Internal Insulation Failure of HV Equipment

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Session 2002


A.K. LOKHANIN G.Y. SHNEIDER V.V. SOKOLOV V.M. CHORNOGOTSKY T.I. MOROZOVA All-Russian Electrozavod Scientific and Engineering Ukrainian Transformer Electrotechnical Holding Company Centre ZTZ-Service Research Institute Institute (Russia) (Ukraine)

Summary This paper presents some considerations in failure mechanisms of oil-barrier transformer insulation and oil-paper condenser type insulation of instrument transformers and HV bushings on the basis of service experience and special studies. Keywords HV Equipment-Insulation-Discharge-Failure Mode-Oil 1.TYPICAL FAILURE MODES OF EQUIPMENT Table 1 summarizes some typical defects and failure modes of oil-barrier insulation of transformer, shunt reactor, condenser type bushings and instrument current transformer that were suggested on the basis of service experience [1,2,3] considering a wide range of equipment design and operation conditions. However actual failure-modes and failure cause can be substantially different for different insulation design. Analysis of operation experience with transformer and other equipment in CIS countries for the last 10 years has shown the following picture. Power Transformers Insulation problems involve predominantly impairment of insulation condition in service. Excessive moisture in the cellulose insulation is inherent basically to the transformers with open-breathing preservation system or to those which have an insufficient sealing. Distribution of the moisture in the course of the transformer life is kept quite non-uniform. Most of the water is stored in so-called cold thin structures, namely in the thin pressboard barriers that operate at bulk oil temperature. General aging problem is accumulation of conductive _____________________________________________ *12,Krasnokazarmennaya,111250 MOSCOW, RUSSIA

and polar particles in oil and depositing them on the service. Insulation surface contamination has been observed in the forms of the adsorption of oil aging products with cellulose or deposits of conducting particles and insoluble aging products in areas of high electrical stresses. The surface contamination can cause a distortion of electrical field and a reduction in the electrical strength of the insulation system. Relative failure rate of power transformers 100 MVA and above in CIS countries is about 1%. The rate of major failures of insulation is about 0.5%. About 2530% of major failures are associated with breakdown of major and minor insulation being in service over 20-25 years due to accumulation of manifold agents of degradation. The most likely failure modes are the following: occurrence of critical PD in oil due to penetration of free water through bad sealing that results in breakdown between coils typically of HV winding and breakdown of oil gap between HV winding and tank; flashing over HV winding under effect of switching surge and lighting impulses due to contamination surface likely with conductive particles and polar oil aging products; progressing creeping discharges between phases and between winding to ground. This type of failure mode has been observed only with some old design as a result of severe contamination of insulation with metal particles and distortion of insulation structure due to winding buckling. Shunt Reactors 400-750 kV The relative rate of major failures is about 1%, and about 40% of forced outages are associated with insulation problems. The following failure modes were involved: flashover along the winding and traces of discharges on the barrier facing to the winding; flashover between pair or several coils;

flashover along the inner surface of low porcelain of the bushing. In many cases severe contamination of insulation with metallic-dust view particles was found. Wear of the pumps bearings, aluminium shield attrition and localized oil heating were recognized in some cases as sources of particles generation. HV Bushings Bushings cause about 45% of transformers major failures. Aged mode failure occurs predominantly. About 80% of failures take place after 10-12 years of service and over 30% after 20-25 years. Core failures happen practically only with unsealed design. Two failure modes have been suggested: ingress of free water resulting in occurrence of critical ionisation at the bottom part of the core, and aging of oil paper bulk, occurrence of excessive dielectric losses, that results in thermal instability. Experience has shown a very low rate of core failure of bushing designed with sealed preservation system incorporating overpressure bellows (about 10 cases per about 100 000 bushings population since 1971). However experience has shown also that hermetically sealed preservation system is more sensitive to residual contaminants, and occurrence of aging by-products. Special requirements shall be specified regarding to selection the proper oil, compatibility tests, processing procedures. Unusual failures of condenser core have been observed with circuit breakers bushings of free breading design. The problem is associated with X-wax formation at low temperature. The main failure mode of hermetically sealed bushings involves overflashing along internal lower porcelain due to predominantly oil aging and deposit of semiconductive stain on the porcelain surface. Current Transformers 220-750 kV The failure rate of 220-500 kV CTs accounts for more than 60 % of the total instrument transformers failures. The rate of major failures of insulation is about 0.35%. Two failure-modes have been typically observed: 1. Ionisation-mode failures that occur predominantly in wintertime. These are referred to as cold failures. They typically happen on the toroid shape designs and are caused by de-impregnation of the condenser core, ingress of air during storage, and over-saturation with air that results in bubbles evolution after fast cooling in service. 2. Aging mode failures that have occurred after 1525 years of service in the summer are referred to as hot failures. Those involved are typically openbreathing CTs and with hermetically sealed units filled with oil having some elevated (14-18%) aromatic content, and are caused by increased dielectric losses, followed by thermal run away and subsequent ionisation process. Aging of oil, oil/paper bulk, and in some cases localized moisture contamination have been observed as the most probable life-limiting factors.

