), that the representatives of many parasitic groups, in particular In-
etc. fusoria, Microsporidia, Myxosporidia, Monogenea, and Cope-
Out of seven acanthocephalan species recorded in the southwest poda, require much more careful investigation. Besides, over 30%
Atlantic, five species infecting the fish were at mature and two at of the fish [residing in the area] have never been analyzed for
larval stages. Echinorhynchus gadi (in six out of nine SaLiLota parasitological infestation, and over 20% of the fish have been
austraLis dissected) and Corynosoma humanni in Notothenia ramsai studied only poorly. Therefore, it can be suggested that as a result
(in I 1.5% of the fish) were found in this area for the first time. of further parasitological studies of the fish of this region, the
The first parasite is very common in Atlantic and Pacific Oceans, number of parasite species will increase to 350-400. For com-
and the second occurs in antarctic and subantarctic waters. Two parison, it can be mentioned that fishes of the northwest Atlantic
acanthocephalan species, Aspersentis johni and Hypoechinorhyn- have yielded over 600 species of parasites.
chus mageLLanicus, are endemics in these regions.
The nematode fauna was represented by 15 species of II
genera, Ascarophis nototheniae and Contracaecum oscuLatum being LITERATURE CITED
reported from the shelf for the first time. The first species is
characteristic of antarctic and subantarctic waters (Johnston and 1944. Copepodos parasitos de peces y Cetaceos del Museo Argentino de
Mawson 1945; Gaevskaya and Kovaliova 1975) and the larvae of Ciencias naturales. Ann. Mus. Arg. Cienc. Nat. 41: 193-230.
the second species were found in the fishes of the White, Barents, EVDOK[MOVA. E. B.
1973. Parasitofauna of the food fishes (Pisces: Teleostei) from the Patagonian
Norwegian, and North Seas (Walter 1979). When describing lar-
shelf. [In Russ.) Kaliningrad-Leningrad.
val Contracaecum from antarctic and subantarctic fishes the EVDOK[MOV A, E. B., I. G. KUZNETOZOV A, and G. A. STE[N.
investigators (Johnston and Mawson 1945; Kagei and Watanuki 1969. Parasitic ciliates of the family Urceloariidae (Peritricha, Mobilia) from
1975; Leiper and Atkinson 1915) noted a quite definite similarity some fishes of the southwest Atlantic. [In Russ., Eng!. summ.) Zoo!. Zh. 48:
between some of these larvae and C. oscuLatum. Careful compari- 1451-1454.
son between morphometric characters of the larvae found by the
1975. Diseases of Atlantic food fishes. [In Russ.) Kaliningrad, p. 1-[24.
authors and larval C. oscuLatum (Walter 1979) indicated a com- 1977. Special features of Monogenea fauna from the southwest Atlantic. [In
plete identity. We found these nematodes in poutassou (12% of Russ.) [ssled. Faun. Monogenea in SSSR, p. 120-124.
fish), hakes (7.8%), macrourids, M. hoLotrachys (1.7%), and GAEVSKAYA, A. V., A. A. KOVALIOVA, and V. M. TITAR.
1980. Study of parasitic copepods to solve some problems of phylogeny and
tooth fish (2.7%).
zoogeography of Atlantic hakes (Pisces: Merluccidae). [In Russ.) Tr. Nauch.
Among nematodes reported from the southwest Atlantic, 12 Konf. Parazit. URSS 1:134-135.
species-or 80% of the total number-are characterized by a wide HART, T. i.
geographical distribution and occur in many regions of the World 1946. Report on trawling surveys on the Patagonian Continental Shelf. Dis-
Ocean. This circumstance, however, is also indicative of a poor covery Rep. 23:223-408.
knowledge of the nematode fauna of the given region.
1929. Myxosporidia from California fishes. J. Parasito!. 16:59-68.
In the available literature we have not found any data concern- 1931. Notes on Californian Myxosporidia. J. Parasito!. 18:59-69.
ing the leeches infecting Falkland-Patagonian fishes. The only JOHNSTON, T. H., and P. M. MAWSON.
leech, found on a toothfish, was considered to be a representative 1945. Parasitic nematodes. B.A.NZ. Antarct. Res. Exped. Rep. 1929-31,
Ser. B, 5:73-159.
of the genus IchthyobdeLLa.
Parasitic copepods are rather numerous, numbering 32 species 1975. On the parasites of fishes from the Antarctic Ocean. Antarct. Rec. 54:
of 19 genera. Twenty species were reported from cartilaginous 84-93.
fishes and 13 species from teleosts. (CaLigus eLongatus was present KUZNETOZOV A, I. G.
in both types of hosts.) Most copepods are not strictly specific to 1974. Parasitofauna of elasmobranch fishes from the Patagonian shelf. [In
Russ.) Kaliningrad-Leningrad.
their hosts, their dispersion being exclusively stipulated [control-
1975. Special features of the cestodofauna of sharks from the Patagonian
led] by ecological factors. However, the range of some species shelf and Northwest Atlantic.[In Russ.) Problemy Parazit. Kiev 1:282-283.
such as Trifur tortuosus and Chondracanthus paLpifer is limited to 1977. Myxosporidians of Chondrostei from the Patagonian shelf. (In Russ.]
the region of distribution of their hosts, and they do not occur in Parazitologiya (Leningr.) 11:84-87.
LE[PER, R., and S. ATK[NSON.
other areas nor on other hosts. The data on the presence of the
1915. Parasitic worms with a note on a free-living nematode. Br. Mus. (Nat.
above-mentioned copepods on the Chilean hake, M. gayi, (Brian Hist.) Zoo!. 2(3):19-60.
1944) in the Buenos Aires region are incorrect. The mistake was MacDONAGH, E. J.
most likely introduced during identification of the host. It is 1927. Parasitos de peces comestibles. III. Dos cestodarios: Gyrocoryle rugosa
known that M. gayi does not occur in that region (Hart 1946). del "Pez gallo" y Gyrocoryle maxima n. sp. del "Gatuso." La Semana
Medica, Buenos Aires 34:1232-1235.
Evidence of the occurrence of parasitic crustaceans, BrachieLLa
Lageniformis, Ch. paLpifer, and Ch. merLuccii in hakes (M. hubbsi) 1946. Gyrocoryle meandrica n. sp., del intestino espiral de pez gallo, Callo-
of the southwest Atlantic was used to study the evolution of this rhynchus callorhynchus (L.). Communicac. Zoolog. del Museo de Historia
species (Gaevskaya et aI. 1980). de Montevideo 2(36):1-12.
Parasitic isopods of southwest Atlantic fish are few-three
1955. Parasites of fish of the Barents Sea. [In Russ.] Tr. Zoo!. Inst. Leningr.
NerociLa and one Aega species (Szidat 1955, 1961; Trilles 1975). 19:5-[70.
SUMMARY 1974. Ein Beitrag zur Parasitenfauna von Merluccius hubbsi Marini. Wiss.
Z. Pad. Hochsch. "Liseloune-Hermann" Gustrow. Math.-naturwiss. Fak. 2:
As a result of the study conducted by the authors of this paper, a
total of 206 species of parasites were harvested [collected] from 1953. New and linle known Myxosporidia of the While Sea. [In Russ., Eng!.
Falkland-Patagonian fish, which exceeds the number of species summ.) Zoo!. Zh. 32(3):384-393.

SZIDAT, L. Meinert, 1881. Gemes Ani/oera Leach, 1818, et Nuoei/a Leach, 1818.
1955. La fauna de parasitos de "Merluccius hubbsi." Cienc. Zool. 3(1): I-54. Bull Mus. NatI. Hist. Nat. 290:303-345.
1961. Versuch einer Zoogeographie des Sud-Atlantic mil Hilfe von Leitpara·
siten der Meeresfiche. Parasitol. Schriftenr. 13:1-98. WALTER. E. D.
TRILLES, J. P. 1979. Occunence of larval eontracaecum osculotum (Nematoda, Ascaridata)
1975. Les Cymothoidae (lsopoda, Flabellifera) des collections du Museum in !be White Sea fishes. [In Russ.) Naucbn. DoH Vyssh. Shk. BioI. Nauki
National d'Histoire Naturelle de Paris. II. Les Anilocridae Schioedte et U:52-58.

Parasitofauna of Fishes of the Whale Ridge


Forty-six species of parasites were found in 13 fish species from the Wbale Ridge area. Tbe myxosporidlan
fauna was represented by 13 species of 6 genera found in 6 fisb species. Monogeneans numbered four species of
four genera in tbree fish species. Tbe cestode fauna was represented by larval Gymnorhynch~s gigas. Tbe
trematode [dlgeneid) fauna numbered eigbt species of six genera and was reported from eigbt host species.
Nematodes of eigbt species of six genera were reported from eigbt flsb species. Two genera of acantbocepbalans
were found in tbree bost species. The parasitic copepod fauna was represented by six species of four genera
found in tbree fisb species.

Four hundred and sixty-seven specimens of 13 species of fish fish and boarfish, and frostfish over 100 cm in length practically
were examined for parasite infection from 1976 to 1978 in the cannot be used for food.
Whale Ridge area. Simultaneously, the method of incomplete The trematode [Digenea] fauna numbers eight species of eight
parasitological dissection was used to examine 768 specimens of 6 genera recovered from six fish species. Some of the trematodes
species of fish. In all, 46 parasite species were recorded. discovered (i.e., Paraeeacladium sp., Lampritrema mieseheri, and
Myxosporidia were represented by 13 ~pecies of 6 genera (Coe- Monilieaeeum sp.) use these fish as additional hosts, and others
eomyxa, Ceratomyxa, Alataspora, Parvieapsula, Myxidium, and (representatives of the genera Opeehona, Lepidapedon, Podocotyle,
Sphaeromyxa) found in 6 fish species. The majority of species and Leeithophyllum) as final hosts. The species composition of the
turned out to be new to science, which indicates that the knowl- trematode fauna is especially wide in large fish (i.e., four species)
edge of these parasites from southern latitudes is poor. The genus which, perhaps, can be related to a rich food spectrum of the
Ceratomyxa is notable for a wide specific variety (5 species), the latter.
representatives of which are generally large forms, 0.5 mm thick Eight species of nematodes of six genera (Ascarophis, Spin i-
(Gaevskaya and Kovaliova 1980). Myxosporidia of other genera teetus, Piscillania, Cucullanus,Contraeaeeum, and Anisakis) were
are characterized by small sizes, nevertheless, all are well-adapted reported from eight fish species. In terms of frequency of occur-
to parasitism in bathypelagic fish species. rence, larval nematodes of the genus Anisakis, represented by three
Most Myxosporidia species (five) were recorded in Beryx with a different types, predominated.
certain regularity in their distribution over the ridge. Therefore, it The acanthocephalan fauna was very poor (two species of the
is suggested that these parasites be used as "tags" in the study of genera Bolbosoma and Rhadinorhynehus) were reported from three
Beryx populations (Kovaliova and Gaevskaya 1980). fish species at a low infection level only.
Monogeneans were represented by four species of four genera Parasitic copepods were also recorded in three fish species and
(Neodipleetanotrema, Winkenthughesia, Microeotyle, and Proto- were represented by six species of four genera: Sareotaces,
mieroeotyle) and recorded in three fish species with rather high in- Periplexis, Lophoura, and Braehiella. Noteworthy is the infestation
dices of infection. For example, the infection of frostfish with W. [infection] of the muscles of macrourids by large crustaceans, Sar-
australis is as high as 93%. The absence of W. australis from the cotaees, of 3 cm in length, resulting in specific swellings of the
Namibian Shelf can be noted, which along with other evidence fish's body surface.
indicates that there is no correlation [contact] between the frost- Undoubtedly, the results we obtained are preliminary and in-
fish in these two areas. dicate that further parasitological studies are needed in this area.
The absence of mature cestode forms from the fish examined is
typical of the cestode fauna of the area. However, larval cestodes LITERATURE CITED
(Gymnorhynehus gigas) were reported from the muscles of frost-
1980. New species of giant myxosporidians from the Atlantic bathypelagic
fishes. [In Russ., Eng!. summ.] Zoo!. Zh. 57:942-944.
1980. Special features of the parasitofauna of the deep-water fishes of the
1 Atlantic Scientific Research Institute of Marine Fisheries and Oceanography Atlantic Ocean, using Alfonsino (Beryx splendens) as an example. [In Russ.]
(AtlantNIRO), Kaliningrad, U.S.S.R. Tr. Nauch. Konf. Parail., "Naukova dumka." Kiev, p. 132-134.

Parasitic Fauna of the Fishes of the Atlantic Part of
the Antarctic (South Georgia Island and
South Shetland Isles)


Five hundred and thirty-eight specimens of 21 fish species were examined for parasites off South Georgia
Island and Elephant Island (South Shetland Islands) during the period 1972 to 1979. The .parasitofauna of the
fishes from these areas is compared. Twenty-two species of parasites appeared to be common. The greatest
number of species of parasites (19) was reported from the toothfish, Dissaslichus eleginaides, which is a large
predator, capable of accumulating the parasites of other fishes.

During I 972 to I 975 and I 978 -79, 538 specimens of 21 fish all parasites with a direct life cycle recovered from the fishes of
species were examined for parasites off South Georgia Island and this region. Neopavlovskioides georgianus, reported from the South
Elephant Island of a group of South Shetland Islands situated in Georgia area from the Patagonian tooth fish (Kovaliova and Gaev-
the Atlantic Ocean south of the Antarctic convergence line. Fifty skaya 1977), was found in the Antarctic tooth fish off the South
species of parasites were found, among them 30 species off South Shetland Islands. Pseudobenedenoides antarcticus, recovered from
Georgia and 34 off Elephant Island. Nine species were reported Notothenia kempi in the South Georgia area and from the large-
from this area for the first time. eyed Notothenia off Derwood Bank, evidently does not penetrate
Myxosporidia were represented by three species, two of these into more southern latitudes. The notothenias of both South
being new to science (Ceratomyxa sp. and Neoparvicapsula Sp.2). Georgia and the South Shetland Islands were equally infected with
Kudoa alliaria, usually harbored by Southern poutassou of the Pseudobenedenia nototheniae. Diclidophora minor, which is widely
Falkland-Patagonian Shelf, were reported from the same host off distributed among the fishes of the genus Micromesistius of the
of the South Shetland Islands. It is worth noting that the species Atlantic, was recovered from southern poutassou off Elephant
composition of myxosporidia in the Atlantic part of the Antarctic Island.
is much more scanty than on the Shelf, the ratio being 3 to 31 The cestode fauna numbered seven species, without any trace of
species. adult forms. Larval Phyllobothrium sp., Lacistorhynchus tenuis, and
Trematodes [Digenea] were most numerous. A total of 14 Scolex pleuronectis, occurring in both investigated areas, were
species was found, 10 off South Georgia and 11 off Elephant most common. Dyphillobothrium sp. individuals were found ex-
Island. The families Opecoelidae and Lepocreadiidae (Plagioporus clusively in the South Shetland Islands area in the body cavity and
pennelli, Neolebouria georgianus, and Lepidapedon anlarcticus) stomach walls of seven fish species.
were most common. Postmonorchis variabile was first reported Eight acanthocephalan species were reported. Larval forms
from the South Georgia area (from the yellow Notothenia-2.6%, were represented by three species of the genus Corynosoma. Cory-
I sp.), and Glomericirrus macrouri (from Chionodraco kathleena- nosoma bullosum was predominant, heavily infecting 10 fish
1.6%, I sp.) and Lepidapedon sp. (from Notothenia kempi-6.6%, species in all regions. Corynosoma hamanni and C. singularis were
10 spp.) from the Elephant Island area. It may be of interest that found individually. Mature Aspersenthis megarhynchus were
Elytrophalloides oatesi, the most commonly reported parasite from reported from the marbled Notothenia of both the South Georgia
the fishes of the Falkland-Patagonian Shelf, South Georgia, and and Elephant Island areas, as were Echinorhynchus sp. from South
Shag Rocks (Kovaliova and Gaevskaya 1978; Zdzitowiecki 1978; Georgian toothfish and eelcods.
and the author's personal data), as well as of King George Island Nematodes were represented by four mature and five larval
(South Shetland Islands), were less numerous (Zdzitowiecki 1978) forms. Among mature nematodes, Ascarophis lIoto/henia and
and even absent from the Elephant Island area. Elytrophalloides Cucullanellus fraseri were most common, the latter being reported
oatesi, therefore, is associated with the sub-Antarctic waters and from eight fish species only from the South Georgia region. Larval
does not penetrate far to the south beyond the Antarctic conver- Terranova decipiens were recovered from 11 fish species all over
gence line. the region, and larval Contracaecum osculatum from 9 fish species
Unlike trematodes [digeneans], monogeneans have a less repre- off Elephant Island.
sentative variety of species (4), which, evidently, can be related to The fauna of parasitic leeches numbered two species of the
genus Cryobdella found on six fish species from South Georgia and
the Elephant Island area.
Parasitic crustaceans were represented by two species of the
I Atlantic Scientific Research Institute of Marine Fisheries and Oceanography
genus Brachiella reported from both regions.
(AtiantNIRO), Kaliningrad, U.S.S.R.
On the whole, the parasitic fauna of the fishes of South Georgia
'The species mentioned here have probably been described since the manuscript
was submitted in OClober 1981. The same is true of the genus Neoparvicapsu/a, also and the South Shetland Islands was very diverse in terms of
mentioned. species composition as well as zoogeographically. Comparison of

the parasitic fauna showed that 22 parasite species were common LITERATURE CITED
for South Georgia and Elephant Island fishes. The most diverse
species composition of parasites was reported from the toothfish KOVALIOVA, A. A., and A. V. GAEVSKAYA.
1977. Two new species of monogeneans, parasites of AnlarCtic fishes. [In
(D. eleginoides-19 species), which is a large predator capable of Russ., Eng!. summ.] Zoo!. Zh. 56:783-786.
accumulating parasites of other fishes. The degree of resemblance 1978. Ecological-geographical peculiarities of the tn:mlUodofauna of the
of the parasitic fauna (particularly of the species composition of fishes from the southwest Atlantic. [In Russ.) Abstracts of the 1st AII-
nematodes and cestodes) was considerably higher in the fishes of Union Meeting of Parasitocaeno!., Pollava, pt. 3:61-62.
the Elephant Island region than in the same hosts of the South
1980. The feeding of fishes of the families Nototheniidac and Chaenich·
Georgia region, which can be attributed to an increasing propor- thyidae on the shelves of the Antarctic Peninsula and the South Shetlands.
tion of krill in the diet of the fishes of the former region (Tarver- [In Russ.) J. Iehthyo!. 20:50-60.
dieva and Pinskaya 1980). ZDZITOWIECKI, K.
1978. Digenetic trematodes in alimentary tracts of fisbcs in South Georgia
and South Shetlands (Antarctica). Acta Ieh. Piscatoria 9:15-31.

On the Parasitofauna of Xiphioidea of the Northwest
Area of the Indian Ocean!

This report contains results of the parasitological studies of 16 The tapewonn, Bothriocephalus manubriformis, infects both
sailfishes, Istiophorus american us, 10 black marlins, Makaira sailfishes and marlins. Fistulicola plicata was found only in the
mazara, and 9 specimens of the swordfish, Xiphias gladius, caught swordfishes. Larvae of the cestode Trypanorhyncha gen. sp. infect
on longlines in the area of the Amirante and Comores Islands. all representatives of the Xiphioidea. The bothriocephalids were
Twenty-nine species of parasitic wonns were found in fishes of found in large numbers in the intestines and may obstruct the
the family Istiophoridae-13 species in the sailfishes and 16 intestinal passages of both sailfishes and marlins. As I observed,
species in black marlins. The swordfish (Xiphiidae) was infected Fistulicola plicata specimens may sometimes perforate the intes-
with eight species of helminths and parasitic copepods (Tables I, tinal walls of swordfish and enter their abdominal cavities.
2,3). The trematodes [digeneids] detected in sailfishes and marlins
Monogenetic trematodes of the subfamily Capsalinae,3 which belong to the families Hirudinellidae (one species) and Didymo-
are specific parasites of the Scombridae, are represented in the zoidae (four species), both fish species being infected by Meta-
Xiphioidea by such genera as Capsala Bosc, 1811; Tristomella didymozoon branchiale.
Price, 1960; Capsaloides (Veri II, 1875) Price, 1938; and Tristoma Nematodes are represented by the species Contracaecum histio-
Couvier, 1817. Capsala ovalis and representatives of the genus phorus and C. incurvum, typical of Xiphioidea.
Capsaloides live parasitically only in marlins. Capsalidae of the The parasitic copepods found in the Scombridae belong to the
genus Tristoma live in the gills of swordfish. Species of the genus families Lernaeidae and Caligidae. But if Gloipotes hut/oni is a
Tristomotella are found in the sailfishes and marlins. Tristoma coc- specific copepod living on the skin of Xiphioidea, then Pen ella
cineum generally parasitizes the gills of young specimens of the orthagorici also occurs in other Scombridae.
swordfish. Thus, the Xiphioidea fishes I studied show a strongly marked
specificity of the monogeneid helminthofauna for each host. At
the same time, a similarity is found in the composition of larvae of
1No Literature Cited section was supplied by the author. Cestoda, didymozoids, and parasitic copepods, which may be
'The Amv-Black Sea Research Institute of Marine Fisheries and Oceanography
(AzCherNIRO), U.S.S.R. accounted for by the similar ecology, pelagic habitat, common
'The systematics of this subfamily is given according to Price (1960). food items, and close phylogeny of these fishes.

Table l.-Parasltofauna of the sailfish, /sliophoTUS americanus.

Number of Number of Intensity of

Species fish dissected fish infected Localion infection

Trislomella price; 10 3 Snout, skin 1-4

(Hidalgo, 1959) Price, 1960 of the mouth
(=Capsala pricei)
Trislomella sp. 10 10 Skin, furrow 5-27
of the fin
Tristomella sp. 10 7 Skin. furrow 3-5
of the fin
Hirudinel/a [usca 10 2 Stomach 1-3
(Bose, 1802)
Metadidiymozoon branhia/e 10 2 Gill plates 18-94
Yamaguti, 1970
Unitubulotestis iSliophorus 10 Abdomen
Neodidiymozoon midistoma sp. 10 2 Operculum 2-4
Contracaecum histiophorus 10 1 Stomach 6
Yamaguti, 1935
Bothriocephalus manubrifonnis 10 10 Pyloric caeca, > 100
Linton, 1889 intestines
Tentacularia sp. larvae 10 2 Intestines, 5-8
Trypanorhyncha gen. sp. 10 8 Intestines, 12-37
larvae stomach
G/oipotes hUlloni 10 10 Skin, tail, 3-28
Thomson, 1889 fins
Penel/a or/hagorici 10 2 Skin
Wright, 1870

Table 2.-Parasitofauna of the black marlin, Makaira mazara.

Number of Number of Intensity of

Species fish dissected fish infected Location infection

Capsala avalis (Goto, (894) [6 16 Gill arches 2-54

Tristomella pricei (Hidalgo, (959) 16 2 Snout, skin of 1-2
Price, [960 (=Capsala pricei) mouth
Tristomella sp. 16 3 Skin [-[4
Capsaloides nairogi Yamaguti, 1968 16 2 Gill arches [-2
Capsaloides sp. 16 6 Gills, between [ [-137
gill arches
Hirudinella fusca (Bose, 1802) 16 4 Stomach [-3
Unitubulotestis malcairi [6 3 Body cavity 2
Nikolaeva and Dubina, [978
Wedlia submaxillaris (Yamaguti, 1970) [6 2 Gill filament 4-8
Niko[aeva. [978
Neodidymozoon macrostoma [6 3 Dursal fin, 4-6
Yamaguti, 1970 gill arches
Metadidymozoon branhiale [6 3 Gill plates 12-23
Yamaguti, 1970
Cantracaecum incurvum (Rud., 1819) 16 10 Stomach, intestine 2-97
Bay[is and Daubney, [922
Contracaecum sp. larvae 16 12 Serose coverings 1-24
of the internals
Bothriocephalus manubriformis 16 12 Intestine 14->100
Linton. 1889
Trypanorhyncha gen. sp. [arvae 16 7 Serose of body 12-29
Gliopotes hunoni Thomson, 18·89 16 14 Skin 14~76

Penella onhagorici"Wright, 1870 16 I Skin 2

Table 3.-ParasltofaUlla of the swordflsb, .XipftillS gilltlills.

Number of Number of Degree of

Species fish dissected fish infected Location infection

Tristoma coccineum Cuvier. 1817 9 2 Gills 8-34

Tristoma adintegrum Yamaguti, 1963 9 3 Gills 1-2
Fistulicola plicala Rudolfi. 1819 9 9 Intestine 14-32
Nybelinio sp. [arv..e 9 5 Stomach 3-11
Tryponorhyncha gen. sp. larvae 9 9 Stomach. intestine 7-35
Contracaecum incurvum (Roo., 1819) 9 I Stomach 12
Baylis and Daubney. 1922
Gloipotes huttoni Thomson, 1889 9 6 Skin 3-15
Pene/la onhagorici Wright, 1870 9 2 Skin I

Parasites as Indicators of Specific Features
of Fish Ecology


An analysis of tbe results of a number of investigations involving tbe use of parasite.indicators in studies of
fisb ecology was conducted. Using sawon species as an example we concluded tbat tbis approacb is very promis·
ing, not only for comparisons of ecology of closely related species, but also of interspecific forms and for studies
of tbe biology of populations (Isolates) and subpopulations (subisolates), as weD as of groups being formed
witbin subisolates.

Use of parasites to study the ecology of their hosts (fish) has a water periods of their lives. As did the previously mentioned
rather long history. Use of this method is possible only in cases scientists, S. M. Konovalov used parasites as indicators of local
where the life history of a parasite is well studied and the approxi- sockeye salmon stocks in 1971. It was found that by employing
mate circle of its intermediate hosts or place of infection (for not only the qualitative features (i.e., selected parasite species) but
parasites with direct cycles of development) is known. Even the also the quantitative ones (extensiveness and intensiveness of in-
first works of the Soviet parasitology school under V. A. Dogiel vasion), we were able to differentiate not only the complexes of
accomplished on sturgeons (Dogiel and Bykhovski 1939) and then isolates but some local stocks (isolates). In particular, we managed
on other marine and freshwater fishes (Shulman et al. 1959) to identify fish from Kurilskoye Lake (Kamchatka), but only at
showed the possibilities of such an approach to studies of host th~ first year of life, before they began mixing with American
ecology. As a result of using parasitological data and by tagging, stocks, and during their spawning migration. Combined with
Margolis and his' colleagues managed (Margolis et al. 1966) to ex- special features of scale structure, [these techniques] permitted us
plain the marine distribution and migration of sockeye salmon of to study the entire marine period of life of the local stock and to
the Asian and American stocks at the level of Bristol (all the understand the rules of distribution of the fish of Asian and
isolates are of the Bering Sea coast of Alaska) and Kamchatka American origin as well as of the different stocks in the high seas
isolate complexes (all the isolates are of Kamchatka Peninsula) during feeding and wintering. It was revealed that local sockeye
(Figs. 1,2). Investigations made by English and Canadian parasi- stocks, which are highly isolated during spawning, became mixed
tologists (Kabata 1963; Margolis 1965; Margolis et al. 1966) with each other during the feeding and wintering periods of their
which disclosed fundamental solutions were employed by marine [high seas] phase of life. S. M. Konovalov in cooperation
ichthyologists for practical conclusions. with I. B. Birman discovered the feeding and wintering sites as
The studies made by the authors indicated above on anadro- well as the feeding, wintering, and spawning migrations of differ-
mous salmons provided significant data on the marine and fresh- ent age groups of Kurilskoye Lake sockeye salmon (Fig. 3).
A number of proposals of practical importance for the regula-
tion [management] of sockeye fishing in the North Pacific was
made on the basis of these studies. Moreover, these works served
1 Pacific Research Institute of Fisheries and Oceanography (TINRO), Vladivostok,
U.S.S.R. to encourage studies of the sea [oceanic] period of other salmon
'Institute of Marine Biology and Far East Science Center, AS, U.S.S.R. [species] using ichthyological data as a basis. To date, much infor-

- - 1 ---2 - ' - 3 ----4 ~ S

~OO ---1 - - 2 ----3 -_----'--._ _--'--_ _-L_-,---!.I_ _--I l-_--l

150· f~O· 170· 180· 170· f60· 150· 11(0 0

f50° 160· f70· fBO· 170· f60· 150· f40·

Figure 2.-Dlstribulion of mature Alaskan and Kamcbatka sockeye salmon in

Figure I.-Distribution of immature Alaskan and Kamcbatka sockeye sawon in tbe Nortb Pacific (according to Margolis et al. 1%6). 1 = boundary of tbe areas
tbe Nortb Pacific (according to Margolis et al. 1%6). 1 = boundary of tbe areas of western Alaska sockeye; 2 = supposed boundary of tbe areas of western
of western Alaska sockeye; 2 = boundary of tbe areas of Kamcbatka sockeye; 3 Alaska sockeye; 3 = boundary of tbe areas of Kamcbatka sockeye; 4 = supposed
= supposed boundary of tbe areas of Kamcbatka sockeye; 4 = mixed areas. boundary of tbe areas of Kamcbatka sockeye; 5 = mixed areas.



,... --- ... , 2

... _ _ _ 6'

... -_.- :> J

c::> .
• rnmm s

E3 I



.. ~d~~'~

j)"_ 0
~ ~


,. ()
~ ~ "

11'4 .It 170
.--...... ~... "

Figure 3.-Distribution of various age groups of sockeye salmon of Lake Kurilskoye in the nortbern part of the Pacific
Ocean. 1 = distribution of juveniles in the autumn of the year of their downstream migration; 2 = distribution of sockeye
= =
following their first winter in the ocean; 3 following their second winter in the ocean; 4 following their third winter
in the ocean; 5 = distribution of sockeye in the autumn; 6 = in the spring.

mation on the biology of the sea [oceanic] phase of many Pacific [cestode] Eubothrium crassum can be found only on those fish
salmons has been obtained. which have migrated to the sea or estuary and serve as indicators
Analysis of the species composition of parasites enables one to of anadromous forms. This is especially important in cases in
determine the preferred food organisms (pelagic, benthic, etc.) which anadromous forms reside in freshwater over a long period
used by the fish species and forms under investigation. This is of time and do not differ in appearance (practically) from the river
especially important because the rapid digestion of food by fish as forms, as may be observed with char.
well as by other animals causes great difficulties in making judge- Parasitological analysis allowed us to distinguish wintering
ments of dietary types and preferences [from analysis of stomach anadromous, predaceous char in Lake Azabachye. Anadromous
contents]. Thus, the idea of sockeye as the exceptional plankto- and freshwater kundzha, Salvelinus kundzha, have different
phage (Foerster 1968) was clarified and supplemented as a result species of the cestode genus Eubothrium. Anadromous ones have
of parasitological analyses of sockeye juveniles (Konovalov E. crassum while those confined to the river have E. saLvelini. We
1971). It was found that besides plankton, the diet of sockeye may did not observe [find] both Cestoda species on these fishes simul-
consist of flying insects which fall into the water and their larvae, taneously. Moreover, it was found that anadromous forms differ,
as well as bottom invertebrates. a5 a rule, from freshwater ones by weaker infections of the fresh-
Also, we used the parasites to clearly distinguish the char water parasites typical for these fishes.
belonging to the various ecological groups of Lake Azabachye During growth and development most fish species change from
(Kamchatka). Thus, the cestodes Diphyllobothrium sp. and one diet type to another at ontogenesis. We managed to catch such
Eubothrium salvelini infect predaceous char and are absent on the a moment in char juveniles in Lake Azabachye only with help of
benthophagic [benthos feeders] ones (malma). We can distinguish parasite-indicators. Investigations of the age dynamics of their
between not only freshwater predators and benthophages with the parasitofauna, conducted by the authors, disclosed that a differ-
aid of Diphyllobothrium sp., but also the anadromous ones because ence between lacustrine and brook chars occurs even during their
the char retains its parasites during the time it is at sea as well. On first year, from an ecological point of view. Differentiation of
the other hand, Cyathocephalus truncatus may be observed on lacustrine juveniles into predators and benthophages takes place
mature benthophagic fish but is absent on predatory char of the during the second year of life (when the char attain body lengths
same size. This verifies the different feeding habits of these fishes. of 10 cm and more).
Very often it is difficult to distinguish the freshwater and Parasitological data provide not only qualitative characteristics
anadromous forms of char (of the genus Salvelinus), coho, of the composition of the food of fish but there have been some
Oncorhynchus kisutch, and sockeye, O. nerka. By examining the efforts to use parasites in the quantitative assessment of fish
parasitofauna of fish we may in many cases, using only one feeding (Kennedy 1969; Kuperman 1975). Thus, on the basis of
specimen, decide whether the fish has been to sea or not. Larval the data on contamination [by parasites], B. I. Kuperman deter-
Pelichnibothrium speciosum; the thorny-headed worms, Echino- mined the number of ruffes eaten by burbot in the Rybinskoye
rhynchus gadi and Bolbosoma caenoforme; and the estuarine reservoir during its feeding. The magnitude of the figures obtained

by him proved to be very close to the data secured by ichthyol- of subisolates 16 and 6 comprised 4.6 times in 1975. The same
ogists for the same period. parameter [measurement or comparison] for males with "b"3
During the last decade we collected vast material which dis- scale type for subisolates 13 and 2 was 2.6 times. This relation for
closed that parasites might be used to study the ecology of elemen- subisolates 4 and 6 with the males with scale of "bb" type was 2.9
tary populations (subisolates). Analyzing the levels of infection by in 1975. In 1970, females with the same scale type showed a
Diphyllobothrium sp. of juvenile and spawning age sockeye in difference between the mean subisolate intensities of 24 and 27,
Lake Azabachye, we managed to learn that fish with different 2.7 times [that in 1975). The difference in the quantity of
scale types, as well as of different sex but with a similar scale pat- plankton consumed for the same freshwater period comprised
tern, have different levels of infection of this parasite. Mature from 2 to 7 times. Thus, there are fish groups with a different
tapeworms of Diphyllobothrium sp. used for the model were found growth rate within the subisolate. This is affirmed by the peculi-
in bears, dogs, gulls, and terns in Lake Azabachye (Butorina and arities of scale structure, which are well known for expressing
Kuperman 1981). The first intermediate host of these cestodes are selectivity of the food available to the sockeye while it is in fresh-
copepods of the species Cyclops scutifer (Kuperman 1978). water.
Sockeye salmon are parasitized by plerocercoids, which are con- Simultaneously, over II yr we collected a large amount of data
centrated on the external side [peritoneal side] of the stomach and on the invasion by Diphyllobothrium sp. of fish of one generation
never die away [disappear] when the fish passes from freshwater of the same subisolate of similar freshwater age and scale type, but
into saltwater and back even though the life span of fish at sea of different sex. It was found that in most cases (95% or more)
reaches 4 yr. there were significant differences between males and females in
Examination of samples of about 25 individuals of each separ- extensity [prevalence] and intensity of invasion [infection] by this
ate subisolate every year revealed the existence of a complicated parasite, as it was observed with trophic groupings. Males, as a
trophic structure of sockeye subisolates. It was found that rule, were characterized by a higher level of infection and, hence,
juveniles of one [each] year-class of every subisolate may be sub- by more active consumption of copepods [or vice versa). Females
divided into groups which differ in preference for copepod con- were notable for their mixed diet. The relation of mean intensity
sumption. We also uncovered different intensities and extensities of invasion of males to the corresponding female index was domi-
[prevalences] of invasion [infection] of mature fish by Diphyl- nant, i.e., 1.5, with the maximum figure being up to 13.9 times
lobothrium sp. We distinguished conventional planktophages higher (Fig. 4A). Thus, we distinguished another trophic level
(whose preferable diet is copepods) and benthophages (whose within a subisolate. Each subisolate may total [contain] up to 12
preferable diet is flying insects and benthic organisms). Also, if trophic groups simultaneously, six for males and six for females
juveniles remain in freshwater for a second year, four groups will (Fig. 4).
appear, planktophage (1 st year) x planktophage (2nd year); In 1974, S. M. Konovalov conducted investigations of sockeye
planktophage (l st year) x benthophage (2nd year); benthophage salmon which were heavily infected by Diphyllobothrium sp. in
(lst year) x planktophage (2nd year); and benthophage (1st year) Lake Iliamna (Alaska) (Fig. 4B). In six of seven cases, males had a
x benthophage (2nd year). Hence, sockeye juveniles migrate from higher intensity of invasion (two or more times) than females.
Lake Azabachye at the ages of 1 and 2 yr and have six trophic Therefore, we may conclude that trophic divergence of sockeye
strata and the same number of groups in every subisolate. salmon may be observed [may occur] everywhere, since they are
Comparison of the mean intensity of invasion [infection] of found within isolates of both American and Asian continents.
sockeye groupings by Diphyllobothrium sp. with one or another This phenomenon is also observed in other Pacific salmons. Thus,
scale type in different subisolates over many years revealed rather we found trophic groups of feeding juvenile silver salmon in Lake
obvious differences in both spring and summer races. Males or
females of one subisolate differ by several times from males or
'Original manuscript used "h" scale type here. It appeared to have been struck
females of the other in mean infection levels. Thus, the relation of over until it looked like a "b." Since it is totally out of "sync" with the rest of the
mean intensities of infection of males with the scale of "b" type manuscript. it has been replaced with a "b."

fO 30

(,5 ~.O Z.5 3.0


Figure 4.-Dlstributlon of sockeye spawners of tbe same age· and scale·type from tbe different sublsolates by level of
differences in invasion by parasite-indicator Diphyllobothrium sp. pI. depending upon the se~: A : Azabacbye Lake
(number of studied cases Is 284); B . Iliamna Lake (number of studied cases is 7). Note: relation XO' I X9 sbows the level
of invasion of mates relating to females.

Azabachye which prefer insects, benthos, or fish fry in their diet cases (e.g., trophic groups of anadromous forms of the genus
and, consequently, had different levels of parasite infection Salvelinus) it is difficult to imagine other approaches and methods
(Konovalov 1974; Butorina and Kuperman 1981). which would permit solution of the problems stated. On the basis
An interesting investigation of the biology of kokanee of Lake of the above, we may consider it advisable to broaden [increase]
Kronotskoye (Kamchatka) was accomplished by S. I. Kurenkov the exploitation of parasitological data for the study of fish
(1979). Because of strong waterfalls this lake is isolated from the biology.
spawning migrations of anadromous sockeye and other Pacific
salmons and is inhabited by freshwater sockeye which spend their LITERATURE CITEDs
entire lives within the lake. Studies of the parasitofauna of
kokanee from different spawning grounds (i.e., of different
1978. Ecological analysis of the parasitofauna of char (g. Sa/velinus) of Kam-
subisolates) helped to reveal the existence of two trophic forms: chatka and Okhota rivers. [In Russ.] Autoessay, Master's degree, Baku,
Benthophages and planktophages (Fig. 5). However, in Aza- 24 p.
bachye Lake and Iliamna Lake anadromous sockeye form trophic BUTORINA, T. E., and B. I. KUPERMAN.
groups within subisolates, and in Lake Kronotskoye formation of 198/. Ecological analysis of the· Cestoda invasion of fish of Kamchatka fresh
waters. In Biology and systematics of animals helminths in the Soviet Far
these groups is observed at the subisolate level. In other words, S.
East, p. 86-100. [In Russ.1 Vladivostok.
I. Kurenkov distinguished a great number of subisolates in which DOGIEL, V. A., and B. E. BYKHOVSKI.
planktonic organisms were the preferred diet of all the individ- 1939. Fish parasites of the Caspian Sea. [In Russ.) Tr. Kompl. komissii po
uals, as well as the subisolates-consisting of those fish preferring izucheniyu Kaspijskogo morya, No.7, 150 p.
to feed on benthic organisms and flying insects (Kutenkov 1979).
1968. The sockeye salmon, Oncorhynchus nerka. Fish. Res. Board Can.,
Parasites are such sensitive indicators of the feeding habits of the Bull. 162, 422 p.
groups of individuals within elementary populations that now KABATA, Z.
there are no other [or no more] reliable methods of recording the 1963. Parasites as biological tags. ICNAF, Spec. Publ. 4(6):31-37.
level of consumption of any type of diet for a long period. This is KENNEDY, C. R.
1969. Tubificid oligochaetes as coarse fish food. Proc. 4 British Coarse
why the use of parasite-indicators is still the only method of
Fish. Con f., Liverpool Univ., p. 5-7.
distinguishing trophic groups. KONOVALOV, S. M.
Population biology discloses a number of interspecific adapta- 1971. Differentiation of local schools of sockeye stocks. [In Russ.) M.-L.
tions which lead to a reduction of competition between the Nauka, 227 p.
1977. Subisolate as a relatively inflexible system. The subisolate structure. [In
individuals of a population. For example, different growth rates
Russ.) Zh. Obshc. Bioi. 35(6):819-837.
cause [affect] diet by [feeding on] different-sized organisms [?].4 KUPERMAN, B. I.
The trophic adaptation discovered shows again the difficulty of 1975. Experience of using parasites for the quantitative assessment of fish
population adaptation to the reduction of competition between feeding. [In Russ.] Vopr. Ichthyol. 15(5):93 I -934.
individuals in critical periods of their life history. 1978. Peculiarities of the life cycle and biology of Cestodes of salmons of
Kamchatka reservoirs. [In Russ.] Biologiya Morya 3:135-145.
Thus, analysis of the investigations of many years dealing with KURENKOV, S. I.
studies of fish ecology with the help of parasite-indicators allows 1979. Population structure of kokanee of Lake Kronotskoye. [In Russ.]
us to conclude that the above approach is very promising, not only Autoessay, Master's degree, M., 22 p.
for comparison of the ecology of closely related species but also of MARGOLIS, L.
1965. Parasites as an auxiliary source of information about the biology of
interspecific forms and for studying the biology of populations
Pacific salmons (genus Oncorhynchus). J. Fish. Res. Board Can. 22:1387-
(isolates) and subisolates (subpopulations) as well as of the groups 1395.
being formed [established] within subisolates. At that, in some MARGOLIS, L.. F. C. CLEAVER, Y. FUKUDA. and H. GODFREY.
1966. Salmon of the North Pacific Ocean. Part VI. Sockeye salmon in off-
shore waters. INPFC Bull. 20, 70 p.
4This sentence is presented as it was in the original typescript. Words in brackets SHULMAN, S. S., Yu. N. BERENIUS, and E. A. ZAKHAROVA.
are the editor's effort to clarity. It is still confusing. The authors probahly meant to 1959. Parasitofauna of local stocks of some fishes of Syamozero. [In Russ.]
indicate that competition for food, even within the same population of fish, was Tr. Karel. Fil. Akad. Nauk SSSR Vopr. Parasitol. Karelii, Vyp. 14:47-71.
reduced or affected in that individuals which grow faster eat larger prey, leaving the
smaller prey for smaller, slower growing individuals. Thus, competition for food is
affected. Obviously fish with greater access to suitable food (below a threshold level) SNot all citations mentioned in the text are included here. Also, some Literature
will grow faster than those which are food-deprived. Cited do not appear in the text.


Figure S.-Spatlal structure of the kokanee population of Lake Kronotskoye.

The Taxonomic Composition and Origin of Fish
Helminths in the Epipelagic Zone of the World Ocean

The epipelagic zone is a peculiar and very interesting biotope rhyncha) and Fistulicola (family Ancistrocephalidae), as well as a
parasitologically. At present, 738 species of helminths are number of species of the Nybelinia genus (family Tentaculariidae).
registered [recorded] from about 260 to 300 fish species inhabit- Among 42 species of thorny-headed worms from fish of the
ing open waters (Parin 1968; Cohen 1970; Nikolski 1980). The oceanic epipelagic zone, none can be related to a really oceanic
most abundant of them are trematodes [digeneids], of which 370 group. The family Rhadinorhynchidae is nerito-oceanic. Species
species (from more than 2,500 recorded sea fishes) are related to of the other families occur occasionally in the epipelagic zone.
[are associated with] fish of the epipelagic zone. Trematodes of Only certain Nematoda species of the families Anisakidae,
the families Hirudinellidae, Syncoeliidae, and Accacoeliidae and Philometridae, Cucullanidae, Camallanidae, and Rhabdochonidae
many subfamilies of the family Didymozoidae (Le., Adenodidy- are found in the oceanic fish, as was observed in the case of the
mocystinae, Colocyntotrematinae, Glomeritrematinae, Koelliker- previous group.
iinae, Metadidymozoinae, Neodiplotrematinae, Nephrodidymo- Analysis of the taxonomic composition of fish helminths in the
trematinae, and Reniforminae) form [constitute] a true oceanic epipelagic zone shows the close relationship between the oceanic
group. The genera of the Didymozoidae subfamilies Annulocys- helminthofauna complex and the neritic-pelagic one. Separation
tiinae, Didymocodiinae, Didymozoinae, Nematobothriinae, of the oceanic group from the neritic took place probably in the
Opepherotrematinae, Ossoodidymocodiinae, 2 Phacelotrematinae, mid- Tertiary period, i.e., during the formation of the epipelagic
Pseudocolocyntotrematinae, Sicuotrematinae, Skrjabinozoinae, ichthyocoenosis. There are some oceanic helminthofaunistic
and separate [certain or different] genera of the abundant suborder [helminthofaunal] groups in the epipelagic zone of the World
Hemiurata compose a neritic-oceanic group. Trematodes of the Ocean. The most abundant among them are tropical and related
families Bucephalidae, Allocreadiidae, Opecoelidae, Lepocrea- subtropical groups. They form in the equatorial tropical and cen-
diidae, and Fellodistomidae are not common for the pelagic zone, tral water masses. The nuclei of tropical and subtropical groups
but are found there occasionally. are in the range of the productive waters of the North and South
Of the more than 2,200 known species, only 139 species of tropical divergences and at the periphery of the North and South
monogenetic flukes [Monogenea] are found in epipelagic fish. subtropical and tropical convergences, as well as the area of eddy-
These oceanic species belong to the genera Capsala, Caballero- causing geostrophic currents. Independent oceanic helmintho-
cotyla, Capsaloides, and Tristoma (family Capsalidae); Erpocotyle faunistic [helminthofaunal] groups are absent from the boreal and
(family Hexobothriidae); Hexostoma and Neohexostoma (family notal waters. Subtropical and tropical species of helminths
Hexostomatidae); and Dionchus and Loimosina (family Dion- penetrate those waters along with their hosts as the latter forage in
chidae). Many genera of the families Monocotylidae, Gastro- the boreal and notal waters, and the boreal and notal species are
cotylidae, and Axinidae are far-neritic [distant neritic] and neritic carried to the high seas by fishes able to leave the coastal and
ones. neritic waters at times in their lives. The ocean helminthofaunistic
One hundred and thirty-six species of Cestoda from more than groups are lacking in arctic and antarctic waters.
800 marine fishes occur in the epipelagic zone. Truly oceanic
Cestoda are representative of a portion of the family Litobothri- LITERATURE CITED
dae, i.e., the genera Hepatoxylon and Tentacularia (order Trypano-
1970. How many recent fishes are there? Proc. Calif. Acad. Sci. Fourth Ser.
1980. Struktura vida i zakonomernosti izmenchivosti ryb, Moscow. [In Russ.]
'Pacific Research Institute of Fisheries and Oceanography (TINRO), Vladivostok, Pischepromizdat, 180 p.
'The spelling of this subfamily is unclear due to strike-overs in the original type- 1968. The ichthyofauna of the ocean epipelagic zone. lIn Russ.) Moscow,
script. It could have been Osteodidymocodiinae. Nauke, 185 p.

