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The document discusses several parasitic protozoa that affect farm animals and pets, including Cryptosporidium, Eimeria, Sarcocystis, and Neospora. It provides information on the introduction, biology, and treatment of these protozoa.

Cryptosporidium, Eimeria, Sarcocystis, and Neospora are some of the parasitic protozoa discussed.

Chapter 2 provides information about Cryptosporidium, including its biology and life cycle.

Parasitic Protozoa


of Farm Animals
and Pets

Monica Florin-Christensen
Leonhard Schnittger


Parasitic Protozoa of Farm Animals and Pets


Monica Florin-Christensen
Leonhard Schnittger

Parasitic Protozoa of
Farm Animals and Pets

Monica Florin-Christensen Leonhard Schnittger

Center for Research on Veterinary Center for Research on Veterinary
and Agronomic Sciences and Agronomic Sciences
National Institute of Agricultural National Institute of Agricultural
Technology Technology
Hurlingham, Argentina Hurlingham, Argentina
National Council of Scientific and National Council of Scientific and
Technological Research (CONICET) Technological Research (CONICET)
Buenos Aires, Argentina Buenos Aires, Argentina
School of Exact, Chemical and Natural School of Exact, Chemical and Natural
Sciences (FCEQN), University of Morón Sciences (FCEQN), University of Morón
Morón, Province of Buenos Aires Morón, Province of Buenos Aires
Argentina Argentina

ISBN 978-3-319-70131-8    ISBN 978-3-319-70132-5 (eBook)


Library of Congress Control Number: 2017963966

© Springer International Publishing AG, part of Springer Nature 2018

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To our children, Nicolas, Ana, Julieta, and Uriel


1 Introduction into Parasitic Protozoa������������������������������������������������������������ 1

Leonhard Schnittger and Monica Florin-Christensen
Cryptosporidium�������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 11
Mariela L. Tomazic, Carlos Garro, and Leonhard Schnittger
Eimeria���������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 55
Berit Bangoura and Arwid Daugschies
4 Sarcocystis������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������  103
Cecilia Decker Franco, Leonhard Schnittger, and Monica
Neospora������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������ 125
Dadin Prando Moore and Maria Cecilia Venturini
Toxoplasma�������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 149
Gastón Moré, Maria Cecilia Venturini, Lais Pardini, and
Juan Manuel Unzaga
Besnoitia������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������ 169
Heinz Mehlhorn
Theileria in Ruminants������������������������������������������������������������������������������ 187
Henry Kiara, Lucilla Steinaa, Vishvanath Nene, and Nicholas Svitek
Babesia in Domestic Ruminants �������������������������������������������������������������� 215
Sabrina Ganzinelli, Anabel Rodriguez, Leonhard Schnittger, and
Mónica Florin-Christensen
10 Babesia of Domestic Dogs�������������������������������������������������������������������������� 241
Gad Baneth
11 Equine Piroplasmids���������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 259
Massaro W. Ueti and Donald P. Knowles
12 Trypanosoma ���������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 271
Silvina E. Wilkowsky

viii Contents

13 Leishmania�������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 289

Anabel Elisa Rodriguez, José Octavio Estévez, María Cecilia Nevot,

Alejandra Barrios, and Monica Florin-Christensen
14 Trichomonas����������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������  313
Esther Collántes-Fernández, Marcelo C. Fort, Luis M. Ortega-Mora,
and Gereon Schares
15 Amoebae������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������ 389
Julia Walochnik
16 Genomics and Genetic Manipulation of Protozoan Parasites
Affecting Farm Animals���������������������������������������������������������������������������� 413
Carlos E. Suarez, Heba F. Alzan, and Brian M. Cooke

About the Editors

Monica  Florin-Christensen and Leonhard  Schnittger  are biologists and

researchers of the National Council of Scientific and Technological Research of
Argentina (CONICET). They lead a research group that investigates on molecular
­parasitology, focusing on pathogenic protists of veterinary importance, at the
Institute of Pathobiology, National Institute of Agricultural Technology (INTA,
Argentina). Both are Professors of molecular biology and population genetics at
the School of Exact, Chemical and Natural Sciencies, University of Moron,


Introduction into Parasitic Protozoa

Leonhard Schnittger and Monica Florin-Christensen

Parasitic protozoans are protists—i.e., unicellular eukaryotes. Besides, they
share the common features of being heterotrophic, motile in at least one of their
stages, and dependent on a host for survival. Protists are a highly diverse evolu-
tionary unrelated grouping that is at present taxonomically divided into at least
five supergroups or eukaryotic kingdoms: SAR, Excavata, Amoebozoa,
Archaeplastida, and Ophistokonta. The protozoan parasites that infect farm ani-
mals and pets, and are the subject of this book, belong to the first three super-
groups. These organisms can cause significant morbidity and mortality in
domestic animals, thus provoking substantial economic losses associated with
livestock production or major concern for pet owners. Additionally, some are
zoonotic and of public health relevance. Human domestication has led to a huge
world population of a few selected farm and pet animals, usually raised in close
proximity. This has provided an ideal and spacious ecological niche for parasitic
protozoans that invade and thrive in these hosts. In addition, international travel
has promoted global distribution of most parasitic protozoa. A long history of
coadaptation has existed between parasites and their wild ancestor hosts, whereas
adaptation to domestic animals has been much shorter from an evolutionary per-
spective. While the first scenario resulted in unapparent infections that ensured

L. Schnittger (*) • M. Florin-Christensen

Center for Research on Veterinary and Agronomic Sciences
National Institute of Agricultural Technology
Hurlingham, Argentina
National Council of Scientific and Technological Research (CONICET),
Buenos Aires, Argentina
School of Exact, Chemical and Natural Sciences (FCEQN), University of Morón,
Morón, Province of Buenos Aires, Argentina
e-mail: [email protected]

© Springer International Publishing AG, part of Springer Nature 2018 1

M. Florin-Christensen, L. Schnittger (eds.), Parasitic Protozoa of Farm Animals
and Pets, https://doi.org/10.1007/978-3-319-70132-5_1
2 L. Schnittger and M. Florin-Christensen

parasite perpetuation, the second represents an unbalanced situation resulting in


clinical signs and mortality. This calls for continuous efforts in the development
and application of control measures.

1.1 Protozoa as a Subgroup of Protists

Protozoa represent a subgroup of the protists. Then, what are protists? Originally, the
name referred to all eukaryotic unicellular organisms that were joined into the taxo-
nomic kingdom Protista in the year 1866 by Ernst Haeckel. The group of protists was
further subdivided into (1) animal-like protozoans, i.e., heterotrophic/parasitic motile
eukaryotes; (2) plantlike protophyta or algae, i.e., autotrophic unicellular eukaryotes;
and (3) fungus-like saprophytes, i.e., unicellular eukaryotic decomposers with extracel-
lular digestion and spore production. However, with the advancement of science, it
became clear that these subdivisions are artificial, as they do not reflect valid taxonomic
groups based on evolutionary relatedness. Nevertheless, all protists that are non-photo-
synthetic and non-fungus-like are, for convenience, often referred to as protozoans.
The simplest definition of a protist is exclusive: a eukaryote that is neither an ani-
mal nor a plant or a fungus. However, based on genetic similarities or differences,
protists represent a paraphyletic assembly, i.e., an artificial collection of diverse organ-
isms—possibly only connected to the last common eukaryotic ancestor—that spans
the entire eukaryotic tree and consists of at least five monophyletic supergroups. Each
of these supergroups represents a taxonomic kingdom that is more diverse than and
different from the traditional taxonomic kingdoms of animals, plants, or fungi.
Possibly, protists are the least understood group of organisms as compared to prokary-
otes, animals, fungi, and plants. This is likely because they have undergone by far the
most extensive, continuous, and ongoing changes in their classification and naming
over the last decades, making it difficult to approach this group by anybody than the
expert. Consequently, protists have been gradually omitted from most biology text-
books, as noticed by Adl et al. (2007). Protists display an immense morphological
variety at a cellular level, reflecting the extensive capacity of the eukaryotic cell to
evolve and adapt to an enormous diversity of ecological niches. This morphological
variety is, in contrast to higher animals and plants, only accessible—i.e., can only be
visualized and studied—by the use of light or electron microscopy. Importantly, mor-
phological characteristics of protists that can be studied by light microscopy—e.g., an
amoeboid cell form—are often counterintuitive with regard to their phylogenetic ori-
gin as they may represent convergent evolutionary developments. They are therefore
of limited value to classify and scientifically name these organisms. In contrast, ultra-
structural differences that can only be appreciated by electron microscope studies—
e.g., the apical complex of apicomplexan protozoans—reveal character traits that
often allow recognition and delineation of phylogenetically related groups.
1  Introduction into Parasitic Protozoa 3

1.2 Molecular Phylogeny of Protists


Based on molecular phylogenetic studies of the last 25 years, the classification

of protists has been and continues to be extensively modified. Our understand-
ing of eukaryotic phylogeny has been revolutionized in at least two major steps.
In a first step, molecular phylogenetics using single sequences—e.g., the 18S
RNA gene—has led to the Archezoa hypothesis, which proposes that certain
taxa of protists, such as microsporidians, diplomonads, and parabasalids that do
not contain a mitochondrion, represent the common ancestor of the eukaryote
lineage from which all other protists, as well as animals, fungi, and plants,
descend (Cavalier-Smith 1987, 1989; Sogin 1991). An improved methodology
of tree building, as well as an increased availability of genome data from a wider
variety of eukaryotic taxons coupled with the advent of phylogenomics—i.e.,
the concatenation of multiple sequences based on a large set of genes—allowed
a complete reorganization and reclassification toward a further improved reflec-
tion of the phylogenetic history of protists (Stiller and Hall 1999; Philipe 2000;
Delsuc et al. 2005). This approach allowed delineating at least five taxonomic
kingdoms or supergroups within Eukaryota—referred to as (1) SAR
(Stramenopiles, Alveolata, Rhizaria), (2) Archaeplastida, (3) Excavata, (4)
Amoebozoa, and (5) Ophistokonta (Adl et al. 2012; Klinger et al. 2016). In this
classification system, plants are phylogenetically connected—i.e., represent a
crown group—to Archaeplastida, while animals and fungi represent each a
crown group of Ophistokonta. Correspondingly, Archaeplastida and
Ophistokonta ancestor lineages—stem groups—are formed by protists. The
other three protist groups, on the other hand, did not lead to the development of
multicellular organisms.
The protozoan parasite species—parasitic protists—covered in the present book
belong to three of the five well-defined major eukaryotic lineages (Table 1.1):

–– SAR, represented by Apicomplexa that can be further subdivided into

Cryptogregarina (Cryptosporidium), Coccidia (Eimeria, Neospora, Sarcocystis,
Toxoplasma, Besnoitia), and Piroplasmida (Babesia and Theileria)
–– Excavata, that can be split into the subgroups: Discoba (Tritrichomonas and
Trichomonas) and Metamonada (Leishmania, Trypanosoma, and Naegleria)
–– Amoebozoa, represented by Conosa (Entamoeba) and Lobosa (Neoparamoeba)

Except Apicomplexa, which comprise almost exclusively parasitic protozoans,

the sublineages Discoba and Metamonada of the Excavata, and Conosa and Lobosa
of the Amoebozoa, jointly include free-living and parasitic protozoans. This obser-
vation demonstrates a polyphyletic origin of parasitic protozoan lineages—i.e., the
parasitic lifestyle evolved independently in diverse and evolutionary unrelated pro-
tist lineages.

Table 1.1  Current taxonomy of protists covered in this book (Adl et al. 2012; Cavalier-Smith 2014)
Supergroup/Kingdom Taxonomic unit 1 Taxonomic unit 2 Taxonomic unit 3 Taxonomic unit 4 Genus Chapter
SAR (Alveolata, Apicomplexa Gregarine Gregarinomorphea Cryptogregaria Cryptosporidium 2
Rhizaria, and Conoidasida Coccidia Eimeriorina Eimeria 3
Stramenopiles) Sarcocystis 4
Neospora 5
Toxoplasma 6
Besnoitia 7
Aconoidasida Haemosporidia Piroplasmida Babesia 9, 10, 11
Theileria 8, 11
Excavata Metamonada Parabasalia Trichomonadea Trichomonas 14
Tritrichomonadea Tritrichomonas 14
Discoba Kinetoplastea Metakinetoplastina Trypanosomatida Trypanosoma 12, 13
Discicristata Heterolobosea Tetramitia Heterolobosea 15
Amoebozoa Conosa Archamoebae Entamoebida Entamoebidae Entamoeba 15
Lobosa Discosea Centramoebida Balamuthiidae Balamuthia 15
Acanthamoebidae Acanthamoeba 15
Dactylopodinab Paramoebidae Paramoeba 15
L. Schnittger and M. Florin-Christensen
1  Introduction into Parasitic Protozoa 5

1.3 Convergent Evolution of Parasitic Protozoans


A comparison of parasitic lineages with those of their free-living relatives allows

identifying evolutionary changes in response to environmental pressures common
to the parasitic lifestyle.
The evolutionary trends of mitochondria and mitochondria-related organelles
observed in the diverse lineages of parasitic protozoans have recently been reviewed
by Klinger et al. (2016). Evidence has been presented that a single ancestral endo-
symbiotic event gave rise to the currently observed metabolic diversity and variation
of classical mitochondria and mitochondria-related organelles, such as hydrogeno-
somes and mitosomes (Embley and Martin 2006; Shiflett and Johnson 2010).
Parasitic protozoans represent endoparasites that need to adapt to a microaerobic or
even anaerobic—in particular gut protozoan endoparasites—yet nutrient-rich envi-
ronment in the host. This environmental pressure has been shown to result in a
convergent evolution toward biochemical adaptation, reduction, or even elimination
of the classical mitochondrial metabolism of ATP generation by oxidative phos-
phorylation—i.e., aerobic respiration. Mitochondria evolved into hydrogenosomes
that produce hydrogen and generate ATP in the organelle lumen by nitrate/fumarate
reduction, i.e., anaerobic respiration, or substrate-level phosphorylation, i.e., fer-
mentation, respectively. A complete loss of genome and oxidative phosphorylation
took place in mitosomes; thus mitosome-containing organisms generate ATP in the
cellular cytosol by fermentation. Importantly, mitosomes have never been found in
free-living protozoans, substantiating the notion that this organelle represents an
adaptation to an endoparasitic lifestyle. Such convergent evolutionary adaptations
to parasitism are observed across all protist lineages and are accomplished by the
development of analogous biochemical pathways. As an example, hydrogenosomes
and mitosomes that evolved in different protist lineages used different structures
and strategies to accomplish the same goal.

1.4 Protozoan Diseases of Major Veterinary Importance

In order to allow a fast overview and orientation, we present here a shortlist of the
diseases caused by parasitic protozoans of farm animals and pets with high (1) eco-
nomic or (2) zoonotic impact. Most of these diseases are widespread and are of
continental, or even global, distribution. This shortlist is necessarily subjective, as
estimates of the economic losses caused by these diseases are prone to errors and

1. Economic impact
(a) Coccidiosis caused by Eimeria spp.-infection of poultry and to a lesser
degree of cattle, sheep, goat, horse, and rabbit (see Chap. 3)
(b) Neosporosis caused by Neospora caninum-infection of cattle (see Chap. 5)
(c) Ovine theileriosis caused by Theileria lestoquardi in sheep and goats (see
Chap. 8)
6 L. Schnittger and M. Florin-Christensen

( d) East coast fever of cattle caused by Theileria parva (see Chap. 8)


(e) Tropical theileriosis of cattle cause by Theileria annulata (see Chap. 8)

(f) Bovine babesiosis of cattle caused by Babesia bovis and Babesia bigemina
(see Chap. 9)
(g) Ovine babesiosis of sheep and goats cause by Babesia ovis and Babesia
motasi (see Chap. 9)
(h) Equine piroplasmosis caused by Theileria equi and Babesia caballi in

horses, donkeys, and mules (see Chap. 11)
(i) Trypanosomiasis caused by Trypanosoma brucei, T. congolese, and T. vivax
in cattle but also in pigs, camels, goats, and sheep (see Chap. 12)
(j) Amoebiasis caused by Neoparamoeba perurans especially in salmon raised
in fish farms (see Chap. 15)

2. Zoonotic transmission
(a) Cryptosporidiosis caused by Cryptosporidium parvum and C. hominis with
calves as reservoir host (see Chap. 2)
(b) Toxoplasmosis caused by Toxoplasma gondii with cats as reservoir host (see
Chap. 6)
(c) Visceral leishmaniasis caused by Leishmania donovani, L. infantum in the
Old World, and by L. chagasi in the New World with dogs and wild canines
as reservoir host (see Chap. 13)

Pathogenic protozoans that can principally be well controlled, are of more local
importance, or are caused by opportunistic infections are represented by Besnoitia
besnoiti infecting cattle (see Chap. 7), Trichomonas spp. (Tritrichomonas foetus
infecting cattle and cat and Trichomonas gallinae infecting chicken) (see Chap. 14),
and Amoebae (Acanthamoeba spp. infecting bovines, horses, and dogs, and
Balamuthia mandrillaris infecting horses and sheep) (see Chap. 15).

1.5  orld Population of Protozoan Parasites and Farm

and Pet Animals

When contemplating the large variety and diversity of parasitic protozoan species,
one might wonder why relatively few parasite species are of major importance in
the veterinary field (Adl et al. 2007). This is possibly for historical reasons: the cur-
rent human population of about seven billion worldwide, corresponding to a bio-
mass of 287 million tonnes, have selected a very restricted number of animals to
cover their food demands, i.e., cattle, sheep, goat, pig, chicken, and turkey, or as
pets, i.e., cat, dog, and horse (Walpole et al. 2012). Worldwide, the biomass of all
productive animals—as determined based on the number of cattle, pigs, sheep, and
chicken—has been estimated to amount to a biomass of about 700 million tonnes
and that of the dog as a pet to about ten million tonnes. In comparison, all large wild
animal vertebrates—whales, deer, lions, reptiles, etc.—have been estimated to
1  Introduction into Parasitic Protozoa 7

represent less than 100 million tonnes of biomass (Smil 2002). Thus, at least 86%

of the biomass of large animals is comprised by a relative small number of farm and
companion animals and represents the largest and most attractive environmental
space in which protozoans and other pathogens featuring a parasitic lifestyle can
propagate and evolve. Hence, the relatively few parasitic protozoans dealt with in
this book represent a selection of those that are best adapted to a relatively restricted
number of farm and pet animals.

1.6 Host-Parasite Arms Race

Parasitic protozoans are considerably much larger and more complex pathogens
than viruses or bacteria and have evolved additional and sophisticated strategies to
escape the immune attack of the host. Consequently, a much higher number of indi-
viduals are infected by protozoans than by bacterial or virus pathogens. Indeed,
30% of humans suffer parasitic protozoan infections worldwide. Life cycles of pro-
tozoans involve usually several stages of specific antigenicity, facilitating their sur-
vival and propagation within different cells, tissues, and hosts. Frequently, the host
fails to clear protozoan infections, often resulting in chronic disease or unapparent
infections, in which the host continues to act as parasite reservoir. Furthermore, the
host is usually constantly exposed to the infection either by vector-mediated trans-
mission or due to a high environmental dissemination of the infective stage, result-
ing in a strong infection pressure.

1.6.1 Host Immune Defense Innate Immunity

The innate immune defense mechanisms against parasitic protozoans frequently
involve phagocytosis, the alternative complement pathway, or NK (natural killer)
cells. However, most protozoans are resistant against these mechanisms, and some
even take advantage of them. For example, after being phagocytosed, some proto-
zoans may thrive within the macrophage, neutrophil, or other phagocytic cells. Acquired Immunity

Parasitic protozoa may elicit a CD4+ TH1 cell-mediated humoral response through
stimulation of B cells and subsequent antibody production. In general, these antibod-
ies serve to control parasite stages that exist free in the bloodstream and/or tissue flu-
ids. Serum antibodies directed against protozoa surface antigens may opsonize—in
order to activate the classical complement pathway or facilitate phagocytosis and
cytotoxic effector mechanisms—or agglutinate, or immobilize parasites, as in the case
of Trypanosoma, Babesia, or Entamoeba. They may also neutralize parasite propaga-
tion by blocking host cell invasion such as, for example, in Babesia or Theileria.
Alternatively, a cell-mediated immune response may be generated and lead to the
activation of CD4+ TH1 cells, resulting in IFN-γ production and stimulation of
8 L. Schnittger and M. Florin-Christensen

macrophage-­mediated phagocytosis, and generation of reactive oxygen species


(ROI) and nitric oxide (NO). This type of response is directed against intracellular
parasites of phagocytic cells, e.g., macrophages, or non-phagocytic cells, e.g.,
erythrocytes or somatic cells, and has been observed for Leishmania, Toxoplasma,
Theileria, and Babesia. Finally, cellular cytotoxicity mediated by cytotoxic CD8+ T
cells is an effective mechanism against many intracellular parasites such as
Toxoplasma, Leishmania, Trypanosoma, and Theileria. Furthermore, often both
CD4+ and CD8+ T cells are necessary to resolve an infection.

1.6.2 Immune Escape Mechanisms

Exemplarily, a non-exhaustive number of immune evasive mechanisms of some

parasitic protozoans are presented, to give an idea of the diverse and sophisticated
ways by which these types of organisms ensure prolonged survival in the host
(Zambrano-Villa et al. 2002). Anatomical Seclusion

A common escape mechanism is the anatomical seclusion in the vertebrate host.
Babesia and Theileria live and replicate as merozoites within erythrocytes of the
vertebrate host, the schizont stage of Theileria lives and replicates within the leuko-
cyte, Leishmania lives and replicates in macrophages, and Toxoplasma can invade
and propagate in many different nucleated somatic cells. Intracellular parasites are
inaccessible to humoral immune defense mechanisms, such as antibodies or the
complement system, or to cytotoxic T lymphocytes. A ntigen Variation

The change of surface antigens of some protozoans is called antigenic variation.
This immune escape mechanism is found, for example, in the extracellular
Trypanosoma brucei. Trypanosomes are able to switch regularly the expression of a
set of 1000 genome-encoded polymorphic surface antigens referred to as variant
surface glycoproteins (VSGs). The immune response mounted by the host against T.
brucei will not be effective since the parasite is continuously switching to another
yet unrecognized VSG. Babesia bovis also displays antigenic variation based on a
set of about 130–160 genome-encoded variant erythrocyte surface antigens (VESA). S
The replacement of surface antigens by a mechanism called shedding has been
reported for Entamoeba. This protozoan can both shed surface antigens spontane-
ously or after antigen-antibody complexes have been formed at its surface, thus
avoiding recognition or damage, respectively. I mmunosuppression
A common mechanism is the manipulation of the immune response leading to
immunosuppression. This can be achieved in a multitude of ways as, for example,
1  Introduction into Parasitic Protozoa 9

in T. brucei by alteration of T and B cell populations, by changing the cytokine


secretion pattern of CD8+ cells and by impairment of macrophage function through

abnormal activation.
In Entamoeba, immunosuppression of host defenses is achieved by protease deg-
radation of antibodies and the acquisition of complement-regulating factors that
inhibit complement attack. Furthermore, the parasite can render T cells anergic or
modulate the CD4+ TH1 cell response by the induction of cytokines IL-4 and IL-10.
The parasite can also release products that impair macrophage function.
Leishmania ensures prolonged survival by preventing apoptosis of infected mac-
rophages. It can produce antioxidant enzymes to counteract the effect of macro-
phage oxidative burst. Furthermore, it can inhibit phagolysosome formation and
lysosomal proteolytic enzymes in order to avoid being digested.
These types of ingenious mechanisms are evolutionary adaptations to parasitism
and are generally specific for a particular parasite niche. Survival depends on a
sophisticated balance between host immune defense mechanisms and parasite eva-
sion. The parasite will be extinguished if the immune defense succeeds to clear it or
if it kills its host. Thus, the best survival strategy of the parasite is to establish an
unapparent infection, damaging the host as little as possible, but still being able to
thrive and infect other individuals. It should be taken into account that protozoan
parasites coevolved within their wild animal hosts and later crossed species barriers
into human-domesticated farm animals and pets. From an evolutionary point of
view, this very short time frame has not allowed parasites and domesticated hosts to
sufficiently coadapt. This has resulted in an unbalanced situation that leads in many
cases to severe suffering or death of the infected hosts.
Wild ancestor hosts lived in small, dispersed herds, in relatively confined eco-
logical niches; thus, parasites had a restricted geographic distribution. In contrast,
humans have created a situation in which worldwide large numbers of domestic
animals are closely raised, facilitating the infection between individuals. Moreover,
close contact between animals and humans promotes the transmission of zoonotic
parasites. International travel of livestock and pets has facilitated dissemination and
global distribution of parasites and their vectors, in the case of vector-borne patho-
gens. This human-created unbalance necessitates a continuous care for the health of
domestic animals and will therefore continue to be a challenge for scientists and
veterinarians working in this field.

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Mariela L. Tomazic, Carlos Garro, and Leonhard Schnittger

Cryptosporidium sp. infects the gastrointestinal tract of a wide range of verte-
brates, including domestic and livestock animals as well as humans.
Cryptosporidiosis of neonatal farm ruminants causes considerable economic
losses as the disease is commonly associated with intense diarrhea leading to an
impaired growth, a decreased performance and production, and often animal
death. The highly infective oocyst stage is excreted with the feces and dissemi-
nated into the environment, contaminating water and food. Neonatal calves are a
major reservoir of the zoonotic C. parvum, which causes, in addition to the
anthroponotic C. hominis, human cryptosporidiosis and is of considerable public

M.L. Tomazic
Institute of Pathobiology, Center for Research on Veterinary and Agronomic Sciences
(CICVyA), National Institute of Agricultural Technology (INTA-Argentina),
Hurlingham, Provincia de Buenos Aires, Argentina
National Council of Scientific and Technological Research (CONICET),
Godoy Cruz, Buenos Aires, Argentina
C. Garro
Institute of Pathobiology, Center for Research on Veterinary and Agronomic Sciences
(CICVyA), National Institute of Agricultural Technology (INTA-Argentina),
Hurlingham, Provincia de Buenos Aires, Argentina
L. Schnittger (*)
Institute of Pathobiology, Center for Research on Veterinary and Agronomic Sciences
(CICVyA), National Institute of Agricultural Technology (INTA-Argentina),
Hurlingham, Provincia de Buenos Aires, Argentina
National Council of Scientific and Technological Research (CONICET),
Godoy Cruz, Buenos Aires, Argentina
School of Exact, Chemical and Natural Sciences (FCEQN), University of Morón,
Morón, Province of Buenos Aires, Argentina
e-mail: [email protected]

© Springer International Publishing AG, part of Springer Nature 2018 11

M. Florin-Christensen, L. Schnittger (eds.), Parasitic Protozoa of Farm Animals
and Pets, https://doi.org/10.1007/978-3-319-70132-5_2
12 M.L. Tomazic et al.

health concern. Currently, no vaccine or efficient drug is available against the


disease. From a veterinarian economical point of view, C. parvum is the most

important species among the 30 recognized species infecting bovines, lamb,
goats, pigs, horses, and dogs worldwide. After the discovery of C. parvum by
Tyzzer in the year 1912, the taxon Cryptosporidium has been classified into coc-
cidia. However, recent findings on the Cryptosporidium life cycle and molecular
phylogenetic evidence resulted in the reclassification of Cryptosporidium into
the gregarines. This novel placement appreciates previously underestimated and/
or neglected features of Cryptosporidium that are common to gregarines such as
a low host specificity and/or the possibility to survive without a host.

2.1 M
 orphology, Life Cycle, and Host-Pathogen Interaction

Among Cryptosporidium species, C. parvum is the most extensively studied

because of its veterinarian economic importance in the veterinarian field, because
it is a causative agent of human cryptosporidiosis, and because of its wide host
range. For this reason, the life cycle and host-pathogen characteristic of
Cryptosporidium is best illustrated based on the accumulated knowledge of this
species. Recently, the parasite stages and life cycle of C. parvum have been restud-
ied and reevaluated demonstrating that Cryptosporidium shares biological and
morphological features with gregarines. In addition, molecular phylogenetic data
exclude Cryptosporidium from coccidia and include this genus into a novel sub-
class Cryptogregaria into the class Gregarinomorphea within gregarines (reviewed
by Cavalier-Smith 2014; Clode et al. 2015; Ryan and Hijjawi 2015; Aldeyarbi and
Karanis 2016a; Ryan et al. 2016).

2.1.1 M
 orphology O ocysts
Cryptosporidium sp. oocysts are usually spherical and, depending on the species,
range in size from 3.2 to 8.3 μm (Table 2.1, Sect. 2.2.2). In the case of C. parvum
the oocyst is bounded by a smooth cleft-including surface and has a spherical to
ovoid shape of a width and length of 4.5 to 7.0  μm, respectively (Reduker et  al.
1985; Fayer 2008; Borowski et al. 2010).
During the life cycle two types of oocysts are generated, (1) thick-walled oocysts
(TKW) that are excreted and disseminated with the feces into the environment and
(2) thin-walled (Tw) oocysts characterized by the lack of a thick multi-zoned inner
layer that are autoinfective. Oocysts contain four infective sporozoites released dur-
ing excystation, and a residual large lipid body that contains amylopectin granules,
a crystalline protein inclusion, ribosomes, and cytomembranes (Fayer 2008).
Conventional thin-section electron microscopy of the TKW parasite stage has
revealed that the wall is composed of three electron-dense and an intermediate
2  Cryptosporidium 13

Table 2.1  Cryptosporidium species infecting farm animals


Site of Oocyst Public health

Host Species infection size (μm) Zoonotic significance Reference
Cattle C. parvuma Intestinal 4.5 × 7.0 Yes High Wyatt et al.
(2010) and
Tomazic et al.
C. ryanae Intestinal 3.2 × 3.7 No No Fayer et al.
(1998) and
Santín et al.
C. bovis Unknown 4.9 × 4.6 No No Fayer et al.
(2010a, b)
C. andersoni Gastric 7.4 × 5.5 Yes Minor Fayer et al.
Pig C. parvuma Intestinal 4.5 × 7.0 Yes High Ryan et al.
C. suis Intestinal 4.6 × 4.2 Yes Minor Xiao et al. (2006)
C. muris Gastric 7.0 × 5.0 Yes Minor Kvác et al.
Sheep C. parvuma Intestinal 4.5 × 7.0 Yes High Santin (2013)
C. ubiquitum Intestinal 5.0 × 4.7 Yes Minor Fayer and Santín
C. xiaoib Intestinal 3.9 × 3.4 No No Imre et al. (2013)
Goat C. parvuma Intestinal 4.5 × 7.0 Yes High Noordeen et al.
(2002) and
Karanis et al.
C. xiaoib Intestinal 3.9 × 3.4 No No Park et al. (2006)
and Giles et al.
Horse C. parvuma Intestinal 4.5 × 7.0 Yes High Grinberg et al.
C. hominis Intestinal 5.2 × 4.9 Yes Major Deng et al. (2017)
Dog C. parvuma Intestinal 4.5 × 7.0 Yes High Hajdušek et al.
C. canis Intestinal 5.0 × 4.7 Yes Minor Giangaspero
et al. (2006);
C. meleagridisc Intestinal 5.2 × 4.6 Yes Moderate Ellis et al. (2010)
C. muris Gastric 7.0 × 5.0 Yes Minor Fayer et al.
Cat C. felis Intestinal 5.0 × 4.5 Yes Minor Iseki (1979) and
Santín et al.
C. muris Gastric 7.0 × 5.0 Yes Minor Pavlasek and
Ryan (2007)
Chicken C. galli Gastric 8.3 × 6.3 No No Pavlasek (2001)
C. baileyi Intestinal, BF, 6.2 × 4.6 No No Current et al.
respiratorial, (1986)
C. meleagridis Intestinal, BF Yes Moderate Ryan (2010)
14 M.L. Tomazic et al.

Table 2.1 (continued)

Site of Oocyst Public health

Host Species infection size (μm) Zoonotic significance Reference
Fish C. scophthalmi Intestinal 4.4 × 3.9 No No Fayer (2008) and
Ryan (2010)
C. molnari Gastric 4.7 × 4.5 No No Alvarez-Pellitero
and Sitjà-
Bobadilla (2002)
Reptiles C. serpentis Gastric 2.8 × 3.6 No No Fayer (2008) and
Santin (2013)
C. varanii Intestinal, 4.8 × 4.7 No No Pavlasek and
gastric Ryan (2008)
BF Bursa of fabricius
syn. C. pestis
syn. C. agni
syn. C. tyzzeri

electron-translucent layer. Beneath the intermediate electron-translucent layer,

structural proteins are located that are thought to provide much of the strength and
flexibility characteristic for the oocyst wall. A suture structure, which opens to
release the four sporozoites contained in the oocyst, is overlaid by the outer dense
and the middle layer (Jenkins et al. 2010).
A model of the C. parvum oocyst wall has been proposed in which the external
surface is composed by the glycocalyx, followed by a lipid hydrocarbon layer,
proteins, and a structural polysaccharide layer. The oocyst-covering glycocalyx is
composed of glycoproteins and acidic polysaccharides. Fatty acids contained in
the lipid layer are thought to confer the acid-fast staining feature, widely used for
diagnostic purposes (Jenkins et  al. 2010). Additionally, cysteine-rich domains
contained in oocyst wall proteins (COWP) are thought to be responsible for the
wall rigidity since intermolecular disulfide bonds are formed (Spano et al. 1997;
Jenkins et al. 2010).
Recently, the formation of novel TKW and Tw oocysts in a host cell-free culture
after completion of the C. parvum life cycle has been described. In accordance with
Jenkins et al. (2010), the formed TKWs have been reported to be composed of four
layers, (1) an outer electron-dense layer, (2) a central electron-lucent layer which is
interposed by (3) a dark osmophilic electro-dense layer, and (4) an inner thicker gran-
ular layer. In contrast to TKWs, the Tws generated in cell-free culture system exhibit
layers (1), (2), and (3) but lack the innermost layer (4) (Aldeyarbi and Karanis 2016b). Sporozoites
C. parvum sporozoites are long-shaped of about 5.0 × 0.5 μm in size and are sur-
rounded by the pellicle below which the subpellicular microtubules are located. The
anteriormost cellular structure is the apical complex, involved in the invasion and
attachment to the host cell, and consisting of apical rings, the conoid, and the secre-
tory organelles such as a rhoptry, multiple micronemes, and dense granules
(Fig.  2.1). Interestingly, unlike other apicomplexans such as Toxoplasma,
2  Cryptosporidium 15


Polar ring

Apical Rhoptry



storage granules

Golgi body




Fig. 2.1  Cryptosporidium sporozoite. In the anteriormost region, the apical complex consisting of
apical rings, the conoid, and the secretory organelles consisting of a rhoptry, micronemes are situ-
ated. Morphologically, dense granules—or secretory bodies—do not belong to the apical complex,
but they are functionally related as they are involved in the establishment of the parasite in the host
cell after invasion. In the central region, amylopectin storage granules, the Golgi organelle, and the
nucleus are located, whereas in the posterior region, the crystalloid body is depicted. Between the
nucleus and the crystalloid body, there is a mitosome—a relict mitochondrion—located

Plasmodium, Eimeria, Sarcocystis, or Babesia that possess two or more rhoptries,

C. parvum has a single rhoptry (Šlapeta and Keithly 2004; Snelling et al. 2007).
Upon invasion, the rhoptry and micronemes release their content in the apical region
of the host cell. Importantly, when invading, the parasite does not enter into the host
cell cytosol but remains at its surface in a membrane-bound compartment called
parasitophorous vacuole (PV). Consequently, after invasion this results in an epicel-
lular location—an intracellular and extracytoplasmic parasite location with respect
to the host cell (see Sect. During the invasion process, micronemal proteins
are involved in gliding motility, whereas the rhoptry is essential for the formation of
the PV. Dense granules discharge their content on the zoite surface—i.e., sporozo-
ites, trophozoites, or merozoites—and are responsible for host cell modification
after invasion (see Sect. (Tetley et al. 1998; Borowski et al. 2008).
16 M.L. Tomazic et al.

Organelles and other cellular structures that are found in the central region of the

parasite cell are the Golgi apparatus, the nucleus, small amylopectin granules, and
ribosomes. A crystalloid body is observed posterior to the nucleus, but its origin and
function are unknown. However, because of the juxtaposition of the enzyme
pyruvate:NADP+ oxidoreductase involved in energy metabolism with amylopectin
granules in some apicomplexan parasites, it has been suggested that this structure
may play a role in the energy metabolism (Lemgruber and Lupetti 2012). Between
the nucleus and the crystalloid body, there is a mitosome—a relict mitochondrion
lacking a genome and typical tubular cristae—an organelle not seen in coccidia
(Fayer 2008).
Extracellular sporozoites have been also observed in cell-free cultures. They
were found to be banana-shaped, measured 2.2 × 1.6 μm, had an apical complex,
and were surrounded by a pellicle (Aldeyarbi and Karanis 2016b). Trophozoite
This parasite stage resides within the PV and acquires different sizes depending on
the developmental stage. In an in vitro system that uses the host cell line HCT-8 for
parasite propagation, early trophozoite stages—corresponding to a time of cultiva-
tion 6 h post-inoculation—measured less than 1.0 μm. In contrast, late trophozoite
stages—i.e., observed after 24  h post-inoculation—measured up to 2.5  μm. The
observed mature or late stage trophozoites were attached to the host surface but
were separated by a feeder organelle—a structure that is formed by the folding of
the membrane of the PV and facilitates the uptake of nutrients from the host cell.
The feeder organelle has a smooth surface, and the basal membrane forms a hood-
like shape and cytoplasmic granulations (Borowski et al. 2010).
Extracellular trophozoites were also observed in axenic cultures—i.e., cultures
lacking host cells—measured 2 μm in size, and had a rough surface (Hijjawi et al.
2004; Borowski et al. 2010). Meronts I
This parasite stage has an epicellular location and contains six to eight merozoites
I.  Its size varies according to its developmental stage; early meronts I measure
1.5 μm, while mature meronts I measure 2.5 μm. In an in vitro system using the host
cell line HCT-8, merozoites I measured 1.0 × 0.4 μm in size and looked like rods
with a pointed apical region and a rough surface (Borowski et al. 2010).
Meronts I were also observed in cell-free cultures and released actively motile mero-
zoites of a circular to oval shape and a small size of 1.2 × 1.0 μm (Hijjawi et al. 2004). Meronts II
This parasite stage is situated epicellular and contains merozoites II.  Meronts II
measure 3.5 μm, are considerably larger than meronts I, and possess a thicker outer
membrane. Merozoites II are round, measure between 1.0 to 0.5 μm in size, and
have a rough surface.
In noninfected host cell cultures, extracellular meronts II have also been observed.
Extracellular stages were rounded, found to be larger than epicellular
2  Cryptosporidium 17

meronts—8.0 μm—and contained merozoites of 2.0 μm that were densely packed


(Borowski et al. 2010). In axenic cultures—i.e., cultures lacking host cells—pleo-

morphic forms of merozoites II, i.e., forms that change in cell size as well as shape,
have been observed such as (1) bean, (2) short spindle, and (3) long spindle shapes
(Hijjawi et al. 2004; Thompson et al. 2005; Karanis et al. 2008). Microgamonts
This parasite stage is round and measures 2.0 × 2.0 μm, contains large number of
microgametes, and is surrounded by a host cell-derived membrane and a feeder
organelle. Some microgamonts have a stalklike structure that might be the product
of host cell detachment, supporting the observation that they have little contact with
the host cell in an in vitro system (Borowski et al. 2010). Within microgamonts,
microgametes are densely packed and are of spherical shape, measuring 0.1 μm in
size, and are non-flagellated (Borowski et  al. 2010). Additionally, microgamonts
that contain microgametes and that were surrounded by a double membrane have
been observed also in a cell-free culture, but significant differences in size were
reported. For example, Hijjawi et  al. (2004) reported microgamonts of a size of
5.6  ×  5.0  μm and microgametes of a size of 2.2  ×  1.6  μm, while Aldeyarbi and
Karanis (2016a) have observed microgamonts of 1.53 × 1.18 μm and microgametes
of 0.34  ×  0.26  μm in size (Hijjawi et  al. 2004; Aldeyarbi and Karanis 2016b).
Interestingly, remnants of the apical complex have been observed in the cytoplasm
of microgamonts (Aldeyarbi and Karanis 2016b). Macrogamonts
They have an ovular form sizing 5.0 × 4.0 μm and have a rough surface. As in the
case of microgamonts, they own a stalklike structure supporting the notion that this
parasite stage has little contact with the host cell and has an extracellular location
(Borowski et al. 2010).
This parasite stage has been also observed in cell-free cultures, differing in size
(Hijjawi et al. 2004; Aldeyarbi and Karanis 2016b). Recently, Aldeyarbi and Karanis
(2016a) have reported that extracellular macrogamonts in a cell-free culture had a
spherical to ovoid form, measured 1.6 × 1.1 μm, and were surrounded by two mem-
branes (Aldeyarbi and Karanis 2016b). These authors also observed two maturation
stages of macrogamonts. The early macrogamont stage contained lipid vacuoles and
amylopectin granules in their cytoplasm, whereas the advanced stage had two types
of wall-forming bodies (WFB I and II) and amylopectin granules in their cytoplasm.
The two types of WFB are responsible for the posterior development of the oocyst
wall (Aldeyarbi and Karanis 2016b). Zygote
This stage results from the fertilization of the macrogamont by a microgamete.
There is no morphological description of this stage reported from an in vitro system
using host cells, but this stage has been recently reported in cell-free culture system.
The zygote measures 2.9 × 1.5 μm and includes a large number of amylopectin bod-
ies (Aldeyarbi and Karanis 2016b).
18 M.L. Tomazic et al. Gamont-like

Gigantic gamont-like stages have been exclusively observed in cell-free cultures.

They appear 72 h after parasite cultivation in axenic media and initially exhibit a
size of 5.3  ×  2.3  μm. At a later time of cultivation, they grow up to a size of
16.6 × 7.6 μm (Hijjawi et al. 2004).

2.1.2 Life Cycle

Cryptosporidium sp. features a monoxenous life cycle that starts with the ingestion
of the infective oocyst stage and its passage through the digestive system followed
by its excystation resulting in sporozoite release (Fig. 2.2). Free sporozoites invade
host cells in an intracellular but extracytoplasmic fashion referred to as epicellular
location. However, extracellular stages of the parasite have been also observed in a
cell-free system as well as in an in vitro culture without invasion of host cells, sug-
gesting that the parasite is able to complete its life cycle also without its host repre-
senting a facultative epicellular Apicomplexa (Hijjawi et al. 2004; Borowski et al.
2010). Borowski et al. (2010) have suggested that extracellular stages form part of
the life cycle or, alternatively, that they may coexist, resembling rudimentary stages
of an ancestral life cycle (Borowski et al. 2010).
Before invasion, sporozoites attach to the host cell apical surface membrane,
which embraces the sporozoite, initiating the formation of a PV. At the site of
attachment to the host cell, an electron-dense region is found that forms the bot-
tom part of the feeder organelle allowing the parasite to acquire nutrients and
energy from the host cell. Subsequently, sporozoites develop into trophozoites.
It has been demonstrated that in axenic cultures, trophozoites associate end-to-
end, resembling syzygy—a cellular association observed in gregarines with
end-to-end pairing without sexual fusion (Clode et  al. 2015). Recent studies
have shown the dominance of the trophozoite stage within the life cycle, which
undergoes merogony—or schizogony—and forms meronts I (Hijjawi et  al.

Fig. 2.2  Life cycle of C. parvum. While thin-walled oocysts are autoinfective and maintain a
proliferation cycle in the intestine, thick-walled oocysts are excreted and disseminated with the
feces in the environment. After their ingestion, excystation of oocysts takes place in the intestine
resulting in the release of four sporozoites. The excystation process and the mode of multiplica-
tion—gametogony, sporogony, merogony, and binary fission—are highlighted in bold. The para-
sitophorous vacuole—represented in purple—and the feeder organelle are thought to be formed
in all C. parvum stages, with the exception of gamont, gamont-like, and oocyst stages. The asex-
ual and sexual parts of the life cycle are depicted in green and pink, respectively. Resemblances
with gregarines are highlighted in red and refer to the occurrence of pleomorphism, extracellular
stages, and syzygy. All parasite stages have been observed in an epicellular location as well as in
the extracellular medium with the exception of gamont-like extracellular stages that were demon-
strated only in host cell-free systems (Borowski et al. 2010; Clode et al. 2015; Ryan and Hijjawi
2  Cryptosporidium 19



Zygote Thick-walled
Binary Fission
Syzygy Macrogamont
Gametogony Excystation


Merozoites II

Extracellular stages
Merozoites II

Asexual cycle Merogony
Sexual cycle

Meront II


I Meront I

Meront I Merozoites I
20 M.L. Tomazic et al.

2004; Borowski et  al. 2010). Each meront I contains six to eight merozoites.

Merozoites I leave the meront I by rupture of the membrane that engulfs the
parasite, invade further enterocytes, and initiate replication of either (1) an asex-
ual propagation cycle resulting in the development of meronts I or (2) a sexual
propagation cycle resulting in the formation of meronts II that contain merozo-
ites II. Interestingly, earlier studies showed the pleomorphic feature of the mer-
ozoite stage—defined as the change and variation in cell size and shape—in host
cell-free cultures, which has been confirmed more than a decade later and is
characteristic for gregarines (Hijjawi et al. 2004; Karanis et al. 2008; Aldeyarbi
and Karanis 2016a, b). Micro- and macrogamonts are formed after the invasion
of enterocytes by merozoites II, initiating the sexual reproduction cycle, known
as gametogony or gamogony. Microgamonts, which are considered the male
form, become multinucleated, and each nucleus is incorporated into a microga-
mete. Subsequently, they are released from microgamonts and fertilize macro-
gamonts—the female forms—producing zygotes (Borowski et al. 2008; Lendner
and Daugschies 2014). It has been shown that microgamonts are able to undergo
binary fission, suggesting that in addition to merogony, asexual reproduction
also happens during this stage (Borowski et al. 2010). The occurrence of syzygy
in extracellular stages and gamonts has been demonstrated in axenic and host
cell in vitro culture systems. Furthermore, it has been suggested that predomi-
nantly gamont stages—i.e., micro- and macrogamonts—employ syzygy
(Borowski et al. 2008; Aldeyarbi and Karanis 2016a). Noteworthy, extracellular
parasite stages seem to appear as the life cycle progresses, given that micro- and
macrogamonts are observed in in  vitro systems 4  days post-inoculation, after
having little or even no interaction with host cells (Rosales et al. 2005; Borowski
et  al. 2010). Finally, the zygotes—or fertilized macrogamont, containing the
microgamete and macrogamont nucleus—undergoes meiosis resulting in the
development of four sporozoites each owning a single nucleus. Thin- and thick-
walled oocysts are generated; the former (Tw) initiate an autoinfective propaga-
tion cycle, while the later (TKW)—representing the infective oocyst stage—are
eventually excreted with the feces and disseminated in the environment. It is
important to note that sporulation—sporogony—of TKW oocysts takes place in
situ before excretion (Fayer 2008).
All life cycle stages were seen in host cell cultures with the exception of gamont-­
like extracellular stages that were demonstrated exclusively in host-free systems
and are depicted in Fig.  2.2 (Hijjawi et  al. 2004; Aldeyarbi and Karanis 2016a).
Table 2.2 summarizes the principal differences and similarities of the life cycle of
coccidian, gregarines, and Cryptosporidium, namely, the site of attachment, the
mode of multiplication, the presence/absence of a feeder organelle, and the pres-
ence/lack of an apicoplast (Barta and Thompson 2006; Valigurová et  al. 2008;
Borowski et al. 2010; Lendner and Daugschies 2014; Clode et al. 2015; Ryan and
Hijjawi 2015; Ryan et  al. 2016). Particularly noteworthy is the resemblance of
Cryptosporidium with gregarines including the ability to complete the life cycle
without the need of a host, the existence of extracellular—i.e., gamont-like—stages,
and the occurrence of syzygy.
2  Cryptosporidium 21

Table 2.2  Main biological differences and similarities of the life cycle of coccidian, gregarines,

and Cryptosporidium (Barta and Thompson 2006; Thompson et al. 2016)

Biological feature Coccidian Gregarines Cryptosporidium
Interaction with Intracellular Transmembrane and Epicellular and
host cell extracellular extracellular
Feeder organelle Not present Present (epimerite) Present (epimerite)
Extracellular No Yes Yes
Multiplication Multiple fission, Multiple fission, Multiple fission,
merogony, merogony (in some), merogony,
gametogony, gametogony, gametogony,
sporogony, sporogony, binary sporogony, binary
endodyogeny, and fission, syzygy fission, syzygy
endopolygeny (in
Apicoplast Present Not present in some Not present

2.1.3 Host-Pathogen Interaction

Although the mechanistic interactions between the host cell and Cryptosporidium
are still not very well understood, a significant progress has been made regarding
the identification of involved molecules and proteins. An extensive overview of the
molecules and processes implicated in host cell invasion has been recently done by
Lendner and Daugschies (2014). The most relevant will be outlined in brief in the
following. Upon ingestion of oocysts, their excystation takes place in the gastroin-
testinal tract, and host cells are subsequently infected by sporozoites in a two-step
process, (1) attachment and gliding motility and (2) invasion. Once the parasite has
invaded host cells, it has later to egress to complete its life cycle. Finally, the host
cell initiates defense mechanisms to control the infection. All these processes are
discussed in the following. Excystation
Once infective oocysts are ingested, the passage through the digestive system trig-
gers excystation, during which the oocyst cleft opens and sporozoites exit and
invade epithelial cells of the small intestine of the host. Interestingly, very different
levels of excystation of oocysts have been observed in vitro and in cell-free culture
systems. It has been described that the excystation process in Cryptosporidium
begins with a single stimulus, in contrast to other apicomplexa like Toxoplasma or
Eimeria that need two or more stimuli for excystation (Fayer and Leek 1984).
Among stimuli or factors that have been described to favor excystation are the tem-
perature, the presence of bile salts, reducing conditions, pH, and digestive enzymes
(Fayer and Leek 1984; King et al. 2012; Lendner and Daugschies 2014). It has been
also suggested that there is no established order of triggers of excystation nor a
synergism among the factors that favor this process (Aldeyarbi and Karanis 2016b).
However, it has been observed that pretreatment of oocyst with sodium hypochlorite
22 M.L. Tomazic et al.

and parasite-derived proteases, like cysteine and serine proteases, enhances excysta-

tion in in vitro systems (Smith et al. 2005). Attachment
Following excystation, receptors and other surface molecules are expressed on
infective stages—i.e., sporozoites, trophozoites, merozoites, or gametocytes—medi-
ating attachment to epithelial cells. Several of these surface molecules represent
well-­characterized lectins of which one, p30, is expressed in the apical region of
sporozoites and binds exclusively galactose-N-acetylgalactosamine. p30 is known
to associate with two other glycoproteins involved in invasion: gp40/15 and gp900
(Bhat et al. 2007). The former, gp40/15, is a complex of two fragments generated by
proteolytic cleavage of a 60 kDa precursor glycoprotein, designated gp60. gp40 is
non-covalently associated with gp15, which is anchored to the surface membrane by
glycosylphosphatidylinositol (GPI). gp15 is located on the whole surface of sporo-
zoites and merozoites, while gp40 is confined to the apical region (Cevallos et al.
2000a, b; Wanyiri et al. 2007; O’Connor et al. 2007). Importantly, the gp60 gene
encodes a highly polymorphic polyserine domain situated within the gp40 fragment,
which is used for subtyping of C. parvum isolates and strains (Alves et al. 2003;
Xiao 2010). Another protein, gp900, is a mucin-like glycoprotein of 900 kDa con-
taining cysteine-­rich as well as polythreonine domains and a large membrane-prox-
imal N-glycosylated core region. This glycoprotein is located in micronemes and
has been proposed to define host specificity since the attachment site seems to differ
between Cryptosporidium species (Petersen et al. 1992; Jakobi and Petry 2006). Gliding Motility

Ensuing attachment, apical organelles of sporozoites such as the rhoptry, micro-
nemes, and dense granules secrete substances facilitating and effecting gliding
motility, an exclusive way of locomotion of apicomplexan parasites that is a prereq-
uisite for host cell invasion. It has been proposed that gliding motility and invasion
involves a set of molecules that bind to the host cells and couple the translocation of
surface adhesins to an actin-myosin motor located beneath the parasite plasma
membrane (Sibley 2004). Although the mechanism is well studied in apicomplexan
model parasites like Toxoplasma gondii and Plasmodium spp., there is lesser infor-
mation available regarding the gliding motility of Cryptosporidium. In C. parvum
gliding motility has been observed on host cell microvilli in an in vitro system, as
evidenced by trails of elongated microvilli between excysted oocyst and new tro-
phozoites (Borowski et al. 2010). The authors have also noted that not all sporozo-
ites caused these gliding trails but that some invaded directly at their origin of
excystation. Wetzel et al. (2005) have observed that the parasite undergoes a more
rapid circular and helical gliding as compared to the Toxoplasma sporozoite and
trophozoite stages. They also confirmed that Cryptosporidium gliding motility is
generated by an actin-myosin motor complex in accordance with the model
described for other Apicomplexa, since motor inhibition blocked movement and
parasite invasion but not attachment to the host cell (Chen et al. 2004; Wetzel et al.
2005). Some of the proteins released from C. parvum-micronemes and secretory
2  Cryptosporidium 23

vesicles do not have the typical conserved domains or motifs observed in Toxoplasma

or Plasmodium. For instance, proteins involved in locomotion and invasion are com-
monly proteins that contain type I repeats of human platelet thrombospondin (TSP1)
domains (Lendner and Daugschies 2014). Accordingly, also 12 proteins that contain
a TSP1-like domain have been identified in Cryptosporidium. However, in contrast
to Toxoplasma and Plasmodium, these proteins contain an additional Apple or
Kringle domain while lacking a vWF domain suggesting different sites of host cell
attachment (Naitza et al. 1998; Deng et al. 2002; Lendner and Daugschies 2014). Invasion and Egress

As in other apicomplexans, host cell invasion of Cryptosporidium occurs after
attachment and is dependent from gliding motility. Sporozoites bind to the apical
membrane of enterocytes—i.e., at the anterior cellular end between microvilli—and
reorient themselves before invasion takes place. It has been shown that calcium is a
key messenger for invasion and that its level is regulated, at least partially, by bile
salts (Chen et al. 2004; King et al. 2012). There are significant differences between
Cryptosporidium vs. Toxoplasma and Plasmodium in the mode and mechanism of
invasion (Huang et al. 2004; Wetzel et al. 2005). Most importantly, the parasite does
not enter deep into the cytosol but rather remains at the cell surface in the PV
(Wetzel et  al. 2005). It has been reported that this epicellular invasion process
induces considerable reorganizations within the host cell leading to the generation
of epithelial protrusions that embrace the parasite (Huang et  al. 2004). Although
protrusions appear to be induced by extension of the host cell microvillus, they have
been also observed in extracellular stages without host cell encapsulation, and the
term of vacuole was proposed instead (Koh et  al. 2014; Clode et  al. 2015). The
membrane of this vacuole folds to develop the feeder organelle termed epimerite
that facilitates uptake of nutrients from the host cell. With the exception of the thick-­
walled and thin-walled oocysts, the feeder organelle is thought to be formed in all
parasite stages (Barta and Thompson 2006; Borowski et al. 2010; Clode et al. 2015).
It has been hypothesized that the feeder organelle does besides acquiring nutrients
from the host cell also function to acquire nutrients directly from the environment
(Koh et al. 2014; Clode et al. 2015; Aldeyarbi and Karanis 2016a).
Egress from the host is a key step to complete the life cycle. It has been hypoth-
esized that the parasite may use the programmed cell death mechanism—i.e., apop-
tosis—to escape from the host cell. Induction of apoptosis by the parasite was first
demonstrated in  vitro (Chen et  al. 1998). Also in  vivo studies have shown that
Cryptosporidium induces apoptosis, but it is not clear if the process is altered by the
parasite or executed by the host, since apoptosis is a well-known defense mecha-
nism (Sasahara et al. 2003). Recent ex vivo studies suggest that modulation of apop-
tosis is addressed by the host and not by Cryptosporidium (Foster et al. 2012). Host Immune Response

The host defense mechanism against Cryptosporidium infection involves innate
as well as adaptive immune responses. Innate immunity is a non-specific first act-
ing response, implying cells and humoral factors. Among response cells are
24 M.L. Tomazic et al.

intestinal epithelial cells, which produce proinflammatory cytokines, like inter-


leukin-18 (IL-­18), and proteins such as defensins—also known as antimicrobial

peptides—and the complement system (Tarver et al. 1998; Zaalouk et al. 2004).
Other cells that are implied in the defense against Cryptosporidium are natural
killer (NK) cells, phagocytes such as macrophages and neutrophils, and dendritic
cells (DCs). It has been demonstrated that NK cells produce interferon-γ (IFN-γ)
which has been shown to be a key player of the innate immune response against
C. parvum because it prevents the initiation and extension of the infection (Ungar
et  al. 1991; Chen et  al. 1993b; Tessema et  al. 2009). Furthermore, it has been
demonstrated that an increased production of free radicals of nitric oxide (NO) by
phagocytes such as macrophages and neutrophils has a protective effect against C.
parvum infection (Gookin et al. 2004). Although it has been shown that DCs con-
tribute to the clearance of C. parvum, additional studies are needed to comprehend
the DC mechanisms involved (Auray et al. 2007; Petry et al. 2010). It has been
suggested that the intestinal flora in calves is an important competitor for sporo-
zoite attachment (Harp 2003; Wyatt et  al. 2010). A key player of the humoral
innate immune response is the complement system, and it has been suggested that
complement factors are produced in C. parvum infection (Wagner et  al. 2003;
Petry et al. 2010).
The adaptive immune system is the second acting response, which is more
specific and effective than the innate response. It involves cells such as T and B
lymphocytes and humoral factors, like antibodies. T cells are important for the
recovery of mice from Cryptosporidium infection, specifically helper T cells
(CD4+) but not cytotoxic T cells (CD8+) (Heine et al. 1984; Chen et al. 1993a).
However, in calves it has been demonstrated that CD8+ cells increased upon C.
parvum infection (Abrahamsen et al. 1997). T cells recovered from villous lym-
phoid cells from calves 6 days post-infection have shown a large amount of acti-
vated CD8+ cells compared to controls, demonstrating a local immune response
against C. parvum (Wyatt et al. 1997). Moreover, a downregulation of helper T
cells of type 1 (Th1) has been observed, consistent with the development of diar-
rhea and the progression of the infection (Wyatt et al. 2010). It has been shown
that CD4+ cells produce key cytokines such as IFN-γ, IL-4, IL-12, and IL-18, and
antibody production of B cells is mediated by helper T cells of type 2 (Th2) (Petry
et al. 2010). After a C. parvum infection titers of parasite-specific immunoglobu-
lins (Ig) of class IgG and IgA are increased. In particular, mucosal IgA avoids
attachment of the infective stages to epithelial host cells (Petry et al. 2010). It has
been demonstrated that recovering of calves from the infection—i.e., from clini-
cal disease—is associated with antibody production and Th1 response in the
intestinal mucosa (Wyatt et al. 2001).
In an in vitro assay in which peripheral blood mononuclear cells from recovered
calves was incubated with recombinant P23—an antigen that has demonstrated pro-
tection in vaccination trials—the proliferation of CD4+ and production of INF-γ
have been demonstrated, suggesting a Th1-like memory response (Wyatt et  al.
2005). A role of other T cell subsets such as T cells of type 17 has not been yet
investigated (Petry et al. 2010).
2  Cryptosporidium 25

2.2 Diagnosis, Epidemiology, and Economic Impact


Molecular characterization has allowed identifying, defining, and differentiating

species and subtypes that have been unknown so far. Molecular approaches are best
suited to identify sources of infection, the origin of outbreaks, and the grade of pub-
lic health significance of Cryptosporidium spp. Furthermore, molecular studies car-
ried out on epidemiology, diagnosis, food, and water surveillance have provided
insight into the routes of transmission of circulating species and subspecies. They
have allowed establishing much improved methods of parasite species and subtype
detection. These findings are of particular importance for the surveillance and con-
trol of pathogenic Cryptosporidium spp. as they are worldwide distributed; many
species are zoonotic and/or oligoxenous—i.e., show a relatively wide host range as
compared to the genus Eimeria that is homoxenous (see Chap. 3)—and thrive under
a large range of climatic conditions. In addition, the resistance and abundance of its
infective stage complicate surveillance and control. For pathogenic parasite species
and subtypes further improved monitoring and control strategies are globally needed
(Fayer et al. 2000; Xiao 2010; Cacciò and Chalmers 2016).
Molecular characterization and experimental data have validated 30 species that
infect amphibians, reptiles, birds, fish, and mammals (Fayer 2010; Šlapeta 2013).
Additionally, it has been estimated that every year a novel additional species is
identified and named and more than 40 isolates—currently referred to as geno-
types—have been reported and await their description (Fayer 2010; Šlapeta 2013).
Noteworthy, at least 150 mammalian species have been described to host
Cryptosporidium spp., and an increasing number of species and genotypes have
been reported in fish, amphibian, reptile, bird, and vertebrates (Xiao et al. 2004).
Among them is C. parvum—syn. C. pestis—which is commonly found in bovines
up to 2  months of age and is the major zoonotic species. Previously, it has been
shown that C. parvum consists of two genotypes, the genotype H or 1, exclusively
infecting humans, and the bovine or zoonotic genotype C or 2, infecting bovines
and humans (Morgan et al. 1995; Carraway et al. 1996; Peng et al. 1997). The for-
mer has been categorized as C. hominis, while the latter has been proposed to be
named C. pestis (Šlapeta 2013). This proposal was justified based on the priority
rule of the International Code of Zoological Nomenclature (ICZN). As C. parvum
has been originally described by Tyzzer (1912) in mice—sometimes referred to as
C. parvum mouse I genotype—the newly recognized species C. parvum bovine
genotype, or genotype 2, should, in accordance with this rule, receive a novel spe-
cies name (Šlapeta 2006; Šlapeta 2013). However, the name C. parvum has been
used for cattle isolates ever since Tyzzer’s discovery in 1912. Therefore, it has been
also put forward to continue to use the name C. parvum for the Cryptosporidium
bovine genotype in order to maintain the universality and stability of the scientific
names, as also stated by the ICZN (Fayer 2010; Šlapeta 2012; Xiao et al. 2012).
Furthermore, the name C. tyzzeri has been proposed for the C. parvum mouse I
genotype (Šlapeta 2012; Xiao et al. 2012). For the reason of clarity, we will use the
name C. parvum for the bovine genotype and the name C. tyzzeri for the mouse I
genotype until this discussion has finally settled.
26 M.L. Tomazic et al.

2.2.1 Diagnostic

Diagnosis of cryptosporidiosis can be challenging for the reason that clinical signs
are not pathognomonic and because of the frequently intermittent and low shedding
of the small-sized oocyst (Santin 2013). It is therefore desirable to increase the sen-
sitivity of utilized diagnostic tools and test multiple stool specimens as the disease
is commonly sub-diagnosed—e.g., horse cryptosporidiosis (Santín and Trout
2008a). Currently, there is no prescribed method for diagnosis, and the World
Organization for Animal Health states that the demonstration of Cryptosporidium
species oocysts or antigen in a properly collected and handled sample is sufficient
for a positive diagnosis (Smith 2008a). The selection of an appropriate diagnostic
method may depend on a number of criteria in accordance to the needs and possi-
bilities of the researchers and diagnostic laboratories—i.e., the technical expertise,
the available time, the required sensitivity and specificity, the need to identify con-
comitant enteropathogens, and the financial resource (Chalmers and Katzer 2013).
As there is no universally accepted gold-standard detection test, comparison of sen-
sitivity and specificity between different diagnostic tests can be done by appointing
a method as gold-standard or by using proper statistical tests allowing test compari-
son (De Waele et al. 2011).
Diagnostic tools rely on stool sample, which is a complex matrix that needs to be
properly transported and preserved, since it contains microorganisms that break
down the sample, generating odors and interfering with the downstream isolation of
oocysts or even DNA. Thus, samples have to be either processed immediately or
frozen until further use. Alternatively, potassium dichromate as a preservative may
be added in a final concentration of 2.5% and the sample stored at 4  °C, which
allows to store contained oocyst for extended periods—6 to 12 months—and also
neutralizes odors. Other compounds used for preservation are formaldehyde or
saline formalin at 10%, respectively, which are additionally reducing the viability of
Cryptosporidium oocysts allowing a safer manipulation of samples. However, their
use depends on the final application since it may modify protein epitopes and/or
DNA (Smith 2008; Chalmers and Katzer 2013).
Many techniques are available for oocyst detection (Table  2.3). Traditionally,
diagnostics has been based on microscopic examination of oocysts in fecal smears.
Specimens are usually treated with a modified acid-fast staining protocol such as
Ziehl-Neelsen or Kinyoun. On microscopic examination, Cryptosporidium oocysts
appear as red-stained spherules. This is still often considered the method of choice
as it is simple, rapid, and of low cost (Silverlås et al. 2013). In order to improve
oocyst detection, feces is often purified by passage through sieves and oocysts con-
centrated by centrifugation and/or oocyst flotation. The most common procedure for
oocyst concentration is sucrose or sodium chloride flotation or—in case a high
purity is desired—sucrose gradient centrifugation. To allow oocyst flotation, the
solutions need to have a higher final specific density of 1.15–1.20 g/m3 than that of
intact oocysts of approximately 1.05 g/m3 (Smith 2008b).
The most efficient method for oocyst concentration is immunomagnetic separa-
tion (IMS). This method consists of the use of paramagnetic beads coated with
2  Cryptosporidium 27

Table 2.3  Advantages and disadvantages of diagnostic tools and methods (Chalmers and Katzer

Tools method Sample Advantage Disadvantage
Microscopic AFM and Stool and Simplicity, rapid, Technical expertise, low
FM water low cost sensitivity and
specificity, time
IFM Stool and High sensitivity and Technical expertise,
water specificity, less work effort,
subjective than AF cross-reaction
and FM Variability of species
Molecular PCR DNA High sensitivity and Preservation of samples
specificity, species may inhibit PCR,
differentiation requires efficient DNA
rq-PCR, Stool and Detection of other No differentiation of
MT-PCR water pathogens Cryptosporidium sp.
Immunological EIA Stool Low sensitivity and High cost, variability of
specificity, can be species antigen, may
automated, detection compromise diagnosis
of other pathogens
ICFL Stool Low specificity, few Low sensitivity, high
skills, detection of cost, variability of
other pathogens species antigen, may
compromise diagnosis
AFM acid-fast staining and microscopy, FM fluorescence microscopy, IFM immunofluorescence
microscopy, rq-PCR real-time PCR, MT-PCR multilocus PCR, EIA enzyme immunoassay, ICFL
immunochromatographic lateral flow

anti-oocyst wall antigen-monoclonal antibodies (mAb). After binding of beads to

the oocyst surface, a bead-mAb-oocyst complex is formed that is separated from
the sample matrix by use of a magnet. After magnetic separation, the complex is
later dissociated in an acidic solution (Bukhari et al. 1998). IMS accounts for high-
est detection sensitivities when coupled with appropriate detection methods. After
acid-fast staining and microscopic examination, the crescentic shape of the resid-
ing four sporozoites can be occasionally observed in purified oocyst samples
(Fig. 2.3).
Possibly the most specific and sensitive method and therefore by some labo-
ratories considered to represent the current gold-standard of oocyst detection is
the direct immunofluorescent antibody (DIA) assay. In this assay immunofluo-
rescent stains such as Auramine O are used that enhance sensitivity and allow
easier Cryptosporidium oocyst detection than acid-fast staining methods upon
microscopic inspection (Chalmers and Katzer 2013). As the DIA assay is usu-
ally developed based on C. parvum, antigen variability between species may
compromise recognition as has been observed in the case of C. felis (Agnamey
et al. 2011).
28 M.L. Tomazic et al.

Fig. 2.3  C. parvum oocysts. After sucrose flotation purification, staining was done using the mod-
ified Ziehl-Neelsen protocol; final magnification of 1000×

In the last decade enzyme immunoassays (EIA) based on the detection of oocyst anti-
gens are increasingly used (Savin et al. 2008). EIAs have the advantage that they can be
automated and are more sensitive and specific than microscopy (Giadinis et al. 2012).
Although exhibiting a lower sensitivity, the immunochromatographic lateral flow (ICLF)
assay has the advantage that it can be performed without the need of specialized equip-
ment. Both methods may be designed to detect also other pathogens such as Giardia and
Entamoeba histolytica for humans (Budu-Amoako et  al. 2012; Goñi et  al. 2012).
Unfortunately, none of the serological tests is able to distinguish between different
Cryptosporidium species. However, a joined PCR-EIA format has been described that
allows to distinguish between C. parvum and C. hominis (Savin et al. 2008).
Molecular PCR-based detection tools are currently the only available method for
species identification and subtyping (Santín and Trout 2008b; Xiao 2010). Target
genes used for PCR detection are the 18S RNA gene, the oocyst wall protein gene
(COWP), the heat shock protein gene (HSP-70), and actin genes using either a
direct or a nested PCR format. Species determination is commonly done by PCR of
the 18S RNA gene followed by enzymatic digestion and gel electrophoresis (PCR-­
RFLP) and/or sequencing (Xiao et al. 1999; Coupe et al. 2005). Phylogenetic analy-
sis of the amplified and sequenced 18S RNA gene fragment allows determining the
species or genotype (Šlapeta 2013). Also highly sensitive species-specific real-time
PCR assays for the detection of C. parvum and C. hominis and multiplex real-time
PCR assays for the detection of Cryptosporidium spp. and other enteroprotozoans
have been established (Bruijnesteijn van Coppenraet et al. 2009; De Waele et al.
2011; Elwin et al. 2012; Jex et al. 2012; Lalonde et al. 2013).
2  Cryptosporidium 29

For subtyping of C. parvum and C. hominis, the highly polymorphic GP60-­


encoding gene is widely used (Xiao 2010). GP60 subtypes are defined by phyloge-
netic segregation of the GP60 gene and also the sequence pattern and period number
of a microsatellite tandem repeat contained in its ORF. Importantly, zoonotic trans-
mission and/or the severity of disease can often be associated with GP60 subtypes
(Plutzer and Karanis 2009). As the identification of species subtyping is limited
when using a single locus such as the GP60 gene, multilocus typing tools based on
microsatellite tandem repeats or multilocus sequence typing (MLST) have been and
are being developed and are increasingly applied to define zoonotic or pathogenic
strains (Widmer and Lee 2010; Díaz et  al. 2012). In a recent comparison of C.
parvum-multilocus genotypes (MLGs) identified in humans, calves, sheep, and
goat, a specific subpopulation could be defined in the latter host (Drumo et al. 2012).

2.2.2 E

A wide range of Cryptosporidium sp. of which the most common are listed in
Table 2.1 infects farm animals such as cattle, sheep, goat, pig, chicken, and fish of
fish farms as well as companion animals such as horse, dog, and cat. Among the
species that have been reported in farm animals, C. parvum and C. hominis are of
high and major significance for human public health, respectively. Young bovines of
under 2 months of age are considered the most important animal reservoir of the
zoonotic C. parvum followed by goats. In addition, C. parvum infects the compan-
ion animals horse and dog that are in close contact with humans (Santin 2013).
Transmission of the infective oocyst stage of C. parvum happens via the fecal-oral
route, either anthroponotic, by direct person to person, or zoonotic, animal to person
contact. Additionally, indirect transmission occurs through contaminated food,
drinking, or recreational water. In contrast, transmission of C. hominis is commonly
observed by direct anthroponotic transmission or by indirect transmission via food,
drinking, and recreational water (Fig. 2.4). However, in a recent study this parasite
has been identified as the predominant species in horses in China suggesting that
zoonotic transmission may also occur (Deng et al. 2017). In humans, Cryptosporidium
infects the gastrointestinal tract typically causing a self-limiting diarrhea that lasts
about 2–3 weeks, but in individuals with a suboptimal immune system such as mal-
nourished children, elderly, or immunocompromised subjects, the infection may
fulminate and develop into a life-threatening condition and death (Thompson et al.
2005; Mor and Tzipori 2009; Checkley et al. 2015).
The infective oocyst exhibits an outstanding resistance against chlorine-based
chemical disinfectants commonly used in water treatment systems—e.g., 6%
sodium hypochlorite—as well as against 70% ethanol and other commercial prepa-
rations commonly used domestically or in animal husbandry (Weir et al. 2002). It
has been shown that the oocyst can withstand up to 6 months in the environment
under stressful conditions such as low and high temperatures (5–40 °C), freezing,
and desiccation (Robertson et al. 1992). Importantly, the ability for survival, persis-
tence, and propagation in the environment independent from its vertebrate host has
30 M.L. Tomazic et al.

Food and drinking water


Widespread oocyst Young animals

Human (toddlers)
(environment) (calves, pigs, goats)

Recreational water

Fig. 2.4  Transmission route of infective Cryptosporidium oocysts. Blue light arrows represent
direct transmission through person to person, anthroponotic, mainly C. hominis; animal to animal,
non-zoonotic Cryptosporidium spp.; or animal to person, zoonotic, mainly C. parvum. Indirect
transmission occurs through contaminated food, drinking, or recreational water and is designated
by dark blue arrows

been recently demonstrated for Cryptosporidium oocysts as they multiplied and

completed their developmental cycle in Pseudomonas aeruginosa biofilms (Koh
et al. 2013).
Since large waterborne outbreaks are frequently observed for human crypto-
sporidiosis in developed countries, oocyst surveillance in water samples is of
high importance, and improved control strategies are needed (Baldursson and
Karanis 2011; Cacciò and Chalmers 2016). Detection of oocysts in water sam-
ples is based on screening of large volumes as well as a good recovery of oocysts.
Typically, oocysts are enriched by filtration, eluted from the filter, and then sepa-
rated by IMS.
2  Cryptosporidium 31

There are very few reports that have studied and shown the occurrence of human

cryptosporidiosis as a source of animals (Greene et al. 1990; Majewska et al. 1999;

Chalmers et al. 2011a, b). In developed countries, immunosuppressed individuals
living with dogs are particularly exposed; hence, dogs should be evaluated for infec-
tion with the zoonotic C. parvum. Farm animals as well as companion animals must
be considered a potential source of human cryptosporidiosis. Besides calves, a zoo-
notic risk may be represented by goats since they seem to be predominantly infected
with C. parvum (Santín and Trout 2008b). Furthermore, veterinarians, particularly
when they have a suboptimal immune system, need to be aware of the zoonotic
potential of Cryptosporidium spp. Cattle
The first case of cryptosporidium infection in cattle was reported in a calf of
8 months of age with clinical signs of anorexia and cachexy (Panciera et al. 1971).
Since then bovine cryptosporidiosis has been reported worldwide. At least four
Cryptosporidium spp. infect bovines in an age-related manner. C. parvum infects
predominantly pre-weaned calves causing diarrhea that may be fatal, C. bovis and
C. ryanae post-weaned calves, and C. andersoni older and adult cattle (de Graaf
et al. 1999; Fayer et al. 2006; Santín et al. 2008; Follet et al. 2011). The prevalence
reported of cryptosporidiosis in dairy herds varies substantially among studies
worldwide ranging from 13.6 to 78.0% (Trotz-Williams et  al. 2005, 2007; Fayer
et al. 2006, 2007; Silverlås et al. 2009a; Amer et al. 2013; Garro et al. 2016). Factors
that affect prevalence are management practices, the geographic climate, and the
season in which the sampling has been performed (Sturdee et al. 2003). The age of
animals sampled is also relevant given that younger animals show commonly a
higher prevalence (Santín et al. 2004; Maddox-Hyttel et al. 2006). Furthermore, the
observed wide range of prevalence has been also attributed to the use of different
diagnostic methods of a distinct degree of sensitivity as well as to different design
and sampling schemes, such as sampling of herds with or without a history of diar-
rhea (see Sect. 2.2.1). Several risk factors have been reported to be associated with
infection including the separation of calves from their dam, an animal age of under
20 days, not feeding colostrum to calves, dispensing of colostrum using a bucket, a
large herd size, and multiple cow maternity facilities (Trotz-Williams et al. 2007;
Duranti et al. 2009; Silverlås et al. 2009b; Delafosse et al. 2015; Garro et al. 2016). Sheep and Goats

Ovine cryptosporidiosis has been first reported 1974  in Australia, whereas goat
cryptosporidiosis has been described 7  years later (Barker and Carbonell 1974;
Mason et al. 1981). Nowadays, the disease is considered an important cause of diar-
rhea, causing mortality in neonatal lamb and kid goats (Johnson et  al. 1999; De
Graaf et al. 1999). Especially in goat kids, morbidity and mortality can reach up to
100 and 50%, respectively (Santin 2013). C. parvum is the most frequent species
reported to infected sheep and goat. Despite that more studies are needed to estab-
lish an association with human cryptosporidiosis, sheep and goats may be consid-
ered a risk for human infection since the most frequent species infecting these hosts
32 M.L. Tomazic et al.

is the most important zoonotic species. In addition, C. ubiquitum and C. xiaoi have

also been frequently identified in sheep. In contrast, in goats, C. ubiquitum and C.

xiaoi are rarely found, and only a single case of an infection with C. hominis has
been reported (Fayer and Santín 2009; Giles et al. 2009; Fayer et al. 2010b; Imre
et al. 2013). Other species and subtypes that have been reported only sporadically in
sheep are C. andersoni, sheep genotype I, C. hominis, C. fayeri, C. suis, and pig
genotype II (Ryan et al. 2005; Yang et al. 2009; Sweeny et al. 2011a).
Young animals seem to be more susceptible to the infection, and outbreaks are
usually seen in animals under 2 weeks of age (De Graaf et al. 1999). Crowded flocks
have been associated with a higher risk of occurrence of ovine cryptosporidiosis
(Alonso-Fresán et al. 2005). In contrast, inadequate colostrum intake, contamina-
tion of kidding areas, and late kidding season have been associated with goat cryp-
tosporidiosis (Sevinç et al. 2005; Giadinis et al. 2015). Pig
The first description of cryptosporidiosis in pigs has been reported in 1977, and nowa-
days pigs are generally observed to be infected with Cryptosporidium spp. (Kennedy
et al. 1977). The species and subtypes most commonly found are C. parvum, C. suis,
and pig genotype II, while C. muris and mouse genotype are occasionally reported
(Ryan et al. 2004; Xiao et al. 2006; Zintl et al. 2007). Recently, the species C. scrofarum
has been reported in China and Poland (Rzezutka et al. 2014; Zou et al. 2017). An exten-
sive study carried out on three Danish organic pig farms has revealed that the prevalence,
intensity of infections, and the presence of the parasite varies significantly between age
groups. The highest prevalence has been found in piglets and starter pigs, while infec-
tions in animals younger than 1 month, or in adults, are less frequent (Maddox-Hyttel
et al. 2006; Petersen et al. 2015). Interestingly, a inverse age-related difference in the
prevalence of C. suis and the pig genotype II has been also reported, whereas in piglets
C. suis was more and the pig genotype II less frequently found; a vice versa prevalence
of the two species was observed in weaners (Langkjaer et al. 2007).
Association with human cryptosporidiosis is rarely reported (Cama et al. 2003;
Leoni et al. 2006); however, the zoonotic risk must be further investigated. Horse
Equine cryptosporidiosis has been first reported in 1978 in immunodeficient foals
and is nowadays worldwide observed in immunodeficient as well as in immuno-
competent animals (Snyder et al. 1978; Santin 2013). C. parvum and C. hominis are
the most frequent species reported in horses, suggesting that horses may represent a
potential reservoir of human cryptosporidiosis (Grinberg et  al. 2008; Deng et  al.
2017). Although the Cryptosporidium horse genotype has been rarely reported in
foals, it should be considered a zoonotic genotype as it has been found to be associ-
ated with human cryptosporidiosis (Burton et al. 2010). Risk factors reported to be
associated with the infection was age—young animals are more susceptible than
adult animals—and farm (Veronesi et  al. 2010). Furthermore, Cryptosporidium
oocysts appear to contaminate the walls and floors of equine perinatology units,
posing a risk for the transmission of infection to newborn foals and a public health
2  Cryptosporidium 33

risk (Piva et al. 2016). Importantly, the association between the occurrence of cryp-

tosporidiosis in foals and students attending these animals has been described
(Galuppi et al. 2016). D og and Cat
Cryptosporidiosis in cats and dogs has been first described in 1979 and 1983,
respectively (Iseki 1979; Wilson et al. 1983). Species most frequently reported in
dogs are C. parvum, C. canis, and C. meleagridis while in cats C. muris and C. felis
(Fayer et  al. 2001; Irwin 2002; Hajdušek et  al. 2004; Giangaspero et  al. 2006;
Pavlasek and Ryan 2007; Yoshiuchi et al. 2010). For the first time, the species C.
parvum, C. ryanae, and Cryptosporidium rat genotype III have been reported in cats
and C. ubiquitum in dog (Li et al. 2015; Yang et al. 2015).
The prevalence of cryptosporidiosis in dogs and cats has been determined in a few
studies only. A study in dogs has reported a prevalence of 4.6 and 8.0% in Greece and
South Africa, respectively (Saime et al. 2013; Kostopoulou et al. 2017). It has been
reported that the prevalence in dogs and cats is significantly higher among younger
animals (Yoshiuchi et al. 2010; Santin 2013). However, some studies could not sup-
port such an age correlation in dogs (Olabanji et al. 2016; Xu et al. 2016). Interestingly,
a study from Nigeria has recently found that the confinement of dogs poses a risk
factor for the infection with Cryptosporidium (Olabanji et al. 2016). C. felis has been
involved as source of human infections, since it was found in immunocompromised
as well as in immunocompetent individuals that had pet cats in many countries
(Morgan et al. 2000; Pedraza-Díaz et al. 2001; Xiao et al. 2001; Caccio et al. 2002).
However, a recent study from Spain does not support the zoonotic transmission
between companion animals, dogs and cats, and humans (De Lucio et al. 2017). C
C. baileyi is the most commonly infecting species in avian animals, causing high
morbidity and mortality in poultry (Lindsay and Blagburn 1990). C. gallis has been
associated with chronic diarrhea and mortality of chicken coinfected with other
enteropathogens, while C. meleagridis might be of minor veterinary importance in
poultry farming (Santin 2013). Mortality of chicken due to C. parvum infection has
been also reported. R eptiles
In reptiles, cryptosporidiosis is of clinical importance since the disease is lethal and
chronic. The infecting species C. serpentis and C. varanii are both not zoonotic
(Table 2.1) (Santin 2013; Šlapeta 2013).

2.2.3 E
 conomic Impact

Cryptosporidiosis of young farm ruminants like calves, goats, and lamb generates
the neonatal diarrhea syndrome characterized by dehydration, impaired growth, and
an increased mortality (Johnson et  al. 1999; De Graaf et  al. 1999). In bovine
34 M.L. Tomazic et al.

cryptosporidiosis the associated morbidity, weight loss and delayed growth, and

sometimes mortality of young animals result in considerable economic losses.

These losses comprise of direct costs that are brought about by a decreased perfor-
mance and production and indirect costs due to the necessary veterinary assistance
and extra care of ill animals, such as feeding of electrolyte solutions, fluid intrave-
nous therapy, drug administration, or hygienic measures (De Graaf et al. 1999). In
addition, calves that have recovered from disease are not able to compensate for
weight loss and delayed growth.
Avian cryptosporidiosis, which leads to respiratory and digestive tract diseases,
results in the decline of the performance of animal production—i.e., growth retarda-
tion and increased consumption index and a high mortality rate during severe infec-
tions—responsible for significant economic losses of the poultry industry (Lindsay
and Blagburn 1990; De Graaf et al. 1999).

2.3 Clinical Effects and Pathology

Clinical disease in neonatal farm ruminants such as calves, goat kids, and lamb is
commonly caused by the species C. parvum, but in sheep the species C. xiaoi and
C. ubiquitum is occasionally also implied. In companion animals, clinical disease is
observed in young horses and is associated with the infection of C. parvum and C.
hominis. Cryptosporidiosis in other companion animals such as dog and cat is usu-
ally asymptomatic, and severe clinical disease has been only occasionally reported
(Lucio-Forster et al. 2010).
The clinical signs of the disease are highly variable and depend on the infecting
Cryptosporidium species and the animal host. Even within the same host, clinical
signs range from asymptomatic to life-threatening according to the age and immune
status of the individual animal (Johnson et al. 1999; de Graaf et al. 1999). The pre-
patent period, defined as the shortest time period between ingestion and shedding of
the infective oocyst, and the patent period, defined as the duration of the infection
and estimated by determining the duration of oocyst shedding, vary with the infec-
tive dose as well as with infecting Cryptosporidium sp. and host. Table 2.4 shows
common pathogenic parasite species infecting farm and companion host species
and the associated most typical physiopathological and clinical signs.

2.3.1 Farm Animals of Economic Importance Cattle
At least four Cryptosporidium sp. infect bovines in an age-related manner. C. par-
vum infects predominantly pre-weaned calves, C. bovis and C. ryanae post-weaned
calves, and C. andersoni older and adult cattle (Fayer et al. 2006; Santín et al. 2008;
Follet et al. 2011). Neither C. bovis nor C. ryanae are associated with clinical signs
or disease (Fayer et al. 2005, 2008; Kváč et al. 2008). Interestingly, no clinical signs
are observed in C. andersoni-infected adult cows. However, pathophysiological

Table 2.4  Farm or companion animal host with the predominant often pathogenic Cryptosporidium species: physiopathology, clinical signs, prepatent and
patent period, effective drugs, and association with human cryptosporidiosis
Prepatent Patent Association with
period period human
Host Species (days) (days) Physiopathology Clinical signs Drugs tested cryptosporidiosis Reference
Calves C. parvum 2–7 1–12 Villous atrophy, reduction Asymptomatic to Halofuginone Commonly Foster and Smith
2  Cryptosporidium

of surface area of the self-limiting watery NTZ, (2009) and Santin

small intestinal mucosa. diarrhea, paromomycin, (2013)
Secretion of PGI2 and maldigestion, lasalocid,
PGE2, inhibition NaCl malabsorption, decoquinate, and
absorption. Fluid loss. depression, weakness, β-cyclodextrin
Atrophy. Necrosis of and anorexia sulfadimethoxine
Lambs C. parvum ND ND ND Mild-to-severe Halofuginone, Possibly Santin (2013), Viu
diarrhea paromomycin et al. (2000) and Santín
and Trout (2008b)
Goats C. parvum 3a 10–11b Atrophy, blunting, and Asymptomatic to Halofuginone Possibly Johnson et al. (2000),
fusion of villi diarrhea, anorexia and NTZ, Mancassola et al.
prostration α-cyclodextrin, (1997), Santín and
paromomycin, Trout (2008b) and
decoquinate Castro-­Hermida et al.
Pigs C. suis 2–9 9–15 Villous atrophy, villous Asymptomatic to No Rarely Argenzio et al. (1990),
fusion, cellular mild diarrhea Vítovec et al. (2006),
infiltration, necrosis of Enemark et al. (2003a)
epithelial cells and Santín and Trout

Table 2.4 (continued)

Prepatent Patent Association with

period period human
Host Species (days) (days) Physiopathology Clinical signs Drugs tested cryptosporidiosis Reference
Dogs C. canis ND ND ND Asymptomatic No Rarely Greene et al. (1990),
Lihua et al. (2007) and
de Lucio et al. (2017)
Cats C. felis 5–6 7–10 ND Asymptomatic Paromomycin (one Occasionally Morgan et al. (2000),
case) Barr et al. (1994),
Irwin (2002), Iseki
(1979) and de Lucio
et al. (2017)
Horses C. parvum 2–5a 5–8b Mild-to-moderate villous Asymptomatic to No Occasionally Xiao and Herd (1994),
atrophy diarrhea, dehydration Cohen and Snowden
and weakness (1996) and Bjorneby
et al. (1991)
Chicken C. baileyi 4–24 1–18 Hypertrophy and Coughing, sneezing, Enrofloxacin and No association Sréter et al. (2002),
hyperplasia of epithelial dyspnea, depression paromomycin Current et al. (1986)
cells. Mucus excess in and Fernandez et al.
the trachea, airsacculitis (1990)
NTZ nitazoxanide; ND no data
Start of oocyst shedding post-inoculation
Time period of oocyst shedding
M.L. Tomazic et al.
2  Cryptosporidium 37

changes at the site of infection such as dilated gastric glands and changes in the

gastric mucosa including pallor and thickening, hyperplasia, and inflammatory cell
infiltration into the lamina propria of the infected area have been reported (Masuno
et al. 2006).
C. parvum is the primary agent of neonatal diarrhea in calves and has been
reported in all husbandries around the world. The duration and severity of diarrhea
in dairy calves infected with C. parvum may lead to dehydration and death, but this
is usually not seen in endemic herds (Santín and Trout 2008b). Clinical signs include
profuse watery diarrhea that may be accompanied by depression, anorexia, and
weakness, and a mortality of 5–10% has been reported (de Graaf et al. 1999). For C.
parvum infection in calves, the prepatent period ranges from 1 to 12 days and the
patent period from 2 to 7 days (Tzipori 1983) (Table 2.4). S heep
Diarrhea caused by cryptosporidiosis of lamb causes high morbidity and mortality
worldwide (de Graaf et al. 1999; Quílez et al. 2008, Santin 2013). Of the most fre-
quent sheep-infecting Cryptosporidium species —C. parvum, C. ubiquitum, and C.
xiaoi—C. parvum has been suggested to be the main species associated with clinical
illness, which varies between mild and severe diarrhea, though it has also been identi-
fied in healthy lamb (Table 2.4) (Majewska et al. 2000; Doris et al. 2008; Paoletti et al.
2009). Experimental infection of sheep with C. ubiquitum and C. xiaoi did not result
in clinical disease (Fayer and Santín 2009; Fayer et al. 2010b). Further in-­depth stud-
ies are needed to determine a significant association of these two parasites with regard
to pathology and possible consequences for production (Sweeny et al. 2011b). G
In goat kids, cryptosporidiosis is significantly associated with diarrhea followed by
dehydration, anorexia, lethargy, prostration, and a very high morbidity (≤100%)
and mortality (≤50%) (Santin 2013). The disease is distributed worldwide and con-
sidered to be of high economic importance. C. parvum has been identified in sick as
well as in asymptomatic goats, while C. xiaoi was found only in diarrheic goats
(Table 2.4) (Quílez et al. 2008; Muñoz et al. 1996; Díaz et al. 2010; Paraud et al.
2010; Santin 2013). C hicken
In poultry, C. baileyi infections are considered the major cause of morbidity and
mortality. In chicken, respiratory disease is a common form of clinical manifestation,
while enteritis and renal disease are occasionally reported. Clinical signs of the respi-
ratory manifestation are similar in all avian species and consist of rales, coughing,
sneezing, and dyspnea (Lindsay and Blagburn 1990) (Table 2.4). It has been reported
that younger broiler chicken are more susceptible than adults and may develop con-
junctivitis, airsacculitis, sinusitis, rhinitis, and tracheitis. Renal cryptosporidiosis is
an additional clinical form that occurs occasionally in C. baileyi-­infected chicken.
Concurrent occurrence of Cryptosporidium with other infective agents like Marek’s
disease virus, infectious bursal disease virus, or chicken anemia virus seems to
38 M.L. Tomazic et al.

promote synergistically this clinical manifestation including severe respiratory signs,


growth retardation, and mortality. This has been experimentally confirmed by coin-
fection of chicken with C. baileyi and Marek’s disease virus leading to enlarged and
pale kidneys and urate crystals in surface tubules (Abbassi et al. 1999).
Intestine cryptosporidiosis of birds is characteristic for the infection of the small
intestine and bursa with C. meleagridis (Ryan 2010). Infection can be accompanied
with enteritis, diarrhea, and mortality (Pagès-Manté et al. 2007). However, in exper-
imentally infected broiler chicken, neither final live weight nor mortality was influ-
enced by the infection (Tůmová et al. 2002).

2.3.2 Other Hosts Pig
Porcine cryptosporidiosis has been reported worldwide. Although it has been shown
that Cryptosporidium-infected pigs show a higher prevalence of diarrhea than unin-
fected animals, the association between the infection and clinical signs are contro-
versial (Quílez et al. 1996; Maddox-Hyttel et al. 2006; Vitovec et al. 2006; Hamnes
et al. 2007). Piglets experimentally infected with C. suis developed mild or no clini-
cal signs, whereas experimental infection with C. parvum resulted in diarrhea,
oocyst shedding, body weight changes, and histological alterations among others
(Enemark et al. 2003b) (Table 2.4). It has been observed that concomitant infection
with rotavirus had an aggravating synergistic pathogenic effect on cryptosporidiosis
in piglets resulting in prolonged diarrhea, an increased oocyst shedding, decreased
weight gain, and an increased death rate (Enemark et al. 2003a). Dog, Cat, and Horse

Cryptosporidiosis in companion animals such as dog, cat, and horse is most com-
mon in younger animals and has been reported worldwide with clinical signs
ranging from asymptomatic to symptomatic (Santín and Trout 2008a). Usually,
the course of disease of dogs infected with C. canis is asymptomatic, though
severe diarrhea, malabsorption, and weight loss have occasionally been reported
(Irwin 2002; Santin 2013). Also in cats, cryptosporidiosis is mostly asymptomatic
and commonly associated with C. felis infection (Yoshiuchi et al. 2010). Clinical
disease may develop with immunosuppressive conditions like feline leukemia
virus infection or when coinfected with another enteric parasite (Monticello et al.
1987; Rambozzi et al. 2007; Santin 2013). Immunocompetent foals and to a lesser
degree adult horses can develop cryptosporidiosis, but not always excretion of
oocysts is accompanied with diarrhea (Xiao and Herd 1994; Majewska et  al.
2004). However, a case where infection of foals resulted in severe morbidity, and
three animals died, has been reported (Grinberg et al. 2003). In this case and in
most other studies where the infecting species has been determined, the presence
of C. parvum has been reported. Foals and horses that are immunosuppressed
seem to attract the infection relatively easily and have been observed to develop
severe diarrhea and shedding of oocysts, suggesting that the severity of the
2  Cryptosporidium 39

disease varies according to the immune status of the horses (Snyder et al. 1978;

Bjorneby et al. 1991). After an experimental infection of immunodeficient foals

with C. parvum, a severe, persistent, and watery diarrhea developed which was
associated with oocyst excretion that lasted between 2 and 5  days (Table  2.4)
(Bjorneby et al. 1991).

2.4 P
 revention, Control, and Treatment

2.4.1 C

In animals, many chemicals have been screened and tested, but only halofuginone
has been licensed for the treatment and control against cryptosporidiosis of calves.
However, this drug is currently only available in Canada and indicated on emer-
gency cases. So far, all tested drugs demonstrated only partial effectiveness on pro-
phylaxis and therapy by reducing oocyst excretion as well as the severity of the
disease. Most prominent drugs that have been shown to exhibit some efficiency in
in vivo case control studies are (1) the coccidiostatic drugs, halofuginone and deco-
quinate, and the antiparasitic drug nitazoxanide (NTZ) and (2) the antibiotics, paro-
momycin, azithromycin, enrofloxacin, and lasalocid, as well as starch derivatives
α- and β-cyclodextrin (Table 2.4). Coccidiostatic and Antiparasitic Drugs

Although approved for veterinary use, the prophylactic and therapeutic effective-
ness of halofuginone in calves is highly controversial, and a meta-analysis could
neither determine clear benefits for prophylactic nor for therapeutic treatment
(Silverlås et al. 2009b). Furthermore, halofuginone is toxic at twice the recommended
dose and contraindicated for the use in diarrheic animals. Nonetheless, in one study,
a preventive effect and a reduction of clinical signs and of environmental contami-
nation could be observed when combined with strict hygienic measures—e.g., iso-
lating calves in pens (De Waele et al. 2010).
In lamb, halofuginone has also been tested and was shown to prevent and
treat cryptosporidiosis by reducing the shedding of oocysts and the incidence of
diarrhea and mortality, though no effect on body weight gain was observed
(Giadinis et al. 2008).
Recently, the efficacy of the drug in goat kids was demonstrated when given as a
prophylactic treatment as it reduced oocyst excretion as well as diarrhea and mortal-
ity (Petermann et al. 2014).
Decoquinate did not decrease oocyst shedding in calves. However, shedding
could be reduced in goat kids, yet animals did not recover weight (Moore et  al.
2003; Mancassola et al. 1997; Lallemond et al. 2006).
In humans, nitazoxanide (NTZ) is the only drug approved by the FDA.  While
effective in the treatment of immunocompetent individuals, it shows only a moderate
to no effect in children and immunoincompetent patients such as HIV-­infected, lym-
phoma, and leukemia patients (Abubakar et al. 2007).
40 M.L. Tomazic et al.