Table 1. Typical defects and failure modes in insulation of oil-immersed transformer equipment Typical defects Failure mode Type of and faults equipment/ Insulation Power Transformers and Shunt reactors: Oil-barrier insulation Moisture contamination; Particles contamination; Bubbles evolution; Surface contamination; PD of low energy Residual Moisture; Poor Impregnation Overstressing; Ingress of Moisture; Ingress of Air; Oversaturation with gas; Aging of oil and Oil Paper Body; Thermal Instability of oil; Gas Unstable Oil; Copper Migration; Dielectric Overheat ing; Incipient Ionisation X-wax deposit Ageing of oil; Formation of metal-contained colloids and particles; Semi conductive deposit; Migration of bound water Transformer oil contamination; Picking up particles by porcelain surface; Semi conductive deposit; PD activity Distractive PD; breakdown of oil; surface discharge; creeping discharge Critical Ionisation Puncture Explosion Thermal instability of the oil/paper dielectric exponential increase of dielectric losses and temperature critical ionisation Explosion Critical ionisation in oil; Surface discharges; Flashing over porcelain

Bushings and Instrument Transformers: Oil-paper Condenser type Insulation

Bushings: Oil and Internal Porcelain Surface

Bushings: External porcelain surface

Critical PD; Flashing over porcelain

2. FAILURE MECHANISMS OF OIL-BARRIER INSULATION 2.1 Summary of transformer models investigation Short-term and long-term tests of aged oil-barrier insulation on the basis of life models studies have revealed the following aging-mode problems:

Reduction of switching surge breakdown voltage due to a deposit of insoluble aging products in areas of high electrical stress and stimulation of surface discharge occurrence [4]. The minimum breakdown voltage at switching surges may decrease approximately by 15% after aging. Increasing the concentration of particles in oil (from 50 cm-3 up to 160 cm-3) may decrease switching surge breakdown voltage additionally by 10%. Long-term dielectric strength tests revealed two mechanisms of insulation breakdown: - "accidental" breakdown was observed during the first period of aging due to the influence of particles and moisture; - wearing mode breakdown due to degradation of materials appeared at the last stage of the calculated term of aging. The latter results in decreasing the initial dielectric strength by 30-40% Probable cause for the reduction of electrical insulation strength is the formation of aging products, specifically, of anionic surfactants and bound water, which is not determined by the typical methods. 2.2 Mechanism of the incipient irreversible failure in oil-barrier insulation: The first stage if incipient failure is associated with critical PD occurrence. Mechanism of PD occurrence and progressing depends substantially of the configuration of electrical field. Presence of significant magnitude of tangential component of electric field intensity is critical to stimulate surface and creeping discharges. Typically the failure is initiated by the breakdown of oil gap, which is registered as an apparent charge in excess of 10-8 C that rises rapidly to 10-7-10-6 C It progresses in surface discharge in oil across the barrier with PD magnitude over 106 C. White marks appear on the surface due to forcing oil and water out of the pressboard pores followed with carbonised black marks on the barrier. PDs of 10-7-10-6 C may cause an irreversible damage during tens of hours. Minimum energy required to cause incipient carbonising in the cellulose (heating over 300 0C) is estimated as 0.1 J, which corresponds to several charge pulses of 10-7-10-6 C Stable discharge in oil associated with PD power is P>0.4 W. An average rate of gas generation under the effect of stable PDs in oil is 50 l/J Further steps progress either in the breakdown of the insulation space or in the occurrence of creeping discharge. 2.2.1 Creeping discharge This is, likely, the most dangerous failure mode that typically results in catastrophic failures at normal operating conditions. The phenomenon occurs in the