Zoogeographical Characteristics of the Helminths of
Fishes From the Antarctic Zone of the World Ocean!

The zoogeography of parasites of sea fishes has been discussed [digeneids] characteristic of this area are registered [recorded]:
in a considerable number of Soviet and foreign papers (Dogiel and Gonocerca muraenolepisi, G. medius,3 Plagioporus sp., Stenakron
Bykhovski 1939; Schulman and Schulman-Albova 1953; kergeulense, Lomosoma kergeleni, Benthotrema melanostigmi, and
Schulman 1959; Polianski 1955; Strelkov 1956; Zhukov 1960; Steganodermatoides kergeleni. In the Glacial subregion 11 species
Lebedev 1967; Parukhin 1972, 1976; Konovalov 1971; Manter of trematodes [digeneids] are recorded: Plagioporus pennelli,
I (j47, 1955; Yamaguti 1963; and others) in which the distribution Lepidapedon sp., L. garrardi, L. antarcticus, Neolepidapedon
of helminths is analyzed almost throughout the entire World trematomi, N. dubius, Lecithocladium orustatum, Stenakron spo,
Ocean-except for the vast areas of the subantarctic and antarctic Otodistomum cestoides, Otodistomum sp., and Neoleburia georgien-
zones. This may be accounted for by the fact that the parasite sis. Despite the closeness of the regions of the Kerguelen subregion
fauna of fishes of these areas is little known because sufficient and South Australia, their trematode [digeneid] fauna relations
data are not available in the literature on the species composition were not marked. There were only two common species of
of fish parasites to permit a detailed zoogeographical analysis of trematodes: Gonocera phycidis and Elytrophalloides oatesi, while
parasitic worms of antarctic fishes. the relationships of the trematode [digeneid] fauna of the Patago-
The most thorough in vestigations of fish parasites of the antarc- nian shelf were expressed more strikingly, there were five com-
tic zone of the World Ocean were made by Gussev (1967) who mon species: Gonocerca phycidis, Derogenes varicus, Plagioporus
described about 20 species of fish helminths and, in general, about antarcticus, Lepocreadium trullaforme, and Elytrophalloides oatesi.
50 species from all species of animals. In their work, Gaevskaya Comparing the helminthofauna of the Kerguelen subregion
and Kovaliova (1976) point to the scarcity of the trematode fauna with that of the tropical Indian-West Pacific and South Moderate
and provide data on nine species of trematodes found in the fishes regions, it should be noted that, according to the data of Parukhin
of the families Nototheniidae, Chaenichthyidae, and Bathydra- (1976), 6 families of trematodes [digeneids] (Monorchidae,
conidae Opecoelidae, Lecithasteridae, Hemiuridae, Halipegidae, and
Of foreign works, those of Prudhoe and Bray (1973), in which Lepocreadidae) of 17 families and 3 species were common for the
data on the distribution of the trematode and monogenean fauna Indian Ocean and some other regions of the World Ocean.
in the antarctic zone of the Atlantic Ocean are presented, should Of the 10 known species of monogenetic trematodes of the ant-
be noted. Here I employ data from my own research and from the arctic region of the World Ocean,Pseudobenedenia notothenia was
literature in an attempt to analyze the distribution of parasitic common for all regions. Pseudobenedenoides shorti, P. antarcticus,
worms in the antarctic zone and adjacent waters of the Pacific, Neogrubea stromateae, Pavlovskioides prudhoei, and Neopav-
Indian, and Atlantic Oceans, ignoring leeches and parasitic crusta- lovskioides georgian us were specific species of monogeneids of the
ceans. Glacial subregion, and Neopavlovskioides dissosthychi, Macruri-
The most abundant group of helminths is represented by the cotyle clavipes, Rajoncocotyle sp., and Acanthocotyle sp. were
trematodes [digeneids]. Thirty-five species of these flatworms are characteristic monogeneids for the Kerguelen subregion.
registered for this region of the World Ocean (Table 1). Analysis The cestode fauna of this region has been investigated only
of the trematode fauna of the Kerguelen and Glass [Glacial] sub- poorly. Because of this we did not find sufficient data in the Soviet
regions, which are separated by vast water areas with abyssal and foreign literature to permit an analysis of cestode distribution
depths, revealed a considerable specific affinity of trematodes in in this region of the World Ocean. Thus, we can list only seven
these regions. Thus, from the total number of this group of species of cestodes: Neobothriocephalus spo, Bothriocephalus sp.,
parasites 13 species of trematodes [digeneids] are common to Hepatoxylon sp. larvae, Phyllobothrium sp., Acanthobothrium spo,
both subregions of the antarctic zone. These are Gonocerca Scolex pleuronectis, and Tetraphyllidea sp. larvae, found in the
phycidis, Derogenes varicus, Lecithaster australis, Plagioporus ant- fishes of the Kerguelen subregion. Parallel with this, it should be
arcticus, Opechona magnatestis, Lepocreadium trullaforme, Neo- noted that combined species of the larvae of the cestodes Scolex
lepidapedon antarcticus, Lecithophyllum anteroporum, pleuronectis and Tetraphyllidea sp. were widely distributed, not
Elytrophalloides oatesi, Glomericirrus macrouri, Genolinae bowersi, only in antarctic waters, but also in other regions of the World
Postmonorchis variabilis, and Descoveritrema markowskii. Ocean.
However, in spite of the affinity of the trematode [digeneid] fauna The acanthocephalan fauna in antarctic fishes was represented
in these regions, endemism is rather strongly marked among them. by five species: Aspersentis megarhynchus, Hypoechinorhynchus
In the Kerguelen subregion seven species of trematodes magellanicus, Echinorhynchus debenhami, E. campbelli, and Cory-
nosoma hamanni. Of the fauna of thorny-headed worms of the
Glacial subregion, E. campbelli should be considered as endemic,
1 No Literature Cited section was supplied by the author. Most citations are

presented in Literature Cited sections of other papers, however.

'The Azov-Black Sea Research Institute of Marine Fisheries and Oceanography 'Though given os a new species in the original typescript, this species probably
(AzCherNIRO), U.S.S.R. was first described elsewhere. It obviously is not described in this paper.

Table I.-Distribution of parasitic worms in the Antarctic region of the World Ocean.

Palagonian Glacial Kerguelen South

NN Species of parasite Regions: Shelf Subregion Subregion Australia

Trematodes [Digeneans]
I Gonocerca phycidis + + + +
2 Gonocerca muraenolepisi +
3 Gonocerca medius +
4 Derogenes varicus + + +
5 Lecithaster australis + + +
6 Plagibporvs antarcticus + + +
7 Plagioporvs sp. +
8 Plagibporvs ~neUi + +
9 O~clrona magnatestis + +
10 O~coelus scorpaenidicola +
II Pseudo~coelus piriformis +
12 Lepocreadium trullaforme + + +
13 LepidlJ~n sp. +
14 LepidlJ~don garrartfi +
15 LepidlJ~don antarcticus +
16 Neokp~don trematomi +
17 Neokpido~don antarcticus + +
18 NeolepidlJ~don dubius +
19 Neokpioo~don heUcoleni +
20 Lecithocladium crustatum +
21 Lecillrophyllum anteroporum + +
22 Elyrrophalloides oatesi + + + +
23 Glomericirrus macrour; + +
24 Genolinea bowers; + +
25 Helicometra scorpaenae +
26 StenaJrron Jcerguelense +
27 StenaJrron sp. +
28 Otodistomum cestoides +
29 Otadistomum sp. +
30 Posrmonorcltis variabilis + +
31 Discoveritrema marlcowskii + +
32 Neokburia ~orgknsis +
33 LomOSOfM Jcergekni +
34 Benllrolrema melanosligmi +
35 Sleganodermaloirks Jcergekn i +
I PJeIuIobenetknia nOlOtheniae + + + +
2 PseudobenetknoUks sharti +
3 PseudobenedenoUks antarcticus +
4 Neogrubea stromaleae +
5 PavlovslcioUks prudhoei +
6 Neopavlovs/ciQides dissoslhychi +
7 Neopavlovslcibides georgian us +
8 Macruricotyk clavi~s +
9 Rajoncocotyle sp. +
10 Acanthocotyle sp. +
I NeobothriocephaJus sp. +
2 Bothriocephalus sp. +
3 HepalOX)1on sp. larvae + +
4 Phyllobolhrium sp. + +
5 Acantobolhrium sp. +
6 &:olex pkuronectis + + + +
7 Tetraphyllidea sp. larvae + + + +
I As~rsenris megarhinchus + +
2 As~rsentis sp. +
3 Echinorhynchus debenhomi + +
4 Echinorhynchus campbelli +
5 CorynOSiJf/lD homanni + + + +
I Ascoropltis notothen iae + + + +
2 Cucullanellus fraseri + +
3 Contracaecum norothenioe + +
4 AnisaJris sp. larvae + + + +
5 Contracaecum sp. larvae + + + +
6 Terranova sp. larvae + + + +

while the other four species were characteristic for all antarctic tions in this water mass probably occurred in the past and take
regions. place now, there are links in the trophic connection of the fishes
The nematode fauna of fish of Antarctica was represented by of both the Glacial and Kerguelen subregions. In the first place
six species: Ascarophis nototheniae, Cucullanellus fraseri, Contra- this must involve mollusks, which are the intermediate hosts.
caecum nototheniae, Anisakis sp. larvae, Contracaecum sp. larvae, Generally, many groups of helminths show a great preference for
and Terranova sp. larvae, which were widely distributed in waters them. In all probability the similarity of the helminthofauna of the
of this region of the World Ocean and were antarctic circumpolar fishes of this area must be explained by these features.
species. In respect to the endemism of the fauna of the parasitic worms,
The existence of such an important similarity of the helmintho- which is determined by the endemism of the ichthyofauna of both
fauna of fish of the Kerguelen and Glacial subregions could be ex- the Glacial and Kerguelen subregions, this phenomenon is also
plained first of all by the origin and development of the Antarctic related to the Antarctic Circumpolar Current-which leads to the
fish fauna. The ichthyofauna of Antarctica is interesting in its intensification of these circumpolar processes around the island
antiquity and originality, which has been determined by the pres- and the submarine elevations. Local cyclonic systems are formed
ence of endemic genera and species of the group Notothenii- in these areas. Also, upwelling and the [consequent] enrichment of
formis. This fish taxon, characteristic for the antarctic and subant- the shelf waters occur here. They cause a high biological produc-
arctic regions and almost completely limited by their boundaries, tivity and playa great part in the formation of the local popula-
has developed a great quantity of forms which differ by structure, tions of the several species of fishes and of the endemic species of
appearance, and mode of life. These facts allow me to assume that parasitic worms.
the Antarctic has been isolated and washed by a cold sea for a Interesting results were obtained by Gayevskaya and Kovaliova
very long time, probably over the entire Tertiary period (Andri- (1976) and Gibson (1976), who compared the trematode
yashev 1964). [digeneid) fauna on the Falkland-Patagonian shelf with that of the
Therefore, the representatives of the Antarctic ichthyofauna area around South Georgia and the South Orkney Islands where
settled into very different ecological niches in the process of they reported 12 trematode species.
ecological development, and one branch of the subfamily Noto- Representatives of the family Opecoelidae, which are absent
thenieidae acquired white blood, a characteristic exceptional for from the shelf ichthyofauna, dominate in the basic fauna. Species
fishes, which appeared in the Tertiary period (Andriyashev 1964). of antarctic origin, such as Elytrophalloides oatesi, Gonocerca
This feature evolved and formed several genera of the family trematomi, and Opechona magnatestis, are detected in the
Chaenchthyidae [Chaenichthyidae?] (Andriyashev and Tokarev trematode [digeneid) fauna of the Falkland-Patagonian shelf. This
1958; Andriyashev 1964; Martsinkevich 1961; Regan 1914). phenomenon is explained by the closeness of the Antarctic.
J. E. Permitin (1977) provided a detailed analysis of the Thus, analysis of the helminthofauna of the fishes of the antarc-
ichthyofauna of the bottom fishes around the isolated oceanic tic area has allowed us to establish a substantial uniformity in its
islands of South Georgia and Kerguelen. He found that, in spite of composition and to reveal several features of the endemism in
the considerable endemism of each, the connection of the fauna of both the Kerguelen and Glacial areas and to establish the very
the bottom fishes remains substantial. Many authors (Andriyashev insignificant relationship between the helminthofaunas of areas of
1964,1972; Permitin 1977; and others) consider that the [separa- the shelves of South Australia and Patagonia, adjacent to the Ant-
tion] of the populations of fishes and aquatic invertebrates took arctic. In all probability these neighboring areas played no
place in the past and probably continues nowadays because of the decisive role in its [the helminthofauna of fishes of the Antarctic
flow of the water mass of the Circumpolar Current. Since fluctua- region) formation.

Special Features of the Helminth Fauna of
Helicolenus maculatus (euvier)



This paper presents special features of the hebolnth fauna of the 6sh Helicolenus maculatus inhabiting the
area of Agulhas Bank and Walters Bank in the southeastern region of the Indian Ocean,

Helicolenus maculatus (Scorpaeniformes) is an industrially of the food of H. maculatus on the Agulhas Bank are
important species among purely sea [marine] fish, However, the Euphausiidae. Young individuals of deep-sea shrimps and fish are
literature contains little data about the helminth fauna of this taken in lesser numbers. While in the area of Walters Bank, the
species. A. M. Parukhin (1967) investigated H. maculatus in three bulk of food was young deep-sea shrimps and hermit crabs. The
regions of the Indian Ocean. In the area of Durban (Southeastern named species of [These] animals serve as bridging [intermediate]
Africa) he noted 12 species of helminths. According to my data, hosts of trematodes, cestodes, and nematodes, which is why their
the composition of the parasite fauna of H. maculatus in the quantitative correlations in the food of the fish hosts defines the
Agulhas Bank area (Southern Africa) includes eight species. Only quantitative levels of infection by the different groups of hel-
two of them, Microcotyle caudata and Lecithochirum rufoviride, minths. Agulhas Bank is characterized by increased biological
are represented by pubertal helminths. More often the larvae of productivity of invertebrates, which brings about high intensities
Grillotia sp. and Anisakis sp. inhabit the fish. They also exhibit the of invasion [infection] by such helminths as cestodes and
highest intensity of infection. Such a peculiar composition of nematodes.
parasite fauna is characteristic of deep-sea fish, to which H. The observed special features of the helminthofauna of H.
maculatus is related. According to the literature, deep-sea fish are maculatus (differences of the composition of helminths and of
infected primarily by larval nematodes and cestodes, trematodes their quantitative levels of infection) show that we investigated
(Hemiuridae), and crustaceans. Adult forms of helminths are en- [discovered] the different groups [populations] of H. maculatus
countered very rarely. Noble (1973) arrived at this conclusion inhabiting the areas around the Agulhas Bank and Walters Bank
while investigating parasites of Macrouriformes fish from the in the southeastern region of the Indian Ocean.
eastern part of the Pacific Ocean. Earlier (Tkachuk 1980) it was
noted that the greatest part of the helminthofauna of Zeiformes is
composed of adults. This seeming disparity with the above-noted
special features of the helminthofauna of H. maculatus can only 100
be explained by the different depths inhabited by these species of
fish. Thus, in the area of the Agulhas Bank, H. maculatus is caught
in depths of from 200 to 400 m, and Zeiformes at depths of from 80
700 to 1,000 m. Another unusual feature of the helminth fauna of
Agulhas Bank Walters Bank
this area is a comparatively low infection by certain parasites, i.e.,
[the monogeneid] Microcotyle caudata (see Fig. I).
For H. maculatus inhabiting the Walters Bank area, the charac-
teristic feature is a smaller number of parasite species-seven, six
of which are common. The larva of Contracaecum sp. (II), record-
ed only in this area, is the single exception. Except for [In addition
to] the marked specific features indicated, there are considerably
larger infections by such groups of parasites as Monogenea,
trematodes [Digene.l], nematodes, and crustaceans. However, the 20
inten8ity of infection by them is considerably lower than that
around the Agulhas Bank (Fig. I).
Such essential differences of the parasite fauna of H. maculatus
from the two areas being compared are connected with the
peculiar features of its ecology. On Agulhas Bank the fish under
study were caught from depths of 200-400 m, and around Walters
Bank from depths of 700-800 m. Above all, this is based on the Iii!!!!!! !I!!!' KOEOGENOIDEA t I ACA JlTHOCEPHALA
composition of their food. According to my data the main portion ~ TRmfATODA ~ mlATODA
1The Institute of Biology of the Southern Seas, Academy of Sciences of the

U.S.S.R., Sevastopol, U.S.S.R. Figure I.-Infection of Helicolenus maculatus (Cuvier) by groups of parasites.

NOBLE, E. R. 1980. Die Eigenanen der He1mintenfauna der ozeanischen Zeiformes. IV.
1973. Parasites and fishes in a deep-sea environment. Adv. Mar. BioI. 11: Wessenschaftliche Konfarenz zu Fragen der Physiologie, Biologie und Para-
zitologie von Nutzfishen. Rostok.
2Not all citations mentioned in the text are included here.

The Flatworm Fauna of Fishes of the Gulf of Mexico
and its Genetic Relations!


Host relations in "parasite. host" systems are considered with regard to lower monogenean and trematode
[digenean I infection of fishes in the southern Gulf of Mexico. The prevalence of monohostal relations is estahUsh-
ed. The genetic relations of the fauna of the subject worms have been investigated and their Indo·West Pacific
origin established. Lower monogeDeans appeared to have a considerably higher evolutionary rate in comparison
with trematodes [digeneans). On the basis of fishes of the family Lutianidae, infected with monogeneans of the
genus HaliotN!ma, the impoverishment of the ancient complex of these parasites in the process of evolution of
their hosts is traced. The role of faunistic barriers in trematode distributions is discussed.

The fauna of the Gulf of Mexico has a complex genesis, inter- This is primarily a result of the prolonged existence of the
oceanic relations in the region of Central America having played a above systems. For digeneans they are also a result of a narrow
definitive role in its formation. Until the mid-Miocene they [the food specialization of the hosts under conditions of high intensity
hydrographical features] permitted penetration of elements of the of biotic relations among members of the tropical ichthyofauna.
Indo- West Pacific tropical fauna into the newly formed basin. Analysis of digeneans occurring in fishes of the families Ser-
The coastal fish fauna of the Gulf of Mexico originated during the ranidae, Lutianidae, and Pomadasyidae, which provided the most
Cretaceous and became transformed considerably in isolation. abundant material for comparison, permitted me to distinguish
Study of its parasites is of great interest. species predominating in them. It has also shown that change in
I collected the flatworm material at my disposal in Campeche depth leads to redistribution of these forms and to a change in the
Bay and in the region of Havana during 1966 to 1968 and in species composition of trematodes. The presence of leading
1974. To date, work on the lower monogeneans and trematodes [predominating] species in the digeneid fauna of the above host
[digeneans] from 391 specimens of 94 species of fishes has been groups suggests food specialization which leads to a reduction of
completed. The cestodes, not yet worked up, are represented by competition between related members in every group. Cases in
larval forms. which similar species were found in the predominant forms of
Monogeneans of the subclass Polyonchoinea have been observ- digeneans in different hosts have shown that such specialization
ed in 183 individuals of fishes belonging to 45 species. The does not permit them to avoid food competition completely.
percentage of infection of fishes by them in the open sea and in Among the species discovered, Metadena globosa appeared to
the coastal zone appeared to be similar (about 63%). The lower be predominant both for fishes of the family Lutianidae (Lutianus
monogeneans are represented by 69 species, of which 57 (83%) apodus, L. synagris, and Ocyurus chrysurus) and for a member of
are new. Worms of the family Dactylogyridae are predominant the family Pomadasyidae (Haemulon plumieri). For a number of
among them. It includes 48 species, 42 of which (87%) are new. digeneans (Stephanostomum sentum, Leurodera decora, and
The family Diplectanidae includes 19 species; 15 (79%) new Brachadena pyriformis), obviously associated with fishes of the
ones. Two members of the family Capsalidae are noted. These family Pomadasyidae, specimens occurring beyond this family are
data reflect the high degree of endemism in the lower monogenean known. Thus, one may observe certain dynamics in relation to the
fauna in the regions studied (Zhukov 1976, 1978, 1980). historical groups of parasites along with their relations to certain
The infection rate of fishes with trematodes [digeneans] was systematic groups of hosts.
somewhat lower in the open sea than in the coastal zone (92% and Analysis of the genetic relations of the above-mentioned flat-
94%, accordingly). The fauna of this group is different from that worms has revealed their Indo-West Pacific origin and that the
of monogeneans. It is represented by 149 species (and 4 forms not fauna of lower monogeneans beyond the barrier of the Isthmus of
identified to species) of which only 5 species (3.3%) were new. Panama appeared to have changed considerably more than the
Out of 144 previously known species, only 85 (59%) are confined digeneid fauna, members of which have a complex developmental
to the region of Central American seas, while the other 59 (41 %) cycle. Of 69 species of lower monogeneans only 2 or 3% were
are known beyond this body of water. common with the fauna of the Indo-West Pacific region
A predominance of monohostal relations in the "parasite-host" (Haliotrema similis and Diplectanum diplobulbus) which allows me
system is typical of both groups of parasites. Among the lower to regard them as the most ancient elements of the Gulf of Mexico.
monogeneans similar relations have been noted in 41 species The Pacific host of the former parasite, Priacanthus cruentatus, re-
(64%): Among digeneans of fishes of the coastal zone in 70 mained in Atlantic waters where it existed in a stable condition
species (58%) and in the open sea in 42 (66%). and where the parasite transferred to the younger [evolutionarily
newer or more recent] host, P. arenatus, endemic to the Atlantic
Ocean. Another species, Diplectanum diplobulbus, parasitizing
Kyphosus cinerascens in the Pacific Ocean, was found beyond the
I In this paper the word trematode means Digenea-an arrangement accepled in-
creasingly by many Russian helrriinthologists and olhers. Isthmus of Panama in a phylogenetically younger host, K. sec-
2Zoological Institute, Academy of Sciences of the U.S.S.R., Leningrad, U.S.S.R. tatrix, also endemic to the Atlantic Ocean. These are examples in

which components of the "parasite-host" system belong to dif- 18 common species are known (Le., 30.5% of the group, or 12.5%
ferent age periods, the host being younger in the evolutionary of the total number of species analyzed).
respect than the parasite. Of particular interest are the connections with the digenean
Similar data have been obtained in the analysis of the distribu- fauna of the coastal waters of western Africa. In my material, 13
tion of monogeneans of the Indo- We~t Pacific genus, Haliotrema, species (9%) have an amphi-Atlantic distribution. Judging from
among fishes of the family Lutianidae. Fish species in this family the literature, 27 (5.4%) of the 499 digeneid species occurring
(of Indo- West Pacific origin) are endemics of the Atlantic Ocean both in Central American seas and off .the coast of western Africa
and belong to the genera Lutianus, Ocyurus, and Rhomboplites, the belong to the above category. Since the free-living period of larval
latter two being monotypical ones. Since members of the genus digenean stages is very short, it appears impossible to conclude
Lutianus occur in the Pacific, I regard it as the most ancient. The that their larvae are transported by extant currents from one
genus Ocyms has an amphi-Atlantic distribution. The genus region to another through the Middle Atlantic barrier. This
Rhomboplites belongs among the endemics of the seas of Central phenomenon is of a deeply historical character and is associated
America. The highest number of species of the genus Haliotrema with the existence in the far past (Upper Cretaceous) of a con-
was found in the most thermophilic members of the genus Luti- tinuous range of the tropical fauna in the shelf zone which existed
anus-L. machogoni and L. synagris (six and seven species, until the Brazil continental platform [plate] was separated from
respectively). Three species were found in Ocyrus chrysurus, and that of the African plate.
one in Rhomboplites aurorubens. No specific monogenean species The data obtained from parasitological material have thus
were found in these phylogenetically younger hosts. Thus, we shown the error of the method for estimating efficiency of
have an example of impoverishment of the ancient complex of gill faunistic barriers proposed by the ichthyologist Briggs (1974). As
parasites due to evolutionary changes of their hosts within a fami- has been calculated by the above author, the efficiency of the
ly. An analogous picture was observed in the monogenean species Middle Atlantic barrier is 91 %. This value was obtained by com-
parasitizing fishes of the genus Lutianus. paring the total number of fish species of the tropical Atlantic
The genetic relations of the digenean fauna of the Gulf of Mex- shores (1,334) with the number of amphi-Atlantic ones (120, or
ico appeared to be wider. Among the 59 digenean species known 9%). The above method suggests trans-Atlantic (trans-Pacific)
beyond the limits of the seas of Central America and present in transfer of pelagic iarvae from one region to another. Even
my material, 54 (91 %) were found in the Pacific Ocean. Most ichthyological data contradict this view, as is shown by the fish
significant are these connections with the fauna of the Central fauna of Ascension Island, which consists of western elements to a
American Pacific coast where 45 (76%) of these 59 species occur high degree (30%) even though the Island is influenced by eastern
(i.e., 31 % of the total number of species of this group of parasites currents from the coast of Africa.
in my collection) and where 23 (51 %) species among them are Thus, parasitological data permit a new approach to under-
amphi-American endemics. Three factors are responsible for the standing the amphi-Atlantic nature of the distribution of coastal
high degree of these connections: I) The relationship of hosts on fishes in the tropical Atlantic. Analysis of the studied digeneid
the level of families and genera (but not species!), 2) interoceanic fauna at the generic level has shown a still closer connection of the
connections in the region of the Isthmus of Panama providing for Gulf of Mexico with the above regions, since taxa higher than
exchange between faunas of the above bodies of water up to the species are more significant in reflecting the pathways of faunal
Pliocene (2 to 5 million years ago), and 3) the conservatism of formation because they reflect, or demonstrate, more ancient
evolutionary processes in digeneans as compared with host relations.
species. One can derive an idea of the latter by comparing the
faunas of both of the groups presently occurring on both sides of LITERATURE CITED3
the Isthmus of Panama. Out of the 1,000 species of coastal fishes
known from the basins being compared, only 12 (1.2%) have an
1974. Marine zoogeography. McGraw-Hili Co., N.Y. 475 p.
amphi-American distribution (Briggs 1974). On the basis of data ZHUKOV, E. V.
in the literature, I note 550 species of digeneans on them, of 1976. New monogenean species of the genus Haliotrema Johnson et Tiegs,
which 57 (10.3%) belong to the category of amphi-American 1922 from fishes of the family Lutianidae of the Gulf of Mexico. [In Russ.]
Proc. Ins!. Bioi. Pedol. Far-East Sci. Centre (n.s.) 35(138):33-47.
species. Thus, the coefficient of divergence in the evolutionary
1980. Monogenea of the genus Haliotrema Johnson et Tiegs, 1922 from the
rate of hosts and that of their parasites is equal to lOin this case. gills of fishes of the family Holocentridae and the family Acanthuridae of the
Further study can only increase this index. Gulf of Mexico. [In Russ.) Parasitol. Sbornic 29:41-52.
As concerns other regions, the digenean fauna of the Gulf of
Mexico is most closely related to that of southeastern Asia where 'Not all citations mentioned in the text are included here.

The Influence of Helminths on the Tissue Lipid
Content of Black Sea Anchovy, Engraulis encrasicholus
ponticus, and Bullhead, Neogobius melanostomus,
During the Annual Cycle


This paper presents dala on tbe lipid content in tissues of Black Sea anchovy and buUhead at different infec·
lion intensity [levels of infection I by helminths during an annual cycle. A decrease In the lipid content of muscles
and liver was noticed in heavily infected anchovy and bullhead. Helminths had the most influence on the trigly.
ceride fractions.

Infection by helminths is an important factor influencing the The results obtained demonstrate impressive differences in the
status of fish populations in different seasons of the year. The lipid content of heavily and lightly infected fishes during the
struggle against helminths has become especially important due to annual cycle. These differences relate to the concentration values
the intensive development of freshwater fish-breeding and of of separate lipid fractions and/or their relative content. Trigly-
marine and oceanic fisheries, as well as mariculture. ceride concentration showed the greatest differences in all tissues
I planned to study the peculiarities of the lipid content of fishes of heavily and lightly infected anchovies and bullheads (Figs. I,
with differing levels of.invasion [infection] of helminths through- 2). The triglyceride concentration in white muscles of heavily
out an annual cycle. The research organisms chosen were the an- infected E. encrasiocholus ponticus is lower by 33 to 71 %; in red
chovy, Engraulis encrasicholus ponticus Aleksandrov, infected by muscles by 37 to 57%, as compared with lightly infected E.
larvae of the nematode, Contracaecum aduncum (3 to 1,200 indi- encrasciocholus ponticus. Owing to the decrease in the triglyceride
viduals) and the bullhead, Neogobius melanostomus Pallas, infec- concentration, the total lipid concentration decreases in tissues of
ted by metacercariae of the trematode Cryptocotyle concavum (3 to the heavily infected fishes as well (Figs. 3, 4). In the white
580 individuals). The qualitative lipid content was determined by muscles of the anchovy the difference is from 22 to 50%; in liver
thin-layer chromatography. The research was conducted on the by 27 to 60%; and in red muscle by 9 to 34%. In liver of heavily
livers and the white and red muscles of the anchovy and bullhead. infected bullhead the total lipid concentration is lower by 29 to
55%; in white muscles by 23 to 41 % as compared with lightly in-
fected fishes. Thus, helminths impact the reserve lipids primarily.
'Institute of Biology of the Southern Seas. Academy of Sciences of the U.S.S.R.. The degree of impact of helminths on the reserve lipids (trigly-
Sevastopol. U.S.S.R. cerides) of E. encrasiocholus ponticus and N. melanostomus is not







Figure I.-Influence of Con/raca.cum aduncum infection on triglyceride concentration in anchovy tissues (mg%, wet
mass): I = liver; rm = red muscles; wm = white muscles; open bars = weakly infected; hatched bars = heavily infected.

1 1
30000 1


1 15000




Figure 4.-lnnuence of Cryptocotyu on summary [total) lipid concen-

Figure 2.-lnnuence of Cryptocotyle infection on triglyceride concen. = = =
tration In bullbead tissues (m&,!,. wet mass): m muscles; I liver; open bars
= = =
tratIon In bulIllead tissues (mg'Jl>, wet mass): m muscles; I liver; open bars weakly infected; batched bars = beavily Infected.
weakly hIIeded; ua:w ...... = beaYily Iafected.





Figure 3.-lnnueoce of COlltracaecum adullcum Infection on summary (total) lipid concentration In anchovy tissues
= = = =
(mg'Jl>, wet mass): I Uver; rm red muscles; wm white muscles; open bars weakly Infected; batcbed bars beavl- =
Iy Infected.

identical for the different periods of the annual cycle. In contrast REFERENCES
to triglycerides, the second fraction (by value) of phospholipids is
not diminished in heavily infected fishes. And what is more, dur- BROEK, W. L. F. VAN Den.
1978. The effects of Lemaeocera branchialis on the Mer/angus merlangus
ing the fattening period the phospholipid concentration in white population in the Medway Estuary. J. Fish Bioi. 13:709-715.
muscles of the heavily infected anchovy is higher by 64%, in red DAVIDOV, O. N.
muscles by 70%, and in liver by 42% (P<0.01). The livers of 1978. The effect of Bothriocephalus gowkongensis (Jan. 1955) on carp's
heavily infected bullhead demonstrated the same phenomenon morphophysiological indices. [In Russ.] J. Hydrobiol. 14(6):59-64.
during the spawning period. In other periods the phospholipid
1965. The great practical work on carbohydratical and lipid metabolism. L.
concentration is not distinctly different. Press. Y.Y.U., p. 219.
By reducing the triglyceride supply in anchovy and bullhead READER, T. A. J.
tissues, higher levels of helminth infection may cause an impor- 1971. Histochemical observations on carbohydrates, lipid and enzymes in
tant effect on the physiological state of individual fishes in a digenean parasites and host tissues of Bithynia tentaculata. Parasitology 63:
population, on the state of the population and on the dynamics of SHABANOVA, 1. A.
their number as a whole. Helminth infection reduces the state of 1967. Quantitative assay of phospholipids in the rats heart muscle by means
readiness of the anchovy for migration and wintering, influences of thin-layer chromatography in silica gel. [In Russ., Eng!. summ.] Bio-
the quantitative and qualitative characteristics for sexual matur- khimiia 32: 1155-1160.
ation, reduces brood survival, and so on. Regarding the bullhead,
1973. The colometrical [colorometric) determination of etheric-connected
except [in addition to] the foregoing effects, its condition for nest fatty acid. Lab. Delo, No. 12:3-5.
protection is reduced during the spawning period. SCHULMAN, G. E.
The data obtained allow me to assess the damage regarding the 1972. The physiological biochemical peculiarity of fish year cycle. [In Russ.)
lipid supply. Thus, infection by helminths may [can] cause M. Pishchevaya prom., p. 368.
damage to the anchovy and bullhead populations. Such damage 1966. Diseases of marine fishes. Adv. Mar. BioI. 4, 89 p.
for the anchovy totals 25% and for the bullhead 20%. STADNICHENKO, A. P.
Thus, the results show the important role of helminths in the 1972. The pathogenetic effect of trematode larvae on Viviparus viviparus (L.
substance/energy balance of large fishery populations in the Black 1758) (Gastropoda, Prosobranchia). [In Russ.) Parasitology 6(2):154-161.
Sea and, consequently, their important role in the ecosystems of
that body of water. Engraulis encrasiocholus ponticus and N.
melanostomus are the examples for this.

Certain Results of the Study of Ciliates of the
Family Trichodinidae (Peritrichida) Inhabiting
Fishes of the Seas of the U.S.S.R.


This communication Is a review of information on marine tricbodinids (Ciliata, Peritrlchlda) In the seas of
the U.S.S.R.

The first trichodinids found on marine fishes from reservoirs corresponding species: 7 of 19 in the White Sea and the Pacific
[waters] of the U.S.S.R. were identified as Trichodina sp. and T. Ocean and 5 of 19 in the Black Sea and the Pacific Ocean. A list
domerguei. V. A. Dogiel (1940, 1948) suggested a number of tax- of the marine and euryhaline trichodinids of fishes of the seas of
onomic characteristics for their identification and established the U.S.S.R. is provided in Table 1.
some separate species and subspecies and, in doing so, laid the The following ecological groups of trichodinids were identified
foundation of the modern taxonomy of this group. The history of according to their geographic distribution and coincidence with
the study of marine trichodinids in my country may be divided in- fishes: 1) The thermophilic, cold-preferring and eurythermic
to two stages: I) The ciliates, collected together with other species; and 2) the southern, northern, and widely distributed ones
parasites of fishes, were identified from preparations stained with (Stein 1979). From the analysis of the data on trichodinid
hematoxylin, and 2) since the end of the 1950's when the standard
silver impregnation method came into use, special attention has
been paid to parasitic ciliates parallel to the study of other Table I.-Known marine and euryhaline trichodinids of fishes
parasites. Since that time the list of trichodinids has increased from the seas of the U.S.S.R.

regularly. 1. Trichodina arctica Zhukov. f964

The ciliates from the various bodies of the sea have been 2. T. cali/ornica Davis, 1947
studied very sporadically. There are no data on Arctic Seas, except 3. T. caspialosae Dogiel, 1940
4. T. cottidarum Dogiel, 1948
for the White Sea (Schulman and Schulman-Albova 1953; Stein
5. T. decipiens Laird, 1961
1976) and the Barents Sea (Polianski 1955; Stein 1973b). The 6. T. domerguei domerguei (Wallengren, 1897)
first steps undertaken to study trichodinids from Far Eastern seas 7. T. elegans G. Stein, 1979
were by Dogiel (1948), Zhukov (1964), and Stein (1967,1979). 8. T. elegini Schulman-Albova, 1950
Information on trichodinids from the Baltic Sea involves only two 9. T. frequentis G. Stein, 1979
10. T. fultoni Davis, 1947
very fresh regions such as the estuary of the Neva (Wu Bao-hua
I 1. T. galyae Lorn and Laird, 1969
1961) and the Gulf of Kurish (Stein 1982). More complete infor- 12. T. hexagrammi Zhukov, 1964
mation was obtained on trichodinids of the Black Sea and the Sea 13. T. histicotti G. Stein, 1979
of Azov by Stein (1975), the Caspian Sea by Ghasimegomedov 14. T. inversa Dogiel, 1948
15. T. jadranica Raabe, 1958
(1970) and the Aral Sea by Osmanov (1976). Twenty species of
16. T. jarmilae Lorn and Laird, 1969
trichodinids were found to occur only in saltwater, while 10 were 17. T. lepsii Lorn, 1962
found in fresh and brackish water. 18. T. micromaculata G. Stein, 1975
Using identifications made on the basis of the standard silver 19. T. minima G. Stein, 1979
impregnation method and taking into account the great inter- 20. T. miranda G. Stein, 1979
21. T. oligocotti Lorn, 1970
specific variability of trichodinids, the number of species of
22. T. oviducti Polianski, 1955
trichodinids known from the Barents Sea is six. Also, 9 are known 23. T. ovonucleata Raabe. 1958
from the White Sea, 13 from the Black and Azov Seas, and 19 24. T. pala G. Stein, 1979
from basins of the Pacific Ocean, at present. Freshwater species of 25. T. partidisci Lorn, 1962
26. T. ploveri Zhukov, 1964
trichodinids prevail in the Baltic, Caspian, and Aral Seas. A small
27. T. puytoraci Lorn, 1962
number of euryhaline species have been observed there. Truly 28. T. puytoraci marisalbi G. Stein, 1976
marine trichodinids are absent from these bodies of water. 29. T. raabei Lorn, 1962
Euryhaline T. domerguei domerguei and T. tenuidens were found in 30. T. rectuncinata Raabe, 1958
the coastal regions of the seas or in freshwater bodies near the sea 31. T. suleimanovi Ghasimagomedov, 1970
32. T. tenuidens Faure-Fremiet, 1943
coast. The largest number of marine trichodinid species has been
33. T. trichiuri Dogiel, 1948
observed in the Pacific Ocean basin. Comparison of the fauna of 34. T. trigonofibulae Zhukov, 1964
the Arctic, Pacific, and Atlantic basins disclosed a number of 35. (?) T. luciopercae Lorn, 1970
36. (?) Paratrichodina incissa (Lorn, 1959)
37. (?) Tripaniella melanogrammi G. Stein, 1961
'Institute of Cytology. Academy of Sciences of the U.S.S.R., Leningrad, U.S.S.R.

coincidence with different hosts it might be concluded that there POLIANSKI, G. I.
is no narrow host-specificity in the majority of marine tricho- 1955. Information on parasites of fishes of the northern seas of the USSR.
Parasites of fishes of the Barents Sea. [In Russ.) Tr. Zool. Inst. AN SSSR
din ids. Fishes of the Order Perciformes prevail among the hosts of 19:5-170.
trichodinids. From these facts I suppose [or conclude] (Stein SCHULMAN, S. S., and R. E. SCHULMAN-ALBOVA.
1973a, 1979) that the trichodinids parasitized Perciformes fishes 1953. Parasites of fishes of the White Sea. [In Russ.) Izd. AN SSSR.
first and only later passed over to certain fishes of other orders. Moscow-Leningrad.
Undoubtedly, further study of the ciliates of the family Tricho-
1967. Parasitic ciliates (!'eritricha, Urceolariidae) of fishes of the Japan Sea.
dinidae from the seas of the U.S.S.R. will increase the faunistic [In Russ.) Zool. Zh. 46, 5:657 -668.
lists of trichodinids and provide more exact ideas of their biology 1973a. On the host specificity of marine parasitic ciliates of the family
and ecology. Urceolariidae (Peritricha. Mobilia). In I'r<J8ress in protozoology, p. 399.
Abstracts of papers read at the 4th Int. Congr. on Protozool. Clermont-
LITERATURE CITED' 1973b. Parasitic ciliates (Peritricha. Urceolariidae) from some fishes of the
Barents Sea. [In Russ.] Parasitologiya 1(6):489-496.
1975. Key to the ciliates of the family Urceolariidae F. Stein, 1867. In Key
1940. On the classification of the genus Trichodina. [In Russ.) Tr. Len.
to the parasites of the vertebrates from the Black and Awv Seas, p. 54-68.
Obsh. Yestiestvoispitatieley 68(4):8-31.
Izd. Naukova dumb. Kiev.
1948. Parasitic protowans of fishes of Peter the Great Bay. III. The Ciliate
1976. Parasitic ciliates (peritricha, Urceolariidae) of fishes of the White Sea.
genus Trichodina. [In Russ.) Izvestia VNIORCH 27:44-66.
[In Russ.• Engl. summ.] Acta Protozool 15(4):447-468.
1979. New data on parasitic ciliates (peritricha. Urceolariidae) of fishes of
1970. New species of ciliates of the white-eyed bream (Abramis sapa). In
the basins of Pacific Ocean. [In Russ~ Engl. summ.) Acta Protozool. 18:
Voprosy physiologii, biochimii, zoologii i parasitologii, 4, p. 70-71. [In
Russ.) Dagestansky Univ., Makhach-Kala.
1982. Parasitic ciliates (Peritrichida, Trichodinidae) of some fishes of the
OSMANOV, S. O. (editor).
Gulf of KUrish. [In Russ.] Parasitologiya 16(1 ):24-29.
1976. Questions on the parasitology of the Aral Sea. [In Russ.) Izd. Fan,
1964. On the parasitic fauna of fishes of the Chukotsk Peninsula and adjoin-
ing Seas. Ill. The parasitic protozoa of marine and freshwater fishes. [In
2Not all citations mentioned in the text are included here. Russ.] Parasitologitchesky Sbomik Zool Inst. AN SSSR 22:224-262.

Special Features of the Myxosporidian Fauna From
Sea and Ocean Fishes


Regular research on Myxosporidia from open seas and oceans bas been conducted by investigators of tbe
following researcb institutions: Tbe Zoological Institute of tbe Academy of Sciences of U.S.S.R., tbe Atlantic
Researcb Institute, tbe Polar Researcb Institute, and tbe Pacinc Researcb Institute.
As a result of tbls researcb a new myxosporldlan fauna bas been discovered. Tbis provides a more complete
idea of tbe order Multivalvulea and permits more precise definition of the marine Blvalvulea. Seven new genera
and five new families have heen establisbed in the order Bivalvulea. The number of species has increased consid-
The following problems are touched upon: The ways of adaptation of myxosporldian spores to living in dif-
ferent layers of the water body; the connection of different ichthyocoenosis in certain habitats of the ocean to
their myxosporidian fauna; and the ways [paths) of migration of some Multlvalvulea species from their initial
dwelling place, the Indo-West Pacific, to tbe Atlantic, More evidence is presented on the evolution and phylogeny
of the Myxosporidia.
Foci of infections and their agents are found in the Atlantic and, partly, in the Pacific Oceans. The species of
fishes most infected witb the genus Kudoa are revealed. Measures to control these Infections are given.