In cryptosporidiosis of calves, it has been found that NTZ reduced the duration

of oocyst excretion and severity of disease in one study, yet no therapeutic effect
could be demonstrated in another (Ollivett et  al. 2009; Schnyder et  al. 2009).
Although in goat kids oocyst excretion could be somewhat reduced, the effective
dose showed an acute toxicity (Viel et al. 2007). Antibiotics
Paromomycin, an aminocyclitol antibiotic isolated from Streptomyces, showed a
therapeutic effect in calves, goat kids, and neonatal lamb though in the latter an
impaired growth was observed. In chickens, paromomycin has been found to be the
most effective drug tested so far, and it has been suggested that in combination with
appropriate sanitary procedures and disinfection, it may support the control of
chicken cryptosporidiosis (Barr et al. 1994; Mancassola et al. 1995; Viu et al. 2000;
Sréter et al. 2002). Also enrofloxacin—a fluoroquinolone antibiotic—has demon-
strated a nearly similar efficacy as paromomycin, reducing oocyst excretion and
showing a similar body weight gain as the control group (Sréter et al. 2002).
In dairy calves, azithromycin has been reported to reduce oocyst excretion and
the severity of the disease, but its high cost prevents its implementation (Elitok et al.
2005). Lasalocid is banned in Europe owing to its use as a growth promoter; none-
theless it has been found to be effective in calf cryptosporidiosis in combination
with supportive therapies such as adequate infusion (Sahal et al. 2005).
Castro-Hermida et al. (2002) have evaluated the therapeutic and prophylactic effect
of the starch-derived excipient β-and α-cyclodextrin in lamb, calves, and goats. In
lamb, β-cyclodextrin showed a highly effective preventive as well as therapeutic
effect. A reduction of oocyst-infected animals and no mortality was seen after prophy-
lactic treatment, whereas a reduction on oocyst shedding and severity of diarrhea was
seen in animals that have received therapeutic treatment (Castro-­Hermida et al. 2002).
A lesser effect was seen when this drug was applied using prophylactic and therapeu-
tic protocols in naturally infected calves, decreasing the severity of diarrhea and short-
ening the time of oocyst shedding (Castro-Hermida et al. 2001). The same authors
also demonstrated a therapeutic efficiency of α-cyclodextrin in neonatal goat kids
since a longer prepatent period was observed, whereas the patent period was found to
be significantly shorter than in the control group (Castro-Hermida et al. 2004).

2.4.2 V

As to now, there are no vaccines available against cryptosporidiosis. Bovines pos-

sess a syndesmochorial placenta, and the fetus does not receive immunoglobulins
from the dam via transplacental transmission. Passive transfer of immunoglobulins
to calves is achieved by the feeding of the first milking colostrum. Accordingly, it
has been demonstrated that high levels of antibodies in colostrum may protect
calves fed with hyperimmune colostra (Fayer et al. 1990). Fayer et al. (1990) have
demonstrated in an experimental neonatal mice model that passive immunotherapy
is effective in reducing the number of intestinal infective oocysts. In this study,
experimental neonatal mice were treated with the whole whey or purified specific
2  Cryptosporidium 41

immunoglobulin isotypes (IgG1 and IgA) from hyperimmune colostrum of a cow


immunized with C. parvum oocysts. Oocyst shedding, and occurrence of diarrhea

was significantly decreased, compared with mice that had received corresponding
immunoglobulin isotypes of control colostrum (Fayer et al. 1990).
A number of immunodominant Cryptosporidium surface antigens have been
identified and characterized as potential vaccine candidates (Boulter-Bitzer et  al.
2007). Among others are the C. parvum antigens CP15/60 and P23 which are both
expressed in the invasive zooite stages—i.e., sporozoite and merozoites (Jenkins
et  al. 1993). Against both these antigens, antibodies are generated in C. parvum-­
infected species and humans, and they have been therefore proposed as potential
immunotherapeutic targets (Répérant et al. 1994). Importantly, nasal immunization
of pregnant goat dams with a CP15-recombinant DNA vaccine showed a significant
reduction of oocyst excretion in goat kid offspring. Furthermore, generation and
application of a monoclonal antibody against CP15 have demonstrated protective
immunity in experimentally infected mice (Jenkins et al. 1993; Sagodira et al. 1999).
Anti-recombinant P23-egg yolk antibodies (IgY) administered to
Cryptosporidium-infected experimental mice could significantly reduce oocyst
shedding (Shahbazi et al. 2009; Omidian et al. 2014). Also, P23-specific monoclo-
nal antibodies passively applied to mice that had been experimentaly challenged
with C. parvum oocyst reduced the infection (Perryman et al. 1999). In a further
study, hyperimmune bovine colostrum was generated by immunizing pregnant
cows with a recombinant form of P23. After challenge, neonatal calves showed
substantial protection as exemplified by absence of diarrhea and nearly complete
absence of oocyst shedding (Askari et al. 2016).
Another therapeutic approach of calve cryptosporidiosis might be vaccination with
gamma irradiated oocysts. It has been shown that after inoculation of 1-day-old calves
with 400 Gy irradiated oocysts, animals did not develop clinical signs and showed
absence from oocyst excretion at 21 days of age. The applied irradiation doses ensured
parasite infection allowing the development of a strong protective immune response
but prevented the development of clinical diseases (Jenkins et al. 2004).

2.4.3 C
 ontrol and Treatment

Since current prophylactic and therapeutic treatments using drugs are insufficient
and vaccines are not available, the best approach to control cryptosporidiosis is by
following strict hygienic measures in order to prevent dissemination of the infective
oocysts and/or to eliminate them as much as possible from the environment.
Especially, on large animal farms, this can be a challenging objective since animals
are able to spread large number of oocyst—e.g., a single calve with diarrhea can
shed up to 107 oocysts per gram of feces (Fayer et al. 1998). Continuously moving
animals to clean areas when large numbers are concentrated is necessary to control
the infection, but it is not always economically viable.
Other effective hygiene procedures include the disinfection of soil, calf housing,
maternity pens, and tools like feeding equipment. Disinfection can be carried out by
exposure of materials, utensils, or surfaces contaminated with oocyst to physical factors
42 M.L. Tomazic et al.

or by chemical treatment. Of the former, efficacy to reduce oocyst viability has been

shown by heat, above 50 °C for 5 min; freezing, at −70 °C for 1 h; UV light; gamma
radiation; solar irradiation; or pulsed light (Black et al. 1996; Jenkins et al. 2004; Quilez
et al. 2005; Fayer 2008). Although oocysts are resistant to many commonly used disin-
fectants, some chemicals have shown to reduce oocyst viability such as 10% formol,
aqueous or gaseous ammonia, or 3% hydrogen peroxide. Additionally, two commercial
peroxygen based—Ox-Virin and Ox-Agua—and one based on 4-Chlor-m-kresol,
Neopredisan, have been shown to be effective against oocysts (Quilez et al. 2005).
Furthermore, reducing risk factors of infection such as separation of cows and
calves immediately after birth followed by managing calves within their respective
age groups has also be recommended (Harp and Goff 1998). Other measures that
have shown to reduce the Cryptosporidium burden and infection risk is the use of
concrete flooring in calf housing areas, increase of the depth of the bedding to more
than 11 cm, daily addition of bedding, feeding with fermented milk, and treatment
with antibiotics (Mohammed et al. 1999; Brook et al. 2008; Trotz-Williams et al.
2008; Delafosse et al. 2015).
As there is no therapeutic drug, the preferred treatment in farm and domestic
animals is supportive. Generally, this consists of replacement of fluid and electro-
lytes, nutritional support, and the application of antidiarrheal drugs.

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Berit Bangoura and Arwid Daugschies

The genus Eimeria belongs to Coccidia, and its parasite species reside usually in
the intestine of their respective host. They are strictly host-specific and character-
ized by a monoxenous life cycle. After endogenous development, oocysts are
excreted into the environment where they mature into the infective stage. Due to
their widespread distribution in populations of many different animal species and
because one animal host can be infected by a variety of Eimeria spp., they are
considered of great veterinary importance. Mainly poultry, cattle, and sheep
industries incur significant economic losses due to eimeriosis. It is important to
differentiate between Eimeria spp., since only some are highly pathogenic, while
many are nonpathogenic. In farm animals and pets, mainly young animals are
affected by a high parasite burden and the intracellular parasite replication results
in pathology and the development of eimeriosis as clinical disease. Eimeria
destroys host cells during asexual and sexual replication leading to marked tissue
damage in susceptible hosts. The infection by intestinal Eimeria spp. is associ-
ated with diarrhea, exsiccosis, anorexia, and other symptoms entailing a reduced
animal performance as well as cases of death. An Eimeria infection is detected
by the demonstration of oocysts in fecal samples and subsequently differentiated
based on oocyst morphology. In the case of chicken, the diagnosis is usually
confirmed by diagnostic dissections. Currently, control of Eimeria spp. is mainly
carried out by hygienic measures such as cleaning and disinfection, general herd
health management, and application of pathogen-specific interventions like

B. Bangoura (*)
Department of Veterinary Sciences, College of Agriculture and Natural Resources, University
of Wyoming, Laramie, WY, USA
e-mail: [email protected]
A. Daugschies
Faculty of Veterinary Medicine, Institute of Parasitology, Leipzig University,
Leipzig, Germany

© Springer International Publishing AG, part of Springer Nature 2018 55

M. Florin-Christensen, L. Schnittger (eds.), Parasitic Protozoa of Farm Animals
and Pets, https://doi.org/10.1007/978-3-319-70132-5_3
56 B. Bangoura and A. Daugschies

metaphylactic anticoccidial drug treatment. Currently, Eimeria species-


specific vaccination is only available for poultry. Eimeriosis of farm animals is a

herd-health issue requiring strategic control measures.

3.1 Morphology, Life Cycle, and Host-Pathogen Interactions

3.1.1 Morphology The Oocyst

The major diagnostic stage of Eimeria is the oocyst. This stage is found in feces of
hosts during patent infection and can be easily used for in vivo diagnosis. Oocysts are
organized in a similar way in all Eimeria spp. They have a robust wall composed in
some species of two and in others of three layers (Courtney et al. 1976; Fernandez
et al. 1988). In three-layered oocyst walls, the outer layer is dense and thin; the median
layer is the thickest component with a tubular network of cysteine- and tyrosine-rich
proteins, while the inner layer is homogenous and osmophilic (Fernandez et al. 1988;
Samuelson et al. 2013). The existence of an additional outer layer, the so-called ecto-
cyst layer, has been discussed but could not be demonstrated (Stotish et al. 1978). In
some species like E. tenella (host, chicken) and E. wyomingensis (host, cattle), a two-
layered wall with a thin outer lipid layer—of approximately 10 nm and 100 to 275 μm
in E. tenella and E. nieschulzi, respectively—and a thicker inner carbohydrate-based
layer composed of disulfide-bondage linked 10  kDa glycoproteins—of approxi-
mately 90  nm and 180  nm in E. bovis and E. nieschulzi, respectively—have been
described (Courtney et al. 1976; Stotish et al. 1978; Kefu et al. 2006).
Following excretion, the oocyst contains an undifferentiated sporont, which has
the potential to further develop during exogenous sporulation or sporogony
(Fig. 3.1). The sporont is composed of a nucleus with nucleolus, ribosomes, mito-
chondria, a smooth and a rough endoplasmic reticulum, as well as lipid and amylo-
pectin bodies, yet does not contain wall-forming bodies and Golgi complexes
(Sibert and Speer 1980). After the prepatent period—the time between oocyst
uptake and their excretion—unsporulated oocysts are present in fresh feces. In feces
samples stored for several days, also sporulated oocysts—which have undergone
sporogony—may be observed.
Following sporogony, the oocyst is rendered infective containing four sporocysts
each of which holds two sporozoites that are the host cell-invasive stages, i.e., each
single oocyst is able to set free eight sporozoites each infecting a host cell (Fig. 3.2).
Sporocysts are lined by a wall of approximately 20–25 nm thickness which holds a
preformed opening at the more pointed end to enable sporozoite excystation after
ingestion by the host. In addition, a residual body referred to as residuum is formed
inside the sporocysts. The sporocyst residuum is assumed to contain nutrients for
sporozoites resting in the environment. Sporozoites are connected to the residuum
by a nanotubular network thought to transport nutrient-containing vesicles into the
endoplasmic reticulum of the sporozoite. Particularly in moist environments, the
3  Eimeria 57

polar cap (optional)


micropyle (optional)
oocyst wall
(2-3 layers)


Fig. 3.1  Morphology of unsporulated oocysts (example on the right: E. brasiliensis; host, cattle;
400× magnification)

polar cap (optional)

micropyle (optional)

oocyst wall



Sporocyst residuum

oocyst residuum (optional)

Fig. 3.2  Morphology of sporulated oocysts (example on the right: E. maxima; host, chicken; 400×
magnification; note the absence of micropyle, polar cap, and oocyst residuum)

nanotube connection or sporocord allows survival and infectivity of the sporozoite

for up to several years (Seemann et al. 2012). Endogenous Stages

During endogenous development, first and subsequent generation meronts (asexual
stages) and gamonts (sexual stages) are seen (Fig. 3.1). They are lying in a parasitopho-
rous vacuole (PV) built during host cell invasion by the respective parasitic stage.

Directly after uptake of the infective oocyst stage, invasive sporozoites are observed.
These are slender, banana-shaped single motile cells that attach and invade suitable
target host cells. The size of the sporozoite is species-specific—ranging between 10
58 B. Bangoura and A. Daugschies

and 13 μm—and their shape may vary between an elongated and a bluntly rounded

appearance within the same Eimeria sp. (Roberts and Hammond 1970). Using
phase-contrast microscopy, the pointed anterior part of the sporozoite appears
darker than the posterior part, since in the former, the apical complex composed of
several cellular organelles—polar rings, conoid, spirally arranged microtubules, and
microneme and rhoptry vesicles—is located. Host cell adhesion and invasion
depend on this apical complex. After invasion of host cells, sporozoites can be
observed for several hours to several days, depending on the length of the prepatent
period and the speed of multiplication. For example, in the slowly developing E.
bovis (host, cattle), sporozoites are seen up to 6  days after host cell invasion
(Dubremetz and Elsner 1979).

Meronts represent an intracellular parasite stage that is wrapped into the PV—i.e.,
a host cell membrane hiding intracellular stages from host cell defense mechanisms.
Depending on the Eimeria sp., meronts are ovoid to round in shape and contain
between several hundred and more than 120,000 merozoites (Hamid et al. 2015). In
general, first-generation meronts hold a higher number of merozoites than second-
generation meronts. According to the number of merozoites contained, meront size
differs and varies widely between Eimeria spp. and between the first- and second-
or later generation meronts. Some species like E. bovis (host, cattle) form macrom-
eronts during first asexual replication, which are macroscopically visible and may
reach a size of up to several hundred micrometers. Merozoites vary in size accord-
ing to the infecting Eimeria sp. and resemble in shape sporozoites. They also harbor
the apical complex, a prerequisite for their ability to initiate, after their maturation
and meront egress, host cell invasion before their next replication step.

Macro- and Microgamonts
After asexual proliferation, macro- and microgamonts are formed featuring sexual
replication (see Sect. 3.1.2, life cycle). Macrogamonts contain a single macroga-
mete that represents a stationary parasite stage that remains within its host cell. In
contrast, the microgamont releases a multitude of motile microgametes into the
intestinal lumen invading macrogamete-infected host cells. Both macro- and micro-
gamonts are ovoid in shape and can be distinguished from meronts by their mor-
phology. A macrogamont contains a single nucleus and wall-forming bodies
(WFBs); the latter represent cytoplasm-embedded vesicles that are involved in
oocyst wall formation. There are two types of wall-forming bodies: WFBs of type I
feature a maximum size of approximately 1.6 μm in diameter and are situated next
to the parasite cell membrane. WFBs of type II are with up to 1.8 μm in diameter
somewhat larger and are located deeper under the membrane surface, between
WFBs of type I and the macrogamont nucleus (Scholtyseck and Hammond 1970).
According to a recent study, WFBs of type II seem to play the major role in oocyst
wall formation; however, this study is inconsistent with previous results on the
impact of WFB of type I and II on wall formation (Kefu et al. 2006; Mouafo et al.
2002). In addition to WFBs, also lipid granula and a few mitochondria are found
3  Eimeria 59

(Scholtyseck and Hammond 1970). The macrogamont nucleus is irregular in shape


and has been proposed to contain a nucleolus. During maturation and before fertil-
ization of the macrogamont, the harboring host cell degenerates gradually by start-
ing to vacuolize and disintegrate (Scholtyseck and Hammond 1970).

Immediately after fertilization of macrogametes by microgametes and formation of
the zygote, type I and II WFBs start to form a thick visible oocyst wall (Sibert and
Speer 1980; Kefu et al. 2006). The immature oocyst has up to five membrane layers
which later fuse into two or three final wall layers lining the unsporulated oocyst to
be excreted into the environment (Sibert and Speer 1980; Kefu et al. 2006). The
condensed sporont parasite stage can be observed in the zygote and the maturing
oocyst as it leaves an optically empty space between its content and the developing
oocyst wall (Sibert and Speer 1980).

3.1.2 Life Cycle

Eimeria sp. are known to be strongly host-specific, though a given host species can
be infected by several different Eimeria sp. Most species parasitize the digestive
tract; however, aberrantly, some species reside in the liver—e.g., E. stiedae in the
rabbit—or in the kidneys, e.g., E. truncata in the goose, and in reptiles, also the
gallbladder may be infested (Megía-Palma et al. 2015).
Eimeria are characterized by a monoxenic life history comprising of endogenous
and exogenous developmental stages. Life cycle starts with the ingestion of the infec-
tive stage, the sporulated oocyst. The following endogenous phase includes intracel-
lular asexual and sexual propagation at respective predilection sites (Shirley et al.
2005; Fig. 3.3). The duration of the endogenous replication or prepatent period may
vary between different species. For example, for E. acervulina (host, chicken), it may
take as short as 4 days, while for E. bovis (host, cattle), it may take up to 3 weeks.
Replication starts with excystation of sporozoites from oocysts and sporocysts.
Some Eimeria spp. possess a micropyle, which is a predetermined breaking line at
which oocyst rupture occurs. The four oocyst-contained sporocysts also feature and
break at a preformed rupture site. Excystation depends on several factors, and there
seem to be differences in the excystation process in different hosts. It has been pro-
posed that the observed differences might be related to the oocyst wall structure;
however, the exact reasons are not yet known.
In vivo, Eimeria excystation requires pancreatic fluid contained in the duodenal
juice and bile salts (Doran and Farr 1962). In mammals, in vitro bile salts and tryp-
sin have been reported to induce complete excystation of oocyst and sporocyst
(Doran and Farr 1962). In rodents, excystation is comparatively easy to obtain by
applying pepsin and hydrochloric acid to sporulated oocysts (Wiedmer et al. 2011).
This is different from other mammalian species where pepsin is not assumed to play
a major role in oocyst excystation. In contrast, for poultry Eimeria oocysts, none of
the above factors is sufficient to induce excystation. Also, sodium taurocholate was
60 B. Bangoura and A. Daugschies

asexual merogony sexual gamogony oocyst formation

a b c

Fig. 3.3  Endogenous development of Eimeria comprises several stages: (a) asexual replication
(merogony); the number of merogonies is species-dependent and varies between two and six mero-
gonic cycles. Meront containing several hundred merozoites (black arrow); (b) sexual replication
step (gamogony) with formation of macrogamonts (white arrow) and microgamonts; formation of
zygote (black arrow); (c) oocyst released by host cell into gut lumen

not effective, and it is currently thought that a combination of yet unknown factors
is required for host infection by sporozoites (Itagaki 1954). In gallinaceous birds,
the gizzard is considered important for breakage of oocyst walls.
The oocyst-freed eight motile sporozoites are able to enter mucosal epithelial
host cells. During invasion, the parasite envelops itself into the PV using a propor-
tion of the host cell membrane in order to evade host cell defense mechanisms and
its elimination. Inside the PV, the trophozoite, the first endogenous stage, is formed
and grows subsequently into the schizont stage (Fig. 3.4).
Asexual replication starts with schizogony followed by merogony and the forma-
tion of multiple merozoites (Fig. 3.3a). Depending on the Eimeria sp., there may be
one, two, or up to six subsequent merogony propagation cycles before sexual repli-
cation occurs (Shirley et al. 2005).
First, each schizont nucleus multiplies by a number of mitoses inside a growing
intravacuolar PV. Newly formed nuclei are dispersed in the cytoplasm around the
schizont membrane (Dubremetz and Elsner 1979). Subsequently, the multiplied
nuclei, apical complexes—formed from intraparasitic vesicles filled with fibrillar
and granular material—cytoplasm, and other organelles are split between budding
merozoites a process referred to as merogony or merogenesis. In this process, each
nucleus and a complete set of cellular organelles are surrounded with a newly formed
membrane to generate a merozoite. In Eimeria, schizogony constitutes a specialized
type of merogony that differs from other Apicomplexa rather using endodyogeny or
endopolygeny for asexual replication. During merogony, the host cell grows enor-
mously, and its metabolism alters to supply the parasite through micropores in the
PV with nutrients. Especially in first-generation schizonts or meronts, a strong
3  Eimeria 61


Fig. 3.4  E. tenella trophozoite formation in  vitro. Parasitophorous vacuole with trophozoite
developing into first-generation meront (arrow). nc, host cell nucleus

replication is observed, and single host cells may reach a size of several hundred
micrometers. When merozoites have matured, they egress actively, invade secondary
host cells, and continue their endogenous development. Following merogony, a host
cell is typically invaded by a single merozoite. However, occasionally multi-infec-
tions of host cells are also observed (Kefu et al. 2006). The localization of the first
and second merogony as well as that of the later gamogony differs between species.
During sexual replication, microgamonts containing a number of microgametes
and macrogamonts—also called macrogametes—are formed. Mature microgametes
are set free by destroying the host cell. They are motile stages able to move through
the intestinal lumen toward macrogamonts. After penetration of the macrogamont-
infected host cell, fusion of both haploid stages—i.e., oocyst fertilization—occurs.
Already in the generated zygote, the oocyst wall develops into a solid shell protecting
the oocyst in the environment (Fig. 3.3b). When the oocyst has formed, its host cell is
destroyed, and the oocyst is shed with the feces marking the end of the prepatent
period or prepatency (Fig. 3.3c). The following period of oocyst excretion is referred
to as patent period or patency and can last for several days to weeks. Such a prolonged
oocyst formation period is facilitated by the non-synchronous development of endog-
enous stages. In addition, repeated uptake of oocysts by the host from a contaminated
environment may result in superinfection with the same species further prolonging the
patent period.
Importantly, upon excretion, oocysts are not yet infective to a susceptible host.
They need to mature in the environment, which includes a meiotic division and the
formation of four sporocysts each containing two haploid sporozoites (see Sect. This process of sporulation may take as short as 1 day under ideal—warm
and moist—climatic conditions but is prolonged under suboptimal conditions (Allen
and Fetterer 2002; Venkateswara et al. 2015).
62 B. Bangoura and A. Daugschies

Eimeria spp. infections are usually self-limiting. However, systemic extrain-


testinal stages have also been observed in chickens. For example, sporozoites
were detected in the liver and spleen in the species E. maxima, and parasite
stages have been also shown in the bursa of Fabricius in E. tenella (Anderson
et al. 1976; Riley and Fernando 1988). These stages may be important in terms
of Eimeria persistence as they may result in reactivation of the infection, e.g.,
during immune suppressive phases. For acute infections, no distinct pathology
linked to extraintestinal stages of Eimeria spp. infecting the intestine has been

3.1.3 Host-Pathogen Interaction

There is a tight host-pathogen interaction (HPI) in Eimeria. Parasite invasion and

replication require resources of the host cell, and the parasite is able to modulate
host cell metabolism and signaling pathways (Oakes et al. 2013). The first interac-
tion occurs during host cell attachment. As has been described for Apicomplexa,
motile parasitic stages secrete different signal proteins. Microneme (MIC) proteins
are secreted during attachment to the host cell surface. Rhoptry neck (RON) pro-
teins facilitate host cell membrane penetration and formation of a moving junction
between the host cell membrane and the parasite. Rhoptry (ROP) proteins are
secreted into the formed PV and the host cell cytoplasm. Especially ROP proteins
are important virulence factors because they modulate host cell signal cascades and
metabolism (Oakes et al. 2013).
During its replication, Eimeria exploits the cholesterol resources of the host
cell by different pathways. In E. bovis (host, cattle), upregulation of the de novo
synthesis of cholesterol and induction of a higher LDL (low-density lipoprotein)-
mediated cholesterol uptake by the host cell have been shown (Hamid et  al.
2015). This effect is most pronounced during first-generation meront formation
(see Sect., macromeronts in E. bovis). In addition, intracellular parasite
stages exhibit evasion mechanism against the innate immune response of the
Proteolytic enzymes linked to invasion and remodeling of the host cell, its meta-
bolic modulation, and egress of the mature parasitic stages are expressed in a stage-
specific manner (Katrib et  al. 2012). Many immunogenic proteins—e.g., MIC
proteins, ROP and RON proteins, as well as surface antigens (SAG)—are secreted
or expressed at the parasite surface and are accessible to cellular immune attack.
Due to their economic importance, most host immune defense reactions
have been reported on Eimeria spp. infecting chickens, but these findings are
supported by similar observations in other hosts. Immunocompetent hosts
commonly develop immunity against Eimeria sp. infection (Witcombe and
Smith 2014). Importantly, no cross-immunity is observed between different
3  Eimeria 63

Eimeria sp. in the same host. In addition, also an acquired immunity may be

non-sterile in case of reinfection with the same species (Rose 1987; Daugschies
and Najdrowski 2005). Different isolates of the same Eimeria species show
antigenic diversity entailing incomplete immune protection between isolates
as has been shown for E. tenella in chickens (Clark et  al. 2017). Protective
immunity is predominantly based on cellular reactions, but parameters of the
humoral response—such as immunoglobulin concentrations in the blood—can
be measured and are reliable indicators for presence of immunity. The contri-
bution of humoral immunity is still not fully understood and under discussion
(Wallach 2010).
In primary infections, innate immunity is considered most important due to
the short prepatent period in many host species (Table 3.1) (Daszak 1999; Lillehoj
et  al. 2007). For instance, macrophages are able to detect sporozoites without
prior stimulation and respond with the production of nitrogen monoxide (NO)
(Lillehoj and Li 2004). However, it has been shown that the parasite is able to
counteract macrophage activation by IL-10 induction (Collier et  al. 2008).
Epithelial host cells parasitized by first-generation meronts of Eimeria sp. patho-
genic for ruminants react inter alia with an increased C-X-C motif chemokine 10
(CXCL-10) and granulocyte-macrophage colony-stimulating factor (GM-CSF)
production activating the innate immune response by attracting macrophages, T
cells, and NK cells (Hermosilla et al. 2015; Silva et al. 2015). Endothelial cells
hosting early Eimeria stages are activated as displayed by intracellular adhesion
molecule 1 (ICAM-1) upregulation. However, this host cell activation is quickly
antagonized by the intracellular parasite leading to a decrease of ICAM-1 pro-
duction and demonstrating that Eimeria modulates the interaction between host
cells and leukocytes (Silva et al. 2015). In addition, mucosal mast cells are acti-
vated by the parasite as part of the innate immune response (Daszak 1999;
Petrone et al. 2002).
In case of reinfections, the adaptive cellular immune response predominates
and commonly results in protection (Lillehoj et  al. 2007; Wallach 2010;
Giambrone et  al. 1981). Cellular Th1 immunity seems to be mainly directed
toward asexual developmental stages such as meronts and merozoites (Rose and
Hesketh 1976; Jenkins et al. 1991). However, sporozoite and micro- and macro-
gamete antigens also contribute to the development of immunity (Rose and
Hesketh 1976; Jeurissen et al. 1996). Macrophages present sporozoite and mero-
zoite antigens to CD4+ and CD8+ T cells but also to γδ-T-lymphocyte subpopu-
lations. Zoite stages are also identified and attacked by natural killer cells (NK
cells). In general, Th1-stimulating cytokines IFN-γ, IL-2, TGF-β, etc. are released
(Yun et  al. 2000; Rothwell et  al. 2004). In parallel, B-cell epitopes present in
surface antigen EtSAG1 or secretory EtMIC2 are recognized by parasite-neutral-
izing antibodies in the case of E. tenella (Trees et  al. 1989; Jahn et  al. 2009;
Tomley et al. 1996).

Table 3.1  Oocyst morphology of pathogenic Eimeria spp. in domestic and farm animals of importance

Mean oocyst
size and size Presence of Sporulation
Host Pathogenic Eimeria sp. range (μm) Oocyst shape Oocyst wall micropyle time (h) Special features References
Cattle E. bovis 28 × 20 Pear-shaped Smooth, + 48–72 No oocyst residuum Sommer (1998),
(23–34 × 17–23) to ovoid colorless to Levine (1961),
yellow-brown Schnieder (2006)
and Florião et al.
E. zuernii 18 × 16 Subspherical Smooth, − 48–240 No oocyst residuum Sommer (1998),
(15–22 × 13–18) to spherical colorless Levine (1961),
Schnieder (2006),
Florião et al. (2016)
and Bangoura and
Daugschies (2007)
E. alabamensis 19 × 13 Pear-shaped Smooth or + 96–192 No oocyst residuum Sommer (1998),
(13–24 × 11–16) to ovoid granulated, but polar granule Levine (1961) and
colorless to pale Schnieder (2006)
Sheep E. ovinoidalis 19 × 13 Ellipsoid Smooth, + 24–72 No oocyst residuum Schnieder (2006)
(17–30 × 14–19) colorless to pale but several polar and Foreyt (1990)
yellow granules
E. crandallis 22 × 19 Subspherical Smooth, + (with 24–72 No oocyst residuum Schnieder (2006)
(17–23 × 17–22) to ellipsoid colorless polar cap) but polar granule(s) and Foreyt (1990)
E. ahsata 33 × 23 Ellipsoid to Smooth, + (with 48–72 No oocyst residuum Schnieder (2006)
(29–37 × 17–28) ovoid yellowish polar cap) but polar granule(s) and Levine and
brown Ivens (1970)
E. bakuensis (23–36 × 15–24) Ellipsoid Smooth, pale + (with 48–96 No oocyst residuum Schnieder (2006)
yellowish polar cap) but polar granule(s) and Foreyt (1990)
B. Bangoura and A. Daugschies

Mean oocyst
size and size Presence of Sporulation
Host Pathogenic Eimeria sp. range (μm) Oocyst shape Oocyst wall micropyle time (h) Special features References
Goat E. ninakohlyakimovae 21 × 15 Ellipsoid Thin-walled, − 48–72 No oocyst residuum Schnieder (2006)
(20–22 × 14–16) colorless and Levine and
Ivens (1970)
3  Eimeria

E. arloingi 27 × 18 Ellipsoid to Smooth, thick, + (with 24–96 No oocyst residuum Schnieder (2006)
(17–42 × 14–19) ovoid colorless polar cap) but polar granule(s) and Levine and
Ivens (1970)
E. christenseni 38 × 25 Ovoid to Smooth, + (with 72–144 No oocyst residuum Schnieder (2006),
(27–44 × 17–31) ellipsoid colorless to pale polar cap) but polar granule(s) Foreyt (1990) and
yellow Levine and Ivens
E. caprina (27–40 × 19–26) Ellipsoid to Smooth, + 48–72 No oocyst residuum Schnieder (2006)
ovoid yellowish to and Foreyt (1990)
dark brown
Alpaca E. macusaniensis (81– Ovoid to Smooth, thick, + (with 13–21 No oocyst residuum Schrey et al. (1991)
107 × 61–80) pear-shaped dark brownish, polar cap) and McKenna
slightly striated (2006)
Hog E. neodebliecki1 21 × 16 Ellipsoid to Smooth, − 13 days No oocyst residuum Schnieder (2006)
(17–26 × 13–20) ovoid colorless but polar granule and Koudela and
Vìtovec (1998)
E. scabra1 32 × 23 Ovoid to Thick, rough, + 9–12 days No oocyst residuum Levine (1961),
(22–42 × 20–24) ellipsoid striated yellow but polar granule(s) Schnieder (2006)
to brown and Hill et al.
E. debliecki1 19 × 14 Ovoid to Smooth, − 6–9 days No oocyst residuum Levine (1961) and
(15–23 × 11–18) ellipsoid or colorless but polar granule Schnieder (2006)

Table 3.1 (continued)

Mean oocyst
size and size Presence of Sporulation
Host Pathogenic Eimeria sp. range (μm) Oocyst shape Oocyst wall micropyle time (h) Special features References
Chicken E. acervulina 18 × 14 Ovoid Smooth, − 24 No oocyst residuum Levine (1961),
(12–23 × 9–17) colorless but polar granule Schnieder (2006)
and Lee and Millard
E. maxima 30 × 20 Ovoid Smooth, − 30–48 No oocyst residuum Levine (1961) and
(21–42 × 16–30) yellowish but polar granule Schnieder (2006)
E. tenella 22 × 19 Ovoid Smooth, − 18–48 No oocyst residuum Levine (1961) and
(14–31 × 9–25) colorless but polar granule Schnieder (2006)
E. mitis 16 × 15 Subspherical Smooth, − 18–24 No oocyst residuum Levine (1961) and
(10–21 × 9–18) colorless but polar granule Schnieder (2006)
E. praecox 21 × 17 Ovoid Smooth, − 48 No oocyst residuum Levine (1961) and
(20–25 × 16–20) colorless but polar granule Schnieder (2006)
E. brunette 26 × 22 Ovoid Smooth, − 24–48 No oocyst residuum Levine (1961) and
(14–34 × 12–26) colorless but polar granule Schnieder (2006)
E. necatrix 20 × 17 Ovoid Smooth, − 18–24 No oocyst residuum Levine (1961) and
(12–29 × 11–24) colorless but polar granule Schnieder (2006)
Turkey E. adenoeides 26 × 17 Ovoid to Smooth, + 24 No oocyst residuum Levine (1961) and
(19–31 × 13–21) ellipsoidal colorless but polar granule(s) Schnieder (2006)
E. meleagrimitis 19 × 16 Subspherical Smooth, − No oocyst residuum Levine (1961) and
(16–27 × 13–22) colorless but polar granule(s) Schnieder (2006)
E. gallopavonis 26 × 21* Ovoid Smooth, − 24 No oocyst residuum Levine (1961) and
(22–31 × 18–24) colorless Schnieder (2006)
B. Bangoura and A. Daugschies

Mean oocyst
size and size Presence of Sporulation
Host Pathogenic Eimeria sp. range (μm) Oocyst shape Oocyst wall micropyle time (h) Special features References
Rabbit E. stiedae 37 × 20 Ovoid to Smooth, + 48–72 No oocyst residuum Levine (1961) and
(30–41 × 15–24) ellipsoid slightly pink Schnieder (2006)
E. intestinalis 27 × 19 Pear-shaped Smooth, + 72–96 Oocyst residuum Levine (1961) and
3  Eimeria

(21–30 × 16–21) yellowish to present Schnieder (2006)

E. flavescens 30 × 21 Ovoid Smooth, + 96 No oocyst residuum Levine (1961) and
(25–35 × 18–24) yellowish Schnieder (2006)
E. irresidua 39 × 23 Ellipsoid Smooth, pale + 96 No oocyst residuum Levine (1961) and
(31–44 × 20–27) yellowish but polar granule(s) Schnieder (2006)
E. magna 36 × 24 Ovoid Smooth, dark + (with 48–72 Oocyst residuum Schnieder (2006)
(31–42 × 20–28) yellow to brown prominent present
E. media 31 × 17 Ovoid to Smooth, + 48 Oocyst residuum Levine (1961) and
(25–35 × 15–20) ellipsoid slightly pinkish present Schnieder (2006)
E. piriformis 30 × 18 Pear-shaped, Smooth, + 96 No oocyst residuum Levine (1961) and
(25–33 × 16–21) yellow-brown
often slightly Schnieder (2006)
asymmetrical to dark brown
Pigeon E. labbeana (13–24 × 12–23) Subspherical Smooth, − Up to No oocyst residuum Levine (1961)
to spherical colorless or 4 days but polar granule(s)
light yellowish
E. columbae 16 × 14 Subspherical Smooth, − nd Oocyst residuum Levine (1961)
colorless or present
slightly colored
Goose E. truncata* ?(11– Ovoid Smooth, + (with 24–120 Oocyst residuum Levine (1961) and
27 × 11–22) colorless polar cap) may be present Schnieder (2006)
E. anseris 21 × 17* Pear-shaped Smooth, + 24–48 Oocyst residuum Levine (1961) and
(16–24 × 13–19) colorless present Schnieder (2006)
E. nocens 29 × 20* Ovoid to Thick-walled, + 60–72 No oocyst residuum Levine (1961) and
(25–33 × 17–24) ellipsoidal brown Schnieder (2006)

Table 3.1 (continued)

Mean oocyst
size and size Presence of Sporulation
Host Pathogenic Eimeria sp. range (μm) Oocyst shape Oocyst wall micropyle time (h) Special features References
Duck E. mulardi 21 × 17 Ovoid Smooth, + 24–72 No oocyst residuum Schnieder (2006)
(19–23 × 15–21) colorless
Horse E. leuckarti1 80 × 60 Ovoid to Thick, dark + 15–41 No oocyst residuum Levine (1961),
(70–90 × 49–69) pear-shaped brown shell Schnieder (2006)
and Barker and
Remmler (1970)
Guinea E. caviae (13–26 × 12–23) Ellipsoid to Smooth, − 2–11 Oocyst residuum Schnieder (2006),
pig ovoid brownish present Flausino et al.
(2014) and Ellis and
Wright (1961)
nd no data available to the authors
Different values described in literature
B. Bangoura and A. Daugschies
3  Eimeria 69

3.2 Diagnosis, Epidemiology, and Economic Impact


3.2.1 Diagnosis

In general, fecal examination using the flotation method is applied to detect Eimeria
oocysts in droppings of individual animals, while in herd animals, examination of a
collective sample is preferred (Fig. 3.5). If oocysts are present, differentiation and
identification of pathogenic and/or apathogenic species should be carried out to
allow an informed decision on prophylaxis or treatment. In cattle, Eimeria species
determination is feasible by microscopic examination of oocyst morphology
(Fig. 3.6). In contrast, in chicken and some other hosts, it may be difficult to dis-
criminate Eimeria spp., and species identification using polymerase chain reaction
(PCR) is preferred (Fig. 3.7). Quantification of oocysts is mandatory if a herd health
status is to be monitored over several successive production cycles. A quantitative
approach allows for evaluation of management, hygienic measures, and drug effi-
cacy to evaluate the development of drug resistance. For this reason, counting meth-
ods using FLOTAC chambers or McMaster slides are established in many diagnostic
Especially in chickens, diagnostic histological sections and the scoring of intes-
tinal lesions are commonly used to confirm tentative diagnoses of infections with
pathogenic Eimeria species. The severity of eimeriosis may be estimated using a
scoring system of intestinal lesions, which is available for the different pathogenic
Eimeria sp. infecting chickens (Johnson and Reid 1970). Besides the scoring of
gross intestinal lesions, also a microscopic scoring system has been established
allowing evaluating the number of endogenous stages in intestinal mucosal
Serologic detection has been established for a number of different pathogenic
Eimeria spp. in several hosts (Faber et al. 2002; Constantinoiu et al. 2007). Currently,

Fig. 3.5 Coproscopical
finding in cattle with massive
oocyst excretion using
qualitative salt flotation
method (unsporulated E.
bovis and E. auburnensis,
100× magnification)
70 B. Bangoura and A. Daugschies

a b c d

e f g h

20 µm

Fig. 3.6  Selection of commonly found Eimeria spp. oocysts from cattle. (a) E. auburnensis, (b)
E. subspherica, (c) E. zuernii, (d) E. alabamensis, (e) E. brasiliensis, (f) E. ellipsoidalis, (g) E.
bovis, (h) E. cylindrica. Note that only E. bovis, E. zuernii, and E. alabamensis are pathogenic. All
other Eimeria spp. oocysts are incidental findings (100× magnification)

a b c d

20 µm

Fig. 3.7  Selection of commonly found Eimeria spp. oocysts from chicken. (a) E. maxima, (b) E.
tenella, (c) E. acervulina, (d) E. brunetti. Note partially overlapping size and shape in different
species impeding final microscopical diagnosis (400× magnification)

the most convenient assay is the enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay (ELISA)

based on merozoite antigen. However, the detection of IgG or IgY in a mammalian
or an avian host, respectively, indicates that the parasite has replicated and is already
well established in the host. In mammalian hosts parasitized with Eimeria spp. with
an endogenous development of several weeks—as, for example, E. bovis in cattle—
a serologic response may be already detectable during the late prepatency. In con-
trast, serologic immune response in chicken is only measurable after the onset of
patency or even later during the postpatent period. Due to the late and indirect detec-
tion of an infection, a serologic analysis for an individual pro- or a herd metaphy-
laxis is not suitable. However, ELISA is suitable for the detection of a secondary
immune response after vaccination or to assess herd immunity in response to infec-
tion pressure and to determine a possible need of biosecurity measures (Constantinoiu
et al. 2007).
3  Eimeria 71

3.2.2 Epidemiology

About 2000 Eimeria spp. have been described so far in mammalian, avian, reptilian,
and other vertebrates as well as in invertebrate hosts (Megía-Palma et  al. 2015).
Following the distribution of their host, Eimeria sp. are ubiquitously distributed all
over the world. Besides wildlife species, Eimeria spp. infect all major livestock spe-
cies such as ruminants, pig, chicken, and other poultry. In Table 3.2 the economi-
cally important pathogenic Eimeria spp. in avian and mammalian hosts are shown.
In general, Eimeria species are homoxenous—i.e., they infect one defined host spe-
cies. One explanation for the narrow host range of Eimeria compared to other api-
complexans such as Toxoplasma or Cryptosporidium may be their comparatively
small repertoire of microneme proteins. As these proteins are essential for host cell
recognition, a small number of specific microneme proteins may translate into a
limited recognition of host cell types (Cowper et  al. 2012). However, it has also
been proposed that host specificity of Eimeria is rather an adaptive phenomenon
than a co-phylogenetic determination (Kvičerová and Hypša 2013). Interestingly, a
limited oligoxenous host range has been observed in some avian Eimeria spp. a
characteristic that may contribute to parasite distribution by wildlife and livestock
cross-infection (Vrba and Pakandl 2015).
The usually observed homoxenous transmission limits the spread of the infection
in an ecosystem or between different species within a mixed population. Nonetheless,
since the infection dose is low—the ingestion of a single oocyst may establish an
infection—the infection rate is commonly high in a given population of susceptible
naïve hosts in a contaminated area or stable. However, the presence of pathogenic
Eimeria spp. on a farm does not necessarily translate into clinical outbreaks in a
herd or flock. Natural trickle infections—the repeated uptakes of low oocyst doses—
are common in the field inducing protective immunity and endemic stability
(Daugschies and Najdrowski 2005). The shift from a subclinical to a clinical infec-
tion is thought to be induced by additional factors such as malnutrition and/or con-
current diseases that undermine the animal health status. Except for porcine and
some chicken-specific Eimeria spp., young animals are at highest risk to develop
clinically relevant infections. This observation is rather due to the lack of immunity
in younger and not to an age-specific resistance in older animals. Susceptibility to
the infection is also genetically determined, as it has been shown to be dependent on
the breed (Reeg et al. 2005; Passafaro et al. 2015). Accordingly, it has been reported
that chicken breeds with an efficient innate immune response are less susceptible to
Eimeria infections (Swaggerty et al. 2011).
Eimeriosis is a herd or flock disease building up over several infection cycles
within a group of animals. Spreading within a herd or flock may occur within sev-
eral days—e.g., chicken—or weeks, e.g., cattle. On endemic farms, on-site preva-
lences of up to 100% have been observed in susceptible populations (Matjila and
Penzhorn 2002). In the environment, unsporulated Eimeria oocysts develop quickly
into the infective sporulated oocyst at favorable moisture and temperatures of about

Table 3.2  Pathogenicity, localization, and infection course of Eimeria spp. of economic and clinical importance in farm and domestic host species

Host (no. of
valid Eimeria Pathogenic Prepatent Patent period
spp.) Eimeria spp. Localization period (d) (d) Pathogenicity References
Cattle (>20) E. bovis Intestine, mainly colon (including cecum) 21–23 6–10 +++ Daugschies et al.
E. zuernii Jejunum to colon (including cecum) 15–22 2–8 +++ Bangoura and
Daugschies (2007)
E. alabamensis Jejunum to colon (including cecum) 6–11 1–13 ++ Levine (1961) and
Schnieder (2006)
Sheep (15) E. ovinoidalis Cecum, colon 12–15 9–10 (7–28) +++ Levine (1961), Taylor
and Catchpole (1994),
Foreyt (1990) and
Catchpole et al. (1993)
E. crandallis Small and large intestine (mainly cecum 13–20 Approx. 10 ++ Schnieder (2006),
and colon) Foreyt (1990) and
Catchpole et al. (1993)
E. ahsata Small intestine 18–21 10–12 +++ Levine (1961),
Schnieder (2006) and
Foreyt (1990)
E. bakuensis Small intestine 19–29 Approx. 10 +++ Levine (1961) and
Foreyt (1990)
Goat (9) E. Ileum, cecum, upper colon 10–14 10–14 +++ Levine (1961),
ninakohlyakimovae Schnieder (2006),
Foreyt (1990) and
Yvoré et al. (1985)
E. arloingi Small intestine 14–20 14–15 +++ Levine (1961),
Schnieder (2006) and
Foreyt (1990)
E. christenseni Small intestine 14–23 3 to >30 ++ Schnieder (2006) and
Schreiner (2014)
B. Bangoura and A. Daugschies

E. caprina Small and large intestine 17–20 3–6 +++ Schnieder (2006)

Host (no. of
valid Eimeria Pathogenic Prepatent Patent period
spp.) Eimeria spp. Localization period (d) (d) Pathogenicity References
3  Eimeria

Alpaca (8) E. macusaniensis Small intestine 32–43 14–55 (few ++ Jarvinen (2008),
numbers) McKenna (2006) and
Gerken and Renieri
Hog (8) E. neodebliecki Jejunum 10 6–8 + − ++ Koudela and Vìtovec
E. scabra Small intestine 9–12 5 Levine (1961) and Hill
et al. (1985)
E. debliecki Small intestine (partially large intestine) 7 10–15 + Levine (1961)
Chicken (9) E. acervulina Duodenum (to proximal jejunum) 4 >10 ++ Levine (1961) and
Schnieder (2006)
E. maxima Middle jejunum 5–6 Few days ++ Levine (1961),
Schnieder (2006) and
Rose and Hesketh
E. tenella Large intestine (ceca) 6–7 >4 +++ Levine (1961) and
Schnieder (2006)
E. mitis Distal jejunum, ileum 4–5 10 + Levine (1961) and
Schnieder (2006)
E. necatrix Small intestine (mainly jejunum) 5–7 12 +++ Levine (1961) and
Schnieder (2006)
E. praecox Duodenum to proximal jejunum 4 4 + Levine (1961) and
Schnieder (2006)
E. brunetti Ileum and large intestine (ceca) 5 4–12 ++ Levine (1961),
Schnieder (2006) and
Ryley et al. (1972)

Table 3.2 (continued)

Host (no. of
valid Eimeria Pathogenic Prepatent Patent period
spp.) Eimeria spp. Localization period (d) (d) Pathogenicity References
Turkey (6) E. adenoeides Lower small intestine and ceca 4.5–5.5 7–20 ++ Levine (1961) and
Vrba and Pakandl
E. meleagrimitis Duodenum 5–6 >3 +++ Levine (1961) and
Schnieder (2006)
E. gallopavonis Small and large intestine 6–7 nd ++ Levine (1961) and
Vrba and Pakandl
Rabbit (10) E. stiedae Liver 14–16 Up to 36 +++ Schnieder (2006) and
Hanada et al. (2003)
E. intestinalis Small intestine 9–10 >4 +++ Levine (1961),
Schnieder (2006) and
Shi et al. (2016)
E. flavescens Large intestine 8–11 nd +++ Schnieder (2006)
E. irresidua Small intestine 8–10 nd ++ Levine (1961) and
Schnieder (2006)
E. magna Small intestine 7–9 nd ++ Levine (1961) and
Schnieder (2006)
E. media Small intestine 5–7 nd ++ Schnieder (2006)
E. piriformis Large intestine (colon) 9 nd ++ Levine (1961) and
Schnieder (2006)
Pigeon (9) E. labbeana Small intestine 6–8 At least up to + − +++ Levine ((1961),
27 Schnieder (2006),
Balicka-Ramisz and
Pilarczyk (2014) and
Vercruysse (1990)
B. Bangoura and A. Daugschies

Host (no. of
valid Eimeria Pathogenic Prepatent Patent period
spp.) Eimeria spp. Localization period (d) (d) Pathogenicity References
3  Eimeria

Goose (5) E. truncata Kidneys 5–14 nd +++ Levine (1961) and

Schnieder (2006)
E. nocens Jejunum to rectum (including ceca) 4–9 nd +++ Schnieder (2006) and
Dai et al. (2005)
Duck (8) E. somateriae Kidneys nd nd + − +++ Persson et al. (1974)
and Morner (1975)
E. mulardi Jejunum, ileum, ceca 5.5–7 nd ++ Schnieder (2006),
Pakandl et al. (2002)
and Chauve et al.
Horse (1) E. leuckarti Small intestine 31–34 5–12 (+) Barker and Remmler
(1970) and McQueary
et al. (1977)
Guinea pig E. caviae Small intestine to colon 7–11 4–5 (<9) + Kunstýr and Naumann
(1) (1981) and Daszak
nd no data available
76 B. Bangoura and A. Daugschies

−5–30  °C.  Depending on the climate conditions, this may take 1  day to several

weeks (Marquardt 1960). Especially temperatures below −10 °C and above 50 °C
are detrimental for oocysts (Marquardt 1960; Matsui et al. 1989).
Eradication of oocysts from a contaminated site is difficult because of their high
reproduction potential and their immense tenacity in the environment. Physical
measures like ultraviolet light or heat application are most effective in oocyst inac-
tivation, while chemical disinfection is restricted to the use of hazardous substances
like chlorocresols (Daugschies et al. 2013). Hence, despite of implementation of
hygienic measures, subsequent animal production cycles in the same environment
will continue to suffer from eimeriosis since pathogen removal is incomplete and
every infected animal contributes to further environmental contamination affecting
the following animal group. The major reservoir for Eimeria is the young animal
population where the pathogen is passed from one production cycle to the next.
Due to high oocyst production, the young population is epidemiologically much
more important than the parental population, which excretes low numbers of
oocysts. Chicken
Eimeria is often present in conventional and organic farming. However, there is a
certain predisposition for severe infections in intensive farming due to the high
stocking density of animals resulting in an increased environmental contamination
of oocysts per area. Thus, clinical disease is more likely to affect intensively reared
animals. In chickens, there are seven recognized Eimeria species, namely, E. acer-
vulina, E. necatrix, E. praecox, E. maxima, E. mitis, E. tenella, and E. brunetti. Two
additional species—E. hagani and E. mivati—have been described, but their valid-
ity is not yet accepted. The latter taxon may be a variant of E. mitis and has been
considered to be a nomen dubium (Shirley et al. 1983; Vrba et al. 2011).
In general, mixed Eimeria spp. populations are present in most commercial
farms though also mono-infections have been reported (Salisch et al. 1989; Graat
et al. 1998; Schwarz et al. 2009; Sun et al. 2009; Shirzad et al. 2011; Györke et al.
2013). The prevalence of Eimeria spp. varies considerably between different geo-
graphical regions. On North American farms, E. maxima and E. tenella are highly
prevalent followed by E. mitis, while E. acervulina is rarely observed (Schwarz
et al. 2009). In contrast, in European broiler farms, the most widespread species is
E. acervulina irrespective of the farm size. Especially in smaller farms, predomi-
nantly E. tenella is observed often with concomitant infections including E. maxima
and/or E. praecox. In a multicentric Romanian study, 92% of all sampled broiler
farms showed Eimeria spp. infections, of which 91% were found to be affected by
E. acervulina. In other European countries, lower percentages of Eimeria-positive
farms with a similar species spectrum are observed. No relation between farm size
and Eimeria positivity has been found, yet mixed infections are more common on
smaller broiler farms (Györke et al. 2013). On Asian broiler farms, the above four
mentioned Eimeria species—E. mitis, E. acervulina, E. maxima, and E. praecox—
and all other valid species are regularly found (Al-Natour et  al. 2002; Sun et  al.
2009; Shirzad et al. 2011; Chengat Prakashbabu et al. 2017). In layer husbandries,
3  Eimeria 77

E. tenella and E. maxima are most dominant, but eimeriosis due to other species like

E. acervulina is also observed (Schneider and Haass 1967; Lundén et al. 2000). Cattle
More than 20 valid Eimeria spp. are known to infect cattle (Daugschies and
Najdrowski 2005). Of these, E. bovis, E. zuernii, and E. alabamensis are patho-
genic; the former two species are found indoors as well as on pasture, while the
latter is seen on pasture only. Although many species are named after geographical
areas, they are distributed worldwide. Typically, susceptible young cattle are con-
comitantly infected by two to three different pathogenic Eimeria spp. (Ernst and
Benz 1981). In severe infections with pathogenic species of high replication poten-
tial—but especially in the case of E. bovis due to its highly prolific macromeront
stage—other Eimeria spp. may not be detectable. Bovine eimeriosis is frequently
observed to impair herd health (Fitzgerald 1980; Cornelissen et al. 1995; Ovington
et al. 1995). A few weeks after rehousing, calves typically shed pathogenic Eimeria
oocysts with higher oocyst excretion numbers being observed in younger animals
(Hiepe et al. 1978; Gräfner et al. 1985; Lassen et al. 2009). E. zuernii and E. bovis—
both highly pathogenic species—are regarded as ubiquitous pathogens (Fitzgerald
1980; Daugschies and Najdrowski 2005). On-site prevalences of 100% are often
reached on endemic farms (Matjila and Penzhorn 2002). Risk factor analyses have
been carried out, and it was found that especially monthly water trough cleaning vs.
no cleaning and a slatted floor vs. bedding significantly reduced the infection risk;
also the shed climate was of significance to avoid oocyst excretion (Gräfner et al.
1978, 1985; Bangoura et al. 2012; Mitchell et al. 2012). Sheep and Goat

There are 15 valid Eimeria species in sheep—of which E. ovinoidalis, E. ahsata, E.
bakuensis, and E. crandallis are pathogenic—and 9  in goats—of which E. nina-
kohlyakimovae, E. arloingi, E. caprina, and E. christenseni are pathogenic
(Table 3.2). For a long time, both these host species were thought to share Eimeria
spp. due to the morphological similarities of excreted oocysts. However, it has been
later found that no cross-transmission of Eimeria between both hosts occurs.
Eimeria oocyst shedding is common in all age groups. Nonetheless, epidemiologi-
cally and economically important are infections of lambs and kids of approximately
4–5 weeks of age (Foreyt 1990). Often, pathogenic Eimeria species cycle within the
offspring and oocyst excretion by older animals does only marginally contribute to
environmental contamination. Rabbit
Nine intestinal and the liver-residing E. stiedae species are known to infect rabbits.
The infection with E. stiedae—causing liver coccidiosis—shows an age-specific
resistance (Long 1973; Pellerdy 1974; Gomez-Bautista et al. 1987). Older animals
are less prone to clinical eimeriosis or, in case of E. stiedae, to liver damage.
Accordingly, parasite multiplication in older hosts contributes by far less to environ-
mental contamination than in animals younger than approximately 3 months of age.
78 B. Bangoura and A. Daugschies

Wild rabbits harbor the same Eimeria spp. as domestic rabbits; nonetheless, their

epidemiological importance as reservoir host is low since domestic rabbits do not

get in contact with wild rabbits. However, transmission might be possible by con-
taminated fresh feed—grass, vegetables, etc.—from meadows, gardens, and farms.
There are no shared Eimeria spp. in rabbits and hares. Guinea Pig

E. caviae is frequently observed in pet guinea pigs as well as in those farmed for
meat production or kept as laboratory animals (d’Ovidio et al. 2015; Kouam et al.
2015). The infection of young animals is clinically most important, but oocyst
excretion may occur at all ages. There is no transmission of Eimeria from rabbit or
chinchilla to guinea pig (de Vos 1970; Ming-Hsien and Hong-Kean 2010). Horse
E. leuckarti is the only species known to infect the horse. Foals are more often
affected by infections than older horses (Beelitz et al. 1996; Gülegen et al. 2016).
Oocyst excretion is detected from about 1 month of age onward (Lyons and Tolliver
2004). In donkeys, also E. leuckarti is observed (Benbrook and Sloss 1962). E.
leuckarti is not related to clinical disease and considered apathogenic. Pigeon
There are nine Eimeria spp. in pigeons, of which E. labbeana and E. columbarum
are considered of clinical importance. Most pigeons are subclinically infected
excreting oocysts on a low level acting as reservoir host (Krautwald-Junghanns
et al. 2009). Also wild pigeons pose a reservoir since contact with domestic animals,
especially racing pigeons, cannot be prevented. Young pigeons and racing pigeons
are most prone to clinical disease (Balicka-Ramisz and Pilarczyk 2014). In general,
prevalence of Eimeria spp. in pigeon flocks is high and may reach up to 100%, and
mixed infections are common. Turkeys
Five Eimeria spp. have been described in wild and domestic turkeys—including the
three pathogenic species E. meleagrimitis, E. adenoeides, and E. gallopavonis—
and a sixth species named E. innocua has been lately described (Vrba and Pakandl
2014). There is little data on Eimeria prevalence in domestic turkeys. Studies from
the USA indicate a prevalence of approximately 40–60% in commercial farms with
a high proportion of pathogenic species, a situation which has also been observed in
the UK (Clarkson and Gentles 1958; Chapman 2008). Cross-transmission of turkey
Eimeria spp. to chicken has not been observed but has been demonstrated to other
poultry—namely, the gray partridge (Perdix perdix) and the bobwhite quail (Colinus
virginianus) (Vrba and Pakandl 2015). This finding may be of epidemiological
impact for wild turkeys but is of limited importance for the domestic hosts.
3  Eimeria 79 Waterfowl

Eimeria infections in geese and ducks are widespread. Most species like E. nocens,
E. stigmosa, and E. anseris in geese and E. mulardi in ducks reside in the intestine.
An exception is E. truncata in geese and E. somateriae in ducks which develop in
the kidneys. For both host species, prevalence studies are scarce. However, reports
about high morbidity and mortality of geese and ducks due to eimeriosis outbreaks
have been reported from many geographic regions (Nation and Wobeser 1977;
Gajadhar et al. 1983; Skírnisson 1997; Dai et al. 2004). Hog
Altogether eight valid Eimeria spp. have been reported in hogs: E. debliecki, E.
neodebliecki, E. perminuta, E. polita, E. porci, E. scabra, E. spinosa, and E.
suis. Interestingly, porcine eimeriosis widely remains subclinical and is mostly
observed in gilts and sows. Under intensive rearing conditions, Eimeria spp. are
sometimes observed in weaned piglets but particularly in older animals, e.g.,
boars and sows (Daugschies et al. 2004; Karamon et al. 2007). Porcine Eimeria
spp. are seen more frequently on small than on large farms which is assumed to
be associated with farm hygiene and management factors rather than the farm
size itself (Daugschies et al. 2004; Karamon et al. 2007). Sows are often excret-
ing oocysts, and prevalences may in some regions reach over 50%; on conven-
tional piglet-producing farms, up to 82% of the sows were observed to be
positive depending on their reproduction status (Daugschies et  al. 2004). The
most common species seems to be E. neodebliecki in the USA and E. scabra, E.
polita, and E. debliecki in middle Europe though prevalence studies are scarce
(Supperer 1961; Vetterling 1965; Pfister and Wolff 1975; Daugschies et  al.
2004). Reptiles
In reptiles, Eimeria has been reclassified into the genera Acroeimeria and
Choleoeimeria leaving some Eimeria spp. incertae sedis (Paperna and Landsberg
1989; Megía-Palma et al. 2015). Choleoeimeria replicates in the gallbladder and
biliary epithelium of the host. In contrast, Acroeimeria develops epicytoplas-
matically in the microvillous zone of the reptilian intestine. Some species mul-
tiply in the cytoplasm of intestinal epithelial cells and are grouped into the
genus Eimeria. Prevalence of Eimeria spp. strongly depends on animal manage-
ment and acquisition as well as hygienic measures. Often, the prevalence is very
low; in Poland, out of six reptilian hosts sampled under different private man-
agement conditions, only the bearded dragon (Pogona viticeps) showed occa-
sional Eimeria oocyst shedding. For some Eimeria-like species, there seems to
be cross-transmission between closely related reptilian genera; however, many
Eimeria, Choleoeimeria, and Acroeimeria species need to be investigated much
more thoroughly (McAllister et al. 2016).
80 B. Bangoura and A. Daugschies

3.2.3 Economic Impact


Owing to the fast spreading of the pathogen within a herd and the high perdurability
of oocysts leading to long-term survival of infectious oocysts in the environment,
eimeriosis will remain a continuing animal health threat and economic burden in an
affected farm if no efficient control measures in form of treatment, hygiene, and
herd management are established.
Clinical disease of eimeriosis leading to economic costs because of production
losses and fatalities is held responsible for a relatively small proportion of lost rev-
enues. Importantly, subclinical infections are considered to inflict a significantly
larger economic damage. It has been reported that in the UK, poultry farming
recorded losses of 38.6 million GBP in 1995, of which 80% resulted from subclini-
cal infections—i.e., lower weight gain and poor feed conversion—followed by costs
for prophylaxis and control (Williams 1999).
In cattle, losses of 8–9% were estimated for dairy farmers (Lassen and Ostergaard
2012). On one hand, this estimate includes direct costs due to an increased calf
mortality and, on the other hand, indirect costs due to a delayed fertility caused by
a retarded weight gain and lower final weight. It has been estimated that metaphy-
lactic herd treatment shows great financial benefit for farmers irrespective of the
treatment-related costs.
In addition, it has been demonstrated for chicken and is anticipated for alpacas
that the higher susceptibility to coinfections with other pathogens has a high
negative impact on the economic performance (Alnassan et al. 2014; Rojas et al.

3.3 Clinical Effects and Pathology

3.3.1 Overview Clinical Effects

In a primary infection, especially young naïve animals are suffering from clinical
eimeriosis. Mono- and mixed infections with pathogenic Eimeria species cause
commonly diarrhea due to mucosal destruction. In cattle, Eimeria infections are
thought to have prolonged adverse health effects resulting in a significant reduction
of animal performance in terms of retarded growth and fertility (Lassen and
Ostergaard 2012). Furthermore, Eimeria infections have been found to facilitate
dysbacteriosis and secondary bacterial infections in calves (Stockdale 1977). In
chickens, necrotic enteritis caused by pathogenic C. perfringens strains is pro-
moted by Eimeria spp. infections (Van Immerseel et al. 2004). Also coinfections
with other bacterial pathogens, such as Listeria monocytogenes, or enteral viruses
and infectious bronchitis virus are promoted (Dhama et al. 2013; Koo et al. 2013).
Thus, animal health is affected in a number of different ways during and following
Eimeria infections. Due to its high contagiosity, eimeriosis has to be regarded as a
herd disease rather than a disease of individual animals.
3  Eimeria 81 Pathology

The pathology of Eimeria spp. infections is species-specific and generally dose-

dependent. It strongly depends on the replication rate of the species, induced tissue
inflammation, predilection site, host immune response, and additional factors not
yet completely understood. On one hand, typical pathological findings of intestinal
eimeriosis are lesions partially produced by direct host cell damage of multiplying
Eimeria stages visible in epithelial desquamation (Kouwenhoven and van der Horst
1973; Michael and Hodges 1971). On the other hand, the massive inflammatory
reaction in the intestinal mucosa comprising of vasodilatation, edema, lymphocel-
lular, and granulocytic infiltration is equally important for the observed pathology
(Michael and Hodges 1971; Lillehoj and Trout 1996). Accordingly, pathological
findings for liver coccidiosis by E. stiedae (host, rabbit) are characterized by hepa-
tocyte necrosis and inflammatory cell invasion, while renal eimeriosis caused by E.
truncata (host, goose) results in tubular cell destruction and interstitial inflamma-
tory cell accumulation (Oksanen 1994; Jing et al. 2016)).
Furthermore, the predilection site of parasite development varies between
Eimeria spp. resulting in species-specific manifestations of the infection. In poultry,
asexual and sexual replication steps are principally limited to a restricted intestinal
location. In contrast, the different developmental stages of many Eimeria spp. para-
sitizing ruminants tend to develop in different intestinal locations. Early asexual
stages are mainly located in the small intestine and the upper colon, while later
endogenous stages are detected in the colon, cecum, and rectum.
There is limited knowledge on Eimeria virulence factors. Important candidates
are represented by ROP proteins—i.e., proteins that are involved in host cell coloni-
zation, remodeling, and metabolic modulation of the host cell. Other virulence fac-
tors may be represented by cathepsins—cysteine proteases related to papain-like
enzymes—that have been reported as virulence factors in other Apicomplexa, and
of which eimeripain is an important representative in E. tenella (Matsubayashi et al.
Pathology of Eimeria infection is strongly influenced by interactions with other
pathogens. A general interaction between bacterial flora and Eimeria-induced
pathology has been reported (Baba et  al. 1990). In chicken eimeriosis, a mutual
aggravation of pathological findings in coinfections with Salmonella spp. and
Clostridium perfringens—both of which are common in commercial rearing sys-
tems—has been revealed (Chapman et al. 2002). Mixed infections of Eimeria with
toxin-producing strains of C. perfringens are known to be responsible for necrotic
enteritis in chickens and other avian and mammalian hosts. Also for mixed infec-
tions of Eimeria spp. with Escherichia coli, evidence for a synergistic pathological
effect has been demonstrated with regard to the manifestation of intestinal lesions
(Hegazy et al. 1999). Interestingly, a mutual pathological interaction is not limited
to concurrent infections of Eimeria with other intestinal agents but has also been
demonstrated for infectious bursal disease virus (IBDV) and is assumed for
Clostridium spp. skin infections (Giambrone et al. 1977; Kabell et al. 2006; Li et al.
2010). Also coinfections of Eimeria with other endo- or ectoparasites are com-
mon—e.g., with roundworms, cestodes, and fleas—but no reliable data on the
82 B. Bangoura and A. Daugschies

impact of these infections on the course of eimeriosis and vice versa are available

(Thekisoe et al. 2003; Permin et al. 2002).

3.3.2 Farm Animals of Economic Importance Chicken
E. necatrix and E. tenella represent the clinically and economically most important
species both causing hemorrhagic enteritis. Low-level infections with other species
like E. acervulina, E. maxima, and E. brunetti are highly common but remain usu-
ally subclinical (McDougald 1998).
Of the nine species that have been reported to infect chickens, each species pre-
fers a certain intestinal section for endogenous development. In the upper intestine,
mainly E. acervulina, E. necatrix, and E. praecox are present. In the midgut, E.
maxima and E. mitis prevail. E. tenella and E. brunetti are typically found in the
lower intestine—i.e., ileum, ceca, and rectum (Johnson and Reid 1970).
Correspondingly, each Eimeria sp. provokes typical lesions in defined intestinal
locations (Fig. 3.8):
E. acervulina Presence of a white, fibrous, striated mucosa in the small
E. tenella Shows hemorrhagic typhlitis.
E. brunetti Exhibition of necrotic lesions in the ileum, cecum, and rectum.
E. necatrix There are pinpoints to confluent hemorrhagic lesions in the jeju-
num and ileum—referred to as yolk stalk region—and the lumen is filled with a
bright orange, mucoid material (Ryley et al. 1972).
E. praecox Display of catarrhal inflammation of the mucosa in the duodenum
and upper jejunum, with reddening, and milky exudate (Allen and Jenkins 2010).

a b

Fig. 3.8  Histopathological findings in Eimeria sp. infection in a chick. (a) Fibrinoid enteritis; f,
fibrinous casts on epithelial surface; (b) unicellular macrogamont with wall-forming bodies lying
in the host cell cytoplasm of mucosal cell (arrow)
3  Eimeria 83

E. maxima A ballooning is observed mainly for the midgut region. Petechiae


are visible in thickened intestinal walls, and the intestinal content contains blood
clots (Johnson and Reid 1970).
E. mitis No defined lesions are seen, but a general ballooning of the intes-
tinal wall and an educed pigmentation and fluid accumulation are observed (Watkins
et al. 1990).
In clinical eimeriosis diarrhea varies between pasty, watery, and hemorrhagic
(McDougald 1998). A reduced general behavior, markedly reduced growth, a poor
feed conversion rate, and cases of death are observed (Lillehoj and Trout 1996). For
each Eimeria species, mortality rates vary greatly as they depend on the infecting
field strain and are modulated by the infection dose, stress factors, feed quality, and
concurrent disease (McDougald 1998; Hegazy et  al. 1999; Lobago et  al. 2005;
Toulah 2007; Abu-Akkada and Awad 2012).
Different chicken breeds show different chromosome 1-encoded susceptibility to
Eimeria-induced pathological changes and associated clinical eimeriosis (Pinard-
Van Der Laan et al. 1998; Zhu et al. 2003; Kim et al. 2006). Especially widespread
meat-type broiler chicken lines are prone to massive pathology (Pinard-Van der
Laan et al. 1998). Currently it is assumed that the pro-inflammatory innate immune
response confers protection against disease. Accordingly, for E. tenella a marked
negative correlation between a strong innate immune response—characterized by a
high basal IL-1β, IL-6, and IL-8 level—and the occurrence of intestinal lesions has
been observed (Swaggerty et al. 2011). Mainly susceptible breeds exhibit a strong
intestinal pathology that may result in substantial mortality. Cattle
Exclusively three species are related to clinical disease—namely, E. bovis, E. zuer-
nii, and E. alabamensis. E. bovis and E. zuernii are developing in the cytoplasm of
the respective infected host cell. In contrast, E. alabamensis undergoes all endoge-
nous stages until oocyst formation inside the host cell nuclei (Davis et al. 1957).
Especially mixed infections with these species lead to pronounced pathology and
clinical disease (Stromberg et al. 1986). However, often E. bovis and E. zuernii are
also seen as single pathogens. Disease due to other Eimeria spp. has been sporadi-
cally reported, but such infections remain generally subclinical.
The clinical effect and pathology of E. alabamensis infection are clearly dose-
dependent and are thus promoted by factors like spring turnout of calves to contami-
nated pasture (Hooshmand-Rad et  al. 1994). Low-level infections may remain
subclinical but long-term effects on performance are observed. Massive infections
lead to severe watery diarrhea and reduced weight gain, and a general enteritis has
been observed in the lower half of the small intestine. Furthermore, an extensive
epithelial destruction accompanied by leukocytic infiltration and villi destruction
occurs (Davis et al. 1957).
Infection with E. bovis and/or E. zuernii results in similar clinical symptoms.
Severe diarrhea starts at the end of the prepatent period (Stockdale et al. 1982), its
character varying from mucous to watery and hemorrhagic, often with lots of fibrin
and tissue strands (Fig. 3.9, Daugschies et al. 1986). Calves show inappetence and
84 B. Bangoura and A. Daugschies

Fig. 3.9  Clinical disease in an E. bovis-infected calf. The animal displayed hemorrhagic diarrhea,
anorexia, and reluctance to move

marked weight depression, which may result in long-term decrease of performance.

Rarely observed is the phenomenon of bovine nervous coccidiosis caused by infec-
tion of either E. bovis or E. zuernii (Julian et al. 1976). The actual mechanism of this
pathologic symptom remains unclear, though underlying toxin production and elec-
trolyte imbalances are discussed (Radostits and Stockdale 1980). In Northern
America there have been reports of temporal clustering in winter.
Pathology caused by E. bovis is characterized by early meront invasion of the
posterior half of the small intestine (Hammond et al. 1946). However, the second
meront and the gamont generations invade undifferentiated stem cells of large intes-
tinal crypts in the cecum and colon (Hammond et al. 1963; Gregory 1982). This
leads to epithelial destruction and a long regeneration period. First-generation
meronts are macroscopically visible because of their large size of up to 435 μm.
They are referred to as macromeronts and contain up to 120,000 merozoites per
meront (Hammond et al. 1946; Hamid et al. 2015). Interestingly, these stages are
not found in the epithelium but in central lacteals of the villi and are observed up to
20 days after infection. The consequence of this distinctive asexual replication is
profound tissue destruction associated with subepithelial parasite development
mainly in the ileum (Friend and Stockdale 1980). Subsequently, second-generation
meront as well as gamont development in the colon and cecum confers hemorrhagic
and fibrinoid typhlitis and colitis with severe thickening of the cecal and colon walls
(Fig. 3.10). Histopathologically, the epithelium is lost completely, and the denuded
lamina propria is infiltrated with leukocytes and covered by fibrin strands.
3  Eimeria 85

a b

Fig. 3.10  Gross pathological findings in an E. bovis-infected calf. (a) Intestine with severe bal-
looning and reddening of the proximal colon (arrow), (b) hemorrhagic colitis, (c) hemorrhagic
typhlitis with massive thickening and edema of the cecal wall

The species E. zuernii reveals most extensive changes 21 days after infection.
Asexual replication causes only little pathological alterations, which are observed in
the last 3 m of the small intestine. Also second-generation meronts cause little dam-
age in the large intestine (Stockdale 1977). However, the sexual stages are respon-
sible for severe damage in the large intestine, mainly proximal to the colon and
cecum. Intestinal walls are thickened by edema of the submucosa and an extensive
epithelial loss, and fibrin cast is present in high-dose infected animals. The intestinal
content is bright or dark red because of severe hemorrhages. In less severe E. zuernii
infections, moderate lesions are seen which are repaired within 1 or 2 weeks after
the onset of oocyst excretion (Mundt et al. 2005).

3.3.3 O
 ther Hosts S
 heep and Goat
In sheep eimeriosis, a dose-dependent subclinical to diarrheic disease—manifested
by liquid feces and eventually fibrinous casts—is recognized though no linear rela-
tion between infection dose and induced clinical disease has been observed (Gregory
and Catchipole 1990). In goat kids, infections with pathogenic species like E. nina-
kohlyakimovae provoke diarrhea of hemorrhagic character, recumbency, and
86 B. Bangoura and A. Daugschies

anorexia at high infection doses resulting in a bad general health constitution (Ruiz

et al. 2014).
Susceptibility to intestinal damage is predominantly observed at the age of
4–5 weeks (Foreyt 1990). In sheep, E. ovinoidalis infections cause severe enteritis
that may lead to death. During early merogony, macromeronts are macroscopically
visible in the lower small intestine, and in massive infections, their development
leads to diphtheroid to hemorrhagic jejunitis with villus and crypt atrophy (Gregory
and Catchpole 1987). Later parasitic stages may produce hemorrhagic typhlitis.
After completion of parasite development, a prolonged tissue repair is seen. E. cran-
dallis infection in lambs shows a similar pathology like E. ovinoidalis with the
cecum and colon being most affected (Gregory and Catchipole 1990). Pathological
findings in goat kids, infected by E. ninakohlyakimovae or E. caprina, are compa-
rable to lesions that have been described in sheep (Taylor and Catchpole 1994). No
lesions are observed in the liver, pancreas, or other organs (Hashemnia et al. 2012).
In contrast to chickens, a relation between breed of sheep with the number of oocysts
excreted and the severity of clinical disease cannot be found in young lambs (Reeg
et al. 2005). Rabbit
The infection with E. stiedae—causing hepatic eimeriosis—is highly pathogenic as
manifested by diarrhea, weakness, severely reduced general behavior, and sponta-
neous cases of death (Jing et al. 2016). Intrahepatic E. stiedae replication in hepato-
biliary duct epithelium leads to secondary damage of hepatocytes. Hepatic
parenchymal cells show extensive necrosis; connective tissue hyperplasia and leu-
kocyte invasion occur (Hanada et al. 2003; Jing et al. 2016). Macroscopically, the
liver is greatly enlarged and shows a gray and white appearance. Liver consistency
is hard, and many white nodules and nodes, which are foci of infection and variable
in size, as well as diffuse lesions are present (Jing et al. 2016). Inflammatory reac-
tion contributes to physical damage of hepatocytes finally resulting in globally
increased liver enzyme levels of alanine aminotranferase (ALT), glutamine transfer-
ase (GGT), aspartate aminotransferase (AST), and lactate dehydrogenase (LDH).
Although there is no intestinal replication, secondary lesions in the duodenum are
found manifesting as catarrhal to hemorrhagic enteritis. Due to liver malfunction,
systemic disease including enteritis is seen.
In contrast to hepatic eimeriosis, intestinal eimeriosis caused by E. magna, E.
irresidua, E. flavescens, E. piriformis, and E. intestinalis often remains subclinical
but can be pathogenic inflicting catarrhal enteritis as manifested by diarrhea and
ballooning. Turkeys
Of altogether five recognized species, E. adenoeides, E. meleagrimitis, and E. gal-
lopavonis are considered to be highly pathogenic causing significant mortality in
susceptible young poults and are responsible for reduced weight gain and bad per-
formance (Hein 1969; Chapman 2008; Vrba and Pakandl 2014). In these pathogenic
3  Eimeria 87

species, severe enteritis with formation of intestinal lesions is observed 5–7 days


after infection. In E. meleagrimitis infection, catarrhal enteritis with watery intesti-

nal contents develops, while in E. gallopavonis also hemorrhagic content is found
in the ileum accompanied by high mortality (Vrba and Pakandl 2014). In the case of
E. adenoeides, edema and petechial hemorrhages of the intestinal wall have been
described (Chapman 2008).
Of the remaining two species, E. meleagridis has been described as nonpatho-
genic to mildly pathogenic, whereas E. dispersa is regarded as nonpathogenic caus-
ing transient enteritis for 1–2  days. All five Eimeria spp. display a site-specific
development in the intestine inducing specific localized lesions. The three species
E. meleagrimitis, E. meleagridis, and E. dispersa show asexual replication in the
small intestine. Later stages—late asexual meronts and gamonts—tend to be found
throughout the gut, with the main proportion developing in the large intestine. The
remaining two species—E. adenoeides and E. gallopavonis—start their asexual rep-
lication in the ileum, rectum, and ceca, where later also their endogenous develop-
ment takes place (Chapman 2008). Waterfowl
Renal eimeriosis of geese and ducks may result in renal failure and eventual death
(Oksanen 1994; Skírnisson 1997). In geese, especially E. truncata infections are
known to entail cases of death due to renal eimeriosis (Oksanen 1994). E. somate-
riae infection of ducks causes great enlargement of kidneys, which show the pres-
ence of white or yellowish nodules (Skírnisson 1997). However, severe disease in
ducks during renal eimeriosis is regarded to be of multifactorial genesis (Nation and
Wobeser 1977; Skírnisson 1997).
Intestinal eimeriosis seems to be only important in geese, occasionally causing
mortality in goslings (Oksanen 1994). It is caused by infection with E. nocens and
is associated with acute enteritis located from duodenum to cloaca including ceca.
Most affected by hemorrhagic lesions are the ileum and up- and downstream regions
(Dai et al. 2005). Interestingly, the species E. mulari causes much more pronounced
intestinal lesions in ducks of the genus Anas compared to those of the genus Cairina
or mule ducks (Sercy et al. 1996). Hog
Most infections are not related with any clinical symptoms (Daugschies et  al.
2004). As pathogenicity of common species ranges between nonpathogenic and
mildly pathogenic, infections remain widely unrecognized on endemic farms.
However, if high infection doses are ingested or naïve animals are moved in from
other stables resulting in coinfections with other intestinal pathogens, pathogenic-
ity and cases of death may be observed (Gaudie et al. 2005). Acute disease is mani-
fested by catarrhal pseudomembranous jejunitis and ileitis and can be induced by
different Eimeria spp. (Vítovec et al. 1987; Gaudie et al. 2005). As to now, little is
known about the relation between porcine Eimeria infections and long-term
88 B. Bangoura and A. Daugschies Reptiles

Little is known about pathogenicity of different Choleoeimeria, Acroeimeria, and

Eimeria spp. in reptilian hosts and their clinical impact (see Sect. 3.2.2). A varying
degree of pathogenicity may be assumed though data are scarce. Choleoeimeria
infections are characterized by intraepithelial meronts and gamonts causing host
cell remodeling—attachment to the basal membrane through a thin pedicle—hyper-
trophy, and detachment (Abdel-Haleem et al. 2016). Macroscopically, the gallblad-
der wall is thickened, and gallstones and debris are accumulating in the gallbladder
(Szczepaniak et al. 2016). In contrast, in intestinal Acroeimeria or Eimeria spp., no
gross alterations are seen providing little evidence for pathological changes (Lainson

3.4 P
 revention, Control, and Treatment

On one hand, prevention is based on the reduction of the infection pressure by

cleaning and disinfection measures, vaccination, and preventive drug treatment. On
the other hand, it comprises measures to increase animal resistance by introducing
measures to avoid stress and the use of resistant breeds.

3.4.1 M

Animals susceptible to infection should be kept in clean houses and barns or on

pastures without direct contact to animals that shed Eimeria oocysts. The quick
sporulation of excreted oocysts should be taken into account by executing an all-in-
all-out management for farm animals allowing for regular change of litter and
hygienic measures. In addition, caretakers and veterinarians should change clothing
to avoid mechanical transmission between herds or animal groups within a herd.
Especially in broiler breeding, it is recommended to adhere strictly to biosecurity
measures (Allen and Fetterer 2002). As eimeriosis is often aggravated by stress fac-
tors or secondary infections, animal husbandry should be optimized with regard to
animal welfare including climate, nutrition, crowding or size of animal groups, and
implementation of a general animal health prophylaxis—hygiene, vaccination
against common pathogens, and screening of the herd health and herd immunity.
Certain feed compositions are assumed to promote clinical eimeriosis—as, for
example, high-protein diets in broilers—and should be avoided (Britton et al. 1964).
Furthermore, different breeds of the same host species are known to exhibit differ-
ent susceptibilities to clinical disease after an Eimeria infection by varying immune
reactions (see Sects. 3.1.3 and Thus, the selection and use of clinically
resistant breeds can support prevention of eimeriosis on the farm.
Interestingly, in mammals, administration of colostrum is thought to confer a
basal protection against early infections and coinfections with pathogens. However,
in studies in sheep, such a protective effect of colostrum could not be demonstrated
(Gregory and Catchipole 1990).
3  Eimeria 89

3.4.2 Cleaning and Disinfection


Removal and inactivation of sporulated oocysts from the environment are highly
important to prevent eimeriosis. Correspondingly, it has been shown that regular
cleaning of water troughs of livestock reduces the infection pressure and subclinical
coccidiosis (Mitchell et al. 2012). However, limited other possibilities exist to elimi-
nate and/or inactivate sporulated oocysts in free-ranging poultry and husbandry of
farm animals on pasture.
Oocysts are highly resistant to chemical compounds commonly used for disin-
fection of animal housings. Although, chlorocresols are effective their use is prohib-
ited in many countries (Shahiduzzaman et  al. 2010). In addition, ammonium
hydroxide and ammonia, carbon disulfide compounds, and hydrogen peroxide are
active against oocysts if applied at high concentrations, and it has been also shown
that ozone treatment inactivates oocysts (Hilbrich 1975, Williams 1997; Liou et al.
2002). In contrast, other common disinfectants like formaldehyde do not suffi-
ciently inactivate sporulated Eimeria spp. oocysts (Blandino 1985).
Physical treatment by radioactive irradiation or with heat or freezing has been
proposed to be highly effective in inactivating Eimeria oocysts, yet they are not of
practical use in contaminated areas (Lee and Lee 2001). Importantly, UV light is
highly efficient in oocyst inactivation and reduces the presence of infective stages
on pasture particularly during the summer season (Farr and Wehr 1949; Marquardt

3.4.3 Vaccination

So far, vaccines are only available for chickens. Due to the lack of cross-immunity,
vaccination has to be performed against every single Eimeria sp. suspected to con-
tribute to eimeriosis on a given poultry farm. First- and second-generation vaccines
as well as a third-generation vaccine are commercially available. First-generation
vaccines contain a virulent Eimeria strain administered in a very low dose leading
to a mild eimeriosis and protective immunity (Chapman et  al. 2002; Blake and
Tomley 2014). Second-generation attenuated vaccines are based on precocious
Eimeria strains characterized by a reduced replication rate resulting in a lower num-
ber of merogonies and less intestinal damage as compared to the virulent wild-type
strains (Chapman et  al. 2002). In first- as well as second-generation vaccines, a
protective immunity develops in response to antigens of several endogenous stages.
Currently, third-generation vaccines or subunit vaccines are under development.
They either contain purified Eimeria or recombinant antigen, which may be com-
bined with immunomodulators like IFN-γ (Lillehoj et al. 2000; Wallach et al. 2008).
Promising candidate proteins are early stage antigens as represented by EtMIC2,
merozoite, profilin, and rhomboid protein (Ding et al. 2005; Lillehoj et al. 2000; Li
et al. 2012; Liu et al. 2013). In addition, gamogony proteins have been shown to be
highly immunogenic in breeding layers (Wallach et al. 2008; Wallach 2010). It is
assumed that in the field several antigens need to be combined for optimal
90 B. Bangoura and A. Daugschies

protection and to avoid generation of resistances making a third-generation vaccine


more elaborative and more expensive, limiting its use (Blake and Tomley 2014). A
subunit vaccine against E. maxima based on a gametocyte antigen has been devel-
oped to a commercial product but appears not to be marketed anymore. Generally,
genetic and antigenic diversity within a single Eimeria species are considered
important in the future design of globally effective vaccines (Clark et al. 2017). The
development of resistance against vaccination due to common polyclonal infections
and cross-fertilization is discussed though it has not been observed so far (Blake and
Tomley 2014; Clark et al. 2017).

3.4.4 Feed Additives

In order to prevent parasite multiplication, clinical disease, and subclinical losses,

anticoccidial drugs are applied for several weeks as a long-term treatment via feed
while animals are under infection risk. Thus, they are used prophylactically and
metaphylactically—i.e., starting before infection and covering the potential infec-
tion period. Feed additives are used to prevent coccidiosis from whole herds irre-
spective of the presence of infection pressure in single animal groups.
Use of feed additives to prevent eimeriosis is a widespread tool in farm animal
rearing—especially in poultry hatchery and feedlot cattle. There are several classes
of chemical anticoccidial compounds available on the international market. They
are grouped into synthetic, polyether antibiotics—ionophores—and mixed products
(Peek and Landman 2011). The mode of action varies from coccidiostatic to coc-
cidiocidal. Common targets of anticoccidials are cofactor synthesis, mitochondria,
and cell membrane. Cofactor synthesis blockers are most effective during asexual
replication. There are different substances acting by folate antagonism—e.g., sul-
fonamides or pyrimethamine—or as thiamine analogues, e.g., amprolium.
Mitochondrial activity is impaired by quinolone drugs—e.g., decoquinate—pyri-
dines (e.g., meticlorpindol), nicarbazin, or robenidine. Polyether ionophores impair
cell membrane function and osmotic pressure predominantly damaging extracellu-
lar parasitic stages. A special mode of action is observed in the triazine drug toltra-
zuril, which develops coccidocidal activity by irreversibly damaging mitochondria
and plastid-like organelles (Hackstein et al. 1995). In some efficacious drugs like
halofuginone and diclazuril—targeting early meronts and a nucleoside analogue
involved in failure of sexual replication—the exact mode of action is still unclear.
Resistance may develop against any of available drugs. In chicken under inten-
sive rearing conditions, there are many Eimeria spp. resistances against all known
long-term and widely used anticoccidials (Chapman and Jeffers 2014). In other
hosts, little is known about resistance development because of the lack of investiga-
tion. In general, drug resistance is promoted by continuous and low-dose use of an
anticoccidial compound.
To avoid the development of drug resistance in a flock, the applied anticoccidials
should be changed regularly by introducing another anticoccidial with a different
mode of action and thus shifting the selection pressure. There are two major forms
3  Eimeria 91

of planned regular drug change—namely, rotation and shuttle programs. In the rota-

tion system, drugs are changed between different successive animal groups. In a
shuttle program, different drugs are used in the same animals during different rear-
ing phases. These methods slow down development of parasite resistance but do not
prevent it as attested by the presence of many multi-resistant Eimeria spp. strains
that are seen in the field (Peek and Landman 2003). In poultry farms, drug resis-
tance may be reversed by implementation of a mixed chemotherapy-vaccine pro-
gram. Feed additives and live vaccine can be used in successive flocks in integrated
control programs. The invention of drug-sensitive Eimeria strains antagonizing
resistant field strains present in the flock may lead to a drug-susceptible Eimeria
population after several cycles (Chapman and Jeffers 2014).
In addition to feed-additive drugs, also phytochemicals or the feeding of certain
plant particles has been shown to have a beneficial effect on clinical eimeriosis and
oocyst excretion. However, the anticoccidial potential of natural products is often
much lower than that of commercial drugs. Consequently, studies show a limited
efficacy of essential oils and extracts of a broad range of herbs and of traditional
medicinal plants, respectively, against Eimeria spp. replication (Schreiner 2014;
Alnassan et al. 2015; Pérez-Fonseca et al. 2016).

3.4.5 T

Typically, in eimeriosis-diseased flocks, a targeted treatment of a defined age group

is carried out to improve animal welfare and avoid economic losses. If implemented
early enough—which would usually correspond to the prepatency period—this
measure lowers infection pressure by suppressing oocyst excretion and environ-
mental contamination. The choice of time point for drug application is crucial to
render treatment effective. Medication should be best applied as early metaphylaxis,
or latest, when first animals start oocyst excretion in the respective group under
treatment (Epe et al. 2005; Ruiz et al. 2012; Enemark et al. 2015). The major chal-
lenge in scheduling metaphylactic treatment is the determination of the optimal
time point because during prepatency, in vivo diagnosis of the current state of infec-
tion is of no use since at this early time point of infection, neither an Eimeria infec-
tion can be detected nor the endogenous parasitic phase determined. Hence, herd
monitoring over several production cycles is indicated to schedule treatment accu-
rately. As a rule of thumb, animals should be treated during the late asexual parasite
replication. In the case of Eimeria infecting chickens, this corresponds to about
3 days and of Eimeria infecting cattle to approximately 14 days after exposure of
animals to a contaminated environment—i.e., after stabling, beginning of the graz-
ing period, etc.
Anticoccidials used for treatment of a defined number of animals at risk are rep-
resented by the triazines toltrazuril applied to cattle, chickens, sheep, etc. and dicla-
zuril administered to cattle or sheep. Both drugs have to be administered only once,
and the optimal time point of their administration is when the majority of infected
animals of the treated group are in the prepatent period of infection.
92 B. Bangoura and A. Daugschies

In general, therapeutic treatment during the patency period is not recommended


since endogenous Eimeria stages have already set lesions and the self-limiting char-
acter of the disease makes treatment at this time point obsolete. Nonetheless, sulfon-
amides are widely used for therapeutic treatment against eimeriosis of cattle, rabbit,
etc.; however, the anticoccidial benefit may be limited since the long administration
period potentially overlaps with the natural end of patency.

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Cecilia Decker Franco, Leonhard Schnittger,
and Monica Florin-Christensen

Sarcocystis (derived from the Greek words sarx, which means flesh, and kystis,
which means bladder) are apicomplexan protozoans that cause sarcocystosis or
sarcocystiosis. Infections are characterized by the formation of numerous sarco-
cysts, which are essentially parasite-full sacs ranging in size from micrometers to
several centimeters, in the muscles or nervous tissue of a great variety of animals.
The genus is composed of more than 100 species that differ in pathogenicity,
host specificity, and sarcocyst structure and location. Sarcocystis are obligatory
intracellular, with a typical coccidian life cycle, consisting of merogony, game-
togony, and sporogony. The life cycle involves an intermediate and a definitive
host, usually an herbivore and a carnivore, respectively. At first, a series of asex-
ual reproduction steps culminate with sarcocyst formation. Ingestion of cyst-­
infected tissues by the definitive host leads to sexual reproduction of the parasite
in the digestive tract, followed by excretion of infective forms in the feces. The
cycle is closed when an intermediate host becomes infected by the fecal-oral
route. Most Sarcocystis are species-specific for intermediate and family-specific
for definitive hosts. Infection of farm animals is sometimes associated with the
reduction in quality and quantity of meat, wool, and fiber, resulting in important
economic losses. Additionally, some Sarcocystis species are zoonotic. Thus, the
study of sarcocystosis constitutes an active field of research.

C. Decker Franco (*) • L. Schnittger • M. Florin-Christensen

Institute of Pathobiology, Center for Research on Veterinary and Agronomic Sciences
(CICVyA), National Institute of Agricultural Technology (INTA-Argentina),
Hurlingham, Province of Buenos Aires, Argentina
National Council of Scientific and Technological Research (CONICET),
Buenos Aires, Argentina
e-mail: [email protected]

© Springer International Publishing AG, part of Springer Nature 2018 103

M. Florin-Christensen, L. Schnittger (eds.), Parasitic Protozoa of Farm Animals
and Pets, https://doi.org/10.1007/978-3-319-70132-5_4
104 C. Decker Franco et al.

4.1 Morphology, Life Cycle, and Host-Pathogen Interactions


Sarcocystis was first reported in Switzerland in 1843 by Miescher, who found

white threads in the skeletal muscle of a house mouse—Mus musculus—which
came to be known as tubules of Miescher (Levine 1986). Until the 1970s, the
taxonomic position of the group was not clear, and the major criteria for naming
new species were cyst structure and host species. However, studies based on inter-
mediate host specificity indicated that some Sarcocystis parasites with structur-
ally similar cysts are actually different species, for example, S. tenella and
S. capracanis. Additionally, some species of Sarcocystis, such as S. falcatula and
S. neurona, can infect numerous host species (Dubey 2015). This information, as
well as sequencing data, is currently helping to change the status of some species
and rename others.
Some of the most important species of Sarcocystis that affect farm animals
and pets are shown in Table 4.1. Even though sarcocystosis is mainly a veteri-
nary problem, some species are pathogenic to man, such as S. hominis and S.
suihominis. Humans are the definitive hosts of these parasites and become
infected by the ingestion of raw or undercooked meat of cattle and pig, respec-
tively, which act as intermediate hosts. Humans can also serve as accidental
intermediate or aberrant hosts for several species of Sarcocystis, through the
ingestion of oocysts (Fayer 2004).

Table 4.1  Sarcocystis species in farm animals and pets

Intermediate Sarcocystis
host species Definitive host References
Pig S. miescheriana Dog (Canis familiaris), raccoon Golubkov et al.
(Sus scrofa) (Procyon lotor), wolf (Canis lupus), (1974), Dubey
red fox (Vulpes vulpes), and jackal (2015) and
(Canis aureus) Meshkov (1980)
S. suihominis Human (Homo sapiens) and primates
(Macaca mulatta, Macaca irus, Pan
troglodytes, and Papio cynocephalus)
S. porcifelis Cat (Felis catus)
Cattle S. cruzi Dog (Canis familiaris), coyote (Canis Bucca et al.
(Bos taurus) latrans), red fox (Vulpes vulpes), (2011), Dubey
crab-eating fox (Cerdocyon thous), et al. (1989),
raccoon dog (Procyon lotor, Dubey (2015),
Nyctereutes procyonoides), and wolf Gjerde (2016),
(Canis lupus) Nourani et al.
S. hirsuta Cat (Felis catus) (2010), Nourollahi
S. hominis Human (Homo sapiens), rhesus Fard et al. (2009),
monkey (Macaca mulatta), Rodrigues et al.
cynomolgus monkey (Macaca (2008), Saito et al.
fascicularis), baboon (Papio (1994) and
cynocephalus), and possibly Soulsby (1987)
chimpanzee (Pan troglodytes)
S. rommeli Unknown
4 Sarcocystis 105

Table 4.1 (continued)

Intermediate Sarcocystis
host species Definitive host References
Sheep S. tenella Dog (Canis familiaris), coyote (Canis Dubey et al.
(Ovis aries) latrans), and red fox (Vulpes vulpes) (1989), Dubey
S. arieticanis Dog (Canis familiaris) (2015), Levine
S. mihoensis (1986) and
S. microps Munday and
Obendorf (1984)
S. gigantea Cat (Felis catus)
S. medusiformis
Goat S. capracanis Dog (Canis familiaris), coyote (Canis Dubey (2015) and
(Capra hircus) latrans), red fox (Vulpes vulpes), and Levine (1986)
crab-eating fox (Cerdocyon thous)
S. hircicanis Dog (Canis familiaris)
S. moulei Cat (Felis catus)
Equine S. betrami Dog (Canis familiaris) Heydorn et al.
(Equus spp.) S. fayeri (1975), Levine
S. equicanis (1986), Soulsby
S. neurona Opossum (Didelphis virginiana, (1987) and Dubey
Didelphis albiventris) (2015)
South S. aucheniae Dog (Canis familiaris) Carletti et al.
American S. masoni Unknown (2013), Martín
camelids et al. (2016) and
Moré et al. (2016)
Dog (Canis S. caninum Unknown Dubey (2015)
familiaris) S. svanai
Cat (Felis S. felis Unknown
Chicken S. wenzeli Dog (Canis familiaris) and cat Dubey (2015) and
(Gallus gallus) (Felis catus) Mansfield et al.
S. horvathi Unknown (2001)

4.1.1 Morphology

Sarcocystis parasites undergo numerous morphological changes that allow distinct

functions necessary to carry out host cell invasion, asexual multiplication, or sexual
reproduction along their life cycle. Stages that undergo asexual multiplication are
schizonts and metrocytes; host cell invasion is carried out by merozoites, bradyzo-
ites, and sporozoites, while sexual reproduction involves micro- and macrogametes
produced by micro- and macrogamonts and leads to the formation of oocysts.
Importantly, sporozoites and bradyzoites are produced in wall-enclosed structures
containing multiple parasites—the sporocyst and the sarcocyst—which guarantee
an efficient transmission to the intermediate and definitive host, respectively.
The main features of Sarcocystis stages and structures are described below. As a
rule, the phylum-characteristic apical complex is clearly observed in infective stages
that interact with and internalize in host cells, while it is not apparent in stages
engaged in asexual or sexual multiplication.
106 C. Decker Franco et al.

a b

500 µm 80 µm

Fig. 4.1  Cross-section of a Sarcocystis aucheniae sarcocyst dyed with hematoxylin-eosin.