composite oil-barrier insulation and progresses in several steps (table2): - partial breakdown of oil gap; - surface discharge in oil across a barrier (an appearance of black carbonised marks on the barrier); - microscopic sparking within the pressboard or between layers of pressboard sheets where gas evacuation is limited. The presence of some excessive moisture stimulates vapour bubbles forming and degradation of material; - splitting oil molecules under the effect of sparking. The formation of hydrocarbons followed with the formation of carbonised traces in the pressboard. This process is resulted in lowering magnitudes of PD apparent charges to 510-10-10-9 C however PD energy is still high enough to destruct cellulose. Creeping process can continue from minutes to months or even years, until the treeing conductive path causes shunting of an essential part of transformer insulation resulting in a powerful arc. The cellulose destruction while discharge progressing within the pressboard is associated with PD q 10-9 C; PD power P=0.1-1 W, average rate of gas generation of 40-50 l/J. Table 2. Conditions for creeping discharge occurrence (service experience and experiments0 Possible source of Gas (air) bubbles (pumps cavicritical ionisation tations; residual air after refilling with oil; intensive local oil heating); Penetration of free water; Metal particles contamination; Local overstressing the oil gap; High tangential field component across pressboard surface related with direction of insulation rolling (along the fibbers) Insulation design Creeping path along pressconfiguration stimu- board between electrodes; lating creeping dis- Winding disk-to-disk transient touch to adjacent barrier; charge progressing Touch of barrier to bushing or grounded details Conditions for Magnitude of tangential comcreeping discharge ponent of electric field stress occurrence 1.0 kV/mm Three critical factors could be advised to evaluate probability of creeping discharge occurrence: - Source of initial critical ionisation of high energy to cause carbonised marks of the barrier; - Specific insulation design configuration; - High enough dielectric stresses. 2.2.2 Surface discharge Occurrence of surface discharge is associated with increased voltage (transit overvoltage). Two mechanisms

could be suggested on the basis of studies (table 3): 1) Oil breakdown progressing into insulation destruction; 2) Surface discharge as self-firing phenomenon. A magnitude of tangential component of electric field stress that can result in PD occurrence and forcing oil out of pressboard (reversiblemode white marks) could be suggested as criterion of dielectric strength across insulation surface. Investigation of models of unaged, dry and clean insulation has shown that surface discharge can occur under action of electric field stress 6.5-12.5 kV/mm on condition if ratio of average and maximum field intensity in oil gap is 0.4-0.5 or less. Apparently, contamination of surface with conductive particles reduces the value of critical field intensity. Table3 Mechanisms of surface discharge origin and progressing; HV Power frequency tests of models Specimen: Incipient Development of shape of elecFailure failure trode; Dielectric material 1st phase (tens Aluminium Occurrence of seconds): unstacylinder 150 PD10-10 C; ble surface disvisible lumimm, sharp nescence; small charge of edge- press510-8 C; intenbubbles board sive gassing; intensive luminescence. 2nd phase: Discharges penetrate deep into the pressboard; PD intensity reduces to 510-10 C though intensive destruction of material goes on Aluminium Oil breakdown: Discharge progresses within PD of cylinder 150 pressboard; PD 10-9 10-8 C; mm, rounding intensity <10-9 C increase of PD edge radius 1 repetition rate mm - pressboard Surface disIntensive gas Aluminium evolution; toroid insulated charges PD of 10-7 C Intensive PD> with craft pa10-7 C; breakper, rounding edge radius 9 down after 30 s mm - pressboard 3.FAILURES OF BUSHINGS CAUSED BY STAINING OFF THE LOWER PORCELAIN 3.1 Failure mode induced by peculiar oil aging and staining of internal porcelain Discharges across the inner part of the transformer end porcelain are outcome of a typical aging-mode phe-