Research on sea and ocean Myxosporidia is of great theoretical 50,000 specimens of more than 350 species of fishes have been
and practical importance. Analysis of the number of Myxospor- studied. This has permitted discovery of a new myxosporidian
idia species, their ecology and distribution among their fish hosts fauna.
and in water aquatorias [water or ocean basins] has shown that When the order Multivalvulea was established by S. S. Schul-
these parasites originated in the seas. That is the reason species man in 1959 it consisted of only 3 families, 3 genera, and 12
and genera with the most primitively constructed spores and most species. At present this order, owing to the works of Soviet proto-
primitive vegetative forms occur only in the seas. Also, an excep- zoologists, numbers 4 families, 5 genera, and 40 species. Thus, we
tional diversity of myxosporidian forms is observed in the seas. now have a more complete understanding of the order.
This is mostly encouraged by the abundance of ecological niches. Studies of the more numerous [larger] order, Bivalvulea, have
Unfortunately marine Myxosporidia have been investigated yielded data no less interesting.
poorly as compared with those in freshwater. Until 1941 only a Earlier certain researchers had reported on the interesting, aber-
few researchers studied Myxosporidia in the U.S.S.R. (Averinzew rant, sea Myxosporidia, e.g., Auerbachia, Parvicapsula, Unicap-
1907,1909,1911,1913; Dogiel and Bychovski 1939; Petrus- sula, etc. Their systematic position and their importance in the
chevski 1932; Bazikalova 1932). Their works dealt with only a Myxosporidia fauna were obscure. It has been found since that
few myxosporidian species. these species are members of fairly high taxa at the family level
After 1945, new works on Myxosporidia appeared (Dogiel which show a particular trend in the evolution of Myxosporidia.
1948; Schulman and Schulman-Albova 1953; Polianski 1955). For example, the genus Auerbachia is a member of the family
Many were dedicated to the study of the entire fish-parasite fauna Sphaeromyxidae which has the most primitive spores. This family
of the Soviet seas. This was of especial importance for the works consists of the initial genus Spaeromyxa, the genus Auerbachia,
of that period. Until 1970 only a few, but very interesting, works which originated from Sphaeromyxa (and has lost one polar cap-
had appeared in the U.S.S.R. (Zhukov (1964?]; Naidenova 1968; sule), and the genus Meglitchia, which was extracted from the
Naidenova and Zaika 1969a, b; Zaika 1966, 1968). [A number genus Ceratomyxa and has not been completely described.
has been published since; see Literature Cited section.] The origin of the genus Parvicapsula is not clear. The discovery
Regular research on Myxosporidia from open seas and oceans of some new species belonging to this genus allowed us to trace
has begun only in the last 10 yr based upon the three laboratories the pathway of its evolution from the genus Ceratomyxa. Soon a
of Parasitology at three research institutes, i.e., the Atlantic new genus Neoparvicapsula was discovered and described. Thus,
Research Institute, the Polar Research Institute, and the Pacific the most peculiar family Parvicapsulidae, consisting of two genera
Research Institute. This paper is dedicated to the results of these (Parvicapsula and Neoparvicapsula), was formed. The extremely
investigations, which is only the beginning of our efforts. First, we interesting genus Myxoproteus stands apart from all other taxa,
must provide the names of the researchers. They are: A. V. Gaev- because of the unique structure of its spores. It has been shown
skaya, A. N. ZUbchenko, A. A. Kovaliova, V. K. Krasin, and S. S. that the two new genera Bipteria and Schulmania originated from
Schulman [see Literature Cited]. this genus. The spores of Bipteria have two thin winglike pro-
Investigations were conducted in the vast spaces of the Atlantic cesses; those of Schulmania, ventral and lateral keels. These three
Ocean from Baffins Land and Greenland to the Atlantic waters, in genera form the single family Myxoproteidae.
the northern Pacific Ocean and in the open waters of its south- Moreover, two new families-Alatosporidae and Paliatidae-
eastern part. Unfortunately, the vast Indian Ocean has been very were established. The members of the family Alatosporidae, with
poorly investigated thus far. During this research more than their small polar capsules, are very much like those of the genus
Ceratomyxa. But the spores of Ceratomyxa have a half-moon
shape; while the spores of Alatosporidae are triangular and have
'Zoological Institute, Academy of Sciences of the U.S.S.R., Leningrad, U.S.S.R. two-winged appendices like Ceratomyxa. In the representatives of

the second genus of this family, Pseudoalatospora, these appen- form icthyocoenoses which are related to certain dwelling areas;
dices are twofold and are united at their anterior ends. It is quite the main ones are the shelf zone, the continental slope, and the
evident that these structures promote [enhance] the ability of the open ocean waters. Each has a very complicated structure.
spores to float in the water body [water column]. The shelf zone includes ecologically d. fferent fish groups that
The monotypical family Paliatidae, whose hosts are deep-sea are connected with the bottom, the pela~ic zone, and estuaries.
fishes of the family Alepocephalidae, is also very interesting. Its Neritopelagic forms can also dwell here. As a rule the most abun-
members have large spores with membTanelike structures resem- dant fauna of Myxosporidia and the fishes most infected by them
bling parachute domes. occur in these areas. The most numerous species, even those
It must be noted that the new families and genera consist, as a recently described, belong to genera described long ago. This is
rule, of 3 to 10 species. This provides evidence that the new apparently because these sea [marine] areas have been the most
families form a considerable part of the myxosporidian fauna. completely studied.
The number of species of many genera described earlier have The genera Bipteria and Schulmania are quite new and are
increased considerably. Only in the genera Coccomyxa and Auer- found also in shelf waters. Their recency of discovery is due to
bachia has the number of species remained static. These genera their occurrence in areas never before studied (Baffins Land,
have few species and their representatives occur very rarely. Greenland, the Bering Sea, and the Sea of Okhotsk).
Moreover, analysis of the three species of the genus Auerbachia Adaptation of the spores of Myxosporidia of the shelf zone (Le.,
has shown that they belong to a single, very variable, and widely whose waters are shallow relative to those of the deep sea) for
spread species. floating occurs, but is not so striking. It is worthwhile mentioning
Though our studies on Myxosporidia are far from being com- that the members of the genus Kudoa and other representatives of
pleted. we can report more than 100 new species of sea Myxo- the order Multivalvulea occur only in the shelf zone (i.e., in the
sporidia even now. New findings and revisions of previously zone of vertical raising of waters) [vertical movement or upwell-
described species allow us to add considerable detail, to reorder, ing]. These vertical movements upward [upwelling] prevent the
and, in some cases, reevaluate our view on taxa described long spores of the Multivalvulea, which are poorly adapted to floating,
ago. Thus, in such old and widely spread genera as Myxidium and from sinking to the bottom. Unfortunately, many fish complexes
CeratomyxG, species were found with gigantic spores. In Myxidium of the shelf zone, particularly estuarine fishes, have not yet been
they reach up to 100 J.lm, whereas their size does not exceed 10-20 studied.
lAm usually. In Ceratomyxa they reach 740 J.lm (Le., about 1 mm). The shelf zone passes directly into the continental slope zone
As previously mentioned, the spores of many sea [marine] where bottom, meso- and bathypelagic, nerito-oceanic, and
Myxosporidia species develop various adaptive structures for epipelagic fishes live. The meso- and bathypelagic fishes are of
floating in different layers of the water body [water column]. They particular interest. Thus, a new genus, Paliatus was found among
are winglike and threadlike processes, membranes, keels, representatives of this zone (family Alepocephalidae). Also,
manthes, etc. The spores of some species of Leptotheca, Sphaero- gigantic spores of Myxosporidia were found first in fishes of this
myxa, and Chloromyxum have threadlike appendages and the zone.
spores of some Davisia species have large hornlike prolongations Studies of the myxosporidian fauna of the open ocean were
that can change into threadlike devices at their posterior ends. begun recently. Myxosporidia from fishes dwelling in submarine
The decrease of the size of the spores in the genera Simuolinea, depths were studied. The myxosporidian fauna of ancient deep-
Chloromyxum, and Sphaerospora also promotes slow-sinking of sea fishes, particularly the family Macrouridae, is of the most in-
the spores. On the other hand, the size of the spore increases in terest. The majority of their Myxosporidia are dispersed through-
some representatives of Ceratomyxa. This is due to the large out the World Ocean; some, e.g., Auerbachia menatrosa, Myxidium
hollow cavities within the mass of the spore, which decrease the coryphaenoides, etc., are nearly cosmopolitan.
specific weight of the spores, increasing their ability to float and The myxosporidian fauna of pelagic fishes is not yet fully
promoting slower sinking. investigated. The first studies in the southeast Pacific have
At the same time the large size of the spores, as well as that of disclosed a small numerical strength of Myxosporidia species in
their polar capsules, increase the weight of the spores. That is why this zone of the ocean.
their occurrence in one or the other layer of the water body [water Thus, 3 species of fishes [at least one belonging to the genus
column] results from a range of oppositely directed factors. All Scomber; the other(s) to other genera 2 ] of the 14 well-studied ones
these adaptations are of great importance for Myxosporidia living were infected with 6 species of Myxosporidia belonging to 4
in seas and oceans, as their distribution is very extensive horizon- genera. The incidence of infection in these fishes was also very
tally (area) as well as vertically (depth). low. Some species of Myxosporidia have certain adaptations for
The spores of Myxosporidia move passively. Therefore, to be floating. The other species are typical parasites of bathypelagic
eaten [ingested] by their hosts, they must occur in the same part of fishes and usually have adaptations for floating only in this
the same water body [as those hosts]. Ceratomyxa maxima can horizon [or level]. Their occurrence in typically pelagic fishes is
serve as an example illustrating the influence of depth on the due to powerful upsurges [upwellings] of the water.
spore's size. Its spores, ranging from 470 to 740 J.lm, occur in Berb: The theoretical importance of our research is not exhausted by
[Beryx?], which lives at depths of 800 to 900 m, while the spores the examples mentioned above. The following investigations
of the some [same?] species ranging from 230 to 480 J.lm occur in [reviews or explanations] will be devoted to the genesis of water
the same fish host that lives at a depth of 240 to 400 m. basins and their fauna. They will provide a clue to the solution of
Thus, the enormous diversity of the shape and arrangement of zoogeographical and biological problems. We now have more
sea myxosporidian spores promotes their adaptation to certain
ecological conditions.
The distribution of fishes in the World Ocean is connected with
>only the Dame of the genus of one of the three species of fish was given in the
their history as well as with their present life conditions. This has original typeocript. Its specific trivial name and the names of the other two species
its reflection in the distribution of the Myxosporidia. Ocean fishes ...,.., not included.

precise data on the phylogeny of the Myxosporidia and the way pathogenic to fishes in aquacultural conditions.
[manner] of distribution of some taxa. Recently we have obtained from Dr. Hoffman 4 information on
Thus, analyses of the distribution of the Multivalvulea have a new species of Parvicapsula, parasitizing the kidneys of pen-
shown that they originated in the Indo-West Pacific. The most reared coho salmon, O. kisutch, which causes mortality of up to
primitive species of this order, Trilospora californica (which lives 30% of its hosts.
in the gallbladder, the initial habitat of the Myxosporidia), is To search for measures to control these infections it is
found only in this region, as are all known families and genera of necessary to investigate not only the number of species, but also
the Multivalvulea. Moreover, the number of species is much the biology of the agents.
greater here than in the Atlantic, in spite of a lower rate of studies
in the Pacific. Lastly, the most numerous species of Kudoa have LITERATURE CITED
been found only in Pacific deep-sea fishes.
The order Multivalvulea is comparatively young. It arose after 1907. Vber Myxosporidien aus der Gallenblase der Fische. Zoo/. Anz. 31:
the formation of the present fish fauna of the Atlantic. Represen- 831-834.
tatives of these Myxosporidia have a very typical local distribu- 1909. Studien iiber parasitische Protozoon. L Die Sporenbildung bei Ceraro-
tion. Hence, under t~ese circumstances the penetration of numer- myxa drepanopsel/ae. Arch. Protistenkd. 14:74-112.
191 I. Studien iiber parasitische Prolozoen. VII Vber Sporenbildung bei Myx-
ous species of Multivalvulea into the Atlantic Ocean has been
idium sp. aus der Gallenblase von Cottus sc"rpius. Arch. Protistenkd. 23:
prevented. 199-204.
Only 14 species of the genus Kudoa, I species of Trilospora, 1913. Ergenbnisse der Untersuchungen iiber parasitische Protozoen der tropi-
and I species of Unicauda were found in Atlantic fishes, and this schen Region Afrikas, II. Zoo/. Anz. 42:151-156.
was in spite of a much higher level of research on myxosporidians BAZIKALOVA, A.
1932. Contribution to the parasites of fishes from Murman. [In Russ.] Snab-
in this ocean. tekhizdet - Sbornik nauchnopromyslovykh rabot na Murmane, p. 136-153.
Because macrourid fishes (and other ancient deep-sea fishes) DOGIEL. V. A.
have limited migration ability, only one species of Trilospora has 1948. Protozoa infecting fishes in St. Peter Bay. [In Russ.] Izvestiya Vse-
penetrated into the Atlantic Ocean. Analysis of the number of soyunznogo nauchno-issledovatelskogo Instituta ozernogo i rechnogo ryb-
nogo khozayistva 27:17-660.
Multivalvulea species and their distribution by fish hosts, in-
dicates that these parasites could have arrived in the Atlantic by 1939. The parasites of fishes in the Caspian Sea. [In Russ.] Tr. kompleksnoi
several different routes. The most probable one was from the komissii po izucheniyu Kaspiiskogo morya 7:1-149.
Pacific Ocean around South Africa and its Atlantic shore. At pres- EVIDOKIMOV A, E. B.
ent Kudoa thyrsitis occurs in the southeastern Atlantic. It occurs 1973. A new myxosporidia species, Auerbachia sphaerica sp. n. and the sys-
tematic position of the genus Auerbachia meglitsch, 1968. [In Russ.] Para-
also in both the Pacific and Indian Oceans.
sitologiya 7(1):91-92.
Kudoa clupeidae and K. funduli from [waters around] north- 1975. Some aspects of the ecology and the origin of Myxosporidia from tele-
western Africa are morphologically very similar to K. nova from ost fishes. In Problemy parasitologii, p. 171-173. [In Russ.] Kiev.
the region of north Africa and the Mediterranean. 3 It is possible 1977. Myxosporidia from teleost fishes of the Patagonian Shelf. [In Russ.]
Parasitologiya 11(2):166-168.
that K. nova has penetrated to the North American shelf by using
such active migrators as Thunnus and Xiphidae. Here, this species 1979. Two new species of Myxosporidia, Davisia donecae sp. n. and
may have given rise to K. clupeidae and K. funduli. Ceratomyxa australes sp. n. from the horse mackerel in the southeastern
The Kudoa species occurring on the Falkland-Patagonian shelf, Atlantic. [In Russ.] Biologiya Morya 3:8-81.
penetrated into the Atlantic via South America. Hydrographical KOVALIOVA, A. A., and A. V. GAEVSKAYA.
1979. Two new species of Myxoproteus (Myxosporidia, Bivalvulea) from
barriers have prevented their migration to the north.
fishes in the Celtic Sea. [In Russ.] Parasitologiya 13(5):771-773.
The Kudoa species found in the Gulf of Mexico do not occur in 198 I. On new findings of Myxosporidia of the genus Parvicapsula in Atlantic
any other regions of the Atlantic. These species may have fishes. [In Russ.] Zoo/. Zh. 60:771-773.
penetrated into the Gulf directly from the Pacific Ocean, before KOVALiOVA, A. A., and S. S. SCHULMAN.
1978. Multivalulea of fishes. In Fauna i sistematika odnokletochnykh zhyvol-
the junction of North and South America.
nykh, p. 16-30. [In Russ., Eng/. summ.] Tr. Zool. Inst. AN SSSR. t. 78.
Finally, Trilospora from Coryphaenoides members of the mid- KOVALIOVA, A. A., S. S. SCHULMAN, and V. N. JAKOVLEV.
Atlantic ridge, apparently has penetrated directly with its host. 1979. Myxosporidia of the genus Kudoa (Myxosporidia, Multivalvulea) from
Unfortunately, the pathways of invasion of this fish are unknown. the Atlantic Ocean. In Sistemalika i ekologiya sporovikov i knidosporidii, p.
Investigations of Myxosporidia are of great importance for 42-64. [In Russ., Eng/. summ.] Tr. Zoo/. Inst. AN SSSR, t. 78.
fisheries also. The Multivalvulea are not pathogenic to their fish
1977. Myxosporidia from Chondroslei fishes in the Patagonian Shelf (the
hosts, but the fishery suffers great losses, some because certain coasl of Argentina). [In Russ.] Parasilologiya 11(1):74-77.
species of this order reduce the quality of the flesh of infected fish. NAIDENOVA, N. N.
Others provoke lysis of the fish host's tissues even after prolonged 1968. Ortholinea gobiusi sp. n. (Myxosporidia, Bivalvulea) from Gobius
ophiocephalus in the Black Sea. [In Russ.] Biologiya Morya 14: 15-18.
freezing. This makes the fish unsuitable for food.
1974. The parasites of Gobiidae fishes in the Black Sea and the Sea of Azov.
As a result of our studies in the Atlantic and partly in the [In Russ.] Kiev, 182 p.
Pacific, foci of infections and their agents were found; species of NAIDENOVA, N. N., and V. E. ZAIKA.
fishes infected with Kudoa were revealed; and the seasonal distri- 1969a. Marine myxosporidian of original morphology and some aspects of
bution of these parasites in some regions of the ocean was the myxosporidian evolution. Progr. ProloZOO/., p. 379.
1969b. Two new species of Protozoa, parasites of fishes in the Black Sea. [In
discovered. An instruction on how to utilize fishes infected with
Russ.] Parasitologiya 3(1):97-101.
the genus Kudoa was provided on the basis of this research. 1970. Three new genera of myxosporidia-fish parasites from the Indian
As the studies of recent years have shown, members of the Ocean. [In Russ., Eng/. summ.] Zoo/. Zh. 49:451-454.
Bivalvulea can be pathogenic also. Thus, Henneguya sp. can be

)The author may have meant". . from the northwestern Atlantic arc morpho- 4Believed by editor to be Dr. Glenn L. Hoffman of Fish Farming Experimental
logically very similar. Station, U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service, P.O. Box 860, Stuttgart, AR 72160, U.S.A.

1932. Zur Systematik und Cytologie der Myxosporidia aus einigen Fischen 1953. The parasites of fishes in the White Sea. [In Russ.) Izdatelstvo AN
des Weihen Meeres. Arch. Protistenkd. 78:543-556. SSSR, M. 1.., 198 p.
1955. Parasites of fishes in the Barents Sea. [In Russ.) Tr. Zoo!. Inst. AN
1966. Contribution to the protozoan fauna of the Black Sea. In Gelminto-
SSSR 19:5-170. fauna ahyvotnykh Yuzhnykh morei, p. 13-31. [In Russ.) Kiev.
SCHULMAN, S.S. 1968. Parasitic Protozoa from the Black Sea. [In Russ.) Biologiya Morya
1953. New and poorly studied Myxosporidia (Myxosporidia, Bivalvulea) 14:41-46.
from fishes in the White Sea. [In Russ.) Zoo!. Zh. 32:384-393.
1956. The parasite fauna of herring, smelt and navaga in the White Sea. (1n ZHUKOV, E. V.
Russ.) Trudy Karelo-finskogo Filiala AN SSSR, v. 4. Seriya parasitologich- 1964. Parasites from the fishes of the river Chukolka. II. The Protozoa from
eskaya, p. 50-67. !be marine and freshwater fishes. [In Russ.) Parasitologicheskii sbomik
1966. The myxosporidian fauna of the USSR. [In Russ.] Izdatelstvo AN Zoologicheskogo Instituta AN SSSR, 22, 22:224-263.
SSSR, M. 1.., 498 p. ZUBCHENKO, A. V., and V. K. KRASIN.
SCHULMAN, S. S., A. A. KOVALIOVA, and V. R. DUBINA. 1980. The genus Myxidium (Myxosporidia, Bivalvulea) from macrourid fishes
1979. New myxosporidians from fishes in the Atlantic coast of Africa. [In in !be North Atlantic and the Pacific Oceans. [In Russ.] Parasitologiya 14
Russ.) Parasitologiya 13(1):71-78. (2):168-176.

Myxosporidia of Fishes of the North Pacific

Myxosporidians of fishes of the northern Pacific have been the infection of Coryphaenoides spp., Laemonema longipes, and
studied only recently. The first information about them was not Anoplopoma fimbria allow us to state a somewhat closer species
published until the 1920's (Fujita 1923; Davis 1924). similarity of Myxosporidia in the given areas.
By now a large number of works dedicated to Myxosporidia of Even my incomplete data (materials on bathyal fishes received
fishes of that area have been published by foreign and Soviet in 1980 are still being processed) indicate that 10 species of Myx-
scientists (Jameson 1929, 1931; Nobel 1938a, b, 1941, 1966; osporidia have been found to be common in these areas (i.e., Myx-
Moser 1976; Moser and Noble 1977; Dogiel 1948; Polianski idium coryphaenoidium, M. melanocetum, M. pearcyi, M. melano-
1958; Zhukov 1964; Schulman 1966; and others). stigmum, Ceratomyxa anoplopoma, C. obesa, C. asymmetrica, C.
As the result of these studies new species of Myxosporidia have coryphaenoida, Davisia anoplopoma, and D. coryphaenoida).
been registered [recorded) and the number of hosts for previously Myxosporidia of the other Multivalvulea, which cause consid-
known species has increased. In addition, information on tax- erable economic losses to the fish industry due to impairment of
onomy, problems of ecology and development, and the relation- the market value of the fish (even rendering the fish unfit for
ships between parasites and hosts have been covered. Many in- human consumption in some cases), have drawn the greatest
teresting works deal with the spatial and seasonal distribution of attention.
Myxosporidia in the ocean and their dependence on biotic and Three years ago more than 40 species of multivalvular Myx-
abiotic conditions as well as the influence of Myxosporidia on the osporidae were known. They were divided into four families, i.e.,
fish hosts, themselves. Trilosporidae, Kudoidae, Pentacapsulidae, and Hexacapsulidae
Since 1972 the TINRO Laboratory of Parasitology of Marine (Kovaliova and Schulman 1978). According to my data, 27
Animals has conducted planned investigations of Myxosporidia of species of Multivalvulea of three families (Trilosporidae,
fish of the northern Pacific. Kudoidae, and Hexacapsulidae) are registered [recorded) from the
Thus far, 1,809 fish belonging to 43 families, 81 genera, and North Pacific.
132 species have been studied. In our collections 41 species of By now a total of 50 species of multivalvular Myxosporidae
Myxosporidia were new and 65 were found for the first time in have been registered [recorded]. Two genera have been placed in
new hosts, while 12 were not identifiable as to species because of the family Trilosporidae: Unicapsula (one species) and Trilospora
an insufficient number of spores. (two species) were found, Trilospora calijornica in the gallbladder
In all, a total of 190 Myxosporidia have been registered and Trilospora [sp.?] in the muscles. The family Tetracapsulidae is
[recorded) from the North Pacific, according to our data and that represented by the 23 species of the genus Kudoa. Kudoa perecar-
from the literature. One hundred and twelve species of Myxo- dialis was found in the pericardial cavity of Seriola quinqeradiata.
sporidia were found off the Asian coast-96 of them belonging to The other species were located in the muscles of the fish. The
the order Bivalvulea and 16 to the order Multivalvulea. Myxo- family Hexacapsulidae contains one monotypic genus, Hexacap-
sporidia of the genera Ceratomyxa (26 species), Myxidium (19 sula, found in the muscles of Neothunnus macropterus. The
species), Kudoa (14 species), and Chloromyxum (II species) were representatives of the other above-mentioned parasites have been
most abundant. found in 25 species offish. The muscles of the following fishes are
Eighty-seven species were registered in the northeastern most greatly infected by Myxosporidae of the genus Kudoa:
Pacific, 75 of them from Bivalvulea and 12 from Multivalvulea. Merluccius productus (two species), 124 specimens of 151 exam-
The genera Ceratomyxa (18 species), Myxidium and Kudoa (10 ined were infected (85.2%); Engraulis mordax, 159 from 225 fish
species, and Leptotheca (9 species) were predominant as well as in specimens (70.6%); Coryphaenoides pectoralis, 34 infected fish
the northwestern Pacific. specimens of 66 investigated (51.5%); Atheresthes evermanni, 15
In both areas 18 genera from 9 Myxosporidia families were infected fish specimens of 56 examined (26.8%); Hippoglossoides
registered [recorded), but myxosporidians of the genera Auer- elassodon, 6 infected fish specimens of 33 studied (18.2%); and
bachia and Unicapsula were not found in the northwestern Pacific Coryphaenoides cinereus, 5 infected fish specimens of 30 exam-
while those of the genera Sphaerospora and Hexacapsula were not ined (16.6%).
found in the northeastern Pacific.
The faunal similarity of Myxosporidia of the shelf fish of these LITERATURE CITED
areas at the species level is insignificant. It is interesting to note
that there are no common species of the order Multivalvulea
1924. A new myxosporidian parasite, the cause of "wormy" halibut. Rep.
parasitizing mainly [primarily) shelf fish in the Pacific waters off U.S. Comm. Fish. for fiscal year 1923, Append. 8(Doc. 957), 5 p.
the North American and Asian coasts. DOGIEL, V. A.
The Myxosporidia fauna of bathyal fishes has been studied 1948. Parasitic Protozoa of fishes of lhe Peter the Great Bay. [In Russ.]
much less than that of shelf fishes. Nevertheless, available data on Izvestiya Vsesoyuzn. Nauchno-issled. Institula Ozemogo i Rechnogo Ryb-
nogo Khozyaystva. 27:17-66.
I Pacific Research Institute of Fisheries and Oceanography (TINRO), Vladivostok, 1923. Studies on Myxosporidia of Japan. J. Coil. Agric. Hokkaido Univ. 10:
U.S.S.R. 191-248.

JAMESON, A. P. 1938b. Myxosporidia from tide pool fishes of California. J. Parasito!' 24
1929. Myxosporidia from Californian fishes. J. Parasito!. 16:59-68. (Suppt.):31.
1931. Notes on Californian Myxosporidia. J. Parasitot. 18:59-69. 1941. On distribution relationships between California tide pool fisbes and
KOVAUOVA, A. A., and S. S. SCHULMAN. their Myxosporidian (Protozoan) parasites. J. Parasitot. 27:409-415.
1978. Multivalvulean myxosporidians of fishes. Tr. Zoot. Inst. AN SSSR 1966. Myxosporidia in deepwater fisbes. J. Parasitot. 52:685-690.
1958. Parasitofauna and environment. Some ecological questions of marine
1976. Inter-specific associations of Myxosporidia (Protozoa) in macrourid
fish parasites. In Osnovnye problemy parasitologii ryb. [In Russ.]
fishes. J. Parasitenk. 51:133-135.
1977. Myxosporidia genera Auerbachia, Sphaerospora, DaYisia and Chlor- 1966. Myxosporidia of tbe fauna of tbe USSR. [In Russ.] M. L. Nauka,
omyxum in macrourid fisbes and the sablefish, Anoplaoma fimbria. J. 505 p.
Parasitenk.51(2):159-163. ZHUKOV, E. V.
NOBLE, E. R. 1964. Parasitofauna of the fishes of the Cbnkotta Peninsula. 111. Protozoans
1938a. Two new Myxosporidia from tide pool fishes of California. J. (Protozoa) of marine and freshwater fishes. General conclusions. [In Russ.]
ParasitoL 24:441-444. Parasito!. Heskiy Sbornik 22:224-263.

Investigations of the Ultrastructure and Cytochemical
Peculiarities of Kudoa quadratum (Thelohan, 1895),
(Myxosporidia, Multivalvulea)


The ultrastructure, mode of nutrition, and host-parasite relations in Kudoa quadratum (Myxozoa) from
muscle fibers of MyoIocephalus scorpius are discussed.

The ultrastructure and cytochemical peculiarities of Kudoa muscle cell. I did not observe ruptures of muscle cell membranes
quadratum, a parasite of muscle cells of Myoxocephalus scorpius as a result of infection. Only one plasmodium can be observed in-
from the White Sea, were studied (Figs. 1,2,3). Kudoa quadratum side each infected muscle cell. The muscle fibrils adjoining the in-
is an intracellular parasite. Vegetative stages of K. quadratum and fected one seem to be undamaged if the trophozoite is not too
the so-called "cysts" have nothing in common with the resting or large.
reproductive cysts of other Protozoa. Kudoa quadratum has a
rather large (up to 2 x 0.3 mm) fusiform plasmodium bounded by REFERENCE
a unit membrane. Usually one can see remnants of protofibrils
between the membrane of the plasmodium and the muscle cell
1982. Ultrastructure of so-called cysts of Myxosporidia. [10 Russ.] Parasit-
membrane. Plasmodia utilize the protofibrils by phagocytosis or ologiya 14(1):13-17.
by pinocytosis after lysis of the latter. Alkaline phosphatase was
discovered at the surface of plasmodia. The cytoplasm of the
trophozoites is rich in glycogen. There is no succinat degidrogen-
ase [succinate dehydrogenase?] activity in trophozoites. It seems
that trophozoites are anaerobic organisms and that glycogen is a
principal source of energy for them. The development of the
trophozoites and sporogenesis take place inside one and the same

I Institute of Cytology, Academy of Sciences of the U.S.S.R., Leningrad, U.S.S.R.

Figure 2.-Trophozoite of Kudoa quadratum (t) inside muscle fiber. mmf =

Figure I.-The spore of Kudoa quadratum with four valves and four polar cap- membrane of muscle fiber, mt = trophozoite membrane, Mmf = mitochrondria
sules. of muscle fiber.

Figure 3.-U1trastructure of infected (imf) ..... noninfected (.-I) masele fiber.

Trematodes of Commercial Fish of the Pacific of
Practical Importance!

Trematodes [digeneids] belong to the most numerous group of On the basis of data in the literature, I recorded six larvae of the
flatworms, with a considerable number being parasites of marine genus Stephanostomum, which were identified to the species level,
fishes. The total number of known trematode species invading on various fishes of the World Ocean. Considering the still imper-
marine species at different stages is about 3,000 species belonging fect specific criteria of trematodes of this genus and the great
to approximately 700 genera (Kurochkin in litL). Many of them number of species described to date (more than 70), it is natural to
are of great importance to marine ecosystems, though this aspect admit significant difficulties in their determination [identifica-
of marine parasitology requires further study. My attention is tion]. I am of the opinion thaI it is impossible to refer [utilize] the
primarily attracted by those trematode species of greatest prac- nomenclatural and systematic changes offered by Dollfus (1972)
tical significance. for the genus Stephanostomum, since it would increase the confu-
The adult or larval forms of such trematode species are highly sion. I (Korotaeva undated) described some larval forms of meta-
pathogenic for fish and may affect their number, reduce the quali- cercariae of the family Acanthocolpidae from the muscles of cer-
ty of raw fish and fish products, or be harmful to a human being tain marine Pacific commercial fishes.
[and a few may infect humans]. [Hence, trematodes may be harm- Larvae of trematodes of the family Bucephalidae Poche. 1907
ful (economically and medically) to humans.] are of no less importance from a practical point of view. Larval
In this paper I shall review the most important trematode Prosorhynchus crucibulus were observed in the northwest Pacific
species of Pacific marine fishes encountered by commercial in the muscles and under the skin of 13.9% of fish of seven species
fishery specialists. These materials have been obtained while including Myoxocephalus jack (66.7% of fish at an intensity of up
processing trematodes of commercial marine fish collected by to 7 specimens), Sebastes alutus (56% at an intensity of up to 142
specialists of the Laboratory of Parasitology of Marine Animals of specimens), and Melletes papillio (50% at an intensity of up to 30
TINRO from the different parts of the Pacific Ocean. Data con- specimens) revealed the highest level of infection. The highest in-
cerning the level of infection of fish by the above species and the tensity of infection, up to 1,000 specimens, was observed in Hex-
forms of trematodes are presented as well. agrammos lagocephalus. According to the literature, 17 Pacific
Commercial fish whose muscles are infected by trematodes are fish species are known to have their muscles infected by larvae of
observed in almost all areas of the Pacific Ocean. Metacercariae this species. Additionally, metacercariae of seven species of
of trematodes of the family Acanthocolpidae Luhe 1909 are fre- trematodes of the family Bucephalidae were registered on various
quently recorded from marine fishes. Sometimes they invade the benthic fishes of the World Ocean.
muscles under the skin or the fins in great numbers, thus making Larvae of trematodes of the family Didymozoidae Poche, 1907
some fish catches unmarketable, which results in considerable are widely distributed among oceanic fish. They are observed in
economical losses. different organs and tissues. Their location in the muscles is quite
Metacercariae of Stephanostomum spp. have been observed in common for fishes of the tropical and subtropical Pacific. Around
29.5% of the fish examined (of 12 fish species) in the northwest Hawaii they are found in 75% of Epinephelus guarnus at an inten-
Pacific. They were found on 6.9% of fish (three fish species) in sity of from one to two specimens. Fourteen percent of Ocycrius
the northeast Pacific; 54.5% (four fish species) in the Hawaiian iaponica, at an intensity of one specimen are observed to be in-
area; 10.8% (two fish species) in the Philippine Sea area; and fected in the Philippine Sea. Forty percent of Saurida undo-
51.6% (six fish species) in the Australia-New Zealand area. squamis at an intensity of up to 10 specimens, 33.3% of S. tumbel
The highest level of muscle infection has been observed by at an intensity of up to 23 specimens, 40% of Pentapodus senosus
TINRO specialists on [several] flatfishes of the northwest Pacific, at an intensity of up to 10 specimens, and 75% of Pristipomoides
i.e., Lepidopsetta biliniata (39% at an intensity of up to 101 rypus at an intensity of from one to five specimens were found in-
individuals), Limanda aspera (58.5% at an intensity of up to 25 fected off northern and northwest Australia. In the New Zealand
individuals), and Hippoglossoides elassodon (20.4% at an intensity area, 5 specimens of the trematode were observed in 1 of 35 in-
of up to 38 individuals). dividual Nemadactylus macropterus.
Such high levels of infection off the Asian coast may be attrib- The helminthologicalliterature presents data concerning local-
uted primarily to the greater availability there of continental ization of some adult didymozoids in the muscles of the large
shelves and slopes where fish have more chances of becoming pelagic fish. Large envelopes with cyst formations containing eggs
infected from benthic invertebrates-the first intermediate hosts of already degenerated adult didymozoid species are often observ-
of these trematodes. ed in their muscles. Mature trematodes, Nematobothrioides
australiensis, were described by us (Nikolaeva and Korotaeva
1970) from Scomber australasicus from the Great Australian Bay.
I As used here the word trematode means Digenea, as is now widely accepted by
Russian scientists.
They are localized in the gonads of females, where their [period
'Pacific Research Institute of Fisheries and Oceanography (T1NRO), Vladivostok, of) intensive maturing coincides with the spawning period [of the
U.S.S.R. hostl.

Trematodes of the species Gonocerca ashoro (family Derogen- trematode species found in fish muscles are known to be
idae) have a similar microhabitat, locating in the ovaries of pathogenic to humans.
females of Nematonurus pectoralis. These trematodes reach 3 cm Metacercariae of trematodes located in fish muscles are usually
in length. They are of bright brown color and easily visible among found in specific hosts, though not so regularly as is the case with
the eggs, and may hinder marketing of this valuable product. They maritae. Therefore, infection by them is not observed on all
were registered [recorded] by TINRO specialists in the area ofthe ichthyofaunal components within any area of the sea but may be
Emperor Range on 13.3% of fish with an average invasion [infec- found only in particular commercial fish species. From the prac-
tion] of up to four specimens. tical point of view this allows us to determine the commercial fish
In the North Pacific we found an interesting phenomenon of species whose muscles are always free from invasion, as well as
localization of the trematode Aporocotyle theragrae in the muscles fish which require constant or episodical [specific?] parasitologi-
of 48 of the 1,937 Theragra chalcogramma studied (2.5%), at an cal control for human consumption purposes.
intensity of up to 76 specimens. Such abnormal location of these I must indicate that I consider that nearly all known incidents
trematodes may be explained by the fact that some larvae begin of rejection of marine fish catches during the last 15 yr because of
growing after penetration into the small blood vessels of the host trematode infec;tions were groundless. In all these cases the
and are not able to get into the larger blood vessels-their normal parasites infecting the fish were not harmful for human beings and
location. Their size may reach that of adult trematodes, but sexual the level of infection, except in some rare instances, was not suffi-
maturity never occurs in this location and they perish. degenerate, ciently high to cause loss of marketing quality. The skill of the
and become calcified. In addition this fish, primarily its muscles. persons conducting the parasitological inspections was inade-
are infected by two species of metacercariae of trematodes of the quate.
family Cathaemasidae whose definitive hosts are birds.
Metacercarial Liliatrema skrjabini were observed in eight fish LITERATURE CITED
species and L. sobolevi in one fish species.
Among trematodes recorded as being in the muscles of marine DOLLFUS, R. P. H.
1972. Parasilologia maurilanica. Digenetiques de Teleosleens I re note. Di
fish, I know of only one species. Nanophyetus salmincola. which is
genre Stephanochasmus A. Looss, 1900 (Trematoda Digenea). Bull. Inst.
of definite medical importance. It usually infects salmonids in Fondam. Afr. Noire, 34, Ser. A (4):809-827.
freshwater. but the metacercariae are able to survive in the KOROTAEVA, V. D.
muscles of anadromous fish while they are in the ocean. When in Undated. On infection of marine fish muscles with metacercariae of trema-
the human intestine, the live metacercariae leave the cysts and todes of the family Acanthocolpidae Luhe, 1909. [In Russ.] Izvestia
TINRO 101:120-125.
grow to be mature trematodes, thus causing a disease-naoophy- NIKOLAEVA, V. M., and V. D. KOROTAEVA.
etosis, which is not very dangerous but is unpleasant. As indicated. 1970. Nematobothrioides australiensis sp.n.-a new trematode of Scomber
N. salmincola is a parasite of freshwater origin. No marine australiasicus. [In Russ., Engl. summ.] Parasitologiya 4(4):330-333.

Infestation Rate of the Young of White Sea Herring,
Reared Under Experimental Conditions and
Caught in the Sea, by Trematodes,
and Their Pathogenic Effect 1,2


While rearing White Sea herring we observed deaths of larvae noted on 2 July. The number of parasites was one to two per larva,
infected by trematodes of the family Hemiuridae, Brachiphallus the percentage of infestation being 4%. The percentage of infec-
crenatus (Rudolphi 1802) and Lecithaster gibbosus (Rudolphi tion by both trematode species increased to 10% by 11 July, to
1802), located in the digestive tract. Presence of B. crenatus 30% by 23 July, to 52% by 30 July, to 58% by 7 August, and, at
resulted in injury of the mucuous membranes hindering the the end of the experiment on 13 August, it was 68% with the in-
passage of food, causing embolism of the intestine and inhibition tensity of infestation being one to three parasites per single young
of the growth of larvae and fry (lvanchenko and Grozdilova fish.
1971). Lecithaster gibbosus, actively moving in the digestive tract Abundant hatching of larvae in nature occurred at approx-
of the young by means of their suckers, injured the mucuous mem- imately the same time as in the experiment. The first larvae with
brane of the intestine. As a result, the larvae and fry ceased parasites (B. crenatus and L. gibbosus) were discovered on 9 July.
feeding and died (Ivanchenko and Grozdilova 1971). These two The percentage of infestation [infection] attained 8.2%; on 17
trematode species, pathogenic for herring larvae and fry, were July it became 57%; on 26 July it was 76%. The latest [for the
primarily responsible for the deaths of the young in the aquarium year] collecting in the sea was performed on 3 August. The
[experimental containers]. Their pathogenic influence is appar- percentage of infection was 67%, with an intensity of infection in
ently the same in nature. Therefore, we have begun a study into the digestive tract of one to five specimens per individual juvenile.
the infestation rate of herring at early stages of ontogenesis under The results suggest that infestations of White Sea herring at early
experimental conditions and in nature. In 1979 work was per- stages of ontogenesis under experimental conditions and in nature
formed on herring inhabiting the Chupa Inlet of Kandalaksha Bay are synchronous and fluctuate within approximately the same
in the White Sea. Under experimental conditions, hatching of the limits.
larvae occurred on 5 June. Larvae were fed with plankton caught Apparently, the dynamics of infestation of the young reared in
in the sea. Four hundred and thirty larvae and fry of herring aquaria can reflect infestation of larvae and juveniles in the sea to
studied during the period of rearing contained two species of some degree. Experimental conditions make it possible to
trematodes, B. crenatus and L. gibbosus. The first parasites were estimate relatively precisely the percentage of herring killed by
the above parasites. Such calculations would be impossible in
nature. Thus, artificial rearing permits a more detailed study of the
1 As used here the word trematodes means Digenea.
influence of trematodes occurring on larvae and fry, and provides
'No Literature Cited section was supplied by the authors.
'The Zoological Institute, Academy of Sciences of the U.S.S.R., Leningrad, an idea of the degree of pathogenicity of these parasites for
U.S.S.R. herring young in nature.

Trematodes-Didymozoidae Fauna, Distribution
and Biology!


Questions on tbe specific structure [organization) of the family Didymozoidae, represented by 212 species,
are considered. More tban 100 species of fisbes have been registered [recorded) as bosts of didymozoid marilae.
Tbe geograpbical distribution of didymozoids is analyzed and their connection witb tropical and subtropical
zones of tbe World Ocean is disclosed. An analysis of didymozoid development cycles is made according to the
scbeme of tbe tropbic relations of tbe fisb involved.

The maritae of trematodes of the family Didymozoidae (Mon- central cavity groove, but penetrate deep into the female's body
ticelli, 1888), Poche, 1907 parasitize marine fishes mainly, rarely [Figs. 2, 3].
freshwater ones. Metacercariae are recorded from fishes, squids, Since the systematics of Didymozoidae is only now being
crustaceans, and other invertebrates. The study of Didymozoidae worked out, Mayr's expression (1971 :83) is quite correct [and ap-
began in 1819 when C. Rudolphi described the first species. The plies]: "In groups where an inventory is still in full swing and
history of the study of the didymozoids has been well described by when exceptions are too-poor local populations, it is difficult to
K. 1. Skriabin (1955) and supplemented by me (Nikolaeva 1975). apply the methods of population system" [systematics].
The greatest number of didymozoid species has been described by Anaiysis of the geographic distribution of didymozoida is dif-
S. Yamaguchi-4 species in 1934,16 species in 1938, and 68 in ficult. The difficulty lies primarily in the fact that the fish to be
1970-in all 115 species of Didymozoidae. examined often have been bought at a market and the site where
Descriptions of 200 species have been published to date. Study they were captured is not recorded or known. Second, in some
of the numerous didymozoid collections at our disposal (collec- regions of the World Ocean fish infections (by didymozoids) are
tions of IBSS, TlNRO, and others) disclosed many new species
from all regions of the World Ocean. They represent different sub-
families. I studied and described 40 didymozoid species. Twenty- Table I.-Systematics of Didymozoidae.

seven (or 67.5%) new ones were referred to eight subfamilies. The Number
descriptions of 12 new species have not been published yet. 3 I N/N Subfamilies Genera Species
have adopted the didymozoid system of Yamaguchi (1971). Thus,
at present, the family numbers 212 species placed in 81 genera 1 Didyrnoloinae 21 79 (3)'
2 Adenoididymocystiinae 1 I
and 23 subfamilies (Table I). The systematics of the Didymo- 3 Annulocystiinae 2 2
zoidae is in a chaotic state. A number of species, genera, and sub- 4 Colocyntotrematinae 1 2
families differ [only] by very insignificant characters. At the same 5 Didymocodiinae 2 2
time, species with quite different morphology are sometimes 6 Glomeritrematinae I I
7 Gonapodasmiinae 3 14
united into one genus. Analysis of the subfamily Koellikerinae 19 (2)
8 Koellikeriinae 4
(Nikolaeva 1978) allowed me to reestablish the competence and 9 Metadidymozoinae 1 1
validity of the genus Wedlia Cobbold, 1860, and reduce the genus 10 Nematobothriinae 23 52 (6)
Tricharrhen Poche, 1925 to synonymy. Further work on the II Neodidymoloinae 4 4 (I)
12 Neodiplotrematinae I 1
collection of trematodes of this subfamily confirmed the correct-
13 Nephrodidymotrematinae I I
ness of my point of view. 14 Opepherocystiinae I I
New representatives of this subfamily have been described. The 15 Opepherotrematinae 4 4
discovery of a new species of the genus Koellikeria is especially 16 Osteodidymocodiinae 1 1
interesting (Fig. I). The type species, K. okeni, was described in 17 PatellokoeUi keri inae 1 1
18 Phacelotrematinae 1 1
1860 and for 120 yr it has been the only representative of this
19 Philopinninae 2 3
genus and a new species of the genus [Koellikeroides sp.] appears 20 Pseudocolocyntotrematinae 2 3
to be unusual. Together with specimens having the usual sex ratio 21 Reniforminae 1 1
(1:1) [ratio of sexes], I found specimens with two or three males 22 Sicuotrematinae I 1
23 Skrjabinozoinae 2 2
inside a single female. In this case the males are situated, not in a
Genera not placed in sub·
81 200 (12)
'As used here the word trematodes means Digenea. 212
'Institute of Biology of the Southern Seas, Academy of Sciences of the U.S.S.R.,
Sevastopol, U.S.S.R. 'The parentheses contain data on new species as yet unpublished.
]At the time the textual manuscript was provided to the editor in late raU or winter [At the time the textual manuscript was submitted to the editor in
of 1981. the fall or winter of 1981.]

only poorly known, or there is no information at all (as in the
region of the Indo-Malayan Archipelago). Nikolaeva (1970,
1978) has already noted that didymozoids occur in tropical and
subtropical zones of the World Ocean. In the oceans [known]
didymozoids are distributed as shown in Figure 4. Five species
have been described from freshwater. Two species were found in
the Nile, and one each in the Laohe River (the basin of the Yellow
Sea), in the rivers of Japan and the U.S.A. (the States of Louisiana
and Oklahoma).
The didymozoida fauna is abundant and varied in the Pacific
Ocean. The greatest number of species (84 of 143) is registered
[recorded] in the region of the Hawaiian Islands (Yamaguchi
1970). Yamaguchi pointed out that the Hawaiian Islands lie in the
watershed of the West-Indian Pacific zoogeographic region.
Forty-seven species are found near the coast of Japan in the Sea of
Japan and from the ocean side [of thc islands of Japan] and only
19.9% of them are common with Hawaiian ones. Eight species are
found in an open part of the [Pacific] ocean. Three species were
collected in the California region and one near the Mexican coast.
Single species are noted in the Philippines and Makassar regions
and in the Arafura Sea.
The Indian Ocean didymozoida fauna had but five species and
· Figure l.--Koellikeria sp. was "a blank spot" [void] before my investigations. Forty-nine
didymozoida species are registered there now. Twenty-seven
specics of didymozoida were collectcd from seven host species in
the Comoro Islands region. There are seven species in the Gulf of
Mannar and five around the Agulhas Bank. Three species are
recorded from the Great Australian Bay and in the tropical ocean
zonc. Two species are found in the Red Sea, by one [and one each]
in the Cape Guardafui region, near Safala Bank, and the Indian
coast. Forty-nine didymozoid species are registcred from the
Atlantic Ocean basin, 32 species are from the ocean, 23 from the
Mcditerranean Sea, and 2 from the Black Sea. The greatest
number of species in the Mediterranean Sea is noted near the
coast of Italy and in the Adriatic Sea. Solitary didymozoida are
found near the coast of Algeria, Morocco, and in the Suez Canal.
Didymozoida are found in the following regions of the Atlantic
itself: 13 species in the Gulf of Mexico and near the Florida coast;
2 specics in the Bermuda region and near the coasts of England
and Sweden (in the North Sea). There was one species [each?] in
the Kurasao [Curacao?] region, in the Guinea Gulf [Gulf of
Guinea], and in the south and southeast Atlantic. Exact coordi-
nates are lacking for the 14 species recorded from the Atlantic
Figure 2.--Koellikeroides splenalis Nikolaeva. Ocean.
To secure an idea of the distribution of didymozoida in the
World Ocean I employ the information 00 didymozoids from the
collections on which I have not yet worked. The most abundant
collections of didymozoida of the Pacific Ocean were made in
tropical waters (126 infected fish specimens). In the Northern
Hemisphere didymozoida are registered in the Hawaiian Islands
region (15 fish specimens), near California (on 10 fish
specimens), near the coast of Mexico (on 8 fish specimens), in
Teuantepek Bay (on 4 fish specimens), on the coast of Japan (on I
fish specimen), in the Philippines region (on 7 fish specimens), in
the northeastern part of the South China Sea (on 30 fish
specimens) and in the New Zealand region (on 21 fish specimens),
in the Tasmanian Sea (on I fish specimen), and in the southern
part of the ocean (on 18 fish specimens).
I have already studied a great part of the Indian Ocean collec-
tion (consisting of Dubina's, Tkachuk's, and Gitchenok's collec-
tions). Thirty-five didymozoida species are recorded-60% of
them new. Besides the collections taken near the Australian coast,
Figure 3.--KMllikeroitles splenalis Nikolaeva. in the Greater Australian Bay region, in the Red Sea, in Aden Bay,

(J •

~--~=-I-=-=---.- --- - ~-:'U
vv - III ~
- -'---=_':'-.:" .-_.:.---=--:.-_.