Cytophaneres directed to the center (a), 4×; sectioned part of a cyst (b), 40×; thousands of brady-
zoites arranged in compartments enclosed by thick septa

The schizont is the first parasite stage found in the intermediary host. It develops
after a sporozoite has invaded an intermediary host cell, which is generally, but not
exclusively, an endothelial cell of a mesenteric lymph node. Early schizonts are ovoid
and contain a large nucleus and a single nucleolus. In a process known as endopoly-
geny, the nucleus gets lobulated and shows several nucleoli. A spindle apparatus with
microtubules and two centromeres is associated to each lobe. It guides the genetic
material to the lobe end, where a merozoite is formed, and eventually buds, giving the
schizont the appearance of a rosette of merozoites. Schizonts develop free in the host
cell cytoplasm and are not contained in a parasitophorous vacuole (PV).
Merozoites disseminate the infection in the intermediary host. They are motile,
crescent-shaped organisms, with a rhoptry-less apical complex. After budding from
a schizont, they can be found free in the blood or located within mononuclear cells.
In the latter case, they can divide to form two merozoites by endodyogeny. Upon
invasion of a suitable host cell, they start a new schizogony cycle (Fayer 2004).
Sarcocysts are the most characteristic structures produced by Sarcocystis para-
sites. They constitute the last stage of the asexual phase in the intermediary host and
are generated after a merozoite has invaded a myocyte or a nervous cell. The mem-
brane of the PV that encloses the parasite and the material underlying it form a wall,
providing a safe microenvironment for multiplication. According to the species,
sarcocysts can be found in skeletal, cardiac, or smooth myocytes or in neural cells.
They can present different shapes—globular, filamentous, and fusiform—and sizes,
from a few microns to several centimeters. These and other physical features, such
as the presence or absence of internal partitions and the ultrastructure of their walls,
aid in species identification (Fayer 2004; Dubey 2015). A certain degree of size
variation according to the age of the cyst and the type of parasitized host cell is
sometimes observed. For example, within the same species, cysts in cardiac muscles
are always smaller than those in skeletal muscles. The wall can invaginate forming
villar protrusions, or cytophaneres, of different shapes and sizes. There are over 80
distinct types of cyst wall structures (Dubey 2015). Immediately underneath, there
is a granular layer from which septa generally arise, separating the sarcocyst into
compartments (Fig. 4.1a). Some sarcocysts, however, have no septa. Table 4.2 and

4 Sarcocystis

Table 4.2  Examples of sarcocysts and their special features

Species Intermediate host Shape Size (μm) Type of wall Distribution References
Sarcocystis Sheep Round, elliptical, ≤700 Palisade-like, 1–3 μm Worldwide Dubey (2015) and Saito
tenella or elongated thick and Itagaki (1994)
S. arieticanis Sheep Oval ≤900 Hairlike of variable Worldwide Dubey (2015)
shape, thin (<1.0)
S. neurona Cat, skunk, raccoon, armadillo, Round ≤700 Striated Worldwide Dubey (2015) and Dubey
sea otter, horse (aberrant) et al. (2015)
S. aucheniae South American camelids Rice grain-like ≤5000 Cauliflower-like, South America Carletti et al. (2013)
50 μm thick
S. masoni South American camelids Oval ≤800 Cauliflower-like, South America Moré et al. (2016)
2.5–3.5 μm thick
S. cruzi Cattle Oval ≤420 Ribbonlike, thin (<1.0) Worldwide Dubey (2015) and Moré
et al. (2010)
S. hominis Cattle Globular or oval ≤2,600 Fingerlike, thick (>6) Worldwide Dubey (2015)
S. gigantea Sheep Globular ≤10,000 Cauliflower-like, Saito and Itagaki (1994)
<2 μm thick
S. capracanis Goat Oval ≤1000 Honeycomb-like, 3 μm Worldwide Dubey (2015) and Saito
thick and Itagaki (1994)
108 C. Decker Franco et al.

Fig. 4.2  Cyst of


Sarcocystis aucheniae
(arrow) found in muscle
tissues of a llama (Lama

5 mm

a b

Fig. 4.3  Scanning electron microscopy of a Sarcocystis aucheniae cyst. View of the whole cyst
showing a brain-like wall (a); detailed image of the cyst wall (b)

Figs. 4.2 and 4.3 show examples of sarcocysts and their special features. Parasites
are located in the fluid contained between partitions (Fig. 4.1b) or, when no parti-
tions are present, free within the cyst. The number of parasites contained in a sarco-
cyst varies with the species and the stage of maturation: young cysts as small as
5 μm in diameter might contain only two parasites, while a mature cyst can contain
over 107 parasites, as is the case of S. aucheniae macrocysts (Carletti et al. 2013).
Metrocytes and bradyzoites are the parasite stages found in sarcocysts.
Metrocytes—mother cells—are rapidly multiplying forms dominant in immature
cysts. They are round to oval and have a variable size according to the stage of divi-
sion. During the transformation of a merozoite into a metrocyte, many of the organ-
elles of the apical complex, such as micronemes, conoid, and polar and apical rings,
disappear, while ribosomes, endoplasmic reticulum, and mitochondria become
more abundant, and the nucleus becomes larger. Bradyzoites, slow cells or also
known as cystozoites, are the dominant forms in mature cysts. They are approxi-
mately 17 by 4 μm in size and display gliding motility and a characteristic apical
complex (Figs. 4.4 and 4.5). In mature cysts, metrocytes localize in the cortex and
4 Sarcocystis 109

a b c

Fig. 4.4  Micrographs of Sarcocystis aucheniae bradyzoites. Phase-contrast microscopy (a), 400×
and (b) 1000×, fixed drop stained with hematoxylin-eosin (c), 1000×; note the polarity of granu-
lous material


Polar ring

Apical microtubules



Golgi complex


Mitochondrion reticulum

Posterior ring

Fig. 4.5  Scheme of a Sarcocystis bradyzoite

stain lightly with hematoxylin and eosin, while bradyzoites are found in the medulla
and get heavily stained (Dubey 2015).
Micro- and macrogamonts are formed upon bradyzoite infection of goblet cells
of the small intestine of the definitive host. Macrogamonts are round or ovoid,
110 C. Decker Franco et al.

measure up to 20 μm in diameter, and contain a single large nucleus. Initially intra-

cellular, they are usually freed into the lamina propria after lysis of the host cell.
Microgamonts are elongated, slightly smaller than macrogamonts, and contain sev-
eral nuclei that move to the periphery. Slender microgametes with two flagella,
measuring up to 10 μm in diameter, are formed around each nucleus (Dubey 2015).
Oocysts result from the fusion of micro- and macrogametes. They have an ellip-
soid shape, measure around 20 μm long, and are surrounded by a thin wall with a
dense external layer and an internal layer of one to four membranes. When elimi-
nated in the feces, they are sporulated and contain two sporocysts. Sporocysts mea-
sure 10 by 15 μm and are indistinguishable between species. Each sporocyst has
four sporozoites arranged lengthwise (Fig. 4.6) (Dubey 2015; Fayer et al. 2015).
Sporozoites are banana-shaped cells measuring 11–19  μm long by 7–10  μm
wide, with all the structural features of bradyzoites. In addition, they possess one or
more virus-like crystalloid bodies that consist of electron-dense and electron-lucent
granules. These structures likely represent a source of energy or amino acids, as was
postulated for Eimeria sp. (Dubremetz and Torpier 1978).

4.1.2 Life Cycle

The biological cycle of Sarcocystis parasites remained unknown until 1972 when it
was recognized that the predator-prey relationship corresponded to a definitive and
an intermediate host, respectively. The life cycle consists largely of schizogony—
also known as merogony—gametogony, and sporogony. The latter two comprise the
sexual phase of the cycle and take place in the intestine of the definitive host—
predator. Schizogony corresponds to the asexual phase and occurs in various tissues
of the intermediate host—prey—until the formation of bradyzoite-containing cysts
that are mainly located in muscle fibers, as mentioned before (Dubey et al. 1989)
(Fig. 4.6).
A compatible herbivore becomes infected by ingesting pastures or water con-
taminated with sporulated Sarcocystis sporocysts. Exposure to trypsin and bile in
the small intestine causes the liberation of four motile sporozoites from each sporo-
cyst that invades endothelial cells of mesenteric lymph node arteries. Here, first-­
generation schizogony takes place, giving rise to numerous motile merozoites that
bud from a schizont and are released to the bloodstream. Peripheral blood smears
show the presence of merozoites between 24 and 46 days postinfection. Merozoites
invade endothelial cells of downstream arterioles, capillaries, and veins, distributing
throughout the body and producing additional generations by schizogony. Schizonts
of some Sarcocystis species can also be found in connective tissue cells, macro-
phages, neural cells, and cells of many different organs. The last schizogony cycle
takes place when a merozoite invades a muscle cell—skeletal, smooth, or cardiac—
or, exceptionally, a nervous cell and forms a sarcocyst within its surrounding
PV.  Intracellularly, the invading merozoite first differentiates into a metrocyte,
which reproduces by endodyogeny inside the PV. In this type of asexual reproduc-
tion, two daughter cells arise from an existing one, which is consumed during the
4 Sarcocystis 111

Intermediate host
Definitive host eating sporocysts
releasing sporocysts

Sporocysts Sporocysts


Schizogony Merozoite


Definitive host

Gametes Intermediate

Thousands of

Definitive host
eating raw meat
from intermediate host

Environment Asexual reproduction Sexual reproduction

Fig. 4.6  Life cycle of Sarcocystis

112 C. Decker Franco et al.

Fig. 4.7  Dog feeding on raw meat during the slaughter of a llama (Catamarca, Argentina)

process. Concomitantly, a wall develops, isolating the nascent sarcocyst from the
surrounding tissues. Eventually, metrocytes stop division and differentiate into
infective bradyzoites, which display an apical complex that will aid in the invasion
of definitive host cells. A sarcocyst full of bradyzoites is considered mature. The
time elapsed between infection and formation of a mature sarcocyst varies between
species but lasts in general around 2 months. Cysts can then persist in the tissues for
months or even years. Bradyzoites are infectious for the definitive host, while schiz-
onts and immature sarcocysts are not. The number and distribution of cysts in a
particular host depend on different factors, including the amount of sporozoites
ingested, the Sarcocystis and host species involved, the stage of infection, and the
immune status of the animal. Gametogony is possible when a compatible carnivore
feeds on cyst-containing tissues of an intermediate host (Fig. 4.7). Upon digestion
of the cyst wall in the stomach and intestine, bradyzoites are liberated from the sar-
cocyst and penetrate host cells, generally goblet cells, or enterocytes of the small
intestine. Each bradyzoite differentiates intracellularly into either a macro- or a
macrogamont. Each macrogamont yields a single macrogamete, while microgam-
onts become multinucleated and yield several microgametes. The latter are motile
and migrate to the surface of a macrogamete. After membrane fusion, the microga-
mete nucleus enters and fertilizes the macrogamete, yielding a zygote. A thin wall
(<1 μm) then develops around the zygote giving place to the formation of the oocyst.
The whole process of gametogony and fertilization can be completed in 1 day. The
infected cells move to the lamina propria, where sporulation happens, giving rise to
two elongated sporocysts containing four sporozoites each. The timing of sporocyst
excretion by the definitive host after ingestion of sarcocysts is highly variable within
the same species but in general starts after 7 and 14 days (Dubey et al. 1989; Dubey
2015; Fayer et al. 2015).
4 Sarcocystis 113

4.1.3 Host-Pathogen Interactions


Even though Sarcocystis is a very broad genus that includes some of the most preva-
lent parasites of vertebrate animals, they are understudied compared to other mem-
bers of the Apicomplexa. For this reason, information on host-pathogen interactions
is rather scarce. Since Sarcocystis sp. are obligate intracellular parasites, surface
molecules that participate in recognition and invasion of host cells are likely essen-
tial for their survival. A prominent group of coccidian surface proteins are the SAGs,
a family of glycosylphosphatidylinositol (GPI)-anchored surface antigens, initially
characterized in Toxoplasma gondii and Neospora spp. (Howe et al. 2005). T. gondii
SAGs have been implicated in receptor-ligand interactions with the host cell surface
and in the stimulation of immune responses during infection, suggesting they are
attractive targets for anti-coccidian drugs or immunotherapy approaches (Jacquet
et al. 2001; Rachimel et al. 2004). Homology searches in an expressed sequence tag
(EST) database of S. neurona allowed the identification of four SAG family mem-
bers in this parasite, and other two members were later discovered (Howe et  al.
2005; Crowdus et al. 2008). These proteins were demonstrated to be expressed on
the surface of merozoites and to be highly immunogenic. The presence of SAG fam-
ily proteins in different coccidian genera suggests a conserved essential function
(Howe et  al. 2005). Interestingly, studies performed with S. neurona merozoites,
bradyzoites, and sporozoites showed that expression of individual SAGs is stage-­
specific. This is consistent with findings in T. gondii and suggests that surface anti-
gen switching could be essential for the completion of the parasite life cycle
(Gautam et al. 2011). Another GPI-anchored protein, surface protein 1 or SnSPR1,
has been also identified in the S. neurona EST database. Contrary to SAGs, SnSPR1
shows no orthologs in other coccidian genera. It is expressed at the surface of mero-
zoites in all stages of schizont development, is immunogenic, and might also par-
ticipate in host-pathogen interactions (Zhang and Howe 2008).
Microneme proteins are also key elements in the invasion process of apicom-
plexan parasites, likely involved in the attachment and entry into the host cell
(Dubremetz et al. 1998). The ortholog of a T. gondii microneme protein was identi-
fied in the S. neurona EST database and named SnMIC10. This protein has been
shown to be differentially expressed in the apical end of merozoites during endo-
polygeny, supporting the view that micronemes are only needed during cell invasion
(Hoane et  al. 2003). A large array of conserved and species-specific proteins of
Sarcocystis parasites await characterization and could serve as targets for control
Effector cells of the host immune system are mobilized during a Sarcocystis
infection. The predominant cells infiltrating visceral and muscular tissues are lym-
phocytes and macrophages (Dubey et al. 1982). The cell infiltration of mononuclear
cells starts during the third week of infection and can last for several months, even
after the parasite is no longer detectable in visceral tissues (Gasbarre et al. 1984).
Whether these cellular events participate in the recovery of the host from sarcocys-
tosis has not been established, and passive transfer of resistance via cells or antibod-
ies has not been reported. The intense cellular response seen in immune animals that
114 C. Decker Franco et al.

survive lethal challenges indicates a cell-mediated immunity against the parasite.


Protective immunity has been shown to be induced only by homologous Sarcocystis

species. As an example, in S. hirsuta experimentally infected cattle, no protection
against challenge with S. cruzi was shown (Dubey 2015; Fayer and Dubey 1984;
Ford 1985).
S. neurona-experimentally infected horses develop clinical disease and generate
antibodies in serum and cerebrospinal fluid. Alterations in the immune cell subset
expression that changed during disease progression were observed. Infected horses
showed decreased antigen-specific proliferation responses compared to nonexperi-
mentally infected horses, suggesting that the process between antigen-presenting
cells—monocyte/dendritic cells—and/or T-cell antigen recognition may be dam-
aged in S. neurona-infected horses (Lewis et al. 2014).

4.2 Diagnosis and Epidemiology

4.2.1 Diagnosis

Diagnosis of acute sarcocystosis is difficult since symptoms are not very specific
and, therefore, easily confused with other pathological processes. Regularly, a diag-
nosis of sarcocystosis is based on the elimination of other causative agents, a good
epidemiologic evaluation of the intermediate host, and its relationship to definitive
hosts, as well as clinical findings (Cordero del Campillo et al. 1999). However, there
are some techniques that have been employed or developed over the years and are
described below. Definitive Host

The diagnosis of sarcocystosis in the definitive host is based mostly on the identifi-
cation of Sarcocystis sporocysts in the feces. This can be achieved by using a copro-
parasitological assay, consisting of flotation in zinc sulfate or other high-density
solutions, followed by microscopic observation (Dubey et al. 2015). However, spe-
cies cannot be discriminated by this method because of morphological similarities
of sporocysts, thus molecular tests need to be employed. Intermediate Host

Diagnosis can sometimes be inferred from epidemiological data of the region of
interest, as well as information obtained by coproparasitological analysis of defini-
tive hosts. Usually, confirmatory diagnosis is achieved by postmortem examination
of the skeletal muscle. Cysts of some species are visible to the naked eye, as in the
case of S. aucheniae and S. gigantea, that infect South American camelids and
sheep, respectively (Fig.  4.2). In a great number of species, however, cysts are
microscopic, so other examination methods are applied.
Microscopy and electron microscopy allow to diagnose Sarcocystis sp. and to dif-
ferentiate morphological features between species. They are specific but time-con-
suming, limiting their application on large numbers of samples (Moré et al. 2010).
4 Sarcocystis 115

Artificial digestion is a sensitive method that allows analyzing large amounts of


tissue. It detects bradyzoites released from cysts, but it does not allow to differenti-
ate between species of Sarcocystis (Savini et al. 1996). In the digestion procedure,
tissues are incubated with proteases, such as trypsin or pepsin. Released bradyzoites
can be used as antigen, and the species can be identified by molecular methods.
Histopathology and examination of fresh tissue allows the differentiation
between thick- and thin-walled cysts, but not between species. The sensitivity of
histopathological examinations is lower due to the smaller volume of sample that
can be processed (Dubey et al. 1989).
Polymerase chain reaction (PCR) is an important tool for epidemiological
studies. It allows to detect DNA of the parasite in small volumes of sample and
also to differentiate between Sarcocystis and related organisms, such as
Toxoplasma and Neospora, or discriminate between Sarcocystis species (Ortega-
Mora et al. 2007). Different PCR protocols have been developed over the years.
For example, recent studies showed that it is possible to detect DNA of S. auche-
niae in the blood of South American camelids employing a semi-nested PCR
(Martín et al. 2016). Other studies allowed the differentiation of Sarcocystis spe-
cies affecting cattle using multiplex real-time PCR (Moré et al. 2013) or applied
PCR followed by RFLP—restriction fragment length polymorphism—to deter-
mine the Sarcocystis species affecting sheep (Hamidinejat et al. 2014). In addition
to PCR, another highly sensitive DNA amplification technique that takes place at
constant temperature, and thus does not require the use of a thermocycler, is being
increasingly applied to the diagnosis of different pathogens (Notomi et al. 2015).
This technique—known as loop-mediated isothermal amplification or LAMP—
has been successfully applied to the molecular detection of S. fayeri in horsemeat
(Furukawa et al. 2016).
In immunohistochemistry, anatomical, immunological, and biochemical tech-
niques are combined to identify discrete tissue components. The method is based on
the interaction of target antigens with specific antibodies tagged with a label that
allows visualizing the distribution and localization of specific components within
cells and in the proper tissue context. A number of immunohistochemical methods
have been developed for the improvement of the sensitivity and specificity of the his-
tological detection of life cycle stages of Sarcocystis species. However, these methods
are complicated due to the high cross-reactivity among Sarcocystis species when
polyclonal antisera are used. In addition, cross-­reactivity of anti-Sarcocystis sp. anti-
bodies is sometimes extended to other cyst-­forming coccidia such as T. gondii (Uggla
and Buxton 1990). Monoclonal antibodies have been produced for S. cruzi, S. tenella,
and S. arieticanis; however also in this case, most are cross-reactive with antigens of
heterologous Sarcocystis species (Ortega-Mora et al. 2007).
Enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay (ELISA) detects and measures antibodies
and is the most commonly used serological test for the diagnosis of Sarcocystis.
However, cross-reactivity with heterologous Sarcocystis species is also a problem
here (Tenter 1995). Different types of antigens have been employed in ELISA tests.
As an example, an indirect ELISA (iELISA) based on S. cruzi bradyzoite antigens
was developed in Sri Lanka for the detection of anti-­Sarcocystis spp. antibodies in
116 C. Decker Franco et al.

cattle (Kalubowila et al. 2004). In addition, in Argentina, an iELISA based on an


immunogenic protein fraction extracted from S. aucheniae bradyzoites was applied

to the detection of anti-Sarcocystis antibodies in South American camelids (Romero
et al. 2014). More recently, in the USA, recombinant forms of S. neurona SnSAG
surface antigens were used in an iELISA format to measure antibodies in serum and
cerebrospinal fluid. The latter revealed active infection in the central nervous system
(Yeargan et al. 2015).
In a Western blot, a mixture of proteins is separated by gel electrophoresis and
then transferred to a membrane. The membrane is incubated with specific antibod-
ies against the protein or proteins of interest. Detection is achieved by reaction with
an enzyme-conjugated anti-species antibody, followed by incubation with a colori-
metric or chemiluminescent substrate (Mahmood and Yang 2012). Detection of
antibodies against two S. neurona-specific antigens, of 29 and 17 kDa, is currently
the standard serological diagnostic method for infections with this parasite in horses
(Rossano et al. 2000; Hamir and Dubey 2001).

4.2.2 Epidemiology

Sarcocystis infections of farm animals are worldwide distributed and often present
high prevalences, both in developing and industrialized countries (Dubey et  al.
1989). The percentages of infected animals depend on various aspects, including
host, viability of the sporocysts in the environment, number of sporocysts released
by the definitive host, immune status of the intermediate host, hygiene, and proxim-
ity between definitive host and intermediate hosts, among others (McKenna and
Charleston 1994; Savini et al. 1996). According to the species, infections can cause
mortality, morbidity, abortions, lower meat yield, and economic losses due to con-
fiscation of meat when macroscopic cysts are found (Poulsen and Stensvold 2014).
In cattle, Sarcocystis infections are regularly asymptomatic, with prevalences over
90%, being S. cruzi the most commonly found species (Moré et  al. 2010). In
Argentina, recent studies showed a direct connection between the type of breeding
of llamas and prevalence of anti-Sarcocystis sp. antibodies (Romero et al. 2017). In
Bolivia, a study made in abattoirs showed that 23–50% of llama carcasses contained
macroscopic cysts, with infection rates higher in females and in older animals
(Rooney et al. 2013).
Seroprevalences reported for S. neurona in US horses vary from 15 to 89%,
depending on the geographic region. They are also lower during the winter season
compared to the rest of the year (Pusterla et  al. 2014; Reed et  al. 2016).
Seroprevalences of around 35% were reported in Brazil and Argentina, indicating
that the parasite is also present in South America (Dubey et  al. 1999a, b). Most
infections have been observed in young animals of 1–5 years or older than 13 years
of age. Interestingly, the likelihood of infection was significantly reduced in farms
where wildlife had no access to feed and when a creek or river was present as a
water source. On the other hand, stress related to heavy exercise, transport, injury,
surgery, or parturition was found to increase the risk of disease caused by S.
4 Sarcocystis 117

neurona. In addition, racehorses and show horses had higher infection risks than

breeding and pleasure horses (Reed et al. 2016).

Sarcocystosis is usually acquired horizontally through ingestion of contaminated
food or water. In addition, anti-Sarcocystis sp. antibodies were detected in horse
fetuses and newborn foals, indicating the occurrence of transplacental transmission.
However, this event appears to be rare (Duarte et al. 2004).
A number of molecular typing techniques, including PCR-RFLP, microsatellite,
and whole-genome fingerprinting, have been developed to differentiate between S.
neurona isolates. Application of these techniques can aid in understanding parasite
transmission and epidemiology and reveal its population structure (Elsheikha and
Mansfield 2007).

4.3 Clinical Effects, Prevention, and Treatment

4.3.1 Clinical Effects

Sarcocystis natural infections of intermediate hosts are in most cases asymptomatic.

However, S. neurona is a special case, due to the parasite tropism for horse nervous
tissues, infecting both gray and white matter, which provokes focal or multifocal
signs of neurological disease. This syndrome was initially known as segmental
myelitis and, later, focal encephalitis-myelitis, until the presence of protozoa in
characteristic lesions led to the current name of equine protozoal myeloencephalitis
(EPM). The disease can actually also be caused by Neospora hughesi, although the
majority of cases are due to S. neurona. Clinical EPM signs include dysphagia,
upper airway dysfunction, muscle weakness and atrophy, ataxia, weakness of limbs,
and even seizures. Severely affected horses show difficulty in standing, walking, or
swallowing and present head tilt and facial nerve paralysis. In some cases, signs
stabilize but relapse in a few days or weeks (Dubey et al. 2015; Reed et al. 2016).
Experimental infections of different farm animals and pets, on the other hand,
have shown a number of severe signs (Table 4.3). As a rule in Sarcocystis infections,
necrosis of cells and tissues produced by multiplication of schizonts is very com-
mon, but it does not appear to be extensive enough to cause severe illness or death
in large animals—cattle, sheep, goats, and pigs. However, an intense inflammatory
reaction is usually associated to second-generation schizont maturation. Eosinophilic
myositis (EM) is a specific inflammatory condition of striated muscles. It happens
during the penetration of myocytes by merozoites and might be related to products
liberated from merozoites or myocytes. It has been found mostly in cattle, occasion-
ally in sheep, and rarely in pigs and horses. With the progression of EM, eosinophils
and myocytes degenerate, resulting in granulomas with a central area of necrosis.
Later, the tissue becomes surrounded by zones of giant cells, epithelial cells, lym-
phocytes, and fibrocytes (Dubey 2015).
Abortion can result when animals become infected with pathogenic species of
Sarcocystis during pregnancy, and there are many unanswered questions and obser-
vations that appear contradictory about the effect of sarcocystosis on fetal health.
118 C. Decker Franco et al.

Table 4.3  Clinical effects of Sarcocystis spp. infections of farm animals and pets

Sarcocystis Clinical effects (depending on the number of

Intermediate host species sporocysts ingested)
Pig (Sus scrofa) S. miescheriana Weight loss, purpura of the skin, dyspnea, muscle
S. suihominis tremors, diarrhea, myositis, abortion, and death
S. porcifelis
Cattle (Bos taurus) S. cruzi Fever, weight loss, anemia, hair loss, weakness,
prostration, abortion, reduced milk yield,
hypersalivation, neurologic signs, and death
S. hirsuta Fever, diarrhea, and anemia
S. hominis Anemia
Sheep (Ovis aries) S. tenella Anorexia, weight loss, fever, anemia, loss of wool,
abortion, premature birth, neural signs, myositis,
and death
S. arieticanis Fever, less wool growth, and death
S. gigantea
Goat (Capra hircus) S. capracanis Fever, weakness, anorexia, weight loss, tremors,
irritability, abortion, and death
Equine (Equus spp.) S. fayeri Mild anemia, hair loss, and fever
S. equicanis Fever, apathy, and anorexia
S. neurona Ataxia, general weakness with muscle spasticity,
loss of appetite, decreased tongue tone, and facial
South American S. aucheniae Necrosis, hemorrhage, eosinophilic myositis,
camelids (Lama spp.) abortion, and death
Dog (Canis familiaris) S. caninum Fever, apathy, anorexia, muscle weakness, ataxia,
and elevated liver and muscle enzymes
Chicken (Gallus S. wenzeli Myositis, muscular weakness, and neurologic signs
gallus) S. horvathi
With the exception of S. neurona, where signs correspond to natural or experimental infections, all
other effects were registered exclusively in experimental infection studies (Dubey 2015; Fayer
et al. 2015)

When infection is induced experimentally, most animals can develop clinical sarco-
cystosis and abortion, showing parasites and lesions in maternal placentomes but
rarely infecting the fetus or fetal membranes. Unlike experimentally infected ani-
mals, those with natural infections show parasites, lesions, or both in the fetuses
(Jerrett et al. 1984).
Definitive hosts usually do not present clinical signs. Dogs, cats, coyotes, foxes,
and raccoons fed with tissues infected with different Sarcocystis species-excreted
sporocysts but were otherwise asymptomatic. However, a few dogs and coyotes
vomited or were anorexic for 1–2 days following ingestion of meat. In addition, in
trials made in human volunteers who ingested beef and pork infected with S. homi-
nis or S. suihominis, respectively, clinical symptoms were observed, including vom-
iting, diarrhea, and respiratory distress (Dubey 2015). Indeed, soluble extracts
prepared from the tissue cysts of various Sarcocystis species have been shown to
4 Sarcocystis 119

contain powerful toxins—sarcotoxins—which have even proven lethal when admin-


istered to laboratory animals (Hiepe et al. 1981; Harada et al. 2013, Kamata et al.
2014). Accordingly, experimental inoculation of rabbits with an extract derived
from S. fusiformis or S. cruzi cysts developed a shock-like state and/or death, likely
caused by the sudden exposure to high doses of sarcotoxins (Saleque et al. 1991;
Nakamura et al. 1999).

4.3.2 P

Currently, there is no vaccine to protect animals against sarcocystosis, but experi-

mental studies indicate that cattle, sheep, goats, and pigs develop a humoral response
when inoculated with small numbers of live sporocysts. For this reason, there is
hope of developing a vaccine for sarcocystosis in the future (Dubey 2015). In the
USA, a killed whole S. neurona merozoite vaccine was marketed by Fort Dodge, but
the product has been retired from the market, because no differences between vac-
cinated and control horses were found during the trials (Dubey et al. 2015).
For the time being, interrupting the cycle of the parasite is the only practical
method of control. This can be achieved by preventing definitive hosts to consume
raw or insufficiently cooked meat infected with Sarcocystis or to cohabitate with
intermediate hosts.
It is important to take into account that during veterinary inspections in slaugh-
terhouses, meat containing macroscopic cysts can be confiscated, but microscopic
cysts pass unnoticed. For this reason, it can be assumed that most meat that is con-
sumed is infected with Sarcocystis (Godoy et al. 2007). It has been demonstrated
that freezing meat is effective to prevent the occurrence of food poisoning when
consuming raw meat containing sarcocysts. Indeed, freezing S. fayeri sarcocyst-­
infected horsemeat for 48 h at −20 °C resulted in the disappearance of bradyzoites,
as well as of a 15 kDa sarcotoxin found to be responsible for the clinical signs asso-
ciated with food poisoning (Kamata et al. 2014).
Confiscated carcasses should be buried or incinerated to prevent definitive hosts
from eating infected meat, and the prophylactic use of anticoccidials in definitive
and intermediate hosts could help to control sarcocystosis in farm animals and pets
(Dubey 2015).

4.3.3 Treatment

Currently there is no specific prophylactic or therapeutic treatment for sarcocysto-

sis. Infections usually go undetected, but in case of the appearance of clinical signs,
some drugs have proved effective to partially reduce illness and parasitic load
(Table  4.4). In horses, treatment with an anticoccidial drug has been shown to
increase ten times the likelihood of recovery from clinical EPM signs and survival.
Treatment, however, was more effective when milder, rather than severe, clinical
signs were present (Saville et al. 2000; Pusterla et al. 2014; Reed et al. 2016).
120 C. Decker Franco et al.

Table 4.4  Drugs used for the treatment of sarcocystosis (Cordero del Campillo et al. 1999; Dubey

2015; Fayer 2004; Lindsay and Dubey 1999; Reed et al. 2016)
Drug Target host Action
Amprolium Cattle, sheep, goat, pig, Coccidiostat
chicken, and dog Blocks the thiamine transporter
Decoquinate Poultry, cattle, sheep, goat, Coccidiostat
and equine
Diclazuril Poultry, cattle, sheep, goat, Coccidiostat
and equine
Dihydrofolate Equine Inhibits folate’s actions
reductase inhibitors
Salinomycin Animals Coccidiostat
Halofuginone Animals Coccidiostat. Inhibits T-helper 17 cells
Lasalocid Cattle, sheep, and poultry Coccidiostat
Ponazuril Equine Coccidiostat. Inhibits mitochondrial
Primaquina Definitive hosts Gametocide. Inhibits the synthesis of
Robenidine Sheep and goat Coccidiostat
Sulfadoxine and Definitive hosts, equine Inhibits dihydropteroate synthetase
pyrimethamine activity
Sulfadoxine and Cattle, sheep, goat, and pig Inhibits dihydropteroate synthase

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Dadin Prando Moore and Maria Cecilia Venturini

This chapter emphasizes the research performed on canine and bovine neosporo-
sis during almost three decades after its description. This parasitic disease caused
by the protozoan Neospora caninum is associated with neuromuscular disorders
in dogs and abortions in cattle. Neosporosis was first recognized in dogs in
Norway, but its description of N. caninum as a new genus and species was pro-
posed in the USA by Dubey and collaborators in 1988. After the protozoan was
isolated from dogs suffering the disease, neosporosis was recognized as the first
cause of bovine abortion in dairy cattle from California, USA.  Noteworthy, N.
caninum is one of the most efficiently congenitally-transmitted organisms. N.
caninum-­infected cows deliver up to 90% of congenitally infected calves. After
the indirect fluorescent antibody test was described for serological diagnosis of
neosporosis, many serological tests were developed for detection of antibodies in
cattle and other domestic and wild species. The definitive host was unknown until
1998, when N. caninum oocysts were identified and characterized in dogs experi-
mentally fed with infected mouse tissues. Experimental oral infection of cattle
with N. caninum oocysts was achieved later on. Nowadays, additional definitive
hosts have been described: the coyote (Canis latrans), the Australian dingo (Canis
lupus dingo), and the wolf (Canis lupus). Treatments of neuromuscular neosporo-
sis in dogs have been successfully described, but no vaccine or drugs are available
for controlling neosporosis in cattle even though economic losses have been esti-
mated in over 1 billion dollars in both beef and dairy industry worldwide.

D.P. Moore (*)

National Council of Scientific and Technological Research (CONICET), Buenos Aires,
e-mail: [email protected]
M.C. Venturini
Laboratory of Immunoparasitology (LAINPA), School of Veterinary Sciences, National
University of La Plata, La Plata, Argentina

© Springer International Publishing AG, part of Springer Nature 2018 125

M. Florin-Christensen, L. Schnittger (eds.), Parasitic Protozoa of Farm Animals
and Pets, https://doi.org/10.1007/978-3-319-70132-5_5
126 D.P. Moore and M.C. Venturini

5.1 Morphology, Life Cycle, and Host-Pathogen Interactions


Neosporosis caused by the protozoan Neospora caninum is a parasitic disease asso-

ciated with neuromuscular disorders in dogs and abortions in cattle. Probably mis-
diagnosed as toxoplasmosis until the late 1980s, neosporosis was first described as
a neuromuscular syndrome in dogs (Bjerkås et  al. 1984; Dubey et  al. 1988a, b).
Because most research groups working on toxoplasmosis worldwide extrapolated
their knowledge and technology in knowing this parasitic disease, many advances
were possible.
Neosporosis was first recognized in dogs in Norway (Bjerkås et  al. 1984).
The description of N. caninum as a new genus and species was proposed in the
USA (Dubey et al. 1988a), and the parasite was isolated from dogs suffering the
disease (Dubey et al. 1988b; Lindsay and Dubey 1989). Then, neosporosis was
identified as cause of abortion in dairy cattle in New Mexico, USA (Thilsted and
Dubey 1989). N. caninum transplacental transmission was experimentally
induced in cats, dogs, sheep, and cattle (Dubey and Lindsay 1989a, b, 1990;
Dubey et  al. 1992). Recognized as the first cause of bovine abortion in dairy
cattle from California, USA (Barr et al. 1991), the disease was experimentally
induced in cattle using parasites isolated from bovine aborted fetuses (Barr et al.
1994). Noteworthy N. caninum is one of the most efficiently congenitally-
transmitted organisms. N. caninum-infected cows deliver up to 90% infected
calves (Anderson et al. 1997). After the indirect fluorescent antibody test was
described for serological diagnosis of neosporosis, many ELISAs were devel-
oped for detection of antibodies in cattle and other domestic and wild species
(Björkman et al. 1994; Paré et al. 1995; Baszler et al. 1996; Dubey et al. 1996).
The definitive host was unknown until 1998, when N. caninum oocysts were
identified and characterized in dogs experimentally fed with infected mouse tis-
sues (McAllister et  al. 1998; Lindsay et  al. 1999a). Indeed experimental oral
infection of cattle with N. caninum oocysts was achieved later on (de Marez
et al. 1999). Three years later, after the dog was recognized experimentally as
definitive host, N. caninum oocysts were isolated and identified in the feces
from a naturally infected dog for the first time (Basso et al. 2001a, b). Additional
studies described the coyote, Canis latrans; the Australian dingo, Canis lupus
dingo; and the wolf, Canis lupus as definitive hosts (Gondim et al. 2004; King
et al. 2010; Dubey et al. 2011). Nowadays, the entire genome sequence informa-
tion on N. caninum Nc-Liverpool isolate is available (http://www.genedb.org/
N. caninum belongs to the phylum Apicomplexa, class Sporozoasida, subclass
Coccidiasina, order Eucoccidiorida, suborder Eimeriorina, family Sarcocystidae,
genus Neospora (Dubey et al. 1988a, 2002; Goodswen et al. 2013). Another species
of Neospora, N. hughesi, was described from a horse in California, USA, in 1998
(Marsh et al. 1998).
5  Neospora 127

5.1.1 Morphology

There are three infectious stages of N. caninum: tachyzoites, bradyzoites, and spo-
rozoites. Tachyzoites are crescent-shaped, approximately 2 × 7.5 μm with a pointed
anterior—conoidal—end and a rounded posterior end and represent the rapid mul-
tiplying stage. In the host cell cytoplasm, tachyzoites are located within a parasi-
tophorous vacuole (PV), surrounded by a parasitophorous vacuolar membrane
(PVM). The tachyzoite has an outer plasma membrane; two inner membranes; cyto-
skeletal elements such as microtubules, apical and polar rings, and conoid; and
secretory organelles, such as rhoptries, micronemes, dense granules, a long single
mitochondrion, lipid body, a Golgi complex, ribosomes, rough and smooth endo-
plasmic reticula, micropore, nucleus, amylopectin granules, and an apicoplast, a
non-photosynthetic plastid organelle (Dubey and Lindsay 1996).
Almost all cell types in the body, including neural cells, endothelial cells, dermal
cells, retinal cells, macrophages, hepatocytes, and fibroblasts can be hosts for
tachyzoites (reviewed in Dubey and Lindsay 1996).
It is generally known that tachyzoites (Fig. 5.1) move by gliding, flexing, undu-
lating, and rotating. The glideosome is an actin-myosin motor complex which pro-
vides their motility. In a few seconds, initial host cell contact is mediated by parasite
surface antigens (SAGs). Then, the discharge of secretory organelles (MICs, ROPs,

10 µm

Fig. 5.1  N. caninum tachyzoites strain NC Argentina LP-1, bovine isolate from a congenitally-
infected asymptomatic dairy male calf. Microphotograph gently provided by Dr. LM Campero,
128 D.P. Moore and M.C. Venturini

RONs) governs host cell invasion. Once the invasion process is achieved, a set of

secretory proteins—dense granule (GRA) proteins—are released into the PV

(Carruthers and Blackman 2005).
Studied in T. gondii, the host cell plasmalemma forms the PVM.  Tachyzoites
secrete several molecules which ultimately give origin to a tubular membranous
network (TMN) (Sibley et al. 1995). Tachyzoites multiply asexually within the PV
by repeated endodyogeny. Both invasion and egression steps are regulated by Ca2+
(Behrendt et al. 2008).
Bradyzoites represent the slow multiplying stage, and they are enclosed in host
tissue cysts. They also remain intracellular and divide by endodyogeny. In early
stages, cysts may be as small as 5 μm in diameter, but as bradyzoites divide, they
may contain more than 200 organisms and grow over 100 μm in diameter (reviewed
in Dubey and Lindsay 1996). The cyst wall is 0.5–4.0 μm thick in histological sec-
tions. In contrast, intramuscular cysts found in striated muscle are elongated and
have a thin cyst wall (Dubey et al. 2004; Peters et al. 2001). The tissue cyst wall is
elastic, argyrophilic, and PAS negative. Bradyzoites are loosely arranged inside the
cyst (Fig. 5.2, gently provided by Dr. Walter Basso). Both bradyzoites and tissue
cysts autofluorescence under UV light (Lei et al. 2005). The size of bradyzoites is
variable, averaging 6.5 × 1.5 μm (Dubey et al. 2004). Bradyzoites contain several
amylopectin granules and fewer rhoptries as compared to tachyzoites, while they
contain more micronemes, also posterior to the nucleus. Tissue cysts and


Fig. 5.2 Thick-walled N. caninum cyst observed in fresh brain samples from axis deer (Axis axis).
Microphotograph gently provided by Drs Venturini and Basso, LAINPA, FCV, UNLP. 400×
5  Neospora 129

bradyzoites can survive up to 14 days at refrigeration temperature—4 °C—but they


can be killed by freezing (reviewed in Dubey and Lindsay 1996; Lindsay et  al.
The stages of schizogony and gametogony remain unknown, and oocysts repre-
sent the only known sexual stage of N. caninum. Unsporulated oocysts, 10–11 μm
in diameter, are shed in canid feces. Their wall measures 0.6–0.8 μm thick and is
colorless. Sporulated oocysts contain two sporocysts and a residual body and mea-
sure 8.4 × 6.1 μm (Lindsay et al. 1999b). Each sporocyst contains four sporozoites.
It has been shown that oocysts can remain infective almost after 4-year storage at
4 °C (Uzeda et al. 2007).

5.1.2 Life Cycle

The life cycle of the parasite is partially known and a scheme is shown in Fig. 5.3.
Transmission can occur through carnivorism, transplacental infection, and the fecal-­
oral route (reviewed in Dubey et al. 2007).
The definitive hosts for N. caninum are the dog (Canis familiaris) (McAllister
et al. 1998), the coyote (Canis latrans) (Gondim et al. 2004), the dingo (Canis lupus
dingo) (King et al. 2010), and the gray wolf (Canis lupus) (Dubey et al. 2011).


The infected cow may abort, or more

probably deliver a congenitally infected
calf without any clinical sign; less frequently,
it delivers a calf without infection Feces containing oocyts
contaminate food or water
sources for cattle

Fig. 5.3  Scheme of the parasite cycle of N. caninum

130 D.P. Moore and M.C. Venturini

Recognized intermediate hosts based on isolation of viable parasites are axis


deer, white-tailed deer, cow, dog, European bison, gray wolf, sheep, and water buf-
falo. Additionally, Neospora DNA has been identified in avian species, badger,
brown bear, capybaras, ferret, hoary fox, mink, mouse, otter, marten, rabbit, rat, red
fox, shrew, squirrel, stoat, and voles (Dubey and Schares 2011).
N. caninum is transmitted postnatally—horizontally—to carnivorous hosts by
ingestion of tissues infected with tachyzoites or tissue cysts and to herbivorous
hosts by ingestion of food or drinking water contaminated by sporulated oocysts.
The parasite can be transmitted transplacentally—vertically—from an infected dam
to her progeny during pregnancy. To describe precisely the origin of the transplacen-
tal infection, the terms “exogenous transplacental transmission” and “endogenous
transplacental transmission” have been proposed (Trees and Williams 2005). The
first one occurs after a primary, oocyst-derived infection of a pregnant dam, while
the second takes place in a persistently infected dam after recrudescence of the
infection during pregnancy.
How postnatal transmission occurs in nature remains unclear. Indeed, it is
unknown how oocysts can be easily spread and disseminated in pasture.
Contamination of water sources is a more plausible explanation, but evidence is still
lacking. Not only N. caninum oocysts have been identified in only a few dogs world-
wide, but also the numbers of oocysts shed by dogs is usually low (Dubey and
Schares 2011).
Natural infections can be acquired by ingestion of tissue cysts in infected meat or
oocysts from food and water contaminated with dog feces. Then, sporozoites excyst
in the gut and spread locally to mesenteric lymph nodes and via lymphatic circula-
tion reach the blood and, eventually, distant organs (Dubey et al. 2006). Although N.
caninum has been detected in semen (Ortega-Mora et al. 2003), venereal transmis-
sion is unlikely. Transplacental and lactogenic transmission has been only demon-
strated in mice (Cole et  al. 1995). The sylvatic cycle for N. caninum has been
partially described (Almería 2013). A complete picture of all possible routes
requires further studies.

5.1.3 Host-Pathogen Interactions

Once infection occurs, parasite-host cell cross talk takes place. Infection by apicom-
plexan parasites modulates the host cell cytoskeleton dynamics (Cardoso et  al.
2016). Microtubules start to surround the parasite upon the first minutes of invasion
by forming a cone-shaped microtubule network, and a microtubule ring on the host
cell is observed around the parasite entrance site. N. caninum and T. gondii also
affect the positioning of the centrosome, which is closely associated with the
nucleus in uninfected cells, but during N. caninum and T. gondii infection, the host
cell centrosome is recruited away from the nuclear membrane and positioned near
the PVM. N. caninum infection also modulates the spatial organization of host cell
5  Neospora 131

actin microfilaments and intermediate filaments, as visualized in astrocytes of


organotypic rat brain slice cultures. F-actin bundles and glial fibrillary acid protein
filaments have been found in close juxtaposition to the cytoplasmic side of the PVM
(Vonlaufen et al. 2002).
Dendritic cells (DC) exposed to N. caninum tachyzoites have an increased
expression of IL-12p40, IL-10, and TNF-α (Strohbusch et al. 2009). In agreement,
N. caninum lysate antigen preparations were less effective in inducing IL-12, IFN-
γ, and TNF-α than whole tachyzoites (Feng et  al. 2010). Macrophage-depleted
mice are more susceptible to N. caninum infection. Increased mortality and neuro-
logical impairment were observed in the N. caninum-infected mice lacking the
CCR5 chemokine receptor. Poor migration of DC and natural killer T (NKT) cells
to the site of infection was observed in CCR5−/− mice, and higher levels of IFN-γ
and CCL5 expression, which are associated with brain tissue damage, were
observed in the brain tissue of CCR5−/− mice during the acute phase of infection
(Abe et al. 2015).
N. caninum triggers a type I IFN α/β response in infected host cells (Beiting et al.
2014). In both mice and cattle, host responses to N. caninum are dependent on the
Toll-like receptor TLR3 (Beiting et  al. 2014; Marín et  al. 2017). C57BL/10ScCr
mice that lack Toll-like receptor 4 and a functional IL-12 receptor are highly suscep-
tible to neosporosis (Botelho et  al. 2007). Nucleotide-binding oligomerization
domain (NOD)-like receptors NOD1 and NOD2 seem to be another important com-
ponent governing the innate immune response. NOD2 is involved in macrophage
responsiveness against N. caninum infection in  vitro and in  vivo, but NOD2-­
triggered responses are required but not essential for N. caninum growth restriction
during sublethal infection (Davoli-Ferreira et al. 2016).
Humoral and cellular adaptive immune responses are important to control the
infection (Hemphill and Gottstein 2006). The principal protection mechanisms
involve IFN-γ and IL-12 (Khan et al. 1997; Kasper and Khan 1998; Baszler et al.
1999a; Nishikawa et al. 2001a, b; Ritter et al. 2002). Noteworthy, CD4+ T-cells are
crucial for protection against N. caninum infection, while CD8+ T-cells are not
(Tanaka et al. 2000). Since μMT-antibody KO mice are more susceptible to N. cani-
num infection, humoral immune responses also appear important (Eperon et  al.
1999). It has been proposed that an appropriate Th population balance is required
(Bartley et al. 2009; Nishikawa et al. 2003). In pregnant mice, similar to the situa-
tion in cattle, immunomodulation toward a Th population response associated with
high IL-4 production is usually observed during pregnancy, thus favoring parasite
proliferation and vertical transmission (Innes et al. 2002).
Earlier studies focused on the relationship between host cell apoptosis and N.
caninum infection. It was demonstrated that in this case, apoptosis is associated to
an increased caspase-3 and caspase-8 activity (Nishikawa et  al. 2001a, b).
Interestingly, N. caninum bradyzoites, as well as their host cells, are predestined for
long-term survival. N. caninum inhibits host cell apoptosis in the absence of dis-
cernible Nf-kappaB activation (Herman et al. 2007).
132 D.P. Moore and M.C. Venturini

5.2 Diagnosis and Epidemiology


5.2.1 Diagnosis

Many diagnostic serological tests have been used in individual animals and/or in sero-
epidemiologic observations (Dubey and Lindsay 1996). However, since most studies
have used tachyzoite-derived antigens, infections might have been underdiagnosed in
cases when antibodies against antigens derived from other parasites stages—bradyzo-
ites and sporozoites—were not detected. Ancillary tests, like cytology, immunohisto-
chemistry (IHC), electron microscopical examinations, and detection of parasitic
DNA by PCR, have also been extensively used. Although a definitive diagnosis can be
achieved only by complementary techniques, a relevant role is played by pathologists
when observing histological sections, because characteristic lesions crucially show
the unbalance between host and parasite (Anderson et al. 2000).
Serological tests are applied antemortem and can provide information on the
stage of infection. Indirect fluorescent antibody test (IFAT), Neospora agglutination
test (NAT), latex agglutination test (LAT), and various enzyme-linked immunosor-
bent assays (ELISAs) have been validated. Also, an applied printing immunoassay
with recombinant Nc-SAG1 for detection of antibodies to N. caninum in cattle has
been recently developed (Wilkowsky et al. 2011).
IFAT, considered a gold standard test, is based on the use of intact tachyzoites
which can be fixed to glass slides (Dubey et al. 1988b). Positive sera should result
in continuous peripheral fluorescence of the tachyzoites, while a partial, only polar
fluorescence, must be interpreted as negative. IFAT has disadvantages because the
reading is subjective and may vary when using different microscopes, protocols,
and reagents. In addition, there is no established diagnostic cut-off titer. A serum
dilution of 1:200 has been proposed as the best option to detect infected cattle, hav-
ing the highest sensitivity and specificity (Reichel and Drake 1996).
In NAT, whole formalin-killed tachyzoites are used as antigen. No special equip-
ment or conjugates are needed in this test (Romand et al. 1998). The NAT was vali-
dated using a larger number of sera from several species. Also examination of a
large variety of animal species is possible by using LATs based on recombinant
antigens (NCSAG1) (Moraveji et al. 2012). Specific antibodies from several wild-
life species have been reported using cELISA because no specific conjugates are
available. Others have replaced species-specific conjugates by protein G and A
A large number of sera can be examined rapidly by ELISA, and numerous varia-
tions of this type of test have been published, including assays based on ISCOM-­
incorporated antigens or recombinant antigens and competitive and blocking
ELISAs. Some are commercially available (Björkman et  al. 1994; Baszler et  al.
1996; Aguado-Martínez et al. 2008; Hosseininejad et al. 2010; Alvarez-García et al.
2013). Interestingly, by using recombinant antigen-based ELISAs, it is possible to
differentiate the stage of infection by examining the antibody responses against dif-
ferent antigens to which a host is differentially exposed—acute or chronic stage
(Aguado-Martínez et al. 2008).
5  Neospora 133

During the course of infection, the avidity of specific antibodies to parasite anti-

gens changes. Avidity values are low in the acute stage of infection, and, during
infection progression, avidity values increase. The difference in titers of sera
assessed with or without urea treatment can be used to determine whether an infec-
tion is new or chronic (Björkman et al. 1999; McAllister et al. 2000).
Gel electrophoresis (SDS-PAGE) has been largely used to generate well-­
characterized reference samples for the validation of new tests. In addition, immu-
noblots are important to confirm inconclusive findings and to detect antibody
reactions to particular antigens (Álvarez-García et al. 2002; Campero et al. 2015a,
b). Conformational epitopes are predominantly involved in the N. caninum-specific
antibody response since stronger reactions have been observed against nonreduced
antigens of around 17–19, 29–30, and 35–37 kDa (Campero et al. 2015a, b). Also,
patterns of recognized antigens change during the course of infection.
Dogs may not seroconvert for tachyzoite antigens after excreting oocysts.
Nevertheless, serological assays are important tools in epidemiological studies to
examine the exposure of dogs to N. caninum. In dogs suffering clinical signs, the
demonstration of serum antibodies to N. caninum by any of the different tests can
help confirm the diagnosis. Although IFAT titers were generally high in cases with
severe neosporosis, there is no correlation found between the magnitude of titers
and clinical signs. Based on serological findings, clinical signs, and diagnostic
imaging procedures, a proper treatment can be defined (Dubey 2013).
Because in ruminants there is no passive transfer of antibodies across the pla-
centa, serology provides relevant information in prenatally infected animals.
Sampling of blood before colostrum intake is used for diagnosis of congenital infec-
tion when testing newborn calves. Also, other body fluids (pleural or peritoneal
fluids or exudates) can be used for detection of specific antibodies (Anderson et al.
2000; Caspe et al. 2012).
Gross lesions are rare and the fetuses are autolyzed and mummified (Fig. 5.4).
Hydrocephalus may occur and pale white foci may be present in skeletal muscles
and the heart (Dubey et al. 1988a). Focal discolorated areas have been reported in
the placenta (Fioretti et al. 2003).
Rapid diagnosis can be achieved by direct observation and/or conventional Giemsa
stain after cytospin or impression smears, mostly from mice. Conventional histopa-
thology is very useful in recognition of lesions and arriving at provisional diagnosis.
Tissue cysts of N. caninum have a thicker wall—up to 4 μm—and are more easily
found in dogs than in cattle. TEM has been used to differentiate N. caninum rhoptries
from those in other protozoans. N. caninum tachyzoite rhoptries are electrodense with
an amorphous matrix, and few extend posterior to the nucleus. IHC staining is neces-
sary to confirm the presence of the parasite in tissues showing characteristic lesions
such as multifocal necrotizing nonsuppurative meningoencephalitis (Fig.  5.5).
Formalin-fixed, paraffin-embedded tissues have been commonly used for IHC stain-
ing for specimens submitted to diagnostic laboratories. Although N. caninum antigens
can be detected even in tissues preserved in formalin for years, fixation for short peri-
ods (24 h) is recommended. Both the avidin-biotin complex (ABC) indirect immuno-
peroxidase method and the peroxidase-antiperoxidase (PAP) technique are good,
134 D.P. Moore and M.C. Venturini

Fig. 5.4  Bovine fetal mummification due to N. caninum infection

Fig. 5.5  Focal nonsuppurative encephalitis due to N. caninum infection in a bovine fetus 100×
5  Neospora 135

although proper studies to compare their concordance are still lacking. For diagnostic

purposes, polyclonal antibodies are equally good (Campero et al. 1998). Isolation of
viable N. caninum by bioassay has little practical importance for routine diagnosis but
is essential to study the population structure of N. caninum (Regidor-Cerrillo et al.
2013). Indeed, the number of viable parasites in naturally infected tissues is usually
low, and isolates are required in order to study differences in expression of various
proteins between strains of N. caninum to explain differences in virulence and immu-
nogenicity (Regidor-Cerrillo et al. 2013).
Several gene targets from N. caninum DNA can be detected by several methods.
Moreover, PCR protocols were developed that not only detect but also quantify N.
caninum DNA. Quantitative PCR has become one of the key methodologies to exam-
ine the course of infection and to assess the activity of vaccines or prophylactic drugs
(Pereira et al. 2014; Pinitkiatisakul et al. 2008). Different target DNAs were chosen to
establish N. caninum-specific primer pairs. Genes coding for rRNA and the pNc5
gene are important targets for diagnostic and quantitative PCRs because of their repet-
itive character. On the other hand, many PCR protocols using the ITS1 region as target
have been published. One study compared the performance of an ITS1-based
(Holmdahl and Mattsson 1996) and a pNc5-based PCR (Np4/Np7) (Basso et  al.
2001a, b) and observed a higher sensitivity in the former (Sánchez et  al. 2009).
Although two-step nested PCRs are superior in sensitivity, they have the disadvantage
of having a higher risk of contamination. As alternative, a single-­tube nested PCR
combines the higher sensitivity of a nested PCR with the lower risk of contamination.
An ITS1-based one-tube nested PCR for N. caninum has been developed (Ellis et al.
1999), and an analytical sensitivity of 1–10 fg genomic DNA of N. caninum tachyzo-
ites was reported, which is considered equivalent to the genomic DNA of 0.1–0.01
tachyzoites (Ellis et al. 1999). Modified primers, Np6plus and Np21plus (Müller et al.
1996), were included into a multiplex PCR to identify a number of infectious agents
from aborted bovine clinical samples (Tramuta et al. 2011).
All quantitative PCRs developed so far are based on the pNc5 gene. PCR
approaches based on SYBR Green incorporation are less laborious (Collantes-­
Fernández et al. 2002; Ghalmi et al. 2008; Okeoma et al. 2005; Pinitkiatisakul et al.
2008). By using a SYBR Green I-based real-time PCR, the number of tachyzoites
in brain samples of aborted bovine fetuses was estimated 2.9–26.6 per mg of brain.
The disadvantage of SYBR Green assays is that also unspecific amplification prod-
ucts are labeled, and amplicons need to be carefully checked for specificity. On the
other hand, real-time PCRs employing TaqMan probes, which increase the specific-
ity of the reaction (Reitt et al. 2007; Pereira et al. 2014), were employed for diag-
nostic purposes in cattle (Pessoa et al. 2016) and in dogs (Legnani et al. 2015).
Microsatellite markers are used to characterize new N. caninum isolates
(Campero et al. 2015a, b) and confirm the identity of strains applied in experimental
animal infections (Bacigalupe et al. 2013). In addition, microsatellite typing was
used to clarify epidemiological situations. In clinical material, only identical or
almost identical microsatellite patterns were observed in DNA collected from sev-
eral fetuses aborted in individual herds during bovine abortion storms (Basso et al.
136 D.P. Moore and M.C. Venturini

5.2.2 Epidemiology

Dogs have a key role in the epidemiology because they play both the role of defini-
tive and intermediate hosts in the life cycle of N. caninum (Dubey 2013). Many
studies showed that the serological prevalence is high. Risk factors for N. caninum
infection are discussed as follows:

1. Age: most dogs become infected postnatally, probably by the ingestion of tissue
cysts containing material from intermediate hosts. It should be taken into account
that only a small portion of dogs seroconvert and develop antibodies against N.
caninum tachyzoites (Bandini et al. 2011).
2. Gender: reactivation of N. caninum during gravidity may explain why non-­
spayed female dogs are significantly more often seropositive than males (Goždzik
et al. 2011).
3. Breed: with still some controversy, two studies showed higher seroprevalences in
Siberian huskies in Japan (Kubota et al. 2008) or Boxer breed in Italy (Cringoli et al.
2002). There is a need to further establish the susceptibility of particular breeds.
4. Presence of intermediate hosts of N. caninum: cattle farm dogs have a signifi-
cantly higher risk of being positive compared to urban dogs (Basso et al. 2001b).
5. Habitat and type of dogs: street dogs are more prone to infection, because they
have access to outdoors food, including waste or prey animals (Gennari et al.
2002). Also dogs used for hunting showed an increased risk to be N. caninum-
seropositive (Nogueira et al. 2013; Sicupira et al. 2012).

In cattle, seroprevalence studies do not necessarily reflect the true prevalence,

because in most of them, the sensitivity and specificity of the applied tests was not
established. However, there are general conclusions that can be drawn: (a) The sero-
prevalence is higher in cattle with history of abortions; (b) seroprevalence is higher
in dairy cattle than in beef cattle; however, whether breed or management—or an
interaction of both—is responsible needs to be clarified; and (c) seroprevalence
increases with age.
The epidemiological risk factors in cattle have been reviewed and grouped in
those associated to infection and to abortion (Dubey et al. 2007). Most of them are
discussed as follows:

1. History of reproduction problems: cattle having abortion/stillbirths were

reported as risk factors for seropositivity (Moore et al. 2009).
2. Cattle biotype: In some studies, dairy cattle showed a higher risk to be seroposi-
tive (Moore et al. 2002; Quintanilla-Gozalo et al. 1999); nevertheless, there is
no general rule on which type of cattle has a higher risk of infection.
3. Cattle stocking density and size of farm land: high stocking density was identi-
fied as a potential risk factor for seropositivity (Barling et  al. 2000).
Seroprevalence decreased in herds with increasing sizes of farm lands used for
forage production in dairy cattle in southern Brazil and Canada (Corbellini
et al. 2006; VanLeeuwen et al. 2010).
5  Neospora 137

4. Breed: although different humoral mechanisms against N. caninum infection


and abortion were observed in pure-breed pregnancies compared with cross-

breed pregnancies in beef/dairy cattle (Santolaria et al. 2011), studies regarding
an increased susceptibility of different cattle breeds are still lacking.
5. Age: the risk of being seropositive may increase with the age and/or parity
number in beef and dairy cattle suggesting postnatal infection (Moore et  al.
2009, 2014). Interestingly, the higher the parity number of seropositive dams,
the lower the chance of progeny to be prenatally infected was (Dijkstra et al.
6. Source of replacement heifers: rearing replacement heifers in farms with
endemic infections may be associated with persistent N. caninum infections in
the herd. In contrast, purchasing replacement heifers in herds with low rates of
infection represents a risk (Woodbine et al. 2008; Asmare et al. 2013).
7. Presence of definitive hosts: the number of farm dogs was a risk factor for sero-
positivity in cattle in most epidemiological studies in dairy herds (Hobson et al.
2005). Inversely, in the case of beef cattle, the presence of dogs resulted in
increased protection, probably due to the chasing off wild canids from farm
lands (Barling et al. 2001). In this regard, farmers should be aware that their
dogs must be fed with commercial or cooked food.
8. Other intermediate hosts: naturally infected mice and rats may be important
sources of infection for definitive hosts. The presence of domestic poultry was
found to be a risk factor for seropositivity (Sierra et al. 2011). Moreover, exper-
imentally infected embryonated chicken eggs induced oocyst excretion in dogs
(Furuta et al. 2007).
9. Grazing, fodder, and drinking water: oocyst-contaminated pastures, fodder, and
drinking water are regarded as potential sources for postnatal infection of cattle
(Barling et al. 2001; Dubey et al. 2007).
10. Feeding colostrum or milk: cross-suckling of calves born to seronegative moth-
ers on seropositive cows did not lead to an infection (Davison et al. 2001). But
N. caninum DNA was demonstrated in bovine milk (Moskwa et al. 2007). Just
one study in dairy cattle suggested that feeding of pooled colostrum is a puta-
tive risk factor for seropositivity (Corbellini et al. 2006).
11. Factors related to concurrent infections: a statistically significant association
between antibodies against N. caninum and bovine viral diarrhea virus (BVDV)
has been reported (Björkman et al. 2000). Another study showed positive asso-
ciation between antibodies against bovine herpesvirus 1 (BHV-1) and antibod-
ies against N. caninum (Rinaldi et  al. 2007). The rationale is that both viral
infections induced immunosuppression, favoring the recrudescence of N. cani-
num infections in latently infected dams.
12. Climatic season: a higher temperature—up to not yet defined limits—may
favor a faster sporulation of oocysts in the environment surrounding cattle.
Mild temperatures and humidity not only favor sporulation and survival of coc-
cidian oocysts but also support the growth of fungi. Fungal toxins are suspected
to cause immune suppression in cattle (Bartels et  al. 1999; Thurmond et  al.
1995; Wouda et al. 1999).
138 D.P. Moore and M.C. Venturini

13. Stress and body condition: heat stress may reflect the general susceptibility of

pregnant cows to any type of stress during the second trimester of gestation
(Yániz et  al. 2010). A body condition score ≤4 increased, together with the
level of N. caninum-specific antibodies, the chance of beef cows to experience
a reproductive failure (Waldner 2005).

5.3 Clinical Signs, Prevention, and Treatment

5.3.1 Clinical Signs

Since N. caninum is one of the best host-adapted protozoa, most infections do not
cause clinical disease (Moré et al. 2009). Eventually, acute or chronic infection can
lead to disease and death. However, the host frequently recovers with the acquisition
of immunity, coincident with the appearance of humoral antibodies. Chronic latent
neosporosis may be reactivated by rupture of tissue cysts—bradyzoites convert to
tachyzoites—but factors related to this change and rupture are unknown.
Nevertheless, chronic neosporosis has been reactivated in experimentally infected
dogs by administration of high doses of corticosteroids (Dubey and Lindsay 1990).
Also, the physiopathology and the immune mechanisms involved in the reactiva-
tion—depression of the cellular-mediated immunity—during the second trimester
of gestation in pregnant cattle have been postulated and demonstrated (Williams
et al. 2000; Innes et al. 2002; Cantón et al. 2014). Tissue cyst rupture usually results
in granulomatous inflammation. Even wild animals may suffer fatal disease, usually
associated to stress and/or immune suppression (Donahoe et al. 2015). Canine Neosporosis

In dogs, N. caninum infections are common but clinical disease is relatively rare.
Although over 25 viable isolates have been reported worldwide, most of them are
derived from dogs with clinical illness. Clinical neosporosis is common in young,
very old, and/or immunosuppressed dogs (Dubey 2013).
Several clinical forms of canine neosporosis can be differentiated, although they
may overlap:

1. Transplacentally infected puppies develop the most severe signs: ascending rear
limb paresis and paralysis and atrophy and rigid contracture of the muscles. As
rapid diagnosis is unusual, these dogs may progress to polyradiculoneuritis,
polymyositis, and, eventually, meningoencephalomyelitis (Dubey 2013).
2. Adult dogs may suffer a wider range of manifestations like encephalitis and
myositis, but paraparesis is the most common neurological sign (Dubey
3. Dermatitis due to N. caninum affects mainly adult dogs (Perl et  al. 1998; La
Perle et al. 2001).
5  Neospora 139

4. Stillbirths and neonatal deaths have been reported (Barber and Trees 1996).

Subclinically infected bitches can transmit the parasite to their fetuses, and suc-
cessive litters from the same bitch may be born infected, but alternating genera-
tions of infected and noninfected litters have also been reported (Barber and Trees
1998; Dubey et al. 1990; Heckeroth and Tenter 2007). The stage of gestation at
which N. caninum is transmitted from the bitch to the fetus remains unknown.
5. Severe hepatitis has been also reported in dogs (Hoon-Hanks et  al. 2013;

Cochrane and Dubey 1993; Jardine and Dubey 1992).
6. Dogs can die suddenly of severe myocarditis and heart failure without obvious
involvement of other tissues (Odin and Dubey 1993; Meseck et al. 2005).
7. An unusual case of diffuse peritonitis with peritoneal effusion has been reported
in an 11-year-old Rhodesian Ridgeback (Holmberg et al. 2006).
8. Pneumonitis due to N. caninum was diagnosed in an 11-year-old dog with per-
sistent cough and tachypnea (Greig et al. 1995). C attle Neosporosis

In both beef and dairy cattle, N. caninum is a primary pathogen. The main clinical
sign is abortion, but ataxia and weakness of limbs and permanent hyperextension
could be underdiagnosed in congenitally infected calves (Micheloud et al. 2015).
Fetuses may die in utero or be resorbed, mummified, autolyzed, stillborn, or born
alive, clinically normal but being persistently infected. Mummification is com-
mon in neosporosis (Fig. 5.4) (Moore et al. 2002; Ghanem et al. 2009). Cows of
any age may abort, but persistently infected heifers are particularly vulnerable
during their first gestation (Thurmond and Hietala 1997). Cows may abort repeat-
edly in consecutive pregnancies, but repetition of the abortion has been estimated
in 5% (Anderson et  al. 1995). Abortions in cattle can have an epidemic or
endemic—sporadic—character (Calandra et al. 2014). Abortions are considered
epidemic if more than 10% of cows at risk abort within 6–8  weeks (Anderson
et  al. 2000). Within few weeks, abortion rates can reach >18% of the pregnant
herd (McAllister et al. 1996).

5.3.2 P

Nowadays, the options for controlling bovine neosporosis are based in the inter-
ruption of the N. caninum parasitic cycle (McAllister 2016): (1) limiting access of
definitive hosts to water and food supplies; (2) removing tissues produced by abor-
tions; (3) selective culling through the use of diagnostic tools; (4) although diffi-
cult, controlling any species involved in the sylvatic life cycle of this
protozoan—including rodents and many other mammals—and (5) transferring
embryos, a procedure that can be performed without any risk for the recipient dam;
moreover, embryos can be obtained from a given seropositive cow and transferred
to a seronegative recipient dam, and the progeny will be born free of N. caninum
infection (Campero et al. 2003).
140 D.P. Moore and M.C. Venturini

A commercial, inactivated vaccine was introduced to the market more than a


decade ago, but due to its low efficacy, it was subsequently withdrawn from sales.
Interestingly, live vaccines are used as effective tools for the prevention of other
apicomplexan infections, such as toxoplasmosis, theileriosis, babesiosis, and coc-
cidiosis (McAllister 2016). In cattle, N. caninum live tachyzoites inoculated pre-
vious to mating have higher efficacy compared to inactivated vaccines (Hecker
et al. 2013). Potential of pathogenicity reversion, costly production and distribu-
tion, and latency in the intermediate host are considered the main disadvantages
of currently available live vaccines. A desired goal is to achieve a vaccine similar
to Toxovax®, in which T. gondii tachyzoites appear to have lost the ability to
encyst in the vaccinated host. Another disadvantage of live vaccines is the impos-
sibility to distinguish between vaccinated and naturally infected cattle, at least
with currently available serological tests. Additionally, no drugs have been devel-
oped neither to prevent transplacental transmission nor to avoid abortion (Reichel
et al. 2015).

5.3.3 T

Many drugs have been tested to treat neosporosis (reviewed by Hemphill and
Gottstein 2006). Nowadays sulfonamides and pyrimethamine have been widely
used for therapy of neosporosis in dogs. Acting synergistically, these drugs block
the metabolic pathway involving p-aminobenzoic acid and the folic-folinic acid
cycle, respectively. Because the metabolites from these drugs are excreted shortly
after administration, daily doses are required for several weeks or even months.
Trimethoprim, another folic acid antagonist, was used in combination with sulfon-
amides in in vitro tests (Lindsay et al. 1996). Also, the antibiotic clindamycin, avail-
able in many formulations and presentations, is used to treat neosporosis in dogs.
Toltrazuril and ponazuril, anticoccidial drugs that damage the parasite apicoplast
and mitochondrion, are effective against neosporosis in mice (Gottstein et al. 2001).
Although the effect of toltrazuril was investigated intensively in mice with promis-
ing results, the efficacy results in cattle were inconclusive (Haerdi et  al. 2006).
Recently, artemisinin, another drug used against Plasmodium, had lethal effects on
in vitro cultured N. caninum; however, such effect was not observed in the mouse
model (Müller et al. 2016).
To reduce the chance of illness in dogs, precise diagnosis should be performed
as soon as possible. Because of their rapid penetration to the central nervous
system, trimethoprim-sulfonamide or pyrimethamine and sulfonamide are the
better treatment options when neurological signs are observed. Although
clindamycin is effective in suppressing the replication and dissemination of
tachyzoites, it is not effective against bradyzoites contained in tissular cysts.
When planning the breeding of bitches, it must be considered that the parasite
can be transmitted repeatedly through successive litters of progeny (Dubey
5  Neospora 141


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Gastón Moré, Maria Cecilia Venturini, Lais Pardini,

and Juan Manuel Unzaga

Toxoplasmosis is a zoonotic infection caused by the protozoon Toxoplasma gon-
dii affecting animals worldwide. T. gondii has a facultative heteroxenous life
cycle with felids as definitive hosts and a wide range of mammalian and avian
species as intermediate hosts. Infectious stages are oocysts present in felid feces,
bradyzoites forming tissue cysts, and tachyzoites. While two major clonal lin-
eages (type II and III) dominate clinical and natural isolates in Europe and North
America, other parts of the world, like Brazil and Argentina, are dominated by
non-clonal or other clonal T. gondii lineages, representing a greater genetic
diversity. Different animal species show a variable degree of susceptibility to T.
gondii infection and to the development of clinical signs. Humans are considered
susceptible, and about one third of the human population in the world is esti-
mated to be infected. Toxoplasmosis is an important abortive disease in small
ruminants. It is mainly asymptomatic in cattle and chicken, but the latter is an
epidemiological sentinel, and isolation of viable parasites from this source is
frequent. Infected pigs can show reproductive failure, and, in addition, their tis-
sues are considered, together with infected small ruminant tissues, a relevant
source of human infection. Cats and dogs can show neuromuscular disease
mainly associated with other immunosuppressive conditions, such as viral infec-

G. Moré (*) • L. Pardini

Laboratory of Immunoparasitology (LAINPA), School of Veterinary Sciences, National
University of La Plata, La Plata, Argentina
National Council of Scientific and Technological Research (CONICET),
CABA, Buenos Aires, Argentina
e-mail: [email protected]
M.C. Venturini • J.M. Unzaga
Laboratory of Immunoparasitology (LAINPA), School of Veterinary Sciences, National
University of La Plata, La Plata, Argentina

© Springer International Publishing AG, part of Springer Nature 2018 149

M. Florin-Christensen, L. Schnittger (eds.), Parasitic Protozoa of Farm Animals
and Pets, https://doi.org/10.1007/978-3-319-70132-5_6
150 G. Moré et al.

tions. Some species like New World monkeys, lemurs, Pallas’ cats, slender-tailed

meerkats, and some Australian marsupials are highly susceptible to fatal general-
ized toxoplasmosis. General control measures are presented, focusing on the pre-
vention of human toxoplasmosis.

6.1 Morphology, Life Cycle, and Host-Pathogen Interactions

6.1.1 Morphology and Life Cycle

The protozoan Toxoplasma gondii is an intracellular parasite which can infect mam-
mals and birds. As other apicomplexan parasites, T. gondii shows a banana-shaped
eukaryotic cell with a complete apical complex. It was detected initially in a
hamster-­like rodent (Ctenodactylus gundi) and due to its shape was designated as
Toxoplasma (toxo, arc; plasma, life), while gondii is a deformation of the host spe-
cies name. Each protozoon measures about 3–6 μm by 0.5–2 μm. They can parasit-
ize virtually any nucleated cell. T. gondii is a cyst-forming coccidian from the order
Eimeriorina and the unique species of the genus Toxoplasma.
T. gondii has a facultative heteroxenous life cycle with felids as definitive hosts
and a wide range of mammalian and avian species as intermediate hosts (Dubey
et  al. 1998).The term facultative refers to the facts that transmission can occur
among intermediate hosts, without a definitive host, and that felids can also act as
intermediate hosts. In domestic cats and wild felids as definitive hosts, the parasites
reproduce by asexual and sexual multiplication in intestinal cells. This is known as
intestinal or entero-epithelial life cycle. Macro- and microgametes are formed—
gametogony—by differentiation, and, as a result of gamete fusion, immature oocysts
are produced and excreted with feces. The prepatent period can vary from 3 to
18 dpi in accordance with the infective stage ingested—tissue cysts and oocysts,
respectively. Oocysts are spherical and measure 10–12 μm in diameter (Fig. 6.1). In
the environment, under suitable conditions of temperature and humidity, oocysts
undergo a division—sporogony or post-zygotic division—producing sporulated or
mature oocysts which contain two sporocysts with four sporozoites. The regular
zoites of T. gondii are haploids, and the formed zygote undergoes a meiotic division.
At this stage, recombination of genetic material among sporozoites in formation can
take place. Oocysts can remain viable for periods up to 18 months, especially with
regular to high humidity (Dubey 1998b).
In intermediate hosts, including cats and humans, the parasites reproduce asexu-
ally, and an extraintestinal cycle takes place. If an intermediate host becomes
infected by oocyst ingestion, sporozoites are released following oocyst wall disrup-
tion by enzymatic digestion. The zoites enter host cells inside a parasitophorous
vacuole, which derives from the host cell membrane and components secreted by
the protozoans. Then, T. gondii multiplies asexually in the host cell by endodyog-
eny—merogony—producing merozoites. Merogony takes place within any nucle-
ated cell, including macrophages, and, initially, consists of a rapid division producing
6  Toxoplasma 151

Fig. 6.1  Toxoplasma gondii oocysts in a cat stool sample. Note three sporulated oocysts with two
sporocysts each and one immature/unsporulated oocyst. 400×

host cell disruption. Merozoites that result from this accelerated division are named
tachyzoites, from the Greek tachos: speed. After dividing rapidly, tachyzoites enter
cells, mainly of the neuromuscular system, and multiply slowly forming bradyzo-
ites—brady: slow, in Greek—within tissue cysts. The brain, liver, lungs, skeletal
muscle, and eyes are the main sites of appearance of tissue cysts. Cysts are spherical
or elongated, limited by a cyst wall, and measure about 70 or 100 μm in diameter in
brain and skeletal muscles, respectively (Figs. 6.2 and 6.3).

6.1.2 Infection Routes and Host-Pathogen Interactions

One of the principal sources of infection for both definitive and intermediate hosts
is the ingestion of tissue cysts. It can take place through the consumption of raw or
not well-cooked tissues, cannibalism, or scavenger behavior and can affect carni-
vores, omnivores, or scavenger animals (Tenter et al. 2000).
Another important route of infection is the ingestion of mature oocysts present in
food, soil, water, and pastures, contaminated with infected cat feces. All animal spe-
cies can be infected through this route, but it is considered particularly relevant for
herbivores (Tenter et al. 2000). Oral infection with mature oocysts or with tissue
cysts containing bradyzoites is known as horizontal infection.
A special infection route of T. gondii is the transplacental or vertical transmission
through the passage of tachyzoites from mother to offspring. This process can
152 G. Moré et al.

Fig. 6.2  Tissue cyst of Toxoplasma gondii in the brain. Positive specific immunohistochemistry
stain. 400×

Fig. 6.3  Toxoplasma gondii tissue cyst from a mouse brain homogenate. Unstained. 400×
6  Toxoplasma 153

maintain the infection within a population, even without contact with definitive

hosts (Hide 2016). Additionally, depending on the gestational age, animal species,
and parasite strains, vertical transmission can result in abortion or cause neurologi-
cal, muscular, and/or ocular disorders in the fetus. Other potential routes for the
transmission of tachyzoites, which are labile in the environment, include the inges-
tion of contaminated raw milk or colostrum, as well as receiving organ transplants
or blood transfusion from an infected individual (Tenter et al. 2000).
Natural infections of hosts, both definitive and intermediate, are usually asymp-
tomatic, but most infected animals become chronic carriers of tissue cysts. Following
asexual tachyzoite reproduction, cell death and focal necrosis occur. Frequently,
necrosis and inflammation are reduced with the acquisition of immunity, which con-
trols tachyzoite division. However, immunity has little or no effect on tissue cysts
and bradyzoites, allowing the chronic stage of infection to develop. A protective
immune response against T. gondii infection is mainly dependent on the host cellular
immunity and is closely related to the effect of cytokines such as interferon gamma
(IFN-­γ) and different lymphocyte population products. On the other hand, antibodies
are not useful to prevent parasite multiplication, and an overexpressed humoral
response can be associated with high parasite levels (Tenter et al. 2000). In chroni-
cally infected animals under immune-compromised conditions, proliferation of T.
gondii can be reactivated. This particularity, where bradyzoites, which normally
divide slowly, can reinitiate a rapid asexual division, is known for only a few proto-
zoans (Dubey 1998a). It can be useful for parasite isolation, making protozoan mul-
tiplication possible in mice or cell culture, using tissues containing viable tachyzoites
or bradyzoite-containing cysts as starting material. Once divided as tachyzoites, it is
possible to maintain the parasite by mice passages or cell culture in several cell lines.
The relation between host immune response and T. gondii evasion mechanisms
has allowed this protozoan to develop chronic infections and to survive in a large
diversity of hosts worldwide. T. gondii can thrive within dendritic cells and macro-
phages and, using the migratory properties of these cells, can disseminate inside the
host (Blader and Saeij 2009; Lang et al. 2007; Melo et al. 2011; Saeij et al. 2006;
Tait and Hunter 2009). Dendritic cells are the most efficient producers of IL-12 dur-
ing infections, and, additionally, they induce IFN-γ secretion by Th1 lymphocytes
and NK cells, generating a protective cellular immune response (Miller et al. 2009).
Innate immune responses begin upon contact of parasite structural proteins—con-
sidered key virulence factors in the acute stage—with toll-like receptors (TLR) of
dendritic cells or macrophages. For example, profilins interact with TLR 11, and
glycophosphatidylinositols (GPIs) associated with parasite surface proteins, such as
SAG1 or SAG2, and heat shock protein (HSP) 70 interact with TLR2 and TLR4
(Karsten et al. 1998; Pollard et al. 2008). ROP5, ROP16, ROP18, and dense granule
(GRA) proteins, that are involved in penetration into host cells, are also important
in the pathogenesis of infection, because the contact with TLR induces the activa-
tion of nuclear factor κβ (NFκβ) and the secretion of pro-inflammatory cytokines
(Blader and Saeij 2009). Different expression levels of ROP5, ROP16, and ROP18
have been related to T. gondii genotypes and linked to the virulence of isolates,
since they avoid mechanisms of innate immune response facilitating the invasion
154 G. Moré et al.

and proliferation of the parasite due to interaction with the STAT3—signal trans-

ducers and activators of transcription—and STAT6 and Irga6 and ATF6-beta,

respectively (Blader and Saeij 2009; Fentress et al. 2010; Fleckenstein et al. 2012).

6.2 Diagnostics and Epidemiology

6.2.1 Diagnosis

There are many diagnostic methods to detect T. gondii infection in domestic animals.
Although the clinical signs of T. gondii in placental cotyledons of sheep and goat are
considered characteristic, most signs are unspecific, making it important to confirm
the diagnosis using direct or indirect methods (Ortega-Mora et al. 2007). Moreover,
as mentioned previously, most infected animals do not develop clinical signs. Direct
methods identify the parasite or parts of them, such as parasite DNA, and include the
presence of compatible histopathological lesions and/or identification of T. gondii by
immunohistochemistry, detection of oocysts in feline feces, isolation of the parasite,
and identification of T. gondii by polymerase chain reaction (PCR) and genotyping.
Indirect diagnostic methods, on the other hand, generally detect an immune response
generated by contact with the parasite. Among them, detection of specific antibodies
to T. gondii is useful for immunological and epidemiological examinations. H istopathology
Observation of tissues infected with the acute stages of multiplication—tachyzo-
ites—frequently evidences multifocal nonsuppurative inflammation. Chronic infec-
tion is evidenced by the observation of tissue cysts frequently surrounded by no
inflammatory reactions. Tissue cysts should be differentiated from those produced
by other cyst-forming coccidia. The wall of T. gondii cysts is <1 μm wide, while the
wall of the cysts of the related protozoon N. caninum is thicker than 3 μm. Also, T.
gondii tissue cysts lack septum or trabecular inner structures, which is distinctive of
cysts from Sarcocystis spp. Final identification of the presence of parasites in tissues
and lesions can be achieved by specific immunohistochemistry. In addition, poly-
clonal- or monoclonal-specific antibodies allow to identify groups of zoites—
meronts—or free tachyzoites, as well as to confirm the identity of tissue cysts
(Uggla et al. 1987). C
 opro-Parasitological Techniques
Identification of oocysts in feline feces can be achieved by flotation techniques,
using high-density liquids like sucrose, sodium chloride, or zinc sulfate solutions.
Oocysts measure around 10–12 μm of diameter and are morphologically indistin-
guishable from Hammondia hammondi oocysts. Differentiation can be carried out
by specific molecular or bioassay methods (Schares et al. 2008). Microscopic exam-
ination has a sensitivity of approximately 100 oocysts per gram of feces.
6  Toxoplasma 155 Isolation

Parasite isolation is not carried out for routine diagnosis but is useful to identify
viability and type of parasites infecting different hosts. Bioassays in mice and cats
and cell culture are the applied methods. Mice can be inoculated subcutaneously or
intraperitoneally with homogenized tissues or orally with suspensions of oocysts.
Most virulent strains of T. gondii are lethal for mice at 3–12 dpi. At necropsy, it is
possible to recover large amounts of tachyzoites from peritoneal washes or lung
homogenates. These fluids are the optimal inocula for isolation in cell culture.
Inoculated mice, even in the absence of clinical signs, should be checked at
3–4 weeks’ post-infection for the presence of specific T. gondii antibodies. Cats are
regularly fed with suspected tissues, and their feces observed by sucrose flotation
technique to detect oocysts. Several cell lines are appropriate for in vitro growth of
the parasite; the most frequently used are the VERO cell line derived from kidney
epithelial cells from African green monkey and the primary cell line HFF, derived
from human foreskin fibroblasts (Saadatnia et al. 2010). P
 CR and Genotyping
Identification of different gene fragments by molecular methods—mainly PCR
and real-time PCR—has become a frequent method for the specific diagnosis of
T. gondii. The main diagnostic targets include a 529 base pair (bp) repeat seg-
ment, the B1 gene, and the 18S rRNA gene. As mentioned previously, the
genome of a single zoite is haploid with 14 chromosomes. The mentioned target
genes are present in multiple copies in the genome and have been identified as
specific and sensitive enough for detection. The 529  bp repeat is present in
200–300 copies in the genome and has been found to be the most suitable region
for specific diagnosis (Su et al. 2006). A real-time PCR targeting fragments of
the 529 bp repeat has shown a detection limit lower than 1 zoite per assay (Lin
et al. 2000). A disadvantage of the technique is related to its costs that include
DNA extraction kits, PCR solutions, specialized equipment, and a well-designed
laboratory structure, which is particularly relevant to avoid false-positive results.
Once specific T. gondii DNA is identified in tissues with an acceptable concen-
tration, it is possible to proceed with the typing of the protozoa. Genotypes
relate to virulence or adaptation to different hosts and geographical areas and
can be studied by restriction fragment length polymorphism of a selected region
amplified by nested polymerase chain reaction (nPCR-RFLP), microsatellite
analysis, or sequencing different target genes. Analysis of 9–12 different genetic
markers distributed in the T. gondii genome by nPCR-RFLP is the most widely
used technique (Su et al. 2006). Once the genotype has been established by this
method, microsatellite or sequencing analysis can be applied to identify phylo-
genetic relations among similar RFLP haplotypes (Su et al. 2010). This type of
studies allows associations with the outcome of clinical signs and the identifica-
tion of potential sources of infection, contributing essential information for epi-
demiological studies (Su et al. 2010).
156 G. Moré et al. Serological Tests


Modified agglutination test (MAT), indirect fluorescent antibody test (IFAT), and
enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay (ELISA) are the most used serological
methods for toxoplasmosis in animals. For human diagnosis, on the other hand,
the reference assay is the Sabin-Feldman dye test, although different results have
been obtained in animal species (Dubey 2010b). Its disadvantage is that living
tachyzoites must be used as antigen. Briefly, tachyzoites of a reference strain—
RH or BK—maintained in the laboratory are allowed to react with the test serum
in the presence of complementary factor and methylene blue. The presence of
specific antibodies is verified by blue staining of tachyzoites, as the dye enters the
parasite through holes produced on the membrane by antigen-antibody reactions.
Blue and white tachyzoites are counted after exposure to serum dilutions to
express titers of antibodies against T. gondii. Diagnostic methods need to be vali-
dated for each animal species in different geographical regions, since they can
show variable sensitivity and specificity according to the antigen characteristics
and the protocols used. Antibodies can be detected in most infected animals from
15 days post-infection. Detection of seroconversion with 3- to 4-week intervals is
recommended to determine the evolution of infection. Serological tests in cats are
useful to identify infection, mainly when they act as intermediate hosts, since
oocyst shedding generally occurs before the peak of IgG antibodies, when they
act as definitive hosts. On the other hand, a seropositive cat probably has already
shed oocysts. When an animal has compatible clinical signs with T. gondii infec-
tion and shows a significant increase of serological titers after two consecutive
determinations, an acute infection can be assumed (Dubey 2010b). A similar con-
clusion can be drawn from aborted dams if seroconversion occurs, indicating
active or reactivated infection during pregnancy. Considering the type of placenta
in pigs and ruminants, detection of antibodies in fetal fluids indicates transplacen-
tal infection, because there is no in uterus passage of maternal antibodies (Dubey
et al. 1987). However, gestational age is an important factor to analyze, because
fetuses are immunocompetent from the second or third stage of gestation (Tizard
2009) and younger fetuses are unable to generate antibodies, remaining serologi-
cally negative.
In our laboratory, the IFAT technique is widely used. The presence of antibodies
to T. gondii is detected using RH strain tachyzoites as antigen. For antigen prepara-
tion, tachyzoites obtained after 6–7 days in vitro cultured in 5% CO2 are washed
three times with phosphate-buffered saline (PBS), pH  7.2, by centrifugation at
500 g. Tachyzoites are treated with 1% formalin for 15 min at 4 °C, washed three
times with PBS, and then fixed on the multi-spot areas of a glass slide. Slides can be
stored at −20 °C until use. For detection of antibodies, sera are diluted with PBS
and incubated with antigen for 30 min at 37 °C. At the end of incubation, slides are
washed three times with PBS.  Species-specific anti-immunoglobulin antibodies
conjugated to fluorescein isothiocyanate are diluted and incubated as mentioned
above and washed twice with PBS. Fluorescence is detected using an epifluores-
cence microscope (Fig. 6.4). Serological titers are expressed as the end dilution of
sera where full fluorescence of tachyzoites is observed.
6  Toxoplasma 157

Fig. 6.4  Positive IFAT reaction using T. gondii RH strain as antigen. 400×

The ELISA test allows detection of IgM, IgG, and IgA antibodies and is as sensi-
tive as the IFAT. There are different commercially available tests produced using
whole antigens, native proteins, or recombinant proteins; thus a solid validation is
required to use them (Dubey 2010b; Pardini et al. 2012).
The modified agglutination test (MAT) consists in a direct agglutination which
uses 2-mercaptoethanol to treat the sera and to destroy nonspecific immunoglobu-
lins and IgM. It is useful for serological diagnosis in different animal species, par-
ticularly in wild animals for which specific conjugates are not available. The antigen
is prepared with whole T. gondii tachyzoites treated with formalin that are recog-
nized by the test sera. The reaction is performed in microplates using different buf-
fers and Evans blue staining. Diluted sera are incubated with the antigen preparation
overnight at room temperature. In addition, the indirect agglutination test, in which
antigenic fractions are adsorbed to particles, such as red blood cells or latex parti-
cles, can be used for prevalence studies. However, it is not advisable for serological
diagnosis, due to its low sensitivity (Dubey 2010b). Immunoblotting is not com-
monly employed as routine diagnosis but can be useful to confirm results of other
serological tests. Since there is no serological method considered as a gold standard,
measuring antibodies by two tests or using a widely validated test is advisable for
prevalence studies and for a proper diagnosis in different animal species.

6.2.2 Epidemiology

Toxoplasmosis is a worldwide distributed disease affecting a wide range of hosts.

Different animal species show different degrees of susceptibility to the parasite and
a variety of clinical signs. Humans are considered susceptible to T. gondii infection,
and about one third of the human population in the world is estimated to be
158 G. Moré et al.

asymptomatic carriers of the parasite (Dubey 2010b). In addition to congenital


transmission, humans can acquire the parasite by the ingestion of undercooked or

raw tissue cyst-containing meat mainly from pigs, small ruminants, and birds, as
well as food or vegetables contaminated with oocyst-infected felid feces.
Serological studies of T. gondii in small ruminants are useful to evaluate the
infection status of herds and individual animals and to relate it with the occurrence
of abortions. They are also important to identify possible sources of infection for
other hosts. Antibodies to T. gondii have been detected in goats worldwide with
prevalence rates between 17 and 71% (Deng et al. 2016; Faria et al. 2007; Garcia-­
Bocanegra et al. 2013; Iovu et al. 2012; Lopes et al. 2013; Mancianti et al. 2013;
Stormoen et al. 2012; Tzanidakis et al. 2012). The relative importance of the vertical
transmission in the epidemiology of goat toxoplasmosis is under study. Also in
sheep, antibodies to T. gondii have been recorded worldwide, being higher in adult
ewes, suggesting a postnatal/horizontal infection as the main route of infection.
T. gondii is known to infect a large spectrum of avian species, ranging from pas-
serine birds, like sparrows, to domesticated birds such as chickens (Dubey 2002).
Adult backyard chickens can show infection rates up to 100%, while chickens raised
indoors show very low prevalence rates of 0–5% (Dubey 2010a). Since parasite
isolation from chicken tissues is relatively easier than from other animals, most
parasite isolates worldwide have been obtained from this species. Moreover, due to
the high susceptibility of infection observed in free-range chickens, they are an
excellent environmental indicator of T. gondii presence in a given region (Moré
et al. 2012; Pardini et al. 2016). In addition, migratory birds have been postulated to
contribute to the dissemination of different T. gondii genotypes in their migratory
The prevalence rates of T. gondii in pigs are remarkably variable according to
raising conditions (indoor versus outdoor farms) and age (market age of fattening
pigs versus breeder pigs) (Dubey 1986). Feral pigs can also be infected; however,
the few studies conducted revealed lower prevalence than that observed in domestic
pigs. Reported prevalence rates of T. gondii in pigs in the 1980s ranged between
22–78%, 19–58%, and 12–31% in Latin American countries, Argentina and Brazil;
in European countries, Belgium and Italy; and in Southeast Asia, Indonesia and
Japan, respectively (Dubey 2010b). More recent studies detected seroprevalence
values of 59%, 37–58%, 51–72%, 4–39%, and 15.8% in Argentina, Central
European countries, Latin American countries, Southeast Asia, and the USA,
respectively (Jones et al. 2001a; Tenter et al. 2000).
Seroepidemiological studies in various geographical regions have detected posi-
tive bovines. However, the specificity of some serological tests for T. gondii is low-
ered by cross-reactivity with Neospora caninum and other related protozoa (Dubey
2010b). Many studies in the past probably misdiagnosed bovine abortions as due to
T. gondii, while the protozoon involved might have been N. caninum. Seroprevalence
rates ranging from 0 to 60% have been reported in different countries; however, care
should be taken concerning the interpretation of these results (Dubey 2010b). In a
national survey in the USA, antibodies to T. gondii or viable parasites were not
detected in 2049 beef samples (Dubey et al. 2005). Parasite DNA could be detected
6  Toxoplasma 159

in cattle tissues; however, the importance of bovine tissues as source of infection for

other hosts is uncertain (Moré et al. 2008).

Dogs are commonly infected by the ingestion of T. gondii oocysts from soil,
vegetables, and water contaminated with infected feline feces, by the ingestion of
raw or not well-cooked cyst-containing tissues from infected animals, and by trans-
placental infection to puppies (Dubey 2010b). Since dogs are usually living closely
with humans and have a similar opportunity for T. gondii infection, prevalence of T.
gondii in dogs might reflect human infection. Tenter et al. (2000) summarized prev-
alence rates to T. gondii in dogs of various countries and found strong regional dif-
ferences. Recorded rates were of 60% by IFAT in Argentina, 46–84% by IFAT in
Brazil, 36% by IFAT in Israel, 47% by IFAT in Spain, 5% by ELISA in China, and
8–25% by ELISA and LAT in Taiwan. In Trinidad and Tobago, rates measured by
LAT were 60.5% in stray dogs, 30.5% in hunting dogs, and 25.5% in pet dogs (Ali
et al. 2003).
Felids are important in the epidemiology of toxoplasmosis since they act as both
definitive and intermediate hosts. Since T. gondii has been detected in most studied
regions, it is assumed that felids (wild and domestic) could be infected all around
the world. When cats are infected with tissue cysts, oocysts, or tachyzoites, prepa-
tent periods of 3–10, 19–41, or 9–11  days, respectively, are followed by oocyst
excretion in the feces (Dubey 2010b). As peak levels of specific IgG antibodies take
place at 14 days post-infection, IgG antibodies might not be detected during oocyst
excretion, especially after ingestion of tissue cysts. It is possible that a chronically
infected animal, which has already shed oocysts, re-sheds after an immunosuppres-
sive condition, which is commonly induced by feline immunodeficiency virus—
FIV—infection, other chronic concomitant diseases, or age (Dubey and Carpenter
1993). Since sexual reproduction of the parasite is not associated with clinical signs,
detection of oocysts in stool samples from symptomatic animals submitted to labo-
ratory analysis is rare. Studies conducted using high number of stool samples sub-
mitted to copro-parasitological analysis revealed a prevalence of T. gondii oocysts
in around 0.1 and 1% in domestic cats (Epe et al. 1993; Schares et al. 2008).
As mentioned previously, T. gondii can infect mammals and birds; therefore, any
wild animal could be potentially infected. Additionally, it is assumed that the para-
sites have a domestic cycle and a wild or sylvatic cycle. Apparently, coevolution of
parasites and host tends to the equilibrium, and the adaptation is expressed as an
asymptomatic infection. However, when a host adapted to one type of cycle is
infected with a parasite adapted to other hosts, the infection tends to be severe or
symptomatic (Carme et al. 2009). P
 opulation Structure
The global population structure of T. gondii is very diverse and varies between
continents. However, its differential appearance in distinct parts of the world is
only partially understood. Most T. gondii isolates from humans and animals from
North America and Europe have been classified into one of three genetic lin-
eages—identified as type I, II, or III—based on PCR-RFLP analysis (Howe et al.
1997; Howe and Sibley 1995). These lineages have different virulence
160 G. Moré et al.

phenotypes in mouse infection models: type I strain is highly lethal in outbred


mice, while type II and III strains are significantly less virulent (Sibley and
Boothroyd 1992). However, it is not known if this virulence phenotype described
in mice may also be observed in other animal species. In the last 10 years, T. gon-
dii isolates from South America were characterized as atypical, considering the
abovementioned classification, as well as sequencing and microsatellite typing
(Ajzenberg et  al. 2004; Beck et  al. 2009; Pena et  al. 2008). While two major
clonal lineages—type II and III—dominate clinical and natural isolates in Europe
and North America, other parts of the world, like Brazil and Argentina, are domi-
nated by non-clonal or other clonal T. gondii lineages representing a greater
genetic diversity of T. gondii (Ajzenberg 2015; Ajzenberg et al. 2004, Shwab et al.
2014). Until now, 15 haplogroups have been reported worldwide (Su et al. 2012),
but the existence of as yet unknown ones in more remote areas of the globe is
expected (Ajzenberg 2015). Molecular and genomic T. gondii information from
different strains reported worldwide can be retrieved from the Toxoplasma
genomic resource (http://toxodb.org/toxo/). It has been hypothesized that genetic
diversity in T. gondii is driven by selective pressures due to its adaptation to dif-
ferent intermediate or definitive hosts, included in domestic and wildlife cycles in
different parts of the world (VanWormer et al. 2014).