nomenon in the bushing [3]. The failure process is initiated and developing within the oil channel between the core and lower porcelain. Electric field intensity in the oil channel and across the surfaces of core-end components and inner porcelain is established both by the bushing insulation design and by disposition of the bushing end relative to the grounded parts and the winding. Formation of semi-conductive residue on the inner surface of the lower porcelain has been followed and known to reduce the dielectric safety margin of the insulation space, causing a flash over across the inner surface. The failure process may be introduced as the following: - degradation of the oil and formation of oil decay products, particularly colloids containing atoms of metals; evolution of anionic surfactants and hydrate (bound) water; - deposits of semi-conductive sediment on the surfaces under effect of electrical field; - distortion of electrical field, change in the distribution of the voltage along the porcelain; reducing the dielectric strength of the oil due to transfer of bound water in dissolved state and particles [5]; - surface discharges, gas evolution, and flashover. Electrical Effect of Bushing Installation Approach the bushing end to the grounded components can increase field intensity by 20-25% and essentially distort the inner field picture. In some cases (e.g. some design of shunt reactors) a large stressed volume of oil is set up, which is very sensitive to oil contamination. Spare margin of dielectric strength of the bushing integrity determines by dielectric strength of the oil channel between the core and porcelain. Reducing dielectric strength of oil can critically reduce the margin and cause partial discharge activity Electrical field impacts on chemical reactions in oil and favours coagulation of colloid. Electrical field across the stained bushing surface attracts and picks up the conductive mode particles out of the transformer oil. Thermal Effect of Transformer Heat, which is radiated from transformer tank, determines air temperature around the air-end of the bushing. Transformer oil is the main source of bushing heating. Another two sources are dielectric losses in the core and resistance losses in the central conductor. The latter does not effect essentially on temperature distribution if bushings current is less than 50% of rated. The basic heat exchange is expected to be in the oil channel between the core and porcelain, specifically close to the bottom of the mounting tube approximately on the level of top oil of transformer, where principal mass exchange takes place. Here convection flow turns down close to the surface of the core. The maximal temperature of bushing oil in some place can be equal to the top oil temperature or even above that. Peculiar process of bushing oil cooling favours formation of colloids.

Effect of oil type and compatibility of the oil with other materials Field experience and laboratory tests of numerous bushing models have shown that significant impairment of bushings condition have been occurred practically only with acid treated oil containing relatively high aromatic carbon-hydrogen content (CA=17%), that has shown the following properties: high hygroscopic, an elevated content of bound water; aniline point 710C that promotes interaction with rubber gaskets and especially with plasticizer, inclination to form polar aging products and sludge [6]. It was shown also that oil-proof gaskets have shown different effect of oil aging acceleration. Particularly, a gasket with plasticizer can contribute to oil deterioration and promote the formation of semi-conductive sediment on the porcelain. 3.2 Failure mode induced by staining the outer surface of bottom porcelain Experience has shown that dielectric withstand strength of the oil part of HV bushing could be very sensitive to contamination of transformer oil with conductive particles. There have been several documented cases associated with a deposit of carbon on the lower porcelain, which originated from the localized overheating of the core, and with deposits of iron particles on the porcelain surface, which originated from pump bearing wear. Formation of metal-contained colloids resulting from aging of oil with rubber and transformer metals has been observed also as a typical origin of porcelain contamination Electrical field around the bushing stimulates picking up the particles by the porcelain (a trap effect). Uneven distribution of voltage along the porcelain close to the gasket joint and presence of electrical field in this area is a typical phenomenon for condenser type bushings. Maximum field intensity is located just in the vicinity of the gasket joint. Increasing the field intensity may strengthen a trapeffect and result in further extension of the staining area. The following mechanism of bushing deterioration could be suggested: forming of conductive-mode residue because of complex aging of the transformer oil in the presence of a leaching substance of rubber gasket and transformer metals. This is in combination with dissolved and suspended metals in the transformer oil could cause adherence under influence of an electrical field formed by the bushing and the grounded parts of transformer. The difference in quality of the oil in the transformer and that used in the bushings and also some difference in oil temperature could be the main factors to explain occurrence of the formation of the stain on the outer surface only. A local increase of the electrical field intensity in the Bushing-Tank Wall space could cause a concentration of conductive substances in this region. Accordingly,