Figure 4.-Geographic distribution of didymozoids. I = Distribution of separate species; II = distribution of metacercariae; III = regions where didymozoids have
been colIected.

and in the Arabian Sea near the southeast coast of Africa being at has disappeared from catches after fattening [after the feeding
my disposal; I have also the Atlantic Ocean collections, taken both period ends]. It is known that the metacercariae of two species of
in a special tunny [tuna] catching expedition (Nikolaeva's and didymozoida invade sprats and, rarely, nine species of other Black
Shchepkina's collections) and during full parasitological examina- Sea fishes. The invasion of small pelagic fishes by metacercariae
tion of other fishes. There are didymozoids collected in the has been reduced following the reduction in numbers of one final
tropical waters of the Guinean Bay in the region of Cape Blanc host (Sarda sarda) and disappearance of the other (Scomber scom-
and Wallfish Bay. In the Northern Hemisphere, didymozoids have brus). So, in 1959 to 1961 sprat were infected (in the Danube
been collected in the Caribbean Sea, the Gulf of Mexico, around region) up to 93.5% with an intensity of invasion of from I to 116
Gibraltar, and in the Mediterranean Sea. specimens per fish. In 1977 extensiveness [prevalence] was 1%
Thus, the didymozoida fauna of the World Ocean is chiefly and intensity of invasion [infection] was one metacercaria per
tropical and subtropical. Only a few species have penetrated into fish.
the boreal and notal regions. There are no didymozoida [recorded] More than 100 fish species of 32 families are recorded as hosts
in the Arctic and Antarctic waters. Undoubtedly, the didymozoida of didymozoida maritae. First of all they are representatives of the
fauna of the Pacific Ocean is the richest and the most di verse. Pro- family Scombridae (18 species), Exocoetidae and Serranidae (II
bably, the didymozoida originated in one of the regions [mention- species), Sphyraenidae (7 species), and Istiophoridae and
ed] here. Carangidae (6 species). The same host may have several species of
A number of species of this family are circumtropical but didymozoid parasites. Thus, 37 didymozoida species are
others are endemics. The settling of didymozoida maritae occurs registered from Thunnus albacares in different regions of the
mainly in their final hosts. However, transference with the inter- World Ocean. Katsuwonus pelamis has 33 species of didymozoida,
mediate and reservoir hosts is possible as well. The considerable Thunnus obesus-25, T. thynnus-19; T. alalunga-16; Euthun-
variability in distribution and dynamics of a number of didymo- nus affinis-14; Scomber japonicus-ll; Auxis thazard-9; Seriola
zoida is reflected on the borders of the range of these trematodes. quinqueradiata-7; and Makaira nigricans-6 species of
Such variations are noted in the Black Sea. In 1950 to 1960 and didymozoida. The fishes, which are the hosts of many species of
before, two species of didymozoida, Unitubulotestis pelamydis these trematodes, live near the coast in the surface layers of the
from Sarda sarda and Nematobothrium scombri from Scomber ocean and are pelagic at all stages of their life cycles. The append-
scombrus, had been registered there. Sarda sarda is a constant ed list4 shows that tunnies [tunas] and other representatives of this
inhabitant of the Black Sea. Lately its catch has been sharply
reduced and the stock has not been taken by the fishery. Scomber
scombrus usually migrates to the Black Sea, but since 10 yr ago it 'No host list was supplied with lhe manuscript by the author.

family are the preferred hosts. Seven of 15 genera of the family Metacercariae are capable of numerous passages and accli-
Scombridae are hosts of didymozoida. One hundred and thirty-six matization to unusual animals. This was confirmed when metacer-
species of didymozoida (or 64.7%) are recorded from Scombridae. cariae were found even in the dogshark, Squalus acanthias.
A number of the didymozoid parasites of various species of tun- Recently, a considerable didymozoida metacercaria invasion was
ny are of the same genera and species. Such taxonomic proximity recorded from squids (a number of the works of Gaevskaya,
of didymozoida species of tunnies of the World Ocean may be ex- Naidenova, and Nigmatullin) and on crustaceans (Reimer 1971).
plained, except for the genetic relations, by area combination They have even been found free in plankton tests [samples]
[overlapping ranges], the presence of cosmopolitan species, and (Slankis and Schevchenko 1974).
by the high speed and long migrations of these fishes. All of these The cycles of didymozoida development have been analyzed
factors create conditions for invasion by the same helminths. according to the scheme of the trophic relationships of the pelagic
The common nature of the hosts' ecology and the same food fishes in tropical waters of the World Ocean (Parin 1968). The
spectrum confirmed this resemblance [commonality or close cor- cycles of didymozoida development proved to be complicated and
relation]. The species composition and number of didymozoida varied [Fig. 6). Didymozoida of flyingfishes of the genus
species in each species of tunny have their peculiarities. They dif- Gonapodasmius have the shortest life cycles. Three hosts
fer in the extensiveness [prevalence] and intensity of invasion [in- (molluscs, copepods, and fishes) take part in their life cycle and a
fection). As a rule the tunnies, marlins, and scombrids are invaded postcyclic host is possible also. It may be a tunny [tuna] or other
[infected] by varous didymozoid species. Specificity of this predatory fish. Postcyclic hosts for the genus Gonapodasmius
trematode group is expressed at the genus level. Representatives of could be human as well. The didymozoida parasites of the moon-
the genera Colocyntotrema, Metadidymozoon, Neodidymoloon, fish possess this type of development also. Incidentally, they are
Makairatrema, and Glomeritrema are characteristic for marlins. the longest worms of all the trematodes. Nematobibothrioides
These genera are not recorded from tunnies but many others are. histodii reaches 12 m in length.
A great number of host species (64) have only one didymozoid The development [life] cycles of didymozoids invading tunnies
species recorded. Fifteen species have two didymozoid species acutally include reservoir hosts. Such species of didymozoids
and four host species have four species each. [with reservoir hosts] are numerous. The role of reservoir hosts is
The utilization of a number of host species by didymozoida is borne by lanternfish, sprats, flyingfishes, and other small pelagic
very high. Thunnus albacares in the Gulf of Mexico is 100% in- fishes and squids. Similar are the life cycles of didymozoids from
fected. The invasion [infection] intensiveness is from 8 to 1,167 marlins. Postcyclic hosts may take part in these cycles also. They
specimens (Nikolaeva 1968). In the Gulf of Guinea and in the may be sharks. It should be emphasized that the presence of post-
central Atlantic the same host is generally infected and the inten- cyclic hosts is of greater importance than is believed.
sity of infection is up to 148 specimens (Shchepkina 1976). As is known, all attempts to extract live miracidia from eggs
Essentially, the figures on the intensity of infection should be have failed. First of all it is connected with the fact that most
doubled, since a great number of didymozoida is encysted and didymozoids (there are viviparous species) have an unformed
every cyst includes two species [author probably meant speci- miracidium in their eggs. For its further development it must get
mens] of didymozoida. It is the same for T. albacares in the Indian into a postcyclic host.
and Pacific Oceans. The people of tropical and subtropical countries customarily eat
There are practically no tunas invaded by didymozoids. There- raw fish with spices. Such dishes are prepared from tunnies,
fore the borders of didymozoida and the tuna's distribution coin- marlins, flying fishes, etc. Along with other helminths, didymo-
cide. s zoids may be gotten [ingested] by people. In cases where maritae
Compared with the morphogenesis of the didymozoid marita are ingested, people display transit eggs of didymozoids. This
phase, the didymozoida metacercariae are very primitive. situation is known for the eggs of Gonapodasmius from flying-
Kurochkin and Nikolaeva (1978) suggested a provisional system fishes in Japan (Kamegai 1971). However, these fishes may have
for didymozoida metacercariae. Using the presence or absence of didymozoid metacercariae which may be acclimatized to human
an acetabulum sucker, a pharnyx, a stomach, and glandular cells in bowels and begin the migrations peculiar to these larvae. It may
the region of bifurcation as generic characters, II genera were be dangerous for humans.
described in all (Fig. 5). Dimensions of metacercariae, their In conclusion, it should be emphasized that experiments on the
suckers, the distance between suckers, shape of the intestine development [life] cycle of didymozoids (or its separate phases)
branches and chambers, the ratio of body length to its width, and are necessary for solution of many questions of the biology, mor-
other characters were assigned species importance. phology, and systematics of this trematode group. Investigation of
Unfortunately, the complete life cycle of didymozoids is not this interesting group provides new aspects of information about
known. The scheme for the cycle as proposed by me (Nikolaeva their hosts, which are valuable [economically and ecologically]
1965) has been mostly accepted by Yamaguchi (1975) and other fishes.
investigators. The first stages of the cycle are the least known.
There is no new information about the parthenogenetic periods of LITERATURE CITED6
the development of didymozoids, but my knowledge of the hosts
of the metacercariae has been widened considerably. The
1971. The determination of a generic name of flying fishes' muscle parasite.
metacercariae which invade small pelagic fishes have been known a didymoroid. whose ova have occasionally been found in human feces in
for some time. The list of these fishes has been considerably Japan. lpn. l. Parasito!. 20:170-176.
expanded. KUROCHKIN, Yu. V.• and V. M. NIKOLAEVA.
1978. The basis of didymozoid metacercaria systematics. In Theses of reports
of lbe All-Union Congress of Parasitocenologists, p. 82-84. [In Russ.]

'The meaning of this paragraph is somewhat obscure. It is presented as il was in

the original manuscript. It would make better sense if the first seoteoce of the
paragraph was eliminated. 6UletalUre Cited supplied by the author did Dot cover all citations in the text.

Anacatabul_ K. and No Postacerabullcaecum K••nd No Anesophagus K. and N.

Neomonilicaecum K. and No Pseudoltlonilkaecum K. and No

Pa..amonlllca.cum It. and No TONicaecum Yamagutl Ne<>torticaecu. K. and No

Pseudolr..",r"'dI: L .....

Figure 5.--Scbeme or strDctlaft or uterior parts or didymozold metacercaria <see Karocbkln aDd NIkoI..... 1978).
(Those genera accompaaled by tbe aotelioD K. aDd N. "ere described In 1978 by Kurocbkln aad Nikol.eva.]


Figure 6.-Comparison 01 the cycle 01 dldymozoid development to the scheme 01 trophic relationships 01 pelagic fishes. Inter-
mediate hosts (cross-hatched) = EuphausUda (2), Copepoda (3), shrimps (4); reservoir hosts (hatched) = nylngflshes (6),
lantemflsh (8), squids (tl), CoryphtUllo (13); deOnltlve hosts (solld) = nylngflshes (6), sunnshes (9), COryphtUlIO (13), tuna (14),
marUn (16); postcyc"" hosts (dotted) = middle size shark (17), large shark (18); while not registered In cycle developmeut
dldymozold [those elements not recorded as taking part In the developmental cycle 01 dldymozolds) (open) = fishes "of migrated
layers" (5), hyperllda (7), smaD deep-water Ichtbyopbages (10), gyvatloa mackerel (11), aleplsaurans (15); phytoplankton (I) do
not take part.

NIKOLAEVA, V. M. p.186.
1965. On the development cycle of trematodes of the family Didymozoidae SHCHEPKINA, A. M.
(Monticelli, 1888) Poche, 1907. [In Russ.) J. Zool. 44(9):1317-1327. 1976. Invasion by parasitic worms of tunnies and marlins of the central
1968. The investigation of the helminth fauna of yellow-finned tuna and Atlantic, In Thesis of reports of the second All Union Symposium on Para-
marlin from the Gulf of Me~ico. In Collection of the invc:stigations of Cenleal sites and Diseases of Sea Animals, p. 75-76. [In Russ.) Kaliningrad.
American Seas 2, p. 150-157. [In Russ.) Kiev, Naukova dumb.
1975. Current situation and future tasks in investigation of trematodes of the
1955. Trematodes of animals and people. 11:5-254. [In Russ.)
family Didymozoidae. In Parasites and parasitosis of animals and people, p.
180-185. [In Russ.) Kiev, Naukova dumb. YAMAGUCHI, S.
1978. On revision of suhfamily Koellikerinae (Trematoda, Didymowidae). 1970. Digenetic trematodes of Hawaiian fishes. Keigaku Publ. Co., Tokyo,
In Sea biology, Vol. 45, p. 65-7 I. [In Russ.) 436 p.
PARIN, N. V. 197 I. Synopsis of digenetic trematodes of vertebrates. Keigaku Publ. Co.,
1968. Ichthyofauna of the ocean epipelagic. [In Russ.) Moscow, Science, Tokyo, Vol. I, 1074 p.; Vol. II, 349 p.

Comparative Analysis of Monogenean Faunas and
Populations From Several Beloniformes Fishes!

The material on which this paper is based, consists of a collec- The similarity of the monogenean fauna of single fish species
tion of monogeneans from 1,520 specimens of fishes belonging to was estimated by the well-known index of Jaccard (1912), the
6 species of the garfish order, i.e., Exocoetus volitans and E. La
similarity of population, by the index b+c-La' 100% where a is
monocirrhus (Exocoetidae); Euleptorhamphus viridis, Oxyporham-
phus c. convexus and O. m. micropterus (Hemirhamphidae); and the least (of the two) index of abundance of each species common
Cololabis saira (Scomberesocidae). The majority of these fishes to both of the hosts being compared, while band c are indices of
are component parts of the community of the oceanic epipelagic abundance of all the species in or on hosts I and II, respectively.
domain. Four of them (E. volitans, E. monocirrhus, O. m. An analysis of indices allows me to conclude that the similarity
micropterus, and C. saira) belong to the oceanic group proper, be- of monogenean faunas of individual fish species depends first of
ing permanent dwellers of the epipelagic domain. Though it can all on the amount of affinity [genetic or systematic] between the
be found far away from the coast, E. viridis is a pseudo-oceanic hosts. The closer the affinity, the greater the similarity of the
species since it spawns in the neritic zone (Parin 1968). Only O. c. species of one genus (0.56 and 0.57), the lowest, in fishes of
convexus, strongly related to coastal waters, belongs to the neritic different families (0.20).
group. The similarity of monogenean faunas seems to depend also on
In all, 15 species and forms of monogeneans were recorded dur- the ecological similarity of the hosts, but to a lesser degree. As a
ing this study, and all, except Axine belones from E. volitans, are rule, fishes of the same ecological group have higher indices of
recorded from the investigated fishes for the first time. Five similarity (0.30, 0.56, and 0.50). Nevertheless the index of
monogenean species proved to be new, three representing new similarity between the most ecologically different oceanic and
genera. No monogeneans were found in the saury. neritic groups is far from being the lowest (0.33).
A comparative analysis was conducted of both fauna and According to my data, the most closely related fish species have
population of monogeneans from the fish species under study us- the lowest indices of similarity of monogenean populations
ing quantitative measures of similarity. Following Beklemishev (18.3% and 5.4%); different genera of one family, 32%; and
(1970), I describe as a fauna of some unit [of a particular portion] different fish families, 23%. Fishes of one ecological group have
of the environment a complete list of animal species living there, relatively high indices of similiarity of monogenean populations
while a population is a real comity of animals to be found there, (14.7,18.3, and 73%). The lowest index (7.6%) was recorded for
which depends not only on the list of species to be found there, but the most ecologically different oceanic and neritic groups of fish.
also on the numbers of single-species populations. This allows me to conclude that the similarity of the mono-
genean populations, in contrast to the similarity of species com-
position [faunas], does not show any clear dependence on the
I No Literature Cited section was supplied by the author. [systematic] affinities of the hosts, but chiefly depends on their
2Moscow State University, Moscow, U.S.S.R. ecological similarity.

New Data on the Capsalid Fauna of the World Ocean
and Questions of its Specificity!

Extensive materials on capsalids of the different regions of the The family Capsalidae Baird, 1853 is presently divided into
Pacific, Indian, and South Atlantic Oceans and the Sea of Japan 177 species, 33 genera, and 7 subfamilies (according to Yamaguti
have been studied for the past 10 yr. Eighteen species of capsalids 1963-113,21, and 5, respectively).
were recorded as a result of my study of the monogenean collec-
My observations of the occurrence of genera on hosts revealed
tions from 25 fish species. that of 33 known genera, 19 are restricted to a single fish family.
Fifteen of them are monotypical. The other four genera, contain-
I. Capsala gotoi Yamaguti, 1968 (from Thunnus obesus)
ing more than one species (Ancyrocotyle-2, Dioncopseudobene-
2. C. martinierei Bose, 1811 (from Mola mola)
denia-2, Nitzschia-3, and Capsaloides-8) are closely specific
3. C. neothunni Yamaguti, 1968 (from Thunnus albacares)
for fish of one specific family. Thus, Monogenea of the genus Cap-
4. C. nozawae (Goto, 1894) (from Thunnus obesus)
saloides are only observed on the genera Tetrapturus, Makaira, and
5. C. ovalis (Goto, 1894) (from lstiophorus orientalis and
lstiophorus of the family Istiophoridae.
Makaira ampla)
6. Capsaloides cristatus Yamaguti, 1968 (from Tetrapturus Monogenea of six genera (Benedeniella, Pseudoentobdella,
angustirostris) Metabenedeniella, Allobenedenia, Pseudallobenedenia, and Media-
7. C. magnaspinosus Price, 1939 (from Tetrapturus audax) vaginia) parasitize fish of two families. For example, the genus
8. Tristoma coccineum (Cuvier, 1817) (from Xiphias gladius) Benedeniella is recorded on members of the families Rhinopter-
9. T. integrum (Diesing, 1850) idae (order Rajiformes) and Carangidae (order Perciformes), and
10. Nasicola klawei (Stunkard, 1962) (from Thunnus albacares) the genus Pseudoentobdella is recorded on Aetobatidae (order
11. Benedenia derzhavini (Layman, 1930) (from Sebastodes 3 Rajiformes) and Hippoglossidae (order Pleuronectiformes), i.e., on
glaucus, S. steindachheri, S. iracundus, Sebastodes introniger3 , families not closely related, but the contrary is the case with the
S. alutus, Helicolenus papillosus, and Scorpaenidae g. et sp.) other four genera.
12. Entobdella hippoglossi (Muller, 1776) (from Reinchardtius Members of the genera Trochopus and Tristoma are observed on
hippoglossoides matsuurae) eight families. The first occurs only on Perciformes, but the data
13. E. squamula (Heath, 1902) (from Reinchardtius matsuurae of the second are questionable (according to Bychovski 1957).
and Sebastes glaucus) The genera Entobdella, Megalocotyle, and Neobenedenia are
14. Pseudobenedenia nototheniae Johnston, 1931 (from recorded on nine fish families. Entobdella parasitizes Pleuronec-
Notothenia rossi and N. macrocephala) tiformes and Rajiformes. Perciformes are typical for Megalocotyle
15. P. ovalis Yamaguti, 1968 (from Priacanthus boops and and most species of Neobenedenia. Representatives of the genus
Sebastodes proriger) Capsala, observed on II families, are also typical for fish of the
16. Pseudoentobdella pugetensis Robinson, 1961 (from Atheres- order Perciformes. The genus Encotyllabe parasitizes 16 families
thes stomias) of Perciformes (and possibly on Salmonidae).
17. Allosprostonia tauvinae Lawler and Hargis, 1968 (from
Epinephelus orientalis and Decapterus punctatissimus) Thirty-four fish families, mostly Perciformes (23 families in
18. Trochopus australis Robinson, 1961 (from Helicolenus nature and 11 under artificial conditions), are recorded as hosts
papillosus) for Monogenea of the genus Benedenia.
Thus, capsalids parasitize Perciformes mainly (with the excep-
1 No Literature Cited section was supplied by the author.
tion of the genus Entobdella, the species of which are mostly
'Institute of Biology and Pedology, Far East Science Centre, Academy of Sciences recorded on Pleuronectiformes and Rajiformes). These basic
of the U.S.S.R., Vladivostok, U.S.S.R. regularities are also reflected in our data. Of 10 fish families
'Though the author presented the generic name Sebastodes twice, the first one pro-
observed to have capsalids, 8 are related to the order Perciformes.
bably should have been Sebastes. Thus the first three species would belong in this
genus. The citation of Sebaste.< gLaucus as a host of Entobdella squamuLa tends to con- Perciformes are confirmed as the primary hosts for capsalid
firm this. monogeneans.

On the Taxonomic Position of the Monogenean,
Pseudaxine mexicana Meserve, 1938

In 1938 F. G. Meserve published a large list of fish monoge- that the clamps of P. mexicana resemble those of Pricea spp. (or
neans from the waters of the Galapagos Archipelago based on Neothoracocotyla spp.) closely.
studies of the Allan Hancock Pacific Expedition collections. Third, and last, the type and form of the haptor, described and
Pseudaxine mexicana Meserve, 1938 from the [Spanish] mackerel, figured by F. Meserve, is perhaps [probably] typical for Pricea.
Scomberomorus maculatus (Mitchill), of Tangola-Tangola (Mex- There is no doubt that Pseudaxine mexicana Meserve, 1938 has
ico) was described in that paper along with other species. to be removed from the genus Pseudaxine. The question of its
In 1955, K. Koratha described a new species, Pseudaxine tex- generic position (Pricea Or another genus) can be decided only
ana, from the same Spanish mackerel host species of the Carib- after exacting and careful reinvestigation of the type materials.
bean Sea (Port Aransas) [Gulf of Mexico]. In 1956, W. J. Hargis, Evidently, this mistake, having existed for more than 40 yr, must
Jr. opined that these monogeneans are identical, and that the name be corrected.
P. texana Koratha, 1955 is a junior synonym of the name P. mex-
icana Meserve, 1938. Judging from the works of Hargis (1956), LITERATURE CITED2
Yamaguti (1963), and some other authors, they are certainly
DILLON. W. A., and W. J. HARGIS, Jr.
related to the genus Pseudaxine Parona and Perugia, 1890.
1965. Monogenetic trematodes from the southern Pacific Ocean. 2. Polyopis-
My last revision of the genera Pseudaxine and Pseudaxinoides thocotyleids from New Zealand fishes: the families Discocotylidae, Micro-
Lebedev, 1968 (see Lebedev 1977) led me to doubt the generic cotylidae, Axinidae, and Gastrocotylidae. In Biology of the Antarctic Seas
identification of the monogenean species described by F. Meserve II, p. 251-280. Antarctic Res. Ser. 5, Am. Geophys. Vnion.
and later mentioned by the other authors. HARGIS, W. J., Jr.
1956. Monogenetic trematodes of Gulf of Mexico fishes. Part Xl. The family
First, it is known (Yamaguti 1963; Dillon and Hargis 1965; Microcotylidae Taschenberg, 1879. Proc. Helminthol. Soc. Wash. 23:153-
Lebedev 1972, 1977; and others) that parasitism of carangid 162.
fishes (family Carangidae) is typical for species of the genus KORATHA, K. J.
Pseudaxine; whereas P. mexicana is recorded only from mackerels 1955. Studies on the monogenetic trematodes of the Texas coast. 11. Descrip-
tions of species from marine fishes of Port Aransas. Publ. Inst. Mar. Sci.,
of the family Cybiidae. Pseudaxine indicana Chauhan, 1945,
Vniv. Tex. 4:251-278.
described from sparid fishes (?)-family Sparidae, and not record- LEBEDEV,B.1.
ed since by anybody-is an exception. However, this one is a 1972. The taxonomy of monogeneans of the suborder Gaslrocotylinea. Proc.
species dubia (Lebedev 1977). Inst. BioI. Pedol., Far East Centre, V.S.S.R. Acad. Sci., new ser., 11(114):121-
Second, while analyzing the figure presented in the original 145.
1977. Two new species of monogeneans from fishes of Indo-Pacific waters
description (Meserve 1938, fig. 9/60-63) I discovered that the
wilh noles concerning the genera Pseudaxine and Pseudaxinoides. In Excerta
clamps of P. mexicana have nothing in common with those of the parasitologica en memoria del Dr. Eduardo Caballero y Cabellero. Inst. de
other Pseudaxine spp. The external appearances of P. mexicana BioI. Mexico, Publ. Espec. No.4, p. 69-78.
clamps are very similar to the clamps of the genus Pricea MESERVE, F. G.
1938. Some monogenetic trematodes from the Galapagos Islands and the
Chauhan, 1945 and less [similar] to those of the genus Neothor-
neighboring Pacific. Rep. Allan Hancock Pac. Exped. (1932-1937) 2(5):
acocotyle Hargis, 1956. The clamps of P. mexicana have similar 31-89.
rib like thickenings in the lateral fields of the capsule and the same YAMAGVTI, S.
"barrel-like" shape of the anterior part of the mediobasal (main) 1963. Systema helminthum. Vol. IV. Monogeneo and Aspidocotylea. John
spring. Additionally, other structures observed in the figure show Wiley and Sons, Inc., N. Y., 699 p.

'Institute of Biology and Pedology, Far East Science Centre, Academy of Sciences 'No Literature Cited was supplied by the author. Dennis A. Thoney prepared this
of the V.S.S.R.. Vladivostok, V.S.S.R. to match the author's citations.

Plerocercoids of Some Cestoda as Bioindicators of the
Population Structure of Podonema longipes


Podonema longipes is an important commercial fish inhabiting the northwestern Pacific. During parasito-
logical investigations of P. longipes I attempted to use some parasites as bioindicators to uncover certain features
of its biology. The most suitable species were two plerocercoids (Nybelinia sp. and a diphyllobothriid larva)
which have vividly expressed differences in invasion [infection) in comparison with other discovered [knownl
parasites. They are able to accumulate in a host during its entire life. A total of 267 individual fisb of ages from 6
to 26 yr, caugbt off the Japanese and northern Kuril Islands in 1976-80, were studied. The level of infection by
both species in the areas investigated is different. Infection by Nybelinia is bigher off Japan. On the contrary,
infection by dipbyllobothriid larvae is bigher in the area off tbe northern Kurll Islands.
Invasion of P. longipes by botb species in the areas under comparison begins in different age groups.
Around Japan infection by Nybelinia begins at ages from 9 to Il yr and diphyllobothriid larvae at 12 to 14 yr;
around tbe northern Kurils at 15 to 17 and 9 to II yr, respectively. Invasion by both species increases as the fish
bost ages.
Observed differences in infection of females and males by Nybelinia are the result of the different vertical
distribution of older age groups of male and female P. longipes (i.e., increase of the relative number of males
toward the upper limit of the habitat of P. longipes and, conversely, an increase of the relative number of females
to the lower limit). The probability of infection by Nybelinia decreases as tbe habitat depth increases. This is con-
firmed by the higher infection by this parasite of Alaska pollock inhabiting the study area at lesser [shallowerl
Differences in the invasion by Nybelinia of males and females off the northern Kurlls occur simultaneously
with the beginning of infection by this parasite. In comparison in tbe area off Japan, differences in the infection
of females and males are seen from the age groups of from 12 to 14 yr, while the beginning of infection takes
place at 9 to Il yr.
In the northern Kurlls sex differentiation by depths of P. longipes begins in age groups of IS to 17 yr, and off
Japan 12 to 14 yr. Thus, the formation of differences in the infection of females and males by Nybelinia coincides
with the beginning of sex differentiation by depth in each area.
My data reveal differences in the growth rates of males and females in older age groups. Besides, in the area
of the northern Kurlls, females begin to grow faster than males at tbe age of 18 and those off Japan, at the age of
12. As we see, in each of the areas mentioned, the age at which differences in growth rate between males and
females begins coincides with the formation of differences In the infection of males and females by Nybelinia and
[of) differential sex distribution by depth.
Tbus, it may be assumed that in eacb of the areas investigated an independent P. longipes population, having
its specific parasitological and biological characteristics, exists.

In recent years the practice of using parasitological data to Altogether 2,671 fishes of ages from 6 to 26 yr caught off Japan
study the ecology of commercial species has become of great and around the northern Kuril Isles during 1976-80 were studied.
importance. The use of parasites as biological tags has permitted Analysis of the invasion level of P. longipes by these two
the study of population structure and migrations of certain species parasite species permitted discovery of the following specific
(Baudin-Laurencin 1971; Margolis 1963; Kabata 1963; Kova- features:
liova 1965; Konovalov 1971; Kabata and Forrester 1974; Platt
1976; and others). I) The invasion [infection] level by the plerocercoids of both
During parasitological studies of P. longipes I succeeded in species in the [geographical] areas under investigation is different.
using certain parasites as bioindicators in order to reveal some Extensity [prevalence] and intensity of invasion [infection] by
features of the biology of this fish. The most suitable [parasites for Nybelinia larvae is higher around Japan. Conversely, invasion by
this purpose] turned out to be the plerocercoids of two species: A diphyllobothriid larvae is much higher in the waters around the
Nybelinia sp. and a diphyllobothriid larva. In comparison with northern Kuril Islands (see Table I).
other parasites found on P. longipes, their invasion level [infection 2) The extensity [prevalence] and mean intensity of invasion
level 2 ] has most vividly demonstrated differences related to a [infection] by Nybelinia larvae increase as the fish age. In older
number of factors (i.e., fishing ground, depth of residence, age, age groups (Le., more than 20 yr of age), the rate of increase of in-
and sex of the host). Further, both plerocercoids can be accumu- vasion in the area of the northern Kuril Isles lowers [is reduced];
lated in P. longipes during its entire life. in the area of Japan, invasion [infection] actually decreases (Fig. I
A, B). Invasion by diphyllobothriid larvae in both areas becomes
higher with advancing age of the fish (Fig. I C, D).
I Laboratory of Parasitology of Marine Animals, Pacific Research Institute of
3) The level of invasion of host males by Nybelinia larvae is
Fisheries and Oceanography (T1NRO). Vladivostok, U.S.S.R.
'In this as well as other papers in this volume, the word invasion means infection, higher than of females in both areas (Fig. 2). As for diphylloboth-
usually, and can be used in its place. riid larvae, male hosts have a higher level of invasion [infection]

Table I.-Mean intensities of parasite infestation with location.
Nybelinia sunnenicola Diphyllobothriidae g. sp.
Number A
Depth of fish mean mean .- d"
(m) studied % intensity % intensity

Northern Kuril Isles i: 50

200-570 ~
401 42.3 2.4 50.0 2.5
580-710 656 36.7 1.7 51.7 2.7 l-
730-1,120 501 16.9 0.6 34.1 1.3 Z 40
l.Il en
200-1,120 1,558 31.8 1.5 45.9 2.2 20~

10 ~
397 70.3 8.7 24.4 0.6
550-700 383 68.9 6.2 32.3 1.0 ,;
710-930 333 4.1 Z
81.7 54.6 1.9 6 7 8 9 10 t1
210-930 1,113 75.2 6.5 35.7 l.l 10

___ cI'
in the area of the northern Kuril Isles, with the females being in-
vaded more heavily around Japan (Fig. 3). ~ 50 30
4) In both areas a decrease of invasion by Nybelinia larvae takes :I: :t
l- en
place as the depth at which the host lives or was captured in- e:!>
Z40 20 ....
creases (see Table I). Invasion by diphyllobothriid larvae lowers '"

[decreases] as the depth lowers [increases] in the area of the t:

northern Kuril Isles [generally speaking 3 ] and increases around 30 10 ~ '"
Japan. a.

Below I shall attempt to explain the above-mentioned specific

features of the invasion of P. longipes by Cestoda larvae (Table I).
The unequal invasion of P. longipes by larvae of both Nybelinia
and diphyllobothriidae in the areas being compared is caused by Figure 2.-Averqe intensIty of infestation [infection) wltb NybeUnlae and tbe
the different possibility of [opportunities for] invasion of the hosts averqe body Ienglb of males and females of PodollellUl IOllgipe. depending on
by these parasites in each area. Obviously this occurs because of ftsb qe: A =
Nortb Kurllislands waters; B Japan Islands waters. =
the greater abundance of the procercoids of Nybelinia in the
planktonic crustaceans constituting the diet of P. longipes around
lobothriidae in the area of the northern Kuril Isles. At that, a
Japan and the reduced abundance of the procercoids of diphyl-
higher concentration of crustaceans (the intermediate hosts) in the
total plankton biomass in this area is possible, as well as a higher
occurrence of procercoids on the intermediate hosts, themselves,
}The phrase "generally speaking" in brackets is employed because in Table 1 the
as well as the high abundance of mackerel sharks, which are the
percentage of fish invaded and the intensity of invasion by Diphyllobothrium are
actually slightly higher at mid-depths in the northern Kurils than at the surface. final hosts of Nybelinia in this area according to the data of ichthy-
However, at greater depths both parameters are much lower! ologists. I should note that invasion by Nybelinia from north to

'5 A Illll!lI NORTH I<URIL %

c=I JAPAN 100 B

~ 5
50 ,,
..... ,,
..... ",r
Cf) ,,
~ 6-8 6-8 9 "11 12-1~ 15-11 18-20 2\-:» 2+-2G
a: 100 NORT~ I<URIL
0..'0 C I!2lllI NORTH KUR IL
0 c::J JAPAN

6-8 9 -11 12-''1 '5-17 t8-20 2t-23 2'1-26 6-8 9-11 12-~ t5-tl18-:lJD21-n "-2C

Figure I.-Percent occurrence and aver. intensity of InfestatIon [infection) of PodollellUJ ",,,gipe. wltb cestode plero-
cercolds depending on ftsb age: A, B = NybelillUl SIUrIIell;col,,; C, D = D1pbyllobotbrlldae.

Nybelinia between males and females appears, proves the correct-
10 A ness of the above-stated explanation concerning the availability
[causes] of the differences in invasion of P. longipes. The dif-
ference in invasion by Nybelinia larvae between the sexes of P.
5 longipes in the area of the northern Kuril Isles appears simul-
en taneously with the beginning of invasion (15 to 17 yr), and around
u.. Japan from the moment of the sharp increase in invasion (12 to
--... 14 yr). However, the beginning of invasion by Nybelinia occurs at
LJJ 6-8 the age group of 9 to 11 yr.
~ As for the diphyllobothriid larvae of the northern Kuril Isles
U'> area, here I may discern a pattern close to that of Nybelinia larvae:
c:r B Invasion decreases with increase of depth and males have a higher
level of invasion than do females. Apparently, the possibility of
d invasion by diphyllobothriid larvae diminishes as the depth in-
z 5 creases in this area.
In contrast, around Japan, invasion by diphyllobothriid larvae
increases with depth and females have the higher level of inva-
sion. This pattern of invasion is possible only in the case where
6-8 2lj-26 the possibility of invasion by this parasite increases as the depth
increases. Apparently this is the case for this area.
In the northern Kuril Isles, the age at which the differences in
Figure 3.-Average Intensity of Infestation [Infection I with dlphyllobothrlld lar-
the invasion [infection] of males and females by diphyllobothriid
vae of males and females of Podonema longipes depending on fish age: A = North larvae appear coincides with the sharp increase in invasion (15 to
Kurll Islands waters; B= Japan Islands waters. 17 yr), i.e., with the beginning of the change in vertical distribu-
tion of P. longipes. Podonema longipes individuals begin to be
invaded in this area at the age of 9 to 11 yr. A similar distinct
south has been observed on Alaska pollock as well (Mamaev et al. relationship was not observed around Japan.
1965). This obviously involves other fish species also. Females of P. longipes older than 20 yr dominate at all depth
The increase of invasion [infection] as P. longipes grows older is ranges of their residence. Evidently males have a higher mortality
caused by the ability of the larvae to live in the body of the host level than females. As already mentioned, females are invaded by
during the latter's entire life. I have never observed dead plerocer- Nybelinia to a lesser extent, which is why the total invasion [infec-
coids in P. longipes. tion] of older fishes decreases. A similar decrease in invasion by
I already know from the literature (Mamaev et al. 1965) the diphyllobothriid larvae does not occur, so a difference in invasion
opinion of those authors that, in the Bering Sea and the Gulf of [infection] of males and females by this parasite is not so evident
Alaska, the greater the depth of residence of Alaska pollock the as is the case with Nybelinia larvae.
lower the invasion [infection] by Nybelinia larvae. In the case of For a difference in invasion of males and females of P. longipes
Alaska pollock, as well as of P. longipes, the possibility of invasion to reach the values observed, a prolonged time of existence of the
by Nybelinia larvae apparently is reduced as the depth of their different vertical distribution within the yearly cycle of P. longipes
residence increases. The differing invasion [infection] of P. is necessary. Figure 4 (sexual distribution of P. longipes) shows
longipes and Alaska pollock in the area under investigation con- that the pattern described above continues during the different
firms this. As I know, P. longipes and Alaska pollock are inter- seasons. I suppose that this vertical distribution of males and
changeable [comparable or overlapping?] species in their distri- females is interrupted only during spawning, but have no data on
bution. Alaska pollock resides at lower [shallower] depths and, in this point. However, the spawning period is not very long, usually,
comparison with P. longipes, is more heavily invaded [infected] and the intensity of feeding by the fish diminishes sharply at this
by Nybelinia larvae. period or ceases altogether.
In order to understand the reasons for the differing levels of By analyzing the data on age of P. longipes obtained during
invasion of male and female P. longipes by plerocercoids, I analyz- parasitological dissections of fishes, I managed to detect differ-
ed the sex ratio of P. longipes according to the depth of capture. It ences in the rate of growth of males and females in the mature age
was found that the vertical distribution of male and female groups (Fig. 2). At that, females of the northern Kuril Isles begin
juveniles and older fish differs significantly. A relative increase of to overtake males in growth at about 17 to 18 yr of age, while
female abundance is observed in fish older than 14 yr in the area around Japan they do so at 11 to 12 yr of age.
of the northern Kuril Isles and in fish older than 11 yr around As may be seen, in every area studied the age at which the
Japan in the direction of the lower boundary of P. longipes difference in growth rate between males and females appears
residence [in respect to depth], and, on the contrary, the number coincides with the inception of sexual differentiation by depth, as
of males increases as the depth lowers or decreases. The younger does the beginning of the differences in invasion of male and
fish show no change in sex ratio with an increase in depth. female hosts by Nybelinia. Around the northern Kuril Isles these
Females residing in mainly higher [greater] depths are invaded by features of P. longipes appear in the age group of 15 to 17 yr;
Nybelinia to a lower [lesser] extent and total invasion of P. around Japan, at the age of 12 to 14 yr. Apparently the simul-
longipes decreases with an increase in depth. taneous beginning of these phenomenona in P. longipes is con-
The fact that in each area the age at which a different vertical nected with its attainment of sexual maturity, which begins in
distribution of P. longipes sexes begins to appear, coincides with fishes of younger age in Japanese waters than in the fish of the
the age at which the difference in invasion [infection] by northern Kuril Isles.


>- 5.
z UI
.... 50


100J ~ 5~-8I:'" M_ ~ n
Figure 4.-Sex Interrelations of Podoll,.. IollgifH' from different
100 100 -9tO M
depths: A = Nortb Kurllislands ..aters; B = Japan Islands ..aters.

On the basis of the above, I may postulate that independent poda: Lernaeoceridae) in Canadian Pacific waters. J. Fish. Res. Board Can.
populations of P. longipes exist in every area of investigation and 31:1589-1595.
that each has its own parasitological and biological charac-
1971. Differentiation of local stocks of sockeye salmon, Oncorhynchus nerka
teristics. (Walbaum). [In Russ.] L., p. 1-227. (An English translation exists.)
LITERATURE CITED 1965. Helminthofauna of local stocks of Black Sea scad. [In Russ.] Mater.
Conf. VOG, 2, M., p. 121-126.
1971. Crustaces et Helminthes parasites de I'Albacore (Thunnus albacares) du 1965. On invasion of Alaska pollock of the Bering Sea and North Pacific by
Golfe de Guinee - Note preliminarie. Doc. Sci. Centre Rech. Oceanogr. Nebelinia. [In Russ.] Rybnoye Hozyajstvo 6:66-68.
Abidjan 2(1-2):11-30. MARGOUS. L.
KABATA,Z. 1963. Parasites as indicators of the geographical origin of sockeye salmon,
1963. Parasites as biological tags. Spec. Publ. Int. Comm. Northwest Atl. Oncorhynchus nerka (Wa1baum), occurring in the North Pacific Ocean and
Fish. 4:31-37. adjacent seas. INPFC Bull. II: 101-156.
1974. Antheresthes stomias (Jordan and Gilbert, 1880) (Pisces: Pleuronecti- 1976. Codworm - a possible biological indicator of the degree of mixing of
formes) and its eye parasite, Phrixocephalus cincinnatus Wilson 1908 (Cope- Greenland and Iceland cod stocks. J. Cons. Int. Explor. Mer 37:41-45.

Development of Larval Stages of
Bothriocephalus scorpii



I detennlned tbat tbe cycle of development of Bothriocephalus scorpii may proceed witb eitber one inter-
mediate bost (Copepoda) or two (Copepoda and fisb).

Bothriocephalus scorpii was found to infect Scophthalmus

maeoticus torosus and Sc. m. maeoticus up to 100%, with an inten-
sity of invasion [infection] of from 2 to 90 specimens. Even young
individuals (3 cm in length) which had just been transformed were
found by Bulgurkov (1963) to be infected by B. scorpii. Since
plaice is the object of aquaculture, B. scorpii may represent an
essential danger for their larvae and young specimens, causing
bothriocephalus disease. To investigate this possibility was the
objective of my studies of the life cycle of this cestode. According
to the literature, development of B. scorpii involves the participa-
tion of one intermediate copepod host (Essex 1928) or the partici-
Figure l.-Plerocercold from Gobius
pation of two intermediate hosts, a copepod and a fish (Markovski
minutus on tbe 18th day of develop-
1935). ment.
Markovski (1935) infected the copepod Eurytemora hirrundo
with coracidia and examined them only on the 4th and the 17th
days of development. The occurrence of calcifications, of cer- coids in Scorpaena porcus had attained an elongated shape with a
comers, and the timing of their appearance as plerocercoids were size of 0.602 x 0.126 mm by the 18th day of development. The
not explained [discovered] by him due to the brevity of the anterior portion was expanded and one could clearly distinguish
experiment. He found the second intermediate host during autopsy the formation of the scolex. The remainder of the body was of the
of Gobius minutus. Feeding their intestines containing the same width, 0.098 mm. On both sides [of the body] there are
plerocercoids he had found to gloss, he obtained a fully grown slight transverse furrows, out of which the limbs [appendages?]
stage of the adult helminth. are formed. The cuticula of the body is smooth and there are
I found plerocercoids of B. scorpii in Trachurus mediterraneus calcifications of different shapes and sizes in the parenchyma
ponticus and Odontogadus merlangus in the Azov Sea and (Fig. 2).
Naidenova (1974) found that Gobius had them too. Unfortunately I could not follow the development of B. scorpii
I determined the period of development and the emergence of further. However, it has been clearly shown experimentally that
the coracidium from the eggs as well as its viability under differ- plerocercoids can develop in both Gobius minutus and Scorpaena
ent temperature regimes (Solonchenko 1979). To discover the porcus. Development proceeds primarily in a different fashion in
second intermediate host, I used the bottom fishes Gobius minutus Gobius minutus, the second intermediate host in which only the
and Scorpaena porcus. Like plaice, S. porcus is also a definitive scolex develops; while in Scorpaena porcus, the definitive host of
host of B. scorpii. Five Acartia clausi containing procercoids were B. scorpii, the parasite begins to develop the scolex and the
introduced by dropper [syringe] into the ventricles of two Gobius strobilae simultaneously.
minutus and Scorpaena porcus. One Scorpaena porcus was Thus, I have established that the cycle of development of B.
dissected on the 6th day of development of B. scorpii and a con- scorpii may proceed with the participation of one intermediate
tractile compressed body of rounded shape, with a size of 0.602 x host or with two. Plaice may be infected in two ways: I) Through
0.392 mm was found. The cuticula of the body was found to be the copepod, when they feed on the plankton (the larval stage), or
smooth, containing many calciferous bodies of different shapes 2) through the fish (when they are eaten).
and sizes in the parenchyma. No bothrium was found at this time.
Upon penetration into the body cavity of Gobius minutus, the pro- LITERATURE CITED2
cercoids lose the long appendage-bearing hook which is con-
nected with the main part of the body by a narrow isthmus. On the
1963. On the biology of the tapeworm, Borhriocephalus scorpii (Muller) in
18th day of development, the bodies of the procercoids increased turbot. Bull. de l'Institut Central de Recherche Scient. de Pisciculture et de
in size up to 0.938 x 0.431 mm (Fig. I). The body of the procer- Pecherie. Varna 111:263-264.