6.3 Clinical Effects, Prevention, and Treatment

6.3.1 Clinical Effects

One of the principal clinical signs is the loss of vision due to a toxoplasmic retino-
choroiditis known as ocular toxoplasmosis (Labalette et al. 2002). Congenital toxo-
plasmosis—the primo-infection during pregnancy—can produce neurological and
ocular disorders in fetuses (Jones et  al. 2001b). Another clinical presentation is
encephalitis in immunocompromised patients caused by reactivation of T. gondii.
Toxoplasmosis is an important cause of small ruminant abortions, and the inges-
tion of undercooked meat and unpasteurized milk from infected animals can be a
source of infection for humans (Dubey 2010b). T. gondii-caused abortion in sheep
and goats is frequently associated with necrosis and calcification of the fetal cotyle-
dons and normal inter-cotyledonary areas (Dubey 2010b). However, since similar
lesions can be also observed in N. caninum-associated abortion, discrimination
between these infections out of histopathological lesions is difficult (McAllister
et al. 1996; Ortega-Mora et al. 2007). Repeated abortions in T. gondii-infected goats
are frequently observed, suggesting a potential reactivation of the disease during
successive gestations (Unzaga et al. 2014). Infection during early pregnancy may
lead to fetal death and reabsorption; therefore, the ewe appears barren. An infection
that takes place between approximately 50 and 120 days of gestation leads to abor-
tion, stillborns, mummified fetuses, or the birth of weak lambs. The infected ewes
acquire a protective immunity which prevents future abortions. This fact has been
considered for the development and application of a vaccine to prevent sheep
6  Toxoplasma 161

abortion due to T. gondii which is available in a few countries like New Zealand,

Great Britain, Ireland, Portugal, and Spain.

Clinical effects in avian species vary considerably. Severe toxoplasmosis has
been reported in canaries, which can develop ophthalmitis (including cataracts and
blindness). Chickens are considered highly susceptible to become infected; how-
ever, they are resistant to the development of clinical signs. Nevertheless, a recent
case report showed symptomatic chicken, and the highest rates of affected animals
were adults with central nervous signs. Further histological examination revealed
encephalitis, neuritis, myocarditis, and retina lesions (Dubey et al. 2007). Recently,
a study that involved the experimental infection with T. gondii of 1-day old chicken
was conducted. A significantly higher mortality was observed in white layer lines,
as compared to brown layer lines, suggesting that differences in the genetic back-
ground may influence the susceptibility of chicken to toxoplasmosis (Schares et al.
2016). Many other avian species have been reported as carrying T. gondii infections,
although only few cases were reported as suffering a severe disease, most of which
were birds raised in captivity.
Pigs infected with T. gondii are the most important source of human infection in
several countries, especially in the USA (Dubey 2010b). Humans are commonly
infected by the ingestion of tissue cysts through the consumption of raw or not well-­
cooked pork. Clinical toxoplasmosis in pigs is considered rare; however, a few
reports from Taiwan, Japan, Switzerland, and the USA have indicated increases in
abortions and neonatal mortality and/or febrile and neurological symptoms (Basso
et al. 2015; Dubey 2010b). In addition, experimental infection with T. gondii in pigs
demonstrated that some neonatal infected pigs died after birth, although abortion
and congenital infections were rarely observed (Dubey 2010b; Wingstrand et  al.
Cattle are considered one of the least susceptible animal species to develop clini-
cal toxoplasmosis. Moreover, although animals can be infected experimentally, the
parasite is eliminated or reduced to undetectable levels in a few weeks post-­infection
(Dubey 1983). On the other hand, some researchers have detected parasite DNA in
bovine fetuses (Gottstein et  al. 1998), and the parasite was successfully isolated
from two aborted bovine fetuses (Canada et al. 2002). From the above mentioned, it
is possible to assume that T. gondii can be transmitted vertically in cattle; however,
this appears to be a rare occurrence.
Domestic cats and other felids acting as intermediate hosts can develop neuro-
logical or ocular signs due to the extraintestinal multiplication of the protozoon.
Susceptibility for developing clinical toxoplasmosis increases with feline immuno-
deficiency virus (FIV) infection, indicating cooperative interaction between T. gon-
dii and FIV, as well as in older cats, suggesting a potential reduction of the
immunological control of the infection (Dubey and Carpenter 1993). Pallas’ cats
(Felis manul manul) and sand cats (Felis margarita) are highly susceptible to
develop generalized toxoplasmosis (Basso et al. 2005; Dubey et al. 2010). Intestinal
cycle regularly occurs without clinical signs, where an infected feline could be
eliminating millions of oocysts.
162 G. Moré et al.

In dogs, T. gondii infections lead to respiratory or neuromuscular clinical signs.


However, the latter signs are difficult to differentiate from those produced by N.
caninum (Dubey et al. 1988a). Therefore, it is important to remark the need of dif-
ferential diagnosis between these two parasitic infections. Concurrent infections
with canine distemper virus could potentiate or reactivate a T. gondii infection, and
animals can suffer a severe associated disease (Dubey 2010b).
Some species like New World monkeys (Dietz et  al. 1997), lemurs (Spencer
et  al. 2004), Pallas’ cats (Basso et  al. 2005), slender-tailed meerkats, and some
Australian marsupials (Basso et  al. 2007; Dubey et  al. 1988b) are considered
highly susceptible to clinical toxoplasmosis. Most of these animal species suffer a
multi-organic or generalized fatal toxoplasmosis. Apparently, animals with short
evolutionary contact with T. gondii (desert- or tree-living animals) can suffer a
severe disease, even if a low-virulence parasite strain is involved (Basso et  al.
2009). As example, a colony of slender-tailed meerkats in a zoo was reported to
suffer severe and disseminated toxoplasmosis due to a genotype III strain of T.
gondii, which shows low virulence in mice (Basso et al. 2009). Wallabies, espe-
cially females, are considered more susceptible to acute toxoplasmosis than kanga-
roos (Basso et al. 2007; Dubey et al. 1988b). However, sudden death and similar
lesions to those reported previously in the wallaby Macropus rufogriseus have
been reported in male kangaroos (Adkesson et  al. 2007; Basso et  al. 2007;
Bermudez et al. 2009; Dubey and Crutchley 2008). In addition, a large amount of
T. gondii cysts was detected in muscles of a Macropus rufus kangaroo, which could
be related to species or individual susceptibility and/or related to poor immune
control of parasite multiplication (Moré et  al. 2010). Additionally, the T. gondii
strain affecting this animal was identified as genotype III, and the case occurred in
the same zoo where the meerkats abovementioned died, suggesting that this geno-
type may be frequent in the zoo environment. Fatal toxoplasmosis has been
described in most genera of New World primates in several parts of the world
(Gyimesi et al. 2006; Pardini et al. 2015). The infection generally takes the form of
acute disease, and animals die suddenly, sometimes without preceding signs. If
signs are present, they are nonspecific and include lethargy, malaise, depression,
anorexia, diarrhea, hypothermia, serosanguineous nasal discharge, and respiratory
distress (Gyimesi et al. 2006; Pardini et al. 2015).
It is possible to assume that stressed animals in some environments suffer more
severe toxoplasmosis due to a poor immunity control of parasite multiplication.

6.3.2 Prevention

Since T. gondii can persist in different animal species and uses different transmis-
sion routes, a complete control and eradication appears utopic. Most recommenda-
tions to prevent infection with this protozoon are related to the predominant route of
infection in each animal species. Bradyzoites from tissues are inactivated by incu-
bation at 65 °C, freezing at −20 °C during a week, or gamma irradiation at 0.5 kGy
(Dubey 1996). Therefore, cooking or freezing potentially infected animal tissues
6  Toxoplasma 163

before ingestion by other species is important to reduce parasite viability and mini-

mize infection. Consumption of raw meat or undercooked products is a frequent

cultural behavior; therefore, slaughtered animals destined to human consumption
should be analyzed for the presence of T. gondii and/or proceed as previously men-
tioned to minimize the risk of infection.
Once excreted by felids, oocysts are immature. Therefore, daily disposing of
stools from domestic cats is useful to reduce potential oocyst dispersion in the envi-
ronment. Mature sporulated oocysts are long-term resistant, but they are destroyed
by boiling water. This can be used for disinfection of surfaces in contact with cat
feces. To minimize the chances of a cat being infected and lately contaminate the
environment with oocysts, the use of commercial dry or canned feed is recom-
mended. Neutering of cats is recommended to reduce their behavior of hunting
birds and rodents. Washing vegetables with safe water is a main recommendation to
eliminate or decrease the amounts of potentially present oocysts, as well as prevent-
ing felids to take contact with farms or markets that produce or sell vegetables.
Humans in contact with soil (potentially contaminated with oocysts) should wash
their hands as frequently as possible and/or protect them with garden gloves.
Gamble et al. (1999) reported regional differences in prevalence of T. gondii in
pigs and suggested that education on farm management practices should be targeted
to reduce toxoplasmosis.
Keeping animals in zoo environments is a controversial issue. Several wild felid
species can act as definitive hosts, contaminating the environment with oocysts.
Unfortunately, the presence of stray domestic cats within zoos around the world is
frequently observed, a fact which can have a negative impact on environment con-
tamination. Moreover, several animal species are extremely susceptible to develop-
ing fatal toxoplasmosis. In spite of this, a main recommendation to zoo authorities
is to build blackout-type enclosures to maintain susceptible species protected from
accidental ingestion of oocysts, as well as to minimize stress to avoid potential reac-
tivation of chronic infections.
A live vaccine (Toxovax), using a nonpersistent modified strain of T. gondii
(S48), available in New Zealand, the UK, and Europe, prevents T. gondii abortion in
sheep (Buxton et al. 1991). Also, a live vaccine using a mutant strain of T. gondii
(T-263) is being developed in the USA to reduce oocyst shedding by cats (Verma
and Khanna 2013).

6.3.3 Treatment

As yet, there are no drugs able to kill T. gondii tissue cysts in humans or animals.
Treatment is recommended to reduce tachyzoite multiplication. Drugs such as
clindamycin, sulfadiazine, pyrimethamine, toltrazuril, or ponazuril are effective
both in vitro and in vivo on T. gondii multiplication. These drugs need to be applied
for periods of about 30  days to be effective in clinical cases. Corticosteroids are
indicated to reduce the extension of inflammatory ocular lesions. A prophylactic
treatment of ewes with monensin has been proposed; however, its application is
164 G. Moré et al.

controversial considering current international protocols to avoid antimicrobial


resistance (Dubey 2010b).

It is now apparent that many atypical genotypes exist besides the typical three
genotypes first described. These genotypes can differ in virulence and transmissibil-
ity from the typical genotypes that have been used in the majority of scientific
research over the past 70 years. Recommendations to prevent congenital toxoplas-
mosis (CT) have been determined based on the information produced by research-
ing with these typical strains (Lindsay and Dubey 2011). It is important to identify
the biological behavior of atypical strains and to develop new recommendations for
the prevention and the monitoring of women at risk for developing CT, especially in
South American countries where a higher diversity of T. gondii genotypes has been

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Heinz Mehlhorn

The ten currently described Besnoitia species belong to those coccidians—Api-
complexa—that produce tissue cysts worldwide in domestic and wild ungulates,
equids, rodents, lagomorphs, marsupials, and reptiles, which all act species-­
specifically as intermediate host. While the life cycles of those species, which
use smaller animals such as rabbits, rodents, mice, rats, opossums, and lizards as
intermediate hosts and cats as final hosts, are established, those life cycles
involving cattle, goats, horses, donkeys, and related wild animals are still
unknown. However, there are several indications that insects may play an impor-
tant role in the life cycle, since they were found to be able to transmit cystozoites
from the tissue cysts—which occur in the surface skin of their hosts—to wounds
of other hosts thus initiating an infection, while other pathways of transmission,
e.g., via final hosts producing infectious oocysts, are still unknown. This chapter
summarizes the present knowledge of the species of this neglected but appar-
ently spreading genus of coccidian parasites. Although the mortality rates in
afflicted cattle herds rarely exceed 10%, they are of considerable economic

7.1 Morphology, Life Cycle, and Host-Pathogen Interaction

7.1.1 History of the Genus Besnoitia

The first report of the cattle disease, later named besnoitiosis, was published by
Cadéac in the year 1884, when he described the infected skin of cattle as

H. Mehlhorn
Department of Parasitology, Heinrich Heine University, D-40225 Düsseldorf, Germany
e-mail: [email protected]

© Springer International Publishing AG, part of Springer Nature 2018 169

M. Florin-Christensen, L. Schnittger (eds.), Parasitic Protozoa of Farm Animals
and Pets, https://doi.org/10.1007/978-3-319-70132-5_7
170 H. Mehlhorn

elephant-like without giving any indication of the origin of this aspect. In the year

1912, the French parasitologists Besnoit and Robin determined that this disease is
caused by a parasite. They named the disease sarcosporidiosis, since they had noted
similarities with Miescher’s tubes—which had been detected several years before—
but they noted also several differences to the typical sarcosporidians (Miescher
1843). Henry (1912), Marotel (1912), and Henry and Masson (1922) gave individ-
ual comments on the findings of Besnoit and Robin, while Franco and Borges
(1916) reviewed the epidemiology of this cattle disease in Portugal and proposed
the new genus name Besnoitia and Besnoitia besnoiti as species name. Although
bovine besnoitiosis has been known for long in the sub-Saharan Africa (Bigalke
1960, 1967, 1968, 1970; Bigalke et  al. 1967; Diesing et  al. 1988; Bigalke and
Prozesky 2004) and Asia—reviewed by Olias et  al. 2011—main attention arose,
when cases in Europe increased in numbers and intensity especially in Portugal,
Spain, France, Switzerland, Italy, Germany, and Central-Eastern Europe (Alvarez-­
Garcia et al. 2013; Cortes et al. 2006a, b, 2007a, b, 2011, 2014; Fernandez-Garcia
et al. 2008; Liénard et al. 2011; Mehlhorn et al. 2009; Kiehl et al. 2010; Rostaher
et al. 2010; Gazzonis et al. 2014; Gentile et al. 2012; Gollnick et al. 2015; Hornok
et al. 2014, 2015; Lesser et al. 2012; Basso et al. 2011; Jacquiet et al. 2010).
When Besnoitia infections of cattle were increasingly studied, also the knowl-
edge on Besnoitia species in other hosts than cattle became more detailed leading to
the description of the presently known ten species (Table  7.1). The life cycle of
Besnoitia species, which lead to tissue cysts in rodents, rats, rabbits, opossums, and
lizards, has been established, showing that cats are the final host excreting typical
oocysts that look similar to those of Toxoplasma gondii, Hammondia species, and
Isospora species. In contrast, the different phases and the final hosts of the life
cycles of the Besnoitia species of cattle and horses are still unknown, Although

Table 7.1  Currently acknowledged Besnoitia sp. with their host species
Intermediate host Size of Pathogenicity
Species with tissue cysts Final hosts oocysts (μm) (+/−)
B. akodoni Rodents, grass ? ? −
mouse, gerbils
B. bennetti Horses, donkeys, ? ? −
mules, zebras
B. besnoiti Cattle, rodents? Predator ? +
birds ?
B. caprae Goats ? ? +
B. darlingi Opossums, lizards Cats 11– −
13 × 10–13
B. jellisoni Rodents, mice ? ? +
B. neotomofelis Wood rats Cats 10–13 +
B. oryctofelisi Rabbits Cats 12 × 11 −
B. tarandi Reindeers, caribou ? ? +
B. wallacei Rodents, rats Cats 16– −
19 × 10–13
7  Besnoitia 171

Peteshev et al. (1974a, b) and Peteshev and Polomoshnov (1976) claimed that cats

are the final host of Besnoitia besnoiti, involved cats had been superinfected with an
isosporan species and results have not yet been confirmed.

7.1.2 Morphology of Besnoitia besnoiti Stages

During the first 3–4 weeks of a not yet defined infection with B. besnoiti, tachyzoites
found inside cattle host cells measure 6–9 μm as has been calculated from tissue cell
experiments of several authors. This estimate corresponds to those reported from
culture experiments with B. jellisoni (Sénaud and Mehlhorn 1978). Well-­defined
results, however, are available from measurements of stages inside tissue cysts.
These stages—cystozoites or bradyzoites—reach a length of 7–9 μm and a width of
approximately 2 μm (Fig. 7.5). They are situated inside tissue cysts with diameters of
up to 3  mm and are mostly found in clusters of three to five specimens. In light
microscopically studied semi-thin sections, it was seen that each tissue cyst was sur-
rounded by a dense secondary cyst wall originating from different concentrically
arranged laminae reaching about 0.2–0.3 mm in diameter. The laminae enclosed an
enormously enlarged host cell including thousands of single parasites, which
appeared spherical in cross sections and banana-shaped in longitudinal sections
(Fig. 7.5). Electron micrographs showed that these cystozoites had their origin inside
mother cells giving rise to two cystozoites in a process called endodyogeny, which
was also seen in tissue cultures and is also characteristic for the species of the genera
Toxoplasma, Sarcocystis, and Frenkelia (Mehlhorn and Heydorn 1978; Scholtyseck
et al. 1973; Mehlhorn et al. 1974). The original host cell cytoplasm was reduced to
just a small cytoplasmic layer containing several host cell nuclei (Figs. 7.4 and 7.5),
while the internal large parasitophorous vacuole was closely filled with cyst merozo-
ites (cystozoites or bradyzoites) and stages during endodyogeny (D’Haese et  al.
1977; Dubey et al. 2013; Langenmayer et al. 2015; Njagi et al. 1998).
Cyst merozoites—bradyzoites—are limited by the typical three-layered pellicle, the
outer of which surrounds the whole parasite, while the two inner ones are interrupted
at the apical and posterior pole forming there polar rings. The anterior pole of these cyst
merozoites shows the conoid protruding from the surrounding apical polar ring.
Twenty-two subpellicular microtubules are attached to the polar ring and stretch below
the lower side of the pellicle until the posterior region, but do not reach the terminal
pole (D’Haese et al. 1977; Reis et al. 2006). The apical pole region of these cyst mero-
zoites contains the ovoid micronemes and the club-shaped rhoptries. The anterior thin
ductules of the rhoptries pass the interior of the conoid and reach the apical pole of the
cell. In addition, the apical pole contains several spherical dense bodies and the apico-
plast—formerly named double-walled body—which is limited by four closely attached
membranes and represents the remnants of two former free-living organisms.
Characteristic is also a tubular long-stretched mitochondrion and a Golgi apparatus just
prior to the apical pole of the nucleus, which is mostly situated behind the middle
region of these cysts stages—bradyzoites (Mehlhorn et al. 2009; D’Haese et al. 1977).
The posterior pole of the cyst merozoites—bradyzoites—contained several granules of
172 H. Mehlhorn

whitish-appearing amylopectin, ribosomes, and lacunes of the rough endoplasmic


reticulum. The three-layered pellicle of the cyst merozoites contains a typical micro-
pore used as a cytostome to ingest fluid material from the contents of the parasitopho-
rous vacuole. These structures correspond to those of other Besnoitia species studied
by several authors (Scholtyseck et al. 1973; Mehlhorn et al. 1974, 2009; Mehlhorn and
Heydorn 1978; Dubey et al. 2003a; Dubey and Lindsay 2003; Mehlhorn 2016, 2017).

7.1.3 Transmission of Besnoitia Species

The life cycle and pathway of transmission of the Besnoitia species infecting smaller
mammals—B. darlingi, B. neotomofelis, B. wallacei, and B. oryctofelis—has been
demonstrated and showed that cats act as final hosts, producing the sexual stages
and the infectious oocysts. In contrast, the transmission of B. besnoiti, B. akodoni,
B. caprae, B. jellisoni, B. tarandi, and B. benetti is not fully understood (Smith and
Frenkel 1977; Dubey and Yabsley 2010; Dubey et al. 2002, 2003a, b, c, 2005a, b).
Since the cysts of these species lead to rather large and open wounds along the skin
of infected animals, considerable economic losses may occur. Licking flies or
bloodsucking insects take their food preferably at such places of infected animals.
As vectors, they may play an important role in the transmission of tachyzoites and/
or bradyzoites parasite stages, which can easily be transferred mechanically from
one biting site to others. This aspect has been underestimated for a long time, but
experimental transmission using and examining flies caught in nature shows high
loads of agents of disease such as viruses, bacteria, and eggs of parasites (see Sect. (Gestmann et al. 2012; Förster et al. 2012).
In the case of besnoitiosis (syn. besnoitiasis), such a mechanical transmission of
agents of diseases by insects may be also accompanied by transmission of bradyzo-
ites through skin-­to-­skin contacts of cattle when entering together narrow stable
doors or when getting into contact during feeding in stables.
Infected members of herds of closely standing ruminants or groups of wandering
sheep can easily transmit the infection through skin-to-skin contact. Thus, such
groups/herds may reach high infection rates and many members of a group may
have an unapparent infection. The existence of such a horizontal transmission has
been experimentally shown (Bigalke 1960, 1968; Bigalke et al. 1967; Jellison et al.
1956; Pols 1954, 1960).
Importantly, all the outlined possibilities of the transmission of infection do not
exclude the existence of a typical predator-prey life cycle, including free-living
grass-feeding animals in nature. They would be infected as intermediate hosts by
ingestion of oocysts excreted by meat-feeding carnivores or birds that had been
infected when ingesting meat of living or dead intermediate hosts. Potential Vectorial Transmission of Infectious Stages

Considering that on one hand several intense experimental transmission trials
using Besnoitia species have failed when using meat-ingesting animals—such as
carnivores or carrion eaters—and that on the other hand rather high infection rates
7  Besnoitia 173

have been diagnosed in cattle in many regions of several continents, it must be


assumed that also other pathways of transmission are used. The existence of vecto-
rial transmission pathways seems to be very probable especially when the parasites
induce open wounds in the outer surface of the skin, where the licking or biting
mouthparts of insects or maybe bats can become contaminated with cystozoites or
tachyzoites and are finally transported to smaller wounds of other hosts. This scen-
ery, however, does not exclude a not yet known typical coccidian pathway involv-
ing two hosts—predator/prey—in the close surroundings of cattle or other
intermediate hosts. Flies are surely very important additional or even main vectors
of Besnoitia species. This idea is strongly supported by experimental transmissions
using many related insect species that are known as vectors of other agents of dis-
eases. For example, biting midges (Ceratopogonidae), black flies (e.g., Simulium
species), or tabanids (Tabanus sp.) show often bloody mouthparts when switching
from one host to another (Adler and Crosskey 2011; Adler and McCreadie 2009).
Gestmann et al. (2012) and Förster et al. (2012) showed in a broad spectrum of
experiments that the mouthparts of germ-free flies could easily become contami-
nated by thousands of stages of bacteria and parasites, which they transmitted to
cultures. Furthermore, fleas and other blood-sucking arthropods when imported to
special regions by birds are suggested to introduce contained agents of diseases
(Mehlhorn 2016a, b). Olias et al. (2011) discusses also the possibility that birds
may be much more intensely involved in the transmission of agents of diseases
such as besnoitiasis.

7.2 C
 linical Effects and Diagnosis

The disease induced by infection with these protozoan—coccidian—parasites runs

via two phases in different hosts:

7.2.1 Bovine Besnoitiasis or Besnoitiosis

The disease is called bovine besnoitiasis or besnoitiosis of cattle. It leads in 90% of

cases to a nonfatal disease infecting practically all breeds worldwide except for
Australia, where the parasite has not yet been found (Olias et al. 2011). However, the
remaining mortality rate of about 10% and the destruction of the skin may be disas-
trous for some farmers in certain regions of the world. Depending on the intensity of
the symptoms, the reduction of the productivity of affected animals reaches extreme
high levels (Bigalke 1968; European Food Safety Authority 2010). Losses occur due
to significant decrease of body weight, reduction of fertility, and milk production and
due to the severe damage of the skin making it unusable for leather production. In
severe cases, the skin becomes hairless and appears like that of elephants. Especially
in France and Spain, but also in African countries, the disease is observed at start of
spring time and reaches its peak in autumn. Most severe clinical cases have been
observed mainly in young animals from 6 months of age until an age of 4–5 years.
174 H. Mehlhorn

Infected animals have been categorized by several authors into three main groups of

disease manifestation:

• Inapparently infected, seropositive animals that appear to be weak: this group

covers most of the parasitized animals.
• Animals showing scleroconjunctival cysts with related symptoms of disease.
• Animals with clear and dominant skin lesions and symptoms of weakness often
cover 10–20% of the animals of an affected herd.

The disease itself can be divided into two main phases: Anasarca Stage

The acute phase starts 1–3 weeks after infection and is characterized by the occur-
rence of tachyzoites. Tachyzoites reproduce themselves by repeated endodyoge-
nies inside vacuoles of endothelial cells of blood vessels or inside vacuoles in
fibroblasts and macrophages leading to high fever of 41–42 °C, edema, pyrexia,
hyperemia, and orchitis. Transient or definitive infertility may occur in males, and
abortions have been reported (Bigalke 1968; Cortes et al. 2014). The acute phase
of the disease can be diagnosed most easily from far, when animals on a meadow
show slow and stiff movements. Jacquiet et al. (2010) have described further com-
mon symptoms after intense internal investigations: increased heart and respira-
tory rates, arrest in rumination, increased nasal discharge, anorexia, epiphora,
and/or photophobia. However, the latter symptoms may be confused with diseases
such as bluetongue disease or malignant catarrhal fever (Alzieu 2007; Alzieu
et al. 2007a, b; Mehlhorn et al. 2009; Gazzonis et al. 2014; Gutiérrez-Expósito
et al. 2016, 2017).

Fig. 7.1  Macrophoto of

Besnoitia besnoiti cysts
inside the eye of an
infected cow
7  Besnoitia 175

Fig. 7.2 Macrophoto

showing the hairless skin

of horny appearance of a
cow infected with B.

Fig. 7.3  Colored surface section through the hypodermis of an infected cow showing the density
of tissue cysts of B. besnoiti Chronic Stage

The chronic phase—sclerodermal stage—starts about 3–4 weeks after infection
and is characterized by the formation of thick-walled tissue cysts (Figs. 7.1, 7.2,
7.3, 7.4 and 7.5). These cysts contain bradyzoites and are located in the cutis,
subcutis, mucous layers, scleral conjunctiva, vestibulum vaginae, vagina, testes,
and connective tissues and—though in lower numbers—in the muscles, spleen,
liver, lung, and heart (Mehlhorn et  al. 2009; Rostaher et  al. 2010; Olias et  al.
2011). The affected skin shows a strong reduction of hair and appears
176 H. Mehlhorn

Fig. 7.4  High magnification of a section through a tissue cyst in the skin of a cow showing that
the center is closely filled with cystozoites; note the enlarged nuclei in the small remnants of the
host cell surrounded by a pale secondary cyst wall

Fig. 7.5  Semi-thin sections through four tissue cysts of Besnoitia besnoiti showing the surface
aspect (1) and a section through the midregion (2); the dense secondary cyst wall (SW); the host
cells (HC), with their enlarged host cell nuclei (NH); and the large number of cystozoites (P) inside
the tissue cyst surrounded by connective tissues (T) are designated
7  Besnoitia 177

In enzootic regions, the seroprevalence rates in cattle may reach 50%, but in non-­

enzootic areas often seroprevalences of up to 80% are observed in herds (Fernandez-­

Garcia et al. 2010; Janitschke et al. 1984).

7.2.2 Besnoitiasis of Other Large Animals

Cysts of Besnoitia species may also occur in the tissues of other large mammals
than cattle and have been described in goats, reindeers, caribous, antelopes, don-
keys, and equids (Table 7.1). Their morphology appears very similar to that of B.
besnoiti, and these species may infect the same organs (Ayroud et al. 1995; Diesing
et al. 1988; Heydorn et al. 1984; Dubey et al. 2002, 2003a, b, c, 2004, 2005a, b;
Oryan and Azizi 2008; Oryan et al. 2010; Ducrocq et al. 2009; Glover et al. 1990).
However, the life cycles of these species have not yet been finally determined,
since—as is the case in B. besnoiti—no final hosts have been demonstrated.

7.2.3 Besnoitiasis of Opossums, Lizards, and Rodents

The life cycles of Besnoitia species forming cysts in intermediate host species opos-
sums, lizards, and rodents have been clarified. Cats have been shown to act as the
final host and excrete the typical Isospora-type oocysts after ingestion of cyst-­
contaminated meat of the above-listed intermediate hosts (Frenkel 1953, 1977;
Dubey et al. 2002; Dubey and Yabsley 2010, Dubey and Lindsay 2003; Venturini
et al. 2002). The life cycle of these Besnoitia species seems to be clearly different
from those infecting larger animals (see Sect. 7.2.2).

7.2.4 Molecular Discrimination of Besnoitia Species

By help of the ITS-1 region, species of the family of the Sarcocystidae may rather
easily be differentiated (Tenter et al. 2002; Olias et al. 2011). In contrast, the chance
of discrimination between Besnoitia species infecting small mammals is rather low,
and it is totally absent for Besnoitia species infecting large mammals. The p-­
distances between the ITS-1 regions show clear differences between currently
defined species (Table  7.2). However, the database is still too small to decide
whether all claimed species are really valid. Thus, species determination remains
doubtful as long as experimental transmission has not been demonstrated and suit-
able genetic markers are not available. Rabbits have been shown to be highly sus-
ceptible for the infection with specimens of the cattle-infecting species B. besnoiti,
and they are also able to develop a high-graded and solid immunity (Bigalke 1968;
Ellis et al. 2000; Kaggwa et al. 1979).

Table 7.2  Nucleotide distance values of the internal transcribed spacer (ITS-1) region of Besnoitia sp. using the Kimura-2 model (Olias et al. 2011)

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
1. B. besnoiti
2. B. besnoiti 0.0000000
3. B. besnoiti 0.0000000 0.0000000
S. Africa
4. B. caprae 0.0000000 0.0000000 0.0000000
5. B. bennetti 0.0000000 0.0000000 0.0000000 0.0000000
6. B. tarandi 0.0000000 0.0000000 0.0000000 0.0000000 0.0000000
7. B. akodoni 0.2550241 0.2550241 0.2550241 0.2550241 0.2550241 0.2550241
8. B. 0.2371550 0.2371550 0.2371550 0.2371550 0.2371550 0.2371550 0.0415611
9. B. darlingi 0.2313065 0.2313065 0.2313065 0.2313065 0.2313065 0.2313065 0.0330173 0.0162828
10. B. 0.2313065 0.2313065 0.2313065 0.2313065 0.2313065 0.2313065 0.0590170 0.0458784 0.0415611
H. Mehlhorn

7  Besnoitia 179

7.3 Epidemiology

7.3.1 Distribution of Besnoitia Species of Ungulates Besnoitia caprae

This species is mainly enzootic in Kenya and Iran but single cases have also been
found in Nigeria. In different regions of Iran, prevalence rates have been reported to
range between 12 and 19%. Interestingly, the ITS-1 sequence of B. caprae differs
only by one nucleotide from that of B. besnoiti. However, when looking at the fine
structural aspects, B. caprae appears clearly different from B. besnoiti, and cannot
be transmitted to rabbits, mice, guinea pigs, hamsters, sheep, and cattle (Ng’ang’a
and Kasigazi 1994; Ng’ang’a et al. 1994; Mirzaie et al. 2007; Njenga et al. 1995).
On the other hand, B. caprae from Kenya is transmittable to Balb/C mice (Oryan
et al. 2010; Oryan and Azizi 2008). Besnoitia besnoiti

This species is enzootic in the Pyrenean area of France and Spain and in Southern
Portugal but is now also found in Southern and Central Spain, Italy, North and
South France, and Germany (Olias et al. 2011; Jacquiet et al. 2010; Rostaher et al.
2010; Mehlhorn et al. 2009; Mutinelli et al. 2011; Schares et al. 2016). In addition,
single cases have been reported from Israel and from South Africa, Nigeria,
Kazakhstan, Uzbekistan, China, and South Korea (Pols 1954, 1960; Shkap et  al.
1988, 1995, 2002; Bigalke and Prozesky 2004). However, details are scarce and
these findings have to be confirmed. Cattle strains of B. besnoiti in South Africa
have been experimentally transmitted to goats, merino sheep, and blue wildebeests
(Bigalke 1967; Pols 1960). Although natural infections with this species have been
found exclusively in cattle and antelopes, species specificity of the parasite seems to
be rather low, since a variety of laboratory animals such as rabbits, gerbils, ham-
sters, mice, and rats have been experimentally infected (Basso et  al. 2011; Olias
et al. 2011). Besnoitia tarandi

Widespread occurrence of Besnoitia tarandi reaching infection rates of 48.9% in
reindeer and caribou—Rangifer tarandus—was shown in Alaska, Canada, Finland,
and Russia, while no data exist from Greenland and Norway (Ducrocq et al. 2009).
Gerbils and rabbits could not be experimentally infected with this parasite species.
However, there are indications that transmission may occur between European rein-
deer and American caribou and even to mule deer (Glover et al. 1990).
The 18S rRNA gene—AY616163—and the ITS-1 region, AY665400, of B.
tarandi are identical to strains of B. besnoiti from Germany, Portugal, Israel, and
Spain, and only a single insert of 2 bp is found in the 28S rRNA gene, AY616164
(Olias et al. 2011). Thus it is presently very difficult to clearly differentiate by help
of genetic markers between B. besnoiti and B. tarandi. Rabbits and gerbils were
refractive to experimental infections with B. tarandi, and its bradyzoites showed
clear differences in shape and number of rhoptries compared to B. besnoiti (Dubey
et al. 2003b, 2004).
180 H. Mehlhorn

7.3.2 Besnoitiasis in Wild Ungulates


Besnoitia stages have also been diagnosed by McCully et al. (1966), Bigalke (1968),
and Ellis et al. (2000) in wild ungulates such as antelopes, wild goats, musk ox,
cervids, kudu (Tragelaphus strepsiceros), blue wildebeests (Connochaetes tauri-
nus), and impala (Aepyceros melampus). The morphology of isolates of Besnoitia
stages from cattle, impala, and wildebeest cannot be differentiated; however, results
of isoenzyme electrophoresis point to the existence of different Besnoitia strains in
these host species (Bigalke et al. 1967; Bigalke 1968).

7.3.3 Besnoitiasis in Equids

This disease has been diagnosed in donkeys, horses, mules, and zebras and was
reported from the USA, South Africa, and Sudan (Bigalke 1970). In the USA, the
infectious species is named B. benetti and was found only in donkeys (Equus
asinus), while in Africa cases were known mainly from horses (Equus caballus)
besides a single description from zebras (Equus quagga) and a few from donkeys
and mules (Bigalke 1968). In Europe there is only a single report from horses, but
symptoms may be easily missed during any inspection (Henry and Masson 1922).
Molecular data reported from the USA show clear differences between B. benetti
and B. besnoiti. South African isolates of B. benetti in contrast to B. besnoiti cannot
be experimentally transmitted to guinea pigs, hamsters, white mice, rats, and rabbits
(Dubey et al. 2003a, b).

7.3.4 B
 esnoitia Species in Rodents, Lagomorphs,
Marsupials, and Reptiles

In the USA, B. darlingi is found in opossums—Didelphis virginiana—and uses cats

as final hosts (Table 7.1) (Frenkel 1977). Cats have also shown to be the final host
for B. wallacei (Wallace and Frenkel 1975). B. jellisoni has been described by
Frenkel (1953) and occurs in the white-footed deer mice (Peromyscus maniculatus)
and in kangaroo rats (Dipodomys sp.) yet its cycle is still unknown. Its genetics
indicate, however, that this species is closely related to both, B. neotomofelis and B.
oryctofelisi, which have also cats as final hosts (Dubey et al. 2003a). B. akodoni is
another Besnoitia species closely related to B. neotomofelis and B. oryctofelisi
which is found in the montane grass mouse—Akodon montensis—in South America
(Dubey et al. 2003c). B. neotomofelis has been claimed to be closely related to B.
jellisoni (Dubey and Yabsley 2010). These publications give an idea on how doubt-
ful or valid species descriptions might be when based just on morphological criteria.
An example of an erroneous description of a Besnoitia species based on the mor-
phology of muscle cysts occurring in rodents and on oocysts found in snake feces
after feeding such muscle cysts of rodents is Matuschka and Häfner’s (1984). The
authors claimed that snakes are final hosts. However, in the year 1987, the authors
themselves show that the formerly observed stages belong to the newly established
7  Besnoitia 181

species Sarcocystis hoarensis that uses rodents as intermediate hosts and snakes as

final hosts (Matuschka et al. 1987).

In contrast to other Besnoitia species, B. wallacei was first detected in the feces
of naturally infected domestic cats in Hawaii, but the natural cycle has not yet been
revealed until today (Wallace and Frenkel 1975). However, domestic mice and dif-
ferent rats are susceptible to experimental infections leading to typical Besnoitia
cysts on serosa layers of viscera showing the existence of the typical two-host cycle,
while hamsters and domestic rats were found not susceptible to experimental infec-
tions (Frenkel 1977). However, further results are either not available or have not
been published in easily accessible journals. Venturini et al. (2002) described tissue
cysts of a similar appearance in rabbits, but further details are lacking.
It can be concluded that the knowledge on the species concerning Besnoitia
stages in target hosts such as rodents, lagomorphs, marsupials, and reptiles is rather
scarce. Although many transmission trials had been started in many regions of the
world, they were finally stopped due to the lack of financing and economic interest.
Details are given in the review of Olias et al. (2011).

7.4 Treatment and Control of Besnoitiasis

Reports on successful treatment of besnoitiasis in cattle are scarce, and results are
not always convincingly tested in larger amounts of infected animals. In South
Africa, it has been recommended to use high dosages of long-term oxytetracyclines
or sulfonamides and to separate high-graded infected animals from herds or flocks.
In the case of infected goats, the parenteral application of an antimony solu-
tion—1%, 0.5 ml/kg bodyweight—led to healing of an infection, while thiazolides
or arylimidamides controlled stages in vitro (Diesing et al. 1988; Cortes et al. 2006a,
b, 2007a, b, 2011).

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Theileria in Ruminants

Henry Kiara, Lucilla Steinaa, Vishvanath Nene,

and Nicholas Svitek

Theileria are important hemoprotozoan parasites of domestic and wild rumi-
nants, transmitted by ixodid ticks leading to diseases which range from mild in
apparent reactions to highly fatal diseases. Bovine-infecting T. parva and T.
annulata and ovine-infecting T. lestoquardi are of major global economic impor-
tance, but other Theileria spp. are also briefly mentioned. Classification of
Theileria has been a subject of great controversy without consensus on whether
many taxons are different species, synonyms, or subspecies of the same parasite.
However, with the development of new molecular tools, many of the outstanding
difficulties could be resolved. Theileria have complex life cycles both in the
vertebrate host and the tick vector, many of which are not clearly understood.
One unique feature of some Theileria is their ability to transform infected host
cells into a reversible cancer-like proliferation conferring to them an ability to
proliferate without apoptosis. The transformation is not permanent because it can
be reversed by treatment with anti-theilerial drugs. Understanding this mecha-
nism could give insights into treatment of cancer. Control of the diseases caused
by Theileria has largely relied on chemical drugs either to treat infected hosts or
prevent infection by controlling the tick vectors. But resistance to chemicals by
the parasites or vectors has led to the development of more sustainable control
methods such as live vaccination against the three most pathogenic Theileria
spp. of ruminants. Efforts are also under way to develop subunit vaccines against
these parasites.

H. Kiara (*) • L. Steinaa • V. Nene • N. Svitek

International Livestock Research Institute, Nairobi, Kenya
e-mail: [email protected]

© Springer International Publishing AG, part of Springer Nature 2018 187

M. Florin-Christensen, L. Schnittger (eds.), Parasitic Protozoa of Farm Animals
and Pets, https://doi.org/10.1007/978-3-319-70132-5_8
188 H. Kiara et al.

8.1  ife Cycle, Morphology, and 


Host-Pathogen Interaction

8.1.1 Morphology

Being eukaryotes, Theileria species have the usual cellular organelles observed in
other eukaryotes including mitochondria, ribosomes, vacuoles, and a nucleus.
However, what makes Theileria sp. and most other apicomplexans unique is that
they contain an apicoplast, a vestigial plastid-like organelle. The function of the
apicoplast in Apicomplexa is not clearly understood, but enzymes involved in the
metabolism of fatty acids have been found in this structure (Lim and McFadden
2010). Being a unique organelle—most likely of prokaryotic origin—the apicoplast
provides an excellent target for developing anti-theilerial drugs that are not toxic for
the mammalian host (Moore et al. 2008; Lizundia et al. 2009).
Most of the mammalian stages of Theileria sp. have similar morphologies, and it
is difficult to distinguish the schizont life cycle stages of transforming Theileria
species—i.e. T. parva, T. annulata, T. taurotragi, and T. lestoquardi. Generally,
merozoites are pear-shaped, but piroplasms are variable in size and shape. Some
have a coma, bacillary, ring, or oval shape. T. verifera piroplasms have a rectangular
veil, while those of T. taurotragi have a characteristic bar. Piroplasms also come in
various sizes between the different Theileria sp. The smallest of them being from T.
parva, the middle sized are from T. annulata and T. mutans, and the largest are of
the T. taurotragi species. Piroplasms seem to divide by binary fission.

8.1.2 Theileria Life Cycle

Most of the studies on the life cycle of Theileria species have been conducted on
Theileria parva and T. annulata. Therefore, given the broader scientific publications
on these species compared to available publications on the other Theileria species,
most of the information contained in this chapter is based on morphological studies
involving these two species reviewed in Francia and Striepen (2014), Norval et al.
(1992), and Striepen et al. (2007).
Theileria parasites display a complex life cycle (Fig.  8.1). The complexity of
their life cycle resides in their need to infect two different hosts to complete their
life cycle, ticks and ruminants. Theileria can be classified as transforming or non-­
transforming, the former possessing a unique ability to cause infected leucocytes to
behave like transformed cells (reviewed in Dobbelaere and Rottenberg 2003; Tretina
et al. 2015). The transforming Theileria spp. include T. parva, T. annulata, T. lesto-
quardi, and T. taurotragi. The non-transforming Theileria are T. mutans, T. orienta-
lis, and T. velifera.
The life cycle in the mammalian host starts when haploid sporozoites, generated
in the tick salivary gland during sporogony, are released during tick feeding. The
release of sporozoites occurs between 4 and 8 days post-tick attachment. During
8  Theileria in Ruminants 189

Sporozoite entry via

a “zippering” mechanism
Mature schizont in
Sporozoite attachment “transformed” lymphocyte
to host lymphocyte
Daughter host-cells
remain infected

Proliferation of
Bos indicus Bos taurus schizont-infected cells


Sporozoites relased
during tick feeding


Rhipicephalus appendiculatus
(a three-host tick)

nymphal & adult
ticks Merozoites relased by
host cell rupture


Syncerus caffer Piroplasms in
Sporogony in red blood cells
type III acinus

Larvae & nymphs
Zygote Gametes
acquire infection

Fig. 8.1  Life cycle of Theileria parva in the cattle and tick hosts (drawings and artistic creation
by Nicholas Svitek; used with permission from Nene et al. 2016)

this stage, sporozoites are released into the tick feeding site. Since Theileria sporo-
zoites are non-motile, binding to target host cells is a random event. T. parva sporo-
zoites preferentially establish infections in subsets of T lymphocytes and B
lymphocytes. In the case of T. annulata, the main infected cells are the
190 H. Kiara et al.

macrophages, dendritic cells, and B lymphocytes. Studies performed in vitro have


shown that T. parva sporozoite host cell entry occurs through a zippering process of
the sporozoite and host cell membrane. Secretory organelles, like rhoptries and
microspheres, are released from sporozoites upon internalization in the mammalian
cell. Sporozoite entry into lymphocytes can be inhibited by monoclonal antibodies
specific toward the bovine leukocyte antigen (BoLA) class I molecules as well as
the invariant chain beta 2 microglobulin. However, antibodies specific toward the
BoLA class II molecules or toward pan-leukocyte surface antigen do not show any
inhibitory activity toward sporozoites entry (Shaw et al. 1991). Upon internaliza-
tion, sporozoites differentiate into a multinucleated macroschizont, a cellular entity
having multiple nuclei that resides freely in the host cell cytoplasm without a para-
sitophorous vacuolar membrane (PVM) surrounding it. Lymphocytes can become
infected by more than one sporozoite leading to the development of multiple schiz-
onts inside a single cell (Fig. 8.2). Infected cells exhibit a cancer-like, but reversible,
transformed phenotype. Division of the parasite occurs in synchrony with the host
cell cycle and takes place during metaphase. In vitro, these infected lymphocytes
can proliferate indefinitely, as long as the culture media is replenished. In some
instances, the macroschizont will evolve into merozoites through a process called
merogony. Each merozoite contains a single one nucleus and, once released from
the lymphocytes, will infect red blood cells. The mechanism of entry into erythro-
cytes is merozoite-specific—as sporozoites do not enter erythrocytes—but similar
in nature to sporozoite entry into lymphocytes. Inside red blood cells, merozoites
continue their metamorphosis and develop into piroplasms that are residing freely
in the host cell cytoplasm.
The tick stage of the parasite begins when piroplasms are released from red
blood cells, in the tick gut. Inside the tick host, a proportion of Theileria piroplasms
differentiate into ray-bodies, which are precursors of the gametes, and start to
develop flagella-like protrusions leading to formation of microgametes. The ray-­
bodies also develop as spherical structures, which do not divide and form macroga-
metes. These structures have been observed for T. parva, T. annulata, T. taurotragi,
T. mutans, and T. velifera. The gametocyte structures undergo syngamy—fusion—
in the tick gut forming a diploid spherical zygote that invades the tick gut epithelium
and matures into a motile kinete. Kinetes released into the tick hemolymph invade
acinar cells in the tick salivary glands, where sporogony occurs. Both the zygote and
kinete develop free in the host cell cytoplasm. Each infected acinus can produce
between 30,000 and 50,000 sporozoites. In the case of T. taurotragi, sporogony
generates up to 140,000 sporozoites. It is believed that it is because of this high
number of sporozoites that T. taurotragi sporozoites appear due to the squeezing of
the sporozoites as frying-pan shaped. The sporozoites of T. mutans are fewer in
numbers but much bigger in size.
Transmission of T. parva by R. appendiculatus is transstadial—i.e., larval and
nymphal stages acquire infections which are transmitted by the next tick stage.
However, in the case of T. annulata, transovarial transmission has also been observed
in Hyalomma anatolicum excavatum ticks (FAO 1983).
8  Theileria in Ruminants 191


Fig. 8.2  Theileria parva schizonts and piroplasms: (a) multinucleated schizonts at 400× magnifi-
cation; (b) multinucleated schizonts at 1000× magnification; (c) piroplasms in red blood cells at
1000× magnification; the arrows indicate the schizonts and the piroplasms inside the lymphocyte
or red blood cell, respectively; N, cell nucleus; Giemsa staining of schizonts and piroplasms color-
ing the cell nucleus, schizont nuclei, and piroplasms in purple (photo courtesy of Thomas Njoroge
and Robert Muriuki)
192 H. Kiara et al.

8.1.3 Host-Pathogen Interaction and Pathogenesis


As previously mentioned, a characteristic of the pathogenic Theileria spp. parasites

is their ability to cause a lymphoproliferative disease in the mammalian host, a
unique feature among eukaryotic parasites. T. parva, T. annulata, T. taurotragi, and
T. lestoquardi transform cells into cancer-like cells. Importantly, Theileria-­
transformed cells are not permanently transformed—as in the case of chemically or
virally induced transformation—but the process is reversible upon treatment with
an anti-theilerial drug. Here again, most of studies have been conducted mainly on
T. parva and T. annulata. With transforming Theileria spp. and particularly with T.
parva and T. annulata, the schizont stage is associated with pathology due to inva-
sion of several organs leading to tissue destruction. In T. parva there is little multi-
plication of the piroplasm stage, and anemia is usually not a feature of disease. This
is not the case for T. annulata, where higher piroplasm parasitemias cause red blood
cell associated pathology. In the case of T. parva, death is believed to be caused by
pulmonary edema, and higher virulence has been associated with infected T cells
rather than B cells (Morrison et al. 1996).
Several studies have investigated the mechanisms by which Theileria spp. trans-
form cells. In general, Theileria spp. cause extensive rewiring of the cell signaling
cascades and cell metabolism, which is known as the Warburg effect observed in
cancer biology (Cheeseman and Weitzman 2015). In summary, research has demon-
strated that T. parva has developed many and overlapping mechanisms to induce
proliferation and prevent apoptosis of infected cells. A comprehensive list of experi-
ments conducted on the subject is listed in the reviews of Dobbelaere and Rottenberg
(2003) and Tretina et al. (2015), and only a few main mechanisms are highlighted
in this chapter.
The ability of Theileria spp. to transform leukocytes resides mainly in their
capacity to manipulate factors that control cell growth, prevent apoptosis, and
encode homing receptors to other tissues. Among such factors is the nuclear factor
(NF)-κB, a transcription factor known to induce pro-inflammatory cytokine genes
as well as anti-apoptotic molecules, a factor known to be constitutively expressed
with oncogenic viruses (Ivanov et  al. 1989; Palmer et  al. 1997; Hermann and
Dobbelaere 2006). The NF-κB activation in parasitized lymphocytes was found
recently to be activated by the schizont protein called the T. parva schizont-derived
cytoskeleton-binding protein (TpSCOP) (Hayashida et al. 2010). The expression of
this protein in a murine lymphocytic cell line has been shown to activate the NF-κB
signaling cascade and resistance to apoptosis, indicating its important role in the
transformation process. Other transcription factors that have been shown to be
upregulated during T. parva infection includes c-Jun, JunD, c-Fos, and ATF-2 which
are part of the AP-1 transcription factor complex known to be involved in cellular
transformation (Botteron and Dobbelaere 1998; Chaussepied et al. 1998).
It was also observed that JNK-1 and JNK-2, members of the mitogen-activated
protein (MAP) kinase family known to play a role in the regulation of cellular pro-
liferation, are activated in a parasite-dependent manner (Galley et al. 1997; Seitzer
et al. 2006). Other proto-oncogene molecules were discovered as participating in
the transformation process of T. parva. Among these, the Src kinases and the Notch
8  Theileria in Ruminants 193

signaling cascade, known to be involved in cellular proliferation and oncogenesis,


have been shown to be upregulated in T. parva-infected cells (Chaussepied et al.

2006; Fich et al. 1998).
Transforming Theileria have also the ability to upregulate expression and secre-
tion of the cytokines interleukin (IL)-2, IL-10, and interferon (IFN)-γ, with the latter
showing to increase the levels of infection by T. parva and therefore contributing to
the transformed state of the cells (Dobbelaere et al. 1988; McKeever et al. 1997;
DeMartini and Baldwin 1991). Another study showed the contribution of IL-2 and
tick salivary gland extract in enhancing lymphocytes susceptibility to T. parva
(Shaw et  al. 1993). Some of these cytokines like IL-10 might contribute in the
immunosuppression observed during T. parva infection. Pro-inflammatory cyto-
kines such as IL-1β and IL-6 are also upregulated during a Theileria infection and
might contribute to the virulence of disease (Graham et al. 2001). In the case of T.
annulata infection, the cytokine transforming growth factor (TGF)-β 2 is associated
with virulence, disease susceptibility, and invasiveness of Theileria-transformed
macrophages (Chaussepied et al. 2010; Haidar et al. 2015a, b). T. orientalis also
induce IL-10 and IFN-γ cytokines in Holstein cattle; however, a study suggested
that IFN-γ might contribute to the resistance of T. sergenti infection (Hagiwara et al.
2005; Yamaguchi et al. 2010).
Like any successful pathogens, pathogenic Theileria sp. are, by definition, one
step ahead of their hosts and have most probably developed mechanisms to interfere
with the host innate immune responses. Not many studies have been conducted on
the interaction of Theileria sp. with the innate immune response, and this deserves
more attention. However, studies conducted on T. annulata showed that this parasite
downregulates the interferon-stimulated gene (ISG) 15 which is known to stimulate
CD8+ antitumor activity as well as to play a role in antiviral immunity (Oura et al.
2006). The downregulation of ISG15  in a T. annulata-infected macrophage was
found to be orchestrated by parasite polypeptides—TashAT family—located in the
nucleus. It remains to be found if such mechanism is present in other Theileria spe-
cies. Moreover, it is widely accepted that T. parva is more virulent in exotic breeds
of cattle, Bos taurus, than in indigenous African breeds of cattle, Bos indicus, and
this differential property of the parasite to cause pathogenesis could be due to the
better ability of the parasite to control the innate immune response in susceptible
cattle. Another interesting finding that deserves more attention is the observation that
cattle infected with low pathogenic Theileria species are more resistant to pathogenic
Theileria when infection occurs concomitantly (Woolhouse et al. 2015).

8.2 Diagnosis and Epidemiology

Theileria are important obligate intracellular protozoan parasites of both wild and
domestic ruminants occurring throughout the world. They are transmitted by ixodid
ticks and infect leucocytes and erythrocytes in mammalian host and develop in the
gut epithelial cells and the salivary glands of the arthropod vectors. The subject has
been reviewed by Dolan (1989), Bishop et  al. (2004), Norval et  al. (1992), and
Uilenberg (1981).
194 H. Kiara et al.

8.2.1 Diagnosis

Theileria species are usually diagnosed, firstly by suspicion due to tick infestation
and clinical symptoms such as fever and enlarged lymph nodes, which is followed
up by diagnostic tests such as indirect fluorescence antibody test (IFAT) or by
microscopy using Giemsa staining of smears from lymph nodes or blood. In order
to diagnose for a particular parasite, serological tests or molecular tests are needed. Microscopy
The parasites can be confirmed by Giemsa staining in smears from lymph nodes or
blood, but differential diagnosis cannot be done because schizonts and piroplasms
are morphologically similar. Two exceptions to this are T. velifera, which has a
characteristic veil associated with the piroplasm, and T. taurotragi, which has bar-­
like structures in infected erythrocytes. The presence of multinucleate intracytoplas-
mic and free schizonts in leucocytes from lymph node biopsy smears is indicative
for acute infections with T. parva, T. annulata, and T. lestoquardi among others. In
cattle samples where schizonts are present in blood smears, lymph node impression
smears or histological sections are diagnostic of ECF. Piroplasm in the erythrocytes
can be present in later stages of the three parasites (OIE 2008). Serological Tests

Serological tests are useful for diagnosis on a herd level rather than at individual
animal basis and for epidemiological studies. This is because the antibody response
needs time to develop, and animals will usually develop disease and pass the point
of intervention before antibodies have developed. Furthermore, parasite-specific
antibodies remain long in circulation after animals have recovered from disease.
The most widely used test for Theileria species is IFAT in which both schizont and
piroplasm antigens can be used. This test is sensitive, fairly specific, and relatively
easy to perform but has limitations in areas where different Theileria species over-
lap because there are problems with cross-reactivities—e.g., between T. parva and
T. taurotragus and between T. parva and Theileria sp. (buffalo). The use of IFAT is
therefore not recommended if particular species need to be identified except if it is
known that certain species are absent from the area. As an alternative, ELISA tests
for detection of T. parva and T. mutans were developed. In the case of T. parva, the
recombinant polymorphic immunodominant protein (PIM) from the parasite is used
and for T. mutans the antigen p32 (Katende et al. 1990; Morzaria et al. 1999). These
tests have shown a higher sensitivity of over 95% than the originally used
IFAT. Similar tests have also been developed for T. annulata in which the recombi-
nant merozoite surface 1 antigen—Tams1—and the T. annulata macroschizont pro-
tein—TaSP—were used (Gubbels et al. 2000; Seitzer et al. 2007; Renneker et al.
2008). TaSP was also used for developing a rapid lateral flow test for T. annulata,
which compare well with other serological assays (Abdo et al. 2010). ELISA tests
specific for T. lestoquardi has also been developed (Bakheit et al. 2006). However,
none of these tests are commercially available.
8  Theileria in Ruminants 195 Molecular DNA-Based Tests


Molecular tests can be used for the detection of the pathogen. The nature of these
tests are very diverse spanning from conventional PCR and electrophoretic analysis,
PCR-restriction fragment length polymorphism (RFLP)-based analysis methods,
and nested PCR and PCR followed by dot blotting, capillary blotting, or slot blot-
ting followed by hybridization with radio-isotope-labeled probes among others.
Several molecular tests have been developed for detection of T. parva, T. annulata,
and T. lestoquardi.
Reverse line blots (RLBs) have been developed for all three parasites. The prin-
ciple of this test is that specific probes are blotted on a membrane in a line, and then
samples—e.g., biotinylated amplicons—are added perpendicular to this. This allows
probes to hybridize with sample amplicons and after washing, and color develop-
ment by using streptavidin linked to, e.g., HRP, specific hybridization can be visual-
ized. Theileria-specific tests have been based on amplification of various genes, the
hypervariable V4 region of the small ribosomal RNA gene of T. parva, T. annulata,
T. lestoquardi—but also T. ovis and others—and cytochrome b for T. annulata
(Gubbels et al. 1999; Schnittger et al. 2004; Bilgic et al. 2010). RLB is capable of
detecting very low level of parasites, but it requires sophisticated lab equipment as
the controlled hybridization and reproducibility in different labs can be a problem.
Conventional PCR methods are also common tests for all parasites. Both conven-
tional, blood spot PCR and nested PCRs were developed for T. parva based on p67
and p104 (Bishop et al. 1992; Skilton et al. 2002; Odongo et al. 2010). For T. annu-
lata, the gene coding for the merozoite p30—Tams-1—and cytochrome b have been
used (d’Oliveira et al. 1995; Martín-Sánchez et al. 1999; Kirvar et al. 2000; Santos
et al. 2013). There are also PCRs for T. ovis which have been utilized for T. lestoquardi
by adapting the primers (Imam and Taha 2015). Various multiplex PCRs have also
been described for simultaneous detection of multiple pathogens (Bilgiç et al. 2012).
In addition to conventional PCRs, real-time PCRs have been developed. For T.
parva, the 18S ribosomal RNA gene has been used and the cytochrome c oxidase
(cox) III gene (Sibeko et al. 2008; Papli et al. 2011; Chaisi et al. 2013). These assays
are more sensitive than the conventional PCR assay and should be able to reliably
detect the parasite in carrier animals. A hybrid assay—a hybridization real-time PCR
method—has also been developed for T. parva which should offer a more specific
assay circumventing interference of simultaneous infection with Theileria sp. (buf-
falo) like parasites (Pienaar et al. 2011). For T. annulata, quantitative real-­time PCRs
have been set up using the 18S ribosomal RNA gene as well as Tams-1 (Ros-García
et al. 2012). No quantitative PCR has been described for T. lestoquardi or T. ovis.
Loop-mediated isothermal amplification (LAMP) is a relatively new method in
which DNA is amplified under isothermal conditions. This results in a high sensitiv-
ity and specificity, and the assay is rapid to perform. Several sets of primers are used
for detection of target sequences. It can be performed on a drop of blood spotted on
a filter paper. The mode of detection can vary from visual inspection of turbidity and
fluorescent dye—SYBR Green—followed by gel electrophoresis. A LAMP assay
has been developed for T. parva targeting PIM and p150, two for T. annulata based
196 H. Kiara et al.

on GeneDB TA04795 as well as the 18S ribosomal RNA gene and internal tran-

scribed spacer (ITS) sequences, and one for T. lestoquardi based on what has been
described as the clone 5 sequence (Salih et al. 2008; Thekisoe et al. 2010; Liu et al.
2012; Salih et al. 2012).
Other molecular tools include Restriction Fragment Length Polymorphism analy-
sis (RFLP). This methods digests DNA with restriction enzymes, and the resultant
restriction fragment are run on a gel. Sizes of the fragment are used for identification
of the pathogen. Such assays have been developed for T. annulata and T. lestoquardi
based on the 18S rRNA gene (Spitalska et al. 2004; Heidarpour Bami et al. 2009). A
multiplex oligonucleotide suspension microarray has been developed for bovine
piroplasms, which included probes for various pathogens including T. annulata
(Ros-García et al. 2011). It was shown to be more sensitive than RLB analysis.

8.2.2 Epidemiology

This section will concentrate mainly on two of the economically most important
Theileria of cattle, T. annulata and T. parva, and briefly mention other Theileria that
infect livestock and are of economic relevance (Uilenberg 1995). Classification
Molecular phylogeny has been able to well define and delineate the group of Theileria
parasites as a single monophyletic group that is, for convenience, sometimes referred
to as true Theileria—corresponding to Clade V as defined in Schnittger et al. (2012).
All ruminant-infecting Theileria covered in this chapter belong into this monophy-
letic clade of true Theileria. However, there are still piroplasmids referred to as
Theileria that do not belong into this group and represent misnomers—e.g., Theileria
equi, Theileria youngi, and Theileria bicornis (Schnittger et  al. 2012). Within the
true Theileria, the classification of some Theileria has been and still is a subject of
great confusion at the species level (Irvin 1987). Since the discovery of T. parva in
1902 and its naming by Bettencourt in 1907—cited by Perry and Young 1993—the
parasite has gone through multiple names. It has been previously named T. lawrencei
and T. bovis, and a trinomial nomenclature was briefly used to create three subspecies
of T. parva, namely, T. parva parva, cause of classical ECF; T. parva lawrencei,
cause of corridor disease; and T. parva bovis, cause of January or Zimbabwean thei-
leriosis (Uilenberg 1976; Lawrence 1979). The trinomial nomenclature was dis-
carded for lack of biological justification for the subspeciation (Uilenberg 1981). It
is now recognized that there are clinical and hematological differences of the disease
caused when cattle are infected by ticks which have fed on buffalo and those which
have fed on other cattle (Sitt et al. 2015). It is now widely accepted that there is a
single species of T. parva but which can be buffalo-derived or cattle-derived. It is
expected that as more sophisticated genomic tools are developed, such differences in
classification and taxonomy will be resolved.
With respect to T. buffeli/T. sergenti/T. orientalis, there still is no consensus on
whether these taxons are different species, synonyms, or subspecies of the same
parasite (Chaisi et  al. 2014; Gubbels et  al. 2000; Dolan 1989). T. orientalis is
8  Theileria in Ruminants 197

considered by some to be identical to T. buffeli, but enough genotypic and pheno-


typic differences exist between T. buffeli and T. sergenti to regard the latter as differ-
ent species. Gubbels et al. (2000) has proposed that the orientalis group should be
named T. buffeli since they all are found in buffalo. Molecular characterization has
not fully resolved the matter. Others believe enough differences exist that these spe-
cies have to be regarded as different species. There is now consensus that T. hirci
and T. lestoquardi are synonyms (Imam and Taha 2015).
For those interested in the taxonomy of Theileria there are excellent reviews on
their classification by Dolan (1989), Norval et  al. (1992), Levine et  al. (1980),
Mehlhorn and Schein (1984), and Irvin (1987). Table 8.1 lists the most common
Theileria of livestock ruminants.

Table 8.1 Common Theileria in ruminant vectors, livestock hosts, disease, and geographic distri-
bution (National Center for Biotechnology Information, Taxonomy (2017)
Theileria species Tick vector Hosts Diseases Region
T. annulata Hyalomma sp. Cattle, water Tropical North Africa,
buffalo theileriosis or Sudan, Middle
Mediterranean East, Ethiopia,
theileriosis central, and
W. Asia
T. parva Rhipicephalus Cattle, East Coast fever, East, central,
appendiculatus/R. African corridor disease, and southern
zambeziensis buffalo and Zimbabwean Africa
T. mutans Amblyomma sp. Cattle, Benign theileriosis Sub-Saharan
African Africa,
buffalo Caribbean
T. taurotragi Rhipicephalus sp. Cattle, eland Benign Eastern,
southern, and
Central Africa
T. verifera Amblyomma sp. Cattle, Benign Sub-Saharan
African Africa
T. buffeli/T. Haemaphysalis sp. African Oriental Worldwide
sergenti/T. buffalo, theileriosis
orientalis/T. cattle, and
sinensis water buffalo
T. Lestoquardi Hyalomma sp. Sheep, goats Malignant Sudan, Middle
theileriosis East, India
T. Ovis Hyalomma sp. Sheep, goats Benign Worldwide
T. separata Rhipicephalus Sheep, ND Southern and
sp./Hyalomma sp. antelope Eastern
N. Africa
T. Uilenbergi Haemaphysalis Sheep, goats, Theileriosis of China
quinhaiensis red deer sheep
T. Luwenshuni Haemaphysalis Sheep, goats, Theileriosis of China
quinhaiensis red deer sheep
198 H. Kiara et al. Geographic Distribution and Economic Importance


Theileria parva
Theileria parva is a parasite of cattle and the African buffalo—Syncerus caffer—
and is transmitted by Rhipicephalus appendiculatus, R. zambeziensis, and R. dut-
toni ticks. Although other Rhipicephalus spp. and some Hyalomma species of ticks
can transmit T. parva experimentally, their role in the epidemiology of the disease
is doubtful. T. parva is thought to have evolved in the African buffalo, where it does
not cause disease. In cattle T. parva causes a highly fatal lymphoproliferative dis-
ease known as East Coast fever (reviewed by Norval et al. 1992; Nene et al. 2016).
The disease follows very closely the distribution of its principal vectors. It is
endemic in 12 countries in East, Central, and Southern Africa and in some Indian
Ocean islands. These countries include South Sudan, Uganda, Democratic Republic
of Congo, Rwanda, Burundi, Kenya, Tanzania (including Zanzibar), Malawi,
Zambia, Zimbabwe, Mozambique, and the Comoro Islands (Fig. 8.3). The disease

N Legend
0 500 1,000 2,000
no ECF
Kilometers ECF

Fig. 8.3  Geographic distribution of Theileria parva (map created by Catherine Pfeifer)
8  Theileria in Ruminants 199

spreads from the Indian Ocean coast west into the eastern rim of the Congo River

Basin in the Democratic Republic of Congo. It is found as far north as Southern

Sudan and extends southward to Northern Mozambique. In South Africa, a related
disease commonly referred to as corridor disease in cattle is restricted to areas bor-
dering national parks that contain buffalo. East Coast fever is transmitted by ticks
that have fed on infected cattle, while corridor disease is transmitted by ticks that
have fed on buffalo. Corridor disease is generally believed to be self-limiting in
cattle because the disease is acute with very low levels of piroplasm parasitemia.
However, T. parva infections have been reported in cattle outside of the corridor
disease areas in South Africa (Thompson et al. 2008).
Given that the distribution of East Coast fever is closely linked to the distribution
of the tick vector, which in turn is controlled by climatic factors and host availabil-
ity, the current distribution of East Coast fever is less than the potential areas where
the tick vector can survive (Norval et al. 1991). For some reasons that are as yet
unclear, R. appendiculatus does not extend into Ethiopia, although the highlands are
climatically suitable for the vector. Predictive models indicate that the vector can
thrive in the Ethiopian Highlands (Norval et al. 1991). The absence of R. appendicu-
latus in Ethiopia has been explained by the absence of tick infestation of the high-
lands before human habitation and the absence of large herbivores in Ethiopia. It
has also been argued that the Ethiopian Highlands are in the center of the country
surrounded by arid lands to the east and south of the country and a tsetse barrier in
the south western of the country excluding the presence of large numbers of suitable
ruminant hosts.
It is also apparent from predictive models that large areas of the West African
coast are climatically suitable for R. appendiculatus, but the vector there is currently
absent. This has been explained because of the absence of large numbers of herbi-
vores due to large forested areas and the presence of trypanosomiasis (Norval et al.
1992). But with large-scale deforestation and introduction of cattle accompanied by
tsetse control, the situation might change. The recent introduction of ECF into
Western Equatorial State of South Sudan, which borders Central African Republic,
has increased the risk of introducing the tick and the disease into West Africa
(Kivaria et al. 2012).
Inadvertent spread of ECF has been demonstrated in recent times when in 2002
animals immunized with the live ECF vaccine were imported into the Comoros
from mainland Tanzania. In 2004 a severe outbreak of ECF was reported for the first
time in that country (De Deken et al. 2007). Similarly, ECF has been spreading very
rapidly northward in South Sudan causing huge losses when infected cattle came
back into the country with returning refugees following the comprehensive peace
agreement in 2005 (Malak et al. 2012; Kivaria et al. 2012; Wani et al. 2012).
Theileria parva infections occur in various epidemiological states (Norval et al.
1992). Endemic stability with regard to ECF has been reported in a few situations
but is believed to be widespread in eastern Africa (Moll et al. 1986). Endemic stabil-
ity is defined as a stable host-vector-parasite relation where almost all calves are
infected very early in life but without clinical disease or death leading to a high
degree of immunity in adult cattle and low incidence of clinical disease (Coleman
et al. 2001). Because of changing breeds from indigenous to more Bos taurus breeds
200 H. Kiara et al.

and various efforts at tick control, it is becoming more and more difficult to meet the

conditions for endemic stability where nearly all calves become infected within a
relatively short time after birth.
The disease is therefore found in a wide variety of syndromes ranging from sub-
clinical to moderate to severe morbidity and mortality. There is evidence that Bos
taurus cattle are more susceptible to ECF than Bos indicus cattle. There also appear
to be breed differences in susceptibility to disease (Norval et al. 1992). However,
these observations need to be taken cautiously because they might not reflect true
genetic differences. The severity of ECF is parasite dose-dependent which in turn
depends on the number of ticks infecting cattle and the infection rates of the ticks.
It has been shown that individual cattle exhibit differences in the resistance to ticks
(de Castro et al. 1991). There could also be differences in the threshold of infectivity
in individual cattle.
Within the ECF endemic areas, about 50 million cattle are at risk from ECF. The
annual economic loss due to ECF was estimated to be 168 million US$ in 1989 con-
stituting both direct and indirect losses (Mukhebi et al. 1992). This figure was revised
to 300 million in 1999 (McLeod and Kristjanson 1999). It must be pointed out that
these are very crude estimates because of paucity of data for calculating the economic
losses. Beyond the actual losses, ECF also limits the introduction of more productive
exotic Bos taurus cattle in endemic areas, losses that are very difficult to quantify.
Several techniques have been developed to assess the genetic diversity of T.
parva parasites. A number of loci and variable number of tandem repeat (VNTR)
markers—micro- and minisatellites—derived from the T. parva genome sequence
data have been used as markers to determine parasite diversity (Oura et al. 2005;
Patel et al. 2016).
Results obtained so far indicate a high level of genetic diversity in populations of
T. parva. Isolates from Kenya and Uganda were found to have higher levels of
diversity compared to isolates from Zimbabwean and Zambia stocks (Oura et al.
2005). The evidence points to the fact that there is no obvious relationship between
geographical origin of the parasite and level of genetic similarity between the para-
site isolates. Distinct parasite genotypes have been isolated from the same farm,
while genetically similar isolates have been found from geographically separated
areas (Odongo et al. 2006; Oura et al. 2003). Older cattle have been shown to have
a larger number of different parasite genotypes than younger ones, which tended to
have a predominating genotype (Oura et al. 2005).
Some geographical sites exhibit a substructure in parasite populations, others did
not, and some exhibit an epidemic structure characteristic of recent predominating
infections (Oura et al. 2005). It has been explained that cattle movement, their inter-
action with buffalo, and parasite transmission rates are likely to play a major role in
determining T. parva population structures. In general, buffalo-derived T. parva
parasites are more diverse than cattle-derived T. parva parasites.

Theileria annulata
Theileria annulata is a parasite of cattle and domestic Asian buffalo—Bubalus bub-
alis. It is thought to have originated in the latter. It is transmitted by several species
8  Theileria in Ruminants 201

No reported cases
0 3,750 7,500 15,000 Km
Theileria annulate reported

Fig. 8.4  Geographic distribution of Theileria annulata (map created by Catherine Pfeifer)

of the two-host Hyalomma ticks. It causes the diseases of cattle known as tropical
or Mediterranean theileriosis. T. annulata is probably the most important of the
Theileria of ruminants affecting an estimated 250  million cattle. The disease
stretches from North Africa through Southern Europe and the Near and Middle East
and into India and Central Asia. It extends from North Africa through Egypt and
into South Sudan. The pathogen has recently been reported for the first time in
Northern Ethiopia (Fig.  8.4) (Gebrekidan et  al. 2014). Some reports indicate T.
annulata is extending eastward from India to the Pacific coast including Southern
China and all Far Eastern countries south of China and into Malaysia. But there
could probably be some confusion with the T. sergenti/T. orientalis group (Uilenberg
The economic impact of T. annulata is not well documented. In India alone the
economic cost was estimated at 384 million dollars (Minjauw and McLeod 2003).
The impact though varies considerably depending on livestock production systems,
ecological factors, and breeds of cattle. Although all cattle are affected, the disease
causes higher morbidity and mortality in exotic European type breeds relative to
indigenous cattle raised in endemic areas (Purnell 1977; Hashemi-Fesharki 1988).
For instance, it has been shown that Sahiwal cattle—Bos indicus—which are native
to Pakistan and the Kenana breed which is indigenous to the Sudan, are more resis-
tance to T. annulata compared to nonindigenous susceptible breeds (Glass et  al.
2005). The impact is also influenced by the epidemiological state, with regard to
endemic stability or instability in which the disease exists. It has recently been
shown that there is high level of genetic diversity with different isolates of T. annu-
lata (Manuja et al. 2006; Weir et al. 2011). Most animals are infected by several
genotypes at the same time. The importance of multiple genotype infections in the
epidemiology of the disease is not well understood.
202 H. Kiara et al.

Other Theileria

Generally the other Theileria spp. including T. mutans, T. taurotragi, and T. verifera
are nonpathogenic or cause asymptomatic transient infections in ruminants (Norval
et al. 1992; Uilenberg 1981). However, pathogenic strains of T. mutans have been
reported (Irvin et al. 1972). There are reports that T. mutans from buffalo are more
pathogenic to cattle, but this has not been confirmed (Young 1981).
T. lestoquardi is the most pathogenic Theileria of sheep and goats. It is transmit-
ted by ticks of the genus Hyalomma and has been reported in Iraq, Iran, India,
Turkey, Sudan, Saudi Arabia, and Oman but probably has a worldwide distribution
(Imam and Taha 2015). It causes malignant ovine theileriosis which is an acute
disease of sheep. Clinical signs include fever, coughing, loss of condition, and
enlargement of lymph nodes. The disease can also lead to abortions. Mortalities of
up to 70% have been reported (Goh et al. 2016).
Oriental theileriosis caused by members of the Theileria orientalis complex—T.
buffeli, T. orientalis, and T. sergenti and other unclassified Theileria—and transmit-
ted by various species of Haemaphysalis ticks has a worldwide distribution. Because
of the confusion in nomenclature, it is not clear if these are different species or
subspecies or strains of the same parasite. Several biological differences among
isolates have been observed—e.g., occurrence of macroschizonts, aberrant piro-
plasm morphology, and tick vector preferences. Although the disease is generally
benign, in recent years clinical cases have been reported in Australia and the Asia-­
Pacific region (Kamau et al. 2011; Islam et al. 2011; Sugimoto and Fujisaki 2002).
Oriental theileriosis is associated with high fever, anemia, jaundice, lethargy, weak-
ness, abortion, and/or mortality. The disease is believed to be transmitted by ticks of
the genus Haemaphysalis (Izzo et al. 2010). At present, the economic losses caused
by oriental theileriosis are difficult to estimate. However, herds that have been clini-
cally affected by this disease indicate a substantial loss.
Theileria sinensis has been reported in Central China as a new parasite of cattle
and yaks transmitted by Haemaphysalis qinghaiensis (Liu et al. 2010). It is morpho-
logically indistinguishable from the orientalis group, and some have doubted whether
it is a new species or variant of T. orientalis. But it has been shown to be genetically
distinct from T. sergenti to which it is most closely related (Gou et al. 2013).
Theileria uilenbergi and T. luwenshuni are pathogenic Theileria of sheep. They
have been reported in China but probably have a much wider distribution (Liu et al.
Theileria ovis is a nonpathogenic Theileria of sheep reported in many countries
but probably has a worldwide distribution.

8.3 Clinical Effects

8.3.1 Theileria parva

After a bite by a T. parva-infected tick, the parasite will localize and multiply in the
lymph node that drains the site of the bite. This will often be the parotid lymph
8  Theileria in Ruminants 203

node as the ticks usually attach on the ears. The incubation period is 8–12 days

with schizonts spreading to other lymph nodes. This will be associated with fever,
sometimes up to 42  °C, and piroplasms appear in erythrocytes around day 10.
Extensive leukopenia is a sign of severe disease where the white blood cells can
disappear completely. Other clinical signs are anorexia, diarrhea, and soft coughs
due to accumulated fluid in the lungs and thereby difficulties in breathing. Before
death of the animal, the temperature usually falls, and a frothy nasal discharge will
be visible due to the pulmonary edema (Fig.  8.5). Sometimes the parasite can
invade the central nervous system which can result in nervous signs—turning sick-
ness—and paralysis. The degree of pyrexia and pathogen load usually determines

b c

Fig. 8.5  Clinical signs of East Coast fever: (a) enlarged lymph node under the right ear; (b) froth-
ing, lachrymation, and respiratory distress; (c) edema under the jaw, bottle jaw (pictures by
Nicholas Svitek)
204 H. Kiara et al.

the severity of the disease. Young cattle appear to be more resistant than older

animals, and Friesian-European breeds such as Friesian/Holstein appear to be

more susceptible to the disease than indigenous cattle. Mortality can reach close to
100% on herd level if no interventions are implemented. In addition to the breed
and age, the mortality also depends on the strain of the parasite and the amount of
parasite exposure. ECF is a sporozoite dose-dependent disease (Irvin and
Mwamachi 1983; OIE 2008).

8.3.2 Theileria annulata

Just as for T. parva, the T. annulata sporozoite localizes in the draining lymph
node, which will enlarge, and the schizonts will proliferate and spread to other
lymph nodes and nonlymphoid tissues. The incubation period for T. annulata is
within 10–25 days a bit longer than for T. parva. Infected animals develop high
fever—up to 42 ° C—and hemorrhages on visible mucus membranes and some-
times on the skin, mild to moderate anemia, and jaundice particularly in subacute
and chronic forms of the disease. Other clinical signs are dyspnea, emaciation,
and diarrhea. Ocular signs and masses may develop, and neurological and repro-
ductive signs may develop in chronic diseases. The degree of pyrexia, pathogen
load, and host susceptibility determines the severity of clinical signs at presenta-
tion. As is the case in T. parva, young cattle appear to be more resistant than older
European breeds that are particularly susceptible to the disease. Mortality can
vary between 30 to 90% depending on the parasite isolate and susceptibility of the
animals (Gill et al. 1977).

8.3.3 Theileria lestoquardi

Clinical signs of T. lestoquardi infections in sheep and goats are very similar to
the signs for T. annulata in cattle, and T. annulata is also the closest relative to T.
lestoquardi. Natural infection of T. lestoquardi without clinical disease in cattle
has been reported. The most prominent clinical signs are generalized enlarge-
ment of the superficial lymph nodes, high fever, anemia, anorexia, emaciation,
diarrhea or constipation, and loss of condition. Initially, infected animals have a
normal appetite, but with onset of fever they stop eating and become increasingly
emaciated. The reason for the anemia is currently unknown. A marked fall in
white blood cells (WBC) and packed cell volume (PVC) as well as hemoglobin
(Hb) in blood are often reported. Disease appears to be associated with the schiz-
ont stage, where schizonts can be detected in the lymph nodes but also in internal
organs. A high mortality of 46–100% is associated with the disease (Imam and
Taha 2015).
8  Theileria in Ruminants 205

8.4 Prevention and Treatment


8.4.1 Acaricides

Weekly treatments with acaricides are the most widespread method to prevent tick
infestation and thereby also theileriosis, and other tick-borne diseases. However,
there is a growing development of resistance to the available acaricides demanding
more research in this area.

8.4.2 Live Vaccines

Live vaccines which prevent disease have been developed for T. parva, T. annulata,
and lately also T. lestoquardi. Cattle can be vaccinated against T. parva by injecting
live parasite concomitantly with a long-acting—i.e., 4–5  days—oxytetracycline;
this procedure has been developed in the 1970s and is called the infection and treat-
ment method (ITM) (Radley et al. 1975). The oxytetracycline slows down the para-
site development, and this basically works as if the parasite was attenuated. The
treatment gives a life-long immunity and an efficacy of close to 100% when tested
against the strains in the vaccines. It is also broadly efficacious in the field except in
areas where cattle get infected with T. parva strains circulating in buffalos. In the
East African region, a vaccine referred to as the Muguga cocktail is used based on
three different geographic isolates of the parasite. Vaccines based on the same prin-
ciples are produced in other African countries but composed of local isolates. The
sporozoites are injected close to the parotid or the prescapular lymph nodes and the
oxytetracycline intramuscularly in the neck. These vaccines are produced by feed-
ing clean ticks on cattle infected with a known strain of the parasites. After molting
the infected ticks are pre-fed for 3 days to allow the sporozoites to mature before
they are ground up to release the sporozoites from the salivary glands. The vaccine
is then stored in liquid nitrogen until used (Patel et al. 2016). This requirement can
be an obstacle of vaccine delivery in rural areas, and efforts are underway to improve
this vaccine.
Vaccines have also been developed for T. annulata (Pipano and Shkap 2000).
These are based on schizont-infected cell lines that have been attenuated by a pro-
longed in vitro passage. About 105–106 infected cells are sufficient for induction of
immunity generating a robust immunity. As for T. parva, there is some degree of
strain specificity making a vaccine based on one strain more efficient to this particu-
lar strain than to others. Such vaccines are made in a number of countries in Asia,
Southern Europe, and Northern Africa where local strains are used. Similar tech-
niques have been tried for T. parva, but for this parasite 108 to 109 cells are required
for induction of immunity, which is not feasible for commercial production of a
206 H. Kiara et al.

Similarly, cell-based vaccines have been developed for T. lestoquardi in Iraq,


Iran, and Sudan where they have resulted in successful prophylaxis of malignant
ovine theileriosis (Ahmed et al. 2013; Imam and Taha 2015).
The live ITM vaccine for T. parva is difficult to produce, and it needs a cold
chain for distribution as do the cellular vaccines for T. annulata and T. lestoquardi.
As a result they are relatively expensive.

8.4.3 S
 ubunit Vaccines

The live vaccines described above come with various constraints and drawbacks
which have encouraged engaging in the development of subunit vaccines especially
for T. parva and T. annulata parasites. One approach has been to use sporozoite
antigens for induction of antibodies which can neutralize sporozoite infectivity. The
p67 sporozoite protein from T. parva and a shorter derivative of this, p67C, have
been tested as vaccine candidates. These proteins have consistently resulted in 50%
protection against ECF under experimental conditions (Musoke et al. 1992; Bishop
et  al. 2003). However, results from field trials led to protection levels of 25%.
Currently, this vaccine antigen is being reevaluated, and attempts to increase its
immunogenicity are underway.
The corresponding sporozoite protein from T. annulata SPAG-1 has also been
evaluated as a vaccine antigen. SPAG-1 resulted in partial protection of immunized
cattle (Boulter et al. 1999). It has been also shown that combining a cellular vaccine
for T. annulata with the SPAG-1 resulted in a synergistic protective effect (Darghouth
et al. 2006).
For T. parva, there have also been attempts to induce cytotoxic T lymphocytes
(CTL) using a prime boost regimen with defined antigens cloned in plasmid DNA
or canarypox followed by a boost with the antigens using an attenuated vaccinia
virus vector. This resulted in some but a low level of protection (Graham et  al.
2006). Currently, efforts are ongoing to evaluate various delivery systems for induc-
tion of CTLs and to combine these systems with p67C immunization to enhance the

8.4.4 T
 reatment with Drugs

Parvaquone and buparvaquone are two important drugs for the treatment of T. parva
and T. annulata. Buparvaquone has shown about 90% efficacy in field setting and is
more efficient for treating T. parva and T. annulata than parvaquone. In severe cases
an extra dose can be injected 48–72 h after the first dose (McHardy 1999). There are
no major side effects of the drug, but there are reports showing parasite resistance to
the drugs for T. annulata, which is of concern (Mhadhbi et al. 2010). A limitation
with these drugs is that they have to be used relatively early in the course of the
disease in order to be efficacious. Another drawback that may limit their use is that
they are rather expensive and that the drug can be detected in muscles and milk for
8  Theileria in Ruminants 207

quite some time after treatment. A study in New Zealand showed detectable concen-

trations of buparvaquone in the milk of some cows for at least 35 days and in the
liver and injection site of some cows until at least 328 days after injection (McDougall
et al. 2016).

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Babesia in Domestic Ruminants

Sabrina Ganzinelli, Anabel Rodriguez,
Leonhard Schnittger, and Mónica Florin-Christensen

Babesia spp. are intraerythrocytic tick-transmitted apicomplexan protozoans,
considered to be the second most commonly found parasites in the blood of
mammals after trypanosomes. Ever since the discovery of parasitic inclusions in
erythrocytes of cattle by Victor Babes, a great number of Babesia species have
been described, and thanks to the advances in microscopy, cell biology, and
molecular biology techniques, our knowledge is continually expanding. Most
Babesia species that affect domestic ruminants, including cattle, water buffalo,
and small ruminants, are distributed in tropical and subtropical regions of the
world. Acute Babesia infections of these animals are associated with fever, ane-
mia, hemoglobinuria, and abortions and, in some cases, neurological symptoms,
respiratory distress, and even death. Babesiosis outbreaks can be prevented by a
combination of vaccination with living attenuated organisms and tick control
programs. However, these control methods have numerous limitations, and,
additionally, commercial live vaccines are only available for bovine babesiosis
caused by B. bovis and B. bigemina. Our knowledge on relevant parasite mole-
cules that act in the interface with the mammalian and tick hosts is rapidly
increasing in the postgenomic era and will aid in the development of new and
improvement of known immunotherapeutic interventions.

S. Ganzinelli • L. Schnittger • M. Florin-Christensen (*)

Institute of Pathobiology, Center for Research on Veterinary and Agronomic Sciences
(CICVyA), National Institute of Agricultural Technology (INTA-Argentina),
Hurlingham, Province of Buenos Aires, Argentina
National Council of Scientific and Technological Research (CONICET),
Buenos Aires, Argentina
e-mail: [email protected]
A. Rodriguez
Institute of Pathobiology, Center for Research on Veterinary and Agronomic Sciences
(CICVyA), National Institute of Agricultural Technology (INTA-Argentina),
Hurlingham, Province of Buenos Aires, Argentina
© Springer International Publishing AG, part of Springer Nature 2018 215
M. Florin-Christensen, L. Schnittger (eds.), Parasitic Protozoa of Farm Animals
and Pets, https://doi.org/10.1007/978-3-319-70132-5_9
216 S. Ganzinelli et al.

9.1  orphology, Life Cycle, and Host-Pathogen



Victor Babes was the first to observe a microorganism—which he considered a

bacterium—inside bovine erythrocytes of Rumanian cattle, and to connect this find-
ing with hemoglobinuria or red water, a clinical sign that had long troubled cattle
ranchers in many regions around the globe (Babes 1888). He later described a simi-
lar microorganism in sheep erythrocytes (Babes 1892). Not long after, in North
America, Theobald Smith and Frederick Kilborne reported that red water in cattle
was indeed associated with a tick-transmitted protozoon. Thus, Babesia was the first
arthropod-transmitted pathogen ever described (Smith and Kilborne 1893). The
parasites observed by Babes, and by Smith and Kilborne were later named Babesia
bovis, B. bigemina, and B. ovis, and the diseases they cause in cattle and sheep,
bovine and ovine babesiosis, respectively (Mihalca 2010). Since those early discov-
eries, a great number of Babesia species have been described, and thanks to the
advances in microscopy, cell biology, and molecular biology techniques, our knowl-
edge is continually expanding (Criado-Fornelio et  al. 2004; Uilenberg 2006;
Schnittger et  al. 2012). Babesia spp. are considered the second most commonly
found parasites in the blood of mammals after trypanosomes and have been reported
to infect all kinds of domestic and wild animals, including marsupials and humans,
as well as some birds. While infections are largely asymptomatic in wild animals,
they are often associated with morbidity and mortality in domestic ones (Schnittger
et al. 2012). This chapter will focus on Babesia species infecting domestic rumi-
nants—bovines, water buffaloes, sheep, and goats—which are frequently associated
with substantial economic losses (Table 9.1).

9.1.1 Morphology

Babesia spp. are unicellular eukaryotes, taxonomically classified as Piroplasmida

—commonly referred to as piroplasmids—within the Apicomplexa group, together
with Theileria spp. and Cytauxzoon spp. Piroplasmids have been defined as tick-­
transmitted, piriform, round, or rod-shaped parasites that lack conoids and flagella in
all life stages; without oocysts; and with sexual stages associated with the formation
of a large axopodium-like structure (Adl et al. 2005, 2012). As nonpigment-­forming
hemoparasites, piroplasmids can be distinguished from other erythrocyte-infecting
genera, such as Plasmodium and Haemoproteus, which in contrast form pigment
deposits—hemozoin—in the parasitized cell (Uilenberg 2006). All ruminant-infect-
ing Babesia species belong to the sensu stricto group. This group is characterized by
the lack of a schizont stage and the occurrence of transovarial transmission in the
tick, two phenotypic features that clearly distinguish them from Theileria parasites
(Uilenberg 2006; Schnittger et al. 2012).
Babesia spp. only invade erythrocytes within their vertebrate hosts. As will be
described in Sect. 9.1.2, after entering an erythrocyte, the infectious sporozoite
acquires a cyclic structure—a trophozoite ring—which then transforms into a repli-
cative merozoite. Merozoites are tear-shaped and normally observed in pairs,
9  Babesia in Domestic Ruminants 217

Table 9.1  Babesia parasites affecting domestic ruminants, their tick vectors and geographic

Babesia Geographic
Main host species Main tick vectors distribution References
Cattle B. bovis Rhipicephalus microplus Africa Bock et al. (2004), de
Water R. annulatus America Waal and Combrink
buffalo R. geigyi Asia (2006), Uilenberg
R. australis Australia (2006), Schnittger et al.
B. bigemina R. microplus Europe (2012), Estrada-Peña
R. annulatus et al. (2012)
R. geigyi
R. decoloratus
R. evertsi evertsi
Cattle B. divergens Ixodes ricinus, Europe Zintl et al. (2003)
I. persulcatus Northern
B. ovata Haemaphysalis sp. Asia Sivakumar et al. (2016)
B. major Haemaphysalis sp. Asia Bock et al. (2004),
Europe Schnittger et al. (2012)
B. beliceri Hyalomma sp. Russia Uilenberg (2006)
B. occultans Hy. marginatum Africa Blouin and van
Europe Rensburg (1988),
Decaro et al. (2013)
B. jakimovi Ixodes sp. Russia Uilenberg (2006)
B. sp. Kashi Hyalomma anatolicum Asia Aktas et al. (2012)
Water B. orientalis R. haemaphysaloides Asia Liu et al. (2005, 2007a),
buffalo He et al. (2012),
Weerasooriya et al.
Sheep B. ovis R. bursa Africa, Asia, Schnittger et al. (2003),
Goat R. sturanicus Europe Ranjbar-Bahadori et al.
B. motasi Haemaphysalis spp. Africa, Asia, Schnittger et al. (2003),
Europe Niu et al. (2016b)
B. crassa Haemaphysalis spp. Middle East Schnittger et al. (2003),
Asia Hornok et al. (2015)
B. sp. Hyalomma anatolicum China Liu et al. (2007b),
Xinjiang Niu et al. (2017)
B. sp. BQ1 Hy. anatolicum China Niu et al. (2016a)

although Maltese cross structures can occasionally be found (Fig. 9.1). Based on

merozoite morphology, Babesia spp. have been divided into two groups: small
babesias, 1.0 to 2.5 μm long, and large babesias, 2.5 to 5.0 μm long, smaller and
longer than the erythrocyte radius, respectively. Among the domestic ruminant-
infecting species, the first group includes B. bovis, B. divergens, and B. ovis, and the
second, B. bigemina, B. major, B. ovata, and B. motasi. Babesia pairs form an
obtuse or acute angle, in the case of small or large babesias, respectively. This size
division, however, has no clear genetic basis (Chauvin et al. 2009). Moreover, it is
not useful for species identification, since changes of size and shape can take place
218 S. Ganzinelli et al.

a b c

Fig. 9.1  Giemsa-stained smears of in vitro cultured Babesia bovis merozoites in bovine erythro-
cytes. B. bovis free merozoite attaching to the surface of an erythrocyte (a); typical appearance of
a B. bovis-infected erythrocyte with a pair of tear-shaped merozoites forming a < 90° angle (b);
bovine erythrocyte infected with two pairs of merozoites (c); magnification, 400×; bar, 5 μm

during different developmental stages within erythrocytes or when infecting differ-

ent hosts (Homer et al. 2000).
As shown in Fig. 9.2, Babesia merozoites share with other eukaryotic cells the
presence of membranous organelles, such as nucleus, endoplasmic reticulum
(ER), Golgi apparatus, and mitochondria. In addition, as other Alveolata
members, they are characterized by the presence of a cellular wrapping—the
pellicle—which is composed of the cell membrane and two inner layers: a pri-
mary layer of vesicles or alveoli and a secondary layer of microtubules, involved
in parasite motility and host cell invasion (Lew et  al. 2002). As in other
Apicomplexans, an assembly of invasion-­ specialized organelles—the apical
complex—is present at the anterior apex. It is composed of a polar ring, micro-
nemes, and rhoptries. In contrast, another typical apical structure—the conoid—
is absent in piroplasmids (Blackman and Bannister 2001; Klinger et al. 2013).
Spherical bodies are unique secretory organelles of Babesia spp. distributed in
the parasite cytoplasm. They are considered to be homologous to the dense gran-
ules, present in other apicomplexans, and to participate in host-­pathogen interac-
tions during the intraerythrocytic stage. An apicoplast, a plastid with no
photosynthetic activity, thought to have been acquired by secondary endosym-
biosis from algae, also occurs in these cells. The apicoplast takes care of some
metabolic activities, such as fatty acid and isoprenoid biosynthesis (Caballero
et al. 2012). Due to its essential functions for parasite survival, this special plastid
has gained attention as an attractive target for the development of parasiticidal
drugs (Brayton et al. 2007; Huang et al. 2015).
Sexual stages in the tick gut were initially reported for B. bigemina by Robert
Koch (1906). These forms are characterized by radial projections, for which they
received the name of Strahlenkorper—spiky-rayed stages or ray bodies. Electron
micrographs showed that Strahlenkorper contain a great number of micropores,
abundant microtubules, and a large, circular, nonmembrane-bounded structure,
named bright body because of its electron-lucid nature. The spiky rays consist of
cytoplasmic protrusions that can vary in number from two to more than ten and are
supported by a bundle of parallel microtubules (Weber and Friedhoff 1977).
Differential expression of some proteins in sexual stages has recently been reported
9  Babesia in Domestic Ruminants 219

Fig. 9.2  Morphology of a Babesia merozoite. Organelles shared with other eukaryotes, other
Alveolata and other Apicomplexa are shown. A conoid is not present in Babesia apical complex.
Spherical bodies of this parasite are homologous to apicomplexan-typical dense granules. They do
not co-localize with the apical complex but are functionally associated

for B. bovis. These proteins are likely to have essential roles in sexual reproduction
mechanisms and might be applied in future studies to the development of transmis-
sion blocking vaccines (Bastos et al. 2013; Alzan et al. 2016).

9.1.2 Life Cycle

The life cycle of Babesia spp. involves two different hosts: an Ixodidae tick, where
sexual reproduction takes place, and a vertebrate, where the parasite exclusively
experiences asexual reproduction within erythrocytes (Fig. 9.3).
220 S. Ganzinelli et al.

Tick host Sz

Ruminant host

Sg T


Sk G

Fig. 9.3  Babesia sp. life cycle. Sporozoites (Sz) are injected into the bloodstream of a vertebrate
host during the blood meal of an infected tick. After invading erythrocytes, they differentiate into
trophozoites (T), which divide asexually into two or sometimes four merozoites (M). After eryth-
rocyte lysis, each merozoite invades a new erythrocyte and successive merogonies occur. A few
merozoites stop division and transform into gamonts or pregametocytes (G). Multiplication is
asynchronous, and various divisional stages of the parasite can be seen in the bloodstream at the
same time. Gamogony and sporogony take place in the tick. When gamonts are taken up by a tick
feeding on an infected host, they differentiate in the gut into gametes, also known as ray bodies or
Strahlenkorper (Sk) that fuse forming a diploid zygote (Z, gamogony). Zygotes undergo meiosis
giving rise to motile haploid kinetes, which multiply by sporogony and access the hemolymph,
invading and continuing their replication in several tick organs, including the salivary glands (Sg).
Kinetes transform into sporozoites that will infect a vertebrate host after the tick has molded into
the next stage (larvae to nymph or nymph to adult, transstadial transmission, Ts). In ruminant-­
infecting Babesia spp.—as in other Babesia sensu stricto species—kinetes also invade the tick
ovaries and eggs, and infective sporozoites are formed in the salivary glands of the next-generation
larvae (transovarial transmission, To)

Following uptake of intraerythrocytic parasites by an Ixodidae tick during a

blood meal, parasites need to cross multiple cellular barriers in their migration
through tick tissues and cavities, during which they undergo several—still only par-
tially characterized—metamorphic changes (Kakoma and Mehlhorn 1994; Florin-­
Christensen and Schnittger 2009). Gametocytes, which are thought to be already
present in the ingested blood, mature into dimorphic elongated gametes—ray bod-
ies—that fuse, yielding diploid zygotes (Ribeiro and Patarroyo 1998). Zygotes
adhere to and invade midgut epithelial cells, and eventually transform into motile
kinetes, which are released into the tick hemocoel and invade multiple tissues,
including granular acini of salivary glands. Here, parasites replicate asexually by
9  Babesia in Domestic Ruminants 221

sporogony, forming sporozoite colonies. Babesia sensu stricto parasites undergo


transovarial transmission, meaning that kinetes also invade tick ovaries and eggs,
and infective sporozoites are formed in the salivary glands of the next-generation
larvae as well. Sporozoites are injected into a suitable host together with tick saliva
during feeding and invade erythrocytes. They then convert into hemoglobin-feeding
trophozoites, which in turn transform into merozoites. Merozoites multiply by
binary fission—merogony—and, eventually, they lyse host cells and invade new
ones, repeating this asexual propagation cycle (Kakoma and Mehlhorn 1994).

9.1.3 Host-Pathogen Interactions

Babesia spp. carry out an obligatory intracellular stage in the vertebrate host inside
erythrocytes, where they get a nutritious medium and a shelter to escape from the
dangers of the host immune system. An efficient invasion is guaranteed by the pres-
ence of erythrocyte receptors that are recognized by complementary ligand mole-
cules on the parasite surface. Understanding the mechanisms and molecules
involved in this event can greatly contribute to the development of vaccines and
therapeutics against these parasites (Yokoyama et al. 2006; Rodriguez et al. 2013a;
Florin-Christensen et al. 2014).
The mechanism of erythrocyte invasion by a Babesia spp. parasite is illustrated in
Fig. 9.4. The first contact between parasite and host cell is apparently established by
random collisions, followed by some kind of receptor-ligand interaction. Different
surface proteins have been implicated in this process. Erythrocyte-binding assays,
seroneutralization, and/or enzymatic cleavage experiments suggest that glycosylphos-
phatidylinositol (GPI)-anchored proteins are involved in erythrocyte recognition and
attachment (Suarez et al. 2000; Wilkowsky et al. 2003; Delbecq et al. 2008; Dominguez
et al. 2010; Rodriguez et al. 2014). In addition, protein-free GPI molecules, which are
likely components of the parasite glycocalyx, might be involved in these first interac-
tions with red blood cells (Rodriguez et al. 2010). B. bovis has several GPI-anchored
antigens, defined by an amino-terminal hydrophobic signal sequence, a hydrophilic
central region, and a conserved carboxy-terminal region containing a GPI-anchor sig-
nal sequence (Rodriguez et al. 2014). The best characterized of these antigens belong
to the family of variable merozoite surface antigens (VMSA) and have been named
MSA-1, MSA-2a1, MSA-2a2, MSA-2b, and MSA-2c (Suarez et  al. 2000; Florin-
Christensen et al. 2002). They contain neutralization-­sensitive B-cell epitopes that are
conserved among geographically distant isolates, as well as T-cell epitopes that induce
lymphoproliferation and release of IFN-γ (Suarez et al. 2000; Mosqueda et al. 2002;
Wilkowsky et al. 2003; Dominguez et al. 2010; Gimenez et al. 2016). MSA-2c is the
most conserved member of this family (Florin-Christensen et al. 2002; Dominguez
et al. 2010), and as other VMSA family members, it is immunodominant in B. bovis
infections. MSA-2c has been applied successfully to the development of diagnostic
tests and has also been proposed as a vaccine candidate (Wilkowsky et al. 2003; Kim
et  al. 2008; Alvarez et  al. 2010; Dominguez et  al. 2012; Rodriguez et  al. 2013b;
Gimenez et al. 2016; Jaramillo Ortiz et al. 2016).
222 S. Ganzinelli et al.

Fig. 9.4  Babesia sp. host cell invasion. The first contact between parasite and host red blood
cells is established in random collisions (1), followed by the reorientation of the parasite apical
end (2), leading to tight junction formation (3). This, in turn, leads to invagination of the erythro-
cyte cell membrane (4) and deeper engulfment of the merozoite inside a parasitophorous vacuole
(5). The parasitophorous vacuole disintegrates soon after invasion (6), and the parasite membrane
remains in direct contact with the erythrocyte cytoplasm during the rest of the intraerythrocytic
life stage (7)

One of the host molecules thought to participate in the initial attachment of

Babesia parasites is sialic acid present in erythrocyte glycolipids and/or glycopro-
teins, such as glycophorin A and B.  Evidence in this direction comes from the
observation that neuraminidase treatment of erythrocytes dramatically inhibits para-
site invasion (Zintl et al. 2003; Gaffar et al. 2003; Lobo 2005; Cursino-Santos et al.
After initial recognition of the erythrocyte, the parasite reorients itself with its
apical end perpendicular to the host membrane. Then, the erythrocyte membrane
invaginates, and the merozoite is engulfed inside a parasitophorous vacuole (PV)
(Lobo et al. 2012; Asada et al. 2012; Rodriguez et al. 2013a). Apical complex organ-
elles—micronemes and rhoptries—participate in the invasion process through the
sequential exocytosis of their contents at distinct stages (Gubbels and Duraisingh
2012). Microneme proteins (MICs) are secreted to the parasite surface in a calcium-­
dependent manner and, through interaction with host receptors, prompt the secre-
tion of rhoptry proteins, which form complexes with host surface proteins. A
dynamic interaction—known as moving junction—is established between these
complexes and surface-exposed integral membrane MICs, which are connected to
the actin-myosin engine of the pellicle. The moving junction starts at the parasite
9  Babesia in Domestic Ruminants 223

apical pole and proceeds toward the posterior end as the parasite invades the host

cell, forming a PV (Besteiro et al. 2011).

Several MICs and rhoptry proteins have been described in Babesia spp. MICs
include highly conserved proteins among apicomplexans, such as AMA-1, apical
membrane antigen, and TRAP-1, thrombospondin-related adhesive protein, both of
which are released to the extracellular medium, indicating a proteolytic cleavage
after invasion (Gaffar et al. 2004a, b). This cleavage, necessary to allow the moving
junction to proceed and to finally release the parasite into the PV, is likely carried
out by Babesia rhomboid serine proteases, a family of transmembrane enzymes
with their catalytic sites immersed in the cell membrane (Mesplet et al. 2011; Li
et al. 2012). Among rhoptry proteins, the best characterized are the members of the
rhoptry-associated protein-1 (RAP-1) family, which have been described in differ-
ent Babesia species (Suarez et al. 1998, 2003; Niu et al. 2015, 2016a). Binding of
B. bovis RAP-1 to the erythrocyte membrane appears essential for parasite invasion
(Yokoyama et al. 2002). Other rhoptry proteins are believed to be involved in the
modulation of protein function through phosphorylation, as well as in hydrolytic
processes (Gubbels and Duraisingh 2012).
Different from what happens in Toxoplasma and Plasmodium zoites, Babesia PV
disintegrates soon after invasion; thus the parasite membrane remains in direct con-
tact with the erythrocyte cytoplasm at this life cycle stage (Asada et al. 2012).
Immediately after invasion and throughout the parasite life cycle, the content
of spherical bodies is released. Spherical body proteins are localized in the eryth-
rocyte cytoplasm or on the cytoplasmic side of the erythrocyte membrane and are
believed to be responsible for host cell modifications (Dowling et al. 1996; Ruef
et  al. 2000; Blackman and Bannister 2001; Gubbels and Duraisingh 2012;
Terkawi et al. 2011).
A special feature of B. bovis is that they cause infected erythrocytes to adhere
to host endothelial cells, due to the appearance of protruding ridges on the eryth-
rocyte surface. This results in the sequestration of infected erythrocytes inside
capillaries. Parasites escape in this way the main circulation, avoiding destruction
in the spleen. On the other hand, cytoadherence of infected erythrocytes to the
bovine nervous microvasculature provokes ischemia and leads to the neurological
signs often observed in acute B. bovis infections (Hutchings et  al. 2007; Gohil
et  al. 2010). One of the proteins localized in the ridges and likely involved in
cytoadherence is VESA1. It is encoded by a tightly regulated multigenic gene
family of over 100 polymorphic genes. VESA1 undergoes antigenic variation dur-
ing infection, which likely allows the parasite to escape the host immune response
by expressing new variants without losing its cytoadherence properties (O’Connor
and Allred 2000).
After Babesia merozoites have divided into two or four cells, they eventually
lyse the erythrocyte and rapidly glide away to invade new ones (Asada et  al.
2012). It is not thoroughly understood how lysis occurs, but in the case of
Plasmodium falciparum, a papain-like cysteine protease—falcipain-2—has been
implicated in erythrocyte egress, through the cleavage of erythrocytic cytoskel-
etal proteins. P. falciparum falcipain-2 homologues are present in B. bovis,
224 S. Ganzinelli et al.

B. bigemina, and B. ovis—bovipain-2, babesipain, and ovipain-2, respectively.


They are secreted to the erythrocyte cytoplasm, which suggests a similar func-
tion to falcipain-2 in the egress process, as well as their participation in the diges-
tion of erythrocyte cytoplasmic proteins, such as hemoglobin (Mesplet et  al.
2010; Martins et al. 2012; Carletti et al. 2016). These cysteine proteases are part
of the parasite degradome, which in the case of B. bovis is composed of 66 cys-
teine, serine, aspartic, threonine, and metalloproteases. They are likely to fulfill
essential roles in parasite nutrition and differentiation, as well as in invasion and
egress mechanisms, and await further characterization (Mesplet et al. 2011).
In Bos taurus, the etiology of bovine babesiosis varies according to the infecting
species, parasite strain, and the age of the animal. Clinical cases are typically
observed in naïve adults, while animals younger than 9–10 months usually remain
asymptomatic upon infection. Contrary to what was initially thought, this inverse
age resistance is not based on the transfer of maternal colostral antibodies but rather
on innate immune mechanisms (Zintl et  al. 2005; Rodriguez et  al. 2013a). The
innate response starts with the non-specific recognition of pathogen-associated
molecular patterns (PAMPs), such as B. bovis unmethylated CpG DNA, whole lipid
extracts, or GPIs, by Toll-like receptors present on effector cells of the immune
system, particularly in the spleen (Brown et al. 1999; Shoda et al. 2000). This stimu-
lation leads to the secretion of cytokines, such as IFN-γ and TNF-α, which promote
a type 1 cellular response with production of babesicidal oxygen reactive species.
The importance of the spleen in this initial protection mechanism is highlighted by
the observation that splenectomy provokes severe clinical disease in calves upon B.
bovis experimental infection (Goff et  al. 2010). B. divergens, on the other hand,
seems to be resistant to oxidative radicals, and this mechanism may rather contrib-
ute to the observed immunopathological side effects of infection (Zintl et al. 2005).
Innate and adaptive responses are linked via the natural killer cell-dependent activa-
tion, maturation, antigen-processing, and migration of dendritic cells to eventually
present parasite antigens to CD4+ T cells. After immunization or secondary patho-
gen exposure, memory T cells are responsible for the immediate kick-off of protec-
tive cellular and humoral effector mechanisms, including production of IFN-γ and
opsonizing IgG2 antibodies (Brown et  al. 2006; Goff et  al. 2010). The immune
response mechanisms elicited by infections with other ruminant Babesia spp.
remain to be elucidated.

9.2 Diagnostics and Epidemiology

9.2.1 Diagnostics

Numerous tests have been developed for diagnostic as well as epidemiological pur-
poses. Bovine and ovine babesiosis can be confirmed by microscopic examination
of blood or tissue fluids stained with Giemsa. However, this method is laborious,
has low sensitivity, and does not differentiate between morphologically similar
9  Babesia in Domestic Ruminants 225

organisms (Maharana et al. 2016). Yet, parasite detection can be improved by using

a fluorescent dye, such as acridine orange, and observation under an epifluorescence

microscope (OIE 2014).
With the advent of molecular techniques, several direct, nested, and quantitative
PCR assays have been described for the detection of ruminant Babesia spp.
(Figueroa et  al. 1993; Aktaş et  al. 2005; Buling et  al. 2007; Liu et  al. 2007a,
Liu et al. 2007b; Criado-Fornelio et al. 2009; He et al. 2011; Ramos et al. 2011;
Horta et al. 2014; Romero-Salas et al. 2016; Erster et al. 2016). Nucleic acid-based
assays are highly sensitive, can be designed to be specific for the pathogen of inter-
est, and can be applied to both mammals and ticks (Maharana et al. 2016). Molecular
diagnosis is a rapidly evolving technological field. As an example, qPCR has been
recently applied in a high-throughput format to the screening of thousands of Ixodes
ricinus ticks in Europe, simultaneously detecting 37 different tick-transmitted
pathogens (Michelet et al. 2014).
Among molecular targets, the most commonly used is the 18S rRNA gene,
because of its adequate species-related degree of polymorphism and repetitive
arrangement within the genome (Lempereur et al. 2017). In addition, other genes
have also proved to be adequate diagnostic targets, such as those encoding species-­
specific surface proteins, or the mitochondrial cytochrome b gene, which is also a
member of a multigenic family.
In spite of their clear advantages, current PCR assays cannot be implemented in
every diagnostic laboratory due to the need of specialized equipment (OIE 2014).
As an attractive alternative, protocols based on LAMP—loop-mediated isothermal
amplification—have been developed for the molecular diagnosis of babesiosis in
cattle, buffalo, and small ruminants (Guan et al. 2008; He et al. 2009; Yang et al.
2016). LAMP shows similar, or in some cases higher, sensitivity than PCR and is
cost-effective, simple, and fast, which makes it suitable for pen-side diagnostics.
Amplification is carried out at constant temperature in a water bath, and results can
be observed by the naked eye, greatly simplifying the processing of large amounts
of samples (OIE 2014).
Reverse line blot hybridization (RLB) tests simultaneously detect DNA from
different piroplasmids in blood or tick samples, with high sensitivity and specificity
(Gubbels et al. 1999; Schnittger et al. 2004). The first step in this test consists in
PCR amplification of a polymorphic 18S rRNA gene fragment, flanked by
piroplasmid-­conserved regions, where designed oligonucleotide primers will bind.
In a second step, after transferring the amplification products to a nylon membrane,
hybridization with species-specific oligonucleotide probes in a macroarray format
allows the identification of the piroplasmid species present in each sample. Although
technically elaborate, RLB has been applied to a great number of epidemiological
studies in cattle, small ruminants, and ticks around the world (Hurtado 2015; Schötta
et al. 2017).
Serological tests allow assessing vaccine efficacy, evaluating the immunologi-
cal status of particular herds, and confirming diagnosis, and are highly useful epi-
demiology tools. A number of indirect and competitive enzyme-linked
226 S. Ganzinelli et al.

immunosorbent assays (ELISAs) have been developed for bovine and ovine babe-

siosis, using B. bovis, B. bigemina, B. divergens, and B. ovis soluble parasite

extracts, culture supernatants, or recombinant proteins as antigens (Duzgun et al.
1991; Boonchit et  al. 2004, 2006; Bono et  al. 2008; Dominguez et  al. 2012;
Gabrielli et al. 2012; OIE 2014; Chung et al. 2017). ELISAs have a higher process-
ing efficiency and objectivity in interpretation of results than the indirect fluores-
cent antibody test (IFAT). However, IFAT continues being the method of choice in
numerous veterinary laboratories and is considered the gold standard for serologi-
cal diagnosis (OIE 2014). Immunochromatographic tests (ICT) using recombinant
Babesia sp. merozoite proteins display increased practical applicability in different
settings and have been used in epidemiological surveys of bovine babesiosis
(Guswanto et al. 2017).

9.2.2 Epidemiology

Ticks are becoming a growing problem worldwide due to climate changes that pro-
long their period of activity or alter their distribution. Domestic ruminant-infecting
ticks provoke huge economic losses through reductions in productivity and fertility.
These losses are further enhanced by mortality and morbidity caused by tick-­
transmitted pathogens. In addition, control measures, losses of potential production
in tick-infested areas, and cattle trade restrictions add to the economic burden
imposed by ticks and tick-borne pathogens on ruminant production around the
world (Schnittger et al. 2012).
The global distribution of Babesia spp. strictly follows that of their tick vectors,
which is mainly influenced by temperature and humidity (de Waal and Combrink
2006). Babesia species known to infect domestic ruminants as well as their tick vec-
tors and distribution are shown in Table 9.1. Morphological descriptions exist for
most of these parasites, while some have only been described based on the DNA
sequence information of isolates found in different ruminants and/or ticks.
Importantly, recent epidemiological studies followed by phylogenetic analysis have
led to the discovery of new Babesia species that affect these animals, so it can be
expected that this list of parasites will increase in the near future.
From an economic point of view, bovine babesiosis is the most important
arthropod-­transmitted pathogenic disease of cattle (de Waal and Combrink 2006).
Its deleterious effects on livestock production in the USA prompted a 37-year tick
eradication effort that finally allowed declaring the country free of the disease in
1943. Since then, around three billion dollars have been annually saved by the live-
stock industry. However, the occurrence of sporadic bovine babesiosis outbreaks in
Southern US states indicates the need of permanent surveillance and the planning of
long-term interventions (Peréz de León et al. 2010).
Most bovine babesiosis cases around the world are caused by B. bovis and B.
bigemina, which are mainly transmitted by the tick vectors Rhipicephalus microp-
lus—previously known as Boophilus microplus–R. annulatus, and R. geigyi. These
ticks have been described in tropical and subtropical regions of the world, including
9  Babesia in Domestic Ruminants 227

Africa, Asia, the Americas, and Australia (Gohil et al. 2013). Recently, however, the

common Australian cattle tick has been redescribed as a new species, R. australis,
instead of R. microplus (Estrada-Peña et al. 2012). B. bigemina can also be transmit-
ted by R. decoloratus and R. evertsi, which further extends the distribution of this
parasite into the African continent and makes it the most widespread bovine Babesia
species (Rodriguez et al. 2013a).
Another important causative agent of bovine babesiosis is B. divergens that
infects cattle in Europe—from Scandinavia to the Mediterranean Sea—and Northern
Africa and whose only known vector is Ixodes ricinus. This tick only grows in
moisture-saturated microhabitats and tolerates a large range of temperatures, which
determines its distribution in various climatic regions (Zintl et al. 2003; de Waal and
Combrink 2006). B. divergens infections of humans have also been reported, mostly
corresponding to immunocompromised farmers or people vacationing in rural areas
(Zintl et al. 2003).
In addition to the infection of European cattle (Bos taurus), which can result in
high morbidity and mortality, B. bovis and B. bigemina reportedly cause subclinical
infections in zebu cattle (Bos indicus) and water buffalo (Bubalus bubalis). Absent
or attenuated clinical signs upon infection of these ruminants might have resulted
from long coevolutionary adaptations with Rhipicephalus ticks and Babesia para-
sites (Ferreri et al. 2008; Florin-Christensen et al. 2014).
B. bovis and B. bigemina infections of deer have also been detected by molecular
and serological methods (Cantu et al. 2007; Ramos et al. 2010; da Silveira et al. 2011;
Holman et al. 2011). A role of deer as reservoir for these parasites would have impor-
tant implications for the epidemiology and control of bovine babesiosis. However,
since attempts to experimentally infect deer with B. bovis have so far been unsuccess-
ful, their relevance in Babesia spp. transmission remains uncertain (Ueti et al. 2015).
Contrary to their resistance to develop clinical babesiosis upon B. bovis or B.
bigemina infections, water buffaloes are highly susceptible to B. orientalis, which is
transmitted by R. haemaphysaloides in Asia (Ferreri et al. 2008; Gohil et al. 2013;
He et al. 2014).
Babesia infections of small ruminants—sheep and goats—have great economic
importance in Southern Europe, Middle East, and some African and Asian countries
(Schnittger et al. 2003; Ranjbar-Bahadori et al. 2012; Haghi et al. 2017; Zhou et al.
2017). The main infectious species include B. ovis, transmitted by R. bursa and R.
turanicus, and B. motasi, transmitted by Haemaphysalis spp. ticks. In addition, B.
crassa was described to infect small ruminants exclusively in the Middle East; how-
ever, it was also recently found by molecular methods in ticks in Hungary, suggesting
that the distribution of this parasite is wider than initially expected (Schnittger et al.
2003; Hornok et al. 2015). In addition, a Babesia parasite transmitted by H. longicor-
nis ticks has recently been reported to infect sheep in China and has been temporarily
assigned the name Babesia sp. Xinjiang. B. ovis and B. sp. Xinjiang are highly patho-
genic, while B. motasi shows moderate virulence (Uilenberg 2006; Schnittger et al.
2012; Carletti et al. 2016). Other Babesia isolates, such as Babesia sp. BQ1, have
been recently detected in sheep in China and are considered to be novel species as
determined by phylogenetic analysis (Niu et al. 2016a).
228 S. Ganzinelli et al.

Babesiosis epidemiology relies on several parameters such as availability of ade-


quate hosts, presence of tick vectors, existence of parasites within vectors, and host and
environmental conditions. The ability of the pathogen to infect both vertebrate and
invertebrate hosts is essential for the spread of disease, and this is determined by a great
number of epidemiological factors (Fig. 9.5). In bovine babesiosis caused by B. bovis
and B. bigemina, a state of enzootic or endemic stability corresponds to a situation
where the relationship between host, parasite, vector, and environment remains in such
a way that clinical disease rarely or not at all occurs, and thus no control measures are
needed. Animals become naturally infected by tick bites at an early age, when normally
no clinical signs are elicited, and develop into parasite carriers with strong acquired
immunity and resistance to disease. However, endemic stability is a rare condition that
can be easily broken by variations in climate, host genotypes, and management strate-
gies (Mahoney 1974; Florin-­Christensen et al. 2014).
Variability among Babesia populations is likely always high, as has been demon-
strated for B. bovis and B. bigemina using micro- and minisatellite markers and
multilocus sequence typing (Perez-Llaneza et al. 2010; Simuunza et al. 2011; Flores
et al. 2013; Guillemi et al. 2013). Micro- and minisatellite analysis of different B.
bovis isolates showed evidence of genetic recombination, association between
genetic diversity and geographical location, and a highly structured population
(Flores et al. 2013). Similar studies for other ruminant-infecting Babesia parasites
are still pending.

Fig. 9.5  Interrelation between Babesia pathogen, vertebrate host, and tick vector in bovine babe-
siosis epidemiology. The complex interactions between Babesia spp., their tick vectors, and their
ruminant hosts need to be taken into account in the development of control strategies
9  Babesia in Domestic Ruminants 229

9.3 Clinical Effects, Prevention, and Treatment


9.3.1 Clinical Effects

Clinical signs observed in bovine babesiosis depend on virulence and pathogenic

effects of a particular Babesia species and host factors associated with disease,
which include age, breed, and immune status. Among Babesia species, B. bovis is
considered the most pathogenic, followed by B. bigemina and B. divergens. Other
Babesia parasites of limited geographic distribution, such as B. ovata, have usually
low pathogenicity; however, immunocompromised animals or those coinfected
with Theileria orientalis can develop clinical disease (Sivakumar et al. 2016).
As mentioned in Sect. 9.1.3, clinical cases are typically observed in adults, while
younger animals remain asymptomatic. Infections with B. bovis result in earlier
more complicated and serious reactions, as compared to other bovine Babesia spp.,
associated with the induction of cytokines and other pharmacologically active
agents (Brown et al. 1999). In addition, sequestration of B. bovis-infected erythro-
cytes in endothelial tissues can lead to cerebral babesiosis, respiratory distress, and
multiorgan failure (Gohil et al. 2013). Bovine babesiosis caused by B. bigemina and
B. divergens results in high parasitemias, and pathogenicity is mainly associated
with massive erythrocyte destruction, leading to severe anemia, which may cause
behavioral changes due to brain anoxia. Hemoglobinuria is observed at the peak of
the hemolytic crisis in B. bigemina and B. divergens infections and is observed in
the latter stages of babesiosis caused by B. bovis, hence the common name of red
water for this disease. Fever is frequent in all three infections and can lead to abor-
tions in pregnant cattle or temporary reduction of fertility in bulls. Other frequent
signs are depression, anorexia, icterus, hemoglobinemia, and dramatic decreases in
hematocrit values (Zintl et al. 2003; Florin-Christensen et al. 2014).
B. ovis infections of naïve sheep cause fever, hemolytic anemia, hemoglobinuria,
and ictericia, while parasitemia is usually low (Habela et al. 1990). The disease is
fatal if untreated, and outbreaks can produce significant mortality in sheep herds
(Hurtado et al. 2015).
Buffalo babesiosis caused by B. orientalis is one of the most important diseases
that affect these ruminants in China. Clinical signs include fever, anemia, icterus,
hemoglobinuria, and frequent mortality (Liu et al. 2005).

9.3.2 Prevention

Vaccines consisting of live-attenuated strains of B. bovis and B. bigemina are pro-

duced in several countries either from the blood of infected donor animals or by
in vitro culture. These vaccines are recommended in cases of enzootic instability or
when animals are transported from a tick-free to a tick-infested area. Attenuated B.
bovis parasites are derived by 20 to 30 serial and rapid passages of a virulent strain
in splenectomized steers. Attenuation of B. bigemina is achieved by a similar proce-
dure, but in this case slow successive passages among spleen-intact calves are used
(Bock et al. 2004; de Waal and Combrink 2006; Florin-Christensen et al. 2014).
230 S. Ganzinelli et al.

Attenuation of B. divergens was only possible by in  vitro cultivation, but this

methodology was not applied to vaccine formulation (Zintl et  al. 2003). For this
parasite, a live vaccine based on virulent field isolates was produced for a while in
Ireland, either in splenectomized calves or intact gerbils. Treatment with babesi-
cides was needed after vaccination to avoid appearance of clinical signs. However,
this vaccine was discontinued over 10 years ago (Zintl et al. 2003; Bock et al. 2004).
The mechanisms behind attenuation of parasites through serial blood passages
among steers remain unknown. It has been hypothesized that, during the process,
parasites lose their capacity to express certain virulence-mediating genes and/or that
a subpopulation of parasites with a mild pathogenicity phenotype, already present
in the original pathogenic field isolate, is selected (Lau et al. 2011; Baravalle et al.
2012; Combrink et al. 2014). However, the attenuation scenario is likely more com-
plex than just a selection procedure since, on one hand, an attenuated strain can be
composed of virulent and avirulent subpopulations and, on the other hand, an aviru-
lent clone can reverse its phenotype to a virulent one upon passage through a spleen-­
intact bovine. Future studies are needed to unravel which types of gene regulation
mechanisms are involved in attenuation (Pedroni et  al. 2013; Florin-­Christensen
et al. 2014).
Most B. bovis and B. bigemina live vaccines are produced in government-­
supported production facilities as a service to the livestock industries, in particular
in Australia, Argentina, South Africa, and Israel. They are prepared as a bivalent
formula, in which erythrocytes infected by each of these two parasites are mixed, or
as a trivalent formula. The latter contains erythrocytes infected with Anaplasma
centrale and provides protection against A. marginale, an intraerythrocytic tick-­
borne rickettsia with wide distribution in tropical and temperate regions (OIE 2014).
Refrigerated and frozen forms of these vaccines exist. The former have limited shelf
life, lasting 4–7 days at 2–8 °C; while when frozen in liquid nitrogen, vaccines can
be stored for much longer periods of time. However, once thawed and reconstituted,
they need to be immediately used, since parasites die within 8 h. Long-term storage
of frozen vaccines allows postproduction control of each batch before commercial-
ization. The risk of contamination with other microorganisms makes thorough qual-
ity control essential, although the high cost of these tests can hamper their routine
application (de Waal and Combrink 2006; Florin-Christensen et al. 2014).
Live vaccines are usually safely administered to 4–10-month-old calves and only
a transient clinical response to vaccination can sometimes take place. Older vacci-
nated animals, on the other hand, can develop clinical disease and should be held
under surveillance and treated with a babesicide if adverse effects are observed.
Normally, lifelong protective immunity develops in 3–4  weeks. Vaccine failures
occasionally take place due to incorrect handling or storage, administration of che-
motherapeutics immediately before or during vaccination, stress, concomitant
infections, pathogenicity reversion of the attenuated vaccine strains, and/or changes
in the parasite population that can lead to lack of protection (Bock and de Vos 2001;
OIE 2014; de Waal and Combrink 2006). A further concern is associated with tick
transmissibility. Argentine B. bigemina and B. bovis vaccine strains are non-­
transmissible, while the Dixie strain of B. bovis in the current Australian vaccine
9  Babesia in Domestic Ruminants 231

remains transmissible by ticks. This poses a potential threat if the vaccine is used in

situations where the tick vector is present but B. bovis is not (Mangold et al. 1996).
Thus, in spite of the general efficiency of current vaccines in preventing clinical
cases of bovine babesiosis, there is considerable interest in the development of
improved subunit vaccines that provide protection against disease and are safer and
easier to handle and produce. Characterization of ruminant-infecting Babesia anti-
gens as potential vaccine candidates is an active field of research that has been
greatly facilitated by whole genome sequencing projects (Chap. 16). However, an
important bottleneck in the development of subunit vaccines is represented by the
costs and difficulties of experimental vaccination-challenge experiments in the nat-
ural ruminant hosts. Availability of an animal model—the gerbil—is so far restricted
to bovine babesiosis caused by B. divergens. In this model, an experimental subunit
vaccine based on a recombinant form of a B. divergens GPI-anchored surface pro-
tein provided significant protection upon challenge with a virulent parasite strain
(Hadj-Kaddour et  al. 2007). Until now, no subunit vaccine against any ruminant
Babesia spp. has been successful to confer protective immunity in the natural hosts.
Yet, given the copious amounts of knowledge that is rapidly accumulating about
these and related parasites—including their pathogenicity mechanisms and mole-
cules that articulate host-pathogen interactions—subunit vaccines might be an
achievable goal in the not too distant future (Florin-Christensen et al. 2014).
Acaricides have long been applied by farmers around the world to reduce the
deleterious impact of ticks and tick-borne diseases on health and productivity of
domestic ruminants. In spite of their powerful action, chemical acaricides bear
important drawbacks, such as contamination of the environment and animal prod-
ucts. In addition, the progressive emergence of ticks resistant to multiple acaricides
calls for the development of new effective drugs, which is a lengthy and costly
process (Florin-Christensen et al. 2014). Anti-tick vaccines offer a more affordable
and environmental-friendly solution. Indeed, inoculation of cattle with a recombi-
nant form of the concealed R. microplus tick antigen Bm86 produces partial but
significant protection against ticks of the same species as well as against R. annula-
tus (Willadsen 2006). Other tick antigens and improved anti-tick vaccine formula-
tions are actively sought for (de la Fuente 2012). Concerted measures that involve
tick control and vaccination, as well as the use of resistant breeds of livestock, are
likely to produce the most satisfactory results in the prevention of these diseases.

9.3.3 Treatment

Successful treatment of babesiosis relies on early diagnosis, followed by prompt

administration of chemotherapeutic drugs. Chemotherapy of babesiosis is important
not only to control field disease cases but also to control artificially induced infec-
tions. Currently, the only two anti-Babesia drugs available for treatment of babesio-
sis in ruminants are diminazene aceturate and imidocarb dipropionate (de Waal and
Combrink 2006; Gohil et al. 2013). Imidocarb became the product of choice in those
countries that licensed it, because in addition to its therapeutic utility, it also proved
232 S. Ganzinelli et al.

to be an effective prophylactic at twice the therapeutic dose. Besides, it is the only


babesicide that consistently clears the host of parasites (Zintl et al. 2003; Mosqueda
et al. 2012). However, the concern of drug residues in meat and dairy products fol-
lowing prolonged treatment has led to the withdrawal of its use in many European
countries (de Waal and Combrink 2006; Mosqueda et al. 2012; Gohil et al. 2013).
Several pharmacological compounds have been recently developed and evaluated,
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genomic era which will bring a new light on the development of new chemotherapy
targets (Mosqueda et al. 2012; Rodriguez et al. 2013a).

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Babesia of Domestic Dogs

Gad Baneth

Canine babesiosis caused by different Babesia species is a protozoal tick-borne
disease with worldwide distribution and global significance. Historically,
Babesia infection in dogs was identified based on the morphologic appearance of
the parasite in the erythrocyte. All large forms of Babesia were designated B.
canis, whereas all small forms of Babesia were considered to be B. gibsoni.
However, the development of molecular methods has demonstrated that addi-
tional Babesia species infect dogs and cause distinct diseases. The geographical
distribution of canine Babesia species and thus the occurrence of babesiosis are
largely dependent on the habitat of relevant tick vector species, with the excep-
tion of B. gibsoni where evidence for dog-to-dog transmission indicates that
infection can be transmitted among fighting dog breeds independently of the
limitations of vector tick infestation. Knowledge of the prevalence and clinico-
pathological aspects of Babesia species infecting dogs around the world is of
epidemiological and medical interest. Babesia infection causes a disease with
clinical manifestations that may vary considerably with the different species and
strains involved and with factors that determine the host response to infection
such as age, individual immune status, and the presence of concurrent infections
or other diseases. Hemolytic anemia with systemic inflammatory responses may
lead to tissue hypoxia and organ dysfunction, which account for the clinical signs
observed in severe canine babesiosis. Babesiosis caused by large Babesia species
is treated with imidocarb dipropionate or diminazene aceturate, while small
Babesia species are more resistant to anti-babesial therapy and often require
treatment with combinations of other drugs such as atovaquone, azithromycin,
and clindamycin. Accurate detection and species recognition are important for
the selection of the correct therapy and predicting the course of disease.

G. Baneth
Koret School of Veterinary Medicine, Hebrew University of Jerusalem, Rehovot, Israel
e-mail: [email protected]

© Springer International Publishing AG, part of Springer Nature 2018 241

M. Florin-Christensen, L. Schnittger (eds.), Parasitic Protozoa of Farm Animals
and Pets, https://doi.org/10.1007/978-3-319-70132-5_10
242 G. Baneth

10.1 Morphology, Life Cycle, and Host-Pathogen Interactions


10.1.1 Morphology

Babesia are tick-borne protozoan parasites that belong to the phylum Apicomplexa,
class Piroplasmea, and order Piroplasmida and infect erythrocytes of domestic and
wild animals and humans. Babesia belong to the Aconoidasida as they lack a conoid
structure in their apical complex in all of their life stages except for the ookinete
stage—in contrast to apicomplexans of the Conoidasida which have a conoid in all
life stages (Mehlhorn et al. 1980). The babesial species that infect dogs are divided
into those that present with relatively large merozoite forms in erythrocytes (5 × 2 μm)
termed large canine Babesia species and those species which have distinctly smaller
merozoite stages (0.3  ×  3  μm) termed small canine Babesia species (Table  10.1).
Historically, Babesia infection in dogs was identified based on the morphologic
appearance of the parasite in the erythrocyte, and all large forms of Babesia were
designated B. canis, whereas all small forms of Babesia were considered to be

Table 10.1  Distribution, vectors, and size of the main Babesia species that infect dogs
Typical form of
Geographical Potential or confirmed parasites in
Species distribution vectors Size (μm) blood
B. rossi Southern Africa, Haemaphysalis 2 × 5 (large Two or more
Nigeria, Sudan elliptica forms) pyriform
Haemaphysalis leachi merozoites
B. canis Europe Dermacentor 2 × 5 (large Two pyriform
reticulatus forms) merozoites
B. vogeli Africa, Asia, R. sanguineus s.l. 2.5 × 4.5 Double or single
Europe, north, (large pyriform
central and South forms) merozoites
Babesia sp. Eastern United Unknown 2 × 6 (large Ameboid forms,
(Coco) States forms) two pyriform
B. gibsoni Southeast Asia, H. longicornis 1 × 3 (small Frequently
United States, H. bispinosa? forms) individual forms
Australia, Europe R. sanguineus?
B. conradae United States R. sanguineus s.l.? 0.3 × 3 Annular, in
(California) (small tetrads,
forms) amoeboid forms
B. vulpes Europe, North Dermacentor 1 × 2.5 Frequently
(Babesia America reticulatus? (small individual forms
microti-like; Ixodes hexagonus? I. forms)
Theileria ricinus? I. canisuga?
annae) R. sanguineus s.l.?
10  Babesia of Domestic Dogs 243

B. gibsoni. However, the development of molecular methods has demonstrated that


other genetically distinct Babesia species exist. This division into large and small
species of canine Babesia is not supported by phylogenetic studies. The large Babesia
species Babesia canis, Babesia vogeli, Babesia rossi, and Babesia sp. (Coco) as well
as the small Babesia species B. gibsoni have been placed into a single monophyletic
group, which is sometimes for convenience referred to as true Babesia or Babesia
sensu stricto and corresponds to Clade V as defined in Schnittger et al. (2012). In
contrast, other small Babesia species, Babesia vulpes and Babesia conradae, are
sometimes for convenience referred to as Babesia sensu lato as they place into two
different unrelated monophyletic groups—Babesia vulpes into Clade I as defined by
Schnittger et al. (2012) and Baneth et al. (2015) and Babesia conradae into Clade II
(Schnittger et al. 2012). Lack et al. (2012) and Schreeg et al. (2016) have confirmed
this phylogenetic classification. Thus, altogether seven canine Babesia species are
currently known to infect canines of which one—Babesia sp. (Coco)—has not yet
been named.
The morphology of the different life stages of canine babesial parasites has been
described in studies using light microscopy and electron microscopy. Most of these
studies focused on Babesia canis—i.e., before this taxon has been later divided into
the large species Babesia vogeli, Babesia rossi, and Babesia canis as known today—
and on Babesia gibsoni, which represents a small Babesia species. The morphology
of the red blood cell stages has been reported in more detail than the morphology of
the tick stages of some canine Babesia species (Kjemtrup et al. 2006).
The life cycle of Babesia species in canines generally includes a trophozoite
stage, which develops immediately after infection of the erythrocyte, and a merozo-
ite stage, which is the result of the asexual division of the trophozoite and the forma-
tion of two pyriform bodies that may further divide within the erythrocyte. Parasites
taken up during the blood meal of the feeding vector tick develop in the tick intestine
into the gamete stage—termed ray body because of its thin projections. Zygotes
formed by fusion of two ray body gametes develop into sporokinetes which are
motile and infect the salivary glands of the tick to form the infective sporozoite stage
or—in Babesia sensu stricto with transovarial transmission—also infect the ovaries
of the tick and are transmitted via the eggs transovarially (Mehlhorn et al. 1994).
Intraerythrocytic B. canis merozoites have an outer pellicle layer consisting of
three membranes, have no conoid, but possess apical and posterior polar rings,
mitochondria, rhoptries, micronemes, subpellicular microtubules, and a membrane-­
bound nucleus (Mehlhorn and Schein 1984). Babesia canis merozoites maintain
their structure and size also when grown in culture (Walter et al. 2002). In contrast,
merozoites of small Babesia species such as B. gibsoni and B. conradae may take
on variable forms that consist of four to six shapes (Walter et al. 2002; Radi et al.
2004; Kjemtrup et al. 2006). B. gibsoni may develop in culture differently than in
the host, and its morphology as seen in the blood of infected dogs changes into
larger merozoites that almost fill the entire erythrocyte (Walter et al. 2002).
The ray bodies of B. canis initially develop within erythrocytes in the tick gut
and are spherical, polymorphic, or pyramidal with diameters of about 4–7 μm. They
are characterized by short thornlike projections, which measure about 1.0–1.2 μm in
244 G. Baneth

length (Mehlhorn and Schein 1984). More developed ray bodies leave the decaying

erythrocytes and possess several raylike projections before they fuse with another
ray body to develop the zygote and sporokinete.
The sporozoites of B. canis measure about 2.5 μm in length. They have a broad
apical pole and a pointed posterior pole and are bound by a pellicle composed of an
outer cell membrane and an inner layer consisting of two membranes. They contain
microtubules and several rhoptries that attach to the apical complex, which dis-
charges proteolytic enzymes that enable the invasion of the parasite into host eryth-
rocytes upon their transmission by the tick saliva (Mehlhorn and Schein 1984).

10.1.2 Life Cycle Transmission by the Vector Tick

Dogs are infected following a tick bite when Babesia sporozoites are injected with
saliva into their skin during the blood meal. In the canine host, parasites attach to
erythrocyte membranes and invade the cell where they form ring-shaped or ameboid
trophozoites. Merogony with asexual replication takes place when the parasite repli-
cates by binary fission within the erythrocyte and forms merozoites observed as pairs
of attached pear-shaped parasites—also termed pyriform bodies—in some Babesia
species (Fig. 10.1). Merozoites may further divide forming eight or more parasites in

10 mm

Fig. 10.1  Babesia vogeli merozoites in a canine erythrocyte from the blood of a naturally infected
dog; blood smear stained by May Grunwald Giemsa
10  Babesia of Domestic Dogs 245

the same host erythrocyte, and eventually the cell disintegrates, and merozoites are

released in the blood to invade new cells. Some merozoites develop to spheroid
forms in erythrocytes considered as gamonts (Mehlhorn and Schein 1984).
Natural transmission of Babesia species usually occurs during an infected tick
bite; however, congenital transplacental infection with passage of the parasite
through the placenta has been documented in some species but is considered rarer
than transmission by tick bite (Fukumoto et al. 2005; Konishi et al. 2008).
The sexual part of the babesial life cycle takes place in the tick. Ticks feeding on
infected blood take up intraerythrocytic parasites, and while most merozoites are
destroyed in the tick, spheroid forms differentiate further in the tick gut into gam-
etes with discrete projections—ray bodies—which associate in couples and fuse to
form zygotes. Zygotes develop into motile sporokinetes, which cross the tick gut
into the hemocoele and migrate to the salivary glands where the infective sporozo-
ites are produced by sporogony (Chauvin et  al. 2009). Some species of Babesia
including B. canis have been shown to be infective to animals only up to 2–3 days
after tick attachment (Schein et  al. 1979; Mehlhorn and Schein 1984). It is pre-
sumed that the change in temperature or the presence of a blood meal in the tick gut
acts as an activation stimulus for the maturation of the infective sporozoites.
The life cycle of Babesia sp. in the mammalian host takes place exclusively in
erythrocytes, whereas Theileria sp. have a preerythrocytic life stage in leukocytes—
the schizont (Chauvin et al. 2009; Uilenberg 2006). Some Babesia species—Babe-
sia sensu lato—are transmitted transstadially from one developmental tick stage to
another after feeding on the vertebrate host, whereas other Babesia species, Babesia
sensu stricto, are transmitted transovarial through the tick eggs and may therefore be
passed through to the next generation without having to feed on an infected host
(Uilenberg 2006; Chauvin et  al. 2009; Schnittger et  al. 2012). Furthermore, all
Theileria sensu stricto are transmitted exclusively transstadially. Transmission by Blood Transfusion or Dog-to-Dog Bite

Canine Babesia infection can also be transmitted via transfusion of blood products
from an infected blood donor to a recipient dog. This has been shown for several
canine babesial species including B. gibsoni and B. canis (Freeman et  al. 1994;
Stegeman et al. 2003). Babesia species are among the most important pathogens
listed for testing in the blood of canine blood donors by the American college of
Veterinary Internal Medicine and the Association of Veterinary Hematology and
Transfusion Medicine (Wardrop et al. 2005, 2016). In addition to transmission by
blood transfusion, studies have provided evidence that B. gibsoni is likely transmit-
ted directly from dog to dog by bites. This has been especially observed for fighting
dog breeds such as the Pit Bull Terrier and the Tosa (Birkenheuer et  al. 2005;
Jefferies et al. 2007; Lee et al. 2009; Yeagley et al. 2009).

10.1.3 H
 ost-Pathogen Interactions

Babesia infection causes a disease with clinical manifestations that may vary con-
siderably between the different species and strains involved as they may have
246 G. Baneth

different degrees of virulence. Important for the course of infection are also factors

that determine the host immune response to the infection such as age, individual
immune status, and the presence of concurrent infections or other diseases (Irwin
2009). Hemolytic anemia with massive erythrocyte destruction and a systemic
inflammatory response, which may lead to multiple-organ dysfunction syndrome,
account for most of the clinical signs observed in canine babesiosis. The disease
onset is often acute with affected dogs suffering from fever and lethargy.
Acute canine babesiosis is characterized by the induction and increased activity of
a multitude of inflammatory mediators including cytokines, chemokines, and acute
phase proteins. The interaction between these inflammatory mediators, the infective
organism, and the canine host have been studied in both experimental and natural
infection settings with different species of Babesia including B. canis, B. gibsoni,
and B. rossi (Zygner et al. 2014; Brown et al. 2015; Goddard et al. 2016). In some
situations, these interactions may be beneficial to the host, but in others, they may
prove detrimental. A study on dogs naturally infected with B. canis from Poland
found increases of serum tumor necrosis factor alpha (TNF-α) concentration during
canine babesiosis, which were associated with renal failure. The authors concluded
that the increased TNF-α concentration influenced the development of hypotension
and renal failure probably via TNF-α-mediated production of nitric oxide and induc-
tion of vasodilation and hypotension, leading to renal ischemia and hypoxia (Zygner
et  al. 2014). Another study that evaluated an experimental B. gibsoni infection of
beagles found that it was associated with marked increases in the concentration of
several cytokines such as TNF-α, granulocyte-macrophage colony-­stimulating factor
(GM-CSF), IL-2, IL-6, IL7, and IL-18, which showed a delayed onset that followed
the infection and occurred subsequent to the detection of peripheral parasitemia.
Increases in the levels of the acute phase protein c-reactive protein (CRP) occurred a
few days prior to the detection of parasitemia (Brown et al. 2015). A study on B. rossi
from South Africa investigated cytokines in naturally infected dogs and evaluated
whether their levels were associated with disease outcome. Ninety-seven dogs natu-
rally infected with B. rossi were studied, and 15 healthy dogs were included as con-
trols. IL-10 and monocyte chemotactic protein 1 (MCP-1) concentrations were
significantly elevated for the Babesia-infected dogs compared to the healthy con-
trols. In contrast, the IL-8 concentration was significantly decreased in the Babesia-
infected dogs. Concentrations of IL-6 and MCP-1 were increased in the non-survivor
dogs compared to the survivors. Concentrations of IL-2, IL-6, IL-18, and GM-CSF
were significantly higher in those cases that presented during the more acute stage of
the disease. The result demonstrates a mixed cytokine response in B. rossi infection,
and the authors suggested that an excessive pro-­inflammatory response might result
in a poor outcome (Goddard et al. 2016).
Hemolytic anemia in canine babesiosis can be intravascular—within blood ves-
sels—or extravascular, in parenchymal organs of which the spleen plays a major
role. It often presents with a combination of erythrocyte destruction in both loca-
tions. Hemolytic anemia in canine babesiosis is multifactorial and associated with
several mechanisms. It can occur due to direct red blood cell lyses produced by
replicating intracellular parasites or due to the binding of antibodies to the
10  Babesia of Domestic Dogs 247

erythrocyte cell membrane displaying parasite antigens leading to complement acti-


vation (Adachi et al. 1994, 1995; Carli et al. 2009). Furthermore, hemolytic anemia
can be caused by the production of serum hemolytic factors, the oxidative damage
of erythrocytes, an increased red blood cell phagocytosis, the creation of sphero-
cytes, and a decrease in the osmotic fragility of red blood cells (Onishi et al. 1990;
Makinde and Bobade 1994; Murase et al. 1996; Otsuka et al. 2001, 2002). Antibodies
against red blood cells have been documented in dogs infected with B. gibsoni and
B. vogeli (Adachi et al. 1994; Carli et al. 2009). Intense hemolysis results in hemo-
globinemia, hemoglobinuria, bilirubinemia, and bilirubinuria.
Thrombocytopenia is frequently found in canine babesiosis and may be caused
by immune-mediated mechanisms such as antibodies coating platelets, splenic
sequestration, or coagulatory consumption of platelets from hemolytic or vascular
injury. Thrombocytopenia has been demonstrated in experimental canine babesiosis
caused by B. gibsoni as well as in natural infections with other Babesia species
(Wilkerson et al. 2001; Sikorski et al. 2010; Brown et al. 2015; Eichenberger et al.
Particular virulence factors encoded by B. rossi have been identified and associated
with the high pathogenic phenotype of this species. A polymorphic phosphoprotein
localized on the cytoplasmic surface of B. rossi-infected red blood cells that has been
named Babesia rossi erythrocyte membrane antigen 1 (BrEMA1) is suspected to be a
virulence factor in B. rossi canine babesiosis (Matjila et  al. 2009). The gene that
encodes this protein is not found in other species of Babesia infecting dogs such as B.
canis and B. vogeli. A preliminary study suggests that there are also clinically impor-
tant differences in the virulence between various B. rossi genotypes/strains (Matjila
et al. 2009). Different proportions of the prevalence of genotypes of the BC28 gene—
encoding the major merozoite surface antigens of B. canis—have been found in dif-
ferent regions of Europe. These differences may be related to variable biologic
properties of parasite strains within the same Babesia species (Carcy et al. 2015).
Tissue hypoxia is a severe consequence of canine babesiosis associated with
multiple-organ damage. It has been studied in depth in B. rossi and B. canis infec-
tions (Leisewitz et  al. 2001; Jacobson 2006; Mathe et  al. 2007). The causes of
hypoxia include anemia, hypotensive shock, vascular stasis by sludging of erythro-
cytes, excessive endogenous production of carbon monoxide, parasitic damage to
hemoglobin, and decreased ability of hemoglobin to offload oxygen in Babesia-­
infected dogs (Ayoob et al. 2010). The central nervous system, kidney, and muscle
are the organs most affected by the resultant tissue hypoxia (Jacobson 2006). The
histological changes observed in the kidneys in naturally acquired B. canis infec-
tions included vacuolar-hydropic degeneration, necrosis, and detachment of renal
tubular epithelial cells in the proximal convoluted tubules, while no significant his-
tological changes were seen in the glomeruli (Mathe et al. 2007). Tubular hemoglo-
bin casts and hemoglobin droplets in the renal tubular epithelial cells were more
rarely observed (Mathe et al. 2007).
Tissue hypoxia, hypotensive shock, multiple-organ dysfunction, and high mor-
tality rates have been documented mostly in association with B. rossi infection
(Jacobson 2006; Reyers et al. 1998). Infection with this species may present acutely
248 G. Baneth

or even as a peracute and fatal syndrome with massive hemolysis, renal failure, and

acid-base abnormalities (Leisewitz et al. 2001; Jacobson 2006). Free oxygen radical
release and mechanisms associated with harmful cytokine effects have been associ-
ated with endothelial damage and increased vascular permeability in canine babe-
siosis. These may result in non-cardiogenic pulmonary edema (Jacobson 2006). B.
rossi infection of dogs can lead to cerebral babesiosis and mortality due to a more
severe consumptive coagulopathy compared to that found in dogs surviving clinical
disease (Jacobson 2006; Goddard et al. 2013).
The spleen has an important function in controlling babesiosis (Homer et  al.
2000). Splenectomized and immune-compromised dogs are more susceptible to
infection with Babesia spp. Splenectomized dogs that are experimentally infected
with Babesia spp. rapidly develop parasitemia and clinical disease and may reach
high parasitemia levels (Vercammen et al. 1995). Accordingly, splenectomy is an
important risk factor for the development of natural and potentially fatal babesiosis
in humans and has been documented to be associated with clinical natural canine
babesiosis (Rosner et al. 1984; Camacho et al. 2002; Sikorski et al. 2010).

10.2 Diagnosis and Epidemiology

10.2.1 Diagnosis

The diagnosis of canine babesiosis and detection of Babesia infection are carried
out by several diagnostic techniques ranging from simple microscopy of blood that
can be carried out in field conditions to advanced and very sensitive molecular tech-
niques (Lempereur et al. 2017). Although observation of stained blood smear can
usually distinguish between infection with large or small canine Babesia species,
the morphology of parasites in the blood as observed by light microscopy is not suf-
ficient in separating between the different large canine babesial species and between
the varieties of small species. Another consideration when selecting an appropriate
diagnostic method is that subclinical infection will be often associated with
extremely low parasitemia, and therefore molecular techniques for the detection of
parasite DNA should be preferred over the relatively less sensitive technique of
blood smear microscopy. Canine blood donors or blood transfusion products should
be tested by sensitive PCR detection protocols as parasitemia, if present, is expected
to be low in apparently healthy donors (Solano-Gallego and Baneth 2011). Detection by Light Microscopy

Observation of large or small species of Babesia in stained blood smears has been
the standard for diagnosis for many years. This method is deemed reliable when a
moderate to high parasitemia is present; however, there is not always a correlation
between the level of parasitemia and the severity of clinical signs. Furthermore, the
diagnosis of chronically infected and carrier dogs remains a diagnostic challenge
due to low and often intermittent parasitemia that is frequently difficult to observe
by microscopic evaluation. In those cases, the use of molecular diagnostic assays is
10  Babesia of Domestic Dogs 249

Fig. 10.2  Babesia vogeli merozoites in dog erythrocytes phagocytosed by a monocyte in the
blood of a naturally infected dog; note also merozoites in a free erythrocyte; blood smear stained
by May Grunwald Giemsa

strongly recommended. Smears made from ear tip or toe nail capillary blood may
be beneficial in exhibiting large form Babesia parasites versus blood from a central
vein (Bohm et al. 2006). A fresh smear is recommended for the accurate diagnosis
of infection. Parasites may be detected in phagocytosed erythrocytes within macro-
phages (Fig. 10.2). Distinguishing between small and between large canine Babesia
species based solely on morphology is not possible, and molecular analysis is
required for speciation. PCR-Based Molecular Detection

PCR is a sensitive and specific diagnostic technique frequently used for the detec-
tion of canine babesiosis and particularly useful for low parasitemia levels and for
the determination of parasite species. A large number of PCR assays and protocols
using a variety of gene targets have been described. Several PCR assays and addi-
tional procedures have been developed and used for the detection of canine babesio-
sis. Real-time PCR techniques have been developed to detect and quantify Babesia
infection in canine blood (Qurollo et  al. 2017). PCR-restriction fragment length
polymorphism is also used to separate between canine Babesia species (Carret et al.
1999). A reverse line blotting (RLB) technique in which PCR products are hybrid-
ized to a membrane containing specific probes for the known babesial species and
possibly for other pathogens has been developed for simultaneous detection of piro-
plasm species and coinfections. The RLB confirmed the presence of B. vogeli in
addition to B. rossi in dogs from South Africa (Matjila et al. 2004). In addition, a
high-resolution melting curve quantitative fluorescence resonance energy transfer-­
PCR has been developed to discriminate between species based on melting curve
analysis (Wang et al. 2010).
250 G. Baneth Detection by Serology


Measurement of antibodies reactive with Babesia antigen indicates a past or present

infection. The indirect fluorescent antibody test (IFAT) is the most commonly used
test for canine babesiosis (Vercammen et  al. 1995); however, cross-reactivity
between different Babesia species and with other protozoan parasites occurs
(Vercammen et  al. 1995; Yamane et  al. 1993). Enzyme-linked immunosorbent
assays (ELISA) have been used in research and epidemiologic surveys (Schetters
et al. 1996). The use of recombinant proteins such as the thrombospondin-related
adhesive protein (TRAP) of B. gibsoni has been employed as an alternative for
whole-parasite antigen with good sensitivities and specificities (Goo et al. 2008).
False-negative results are possible in peracute or acute infection. In these cases, the
use of convalescent antibody titers is strongly recommended to confirm acute

10.2.2 Epidemiology

The geographical distribution of the causative agents and thus the occurrence of
babesiosis are largely dependent on the habitat of their tick vector species, with the
exception of B. gibsoni, where evidence for dog-to-dog transmission between fight-
ing dog breeds independent of the vector tick has been presented (Birkenheuer et al.
2005; Jefferies et al. 2007; Yeagley et al. 2009). Babesia vogeli and B. gibsoni have
a worldwide distribution, whereas B. rossi and B. canis have been mostly restricted
to Africa and Europe, respectively. The unnamed large Babesia species most closely
related to B. bigemina and B. conradae have been reported only from North America,
whereas B. vulpes has been reported in Europe, Asia, and North America (Solano-
Gallego and Baneth 2011). Babesia rossi

Babesia rossi—(Babesia canis rossi) is a large form Babesia species, which has
been described from South Africa as well as from other sub-Saharan African coun-
tries including Sudan and Nigeria (Adamu et al. 2014; Oyamada et al. 2005). Its tick
vectors are Haemaphysalis elliptica and Haemaphysalis leachi, which were thought
to be the same species in the past (Apanaskevich et al. 2007). It is considered the
most virulent large Babesia species that affects dogs. Babesia canis

Babesia canis—(B. canis canis) is a large Babesia mostly prevalent in central and
northern Europe and transmitted by the tick Dermacentor reticulatus. It causes a
moderate to severe disease that often has an acute onset (Zygner et  al. 2014;
Eichenberger et al. 2016). Babesia vogeli

Babesia vogeli—(B. canis vogeli) is a large Babesia with a very wide distribution.
It is transmitted by Rhipicephalus sanguineus sensu lato ticks and found mostly in
10  Babesia of Domestic Dogs 251

tropical and subtropical regions including the Mediterranean basin, the Middle East,

large areas of Asia, Australia, and South, Central, and North America (Solano-
Gallego and Baneth 2011). It can cause subclinical infection or mild to moderate
disease. It may cause a severe illness in young puppies and in greyhounds. Babesia
vogeli-infected dogs often present with coinfections, frequently with Ehrlichia
canis or Hepatozoon canis which are also transmitted by the same tick vector
(Singla et al. 2016). Babesia gibsoni

Babesia gibsoni is a small form Babesia that is endemic in Southeast Asia and
appears to have spread from there to other continents including North and South
America, Australia, and Europe. It is a common and often subclinical cause of
infection in pit bull terriers but can also inflict a severe disease in this as well as in
other dog breeds. It is transmitted by Haemaphysalis longicornis and possibly by H.
bispinosa and R. sanguineus s.l. There is also evidence for its direct transmission by
dog bites (Birkenheuer et al. 2005; Jefferies et al. 2007; Yeagley et al. 2009). Babesia conradae

Babesia conradae is a small Babesia, which has mostly been reported in dogs from
California and appears not to be prevalent outside North America. It was initially
thought to be a strain of B. gibsoni but later found to be a genetically distinct species
causing a severe and potentially fatal disease in dogs. The tick vector of B. conradae
has not been described to date (Kjemtrup et al. 2006). Babesia vulpes

Babesia vulpes described initially as Theileria annae and also termed Babesia
microti-like and Babesia cf. microti is a third small species of Babesia that infects
dogs (Zahler et al. 2000; Baneth et al. 2015). It was initially described from a dog
that originated from Northern Spain and has subsequently been found in other
European countries and in North America (Yeagley et al. 2009; Miró et al. 2015).
Babesia vulpes is a common cause of infection of wild red foxes—i.e., Vulpes
vulpes. Although it has been speculated that it is transmitted by the Hedgehog tick
Ixodes hexagonus and/or by Dermacentor reticulatus, there is currently no defini-
tive evidence of its transmission by any of these or by other tick species (Camacho
et al. 2003; Hodžić et al. 2017). Babesia sp. (Coco)

A currently unnamed large form Babesia species was detected for the first time in
North Carolina in a dog under chemotherapy for lymphoma (Birkenheuer et  al.
2004). Seven dogs infected with this pathogen were subsequently reported in east-
ern United States. All the dogs presented with immunocompromised conditions
such as splenectomy or chemotherapy due to neoplasia (Sikorski et  al. 2010).
Analyses of the 18S rRNA gene of the unnamed large Babesia have revealed a
unique sequence that shared a 93.9% identity with B. bigemina (Birkenheuer et al.
252 G. Baneth Rangelia vitalii


Rangelia vitalii is a piroplasm described in dogs in the southeast of Brazil, Uruguay,

and Northern Argentina. This infection causes a disease referred to as Nambiuvú—
i.e., bloody ears. The life cycle of R. vitalii is different from Babesia species because
it has a tissue stage in the cytoplasm of endothelial cells as well as a developmental
phase in blood cells. Piroplasm-like intracellular organisms of R. vitalii have been
described in erythrocytes, monocytes, and neutrophils by observation of stained
blood smears, and it has been reported to be transmitted by the tick Amblyomma
aureolatum. Clinical manifestations are associated with fever, anemia, jaundice,
splenomegaly, lymphadenomegaly, hemorrhage in the gastrointestinal tract, and
persistent bleeding from the nose, oral cavity, and the ear pinna (Franca et al. 2010;
Da Silva et al. 2011; Eiras et al. 2014). It also has been described as a cause of dis-
ease in wild canids in South America (Fredo et al. 2015).

10.3 Clinical Effects, Prevention, and Treatment

10.3.1 Clinical Effects

The clinical manifestations of babesiosis are mainly dependent on the infecting spe-
cies and host-related factors. The main effects of babesiosis are related to anemia,
tissue anoxia, and effect of toxins and inflammatory mediators produced during
infection. Babesiosis due to B. rossi can present with clinical signs similar to those
described for other babesial species such as fever, dehydration, lethargy, pale
mucous membranes, and anorexia or with complicated severe clinical disorders
including acute renal failure with anuria, icterus, hypotension, acute respiratory dis-
tress syndrome (ARDS), vomiting, diarrhea, pancreatitis, myalgia, rhabdomyolysis,
ascites, pulmonary edema, encephalomyelitis, and peracute shock. Dogs with B.
rossi infection may present with mild to severe anemia, thrombocytopenia, leucocy-
tosis, bilirubinemia, pigmenturia, bilirubinuria, hypoglycaemia, acid-base imbal-
ances, azotemia, and hyperlactemia.
The main clinical and clinicopathological findings reported in dogs suffering
from B. canis infection include dehydration, lethargy, anorexia, fever, lethargy and
dehydration with mild to severe thrombocytopenia, hyperfibrinogenemia, mild to
severe anemia, hemolysis, and neutropenia (Adaszek et al. 2009; Eichenberger et al.
2016). Hemoglobinuria has also been described in urinalysis of naturally infected
dogs. Babesia vogeli causes a mild to moderate clinical disease, which often accom-
panies other concomitant diseases or immunosuppressive conditions or affects sple-
nectomized dogs. Severe fatal hemolytic anemia has been reported in puppies. The
most common laboratory findings are regenerative anemia and thrombocytopenia
(Solano-Gallego et al. 2008). The clinicopathological findings in B. gibsoni infec-
tion include fever, regenerative anemia, thrombocytopenia, splenomegaly, lymph-
adenomegaly, hepatomegaly, and lethargy. Babesia conradae infection has been
described as more virulent than B. gibsoni infection resulting in higher parasitemia,
more pronounced anemia, and higher rate of mortality. The clinicopathological
10  Babesia of Domestic Dogs 253

findings resemble those reported in B. gibsoni infections. The most common clini-

cal findings reported in dogs infected with B. vulpes from the north west of Spain
include fever, lethargy, weakness, azotemia and pigmenturia. Infected dogs had
moderate to severe regenerative anemia and thrombocytopenia (Guitián et al. 2003;
Miró et al. 2015).

10.3.2 Prevention

Prevention of babesiosis is based on acaricidal treatments administered topically,

systematically, orally as chewable tablets, or spread in the environment. Acaricidal
treatments are aimed at reducing the exposure to vector ticks, their bites, and the
transmission of the pathogen to dogs. A variety of products based on commercially
available acaricidal chemicals have been tested for efficacy in the prevention of
babesial infections under experimental or field conditions, and have been licensed
for use in dogs (Solano-Gallego et al. 2016). As Babesia species are transmitted by
blood product transfusions, it is recommended to screen canine blood donors for
Babesia infection on a regular basis (Wardrop et al. 2016). Non-vectorial dog-to-­
dog transmission of babesia by fighting can be responsible for the spread of babe-
siosis into previously non-endemic areas. Vaccines against canine Babesia species
are commercially available in some countries in Europe.

10.3.3 Treatment

The differences between Babesia species that infect dogs are also reflected in their
susceptibility to drugs. Accurate detection and species recognition are important for
the selection of the correct therapy and predicting the course of disease. While large
form Babesia species of dogs are usually susceptible to certain drugs, small form
Babesia are often resistant to these drugs, and treatment of their infections requires
the use of other drugs and combinations of drugs. Large Babesia species infections
of dogs are commonly treated with one dose of imidocarb dipropionate at 5–6 mg
per kilogram dog weight intramuscular (IM) or subcutaneously (SC) with good
clinical response and a repeated dose 14  days later. Large Babesia species and
Rangelia vitalii have been reported to respond to diminazene aceturate treatment at
3.5 mg/kg IM once.
Babesia gibsoni and B. conradae infections are often resistant to imidocarb
dipropionate and diminazene aceturate. The treatment of choice for these small
Babesia species is the combination of the antimalarial atovaquone and the macro-
lide azithromycin. The most commonly used dose of atovaquone is 13.5  mg/kg,
administered orally (PO) every 8 h with fatty food to maximize drug absorption, in
combination with azithromycin at 10 mg/kg PO for 10 days. Buparvaquone at 5 mg/
kg IM, 2 days apart in combination with azithromycin at 10 mg/kg PO for 10 days,
has also been studied for the treatment of dogs infected with B. vulpes and found
less effective than the combination of atovaquone and azithromycin (Checa et al.
254 G. Baneth

2017). Resistance to atovaquone associated with irresponsiveness to treatment has


been described in B. gibsoni in dogs from Japan and Taiwan and results from muta-
tions in the parasite cytochrome b gene (Sakuma et al. 2009; Iguchi et al. 2012; Liu
et al. 2016).
Parasitological cure with complete elimination of the parasite is commonly not
achieved by treatment of small Babesia spp. infections in dogs, and clinical relapses
frequently occur. Medical management of infection may require supportive treat-
ments including blood transfusions, intravenous fluids, and the use of anti-­
inflammatory drugs. The prognosis of dogs infected with large forms of Babesia
species and treated with effective drugs is generally good in uncomplicated disease.
Canine disease with small Babesia spp. may be more resistant to treatment and
carry a poorer prognosis. Currently, there are no zoonotic canine Babesia species

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Equine Piroplasmids

Massaro W. Ueti and Donald P. Knowles

Equine piroplasmosis (EP), caused by the tick-borne protozoan parasites
Theileria equi or Babesia caballi, is an infectious disease that affects equids
worldwide. The disease is of global economic importance due to morbidity, mor-
tality, costs associated with treatment, diagnosis, and impact on the international
movement of horses for commerce and competition. Infected horses remain life-
long carriers of T. equi or B. caballi, although horses appear able to occasionally
eliminate B. caballi infection. Persistently infected equids are a continuous
source for transmission of the protozoal pathogens by tick vectors or iatrogenic
transfer. The presence of ticks capable of transmitting these pathogens on all
continents increases the need for global surveillance to prevent EP dissemina-
tion. This chapter presents life cycle differences between T. equi and B. caballi,
the world distribution of competent tick vectors, efficacy of drug treatment to
eliminate persistent infection, acaricide treatments to lower tick burden, and
improvement of diagnostic assays to prevent dissemination of protozoan parasite
strains throughout the world.

M.W. Ueti (*) • D.P. Knowles

Animal Diseases Research Unit, Agricultural Research Service, U.S. Department of
Agriculture, Pullman, WA, USA
Program in Vector-borne Diseases, Department of Veterinary Microbiology and Pathology,
Washington State University, Pullman, WA, USA
School for Global Animal Health, Washington State University, Pullman, WA, USA
e-mail: [email protected]

© Springer International Publishing AG, part of Springer Nature 2018 259

M. Florin-Christensen, L. Schnittger (eds.), Parasitic Protozoa of Farm Animals
and Pets, https://doi.org/10.1007/978-3-319-70132-5_11
260 M.W. Ueti and D.P. Knowles

11.1 Morphology, Life Cycle, and Host-Pathogen Interactions


Theileria equi and Babesia caballi are both members of the phylum Apicomplexa.
Theileria equi has an initial lymphocytic stage and then forms a tetrad configuration
in erythrocytes, termed a Maltese cross formation (Fig. 11.1a) (Ramsay et al. 2013;
Schein et al. 1981; Holbrook 1969). Babesia caballi has the characteristics of a true
Babesia sp. in that it only infects erythrocytes, forming two large pear-shaped piro-
plasms (Fig. 11.1b) (Scoles and Ueti 2015). Parasites in mammalian host cells are
haploid and undergo asexual reproduction (Uilenberg 2006). During replication of
T. equi in erythrocytes, parasites express immunodominant surface proteins equine
merozoite antigen-1 and equine merozoite antigen-2 (EMA-1 and EMA-2)
(Kappmeyer et al. 1993). It has been postulated that these proteins are important for
parasite attachment to erythrocytes. In B. caballi, parasites express rhoptry-associ-
ated protein-1 (RAP-1), a highly conserved immunogenic protein. It has been pos-
tulated that RAP-1 is critical for erythrocyte invasion (Ikadai et al. 1999; Kappmeyer
et al. 1999).
When competent tick vectors ingest infected erythrocytes, the intra-erythro-
cytic parasite stages begin a transformation within the lumen of the tick midgut
(Ueti et al. 2003). Initially, the parasite undergoes gametogenesis. Gamonts begin
nuclear division followed by formation of protrusions and then ray bodies
(Fig.  11.2a, b). These multinuclear forms divide into two to four mononuclear
stages called ray bodies (Zapf and Schein 1994a). This stage elongates and forms
microgametes. Concurrently, macrogametes are formed with little morphologic
change from merozoites. Microgametes and macrogametes fuse to form diploid
zygotes that attach to and invade tick midgut epithelial cells and, subsequently,
develop into kinetes. Theileria equi kinetes migrate from the midgut to infect tick
salivary glands (Guimaraes et  al. 1998a, b; Ueti et  al. 2008, Zapf and Schein
1994b). Babesia caballi kinetes infect tick ovaries resulting in vertical transmis-
sion with infection of eggs and subsequent larvae (Fig. 11.2a, b) (Schwint et al.
2008; Ueti et al. 2008).

a b

Fig. 11.1  Giemsa blood smear from infected horses during acute infection. Theileria equi (a) and
Babesia caballi (b)
11  Equine Piroplasmids 261

a b


Sporogony Sporogony
Gamogony Gamogony


Fig. 11.2  Life cycle comparison between Theileria equi and Babesia caballi during infection in
the horse and tick vector

Within tick salivary glands, sporozoite maturation occurs during tick acquisition
of a blood meal. Tick vectors inoculate mature sporozoites into mammalian hosts
via tick saliva. Theileria equi sporozoites invade peripheral blood mononuclear
cells and transform into schizonts prior to invading erythrocytes. In contrast, B.
caballi sporozoites directly invade erythrocytes. Infected horses are lifelong reser-
voirs for tick infection (Ueti et al. 2008).

11.1.1 Model of Tick-Borne Transmission of 

Theileria equi and Babesia caballi

Horses infected with T. equi or B. caballi are found throughout the world and are
sources for tick infection. Both parasites are efficiently transmitted by tick vectors.
However, the model of transmission between the two parasites is distinct. Theileria
equi is commonly transmitted transstadially or intrastadially as opposed to B.
caballi that is commonly transmitted transovarially (Fig. 11.3). Transstadial trans-
mission occurs when nymphal ticks acquire T. equi infections during blood meal on
either acutely or chronically infected horses and, after molting and movement to a
new host, successfully infect naïve horses (Ueti et al. 2005). Intrastadial transmis-
sion occurs when adult ticks acquire T. equi infection during blood meal on either
acutely or chronically infected horses and, after movement to a new host, success-
fully transmit T. equi parasites (Ueti et al. 2008). In contrast, transovarial transmis-
sion of B. caballi occurs when female ticks acquire the parasite during blood meal
and vertically transmit the parasite to the next generation (Fig. 11.3). Infected ticks
transmit B. caballi to naïve horses during acquisition of a blood meal. Furthermore
B. caballi parasites can persist in the tick vectors over several generations in the
absence of reinfection from an infected host (Schwint et al. 2008; Ueti et al. 2008).
Therefore, unlike the case for T. equi, tick vectors are a reservoir host for B. caballi.
262 M.W. Ueti and D.P. Knowles

Transmission of parasites

Acquisition of parasites to naïve horse

from infected horse

Theileria equi

Nymphs Male Female


Male Male
Babesia caballi

Trans-ovarial Male

Replete female

Fig. 11.3 Model of tick-borne transmission of protozoan parasites that cause equine


11.2 Diagnosis and Epidemiology

11.2.1 Diagnosis

Diagnostic assays have been used to control the movement of infected horses and
prevent dissemination of the parasites (Table 11.1). The methods vary in their speci-
ficity and sensitivity. Therefore, several methods need to be considered to prevent
the movement of infected horses. Definitive diagnosis of T. equi and B. caballi can
be made by microscopic examination of Giemsa-stained blood smears during the
acute phase of infection (Fig. 11.1). However, in the chronic phase of infection, the
parasitemia in peripheral blood may be too low for reliable microscopic diagnosis.
For this reason, nucleic acid- and serologic-based techniques have been developed
for the detection of parasite DNA and specific antibody, respectively.
Prior to DNA-based detection methods, the standard approach for confirming a
carrier status was blood subinoculation into immunocompromised recipient horses.
This approach is costly and time-consuming. Therefore, an alternative means of
parasite detection was desired. DNA probes were developed as one alternative
method to replace the use of horses for confirmation of infection. Polymerase chain
11  Equine Piroplasmids 263

Table 11.1  Diagnostic assays to detect Theileria equi or Babesia caballi infection

Infection status
Assay Acute infection Persistent infection
Giemsa-stained blood smear D ND
D test detects stage of infection, ND test is unable to detect stage of infection

reaction (PCR) showed promise in providing a means to detect T. equi and B. caballi
carrier infections with improved sensitivity (Bashiruddin et al. 1999; Posnett and
Ambrosio 1991). The most sensitive detection method for T. equi involves nested
PCR using oligonucleotides associated with T. equi merozoite antigen-1 gene
(ema-­1) (Ueti et al. 2012).
Serology remains the diagnostic approach of choice primarily due to the ease of
protocols and higher throughput of the assays. A number of serologic assays have
been used to detect specific T. equi and B. caballi antibody from equine serum.
Although the indirect immunofluorescence (IFA) assay has greater sensitivity than
the complement fixation test (CFT), the CFT has been used for many years as an
official test by Australia, Canada, Japan, and the USA for screening imported horses
(Kuttler et al. 1988). The CFT is limited in several respects including problems with
anticomplementary activity and/or anti-erythrocytic autoantibody in certain sera.
The CFT has poor sensitivity due to the inability of immunoglobulin isotype IgG5,
an isotype present during chronic infection, to fix complement (Knowles et  al.
1991). For these reasons, efforts to improve serological assays for better surveil-
lance have resulted in the development of competitive enzyme linked immunosor-
bent assays (cELISAs) for both T. equi- and B. caballi-specific serum antibody. This
approach was based on the hypothesis that immunodominant conserved epitopes for
antibody existed and that epitope-specific antibody from infected equine serum
would inhibit the binding of related epitope-specific monoclonal antibody
(Kappmeyer et al. 1999; Knowles et al. 1991, 1992).
Equi merozoite antigen-1 (EMA-1) from T. equi, a 34 kDa surface protein, and
rhoptry-associated protein-1 (RAP-1) from B. caballi, a 60  kDa protein, contain
immunodominant and geographically conserved epitopes defined by monoclonal
antibodies 36/133.97 and 79/17.18.5, respectively (Kappmeyer et al. 1999; Knowles
et al. 1991). Recombinant peptides bearing these epitopes have been used in each
specific cELISA, and the assays applied to detect specific antibodies in serum from
experimentally infected horses and from serum obtained from every continent
(Kappmeyer et al. 1999; Knowles et al. 1991). The T. equi EMA-1 associated epit-
ope is conformationally dependent, while the B. caballi RAP-1-associated epitope
is linear and found in the C-terminal repeat region (Cunha et al. 2002; Kappmeyer
et al. 1999). A major attribute of the cELISA is the possibility to standardize the
assay. This attribute is based on the use of recombinant antigen and monoclonal
antibody. Recombinant EMA-1 used in the cELISA is a consistent, standardized
264 M.W. Ueti and D.P. Knowles

source of antigen, unlike CFT antigen that may vary significantly from laboratory to

laboratory. The lack of standardization of the CFT antigen makes comparison with
the cELISA challenging, and concordance values must be interpreted with caution.
Despite the low throughput and subjective nature of the IFA, it has proven to be a
valuable assay, and concordance between cELISA and IFA for both T. equi and B.
caballi is very high (Rhalem et al. 2001).

11.2.2 Epidemiology

EP is globally distributed, and the majority of horse populations live in endemic

areas (Friedhoff 1982; Kerber et al. 2009, Potgieter et al. 1992). Distribution of T.
equi and B. caballi coincides with the presence of tick vectors capable of transmit-
ting these parasites to horses (Table 11.2). With few exceptions, three genera includ-
ing Hyalomma, Dermacentor, and Rhipicephalus serve as biological vectors for
both hemoprotozoan parasites (Scoles and Ueti 2015; Stiller et al. 2002). Few coun-
tries in the world are considered free of EP. The disease has not been reported in
Japan, and despite the occurrence of potential vector ticks, it has not been reported
in northern Europe, including Great Britain (Joyner et al. 1981; Ikadai et al. 2002).
Theileria equi was introduced into Australia but did not spread due to the lack of
suitable vectors, although it is now known that T. equi can be transmitted by R.
microplus that was considered to be prevalent in Australia. Recently, however, the
common cattle tick from Australia was redescribed as a new species, R. australis
(Mahoney et  al. 1977; Guimaraes et  al. 1998a; Ueti et  al. 2003, 2005, 2008;

Table 11.2  Global distribution of tick vectors of equine piroplasmosis

Continent Tick vectors EP status
Africa D. marginatusa,b, H. anatolicuma,b, H. detrituma,b, H. Endemic
dromedariia, H. excavatuma,H. lusitanicuma, H.
marginatuma,b, H. truncatumb,
R. annulatusa, R. bursaa,b, R. evertsia,b, R. microplusa, R.
Australia R. microplus Not present
Asia H. anatolicuma,b, H. detrituma,b, H. dromedariia, H. Endemic. Except
marginatuma,b, H. uralensea, R. microplusa Japan
Europe D. marginatusa,b, D. nuttallib, D. silvarumb, D. Endemic. Except
reticulatusa,b, H. anatolicuma,b, H. detrituma,b, H. northern Europe
dromedariia, H. lusitanicuma, H. marginatuma,b, R.
North A. mixtuma, D. albipictusb, D. nitensb, D. variabilisa,b, R. Endemic. Except
America annulatusa, R. microplusa Canada and the
South A. mixtuma, D. nitensb, R. annulatusa, R. microplusa Endemic
A Amblyomma, D Dermacentor, H Hyalomma, R Rhipicephalus
Theileria equi
Babesia caballi
11  Equine Piroplasmids 265

Estrada-Pena et al. 2012). The genetic diversity between R. microplus and R. aus-

tralis might contribute to explain the inability of the latter to transmit the parasites.
Both T. equi and B. caballi were introduced into the USA but were contained
through strict control measures (Short et  al. 2012; Ueti et  al. 2003, 2005, 2008,
2012). However, a few isolated outbreaks have been detected in the USA.  In an
outbreak in Florida, transmission occurred iatrogenically, while in the Texas out-
break, transmission occurred by tick vectors (Scoles et al. 2011; Scoles and Ueti
2013; Short et al. 2012). These outbreaks were controlled by euthanizing infected
horses or eliminating the infection using drug therapy (Short et al. 2012; Ueti et al.

11.3 Clinical Signs, Prevention, and Treatment

11.3.1 Clinical Signs

Clinical signs of EP develop approximately 15 days after tick transmission (Ueti

et al. 2005). The acute disease is characterized by fever, reduced appetite and mal-
aise, increased pulse and respiration rates, anorexia, constipation followed by diar-
rhea, tachycardia, petechiae, splenomegaly, anemia, hemoglobinuria, and
hemoglobinemia (Taylor et al. 1969). Central nervous system involvement has been
reported from B. caballi infections, but not T. equi (Taylor et  al. 1969). Chronic
infection may be characterized by weight loss, poor condition, and performance
(Laus et al. 2015).
It is common to detect varying complications from the disease including pneu-
monia and enteritis (De Waal 1992) and abortion in mares due to severe disease and
pyrexia of the mare or to intrauterine infection of the fetus (Erbsloh 1975).
Anemia is a consequence of hemolysis of infected erythrocytes and is generally
characterized initially as normocytic followed by macrocytic with an increase in
reticulocytes (Mahoney et  al. 1977). Decreased blood iron, phosphorous, and
plasma fibrinogen have been reported as well as an increase in bilirubin (De Waal
et al. 1987).
Gross pathology includes edema of the subcutaneous and subserosal tissues,
hepatomegaly and splenomegaly, epicardial and endocardial hemorrhages, enlarge-
ment of kidneys and lymph nodes, and lung congestion. Histopathology includes
necrosis of the liver with bile stasis, nephrosis, and edema of the lungs. In addition,
there is proliferation of reticuloendothelial cells in the liver, lungs, kidneys, and
lymph nodes (Mahoney et al. 1977).

11.3.2 Prevention

Control of tick-borne protozoan parasites affecting equids remains a major concern

and challenge in tropical and subtropical regions of the world. Several means of
controlling tick-borne pathogens have been attempted including tick control and
266 M.W. Ueti and D.P. Knowles

drug treatment. However, the efficacies of both strategies are limited. Due to the

lack of effective means for controlling protozoan parasites and ticks, EP is still one
of the most important threats to global equine health.
Acaricides have been used extensively for controlling ticks with a subsequent
reduction in tick-borne infection transmission. Acaricide classes such as organo-
phosphates, amidines, and pyrethroids have served as the primary means of tick
control and are considered crucial as a short-term solution to control tick infesta-
tions on horses. However, the long-term effectiveness of acaricide tick control is
limited due to emerging resistance (Taylor 2001). Over the past several years,
Rhipicephalus ticks have developed resistance to all of the major classes of acari-
cides (Foil et al. 2004). Long-term effects of acaricide resistance along with other
environmental factors may lead to new areas of tick-borne disease endemicity or
create areas of enzootic instability where previous transmission rates resulted in
stable herd immunity (Guerrero et al. 2012). Dermacentor nitens can acquire infec-
tion from horses with low levels of B. caballi in the peripheral blood. Furthermore,
as few as one T. equi infected tick has been reported to be sufficient to transmit the
parasite to a naïve horse (Ueti et al. 2005). This illustrates the high risk of introduc-
ing chronically infected horses into a non-endemic area possessing competent vec-
tors that may have, or will develop, acaricide resistance. In the case of Rhipicephalus
ticks, acaricide resistance is well documented (George et al. 2004).

11.3.3 Treatment

Few drugs have shown efficacy in eliminating T. equi or B. caballi infection

(Knowles 1996). To date, treatment with imidocarb (Imizol®, Schering Plough
Animal Health) has eliminated both parasites during chronic infections. A relatively
high-dose regimen of imidocarb dipropionate, 4.0 mg per kg of body weight deliv-
ered four times at 72 h intervals, showed efficacy in parasite elimination from the
peripheral blood. Subinoculation of blood or attempted tick transmission from
treated horses failed to transmit parasites to susceptible naïve animals (Grause et al.
2013; Schwint et al. 2009; Ueti et al. 2012). Significantly, treated horses returned to
seronegative status (Knowles 1996; Schwint et  al. 2009; Ueti et  al. 2012). The
results indicated that imidocarb dipropionate eliminates both T. equi and B. caballi
infections. However, other drug treatments have been attempted with varied efficacy
in parasite control. Other drugs most commonly used for treatment of acute EP are
shown below. These drugs have not been shown to eliminate infection of either T.
equi or B. caballi.
Amicarbalide (Diampron, May and Baker, England), an aromatic diamidine used
as an antiprotozoal in the treatment of babesiosis at 10 mg/kg body weight via intra-
muscular injection is effective at moderating the acute disease associated with both
T. equi and B. caballi (De Waal et al. 1987; De Waal 1992). Diminazene (Berenil,
Hoechst, Germany) at 11 mg/kg body weight delivered intramuscularly is effective
against acute disease associated with both parasites, although two additional treat-
ments at 24 h intervals may be necessary for T. equi infection (Wise et al. 2013).
11  Equine Piroplasmids 267

Finally, parvaquone (Clexon) and buparvaquone (Butalex) (Burroughs Wellcome &


Co., England) at 20 mg/kg and 5 mg/kg body weight via intramuscular injection,
respectively, are effective against acute T. equi infection (Zaugg and Lane 1989).
As mentioned before, the introduction of horses chronically infected with either
T. equi or B. caballi into non-endemic regions that contain suitable ticks for trans-
mission can jeopardize the horse industry. Therefore, surveillance and restriction of
international movement of equids are required with the goal of preventing introduc-
tion of chronically infected horses that maintain parasitemia levels at or above the
minimal threshold for tick transmission. In addition, small numbers of infected ticks
are capable of transmission, increasing the risk of an EP outbreak. Hence, vigilance
utilizing improved diagnostics and quarantine will be necessary to prevent the dis-
semination of T. equi and/or B. caballi throughout the world.

Acknowledgment  This work was supported by USDA-ARS CRIS project number


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Silvina E. Wilkowsky

Pathogenic trypanosomes affecting domestic animals are a major cause of ill-
health and death. These pathogens represent a major constraint to economic
development in Africa and their negative impact is increasing in South America
and Asia. The key issues surrounding the main economically important animal
trypanosome species and the diseases they cause in farm animals and pets are
presented in this chapter including biology, structure, host-parasite interaction
and immune evasion mechanisms. In spite of the fact that many biochemical and
molecular aspects of these pathogens have been clearly established, effective
control of the diseases they cause has proven unsatisfactory. Control of trypano-
somiasis in animals involves disease monitoring and the use of curative and pro-
phylactic trypanocidal drugs although drug resistance is becoming increasingly
common. The available and environmentally acceptable vector control tactics are
expensive, and reinfestation usually occurs. While vaccines against animal try-
panosomes are not available; trypanotolerance, the innate ability of certain live-
stock breeds to tolerate African trypanosomes and remain productive, has been
described as an economical and sustainable option for combating these parasites.
Effective control of the great economic burden of trypanosomiasis to developing
countries will be accomplished only by the coordinated international support
toward better vector control programs and new and safer chemotherapeutic

S.E. Wilkowsky
Consejo Nacional de Investigación Científica y Tecnológica (CONICET),
Buenos Aires, Argentina
Instituto Nacional de Tecnología Agropecuaria (INTA),
Instituto de Biotecnología, Buenos Aires, Argentina
e-mail: [email protected]

© Springer International Publishing AG, part of Springer Nature 2018 271

M. Florin-Christensen, L. Schnittger (eds.), Parasitic Protozoa of Farm Animals
and Pets, https://doi.org/10.1007/978-3-319-70132-5_12
272 S.E. Wilkowsky

12.1 Morphology, Life Cycle, and Host-Pathogen Interactions


12.1.1 Morphology

Trypanosomes are ubiquitous protozoan parasites of insects, plants, birds, fish,

amphibians and mammals including humans. They are principally transmitted from
one vertebrate to another by blood-sucking arthropods or leeches. They belong to
the Trypanosomatidae family that includes several monogenetic and digenetic taxa
which infect plants, invertebrates and vertebrates (Vickerman 1994). In mammals,
the main pathogenic trypanosomes include genera whose species can cause severe
diseases in humans like Trypanosoma cruzi and T. brucei, while other species like
T. vivax and T. congolense or subspecies like T. brucei brucei are responsible of
cattle diseases of great economic importance (Yaro et al. 2016). There are also a
large number of nonpathogenic Trypanosoma species that infect domestic animals,
such as T. theileri of bovines, T. melophagium of sheep and T. caninum of dogs that
must be differentiated for diagnosis purposes (Mansfield 1977; Madeira et al. 2014).
However, it should be noted that the nonpathogenic state can change whenever the
host immunological status is affected. In this chapter, only species of pathogenic
trypanosomes affecting farm animals and pets will be covered. The list is described
in Table 12.1.
According to the mechanism of transmission by the insect vector, Hoare and
Losos divided the genera Trypanosoma into two sections (Hoare 1972; Losos 1986):
Stercoraria, which develop in the posterior part of the digestive tract and are trans-
mitted by contamination with the feces, such as T. cruzi, and Salivaria in which
parasites develop in the anterior part of the digestive tract and infection occurs via
inoculation, such as the main African livestock pathogenic trypanosomes. Most of
the pathogenic trypanosomes of domestic animals fall into the Salivaria section;
however, dogs and cats play key roles as amplifying hosts and sources of Stercoraria
T. cruzi in many domestic or peri-domestic transmission cycles (Enriquez et  al.
2014; Gürtler and Cardinal 2015).

Table 12.1  General characteristics of trypanosomes affecting domestic animals

Subgenus Parasite Domestic hosts (μm) Vector
Trypanozoon Trypanosoma evansi Bovine, equine 15–36 Tabanids
Trypanozoon T. equiperdum Equine, donkey 15–31 None
Trypanozoon T. brucei brucei Bovine, sheep, goat 11–42 Glossina sp.
Nannomonas T. simiae Pigs 8–24 Glossina sp.
Nannomonas T. congolense Bovine, sheep, goat 8–24 Glossina sp.
Duttonella T. vivax Bovine, sheep, goat 21–25 Glossina sp.
Pycnomonas Trypanosoma suis Pigs 14–19 Glossina sp.
Schizotrypanum Trypanosoma cruzi Dogs, cats 16–21 Triatomine
Size corresponds to the mammalian stage
12  Trypanosoma 273

Fig. 12.1 Giemsa-stained

slides of a trypomastigote
form of Trypanosoma
evansi in the blood of an
infected horse. Arrows
indicates nucleus (N),
kinetoplast (K), undulating
membrane (M) and the
flagellum (F). (Courtesy of
Fernando Dubois, CIT
Formosa, Argentina)

Trypanosomes have a typical elongated shape and single flagellum (Fig. 12.1).

Size ranges between 8 and 40 μm. They are motile and possess a writhing move-
ment among red blood cells of vertebrates when observed in wet blood smears. The
direction of motion of trypanosomes is toward the end of the flagellum. This part of
the parasite is commonly called anterior end and has a pointed shape. On the con-
trary, the posterior end has a different shape, either rhomboid or rounded.
In addition to the flagellum, trypanosomes have a characteristic organelle called
kinetoplastid (Simpson et al. 2002) located opposite to the flagellar basal body. The
kinetoplast is an enlarged region of the mitochondrion which contains condensed
mitochondrial DNA forming a network of interlocked circular molecules of differ-
ent size: maxicircles and minicircles. Some trypanosomes like Trypanosoma evansi
have lost the maxicircles of kinetoplastic mitochondrial DNA, and they are no lon-
ger able to undergo their cycle in Glossina vectors (Desquesnes et al. 2013).
Other features found exclusively in Kinetoplastida are the presence of multiple
peroxisome-like organelles, called glycosomes, that harbor the enzymes of a major
part of the glycolytic/gluconeogenic pathways (Haanstra et al. 2016), and a particu-
lar genomic organization, which arranges genes in long polycistronic transcription
units. These units of up to 100 open reading frames are transcribed and processed
by trans-splicing and polyadenylation. In trans-splicing, which is essential for the
processing of each mRNA, an exon known as the spliced leader (SL) is added to all
mRNAs (Preußer et al. 2012).

12.1.2 Life Cycle

As mentioned before, the life cycle of most trypanosomes involves an insect vector
and a mammalian host. The two major patterns of life cycles are related to whether
the trypanosome belongs to the Salivarian or Stercorarian section (Table 12.2). The
Salivarian pattern (Fig.  12.2b) includes the parasites that cause African animal
(AAT) and human trypanosomiasis, such as T. brucei and T. congolense. In this
274 S.E. Wilkowsky

Table 12.2  Classification of trypanosomes according to their transmission


Section Subgenus Species

Salivaria Duttonella Trypanosoma vivax
Nannomonas T. congolense, T. simiae
Trypanozoon T. brucei, T. evansi, T. equiperdum
Pycnomonas T. suis
Stercoraria Schizotrypanum T. cruzi



Metacyclic Epimastigote
Epimastigote trypomastigote
(midgut) (midgut)

P form

Amastigote NP Long, slender form P
(intracellular) Bloodstream
P trypomastigote

Fig. 12.2  Life cycles of (a) Trypanosoma cruzi and (b) Trypanosoma brucei as examples of the
Stercoraria and Salivaria sections, respectively. P proliferative form, NP nonproliferative form

group, extracellular trypomastigote forms circulate within the blood of a vertebrate

host. When a blood-feeding vector, such as the tsetse fly, ingests trypomastigotes
along with its blood meal, parasites continually divide by fission within the midgut
over a period of 1–2 weeks. Over the next week, they migrate anteriorly in the gut,
eventually entering the salivary gland and accumulate there. Within the salivary
gland, the parasite transforms into a replicative noninfective epimastigote form and
continues to divide. Some epimastigotes differentiate into infectious metacyclic try-
pomastigotes. After inoculation into the bloodstream of a new vertebrate host, the
cycle starts again, and the parasite continues to divide in this form.
Parasites from the Stercorarian section (Fig. 12.2a) include the causative agent of
American trypanosomiasis or Chagas’ disease (T. cruzi). In this group, extracellular
trypomastigote forms also circulate within the blood of a mammalian vertebrate host.
When the blood-feeding vector (triatomine bugs) ingests trypomastigotes along with
its blood meal, these parasites differentiate into epimastigotes within the insect mid-
gut. After about 1 week, they differentiate again in the hindgut to metacyclic trypo-
mastigotes. When the insect host feeds, it often defecates at the same time, releasing
metacyclic trypanosomes in the feces which may contaminate the wound or mucosa.
12  Trypanosoma 275

Once in the vertebrate blood, trypomastigotes are phagocytosed by cells of the host

immune system, or they enter other cells, such as cardiac muscle cells. During this
intracellular phase of existence, trypomastigotes differentiate into rounded amasti-
gotes and begin multiplication. When large numbers of amastigotes accumulate
intracellularly, they form pseudocysts. Eventually, these amastigotes may transform
again into trypomastigotes, escape the host cell by lysis, and enter into circulation.
This latter stage is the one that may be ingested by a vector or infect a new host cell,
again becoming amastigotes and repeating the cycle.
Trypanosoma equiperdum, the causative agent of a sexually transmitted disease
of equids called “dourine,” is the only trypanosome that is not transmitted by an
invertebrate vector, and it differs from other trypanosomes in that it is primarily a
tissue parasite that rarely invades the blood (Claes et al. 2005).

12.1.3 H
 ost-Pathogen Interactions

Trypanosomes live in the bloodstream and tissue spaces of a wide range of mam-
malian hosts, and within this environment, they challenge the immune system and
therefore induce a host response. This host-parasite relationship is the most impor-
tant factor in determining whether the parasitic infection will succeed or it will be
resolved by the host immune system.
The different trypanosomes have developed successful means of evading the
consequences of the immune system activation, and several mechanisms are
involved in this complex interaction. Except for Trypanosoma cruzi that invades
host cells and is thus an intracellular pathogen, the rest of trypanosomes that infect
farm animals and pets are extracellular.
The model organism T. brucei, but also T. vivax, T. equiperdum, and T. congo-
lense, has a repertoire of developmentally regulated genes that code for a protective
cell coat of antigens throughout the mammalian infectious cycle and mediate
immune evasion (Jackson et al. 2012). These proteins, called VSG (variant surface
glycoproteins), are polymorphic along much of their length; they are located on the
trypanosome surface and are decorated with multiple sugar residues (Horn 2014).
The evasion strategy is the clone-specific singular expression of a dense VSG coat
responsible for antigenic variation and infection relapses. This clone-specific
expression combined with switching from one VSG to another results in that when
the host antibody titers increase, the vast majority of parasites are eliminated, and
only cells with distinct VSG coats survive (Horn 2014) (Fig. 12.3).
The VSG coat itself does not protect the parasite from the host immune system; in
fact, it activates a lytic antibody response via the complement system. This mecha-
nism allows opsonization and cell lysis, but only of those parasite clones carrying the
VSG variant against which the response was made. However, a small proportion of
the parasite population switches VSG coats, which stimulates a new antibody response
to the new prevalent VSG species, and this process continues until the host immune
system fails (Hovel-Miner et al. 2015). Soluble as well as membrane-fixed VSGs have
been shown to contribute to macrophage over-activation and uncontrolled production
276 S.E. Wilkowsky

Relative number of trypanosomes

Clone A Clone B Clone C

0 1 2 3 4
Weeks after infection

Fig. 12.3  VSG expression and switching in African trypanosomes: once antibody titers against a
certain VSG variant increase, the vast majority of parasites are eliminated and only those with a
distinct VSG coat survive

of harmful substances, such as tumor necrosis factor (TNF), which induces immune
suppression, anemia, organ lesions, and cachexia (Antoine-­Moussiaux et al. 2009).
Genome analysis of African trypanosomes has shown that a repertoire of hun-
dreds of VSG genes under the control of a single transcription site is located at the
end of the chromosomes, near the telomeres. Only one of these sites is transcription-
ally active at any given time. The parasite can switch the expression to an antigeni-
cally distinct VSG by two mechanisms: (1) transcriptional VSG switching which
occurs by the simultaneous activation of the transcription of a new VSG and inacti-
vation of the previously expressed site or (2) copying a VSG from a separate expres-
sion site into the active transcription site (recombinational switch) (Hovel-Miner
et  al. 2015). With a repertoire of ~2000 distinct VSG genes, the parasite has an
enormous potential to elude existing host antibodies by remodeling its surface coat.
This coat of VSG is also regulated during parasite differentiation. VSG expres-
sion is activated in the tsetse fly salivary gland (before infecting the mammalian
host), is actively shed and renewed in bloodstream stages, and is inactivated upon
return to the tsetse fly midgut (Ponte-Sucre 2016).
Although VSG are the main molecules involved in immune evasion of African
trypanosomes, other molecules also play a role in this mechanism. This is the case
of cysteine peptidases, which have been associated to anemia and immunosuppres-
sion, and oligopeptidases related with reduction of plasmatic atrial natriuretic fac-
tor. Parasite sialidases are other virulence factors that have been identified in
trypanosomes. In infections caused by T. congolense, T. vivax, and potentially T.
evansi, direct alteration of red blood cells seems to be an important mechanism
leading to subsequent phagocytosis, in which sialidases could play a central role
(Antoine-Moussiaux et al. 2009).
For intracellular trypanosomes like T. cruzi, the first step in the interaction pro-
cess is the binding of the parasite to the host cell membrane. Parasites have a variety
12  Trypanosoma 277

of surface and secreted molecules to attach and invade host cells. These molecules,

in turn, activate many signal transduction pathways to ensure successful entry and
intracellular survival.
In T. cruzi, which can invade a wide variety of phagocytic and non-phagocytic
mammalian cell types, host cell invasion is linked to the activation of signal trans-
duction pathways that lead to an increase in cytosolic calcium concentration in both
the parasite and the host cell (Moreno and Docampo 2003). The parasite must tran-
sit the host cell lysosomal compartment to establish a productive intracellular infec-
tion. This pathway can be undertaken directly by inducing Ca2+-dependent lysosome
exocytosis or indirectly by intersecting with the endocytic or autophagic pathway.
This mechanism implies that the acidic environment of lysosomes provides the
appropriate conditions for the parasite-mediated disruption of the parasitophorous
vacuole and release into the host cell cytosol, where replication of intracellular
amastigotes occurs (Caradonna and Burleigh 2011).
With respect to T. cruzi surface antigens, the best characterized are members of
the polymorphic gp85/transialidase superfamily that are expressed by mammalian-­
infective stages (Alves and Colli 2007). Transsialidase (TS) is an enzyme that trans-
fers sialic acid from glycoconjugates to molecules of the parasite, mainly mucins.
TS, as well as other members of Gp85/TS superfamily, and together with mucins
and some proteases are shed into the milieu by T. cruzi and are related to the evasion
from the parasitophorous vacuole. It was claimed that TS induces cell apoptosis
which seems to be an essential event to explain the pathogenic role of T. cruzi in
cardiac damage. Gp82, another member of the Gp85/TS superfamily, and mucin-­
like molecules (Gp35/50) induce signaling pathways with Gp82 eliciting Ca2+
mobilization in both parasite and host cell and tyrosine phosphorylation of a T. cruzi
substrate (Yoshida 2006).
Proteases appear to be of main importance for the infection of the vertebrate host by
T. cruzi, similarly to other pathogens or metastatic transformed cells. Cruzipain is the
most abundant protease expressed by this parasite, and its role in infection has been
associated with its ability to act on bradykinin receptors. Other proteases described in
T. cruzi are the hemolysin TcTox, which helps trypomastigotes escape from the parasi-
tophorous vacuole; POPPTc80, a serine protease that mediates hydrolysis of native
collagen and fibronectin; and oligopeptidase B, a serine protease implicated in cell
invasion by generating a Ca2+ agonist necessary for recruitment and fusion of host
lysosomes at the site of parasite attachment (Alves and Colli 2007).