IInstitute of Biology of the Southern Seas, Academy of Sciences of the U.S.S.R.,

Sevastopol, U.S.S.R. 2Not all citations mentioned in the text are included here.

1928. On the life history of Bothriocephalus cuspidatus Cooper, 1917, a tape-
worm of the wall-eyed pike. Trans. Am. Microsc. Soc. 47:348-355.
1935. Uber den Entwicklungszyclus von Bothriocephalus scorpii (Muller,
1776). Bull. Int. Acad. Polon. Sci. Lett. Cl. Sc. el Nat. S. B. Sc. Nat. II
1979. The cycle of development of the cestode Bothriocephalus scorpii
(Muller, 1776). [In Russ.] All-Union Conference on Parasites and Fish
Diseases. Abstracts of reports. Leningrad.

Figure 2.-Plerocercold from Scorpaena POTCUS on the 18th day of develop-


Special Features of the Geographical Distribution and
Practical Significance of the Parasitic Copepods of
Fishes of the Pacific!

ZOOGEOGRAPHICAL ASPECTS Eudactylinidae, the genera Bariaka and Nemesis; from the family
Lernaeoceridae, the genera Impexus and Peniculisa; from the fami-
At present, 1,700 species of copepods parasitizing fish, ly Lernaeopodidae, the genera Anaclavella, Clavellisa, Clavellopsis,
representing 256 genera, are known. About 1,450 species of 232 Epiclavella, Isobranchia, and Thysanote; from the family Lernan-
genera, i.e., 85.3% are sea [marine] species. Approximately 700 thropidae, the genera Norion and Sagum; from the family Pan-
species of 173 genera of parasitic copepods of sea [marine] fishes daridae, the genera Dinemoleus and Pseudopandarus; from the
were recorded in the Pacific Ocean. Thus, some 48% of all known family Philichthyidae, the genus lchthyotaces; and from the family
sea [marine] parasitic copepods were found in the Pacific Ocean. Taeniacanthidae, the genera Anchistrotos, Metataeniacanthus,
Parasitic copepods are distributed as are the hosts of those Parataeniacanthus, Pseudotaeniacanthus, Taeniacanthus, and
parasitic copepods (Kazachenko and Titar 1980). Second, as was Taeniastrotos.
found (Titar in litt.) in the case of Pumiliopes capitulatus, the Most of the parasitic copepods of shelf fish of the tropical
distribution of parasitic copepods depends mainly on the distribu- Pacific are distributed circumtropically. Representatives of the
tion of water masses (after Dobrovolski 1961). And last, historical above genera (as well as circumtropical species) are rarely found
factors, primarily the geological history of the Pacific Ocean, beyond the tropical regions. Their appearance, for example, in
paleoclimatological changes, etc., are of great importance, Peter the Great Bay (the Sea of Japan) is caused by the heating of
enabling us to solve such problems as amphiboreal distribution, the subsurface layer in summer, forming water masses whose
bipolarity, etc. temperature characteristics are very close to those of the surface
The peculiarities [special features] of bottom geomorphology, water masses of tropical seas.
vertical structure of water masses, and the presence of vast water The largest quantity of tropical parasitic copepod species of
spaces in the Pacific Ocean make possible the existence of several shelf fish was registered [recorded] in the western Pacific, which
main complexes of parasitic copepods there, i.e., coastal (shelf), is part of the Indo-West Pacific region. For example, in the
epipelagic, and deep water ones. On the whole these complexes western Pacific, 334 tropical species were registered [recorded],
correspond to those defined for sea fish (Parin 1968). As a rule, but in the eastern Pacific only 60 were reported. It is rather dif-
the special features of the geographical distribution of copepods ficult to understand the reasons for the extraordinary abundance
from the various complexes are different. So, we shall consider of [species in] the Indo-West Pacific fauna. On the one hand, we
them separately, beginning with the shelf fauna. may assume that a larger quantity of ecological niches (hosts) ex-
In all, 554 species of 125 genera of 25 families of parasitic ists in the western Pacific and as a result of that, a larger quantity
copepods are recorded from shelf fishes of the Pacific Ocean. of parasitic copepod species. On the other hand, Ekman (1953),
Analysis of this material has shown that all of the copepod who studied the entire fauna, preferred to explain this by the fact
families have many more tropical representatives (400) in their that the present Indo- West Pacific fauna is in some ways a relict
composition than boreal (97) or notal (48) ones. The representa- of the Tethys fauna; and the greater number of Tethys relicts
tives of the families Euryphoridae, Kroyeridae, Pseudocychidae, belongs to the Indo-Malaysian archipelago. The assumption of
and Tegobomolochidae were recorded only from the tropical Ekman is probably true with regard to the tropical fauna of
(together with the subtropical) part of the Pacific Ocean on shelf parasitic copepods.
fishes. Many genera are also confined primarily to the tropics in As was mentioned, the boreal and notal parasitic copepod
distribution. For example, from the family Bomolochidae there species in the Pacific Ocean are fewer in quantity than tropical
were recorded Nothobomolochus, Orbitacolax, Pumiliopes, ones. [However] boreal and notal waters are inhabited by many
Unicolax, and Pumilopsis; from Caligidae, the genera Anuretes, copepods: i.e., from the family Caligidae, the genus Pseudo-
Caligulus, Dentigryps, Heniochophilus, Mappates, Parapetalus, lepeophtheirus; from the family Chondracanthidae, the genera
Pseudanuretes, Pseudocaligus, Pseudopetalus, Pupulina, Sciaeno- Diocus and Markevitchielinus; from the family Lernaeoceridae, the
philus, and Synestius; from the family Chondracanthidae, the genera Haemobaphes and Trifur; from the family Lernaeopodidae,
genera Brachiochondria, Ceratochondria, Humphreysia, Immanthe, the genera Charopinus, Dendrapta, Lernaeopodina, and Necto-
Juanettia, Neobrachiochondria, Praecidochondria, Prochondracan- brachia; from the family Lernanthropidae the genera Aethon and
thopsis, Prochondracanthus, Protochondria, Pseudacanthocanthop- Paraleranthropus; and from the family Pandaridae the genus
sis, Pseudoblias, Pseudodiocus, and Scheherazade; from the family Demoleus.
The genera consisting of a large number of species such as
Acanthochondria, Chrondracanthus, Lepeophtheirus, Brachiella,
'No Abstract or Literature Cited section was supplied by the authors.
'Institute of Hydrobiology, Kiev, U.S.S.R.
and others, have representatives in both tropical and boreal (notal)
'Pacific Research Institute of Fisheries and Oceanography (TINRO), Vladivostok, waters. Such distribution can be explained by the wide, adaptive
U.S.S.R. radiation of these species, which extend also to the hosts of non-

tropical areas of the Pacific Ocean and even of the other It should be noted that some deep-water parasitic copepods
ecological zones (epipelagic, bathyal, etc.). (i.e., Hyponeo australis and Periplexis antarcticensis) might serve
The complex of parasitic copepods second in number of species as an example of false bipolarity. The well-known phenomenon of
is the epipelagic. There were 119 species of 49 genera and 16 isothennic submergence accounts satisfactorily for the distribu-
families registered in this complex. We have studied the distribu- tion of such copepods (Ekman 1953).
tion of parasitic copepods by ichthyogeographical areas as deter-
mined by Parin (1968) for the epipelagic zone. The southern PRACTICAL ASPECTS
boreal area is inhabited by 9 species of 6 genera; the northern sub-
tropical area, by 77 species of 38 genera; the tropical area, by 76 We now proceed to a discussion of the practical significance of
species of 36 genera; and the southern subtropical, by 33 species parasitic copepods. Since there are no monographs, except the
of 21 genera. It is evident that the majority of species of the book by Kabata (1976), on the practical significance of parasitic
epipelagic complex inhabits tropical (subtropical) waters as is the copepods, it is worthwhile to provide a general assessment of their
case with the shelf fauna. It is noteworthy that the northern boreal significance according to the following aspects: 1) Influence of
area lacks a specific epipelagical ichthyofauna almost completely. parasitic copepods on the hosts; 2) the role of parasitic copepods
This fauna has been ecologically substituted [replaced] in this area in ecosystems; 3) the significance of parasitic copepods for com-
by fishes of the salmon genus, Oncharhynchus. The copepod mercial fisheries; and 4) utilization of parasitic copepods for sol-
Lepeophtheirus salmonis, being often found on these salmon, can ving scientific and practical problems.
be considered as almost the only representative of this group in
the epipelagical zone of the northern boreal area. 1) The influence of parasitic copepods on their hosts is
The approximately equal numbers of species and .genera of established by their influence on organs, tissues, and on the
parasitic copepods recorded in northern subtropical and tropical organism of the host as a whole.
areas is due tc the better knowledge of the fonner area, i.e., the The influence of copepods is most often demonstrated by
area of Japan. Approximately half the parasitic copepods were various changes in the quantitative characteristics of fish (weight,
registered [recorded] in the southern subtropical area rather than body length, and body proportions). Numerous works show that
in the tropical area, which is quite natural. The numbers of parasitic copepods reduce the weight of fish (Broek 1978; Grabda
parasitic copepods in the southern subtropical (33) and notal (30) 1957; Nataraian and Balakrishnan 1977; and others). Losses in
areas are also approximately equal. Many tropical species were fish weight range from 3 to 50% (Abrosov et al. 1963; Dieuzeide
registered in the latter area. Most were found near New Zealand. and Roland 1956; Kabata 1958; Lechler 1935; Mann 1964) and
This type of distribution of parasitic copepod species suggests that muscles suffer the heaviest losses in comparison with other parts
the boundary between the northern subtropical and notal areas off of the fish (Kabata 1970). The loss of weight is closely correlated
the coast of New Zealand must extend further to the south. But the with such characteristics as the coefficient of body condition,
geographical distribution of parasitic copepods of epipelagic fish which decreases for infected fish (Abrosov et al. 1963; Pronin et
requires additional investigation. al. 1975; Harding and Wheeler 1958; Hotta 1962; Reichenback-
The deep-water complex of parasitic copepods has been inves- Klinke et al. 1968; Schaperclaus 1954). The proportions of the
tigated even more poorly. The Pacific Ocean complex consists of fish body also change; the heads of infected fish are relatively
44 species of 26 genera of 9 families. The species of the deep- larger and the bodies are thinner than those of un infected fish. The
water complex generally belong to the same families as those percentage of water content changes as well, increasing by 8% in
species inhabiting the shelf (i.e., Lernaeoceridae, Lernaeopodidae, contaminated [infected] fish (Debrosses 1948; Mann 1960;
Sphyriidae, Chondracanthidae, ctc.). The only exception is the Kabata 1970). Total weight decrease is related to a reduction in
family Hyponeoidae, consisting of a single species, Hyponeo fatness. Fat content is reduced two to four times in fish infected by
australis, and found only in deep water. copepods (Abrosov et al. 1963; Kabata 1958).
Different groups of parasitic copepods must have moved into Infected areas in fish muscles [to be used for human food] must
the ocean depths quite independently and at different times. This be removed because of copepods. For instance, Panella hawaii-
is confinned by the diversity of taxonomic isolation of parasitic ensis infects from 2 to 5 cm 3 of the muscle tissue of boarfish, Pen-
copepods of deep-water fish in comparison with those found on taceros richardsoni, that is an average of 3% and a maximum of
shelf fish: From various species of the same genus to the self- 16% of the muscles of the infected boarfish (Kazachenko and
sustained family.4 Therefore, deep-water species of parasitic Kurochkin 1974). This Penella usually accumulates in the host's
copepods are divided into two groups-an ancient [or primarily] body throughout its entire life span. The same is true for the
deep-water group and a secondary one (Titar 1979). Each of these copepod Sphyrion lumpi infecting the redfish, Sebastes mentella
groups has its own special features of geographical distribution. and Sebastes marinus. Sphyrions can infect up to 90% of fish of
The ancient deep-water group is characterized, as a rule, by vast commercial size at numbers up to seven parasites each (Berland
(most often panoceanic) areas of residence. For example, the area 1969; Herrington et al. 1940; Kelly and Barker 1965; Nigrelli and
of residence of Sarcotretes eristaliformis covers the depths of the Firth 1939; Perlmutter 1951; Templeman and Squires 1960;
Pacific, Indian, and Atlantic Oceans. The stable environmental Williams 1963).
conditions of the vast deep-water masses probably contribute to As is quoted in many works (Abrosov et al. 1963; Denisov
such a wide distribution. On the contrary, the secondary deep- 1977; Gjl1lsaeter 1971; Kelly and Barker 1965; Lechler 1935;
water species (the establishment of which took place quite recent- Nataraian and Balakrishnan 1977), copepods affect the length
ly in tenns of geological time) have much more limited areas of [entirety] of the host's body. Gills are most often infected. Within
residence. Many of them occur only in the northwestern portion the branchial system filaments, gill rakers, and gill arches are
of the Pacific Ocean. generally infected. Parasitic copepods cause hypertrophy of gill
filaments and gill rakers (Kazachenko and Valova 1979) and
mucus fonnation at the surface of gill filaments. Also fusion of the
'This phrase is presented as it was in the original manuscript. gill filaments takes place with the hypertrophy of gill epithelium

(Kabata and Cousens 1977; Khalifa and Post 1976). The bran- decreased. A similar picture was observed in other features as well
chial system is most infected by the genera Haemobaphes and Ler- (percentage of total fat, percentage of fat in the kidney, and
naeocera, although their invasion intensity is usually not high hemoglobin content) (Dzieuzeide and Roland 1956; Kabata 1958;
(Froiland 1974; Grabda 1975, 1977; Kabata 1958; Rojo 1959). Mann 1964; Nataraian and Balakrishnan 1977).
Parasitic copepods are able to damage fish skin while feeding
on mucus, epidermis, and even blood of the host, forming skin 2) The role of parasitic copepods in ecosystems.
sores and causing hyperemia, pigmentation, and necrosis According to Bauer, the role of parasitic copepods in aquatic
(Baudouin 1917; Boxshall 1977; Dzidziul 1973; Grabda 1972; ecosystems is determined by I) their role in elimination of hydro-
Shotter 1971). Copepods make fish skin thinner and may destroy bionts; 2) their influence on the growth rate and conditions of
it completely (Hotta 1962; Khalifa and Post 1976; Luling 1953; hydrobionts; 3) their influence on the reproductive systems of
White 1940). hydrobionts; 4) their influence on the productivity of reservoirs;
The parasites Phrixocephalus cincinnatus and Colobomatus and 5) their role in the trophic chains of the ecosystem. However,
kyphosus infect the sense organs of the fish. The first infects in relation to parasitic copepods, not all the above-mentioned
halibut's (Atherestes stomias) eyes causing complete blindness of aspects of their roles in the ecosystem have been adequately
the eyes and hematoma in the eyeball. The color of the eye studied. We have already discussed some of them.
becomes red and eye volume increases. Some 82.8% of halibut is The role of parasitic copepods in eliminating their hosts is most
infected by Ph. cincinnatus. Parasites are more often attached to clearly revealed as a result of heavy infections of hosts (Khalifa
the right eye (66%) than to the left one (5.7%); 28.3% of fish had and Post 1976). The majority of such cases are known from arti-
both eyes infected, with the number of copepods larger in the right ficial fish rearing [aquacultural situations] (Stinn 1970; Urawa et
eye than the left (Kabata 1967, 1969; Kabata and Forrester 1974). al. 1979; Matumoto 1980). It is difficult to detect and record fish
Fish eyes are often affected by copepods of the genus Lemaeen- deaths caused by parasites in the seas and oceans, but some in-
icus with a resultant loss of sight (Carvalho 1953; Joubin 1888; direct data show this feature (Kabata 1970; Gjlllsaeter 1971;
Rauck 1976). The second parasite is located in the sensor chan- Moser and Taylor 1978). For example, Kabata found that rock-
nels of the fishes head, namely in the cavities of the frontal bones fishes of smaller sizes are more [heavily] infected by the endo-
of fishes of the genus Sebastes. Here a hematoma is also formed parasitic copepod Sarcotaces arcticus. Therefore, he assumed that
around the parasite. in [natural] fish populations a large percentage of fry die due to
Parasitic copepods affect the internal organs of the hosts. the pathogenic influence of parasites. Similar results were obtain-
Representatives of Lernaeoceridae often penetrate into the ed in Antimora roslrata infected by Sarcotaces komai (Avdeev
abdominal cavity where cysts form around them, which press on 1975) and in Alaska pollack infected by Haemobaphes diceraus
internal organs impairing their normal activity. The head of (authors' data).
Haemobaphes diceraus reaches the aortic bulb or ventricle of the Fish mortality may increase during secondary infection when
heart of Alaska pollack, Theragra chalcogramma, with the neck in protozoa and fungi appear in wounds inflicted by copepods
the abdominal aorta or in one of the gill arteries and emerges in (Musselius 1973; Khalifa and Post 1976; Nigrelli and Firth 1939;
the gill cavity, forming an inflamed wound (Kazachenko 1969; Schaperclaus 1954).
Grabda 1975). Copepods, Cardiodectes meduseus, [can also] Castration of hosts, decrease of the numbers of spawning fish,
penetrate the heart cavity of the fish directly (Moser and Taylor or retardation of spawning time are among the mechanisms by
1978). The aortic bulb changes shape. Under the influence of the which parasitic copepods may influence the populations of their
copepod Lemaeocera branchialis, the caliber of the bore is reduc- hosts (Giard 1888; Gjlllsaeter 1971; Moser and Taylor 1978). The
ed and sometimes thrombosis of the blood vessels is observed weight of gonads of infected fish is less than that of noninfected
(Grabda 1977). ones (Nataraian and Balakrishnan 1977; Kabata 1958).
Copepods affect the liver, kidney, spleen, intestines, hypo- Parasites may cause changes in fish behavior (Cheng 1973;
physis, and blood vessels, penetrating into these organs, reducing Limbauch 1961;5 Losey 1971). Very often infected fish prefer
them, and causing hemorrhages (Bauer et al. 1977; Goreglyad water with low oxygen content and choose places where there are
1955; Musselius 1973; Dzidziul 1973; Grabda 1975; Joubin many fish cleaners which collect parasites from infected fish.
1888; Khalifa and Post 1976; Nataraian and Balakrishnan 1973). Infected fish display unnatural behavior, jumping out of water,
Parasitic copepods are able to injure the skeletons of their hosts etc. Sometimes fish of a species may clean parasitic crustacea
as well. Those which can do so are Lemaeolophus sultanus and from infected individuals of the same species (Hotta 1961; Kabata
Vanbenedenia kroyeri; but usually they are the representatives of 1970; Kollatsch 1959).
the Philichthyidae family which can cause proliferation of the In commenting on the role of parasitic copepods in ecosystems,
bony tissue and thrombosis of the sensory canals simultaneously one should not forget that they form a certain production, them-
(Grabda 1972; Kabata 1970; Quignard 1968). selves, which contributes to the total production process [produc-
Parasitic copepods alter the blood composition of fish (Denisov tivity] of the reservoir. Copepods produce a great number of eggs
1977; Pronin et al. 1975; Einszporn-Oreska 1973; Kabata 1970; and free-living larvae. [Only] a small percentage of this biomass
Mann 1964; Nataraian and Balakrishnan 1977; Srinivasachar and enters its host fishes, eventually supporting the continuation of the
Katre 1975). The data on this question, however, are contradic- species. The remaining portion either enriches the reservoir by
tory and further investigations are needed. biogenes or is used as food by other hydrobionts. For example,
Parasitic copepods do not always cause significant damage to parasitic copepods compose a constant part of the food of some
their host, as is the case with Pennella hawaiiensis where the body fish, Le., remoras (Cressay and Lachner 1970).
condition of boarfish infected by this parasite did not decrease
(Kazachenko and Kurochkin 1974). This phenomenon was
observed repeatedly and fish infected by immature copepods had
greater weight. When the copepods matured, the fish's weight 'Probably Conrad Limbaugh (1961) who wrote on "cleaners" during this period.

3) The significance of parasitic: copepods for the fisheries. 4) Application of parasitic copepods to solving scientific prac-
This aspect is a constituent part of the questions discussed tical problems.
above. We have already cited examples of the negative influence In a sense we mean the use of parasitic copepods as biological
of parasitic copepods on some organs and tissues, as well as on the tags. Local fish stocks have been investigated with the help of
entire fish organism and their populations. Ultimately all of this such biological tags (Dogiel 1962; Dogiel and Bykhovski 1939;
influences the fish productivity of reservoirs [all types of bodies of Kovaliova 1965; Konovalov 1967, 1971; Kulachkova 1977;
water). Kabata (1955) provided the following figures: If every Mamaev et aI. 1959; Nikolaeva 1963; Petrushevski 1940; Polian-
copepod causes a decrease in the weight of the whiting of I oz ski 1958; Popov et aI. 1980; Pronin 1965; Schulman 1963, 1968;
(28.3 g), the yield of the Scottish fishery would be reduced by Schulman et aI. 1959; Gibson 1972; Kabata 1959, 1963; Macken-
1,660 tons of fish. In the Hawaiian boarfish fishery, it was found zie 1974; Margolis 1963; Sindermann 1957a, b, 1961; and
that the muscles of a great number of fish contained large, dark, others).
consolidated inclusions which were found to be the parasitic Parasitic copepods have been repeatedly used as biological tags
copepod Pennella hawaiiensis. In this connection the marketing of both individually and together with other parasites. Lernaeocera
boarfish has been halted in order to clarify the etiology of infec- branchialis was found to be an indicator of cod stocks. Fish are
tion. Caligus macarovi, parasitizing saury, is one of the economi- infected by this parasite mainly off the coasts [in coastal waters].
cally important parasites. Saury products are sometimes rejected Fish inhabiting deep waters are either not infected or infected
as defective because of the presence of this copepod. only weakly in comparison with coastal fish (Broek 1978, 1979;
Sherman and Wise 1961; Sproston and Hartley 1941; Templeman
We have already mentioned the role of parasitic copepods in and Fleming 1963; Templeman et aI. 1976). Another species of
artificial fish rearing. For example, such potentially dangerous parasitic copepod, Phrixocephalus cincinnatus, also provides the
copepods in the Pacific Ocean for salmons are Lepeophtheirus possibility of differentiating the stocks of halibut, Atherestes
salmonis and species of the genus Salmincola; for flounders- stomias (Kabata and Forrester 1974).
Acanthochondria cornuta, Lepeophtheirus hospitalis,L. parvicruris, Also, differences in the rate of infection of fish enable us to
Pseudolepeophtheirus longicauda, Nectobrachia indivisa; and for assume that there are differences between hosts at the population
the genus Sebastes-Brachiella robusta, Chondracanthus pinguis, level (Shotter 1971). Different saury stocks in the Pacific Ocean
Clavella parva, Colobomatus kyphosus, and Naobranchia occiden- have different levels of infection of the same copepod species
talis. Caligus orientalis may cause deaths of cultured fish as well. (Sokolovski 1969).

Specific Features of the Distribution of Marine
Parasitic Isopod Crustaceans of the
Family Cymothoidae (Isopoda, Flabellifera)

Nearly a century has passed since publication of the last of four the predominant number (80%) of isopod species in the tropical
monographs by Schioedte and Meinert (1884) concerning para- region of the World Ocean. Some of these isopods, having certain
sitic isopods of the suborder Flabellifera. In that summary work eurythermal features and flexibility in selection of the hosts,
descriptions and redescriptions of 142 isopod species were penetrated into subtropical parts of the boreal and antiboreal
presented along with data concerning the places of their regions.
discovery. During this century, a significant number of works on Such penetration became possible as a result of the inclusion of
the fauna of the isopod groups of different areas of the World subtropical and moderate-warm water fish species within the cir-
Ocean under consideration have been published, as were descrip- cle of hosts. Further penetration of isopods into boreal (7 species)
tions of more than 90 new species. However, until now there have and anti-boreal (4 species) regions may be explained, on one
been no works attempting to synthesize the data available about hand, by the inclusion of fish residing in moderate and moderate-
the places of discovery of parasitic isopods of the suborder Flabel- cold waters among their number of hosts; and on the other hand,
lifera in order to learn the rules of [rules governing] their by the availability of regularly occurring translocation of warm
geographical distribution. waters (currents) in the meridianal [or longitudinal] direction.
Processing of the large amount of data on isopods available at The examples are: I) Penetration of the Cymothoidae, Lironeca
my disposal (involving analysis of 55,917 specimens of more than vulgaris, into the boreal region where it began parasitizing fish of
600 marine fish species collected during 85 cruises, as well as the the families Merlucciidae and Hexagrammidae, and 2) penetra-
analysis of data in the literature on this parasite group), allowed tion of the isopod L. raynaudii, which employs representatives of
me to consider their distribution. the family Nototheniidae, common in Antarctic and sub-Antarctic
The objects of my investigations were isopods of the family waters as hosts, into anti-boreal regions.
Cymothoidae, which parasitize the gill-mouth cavity of fish or For example, I may note that in the boreal region of the western
form zoocecidium [zooecidium or zooecidia] in the body wall of Atlantic, the distribution of Cymothoidae coincides with the zone
thei r hosts. of the warm current-the Gulf Stream, which is a component of
Examination of the geographical distribution of Cymothoidae the northern subtropical anticyclonic circulation. Originating in
in both meridianal [longitudinal] and latitudinal directions the tropical region, this current flows along the coast of North
disclosed that the marine fauna of these isopods is subdi vided into America up to about Cape Cod. This favors the northward pene-
two ecological-geographical groupings, unequal in size. The first tration of the tropical hosts of both ecological and geographical
grouping, which includes a vast number of cymothoid species, is groupings of Cymothoidae. Further, when the current turns east-
noteworthy for its distribution within the coastal zones of contin- ward into the open ocean, only one of the two representatives of
ents and insular archipelagos. The characteristic features of the the second ecological and geographical grouping, Glossobius im-
second grouping (represented only by the genus Glossobius) is its pressus, penetrates there.
distribution not only in the coastal zone but in the open sea as Cymothoidae are totally absent from the Arctic and Antarctic
well. regions.
The reason for such a division of marine Cymothoidae lies in The reasons for the latitudinal distribution [extent] of the area
the historically established [evolutionarily established] two trends in which isopods of the family Cymothoidae occur in the follow-
of formation of the host circle [their circle of hosts]. As my inves- ing four coastal areas (where a high level of endemism or isolation
tigations showed, the first (and main) trend is characterized by is observed) are: I) The coastal character of the distribution of the
specialization of these isopods for parasitizing coastal fishes. The main number of marine Cymothoidae species; 2) existence of the
second trend is the result of the separation of another overwhelming number of their hosts in warm waters (or in
Cymothoidae group (small in number of species) from the main moderate-warm waters); as well as 3) the meridianal [or longitu-
trend toward specialization for parasitizing coastal-oceanic and dinal] orientation of continents (as the limiting factor), (see Fig.
primarily, oceanic fishes. The reason for this phenomenon is the I).
[relatively] recent transition of the ancestors of the flyingfishes I. The area [the Indo-West Pacific] from the Cape of Good
(representatives of the genus Glossobius), which are the principal Hope, including the Indian Ocean coasts of Africa and Asia, the
hosts, to residence in the epipelagic zone of the open ocean. Pacific Ocean coasts of southern and western Asia (up to Ayan in
In most cases the association of Cymothoidae with tropical the Sea of Okhotsk), the Indo-Malayan Archipelago, the islands of
fishes turned out to be the factor determining the distribution of Hawaii and Samoa, and the coasts of Australia and New Zealand.
II. The area of the Mediterranean Sea and the Atlantic Ocean
coasts of Europe and Africa, approximately from lat. 48 ON south-
ward to Angola.
I Laboratory of Parasitology of Marine Animals, Pacific Research Institute of III. The area of the Atlantic Ocean coasts of North and South
Fisheries and Oceanography (TINRO). Vladivostok, U.S.S.R. America from Cape Cod southward to Rio de Janeiro.


+ - ~
... - 5

Figure I.-The present dlstrlbntlon of marine isopods of tbe family Cymotboidae. 1 = places of tbe most abundant
distribution of endemic species and genera; 2 = places of individual distribution of endemic species and genera; 3 =
distribution of widely observed endemic species; 4 = places of observation of endemic Lironeca raynarulii In sub-Arctic
waters; and 5 = distribution of tbe genus Glossobi..s in epipelaglc zones of tbe open ocean.

IV. The area of the Pacific Ocean coasts of North and South Indo-Malayan Archipelago is the place of their highest concen-
America from lat. 48°N southward to Valparaiso (Chile). tration. Eleven of 12 Cymothoidae genera are registered [record-
As I noted earlier (Avdeev 1979), these special features of the ed] from this region.
geographical distribution of isopods of the family Cymothoidae in The place of residence of the largest number recorded in the
the latitudinal direction [i.e., north-south] developed as a result of second area (i.e., the Mediterranean Sea and the Atlantic coast of
the fact that the natural barrier to the hosts' penetration (along Europe and Africa, including the area from the English Channel
with the orientation of the coasts of the continents meridianally) southward to Angola) is the Mediterranean Sea, where 13 of 15
was water temperature. The depths also interrupted the distribu- species are registered.
tion latitudinally even where favorable temperature conditions The third area, encompassing the Atlantic coast of America
exist. from Cape Cod down to Rio de Janeiro, has the Caribbean Sea as
Comparison of the Cymothoidae distribution list disclosed a the place [center] of distribution of 8 of the II endemic species.
very weak community [commonality] of Cymothoidae fauna at The other species are recorded from the coast of Brazil.
the species level between the above-mentioned areas. Thus, in the Five of seven endemic Cymothoidae species of the fourth area,
first area, 71 of75 species are endemic; in the second, 13 of 15; in encompassing the Pacific coasts of North and South America from
the third and fourth, II of 14 and 7 of 9, respectively. Five Cymo- lat. 48 ON to Valparaiso, are distributed from the boundary be-
thoidae species were recorded as occurring simultaneously in two tween Ecuador-Peru northward to about Los Angeles. The distri-
areas. Two of them belong to the genus Glossobius (the parasites bution of the other two species endemic to this area along the
of flyingfishes, which accomplish large migrations). There was no coasts of Panama and Ecuador allows me to consider the tropical
species common to all four areas! coasts of Central and South America as the place of the greatest
Existence of a great number of endemic species of isopods in concentration of endemic Cymothoidae fauna.
the distributional areas indicated for the Cymothoidae (i.e., the Thus, the following centers of Cymothoidae species formation
areas with essentially isolated faunas) and of endemic genera in are revealed: Indo-Malayan, Mediterranean, Caribbean, and
two of them demonstrates the existence of the four independent tropical eastern Pacific (Fig. 2).
centers of the formation of species of parasitic isopods. In actually Speaking about the pathways of Cymothoidae distribution in
fixing the location of these centers, the nature of the distribution the World Ocean, it is necessary to point out that the Indo-
of the endemic species and genera was taken into account in order Malayan center has historically established conditions differing
to discover the places of their greatest concentration. from those in other areas. Cymothoidae in the other areas were
Of the 71 known endemic species of the first area (i.e., the able to expand in a meridianal [longitudinal] direction from their
entire Indo-West Pacific), 37 are distributed in the Indo-Malayan centers of formation only along the coasts of Africa, Europe, and
Archipelago while 18 species reside in the Red Sea, South and North and South America (because of the depth barrier). In the
southeastern Africa, southern and southwestern Australia, Japan, Indo- West Pacific the coastal hosts penetrate significant regions
the area of Ayan in the Okhotsk Sea, Hawaii, New Caledonia, and in both meridianal and latitudinal directions. This occurs because
Samoa, places distant from the location of the main Cymothoidae of the location [and orientation] of the Indo-Malayan Archipelago
concentration. The other species endemic for this area are widely at the boundary between the Pacific and Indian Oceans and the
distributed throughout the area. The distribution of the endemic formation by the continents and insular archipelagos of a con-
genera shows (as in the case with the endemic species) that the tinuous zone of coastal shoals in all four directions, together with

Figure 2.-The present centers and pathways of distribution of isopods of the family Cymothoidae in the
= = = =
World Ocean. I Indo-Malayan; II the Mediterranean; III the Caribbean; and IV tropical eastern

the shoals being separated from each other only by relatively short I may judge the relative antiquity of the present centers of
distances. As a result of this, the Cymothoidae recorded from the Cymothoidae distribution from an analysis of the faunas based on
Indo-Malayan Archipelago are also distributed off the eastern the rank and level [degree] of endemism revealed. The results
coast of Africa, Japan, Hawaii, New Zealand, etc. showed that the Indo-Malayan center has the most endemic
The distribution of the cymothoid Ceratothoa oxyrrhynchaena species (37) and the overwhelming number of endemic genera
off the coast of southeastern Africa, in the Red Sea, and in the (11) of Cymothoidae. The prolonged process of species formation
Mediterranean Sea demonstrates the increase in the geographical which resulted in the establishment of an unusually high level of
range of distribution of Cymothoidae (to the area of the southern endemism of isopods at the species and genus levels undoubtedly
coast of Africa) which became possible due to human economic indicates that I deal with the most ancient area of the distribution
activity-the building of the Suez Canal. of these isopods.
The present distribution of the main group of Cymothoidae The lower number of endemic species (13) and genera (2) in
species in the tropical region of the World Ocean provides the the Mediterranean Sea indicates that this center of Cymothoidae
basis for connecting the origin of these isopods with the existence distribution is younger [than the Indo-Malayan]. The absence of
of the former Tethys Sea, which had its maximal dimensions dur- endemic genera testifies that the reservoir of the Caribbean Sea is
ing the entire Mesozoic era and the early tertia1 [Tertiary] period younger still. In the tropic and East Pacific center I obviously deal
(being the warm one) (Ekman 1953). The four centers of with the youngest Cymothoidae fauna, which was formed during
residence of the present day Cymothoidae, which I have managed the end of the Pleiocene when the development of the Isthmus of
to discover, coincide perfectly with their dislocation. This is, in its Panama (Ekman 1953) separated a part of the tropical Central
tum, in full conformity with the conclusion by Kusakin (1979) American fauna.
that the tropical shelf is the most ancient place of the species rests My conclusion that the Indo-Malayan area is the historical
[is based] upon the most primitive SUborder, Flabellifera. center of formation of the Cymothoidae fauna may be objected to
Due to the pelagic life history of the ancestral hosts, the on the basis that domination of endemic species and genera of
ancestral Cymothoidae had a wide distribution in the Tethys Sea isopods in that area could be a result of the stable climate per-
during the Cretaceous period. During that period some portion of sisting there throughout the Tertiary and Quaternary periods. This
Cymothoidae ancestors penetrated the fresh waters and, thUS, gave was favorable not only for continuance of the tropical fauna of the
birth to the formation of the freshwater fauna of the family Cretaceous period, but also for its prosperity nowadays (Ekman
Cymothoidae. 1953). On the other hand, the very rich tropical fauna of the
The important basis for realization of the picture of the origin Mediterranean Sea, which developed during Pleiocene and
of the marine fauna of Cymothoidae is the establishment of the Pleistocene periods, was ruined because of the Ice Age. That is
historical perspective of their specific formation and the pathways why it is quite possible that this very area was the ancient center
of their distribution. In order to settle this question it is necessary of formation of the Cymothoidae fauna. However, if this point of
to refer to the principal peculiarity of the distribution of present view is possible when considering other groups of animals (e.g.,
day isopods-the existence of the four essentially isolated (at the the existence of relicts nowadays in the Mediterranean Sea,
specific level) regional and endemic faunas of these parasites, Ekman 1953) it will not suffice in relation to isopods of the
each of which has its own center of distribution. Undoubtedly, one Cymothoidae gen"era.
of them should have been [or was] the place of formation of the Of the eight Cymothoidae genera occurring in the Mediterran-
Cymothoidae fauna. ean Sea, six are recorded also in the other three areas. Further-

more, their composition includes the three most abundant and in the Carboniferous (the time of the most ancient finds of fossil
ancient specific genera-Lironeca, Cymothoa, and Ceratothoa. isopods), then the above-mentioned center of the distribution of
The representatives of two other rnonotypical genera, Mothocia parasitic isopods lay in the area adjacent to the eastern part of
and Emetha, are morphologically close to isopods of the genera Gondwana. All the conditions for free penetration of ancestral
Lironeca and Ceratothoa, respectively. isopods in the southern direction existed there, while the oppor-
Thus, specific features of the geographical distribution of tunity for their distribution from other centers was provided later,
Cymothoidae argue in favor of the Indo-Malayan Archipelago as after the disintegration of the megacontinent-Gondwana-and
the center of faunal formation of this group of parasitic isopods. formation of the Indian and Atlantic Oceans.
The area is possibly [probably] the historical place of formation
of the entire fauna of all the isopod species. I may conclude this on LITERATURE CITED
the basis of the features of the present distribution of the represen-
tatives of the primitive families, Cirolanidae and Sphaeromatidae.
1979. On the character of the geographic distribution of isopods-the para-
As Kusakin (1979) pointed out, these isopods are totally absent in sites of marine fishes. [In Russ.) Tez. Dokl. VII Vsesoyuzn. Sov. Parazit. i
the Arctic and their level of penetration into boreal waters is very Bo1eznyan Ryb. L. Nauka, p. 3-4.
low. Even so, in the Southern Hemisphere they are represented in EKMAN, S.
great numbers not only in boreal but also in antarctic waters. 1953. Zoogeography of the sea. Sidgwick and Jackson, Lond., 417 p.
Such an asymmetric pattern of distribution of primitive isopods 1979. Marine and brackish-water isopods (Isopoda) of cold and moderate
would have been formed only under similar earlier conditions. To waten; of the northern hemisphere. Sub-order Flabellifera. lsopods. [In Russ.)
my mind one of them should have been the location of the most I. L. Nauka, 471 p.
ancient center of formation of fauna of isopods in the tropics LEVlTES, Y. M.
1961. Historical geology witb the fundamentals of paleontology and geology
directly close to the Southern Hemisphere. Of the four existing
of the USSR. [In Russ.) M., 225 p.
centers of Cymothoidae distribution, only the Indo-Malayan SCHIODTE, J. c., and F. MEINERT.
meets these requirements. Moreover, if I retain the scheme by 1884. Symbolae ad Cymothoaunn Crustacearum lsopodum Familiae.
Levites (1961) concerning the distribution of the four continents Naturhist Tiddskr. 3(14):221-454.

Pigmented Macrophage Accumulations (MMC; PMB):
Possible Monitors of Fish Health l
R. E. WOLKE,2 C. J. GEORGE,3 and V. S. BLAZER2


Anthropogenic pollution of the World Ocean is a growing problem. Areas most heavily contaminated are
often sites where many important fishes grow and reproduce. It is not easy to relate levels of pollution to diseases
and fish mortalities in nature and, though it has been done in but few cases, circumstantial evidence in many
others is very strong.
Environmental pollution has direct (acute) and indirect (chronic) effects, i.e., causing deaths quickly as well
as increasing diseases, causing other debifities, and reducing reproduction, but evaluation of these effects is diffi-
cult. Histopathological examination of representatives of stressed populations, the most useful technique for
establishing or monitoring the disease-related effects of pollution, is difficult, costly, and time consuming. More
efficient health-monitoring systems or indicators are needed.
The characteristics and capabilities of a suitable system are discussed. After examination of the reticulo-
endothelial system of higher fishes, the visceral macrophage response systems (i.e., the melanin-macropbage
centers-MMe, and the pigmented mictic bodies-PMB) of these fishes appear to have those qualities needed
for a relatively efficient health monitoring system. Investigations into applicability of these systems as indicators
of fish health are in order since it appears that such an approach would be more productive than classical blood
cbemistry determinations.