12.2 Diagnosis and Epidemiology

12.2.1 D

Diagnosis of trypanosomes in farm and domestic animals can be achieved by para-

sitological, immunological, and molecular methods. The choice of a particular test
will be guided by economic principles and the availability of expertise but espe-
cially by the diagnostic requirement. For example, different degrees of sensitivity
278 S.E. Wilkowsky

and specificity are applied to the confirmation of the infection in an individual ani-

mal as compared to the detection of infection at a herd level (OIE World Organization
for Animal Health 2013).
Parasitological methods are based on demonstrating the presence of trypano-
somes. This can be achieved by inoculation of susceptible animals and by the micro-
scopic examination of parasites in blood or lymph fluid. Animal inoculation methods
appear to be more sensitive but are laborious and not useful for immediate diagnosis.
The simplest microscopic methods are wet and thick or thin films of fresh blood, but
sensitivity depends on the blood volume used and the operator expertise.
The hematocrit centrifuge technique (Woo 1970) is one of the most widely used
parasitological methods for the detection of blood trypanosomes, in which a capil-
lary tube is filled with blood and centrifuged. Motile trypanosomes can be viewed
under a microscope between the leukocyte layer and the plasma. Another concentra-
tion technique is the Murray method (Murray et al. 1977) in which the capillary tube
is cut 0.5 mm below the buffy coat, and this coat and the uppermost layer of red
blood cells are extruded on to a clean microscope slide. Although relatively simple,
all parasitological methods have low sensitivity when applied during the chronic
phase of the disease. Differentiation of species is also difficult with these methods.
Immunological methods that detect parasite antigens such as sandwich ELISA
(also called capture or antigen ELISA) or indirect ELISA for antibody detection
have the benefit of allowing high-throughput screening, but both depend on suitable
detection reagents (monoclonal antibodies and crude or recombinant antigens,
respectively). Antigen-detection ELISAs are not recommended by the OIE because
sensitivity and specificity are not suitable for the diagnosis of trypanosomiasis (OIE
World Organization for Animal Health 2013).
Detection of antibodies against the parasites is usually performed by indirect
fluorescent antibody test (IFAT) that uses whole parasites fixed on a slide, or indi-
rect ELISA, which uses trypanosome lysates as target. Both antibody detection tests
have high sensitivity and genus specificity, but the species specificity is low. A seri-
ous limitation of both techniques is the dependence of propagation methods (culture
or animal propagation of parasites) and the standardization of whole trypanosome
Many ELISA tests using recombinant trypanosome species-specific antigens
have been developed, but they remain unproven (Boulangé et al. 2002; Pillay et al.
2013; Sengupta et al. 2014). Furthermore, due to the homology between T. congo-
lense, T. vivax, and T. brucei subspecies, species-specific diagnosis is difficult,
although possible through analyzing the level of cross-reactions on all three species
concurrently (Desquesnes et al. 2001).
For T. evansi, the most relevant tests recommended by the OIE are IFAT, an indi-
rect ELISA, and a card agglutination test (CATT/T). The CATT/T test makes use of
fixed and stained trypanosomes that take part in an agglutination reaction. When
serum and antigens are mixed, agglutination takes place, and blue granular deposits
reveal a positive reaction visible to the naked eye.
12  Trypanosoma 279

The indirect ELISA is based on soluble antigens of T. evansi from whole cell

lysates (OIE 2008) and has been adapted to other species such as buffaloes, cattle,
and pigs (Kocher et al. 2015). A recombinant antigen of T. evansi called GM6 which
consisted of four repeat domains was tested in indirect ELISA and in an immuno-
chromatographic test (ICT) and used in a recent epidemiological study in South
Africa (Nguyen et al. 2015). For field use, CATT/T and ICT can be applied. ELISA
for detecting IgG is more likely to correctly diagnose uninfected animals, while the
CATT is more likely to correctly diagnose truly infected animals. ELISA would thus
be suitable for verifying the disease-free status of animals prior to movement or dur-
ing quarantine. CATT can be used to target individual animals for treatment with
trypanocidal drugs. In areas where T. cruzi, T. equiperdum, or tsetse-transmitted try-
panosomes are present, cross-reactions may occur with any so far available serologi-
cal test.
It is extremely difficult to detect T. equiperdum in the body fluids of infected
horses; therefore, diagnosis is based on serological methods like the complement
fixation test. This method does not distinguish T. equiperdum from T. evansi or T. b.
brucei, and possible cross-reactions might occur (Claes et al. 2005). These observa-
tions, along with phylogenetic analysis of total internal transcribed sequences
within the three members of the subgenus Trypanozoon (Trypanosoma brucei,
Trypanosoma evansi, and Trypanosoma equiperdum), showed a high degree of
genetic similarities providing evidence to postulate that some T. equiperdum strains
are actually T. b. brucei or members of a subspecies of T. brucei (Trypanosoma
brucei equiperdum) and that other T. equiperdum strains are misidentified and are,
in fact, T. evansi (Wen et al. 2016).
Molecular techniques for trypanosome detection and differentiation in livestock,
humans, and tsetse flies are becoming available, but they generally require well-­
equipped laboratories. In conventional PCR, a large number of samples can be pro-
cessed at one time, making it potentially suitable for large-scale surveys. However, at
the moment, the cost of PCR analyses is prohibitive for the routine use of these tests.
Specific repetitive sequences of T. vivax and of the three types of T. congolense are
used, and a common primer set is also available for detection of the three T. brucei
subspecies (Desquesnes and Davila 2002). PCR restriction fragment length poly-
morphism (RFLP) assays and ITS1 of ribosomal DNA amplification allow the iden-
tification of all Trypanosoma species as single or mixed infections using one single
test (Delespaux et  al. 2003); however, these tests are not yet suitable for routine
For T. cruzi diagnosis in dogs and cats, molecular and serological methods
are available and were tested in naturally infected populations (Enriquez et  al.
Loop-mediated isothermal amplification tests have been developed for many try-
panosomes affecting domestic animals (Thekisoe et al. 2010; Njiru et al. 2010, 2011;
Chaouch et al. 2013).
280 S.E. Wilkowsky

12.2.2 Epidemiology

In vector-borne trypanosomiasis, as in any other parasitic disease, infection occur-

rence depends on the interaction of three elements that need to be present within a
particular environment (Fig. 12.4): (1) the mammalian reservoirs of parasites that
can also be hosts suffering from the disease, (2) the insect vector which is critical
for transmission and fully dependent on environmental factors, and (3) the patho-
genic parasite, the trypanosome itself. Because of these interactions, transmission
of trypanosomiasis occurs in spatially limited areas called “foci,” which are located
mainly in remote rural areas.
In Africa, tsetse flies are present in 36 countries across sub-Saharan regions,
between the latitudes of 14°N and 29° (Moloo 1993). The wide distribution of the
Glossina vector is one of the greatest obstacles to livestock development and has pre-
vented the establishment of sustainable agricultural systems in many areas of enor-
mous potential. In addition, climate change, deforestation, and loss of native species




Fig. 12.4  Effect of environmental changes on vector-host-parasite relationships in tsetse-­

transmitted trypanosomiasis and their repercussions on the epidemiology of the disease
12  Trypanosoma 281

as blood meal for vectors are influencing the distribution of the disease, and domestic

animals and particularly livestock are becoming the main source of food for tsetse
flies (Van den Bossche et al. 2010). It is estimated that trypanosomiasis reduces the
production of meat and milk from cattle by at least 50% in tsetse-infested areas
(Swallow 1999). According to FAO, AAT causes about 3 million deaths in cattle per
year. The economic losses in cattle production alone are in the range of US$ 1.0–1.2
billion. An estimated evaluation extrapolated for the total tsetse-infested lands calcu-
lates total losses, in terms of agricultural gross domestic product, at US$ 4.75 billion
per year (FAO 2016).
Cyclical transmission (Fig. 12.2) occurs with T. congolense, T. vivax, T. simiae,
T. suis, and T. brucei and the trypanosomes responsible for human sleeping sick-
ness, T. gambiense and T. rhodesiense. This transmission is achieved by Glossina
spp. flies, which are strictly blood-feeding insects living exclusively in tropical
Africa. There are about 30 species or subspecies, classified in three groups depend-
ing on the environment they inhabit. The subgenus Nemorhina, also known as the
palpalis group, is found in Western and Central Africa and lives in vegetation close
to a water source, such as forests, gallery forests, riverbanks and lakes. The subge-
nus Glossina sensu stricto, the morsitans group, occurs in woodland Savannah
mainly in Eastern Africa and is linked to the presence of wild fauna and cattle.
Finally, the subgenus Austenina, the fusca group, lives in primary forest belts,
including rainforests, savannah, and coastal forests (Franco et al. 2005).
Mechanical transmission is effected by various blood-sucking insects, such as
flies of the family Tabanidae—horseflies—and Stomoxys spp. Tsetse flies them-
selves can also act as mechanical vectors. During interrupted blood feeding on an
infected animal, the biting insect passes trypomastigotes to another healthy host.
The time between the two feeds is crucial for effective transmission because the
trypanosomes die when blood dries. This form of transmission is the rule for T.
evansi but may also occur with trypanosomes habitually transmitted cyclically by
Glossina, particularly T. vivax which may therefore be found in regions far from the
Glossina distribution area, such as South and Central America.
In general, natural transmission of T. equiperdum occurs only during copulation
of horses. However, experimental infections inoculating parasites by the intrave-
nous or intraperitoneal route indicate that mechanical transmission by blood-­feeding
flies cannot be excluded as a possible route.
American trypanosomiasis (AT) or Chagas’ disease (CD) caused by T. cruzi fol-
lows the pattern of other vector-borne diseases, in that parasite distribution corre-
lates with eco-epidemiological conditions that favor the presence of its triatomine
vector. Besides classical vector-borne transmission, congenital, transfusion-­
associated, and oral/foodborne transmission is also possible. The disease occurs in
North, Central, and South America where the parasite is mainly transmitted via
infected feces from numerous different species of the genera Triatoma, Rhodnius,
and Panstrongylus.
T. cruzi is quite an unrestricted parasite and can infect approximately 180 species
of mammals (WHO 2002). Dogs and cats are major reservoir hosts of the parasite
in the domestic environment throughout the Americas and display much higher
282 S.E. Wilkowsky

infectiousness to triatomine bugs than humans (Enriquez et al. 2014). Studies dem-

onstrated that vectors prefer feeding on mammals and dogs over birds or cats and
that only a small fraction of the infected dogs and cats are highly infectious to tri-
atomine bugs and could be considered superspreaders (Gürtler and Cardinal 2015).
Household dogs are estimated to be at a threefold higher risk for transmission than
cats in regions of endemicity (Gürtler and Cardinal 2015). Oral transmission of T.
cruzi in sylvatic and domestic animals was also described due to insectivorous hab-
its (Esch and Petersen 2013).

12.3 Clinical Effects, Prevention, and Treatment

12.3.1 Clinical Effects

The features of a trypanosomal infection vary considerably according to the species

of trypanosome involved and a number of host factors. Depending on the affected
species and the genetic background of the animal or breed, the outcome will fluctu-
ate in either susceptibility or relative resistance to infection, which has been termed
“trypanotolerance” (Naessens 2006).
Within the parasite species, genetic variation results in different clinical out-
comes and relevance to disease in domestic animals. In cattle, for example, T. con-
golense Savannah has a greater pathogenicity compared with T. congolense forest or
Kilifi strains (Morrison et al. 2016).
However, general characteristics of animal trypanosomiasis are intermittent fever
and presence of parasites in the blood, anemia, loss of body condition, reduced pro-
ductivity, and, often, high mortality. Hemolytic anemia is the main sign of trypanoso-
miasis, and hemolysis is immune-mediated and results from the deposition of
immunocomplexes on the erythrocyte surface, triggering erythrophagocytosis.
Nonspecific phagocytosis of erythrocytes by means of a hyperactivated phagocytic
system or specific phagocytosis of damaged cells may contribute to anemia (Osório
et al. 2008). Cattle usually have a chronic course of disease with high mortality, espe-
cially if there is poor nutrition or other stress factors are present. Ruminants die, usu-
ally of congestive heart failure, or gradually recover if the level of challenge is low,
while stress results in relapse. The strong immune response to trypanosomes and the
formation of immune complexes cause inflammation and contribute to the signs and
lesions of the disease. Immunosuppression is another key characteristic of trypano-
some infections which increases the risk of concurrent infections (Osório et al. 2008).
In some Trypanosoma species, such as T. congolense and T. vivax and to a minor
extent T. brucei, an immune reaction to the entrance of metacyclic parasites at the
biting site causes a huge swelling in the skin and enlargement of the local draining
lymph node. Once metacyclics differentiate into bloodstream forms and migrate to
the blood, they cause a systemic infection. Both T. congolense and T. vivax are intra-
vascular parasites, although in the latter, some strains can be found extravascularly
in lymph nodes, eyes, choroid plexus, and cerebrospinal fluid (Osório et al. 2008).
For this reason, T. vivax can directly damage tissues, as when ocular tissues are
involved, with ensuing keratitis, or when the cardiac muscle exhibits lesions charac-
terized by hemorrhage and mononuclear infiltration (Osório et al. 2008).
12  Trypanosoma 283

T. congolense shows a preference for microvascular sites where it can potentially


bind to the endothelium. Parasites provoke dilation of the microvasculature, com-

promising capillary circulation and impairing nutrient and metabolite exchange. No
cerebral infections have been observed with monospecific infections with T. congo-
lense or T. vivax in cattle, but a high frequency of central nervous system involve-
ment was observed in concurrent infections (Ikede and Losos 1972).
T. brucei and T. evansi can leave the blood vessels and invade solid tissues (Ikede
and Losos 1972). Trypanosomes can be found in peritoneal, pericardic, as well as cere-
brospinal fluids and in the aqueous and vitreous humors of the eye. T. b. brucei has
been reported to cause central nervous system abnormalities (Ikede and Losos 1972).
Both domestic and wild pigs can become infected with various species of tsetse-­
transmitted trypanosomes but infrequently show symptoms or disease pathology unless
coinfected with T. simiae, which is highly pathogenic for domestic pigs (Hamill et al.
2013). According to these authors, domestic pigs are acting as a significant reservoir of
infection mainly for T. vivax and T. congolense in cattle, sheep, and goats.
Equines are considered to be the only natural host of T. equiperdum, which
causes a chronic disease in horses. The first stage of the disease is characterized by
edema, tumefaction and damage of the genitalia and begins 1–2 weeks after infec-
tion. The second stage is pathognomonic for dourine, where periodical, typical cuta-
neous plaques or skin thicknesses can occur, with sizes ranging from extremely
small to hand-sized. The third phase of dourine is characterized by progressive ane-
mia, disorders of the nervous system mainly paralysis of the hind legs, paraplegia
and, finally, death (Claes et al. 2005).
Infection of dogs with T. cruzi resembles Chagas’ disease in humans, with the
three characteristic phases: acute, indeterminate or latent, and chronic. The disease
usually manifests with myocarditis, although many infected dogs remain asymp-
tomatic for life. The cause of the myocarditis is thought to be due to cell damage
(when trypomastigotes rupture from myocardiocytes) and the resulting inflamma-
tion. During peak parasitemia, clinical signs of generalized lymphadenopathy and
acute myocarditis may appear. Lethargy, lymphadenopathy, pale mucous mem-
branes, and, in some cases, splenomegaly and hepatomegaly are the main present-
ing signs in young puppies. In older dogs, clinical signs are often much less severe
and sometimes not apparent at all (Barr 2009).

12.3.2 P
 revention and Treatment

Control of trypanosomiasis in livestock must be carried out through wide geographic

regions. For instance, African animal trypanosomes remain endemic in 37 of 54
African countries, and the disease has a very significant combined economic and
health burden in the sub-Saharan African region. These negative effects are also
increasing in South America and Southeast Asia where economic consequences have
not been satisfactorily estimated. Control measures involve disease monitoring, the
use of curative and prophylactic trypanocidal drugs, and area-wide tsetse control.
Vaccines against animal trypanosomes are not available.
For T. equiperdum, there are no officially approved drugs to treat horses suffering
from dourine, and international regulations currently impose the slaughtering of
284 S.E. Wilkowsky

serologically positive horses. The situation regarding the use of chemotherapeutic


drugs is also very unsatisfactory. There are only three commonly used drugs, and
they were all developed over 50 years ago, they have a narrow therapeutic index,
and drug resistance is becoming increasingly common (Holmes 2013). In 2008, 17
sub-Saharan countries reported trypanocidal resistance problems, and by early
2015, this number had risen to 21 countries (Tsegaye et al. 2015). The drugs cur-
rently in use are diminazene aceturate, which is purely curative in action, homidium
bromide and chloride, which are curative with some prophylactic activity, and iso-
metamidium which is curative but also has a strong prophylactic action. As with
human trypanosomiasis, there is an urgent need for safer new drugs for the treat-
ment and control of trypanosomiasis in domestic animals.
Trypanotolerance, the innate ability of certain livestock breeds to tolerate African
trypanosomes and remain productive, has been described as an economical and sus-
tainable option for combating trypanosomiasis. The use of taurine bovine breeds
such as N’Dama as a control strategy could have a major positive effect on long-­
term food security of the affected regions (Naessens 2006; Yaro et al. 2016), and is
the only option available for many farmers.
Several approaches to control the transmitting tsetse fly vector have been tested,
including the sterile insect release technique, the destruction of fly habitat, the use
of insect traps, treatment of livestock with insecticide and mass spraying of insecti-
cide. These interventions yielded limited positive outcomes in the first half of the
last century along with negative environmental consequences such as pollution of
water bodies and deforestation (Yaro et al. 2016). Vector control by habitat destruc-
tion or elimination of wildlife hosts is no longer considered acceptable and the
ground spraying of known tsetse resting sites with persistent insecticide formula-
tions is only allowed under exceptional situations (Holmes 2013).
Control methods for the prevention of T. cruzi infection in dogs include limiting or
complete avoidance of vectors and possible reservoir hosts to block domestic or peri-
urban transmission; use of insecticide collars, sprays, pour-ons, and treatment.
Euthanasia of T. cruzi-infected dogs is neither feasible as a public health measure nor
warranted. Enhanced prevention may be achieved through targeted residual insecti-
cide spraying of kennels or other dog resting sites and use of insecticide-­impregnated
collars with repellent effects. Treatment of infected dogs with the two available para-
siticidal drugs (benznidazole and nifurtimox) is feasible and moderately effective,
especially during the acute phase (Barr 2009; Gurtler and Cardinal 2015).

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Anabel Elisa Rodriguez, José Octavio Estévez,
María Cecilia Nevot, Alejandra Barrios,
and Monica Florin-Christensen

Leishmania spp. are kinetoplastid protozoan parasites that infect numerous
mammalian hosts, including humans, and are transmitted by the bite of female
phlebotomine sand flies. Their distribution area has been broadly subdivided into
the “New World”–the Americas, and the “Old World”–Africa, Asia, and Europe.
The disease complex they cause, known as leishmaniosis or leishmaniasis, is
endemic in large areas of the tropics, subtropics, and the Mediterranean basin,
affecting more than 98 countries. More than 23 species of Leishmania have been
described, most of which are zoonotic. The most important Leishmania parasite
that infects domestic animals is L. infantum, also known as L. chagasi in Latin
America. Dogs are very susceptible to this parasite and act as reservoirs. They

A.E. Rodriguez (*)

Institute of Pathobiology, Center for Research on Veterinary and Agronomic Sciences
(CICVyA), National Institute of Agricultural Technology (INTA-Argentina),
Hurlingham, Province of Buenos Aires, Argentina
e-mail: [email protected]
J.O. Estévez • M.C. Nevot
Veterinaria del Oeste, Posadas, Misiones, Argentina
A. Barrios
Microbiology and Parasitology Department, School of Health Sciences, National University
of Salta, Salta, Argentina
M. Florin-Christensen
Institute of Pathobiology, Center for Research on Veterinary and Agronomic Sciences
(CICVyA), National Institute of Agricultural Technology (INTA-Argentina),
Hurlingham, Province of Buenos Aires, Argentina
National Council of Scientific and Technological Research (CONICET),
Buenos Aires, Argentina
School of Exact, Chemical and Natural Sciences (FCEQN), University of Moron,
Moron, Province of Buenos Aires, Argentina

© Springer International Publishing AG, part of Springer Nature 2018 289

M. Florin-Christensen, L. Schnittger (eds.), Parasitic Protozoa of Farm Animals
and Pets, https://doi.org/10.1007/978-3-319-70132-5_13
290 A.E. Rodriguez et al.

may suffer from a complex and deadly syndrome, canine leishmaniosis, though

many course asymptomatic infections. Cats and horses can also be infected, with
milder clinical manifestations. Several serological and molecular diagnostic
methods have been developed, but the gold standard is still the demonstration of
parasites in stained tissue smears. Control strategies are largely limited to
destruction of animal reservoirs, treatment of infected patients, and management
of sand fly populations. Development of an effective vaccine against leishmani-
osis is an active field of research.

13.1 Morphology, Life Cycle, and Host-Pathogen Interactions

13.1.1 Morphology

Leishmania parasites present two main morphologically distinguishable forms:

amastigotes and promastigotes (Fig. 13.1).

Leishmania spp.
Procyclic promastigote Amastigote
(insect stage) (mammaian stage)


Flagellar pocket




Fig. 13.1  Schematic representation of a procyclic promastigote and an amastigote of Leishmania

sp. The promastigote is characterized by the presence of a free flagellum with no undulating mem-
brane that emerges from the “anterior end”, which receives this name because swimming takes
place in this direction. The kinetoplast is located toward the anterior end. The amastigote is spheri-
cal in shape and has no free flagellum, although a basal body and the base of the flagellum are still
present. The kinetoplast is usually detectable as a darkly stained body near the nucleus. This form
is a non-motile intracellular stage
13  Leishmania 291

a b

Fig. 13.2 Giemsa-stained Leishmania sp. amastigotes and promastigotes. (a) Intracellular and
extracellular oval-shaped L. infantum amastigotes from a bone marrow smear of an infected dog.
A nucleus and a small rod-shaped kinetoplast are stained in each amastigote (black arrow). An
amastigote inside a macrophage is shown (white arrow). (b and c) In vitro cultured promastigotes
of L. braziliensis, reference strain M2903, free (b) or forming a rosette (c). Magnification 1000×.
Bar: 10 μm

Amastigotes are replicative forms found in mammalian hosts. They thrive within
cells of the mononuclear phagocytic system, including macrophages, monocytes,
and Langerhans cells. The presence of amastigotes inside neutrophils and fibro-
blasts in skin lesions has also been reported (Laskay et al. 2003; Ritter et al. 2009).
They have oval or rounded shape, with dimensions ranging from 2.5 to 6.5 μm in
length and 1.5 to 3 μm in width. There is no free flagellum. The nucleus is relatively
large and generally eccentric, and a kinetoplast, consisting of a rodlike mitochon-
dria and unique DNA, is closely associated to the flagellar pocket and the basal
body of the flagellum (OIE 2014). They can be observed upon microscopic exami-
nation of smears of tissue suspensions or biopsies of infected individuals after
Giemsa staining (Figs. 13.1 and 13.2a).
Promastigotes are found in the digestive system of sand flies and can be in vitro
cultured. They are elongated, fusiform, extracellular, and motile. Larger than
amastigotes, they measure between 15 to 20  μm in length and 1.5 to 3.5  μm in
width. The nucleus is oval and central, and the kinetoplast appears as an elec-
trodense granular band within the extension of the mitochondria, located at 1–2 μm
from the anterior end of the parasite. From this end, a single flagellum, measuring
between 15 and 28 μm, emerges. The axoneme, the shaft within a flagellum, con-
tains 20 microtubules arranged as 9 doublets and 2 singlets. It originates in the
292 A.E. Rodriguez et al.

Morpholological Body Body Flagellum (F)


category length width vs Body(B) Illustration

(µm) (µm) length

Ovoid body form, 2.5 to 6.5 um

Amastigote in length and 1.5 to 3 um in
width, nofreeflagellum

Procyclic 6.5 to
>1.5 F<B
promastigote 11.5

Nectomonard Variable
>12 >1.5
promastigote flagellar length

Leptomonard 6.5 to
>1.5 F>B
promastigote 11.5
Haptomonard Variable Variable
promastigote body form flagellar length
Metacyclic 6.5 to
<1.5 F>B
promastigote 11.5

Fig. 13.3  Morphological characteristics of Leishmania sp. life cycle stages

basal body and is contained within the flagellar pocket, a small invagination of the
plasma membrane where the flagellum emerges from the cell body. In vitro cul-
tured promastigotes are morphologically identical to developmental stages found
in infected phlebotomine sand flies (Figs. 13.1 and 13.2b) (OIE 2014). According
to their morphology and function, different categories of promastigotes have been
described in Leishmania mexicana and L. infantum: (1) procyclic, (2) nectomonad,
(3) haptomonad, (4) leptomonad, and (5) metacyclic promastigotes. Their morpho-
logical differences can be observed in Fig. 13.3. While a similar body length of
<11.5  μm is characteristic of three of these forms—procyclic, leptomonad, and
metacyclic promastigotes—body width and the relative length of the flagellum
with respect to the body allow to discriminate between them (Rogers et al. 2002;
Gossage et al. 2003). Although free swimming individual promastigotes are easily
observed in culture, aggregation of promastigotes, sometimes forming rosettes, is
frequent (Fig. 13.2c).

13.1.2 Life Cycle

Leishmania is a two-host parasite, alternating between a mammalian host and a vec-

tor insect during its life cycle. Transmission to the mammalian hosts—which
include humans and domestic animals such as canines, equines, and felines—is
effected by the bite of female sand flies of the genus Phlebotomus in the Old World
13  Leishmania 293

The vector transfers

promastigotes during
its feeding Metacyclic
Promastigotes migrate to the promatigotes
pharyngeal valve of the
Macrophages or other cells of the
reticuloendothelial system are
penetrated or are phagocytosed
Procyclic promastigotes by metacyclic promastigotes
divide by binary fission and
transform into metacyclic

Promastigotes transform
Female Mammalian into amastigotes and
Amastigotes transform sandfly host multiply by binary fission
into procyclic

Amastigotes Amastigotes are released

are released in from a macrophage and
The vector acquires infect a new one
the midgut
during its feeding

Fig. 13.4  Schematic diagram of the life cycle of Leishmania spp. Metacyclic promastigotes are
transferred to the vertebrate host as the sand fly takes a blood meal. Promastigotes are phagocy-
tosed by macrophages and transform into amastigotes, which undergo repeated cycles of intracel-
lular binary fission. Amastigotes are then released from the infected macrophage and reinitiate the
replicative cycle in new macrophages. If taken up by a sand fly, they transform to promastigotes in
the insect midgut and undergo binary fission. They adhere to the gut epithelium and thus avoid
being excreted, stop dividing, and undergo a terminal differentiation into metacyclic promasti-
gotes, which are infective for the vertebrate host

or Lutzomyia in the New World (Fig. 13.4, Table 13.1). Infection of mammals starts

when metacyclic, extracellular promastigotes, present in the proboscis of sand flies,
are introduced into the dermis of a susceptible host during a blood meal.
Promastigotes are penetrated or are phagocytosed by cells of the mononuclear
phagocytic system, resulting in the formation of a parasitophorous vacuole (PV).
Inside the PV, promastigotes are transformed into amastigotes that actively multiply
by binary fission. Uncontrolled proliferation of the parasites leads to the bursting of
the macrophage, setting the parasites free. Free amastigotes interact with other mac-
rophages or spread through the circulatory or lymphatic pathway and infect organs
rich in these immune cells such as the liver, spleen, or bone marrow (Kaye and Scott
2011; Gallego Berenguer 2014).
Female sand flies acquire Leishmania parasites when feeding from an infected
mammalian host. They insert their saw-mouth parts into the skin and agitate them to
produce a small wound in which blood flows from the superficial capillaries. This
damaged tissue associated with wound creation promotes the release of free or
intracellular amastigotes, present in macrophages and other phagocytes, from the
skin of the infected mammal. Once taken up by the sand fly, amastigotes are
294 A.E. Rodriguez et al.

Table 13.1  Causative agents of canine, feline, and equine leishmaniosis, their vectors, and geo-

graphical distribution

Leishmania Sand fly Geographical

species species distribution References
Canine L. infantum Lu. longipalpis America Desjeux (2001),
leishmaniosis Lu.evansi Schwartz et al. (2006),
Lu. olmeca Bates (2007),
Solano-Gallego et al.
P. ariasi Mediterranean Bates (2007),
P. perniciosus basin, Central and Solano-Gallego et al.
P. perfiliewi West Asia (2009), Gramiccia
P. neglectus (2011)
P. tobbi
P. chinensis Central Asia, Solano-Gallego et al.
P. alexandri China (2009)
P. kandelakii Southern Asia, Solano-Gallego et al.
Iran, Armenia, (2009)
P. perfiliewi Middle East Solano-Gallego et al.
P. neglectus (2009)
P. langeroni
P. tobbi
L. tropica P. sergenti Middle East, Gramiccia and Gradoni
P. arabicus Central Asia, (2005), Solano-Gallego
Africa et al. (2009)
L. donovani P. orientalis
P. martini
L. braziliensis Lu. wellcomei Central to South Solano-Gallego et al.
Lu. spinicrassa America (2009)
Lu. whitmani
Lu. yucumensis
Lu. carrerai
Lu. ovallesi
Lu. intermedia
Lu. gomezi
Lu. trapidoi
Lu. ylephiletor
Lu. umbratilis
L. Lu. trapidoi Central America Solano-Gallego et al.
panamanensis Lu. ylephiletor (2009), Gramiccia
Lu. gomezi (2011)
Lu. panamensis
Lu. hartmanni
L. peruviana Lu. peruensis Peruvian Andes Solano-Gallego et al.
Lu. verrucarum (2009)
L. amazonensis ND Gramiccia (2011)
13  Leishmania 295

Table 13.1 (continued)

Feline L. mexicana ND North and Central Pennisi (2015)

leishmaniosis America
L. ND South America Pennisi (2015)
L.braziliensis ND Central and South Solano-Gallego et al.
America (2009)
L. amazonensis ND South America
L. infantum ND China, Middle Pennisi (2015)
basin Central and
South America
Equine L. brazilensis ND Latin America Bonfante-Garrido et al.
leishmaniosis (1981), Gramiccia
L. infantum ND Europe Müller et al. (2009),
Gramiccia (2011)
L. siamensis ND North America Reuss et al. (2012)

transformed into procyclic promastigotes, a replicative form that multiplies in the

ingested blood. This initial phase is limited by the peritrophic matrix—PM—a non-
cellular, semipermeable mesh of chitin microfibrils and proteins embedded in a pro-
teoglycan matrix, which is secreted by the midgut epithelium and surrounds the
food bolus. Procyclic promastigotes eventually differentiate into elongated and
strongly motile nectomonad promastigotes, which migrate to the anterior midgut,
where some adhere to the microvilli and others to the stomodeal valve, present at the
junction between the midgut and the foregut. This adherence of parasites prevents
their expulsion during defecation. After reaching the stomodeal valve, parasites
transform into leptomonad promastigotes, shorter forms that resume replication.
Some of the nectomonad and/or leptomonad promastigotes adhere to each other at
the surface of the valves, differentiating into haptomonad promastigotes, with no
clear function or destiny. Finally, some of the leptomonad promastigotes differenti-
ate into infective metacyclic promastigotes and are introduced into the skin of a
mammalian host when the fly swallows blood again, leading to the transmission of
the parasite (Killick Kendrick and Rioux 1991; Rogers et al. 2002; Gossage et al.
Some differences in sand fly stages are observed between the two subgenera of
the Leishmania genus, Leishmania and Viannia. While the subgenus Leishmania
develops exclusively in the midgut and in the anterior gut of their vectors, Viannia
also includes a developmental stage in the posterior intestine (Rogers et al. 2002;
Gossage et al. 2003).
A mechanism used by Leishmania parasites to ensure transmission is the creation
of a promastigote gel in the anterior midgut. This consists of mucin-like filamentous
proteophosphoglycan molecules, forming a plug that hampers blood intake by the
296 A.E. Rodriguez et al.

sand fly. The plug is regurgitated, carrying metacyclic promastigotes and depositing

them on the mammalian host skin (Stierhof et  al. 1999). Other possible routes of
transmission include parasite damage to the stomodeal valve, which remains perma-
nently opened, infection of salivary glands and delivery with the saliva, and excretion
of parasites from the anus of infected sand flies (Schlein et al. 1992; Volf et al. 2004).
Evidence of a sexual stage with mating and recombination in the midgut of the
sand fly has been obtained (Akopyants et al. 2009; Sadlova et al. 2011). However,
these events appear to be nonobligatory for the completion of the life cycle (Calvo-­
Álvarez et al. 2014).

13.1.3 H
 ost-Pathogen Interactions

An intricate net of interactions takes place between Leishmania parasites and their
mammalian and insect hosts, a few of which are described below.
During the blood meal of a sand fly on a mammal, the skin is damaged, and a
pool, containing blood, different cells, and dermis extracellular matrix—ECM—
components, is formed at the bite site. If the sand fly is infected, Leishmania promas-
tigotes present in its saliva are deposited in this milieu, where the first critical
interactions of the parasites with the mammalian host take place. Promastigotes are
able to attach to collagen I, the major dermis ECM component, and degrade scaffolds
of this protein with secreted specific proteases (Lira et al. 1997; de Menezes et al.
2016). Moreover, Leishmania experimental infections elicit a collagen shift from the
more rigid collagen I to the softer collagen III.  These interactions with collagen
expedite parasite migration and tissue invasion (Fatoux-Ardore et al. 2014).
Another ECM component, the glycoprotein fibronectin—FN—binds to surface
proteins of promastigotes and amastigotes, facilitating parasite uptake by monocytes
through a FN-recognition pathway. On the other hand, peptides generated by parasite
protease cleavage of FN inhibit macrophage production of antimicrobial oxygen
reactive species, such as nitric oxide and hydrogen peroxide (Kulkarni et al. 2008).
Interestingly, the same type of inhibitory activity is displayed by some sand fly sali-
vary components. Sand fly saliva also aids Leishmania parasites to thrive in the mam-
malian host environment by its anticoagulant activity and its modulation of cytokines,
promoting the expression of some that enhance parasite survival while downregulat-
ing others that display protective activity (de Menezes et al. 2016). Recruitment of
neutrophils and macrophages, stimulated by parasite-secreted proteophosphogly-
cans, takes place at the site of the sand fly bite (Rogers et al. 2010). Leishmania-
parasitized neutrophils can be observed in early stages, while macrophages are the
main host cells in later stages of the infection. Neutrophils infected with metacyclic
promastigotes undergo apoptosis and are, in turn, phagocytosed by macrophages
through receptor-mediated pathways, without triggering defensive responses. In this
way, infected neutrophils have been suggested to act as “Trojan horses”, safely deliv-
ering live promastigotes into the macrophage phagosome, where parasites can dif-
ferentiate and multiply (Laskay et al. 2003). On the other hand, neutrophils exert a
defensive role against infections through a process known as NETosis, in which their
13  Leishmania 297

DNA, associated to proteins and granulocytic material, is released to the extracellular


medium. A mesh-like structure, known as Neutrophil Extracellular Net (NET), is

formed and leads to the trapping and killing of microorganisms (Brinkmann et al.
2004). NETosis is induced by the presence of promastigotes and also amastigotes,
but parasites have developed mechanisms to escape NETs, such as the production
and release of nucleases (Guimarães-Costa et al. 2014). Notably, an endonuclease—
Lutzomyia NET destroying protein or Lundep—described in the saliva of Lutzomyia
longipalpis sand flies, allows parasites to escape NET toxic activity (Chagas et al.
2014). Given the diverse actions described for neutrophils, their importance in the
establishment and progression of Leishmania infections in vivo awaits to be experi-
mentally confirmed (Kaye and Scott 2011).
Invasion of macrophages is essential for the establishment of Leishmania infec-
tions. Internalization is initiated with interaction between parasites and macrophage
molecules, which, in addition to the abovementioned FN receptors, involves recep-
tors for complement, mannose, and Fcγ, each one eliciting a different course of
infection. Parasites are then internalized in a process that may involve cholesterol-­
rich membrane lipid microdomains and/or the actin cytoskeleton. A parasite-­
containing phagosome is formed out of membranes from different macrophage
compartments and contributes to the formation of the parasitophorous vacuole—
PV— where the parasite lives, transforms to the amastigote form, and multiplies by
binary fission. The main stimulus that induces the expression of amastigote-specific
genes appears to be the shift of temperature associated with the passage from a poi-
kilothermic invertebrate vector into a homoeothermic mammalian host (Alcolea
et  al. 2010). Several parasite-mediated mechanisms allow them to survive in the
phagosome, such as delaying lysosome fusion and preventing acidification. A
Leishmania iron transporter is activated and pumps iron inside the phagosome, com-
peting with the macrophage transporter which pumps iron from the phagosome into
the cytosol. Iron depletion in the macrophage cytosol leads to an increased produc-
tion of transferrin and transferrin-mediated iron uptake (Kaye and Scott 2011; Gupta
et al. 2013; Podinovskaia and Descoteaux 2015; de Menezes et al. 2016).
An array of innate and acquired immune responses is mounted upon infection by
Leishmania parasites. Protective immunity is associated with a T helper-1—Th-1—
response, with production of intracellular nitric oxide within macrophages that elic-
its amastigote apoptotic cell death (Holzmuller et al. 2006). Conversely, susceptibility
to the infection is associated with a Th-2 response. This type of response favors the
production of Leishmania-specific antibodies, which are ineffective to stop the
infection. In the absence of an adequate cellular response, high parasite burdens
appear in the skin, bone marrow, liver, spleen, and lymph nodes. In addition, immune
complexes are deposited at the glomerular basal membrane, resulting in glomerulo-
nephritis and renal failure. Host immunogenetic factors, nutritional status, concomi-
tant infections, and previous exposure to the parasite influence the type of prevailing
immune response and, therefore, the clinical outcome of an infection (Baneth et al.
2008; Reis et al. 2010). In addition, different Leishmania molecules interact with
host cell signaling pathways involved in the immune response. Among them, lipo-
phosphoglycans—LPG—the most abundant surface glycolipids of promastigotes,
298 A.E. Rodriguez et al.

stimulate macrophage Toll-like receptors 2, leading to the production of cytokines


that favor parasite survival (Kaye and Scott 2011). Also GP63, a parasite metallo-
protease anchored to its surface through a glycosylphosphatidylinositol anchor,
cleaves a number of host proteins inside the macrophage. As examples, GP63 has
been reported to cleave transcription factors, translation regulators, micro-RNA
processing proteins, and enzymes involved in apoptotic mechanisms. The array of
intricate mechanisms developed by Leishmania parasites to manipulate host cell
functioning and responses is under active research, as well as how to use this knowl-
edge to develop novel therapeutic approaches (Kaye and Scott 2011; Podinovskaia
and Descoteaux 2015).
After Leishmania amastigotes are ingested by a sand fly during its blood meal,
the parasites need to thrive, transform, and multiply in the insect midgut and finally
be regurgitated on the skin of a mammalian host to continue their life cycle. One of
the first hazards they encounter in the sand fly gut milieu consists of blood-­degrading
proteases with parasiticide effects that provoke significant parasite losses (Dostálová
and Volf 2012). Leishmania protection against proteolytic attack is likely exerted by
their secreted protease inhibitors and by modulation of the expression of sand fly
peptidases (Ramalho-Ortigao et al. 2010). Promastigotes appear to be more resis-
tant to proteolytic cleavage than amastigotes, an effect suggested to be connected
with the surface expression of phosphoglycan molecules (Secundino et al. 2010).
As mentioned in Sect. 13.1.2, blood and parasites ingested by a sand fly are con-
tained inside the midgut in a PM. On one hand, this matrix exerts a protective effect
on the protease-susceptible amastigotes from the attack of digestive enzymes at the
first stages of digestion. On the other, it could interfere with the continuation of
parasite life cycle by hampering promastigote migration through the sand fly gut,
once they have been formed. It has been observed that promastigote egress from the
PM is facilitated by a secreted parasite chitinase activity, although a synergistic
action of parasite and sand fly chitinases has also been suggested (Pimenta et al.
1997; Ramalho-­Ortigao et al. 2010). Once outside the PM, parasites migrate to the
anterior region of the midgut and attach to the epithelium, mainly through their
flagellum. This event, which prevents them to be excreted with the feces, appears to
be mediated by the interaction between LPG at the parasite surface and specific
midgut receptors (Dobson et al. 2010).
Several signals from the midgut environment acting synergistically can trigger
metacyclogenesis, including acidic pH, absence of hemoglobin or oxygen, decreased
levels of tetrahydrobiopterin, and exposure to sand fly saliva (Ramalho-Ortigao
et al. 2010). In addition, it has been recently shown that the midgut microbiota criti-
cally influences this process. Indeed, the diversity of gut microorganisms decreases
in infected sand flies, as Leishmania parasites multiply and develop to their metacy-
clic stage, and antibiotic treatment impedes parasite growth and differentiation
(Kelly et al. 2017).
Only some parasite-sand fly combinations successfully lead to the metacyclic
stage, such as L. donovani-Phlebotomus argentipes, L. major-P. papatasi, and L.
tropica-P. sergenti. It has been postulated that this restricted vectorial capacity is
connected with parasite interspecies LPG heterogeneity and sand fly midgut
13  Leishmania 299

receptor specificity. Likewise, permissive sand fly varieties that allow metacyclo-

genesis of different Leishmania species might express more than one LPG receptor
in their midguts (Ramalho-Ortigao et al. 2010).
The final stages of the life cycle within the sand fly involve attaching to the insect
stomodeal valve. Parasite-secreted chitinases also act at this point, damaging this
valve and thus facilitating regurgitation of parasites embedded in the promastigote
gel with a backflow of ingested blood (Schlein et  al. 1992; Volf et  al. 2004).
Moreover, parasitized sand flies tend to feed more frequently and on different hosts,
which promotes parasite transmission, illustrating an adaptive manipulation of sand
fly behavior by the parasite (Rogers and Bates 2007).
Finally, it is important to note that parasites are exposed to components of the
sand fly innate immune system during their passage through the midgut. Indeed,
expression of defensins—cationic peptides with antimicrobial activity—is enhanced
in response to Leishmania infections. Defensins, as well as other innate immune
molecules, such as serpins, pattern recognition proteins, and antioxidant enzymes
that have been described in the sand fly midgut, are likely to impact the outcome of
Leishmania infections in this vector (Dostálová and Volf 2012).

13.2 Diagnosis and Epidemiology

13.2.1 D

Diagnostic methods for leishmaniosis in company animals were developed for

dogs but can be applied to cats and horses, as well (Gramiccia 2011). It is important
to distinguish if diagnosis is meant from an epidemiological or a clinical point of
view. Different diagnosis strategies can be applied to detect clinically healthy dogs
that live in endemic regions, as well as symptomatic animals in endemic or non-
endemic regions; to avoid transmission from subclinical carriers by blood transfu-
sions; regulate the import of infected dogs from endemic into non-endemic regions;
evaluate the response to treatment; and analyze the prevalence of the disease in a
certain region. When diagnosis is focused on a particular animal, it needs to be
accompanied by a complete clinical examination. Diagnosis of canine leishmanio-
sis is complex, since the range of pathological anomalies, clinical signs, and bio-
chemical parameters can be wide and non-specific. In addition, the potential
presence of concomitant infectious or noninfectious diseases in the same animal
calls for diverse differential diagnostic procedures. The following are different
aspects and methodologies related to the diagnosis of leishmaniosis in company
animals. Indirect Diagnosis

The origin of the patient needs to be recorded. Given the large variety of clinical
presentations of the disease, any animal from an endemic region can be potentially
sick of leishmaniosis, which needs to be considered during differential diagnosis.
On the other hand, in a non-endemic area, where vectors are not present, animals
300 A.E. Rodriguez et al.

can be considered suspicious of having the disease only if they have characteristic

signs. Relevant information includes whether the animal could have been exposed
to the vector in the past or if there is the chance of non-vectorial routes of infection,
such as vertical transmission, sexual contact, or blood transfusion (da Silva et al.
2009; Naucke and Lorentz 2012). In endemic regions, larger animals that spend
most of their time outdoors are more exposed to sand fly bites and are thus more
prone to be infected.
Clinical signs with diagnostic value associated to leishmaniosis will be described
in Sect. 13.3.1.
Biochemical parameters associated to leishmaniosis are non specific. Hemograms
frequently show different degrees of anemia, transaminase increases, and high urea
and creatinine blood levels, indicative of renal damage. Probably the most fre-
quently observed biochemical sign is hyperglobulinemia—in particular an increase
of gamma and beta globulins—which can result in higher total protein values and an
alteration in albumin/globulin relationships. In urinalysis tests, proteinuria and
other altered parameters can be observed, according to the magnitude of renal
Complementary studies using ultrasound can reveal splenomegaly and renal
changes produced by glomerulonephritis, while X-rays frequently show alterations
of bones and/or articulations. Ocular damage is common, so ophthalmological stud-
ies are also recommended.
Differential diagnosis should include detection of other cutaneous and systemic
diseases, including dermatitis, seborrhea, atopies, and immunological diseases,
such as lupus, demodicosis, sarcoptic mange, cryptococcosis, pyoderma, malasse-
zia dermatitis, ehrlichiosis, tuberculosis, hepatozoonosis, and neoplasms—lym-
phoma and squamous cell carcinoma. Comorbidity with demodicosis, malassezia
dermatitits, and lymphoma is frequent. Specific Diagnosis

Cytology consists in the identification of amastigotes in cytological smears of cuta-
neous lesions and in aspirates of lymphatic nodes, bone marrow, spleen, and cutane-
ous or subcutaneous nodes. Amastigotes stain purple with Giemsa or fast stains and
can be visualized free or inside macrophages under 400 to 1000× magnification
(Figs. 13.2a and 13.5). A pattern of mixed inflammation—presence of neutrophils,
eosinophils, macrophages, and plasmocytes—or granulomatous inflammation is
frequently observed. Ganglia present reactive hyperplasia. Cytology is a highly spe-
cific technique, since detection of a single amastigote has diagnostic value. Its sen-
sitivity, however, is variable and depends on the experience of the observer, the
quality of the sample, and its origin. Highest sensitivity is achieved with spleen and
bone marrow samples (Cowell et al. 2000). In addition, it is fast, can be noninva-
sive—according to the sample source—and allows to identify the presence of other
pathogens as well, such as Ehrlichia, Hepatozoon, Anaplasma, or Babesia.
Immunohistochemical techniques applied to sections of the skin or other organs
increase the sensitivity of parasite detection, which is particularly useful in cases of
low infection levels (Tafuri et al. 2004).
13  Leishmania 301

a b

Fig. 13.5  Diagnosis of Leishmania sp. in a dog by cytological observation of Giemsa-stained

smears. (a) L. infantum amastigotes—example with black arrow—from a skin lesion smear; (b)
popliteal lymph node aspirate. Magnification 1000×. Bar: 20 μm

Cultivation is used for the isolation and identification of parasite species. This
method is useful for some research purposes but, because it is laborious and time-­
consuming, is hardly applied in clinical diagnosis.
Xenodiagnosis is specific and sensitive but is also laborious and expensive. It con-
sists in allowing laboratory-raised sand flies to feed on a dog suspected of leishmani-
osis that has been sedated and constrained in a cage. Sand flies are examined after
their blood meal to check for promastigote presence in the gut (Miró et al. 2011).
Serological tests are an essential part of the diagnosis of leishmaniosis.
Considering the high percentage of infected dogs that present no clinical symptoms,
anti-­Leishmania antibody detection can be taken as a first indication of infection,
since high antibody titers can be predictive of the eventual development of clinical
disease (Reis et al. 2006). On the other hand, low antibody titers are not necessarily
indicative of the disease, due to possible cross-reactivity reactions with American
trypanosomes, or Ehrlichia sp. There are qualitative serological methods, such as
immunochromatographic strips, and quantitative methods, such as immunofluores-
cence antibody test—IFAT—and enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay—ELISA—
each one with pros and cons with respect to their clinical usefulness (Bevilacqua
and Alves 2004; Sanchez et al. 2004; De Almeida Curi et al. 2006; Solano-Gallego
et al. 2011). Immunochromatographic strips are based on a recombinant form of
rK39 antigen, which shows high specificity for L. infantum. However, different
studies around the world show variable results with respect to sensitivity, which
probably reflects antigen polymorphism connected to geographical origin (Laurenti
et al. 2014). A qualitative ELISA based on a L. infantum extract has similar advan-
tages with respect to fastness and better indexes of specificity and sensitivity
(Marcondes et al. 2011). Fast serological methods are useful for epidemiological
surveys and as a first indication of infection in the clinic that needs to be
302 A.E. Rodriguez et al.

corroborated by other diagnostic methods. Among quantitative methods, IFAT is the


most widely used, although cross-reactivity with antigens of Trypanosoma cruzi

and other pathogens decreases its specificity (OIE 2014). Quantitative ELISAs are
progressively becoming the serological methods of choice for Old and New World
Leishmania diagnosis, due to their enhanced sensitivity and specificity with respect
to IFAT. A recently modified direct agglutination test—DAT—has been validated as
a sensitive and specific tool of particular usefulness for large-scale epidemiological
and ecological studies (OIE 2014).
Molecular diagnosis is mainly carried out by polymerase chain reaction—PCR—
that allows amplifying parasite DNA from different types of samples, including tis-
sues, blood, body fluids, or even histopathological specimens. Assays that target
kinetoplastid DNA are the most sensitive for direct detection in infected tissues and
can evidence the presence of parasite DNA in minimal quantities. In the clinic, it
allows to assess the persistence of the parasite after treatment and also to diagnose
carriers among animals destined to reproduction or blood donation. Seminested or
nested PCRs display increased sensitivity, and quantitative PCRs allow quantifying
parasite loads. In recent years, the loop-mediated isothermal amplification assay—
LAMP—has emerged as an efficient tool in the field of leishmaniosis diagnosis.
Compared to conventional PCR, LAMP is a faster, more sensitive, and cost-effective
method (Mori and Notomi 2009; Takagi et al. 2009; Adams et al. 2010; Verma et al.
2017). The diagnostic efficacy of this type of detection depends on the natural course
of the disease and is maximal immediately after infection (Solano-Gallego et  al.
2009, 2011). It is important to note that, for the diagnosis of individual patients, the
information obtained by PCR should not be separated from the data obtained after
clinical, pathological, and serological evaluation.

13.2.2 Epidemiology

Leishmania sp. parasites are amply distributed around the world, extending over
tropical, subtropical, and temperate regions, between latitudes 45° N and 32° S
(Dawit 2013). They are transmitted to mammals by sand flies of the genera
Phlebotomus and Lutzomyia in the Old and New World, respectively. As with
other vector-borne pathogens, as a general rule, the geographical distribution of
the vector/s determines the geographical distribution of the parasite. Thus, factors
that limit the vector should be the same as those that guide the distribution of the
disease (World Health Organization 2010). Sand flies reproduce on decomposing
solid organic matter. They exhibit crepuscular and night activity. Phlebotomus
populations peak from the end of spring to the end of fall, while Lutzomyia sand
flies are active all year round. Spatial analysis demonstrated that vegetation and
hydrography may be related to sand fly distribution and infected dogs (Menezes
et  al. 2015). Climate, especially high temperature and increased humidity, also
has an impact on the geographical distribution of sand flies, their density, their
activity, and their reproductive periods (Margonari et  al. 2006; Ready 2008;
Sangiorgi et al. 2012).
13  Leishmania 303

Reservoir mammalian hosts include dogs, humans, and, to a lesser degree, cats

and horses (Table  13.1). Sporadic cases have been reported in cattle, sheep, and
goats. Black rats and hares are proven Leishmania reservoirs, contributing to the
maintenance of the parasite in certain areas. Foxes have been extensively studied
due to their similarities to dogs. They present high prevalence of Leishmania infec-
tions; however, their infectiveness to sand flies, and thus their epidemiological rel-
evance, has so far not been demonstrated (Millán et al. 2014; Mol et al. 2015).
Less than 50% of L. infantum-seropositive dogs develop severe disease with
clear visceral and/or cutaneous signs, while the rest can be equally infectious for
sand flies but remain unnoticed (Molina et al. 1994; Oliva et al. 2004; Michalsky
et al. 2007). Studies on risk factors associated with breed, gender, and age are few
and not always consensual (França-Silva et al. 2003; Barroso et al. 2015).
Although most leishmaniosis cases occur in sand fly-endemic regions, occasional
case reports in vector-free regions are associated with journeys of dogs with their
owners to endemic areas or the import of infected animals (De Souza et al. 2013; Silva
et al. 2015). In addition to vectorial transmission, atypical transmission routes include
transfused blood products and bite wounds (Naucke et al. 2016). Also, infected males
can develop genital lesions, and parasites can reach the semen and be sexually trans-
mitted to susceptible females. Transmission from females to males, on the other hand,
has not been described so far. Vertical transmission through the passage of infected
macrophages of the mother into the placenta and the fetus has also been shown
(Naucke and Lorentz 2012). The high prevalence of canine leishmaniosis in foxhound
dogs in the USA, especially in regions where no vectors are present, illustrates the
epidemiological importance of vertical and sexual transmission (Turchetti et al. 2014).

13.3 Clinical Effects, Prevention, and Treatment

13.3.1 C
 linical Effects

According to their clinical manifestations, leishmaniosis patients can be classified

in three evolutionary stages: (1) asymptomatic, clinically healthy with confirmed
positive diagnosis; (2) oligosymptomatic, with scarce symptomatology correspond-
ing to initial stages of infection; and (3) symptomatic, with active and chronic infec-
tions. This simple and schematic classification might suggest a progressive
development of the disease; however, there are animals that can stay in the same
stage during the whole course of infection. An additional category corresponding to
resistant animals, i.e., those that will never contract the disease, should also be
included in this scheme (Oliva et al. 2004; OIE 2014). Another model of classifica-
tion contemplates not only clinical aspects but also serological and pathological
data and is thus a better reflection of the situation of a particular individual. In this
scheme, a patient can display slight, moderate, severe, or very severe disease
(Solano-Gallego et  al. 2009, 2011). Leishmaniosis provokes multiorgan damage,
with a great variety of clinical manifestations (Fig. 13.6) that can be divided into
cutaneous and systemic signs (Sanchez et al. 2004).
304 A.E. Rodriguez et al.

a b c

d e f g

Fig. 13.6  Clinical signs of canine leishmaniosis. (a–c) Dermatitis and lesions found in upper
head, snout, ears, and eyelids, or (d) limbs. (e) Onicogrifosis. (f) Exfoliative dermatitis. (g)
Keratitis and cutaneous wounds

Cutaneous signs are generally the most evident and are often the main reason
for veterinary consultation. They consist of exfoliative dermatitis without itch-
ing, progressive alopecia—especially in limbs and around the eyes and ears—as
well as ulcerous lesions and wounds with scabs in ears, snout, and bone emi-
nences. Multiple or single nodes are frequently observed in different parts of the
thorax and head, in addition to onicogrifosis—an exaggerated increase in nail
length (Fig. 13.6).
Systemic signs include generalized lymphadenomegaly—with ganglia increased
three to five times in size—loss of weight, cachexia, hepatomegaly, splenomegaly,
occasional arthritis or synovitis, and an array of ocular disorders, such as keratocon-
junctivitis and eye inflammation—uveitis and blepharitis. Systemic disorders are
reflected in the clinical examination. Affected animals appear thin, lethargic, fever-
ish, anemic, generally without evident itching, and often with claudication of hind
limbs. Epistaxis or hemorrhages of the digestive tract are frequently observed in
severe stages of disease. In addition, pulmonary disorders, hepatic alteration, and
nephrotic syndrome can also be found. These alterations influence diagnostic bio-
chemical parameters and evidence the profound impact of this disease over different
systems and organs, especially on renal function. Renal disorders can be the only
clinical manifestation of canine leishmaniosis and can progress from slight protein-
uria to nephrotic syndrome, with chronic renal insufficiency as the main cause of
mortality. Occasionally, other clinical signs can be observed, such as neurological
disorders, including ataxia, paralysis, or convulsions; myositis, evidenced by the
atrophy of chewing muscles or other muscular groups; bone lesions with osteopenia
foci and resorption; and synovitis.
In cats, polymorphic cutaneous signs are frequent, including localized nodular,
ulcerative, crusty, or papular lesions or generalized dermatitis, alopecia, and scal-
ing. Systemic disease, with the involvement of the liver, spleen, lymph nodes, and
13  Leishmania 305

kidney, has been less frequently described (Pennisi et al. 2015). In horses, the clini-

cal forms observed consist of nodular or ulcerated cutaneous lesions, occasionally

disseminating, without visceralization. Spontaneous regression of the lesions was
also reported (Koehler et al. 2002; Rolao et al. 2005).

13.3.2 P

The choice of control measures for canine leishmaniosis has so far been controver-
sial. In several regions of the world, Leishmania-seropositive dogs are euthanized, in
an attempt to control the disease; however, this measure is upsetting for veterinarians
and dog owners. However, since it has not been possible to counteract the advance of
the disease by this extreme measure in different socioeconomic backgrounds, the
World Health Organization is no longer considering it as a first choice (World Health
Organization 2010). A frequent obstacle in the monitoring of canine populations in
endemic areas has been the lack of fast and reliable diagnostic methods, to precisely
discriminate infected from noninfected animals. This has led to the unnecessary sac-
rifice of false-positive animals. In addition, massive dog euthanasia campaigns are
sometimes carried out in impoverished sand fly-endemic areas, where the fast rein-
troduction of puppies into households turns the measure completely useless.
It is important to note that the advance of this disease in regions such as South
America is directly connected with the increasing environmental degradation of
tropical and subtropical areas, as well as with explosive urbanization, generally
under conditions of poverty and bad infrastructure.
Sand fly control measures need to be based on the population dynamics of these
insects. Their presence and activity can be circumscribed to a few months in certain
temperate regions or be found all year round with little fluctuation, in tropical and
subtropical regions. Importantly, it has been shown that Lutzomyia longipalpis is the
most synanthropic species of its genus in the American continent, which is evi-
denced by its notable adaptation to human environments.
Although of lesser epidemiological relevance, the possibility of non-vecto-
rial transmission needs to be taken into account in areas where sand flies are
absent or under relatively efficient control. Introduction of positive animals in
areas where no vector has been identified needs to be restricted, especially in the
case of blood transfusion donors or if animals are destined for reproduction (da
Silva et al. 2009).
Although leishmaniosis is a zoonosis in which dogs are the main reservoirs in
domestic environments, the contact with a sick animal does not guarantee conta-
gion, since the presence of the vector is needed for the parasite to complete its cycle
and generate infectious forms. In endemic regions, it is important to keep suscepti-
ble animals, such as dogs, cats, and horses, in closed spaces from evening to dawn
during warm months, when sand flies are active. Sand fly control by ambient
hygienic measures and the use of chemical substances, as well as physical barriers,
such as nets—also impregnated with insecticides—are highly necessary to diminish
the contact between vector and animals. Due to their small size, sand flies can get
306 A.E. Rodriguez et al.

through untreated nets, unless the mesh size is much reduced. However, as poor fli-

ers, they can be stopped by wind as that provided by a house fan. Homes and dog
houses should be sprayed with insecticides. A number of efficacious formulations
against sand flies—mainly piretroids—are commercially available. They are usu-
ally delivered as sprays, collars, and pour-on devices (Dantas-Torres et  al. 2012;
Otranto and Dantas-Torres 2013).
Development of vaccines against leishmaniosis is an active field of research.
Currently, there are three commercially available subunit vaccine formulations, all
of which use regular saponin or QuilA saponin as adjuvant and showed partial but
considerably high protective efficacy: (1) Leish-Tec®, based on A2 recombinant
protein; (2) Leishmune®, based on a L. donovani glycoprotein fraction fused to a
fucose/mannose ligand; and (3) CaniLeish®, based on excreted/secreted proteins of
L. infantum. No significant differences were observed in dogs from Brazilian
Leishmania-­endemic areas vaccinated with Leishmune® or Leish-Tec®, with respect
to clinical signs, parasitism, IgG seropositivity, or infectiousness (Fernandes et al.
2014). Application of these vaccines in seronegative dogs older than 4 months is
carried out in three doses, 21 days apart, and should be repeated annually. A new
vaccine, Letifend®, has been recently approved by the European Agency of
Medicaments. The formulation, with a protection efficacy of 90%, includes a
recombinant form of the MON-1 antigen; peptides containing epitopes of the ribo-
somal proteins LiP2a, LiP2b, and LiP0; and the histone H2A, as well as CpG-ODN
as adjuvant (Reguera et al. 2016).

13.3.3 Treatment

Several pharmaceutical products are under use, and, in addition, alternative prod-
ucts are also under investigation. Treatment leads to clinical improvement, though it
might not eliminate the parasite. Currently, the most accepted formulations and pro-
tocols include:

1. Pentavalent antimonials, mainly meglumine antimoniate—Glucantime®—and

sodium stibogluconate, Pentostam®, 50 mg/kg or 75–100 mg/kg/day, subcutane-
ous (sc) for 4 weeks.
2. Amphotericin B, as a second choice since it is more toxic than Glucantime®,
0.1–1 mg/kg/day, intravenous (iv). A liposome-encapsulated formulation that
reduces toxicity and improves bioavailability is also commercialized.
3. Miltefosine, originally developed as an antineoplasic drug for humans, but
with clear anti-leishmanial effects. A veterinarian product with low toxicity
and oral administration is available. The recommended daily dose is of 2 mg/
kg, during 4–6 weeks, and the cycle can be repeated according to the clinical
4. Allopurinol, with excellent clinical results but limited curative efficacy. It is rec-
ommended in combination with Glucantime® or Miltefosine, in doses of
13  Leishmania 307

15–30 mg/kg/day, orally. It needs to be administered for periods of 6–12 months,


according to the clinical response. However, long treatments can lead to the for-
mation of urinary xanthine stones. Thus, periodic assessment of these potential
complications is needed, and low-purine diets are recommended during pro-
longed treatments.
5. Other drugs that have proved efficacious against leishmaniosis include paromo-
mycin (aminosidine), pentamidine, spiramycin, metronidazole, quinolones, and

Treatment efficacy can be improved by co-administration of immunomodula-

tors such as levamisole, interferon gamma, domperidona, and others. During
treatment, clinical evaluation of renal and hepatic damage, anemia, and cutane-
ous lesions should also be addressed. In addition, antibody titers and the evolu-
tion of the proteinogram should be monitored. As mentioned in Sect. 13.2.1,
leishmaniosis generally provokes hyperglobulinemia that reverts when treatment
has been successful. After reversion, a successive alteration of the proteinogram
should be interpreted as a precocious sign of relapse, which suggests reinitiating
To take a decision on the treatment to be applied, as well as to give a prognosis,
the severity of the alterations produced by the disease needs to be taken into account.
Most importantly, the degree of renal failure is a determinant of the success of
therapy and, consequently, of the life expectancy of the patient.

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Esther Collántes-Fernández, Marcelo C. Fort,
Luis M. Ortega-Mora, and Gereon Schares

The most widely known trichomonad in veterinary medicine is Tritrichomonas foe-
tus. It is the etiologic agent of bovine tritrichomonosis, a sexually transmitted dis-
ease in extensively managed herds throughout many geographic regions worldwide.
The same trichomonad species is also regarded as the causative agent of chronic
diarrhea in the domestic cat, although more recent studies observed molecular dif-
ferences between bovine- and feline-derived T. foetus. Trichomonosis in cats has a
worldwide distribution and is mainly present among cats from high-density hous-
ing environments. Other trichomonads are found as inhabitants of the gastrointesti-
nal tract in birds, such as Trichomonas gallinae. Particularly, Columbiformes,
Falconiformes, Strigiformes, and wild Passeriformes can be severely affected by
avian trichomonads. Diagnosis of trichomonosis is often complicated by the fragil-
ity of the parasite. To ensure valid test results, it is essential to collect and handle
specimens in the right way prior to analysis. Cultivation tests, the specific amplifi-
cation of parasites, or a combination of both test methods is the most efficient and
most commonly used way to diagnose trichomonosis in animals. Bovine tritricho-
monosis is mainly controlled by the identification and withdrawal of infected ani-
mals from bovine herds. The control of feline and avian trichomonosis relies mainly
on preventive measures.

E. Collántes-Fernández • L.M. Ortega-Mora

Faculty of Veterinary Sciences, University Complutense of Madrid, Madrid, Spain
e-mail: [email protected]; [email protected]
M.C. Fort
Veterinary Public Health Group, National Institute of Agricultural Technology (INTA),
Anguil, La Pampa, Argentina
e-mail: [email protected]
G. Schares (*)
Friedrich-Loeffler-Institut, Federal Research Institute for Animal Health, Institute of
Epidemiology, Greifswald-Insel Riems, Germany
e-mail: [email protected]

© Springer International Publishing AG, part of Springer Nature 2018 313

M. Florin-Christensen, L. Schnittger (eds.), Parasitic Protozoa of Farm Animals
and Pets, https://doi.org/10.1007/978-3-319-70132-5_14
314 E. Collántes-Fernández et al.

14.1 Morphology, Life Cycle, and Host-Pathogen Interactions


In veterinary medicine the most widely known trichomonad is Tritrichomonas foetus.

It is located in the urogenital tract of cattle and considered the etiologic agent of bovine
tritrichomonosis, a sexually transmitted disease throughout many geographic regions
worldwide (Bondurant 2005; Ondrak 2016). The same trichomonad species was ini-
tially described in 1999 and finally confirmed in 2003 to be the causative agent of
chronic diarrhea in the domestic cat (Gookin et  al. 1999; Levy et  al. 2003).
Trichomonosis in cats has a worldwide distribution and is mainly present among cats
from high-density housing environments such as catteries, shelters, or breeding facili-
ties (Yao and Köster 2015). Other trichomonads in animals, for example, Tritrichomonas
suis in swine—presumably genetically identical to T. foetus of bovine origin—are
commensals and rarely involved in disease. T. suis was once thought to cause atrophic
rhinitis in pigs, further studies were not able to establish a causal relationship, and T.
suis is now considered a harmless nasal and gastrointestinal commensal in swine
(BonDurant and Honigberg 1994). Isolates of T. suis that reside in the stomach, cae-
cum, and nasal cavity of pigs are not of clinical significance to their porcine hosts
(Fitzgerald et al. 1958; Hibler et al. 1960; Pakandl 1994; Mostegl et al. 2011).
Trichomonads are occasionally observed in the feces from dogs with diarrhea
(Gookin et al. 2005). The parasite was also detected by culture in the feces of 17.2%
of puppies from French breeding kennels, which indicates that T. foetus may be a
common parasite in dogs (Grellet et al. 2010). However, molecular identity of the
enteric trichomonads observed in these dogs was not investigated, and the relevance
for dogs is not clear. More studies are required to determine the prevalence and clini-
cal significance of T. foetus infection in dogs, since the finding could be also attrib-
uted to opportunistic overgrowth of the commensal, Pentatrichomonas hominis.
In human medicine, the most studied and relevant is Trichomonas vaginalis that
affects over 150 million people worldwide and is the most common non-viral sexu-
ally transmitted disease (Van der Pol 2007).
Other trichomonads are found as inhabitants of the gastrointestinal tract in birds
such as Tetratrichomonas gallinarum and Trichomonas gallinae. Particularly,
Columbiformes, Falconiformes, Strigiformes, and wild Passeriformes can be
severely affected by avian trichomonads, whereas the majority of infections in
Galliformes and Anatiformes are subclinical although severe infections are occa-
sionally reported (Amin et al. 2014).
Other examples of trichomonads found as inhabitants of the gastrointestinal tract
are Trichomonas muris of mice and Pentatrichomonas hominis of a variety of verte-
brate species (BonDurant and Honigberg 1994).

14.1.1 M

Trichomonads are taxonomically framed in the Parabasalia class and Trichomonadida

order. This order includes protists with a parabasal apparatus and three to five ante-
rior kinetosomes and one posterior kinetosome. They usually bear flagella and have
14  Trichomonas 315

a conspicuous pelta-axostyle complex, and the recurrent flagella are often associ-

ated with a lamellar undulating membrane underlain by a striated costal fiber (Adl
et  al. 2005). The number of free flagella characterizes each genus of the family
Trichomonadidae. Thus, the genus Tritrichomonas is characterized by having three
free flagella, whereas the genera Tetratrichomonas and Pentatrichomonas possess
four and five flagella, respectively. Among the various species of trichomonads thus
far identified, only a number of them are regarded as pathogens (BonDurant and
Honigberg 1994). Tritrichomonas foetus

Bovine T. foetus isolated from the urogenital tract of cattle and feline isolates found
in the gastrointestinal tract of the domestic cat are morphologically indistinguish-
able. However, there appears to be no association between T. foetus infection in cats
and reported exposure to cattle (Gookin et al. 2004). There is an ongoing debate
whether T. foetus from cattle and cats should be placed into separate species. A
molecular separation of feline and bovine isolates of T. foetus based on a number of
gene loci—summarized by Yao and Köster (2015)—seems to be possible, but on the
transcriptomic level, a separation remains difficult (Reinmann et al. 2012; Slapeta
et al. 2010, 2012; Sun et al. 2012; Morin-Adeline et al. 2014, 2015b). There is evi-
dence that T. foetus isolates from cats and cattle show differences in pH tolerance
(Sect. 14.2.2), and T. foetus from cats are able to survive a passage through the ali-
mentary tract of slugs (Morin-Adeline et al. 2015a; Van der Saag et al. 2011). Thus,
some authors believe that feline T. foetus represents a different species, and a change
in name—to T. blagburni—has been proposed (Walden et  al. 2013). It has been
hypothesized that feline T. foetus has extended its host range into the bovine repro-
ductive tract (Morin-Adeline et al. 2015a). The picture becomes even more compli-
cated because T. foetus isolated from cattle seems to be morphologically and
genetically identical to Tritrichomonas suis, that is, a commensal observed in the
nasal cavity, stomach, cecum, and colon of the domestic pig (Felleisen 1998; Hampl
et al. 2001; Tachezy et al. 2002; Reinmann et al. 2012; Slapeta et al. 2012; Sun et al.
2012). Consequently, it was assumed that T. suis and T. foetus belong to the same
species (Tachezy et al. 2002; Lun et al. 2005; Frey and Müller 2012; Yao and Köster
2015). However, more recent epidemiological studies suggest that cross-species
transmission from pigs to cattle on the same farm—e.g., by exposure to T. foetus-­
contaminated pig feces—is unlikely to occur (Mueller et al. 2015).
T. foetus has a trophozoite stage, with a pyriform or ovoid appearance, and a
size ranging from 8 to 18 μm in length and 4 to 9 μm in width (BonDurant and
Honigberg 1994) (Fig. 14.1). The trophozoite has several structures with locomo-
tor function such as flagella and the undulating membrane. The flagella originate
from the basal bodies or kinetosomes—located in the apical pole of the cell. Three
of the flagella are of similar length to each other and are directed forward, while the
fourth flagellum, called the recurrent flagellum, is directed toward the posterior
part of the body, associated with it by an undulating membrane, and continues as a
free flagellum beyond the posterior end of the undulating membrane (Taylor et al.
1994; Benchimol 2004).
316 E. Collántes-Fernández et al.

Anterior flagella

filaments Pelta






Recurrent flagellum

Fig. 14.1  Tritrichomonas foetus trophozoites (size, 8–18 × 4–9 μm): schematic and microscopic

The internal organelles of T. foetus are similar to those of other trichomonads.

The cytoplasm contains a series of support elements, including the pelta-axostyle
complex, the costal fiber bordering the recurrent flagellum, and the parabasal appa-
ratus. These elements together with the flagellum make up the cytoskeleton
(Benchimol 2005). The axostyle originates in the same area of the birth of the fla-
gellum—surrounded at this point by a chromatin ring—and is directed toward the
back of the parasite, making prominence at the posterior end. The pelta is a semilu-
nar structure, very little developed, located in the anterior part of the axostyle. Both
structures form the pelta-axostyle complex—composed of groups of connected
microtubules—forming a kind of slit that houses the nucleus and parabasal bodies
(Benchimol 2004, 2005). In T. foetus, the axostyle has two functions; it serves as a
support organelle and participates in the processes of cell division, allowing the
constriction of the nuclei during the karyokinesis (Ribeiro et al. 2002). The costa is
a rigid structure that sits on the inner margin of the undulating membrane and serves
as a support. The parabasal filaments are also filaments striped perpendicularly, and
their mission seems to support the parabasal body—i.e., the Golgi complex. The
parabasal filaments and the parabasal body constitute the parabasal apparatus,
located in the anterior part of the cell (Benchimol 2004, 2005). T. foetus has a sim-
ple anterior nucleus and hydrogenosomes, which appear as electro-dense corpuscles
that act as functional substitutes for mitochondria. Other cellular components that
14  Trichomonas 317

can be observed in the cytoplasm are free ribosomes, polysomes, glycogen gran-

ules, vesicles, and vacuoles related to processes of endocytosis, digestion, and trans-
port (Benchimol 2004, 2005). Under unfavorable conditions, such as a low
concentration of nutrients, the presence of certain drugs such as griseofulvin, or
abrupt changes in temperature, trophozoites internalize the flagellum and acquire a
form of pseudocyst, which is not surrounded by a manifest cell wall (Pereira-Neves
and Benchimol 2009).
As regards nutrition, trichomonads lack a cytostome; they are able to capture
food through the cell surface by means of pinocytosis and phagocytosis, with the
resulting formation of food vacuoles of different size. Like other trichomonads that
inhabit body cavities, T. foetus feeds mainly on bacteria, whose proliferation
depends on the environment conditions where the parasite is based (Petrin et  al.
1998). From the metabolic point of view, T. foetus is unable to de novo synthesize
purine and pyrimidine nucleotides, as well as complex phosphoglycerides or cho-
lesterol. The parasite obtains its energy through the anaerobic catabolism of carbo-
hydrates, although the trichomonads are able to survive in the presence of oxygen.
As already noted, trichomonads lack mitochondria but possess hydrogenosomes
that produce molecular hydrogen in anaerobiosis and reduce oxygen. In this way,
the parasite manages to keep the pH of its environment close to neutrality favoring
its own development (Kleydman et al. 2004).
The reproduction of T. foetus—like that of all trichomonads—is asexual (Petrin
et al. 1998). The parasite divides by longitudinal binary fission in which the nuclear
membrane persists—a type of mitosis referred to as cryptopleuromitosis. In addi-
tion, when compared to the trophozoite form, pseudocysts present a different mito-
sis model, since they first divide the nuclei without dividing their cytoplasm, leading
to the formation of multinucleated polymastigotes that persist if the cells are main-
tained under conditions of stress. When the environmental conditions are again
favorable, flagella are externalized, and the new flagellated trophozoites emerge
from the multinucleated cells (Pereira-Neves and Benchimol 2009). Trichomonas gallinae and Tetratrichomonas gallinarum

T. gallinae is the only trichomonad species with a clear pathogenic potential for
birds (BonDurant and Honigberg 1994; Amin et al. 2014). T. gallinarum is com-
monly found in the large intestine of gallinaceous and anseriform birds, yet its role
in causing disease either in naturally infected chickens and turkeys or via experi-
mental infection is under discussion (Amin et  al. 2014). T. gallinae trophozoites
have an ovoidal to pyriform shape with a size of about 7–11 μm. They are provided
with four free anterior flagella and a fifth recurrent one, which does not become free
at the posterior pole as it extends for only two-thirds of the body length (Tasca and
De Carli 2003; Mehlhorn et al. 2009). Trophozoites of T. gallinarum appear mostly
pear shaped and range in size from 6 to 15 μm (Clark et al. 2003). They also have
four free anterior flagella and a fifth recurrent one, which becomes free at the poste-
rior pole. Another difference to T. gallinae is the occurrence of a sphere of lacunes
of the endoplasmic reticulum surrounding in a regular distance the nucleus with its
318 E. Collántes-Fernández et al.

typical perinuclear membranes. Furthermore, the food vacuoles appear to be very


large (Mehlhorn et al. 2009).

14.1.2 Life Cycle Tritrichomonas foetus in Cattle

Bovine T. foetus is located in the genital tract of its natural hosts, Bos taurus taurus
and Bos taurus indicus cattle (Skirrow and BonDurant 1988; Bondurant 2005;
Sager et al. 2007). The preferred location of the parasite in the bull is the preputial
cavity—concentrating mainly in the penile mucosa and adjacent areas of the poste-
rior preputial mucosa—specifically on the surface of the stratified squamous epithe-
lium of the penis and the proximal foreskin in the fornix area (Clark et al. 1974;
Parsonson et  al. 1974; Parker et  al. 1999). This epithelium undergoes numerous
folds—resulting in a greater development of crypts—where T. foetus can develop
properly by providing a suitable microenvironment for facultative or microaero-
philic anaerobic microorganisms (Rhyan et al. 1999). Infection may persist for the
life of the bull, in spite of the presence of a measurable humoral immune response
in the preputial cavity (Rhyan et al. 1999; Campero et al. 1990; Flower et al. 1983).
In the female, once the infection has occurred, the parasite colonizes the surface
of the entire genital system—vagina, cervix, endometrium, and oviduct—in a period
of 2 weeks (Parsonson et al. 1976). As observed in natural infections, the parasite is
preferentially concentrated in the folds of the cervix (BonDurant 1997). The infec-
tion is self-limiting, and the parasite disappears simultaneously from all areas of the
genital tract after a period of at least 90–95 days (Parsonson et al. 1976; Rae et al.
2004; Bondurant 2005). In experimental infections of nonpregnant heifers, T. foetus
infection is typically cleared from the uterus and vagina between weeks 6 and 12
following infection (Parsonson et al. 1976; Anderson et al. 1996; BonDurant et al.
1993; Skirrow and BonDurant 1990a). A very small proportion of cows in infected
herds—a fraction less than 1%—have been shown to remain infected throughout
pregnancy and into the following breeding season. Fortunately, such carrier cows
are rare (Bondurant 2005).
Under natural conditions, T. foetus is transmitted directly from an infected ani-
mal to a healthy animal, almost exclusively through natural mating (Bondurant
2005). The bulls become infected during the mating of infected cows, remaining
asymptomatic carriers (Fig. 14.2). Very rarely, however, the parasite can be trans-
mitted by other routes, for example, mechanically during the practice of artificial
insemination or vaginal examination, if contaminated material is used—e.g., using
the same glass rod or insemination pipette for different cows or not properly disin-
fected specula (Murname 1959; Goodger and Skirrow 1986). Mechanical transmis-
sion seems to be possible through a healthy bull—i.e., from an infected cow to a
receptive cow—if the time between two services does not exceed 20  min (Clark
et al. 1977; Goodger and Skirrow 1986; Bondurant 2005; Ondrak 2016).
T. foetus was shown to be able to survive in cryopreserved semen and may be
present in semen if it is contaminated with preputial fluid during manual collection
14  Trichomonas 319

Infected bull

In the bull,
the parasite is
located in the
preputial mucosa

Venereal transmission -
Parasite transmission
during mating

In the female,
the parasite is
located in the
Infected female os cervix

Fig. 14.2  Life cycle of bovine Tritrichomonas foetus (David Arranz Solís from SALUVET-UCM
is acknowledged for providing this graph)

(Blackshaw and Beattie 1955). Given the resistance of this parasite in fresh, pure, or
diluted semen, refrigerated and even cryopreserved, there is the possibility of trans-
mission through artificial insemination with contaminated semen (Bondurant 2005).
Because bulls tend to mount each other, feces in the preputial cavity is com-
monly found. This fecal material may contain non-T. foetus trichomonads, such as
Pentatrichomonas hominis and any number of Tetratrichomonas species that have
been shown to be nonpathogenic (Taylor et al. 1994; Campero et al. 2003; Hayes
et al. 2003). The opportunity for transmission of T. foetus between males is regarded
as very limited. Tritrichomonas foetus in Cats

Feline T. foetus appears to be host adapted, i.e., adapted to the intestinal tract of cats.
After experimental orogastric infection of kittens, feline T. foetus has been demon-
strated to colonize the lumen of the ileum, caecum, colon, and rectum 203 days after
infection (Gookin et al. 2001). In naturally infected cats, massive numbers of tricho-
monads can be observed at the surface of the colonic epithelium and within the
colonic crypts (Yaeger and Gookin 2005). Although the presence of T. foetus in the
uterus of a cat with pyometra has been described, it has been speculated that the
320 E. Collántes-Fernández et al.

Parasite trophozoites
are shed with
the feces

Trophozoites are
located in the
intestinal mucosa
and proliferate by
binary fission

Parasite trophozoites
are ingested by
healthy animals
during grooming or
through contaminated
food or water

Fig. 14.3  Life cycle of feline Tritrichomonas foetus (David Arranz Solís from SALUVET-UCM
is acknowledged for providing this graph)

parasite could have accidentally accessed the genital area through contact with con-
taminated feces (Dahlgren et al. 2007). However, colonization of the reproductive
tract in both male and female cats from breeding grounds with a high prevalence of
feline tritrichomonosis has not been observed (Gray et al. 2010). Feline T. foetus
infection occurs by direct fecal-oral transmission. Infected cats are shedding tro-
phozoites with their feces, and transmission occurs when two or more cats share the
same litter box (Fig. 14.3). Trophozoites would adhere to the hair of the animals and
could be ingested during grooming (Gookin et al. 2004; Tolbert and Gookin 2009).
The viability of the parasite in the environment is limited though it can withstand
several days at room temperature facilitating its transmission (Hale et al. 2009). T.
foetus-contaminated food and less likely water may be also a relevant route for
transmission. Further, shedding of viable T. foetus has been demonstrated in some
slug species, which were fed cat food spiked with trophozoites of a feline T. foetus
isolate, suggesting that invertebrates like slugs could play a role as mechanical vec-
tors (Van der Saag et al. 2011). Trichomonas gallinae and Tetratrichomonas gallinarum

The rock pigeon—Columba livia—was regarded as the primary host of T. gallinae
and has been considered responsible for the worldwide distribution of this protozoal
infection (Stabler 1954; Harmon et al. 1987). Other species within the Columbiformes,
Falconiformes, Strigiformes, and, most recently, different Passeriformes have been
recognized as potential hosts (Forrester and Foster 2008; Robinson et  al. 2010).
However, only a few natural occurrences of trichomonosis have been reported in
14  Trichomonas 321

gallinaceous birds like turkeys and chickens (Levine and Brandly 1939). The pre-

ferred site for T. gallinae is the upper digestive tract including the mouth, pharynx,
esophagus, and crop, with the parasite rarely found posterior to the proventriculus
(Cauthen 1936). Transmission by direct contact seems to be the most efficient route
to establish an infection—e.g., via the crop milk from infected parent birds to the
nestlings during feeding (Stabler 1954). In adult pigeons, the infection can occur
during courtship while raptors can be infected from prey animals carrying the para-
site. The infection of turkeys and chickens happens mainly via drinking water con-
taminated by pigeons (BonDurant and Honigberg 1994). Trichomonas gallinae is
unable to form true cysts, even though cyst-like stages—pseudocysts—have been
reported (Tasca and De Carli 2003; Mehlhorn et al. 2009). These pseudocysts may
provide another route of transmission and an environmentally resistant stage during
unfavorable conditions.
Tetratrichomonas gallinarum locates in the intestinal tract of different poultry
species including chickens, turkeys, guinea fowl, quails, ducks, and geese and can
be transmitted via consumption of contaminated food (BonDurant and Honigberg
1994). Pseudocysts of T. gallinarum have been reported in vivo and in vitro possibly
protecting the parasite during fecal-oral transmission (Mehlhorn et al. 2009).

14.1.3 H
 ost-Pathogen Interactions T. foetus Infection in Cattle

Once infected, the male acts as an asymptomatic carrier throughout his life (Clark
et al. 1974; Parsonson et al. 1974; Parker et al. 1999). Minor histological changes
are observed with increased accumulations of neutrophils followed by an infiltrate
of lymphocytes and plasma cells penetrating into the intraepithelial area and
coalescing in the subepithelium to form lymphoid nodules (Rhyan et  al. 1999;
Bondurant 2005).
In the female, 2 weeks after infection, T. foetus may have colonized the different
parts of the genital tract (Parsonson et al. 1976). The preferred location is in the
cervix and cervicovaginal mucus, but the number of parasites varies throughout the
estrus cycle, being higher in the days prior to estrus. The establishment of the para-
site in the genital tract of the female does not seem to interfere with the fertilization
nor with the early development of the embryo (Bielanski et  al. 2004). In heifers
experimentally infected with T. foetus, conceptus deaths peaked at 50–70 days of
gestation (Parsonson et al. 1976). Occasional abortions of fetuses older than 4-month
gestational age are reported, but typically losses occur 2 months earlier (Bondurant
2005). The infection in the female is usually self-limiting, disappearing between 2
and 4  months after the loss of the conceptus. The immunity that develops is not
permanent and usually lasts for about 6 months; after 6 months, the female is again
susceptible to infection. Carrier cows—these are cows that remain infected for at
least 10 months—seem to fail to develop a protective immune reaction against T.
foetus. Notable lesions in the maternal endometrium and fetal envelopes have been
described only at the time of fetal loss (Parsonson et al. 1976).
322 E. Collántes-Fernández et al.

The mechanisms of pathogenic actions that underlie the loss of the embryo or

fetus are not known with accuracy and may include (1) the direct mechanical action
of the parasite, (2) the adverse effects of enzymes secreted by the parasite, and (3)
the alteration of the intrauterine environment mainly by antiparasitic inflammatory
reactions of an infected dam (reviewed by Bondurant (2005) and Campero and
Cobo (2006)). The increase in the number of microorganisms in the female genital
tract occurs slowly and probably does not produce any relevant damage until this
number exceeds a certain threshold. This fact would explain the long period of time
between infection and loss of the conceptus. T. foetus Infection in Cats

Few studies have examined the interaction of feline T. foetus with intestinal epithe-
lium (recently reviewed by Yao and Köster (2015) and Tolbert and Gookin (2016)).
Recent studies examining T. foetus infection in a co-culture model with monolayers
of porcine intestinal epithelial cells suggest that adhesion to the intestinal epithe-
lium occurs by means of specific receptor-ligand interactions (Tolbert et al. 2013).
Pathogenesis of T. foetus on the intestinal epithelial cells has been suggested to be
both contact-dependent and contact-independent. In the former, a cytopathic effect
is mainly exerted via apoptosis induced by cell-associated proteases, whereas extra-
cellular proteases are the major players in contact-independent cytotoxicity.
Extracellular proteases may also play a role in evading complement killing. T. gallinae and T. gallinarum Infections in Birds

The severity of the disease depends on the susceptibility of the infected birds together
with the pathogenic potential of the incriminated strain and the stage of infection (Cooper
and Petty 1988; Cole and Friend 1999). The severity of pathologic lesions of T. gallinae
in the upper digestive tract varies from a mild inflammation of the mucosa to caseous
areas that block the esophageal lumen (Stabler 1954). Some virulent strains are able to
create diphtheritic membranes—associated with fibrinous lesions in internal organs such
as the liver, lungs, and peritoneum—resulting in high mortality (Narcisi et  al. 1991).
Strains of moderate virulence are often associated with caseous abscesses in the upper
digestive tract and oropharyngeal region, whereas no appreciable lesions are produced by
avirulent strains (Cole and Friend 1999). In vitro, T. gallinae proliferation has been asso-
ciated with a disintegration of the cell monolayer, and genetically different T. gallinae
isolates caused diverse magnitudes of cytopathic effects on different cell lines (Amin
et al. 2012a). However, little is known concerning the mechanism by which T. gallinae
causes pathological changes in its hosts. Proteolytic proteins secreted by the parasite have
been identified as contributing to the detachment of a cell monolayer (Amin et al. 2012b).
Various studies investigated the pathogenicity of T. gallinarum either in naturally
infected chickens and turkeys or via experimental infection, with contradicting out-
comes as reviewed by Amin et al. (2014). Recent studies have shown that in vitro,
T. gallinarum has no destructive effect on cells and, in vivo, did neither produce
clinical signs nor macroscopic or microscopic lesions in turkeys and specified
pathogen-free chickens (Amin et al. 2011).
14  Trichomonas 323

14.2 Clinical Effects and Diagnosis


14.2.1 Clinical Effects Cattle
The clinical effects produced by the disease occur only in female cattle, causing
early abortion and temporary infertility (reviewed by BonDurant (1997, 2005,
2007), Yule et al. (1989a), Rae and Crews (2006)). In males, T. foetus infection is
asymptomatic and affects neither semen quality nor sexual behavior, but bulls can
shed the organism indefinitely (Parsonson et al. 1974; Rhyan et al. 1999).
The parasite multiplication causes inflammation of the endometrium, cervical,
and vaginal mucous membranes in cows or heifers following the infection at
breeding (Parsonson et  al. 1976; Rhyan et  al. 1988; Anderson et  al. 1996).
Consequently, signs of mild vaginitis, cervicitis, or endometritis, such as mucopu-
rulent vaginal discharge, may be observed, although generally there are no overt
signs. Conception apparently proceeds normally, but almost all conceptuses are
lost at some time early in gestation with early fetal death and resorption but also
abortion—with a peak loss at 70–90 days (Parsonson et al. 1976; Bielanski et al.
2004). Infection can result in fetal maceration and pyometra. The consequence is
infertility (Parsonson et  al. 1976; BonDurant 1985; Ball et  al. 1987; Anderson
et al. 1996). Abortions of fetuses typically occur around 2 months of gestational
age. Abortions of fetuses older than 4  months of gestational age due to tricho-
monosis have been occasionally reported. If the affected cow undergoes early
fetal loss, it may cycle regularly without showing any signs but a prolonged inter-
estrous interval (BonDurant 1985). Pyometra occurs in less than 5% of infected
cows and is followed—as the corpus luteum of pregnancy is maintained—by a
large purulent response (Rhyan et al. 1988); pyometra is probably a result of bac-
terial contamination that occurs at the time of fetal loss, when the cervix is likely
to relax sufficiently to admit contamination from outside the environment (Rhyan
et al. 1995a). Cows that are infected with T. foetus typically clear the infection
within a few months, i.e., after three cycles (Parsonson et  al. 1976). Immunity,
however, is not permanent, and the cow will be subject to reinfection and embry-
onic death in subsequent breeding periods, and, as mentioned earlier, some
infected cows may carry infections into the next breeding season (Skirrow 1987;
Mancebo et al. 1995).
In an infected herd, bovine tritrichomonosis is associated with lowered fertility.
The usual signs in the herd include return to estrus 1–3 months after breeding. At
pregnancy exam time, a number of early pregnancies and open cows are observed.
The period of infertility may last for another 2–6 months as a result of the infection.
Other clinical features of the disease in the herd include many services per concep-
tion, poor pregnancy rates, long calving intervals, and calf crop reduction. In addi-
tion, the calving season is spread out causing batches of calves of different ages
with a wide variation in weaning weights (Clark et al. 1983a; McCool et al. 1988;
Rae 1989; Collantes-Fernandez et al. 2014).
324 E. Collántes-Fernández et al. Cats

T. foetus is recognized as an important cause of diarrhea in domestic cats. Typical clini-

cal signs in natural infections are chronic or intermittent large bowel diarrhea, which
can vary from subclinical to intractable (reviewed by Gookin et  al. (1999), Gookin
et al. (2001), Foster et al. (2004), Manning (2010), Yao and Köster (2015)). The feces
are described as yellow-green in color, gassy, and malodorous with typical signs of
colitis including fresh blood, mucus, fecal incontinence, tenesmus, and flatulence. The
consistency of the feces can vary from liquid to semi-formed or cow pat (Stockdale
et al. 2009). Severe cases may be accompanied by marked inflammation of the anal
region, fecal incontinence, and rectal prolapse (Gookin et al. 1999; Foster et al. 2004;
Tolbert and Gookin 2009; Bell et al. 2010). In addition, some infected cats have been
reported showing systemic signs including anorexia, depression, vomiting, and weight
loss (Stockdale et al. 2009). Mortality is extremely rare and only reported in kittens and
is presumably caused by endotoxic shock because of deep lesions in the colonic
mucosa (Holliday et al. 2009). The majority of infected cats maintain good body condi-
tion and appetite without signs of systemic illness (Gookin et al. 1999, 2001; Tolbert
and Gookin 2009). The long-term prognosis for T. foetus-infected cats is usually good
and most will eventually overcome the infection. Remission could take between
4 months and 3 years, with irregular episodes of diarrhea of variable length (Gookin
et  al. 1999, 2004). No abnormalities are routinely noted on hematology and serum
biochemistry profile of some cats, though they remain infected and continue shedding
the organism despite clinical improvement, i.e. these cats represent asymptomatic car-
riers. (Manning 2010). Some positive cats were also infected with other pathogens, like
Cryptosporidium spp., Giardia spp., coccidian, or feline immunodeficiency virus
(Gookin et al. 1999; Stockdale et al. 2009); concurrent infections may contribute and
increase susceptibility and vulnerability to intestinal disease in infected cats. Other Animals

In birds the two trichomonad species T. gallinarum and T. gallinae are commonly
found (reviewed by Amin et al. (2014)). T. gallinarum parasitizes the large intestine
of gallinaceous and anseriform birds. T. gallinarum induces usually a latent infec-
tion in the absence of clinical signs and lesions, and it is not clear whether T. gal-
linarum should be regarded a primary pathogen (Amin et al. 2011; Friedhoff et al.
1991). However, the presence of T. gallinarum may aggravate primary diseases—
e.g., caused by Histomonas meleagridis—and coinfections have been observed
(Grabensteiner and Hess 2006). T. gallinae is of veterinary and economic impor-
tance, as it causes avian trichomonosis, a disease with important medical and com-
mercial implications, which is known as pigeon canker, canker, roup, or Gelber
Knopf (Amin et  al. 2014). T. gallinae is located in the upper digestive tract of
pigeons, causing lesions (BonDurant and Honigberg 1994). The disease is charac-
terized by greenish fluid and caseous lesions—whitish-yellowish fibrinous mate-
rial—on the oropharyngeal membranes that can block the lumen of the esophagus
impairing drinking and feeding. Clinical signs associated with avian trichomonosis
are loss of appetite, vomiting, ruffled feathers, diarrhea, dysphagia, dyspnea, weight
loss, increased thirst, inability to stand or to maintain balance, and a pendulous crop
14  Trichomonas 325

(Narcisi et al. 1991). Death may occur within 3 weeks of infection. Infected birds

can also remain asymptomatic due to the infection with avirulent strains of tricho-
monads or a lower susceptibility as seen in older birds. Avian trichomonosis may
also affect domestic fowl; in earlier studies severe outbreaks have been recorded in
chickens and turkeys, but we are not aware on recent cases (Hawn 1937).

14.2.2 Diagnosis Diagnostic Techniques

In cattle, the prescribed test for international trade is the identification of T. foetus by
culture or PCR—World Organization for Animal Health (OIE), OIE Terrestrial
Manual. The OIE Terrestrial Manual provides protocols for sampling, sample trans-
portation, transport medium, culture media, culture conditions, and how to read out
the culture test. In addition, the OIE Terrestrial Manual also provides recommenda-
tions for PCR analyses, which can be applied in combination either with or after
culture as an ancillary test or—more often—direct as the primary test to examine
bovine samples—i.e., preputial material, uterine or vaginal secretions, or abomasal
content of aborted fetuses. Protocols to diagnose bovine tritrichomonosis have been
described in detail previously (Sager et al. 2007). To diagnose T. foetus infection in
cattle, PCR tests may have a higher or at least the same sensitivity as culture tests but
have several advantages, because parasites in the sample do not need to be viable and
PCR results are rapidly available in contrast to results of culture tests. On the other
hand, culture tests are superior to PCR because of their relative easiness (Yao 2013).
In cats, both cultivation and PCR tests are regarded as optimal methods for a
sensitive and specific detection of T. foetus in fecal samples, although currently
PCR is regarded as the gold standard assay for diagnosis of feline T. foetus infection
since detection is independent from parasite viability (Gookin et  al. 2002, 2004;
Manning 2010; Yao and Köster 2015). Under optimized conditions, PCR is the
method of choice when samples have to be shipped—e.g., from practitioner to a
veterinary laboratory. Similar to T. foetus in cattle, the success of cultivation tests is
largely dependent on the viability of T. foetus in the sample (Hale et al. 2009).
In birds infected by T. gallinae, an immediate diagnosis by direct microscopy of
material collected via swabbing the oral cavity during clinical examination or nec-
ropsy is possible. Also, T. gallinarum can be observed in fecal material collected
from birds—e.g., by swabbing cloacae. However, although the direct detection by
light microscopy is fast and inexpensive, it is regarded as insensitive, and low num-
bers of parasites may not be detected (Amin et al. 2014). Also in birds the use of
cultivation for the detection of trichomonads is clearly superior in sensitivity as
compared to direct microscopy (Cooper and Petty 1988; Bunbury et al. 2005). Direct Microscopic Examination

In fresh samples it is possible to diagnose the infection with trichomonads by a
direct light microscopical examination. Optimal is a 200 to 400-fold magnification.
It is advantageous to pre-warm slides, to retain motility of trichomonads. A drop of
326 E. Collántes-Fernández et al.

physiological saline is added to the slide, mixed with a nearly equal volume of

material collected, and mounted with a coverslip.

It is possible to apply conventional light microscopy—either using a conven-
tional up-light or an inverted microscope—, phase-contrast microscopy, or dark-
field microscopy. In phase-contrast microscopy, it is easier to see flagella. In
dark-field microscopy, trichomonads appear as small rolling luminescent footballs.
In conventional light microscopy, trichomonads are identified by their characteristic
movement, which is described as rolling and jerky. They are flashing, due to their
rolling movements. The presence of multiple anterior flagella and the characteristic
refractile undulating membrane can be observed. However, one disadvantage of
direct microscopy is that at the resolution of a conventional laboratory microscope,
the exact number of anterior flagella cannot be determined.
The specificity of direct microscopy is very limited. The identification of the
trichomonad species observed by this method is not possible, and confirmatory PCR
analyses are necessary. For inexperienced examiners it might be difficult to differ-
entiate trichomonads from other intestinal parasites—e.g., Giardia spp. in cat feces
(Yao and Köster 2015). Also the intestinal commensal trichomonad Pentatrichomonas
hominis might be misinterpreted as T. foetus.
Another disadvantage of direct microscopy is its low sensitivity. A sample is only
positive, if it contains a sufficient number of parasites per milliliter specimen. For
example, in cats, the fecal examination by direct microscopy is reported to have a
diagnostic sensitivity of only about 14%, and also in bovine tritrichomonosis, direct
examination is estimated to be 25% less sensitive than culture diagnosis (Gookin
et al. 2004; Sager et al. 2007).
The advantage of direct microscopy as diagnostic tool is its speed and the low
cost of examination. This is the reason why direct microscopy is often used by prac-
titioners for the examination of T. foetus in cats and T. gallinae infection in birds
(Forrester and Foster 2008; Amin et al. 2014).
Staining of trichomonads is possible using a number of stains, including Giemsa,
silver, iron hematoxylin, malachite green, methylene blue, Papanicolaou, and acri-
dine orange (Amin et al. 2011). A fast and inexpensive staining protocol—Giemsa
or Diff-Quick and iodine—has been reported (Lun and Gajadhar 1999). Single
parasites might be easier to inspect; however, the chance to find small numbers of
parasites in a sample might decrease because parasites can no longer be identified
by their characteristic movement or flashing essential for parasite identification in
low concentrated samples. In tissues, the use of hematoxylin-eosin (HE) and peri-
odic acid-Schiff (PAS) stains was proven to be advantageous for identification of the
flagellates, especially in organs that contained only a few protozoal cells (Amin
et al. 2011, 2014). Immunohistochemical techniques and in situ hybridization have
been successfully applied to demonstrate trichomonads in histological sections of
cat or bird tissues, respectively (Rhyan et  al. 1995b; Yaeger and Gookin 2005;
Liebhart et al. 2006; Mostegl et al. 2012). Immunohistochemical detection using
monoclonal antibodies against T. foetus has been shown to be a valuable tool
(Hodgson et  al. 1990). A protocol for immunohistochemical detection using the
monoclonal antibody Mab 34.7C4.4 is provided in the OIE Terrestrial Manual
14  Trichomonas 327

(www.oie.int/international-standard-setting/terrestrial-manual). Staining is also


applied to confirm positive cultures by morphological criteria. Culture
In vitro culture can be performed by incubating the samples at 25–37 °C in a growth
medium. If parasites are present, their numbers will multiply in the culture over
time, increasing the likelihood of their detection. A large number of culture systems
for trichomonads and especially T. foetus have been developed and published.
Presumably the first culture system for an axenic cultivation of T. foetus isolated
from an aborted fetus—i.e., cultivation without bacteria or other living organisms—
was reported by a German microbiologist (Witte 1933). From that time on, numer-
ous reports of further cultivation protocols have been published.
Until now diagnostic culturing is of outmost importance for sensitive diagnosis
of bovine tritrichomonosis. Also in the diagnosis of tritrichomonosis of cats, culti-
vation has been widely used for epidemiological studies or diagnostic purposes
(Tables 14.2 and 14.3).
In bovine tritrichomonosis cultivation became an important diagnostic tool, because
parasite numbers in bovine samples—e.g., preputial smegma or cervico-vaginal
mucus—are usually too low to be detected by direct microscopy and a multiplication
of parasites after a few days of cultivation increases the chance to find infected
The number of organisms in preputial secretions has been estimated and ranges
from less than 200/mL up to more than 80,000/mL (Skirrow and BonDurant 1988).
In bovine tritrichomonosis, diagnostic sensitivity of a single culture test on infected
bulls has been estimated to range between 70 and 100% (Skirrow et  al. 1985;
Schönmann et al. 1994; Parker et al. 1999, 2003a, b). In a large field study, includ-
ing 2832 mature bulls from 124 beef herds in Argentina, Bayesian estimation
revealed a diagnostic sensitivity and specificity of 72.0% (59–87%) and 95.4%
(94–96%), respectively (Perez et al. 2006). A repeated testing of bulls—e.g., three
times with intervals of several days—has been shown to increase the diagnostic
sensitivity of the cell culture test close to 100%. Of 29 samples collected from 5
experimentally infected bulls with resting periods of 2–4 days between samplings,
24 (83%) were determined as positive (Mukhufhi et  al. 2003). In another study,
consecutive testing over a period of more than 7 months resulted in the determina-
tion of an infection rate of 100% in 15 bulls (Clark et al. 1971). For bulls from herds
in which T. foetus is endemic, two to four tests per bull may be required to ensure
that the bull is not infected (Parker et al. 1999). A sexual rest of bulls for a minimum
of about 1–2 weeks prior to sampling increases sensitivity (Yule et al. 1989a).
Also for the analysis of females, i.e., after sampling of cervico-vaginal mucus,
sensitivity of cultivation is superior to direct microscopic examination (Simmons
and Laws 1957; Skirrow and BonDurant 1988). In female cattle diagnostic sensitiv-
ity of culture tests has been reported in the range of 56 and 95% (Kimsey et al. 1980;
Goodger and Skirrow 1986; Skirrow and BonDurant 1988; Parsonson et al. 1976).
The infection in females is usually cleared within 3 months, and it is often difficult
to isolate organisms from female cattle in the late stage of their infection.
328 E. Collántes-Fernández et al.

In cats, the culture method is reported to have a detection limit of about 2 × 102

trophozoites and a diagnostic sensitivity from 26.4 to 58.8% (Hale et  al. 2009;
Gookin et al. 2004).
To achieve optimal test sensitivity, it is essential to retain as long as possible
viability of trichomonads after sampling. The number of viable organisms decreases
progressively after sampling (Todorovic and McNutt 1967; Tedesco et  al. 1979;
Reece et al. 1983; Skirrow et al. 1985; Kittel et al. 1998; Bryan et al. 1999; Parker
et al. 1999). Immediate cultivation is ideal but rarely possible. A 1-day delay is
estimated to cause a loss of diagnostic sensitivity of 10% (Sager et  al. 2007).
Sampling the parasite into transportation media providing nutrients has been
shown to be essential for the survival of trichomonads, especially if time between
sampling and starting cultivation is exceeding 2 days (Kimsey et al. 1980; Hale
et al. 2009). An earlier study showed that physiological saline with 5% fetal serum
or lactate Ringer’s solution was effective (Kimsey et  al. 1980). A thyoglycolate
transport medium was also shown to be suitable; however, sensitivity of the subse-
quent cell culture test was slightly lower than after transport using InPouch TF
medium (BioMed Diagnostics, White City, OR, USA). Today the medium used for
later cultivation is often also used as transportation medium—i.e., InPouch TF or
Diamond’s medium (Bryan et al. 1999).
An alternative is the direct sampling into a commercially available transport and
culture kit—InPouch TF—containing a selective medium, a medium optimized for
T. foetus, and a medium repressing the growth of the contaminating bacterial flora.
This commercial transport and culture kit is recommended not only for sampling in
cattle but also for sampling in cats or birds (Thomas et al. 1990; BonDurant 1997;
Gookin et al. 2004; Hale et al. 2009; Yao and Köster 2015).
According to the OIE Terrestrial Manual (www.oie.int/international-standard-
setting/terrestrial-manual), bovine samples—after being added to transport media—
should be protected from exposure to daylight and extremes of temperature, which
should remain above 5 °C and below 38 °C (Bryan et al. 1999). For cat fecal samples,
a storage for 1 to 24 h at room temperature (23–25 °C) was superior to a 4 °C storage
for the same period of time as shown in experiments performed with fecal samples
spiked with different T. foetus concentrations (2 × 102–2 × 104 T. foetus per gram of
feces) (Hale et al. 2009).
Several culture media have been found suitable for the cultivation of trichomo-
nads. Overviews on media have been provided in the OIE Terrestrial Manual, www.
oie.int/international-standard-setting/terrestrial-manual/, and in several reviews
(Skirrow and BonDurant 1988; Sager et al. 2007).
Currently, the most widely used system is InPouch TF, a commercial transport
and cultivation kit (Yao 2013). As noncommercial medium the so-called Diamond’s
medium is widely used, also in epidemiological studies (Tables 14.2 and 14.3).
Modified Diamond’s medium is a trypticase-yeast extract-maltose medium which
in most studies was used modified by the addition of heat-inactivated serum—e.g.,
of 5% heat-inactivated horse or lamb serum (Diamond 1957; Skirrow and BonDurant
1988; Sager et  al. 2007). Both the use of modified Diamond’s medium and the
14  Trichomonas 329

InPouch TF kit are recommended for diagnosis of bovine tritrichomonosis by the


OIE Terrestrial Manual (www.oie.int/international-standard-setting/terrestrial-man-

ual, accessed 22. Febr. 2017).
The InPouch TF kit seems superior to Diamond’s medium to detect T. foetus
infection in bulls (Schönmann et al. 1994; Appell et al. 1993; Mendoza-Ibarra et al.
2012; Yao 2013). As regards the cultivating of cat samples, in one study, the InPouch
TF kit was found to be superior to modified Diamond’s medium (Gookin et  al.
2004); however, in a recent study, comparison of both systems revealed a higher
sensitivity when modified Diamond’s medium was used—ATCC medium 719 (Hale
et al. 2009). A retrospective analysis of data revealed no statistical significant differ-
ences between cultivation with modified Diamond’s medium and InPouch TF.
A modified Plastridge medium containing antibiotics and antifungal agents as
well as heat-inactivated bovine serum was recommended for initial cultivation of
trichomonads and can be applied combined with modified Diamond’s medium for
subsequent procedures—e.g., sub-cultivation (Reece et  al. 1983; Skirrow and
BonDurant 1988; Sager et al. 2007). In studies conducted in Argentina, a commer-
cially available modified Plastridge medium has been applied (Mardones et al. 2008).
The preparation of modified Diamond’s medium and test vials, as well as sample
processing and reading the results of the culture test, is described in the OIE
Terrestrial Manual for bovine samples; many of the recommendations also apply for
processing cat and avian samples (www.oie.int/international-standard-setting/ter-
restrial-manual, accessed 22. Febr. 2017).
Samples collected via preputial scraping—e.g., vigorously by brush, insemina-
tion pipette, or aspiration, usually about 0.5–1 mL—can be inoculated directly on
top of the medium of a test tube, into the transportation medium, or into the upper
chamber of the InPouch TF kit. In contrast, samples collected by preputial washing
need to be centrifuged and the supernatant discarded in order to reduce volume.
Reading the cell culture tests is performed by microscopic detection of the tricho-
monads. To increase specificity of the culture test, it is recommended to confirm
observed parasites by PCR (Campero et al. 2003).
For cats, voided feces sampled directly from the litter box, rectal swabs obtained
from rectal mucous membranes, or feces collected by manual extraction with the aid
of fecal loops or by a colon flush technique can be the starting point for trichomonads
cultivation (Yao and Köster 2015; Manning 2010; Tolbert and Gookin 2009).
In case of T. gallinae-infected birds, a cotton-tipped applicator moistened with
sterile saline is used to swab the oral cavity, and swabs are added to InPouch TF
culture devices or other commercial or noncommercial culture media (Forrester and
Foster 2008; Rogers et al. 2016; Girard et al. 2014; Krone et al. 2005)).
Microscopic detection of culture-growing organisms can be done by light micros-
copy, on a wet mount slide prepared directly from the culture or through the plastic wall
of the InPouch TF kit using a plastic clip provided by the supplier. The motile organ-
isms may be seen under a standard microscope using a 200-fold or higher magnifica-
tion. An inverted microscope may be useful for examining culture flasks containing
culture medium. Culture media should be inspected by microscopic examination at
330 E. Collántes-Fernández et al.

regular daily intervals—from day 1 to day 7 after inoculation (Bryan et al. 1999; Lun

et al. 2000). During the first 4–72 h of culturing, there might be an initial increase of
parasite numbers, subsequently followed by a decrease. Organisms may be identified
on the basis of characteristic morphological features (OIE Terrestrial Manual, www.
oie.int/international-standard-setting/terrestrial-manual, accessed 22. Febr. 2017).
It has been shown for cattle and cats that without test confirmation—e.g., by
using specific PCR or sometimes by using staining or electron microscopy—the
diagnostic specificity of the culture method remains well under 100%. Therefore, a
subsequent PCR analysis of culture-positive samples has been recommended to
avoid false-­positive findings (Parker et  al. 2001; Campero et  al. 2003; Ceplecha
et al. 2013). Intestinal trichomonads were observed in virgin bull samples submitted
for confirmation of InPouch TF culture diagnosis or culture diagnosis using
Sutherland medium (BonDurant et  al. 1999; Michi et  al. 2016). The medium of
InPouch TF-Feline is thought to be highly specific to T. foetus, and the morphologi-
cally similar flagellates P. hominis and Giardia spp. should not survive longer in this
medium than 24 h (Gookin et al. 2003). However, the InPouch TF-Feline medium
seems to be not entirely selective as P. hominis could be successfully cultivated and
identified after 3 days following inoculation of InPouch TF-Feline medium using
cat feces (Ceplecha et al. 2013). DNA Detection

DNA detection has become one of the most important methods for the diagnosis of
infections with trichomonads in cattle and cats. The major advantage of DNA detec-
tion by PCR is that it is independent of parasite viability and contaminating microbes
that may inhibit trichomonad cultivation. Correspondingly, sensitivity of PCR is
often reported to be higher than cultivation and direct microscopical examination
(recently reviewed by Yao (2013)). However, PCR analysis has also a number of
disadvantages since due to its sensitivity it is prone to carry-over and cross-­
contamination. In addition, samples may contain inhibitory components that may
reduce the sensitivity of PCR or even disable amplification. Each lab should vali-
date the entire diagnostic process—including DNA extraction and PCR amplifica-
tion—prior to carry out PCR detection as laboratory-specific conditions, equipment,
or consumables may have an impact on the outcome of the diagnostic process
(Hoorfar et al. 2004; Conraths and Schares 2006).
Preputial material for DNA extraction is generally collected by sheath scraping
combined with aspiration or by sheath washing. Material obtained by scraping may
contain blood or fecal contaminations from outside the preputium, and material col-
lected by preputial washing may contain urine. Blood, fecal components, and urine
may act as PCR inhibitors, and, therefore, it is necessary to minimize or avoid such
contaminations. Analytical sensitivities of PCR protocols are high and usually suf-
ficient to detect the DNA of a single parasite (Table 14.1). In field samples, however,
analytical sensitivity might be much lower and has been reported to be around 100
organisms per sample (Mukhufhi et al. 2003). In an assessment of diagnostic sensi-
tivity carried out with spiked cat feces, ten organisms per 200  mg of feces were

Table 14.1  Veterinary relevant diagnostic PCRs to detect trichomonads

Type of Name of Name of probe (type of Reported Reported
Target PCR primer Primer, 5′–3′ (type of probe) probe) specificity sensitivity Remarks Reference
ITS1/5.8S End-­point TFR1, TFR2 TGC TTC AGT TCA GCG NA NA Amplifies T. One or a Also referred to as Felleisen
14  Trichomonas

rDNA/ GGT CTT CC, CGG TAG foetus, T. suis, T. few pan-­trichomonad (1997)
ITS2 GTG AAC CTG CCG TTG G mobilensis, T. protozoa PCR
vaginalis, T.
gallinae, T. tenax,
P. hominis
(Felleisen et al.
1998) . No
amplification of
bacterial DNA
orpurified bovine
genomic DNA
ITS1/5.8S End-­point TFR3, TFR4 CGG GTC TTC CTA TAT NA NA Amplifies T. One or a Often referred to as Felleisen
rDNA/ GAG ACA GAA CC, CCT foetus, T. suis, T. few T. foetus-specific et al. (1998)
ITS2 GCC GTT GGA TCA GTT mobilensis protozoa PCR
18S End-­point TF211A, CCT GCC GTT GGA TCA NA NA Does not amplify 1 pg T. Reported to Nickel et al.
rDNA, TF211B GTT TCG TTA, GCG CAA Mycoplasma foetus DNA produce few (2002)
ITS1, TGT GCA TTC AAA GAT bovigenitalium, unspecific DNA
5.8S TCG Ureaplasma bands
rDNA diversum, or
bovine genomic

Table 14.1 (continued)

Type of Name of Name of probe (type of Reported Reported
Target PCR primer Primer, 5′–3′’ (type of probe) probe) specificity sensitivity Remarks Reference
ITS1-­5.8S End-­point Tricho-F/ CGG TAG GTG AAC CTG NA NA Amplifies T. NA Used in human Jongwutiwes
rDNA-­ Tricho-R CCG TT (truncated TRF2, foetus, T. suis, T. samples and in a et al. (2000)
ITS2 (Felleisen 1997)), TGC TTC mobilensis based study on cats and
AGT TCA GCG GGT CT on in silico (Profizi et al. 2013) Duboucher
(truncated TRF1 (Felleisen analyses; et al. (2006)
1997)) amplified
18S End-­point Forward, GTA GGT GAA CCT GCC NA NA Amplifies T. Accurate Using diagnostic Grahn et al.
rDNA, reverse GTT G (5’FAM labeled), foetus but also typing is size variants from (2005)
ITS1 and ATG CAA CGT TCT TCA trichomonad possible within the internal
5.8S TCG TG DNAfrom a from both transcribed spacer
rDNA variety of genera; the 1.0 and 1 (ITS1) region.
T. foetus (157 0.1 Incorporation of a
bp), pgtemplates fluorescently
Tetratrichomonas labeled primer
spp. (170–175 enables high
bp), sensitivity and
Pentatrichomonas rapid assessment of
hominis (142 bp) results for species
E. Collántes-Fernández et al.

18S End-­point Forward, Forward primer (Grahn et al. NA NA Amplified T. 0.1 pg Analysis in a 2% Frey et al.
rDNA, reverse 5.8S 2005); TTC AGT TCA GCG foetus (367 bp), agarose gel and by (2009)
ITS1 and primer GGT CTT C Tetratrichomonas using fluorescent-­
5.8S sp. (379 bp), labeled primers and
rDNA Pentatrichomonas 6% polyacrylamide
sp. (333 bp), T. gels; disadvantage:
14  Trichomonas

gallinae (364 bp), too much template

and T. vaginalis makes typing
(363 bp) difficult or
advantage: low
ITS1/5.8S End-­point TFR3, TFR4 TFR3, TFR4, primer NA NA T. foetus-specific Sensitivity Single-tube nested Gookin et al.
rDNA/ nested (external); sequences published in PBS: 1 PCR (2002)
ITS2 TFITS-F, (Felleisen et al. 1998); CTG organism,
(internal) CG, GCA ATG TGC ATT organisms,
CAA AGA TCG 90%; 100
in 200 mg
of feces: 10
90%; 100
ITS1/5.8S Real-­time TFR3, TFR 4 TFR3, TFR4, primer NA NA T. foetus-specific SYBR® qPCR Mueller et al.
rDNA/ sequences published (2015)
ITS2 (Felleisen et al. 1998)

Table 14.1 (continued)

Type of Name of Name of probe (type of Reported Reported
Target PCR primer Primer, 5′–3′’ (type of probe) probe) specificity sensitivity Remarks Reference
5.8S Real-­time T.foeForward GCG GCT GGA TTA GCT T.foeProbe ACA AGT Amplifies T. 3 fg DNA, 5’ Taq nuclease McMillen and
rDNA (TFF2), TTC TTT, GGC GCG CAA (5’FAM/3’MGB- TCG ATC foetus, T. suis, T. 0.1–1 cells assay using a 3’ Lew (2006)
T.foeReverse TGT GCA T NFQ) TTT G mobilensis per assay minor groove
(TFR2) binder-DNA probe;
no need for
SSU End-­point External: External published by NA NA Amplifies NA NA Robinson
rDNA nested 16Sl, 16Sr; Cepicka et al. (2005): TAC Trichomonas sp. et al. (2010)
nternal: TN3, TTG GTT GAT CCT GCC,
internal: ATA GGA CTG
SSU End-­point Tgf, Tgr GCA ATT GTT TCT CCA NA NA Amplifies T. One Cross-reactions Grabensteiner
rDNA GAA GTG, GAT GGC TCT gallinarum protozoon with T. gallinae. and Hess
CTT TGA GCT TG per assay No cross-reactions (2006)
were also observed
with samples from
other protozoa
gondii, Eimeria
spp., E. invadens,
and E. ranarum)
E. Collántes-Fernández et al.

Not End-­point + TF1, TF2 CAT TAT CCC AAA TGG Probe for CAT CAT Amplifies T. Ten or Southern blot Ho et al.
reported southernblot TAT AAC, GTC ATT AAG Southern blot TAA TGC foetus occasionally necessary to (1994)
by probe TAC ATA AAT TC CTT TTG fewer identify specific
ATG GAT protozoa band. A 400 bp
CAG product from
GCA bovine genomic
14  Trichomonas

ACC ATT DNA is amplified.

TAT A Multiple
products from
DNA from a
related organism, T.
Southern blot is
negative for T.
NA not applicable
336 E. Collántes-Fernández et al.

detected in 90% of nested PCR tests, and 100 organisms per 200 mg of feces were

detected in 100% of nested PCR tests (Gookin et al. 2002).

It has been shown that also in PCR diagnosis the likelihood to detect T. foetus
decreases with time between sampling and analysis. In one study it was reported
that diagnostic sensitivity in PCR detection declined from 90% when samples were
stored for 6 h to 31% when they were stored for 5 days (Mukhufhi et al. 2003). It
has been hypothesized that hydrolases secreted by trichomonads are responsible for
this effect (Thomford et al. 1996; Sager et al. 2007). Adding the DNA-stabilizing
agent guanidinium thiocyanate—GuSCN in a final concentration of 200 mmol/L—
or a commercial lysis buffer for sample collection known to preserve DNA for sev-
eral months at room temperature to the transport medium did not improve results
(Mukhufhi et al. 2003; Mendoza-Ibarra et al. 2012). Fecal samples from cats should
be submitted within 24 h after sampling at room temperature or 4 °C.
To prevent amplification of carry-over contaminants, protocols that incorporate
dUTP instead of dTTP as a nucleotide and allow to apply the Uracil-DNA Glycosylase
(UDG) system have been reported (Longo et  al. 1990; Felleisen et  al. 1998).
Contaminating amplicons carried over from previous PCRs can be removed by this
system before a PCR amplification. Possible disadvantages of the UDG system are that
it might become necessary to optimize the reaction mixture used for PCR—e.g., the
MgCl2 concentration—and a standard PCR buffer may not work (Felleisen et al. 1998).
It is essential to monitor the presence of a potential inhibitor in each individual
sample since preputial material, cervico-vaginal mucus, and fecal samples contain
PCR-inhibiting components. There are different possibilities available. The TFR3/
TFR4 PCR protocol includes an artificial internal control DNA carrying TFR3 and
TFR4 sequences—based on pBluescript KS+ DNA—and generates control ampli-
cons, via PCR amplification and composite primers (Table  14.1) (Felleisen et al.
1998; Sager et al. 2007). Internal controls of unrelated DNAs have been integrated
into a 5′ nuclease assay—real-time PCR assays with TaqMan probes. In this type of
assay it is possible to incorporate an unrelated DNA into the sample prior to DNA
purification, which is later amplified in a multiplex assay along with the parasite
DNA but detected by a probe carrying a fluorophore different than that of the para-
site-specific probe. One commercially available T. foetus real-time PCR includes
such a control system (VetMAX™-Gold Trich Detection Kit, Life Technologies).
This principle of inhibition control is becoming more and more popular, also for
in-house assay.
There are many ways, by which DNA from preputial smegma, cervico-vaginal
mucus, fecal samples, oropharyngeal swabs, culture material, and others types of
samples can be extracted. Often commercial kits but also in-house methods have
been applied. Also non-purified but heat-treated samples were used with success
(McMillen and Lew 2006). However, the use of unpurified DNA is prone to inhi-
bition and is not generally recommended. It has been shown that inhibiting com-
ponents could be successfully removed from preputial smegma by 5%
Chelex®-100 and 0.05% agar solution (Chen and Li 2001). However, in another
study, the use of Chelex®-100 caused significantly lower detection rates
(Mendoza-Ibarra et al. 2012).
14  Trichomonas 337

The majority of published diagnostic PCRs for T. foetus are targeting rRNA-

coding genes (rDNA) and their flanking regions (Table 14.1). These regions include
the 18S rRNA gene, the internal transcribed spacer (ITS)1 region, the 5.8S-rRNA
gene, the ITS2 region, and the 28S rRNA gene. One of the first diagnostic PCRs
established—the TFR3/TFR4 PCR—is widely used. The TFR3 primer targets the
3’ end of the 18S rRNA gene and the TFR4 primer the 5′ end of the 28S rRNA gene
(Felleisen et al. 1998). Although this PCR assay is often referred to as being specific
for T. foetus, also DNA of T. mobilensis—an intestinal parasite of squirrel mon-
key—or T. suis is amplified (Table 14.1).
The rRNA gene sequences have been widely used for phylogenetic studies in
Parabasalia to which trichomonads belong. Other genes coding for cysteine protein-
ases—CP1, CP2, and CP4–CP9—and cytosolic malate dehydrogenase 1 (MDH1)
have been used to differentiate T. foetus isolates from cattle and cat or to character-
ize new strains of T. foetus (Kleina et al. 2004; Cepicka et al. 2005, 2006; Gaspar da
Silva et al. 2007; Kolisko et al. 2008; Sun et al. 2012; Slapeta et al. 2012; Casteriano
et  al. 2016). In T. gallinae further genes were used to define lineages (recently
reviewed in Amin et al. (2014)).
Because 18S rRNA genes show limited differences between trichomonads, end-­
point assays have been applied using primers capable to amplify DNA of several
trichomonad species simultaneously (Felleisen 1997). In these PCRs, species diag-
nosis was achieved in a second step, either by PCR-RFLP, by determination of the
precise size of amplification products, or by single-strand conformation polymor-
phism (SSCP) (Hayes et al. 2003; Huby-Chilton et al. 2009).
The TFR3/TFR4 PCR protocol has been modified by using the TFR3/TFR4
primer pair for external amplification followed by an internal newly designed primer
pair in a single-tube nested PCR (Gookin et al. 2002). The TFR3/TFR4 PCR proto-
col has been also modified into a SYBR®-based real-time PCR assay (Mueller et al.
A 5’ nuclease assay—i.e., a real-time PCR applying a TaqMan probe—based on
rRNA gene sequences has been established to detect T. foetus, T. suis, and T.
mobilensis (McMillen and Lew 2006). In this assay a 57 bp region of the 5.8S rRNA
gene region is amplified (Table 14.1). As mentioned earlier in this section, a com-
mercialized 5′’ nuclease assay is available (VetMAX™-Gold Trich Detection Kit)
which has been used in epidemiological studies on T. foetus of cattle in Southern
Africa (Casteriano et al. 2016). Serological Techniques

Serological and other antibody detection tests have been established. However, they
are of no importance for the diagnosis of trichomonosis. These tests include:

• Agglutination and hemolytic tests. In T. foetus-infected cows, antibodies

appear in the cervicovaginal mucus about 6 weeks after infection and persist
for several months (Pierce 1947). A mucus agglutination test detected 32% (57
of 178) of cows in naturally infected herds, and no cows from clean herds
tested positive (Pierce 1949). The mucus agglutination test was shown to be
338 E. Collántes-Fernández et al.

specific as no cross-reactions with Campylobacter fetus or Brucella abortus


has been observed. However, the reliability of the test was strongly influenced
by the type of mucus. The mucus agglutination test was regarded as herd test
(Pierce 1949).
• A serum agglutination tests, similar to the mucus agglutination test, did not
show results that correlated well with the T. foetus infection status of cows (Kerr
• A hemolytic assay has been established which showed in female cattle a diag-
nostic specificity of 96% and a diagnostic sensitivity of 94% (BonDurant et al.
1996). However, only 43% of chronically infected bulls tested positive when this
test was applied (BonDurant et al. 1996).
• Indirect ELISAs to detect parasite-specific antibodies. An indirect ELISA
(iELISA) based on the TF1.17 surface antigen of T. foetus showed promising
results when tested with cervico-vaginal mucus of heifers (Ikeda et  al. 1995).
TF1.17 surface antigen-specific IgG1, IgA, and IgM antibodies in the smegma of
bulls naturally infected with T. foetus—as determined and measured by ELISA—
were observed concurrently with T. foetus-positive smegma cultures (Rhyan
et al. 1999); to the best of our knowledge, this approach was not further elabo-
rated. In vaccination studies, IgG1, IgG2, IgA, and IgE responses were moni-
tored in the preputial secretions or in sera of bulls by using a whole T. foetus cell
antigen preparation for ELISA (Cobo et al. 2009).
• An iELISA coated with whole T. foetus parasites and fixed with ethanol was
used to determine an isotype-specific antibody response in the reproductive
tract secretions and sera of T. foetus-infected heifers (Skirrow and BonDurant
1990a). In cervical and vaginal secretions, parasite-specific IgA and IgG1 anti-
bodies predominated 7–12 weeks after infection, while in serum, parasite-spe-
cific IgG1 and IgG2 antibodies were detected. Interestingly, elevated antibody
levels were observed after reinfection using this iELISA (Skirrow and
BonDurant 1990a). A similar iELISA with immobilized whole T. foetus para-
sites was used to monitor the T. foetus-antibody response in immunized heifers
naturally challenged by being bred with a naturally infected bull (Cobo et al.
2002). The presented serological tests have not been used or validated for rou-
tine diagnostic purposes.

An iELISA has been also used under experimental conditions to detect antibod-
ies against T. gallinarum and T. gallinae in poultry (Amin et  al. 2011). For this
iELISA, the plates were coated with T. gallinarum parasites in carbonate buffer per
well. Intradermal Test

Analogous to the tuberculin test, a Tricin test has been developed to identify T.
foetus-infected cattle or herds (Kerr 1944). The antigen used for an intradermal
Tricin test has been prepared by fixation of cultured T. foetus parasites using trichlo-
roacetic acid. Skin reactions—i.e., an increase in skin thickness—were read
30–60 min after the application of the antigen. This test was regarded to represent a
herd test (Kerr 1944).
14  Trichomonas 339 Antigen Detection


Attempts to develop a sensitive and specific diagnostic antigen test for detecting T.
foetus antigen in cervico-vaginal mucus have failed (Yule et  al. 1989b). However,
immunohistochemical techniques have been successfully applied to demonstrate
trichomonads in histological sections (Rhyan et al. 1995b; Yaeger and Gookin 2005).
For immunohistochemical detection, monoclonal antibodies developed to character-
ize T. foetus antigens revealed to be valuable tools (Hodgson et al. 1990). A protocol
for immunohistochemical detection by using the monoclonal antibody Mab 34.7C4.4
is provided in the OIE Terrestrial Manual (www.oie.int/international-standard-setting/
terrestrial-manual, accessed, 22. Febr. 2017). Diagnosis in Different Hosts

Diagnosis in Cattle
A tentative diagnosis of trichomonosis as a cause of reproductive failure in a herd is
based on the clinical history, signs of early abortion, repeated returns to service, or
irregular estrous cycles. Confirmation of infection depends on the demonstration of
the organism in placental fluid, stomach contents of the aborted fetus, uterine wash-
ings, pyometra discharge, vaginal mucus, or preputial smegma. In infected herds,
the most reliable material for diagnosis is preputial scrapings (Kittel et al. 1998;
Mukhufhi et al. 2003; Parker et al. 1999; Schönmann et al. 1994).
Bulls are the main reservoir for the parasite. Control programs focus on identify-
ing and culling infected bulls and nonpregnant cows carrying the parasite. Prevention
of transmission of the disease through culling practices relies on the ability to iden-
tify infected animals accurately.
Advances in cell culture and polymerase chain reaction (PCR) have increased the
ability to detect the disease in bulls. However, the collection of an adequate sample
is of outmost importance, as this step affects sensitivity, specificity, and repeatabil-
ity. The low repeatability observed with most sample collection techniques can
cause false-negative results. The most efficient method of sampling vaginal and
preputial secretions is insertion of an insemination/infusion pipette inside the vagi-
nal fornix or preputial cavity and performing short strokes while concurrently aspi-
rating secretions (Cobo et al. 2007). Vagina or preputial cavity can be washed with
PBS to recover more organisms, although this usually dilutes the sample.
Alternatively, preputial secretions can be collected by scraping with a plastic or
metal brush, with no significant differences in culture sensitivity compared to using
a pipette (Tedesco et al. 1979; Parker et al. 1999).

Diagnosis in Bulls
Routine herd diagnosis is optimally performed on bulls and not on females, because
bulls remain permanently infected while in most female cattle infection is only tran-
sient. In addition, sampling of bulls reduces costs as preputial samples have to be
taken only from a smaller number of bulls. Diagnosis in the bull involves collecting,
transporting, and culturing the sample in special growth media and tentatively iden-
tifying the organism by microscopic examination. Finally a confirmation of detection
using PCR has to be carried out to confirm a T. foetus infection (Fig. 14.4). If samples
340 E. Collántes-Fernández et al.

2. Preputial massage 3. Scrape the

preputial mucosa

1. Trichotomy and
cleaning the preputial
4. Wash the
scraper in
PBS or
6. Transport
without cooling

7. Culture and PCR 5. Use the

suspension as
inoculum for
culture media or
DNA extraction

Fig. 14.4  Collection of preputial smegma samples and diagnostic methods for bovine

are processed by PCR, the use of pooled direct preputial samples is possible.
However, this strategy required repeated sampling to optimize sensitivity (Garcia
Guerra et al. 2013). Optimally, all bulls belonging to the same herd should be sam-
pled. In those herds in which periodic sanitary control is carried out without previous
history of venereal diseases and with good pregnancy rates, at least two consecutive
samplings of all bulls should be performed, with a minimum of 1 or 2 weeks time
between them (Skirrow et al. 1985; Kimsey et al. 1980). Consecutive testing is nec-
essary due to the low diagnostic sensitivity of an individual test. If both samplings
revealed negative results, the herd can be considered tritrichomonosis free.
Some recommendations have to be taken into account at the time of sampling:

• It is generally recommended to allow a sexual rest of about at least 1–2 weeks

before taking a preputial sample to allow a repopulation of microorganisms in
the preputial cavity and increase diagnostic sensitivity.
• It is important to have adequate facilities to perform preputial sampling particu-
larly when sampling a large number of bulls to avoid accidents and injuries.
• The bulls should remain in a pen, without access to water approximately 12 h
prior to sampling. This will prevent urination during sampling.
• The external preputial area must be cleaned with disposable paper towels with-
out soap or disinfectants, and—if necessary—preputial hairs should be trimmed
to prevent contamination.
14  Trichomonas 341

The presence of T. foetus seems to be confined to the preputial cavity, and T.


foetus is localized in the preputial secretions and does not invade the epithelium of
the penis or prepuce (Parsonson et al. 1974). T. foetus could not be cultured from the
epididymis, ampulla, seminal vesicle, pelvic urethra, or testis. Macroscopic and
microscopic examination of the genital tracts of infected bulls did not reveal any
lesions populated by T. foetus (Parsonson et al. 1974).
A number of techniques for collecting preputial samples from bulls have been
described (INTA, 2014, Técnicas de muestreo para el diagnóstico de enfermedades
venéreas en bovinos, https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=G-1StrWaHKA, accessed
21. Febr. 2017; Navajo Technical College, 2012, Veterinary Technicians perform
Trich testing, https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lp8fpDVDOCE, accessed 21.
Febr. 2017). In all these protocols, it is important to avoid contaminations, as this
may introduce intestinal protozoa or PCR-inhibiting contaminants. Samples can be
collected from bulls by scraping the preputial and penile mucosa with an artificial
insemination pipette or scraper, by preputial lavage, or by washing the artificial
vagina after semen collection (Cobo et al. 2007; Tedesco et al. 1979; Parker et al.
1999). The latter technique is not recommended as its sensitivity may be lower
(Ostrowsky et al. 1974; Parker et al. 1999).
The collection of the preputial smegma can be carried out by using different

• A Cassou insemination pipette (Cassou straws, IMV Technologies, L’Aigle,

France) covered by a plastic sheath. Inside the preputial cavity, the pipette is
pulled forward through the plastic sheath to expose the tip and moved back and
forward in short strokes adjacent to the glans penis, especially near the fornix,
while aspirating and massaging the glands penis to release greater amounts of
smegma into the pipette. A new plastic sheath is used for each bull (Cobo et al.
• A sterile, dry, plastic insemination/infusion pipette of 43  cm length with a
10–15 mL syringe attached to one end is placed into the preputial fornix. The
pipette is scraped vigorously across the preputial epithelium without aspiration,
and then negative pressure is applied with the syringe to collect preputial
smegma. The negative pressure is released before removing the pipette from the
sheath, to avoid aspiration of urine or other contaminants. After removing the
pipette from the sheath, the sample is placed immediately into a transport or
culture medium. A new syringe and pipette are used for each bull (Rodning et al.
• A plastic or metal scraping instrument of approximately 70 cm in length, having
at the anterior end a grooved surface of approximately 10 cm in length by 0.8 cm
in diameter, which is used to perform scraping of the preputial mucosa. The
scraper is introduced into the preputial mucosa by performing 20–30 movements
back and forward. It is then carefully withdrawn from the preputial cavity, avoid-
ing contamination with the external part of the foreskin (Terzolo et al. 1992). The
aspiration method for the collection of preputial secretions for cultural examina-
tion continues to be used although a specially designed scraping instrument was
342 E. Collántes-Fernández et al.

reported to possess advantages (Bartlett et al. 1947; Clark et al. 1971; Stuka and

Katai 1969).
• A gauze sponge, which to our knowledge is rarely used. In this procedure, the penis
is extended by electrostimulation with a rectal probe. Once extended, a 16-ply gauze
sponge is used to wipe around the glans and down the penile shaft and exposed
preputial mucosa two to three times. Recently, it has been demonstrated that sponge
sampling of T. foetus from bulls is a valid method (Dewell et al. 2016). The method
facilitates easier collection once the penis is extended and is potentially safer for the
veterinarian and the bull. Additionally, the gauze sponge method might be slightly
more sensitive than the pipette method (Dewell et al. 2016).

After collection the material has to be inoculated in corresponding transport or cul-

ture media and should arrive at the laboratory within 24–36 h; during transportation, the
sample should be protected from exposure to daylight and extremes of temperature.

Diagnosis in Heifers and Cows

Initially, the uterus was regarded as the definitive and persistent site of infection
while the vagina was considered to be a relatively unreliable source of T. foetus for
diagnosis (Bartlett 1947). Subsequently, however, the persistence of T. foetus in the
vagina and/or cervix for periods up to 95 days post-infection was shown, and it was
established that samples collected from vagina and the uterine cervix allow a reli-
able and accurate diagnosis (Parsonson et al. 1976). More recent studies of naturally
infected cows reconfirmed that the cervix belongs to the preferred site of parasite
location (Skirrow and BonDurant 1990b). The numbers of parasites present in the
cervical-vaginal mucus fluctuate during the estrus cycle, and the largest numbers are
seen a few days before estrus.
The time a cow remains infected was significantly longer for cows experiencing
their first, mean 20.3 weeks, than for those experiencing either their second, mean
9.8 weeks, or their third period of infection, mean 11 weeks. However, the rate of
isolation of T. foetus from samples of vaginal mucus collected from cows remained
similar—mean 83.5%—irrespective of the period of infection or whether the cows
showed normal fertility, infertility, or abortion (Clark et al. 1986).
The efficiency of diagnosis in cows increased with temporal proximity between
the initial infection and the time of sampling (Clark et al. 1986). It is important to
note that the detection of positive females is of value for the initial detection of the
infection in a herd. However, it is not useful for a subsequent disease control because
cows usually clear their infection and generally become immune, at least for the
actual breeding season (BonDurant 1997; Fitzgerald 1986). Sampling should be per-
formed when females with conception failures are observed or at the time of rectal
palpation in nonpregnant females. Culture sensitivity is lower in cows than in bulls.
However, it is important to point out that the optimal period for sampling is near the
end of the service period (Skirrow and BonDurant 1990b; Terzolo et al. 1992).
Uterine and vaginal secretions can be collected in cows that have aborted, in
those that have not been pregnant, or heifers. To perform the extraction of
cervico-vaginal mucus, a sterile, dry, plastic 43 cm insemination pipette with a
14  Trichomonas 343

10  mL syringe attached to one end or a Cassou insemination pipette (44  cm


long × 0.64 cm outer diameter × 0.32 cm inner diameter; Cassou straws, IMV

Technologies, L’Aigle, France) can be used. Opening the lips of vulva without
having to fix the cervix rectally, the pipette is inserted in a dorsal-cranial direc-
tion into the vagina. After the pipette has been inserted, slight anteroposterior
and circular movements are executed, performing aspiration simultaneously.
The vacuum generated is usually sufficient to extract the cervical-vaginal
mucus, which will vary in quantity and consistency depending on the moment
of the estrous cycle in which it is extracted. In a low percentage of animals, the
volume of mucus extracted may be scarce. In this case it is possible to introduce
5 mL of phosphate-buffered saline solution by performing a wash with subse-
quent extraction.
The use of a “screwhead scraper rod” for collecting of samples from the
cervico-vaginal mucosa proved to be a practical method and calls for further com-
parative evaluation with other standard methods in use (Abbitt and Ball 1978).
Apart from other extraction techniques, also the Bartlett glass pipette procedure,
which is rarely used because it is complicated and the equipment often inaccessible,
has been described (Hammond and Bartlett 1943).

Fetal Diagnosis
When abortion occurs, T. fetus can be isolated from placental fluids or cotyledons.
However, the high degree of contamination of this material limits its use. Isolations
can be made from samples taken from the fetal mouth. Swabbing the mucosa of the
tongue and roof of the mouth has been recommended (Case and Keefer 1938).
Nevertheless, the place where T. foetus is most consistently isolated is the abomasal
fluid. The sample can be taken with sterile syringe and needle. Once the abomasum
content has been extracted, it can be sent to the laboratory in the same syringe or can
be inoculated in transport or cultured medium.

Diagnosis in Cats
The diagnosis of feline trichomonosis has been reviewed comprehensively (Tolbert
and Gookin 2009; Manning 2010; Yao and Köster 2015). T. foetus infection is sus-
pected in cats with recent—less than 6 months lasting—clinical signs of chronic
large bowel diarrhea, in young, purebred cats, from densely housed origin. Routine
coprological methods, like flotation-sedimentation or sodium acetate-acetic acid-­
formalin concentration (SAF), destroy or fix trichomonads, respectively, and fixa-
tion causes the loss of their characteristic movement which makes them hard to be
Currently, the preferred diagnostic methods for feline trichomonosis include
visualization of the organism in direct smears or culture or T. foetus DNA detection
by PCR (Gookin et  al. 2001, 2002, 2004; Levy et  al. 2003; Foster et  al. 2004).
Histopathological examinations of colon, cecum, and ileum samples are not rou-
tinely used but can be helpful to diagnose a feline tritrichomonosis.
It is important to mention that parasite shedding in feces is erratic throughout the
course of infection being occasionally so low that it cannot be detected by
344 E. Collántes-Fernández et al.

diagnostic techniques. Consequently, it is advisable to resample cats showing clini-


cal signs that have been tested negative or to increase diagnostic sensitivity by using
more than one test method—e.g., culture and PCR (Gookin et al. 2002). Cats should
not receive any antibiotics within several days prior to or at the time of testing.
Samples consist of fresh voided feces taken directly from the litter box, rectal
swabs, and manual collection with the aid of fecal loops or by a colon flush tech-
nique (revised in Manning (2010), Yao and Köster (2015), Tolbert and Gookin
(2009)). Samples collected with a fecal loop or by the colon flush technique are
preferable. The technique of colon flush is demonstrated in a video clip the North
Carolina State University, College of Veterinary Medicine website (http://www.
youtube.com/watch?v=JMfZ9M80V8E, accessed 22. Febr. 2017). Freshly voided
or diarrheic feces are considered ideal for testing whereas samples obtained from
normal or dry stools are believed to be less suitable (Tolbert and Gookin 2009).
A diagnostic approach based on direct fecal smears, which may reveal motile
trophozoites, can be employed during examination at pet clinics. Samples are sus-
pended in saline and examined immediately under a cover slip at 200 to 400-fold
magnification using a light or, preferably, a phase-contrast microscope (Fig. 14.5).
Although direct smears represent a cheap, quick, and readily available technique,
the sensitivity of microscopic examination of a direct fecal smear is low. The diag-
nostic sensitivity of a direct smear using samples from naturally infected cats has
been shown to be only 14% in one study, but sensitivity can be increased by analyz-
ing multiple fecal smears (Gookin et al. 2004). Other challenge associated with this
diagnostic procedure is the skill of the practitioner in identifying motile trichomo-
nads. T. foetus cannot precisely be distinguished by microscopical examination
from P. hominis and is often misdiagnosed as Giardia spp. (Tolbert and Gookin
2009; Manning 2010; Yao and Köster 2015). A video clip demonstrating the classic
jerky motility has been provided by the North Carolina State University, College of
Veterinary Medicine website (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=aF06jlbcF8E;
accessed 22. Febr. 2017). The presence of Giardia spp. can be confirmed by a fecal
enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay for Giardia-specific antigen. Differentiation

Fig. 14.5 Microscopic
detection of
Tritrichomonas foetus
trophozoites (arrows) in
feline feces (200×
14  Trichomonas 345

of Giardia spp. and T. foetus is crucial to avoid a useless initiation of tritrichomono-


sis therapy using potentially neurotoxic ronidazole.

In vitro culture of T. foetus can be started by incubating the sample feces in a
suitable growth medium (Gookin et al. 2001, 2003). Diagnostic kits—for example,
the InPouch TF-Feline test kit—can be an attractive option for the clinical practice
due to the commercial availability, a shelf life of a year, and the simplicity of use.
Sample submission requirement for in vitro culture diagnostic includes the collec-
tion of fresh feces—roughly the size of a lima bean—and the use of transport-­
growth media, InPouch TF or modified Diamond’s media. It is recommended to
dilute the fecal samples in PBS or physiological saline—to about 1 to 20 v/v—to
create a homogenous mixture with a semiliquid consistency to be used as the inocu-
lum for the culture medium, reducing the bacteria burden in the sample (Arranz-­
Solis et  al. 2016). Furthermore, it is crucial for a reliable diagnosis of feline
trichomonosis to keep the time delay from sample collection to processing as short
as possible, given the environmental fragility of T. foetus trophozoites (Gookin et al.
2004). In order to maximize the diagnostic sensitivity, cat feces should be inocu-
lated into the culture within a 6-h period after voiding and to be submitted at room
temperature—23 to 25 °C—to a specialized diagnostic laboratory within 24 h (Hale
et al. 2009). False-negative findings can be due to refrigeration or delayed process-
ing of feces.
After culture initiation, samples are then incubated at room temperature or at
37  °C; incubation at room temperature made more robust and long-lived cultures
(Gookin et  al. 2003). Cultures are examined microscopically periodically up to
7 days—normally every 24–48 h—on a wet mount slide prepared directly from the
culture or through the plastic wall of the InPouch TF kit. Most of the microscopically
positive culture samples are detected 72 h post-incubation. It has to be mentioned that
the diagnosis by culture is more difficult for cats than for bovines due to the nature of
the feces sample. As feces are directly cultured in enriched media, bacterial and/or
fungal contamination is more likely to arise. Bacterial contamination severely impairs
the culture of T. foetus and is able to reduce the sensitivity of the culture method.
Incubation at 37 °C shows a quicker positive result but also more bacterial overgrowth
potentially inhibiting the growth of T. foetus. If the commercial InPouch TF-Feline
test kit is used, an accumulation of gas within the pouches due to an overgrowth of
fecal flora is a commonly observed problem. Moreover, T. foetus and related parasites
are hard to distinguish with light microscopy because of the similar morphology.
Culture-positive samples require confirmation by PCR because also other trichomo-
nads like P. hominis are able to grow (Ceplecha et al. 2013).
Molecular diagnosis is becoming more widely available than culturing the organ-
ism. Under optimized conditions, a direct diagnosis by PCR—i.e., without a prior
cell culture test—offers a highly specific and a sensitive diagnostic alternative also
able to detect nonviable parasites. Moreover, PCR is the method of choice to confirm
positive results by culture. It is important to monitor a potential PCR inhibition in
each individual sample. The choice of an appropriate DNA extraction technique
greatly influences the reliability and sensitivity of PCR (Stauffer et al. 2008; Hale
et  al. 2009). Several methods have been successful employed for feline
346 E. Collántes-Fernández et al.

trichomonosis diagnosis, such as a modified procedure using the commercial


QIAamp DNA stool minikit (QIAGEN, Hilden, Germany), Boom’s method, or ZR

Fecal DNA kit ZR (Zymo Research, Orange, CA, USA), which was able to detect 10
T. foetus organisms per 100 mg feces in 100% of PCR reactions (Stauffer et al. 2008).
Diagnostic T. foetus PCR using primers TFR3/TFR4 and a single-tube nested PCR
using primers TFITS-F/TFITS-R in combination with primers TFR3/TFR4 are
widely used for feline trichomonosis diagnosis (Table 14.1) (Felleisen et al. 1998).
PCR amplification of DNA extracted from feces samples appears to be more sensi-
tive than the InPouch TF culture, and a high level of agreement has been described
between the culture and PCR detection (Gookin et  al. 2002; Hosein et  al. 2013;
Arranz-Solis et al. 2016).
Finally, colonic histopathology can be used as a diagnostic tool. Colon, cecum,
and ileum samples are collected during necropsy, surgery, or endoscopy. On his-
tologic examination, large numbers of teardrop- to crescent-shaped trichomonads
can be found associated with the colonic mucosal surface and less commonly
within colonic crypt lumens. Histologic features include mild to moderate lym-
phoplasmacytic colitis with crypt micro-abscesses, increased mitotic activity, loss
of goblet cells, and attenuation of superficial colonic mucosa (Yaeger and Gookin
2005). The probability of diagnosing a T. foetus infection based on histopathology
increases with the number of submitted samples—a minimum of six colon sam-
ples is required to have a larger than or equal to 95% confidence of detecting T.
foetus in at least one sample (Yaeger and Gookin 2005). Recently, a fluorescence
in situ hybridization assay (FISH) and a chromogenic in situ hybridization (CISH)
technique have been described to allow the localization and identification of T.
foetus in formalin-fixed and paraffin-embedded samples, respectively (Gookin
et al. 2010b).

Diagnosis in Other Animals

The trichomonad T. gallinae of birds is of veterinary importance, while
Tetratrichomonas gallinarum is a commensal that can become important under cer-
tain circumstances—e.g., concurrent infections with other pathogens (recently
reviewed in Amin et al. (2014)). Diagnostic techniques described for T. foetus can
be also applied to the diagnosis of bird trichomonosis, including direct microscopy,
cultivation, and PCR detection.
For direct microscopy, sample material can be collected by swabbing the oral
cavity, T. gallinae, or cloacae, T. gallinarum, and is mounted either diluted or undi-
luted on glass slides. Glass slides need to be examined immediately to observe
motile protozoa (Forrester and Foster 2008; Amin et al. 2014). As mentioned, stain-
ing of trichomonads is possible and may facilitate detection (Amin et  al. 2011).
Similar to bovine and feline trichomonosis, the sensitivity of direct microscopy is
low, and situations in which the parasite load is low may likely result in false-­
negative results.
The use of samples to initiate cultures allows the amplification of the number of
parasites making this procedure more sensitive than the direct microscopic exami-
nation of samples. Correspondingly, in a study of pigeons, only about half of the
14  Trichomonas 347

samples positive in culture revealed a positive result in wet mount microscopy


(Bunbury et al. 2005). In case of T. gallinae-infected birds, material collected via

swabbing from the oral cavity of the animal is added to a InPouch TF culture device
or other commercial or noncommercial culture media (Bunbury et al. 2007; Forrester
and Foster 2008; Rogers et al. 2016; Girard et al. 2014; Krone et al. 2005). For cul-
tivation, specimens are usually incubated at 37 °C for several days and examined
microscopically every 24 h. Although birds have a higher body temperature, 37 °C
seems to be the optimal temperature for the cultivation of T. gallinarum (De Carli
and Tasca 2002; De Carli et al. 1996; Amin et al. 2010).
For PCR, a number of primer pairs have been reported that target the ITS1-­
5.8SrDNA-ITS2 genomic region but which are not species-specific and able to
detect virtually all trichomonad species. Most commonly used are primers TFR1
and TFR2 (Felleisen 1997). A nested PCR, targeting the 18S rRNA gene, ITS1, and
5.8S rRNA gene, was established but was not species-specific, amplifying also T.
gallinae (Frey et al. 2009; Grahn et al. 2005). Another nested PCR has been devel-
oped for the amplification of the ITS1-5.8S rDNA-ITS2 genomic region of tricho-
monads used to detect T. gallinae-specific DNA from esophageal lesions of finches
sampled during an epidemic of finch mortality (Robinson et al. 2010; Cepicka et al.
2005). The analytic specificity of this PCR has not been reported. Amplification
primers specifically designed for the identification of T. gallinarum yielded also a
PCR product of specific DNA of T. gallinae of identical size (Grabensteiner and
Hess 2006).
An indirect ELISA has only been used under experimental conditions to detect
antibodies against T. gallinarum and T. gallinae in poultry (Amin et  al. 2011).
Because birds are often latent carriers of trichomonads, there is hope that serologi-
cal analyses in bird populations might be able to identify carrier birds and may help
to better understand persistence and spread of these parasites (Amin et al. 2014).

14.3 Epidemiology

14.3.1 Epidemiology of Tritrichomonosis in Cattle

Bovine tritrichomonosis is a major problem worldwide, affecting a large proportion

of herds in North and South America, in parts of Europe, Africa, Asia, and Australia
(de Oliveira et al. 2015; Yao 2013; Perez et al. 2006; Mendoza-Ibarra et al. 2012,
2013; Madoroba et  al. 2011; Yang et  al. 2012; Guven et  al. 2013; McCool et  al.
1988). Bovine tritrichomonosis is considered endemic in herds managed under
extensive conditions and using natural service for breeding (Bondurant 2005). The
economic impact of tritrichomonosis infection has to be regarded severe in particu-
lar regions of the world. The calf crop in affected beef and dairy herds can be
reduced up to 50% in beef operations (Rae 1989). Economic losses are variable and
depend on the percentage of bulls infected and the susceptibility of the cows in the
herd. Further losses, in addition to calf crop losses, include an extended breeding
season due to an increased number of repeat breeders. Due to later calving, the
348 E. Collántes-Fernández et al.

growing periods for calves might be shortened, and there are batches of calves of

different ages with a wide variation in weaning weights. Summarizing these losses,
it was estimated that tritrichomonosis in a herd caused a 35% decrease in economic
return per cow in an infected herd (Rae 1989). Economic losses in a case of bovine
tritrichomonosis in a large Californian dairy herd were calculated at 665 US$ per
infected cow (Goodger and Skirrow 1986).
The number of tritrichomonosis reports has drastically reduced in regions or
production systems in which artificial insemination is the predominant mode of
breeding and in which comingling of herds is avoided—for example, in the
European dairy industry. A recent survey conducted in Switzerland involving
1362 preputial samples from bulls and 60 abomasal fluid samples of aborted
fetuses from beef and dairy herds revealed no T. foetus-positive finding (Bernasconi
et al. 2014). However, also in areas assumed to be largely free of bovine tritricho-
monosis, a reestablishment of the infection in herds, especially in beef herds
farmed under extensive, pastoral systems, is possible as shown by findings from
Spain (Mendoza-Ibarra et al. 2012; Mendoza-Ibarra et al. 2013). Knowledge on
risk factors is important for the implementation of effective measures to control
tritrichomonosis. Results from risk factor studies were used to model effects of
vaccination against tritrichomonosis in beef herds. A number of potential herd-
level risk factors were assessed, including “no. of cows,” ”no. of young bulls,”
”trichomonad testing yes/no,” ”no. of trichomonad tests,” ”shared grazing,” “pre-
vious diagnosis of trichomonosis,” or ”duration of breeding season” (Villarroel
et al. 2004).
T. foetus isolated from cattle and cats and T. suis from pigs are genetically very
similar or in case of T. foetus from cattle and T. suis even indistinguishable.
Nevertheless, there is no evidence that there are links between life cycles of T. foetus
in cattle and cats or between life cycles of feline or bovine T. foetus and porcine T.
suis. Most likely these parasites have evolved separately, and despite their genetic
similarity, T. foetus of bovine and feline origin and porcine T. suis show biological
traits which differ considerably.
As stated in Sect. 14.1.2, tritrichomonosis is an almost exclusively venereal
transmitted disease in cattle and affects predominantly adult animals (Sager et al.
2007; Ondrak 2016). T. foetus is transmitted during coitus, mainly from an infected
bull to an uninfected dam or vice versa (Ondrak 2016). Single mating with an
infected bull may result in a 95% infection rate among susceptible heifers
(Parsonson et al. 1976), but in general a transmission rate of 30–70% is assumed
(Bondurant 2005).
A mechanical transmission either by uninfected bulls or by contaminated equip-
ment or cryopreserved semen seems to be possible, but the relative importance of
these routes of transmission is minor (Ondrak 2016; Clark et al. 1977; Murname
1959; Goodger and Skirrow 1986; Blackshaw and Beattie 1955; Clark et al. 1971;
Skirrow and BonDurant 1988).
The following risk factors for tritrichomonosis in individual animals have been
14  Trichomonas 349

• Carrier state and age as a risk factor of infection: Infection in bulls is reported

to persist for more than 3  years and may persist for life (Rhyan et  al. 1999;
Campero et al. 1990; Flower et al. 1983; Bondurant 2005). Several studies estab-
lished that the likelihood of bulls being infected seems to increase with age
(Skirrow et al. 1985; McCool et al. 1988; BonDurant et al. 1990; Rae et al. 1999,
2004; Mendoza-Ibarra et al. 2012) (Table 14.1). In one experiment using bulls—3
to 6 years of age—all bulls more than 4 years old became infected after three to
six services while only one of two young bulls, 2–3 years of age, became infected
after nine services (Clark et al. 1974). Bulls less than 4 years of age are rarely
carriers of T. foetus (BonDurant 1985; Perez et al. 1992; Ondrak 2016; Kimsey
et al. 1980; Skirrow et al. 1985; BonDurant et al. 1990). The reason for this find-
ing is not completely understood. Old bulls may have had a higher number of
sexual contacts than young bulls. An often mentioned other possible reason is the
more pronounced invaginations in the penile and preputial epithelium of older
bulls—i.e., the crypts of these epithelia are becoming deeper and increase in
number with the age of the bull (BonDurant 1985; Skirrow et al. 1985; McCool
et al. 1988; Perez et al. 1992; Ondrak 2016). However, the hypothesis that ana-
tomical changes are the cause for older bulls found to be infected more often was
recently questioned because no age-related statistically significant differences
were observed in the surface architecture of the penile and preputial epithelium
of bulls (Ondrak 2016; Strickland et al. 2014).
In female cattle, age seems not to be associated with the likelihood of infec-
tion; however, there is evidence that repeated exposure induces resistance to
infection (Simmons and Laws 1957; Clark et al. 1986; Skirrow and BonDurant
1990b). While mature bulls seem to remain infected for life, most cows are
able to clear the infection after a few months—usually after 1 to 3 months—
rarely longer (Parsonson et  al. 1974, 1976; Skirrow and BonDurant 1990b;
Bondurant 2005). Several studies of infected cows indicate that the os cervix is
the preferred site of multiplication and persistence (Skirrow and BonDurant
1990b). Initial multiplication of T. foetus after infection seems to be followed
by a decline of parasite numbers until next estrus (Bartlett and Hammond
1945). The numbers of parasites present in the cervicovaginal mucus seem to
fluctuate during the estrus cycle, and the largest numbers are seen a few days
before estrus (Hammond and Bartlett 1945). In two infected heifers that have
been followed over time after experimental infection, T. foetus was not always
observed in vaginal mucus by microscopic examinations or culture isolation
suggesting fluctuations in vaginal parasite concentration; however, only in one
heifer, there was a coincidence between the detection of T. foetus and the time
of estrus (Simmons and Laws 1957). Not all cows are able to clear infection.
Carrier dams have been reported—e.g., two chronically infected dams were
observed in one Australian study 16 and 22  months after initial infection
(Alexander 1953). In a Californian dairy herd, infected cows were found posi-
tive 9  weeks after pregnancy or 63  days after parturition (Skirrow 1987;
Goodger and Skirrow 1986). In a more recent study from Argentina, several
350 E. Collántes-Fernández et al.

heifers remained infected up to 300 days after breeding which underlines the


importance of these carrier state heifers for persistence of infection in affected

herds (Mancebo et al. 1995).

• Herd management practices: The risk of bulls of being tested T. foetus

positive increased when the number of bulls used per unit was higher than 10
or the bull-­to-­cow ratio per unit was lower than 1 to 25. The higher number
of bulls and lower bull-to-cow ratios are typical management practices in
large herds to increase conception rates (Rae et  al. 2004). It was hypothe-
sized that by these practices the number of potential sexual contacts per bull
and the probability for an individual bull to become positive are increased
(Rae et al. 2004).
• Breed disposition: The possibility of a breed predisposition was discussed
based on study results suggesting a higher prevalence of infection in particu-
lar breeds (BonDurant et al. 1990; Perez et al. 1992; Rae et al. 1999, 2004;
Skirrow et al. 1985; Abbitt and Meyerholz 1979). A number of epidemiologi-
cal studies addressed this question (Table 14.2). It had been hypothesized that
in B. taurus indicus bulls, due to their longer preputial length, the likelihood
of being infected might be higher (BonDurant et al. 1990). Statistically sig-
nificant differences in prevalence were observed when B. taurus taurus and B.
taurus indicus or B. taurus taurus/B. taurus indicus crosses were compared;
highest prevalences of infection were observed in B. taurus taurus (BonDurant
et  al. 1990). Another study in Costa Rica also found a strong association
between the risk of positive findings and the Bos taurus taurus breed—as
compared to Bos taurus indicus pure or hybrid breeds (Perez et al. 1992); an
additional study also showed an increased risk in Angus, Charolais, Hereford,
or Simmental breeds relative to B. taurus indicus (Rae et al. 2004) (Table 14.2).
However, findings suggesting breed disposition should be interpreted with
care; studies might have been biased by uneven study designs or by not pay-
ing enough attention to the differences in the way herds of particular breeds
were operated (Ondrak 2016). It was hypothesized that prevalence differ-
ences could be due to the increased number of matings accomplished by B.
taurus taurus bulls as compared to B. taurus indicus bulls in the same period
of time, thus increasing the risk of exposure to infection (Perez et al. 1992).
However, there are also some studies that did not observe differences in prev-
alence of infection between B. taurus taurus and B. taurus indicus (Dennett
et al. 1974).
Nevertheless, a breed disposition and genetically based predisposition should
not be completely ruled out. Further studies are needed to elucidate the reason
why some of the infected dams are becoming carrier of T. foetus—being still
infected after pregnancy—while others immediately eliminate infection during
the first 2 to 3 months after loss of the conceptus (Alexander 1953; Goodger and
Skirrow 1986; Skirrow 1987; Mancebo et al. 1995). It is possible that like in other

Table 14.2  Risk factor studies in bovine tritrichomonosis

No. of
examined/ No. of
no. of animals
14  Trichomonas

Type of herds examined/no.

herd or positive of animals Individual-level risk Type of
Country Region animal (%) positive (%) Diagnosis Herd-level risk factors factors study Reference
Argentina Province Beef 42/173 NA C (modified Rearing herds vs. NA Case-­ Mardones
Buenos (24) Plastridge full-cycle herds, control et al.
Aires medium, p = 0.052; pregnancy (2008)
Tricoazul), all rate in cows ≤ 90%,
bulls per herd, p = 0.005a; shared
three livestock with others,
sequential p = 0.003a; rotation of
tests bulls, p<0.05; abortion,
p<0.05; T. foetus
reported in previous
year, p = 0.001a
Argentina Province Beef 194/3766 309/29178 C with Seasonal effect: highest NA Cross-­ Molina
La Pampa (5.15) (1.06) modified no. of positive findings sectional et al.
Diamond’s in February (pre-­ (2013)
medium breeding season), no
(MDM), all statistics provided;
non-virgin spatial clustering in
bulls, twice a south of La Pampa,
year p = 0.008; coinfection,
high-risk cluster cells
for bovine genital
campylobacteriosis were
also high-risk cells for
bovine tritrichomonosis,

p = 0.0014

Table 14.2 (continued)

No. of
examined/ No. of
no. of animals
Type of herds examined/no.
herd or positive of animals Individual-level risk Type of
Country Region animal (%) positive (%) Diagnosis Herd-level risk factors factors study Reference
Australia Victoria NA 27/41 81/1008 (8.0) C (modified NA Tritrichomonosis Cross-­ McCool
River (65.5) Plastridge infection rates varied sectional et al.
District medium) significantly with age (1988)
(p<0.0001), that is,
increasing with age
(p<0.05); no
evidence of an
increased likelihood
of coinfection with
Campylobacter fetus
Costa NA Dairy, 10/63 14/225 (6.2) C (InPouch NA Bull in service: no Cross Perez et al.
Rica mainly (15.9) TF) vs. yes, p = 0.02a; -sectional (1992)
age > 3 years, (results of
p = 0.02a; breed, B. pilot
taurus taurus vs. B. study not
taurus indicus, included)
p = 0.02a
E. Collántes-Fernández et al.

Spain Asturias Beef 27/65 33/103 (32) C (InPouch Increased number in Age >3 years, Cross-­ Mendoza-­
de la (41.5) TF or repeat breeder cows, p = 0.04 sectional Ibarra
Montana thyoglycollate p = 0.007 et al.
transport (2012)
(TFTM) with
14  Trichomonas

et al. 1998)
Spain Asturiana Beef 12/229 13/327 (4.0) C (InPouch No statistical significant Age >3 years, Cross-­ Mendoza-­
de los (5.2) TF)+PCR predictors p<0.001 (univariable) sectional Ibarra
Valles (Felleisen et al.
et al. 1998) (2013)
USA Florida Beef 17 (40.4) 119/1984 (6) C Herd size ≥500, Age ≥5 years, Cross-­ Rae et al.
p = 0.004b; bull-to-­cow p = 0.022a; breed, sectional (2004)
ratio = 1:<25, p = 0.039b Angus, Charolais,
Hereford, Simmental
vs. B. taurus indicus;
p<0.031a; herd
management, number
of bulls per group
≥10, p = 0.002a,
bull-to-cow ratio
<1:25, p = 0.03a; no
knowledge of farmer
on tritrichomonosis,
p = 0.003;
geographical area,
South Florida vs.
North Florida,

p = 0.001a

Table 14.2 (continued)

No. of
examined/ No. of
no. of animals
Type of herds examined/no.
herd or positive of animals Individual-level risk Type of
Country Region animal (%) positive (%) Diagnosis Herd-level risk factors factors study Reference
USA Idaho Beef 65/159 NA dM or C Total cattle grazed on FS NA Case- Gay et al.
(40.9) (InPouch TF, (US Forest Service) control (1996)
modified allotment >844, p<0.05;
Diamond commingling on BLM
medium (Bureau of Lands
(MDM)) Management) allotment,
FS (US Forest Service)
allotment, or on any
public land allotment,
USA Wyoming Beef 8/303+8 NA C or PCR Allotments neighboring NA Cross- Jin et al.
(2.6) (three a positive herd(s), sectional (2014)
consecutive p = 0.0003; allotment
cell cultures or type, open/public vs.
one PCR by private, p = 0.003;
an accredited mingling with
diagnostic neighboring herd(s),
laboratory); p = 0.026
herd status
based on
findings in the
past 3 years
E. Collántes-Fernández et al.

USA California Beef 9/57 (15.8) 30/729 (4.1) C, modified NA Age >3 years, Cross- BonDurant
Diamond p<0.025; breed (B. sectional et al.
medium taurus taurus vs. B. (1990)
(MDM) taurus indicus (Bi) or
Bi-hybrids), p<0.001)
14  Trichomonas

USA Texas Mainly NA NA/NA; C + real-time Spatial cluster in Proportion of Cross- Szonyi
non-virgin 1154 positive PCR southeastern Texas positive findings was sectional et al.
bulls, results/31202 identified (p<0.001) highest in August (2012)
tested tests (3.7) (5.5%), no statistics
prior to provided
NA not applicable, C culture
Statistically significant in multivariate logistic regression
356 E. Collántes-Fernández et al.

diseases there are genetic determinants influencing a predisposition to acquire


infection and to develop immunity against the pathogen.

• Other individual-level risk factors: One study observed that the probability of
positive findings is lower in bulls in service—i.e., in sexually active bulls (Perez
et al. 1992) (Table 14.2). This is in accord with previous findings, which sug-
gested that a depletion of the preputial T. foetus population might occur because
of intense sexual activity. It also supports recommendations of a sexual rest of at
least 1 to 2 weeks before sampling bulls in order to improve the likelihood of
accurately identifying T. foetus-positive bulls (Clark et  al. 1983a; BonDurant
1985; Yule et al. 1989a; Ondrak 2016). Variations in sexual activity between dif-
ferent seasons may also explain fluctuating differences in the proportion of posi-
tive findings in bulls during a year (Molina et al. 2013; Szonyi et al. 2012).

In addition, there are a number of herd-level risk factor studies—case-control

and cross-sectional studies—that have been carried out to elucidate in more detail
management practices and other factors increasing the risk of herds to acquire trit-
richomonosis (Table 14.2) (Mardones et al. 2008; Molina et al. 2013; McCool et al.
1988; Perez et al. 1992; Mendoza-Ibarra et al. 2012, 2013; Rae et al. 2004; Gay
et al. 1996; Jin et al. 2014; BonDurant et al. 1990; Szonyi et al. 2012). Many of the
identified explanatory variables are related to predictors or risk factors in favor to
increase the likelihood of venereal transmission of T. foetus in herds and between

• Transmission between herds: Risk factors were identified which characterized

the likelihood to acquire tritrichomonosis from other herds. “Allotments neigh-
boring a positive herd(s)”; “allotment type, open/public vs. private”; and
­“mingling with neighboring herd(s)” were recently identified as risk factors in T.
foetus-positive beef herds in Wyoming, USA (Jin et  al. 2014). These findings
confirm previous observations in beef herds from Idaho, which identified “com-
mingling on BLM—Bureau of Lands Management—allotment; FS, US Forest
Service, allotment; or on any public land allotment” as an important predictor of
positive herds (Gay et al. 1996). Also in Argentina “shared livestock with others”
was identified as a significant risk factor for herds testing positive, that is, having
positive bulls (Mardones et al. 2008). In summary, these findings suggest that
any type of mingling herds and also fence-line contact with other herds represent
important risk factors and should be avoided by farmers (Jin et al. 2014).
• Transmission within herds: Other predictors characterized the likelihood of
transmission within a herd. Obviously, herd size plays a role. A study on beef
herds in Idaho, USA, identified “total cattle grazed on FS—US Forest Service—
allotment more than 844” as a risk factor, and a study from Florida, USA,
observed that herds with more than or equal to 500 cows had a higher risk of
being positive (Gay et al. 1996; Rae et al. 2004). The latter study also identified
particular herd management practices increasing the individual risk of bulls to
test positive; therefore, most likely, herd size is a confounder explained by man-
14  Trichomonas 357

agement practices in large herds in favor for T. foetus transmission, like “no. of

bulls used per unit larger than or equal to 10” or “bull-to-cow ratio per unit
smaller than 1 to 25” as discussed earlier (Rae et al. 2004). The management
practice “rotation of bulls within a herd” has been identified in an Argentinian
study to most likely favor to perpetuate transmission of infection within a herd
(Mardones et al. 2008). The same may apply to an observation that among “rear-
ing beef herds”—i.e., herds that rear cattle until the weight of 150–250 kg—the
prevalence of positive herds was higher as compared to “full-cycle herds,” herds
with breeding, rearing, and fattening. This observation was explained by hypoth-
esizing a higher proportion of reproductively active animals resulting in an
increased spreading of disease in “rearing beef herds” compared to “full-cycle
herds” (Mardones et al. 2008). The risk factors related to a potential perpetua-
tion/acceleration of transmission inside herds cannot be easily used to give rec-
ommendations with respect to better management practices, because these risk
factors are either unspecific or difficult to change.

Herd-level predictors, possibly related to effects of tritrichomonosis include

infertility, early fetal death, and rarely, abortion. In epidemiological studies “preg-
nancy rate in cows higher than or equal to 90%” and reporting “abortion” were
found associated with T. foetus-positive beef herds in Argentina (Mardones et al.
2008). An “increased number in repeat breeder cows” was identified as a predictor
for positive herds in extensively managed beef cattle in Spain (Mendoza-Ibarra
et al. 2012).
Additionally, in a few studies, spatial clustering of T. foetus-positive herds was
observed, and in one of these studies, it was also observed that high-risk clusters for
T. foetus correlated to high-risk clusters for bovine genital campylobacteriosis
(Molina et al. 2013; Szonyi et al. 2012). The observed spatial clustering remained
unexplained in these studies.

14.3.2 Epidemiology of Tritrichomonosis in Cats

Although the typical clinical sign in natural infection is chronic or intermittent diar-
rhea, for many cats, no diarrhea was reported in 6  months preceding diagnosis
(Xenoulis et al. 2013; Kuehner et al. 2011). Chronic T. foetus-associated diarrhea in
most cats is likely to resolve spontaneously within 2  years of onset, and chronic
infection with T. foetus—without clinical signs—after resolution of diarrhea appears
to be common (Foster et  al. 2004). In experimentally infected kittens, T. foetus
infections was long lasting and that, in later phases of the infection, the presence of
T. foetus in feces was not always associated with clinical signs—such as abnormal
consistency of feces (Gookin et al. 2001). Thus, in addition to disease-infected cats,
cats with asymptomatic infection are able to transmit infection to other cats.
As mentioned in Sect. 14.1.1, feline T. foetus tolerates a broader pH range than
T. foetus from cattle (Morin-Adeline et al. 2015a). Like for T. foetus from cattle, no
encysted stages are known for T. foetus from cats. However, the formation of
358 E. Collántes-Fernández et al.

pseudocysts, which may support survival in the environment, has been reported for

T. foetus (Pereira-Neves and Benchimol 2009). In addition, it has been shown that
feline T. foetus is able to survive outside of its host for at least 30 min on dry cat food
and 180 min in drinking water or urine (Rosypal et al. 2012). Other studies showed
that T. foetus can survive in cat feces for several hours or even days or up to at least
5 days in wet cat food (Hale et al. 2009; Van der Saag et al. 2011). Even the survival
of a passage through the alimentary tract of slugs (Limax maximus, Limacus flavus)
was demonstrated, suggesting that slugs could transmit T. foetus over short distance
(Van der Saag et  al. 2011). The predominant mode of infection is the fecal-oral
route, and most likely a close contact of cats favors the spread of transmission.
Several epidemiological studies are reported, providing data on putative risk fac-
tors for T. foetus infection in individual cats or catteries, cat shelters, and breeding
centers (Table 14.3). Most of the studies were small-scale studies, including only
low numbers of individual cats and catteries, shelters, or breeding centers. Some of
the studies were restricted to cats from shows or pedigree cats. Some studies were
restricted to diarrheic cats or cats with a history of chronic diarrhea. Therefore, stud-
ies listed in Table  14.3 were stratified into (1) studies including only healthy or
healthy and diseased cats and (2) studies including almost only diseased cats—i.e.,
cats with diarrhea or a history of diarrhea. In addition to studies listed in Table 14.3,
a large number of case reports and small-scale studies are available—recently
reviewed by Yao and Köster (2015)—which are not mentioned in the following
because these studies provided no statistical evidence on putative risk factors. As
indicated in Table 14.3, some studies were included after performing own statistical
analyses based on data extracted from the reports.
Individual risk factors for tritrichomonosis in cats include:

• Diarrhea, abnormal fecal consistency, and history of diarrhea. In a number

of studies including only healthy or healthy and diseased cats, it was observed
that positivity for T. foetus was associated with a “previous history of diarrhea,”
“history of diarrhea in the past 6 months,” “presence of chronic diarrhea,” and
“abnormal fecal consistency” (Table  14.3) (Kuehner et  al. 2011; Tysnes et  al.
2011; Doi et al. 2012). These findings confirm that T. foetus is an important cause
of diarrhea in cats.
The likelihood of a cat to test T. foetus positive was also increasing if there
was a “history of another cat in the house with diarrhea in the past 6 months” or
a “history of diarrhea in cattery in the past 6 months,” which suggested that indi-
vidual positive cats were only part of a larger problem in a cattery, cat shelter, or
breeding center (Kuehner et al. 2011; Hosein et al. 2013).

• Age. With a few exceptions, it is now accepted that T. foetus associated with
large bowel diarrhea is mainly a disease of young cats. Several studies revealed
that cats about 1 year old or younger are more often T. foetus positive than elder
cats (Table  14.3). These observations were made in studies including only
healthy or healthy and diseased cats as well as in studies including almost only
diseased cats (Profizi et al. 2013; Kuehner et al. 2011; Queen et al. 2012; Galián

Table 14.3  Risk factor studies in feline tritrichomonosis

No. of
shelters, or No. of
breeding animals
centers examined/
14  Trichomonas

examined/ no. of
no. of animals Cattery-­ Individual
Sampled catteries positive level risk cat-level risk Type of
animals Country Region Type of animal positive (%) (%) Diagnosis factors factors study Remarks Reference
Canada Ontario Cats sampled at NA 14/241 C (InPouch Attendance to Cross-­ No significant Hosein
a cat clinic (5.8) TF), PCR for cat shows, sectional association between et al.
(n=140), cat confirmation of p<0.05 (23.6% the presence of T. (2013)
shows (n=55), culture from the show foetus and diarrhea
and a humane positives cats were at the time of
society (n=46) positive); history sampling or having a
of another cat in history of diarrhea in
the house with the past 6 months;
diarrhea in the “attendance to cat
past 6 months, shows” was the only
p<0.01; fed a significant variable
raw food diet, in bivariable models
p<0.01; >5 cats
per house,
p<0.01; purebred
vs. mixed breed,


Table 14.3 (continued)

No. of
shelters, or No. of
breeding animals
centers examined/
examined/ no. of
no. of animals Cattery-­ Individual
Sampled catteries positive level risk cat-level risk Type of
animals Country Region Type of animal positive (%) (%) Diagnosis factors factors study Remarks Reference
France NA 140 cats 18/117 20/140 C (InPouch TF) Age < 1 year, Cross-­ No significant Profizi
cattery-housed (15.9) (14.3) + Tricho-F/ p = 0.057 sectional associations: size of et al.
pedigree cats, Tricho-R-PCR cattery, type of food, (2013)
participating in (TRICHO-F and vicinity of dogs
international cat antisense primer
shows TRICHO-­R
targeting the
region as
et al. 2000);
et al. 2006) +
Seq (amplicon,
E. Collántes-Fernández et al.

Germany NA 230 purebred 23/124 36/230 C + PCR Abnormal fecal Cross- Any Kuehner
cats (15.7) (18.5); (Grahn et al. consistency, sectional et al.
C-positive: 2005) + Seq p<0.001; history (2011)
29/230, (Representative of diarrhea in the
PCR- amplicons) past 6 months,
positive: p = 0.027; age
14  Trichomonas

28/230 ≤1 year old,

Forest (NFO)
cats had a
prevalence of T.
foetus infection
than other
breeds, p<
0.001; history of
diarrhea in
cattery in the
past 6 months
(p = 0.01)
Japan Hokkaido, 147 samples, NA 13/147 Cultivation (98 NA Presence of Cross- No significant Doi et al.
Saitama also from cats (8.8) samples) + chronic diarrhea, sectional differences with (2012)
with chronic PCR (all p<0.0035 respect to age,
diarrhea samples) breed, and whether
cats were maintained
between infected
and uninfected cats
(Fisher exact test)

Table 14.3 (continued)

No. of
shelters, or No. of
breeding animals
centers examined/
examined/ no. of
no. of animals Cattery-­ Individual
Sampled catteries positive level risk cat-level risk Type of
animals Country Region Type of animal positive (%) (%) Diagnosis factors factors study Remarks Reference
Norway NA 52 clinically NA 11/21 (21) Direct NA Own previous Cross- Four samples Tysnes
healthy cats microscopy history of sectional, positive for Giardia et al.
participating in 3 (n=39) + C diarrhea, p = 0.1 pilot study spp., one (2011)
cat shows (n=39) + nPCR (indicated as TF-Cryptosporidium
(n=52), Seq of trend) spp. coinfection
USA NA 173 cats with NA 17/173 C+ NA No statistical Cross- All positive cats had Stockdale
and without (9.8) confirmation analysis sectional, diarrhea. Positive et al.
clinical signs of by TFR3/ provided in pilot study cats were between 6 (2009)
tritrichomonosis; TFR4-PCR + reference. weeks and 12 yrs
32 purebred Seq Retrospective old, Negative cats 4
(including 2 (amplicons) statistical weeks to 13 yrs old.
purebred-cross analysis of Positive cats often
cats), 143 mixed presented data (53%) had
breed cats shows that concurrent
purebred cats infections (Giardia
have a higher spp.,
risk than mixed Cryptosporidium
bred cats, Fisher spp., Coccidia, FIP)
exact test,
E. Collántes-Fernández et al.

USA NA 117 cats from 89 28/89 (31.5) 36/117 Fecal smear Loose NA Cross- An association Gookin
catteries at an (30.8); In examination, C stools or sectional between T. foetus et al.
international cat detail, in modified diarrhea in and Giardia spp. (2004)
show fecal Diamond’s any cats infection was not
smear medium, C in within the significant (p =
(5/36), InPouch TF past 6 0.075). There were
14  Trichomonas

fecal medium, or months, no differences in age

culture in nPCR P<0.052; or sex between
modified amplification coinfection uninfected cats and
Diamond’s (Gookin et al. with cats having T. foetus
medium 2002) coccidia, infection. The
(9/36), P<0.059; proximity of the
fecal square feet cattery to within 0.5
culture in of facility miles of agricultural
InPouch available species, type of diet
TF per cat was fed to cattery cats
(20/36), or low, (commercial or
nPCR P<0.056 home cooked), and
(34/36) source of water were
not associated with
risk of infection
USA California Diarrheic NA 10/223 C and/or PCR NA Age: mean age Case- Any Queen
(n=219) and (4.5) of positive cats control et al.
control cats 0.7 ± 0.3 years, (2012)
(n=54) mean age of
negative cats 5.4
± 5.0 years,

Table 14.3 (continued)

No. of
shelters, or No. of
breeding animals
centers examined/
examined/ no. of
no. of animals Cattery-­ Individual
Sampled catteries positive level risk cat-level risk Type of
animals Country Region Type of animal positive (%) (%) Diagnosis factors factors study Remarks Reference
Europe NA Cats submitted NA 166/1840 TFR3/ NA No statistical Cross- Any Galián
to a private (9.02) TFR4-PCR analysis sectional et al.
veterinary provided in (2011a,
laboratory due to publication. 2011b)
diarrhea Results of
analysis: age ≤1
years (65/628
positive), 2–15
years (33/755
Germany NA 31 cats (6 NA 6/31 nPCR+Seq NA Purebred cats, Cross- Coinfection with Steiner
and weeks–14 years (19.4%) (Amplicon) p = 0.0153 sectional, Giardia (ELISA) et al.
Austria old; 30 had pilot study likely in four of the (2007)
diarrhea) T. foetus-positive
cats, there was only
one cat Giardia
positive but TF
E. Collántes-Fernández et al.


Spain NA Cats from 3/4 (75); 50 36/93 C in modified NA Age ≤1 years, Cross- No difference Arranz-
densely housed cats were (38.7) Diamond’s p = 0.014 sectional between purebred Solis
origins with a from 1 diarrheic medium and/or study, cats (Persian) and mixed et al.
history of breeding cats from TFR4/ from breed; female vs. (2016)
chronic diarrhea: center and 3 cattery or TFR3-PCR densely male, p = 0.085
family cats shelters family housed
14  Trichomonas

(n=15), breeding cats; 0/20 origins

center cats (0) healthy with a
(n=28), cat cats history of
shelter cats chronic
(n=50); healthy diarrhea
cats: family cats and
(n=20), cat healthy
shelter cats cats
UK NA 111 naturally NA 16/111 nPCR (Gookin NA Age ≤ 1 years, Cross- Any Gunn-
voided diarrheic (14.4) et al. 2002) p = 0.0026; sectional, Moore
feline fecal pedigree cat, pilot study et al.
samples p = 0.018; (2007)
Siamese and
Bengal breed,
p = 0.0077

Table 14.3 (continued)

No. of
shelters, or No. of
breeding animals
centers examined/
examined/ no. of
no. of animals Cattery-­ Individual
Sampled catteries positive level risk cat-level risk Type of
animals Country Region Type of animal positive (%) (%) Diagnosis factors factors study Remarks Reference
UK NA Fecal samples NA 205/1088 Real-time PCR Age: Cross- <6-month-old cats Paris et al.
from diarrheic (18.8) (IDEXX 8-way 6–12 months sectional had lower T. foetus (2014)
cats submitted to PCR assay: (29.4%) vs. prevalence than
a private 5.8S rDNA, >12 months 6–12-month-old cats
veterinary AF339736) (15.2%),
laboratory p<0.001;
pedigree cats
(37.8%) vs.
cats (6.0%),
p<0.001; T.
findings tended
to be found in
perfringens, and
Giardia sp
NA not applicable, C cultivation, nPCR nested PCR, Seq sequencing
E. Collántes-Fernández et al.
14  Trichomonas 367

et al. 2011a, b; Arranz-Solis et  al. 2016; Gunn-Moore et  al. 2007; Paris et  al.

2014). These epidemiological findings confirm the results of follow-up studies of

cats with T. foetus infections, which clearly showed that clinical signs spontane-
ously resolve within 2 years of onset and that it is difficult to detect T. foetus in
cats after several weeks of infection (Gookin et  al. 2001; Foster et  al. 2004).
Meta-analysis on available data confirmed this view (Yao and Köster 2015). The
reasons why especially young cats are affected by T. foetus diarrhea are not suf-
ficiently understood. Possible explanations are a more intense contact of kittens
to their mothers or to larger numbers of other cats in breeding centers, private
households, or cat shelters, which may favor transmission of T. foetus and may
also influence the dose by which kittens become infected. Immunity against
feline T. foetus is poorly understood; recently the possibility that parasite-­specific
secretory IgA mediates immunity has been discussed (Yao and Köster 2015).
Histological examinations in infected cats revealed influx of lymphocytes,
plasma cells, and neutrophils into the subepithelial lamina propria (Yaeger and
Gookin 2005). The inflammatory response might not only be involved in patho-
genesis but may also be involved in the control of infection (Tolbert and Gookin
• Breed. A number of studies identified an increased risk of infection in purebred,
or pedigree cats, or particular breeds (Hosein et al. 2013; Stockdale et al. 2009;
Steiner et al. 2007; Gunn-Moore et al. 2007; Paris et al. 2014). These observa-
tions remain largely unexplained. Most likely the conditions under which pure-
bred or pedigree cats are reared are responsible for the increased risk. Purebred
cats from breeding centers represent densely housed populations, and due to the
frequent, close, and direct contact, the risk of infection might be higher than in
mixed breed cats reared in less dense populations (Yao and Köster 2015; Arranz-­
Solis et al. 2016).
• Other risk factors. One other risk factor identified was “attendance to cat
shows,” which might be a confounding predictor; the predictor could be related
to the increased risk of purebred or pedigree cats (Hosein et al. 2013). There is
only a single study report on food-related predictors. In a Canadian study, “fed a
raw food diet” has been identified as a risk factor (Hosein et al. 2013).
• Other concurrent infections and impaired immune system. In experimental T.
foetus infection with cats which shed naturally Cryptosporidium parvum oocysts
and Cryptosporidium non-infected cats those with C. parvum infection had an ear-
lier onset, more severe diarrhea, and increased number of trichomonads on direct
fecal examination, as compared to non-infected cats (Gookin et al. 2001). In epide-
miological studies none of the concurrent infections examined—Giardia sp.,
Cryptosporidium sp., coccidia, Clostridium perfringens, feline infectious peritoni-
tis, and Coronavirus—revealed a statistical association either to infection or dis-
ease on the individual animal level (Table 14.3). Nevertheless, it has been discussed
whether T. foetus alone can cause clinical signs without an impaired or immature
immune system, concurrent infection, or other factors resulting in alterations in the
colonic microflora (Manning 2010).
368 E. Collántes-Fernández et al.

In catteries, cat shelters, or breeding centers, T. foetus may cause outbreaks of


persistent large bowel disease (Holliday et al. 2009). There is only a single study on
risk factors associated with occurrence of trichomonosis in catteries (Table 14.3).
Similar to the findings in individual cats, the analysis on the cattery level also identi-
fied an association between T. foetus and abnormal fecal consistency or diarrhea;
“loose stools or diarrhea in any cats within the past 6 months” was significantly
associated with T. foetus-positive findings (Gookin et al. 2004). A second putative
risk factor identified in this study was related to the cat population density in catter-
ies; if the “square feet of facility available per cat was low,” this was associated with
positive findings (Gookin et al. 2004). The observation that “coinfection with coc-
cidia” was associated with T. foetus-positive findings may suggest that there are
common risk factors in favor of mixed infections of coccidian parasites with T.
foetus (Gookin et al. 2004). In epidemiological studies none of the concurrent infec-
tions examined revealed a statistical association either to infection or disease on the
individual animal level.

14.3.3 Epidemiology of T. gallinae

As outlined in Sect. 14.2.1, T. gallinae affects a large number of avian species where
it mainly parasitizes the oropharyngeal membranes—sinuses, mouth, throat, and
esophagus—causing a disease characterized by greenish fluid and caseous lesions,
of whitish-yellowish fibrinous material, on the oropharyngeal membranes (reviewed
by Amin et al. (2010)).
T. gallinae infection seems not to be host species-specific. However, studies on
parasite diversity suggest that there are subtypes more commonly found in certain bird
species (Gerhold et al. 2008; Grabensteiner et al. 2010; Sansano-Maestre et al. 2009).
T. gallinae is most common among domestic pigeons and wild doves, and these spe-
cies may represent a reservoir also for other bird species. Accordingly, rock pigeons—
Columba liva—were regarded as source for the worldwide distribution of T. gallinae
(Stabler 1954; Harmon et al. 1987). Most pigeons harbor this protozoan but rarely
show clinical disease (Stabler 1954). Hawks, falcons, and owls may become infected,
most likely via predation of other infected birds (Rogers et al. 2016). In recent years,
severe outbreaks of avian trichomonosis caused by T. gallinae have been recorded
initially in wild finches, later in Passeriformes, canaries, and psittacines in Europe and
North America since 2005 (reviewed by Amin et al. (2010)). Trichomonosis is also
reported in several other bird species, including corvids in California, USA (Anderson
et al. 2009). T. gallinae has a low tenacity in the environment and is regarded as unable
to survive a gastric passage, and droppings of birds are regarded as free of T. gallinae
(Stabler 1954). T. gallinae has no cyst stage. However, as mentioned for T. foetus
(Sect. 14.1.1), the formation of pseudocysts has been reported (Tasca and De Carli
2003). The importance of pseudocysts in the transmission of T. gallinae—e.g., via
14  Trichomonas 369

contaminated drinking water—is not sufficiently understood. Survival times in tap


water and in carcasses are regarded as limited; a survival time of 8–48 h in carcasses
has been reported (Erwin et al. 2000). The following important facts about transmis-
sion of T. gallinae need to be taken into account:

• Transmission by crop milk or direct contact: Prevalences in pigeons can be

very high, and pigeons are regarded as endemically infected, often without clini-
cal signs. Feeding on infectious crop milk is regarded as an important route of
infection for nestlings (Stabler 1954). In other bird species, feeding nestlings by
regurgitation might also be an important route of transmission. Close contact—
e.g., during courtship—is also regarded as a way by which the infection is spread
between adult birds (Stabler 1954). In Southeastern USA, trichomonosis was
diagnosed more often in the spring and summer months than in autumn and win-
ter months, which might be related to the times of courtship and feeding nest-
lings (Gerhold et al. 2007).
• Transmission by drinking water: It is believed that infection of turkeys and
chickens is caused by T. gallinae-contaminated drinking water (Stabler 1954).
Drinking water is also a likely source of infection for other bird species.
• Effect of weather events on outbreaks of avian trichomonosis: T. gallinae-­
associated finch mortality usually peaked in summer and autumn, but a correla-
tion with climatic events has not been observed (Neimanis et al. 2010; Robinson
et al. 2010; Lawson et al. 2011). A coincidence of the emergence of avian tricho-
monosis with high temperature and low rainfall has been reported (Simpson and
Molenaar 2006; Bunbury et al. 2007). It has been hypothesized that as a conse-
quence of the dry and hot weather, numbers and volumes of water sources
decline, which may favor, due to higher densities of birds aggregating at limited
water sources, the transmission of T. gallinae (Bunbury et al. 2007).
• Transmission by predation: Pigeons and doves may also serve as a source of
infection for raptors (Boal et al. 1998; Krone et al. 2005). Although T. gallinae is
a labile protozoan which does not remain viable for a prolonged period and is
rapidly killed by desiccation, survival time seems to be long enough to be trans-
mitted also to the nestlings of raptors (Krone et al. 2005).

14.3.4 Epidemiology of T. gallinarum

In contrast to T. gallinae, T. gallinarum is mainly found as a commensal in the intes-

tine of many domestic bird species, including chicken, turkey, guinea fowl, duck,
and goose (Friedhoff 1982; BonDurant and Honigberg 1994). As a parasite of the
intestine, T. gallinarum is transmitted via consumption of contaminated food or
drinking water. Cloacal as well as oral experimental infection of chickens and tur-
keys is possible.
370 E. Collántes-Fernández et al.

14.4 Prevention

14.4.1 Prevention in Cattle

Due to the widespread use of artificial insemination, bovine tritrichomonosis has

almost disappeared in dairy cattle industries, like in Western European countries, in
the USA, or in Canada. However, the disease is still present in many areas of the
world were cattle are raised on pastures and natural mating is used. Prevention and
control measures are based on the distinctive epidemiologic features of bovine trit-
richomonosis, a sexually transmitted disease where infected bulls are asymptomatic
carriers and represent a permanent source of infection while in heifers and cows
infection is typically transient (Clark et  al. 1971, 1974; Parsonson et  al. 1974;
Skirrow and BonDurant 1990b).
Bovine tritrichomonosis belongs to the OIE-listed diseases (http://www.oie.int/
en/animal-health-in-the-world/oie-listed-diseases-2017; accessed 22. Febr. 2017).
T. foetus as a causative agent of this venereal transmitted disease may be present in
semen if the semen has been contaminated with preputial fluid during manual col-
lection (Bondurant 2005). Recommendations for the importation of cattle and bulls
for breeding can be found in the Terrestrial Animal Health Code. In particular,
emphasis has been placed in the measures applied to bull semen donor health status
in order to avoid dissemination and transmission of the disease (http://www.oie.int/
index.php?id=169&L=0&htmfile=chapitre_trichomonosis.htm; accessed 22. Febr.
In dairy herds and in some beef herds, artificial insemination is a very useful
measure to reduce and eliminate infection. For bulls destined for artificial insemina-
tion, quarantine and periodic testing are required. Also, in semen trade, it is of great
value to know the country of origin, the reproductive history of the bull, and the tests
performed by the artificial insemination center (Eaglesome and Garcia 1997). In
some areas of the world, as in the EU, specific regulations are applied to bovine
semen trade and to regulate the sanitary conditions of the collection center and the
animals. Specifically, bulls selected for entry into artificial insemination should be
tested in quarantine before admission to the center, and regular testing of animals in
service is included as basic measures to avoid the presence and dissemination of
bovine tritrichomonosis (European Directive 88/407/EEC of 14th June 1988 and
European Directive 2003/43/EC of 26th May 2003).
In other countries, different policies have been established to control the infec-
tion. In the USA, state regulations have endeavored to control the endemic disease
as to minimize economic losses by testing bulls. Only the importation of T. foetus-­
free bulls is permitted for reproductive purposes while positive bulls are culled (Yao
2013). In the province of La Pampa, Argentina, with a bovine census close to four
million heads, more than 80% of bulls are tested twice each year, and positive bulls
were culled. By this measure, a significant decrease in the number of infected herds
and animals has been achieved in this region in the last 10 years (Fort et al. 2016).
Recently, an online tool has been developed in the USA—Trich CONSULT; www.
trichconsult.org, accessed 22. Febr. 2017—that uses a series of questions to assess
14  Trichomonas 371

the T. foetus status and management practices of a herd. Based on the responses to

the questions, this page provides feedback to users allowing them to evaluate the
importance of implementing suggested control strategies (Ondrak 2016).
At present, a consensus exists concerning the most relevant measures as to how
to prevent and control bovine tritrichomonosis (reviewed in Ball et  al. (1987),
McCool et  al. (1988), Bondurant (2005), Rae and Crews (2006), Campero and
Gottstein (2007), Yao (2013), Ondrak (2016)).
In herds where it is not possible to introduce artificial insemination and where
natural mating is the normal practice, as is the case in many regions where extensive
beef cattle are raised, the following measures to prevent the entrance of the infection
are recommended.