INTRODUCTION A healthy organism is an organism in physiological balance

with its environment. Disease, on the other hand, is an ongoing
Anthropogenic pollution of the World Ocean is a growing prob- process which results in upsets to the physiological balance, upsets
lem. It is attributable to increasing industrialization but is related in homeostasis, and upsets in the relationship of the organism and
as well to the outdated concept that the oceans have an unending its environment. Initially these imbalances are at the biochemical
ability to accept waste. The effects of this pollution are manifold, level, eventually they become functional and morphological. It is
but certainly nowhere more apparent than on the productivity of this whole concept of pathogenesis and its resulting chemical and
animal life. It is ironical that the points of heaviest pollution anatomical changes that are of interest to the pathologist.
should also be sites for reproduction and growth of many of the The disease process brought about by the toxicant may manifest
most important commercial fishes. Pollution, however, is not con- itself on any of the aforementioned levels, or, in fact, it may be
fined to such "nurseries" of fin and shellfish. Deep ocean dump- related with a natural disease which masks the effects of the toxi-
ing of wastes also raises the levels of various pollutants to which cant per se. At best, the toxicant results in pathognomonic lesions
finfish are exposed. and the condition is easily identified as to cause and readily classi-
Toxicity of most pollutants, which include such substances as fied as an "environmental" disease (Wolke et al. 1975, Sinder-
petroleum-derived hydrocarbons, heavy metals, insecticides, mann 1979). Unfortunately it appears that diseases of this sort are
herbicides, and sewage, have been examined in the laboratory and relatively few and that toxicant lesions are often quite nonspecific.
their LC50 and/or chronic effects for fish and shellfish determin- Coupled with this nonspecificity is the fact that the levels of the
ed (National Science Foundation 1974; Environmental Protection toxicant to which the fish is exposed in the marine environment
Agency 1979). Correlation of these data with decreasing popula- are far less than those studied in the laboratory. There is mounting
tions of fish on a worldwide scale is much more difficult. Some evidence, however, that these chronic subclinical levels, while not
mass mortalities and individual decreases in numbers of fish have readily lending themselves to detection in terms of host response,
been observed and documented, but determining the general increase disease susceptibility resulting in increased prevalence of
health of fish over broad geographic areas is not easily achieved disease processes and parasite burdens in exposed populations
and not well documented (Brown et al. 1970; van Loon and (Ziskowski and Murchelano 1975; Mearns and Sherwood 1977;
Beamish 1977; McFarlane and Franzin 1978; Gray 1979). Overstreet and Howse 1977; Welling et al. 1977). This introduces
the concept of an "environmentally associated" disease in which
the noxious agent has an indirect rather than a direct effect-a
more realistic concept [than others] which is based upon the
multitude of information from necropsy examinations which have
'This work was supported in part by a grant from the National Science Foundation
been conducted on marine fish from "polluted" and
and the Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution, Mass. Rhode Island Agricultural Ex- "nonpolluted" sites.
periment Station No. 2066. Evaluation of these subtle effects on the health of fish, consid-
'Department of Aquaculture Science & Pathology, University of Rhode Island, ering in turn their genetic variability and the variability of their
Kingston, RI 02881. U.S.A.
'Department of Biological Sciences, Union College, Schenectedy, NY 12308, environment, appears difficult. Classical methods used to deter-
U.S.A. mine the health of higher vertebrates, such as blood chemistry

determinations, might be of assistance if sufficient base data could PIGMENTED MACROPHAGE
be collected. Unfortunately, tests of this nature have shown ACCUMULATIONS
tremendous variability among individuals of the same species, re-
quiring large numbers of determinations to achieve statistical Groups of pigmented macrophages, present primarily in the
significance. When this observation is coupled with the variabil- liver, spleen, and kidney, are an important component of the
ity among families and geographical locations, the approach fishes' RES. These structures were probably first described by
seems impractical. Given time, much base data could be collected, Jolly in 1923 and were later considered by Roberts (1975) who
but a problem of such international concern does not allow the coined the term melanin-macrophage centers (MMC). Still later,
luxury of time. Agius (1979b, 1980) carefully described morphological species
Histopathological examination of group representative individ- differences and pigment content of the accumulations. Other
uals is more informative as a monitor of health, but is logistically workers who have described these structures, which occur in
impractical and may not reveal even those nonspecific lesions of amphibians and reptiles as well, include Yoffey (1929),
toxicants previously discussed. Histopathology as a tcchnique, Mackmull and Michels (1932), Ellis et al. (1976), and Ferguson
however, may be of value, especiaUy if it is used to examine a (1976).
specific system sensitive to a wide range of insults. In the higher Teleostei the accumulations vary from a few to a
Availability of a more effecient system to monitor the health of large number of cells forming rounded islands 40 to 1,000 /lm in
fishes in relation to the environment is important. Such a health diameter. The edges of the islands are usually regular and in some
monitoring system must have certain qualities. First, it must be a instances the accumulation may have a degree of encapsulation.
system which is common to all fishes, regardless of their source. These fibers have been described as argyophilic (Roberts 1975). A
Second, it must be basic, and by basic is not meant unsophis- thin rim of lymphocytes may be found surrounding the accumu-
ticated but rather a system which is first in the chain of events lations (Fig. 1).
following an insult. In this sense then, the system should be rapid- Cells within the aggregates are primarily macrophages with
ly responsive in reflecting upsets in homeostasis and the presence irregular, poorly defined outlines and vesicular nuclei. Their
of foreign antigens. Also, the proposed system should reflect or cytoplasm contains black to yellowish pigmented material and/or
presage early tissue damage. The third quality is accessability. phagocytized organisms. The cells vary in size from 10 to 30 /lm.
This is the ease with which the system is· examined by the investi- There are also present a few true melanogenic cells (melanocytes).
gator and the speed with which data can be generated. These are smaller (7 to 15 /lm) and their cytoplasm is heavily
The purpose of this paper is to suggest a system which might be laden with brown to black granules.
used for the monitoring of fish health. While studies have shown Ultrastructurally the macrophages are not morphologically
the proposed system to have the necessary qualities it has not yet unique. The nucleus is often kidney shaped or indented and
been used as a monitor, thus the feasibility of the hypothesis pro- chromatin frequently lies just inside the nuclear membrane. The
posed here remains to be tested. usual complement of organelles lie close to and surround the
nucleus. Golgi complexes are common. Much of the cytoplasm is
RETICULO-ENDOTHELIAL SYSTEM occupied by vacuoles and lysosomes. Pigment, when present, is
found within membrane-bound vacuoles (melanosomes, ceroid).
The reticulo-endothelial system (RES) of the fish is sophisti- The general color of the accumulations in higher fish tends to
cated and highly functional (Ellis 1974). It is similar, but not iden- be yellow brown. Their distribution is random (perhaps with some
tical, to Aschoffs RES in homeotherms (Aschoff 1924). The tendency to accumulate nearer blood vessels) in the parenchyma
systems differ in that the fish has phagocytically active cells lining of liver, spleen, and kidney (anterior and posterior). However, in
the atrial endocardium and serving as a supportive endothelium certain pathological processes their distribution is far more wide-
(pillar cells) in the gill (Ferguson 1975; Chilmonczyk and Monge
1980). In addition, accumulations of pigmented macrophages are
randomly distributed in the hepatic, renal, and splenic paren-
chyma. Kupffer cells are absent or, if present, are only weakly
The relationship of the fish RES to the homeotherm Mono-
nuclear Phagocyte System (MPS) of van Furth is uncertain at
present (van Furth et al. 1972). The MPS does not include faculta-
tively phagocytic cells, i.e., reticular cells, fibroblasts, and, most
importantly, endothelial cells. Light microscopic examination of
fish atrial endocardium reveals cells morphologically identical to
classical endothelial cells. These cells have the capacity to hyper-
trophy, acquire a rounded profile, and phagocytize blood-borne
particulate matter. This phenomenon may be elicited by simply
inoculating carbon particles intraperitoneally in higher teleosts.
The mechanisms by which these cells are excited and their
facultative nature are unknown. Further, there are other criteria
used to classify phagocytic cells for inclusion in the MPS. Such
cells must contain receptor sites for immunoglobulins and com-
plement on their cell surfaces. A small percentage of macrophages
in plaice spleen and kidney have surface immunoglobulin (Ellis Figure t.-MlICropbage accumulation (MMC; PMB) in spleen of a higher teleost
1974). The presence of these receptors on other fish phagocytes (upomis mtu:rocIJirus). Note round shape, sUght fibrous encapsulation, and thin
needs to be determined. rim of lymphocytes. Hemotol<yUn & eosin )( 121.

spread, including the gastrointestinal tract, peritoneum, and Melanin
connective tissue.
The general microscopic appearance of macrophage accumula- Melanin is a complex polymer of uncertain structure which
tions may differ in certain fish and early investigations seem to in- may be formed from the amino acid tyrosine or the catecholamine
dicate a relationship to evolutionary development (Agius 1980). epinephrine. It is a common pigment in the integument of most
In the salmonids the accumulations are smaller, more irregular in animals and results in a brown to black coloration (Riley 1980).
outline, and much darker (Fig. 2). As in higher fishes both Cells which contain melanin in the fish include the melanocyte,
macrophages and melanocytes are present, however the latter melanophore, and macrophage. It is not certain whether all three
comprise a far larger proportion of the cells than in the centers of cells are melanogenic, the concensus being that the first two are,
higher fishes. while the macrophage acquires melanosomes via an, at present,
unknown transfer mechanism. This probably occurs when macro-
phages come in contact with dendritic melanophores and
phagocytize portions of the cell or their extruded melanosomes.
It is interesting to note that relative amounts of melanin appear
greater in the centers of cold-water fish or in fish kept at colder
temperatures. This observation may relate to the suggested func-
tions of the pigment melanin. The pigment appears to have two
primary functions. First, protective and second, destructive. In the
protective sense it is similar to alpha-tocopherol, an electron
donor. This relates to its resonation with its semiquinone free
radical precursor (Riley 1980). It can absorb free radicals or in-
hibit the propagation of the free radical chain reaction and will
protect the cell from the reactive substances produced during lipid
oxidation (Edelstein 1971). Its presence in a cell responsible for
collecting effete lipids is self-evident.
Its second function, that of destruction, comes about by its abil-
ity to oxidize nicotinamide-adenine dinucleotide (NADH) and
produce hydrogen peroxide, which, in conjunction with peroxi-
dase and iodide, can be bacteriocidal, perhaps via halogenation of
the bacterial cell wall. It can therefore function in destruction of
invading microorganisms which have been ingested by the
macrophage in a manner essentially similar to the generation of
Figure 2.-Macrophage accumulations (MMC; PMB) in the spleen of a salmonid hydrogen peroxide by the probable NADH oxidase and halogen-
(Salmo gaird".ri). Note irregular shape and dense melanization. Hemotoxylln & ation in homeotherms. However, there is also the possibility that
eosin x 308.
quinone precursors of melanin may serve a bacteriocidal function
as well since qui nones are strong oxidizing agents in their own
right. Because the mechanisms by which melanin functions are
PIGMENTS nonenzymatic it is interesting to speculate that melanin plays an
important role in the defense mechanisms of poikilotherms where
The pigments contained in the macrophage component are enzymatic activity is so temperature dependent.
identifiable by means of light microscope histochemistry and
electron microscopy. The pigments can be identified as hemosi- Ceroid/Lipofuscin
derin, melanin, and ceroid.
The third pigment commonly associated with visceral macro-
Hemosiderin phage accumulations is ceroid or lipofuscin. This is a yellowish-
green, autofluorescent age pigment. It is a breakdown product of
Hemosiderin is an endogenous hemoglobin-derived storage lipid peroxidation and tissue destruction. Massive increases in this
form of iron. It is, therefore, a normal and important constituent pigment are seen in vitamin E deficiency and/or rancid fat prob-
of the body and of hemoglobin metabolism. When red blood cells lems of fish (Poston et al. 1976; Watanabe and Takashima 1977;
are destroyed, hemoglobin is degraded to iron, biliverdin, and Roald et al. 1981).
globin. The iron, as ferritin or bound to transferrin within the
macrophage, is stored in the spleen or moved to sites of red blood FUNCTION
cell formation. It is known as hemosiderin and is seen as brown to
black intracytoplasmic granules. Its presence in the spleen is nor- Information on the function of piscine visceral macrophage
mal, both in fish and homeotherms. Special staining techniques accumulations may be collected from studies of the fate of in-
may be used to identify and better outline the deposits. The Prus- jected particulate matter and the types and functions of pigment
sian blue method (potassium ferrocyganide) stains the granules a present in the centers. Roberts in 1975 alluded to such a function-
bright blue (Thompson 1966). al systhesis and recent investigations have added credence to this
Excessive accumulations of the pigment or accumulations in synthesis.
other organs is known as hemosiderosis and reflects a pathological When particulate matter (carbon, latex beads) is inoculated
process. The condition may be metabolic in origin, but in the vast interperitoneally or intervascularly the material is rapidly ingested
majority of the cases it is due to a sudden breakdown in by the various phagocytic cells of the RES (Mackmull and
hemoglobin secondary to a hemolytic anemia. Michels 1932; Ferguson 1976; Ellis et al. 1976; Chiimonczyk and
Monge 1980). After ingestion, the laden macrophages migrate to pigments in individual centers may also lend themselves to color-
visceral accumulations or begin new accumulations in the paren- ometric determinations.
chyma of spleen, liver, and kidney. The speed with which this is The authors recognize that measurement of the suggested
accomplished appears related to the route of injection and to system, because of obvious variables, may in fact be difficult.
temperature. When the stimulated macrophages reach the centen Investigators should recognize that the mass of PMB will vary as
they are not simply added to the surface of the accumulation but to age so that base data must, as in other systems, be collected.
are found to mix with the other cells so that one can appreciate the These data can be taken from only one species at a time and from
accumulations as a dynamic moving body. This has led George a species inhabiting an environment as pristine as possible.
and Agius to suggest that these accumulations be referred to as Statistical questions must be answered regarding numbers of sec-
"pigmented mictic (Gr = mixing) bodies" or PMB. tions, numbers of organs, and surface area to be examined. These
This movement of macrophages to a point of accumulation sug- do not seem, however, to be insurmountable problems and it is felt
gests that their function is to centralize foreign material for a that investigation of the use of PMB as monitors would be worth-
number of purposes. First, to present such antigens to cells while.
capable of producing humoral antibody, second, to remove toxic If figures could be generated indicating mass and pigment con-
substances and to centralize their detoxification, and third, to store tent/age class/species these data could then be compared with data
reuseable substances. taken from smaller numbers of the same species in other geo-
Further evidence for this hypothesis is found in the pigments graphical areas. The hypothesis could be tested by examining
present and their previously discussed significance. Ceroid and populations from known polluted sites. If statistically significant
lipofuscins are peroxidation products, potentially capable of pro- differences were present then relatively rapid surveys of impor-
ducing free radicals as well as reflecting tissue breakdown (Hart- tant geographic areas could be conducted to determine if hereto-
roft and Porta 1965). Ceroid is commonly stored in PMB. fore unsuspected stresses were being applied to indigenous
Melanin is capable of accepting dangerous free radicals and in populations.
destroying microorganisms. Melanin is found in macrophage
Iysosomes in relation to bacteria and ceroid. Finally, hemosiderin
reflects red blood cell destruction, storage of reuseable iron, and,
in hemosiderosis, hemolytic processes. Anemia is a common sign
of disease in fish and often reflects the activity of endotoxins as AGIUS, C.
well as some water-borne toxins. 1979a. The role of melano-macrophage centres in iron storage in normal and
diseased fish. J. Fisb Dis. 2:337-343.
1979b. Aspects of the melana-macrophage centres in fish. Ph.D. Thesis,
METHODS Univ. Stirling, Scotland, U.K.
1980. Phylogenetic development of melano-macropbage centres in fisb. J.
The visceral macrophage accumulations (MMC; PMB) of Zool. Lond. 191:11-31.
higher fish appear to have those qualities needed for a health AGIUS, C., and R. J. ROBERTS.
1981. Effects of starvation on the melana-macropbage centres of fish. J.
monitoring system. They are common to all fishes and they are Fisb BioI. 19:161-169.
basic in that their macrophage component is first to come in con- ASCHOFF, K.
tact with foreign antigens or remove endogenous and exogenous 1924. Das reticulo-endotheliale system. Ergeb. Inn. Med. u. Kinderh. 26: 1.
toxic substances to a centralized area. They collect pigments BROWN, V. M., D. G. SHURBEN, and D. SHAW.
1970. Studies on water quality and the absence of fish from polluted English
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ly, they are easily accessible, requiring only routine histopatho- CHALKEY.H.W.
logical methods for examination. 1943. Method for the quantitative analysis of tissues. J. Natl. Cancer Inst.
The literature is replete with studies that indicate increases in 4:47-53.
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1980. Rainbow trout gill pillar cells: demonstration of inen panicle phago-
imbalances. There is a body of evidence that these structures cytosis and involvement in viral infection. J. Reticuloendothelial Soc. 28:
reflect upsets in homeostasis and early disease processes (Roberts 237-332.
1975; Agius 1979a; Agius and Roberts 1981). EDELSTEIN, L. M.
It is suggested therefore that some effort be placed on investi- 1971. Melanin: a unique biopolymer. Pathology Annual 1:309-324.
gating the use of these structures as indicators of fish health. It
1974. Aspects of the Iympboid and reticula-endothelial systems in the plaice,
appears that such an approach would be more productive than Pkuront!C/es platessa L. Pb.D. Thesis, Univ. Aberdeen, Scotland, U.K.
classical blood chemistry determinations. ElliS, A. E., A. L. S. MUNRO, and R. J. ROBERTS.
These structures will certainly lend themselves to mass deter- 1976. Defense mechanisms in fish. I. A study of the phagocytic system and
the fate of intraperitoneaUy injected paniculate material in the plaice
minations either by the point-counting planimetric method of
(Pkuronectes platessa) L. J. Fish BioI. 8:67-78.
Hennig (1958) following the reasoning of Chalkey (1943) or by ENVIRONMENTAL PROTECTION AGENCY.
means of colorometric assessment of the fluorescing ceroid within 1919. Toxicity bandbook, mammalian and aquatic data. Book I: Toxicity
the centers. The latter method, however, essentially equates ceroid data. B. A. Scbneider (editor). U.S. Environ. Prot. Agency, Beltsville, Md.,
with mass and may prove to be specious. 563 p.
Subjective evaluation of hemosiderin and melanin content may
1975. Pbagocytosis by tbe endocardial lining cells of the atrium of plaice
also be made, especially with reference to the organ in which the (Pkuronectes platessa). J. Compo Pathol. 85:561-569.
hemosiderin is found. It is suggested thai all sections be routinely 1976. The relationship between ellipsoids and melano-macrophage centres in
stained using the Prussian Blue reaction (Perls method for iron) tbe spleen of turbot (Scophlhaimus maximus). J. Compo Pathol. 86:377 -380.
and counter-stained with nuclear fast reds. The macrophages are GRAY, J. S.
t 979. Pollution-induced cbanges in populations. Philos. Trans. R. Soc.
apparent as pale yellow accumulations, melanin is black to brown, Lond. B 286:545-561.
and hemosiderin bright blue. All three pigments are therefore HARTROFI', W. S., and E. A. PORTA.
rapidly and easily visualized. Objective evaluation of these 1965. Ceroid. Am. J. Med. Sci. 250:324.
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Mikroskope. Zeiss Werkzeitschrift 30:78-86. disease. In W. E. Ribelin and G. Migaki (editors), The pathology of fishes, p.
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1977. Distribution of neoplasms and other diseases in marine fishes relative phages, monocytes and their precursor cells. Bull. WHO 46(6):845-852.
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emphasis on neoplasia, p. 210-224. Ann. N.Y. Acad. Sci. 298. Flon area lakes and the relation to fish populations. J. Fish. Res. Board Can.
1974. Effects of pollutants on marine organisms. International Decade of WATANABE, T., and F.· TAKASHIMA.
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4:1-14. 1975. Fin erosion in winter flounder. Mar. Poilu!. Bull. 6:26-29.

Infectious Diseases of Fish Involved in Marine
Aquaculture in the Soviet Far East

Intensive development of aquaculture in the Soviet Far East fish. The type of growth of the colonies is prostrate. The cultures
results from the complex of factors favorable for the progress of grew well at a temperature of +5°C. The bacteria were gram-
this prospective branch of the national economy. The culture of negative, motile, oxidase-positive bacilli able to grow without air.
salmon, mollusks, algae, etc., is not only possible but highly A typical feature of these cultures was bacterial mobility on the
profitable. surface of the agar at the margin of the colony.
Among the problems of the development of intensive aquacul- An epizootic disease with similar clinical and bacteriological
ture, that involving the protection of cultured fish from infectious features was also recorded among chum salmon fry cultured at the
diseases which can cause great losses, is of major importance. experimental TINRO station..
Prophylactic treatment of fish against infectious diseases in On the basis of these disease study data, we can conclude that in
aquaculture is one of the important conditions for successful both cases it was the cold-water salmon disease, caused by flexi-
economic management and its profitability. Rich aquaculture bacteria.
experience accumulated in the Pacific basin countries (Canada, Along with these investigations, the microflorae of scallops
U.S.A., Japan and others) clearly demonstrates the necessity of (Patinopeeten yess) and oysters (Crassostrea gigas) were also
studying the infectious diseases of maricultural organisms and of studied. Upon studying the microflora of the scallop it was found
developing methods for diagnosis and preventive treatment of that the infection level of its internal organs is heterogenous:
disease. Minimum microflora was on the muscle while the mantle and
In this connection the Laboratory of the Infectious Diseases of Ii ver were more heavily infected. Qualitative variety of the micro-
Mariculture Objects (TINRO) began to investigate infectious flora was most evident in summer, i.e., at high seawater temper-
diseases of salmons and bivalves, as the most important organisms atures. When water temperature decreased, the gram-negative
of the Soviet Far East. Preliminary data acquired while examining microflora was displaced by a gram-positive one. A relationship
healthy and infected fish and mollusks are presented in this paper. between the environmental microflora and the microflora of the
During April and May of 1980 an epizootic disease of the fry of scallop organism was observed.
cultured coho salmon, Oncorhynchus kisutch, was observed at the In August of 1980, oyster beds were investigated in Posyet Bay
TINRO geothermal station. Daily mortality during a single month (South Primorye), where a considerable oyster mortality was
was I to 2%, with increases in some days. Infected and dead fish observed. A great number of dead and injured oysters had also
had pale, swollen gills covered with mucus. Spots of yellow or been discovered there on the collectors. Spots of black or brown-
yellow-orange color were easily seen in the mucus. Visible black color were seen on the internal surfaces of the shells, mostly
changes in the internal organs were not seen during autopsy. Using in the zone of adductor muscle junction. No significant muscle
phase-contrast microscopy of unstained slides of the gills, a great changes were discovered. Bacteria of the genus Vibrio were main-
number of motile bacteria, as well as the destruction of gill ly found in mantle, muscle, and liver. Some of them were lumines-
filaments, were discovered. cent. Other microflora was rather poor. Probably, the oyster mor-
Cultures of the motile, gram-negative bacteria, which devel- tality was caused by an intensive infection of the oysters with
oped successfully on cytophaga-agar, forming yellow pigment, Vibrio spp., due to the over-density of mollusks on the collectors
were found on the gills and in the kidneys of dead and infected and high seawater temperatures.
The facts mentioned above suggest the necessity of further,
I Pacific Research Institute of Fisheries and Oceanography (TINRO), Vladivostok,
more intensive studies of diseases of aquaculture organisms in the
U.S.S.R. Soviet Far East.

Recent Studies in the United States on Parasites and
Pathogens of Marine Mollusks With Emphasis on
Diseases of the American Oyster,
Crassostrea virginica Gmelin 1



Morphological, systematic, faunal, and life cycle studies predominated research on marine parasites and
pathogens in the United States before World War II. Much was primarily basic or academic in nature. Since
then it has grown and diversified under pressure of efforts to: 1) Increase yields of invertebrate-based fisheries,
in nature and under controlled conditions; and 2) understand, protect, and improve the resources, estuarine and
marine environments, and human health and welfare. Over the last 30 yr pathobiological investigations of
economically and ecologically Important marine Invertebrates have broadened into submlcroscopical anatomy
(TEM and SEM techniques), physiology, immunology, genetics, host-parasite ecology, interactions between
environmental pollution and disease, and prophylaxis and treatment of their diseases.
Importation of foreign oysters (and other shellfish species) and their transfer and transplantation between
the coastal regions, provinces, and states of North America have resulted in growing disease problems and a
corresponding interest in the parasitology and pathology of the mollusks involved. It has also spawned efforts to
control introductions and transfers.
Two major diseases have been found to interfere with production of native Atlantic oysters along the Gulf
andlor Atlantic coasts of the United States. These are the "Dermo" or "fungus" disease, caused by the apicom-
plexan protistan Perkinsus marinus (both coasts) and "MSX" or Delaware Bay disease, caused by the sporozoan
Haplosporidium nelsoni (the Atlantic coast-prlncipaUy in Chesapeake and Delaware Bays). Knowledge of these
important epizootic-producing diseases is reviewed and discussed, along with that of other parasites and
pathogens of molluskan sheUfish in North America, and an extensive References section of the results of recent
research on moUuskan parasites and diseases is presented.

INTRODUCTION anatomy (i.e., studies of ultrastructure using scanning and trans-

mission electron microscopes), immunobiology, immunochemis-
Most of the research on parasites and pathogens of marine try, genetics, host-parasite ecology, microecology, physiological
invertebrates has taken place in this century. Faunal, morph- ecology, and research on techniques for prophylaxis and treatment
ological, systematic, and life cycle studies predominated the of disease.
literature before World War II. Much early work on parasites of The development of marine aquaculture has increased the need
invertebrates was primarily basic or academic in nature or on to understand the impacts of parasites and pathogens on the
animals used in experimentation, but even then the necessity to marine invertebrates being used. Mollusks, being among the
explain unusual or catastrophic events, such as fish kills, major easiest of marine invertebrates to "farm" or bring under culture
declines in fishery catches, impacts of plankton blooms (such as are of special interest. Most research activity on parasites and
red tides and mahogany waters), the impacts of pollution on pathogens of this group centers upon bivalves of the genera Ostrea
fishery populations, and other practical questions predominated. and Crassostrea of the family Ostreidae because of their economic
Since World War II, research has increased markedly. More importance, but numerous other shellfish are involved also.
scientists and institutions are involved in pathobiology of marine The increase in importation of mollusks from other countries
vertebrates and invertebrates than ever before. Academic interest such as Crassostrea gigas Thunberg 1793, the Pacific oyster, and
continues to be a force but the need to produce more shellfish Ostrea edulus Linnaeus 1758, the European flat oyster, has
(Mollusca and Crustacea) on a sustained basis from coastal and 'resulted in introduction of new parasites and diseases into the
ocean waters and to protect the environment and human health United States. Further, transfer of these and endemic species of
have been primary factors prompting government support for mollusks around the coast of North America has caused the spread
these studies. The growth of commercial display aquaria and of of their parasites (and predators as well). The problem of impor-
laboratory experimentation with marine fishes and invertebrates tation of foreign parasites and pathogens (from other countries or
has also encouraged interest in parasites and diseases. regions) has become of sufficient importance to cause develop-
New knowledge, techniques, and equipment have enabled ment of specific control procedures such as the establishment of
pathobiological investigations to broaden into submicroscopic controlled or prohibited areas and species, examination and cer-
tification, and quarantine arrangements. Of concern to science, in-
dustry, and government are the oysters mentioned above as well as
'Contribution No. 1158 from the Virginia Institute of Marine Science. Russian
the mussels Mytilus edulus, Linnaeus, 1758; Brachidontes recurvis
version published in 1983 in Parasitologiya 17(4):256-260.
2School of Marine Science and Virginia Institute of Marine Science, College of Rafinesque, 1820; and others. Interest in the parasites and diseases
William and Mary, Gloucester Point, VA 23062, U.S.A. of other commercially important mollusks such as Mercenaria

mercenaria (Linnaeus, 1758), the hard clam or quahog; Mya Undoubtedly, disease-related mortalities occur in such popula-
arenaria (Linnaeus, 1758), the soft clam; Spisula solidissima tions. When man intervenes, either by altering the environment,
(Dillwyn, 1817), the surf clam; Placopecten magellanicus (Gmelin, by moving animals and plants to new habitats or by bringing them
1791), the ocean scallop; Aequipecten irradians (Lamarck, 1819), under culture, losses due to disease increase-sometimes so dras-
the bay scallop; and Haliotis rufescens Swainson, 1822, the red tically that epidemics or epiwotics involving numerous deaths
abalone, has grown also in the last decade due to increased interest occur. At times the extensive mortalities result in severe diminish-
in improved management or culture of these organisms. Conse- ment of production and ensuing commercial losses. Animals under
quently, most of the research is concentrated in the mollusk- culture or in experimental or display aquaria, which usually are
producing regions of the northwestern United States (Oregon and crowded, are particularly troublesome in this regard.
Washington) and adjacent British Columbia, the Gulf Coast In North America, oysters have been widely transported and
(Texas, Louisiana, Mississippi, Alabama, and Florida), the Mid- transplanted and under crude culture since the end of the last cen-
Atlantic (Virginia, Maryland, Delaware, New Jersey, and New tury. In recent years oyster culture techniques have become more
York), the northeast (Connecticut, Rhode Island, Massachusetts, sophisticated, though most commercial producers continue to
and Maine), and the nearby maritime provinces of Canada (Fig. utilize procedures developed and refined well before World War
1). Research activity related to abalone occurs mostly in Califor- II, which involve transplantation of young oysters, called "seed-
nia. (A number of relevant publications are provided in the oysters" from good setting beds to "grow-out" or fattening beds
References section.) whence they are harvested when they or the market are ready. As
The literature mentions a large number of symbionts (employed would be expected, "oyster-kills" (severe mortalities) have occur-
here in the broad sense) which infect oysters (Ostrea spp. and red with some frequency on all coasts of the United States and
Crassostrea spp.) and other bivalves and cause diseases or are Canada where oysters are under such culture. Two such disease
suspected of doing so (Appendix I). In his very useful recent events are the subject of the remainder of this paper.
publication, Sindermann (1977) listed 10 diseases of cultured Mortalities of Crassostrea virginica Gmelin populations along
oysters (Crassostrea virginica Gmelin, Crassostrea gigas Thunberg, the gulf and east coasts of the United States and in Canada (Fig. 1)
and Ostrea edulus Linnaeus) in the United States and Canada and in the late 1940's and the 1950's and later in the late 1950's and
mentioned at least 6 others and there are more. The 10 primary early 1960's caused interest in the parasites and pathogens of C
diseases cause significant mortalities. Some of those in the "men- virginica and related oysters to intensify. Federal and state govern-
tioned" category are merely suspected of causing disease, having ments and industry became especially concerned. Since my insti-
been found in host tissues during surveys, but some are known to tition, the Virginia Institute of Marine Science, was involved
cause deaths also. deeply in both efforts, they will be described as examples.
Undisturbed or relatively undisturbed natural populations of
most (if not all) animals and plants bear parasites and pathogens. "DERMO" DISEASE OR "FUNGUS"

. ..'-------T-------r----T---~...._-7T___,
..O'r-----;: When the oil industry of the Gulf of Mexico was accused by
oystermen of causing deaths in natural and cultivated beds of
oysters (C virginica) along the U.S. coast of the Gulf of Mexico
(the gulf coast) in the late 1940's, research was begun to find the
possible cause or causes.
Scientists found the apicomplexan protistan Perkinsus marinus
[Phylum Apicomplexa, Class Perkinsia, Order Perkinsida: first
named Dermocystidium marinum and then Labrynthomyxa marina
(which was then considered to be a fungus-hence the confusion
in the common name of the disease)] to be responsible (see
Appendix II). Investigations made elsewhere for the same reasons
showed the organism to be present in natural and cultivated
populations of oysters (C virginica Gmelin) along the entire east
.i-----II--<---~~:..<::j==---_._____+-----__+_I coast of North America from Florida to Massachusetts as well as
on the gulf coast (Fig. 1). From Chesapeake Bay southward and
into the Gulf of Mexico, it causes mortalities of epizootic propor-
tions; elsewhere it is mostly enwotic [except in Delaware Bay
(Figs. 1, 2) in the mid-1950's when mass mortalities, apparently
due to importation of infected oysters from Virginia, were
""---\-\---+-------+-------+------+--i"'" reported].
The pathogen can be identified easily in prepared cultures or in
squashes or sections of tissue taken from live or moribund hosts.
Crude experimental infections can be brought about in the labora-
tory but the etiological agent has not been obtained in pure
,,0 Infections can be reduced or mitigated chemically under
laboratory conditions, but not eliminated. Chemical control in
nature is not now possible and may never be feasible due to the
Figure l.-Eut rout or tlte United States. dilutive and dispersive nature of the "universal" solvent and/or

carrier-water. Under farming conditions, losses can be reduced "MSX" DISEASE OR " THE DELAWARE
by avoiding planting seed oysters in infested high salinity areas. BAY" DISEASE OF CRASSOSTREA VIRGINICA
This salinity relationship has been demonstrated in the laboratory
and in nature. As recently as 1982 the pest moved into waters In 1957, mortalities began to occur in cultivated populations of
from which it was previously excluded, when drought in 1980 and oysters (c. virginica) in Delaware Bay. Because of the proximity,
1981 caused salinities in Chesapeake Bay to increase and "move" even contiguity of Chesapeake Bay through the connecting
upstream. The parasite does not do well in salinities below 15 ppt. Chesapeake and Delaware Canal and via the intervening Atlantic
Losses can also be reduced by timing the planting and harvesting coastal lagoons and embayments and the associated intracoastal
of the host. The parasite is also temperature-dependent and causes waterway, and because of frequent transfer of hosts between these
most mortalities in summer and early fall when water tempera- bodies of water by fishermen, scientists anticipated infestation of
tures are between 25° and 33°C. Intensity of infection and mor- the Chesapeake system (Fig. 2). Industry and government became
talities can be reduced by controlling the density of planting, since concerned, and considerable scientific effort was mounted in the
it has been found to be density-dependent as well. states of New Jersey (Rutgers University), Virginia (Virginia
Because the pathogen, P. marinus, has not been isolated in pure Institute of Marine Science-VIMS), and Maryland (Chesapeake
culture, Koch's postulates have not been satisfied. Additionally, Biological Laboratory at Solomons Island, Maryland-now a part
the life cycle is not completely understood and it is not known of the University of Maryland Center for Environmental and
whether reservoir or intermediate hosts are required or involved Estuarine Studies).
but it may not require them because of its mode of sporulation and The disease, called "MSX-disease" (for Multinucleated Spore
the fact that in some observations infections seem to be spread to X-a name coined before the causative agent was discovered and
other hosts by material from disintegrating neighbors. It forms described), or "Delaware Bay disease," was found by epidemio-
sporangia which release biflagellate zoospores. That some related logical techniques to be caused by • "sporozoan" (Phylum
organisms have direct life cycles adds strength to the arguments of Balanosporida, Class Stellatosporea, Order Balanosporida)
J. D. Andrews of the Virginia Institute of Marine Science and parasite Haplosporidium nelsoni (=Minchinia nelsoni). See
others who contend that no alternate hosts are involved. It (or Appendix II for taxonomic placement. The pathogen was found in
closely related species) has (have) been found in many other populations of C. virginica from Massachusetts to North Carolina
bivalves (Appendix I). but was most concentrated in populations in Delaware Bay and
Chesapeake Bay, where it caused mortalities of from 50 to 60%
annually until the commercial plantings in infested areas were
killed by the pathogen or harvested by industry. In Delaware Bay
(Fig. 2), oyster production dropped from about 2 million bu to
about 10,000 bu annually in about 2 yr. In Virginia's Chesapeake
Bay (Figs. 2, 3), it dropped from 4 million to 2 million bu/yr in a


Figure 3.-Distribution of MSX in oyster-producing regions in lower Chesa-

peake Bay. Areas are classified according to levels of infestation by Haplospori-
dium nelsoni (which causes MSX disease) under conditions of average salinity
distribution. Type I (very dark) areas are heavily infested and oysters planted
there experience significant mortalities. Oyster culture in this area must be car-
ried out on a very cautious basis. Areas with lower infestation levels (Types II,
III, and IV) are normaily more productive and less troublesome, experiencing
progressively fewer deaths and requiring fewer accommodations and precau-
tions for successful oyster (C. virginica) culture. During prolonged drought in
the upper watersheds salinity moves upstream as does MSX disease. During
severe wet periods in the upper watersheds they move downstream. Prolonged
drought periods cause serious mortality problems and economic losses for
Figure 2.-Chesapeake and Delaware Bays and intervening coastal waters. industry. They must be anticipated and responded to. (From Haven et al. 1978.)

similar period (I U.S. bushel = about 35.2 I). It is still present and During the course of the research on the parasites and path-
a threat in formerly infested regions of appropriate salinity. ogens of Crassostrea and Ostrea, species of which have been
Epidemiological studies indicate MSX disease to be salinity- imported from the Far East and Europe and moved around be-
dependent, occurring in areas ranging from 15 to 35 ppt. Figure 3 tween the coastal waters of North America, science has learned
depicts the areas of infestation of lower Chesapeake Bay and the that diseases endemic to Crassostrea yirginica or to a single
coastal lagoons of Virginia's Eastern Shore. In this figure the geographical location have been transferred to other areas as in-
oyster-growing areas are classified according to level of MSX dustry has moved the hosts around. Additionally, parasites and
infestation occurring in years of average rainfall and salinity. diseases have been brought to North America with imports of C.
These zones are used in management by accommodation or gigas from the Far East and O. edulus from Europe. They have
avoidance techniques. During drought years, higher salinity water been spread around North America. Many in the United States op-
moves upstream in the Bay and its tributaries and invades areas pose direct importation or transfer of hosts from one area to
where the water was previously fresh. Since MSX is salinity- another. As indicated above, some states have taken measures to
dependent, it is able to invade formerly un infested zones or inten- restrict importation and intrastate transfer.
sify where it already is, depending upon the level of saltiness of In summary, studies on both of these diseases typify the thrust
the water. It is most lethal at 20 to 25 ppt. This salinity and status of marine invertebrate pathobiological research in the
dependence was again demonstrated forcefully in 1982 when United States, which is largely devoted to examining: 1) The roles
MSX infections and associated mortalities appeared in the nor- of parasites and pathogens in natural, cultivated, and captive
mally disease-free and lower salinity waters of upper Chesapeake populations of economic importance; 2) the interactions between
Bay due to the drought of 1980 and 1981. parasites and pathogens and pollution; 3) human health aspects of
Like P. marinus above, it is also temperature-dependent, but not invertebrate diseases; 4) the impacts on marketability of fishery
as closely so (most deaths occur in summer but some occur in late products; and 5) mitigation, prevention, or treatment of diseases
winter as infected individuals succumb to the combined stresses of in experimental or economic-level culture activities. Lessons
over-wintering plus disease and associated poor physiological learned demonstrate forcefully that transfer of hosts and their
condition). First year oysters normally are not killed but older parasites to new regions, or exposure of susceptible hosts to
ones are. parasites of relatives in new regions, can be dangerous and that
MSX, or Delaware Bay disease, cannot be treated in the importation and exportation of oysters and other shellfish must be
laboratory or in.nature but can be avoided by not planting suscep- done with great care. They also emphasize the importance of an
tible seed or market oysters in areas of known high infestation and adequate knowledge of the host and its parasites and pathogens
by timing the planting and harvesting of oysters to avoid periods and the ability to assure good quality water in proper management
of highest mortality in areas of moderate infestation. As with of the fisheries and of aquaculture and in the maintenance of
Dermo-disease, chemical control is not now possible and may natural populations.
never be feasible. Disease resistance apparently develops in
populations endemic in areas infested with the pathogen, but REFERENCES
introduction of new susceptible hosts usually results in numerous
deaths. Some investigators and institutions claim to have devel-
1965. Infection experiments in nature with Dermocystidium marinum in
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Their aim in these research efforts has been to develop resistant 1966. Oyster mortality studies in Virginia. V. Epizootiology of MSX, a
oysters to be used as "brood-stock" to replenish populations in protistan pathogen of oysters. Ecology 47:19-31.
1968. Oyster mortality studies in Virginia. VII. Review of epizootiology and
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origin of Minchinia nelsoni. Proc. Natl. Shellfish. Assoc. 58:23-36.
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Nat. Resour.. Prof. Pap. Ser. No. 13.55 p. Developments in Aquaculture and Fisheries Science, No.6, 330 p. Elsevier
RAY, S. M. Sci. Publ. Co., N.Y.
1954. Biological studies of Dermocystidium marinum, a fungus parasite of SPARKS, A. K.
oysters. Rice Inst. Pamphlet Monogr. in Biology, Spec. Issue, 114 p. 1962. Metaplasia of the gut of the oyster Crassostrea gigas (Thunberg) caused
1966. A review of the culture method for detecting Dermocystidium marinum, by infection with the copepod Mytilicola orientalis Mori. J. Insect PathoI.
with suggested modifications and precautions. Proc. Nail. Shellfish. Assoc. 4:57-62.
54:55-69. SPRAGUE, V.
1966. Cycloheximide: inhibition of Dermocystidium marinum in laboratory 197 I. Diseases of oysters. Annu. Rev. Microbiol. 25:211-230.
stocks of oysters. Proc. Natl. Shellfish. Assoc. 56:31-36. SPRAGUE, V., E. A. DUNNINGTON, Jr., and E. DROBECK.
RAY, S. M., and A. C. CHANDLER. 1969. Decrease in incidence of Minchinia nelsoni in oysters accompanying
1955. Dermocystidium marinum, a parasite of oysters. Exp. Parasitol. 4: reduction of salinity in the laboratory. Proc. Natl. Shellfish. Assoc. 59:23-
172·200. 26.
1969. Oyster diseases in North America and some methods for their control. 1965. Bacillary necrosis, a disease of larval and juvenile bivalve mollusks. I.
In K. S. Price and D. L. Maurer (editors), Proceedings of the conference on Etiology and epizootiology. J. Bacteriol. 90:1036- I044.
artificial propagation of commercially valuable shellfish, p. 67-78. Coil. TUBIASH, H. S., R. R. COLWELL, and R. SAKAZAKI.
Mar. Stud.. Univ. Del. 1970. Marine vibrios associated with bacillary necrosis, a disease of larval
SINDERMANN, C. J. and juvenile bivalve mollusks. J. Bacteriol. 103:271-272.
1968. Oyster mortalities, with particular reference to Chesapeake Bay and the
Atlantic coast of North America. U.S. Fish Wildl. Serv., Spec. Sci. Rep.
1955. The morphology and nutrition of a new species of Sirolpidium. My-
Fish. 569, 10 p.
cologia 47:633-645.
1976. Oyster mortalities and their control. FAO Tech. Conf. on Aqua-
culture, Kyoto. Doc. FIR:AQI76/R34, 25 p. WOOD, J. L., and J. D. ANDREWS.
1979. Pollution-associated diseases and abnormalities of fish and shellfish: 1962. Haplosporidium costa Ie (Sporozoa) associated with a disease of Virginia
A review. Fish. Bull., U.S. 76:717-749. oysters. Science (Wash., D.C.) 136:710-71 I.




A. Viral States). Also found in Ostrea equestris, O. frans, Mercen-

1. Herpes-type virus diseases aria mercenaria, Mya arenaria, Argopecten irradians,
a. Digestive gland virus disease-Crassostrea virgmlca, Brachiodontus recurvis, Martesia spp., and others.
mortalities reported, Piscataqua River, Maine 2. Larval mycosis of oysters-C. virginica (Sirolpidium
b. Genital tissue or ovacystis disease-C. virginica zoophthorum-U.S. east coast)
(Papova virus?) 3. Larval mycosis of clams-Mercenaria mercenaria (Si1'Ol-
c. Digestive gland virus disease-C. virginica (C-type pidium zoopthorum-U .S. east coast)
oncorona virus)
d. Neoplasmic disease-Mya arenaria (uncharacterized E. Protozoan
filterable agent) 1. MSX disease or Delaware Bay disease--C. virginica
e. Lukemic disease-Mya arenaria (probable virus infec- (Haplosporidium nelsoni-U.S. east coast)
tion) 2. Seaside disease-C. virginica (Haplosporidium costalis-
high salinity coastal waters extending from Chesapeake
B. Chlamydia Bay mouth to Long Island Sound)
Chlamydial disease-Mercenaria mercenaria, the hard 3. Hexamitiasis--C. virginica [Hexamita infiata (a flagellate)
clam (digestive diverticulum-Chesapeake Bay) -Prince Edward Island, Canada]
4. Nematopsiasis-C. virginica [Nematopsis ostrearum (a
C. Bacteria gregarine)-Chesapeake Bay to Louisiana]
I. Bacillary necrosis--C. vlrgmlca larvae (Vibrio anguil-
larum, V. alginolyticus, Vibrio spp., also possibly aero- F. Metazoans
monads and pseudomonads, U.S. east coast) 1. Mytilicola or red worm disease-C. gigas and Ostrea
2. Bacillary necrosis-Mercenaria mercenaria larvae (same lurida-the Olympic oyster [Mytilicola orientalis (para-
etiological agents as above, U.S. east coast) sitic copepod)-U.S. west coast]. Also reported from
3. Focal necrosis-C. gigas (unidentified gram-positive mussels.
bacterium-Willapa Bay, Wash.) 2. Trematodiasis-C. virgmlca [Bucephalus haimeanus
(Digenea)-brackish waters U.S. east coast and else-
D. Fungi where]
1. Dermo-disease-C. virginica (Perkinsus marinus-severe
mortalities in waters of gulf coast and east coast, United G. Diseases of unknown etiology
1. Malpeque Bay disease-C. virgmlca (causative agent
unknown-Gulf of St. Lawrence, Canada)
2. Denman Island disease--C. gigas (agent unknown-
IAdapted from various sources, including Sindermann (1977) and Farley (1981). British Columbia, Canada)



Subkingdom Protozoa

Phylum Apicomplexa Levine, 1970

Class Perkinsea Levine, 1978
Order Perkinsida Levine, 1978
Genus Perkinsus (= Dermocystidium, partim)
Perkinsus marinus (Mackin, Owen, and Collier, 1950)
(= Dermocystidium marinum Mackin, Owen, and Collier, 1950)

Phylym Ascetospora Sprague, 1978

Class Stellatosporea Sprague, 1978
Order Balanosporida Sprague, 1978
Genus Haplosporidium (= Minchinia, partim)
Haplosporidium nelsoni (Haskin, Stauber, and Mackin, 1966)
(= Minchinia nelsoni Haskin, Stauber, and Mackin, 1966)
Haplosporidium costalis (Wood and Andrews, 1962)
(= Minchinia costalis Wood and Andrews, 1962)
Order also includes the Genera Urosporidium and Minchinia

'Levine, N. D., J. O. Corliss, F. E. G. Cox, G. Deroux, J. Grain, B. M. Honigberg, G. F. Leedale, A. R. Loeblich III, J. Lorn, D. Lynn, E. G. Merinfeld, F. G. Page, G. Poljansky, V.
Sprague, J. Vavra, and F. G. WaUace. 1980. A newly revised classification of the Protozoa. J. Protozool. 27:35-58.

Some Aspects of the Biology of the Trematode,
Proctoeces maculatus, in Connection With the
Development of Mussel Farms on the Black Seal


An e"tensive infection of mussels, My/ilus gallaprovincialis Lam., by parthenitae of the trematode Proctoeces
maculatus Odhner, 1911 (family Fellodistomatidae Nicoli, 1913) has heen recognized within the mussel farm in
the southwestern region of the Black Sea (Yegorlltsky Gulf).
The life history of the above trematodes has heen studied. Mussels are the first intermediate host for these
helminths. Other invertebrates are supplementary hosts for P. maculatus. Fishes proved to he the definitive hosts
for P. maculatus.
In studies of the biocoenotic bonds of P. maculatus it has heen found that invasive cercariae discharged into
the ambient environment are eliminated in large quantities by animals common to coastal bioceonoses.

An extensive infection of mussels (Mytilus gallaprovincialis becomes weak, and finally they break away from the collectors.
Lam.) by trematode parthenitae (Proctoeces maculatus Odhner, When mussels are kept in seawater deficient in oxygen those
1911; family Fellodistomatidae Nicoll, 1913) was recognized infected by the parasites perish first. Histological examination of
within the mussel farm in the southwestern region of the Black infected and uninfected tissues shows that the damage to the tissue
Sea (Yegorlitsky Gulf). structures by the parthenitae results in the complete or partial
The life history of this trematode has been studied and is the castration of the host. The negative effect of sporocysts upon both
subject of this report. Mussels have been found to be the first in- the carbohydrate and lipid metabolism in Bivalvia is established.
termediate host for these helminths. Development of the series of A characteristic feature of the distribution of P. maculatus
parthenogenetic sporocyst generations takes place in these hosts. within the mussel population is its wide occurrence (45%) among
Supplementary hosts for P. maculatus are invertebrates such as the the 2- to 3-yr-old mussels (Fig. I) comprising the bulk of the
gastropods Rissoa splendida and R. membranacea as well as the population in the Black Sea (Vorobiev 1938; Ivanov 1968). The
polychaete Nereis succinea. The cercariae develop into metacer- [deleterious] effect of the parasite upon the reproductive potential
cariae within both the gastropods and the polychaetes. In some of the host is beyond doubt [question]. Experiments showed that
cases single large metacercariae equipped with a fully developed when artificially stimulated to breed by elevated temperature,
genital system were revealed in mussels, yet I tend to believe this mussels are able to partially divest themselves of their parasites.
to be an abnormal phenomenon. The definitive hosts for P. Sporocysts and cercariae are ejected from the acinus of the gonads
maculatus proved to be the fishes Grenilabrus ocellatus and Gr. and discharged into the ambient water where they could be seen
griseus. The above-mentioned gastropods and polychaetes com- by the unaided eye. This is one of the methods of recognizing in-
prise a substantial part of the diets of these fishes. fected mussels.
It should be noted that R. membranacea and N. succinea were In studies of the biocoenotic bonds of P. maculatus, it has been
recorded as supplementary hosts for P. maculatus for the first found that invasive cercariae discharged into the surrounding en-
time. Experimental evidence points to the fact that supplementary vironment are ingested in large quantities by animals common to
hosts surely participate in the life history. coastal biocoenoses such as: the Crustacea-Palaemon elegans, P.
When feeding the definitive hosts of these trematodes infective adspersus, Gammarus olivii, Pachygrapsus marmoratus, and
or invasive cercariae, I obtained evidence that they are digested Myzidacea gen. sp.; the polychaetae Nereis succinea; the
within the digestive system of fishes. molluscs-Bittium reticulatum, Nana donovani, Rissoa splendida,
In considering the potential destructiveness of P. maculatus in and R. membranacea; and the fishes--Grenilabrus ocellatus, Gr.
mussel farms it should be noted that among the hosts the worst griseus, Neogobius melanostomum, N. niger, and Pomatoshistus
infection by any particular form of P. maculatus is recorded in microps Leopardinus. Some of these animals participate in the life
mussels (28,000 sporocysts per individual). Parthenitae infect the history of P. maculatus as intermediate or definitive hosts.
pallium, gonads, hepatopancreas, and other organs, comprising Proceeding from my own data, as well as those in the literature,
one-fifth (20%) of the biomass of the soft tissues in the mussels in I regard the trematode P. maculatus as a characteristic component
some cases. of the coastal biocoenoses in the Black Sea where the fishes and
Infected mussels have a depressed appearance, their valves in vertebrates representing their intermediate or definitive hosts
close loosely [weakly], their attachment to the substratum are present constantly.
Continued development of mussel farms in the Black Sea re-
quires further studies into the biology of P. maculatus in order to
I As employed here. trematode signifies Digenea.

'Institute of Biology of the South Seas. Ukranian Academy· of Sciences. Sevas- provide information required for effective management of those
topol. U.S.S.R. sea farms.

....00 ....Z
0 0
lL 1-.
....~ 16
41 3200 ...z
< ~ 0
> 2IlOO
lL 1Il 2«10 >
0 z
iii 2i 2000 lL
0 0
w 2D BIl >-
w 15
IL ., -- --

!:: 5 400
II) <
z w
w 0 ::;
l- 0
# .26-30 31-.~5 36-40 41-45 46-50 51-55 56-60 61-66 66-1\:) 71-"15 78-60


Figure I.-Extensity Bnd intensity of Infection by size groups.


1968. Mussels (Myrilus gallaprovincialis Lam.) of the Black Sea, perspective 1938. Mussels of the Black Sea. [10 Russ.) Pub!. Sci. lost. Fish. Oceaoogr.
of their utilization. [In Russ.) Avtoref. Diss., Odessky Univ., p. 1-28. 11:3-30.

Special Features of the Infection of the Mollusk,
Littorina rudis (Maton, 1797), With Parthenitae of
Microphallus pygmaeus (Levinsen, 1881) nec Odhner,
1905 and M. piri/ormes (Odhner, 1905) Galaktionov,
1980 (Trematoda: Microphallidae) From the White Seal

Microphallus pygmaeus and M. piriformes are the most common islands in the open sea in September. In November, littorines
parasites in the littoral mollusk, Littorina rudis, in the Barents and infected with young parthenitae are found everywhere. In autumn,
White Seas (Galaktionov 1980). Their life cycles are character- when weather conditions are worsening, the mortality of mollusks
ized by the absence of free-swimming cercariae and second inter- increases. Those with severe infections of the inner organs die
mediate hosts. The common eider, Somateria mollissima, is the first. Because of this, a decrease in extensivity [prevalence] of L.
final host. rudis invasion [infection] with mature microphallid parthenites
The material on which this study was based was collected from was observed in autumn.
the Tchupa Bay of the Kandalaksha Gulf during the summers and The extensivity [prevalence] of infection of L. rudis with par-
autumns of 1978, 1979, and 1980. Altogether, 5,748 samples of thenitae of M. piriformes increases from the coastlines of the open
L. rudis were examined. Microphallid daughter sporocysts could sea islands towards the emergent continental masses. I observed a
be subdivided into four age groups: 1) Sporocysts containing em- reverse tendency in the process of littorine infection with sporo-
bryo balls; 2) sporocysts containing cercariae embryos; 3) cysts of M. pygmaeus.
sporocysts with developing metacercariae, and 4) mature It seems obvious that the greater number of mollusks infected
sporocysts with metacercariae ready for invasion. with mature parthenitae of M. piriformes successfully survive cold
Infection of L. rudis by mature sporocysts of both M. pygmaeus months due to favorable littoral ice-regime conditions in the con-
and M. piriformes is relatively constant during the entire summer. tinental bays. The effect produced by this type of parasite on the
The high infection extensivity [prevalence] seen in June is pro- inner organs of the littorine is relatively insignificant. The prin-
bably related to migration of healthy mollusks into the sublittoral cipalloss occurs in littorines infected by mature parthenitae of M.
zone. The development of the parasites within littorines infected pygmaeus, which cause complete liver and gonad destruction in
in autumn of the preceding year is fully completed by July or the mollusk.
August. The common eider appears in the region of the Kandalak- Because of the instability of the ice cover, living conditions
sha Gulf in May and begins occupying the Islands [offthe coast of around the off-lying islands are extremely inclement during cold
the continental land mass] for nesting even when they are still months. The selective advantages that are characteristic of
covered with snow. The littoral zone is also still ice-coated, which mollusks infected with M. piriformes compared with those infec-
makes a spring invasion of mollusks practically impossible. ted by M. pygmaeus apparently seem not to be realized [in the
Owing to this fact the percentage of littorines infected with young waters around the islands], and the great majority of littorines
parthenitae in summer is very low. Mass invasion of the White containing both types of mature parthenitae is lost during winter.
Sea L. rudis with both M. pygmaeus and M. piriformes occurs in Thus, infection with M. piriformes among the littoral population of
July when the first broods of eider are encountered. Since young L. rudis from the continental bays is accumulated from year to
broods remain together near the nesting places, mollusks infected year. Indeed, the percentage of littorines infected with this
with sporocysts containing embryo balls are found only on the parasite reaches values as high as 80 to 90%. Moreover,
specimens of older age groups ~re heavily infected. And since
microphallid parthenitae cause parasitic castration of mollusks,
the maintenance of L. rudis populations here depends exclusively
1 No Literature Cited section was supplied by the author. on females breeding for the first time and upon migration of lit-
2Murmansk Marine Biological Institute, Murmaosk, U.S.S.R. torines from neighboring populations.

The Helminth Fauna and Host-Parasite Relations of
Squids Sthenoteuthis oualaniensis (Lesson)
(Cephalopoda, Ommastrephidae) in the
Indian Ocean and the Red Sea


Nine species of helminths, including two species of trematodes, three of cestodes, two of nematodes, and one
species of acanthocephalans, were found hi the squid, Sthenoteuthis oualaniensis, from the Indian Ocean and the
Red Sea. According to the incidence of infection and the degree of density of the parasite·host relationships, aU
of the helminths were distributed into three groups: Main, secondary, and accidental helminths [parasltesl. The
age and geographic changes of the helminth fauna of S. oualaniensi. are presented. The significance of S. oualan·
iensis in the life cycle of helminths is discussed. The helminth fauna of the squids S. oualaniensis and S. pteropus
from the Atlantic Ocean is compared. The principle resemblance of the helminth fauna of these species of squids
is revealed. The possible reasons for the reduced diversity of species of helminths of S. oualaniensis are

INTRODUCTION role of crustaceans in their food is reduced as the squids grow, and
those> 13 to 15 cm long eat pelagic, open-ocean fish almost sole-
Many reports on the important role of squids in the life cycles ly (Myctophidae in 60 to 80% of the cases) as well as small
of different systematic groups of helminths have been published species and juvenile forms of squids-often of their own species.
recently (Gaevskaya and Nigmatullin 1975; Naidenova and Zuev Sometimes they eat large crustaceans such as shrimps and blue
1978; Hochberg 1975; Stunkard 1977; and others). swimming-crabs. At the same time mesoplanktonic organisms
In the eupelagic of the tropic zone of the World Ocean two (copepods, amphipods, ostracods, chaetognaths, and others) are
species of the genus Sthenoteuthis-Atlantic S. pteropus (Steen- usual in the stomachs of even the largest squids. They are
strump, 1855) and the Indo-Pacific S. oualaniensis (Lesson, devoured with the main food organisms-Myctophidae. The food
I 830)-dominate the squids in terms of mass (numbers) and size. spectrums of the representatives of small and large forms are
The role of the first species in the parasite fauna of the eupelagic similar.
of the Atlantic Ocean has been studied relatively well, but we In their turn young squids serve as general food for many kinds
have only fragmentary information about the helminth fauna of S. of marine birds, dolphin fishes, snake mackerels, and lancetfishes.
oualaniensis. Middle-sized and large squids are eaten by yellowfin, longfin, and
In this report we describe the results of a quantitative and bluefin tunas; marlins; sailfishes; whitetip sharks; cachalots; and
qualitative study of the helminth fauna of S. oualaniensis in the dolphins (Wormuth 1976; Young 1975; and our data). Thereby, S.
tropical parts of the Indian Ocean and (partially) of the Red Sea. oualaniensis is an important intermediate link between macro-
The distributional area of S. oualaniensis includes the Indo- plankton and small fishes in the trophic structure of the eupelagic
Pacific region from the west coast of Central and South America zone-planktophages on the one side and large predatory teleost
to the Cape of Good Hope and from Japan to northern Australia. fishes, sharks, marine mammals, and birds on the other side.
Its numbers are dominant among the nektonic predators-con- Our materials were taken in the tropical zone of the Indian
sumers of the III to IV orders. The mantle length reaches 45 cm, Ocean and the Red Sea between May and August of 1978. Three
but specimens larger than 25 cm are very rare. Males are smaller hundred and thirty-seven squids were examined on board the ship
than females; their maximum length is 24.5 cm. Professor Vodyanitsky.
Considering certain morphophysiological and ecological fea-
tures there are two well-differentiated forms within the species- QUALITIES OF THE HELMINTH FAUNA
a small early spawning form and a large late spawning one (the A
and B forms mentioned in foreign literature) (Clarke 1966 and Examination of the squids disclosed nine species of helminths
Nesis 1977). -trematodes [digeneids], cestodes, nematodes, and acanthoceph-
According to our data the food links of these squids are various alans.
and change essentially in ontogenesis. The main food of young, 8 About 2,000 metacercariae of Didymozoidae gen. and sp. were
to 10 cm long, squids are large copepods, euphausiids, amphipods, found in oval cysts with thin, transparent envelopes. They are
young decapod crustaceans, chaetognaths, and fish larvae. The located mainly in the external coverings of the stomach and less
frequently in its muscular layer or caecum covers. The most com-
pact accumulations of cysts were found in the forepart of the
I institute of Biology of the Southern Seas, Academy of Sciences of the U.S.S.R.,
stomach, usually near a general [principal] blood vessel. From
SeYastopol, U.S.S.R. there they spread to the rest of its surface. Worms move in their

cysts. The fact that upon fixation some larvae have long narrow free-living Nybelinia larvae to be an organic [a regular] part of the
bodies and others have wide flattened ones demonstrates this plankton.
feature. Indices of infection of squid by Nybelinia exceed those of the
Judging from the morphology of the metacercariae they are of fishes. Thus, the extensiveness of the infection of squid reaches
the Monilicacecum type, with a large muscular stomach situated 90%. More than 200 plerocercoids may be found in one squid. In
above the level of the ventral sucker. The oral sucker is small. The contrast, infection of fish seldom exceeds 40% and the intensity of
pharynx is rather powerful and muscular. The acetabular sucker is infection constitutes 1 to 30 plerocercoids as a rule.
small. The larvae differ by size and number of chambers per Probably, the squids acquire these parasites while ingesting
caecum. It should be noted that only large forms are registered their intermediate hosts-copepods and euphausiids, etc. How-
[recorded] as being in the internal muscular layer of the stomach. ever, considering the magnitude of the alteration of infection the
Judging from the sizes of the metacercariae, they grow inside the second intermediate hosts-small teleost fishes-become the
squid. Upon reaching the maximum size, metacercariae live for a main source of infection. The latter circumstance promotes a sec-
short time and perish, after which the cover of the cyst dissolves ond accumulation of Nybelinia plerocercoids in squids.
completely and the larvae become macerated. The same phenom- The final hosts of Nybelinia are large active sharks of the
enon was observed in didymozoid metacercaria from S. pteropus families Carcharhinidae, Isuridae, and others, which can ingest
of the Atlantic. It usually occurs when the squid's mantle reaches squids both alive and dead (after the period of spawning). In the
20 cm in length and the age is from about 6 to 8 mo. Since the be- life cycle of Nybelinia,. the squid S. oualaniensis is an insert host
ginning of mass infection occurs in 2- to 3-mo-old squids, the du- [and may be a reservoir host] between small teleost fishes and
ration of metacercarial life in the squid does not exceed 4 to 6 mo. selachians.
Didymozoid metacercariae use a wide variety of hosts, such as Larval Tentacularia coryphaenae Bosc, 1802 are registered
different plankton organisms (i.e., copepods, euphausiids, and [recorded] for the first time as parasites of squids of the Indian
chaetognaths) and small teleost fish (Madhavi 1968; Reimer Ocean with 65% infection. Large (3.0 to 8.3 mm), mobile plero-
1971; Overstreet and Hochberg 1975; Gaevskaya and Nigmatullin cercoids locate in the internal organs and the mantle cavity,
1977). High indices of infection in the squid reflect the high in- especially in its posterior end. Plerocercoids can actively embed in
tensity of feeding. According to our data, the daily diet of young the mantle wall of the squids. They are widely dispersed on
squid constitutes 10 to 15% of the body mass and 4 to 5% of the marine teleosts and are recorded in four species of cephalopods of
body mass of adults. the Atlantic Ocean. The final hosts of these cestodes are sharks.
At the same time, didymozoid cercariae are noted as indepen- The first intermediate hosts are planktonic crustaceans and the
dent components of the plankton. Carried by water currents into second are teleost fishes. Plerocercoids infect the squids when
the mantle cavity of squids, these cercariae can actively penetrate ingested by them.
into the squid through its coelomic coverings. Phyllobothrium sp. larvae, encountered rarely, usually locate in
The enormous infection of squid by didymozoid metacercariae the caecum, more often in the rectum. After the squid die they can
indicates an important role of squids in the life cycle of these actively migrate into different portions of the body. The average
trematodes. Heavy infection of the squids is a cause of the high length of the plerocercoids reaches 5 mm, the maximum width-
infection of the final fish hosts, mainly tunas, scombroids, and 1.2 mm, the apical sucker-0.143 to O. I 76 mm in diameter. The
xiphoids. In the Indian Ocean around 100% of wahoo and 50% of dimensions of the lateral suckers are 0.275 to 0.297 x 0.352 mm.
the tunas are infected by the adult stages of didymozoids, with an The bothridia are heart-shaped and measure 0.55 x 0.72 mm.
intensity of about 100 cysts/fish (Nikolaeva and Dubina 1978). Plerocercoids of the genus Phyllobothrium are rather widely
Immature stages of the trematode [digeneid] Hirundiitella ven- dispersed in the squids of the Atlantic Ocean (Stunkard 1977;
tricosa are encountered smgly in the coelomic cavities of squids. Gaevskaya 1976; and others). As the work of American scientists
Large specimens, with the characteristic narrowing of the body (Brown and Threlfall 1968) showed, infection of the squids by
behind the acetabular sucker, have pointed body extremities. plerocercoids experiences monthly and yearly variation. It is
Average dimensions of the trematodes are 6.5 x 1.5 mm. The oral apparently connected with the short (1 yr) life cycle of these
sucker is 0.55 x 0.72 mm, the pharynx is 0.39 x 0.40 mm, and squids.
the acetabular sucker is 1.5 mm in diameter. The morphological In the life cycles of the phyllobothriums, S. oualaniensis
characteristics of these trematodes are similar to those occurring assumes the role of insert host [another host which is inserted]
in Atlantic squids. between small teleost fishes and squids and the final hosts-
Upon attaining large size, cercariae of azygiat trematodes enter sharks.
into the plankton and can infect squid. They occur in the host's Two types of Porrocaecum sp. larvae are recorded in 24 to 57 %
digestive organs with ingested food. The final hosts of H. ventri- of squids with an intensiveness of infection of 1 to 100 specimens.
cosa are predatory teleosts---dolphins and scombroids. They are situated in connective tissue capsules in the body cavity.
Larval Nybelinia lingua/is (Cuvier, 1817)-the plerocercoids- Small larvae (3 to 5 mm) localize on the external wall of the
localize in intestinal mesenteries, on the ovary, and on the extern- stomach; large ones (20 to 25 mm) on the internal mantle wall.
al coverings of the stomach. They encyst also in the stomach. The Adentic nematodes were found also in squids of the Atlantic
scolex length is 1.6 to 1.65 mm; the bothrium portion is 0.94 to Ocean, but their infection was considerably higher (96%). It may
1.1 mm long and 1.4 mm wide; the tentacular sheath is 0.52 to be supposed that both forms are successive stages of the develop-
0.55 mm long. Dimensions of the tentacular bulbs are 0.286 to ment of a single species of nematode, since their morphology is
0.319 x 0.11 mm. similar. However, the absence of transitional forms between the
Nybelinia larvae are widely spread among teleost fishes of the small and large larvae causes bewilderment.
World Ocean. Twelve species of cephalopods have them in the The life cycle of Porrocaecum sp. is probably as follows: The
Atlantic and Pacific Oceans (Kurochkin 1972; Brown and Threl- first intermediate hosts are planktonic crustaceans (euphausiids),
fall 1968; Dollfus 1964; and others). Dollfus (1967) discovered the second are teleost fishes, the third are squids, and the final

hosts are mammals. It should be noted that Porrocaecum caballero, parasites takes place later, when the squids attain more than 20 to
whose morphological features coincide with those of larvae 22 cm in length. 3) In contradistinction to the other helminths, H.
registered [recorded] on the squids, has been described from ventricosa and cavital acanthocephalans begin to infect specimens
Makaira mitsukuri from Mexican waters. 10 to 12 cm long and maintain an essentially low level of infec-
Anisakis sp. larvae are encountered relatively rarely (0.9 to tion index as the squids grow.
3.8%) with a low intensity of infection (one to two specimens). Infection by Didymozoidae occurs thanks to copepods, euphau-
They locate in the ovary and coelomic membranes of the sexual siids, and chaetognaths-the principal food of the smallest squids.
cavity, rarely on the caecum walls. Ending their development in Further accumulation of these trematodes probably occurs when
marine mammals, the larvae show great activity at high tempera- these invertebrates get into the stomachs of the squid. On the
tures and retain their vitality for a long time. The life cycles of whoie the formation of the helminth fauna coincides with the
these larvae and the position the squids occupy in them are similar squid's attainment of adulthood when they become 10 to 14 cm
to those of the Porrocaecum species. long. This takes place when the adult squid begin to feed on adult
The Acanthocephala gen. and sp. I are very long and threadlike. specimens of small fishes and small squids, which are the sup-
They are found in sections of the pericardial coelom and usually pliers [carriers] of cestodes, nematodes, trematodes, H. ventricosa,
attached to the mantle wall or liver with their probosces. Live and probably of small acanthocephalans, as their principal source
worms measure from 10 to 20 cm. The morphometric characters of nourishment. To judge from the special features of the size-age
of these acarithocephalans conform to those described from the metamorphosis of the squid's infection, the majority of helminth
squids of the Atlantic Ocean by Naidenova and Zuev (1978). Two species get into them with the representatives of different groups
mature females were found near Sokotra Island in 1964. Our most of fishes and small squids or with different age stages of one or
recent finds represent immature forms. another food object.
Acanthocephala gen. and sp. II were twice found in the stomach When comparing the qualities of helminth fauna and the in-
<:avity of the large squids. They measured 1.0 to 1.3 cm. Their dices of the early spawning and late spawning squids as a whole
.ystematic identity was not determined because of poor preserva- [all together], their main similarity is discovered. Their difference
tion. consists of a poorer species composition (five to nine) and low in-
dices of infections of the early spawning forms by almost all
QUANTITATIVE INDICES OF INFECTION helminths, with the exception of didymozoidae and Nybelinia. At
AND THEIR CHANGES the same time, all species of helminths found in early maturing
squids are common for both forms, and the indices of infection of
The total infection of the squids we examined was 98.4%. representatives of early and late maturing forms on the whole are
Eighty to 84% of the juveniles 2 to 8 cm long are infected with connected with the difference of their dimensions (the length of
helminths. The extensiveness [prevalence] of infection o~ the early maturing specimens in our collections did not exceed 12.7
larger squids is 100%. cm) and, in the end, of the length of life and food composition.
According to the indices of extensiveness [prevalence] and in- Within the late maturing forms the structure of the helminth
tensity of infection, and the degree of narrowness of host-parasite fauna and the squid's infection may vary considerably depending
relations of the squid, we may divide the helminths discovered on the geographical region of the research. In this respect the Red
into three groups: 1) Principal helminths (occurring at an exten- Sea region stands out for the paucity of its helminth fauna. It has
siveness [prevalence] of infection of from 30 to 95% and an in- only three species. Perhaps this is connected to an insufficient
tensity from a few specimens to tens of hundreds of specimens)- sample of squids examined from a single station. However, we do
metacercarial didymozoidae, Porrocaecum larvae, Nybelinia, and not exclude the possibility that the results obtained reflect the true
Tentacularia. 2) Secondary helminths (2.5 to 3.5%, single speci- situation only partially and may be a consequence of a scarcity of
mens)-cavital Acanthocephala gen. and sp. I, Phyllobothrium lar- final hosts of the squid helminths. The high indices of infection of
vae, Anisakis larvae, and H. ventricosa. 3) Causal helminths « Red Sea squids by Nybelinia and the low indices of infection by
1%)-small Acanthocephala gen. and sp. II from the stomach. didymozoidae attracted our attention.
As the size of the squids increases, infection by various species
of helminths changes unequally [disproportionately]. The poorest DISCUSSION
is the qualitative composition of helminths of the youngest squids
2 to 4 cm long. Only metacercarial didymozoidae have been found We discovered that the chief factor leading to the infection of
in them. Specimens of the next size group (4 to 12 cm) have squids by helminths is food. As the ontogenesis of food links oc-
Nybelinia larvae in addition. As squids attain a mantle size of 12 to curs, the helminth fauna and quantitative indices of infection also
14 cm in length they have all species of helminths. From then on changes. The food factor promotes the transmission of these
only an increase of infection by the principal species of helminths helminths to the final hosts. Xiphoid fishes, sharks, and [marine]
occurs. Three types of size-age dynamics of squid infection may mammals mainly use the most heavily infected medium- and
be identified: 1) The first type is characteristic of the largest mass large-sized squid. The latter become most accessible after spawn-
of parasites--the didymozoidae. The indices of extensiveness ing. Small and medium S. oualaniensis occur at the same time as
[prevalence] of in fection are large for the squids of all size groups large squids in the food of the tunas. Therefore, in this case we
and are approximately at the same level (80.0 to 98.7). Only the have full accordance between trophic and parasitic links.
intensity of infection changes noticeably. 2) In the second type, Except for acanthocephalans and juvenile H. ventricosa, all
the change of infection by the other principal helminths-Porro- helminths parasitizing squids represent larval forms. They have
ceacum, Nybelinia, and Tentacularia larvae-occurs. These very wide [broad] specificity and use various invertebrates, teleost
parasites appear in squids 8 to 10 cm long, and when they are 14 fishes, and squids at the same stages of their life cycles. Therefore,
to 18 cm long the indices of infection increase almost to the max- the use of other squids for food is the cause of the secondary
imum. The secondary helminths-Anisakis and Phyllobothrium accumulation of didymozoidae and different species of nematodes
larvae-join this type. But the sharp rise of infection by these and cestodes in the squid. With the increase of age and size and
transition to a higher trophic level, the number grows. In the life Africa during one of the warming Pleistocene periods. During the
cycles of didymozoidae, cestodes, and nematodes, there is an ensuing drop in temperature and upon isolation two allopatric
insert host between the second intermediate hosts-planktonic in- species were formed. Undoubtedly, the squids themselves could
vertebrates and micronekton (i.e., fish-planktophytes and small not have carried the helminths from the Atlantic to the Indo-
squids), and the final hosts-large nektonic predators, occupying Pacific, since they were only the intermediate hosts. Considering
the top of the food chains of the eupelagic zone. To speak of the that these geographic vicariates occupy similar econiches in
squid's position in the life cycle of acanthocephalans at present homologous associations of the World Ocean and considering
would be premature. We may only suppose that the squids are their high ecological valency, the formation of the helminth fauna
their final hosts. of both species evidently proceeded simultaneously.
Considering the high indices of infection, which are not
encountered in other hosts of these helminths, the high quantity,
wide dispersion, and the variety and stability of trophic links we LITERATURE CITED2
may consider S. oualaniensis to be one of the main obligatory
hosts for didymozoidae, Nybelinia, Tentacularia, and Por- ASH MOLE, N. P., and M. J. ASHMOLE.
1967. Comparative feeding ecology of sea birds of a tropical oceanic island.
rocaecum. Stenotheuthis oualaniensis is the vehicle for their trans- Bull. Peabody Mus. Nat. Hist. 24:1-131.
mission to the final hosts. Wide [broad] specificity and the "fish" BROWN, E. L., and W. THRELFALL.
larvae "aspect" of the helminth fauna of S. oualaniensis shows it 1968. A quantitative study of the helminth parasites of the Newfoundland
to have been "acquired" by the squids relatively recently. The short-finned squid, l/lex il/ecebrosus il/ecebrosus (leSueur) (Cephalopoda:
Decapoda). Can. J. Zool. 46:1087-1093.
parasites have successfully acclimated and are incorporating this
species of host, which occupies a key position in the pathway of 1966. A review of the systematics and ecology of oceanic squids. Adv. Mar.
circulation of helminths among oceanic pelagic communities [in- BioI. 4:91-300.
to their circle of hosts]. At present we find different species of DOLLFUS, R.-P.
helminths in different stages of forming parasite-host relation- 1964. Enumeration des cestodes du plancton et des invertebres marins (6 e
contribution). Ann. Parasit. 39:329-379.
ships. They are strongly expressed in didymozoidae, Porrocaecum, 1967. Enumeration des cestodes du plancton et des invertebres marins (7e
Nybelinia, Phyllobothrium, and Tentacularia. Though the food contribution). Ann. Parasit. 42:155-178.
linkages of young squids are very close to marine birds, larvae of GAEVSKAYA, A. V.
bird parasites are absent in squids. 1976. On the helminthofauna of Atlantic squids, Ommuslrephes bar/rami
leSueur. [In Russ., Engl. summ.] Tr. AtlantNIRO 69:89-96.
The helminth fauna of S. oualaniensis represents (as a matter of
1977. Helminthofauna of the Atlantic squid, Slhenoleulhis pleropus (Steen-
fact) an impoverished version of that in the Atlantic vicariate ofS. strup). [In Russ.) Biologicheski Nauki 8(164):47-52.
oualaniensis, i.e., 8 species as compared with 15. Moreover, the KUROCHKJN, Yu. V.
first species has no helminth which does not occur in the second 1972. On the parasitofauna of the Pacific squid, Todarodes pacificus Steen-
one. The impoverishment of the species of their parasite fauna oc- strup. [In Russ.) Parasity vodnykh bespozvonochnykhzyvotnykh, Lvov, p.
curs primarily because of the disappearance [or lack] of the NAIDENOVA, N. N.
secondary and casual species of helminths. 1978. Some data on helminth faunas of the intraspecies groups of the squid
At times the difference in the infection indices of the common (Ommuslrephes pleropus). [In Russ.) Abstracts of the I st All-Union Meet-
species of helminths tends toward the side of a larger quantity in ing of Parasitocaenolog., Po1tava, pI. 3:103-105.
S. pteropus. In our opinion the causes of the main differences are
1977. Population structure in the squid, Slhenoleulhis oualaniensis (Lesson,
related to the difference in the number of individuals examined 1830) (Ommastrephidae) in the western tropical Pacific. [In Russ., Engl.
(303 specimens of S. oualaniensis as compared with 2,200 summ.) Tr. P. O. Shirshov Inst. Oceanol. 107:15-29.
specimens of S. pteropus) and in the dimension of the squids (S. NIKOLAEVA, V. M., and V. R. DUBINA.
1978. New species of Didymozoidae from fishes of the Indian Ocean. [In
pteropus are 2 to 50 cm in length with a mode of 20 to 30 cm). It
Russ., Engl. summ.) Biologia Morja, Kiev, 45:71-80.
miturally depends on the presence or absence of the secondary WORMUTH, J. H.
and, especially, of the casual species of helminths and the degree 1976. The biogeography and numerical taxonomy of the oegopsid squid
of accumulation of the principal helminths. family Ommastrephidae in the Pacific Ocean. Bull. Scripps Inst. Oceanogr.
The main conclusion of this comparison is that both geographic Univ. Calif. 23, 90 p.
vicariates have a similar position in respect to the parasite fauna
1975. A brief review of the biology of oceanic squid, Symplecloleulhis oualan-
of conformable [comparable?] associations of the tropical iensis (Lesson). Compo Biochem. Physiol. 52B:141-143.
eupelagic. This is more indirect evidence that their econiches are
almost identical, though that ofS. pteropus is somewhat wider, due
to its larger size.
The ancestor of S. oualaniensis penetrated into the Indo-Pacific 'Not aU citations mentioned in the text are included here. Also, not all of the Liter-
from the Atlantic Ocean, rounding the southern extremity of ature Cited are mentioned in the text.

Some Parasitological Aspects of Shrimp Culture
in the United States


Penaeid shrimps are presently being reared conimerciaUy in the United States and elsewhere. Parasites and
diseases, however, continue to be a problem in most rearing Cacilities. Viruses, algae, bacteria, Cungi, ciliates,
mlcrosporidans, digeneans, cestodes, nematodes, and mlsceUaneous conditions include representatives that have
an errect on aquaculture, innuence hosts in their natural environment, and produce potential public health pro-

INTRODUCTION University of Sonora collectively developed a flow-through

raceway system in Mexico. A similar system is now producing
Commercial culture of marine crustaceans in the United States shrimp in Hawaii, matching production of about 62,500 kg of
of America or by U.S. companies abroad is primarily confined to shrimp abdomens per ha (Lightner 2 ).
penaeid shrimps. Additionally, some facilities rear the blue crab, Control of parasites and diseases in shrimps still constitutes a
Callinectes sapidus, for the soft-shelled seafood industry; significant obstacle to maintaining a continual, profitable produc-
American lobster, Homarus american us, and "freshwater" tion of these seafood products. In this report, I discuss some
shrimps (Macrobrachium spp.) for human consumption; and diseases affecting penaeids and briefly relate them to aquaculture,
various crustaceans belonging to different orders for research pur- the natural environment, or potential public health problems.
poses. This paper is concerned primarily with infections of Usually, but not always, disease conditions and mortality are
penaeids. related to poor water quality in culture facilities.
Many of the problems of hatching and rearing penaeid species
have been solved and some penaeid species can be profitably VIRUSES
cultured (e.g., Penaeus stylirostris, P. vannamei, P. setiferus, P.
aztecus, P. duorarum, and P. japonicus). Some of the successful Each year additional undescribed viruses are discovered from
facilities are in the U.S. and others are in Central and South crustaceans. A few have been shown to cause disease and death in
America as joint ventures with U.S. companies. As an example of cultured hosts. One conspicuous species from penaeids, Baculo-
the potential value of shrimp from ponds, Texas A&M University, virus penaei, infects the nuclei of hepatopancreatic cells. Refrac-
jointly with Central Power and Light Company of Corpus Christi, tile polyhedral inclusion bodies (PIB's) containing rod-shaped,
Tex., has a hatchery that can produce 3 to 4 million larval shrimp deoxyribonucleic acid-virions located within the enlarged host
per day or enough to stock 10 to 13 ha (I ha = 0.4047 acre) of nuclei make some infections detectable using a light microscope
"grow-out" ponds per day. A spokesman for that operation, (Fig. I). Stress, caused both by crowding shrimp in culture facil-
basing the wholesale value of shrimp at $4.40/kg for entire ities and by contaminating them with specific toxicants (e.g., the
shrimp, estimated a return of $1,620 worth of shrimp per hectare polychlorinated biphenyl Aroclor 1254 3 ), has increased the
for $325 to $400/ha invested in operational costs for a farm hav- prevalence of PIB's in shrimp. Examination of individuals from a
ing 405 ha (Rosenberry 1980a, b). Ralston Purina has a large massive mortality of larval and postlarval brown shrimp, however,
hatchery in Crystal River, Fla., as well as productive ponds in indicated that an internal ciliate (Parauronema sp.) and flagellate
Panama. Productive ponds in Ecuador have been estimated as (?Leptomonas sp.) concurrent with the virus may have contributed
occupying 40,500 to 77 ,000 ha, with applications received by the to the deaths which occurred (Couch 1978).
Ecuadorian government for 58,300 ha more and one prediction of
485,800 ha of ponds by 1985 (Rosenberry 1981 a). In 1980, ALGAE
9,435,000 kg of penaeids were farmed in Ecuador at a value of
$66 million. Some farmers obtained about 500 to 700 kg/ha per Few observations have associated algae with shrimp health, but
yr (I kg/ha = 1.12 lb/acre) in two crops, whereas serious farmers blue-green algae can grow on gills (e.g., Schizothrix calcicola
obtained over 2,000 kg/ha per yr in three crops with initial in- reported by Overstreet 1973) and apparently their toxins can
vestments of about $500 to $800/ha (Rosenberry 1981 b). Com- cause disease. Recently, S. calcicola and another filamentous blue-
panies from the United States and elsewhere are becoming invol- green alga (Spirulina subsalsa) have been implicated in hemocytic
ved in these projects and in hatcheries providing young shrimp for
them. Facilities other than ponds are also extremely productive. 'D. V. Lightner. Environmental Research Laboratory, University of Arizona,
Coca-Cola, F. H. Prince, the University of Arizona, and the Tucson International Airport, Tucson, AZ 85706-6985, pers. commun. December
'Reference to trade names does nOI imply endorsement by the National Marine
'Gulf Coasl Research Laboratory. Ocean Springs. MS 39564, U.S.A. Fisheries Service, NOAA.

Figure I.-Refractile tetrahedral inclusion bodies containing Baculovirus penaei. In hepatopancreatic nuclei of penaeld shrimp, as well as free because of fresh squash
technique (from Overstreet 1978, taken by J. A. Couch).
Figure 2.-Penaeus aztecus exhibiting chltlnoclastlc "sbell disease" In carapace (from Cook and Lofton 1973).
Figure 3.-"Black nodule disease" of presumed bacterial etiology in a reared specimen of Penaeus setiferus (from Overstreet 1983).
Figures 4 to 6.-Leucothrix mucor from Artemia salina. 4. Rosettes on seta. 5. Moderately Infested brine shrimp. 6. Slougbed mat of bacterium and associated debris (all
from Solangl et at. 1979).
Figures 7 and 8.-Apostome ciliate in Penaeus aztecus. 7. "Black gill" syndrome resulting from melanin deposition. Tbe causative ciliate is only one of several organisms
or conditions that can cause the syndrome. 8. Close-up showing organism (both from Overstreet 1978).


Figure 9.-A small colony of the peritrich Zoolhamnium sp. on tip of penaeid gill filament (from Overstreet 1978; Foster et al. 1978).
Figure IO.-The mlcrosporldan Agmasoma [Hnaei Infecting cells lining the circulatory system of Penaeus seliferus (from Overstreet 1978).
Figure II.-Abdomens of Penaeus auecus. Top specimen Is Infected by the mlcrosporldan Ameson nelsoni and the bottom one Is unlnfected control. Spores surround and
eventually replace the muscle bundles, resulting In "cotton shrimp disease" (from Overstreet 1978).
Figure 12.-Young shrimp with experimental Infection of Microphallus lurgidus metacercarlae (from Overstreet 1978).
Figures 13 and 14.-Metacestode of tetrarhynchldean Prochristianella hispida In Penaeus seliferas. 13. Five individuals under capsular lining and embedded in the
hepatopanceas proper (from Overstreet 1983). 14. Individual showing four characteristic inverted, armed tentacles within scolex.
Figure IS.-At least three developing Individuals of the second stage larva of Hysterothylacium relinquens In hemocoel of the harpactlcold Tigriopus californicus (from
Overstreet 1983). The third stage larva commonly Infects penaeids.
Figure 16.-Larval Hyslerolhylacium type MB migrating toward muscularis mucosae In stomach of rhesus monkey loS h after being administered. Note numerous sur-
rounding eosinophlls (from Overstreet and Meyer 1981).

enteritis (HE) in shrimp cultured with algae as a means of main- from mechanical blockage (Lightner 1975). One of two serious
taining an adequate oxygen level and water quality as well as pro- causative agents of fungal disease is Lagenidium sp. In P. aztecus
viding supplemental food and vitamins (Lightner 1978; and P. setiferus, it causes mortality, primarily in protozoeal stages.
Rosenberry 1981 b). Medicated food helped reduce mortalities Whereas malachite green oxalate and Treflan can be used to treat
from secondary bacterial infections, and Lightner plans to test infections, separating healthy nauplii by using a bright light
methods of immunizing postlarval or early juvenile shrimp to HE source seems to be more practical (Lightner footnote 2). Fusarium
by feeding them killed cultures of the algae. solani can be severely pathogenic to certain shrimps. Since
Other algae in shrimps, such as a diatom in the hemocoel various penaeids exhibit different degrees of susceptibility to this
(Overstreet and Safford 1980) and algae in muscle tissue, have imperfect fungus, selection of shrimp-species for culture can be
been observed, but probably have little detrimental influence on critical to economic success. Resistance by P. californiensis to
entire stocks. infection is minimal compared with that by P. aztecus and P.
setiferus. The two resistant shrimps quickly destroy low numbers
BACTERIA of fungal spores in their gills, whereas the fungus kills most infec-
ted individuals of P. californiensis (see Solangi and Lightner
Several bacteria have been implicated as causes of mortalities 1976). Macroconidia actively enter abrasions in shrimp maintain-
of shrimps, especially of juveniles. Major contributors to bacterial ed in cement tanks. In order to prevent those lesions and subse-
septicemia in at least Penaeus aztecus, P. setiferus, and P. quent infection, sand can be introduced into such tanks in suffi-
duorarum are Vibrio anguillarum, V. parahaemolyticus, and V. cient quantity to allow shrimp to bury themselves.
alginolyticus (the latter is also considered V. parahaemolyticus
biotype alginolyticus). Lightner and Lewis (1975) discussed
various aspects of bacterial septicemia in penaeids. Moreover, in
humans, V. parahaemolyticus can cause gastroenteritis and V.
Ciliates circulating in the hemocoel of various crustaceans
alginolyticus can cause inner ear and wound infections. Other
(Couch 1978; Overstreet and Whatley 1975) have been reported,
bacteria of no public health import have been isolated from
but they probably reproduce most extensively in already-stressed
diseased shrimp tissue. This includes the cuticle which may be
hosts, rather than being the cause of the original stress. An uniden-
infected by a variety of chitinoclastic bacteria and fungi. Cook
tified apostome (Figs. 7, 8) is another cause of "gill disease"
and Lofton (1973), however, found that Beneckea type I only was
(Overstreet 1978). It probably could cause problems in culture
common to different crustaceans exhibiting black-spot, or shell-
conditions, but appears to be benign in shrimp from their natural
disease (Fig. 2). This aesthetically displeasing disease is most
environment. Also, the peritrich Zoothamnium sp. on the gills of
serious in crowded shrimp maintained at about 30°C and in some
penaeids (Fig. 9) does not harm its host in the wild (Foster et aI.
cases causes mortalities. Other conditions-including "black
1978), but in crowded culture conditions it can heavily infest the
nodule disease" that affects penaeids (Fig. 3), Macrobrachium
gills and compete with the host for oxygen, especially when the
spp., and other shrimps-probably have a bacterial cause, even
dissolved oxygen concentration of the system drops to a low level
though Koch's postulates have not been satisfied for many of
(Overstreet 1973). This association is in contrast to Epistylis sp. on
scaled fishes in southeastern U.S. estuaries and freshwater. That
Vaccines may prove useful for preventing bacterial diseases in
peritrich appears to erode the epithelium from the scale, some-
penaeids. Preliminary studies exposing juvenile penaeids to auto-
times even resulting in exposed flesh and bone, rather than to at-
claved V. anguillarum by Lewis (1981) suggest the shrimp's im-
tach to a layer secreted by the ciliate (Lorn 1973). Aeromonas
mune system has humoral components that provide an immediate,
hydrophila, a bacterium capable of Liquifying host tissue without
short-lived response to an agent and cellular components that play
the ciliate present, may secondarily infect Epistylis sp.-infested
a role in long-term protection.
fishes and cause serious disease and mortalities (Overstreet and
Larval penaeids and many other crustaceans are susceptible to
Howse 1977). Zoothamnium sp. on shrimps can be controlled
filamentous bacteria such as Leucothrix mucor. A strain of this
using up to 250 ppm Formalin for a short dip or 25 ppm for an
bacterium from the brine shrimp, Artemia salina, diagnosed
indefinite period in a pond (Johnson 1974).
differently than one from penaeids, can be treated with a dip or
long-term dose of 100 ppm Terramycin (Figs. 4-6). Treated brine
shrimp slough the bacterium as a single entire mat (Solangi et aI. MICROSPORIDANS
1979). This infestation typically results from high organic levels
in the water rather than from crowding. Several species of microsporidans, each infecting different
When antibiotics are used extensively for a bacterial disease or sites, make infected penaeid hosts unmarketable (Figs. 10, 11).
for any purpose, penaeids or other crustaceans may increase their They constitute serious threats to shrimp culture, especially in
susceptibility to other conditions. Extensive mortalities of larval ponds or enclosed natural bodies of water where the cycle can
Penaeus vannamei and P. stylirostris from an unidentified ameoba more easily be completed. Preliminary studies in my laboratory
appear to be a good example of what can happen when antibiotics have shown that different chemicals can be used to prevent infec-
are overused (Laramore and Barkate 1979). tions in the related Ameson michaelis in the blue crab (Overstreet
and Whatley 1975; Overstreet 1975).
Several species of fungi infect penaeids and other crustaceans,
and some of them are seriously pathogenic to their hosts. Some Few metacercariae (opecoelids and microphallids) infect
lodge in the gill lamellae and cause "gill disease," a complex of penaeids and these do not seriously harm their hosts unless infec-
several diseases caused by numerous organisms and conditions in ted by unusually large numbers. Heavy infections seldom occur
addition to fungi. Gills can be destroyed or the host can suffocate except in experimental conditions (Fig. 12). The potential for
human infections of some microphallids does exist (Overstreet in their internal ions becomes severe enough that they die (Venka-
press; Heard and Overstreet unpubl. data). taramiah et al. 1977 and Venkataramiah 4 ).
Cultured shrimps are also prone to excess dissolved nitrogen
CESTODES (Lightner et al. 1974) and oxygen (Supplee and Lightner 1976),
especially in heated water. "Gas-bubble disease" should be taken
Several species of cestodes infect penaeids. These include into account when designing culture facilities.
tetrarhynchideans, tetraphyllideans, and at least one cyclophylli- Numerous other parasites, conditions, and toxic substances
dean. Metacestode stages of tetrarhynchideans in the hepatopan- infect or affect penaeids both in the United States and elsewhere.
creas attract the most attention because they often can be seen Some do and others will probably on occasion have a strong influ-
without a microscope through the host's carapace and consequent- ence on individuals or stocks both in culture and in their natural
ly cause infected shrimp to be labeled "wormy" and unfit to eat. habitats. Some of these are discussed or reviewed in papers by
Penaeids infected with any of the several described tetrarhynchi- Overstreet (1973, 1978), Lightner (1975), Johnson (1974, 1978),
deans can be eaten raw without any worry of human infection Overstreet and Van Devender (1978), and Couch (1978,1979).
with those cestodes. Other groups of parasites and disease agents
in shrimps, of course, can infect man when products are eaten ACKNOWLEDGMENTS
The cestode most often reported in shrimps is Prochristianella This study was conducted in cooperation with the U.S. Depart-
hispida (Figs. 13, 14). No life cycle of this or any other tetrarhyn- ment of Commerce, NOAA, NMFS, under PL 88-309, Project
chidean has been demonstrated completely. Tom Mattis, in my 2-382-R. I gratefully acknowledge Joan Durfee and Rena Krol for
laboratory, has nearly completed the cycle of P. hispida. Rather technical assistance.
than having a single crustacean intermediate host as an addition to
the dasyatid ray definitive host assumed in the literature, an inter- LITERATURE CITED
mediate copepod host also appears necessary to infect the
COOK, D. W., and S. R. LOFTON.
penaeids and other shrimps. Because of the absence of elasmo-
1973. Chitinoclastic bacteria associated with shell disease in Penaeus shrimp
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The Helminths and Commensals of Crustaceans
of the Black Sea


Twenty species of organisms, epibiontic on crustaceans, of the Black Sea, are typical parasites. They are lar-
vae of trematodes, cestodes, nematodes, and acanthocepbalans. It is interesting that only one of nine of the larval
trematodes completes its development in fishes. Tbe otber eigbt species complete their development in marine
The ciliate fauna associated with marine littoral crustaceans in the Black Sea numbers 3S species. The
species of Zoothamnium, Heliochona, and Cothurnia occurred in great numbers everywhere. The frequency ofin-
feetion varied between 70 and 100%.
The pathogenicity of helminth and ciliate infections was not observed.