• Quarantine and testing of replacement bulls. Replacement should be done by

virgin animals or bulls acquired only from disease-free herds with records of
excellence in reproductive performance. All the bulls must be tested during quar-
antine before entrance in the herd. If the bull comes from a tritrichomonosis-free
herd, the analysis of two samples of preputial smegma with 1–2 weeks of interval
during the quarantine is recommended. Three or more samples must be analyzed
if bulls are provided from an area where tritrichomonosis is known to be endemic
(Campero and Gottstein 2007; Yao 2013; Ondrak 2016). The measure includes
the prohibition of the use of communal, shared, or rented bulls, unless their herd
of origin and individual health status are known.
• Avoid communal pastures and keep fences in good conditions. These mea-
sures will help to control some of the two most important risk factors influencing
disease transmission (Gay et al. 1996; Mardones et al. 2008; Jin et al. 2014).
• No introduction of cows or heifers of unknown health status during the
breeding season. Similar to bulls, heifers and cows must be acquired only from
disease-free herds with records of excellence in reproductive performance. In
Argentina several heifers were found infected up to 300 days after breeding; such
heifers may represent carrier cows able to introduce infection into naïve herds
(Mancebo et al. 1995).

In addition to the preventive measures outlined in Sect. 14.3, the following con-
trol measures are recommended to reduce the impact and eliminate the disease in
case that bovine tritrichomonosis has been diagnosed in a herd or the herd is located
in a tritrichomonosis endemic area:

• Testing of bulls before the breeding season and culling of infected bulls.
Efforts to control the disease focus on using diagnostic tests with a high sensitiv-
ity, low cost, and time efficacy. It is recommended to sample the animal twice or
three times before the breeding season and every time new bulls are introduced
into herds (Bondurant 2005; Campero and Gottstein 2007; Yao 2013). Once new
cases are not detected, annual testing is recommended to verify the non-infected
status of the herd. However, testing and culling policies alone, although effective
in improving reproductive efficiency, do not allow the elimination of the disease
372 E. Collántes-Fernández et al.

since other putative risk factors associated with the disease are usually present in

the management of beef herds (Yao 2013; Collantes-Fernandez et al. 2014).

• Average age reduction of bulls and replacement of all bulls after four breed-
ing seasons. Replacement with negative-tested young bulls reduces the preva-
lence since 3-year-old bulls seem not to be as susceptible as older bulls in natural
service (Clark et al. 1971; Christensen et al. 1977). A strong association of infec-
tion rate with age has been reported in several studies (Rae et al. 1999; Mendoza-­
Ibarra et al. 2012).
• Pregnancy examination. It is mandatory to know the reproductive performance
and the magnitude of the infertility problem in the herd. All open and aborted
cows should be culled or segregated in high-risk sub-herds or groups (Campero
and Gottstein 2007).
• Use of commercial vaccines. In the presence of a high prevalence of infection in
an area, vaccination of all heifers and cows is a good measure to improve repro-
ductive efficiency especially when risk factors associated with infection cannot
be avoided—e.g., the use of communal pastures. Commercially available vac-
cines in the Americas offer an improvement in reproductive efficacy (Kvasnicka
et al. 1989, 1992).
• Segregation of the herd in low- and high-risk sub-herds or groups. In the
low-risk sub-herds, only dams that have recently calved are pregnant for more
than 5  months, and virgin females must be included. These must be serviced
preferably by virgin bulls or by bulls with two negative examinations and coming
from negative herds. In order to follow the effect of the infection, the same group
of females should be serviced with the same male until the disease is controlled
(Campero and Gottstein 2007).
• Limiting of breeding season. The breeding season should be restricted to less
than 4 months to reduce the duration of the possible transmission period as much
as possible. In addition, with a shortened breeding season, it becomes easier to
monitor reproductive performance.

With respect to vaccination against bovine tritrichomonosis, the main objective is to

eliminate a T. foetus infection from the reproductive tract before fetal loss occurs with-
out necessarily avoiding parasite colonization of the epithelium during the first 40 days
post-infection (BonDurant et  al. 1993; Bondurant 2005). The mucosal immune
response in the genital area seems to be the main protective mechanism which is char-
acterized by a local response with the presence of IgA and IgG1 and a mild systemic
response characterized by the presence of IgG2 and IgG1 (Skirrow and BonDurant
1990a; Anderson et al. 1996; Corbeil et al. 2008). As a rule, cows immunized with T.
foetus have a humoral response pattern similar to that described for natural infections
(Herr et al. 1991; BonDurant et al. 1993). However, genital IgA levels appear to depend
on the type of antigen, adjuvant, and route of administration employed.
As to our knowledge, commercial vaccines against bovine tritrichomonosis exist
only in the Americas but not in Europe. One available inactivated vaccine is prepared
from whole organisms and can be acquired in a monovalent formulation—Trich
Guard®—but also in a polyvalent formulation combined with Campylobacter foetus
14  Trichomonas 373

subspecies venerealis and Leptospira, Trich Guard V5-L®. In addition, in Argentina,


an alternative inactivated vaccine—Tricovac, Tandil Biological Laboratory—contain-

ing an oily adjuvant with a concentration of 5  ×  107 trophozoites of T. foetus is
In several studies on heifers using whole-parasite-based vaccines, a reduction in
the number of infected females, a shorter time of genital infection, and a higher
percentage of pregnant females in comparison with control animals have been
reported (Kvasnicka et al. 1989, 1992; Herr et al. 1991; Gault et al. 1995; Anderson
et al. 1996; Cobo et al. 2002, 2004). In addition, a lower number of services, 1.44
vs. 1.73 in non-vaccinated animals, p = 0.16; higher percentage of pregnant ani-
mals at the first service, 66.7 vs. 33.3% pregnancies, p < 0.05; and a reduction of
embryo/fetal losses of 56.4% were observed (Kvasnicka et al. 1992; Hudson et al.
Subunit vaccines have also been developed (Clark et al. 1983b; BonDurant et al.
1993; Corbeil et  al. 1998). A trial with an experimental vaccine formulated with
membrane antigens of T. foetus was conducted; cows were immunized with this
vaccine and subsequently challenged by the vaginal route (Campero et al. 1999).
The vaccine used was able to generate a specific humoral immune response and
shorten the period of infection in the vaccinated animals compared to the controls.
A greater efficacy of a T. foetus membrane vaccine compared to a whole cell vac-
cine was observed; the animals had a shorter duration of infection, a higher preg-
nancy rate, and a lower rate of fetal mortality (Cobo et al. 2002). Additional work
has been done to identify T. foetus surface antigens such as TF1.17 and TF190
(Voyich et  al. 2001). The application of the former in experimentally challenged
heifers evidenced a rapid shortening of infection and a specific IgA production in
genital secretions (Anderson et al. 1996; Corbeil et al. 1998).
Vaccine-induced immunity to T. foetus has not been studied in depth in bulls and
is only mentioned in some earlier studies (Clark et al. 1983b, 1984; Soto and Parma
1989; Campero et al. 1990; Herr et al. 1991). In bulls older than 5 years, the whole
cell vaccine lacked a preventive or curative effect (Clark et al. 1983b). Therefore,
commercial Trich Guard® vaccine is not indicated for bulls (Herr et  al. 1991;
BonDurant 1997).

14.4.2 Prevention in Other Animals

Prevention of feline trichomonosis is based on interrupting the fecal-oral route of

transmission, particularly in catteries, shelters, and other dense cat populations.
Since the viability of the parasite in the environment is limited, strict cleaning and
disinfection measures are sensible measures to be implemented (Hale et al. 2009).
Additionally, contamination of food and water by T. foetus is also possible; conse-
quently, regular replacement of water and food and cleaning and disinfection of
watering troughs and food bowls should be recommended. Due to the suggested role
of some invertebrates to function as mechanical vectors, the avoidance of their pres-
ence in the litter box area and food and drinking areas may help to prevent infection
374 E. Collántes-Fernández et al.

transmission (Van der Saag et al. 2011). Finally, limiting contact between infected

and non-infected cats will help to interrupt transmission of T. foetus in the

Measures to prevent T. gallinae outbreaks in wild as well as in captive birds are
focused on actions to reduce sources of infection. One of the major aims would be
to prevent attracting birds to feeding places. If feeding is necessary, such places
should fulfill minimum requirements with regard to sanitary conditions, like regu-
lar changing of food and disinfection as suggested in a recent review (Amin et al.
2014). Since T. gallinae seems to require a wet environment to persist, drying of
buildings and housing facilities following washing will support to control tricho-
monad infections. The prevention of the infection of prey birds, like pigeons nest-
ing near urban areas, is necessary to prevent infection of predator birds. Due to the
loss of habitat, predators have replaced their traditional prey mainly by urban
pigeons (Boal et al. 1998; Höfle et al. 2000; Estes and Mannan 2003; Krone et al.

14.5 Treatment

14.5.1 In Cattle

In the past various imidazoles were used to treat bulls, but none was both safe and
effective, and drug resistant strains were found (reviewed in Bondurant (2005), Rae
and Crews (2006)). Specifically, ipronidazole is probably the most effective drug,
but due to its low pH, it frequently causes sterile abscesses at the injection sites, and
resistances have also been observed (Skirrow et  al. 1985). A systemic treatment
using drugs like metronidazole or dimetridazole produces adverse side effects and
resistant populations of trichomonads (Campero et al. 1987). Currently, there is no
approved treatment for cattle infected with T. foetus because of concerns regarding
toxic residues in meat (BonDurant 1997).

14.5.2 In Cats

Therapies traditionally used for treatment of protozoa are not successful for feline
trichomonosis (reviewed in Manning (2010), Yao and Köster (2015)). Currently,
ronidazole has been the most effective drug used to date and is recommended at
20–30 mg/kg orally once daily for 14 days (Gookin et al. 2006). Relapse of diarrhea
is common, but cats can continue to carry the organism, and resistant strains of T.
foetus to ronidazole have also been documented (Gookin et al. 2010a). In addition,
neurological toxicity in cats treated with ronidazole in the range of 30–50 mg/kg has
been reported (Rosado et al. 2007). It is therefore important that owners are informed
of the potential side effects. Ronidazole is not registered for veterinary use, and
informed consent is necessary prior to its use in cats, and it should only be pre-
scribed in confirmed cases.
14  Trichomonas 375

14.5.3 In Other Animals


The drugs of choice for the treatment of avian trichomonosis are nitroimidazoles
(metronidazole, dimetridazole, ronidazole, and carnidazole) (reviewed by Amin
et al. (2014)). However, subtherapeutic dosing and prophylactic use of these drugs
against trichomonosis have resulted in emergence of resistant strains of T. gallinae
(Franssen and Lumeij 1992; Munoz et al. 1998). In wild birds, treatment is not a
practical approach and generally not considered an option due to the way of applica-
tion (Cole and Friend 1999). These drugs can be only used in non-food-producing
birds by veterinary prescription.

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Julia Walochnik

The term amoebae refers to protozoan organisms that are able to change their
shape and feed by phagocytosis. Two entirely unrelated eukaryotic groups
include amoeboid organisms of medical relevance, namely, the Amoebozoa and
the Excavata. Most amoebae have a cosmopolitan distribution, and only few spe-
cies are strict parasites. Among these are the intestinal entamoebae that cannot
propagate without a host (= obligatory parasites) and survive in the environment
only as cysts. However, most amoebae do not need a host and are, thus, irrespec-
tive of their phylogenetic affiliations, all subsumed under the term free-living
amoebae. Nevertheless, when they accidentally enter a host, some of these may
also cause severe disease. The most common amoebic infections in animals are
the intestinal infections by enteric amoebae, of which infections with E. histo-
lytica in primates and with E. invadens in reptiles are of highest medical rele-
vance. Furthermore, the amoebic gill disease (AGD)—mainly caused by
Neoparamoeba perurans—has become a significant problem in fish farms in the
past few years. Infections with Acanthamoeba spp., Balamuthia mandrillaris,
and Naegleria fowleri, are very rare and are always accidental. Generally, amoe-
bic infections in animals can show severe and fatal progressions, mainly due to
low awareness leading to delayed diagnosis and to the unavailability of suffi-
ciently effective treatment. This chapter intends to give an overview of the amoe-
boid organisms known to infect animals and the corresponding diseases.

J. Walochnik
Institute of Specific Prophylaxis and Tropical Medicine, Center for Pathophysiology,
Infectiology and Immunology, Medical University of Vienna, Vienna, Austria
e-mail: [email protected]

© Springer International Publishing AG, part of Springer Nature 2018 389

M. Florin-Christensen, L. Schnittger (eds.), Parasitic Protozoa of Farm Animals
and Pets, https://doi.org/10.1007/978-3-319-70132-5_15
390 J. Walochnik

The amoebae represent a most diverse group of morphologically different and


entirely unrelated genera and species. All they truly have in common is that they
are unicellular eukaryotes using pseudopodia for locomotion and feeding by
phagocytosis. The amoebic cell typically has a granuloplasma containing the cell
organelles and a hyaloplasma producing the pseudopodia. The biodiversity of
amoeboid organisms is enormous, and they are generally among the most common
protozoa worldwide. Most amoebae have a cosmopolitan distribution, their main
habitats being freshwater and soil, but several species have adapted to extreme
environments with high temperatures, high salinities or other stresses. Moreover,
many species have highly resistant cysts allowing them to withstand extreme con-
ditions for a certain period of time. Indeed amoebae can be isolated from almost
any environment, including ice water and hot desert sand, and they can also infect
various animals, where they can inhabit almost any organ, depending mainly on the
immune system of the respective host. Some amoebae are even strictly parasitic
and cannot live without a host such as entamoebae (Eukaryota-Amoebozoa) mostly
causing infections of the intestinal tract. Some of these invade and lyse tissue and
disseminate to other organs. However, most amoebae are primarily free-living, and
their propagation is independent of the host, but upon contact, they cause severe
and eventually fatal infections. The most representative taxa are Acanthamoeba
spp. and Balamuthia mandrillaris (both Eukaryota-Amoebozoa) and Naegleria
fowleri, (Eukaryota-Excavata). Clinically relevant amoebic infections in animals
are rare and include Entamoeba invadens infections of reptiles and amoebic gill
disease (AGD) of farmed fish—caused by Neoparamoeba perurans—that has
become a significant problem in recent years. However, they may show severe
progressions, and an effective and easily manageable treatment is in many cases
not available.
Except the saprophilic E. moshkovskii, all Entamoeba species are anaerobic and
are strict parasites. Exclusively E. histolytica in humans, captive primates, and
occasionally in dogs; E. nuttalli in nonhuman primates; and E. invadens in captive
reptiles, particularly in snakes and lizards, invade epithelia and lyse tissue after
intestinal colonization eventually leading to severe bleeding and to dissemination of
the parasite to other organs. The remaining enteric amoebae are noninvasive colo-
nizers rather than pathogens. Some related genera, such as Endolimax nana,
Iodamoeba bütschlii, or Malpighamoeba mellificae, also infect various animals
(Clark and Stensvold 2015; Hooshyar et al. 2015).
Among the primarily free-living amoebozoans, mainly the genera
Neoparamoeba, Acanthamoeba and Balamuthia are of medical relevance. N.
perurans is the causative agent of AGD. Acanthamoeba spp. and Balamuthia
mandrillaris can cause disseminating infections such as skin lesions and granulo-
matous amoebic encephalitis (GAE), particularly in immunocompromised verte-
brate hosts (Visvesvara et al. 2010; Khan 2006). Acanthamoeba spp. are also the
causative agents of Acanthamoeba keratitis (AK), a sight-threatening infection of
the eye, which has very rarely be seen in animals. In humans, particularly in the
industrialized countries, this infection occurs mainly in contact lens wearers
(Marciano-Cabral and Cabral 2003). Besides these two genera, also the genera
15 Amoebae 391

Sappinia and Vermamoeba have been associated with disease in humans, whereas

infections in animals have not yet been described (Schuster and Visvesvara
2004a). However, particularly the genera Acanthamoeba and Vermamoeba have
also medical importance as hosts, vehicles, and training grounds for bacteria
(Barker and Brown 1994). Several bacteria, including important human pathogens
such as legionellae, have been shown to be primed for virulence by passage
through amoebae.
The only excavate amoeba species of true medical relevance is Naegleria fowleri
causing the usually fatal primary amoebic meningoencephalitis (PAME) in a wide
range of animals, most infections having been reported from mammals. However,
also N. fowleri is primarily free-living and causes disease if it accidentally gets
access to the central nervous system (CNS) of its respective host.
Table 15.1 gives an overview of the most important amoebic taxa infecting ani-
mals, their phylogenetic affiliations and main characteristics.

Table 15.1  Amoeboid organisms as animal pathogens (medically relevant infections and main
hosts in bold)
No. of
nuclei Disease/
Size in in medical
μm (T/C) cyst relevancea Animalsa Selected references
Primarily free-living
Naegleria 12–25/7– 1 PAME Bovines, Daft et al. (2005),
fowleri 15 humans, Frank and Bosch
nonhuman (1972), Lozano-
primates, Alarcón et al.
reptiles, tapir (1997), Morales et
al. (2006),
Visvesvara et al.
Willaertia 50– 1 (or Gastritis? Dogs Steele et al. (1997)
magna 100/18– more)
Endolimax nana 6–15/8– 4 Diarrhoea? Amphibians, Frank and Bosch
10 birds, humans, (1997), Mc
nonhuman Dougald (1997),
primates, Poulsen and
reptiles, rodents Stensvold (2016)
Entamoeba 10–20/9– 4 Diarrhoea, Ducks, other Silvanose et al.
anatis 18 pharyngeal birds (1998)
E. bovis 5–25/4– 1 None Bovines, Al-Habsi et al.
15 caprines, ovines (2017)
392 J. Walochnik

Table 15.1 (continued)

E. coli 25– 8 None Humans, Verweij et al.

50/20–33 nonhuman (2003) and Clark
primates, dogs, and Stensvold
marsupials, (2015)
E. dispar 9–25/11– 4 Diarrhoea? Humans, Ali (2015), Verweij
20 nonhuman et al. (2003) and
primates Clark and
Stensvold (2015)
E. gallinarum 9–25/12– 8 None Chickens, McDougald
15 ducks, geese, (1997), Tyzzer
guinea fowl, (1920)
E. gingivalis 10–20 No Paradontitis? Cats, dogs, Bergquist (2009)
cyst horses, and Clark and
Humans, Stensvold (2015)
primates, pigs
E. hartmanni 5–10/3–5 4 None Humans, Clark and
nonhuman Stensvold (2015)
E. histolytica 9–25/10– 4 Haemorrhagic Humans, (cats, Alam et al. (2015),
18 diarrhoea, dogs, Amyx et al. (1978),
liver abscess nonhuman Beaver et al. (1988),
primates, pigs) Clark and Stensvold
(2015) and Verweij
et al. (2003)
E. invadens 10– 4 Haemorrhagic Reptiles Donaldson et al.
35/10–20 diarrhoea, (1975), Jacobson
gross lesions et al. (1983) and
Ratcliffe and
Geiman (1934)
E. moshkovskii 9–25/11– 4 Diarrhoea? Sewage, Ali (2015), Heredia
20 humans, et al. (2012)
primates, reptiles
E. nuttalli 9–25/11– 4 Diarrhoea, Humans, Levecke et al.
20 liver abscess nonhuman (2015) and
primates Tachibana et al.
E. polecki 10– 1 Diarrhoea Birds, humans, Solaymani-­
20/10–18 nonhuman Mohammadi and
primates, pigs, Petri (2006) and
wild boars Pakandl (1994)
E. ranarum 11–30/6– 1 Diarrhoea, Frogs, toads, Poynton and
20 extraintestinal snakes Whitaker (2001)
disease? and Richter et al.
E. suis 5–25/4– 1 Diarrhoea Nonhuman Matsubayashi et al.
17 primates, pigs (2014)
15 Amoebae 393

Table 15.1 (continued)

nuclei Disease/
Size in in medical
μm (T/C) cyst relevancea Animalsa Selected references
Iodamoeba 8–20/5– 1 None Humans, Verweij et al.
bütschlii 18 nonhuman (2003), Clark and
primates, pigs Stensvold (2015)
and Pakandl (1994)
Malpighamoeba 5–15/6–7 2 Spring time Bees Evans and Schwarz
mellificae disease (2011) and Prell
Primarily free-living
Acanthamoeba 15– 1 Keratitis; Amphibians, Bosch and Deichsel
spp. 45/12–32 GAE birds, bovines, (1972), Culbertson
(opportunistic) dogs, fishes, et al. (1958), Dubey
horses, humans, et al. (2005),
kangaroo, mice, Dykova et al.
ovines, (1999), Frank and
nonhuman Bosch (1972),
primates, Jones et al. (1975),
reptiles, Kent et al. (2011),
invertebrates Mortazavi et al.
(2010), Visvesvara
et al. (2010),
Valladares et al.
(2014) and
Walochnik et al.
Balamuthia 12– 1 GAE (mainly Dogs, horses, Kinde et al. (1998)
mandrillaris 60/12–30 opportunistic) humans, and Visvesvara
nohuman et al. (1993)
primates, sheep
Neoparamoeba 41–56 No AGL Fish Munday (1986),
perurans cyst (particularly Oldham et al.
salmonids) (2016) and Young
et al. (2007)
Sappinia spp. 50– 1–2 GAE Humans Gelman et al.
80/18–37 (opportunistic) (2001)
Vermamoeba 12–37/4– 1 CNS and eye Humans Centeno et al.
vermiformis 9 infections? (1996), Aitken
et al. (1996) and
et al. (2007a, b)
GAE granulomatous amoebic encephalitis, PAME primary amoebic meningoencephalitis
Relevant clinical manifestations and main hosts are printed bold
394 J. Walochnik

15.1 Morphologies and Life Cycles


15.1.1 Amoebozoans

The amoebozoan amoebae have two life cycle stages, a feeding and dividing tropho-
zoite and a metabolically inactive cyst stage, which enables the amoebae to survive
without nutrients and withstand desiccation and heat (Figs. 15.1 and 15.2). The cyst
morphology has been widely used for identification and classification, but in many
cases, morphological species are not supported by molecular data.

a b c d

Fig. 15.1  Amoebozoans in cell culture. Entamoeba histolytica (×200) (a), Acanthamoeba mor-
phological Group III (×1000) (b), Balamuthia mandrillaris (×1000) (c), Sappinia diploidea
(×400) (d). Orig

a b c

d e f

Fig. 15.2 Cysts of amoebozoans. Entamoeba histolytica (a), Entamoeba hartmanni (b),

Iodamoeba bütschlii (c), Acanthamoeba morphological Group II (d), Balamuthia mandrillaris (e),
Sappinia diploidea (f). All ×1000. Orig
15 Amoebae 395

The genus Entamoeba can be recognized by a distinctive nucleus—composed of a


ring representing the peripheral chromatin and a dot representing the karyosome or
nucleolus—allowing to divide it into species groups based on cyst morphology and
the presence of one, four, or eight nuclei in mature cysts (Table 15.1). However, this
genus also includes species that do not form cysts—e.g. E. gingivalis—where this
classification scheme cannot be applied (Clark 2000). In this case, also the host spe-
cies, the morphology and position of the karyosome and the existence of chromatoid
bars—aggregates of ribosomes—are important characters for species discrimination.
Altogether 51 species have been described, but the validity of several species is still
uncertain (Hooshyar et al. 2015). The medically most important species are in alpha-
betical order: E. anatis (birds), E. gingivalis (humans), E. histolytica (humans), E.
invadens (reptiles), E. nuttalli (nonhuman primates), E. polecki (humans, other pri-
mates and pigs) and E. suis (pigs). The two truly pathogenic Entamoeba species—E.
histolytica and E. invadens—belong to separate clades within the genus. The poten-
tially invasive E. nuttalli is rather closely related to E. histolytica. The sizes of the
trophozoite stage of intestinal amoebae vary between 5  μm in E. hartmanni, and
around 50 μm in E. coli, E. histolytica, E. dispar, and E. moshkovskii are morphologi-
cal identical and cannot be distinguished by microscopy. Their cysts (Fig. 15.2a) mea-
sure between 10 and 20  μm—mostly around 12  μm—and have a pronounced
chitinious cell wall, chromatoid bodies, and one to four nuclei, four displayed in the
mature state. E. hartmanni has also four nuclei in the mature cyst, yet they measure
only 3.8 μm in diameter allowing to differentiate this species (Fig. 15.2b). The tropho-
zoites of E. invadens have a single large ringlike nucleus with a small central karyo-
some and a size of 10–40 μm. The cyst stage has four nuclei and measures around
12–14 μm in diameter. The largest species is E. coli with cysts up to 33 μm in diam-
eter. The cysts of E. polecki range from 10 to 18 μm in diameter and have a single
nucleus, whereas the cysts of Iodamoeba bütschlii scale 5–18 μm in diameter and are
characterized by a rather large nucleolus and a large glycogen mass—vacuole—
within the cell (Fig. 15.2c). While the tetra-nucleated cyst-producing species seem to
exhibit little intraspecific genetic variability, E. polecki and E. coli comprise four and
two genetic subtypes, respectively (Clark and Stensvold 2015, Som et al. 2000).
In all enteric amoebae, only the mature cyst is able to survive the gastric passage
and represents the infective parasite stage. In multinucleated species, excystation
takes place in the large intestine with one cyst typically releasing four to eight motile
trophozoites. Trophozoites feed mainly on bacteria by phagocytosis and divide by
binary fission, but some species can also invade the mucosa. Usually, trophozoites
start to encyst when infection subsides. Encystment typically takes place in the lower
parts of the large intestine, yet the triggers of cyst formation are still unknown. Most
entamoebae cannot encyst outside their host, and trophozoites cannot survive for a
long time in the environment. Only the cysts are resistant against harsh conditions in
the environment, and the viability of these resistant stages may be weeks to months.
The genera Neoparamoeba and Paramoeba include amoebae that have short
blunt digitiform subpseudopodia and are characterized by the presence of para-
somes—endosymbionts of the Perkinsela amoebae-type—which are 5–8 μm in size
396 J. Walochnik

and are located adjacent to the nucleus. The trophozoites of N. perurans—the most

important causative agent of AGD—are 41–56 μm long, have numerous endocytotic

vesicles, and, in contrast to Paramoeba spp., lack surface structures (Young et al.
2007; Oldham et al. 2016). Cysts are unknown, but pseudocysts have been observed
recently (Lima et al. 2016).
The genus Acanthamoeba comprises three morphological groups, which are—
as in the case of enteric amoebae—based on the morphologies of the cysts (Pussard
and Pons 1977). The cysts are 12–32 μm in size and have a double-layered wall,
with an outer ectocyst wall consisting of proteins and polysaccharides and an inner
endocyst wall, mainly composed of cellulose (Fig. 15.2d) (Neff and Neff 1969).
The ecto- and endocyst join at the covered ostioles, from which the amoeba
emerges during excystation and which give the cysts a characteristic polygonal
form, but intraspecific polymorphism is common (Chavez-Mungua et  al. 2005).
The cysts are usually uninuclear and have a large, dense, centrally located nucleo-
lus. Around 25 species and 22 18S rDNA genotypes (T1-T22) have been described,
yet several morphological species are not supported by molecular data (Gast et al.
1996; Stothard et al. 1998). The most common genotype in Acanthamoeba infec-
tions is T4, which also is the most abundant genotype. A classification into virulent
and nonvirulent genotypes has not been possible so far (Booton et  al. 2005;
Walochnik et al. 2015). Acanthamoeba trophozoites are 15–45 μm in size. Their
movement is sluggish, usually involving a single pseudopodium, referred to as
lobopodium, and characteristic spiny surface projections, referred to as acanthopo-
dia. The acanthapodia are important during the infection process, since they allow
trophozoites to interact with the host cell surface (Omaña-Molina et  al. 2004).
When they attach to surfaces, they are rounded and flat, but they also have a spa-
tially shaped floating form. Although multinucleate cells can be found, trophozo-
ites are generally uninucleate. In contrast to entamoebae, free-living amoebozoans
have mitochondria.
B. mandrillaris is the only species that constitutes this genus. The cysts of this
species are more or less spherical and have a size that ranges between 12 and 30 μm
corresponding to a mean diameter of 15 μm (Fig. 15.2e). They are uninucleate but
frequently also two nucleoli are found. By light microscopy, cysts appear to be
round or oval in shape with a wavy and irregular outer wall without pores. According
to Visvesvara et al. (1993), the cyst wall has three layers, the thin and irregular outer
ectocyst, the thick endocyst, and the middle amorphous fibrillar mesocyst. The tro-
phozoites of B. mandrillaris are 12–60 μm long and have typically numerous tubu-
lar pseudopodia.
The cysts of Sappinia spp. are around 18–25 μm in diameter. The formation of
bicellular cysts as a result of two copulating trophozoites, which later transform into
unicellular binucleate cysts, is considered characteristic for S. diploidea (Fig. 15.2f).
Trophozoites are 50–60 μm long and 20–30 μm wide and typically have two nuclei.
They have a monopodial locomotion with a large hyaloplasma in the anterior part of
the cell and a cell surface without any sub-pseudopodial projections. Moreover,
Sappinia spp. feature so-called standing forms or standing amoeba stage.
15 Amoebae 397

In free-living amoebozoans, the infective and invasive stage is usually the tro-

phozoite, which accesses the host by contact of wounds, mucosa, or corneal epithe-
lium to contaminated water or soil. In addition, cysts are easily spread through the
air and can be inhaled into the lower respiratory tract or brought upon skin lesions
of the host. Under appropriate conditions, cysts transform rapidly into trophozoites,
which under optimal conditions multiply every 6–8 h by binary fission. Most spe-
cies prefer temperatures of around 30 °C, but many isolates grow also at elevated
temperatures of up to even 45 °C (Griffin 1972). In contrast to all other amoebae,
Acanthamoeba spp. and B. mandrillaris can encyst within the host tissue making
treatment extremely difficult. In the environment, Acanthamoeba cysts maintain
viability for at least 25 years (Mazur et al. 1995).

15.1.2 Heteroloboseans

All representatives of the genus Naegleria have three life cycle stages, a tropho-
zoite, a cysts, and a biflagellate flagellate stage, which allows for rapid dispersal.
The cysts are uninucleate and round or oval with a smooth surface and four to
seven plugged pores (Fig. 15.3). The nucleus has a characteristic perinuclear ring
visible in the cysts as well as in the trophozoites. In contrast to the amoebozoans,
Naegleria spp. have discoid cristae in their mitochondria, and they lack a typical
Golgi apparatus. Trophozoites are of an elongated shape, divide by binary fission,
and exhibit a rapid eruptive locomotion, reaching a velocity of more than 4 times
their own body length per minute. Moreover, they have cytoplasmic extensions of

Fig. 15.3  Naegleria

fowleri (G). Scale bar:
10 μm. Orig
398 J. Walochnik

the surface—food cups or amoebastomes—with which they ingest bacteria and


also cellular debris. The genus Naegleria holds currently 47 described species.
Although several species have been shown to be virulent after experimental infec-
tion of mice, exclusively N. fowleri has been described to cause disease after natu-
ral infection (De Jonckheere 2014). The cysts of N. fowleri range in size between
7 and 15 μm, and the trophozoites measure 12.5–25 μm. The flagellate form is
pear-shaped, has a body length of 12–18 μm, and is usually biflagellate, though
occasionally multiple flagella can be observed. Even though the actively invading
form of N. fowleri is the trophozoite, all three forms of parasite stages are able to
initiate an infection.

15.2 Host-Pathogen Interactions

It is important to differentiate between the simple presence of amoebal stages—par-

ticularly cysts which may simply pass through the intestinal tract—, colonization
verified by the presence of amoebal trophozoites, and true infection of various
organs characterized not only by multiplying amoebae but also by an immune reac-
tion of the host (Fig. 15.4).
While many of the enteric amoebae are specific for one group of animals, in most
hosts within their host range they are only colonizers and are invasive and virulent
only in a few specific hosts. For example, E. invadens is known to potentially cause
fatal enteritis in reptiles. However, while crocodiles and turtles typically act as car-
riers and are not susceptible to severe infections, snakes and lizards show high mor-
tality (Kojimoto et al. 2001; Richter et al. 2008).
Concerning the facultatively parasitic free-living amoebae, various animal taxa
seem to be similarly susceptible to infection. Importantly, the vast majority of healthy
individuals, humans or animals, do not develop disease in spite of regular contact
with free-living amoebae. Besides risky behaviour such as having contact with con-
taminated waters and mechanical prerequisites or such as breaks in the skin, the
immune status of the respective host plays an important role for the establishment of
disease. AGD typically occurs in salmonid fish farms, where crowding and other

a b c

Fig. 15.4 Histology. Entamoeba histolytica in the gut mucosa (a), Acanthamoeba in a human
cornea (b), Naegleria fowleri in the mouse brain (c). A+C: x1000, B: ×400. Orig
15 Amoebae 399

stresses make fish particularly susceptible. Although GAE has been described in a

broad range of animals, most of them have been in captivity. Mice, guinea pigs, and
rabbits, develop a CNS infection comparable to GAE when experimentally infected
with Acanthamoeba spp. or B. mandrillaris. They are therefore used as animal mod-
els for GAE, but generally all vertebrates and even some invertebrates seem to be
susceptible to the infection (Mortazavi et  al. 2010; Visvesvara and Stehr-­Green
1990). Naturally occurring AK seems to be extremely rare in animals but may remain
unnoticed and/or undiagnosed. A single case has been described in a dog with an
underlying chronical ocular surface disease that was treated with a long-term immu-
nosuppression, but the corneas of several animals—e.g. pigs and hamster—are gen-
erally susceptible to AK and the respective hosts used as models (Alizadeh et  al.
1995; He et al. 1992; Beckwith-Cohen et al. 2016). In contrast to all other free-­living
amoebae infections, PAME does not seem to be related to a compromised immune
state. Here, the major risk factor seems to be the introduction of N. fowleri contami-
nated water into the nostrils, whereby a damaged nasal mucosa—e.g. by a common
rhinovirus infection—is assumed to favour the penetration of the amoebae.
In general, all amoebae feed mainly on bacteria and other microorganisms by
phagocytosis and only under certain conditions become cytolytic to the—typically
much larger—cells of their respective hosts. The course of pathogenesis of an
amoeba infection depends on adhesion to the host cells, contact-mediated cytolysis,
and the immunoreaction of the host. The ability of amoebae to lyse cells is mainly
based on lysosomal hydrolases and phospholipases. In addition, pore-forming pro-
teins released after cell-cell contact that make pores into the host cell membrane
have been described for Entamoeba, Acanthamoeba, and also for Naegleria (Young
et al. 1982; Herbst et al. 2002; Michalek et al. 2013). Acanthamoeba can adhere
particularly firmly to other cells and artificial surfaces by the use of their acantho-
podia. Whereas Acanthamoeba spp. and B. mandrillaris cause usually granuloma-
tous lesions, invasive entamoebae and N. fowleri cause typically necroses.
In general, Entamoeba infections gradually decline with serial infections due to the
acquired immunity. In contrast, free-living amoeba infections initiate an innate
immune response essentially involving macrophages, neutrophils, and the comple-
ment system which does not allow the establishment of an immunological memory
(Cursons et al. 1980). In this case, the uncontrolled activation of complement seems
to be partially responsible for oedema and damage to blood vessel walls that are char-
acteristic for Acanthamoeba and B. mandrillaris infections.

15.3 Epidemiology

Most amoebae have a cosmopolitan distribution. The first amoebic pathogen

described was Entamoeba histolytica, identified as the causative agent of chronic
diarrhoea in humans by the Russian physician Fedor Aleksandrovich Lösch in 1875
(Loesch 1875). Amoeboesis in reptiles due to Entamoeba invadens was first
recorded by Ratcliffe and Geiman in 1934. Acanthamoeba has been discovered as a
contaminant in a fungal cell culture by the Italian tropical disease specialists Aldo
400 J. Walochnik

Castellani in 1930 and was at that time thought to belong to the genus Hartmannella

(Castellani 1930; Volkonsky 1931). Their medical relevance has been established
when Culbertson discovered in 1958 their ability to cause meningoencephalitis in
mice and monkeys. Only a few years later, Fowler and Carter identified an amoeba—
later named Naegleria fowleri—as the causative agent of several cases of fatal
meningoencephalitis in children in southern Australia (Fowler and Carter 1965).
Amoebae—later identified as Neoparamoeba perurans—as causative agents of
AGD were first isolated in 1984 from farmed salmon off the coast of Tasmania
(Munday 1986). Balamuthia mandrillaris was first isolated from the brain of a preg-
nant mandrill baboon that had died from meningoencephalitis in 1986 in the San
Diego Wildlife Park (Visvesvara et al. 1990, 1993).
Although entamoebae are generally distributed worldwide, the transmission cycles
of the respective species are enhanced in settings that are densely populated and/or
that favour faecal contamination of water and food. In addition, the cysts remain via-
ble for longer periods of time in moist and non-freezing environments. Entamoebae
include parasites of all classes of vertebrates and some invertebrates, and most species
show a relatively high host specificity. However, depending on the infective dose, the
virulence of the respective strain, and the immune status of the respective host animal,
a much broader group of animals is usually susceptible to infection. While the mam-
malian entamoebae have a preferred temperature of around 37 °C, E. invadens—the
causal agent of amoebiasis in reptiles—thrives at low temperatures.
N. perurans is a marine cosmopolitan free-living amoeba. It causes the syndrome
of AGD, which has first been reported from Tasmania, but meanwhile affects also fish
farms in Europe and the Americas. Further outbreaks have been reported in Ireland,
Scotland, Norway, France, Spain, Chile, and New Zealand (Oldham et al. 2016).
The ubiquitous Acanthamoeba spp. are among the most versatile protozoan
organisms being able to feed on almost anything, to thrive under aerobic and anaero-
bic conditions, and to survive under extreme conditions with regard to pH, salinity
and temperature. They have been isolated from fresh- and brackish waters, bottled
mineral waters, dialysis machines, cooling towers of electric and nuclear power
plants, heating, ventilating and air conditioning units, soil, dust, contact lens para-
phernalia, ear discharge, pulmonary secretions, and stool samples (Marciano-Cabral
and Cabral 2003; Visvesvara et al. 2007). Besides humans, other mammalian verte-
brates seem to be particularly susceptible for cerebral infections, which are usually
associated with immunodeficiency, whereas from other animals, infections of vari-
ous organs have been reported.
B. mandrillaris has always been presumed to be free-living but could not be
recovered for a long time from environmental samples. Principally this amoeba is a
soil amoeba. Schuster et  al. (2003) reported the first environmental isolation,
namely, from soil of a potted plant in the home of a 3-year-old child, who had died
from amoebic encephalitis in northern California. Dunnebacke et al. (2004) reported
the second environmental isolation from a soil sample from an outdoor potted plant,
also in California.
15 Amoebae 401

N. fowleri is thermophilic—37–45 °C—and is found often in very high densities


in thermal waters, e.g. in poorly maintained swimming pools, hot springs, hydro-
therapy pools, lakes and ponds during the warm season, and in thermally polluted
waters and soil. It is resistant against low levels of under 1 mg/mL chlorine and has
thus an advantage over most other protozoa in many man-made habitats. The highly
motile flagellate form facilitates its dispersal. In contrast to Acanthamoeba spp.,
Naegleria spp. have never been isolated from seawater samples as it is more sensi-
tive to high levels of osmolarity.

15.3.1 F
 arm Animals

There is limited data on amoebic infections in farm animals. Entamoeba polecki and
E. suis infections are rather common in pigs—particularly in young piglets—but
have long been assumed to be without clinical relevance. In recent years, this view
has changed a bit, and they are now considered partly responsible for diarrhoea and
haemorrhagic colitis in pigs (Matsubayashi et al. 2014). In the case of E. polecki,
pigs play a major role as reservoir hosts for zoonotic infections in humans, and this
is also assumed for E. histolytica (Schuster and Visvesvara 2004a, Solaymani-­
Mohammadi and Petri 2006). E. bovis, which is considered to have no clinical rele-
vance, and which might be synonymous with E. ovis, can be isolated from cattle and
various other ruminants (Stensvold et al. 2010). GAE, either caused by Acanthamoeba
spp. or by B. mandrillaris, is known to occur naturally in horses, sheep, and bovines
(Dwivedi and Singh 1965; McConnell et  al. 1986; Fuentealba et  al. 1992; Kinde
et  al. 1998). PAME caused by N. fowleri has been described in cows (Daft et  al.
2005; Visvesvara et al. 2005).

15.3.2 P

Dogs can be infected by E. histolytica, but they have long been assumed not to func-
tion as reservoir hosts since the parasite rarely encysts (Thompson and Smith 2011).
However, in a large screening in Pakistan, a high prevalence of the morphologically
indistinguishable E. histolytica/dispar/moshkovskii group was identified in faecal
samples of different dog populations—of which the highest prevalence was found
in symptomatic household dogs—and authors concluded that dogs may play a sig-
nificant role in the epidemiology of E. dispar and E. moshkovskii since a low preva-
lence of E. histolytica could be determined (Alam et al. 2015). In addition, several
cases of cerebral Acanthamoeba infections and cases of GAE caused by B. mandril-
laris have been described in dogs (Ayers et al. 1972; Pearce et al. 1985; Bauer et al.
1993; Foreman et al. 2004; Dubey et al. 2005; Finnin et al. 2007; Hodge et al. 2011).
Moreover, there has been a singular report of a dog with a gastric infection with
Willaertia magna—a heterolobosean amoeba (Steele et al. 1997).
402 J. Walochnik

15.3.3 Birds

Various Entamoeba and related species, including E. anatis, E. gallinarum, and

Endolimax spp., are known to occur in different groups of birds, albeit with rather low
clinical relevance (McDougald 1997). E. anatis has been identified as causative agent
of pharyngeal disease in captive bustards (Silvanose et al. 1998). An Acanthamoeba
infection of the liver was diagnosed post-mortem in a keel-billed toucan (Visvesvara
et al. 2007).

15.3.4 Reptiles

The most serious amoebal pathogen of reptiles is E. invadens, causing ulcerative

enteritis and hepatitis associated with high morbidity and mortality, particularly in
captive snakes and lizards (Donaldson et al. 1975; Jacobson et al. 1983; Ozaki et al.
2000). While E. invadens is considered a commensal to herbivorous reptile species
in many carnivorous reptiles, it invades the mucosa causing a severe infection. The
optimal growth temperature for E. invadens ranges between 20 and 30 °C, and an
infection cannot be established at higher temperatures of 34–37  °C (Meerovitch
Bosch and Deichsel (1972) investigated gut and tissue samples of 71 reptiles for
amoeba infections and isolated 114 strains pertaining to the genera Entamoeba and
Acanthamoeba. Singular cases of infections with various amoeba species in various
tissues of reptiles have been described (Frank and Bosch 1972, Madrigal Sesma
et al. 1988; Schuster et al. 2003; Walochnik et al. 1999).

15.3.5 Fishes

In fish, AGD caused by Neoparamoeba perurans—and possibly other Neoparamoeba

and Paramoeba species—has become a significant problem in marine fish farming of
salmonids (Roubal et al. 1989, Oldham et al. 2016). In 1977, Taylor described the
first systemic infection of fish by Acanthamoeba. Besides Acanthamoeba, he also
isolated Naegleria and Vahlkampfia species from various organs of different species
of freshwater fishes (Taylor 1977). Other genera that may become pathogenic for fish
include Cochliopodium and Thecamoeba, and representatives of numerous other
genera have been isolated from the gills of asymptomatic fishes (Dyková and Lom

15.3.6 Other Animals

E. histolytica—although considered to infect specifically humans—is frequently

also isolated from nonhuman primates in captivity; their role as a potential reser-
voirs for amoebae remains unknown, but there seem to be genetic differences
15 Amoebae 403

between strains isolated from humans and nonhuman primates (Beaver et al. 1998,

Loomis et al. 1983, Takano et al. 2007, Levecke et al. 2010). E. nuttalli infections
are rather common in captive nonhuman primates but possibly occur and cause
disease also in wild monkeys and apes (Levecke et al. 2010; Tachibana et al. 2016).
Malpighamoeba mellificae is known to infect adult bees in tropical but also in
temperate regions. The amoebae are transmitted by the faecal-oral route and live in
the Malpighian tubules, causing mostly chronic infections. They lyse tissue and
gradually damage the Malpighian tubules. Infections may remain without any symp-
toms but may also be associated with spring dwindling of bee colonies (Evans and
Schwarz 2011; Prell 1926).
Mostly fatal infections of the CNS and other organs of various captive primates,
including gorillas, a mandrill, an orangutan, and a SIV-infected rhesus macaque that
were either caused by Acanthamoeba spp. or by B. mandrillaris, have been reported
(Anderson et al. 1986; Visvesvara et al. 1990; Canfield et al. 1997; Rideout et al.
1997; Westmoreland et al. 2004). Moreover, one case of GAE in a captive kangaroo,
most probably caused by Acanthamoeba, was reported from Australia (Norton and
Hartley 1993). Lorenzo-Morales et al. (2007a, b) screened intestinal swab samples
of wild squirrels from the Canary Islands and Morocco and could isolate various
strains of Acanthamoeba spp.
A spontaneous PAME case due to a N. fowleri infection has been reported
from a South American tapir in a zoo in Phoenix, Arizona, USA (Lozano-Alarcón
et al. 1997).

15.4 Clinical Effects, Diagnosis, Prevention and Treatment

The two most important amoebal infections in veterinary medicine are intestinal
amoebiasis in reptiles and AGD occurring mainly in Atlantic salmon. Both diseases
are linked to a compromised immune status in the respective animals, caused by
captivity, crowding and other stress factors, and both diseases are characterized by
high mortality. Diagnostics rely on direct parasite detection in the affected tissues,
whereby it is difficult for unexperienced microscopists to distinguish amoebal tro-
phozoites from other cells—particularly macrophages—by morphological identifi-
cation, which is why molecular biological methods are gaining more and more
importance. Treatment of amoebal infections in animals is problematic as no highly
effective and specific drugs are available.

15.4.1 I ntestinal Amoebiasis

With the exception of E. gingivalis and E. moshkovskii, all entamoebae are parasites
of the large intestine, where they primarily feed on bacteria, but occasionally
become invasive causing commonly a necrotic colitis. Clinical signs vary between
no abnormalities to anorexia, dehydration, bloody faeces, and general debility of the
infected animals (Schuster and Visvesvara 2004b).
404 J. Walochnik

While in most animals Entamoeba infections have an asymptomatic and self-­


limiting progression, in reptiles, amoebiasis is one of the most serious diseases

(Donaldson et al. 1975; Jacobson et al. 1983). Principally, meat-eating reptiles are
more prone to amoebiasis than plant-eating reptiles, whereby carnivorous snakes,
including boas, colubrids, elapids, vipers and crotalids, and also giant tortoises, are
particularly susceptible. However, many reptiles—e.g. garter snakes, northern black
racers, and box turtles—function as asymptomatic carrier hosts and represent reser-
voirs of infection. Transmission happens via the faecal-oral route; cysts are ingested
with contaminated water or—less common—with food. The incubation period is
usually around 2 weeks. First signs may be regurgitation of undigested food and a
significantly increased water intake, indicating dehydration associated with hepatic
and renal insufficiency. Further typical symptoms are anorexia, weight loss, and
severe mucoidal or haemorrhagic diarrhoea, which finally may lead to death. Gross
lesions may extend from the stomach to the cloaca; the cloacal region is typically
swollen and firm. In chronic cases, the amoebae may cause multifocal hepatic
abscesses containing numerous E. invadens trophozoites. Trophozoites or cysts are
detected in wet preparations of fresh faeces, tissue impressions or tissue sections.
Immediate examination of fresh, bloody faeces may reveal moving trophozoites. In
recent years, antigen detection and several PCR protocols have been established as
highly specific and very sensitive assays that are available as commercial diagnostic
kits. Serological methods are of importance for extraintestinal amoebiasis. The intes-
tine shows areas of ulceration that tend to coalesce and are characterized by caseous
necrosis, oedema, and haemorrhage. Frequently, E. invadens amoebiasis is epidemic
in large snake collections.
Reptile amoebiasis is treated with metronidazole, the drug of choice for the treat-
ment of almost all infections with enteric protozoa (Denver et al. 1999, Innis et al.
2007). Strict sanitation and hygiene measures can significantly reduce the risk of
infection. The joint housing of turtles and snakes should be avoided.
Depending on the animal species, several other non-pathogenic Entamoeba spe-
cies and enteric amoebae can be detected in stool specimens (Table 15.1). Usually,
trophozoites are found in diarrhoeal faecal specimens, while cysts are rather observed
in formed stool.

15.4.2 Amoebic Gill Disease (AGD)

Atlantic salmon appears to be the most susceptible species to AGD. Outbreaks in

Pacific salmon have also been observed but are generally minor and sporadic.
However, AGD can also affect several other fish species cultured in the marine envi-
ronment, including other salmonids, turbot, European sea bass, and sharpsnout sea
bream (Mitchell and Rodger 2011). Several species of the genera Neoparamoeba
and Paramoeba have been described as the causative agents of AGD, though some
of these have been possibly misidentified (Dyková and Lom 2004; Oldham et al.
2016). The most important species is N. perurans, a marine amoebozoan first
described in 2007 by Young and colleagues. Predisposing factors for AGD are a
15 Amoebae 405

water temperature above 16 °C, high salinity—approaching 35‰—crowding, and


poor water circulation inside the pens. The fishes typically develop symptoms
around 2  months after transfer to the pens. Clinical signs are lethargy, anorexia,
dyspnoea, rapid opercular movements, and increased ventilation. The infected fish
tend to congregate at the water surface and often show white mucoid patches and
gross lesions on their gills. Laboratory diagnosis relies on microscopic investigation
of histological sections or PCR. Epithelial hyperplasia, lamellar fusion, the pres-
ence of interlamellar vesicles, and amoebae-containing parasomes, are observed in
tissue sections (Oldham et al. 2016). Interestingly, fish that had clinical AGD seem
to be relatively resistant to reinfection (Mitchell and Rodger 2011). The recom-
mended treatment for AGD is repetitive freshwater baths (Findlay et  al. 1995).
Furthermore, early and efficient mortality removal is crucial to reduce the infection
risk for cohabiting fishes. In addition, levamisole, chloramine, and chlorine dioxide
have been used with some success to lower mortality within the pens.

15.4.3 Granulomatous Amoebic Encephalitis (GAE)

GAE can be caused by Acanthamoeba spp., B. mandrillaris, and Sappinia diploidea

and is a chronic or subacute progressing infection of the brain that typically occurs in
immunocompromised individuals. Nevertheless, some cases of B. mandrillaris GAE
have been reported in apparently healthy humans. The mode of infection is usually
via skin lesion contact with contaminated water or by inhalation and subsequent
haematogenous spread, whereby the amoebae are assumed to disseminate rather via
a perivascular route than with the blood. The incubation period can vary from several
weeks to months. In many cases, the disease starts to manifest at the primary foci—
either as dermatitis or as pneumonia. Within the brain, the amoebae spread centrifu-
gally and mainly affect the cerebral lobes, the cerebellum, and the brain stem. Typical
symptoms of GAE in animals are lethargy, vomiting, seizures, circling, and head tilt
to either side, incapability of any movement or dragging an extremity, coma and
death follows. In many cases, post-mortem also other organs are found to be affected.
In tissue sections, the disease presents as general inflammation with sparse gran-
ules and amoebic infiltrates. Importantly, trophozoites and cysts are detected in
biopsy material, including the cerebrospinal fluid (CSF) in the case of a cerebral
infection. The direct detection of the causative agent in the clinical sample is the
only reliable diagnostic method of GAE.  The trophozoites stain well in several
staining methods, and cysts exhibit autofluorescence. Culturing on non-nutrient
agar plates remains the gold standard of diagnosis, but also PCR-based techniques
and immunofluorescence stainings have been established (Schuster and Visvesvara
2004b). For morphological investigation, hanging drop preparations and differential
interference contrast (DIC) are generally recommended for all amoebae. However,
reliable identification below the genus level requires molecular methods (Walochnik
et al. 2015). Serological techniques are of limited diagnostic value—particularly for
Acanthamoeba infections—as due to the ubiquity of this group of amoebae sero-
positivity is high in the normal population.
406 J. Walochnik

Currently, there is no established specific treatment for Acanthamoeba and/or


Balamuthia infections. Importantly, cysts play a significant role for the progression
of disease, as they may survive treatment within the tissue and lead to reinfection.
Miltefosine is available as an investigational drug from the Centres of Disease
Control (CDC) in the USA (CDC 2013).

15.4.4 Primary Amoebic Encephalitis (PAME)

Although several species of the genus Naegleria exhibit cytopathogenicity, only N.

fowleri has been found to cause PAME in natural infections. The main risk factor for
PAME is the introduction of contaminated water into the nostrils during activities
such as swimming, diving, bathing, or nasal irrigation. PAME is an acute infection
of the brain; the incubation period lasts a few days, and—if not diagnosed and
treated early—it is fatal within about a week. N. fowleri invades the brain by pene-
trating the nasal mucosa, migrating along the olfactory nerve tracts and crossing the
cribriform plate. The amoebae produce necroses, whereby mainly the frontal and
olfactory lobes are affected, but also deeper layers of the brain may be involved.
Clinically, the disease presents as diffuse meningitis and mainly peripheral enceph-
alitis, with cerebral haemorrhages. Typical symptoms of PAME in animals are
anorexia, facial paralysis, circling, ataxia, convulsions, head tilt to either side and
the disability to stand without assistance. Nasal swabs or CSF reveals trophozoites,
which can be demonstrated by phase contrast or in several stains. The amoebae can
easily be cultured on bacteria-coated non-nutrient agar but also in different liquid
media. The optimal growth temperature lies at around 37 °C. Naegleria can be rec-
ognized by its biflagellate stage; enflagellation is induced by mounting the plate
culture with sterile saline and takes around 30–60  min. Species determination is
mainly achieved by molecular biological methods. Serology provides no help in
diagnosis as there is insufficient time for a humoral antibody reaction to occur, but
several PCRs and a very potent immunofluorescence staining are available (Schuster
and Visvesvara 2004b).
Amphotericin B is considered the drug of choice for treatment of PAME in
humans and animals. Recently, also miltefosine has been used with some success
(Heggie and Küpper 2017; Linam et al. 2015).

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Genomics and Genetic Manipulation

of Protozoan Parasites Affecting Farm

Carlos E. Suarez, Heba F. Alzan, and Brian M. Cooke

In this chapter we present a brief but state-of-the-art account of the genomics and
current gene manipulation methods that can be used to improve our understanding
of the genetics and the biology of an arbitrary group of 17 protozoan parasites
responsible for diseases that affect animals worldwide, including babesiosis, toxo-
plasmosis, theileriosis, cryptosporidiosis, eimeriosis, trypanosomiasis, and tricho-
moniasis. Complete genomes are available for all parasites discussed, except for
Besnoitia, an apicomplexan parasite responsible for dermatitis and other disorders
with high infection rates, but low mortality. Dramatic differences in genome sizes
are evident among the group of parasites under study, consistent with the distinct
dependency of parasitic lifestyle for each organism. In addition, linear regression
analysis correlating the ratios of the number of genes per genome and genome size
among all the selected protozoan parasites suggests a strong association between
these two parameters, in alignment with the notion that smaller protozoan genomes
are generally more compact than larger genomes. A brief description of the meth-
ods for genome manipulations, including transient and stable transfections and
gene editing methods, is provided. These methods, required to understand gene

C.E. Suarez (*)

Department of Veterinary Microbiology and Pathology, Washington State University,
Pullman, WA, USA
Animal Disease Research Unit, ARS-USDA, Pullman, WA, USA
e-mail: [email protected]
H.F. Alzan
Department of Veterinary Microbiology and Pathology, Washington State University,
Pullman, WA, USA
Parasitology and Animal Diseases Department, National Research Center, Cairo, Egypt
B.M. Cooke
Department of Microbiology, Monash University, Clayton, VIC, Australia

© Springer International Publishing AG, part of Springer Nature 2018 413

M. Florin-Christensen, L. Schnittger (eds.), Parasitic Protozoa of Farm Animals
and Pets, https://doi.org/10.1007/978-3-319-70132-5_16
414 C.E. Suarez et al.

function and for improving control measures, have been successfully developed so

far in most parasites selected. Rapid progress of genomic and gene manipulation
techniques will likely result in the constant emergence of novel integrated methods
for the interrogation and modification of genomes, leading to our better under-
standing of parasite lifestyle and, ultimately, to the rational design of improved
methods for the control of animal infectious diseases.

16.1 Introduction

Protozoan parasites remain as important infectious agents affecting animal and

human health globally. Their often complex life cycles and relationship with their
hosts present numerous challenges to our ability to develop improved methods of
control. Thus, new, combined research strategies are urgently required to hasten the
rate of discoveries. In this chapter, we focus on the application of genomics and
genetic manipulation techniques as tools to improve our understanding of the biol-
ogy of a selected group of typically neglected protozoan parasites of veterinary and
medical importance (Table 16.1).
Ideally, and in addition to other measures, new and improved vaccines and novel
drugs are needed to prevent or treat most of the burden of disease caused by this
group of diverse protozoan pathogens. In particular, developing improved control
using rational approaches requires an advanced level of understanding of the para-
sites’ biology, their interactions with their hosts, and particularly for vaccine devel-
opment and the mechanisms of protective immunity. Recent significant advances in
our understanding of the biology of most protozoan parasites affecting farm animals
began with the arrival of the “omics” era, including genomics, proteomics, tran-
scriptomics, metabolomics, lipidomics, as well as other existing, or future, “omics.”
The emergence of genomics, perhaps the initial “omics,” and the provision of the
first complete and annotated organism genomes permitted the identification of numer-
ous species-specific genes, but it was quickly realized that genomic approaches alone
were insufficient to understand gene function. The value and utility of genomic data
however is greatly increased when complemented with additional approaches such as
transcriptomics, proteomics, lipidomics, and metabolomics. Thus, the “omics” field is
extremely dynamic, and it can be expected that progress will be accelerated as novel
computer-aided strategies of data management and analysis are able to integrate the
massive incoming data arriving from all of these diverse research fields. The simpli-
fied scheme shown in Fig. 16.1 depicts a model of analysis involving several different
“omics” strategies. For example, genome annotation and re-annotation, an area related
to genomics, usually depends on proteomic as well as transcriptomic data and so on.
Additionally, distinct epigenetic markers in identical genomes can influence gene
transcription and hence affect everything occurring downstream in the natural flow of
information in a cell.
Metabolomics aims at integrating the flow of pathways and metabolites involved
in cell function at a certain moment of the life of the cell, and lipidomics and

Table 16.1  Full genome, and “omic” studies currently performed on a selected group of protozoan parasites of veterinary importance
Genome size Total gene “Omic” studies
Organism (Mbp) number EST T P M References
Babesia bovis 8.18 3781 + + + – de Vries et al. (2006), Al-Khedery and Allred (2006), Lau et al.
(2007), Pedroni et al. (2013), Johnson et al. (2017), Mesplet et al.
(2011), Rachinsky et al. (2008) and Laughery et al. (2009)
Babesia bigemina 13.84 5136 − + + – Suarez et al. (2003), Vichido et al. (2008) and Shompole et al. (1994)
Babesia microti 6.41 3560 – + + – Silva et al. (2016a, b)
Theileria parva 8.35 4167 + + + − Savadye (1999), Bishop et al. (2005), Kishima et al. (1995), Nene
et al. (2004) and Sugimoto et al. (1989a, b, 1992)
Theileria orientalis 9.01 4058 +a – + – Hayashida et al. (2012)
Theileria equi 11.67 5397 +a – + – Silva et al. (2013)
Theileria annulata 8.36 3845 +a + + − Oura et al. (2001, 2006) and Witschi et al. (2013)
Toxoplasma gondii 61.90–64.52 8563–8920 + + + + Manger et al. (1998), Cleary et al. (2002), Li et al. (2003), Radke
et al. (2005), Xia et al. (2008) and Zhou et al. (2015, 2016)
Neospora caninum 59.10 7266 + + + + Bruno et al. (2004), Reid et al. (2012), Lee et al. (2003, 2004, 2005),
Shin et al. (2005) and Elsheikha et al. (2014)
Eimeria spp. 43.67–72.24 6037–10254 + + + – Aarthi et al. (2011), Min et al. (2005), Miska et al. (2008), Schwarz
et al. (2010), Jiang et al. (2005), Lal et al. (2009) and Oakes et al.
Sarcocystis spp. 124.41–130.2 7089–7174 + +b + – Howe (2001) and Howe et al. (2005)
Cryptosporidium spp. 8.50–9.25 3886–3981 + + + + Strong and Nelson (2000), Mauzy et al. (2012), Zhang et al. (2012),
Siddiki (2013), Siddiki and Wastling (2009), Snelling et al. (2007),
16  Genomics and Genetic Manipulation of Protozoan Parasites Affecting Farm

Hublin et al. (2013) and Ng et al. (2012)


Table 16.1 (continued)

Genome size Total gene “Omic” studies

Organism (Mbp) number EST T P M References
Trypanosoma spp. 20.93–83.51 3397–12,050 + + + + Agüero et al. (2004), Cerqueira et al. (2005), El-Sayed et al. (1995),
Verdun et al. (1998), Archer et al. (2011), Greif et al. (2013), Kolev
et al. (2010), Li et al. (2016), Atwood et al. (2005), dos Santos et al.
(2015), Paba et al. (2004), Panigrahi et al. (2009), Urbaniak et al.
(2012), Barrett et al. (2010) and Creek et al. (2013, 2015)
Leishmania spp. 29.03–35.21 8135–9101 + + + + Gentil et al. (2007), Levick et al. (1996), Cantacessi et al. (2015),
Dillon et al. (2015), Saxena et al. (2007), de Jesus et al. (2014),
Drummelsmith et al. (2003), Kumar et al. (2014), Menezes et al.
(2013), Singh and Dubey (2016), Veras and Bezerra de Menezes
(2016), Arjmand et al. (2016), Kovarova (2016), Scheltema et al.
(2010) and Westrop et al. (2015)
Acanthamoeba spp. 42.02–99.59 + – + – Kong et al. (2001), Caumo et al. (2014) and Gawryluk et al. (2014)
Tritrichomonas 176.41 99009 + + + − Huang et al. (2009, 2012), Gould et al. (2013), Woehle et al. (2014),
spp.-Trichomonas de Miguel et al. (2010), Benchimol et al. (2017) and Oyhenart and
vaginalis Breccia (2014)
Besnoitia spp. − − − − − −
EST, expressed sequence tag library; T, transcriptome; P, proteome; M, metabolome
EST data is sourced from: http://piroplasmadb.org/piro/app/record/dataset/DS_6889a51dab
Sourced from: http://www.ebi.ac.uk/
C.E. Suarez et al.
16  Genomics and Genetic Manipulation of Protozoan Parasites Affecting Farm 417


Phenomics Genomics

Lipidomics Glycomics Fluxomics


Metabolomics Proteomics

Fig. 16.1  Interrelationships among commonly used “omics” methods applied to the functional
characterization of protozoan parasites

glycomics involve the study of pathways and networks of cellular lipids and sugars
in biological systems, respectively, while fluxomics is aimed at determining the
rates of metabolic reactions in biological systems. Finally, phenomics studies the set
of physical and biochemical traits of a given organism as they respond to mutations
and environmental changes. In fact, the relationships among the different “omics”
are highly dynamic, and information may flow in any direction between them. In
general, the combined use of these techniques used in “cross-sectional” studies can
provide useful snapshots that may deliver insights into a parasite lifestyle, status,
and survival strategies. In any case, comparing integrated “omics” profiles of differ-
ent stages of a parasite cycle can provide useful information on the lifestyle of any
unicellular organism, as is the case here for protozoa. Additionally, comparison of
virulent and attenuated parasite strain/lines using “omics” approaches may also pro-
vide revealing insights into regulatory and metabolic networks and can be useful for
the identification of virulence factors.

16.2 Genomics and Beyond

Genomics greatly facilitated the development of methods of genetic manipulation of

these protozoan parasites, besides helping to provide a general blueprint of the biol-
ogy of the organisms. Important progress has been so far achieved in genome-­wide,
418 C.E. Suarez et al.

transcriptomic, and proteomic analysis and genetic manipulation on most of the pro-

tozoan parasites listed in Table 16.1 (1–94). However, a few have received relatively
little attention, as in the case of Besnoitia where, for example, “omics” analysis and,
predictably, gene manipulations remain unavailable. Genome size varies largely
among this arbitrary selected group of highly diverse protozoan parasites (Fig. 16.2,
Table  16.1), differing by a factor of more than 25 times between the smallest (B.
microti, 6.4  Mbp) and the largest (Tritrichomonas spp., ~176.4  Mbp). In general,
there appears to be an association between the size of an organism’s genome and its
dependency on intracellular parasite lifestyles (Sundberg and Pulkkinen 2015) with
gene reduction being generally more drastic for obligate intracellular organisms that
depend almost entirely on their host for survival. Finding out the possible associa-
tions between lifestyle and genome size and the evolutionary significance of genome
size differences among this diverse collection of protozoan parasites would be of
great interest. However, a better understanding of parasitic lifestyle also requires
comprehensive, integrative, and comparative molecular, functional, metabolic stud-
ies, as well as improved knowledge of the parasite-host relationships. Regardless,

Babesia bovis, 8.18 Theileria parva, 8.35

Babesia microti, 6.41

Theileria annulata, 8.36

Theileria orientalis,
Cryptosporidium, 11.25
Theileria equi, 11.67
Babesia bigemina, 13.84

Sarcocystis, 127.315

Trypansoma, 52.22

Acanthamoeba, 70.805

Eimeria, 57.95

Toxoplasma gondii,
Neospora caninum,

Fig. 16.2  Schematic comparison of the genome sizes of selected protozoan parasites
16  Genomics and Genetic Manipulation of Protozoan Parasites Affecting Farm 419

genomic comparative studies performed among related apicomplexans so far have


resulted in a better, albeit somewhat limited, understanding of their biology (Blake

2015; Lv et al. 2015).
For instance, basic cellular and genomic research performed on Toxoplasma
gondii, which is widely considered as a “model” apicomplexan parasite (Kim and
Weiss 2004), is generally applicable to other related apicomplexans mainly because
several key mechanisms, such as apical subcellular organelle formation and func-
tion, apicoplast and mitochondria function, signaling, gliding motility, intracellular
molecule trafficking, cell invasion, etc., are overall well conserved among most of
them (Kim and Weiss 2004; Ngô et al. 2004).
Linear regression analysis correlating the ratios of the number of genes per
genome (represented as gene density) and genome size among all the protozoan
parasites in Table 16.1, with the exception of Tritrichomonas, gives a significant
linear negative correlation, with an r2 coefficient of 0.85, suggesting a strong asso-
ciation between these two parameters (Fig. 16.3). This information is consistent
with the notion that smaller protozoan genomes are generally more compact than
larger genomes, containing more genes per megabase of DNA, likely as a result
of having overall similar average gene sizes, but less repeated/redundant regions
and less and/or shorter introns and noncoding intergenic regions. Tritrichomonas
was not included in these comparisons as it has a highly atypical large and vastly

Linear (Ratio)

Gene density



R² = 0.858

0 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 16
Genome size (Mbp)

Fig. 16.3  Representation of the relationship between gene density and genome size for selected
protozoan parasites. Gene density (genes/Mbp) was calculated by dividing total gene number by
genome size (in Mpb) for each parasite species. The “X” axis is organized in ascending order,
according to genome size: 1. Babesia microti, 2. Babesia bovis, 3. Theileria parva, 4. Theileria
annulata, 5. Theileria orientalis, 6. Cryptosporidium spp., 7. Theileria equi, 8. Babesia bigemina,
9. Leishmania spp., 10. Trypanosoma spp., 11. Eimeria spp., 12. Neospora caninum, 13.
Toxoplasma gondii, 14. Acanthamoeba spp., 15. Sarcocystis spp
420 C.E. Suarez et al.

repetitive genome. As shown in Fig. 16.2 and Table 16.1, coccidian parasites, such


as Toxoplasma and Neospora, have a significantly larger genome size compared

to the compacted genomes of the piroplasmid (Babesia and Theileria). An excep-
tion to this pattern is Cryptosporidium spp., a protozoan parasite with a genome
size and gene density comparable to piroplasmid parasites. Interestingly,
Cryptosporidium parasites lack a plastid, and no genes of plastid origins were
identified, suggesting the early loss of the symbiotic apicoplast by these parasites
(Abrahamsen et al. 2004; Xu et al. 2004), as well as the loss of the mitochondrial
genome. Genome analysis on Cryptosporidium also revealed extremely stream-
lined metabolic pathways and an absence of many cellular structures and meta-
bolic pathways found in other apicomplexans (Bouzid et al. 2013). Remarkably,
Plasmodium parasites have a genome size that is intermediate between these two
clades (~23 Mbp). Both piroplasmid and Plasmodium spp. share the existence of
intraerythrocytic stages, but the Plasmodium sporozoites inoculated by the mos-
quito vectors are only capable of invading liver cells, and thus these parasites, in
addition to an intrahepatic stage, have many other significant life cycle differences
during the arthropod life stages. Interesting differences among piroplasma include
the unique ability of Babesia parasites to transmit via transovarial mechanisms
and the ability of Theileria, but not Babesia sporozoites, to invade and transform
leucocytes of the mammalian host (Lau 2009). Clearly, each of these parasites
faces distinct adaptive challenges, including their different strategies for causing
persistent infections, requiring a unique and specific genome composition. Other
remarkable differences among coccidian and piroplasmid parasites include the
ability of some coccidians, such as Toxoplasma, to invade multiple distinct cell
types in their vertebrate hosts and to form cysts. Once more, all of these pheno-
typic differences may account for the unique requirements in the number and
quality of genes that can sustain the distinct parasitic lifestyles with different
levels of complexity occurring in each species. However, and consistent with a
more conservative value in the number of genes found for each of these organ-
isms, genome size is also related to the sizes of the noncoding and intergenic areas
in their genomes, as reflected in the ratios shown in Fig. 16.3. Again, a special
case is the large genome of the highly related Trichomonas and Tritrichomonas
parasites. Tritrichomonas are members of the eukaryotic supergroup Excavata, a
group of free-living organisms that may or may not have a parasitic lifestyle.
Their name is derived from the existence of an “excavated” ventral feeding groove.
They are anaerobic parasites that lack classical mitochondria but instead contain
specialized organelles, called hydrogenosomes, which are responsible for anaero-
bic metabolism. Consistent with its extracellular living status, Trichomonas vagi-
nalis possesses a large genome, which is largely comprised by repeats and
transposable elements (Carlton et  al. 2007) and is shared by other related
Tritrichomonas parasites of veterinary importance. A draft genome sequence of T.
foetus showed that 72% of the open reading frames (ORFs) were found to be simi-
lar to those of Trichomonas vaginalis (Benchimol et al. 2017). In both parasites,
the superabundance of repeats resulted in a highly fragmented sequence, prevent-
ing an investigation of genome architecture. The other 28% remaining ORFs have
16  Genomics and Genetic Manipulation of Protozoan Parasites Affecting Farm 421

no significant results with any other genome. The assembled genome of T. foetus,

together with the functional annotation, is available at http://www.labinfo.lncc.br/

index.php/tritrichomonas_foetus. Other study, using homology analysis, sug-
gested that massive expansions might have occurred in the T. foetus genome in a
similar way it was also predicted for Trichomonas vaginalis, while conservation
assessment showed that duplications have been acquired after differentiation of
the two species (Oyhenart and Breccia 2014). The authors of the former study
concluded upon comparing the two genomes that gene duplications might be
common among these parasitic protozoans (Oyhenart and Breccia 2014). In view
of these findings, we included the genome of T. vaginalis, a human pathogen,
together with T. foetus in Table  16.1. The high level of similarities among the
genomes of Trichomonas and Tritrichomonas might simplify gene functional
analysis using one of these organisms as a model.
Genomic and genetic manipulation studies performed on the “model apicom-
plexan” Toxoplasma gondii and Babesia sp. parasites, discussed below, exemplify
the potential of these techniques toward improved parasite control. It is expected
that the application of these approaches in other still poorly researched protozoa of
veterinary importance will enhance our understanding of the biology of these para-
sites and their relationships with their hosts. It can be predicted that this new knowl-
edge will translate into improved control of important yet neglected diseases with a
high public health and economic impact globally. Certainly, more dramatic advances
are expected to occur with the massive application of “omics” and vaccinology
approaches in the near future.

16.3 Genomic Resources for Protozoan Parasites

Complete genomes of most protozoans of veterinary, medical, and zoonotic impor-

tance are currently available (Table 16.1). Furthermore, comparison between genome
sequences among apicomplexan and other protozoans is now greatly facilitated using
the Eukaryotic Pathogen Database Resource, EuPathDB (http://eupathdb.org/
eupathdb/). This database provides access to the full genomes of Babesia spp. and
Theileria spp. organized into the PiroplasmaDB (http://piroplasmadb.org/piro/show-
Application.do), Acanthamoeba spp. genomes organized in the AmoebaDB (http://
amoebadb.org/amoeba/showApplication.do), Cryptosporidium spp. at the CryptoDB
(http://cryptodb.org/cryptodb/showApplication.do), and Coccidian genomes, includ-
ing Toxoplasma gondii, Neospora caninum, Sarcocystis neurona, and Eimeria sp. at
the ToxoDB (http://toxodb.org/toxo/showApplication.do). The Trichomonas vagina-
lis genome sequence is at the TrichDB (http://trichdb.org/trichdb/showApplication.
do); and Leishmania spp. and Trypanosoma spp. can be found at the TriTrypDB
Importantly, the information on the EuPathDB is easily available and compre-
hensive and not limited to genome sequences. The site also provides easy access to
analytical genomic tools such as Blast and available EST, microarray, RNA-seq,
and proteomics data for these organisms, among other useful information.
422 C.E. Suarez et al.

16.4 G
 enetic Manipulation of Protozoan Parasites

of Veterinary and Zoonotic Importance

Genetic manipulation techniques are important tools that allow access to multiple
research approaches, including identification of virulence factors, subunit vaccine
components, and parasite transmission factors. Importantly, genetically manipu-
lated parasites themselves can be potentially used for vaccine development since
targeted knockout of genes encoding known virulence factors might result in the
production of genetically defined attenuated parasites. Another application of
interest is the development of novel vaccine delivery platforms by manipulating
attenuated parasites to express foreign genes coding for exogenous or stage-spe-
cific endogenous protective antigens. Also, genetically manipulated parasites
used in vaccines can be easily distinguished from their wild-type counterparts,
facilitating the discrimination among vaccinated and naturally infected animals.
In addition to classic gene manipulation using transfection or gene editing tech-
niques, RNA interference (RNAi) methods are also tools for gene function char-
acterization (Meissner et al. 2007). However, Trypanosoma spp. and Leishmania
spp. parasites, as well as most apicomplexan parasites (including Babesia and
Plasmodium), lack the enzymes required for this pathway, and RNAi is not gener-
ally regarded so far as a useful method of gene analysis for these parasites. The
mechanisms leading to the loss of the RNAi genes in these organisms, with no
recognizable traces of their past presence, are unknown, although chromosomal
rearrangements may have contributed to their disappearance (Kolev et al. 2011).
Interestingly, the genome sequence of T. gondii revealed the existence of Dicer,
AGO, and RdRp homologues (Braun et al. 2010) that appear to have plant/fungal
(Dicer/RdRp) and metazoan (AGO) signatures. Initial reports thus suggested that
T. gondii is the only apicomplexan with a functional RNAi pathway (Kolev et al.
2011). However, reported experimental results on the activity of this pathway
were not reproducible, and the occurrence of this mechanism in this parasite has
been put into doubt, highlighting the need for more research. A recent report also
described the use of RNAi techniques to inhibit B. bovis in vitro growth upon the
targeting of three distinct genes (AbouLaila et al. 2016), but the possible mecha-
nisms involved remain uncertain given the absence of canonical RNAi genes in B.
bovis. In other protozoan parasites, such as Trichomonas vaginalis, the presence
of a Dicer-like gene and two Argonaute genes suggests the existence of the RNAi
pathway (Carlton et al. 2007). Identification of these components raises the pos-
sibility of using RNAi technology to manipulate T. vaginalis gene expression.
The most widely used genetic manipulation methods include classic transfec-
tions based on the insertion of exogenous DNA using homologous recombination
mechanisms (de Koning-Ward et al. 2000) and more recently CRISP/CAS9 (Lander
2016; Wright et al. 2016) and other gene editing methods such as TALENs and zinc-­
finger nucleases, based on programmable nucleases (Ma and Liu 2015). Such meth-
ods have been extensively used for the genetic manipulation of apicomplexan and
other protozoa as will be described below.
16  Genomics and Genetic Manipulation of Protozoan Parasites Affecting Farm 423

16.4.1 Classic Transfection Methods


In transfection, DNA (or RNA) molecules may be introduced either as extrachro-

mosomal replicating episomes or inserted into chromosomes by homologous
recombination. Stably transfected lines can then be used for multiple applications
including the study of gene function and by creating parasite lines that either over-
express or lack specific genes of interest. However, a limitation of reverse genetic
approaches for functional gene analysis is that essential genes may be impossible to
knock out, since this will result in nonviable parasites. These limitations can now be
overcome at least partially by using inducible promoter strategies, including the use
of tetracycline-inducible promoters. By choice of appropriate 5′ and 3′ flanking
regions in the transfecting plasmid DNA endogenous chromosome, genes can be
targeted and deleted. Additionally, the method can be also used to create transfected
parasites that may function as vaccine delivery systems. The study of genetically
transformed parasite lines can provide important clues about gene function during
the parasite life cycle.
Perhaps mirroring their importance as human pathogens, Leishmania and other
trypanosomatid parasites were first targeted for genetic transformation using trans-
fection methods (Bellofatto and Cross 1989; Cruz and Beverley 1990; Laban and
Wirth 1989; Lee and Van der Ploeg 1990; Ten Asbroek et al. 1990). The first report
of the genetic modification of an apicomplexan parasite was the description of a
transient transfection method for Toxoplasma gondii (Soldati and Boothroyd 1993).
This led shortly thereafter to the development of a method for the stable transfection
of this organism (Kim et al. 1993). Transient transfection is regarded as a useful
approach for finding appropriate electroporation settings and to identify and test the
function and efficacy of regulatory elements (promoters and termination signals)
mediating gene expression and regulation. Based in part on these findings, transient
and stable transfection techniques were later also applied to some species of
Plasmodium parasites (Goonewardene et al. 1993; Van Dijk et al. 1995).
Transient transfection methods are useful for characterizing and defining pro-
moters and other regulatory factors and later became essential components of
advanced gene engineering and editing techniques, such as those based on the
CRISPR/Cas9. Briefly, transient transfection techniques (Fig. 16.4) are designed to
introduce and express foreign DNA, usually in the form of a plasmid, into a nucle-
ated cell in a non-stable manner. Thus, in transient transfection, the introduced plas-
mid nucleic acid does not integrate into the genome of the target cells, and the
transfected genes will not be replicated. After being developed in T. gondii (Soldati
and Boothroyd 1993), transient transfection methods were applied on Babesia bovis
(Suarez and McElwain 2008, 2010; Suarez et al. 2004, 2006, 2007), Eimeria mitis
(Qin et al. 2014), Sarcocystis neurona (Gaji et al. 2006), Theileria parva (De Goeyse
et al. 2015), and T. annulata (Adamson et al. 2001). This approach proved to be
useful for the definition of promoters in B. bovis and later in B. bigemina (Silva
et  al. 2016a, b) and settled the basis for the development of stable transfections
systems for T. gondii (Kim et  al. 1993), Sarcocystis neurona (Gaji et  al. 2006),
Acanthamoeba castellanii (Peng et al. 2005), and B. bovis (Suarez and McElwain
424 C.E. Suarez et al.

Target cell Transfected cell


Cell membrane
Cell membrane




Transfection process Cell membrane

5’ promoter Reporter 3’ region

Plasmid for transfection Nucleus



Transfected cell
Transient transfection

Fig. 16.4  Schematic representation of the principles and elements involved in transient transfec-
tion methods. A transfection plasmid (a) containing a reporter gene (red box) under the control of
promoter and termination regions is transferred into the nucleus of a target parasite (b) using physi-
cal or chemical methods (transfection process). The plasmid DNA transferred into the target cell
(in red) is not integrated stably into the genome (c), but it can be processed by the transcription and
translation machinery of the cell to generate a product (red dot) (d) that can be quantified (e.g., by
measuring luciferase activity)

2009, 2010). Transient transfection plasmids typically include a reporter gene or a

gene that needs to be expressed transiently (such as required for current CRISPR/
Cas9 methods), placed under the transcriptional control of a promoter and transcrip-
tion and translation regions located at the 5′ and 3′ ends, respectively (Fig. 16.4). An
appropriate amount of the transient transfection plasmid then is introduced into the
target cells using distinct methods. These include those relying on physical treat-
ments such as electroporation, nucleofection, biolistic delivery (gene gun), or
microinjection and those relying on chemical entities, such as liposomes (Kepczynski
and Róg 2016).
Physical methods create reversible “holes” in the cell membranes to insert the
nucleic acids, whereas chemical methods are based on the use of transfection
reagents, sometimes in the form of cationic lipids that allow membrane fusion and
intracellular/intranuclear delivery of the foreign DNA into the target cells. More
recently, nanoparticles and other polymers have been applied to this end. In general,
the transiently transfected plasmids are designed so that they do not integrate into
16  Genomics and Genetic Manipulation of Protozoan Parasites Affecting Farm 425

the genome but remain as episomes in the target cell, where the gene of interest is

expressed for a limited period of time. However, promoter strength studies and com-
parisons using transient transfection approaches are relative and limited, and so the
data should be analyzed strictly in the context in which these experiments are per-
formed. This is so because this approach is based on measuring promoter activity by
promoter regions which are cloned in transiently transfected plasmids. This experi-
mental approach would preclude estimating the possible regulatory role and contribu-
tions of distantly located or “trans” enhancers, the potential competition for
transcription factors among the native and the plasmid-cloned promoters, as well as
the possible contributions to promoter activity that depends on other regulatory ele-
ments such as epigenetic factors.
The stable transfection techniques are essentially based on the ability of the para-
sites to insert genetic material in their DNAs using homologous recombination
mechanisms, in a fashion allowing expression of the transfected genes. Again, as for
transient transfection, these techniques rely either on the use of liposomes such as
Lipofectamine or on the application of a controlled electrical pulse, such as in elec-
troporation, or later in nucleofection. These procedures allow the incorporation of
exogenous DNA, usually provided in the form of a circular or linearized plasmid,
into the nuclear compartment of a eukaryotic cell. Therefore, basic steps involved
include (1) identification of a suitable genetic marker to select for transgenic para-
sites (“selectable marker”); (2) preparation of a transfection plasmid vector contain-
ing, at a minimum, a selectable marker gene under the control of a suitable promoter,
and 5’and 3’regions to target integration of the construct into the genome; (3) a
liposome or electroporation/nucleofection protocol which does not greatly compro-
mise the viability of the target cells; and (4) a method for selection of transfected
parasites. A schematic representation of a typical stable transfection vector is shown
in Fig. 16.5.
Specific integration of the transfected gene(s) at the intended site into the genome
of the target parasite depends upon the operation of homologous recombination
mechanisms. However, this requirement may affect the efficiency of the integration
process. In fact, the efficiency of the integration process in protozoan parasites is
highly variable among species, and depends heavily on the available DNA repair
mechanisms operating in each cell, as found for Toxoplasma parasites. However, the
efficiency of exogenous gene integration can also be affected by the particular DNA
base composition of the target cells, as in the case of the A  +  T-rich genome of
Plasmodium parasites. Interestingly, Toxoplasma parasites are also difficult to engi-
neer using classic transfection technologies because they have the ability to ran-
domly insert the foreign DNA in sites different from the targeted. This occurs, at
least in part, due to the action of the NHEJ repair mechanisms based on the activity
of a gene encoding the KU80 protein. This limitation has been recently addressed by
preparing a genetically transformed Toxoplasma gondii line lacking the KU80 gene,
which makes it amenable to gene targeting using homologous recombination mecha-
nisms (Huynh and Carruthers 2009). In contrast, transfection work performed in
Babesia bovis suggests that this technique is efficient, at least in terms of targeting,
when applied to this organism (Suarez et  al. 2015). Yet, differences in the gene
426 C.E. Suarez et al.

Target cell Transfected cell


Cell membrane
Cell membrane




Transfection process
(Electroporation) Cell membrane

DNA flanking 5’ promoter Selectable marker 3’ region DNA flanking

Plasmid for transfection Nucleus Product


Transfected cell
Stable transfection

Fig. 16.5  Schematic representation of the principles and elements involved in stable transfection
methods. A transfection plasmid containing a selectable drug resistance gene (green box) (such as
bsd, dhfr, pyrimethamine, etc.) with a gene coding a fluorescent marker (such as GFP) under the
control of promoter and termination regions, in addition to the 5′ and 3′ flanking regions required
for homologous recombination, is transferred into the nucleus of a target parasite using physical or
chemical methods. The incorporated plasmid DNA (in red) is integrated stably into the genome of
the target cell by homologous recombination and processed by the transcription and translation
machinery of the cell to generate a product (i.e., GFP-BSD) (green dot). Drug selection is per-
formed to eliminate non-transfected parasites and to obtain a cell line of transfected parasites

repertoires and gene structure for other proteins involved in gene repair mechanisms
among B. bovis and T. gondii together with differential regulation of their expression
might also help explain the differences observed among the mechanism of gene
repair operating in these two organisms. In contrast to Plasmodium and Toxoplasma,
B. bovis appears to be quite amenable for stable transfection and, consistently, is able
to specifically and efficiently integrate foreign genes. Thus, stable transfection tech-
niques for B. bovis allowed highly specific KO and KO reversion experiments that
are needed to study gene function (Asada et al. 2012a, b, 2015; Suarez et al. 2015).
Recent progress in Babesia transfection technology includes the demonstration of a
method for functional gene analysis by generating gene KO followed by gene func-
tion recovery (Asada et al. 2015) and the demonstration of cross-species promoter
function (Silva et al. 2016a, b). This later study describes the ability of a B. bovis
ef-1α promoter to function efficiently in B. bigemina. This observation suggests that
common regulatory signals should exist, allowing the control of promoter functions
among these two parasites.
16  Genomics and Genetic Manipulation of Protozoan Parasites Affecting Farm 427

16.4.2 Gene Editing Using Programmable Nucleases


Targeted genetic editing methods that allow precise modifications in a genome were
more recently developed. These methods offer great potential for the manipulation
of the genomes of Toxoplasma, Plasmodium, and other protozoan parasites, where
transfection methods based solely on homologous recombination typically demon-
strate very low efficiency. A key factor dramatically increasing efficiency of pro-
grammable nucleases is their ability to generate blunt double-strand breaks (DSB)
in the target DNA of interest. The DSB results in the intervention of repairing sys-
tems of the cells, such as error-prone nonhomologous end joining (NHEJ) mecha-
nisms, which can repair the break without the presence of donor homologous
DNA. Alternatively, the breaks can be repaired by homology-directed repair (HDR)
mechanisms in the presence of homologous donor double- or single-strand DNA,
leading to the insertion of exogenous genetic material. The two mechanisms of
DNA repair are exemplified in Fig. 16.5. The existence of these alternative path-
ways also suggests the possibility of using different gene manipulation strategies.
Thus, introduction of simple mutations resulting in gene inactivation or disruption
can be generated by double break followed by NHEJ. This repair mechanism can
generate either insertions or deletions (indels) in the target gene resulting in frame-
shifts that disrupt the continuity of the open reading frame, usually leading to the
knockout of the gene. If the objective is the insertion of foreign genes, such as
reporter genes, it may then be necessary to add donor plasmid DNA containing the
gene which is intended to be inserted with the addition of homologous flanking
regions, to facilitate accurate targeting. In this case, the insertion of the foreign gene
will likely be mediated by HDR repair mechanisms. Importantly, new discoveries
on the mechanisms of DNA repair in apicomplexan parasites revealed the participa-
tion of certain proteins such as rad51 and KU80. As discussed earlier, targeted
mutation of the KU80 gene resulted in a Toxoplasma gondii mutant line that is more
efficient for gene targeting, since it favors the KU80-indpendent HDR mechanism
of repair and prevents random incorporation of transfected genes, which was com-
monly found in this parasite. This cell line is thus ideally suited for gene function
analysis in Toxoplasma using homologous recombination KO approaches (Huynh
and Carruthers 2009; Smolarz et al. 2014).
The specific design of gene editing experiments depends on the programming
nuclease method of choice. The programmable gene editing methods currently avail-
able include the use of engineered proteins such as zinc-­finger nucleases (ZFN),
transcription activator-like effector nucleases (TALENs) or RNA-guided engineered
nucleases (RGEN). However, despite perceived improved target specificity of
TALEN methods, the RGEN methods have several advantages over the other two,
including their simple design, versatility, and cost. Briefly, the ZFN attach cutting
domains derived from the prokaryote Flavobacterium okeanokoites to proteins called
zinc fingers that can be customized to recognize certain three-base-pair DNA codes.
On the other hand, TALENs fuse the same cutting domains to different proteins
called TAL effectors. Both ZFN and TALENs require two cutting domains in order
428 C.E. Suarez et al.

to cleave double-stranded DNA. Excellent reviews on the use of ZFN and TALEN


approaches for gene editing are available elsewhere (Ma and Liu 2015).
The most widely used RGEN method is based on the CRISPR/Cas9 system.
Deeper coverage on the discovery and function of the CRISPR/Cas9 system was
described elsewhere (Lander 2016; Wright et  al. 2016). Briefly, this system is
divided into three types based on the Cas proteins involved. Only the simpler type
II system is used for gene editing and is essentially based in just a single effector
Cas9 protein, although other putative effectors can now also be used. The principle
of the method is illustrated in Fig.  16.6 and its applications for gene editing in
Fig. 16.7. Briefly, the acronym CRISPR is derived from “clustered regularly inter-
spaced short palindromic repeats,” which together with the Cas (“CRISPR-­
associated” proteins) endonucleases, such as Cas9, are part of an adaptive immune
system against phages of bacteria and archaebacteria (Wright et al. 2016).
This bacterial immune system provides RNA-mediated immunity against viruses
and plasmids based on copying and specifically cleaving exogenous genetic materials.
It was soon realized that, upon providing the necessary components to target cells, this
system could be also manipulated to edit DNA in virtually any cell. Together, CRISPR
and Cas9 are able to target and cut almost any DNA in vivo, and together with trans-
fection techniques, they quickly became an important asset as efficient and specific
tools for gene editing.

Target genomic area


Donor vector sequence with

homology arms


Mutation/Deletion and frame shift Mutation/Insertion and frame shift

Knock-out/Deletion in genomic area Knock-in/tag integrated genomic area


Fig. 16.6  Principles and elements involved in current gene editing methods. A targeted genome
area is specifically cleaved with a double-strand break (DSB) by a nuclease and can be repaired
using two different mechanisms: “nonhomologous end joining” (NHEJ) or “homology direct
repair” (HDR) of the targeted cell. As a result, mutations, such as insertion/deletions (pink box),
are caused, resulting in the inactivation of the target gene (NHEJ) or, in the presence of a donor
sequence with homologous arms, the stable incorporation of new genetic material (green box) in
the integrated genomic locus (HDR). L and R: left and right flanking homology arms
16  Genomics and Genetic Manipulation of Protozoan Parasites Affecting Farm 429

The most commonly used CRISPR/Cas9 systems are adapted from Streptococcus

pyogenes. A CRISPR-Cas9 system specifically cleaves a DNA sequence through a

two-stage recognition process, as depicted in Fig. 16.6. Initially, as more detailed
below, a Cas9-sgRNA complex will be able to attach stably to a DNA sequence
only if an appropriate, short (often only a few base pairs) protospacer adjacent
motif (PAM) is located in close proximity (Fig.  16.7). Therefore, an important
advantage of the CRISPR/Cas9 type II system is its simplicity, since only three
components are required to achieve site-specific DNA recognition and cleavage.
These include a CRISPR RNA (crRNA) and a trans-activating crRNA (tracrRNA)
which are required in order to guide the Cas9 enzyme to its target sequence
(Fig. 16.7). These two elements (crRNA and tracrRNA) are usually combined into
a single synthetic guide RNA (sgRNA). According to experimental design and
specific gene targeting, the sgRNAs can be designed to include the specific base
sequence that matches the target gene of interest. In that way, the complex can
redirect the Cas9 enzyme to almost any preferred sequence. The S. pyogenes Cas9
endonuclease, which should bear nuclear localization signals (NLS), preferably
requires an NGG PAM (with “N” representing any nucleobase followed by two
guanine or “G” nucleobases). However, NAG and NGA PAM motifs can also
sometimes be recognized. The 20 bp long sequence in the guide RNA then recog-
nizes the homologous DNA target sequence by Watson-Crick base pairing. If a
complete target sequence is confirmed, allosteric activation of the Cas9’s two

Genomic target

Cas-9 Complex formation


Cas-9 –gRNA complex


~20 bp PAM




Fig. 16.7  Basic elements involved in gene editing methods based on CRISPR/Cas9. The 20
nucleotide guide RNA (gRNA) (represented in red) and PAM (black box) complexed with Cas9 is
targeted to a specific sequence in the genome using Watson and Crick complementary base pairing.
The complex locks into the targeted locus where it generates a double-strand break (DSB) caused
by Cas9, which can be repaired using the “nonhomologous end joining” (NHEJ), or “homology
direct repair” (HDR) mechanisms of the target cell. As a result, the targeted gene could be mutated
or a new sequence can be integrated stably into the genome of the target cell. Gene-­edited cells can
later be selected using positive or negative selection procedures
430 C.E. Suarez et al.

nuclease domains, RuvC and HNH, will result in dual cleavage and, accordingly,

a complete double-strand break in the target sequence. Clearly, the specificity of

any CRISPR-Cas9 system depends heavily on the proper design of the guide
RNA. This can be done sometimes using algorithms that minimize the likelihood
of off-target effects. In other words, a CRISPR/Cas9 gene editing experiment
requires the design of a 20 nucleotide guiding RNA (sgRNA) that can hybridize
specifically with a sequence in the target gene. The sequences coding guiding
RNA, the gene coding for Cas9 (including NLS), and donor DNA need to be pro-
vided to the target cells for expression in the form of plasmid DNA. Co-expression
of these DNAs can be achieved following single vector or multiple vector strate-
gies. Thus, for example, a single vector can include the genetic information neces-
sary for the co-expression of Cas9, sgRNA, and donor DNA. This can be achieved
using transient transfection of a properly engineered transfection plasmid having
each gene under the transcriptional control of distinct promoters that need to be
functional in the target parasite. This is now facilitated in B. bovis by the discovery
that at least one heterologous B. bigemina promoter is also active in this parasite
(Silva et al. 2016a, b). Alternative strategies include the delivery of in vitro tran-
scribed sgRNA, as was the case for T. cruzi (Peng et al. 2015). Gene editing based
on CRISPR/Cas9 has been used successfully for genetic analysis of several api-
complexan parasites of veterinary importance (Cui and Yu 2016), including
Cryptosporidium parvum (Vinayak et al. 2015) and Toxoplasma gondii (Shen et al.
2014). In contrast to T. gondii, the low level of nonhomologous or random integra-
tion of exogenous transfected genes in B. bovis suggests that this parasite uses
mainly HDR rather than NHEJ repair mechanisms. In addition, CRISPR/Cas9
approaches have also been used for genetic modification of trypanosomatid para-
sites such as Trypanosoma cruzi, T. brucei, and Leishmania spp. (Zhang and
Matlashewski 2015). The versatility of T. gondii as a model apicomplexan was also
employed for further development of a CRISPR/Cas9-based genome-wide genetic
screen toward the identification of T. gondii essential genes during infection of
human fibroblasts (Sidik et al. 2016). This approach allowed the description of an
apicomplexan-­conserved invasion factor termed claudin-like apicomplexan micro-
neme protein (CLAMP). This novel approach has potential to be applied to other
apicomplexan parasites.
Trypanosomatid parasites present the additional challenge of possessing a
diploid genome; thus, deletion of an entire gene requires at least two distinct
selection markers (Lander 2016). The use of these systems greatly accelerates
our knowledge of the genetics of these parasites and the development of new
vaccines. A website to guide the design of CRISPR tools in protozoan patho-
gens is a useful resource that is currently freely available (http://grna.ctegd.uga.
edu/batch.html). Finally, different strategies for the selection of edited
parasites, with or without the use of selectable markers, are also available
(Mogollon et al. 2016).
Despite possible off-target cleavage and other potential limitations, gene editing
procedures can be used for understanding gene function, generation of mutated
attenuated parasites, or as a tool for the development of novel vaccines and thera-
peutics, thus improving the control of parasites of veterinary interest.
16  Genomics and Genetic Manipulation of Protozoan Parasites Affecting Farm 431


Combination of current “omics” and gene manipulation methods can improve

dramatically our understanding of the genetics and the biology of protozoan para-
sites of veterinary and enzootic relevance. However, the rapid pace of progress of
biotechnology, “omics,” and other molecular and computer-aided tools will likely
result in the constant emergence of novel integrated methods for the interrogation
and modification of genomes, leading to a better understanding of parasite life-
style, and, ultimately, to the rational design of improved methods for the control
of animal infectious diseases.

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