Study of the parasite fauna of crustaceans of the Black Sea is CLASS CILIOPHORA
relatively recent. The roles of certain common species of mollusks
in the life cycles of trematodes [digeneids] of the Black Sea have Heliochona pontica Jankovski, 1970-Belongs to an order, all
been determined already (Dolgikb 1965), but further clarification species of which are ectocommensals of Crustacea, presently
of the role of invertebrates of this body of water as carriers of found mostly on the free edges of the gills of Gammarus olivii and
parasitic organisms is of certain practical and theoretical interest. G. insensibilis. It occurs by the thousands on the gills of the hosts
The present paper describes the infection of certain littoral in summer in three regions of Karadag and in several Sevastopol
crustacean species of the Black Sea coast. We examined about bays (i.e., Omega, Karantinnaya, and Martynova). Jankovski
35,000 individual crustaceans of the following species and sub- (1970) described this species from Gammarus sp. along the coast
species: Altlutha typica, Tisbe sp., Palaemon elegans, P. adspersus, of Yalta.
Crangon crangon, Hippolyte longirostris, Diogenus pugilator,
Clibanarius crythropus, Carcinus maenas, C. mediterraneus, Epistylus amphitae Naidenova, 1980-Numerous colonies con-
Macropipus holsatus, Pilumnus hirtelus, Eriphia verricosa, Xantha sisting of four to six zooids at the base of the pleopods on the
poressa, Pachygrapsus marmoratus, Tanais carolini, Sphaeroma abdomens of Amphitae vallenti. This ciliate was found in Marty-
serratum, Nassa bidentata, Idothea baltica, I. baltica basteri, nova Bay (Sevastopol) in summer.
Synisoma capito, Nalophilosa fucarum, Gammarus subtypicus, G.
aequicauda, G. insensibilis, G. olivii, G. sp., Gammarellus Epistylus sevastopoli Naidenova, 1980-0n the mouth parts of
carinatus, Orchestia gammarella, O. bottae, O. mediterranea, O. the crab Pachygrapsus marmoratus. A few colonies, rarely of more
montagui, Hyale pontica, Ploenexes gammaroides, Corphium than six individuals, were found in Omega Bay in summer.
bonelli, Caprella danilevskyi, C. acanthifera, and Zigia italica.
The crustacean host material was collected at three localities: 1) Myoschiston duplicatum Precht, 1935-Numerous low colonies
In the Black Sea along the west coast of Crimean Karadag; 2) in on the abdomen of the isopod Idathea baltica were found in
the bays of Sevastopol (i.e., Kazatchaya, Streletskaya, Omega, Omega and Pesotchanaya Bays along the coast of Karadag. This
Karantinnaya, Kamyshovaya, Martynova, and Konstantinovskaya species was described by Precht (1935) who found it on isopods
Bays); and 3) in the Karkinitsky creek and the Egorlitsky estuary. and crabs from Kieler Bucht.
The crustaceans examined represent only a small portion of the
species of invertebrates of the Black Sea and their populations. Intrastylum sp.-Single specimens were found on the abdomen
Undoubtedly, the ciliate associates of decapods reported by us are of Gammarus insensibilis, which live along the coast near Sevas-
but a small fraction of those which actually occur. The patho- topol (Omega Bay, Kazatchaya Bay).
genicity of the helminth and ciliate infections was not observed.
In spite of the infection mode of some ciliate species, they Carschesium gammari Precht, 1935-Heavily infecting the
evidently are harmless commensals. antennae and mouth parts of Gammarus insensibilis were found in
Omega Bay. The maximum infection occurs at the end of summer
and in autumn. This species was described by Precht (1935), who
found it on gammarids from the Baltic Sea.

Vorticella micra Naidenova, 1980-Single zooids were

'Institute of Biology of the Southern Seas, Academy of Sciences of the U.S.S.R., observed on the body cuticle of the crab Carcinus maenas of the
Sevastopol, U.S.S.R. Sevastopol coast in summer.

Vorticella idothea Naidenova, 198Q--Rarely occurred on the In spring and summer their number reaches some thousands on
abdomen of ldothea baltica in the warm time of year in the gammarids.
Sevastopol and Karadag regions.
Zoothamnium ponticum Perejaslawzewa, 1886-Srnall colo-
Vorticella companula Ehrenberg, 1831-Single specimens nies, usually consisting of only five to eight zooids, occurred on
occurring on the tests of crabs (Carcinus mediterraneus) and the dorsal side of Gammarus insensibilis from Sevastopol in
isopods (ldothea baltica) were found in spring near Sevastopol. autumn. This ciliate has been described previously as free-living
This species was previously known from the Black Sea as a free- from the Black Sea.
living form.
Zoothamnium alternans Clap. et Lachm., 1858-Tall, slender
Vorticella minima Naidenova, 1980-This ciliate was found on colonies, consisting of up to 17 individuals, were attached to the
the posterior segments of the abdomen of the isopod Sphaeroma abdomens of the isopod Sphaeroma serratum and on the legs of the
serratum. Of rare occurrence near Sevastopol in spring. crab Carcinus mediterraneus. This ciliate was often found on crus-
taceans from Karadag waters, rarely in Sevastopol Bay.
Vorticella striata Dujardin Kent, 11141 [(Dujardin 1841) Kent?]
-This ciliate lives in small numbers on the body surfaces of the Zoothamnium duplicatum Kahl, 1933-This species was mostly
crab Macropipus holsatus and two species of isopods, Idothea found on the pleopods of Gammarus sp. examined in Karadag
baltica and Nassa bidentata. It is found in all localities of Sevas- region. About 20 colonies consisting of two to eight individuals
topol bays and along the coast of Karadag. This species has been were observed. This species is recorded as an ectocommensal on
described as free-living but was not found in the Black Sea earlier. gammarids from Scandianavian waters by Fenchel (1966) and
Precht (1935) recorded it as an ectocommensal of many inverte- Precht (1935).
brates of the Baltic Sea.
Zoothamnium laomedeae Precht, 1935-Small colonies, usually
Vorticella sphaeroma Naidenova, 1980-This species occurred consisting of only two individuals, were observed on the legs of
singly on the body surface of Sphaeroma serratum in Sevastopol Gammarus insensibilis from Sevastopol bays. This species was
bays in the spring and autumn. recorded by Perejaslawzewa (1886) as free-living in the Black
Vorticella nebulifera O. F. Miiller, 1773-0n the body surface
of Carcinus mediterraneus and Idothea baltica near Sevastopol. Zoothamnium nanum Kahl, 1933-Numerous colonies occur-
This species was recorded as habitually free-living in the Black red on the body surface of Idothea baltica. This ciliate is regularly
Sea, by Mereschkovski (1880) and Dagaeva (1928). found on isopods from Sevastopol waters in summer and autumn.
The species is known from the Black Sea as a free-living form.
Vorticella convallaria (Linnaeus, 1767)-Occurred singly on
the carapace of the crab Carcinus mediterraneus along the coast of Zoothamnium sphaeroma Naidenova, 1980.-Numerous colo-
Sevastopol in summer. This species was found free-living by nies consisting of 2 to 20 zooids were always found on the gills of
Mereschkovski (1880) along the Crimean coast and by Buschin- Sphaeroma serratum from two Sevastopol bays (Omega and Krug-
ski (1897) in Odessa creeks. laya) and along the coast of Karadag. This species is encountered
all year round.
Vorticella claparedi Andrusova, l886-Found in low numbers
on the carapace and telson of the crab Carcinus mediterraneus Zoothamnium perejaslawzeva (Perejaslawzewa, 1886)-High,
along the coast of Sevastopol. This species was also described as slender colonies consisting of about 200 zooids were often obser-
free-living in the Black Sea by Andrussova (1886). ved on the dorsal surface of Sphaeroma serratum from Omega Bay
in early spring. This ciliate was described from the Black Sea as
Vorticella lima Kahl, 1933-Found on the legs of Sphaeroma free-living.
serratum and N. bidentatum from localities on the Karadag and
Sevastopol coast. Cothurnia achtiari Naidenova, 1980-Always found on legs of
Sphaeroma serratum and N. bidentata. Up to 20 individuals were
Vorticella microstoma Ehrenberg, 1830-0ccurred rarely on the counted on a single isopod in Sevastopol waters. They are
legs of the crab Carcinus mediterraneus and the isopod Idothea especially numerous in spring.
baltica in Omega Bay (Sevastopol) in summer. Gaevskaya (1924)
and Dagaeva (1928) reported this species as free-living in the Cothurnia sevastopoli Naidenova, 1980-The most numerous
Black Sea. species of this genus, it occurs on the abdomen and leg bases of
Gammarus olivii all year round. Maximum infection was recorded
Vorticella patellina O. F. Miiller, 1776-This species was at the end of summer and in early autumn in several Sevastopol
observed on the body surfaces and legs of the crabs Carcinus bays (Le., Martynova, Kazatchaya, and Omega).
mediterraneus and Macropipus holsatus from localities in Omega
Bay. It was reported by Precht (1935) as a commensal of inverte- Cothurnia gammari Precht, I 935-Found on the abdomen and
brates in the Black Sea. pleopods of Gammarus insensibilis from Omega Bay. This is a
characteristic ciliate of gammarids from Scandinavian waters
Zoothamnium sevastopoli Naidenova, 1980-A great number of (Precht 1935; Fenchel 1966).
colonies, of as many as 200 individuals, were counted on the
single side-plates and anterior peraeopods of Gammarus olivii and Delamurea loricata Naidenova, 1978-Each colony may con-
G. insensibilis from Sevastopol bays and Karadag all year round. sist of up to 32 zooids. Numerous colonies were found in the
pseudolorica on the abdomen of Sphaeroma serratum. It occurred was up to 37. The maximum infection was registered in Karkinit-
at all localities in three Sevastopol bays (i.e., Martynova, Karan- sky Creek (87%) in summer.
tinnaya, and Pesotchnaya). In winter they are encountered rarely
as single findings. In spring and summer infection reaches some Microphallus hoffmanni (Rebekq, 1964)-Localized in the
hundreds. body cavities of Gammarus insensibilis, G. subtypicus, and G.
aequicauda inhabiting the Egorlitsky esturary and the Sevastopol
Delamurea maeatica Naidenova, 1978-0ccurred in colonies bays. Infection intensity was up to 174. Infection of up to 57% of
usually consisting of only two to four zooids and never of more the hosts was characteristic for these regions in late summer and
than six. The pseudolorica are attacked at the junction between in autumn. Mature specimens were found in the bird Numenius ar-
the rami and the peduncle of the pleopods of Sphaeroma serratum. quata (Iskova 1967).
They are found in all localities in the Sevastopol bays all year
round. Microphallus claviformis (Brandes, 1888)-Occurred in the
body cavity of ldothea baltica basteri from the Egorlitsky estuary.
Tanriella lomi Naidenova, 1980-Low colonies surrounded Infection intensiveness was from one to four. The infection was
with a "collar" occurred rarely on the gill bases of Sphaeroma ser- not high. The final hosts are the birds Tringa hypolencos, T.
ratum. They are encountered in summer along the coast of totanus, Charadrius alexandrinus, Recurvirostra ovosetta,
Karadag and Balaklava. The colonies are small, consisting of up to Squatorola squatorola, Arenaria interpres, Vanellus vanellus, and
12 zooids. Anus acuta (Belopolskaya 1966; Iskova 1968; Smogorzhevskaya
Gymnodinoides sp.-The phoronts always occurred as small
groups of 5 to 15 individuals at the junction of each pleopod and Levinseniella bucephalae (Yamaguti, 1936)-Displayed on
on the abdomen where they could be seen rotating in their cysts. Gammarus aequicauda, G. subtypicus, and G. insensibilis in two
The maximum number of cysts was noted in spring. The phoronts Sevastopol bays (Kazatchaya and Omega) and in the waters of the
were found in localities on all species of gammarids examined in Egorlitsky estuary. Infection was low (up to 6%), and intensity
several Sevastopol bays (i.e., Martynova, Omega, Streletskaya, was up to 12 per individual host. Mature trematodes inhabit the
and Kasatchaya). Fenchel (1966) noted the settlement of phoronts intestine of the bird Tadorna tadorna (Iskova 1968).
of the species Gymnodionoides irkystans on gammarids of the
Baltic Sea. Levinseniella sp.-Found singly in the body cavity of Gam-
marus insensibilis in Omega Bay.
Aceneta tuberosa Ehrenberg, 1833-This suctorian was numer-
ous in autumn on the crabs C. mediterraneus, Macropipus holsatus, Maritrema subdolum Jagerskiold, 1909-Found in the body
and Sphaeroma serratum. It could be found in various places on cavity of Gammarus insensibilis, G. subtypicus, and G. aequicauda
the host's body. It was found in Sevastopol bays, along the coast of with an intensity of up to 35. They were found also on ldothea
Karadag. It has been recorded as free-living in the Baltic Sea. baltica basteri with an intensity up to 300 specimens in the Sevas-
topol bays, Karkinitsky Creek, and the Egorlitsky estuary. In
Aceneta foetida Eichwald, 1847-This species is numerous in Karkinitsky Creek, infection is 100% of the last species. Gam-
autumn on the legs of Gammarus olivii from all localities along the marus infection is only 50 to 71 %. Mature trematodes are com-
coast of Sevastopol. mon for the birds of the groups Limicolae and Lari and rare for
Steganopodes and Anseres (Leonov 1958; Smogorzhevskaya
1976; Garkavi 1965).
Gynaecotyla longintestinata (Leonov, 1958)-Metacercariae
CLASS DIGENEA were found in kidneys of the crabs Carcinus mediterraneus and
Macropipus holsatus, in the Sevastopol bays and along the coast of
Family Opecoelidae Ozaki, 1926. Karadag. Intensity of infection was up to 180 specimens and
infection was 24.2%. The final hosts are herring gulls, Larus
Helicometra fasciata Rudolphi, 1819-Metacercariae were argentatus.
found in muscles of the shrimps Palaemon elegans and P. adsper-
sus. Intensity of infection was up to 22/host. The first species was Microphallidae gen. sp.-Seldom found on gills of the shrimps
the most heavily infected (30%). Metacercariae were found in Palaemon elegans and P. adspersus in Sevastopol bays and along
several Sevastopol bays (Le., Omega, Kazatchaya, and Strelet- the coast of Evpatoria. Intensity of infection was not high
skaya), along the Balaklava coast. The final hosts of these (1-17%).
trematodes are many species of littoral fishes (Gobiidae, Labridae,
etc.) (Naidenova and Dolgikh 1969). CLASS CESTODA

Family Microphallidae Travassos, 1920. Family Tentaculariidae Poche, 1926.

Microphallus papillorobustus (Rankin, 1940)-Metacercaria Nybelinia sp.-Found as single larvae in the body cavity of
usually were localized in the body cavity of Gammarus subtypicus Gammarus insensibilis in Omega Bay. In the Black Sea, Nybelinia
and G. aequicauda. The sites of localization were Karkinitsky lingua lis larvae are recorded from the intestines of pelamida, Sar-
Creek, the Egorlitsky estuary, and the Sevastopol coast. Mature da sarda (Reshetnikova 1955).
forms infect the marine birds Larus melanocephalus and Larus
genei, Limicolae (Smosorzhevskaya 1979). Intensity of infection Family Lecistozhynchidae Guiart, 1927.
Christianella minuta-Larvae were noted in the liver of Pi/um- These nematode larvae infect many Black Sea fishes. Mature
nus hirtelus. Intensity was up to five in the Egorlitsky estuary. forms parasitize predatory fishes, such as Scomber scomber, Um-
Infection reached 23.3%. Mature cestodes parasitize the fishes brina cirrosa, Be/one be/one euxini, and Odontogadus mer/angus
Raja clavata, Dasyatis pastinaca, and Squa/us acanthias (Kar- euxinus, etc. (Pogoreltseva 1952; Kovalaeva 1970; Naidenova
noshin and Solonchenko 1978). 1974).

Family Phyllobothriidae Broun, 1900. Family Spiruridae Oerly, 1885.

Scolex p/euronectis Muller, 1788-Single individuals were Spiruridae gen. sp. I-Single larvae were found in the muscle of
found in the intestines of Carcinus mediterraneus and C/ibanarius Pachygrapsus marmoratus in Martynova Bay.
erythropus in Pesotchanaya Bay (Sevastopol region). Larvae of
more than 20 species are widely dispersed in many kinds of fishes SUMMARY
of the Black Sea.
The present ciliate fauna associated with the marine littoral
PHYLUM ACANTHOCEPHALA crustaceans in the Black Sea numbers 35 species. The Vorticella
species habitually are found on the body surfaces of crabs,
Family Echinorhynchidae (Cobbold, 1879) Hamman, 1892. isopods, and gammarids. Almost 100% of all littoral crustaceans
were infected. They are encountered rarely and in low numbers,
Metechinorchynchus truttae (Schrank, 1788)-Found singly in compared with free-living forms. The ciliates of the Black Sea
muscles of Gammarus subtypicus in the waters of the Karkinitsky have been studied inadequately, therefore it is difficult to deter-
Creek region. Mature Acanthocephala are registered for the fishes mine whether they are commensals or accidentally found
Sa/mo truttae /abrax and S. truttae /abrax v. /ocustris in the waters [accidentally occur on these host organisms). The species of
of the Caucasus region (Kurashvili 1960, 1967). Zoothamnium, Heliochona, and Cothurnia occur in great numbers
everywhere. Infection frequency varied between 70 and 100%.
Family Telosentidae, Petrotchenko, 1956. Investigation of the rate of reproduction of ciliate ectocommen-
sals on marine crustacean species disclosed their considerable role
Te/osentis exiguus Linstow, 1901-Single larvae were found in in the productivity of the benthic populations.
the body cavity of Gammarus insensibi/is and G. aequicauda in the Thus, 20 species of organisms, epibionts of crustaceans of the
waters of three Sevastopol bays (Kazatchaya, Streletskaya, and Black Sea, are typical parasites. They are intermediate stages of
Omega). Mature forms are common parasites of many Black Sea trematodes [digeneids], cestodes, nematodes, and acanthoceph-
fishes. alans. It is interesting that only one of nine species of larvae of
trematodes [digeneids] completes its development in fishes.
Family Rhadinorhynchidae Travassos, 1923. Helicometra fasciata is a mass parasite of the intestines of littoral
fishes. Shrimps make up a great part of their food. The majority of
Go/vanacanthus prob/ematicus Mordinova and Parukhin, 1978 the invertebrates examined are inaccessible for [not included in]
-Found individually on Gammarus olivii in Omega Bay (Sevas- fishes' diet. This explains why they [fishes] are absent among the
topol). Adult forms are known only from the Mediterranean Sea. second intermediate hosts of trematodes. It is interesting as wei:
that cestode and nematode larvae, connected with large predators
CLASS NEMATODA Rudolphi, 1808 such as sharks and rays, occur in crabs. Larvae of nematodes and
trematodes [digeneids] are found in crabs which are included in
Family Proleptidae E. Skrjabina, 1968. the food spectrum of predatory fishes-sharks, rays, and scom-
brids. They are the final hosts of helminths. The other eight
Proleptus sp.-Single larvae were found in the body cavity of species of trematode larvae complete their development in marine
the crab Carcinus mediterraneus in Streletskaya Bay. Only one birds. All of the metacercariae we found are connected with the
species of the genus, Pro/eptus robustus, is known in the Black site inhabited by the proper [appropriate] hosts. The land banks of
Sea. It parasitizes the intestines and stomach of Raja clavata Karkinitsky and Egorlitsky Creeks shelter great colonies of birds.
(Osmanov 1943; Naidenova and Nikolaeva 1964). Their food spectrum includes littoral invertebrates such as Gam-
marus, ldothea, and crabs. They are intermediate hosts of
Family Rhabdochonidae Skrjabin, 1946. trematodes. It is interesting that metacercaria trematodes of birds
-ducks of Omega Bay-are found in Gammarus. The findings of
Ascarophis sp.-Displayed in the muscles and gills of the crabs nematodes, cestodes, and acanthocephalans are single [?). They
Pachygrapsus marmoratus and Xantha poressa and the shrimps complete their life cycles in fishes. All acanthocephala larvae are
Pa/aemon e/egans, Gammarus olivii, and Orchestia bottae, in two found in small invertebrates. Their life cycle is connected with
Sevastopol bays (Omega and Martynova). Infection is low. Inten- fishes inhabiting the littoral-thicket biocenosis [swamps or
sity is up to 4%. wetlands].

Family Anisakidae Skrjabin and Karokhin, 1945. LITERATURE CITED2

Contracaecum filiforme (Stossich, 1904)-Single specimens
1886. Uber die Infusorien der Bucht von Kertsch. Trav. de la Soc. des Nat.
were found on [in] the liver and stomach of the crab Carcinus (Zoot) St. Petersburg, 17.
mediterraneus in Kazatchaya Bay. Mature nematodes inhabit the
fishes Uranoscopus scaber and Contracaecum aduncum (Rudolfi 'Not all citations mentioned in the texl are included here Also, not all of the
1802). Infection was 7.5%. Intensity was up to 15 specimens. Literature Cited is mentioned in the text.

BELOPOLSKAYA,M.M. Developmen~ of Hunting Economy of the Ukrainian SSR. [In Russ.) Thesis
1966. Trematodes of the snipes of the Black Sea coast. [In Russ.) Materials of reports, Kiev, 1:81-84.
of the Scientific Conference of the AII- Union Socie~y of Helminthologists JANKOVSKI, A. M.
3:35-42. 1970. Subclass Chonotricha. Infusoria. lIn Russ.) Fauna UdSSR 2:356.
1897. Die Protozoen-Fauna der Salzsee-Iimane hei Odessa. Zool. Anz. 20: 1958. Helminthofauna of the Black Sea reservation and lhe contiguous ter-
194-197. ritory of the Kherson region. [In Russ.) The Scientific Notes of the Gorky
DAGAEVA, V. Pedagogical Institute 20:266-296.
1930. Infusorien des salzigen Sees der Bucht von Kruglaja in der Nahe von MERESCHKOVSKI, C.
Sevastopol. Trav. Stn. BioI. Sevastopol, 2. 1880. Materialien zur infusorien fauna Schwarzen Meers. Trav. de la Soc.
des Nat. (Zool.) St. Petersburg, 11.
1965. On the ciliata fauna associated with the marine species of the amphi-
1969. Toward the revision of some species of gen. Helicometra. Biological
pod genus Gammarus J. G. Fabricius. Ophelia 2, 2:281-303.
Sciences. lIn Russ.) Scientific Reports of High School 7:7-10.
1965. The development cycle of Maritrema subdolum Jiigerskiiild (Trematoda,
1940. Materials on the parasitofauna of the Black Sea fishes. [In Russ.] The
Microphallidae) the parasite of domestic ducks. [In Russ.] Materials of the
Scientific Notes of the Leningrad State Pedagogical Inslitute 30:187-264.
Scientific Conference of the All-Union Society of Helminthologists 2:58-62. PEREJASLAWZEW A, S.
ISKOVA, N.!. 1886. Protozoen des Schwarzen Meers. Arb. Natrforsch. des Odessa, 10.
1967. Trematodes of waterfowl and bog birds of the northwest of the Black PRECHT, H.
Sea coast. [In Russ.) Report of the Bachelor of Biological Sciences, Kiev, 1935. Epizoen der Kiler Buchl. Nova acta Leopold., 15.
1968. Seasonal c~anges of trematodofauna of lamellibills and snipes of the 1976. Helminths of waterfowl and bog birds of the Ukrainian fauna. [In
northwest part of the Black Sea coast. The First Scientific Conference on the Russ.) Kiev, Naukova Dumka, p. 414.

Achievements of Soviet Scientists in Investigations
of the Helminthofauna of Marine Mammals
of the World Ocean 1,2


During the last 40 yr (1940 to 1980), Soviet helmlnthologlsts have examined about 9,680 specimens of marine
mammals in the Northern and Southern Hemispheres, using uniform or standard methods In most cases. As a
result, 20 new species of trematodes [dlgeneldsl, 19 cestodes, 9 acanthocephalans, and 23 nematodes have been
described. Also several new supraspeclftc taxa have been establlsbed. Systematic revisions of Campulldae,
Tetrabothrlldae, PseudalUdae, and Anlsakldae have been undertaken.
The morphology, adaptation of helminths to their environments and to the host's mode of life, infection
rates and characteristics, and the seasonal and age dynamics of the helmlnthofauna have been studied. Methods
of distinguishing host populations using quantitative and qualitative differences as well as the geographic
varlablUty of the helmlnthofauna have been developed. Consequently local stocks of mammals have been reveal-
ed, as has the pathogenicity of several helminth species.
All of these data have been summarized from ecological, zoogeographical, and phylogenetic points of view.
Results of these studies are now employed by zoologists Interested In sea mammals.

In 1780 Fabricius published a scientific description of the Rausch et al. 1956; Fay 1960; Smirnov 1963; Kozlov 1966, 1971;
cestode Pyramicocephalus phocarum (Fabricius, 1780), the first of Treshev and Serdukov 1968; Arvy 1970); larval Anisakidae
the helminth species to become known to science as a parasite of (Kurochkin and Mamaev 1972; Shiraki 1974; and others).
marine mammals. Some time later Karl Rudolphi (Rudolphi 1802 The interest which has developed in studying helminths of
to 1819) described another eight species (trematodes [digeneids], marine mammals will be illustrated by examining the dynamics of
cestodes, and acanthocephalans) parasitizing these animals. With- recent publications by 10-yr periods.
out becoming too immersed in the history of the development of Before 1940 Soviet scientists had published eight works in this
knowledge of the parasites of marine mammals (for details see one area. Between 1941 and 1950 they published 15, from 1951
Delamure 1955), we wish to indicate that over the last 200 yr to 1960-31, from 1961 to 1970-91, and from 1971 to
(1780-1980) some 276 species of helminths infecting marine 1980-143 articles.
mammals of the World Ocean have been discovered by Soviet and According to the summary of Scheffer and Rice (1963), the
foreign scientists. World Ocean is inhabited by 31 species of pinnipeds and 80
Today the parasites of these animals are of interest, not only to species of cetaceans. Not all of them have been studied in helm in-
parasitologists but also to mammalogists studying marine mam- thological respects. Better known than others are the helmintho-
mals. They are attracted by the possibilities of using helmintho- faunas of the walrus and long-eared seals of the Northern Hemi-
logical data for the purposes of studying the ecology, phylogeny, sphere, the true seals and major commercial whales of temperate
dynamical statistics [population dynamics?], and the population and cold waters of the Northern and Southern Hemispheres, and,
structure of the [various] species of marine mammals, including likewise, certain species of small whales. This is due, in no small
those of commercial importance. measure, to Soviet scientists who for the first time investigated the
Helminths of marine mammals are not without significance to helminthofauna of the gray whale (Treshev 1966a); Bryde's whale
medical and veterinary specialists, especially since it is known (Skriabin 1970a); harbor seals inhabiting the Bering Sea
that there are pathogenic species common to pinnipeds, cetaceans, (Yurakhno 1970); island seals (Nikolsky and Kazikanov 1970);
wild and domestic terrestrial mammals, and also to man: Opistor- small seals of the Baltic Sea and Lake Ladoga (Barysheva and
chis felineus (see Kurochkin 1960); Diphyllobothrium cordatum Bauer 1957; Delamure et al. 1980); Caspian seals (Schupakov
(see Yamaguti 1959); D. pacificus (see Atias and Catton 1976); 1936; Kurochkin 1958; and others); and the Baikal seal (Sudari-
Pyramicocephalus phocarum (see Rausch et al. 1967); Taenia kov and Ryzhikov 1951; Delamure et al. 1979a; and others).
solium larvae (see Graff et al. 1980); Trichinella spiralis (see In this connection it should be indicated that in the last 40 yr
Soviet helminthologists have examined 9,680 marine mammals
from various zones of the World Ocean (pinnipeds-6,222 and
I Virginia Institute of Marine Science Translation Series No. 30. cetaceans-3,458). The large majority of those examinations
'The text and Literature Cited sections of this paper were translated from the Rus- (8,432) were carried out using the same accepted methodology
sian by w. J. Hargis, Jr., with assistance of fellow students in the 1982 Russian
scientific reading course of the School of Marine Science of the College of William (Delamure and Skriabin 1965b), by colleagues of the chairman of
and Mary. Despite the assistance of colleagues, the translator-editor must assume full Zoology of the Crimean Pedogogical Institute (since 1972, the
responsibility for its accuracy and faithfulness of style. The abstract portion of the Simferopol State University), by participants in the 33 expedi-
paper was translated by O. N. Bauer of the Zoological institute of the Academy of
tions to the Black, Azov, Caspian, Baltic, Greenland, Barents,
Sciences of the U.S.S.R.
'The M. V. Frunze Simferpol State University. Crimea, U.S.S.R. White, Eastern Siberian, Chukchi, Bering, and Okhotsk Seas;

Lakes Ladoga and ~aikal; and expanses of the Southern Hemi- 1951; Mozgovoy 1951; Gubanov in Delamure 1955; Kurochkin
sphere-including the waters of the Antarctic. Regarding our and Zablotski 1958; Skriabin 1959, 1966, 1969a; Delamure and
waters, we have not as yet been able to investigate the marine Alekseev 1966; Delamure and Kleinenberg 1968; Zablotski 1971;
mammals of the Karskogo Sea and the Sea of Laptevykh. Yurakhno and Skriabin 1971; Nikolski 1974a). The new genera,
Turning now to the most common results of the efforts of Soviet Otophocaenurus Skriabin, 1942; Skrjbinalius Delamure in
scientists in faunal areas, it is interesting to compare them with Skriabin, 1942, Placentonema Gubanov, 1951; and Delamurella
analogous investigations performed abroad. Calculation has Gubanov in Delamure 1955, were established. The discovery of
shown that until 1900 only 16 species of trematodes, parasitic in the 9 m long nematode (Placenotrema gigantissima Gubanov,
pinnipeds and cetaceans, were known, but now there are 72. Dur- 1951), which parasitizes the placenta of cachalots by H. Gubanov
ing the last 40 yr 27 species have been described (principally of deserves special attention.
the families Campulidae, Notocotylidae, and Microphallidae). Of At present 276 species of helminths parasitizing pinnipeds and
that number, 20 or 74% have been by Russian scientists (Skriabin cetaceans of the World Ocean are known. In addition to the Soviet
1944, 1947; Krotov and Delamure 1952; Gubanov V. Kh.: [in:] scientists contributing significantly to knowledge of the helminth
Delamure 1955;4 Delamure and Kleinenberg 1958; Kurochkin fauna during the last decade, one must acknowledge investigators
1958,1962; Skriabin 1959, 1969a, 1970a; Petrov 1963; Treshev from other countries, especially Baylis, Baer, Davey, Dailey,
1966a, 1968; Yurakhno 1967, 1968, 1969; Treshev et al. 1969; Dollfus, Dougherty, Margolis, Markowski, Rausch, Stunkard,
Kurochkin and Nikolsky 1972. New taxa have been Shultz, and Yamaguti.
established-the genera Oschmarinella Skriabin 1947; Leucasiella The study of helminths of marine mammals has not been
Krotov and Delamure 1952; Cetitrema Skirabin 1969a; and the limited to discovery of new species, to redescription of old ones, to
family Campuloidea (A. Skriabin 1976). creation and revision of higher taxa, to studies of morphology and
Significant progress has been made in the studies of the systematics, to development of better characteristics to clarify
cestodes parasitizing marine mammals. Known at present are 71 synonymies and permit more exact definitions, or to the discovery
species of cestodes (versus only 20 in 1900). These discoveries in- of principal hosts. In recent times there has been a change not
clude interesting tetrabothriid species (of the genera Tetrabothrius, only toward consideration of the morphological variables of the
Priapocephalus, and Trigonocotyle) and diphyllobothriids (of the helminths of marine animals but also toward comparison of the
genera Diphyllobothrium, Diplogonoporus, Tetragonoporus, Hex- factors of development, host-parasite relationships, zoogeography,
agonoporus, and Polygonoporus). Of the 32 cestode species and variables of routes and intensity of infection. Manifestations
described in the last 40 yr, some 19 (or 59%) have been by Soviet of the variability of different, separate indicators and also the
scientists (Gubanov in Delamure 1955; Delamure 1955, 1971; causes of that variability have important meanings for the
Belopolskaya 1960; Skriabin 1961, 1967; Delamure et al. 1964; systematics of helminths and for the study of the population struc-
Delamure and Skriabin 1966; Delamure and Parukhin 1968; ture of their hosts-pinnipeds and cetaceans.
Muraeva and Treshev 1970; Yurakhno 1973). New genera have Study of the accumulated materials permitted revision of the
been established (Tetragonoporus Skriabin, 1961; Hexagonoporus taxonomic characteristics of marine mammals according to the
Gubanov in Delamure 1955; Polygonoporus Gubanov in Delamure taxa of helminths such as ampulids, tetrabothriids, pseudaliids,
1955; and Polygonoporus A. Skriabin 1968); and a subfamily, and anasakids (Skriabin 1942; A. Skriabin 1970a; Kontrimavi-
Polygonoporinae Delamure and Skriabin 1968. Occupying a chus et al. 1976; Temirova and Skriabin 1978; and others).
special place is the discovery by A. Skriabin of a 30 m long Helminths are not second in any respect to other animals in the
diphyllobothriid, Polygonoporus giganticus A. Skriabin, 1967, number of their adaptations toward their environments and the
parasitizing the cachalot, with strobilae about 5 cm wide, having life histories of their different hosts; e.g., those of the pseudaliid
some members [strobilae] with 14 gonads in the sexual complex. s infecting the respiratory organs of dolphins (Delamure 1951 a,
Diplo- and polygonadal diphyllobthriids have been the subject of 1955), as well as those of the crassicaudid nematode which infects
special investigations which attempt to clarify their systematics the genito-urinary systems of whales (Skriabin 1969a). The origin
and phylogeny (Delamure and Skriabin 1966, 1968). There have of their adaptations is closely connected with those changes which
been studies of larval forms or stages of cestodes invading ceta- the whales underwent in the course of their evolution.
ceans (Delamure 1955; Skriabin 1965, 1970a, 1971). The adaptations of gigantic cestodes and nematodes, which
Research has added significant information about acanthoceph- assure survival of the species over the wide expanses of the ocean,
alans. At present, 35 species parasitizing pinnipeds and cetaceans are very interesting (Delamure and Skriabin 1965a, 1968).
are known (versus 8 in 1900). Since 1940, 19 species have been Adaptation of the parasite to the anatomical and physiological
described (of the genera Bolbosoma and Corynosoma). Of these, peculiarities of the principal hosts together with the damage it
nine have been described by Soviet scientists (Krotov and causes have been studied by Skriabin (1960) using Placentonema
Delamure 1952; Gubanov in Delamure 1955; Skriabin 1959; gigantissima as a model or example. The importance of such inves-
Treshev 1966a, 1970; Nikolsky 1974a). tigations to the understanding of the host-parasite system is evi-
By 1900, 23 species of nematodes were known from marine dent. Attempts have been made to study the life cycles of hel-
mammals; at present there are 98. In the last 40 yr, 46 species minths of marine mammals. The studies of A. V. Uspenskaya
have been discovered (of the families Pseudaliidae, Folaroididae, (1960), who deciphered the life cycle of the nematode Terranova
Crassicaudidae, Anisakidae, and Capillariidae), of which 23 decipiens, and T. I. Popova, A. A. Mosgovoy, and M. A. Dimitri-
(50%) were described by Russian scientists (Skriabin 1933, 1942; enko (1964), who devoted attention to the same question, are rele-
Delamure in Skriabin 1942; Delamure 1946, 1951a; Gubanov vant. A. A. Mozgovoy, T. I. Popova, and V. I. Shakhmatova
(1963) studied the life cycle of Parafilaroides gymnurus and B. E.
Sudarikov and K. M. Rhyzhikov (1951) attempted to comprehend
'v. Kh. seems to translate best as "in the work" or "in the work of," which can be the cycle of Contracaecum osculatum baicalensis under the condi-
reduced to "in" as it has been throughout this translation.
'This phrase concerning the sexual complex was particularly difficult to translate. tions found in Lake Baikal. These investigations supplement the
It is hoped that it is correct, but may not be. findings of H. M. Pronin et al. (1980). Incidentally, comparison of

the helminth fauna of the Baikal seal, Pusa siberica, with the fistulas in the walls of their stomachs and cause internal bleeding.
helminth fauna of other seals disclose their similarity to the Such a picture has been established from those animals which
species of the genus Phoca inhabiting the Asiatic sector of the were killed during commercial harvesting and those which perish-
northern Pacific and the Arctic and in no way supports their ed naturally and washed up on the shores of the lake by waves
similarity to the helminth fauna of the Caspian seal, Pusa caspica (Zhaltsanova 1980). Information on the damage which can be
(Mozgovoy and Ryzhikov 1950; Delamure et al. 1978). Com- done to the health of sea animals is found in a number of other
parative studies of the helminth fauna of the Caspian seals over an publications (Vsevolodov 1948; Chupakhina 1969; Zablotski
extensive period of time confirm the thesis of V. A. Dogiel (1947) 1971; Temirova and Usik 1971; Gurevich and Evdokimov 1972;
regarding the relict parasite fauna having adapted its patterns to Nikolski and Kandinski 1974; Popov 1975; Starostin 1975;
those of the host (Delamure et al. 1964, and others). Delamure et al. 1976; Kovalaeva et al. 1978; and others). The data
Massive examination of pinnipeds conducted over the last few which have been introduced unquestionably confirm that the hel-
years allows us to approach, for the first time, study of the inten- minths emerge as one of the primary factors in the mortality of
sity and extensiveness [prevalence] of invasion or infestation, marine mammals, a fact that must be taken into account when one
seasonality, and growth dynamics of the helminthofauna of com- is establishing or studying their numerical or population
mercial marine animals inhabiting the waters of the Soviet Union dynamics.
and adjacent waters. Walruses, polar bears, sea lions, greenland Having gathered and analyzed a large amount of material we
seals, ringed seals, common seals (harbor seals), island seals, rib- naturally arri ved at the necessity of forming generalizations about
bon seals, bearded seals, and hooded seals were investigated from it from the viewpoints of ecology, zoogeography, and phylogeny
these points of view (Delamure and Treshev 1966; Treshev and (Delamure 1952, 1955, 1956; Delamure and Skriabin 1958;
Popov 1970, 1975; Delamure and Popov 1975; Kovalenko 1975; Skriabin 1958). The results established the rules [regularities] of
Popov 1975; Delamure et al. 1968, 1976). the patterns of the helminth faunas of the pinnipeds and cetaceans
It was established that the harbor seals inhabiting the Bering and likewise the patterns of distribution of helminths in the
Sea begin to be infected by helminths at about 1 to 1.5 m in size animals of the World Ocean. This showed that among the species
when they cease feeding from their mothers and proceed to live and genera of helminths there are some which are dispersed in
and acquire nourishment independently. By the age of 2 mo the bipolar, amphiboreal, and amphi-Pacific [fashion]. This was
seal is usually attacked by two to four species of helminths. Later accomplished for the first time on the basis of helminthological
the infections increase very quickly and by the age of 4 [yr] the material and it was also explained in light of the history of the
seals are struck [infected] by up to 12 species of helminths. In free-living fauna of the World Ocean (Berg 1922, 1934; Andria-
animals older than 12 yr of age a certain decline can be detected shev 1939; Zenkovich 1947, 1951; and others).
(9 to 10 species) [down to 9 to 10 species], which can possibly be Comparison between the helminthofauna and the large taxa of
explained by the changing ecology of the host. It is characteristic their hosts in light of their ecology and phylogeny is of great inter-
that in several species, infections become more intensive and also est. Here it has been established that, though the helminthofauna
extensive [prevalent] as the seals grow but they are especially of pinnipeds shows characteristics of independence, it was devel-
great or large in the young and also in the very old animals oped principally from ancestors derived from the helminthofauna
(Delamure and Alekseev 1962; Delamure et al. 1978; Treshev of terrestrial animals. In contrast with that of pinnipeds, the
1969; Yurakhno 1970b). helminthofauna of cetaceans possesses clearly expressed traits of
The generalized methodology for differentiating the popula- independence; it includes such helminth families as Pholeteridae,
tions of marine mammals, based upon the study of the qualitative Brauninidae, Crassicaudidae, Pseudaliidae, and Campulidae
and quantitative differences in their helminthofauna and also the almost completely. Investigations of the composition of the hel-
geographical variability of the helminths (Delamure et al. 1979a; mithofauna clearly reflect fundamental differences in ecology and
Popov and Marichev 1979) by comparison of the helmintho- phylogeny of these unique animals (Delamure 1955).
faunas and the characteristics of infestation of the different Sharp differences were demonstrated also when comparing the
populations of marine mammals, demonstrated localized herds of helminthofauna of toothed and baleen whales. Because of the
walrus, Greenland seal, ringed seal, harbor seal, bearded seal, and small number of species (11), narrow specialization and feeding
the striped whale of the northern Pacific. It has also unearthed or only at the surface of the sea on the not very varied [on the
disclosed the boundaries of the summer habitations [ranges, relatively homogeneous] plankton organisms-sometimes on
grounds, or habitats] of a certain population of whales of the mollusks and sometimes on schooling fishes, and other pecu-
Southern Hemisphere (Skriabin 1958, 1970a, 1972, 1975, 1978; liarities of baleen whales; they have developed in themselves a
Shustov 1965; Treshev 1970, 1978; Yurakhno 1970a; Kosygin helminthofauna which has no marked originality. It is totally
and Popov 1972; Delamure and Popov 1978, 1980; Delamure et different with the toothed whales. The numerous species of these
al. 1978, 1979a). These investigations confirm the opinions of cetaceans (69 species), which have settled widely in the World
mammalogists that existing stocks of pinnipeds and cetaceans Ocean-even in brackish and fresh waters, have won for them-
must be protected. A comparison of the character [or nature] of selves the most varied ecological niches and accustomed them-
infection with the findings (or data) of mammalogists on the mor- selves to feeding at different depths on varied kinds of food. In the
tality of seals permitted the assumption that helminths are one of process of evolutionary development of the toothed whales, they
the causes of their deaths. had a much greater opportunity than the baleen whales to become
Combining these data with histopathological investigations specific hosts for numerous species and genera and even a few
confirms the fact that pinnipeds whose hearts are stricken by the families of helminths. There are essential differences between the
nematode Dipetalonema spirocauda perish during the first years helminthofauna of toothed and baleen whales which result from
[first year or early years] of life (Delamure et al. 1965; Delamure the long process of ecological selection, and it is possible to use
and Treshev 1966; Treshev et al. 1967; and others). Intensive them to compare the phylogenetic differences between the sub-
infections of Baikal seal by the nematode Contracaecum orders of whales and also to compare their relationships with
osculatum baiculensis lead to the formation of large ulcers and other animals (Delamure 1970).
Comparing the helminths of dolphins and beaked whales with OELAMURE, S. L.
the helminths of the Viverridae family [civets) in the historical 1946. Three species of single host (?) nematodes of dolphins of the Black and
Azov Seas. [In Russ.} Helminthol. Sborn. Posvyashch. Akad. K. 1. Skriabin
[evolutionary) aspects, allows us to conclude [postulate) that these
Izd. A. N. SSSR, p. 104-114.
groups of hosts are close in phylogenetic respects (Delamure 1950. Phylogenetic affinities of dolphins and terrestrial predators (Musteli-
1960). dae) in the light of helminthological science. [In Russ.) Dokl. A. N. SSSR
Helminthological workers have discovered many valuable and
1951 a. A new pseudaliid parasite of the lungs of the white-sided dolphin. [In
interesting answers in their investigations of native mammals, Russ.) Tr. Gel'mintol. Lab. A. N. SSSR 5:93-97.
which have involved their comprehensive studies of the parasites 1951 b. Origin and adaptation of the pseudaliid parasitic in the respiratory
and also the characteristics of pinnipeds and cetaceans indigenous organs of whales. [In Russ.) Tr. Gel'mintol. Lab. A. N. SSSR 5:98-104.
to the waters of the U.S.S.R. and also [those from) beyond their 1952. Zoogeographical characteristics of the helminth fauna of pinnipeds and
whales. [In Russ.) Tr. Gel'mintol. Lab. A. N. SSSR 6:235-250.
borders (Kleinenberg 1956; Tomilln 1957; Kleinenberg et al.
1955. The helminth fauna of marine mammals of the world, their ecology and
1964; Berzin 1971; Yablokov et ai. 1972; Fedoseev 1975; Gept- phylogeny. [In Russ.] Izd. A. N. SSSR, 517 p.
ner et ai. 1976; and others). These publications utilize and also 1956. On the amphiboreal and hipolar distribution of the helminths of marine
exemplify the scientific investigations of parasites of marine mammals. [In Russ.) Dokl. A. N. SSSR 107:621-623.
1970. The helminth fauna of toothed and haleen whales. [In Russ.] Voprosy
mammals. It is not possible to encompass the subject without their
Morskoy Parasitol. Kiev. Naukova dumka, p. 18-21.
numerous works in this area. 1971. Diphyllobothrium ponticum n. sp. a new diphyllohothriid of the bottle-
We have presented the work of the last 10 decades by Soviet nose dolphin (Tursiops truncatus Montagu). [In Russ.) V. sb. Raboty po
helminthologists before many All-Union scientific conferences as Gel'mintol. Posvashch. 90-lyetiyu Akad. K. 1. Skriabin Izd. "Kolos", M., p.
well as those of several republics and now before the Soviet- 123-125.
American conference, conducted within the framework of the
1963. Survey of the helminth fauna of White Sea herds of Greenland seal. [In
agreement, in surroundings that provide immeasurable support Russ.) V. sb. Nauchno-issl. Rabot Syev. PINRO, Arkangelysk, p. 73-100.
and assistance. 1966. Parafilaroides arcticus n. sp., parasite of ringed seals of the Chukchi
From this accounting it is evident that studies of the helminths Sea. [In Russ.] V. sb. Parazity, promezhutchnye khozyayeva i pyeryenos-
chiki. Kiev. Naukova dumka, p. 11-15.
of pinnipeds and cetaceans are of notably practical importance. It
is possible to report with confidence that study of the helminths of 1958. New facts on the helminth fauna of the beluga. [In Russ.) Byullyeteny
animals, especially those of industrial importance living in the Mask. ob-va Isp. Prirody. Old BioI. 63(3):25-32.
waters of the Soviet Union, compare favorably with those of our DELAMURE, S. L., Yu. V. KUROCHKIN, and A. S. SKRIABIN.
friends, and that this is possible thanks to the support and assist- 1964. On the helminth fauna of the Caspian Seal (Phoca caspica Gm.). [In
Russ.) Tr. Astrakansk. Zapovyednika. 9:105-118.
ance provided by the Laboratory of Helminthology of the U.S.S.R.
Academy of Sciences, and the Ministry of Fisheries of the 1978. Information on the belminth fauna of the Baikal seal. [In Russ.) Mor-
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