that could explain the formation of the semi-conductive streaks along the porcelain. The following dangerous factors of effect of the stain should be considered: - reduction of the porcelain leakage path (or insulating distance) and accordingly reduction of the incipient voltage of surface discharge appearance; - mitigation of the shielding effect of the grounded shield (grounding layer) and accordingly strengthening the electrical field across the surface close to the grounding sleeve and particularly near to gasket location; - strengthening the trap-effect of the stained porcelain to attract conductive-mode particles out of transformer oil. Presence of the conductive stain on the porcelain may be introduced as extension of the grounding sleeve, which results in diminishing the shielding effect of the grounding layer of the core. This phenomenon may cause significant increase maximal field intensity. Accordingly, it could explain substantial reduction of the dielectric withstand strength of the bushing and possible occurrence of PD in the area close to gasket joint location of the stained bushing. 3.3 Failure of oil-filed paper insulation of non-sealed bushings of HV circuit breaker. When disassembling a bushing of 220 kV oil-filled circuit breaker, failed during operation, mere has been found plenty of X-wax. The failure occurred after operation for three years approximately. DGA analysis of oil samples from sister-type bushings (more than 20 pieces) has shown high concentrations of hydrogen (up to 3.5%), lower but exceeding permissible values of methane (up to 0.5%), ethane (up to 0.2%), carbon monoxide (about 0.5%). The bushings were put out of operation, and delivered to the manufacturer for investigations. The later tests on a part of these bushings showed an essential increase in tan for the main insulation depending on voltage, and high level of partial discharges (up to some hundreds pC). When doing so, even at low- voltage (10 kV), the value of tan exceeded the nameplates values as large as 1.5 2 times. All the bushings considered above, have been filled with oil of type GK. In bushings filled with oil of type T-750, having a non-sealed construction, with an insulation construction with is quite identical to that of the bushings considered, at the same operational electric field strength, wax formation has never been detected. Therefore the cause of PD occurrence in the bushings considered shall be searched in difference in properties of oils GK and -750. The difference in consequences of PD action on oils GK and -750 are caused by the fact that oil of type GK has the more ability of gas emission (its relevant factor is greater by 2.5 fold than that of oil T-75O, therefore creation of conditions for wax formation process ^formation of gas-oil mixture) is easier in oil GK than in oil T-750. Since the value of solubility of atmospheric gases for oil GK is practically equal to that for oil T-750, there are no reasons to suppose that the cause of PD occurrence in the bushing insulation is bound up with formation of gas bubbles when changing the oil

temperature. Experimental investigations of insulation specimens. The specimens (two little sheets of cable-insulating paper, each of them is 0.12 mm thick) were the combinations of paper and oil GK, having the different moisture content: 'dry' paper (Wp = 0.5% - 1.0%) and 'dry' oil (W0 5 g/t.-9 g/t); 'dry' paper and 'wet' oil (WQ = 20 g/t - 40 g/t); 'wet' paper (Wp > 4%) and 'wet' oil. The specimens were tested in sealed and non-sealed vessels. A part of specimens was at the room temperature (+20C) all the time. The other part of them was being cooled to +5C, -10C, -15C and -20C. After cooling and exposure at this temperature, a voltage was being applied to the specimens, and they were warming within 1.5 to 2 hours. A voltage was being applied for 6 to 8 hours every day. The total time of the voltage action was equal to 50-55 hours. The voltage value corresponded to that for the occurrence of steady PD (50 - 100 pC). At the voltage application, the apparent charge and the number of PD pulses were registered. Some specimens of 'dry' paper and 'dry' oil were being naturally moistened within 1,5 month, this increased the moisture content of the oil to 25 g/t. Some other specimens were made of paper of a failed bushing, which contained moisture (about 20 g/t), wax and oil. It was revealed that the PD inception voltage varied little for all the specimens, and was equal to 11 - 13 kV. However PD development character essentially depends on the moisture content of specimens, temperature conditions and hermetic sealing of the device. In the sealed vessel, irrespectively of moisture content of specimens, at cooling-warming cycles for oil: +20C, -20C, +20C> the PD development process, the location of their occurrence (the sharp edges of electrode), the number of PD pulses (about 10-14 pulses/minute) and their apparent charge (900 - 1300 pC) are the same as at the room temperature (+20 C). In the non-sealed vessels, when testing specimens of paper-oil insulation which were artificially moistened, at cooling-warming cycles for oil: +20C> -20C> +20C, the number of PD pulses increased to 20-25 pulses/minute but me values

of their apparent charges were equal to 100-300 pC. In these specimens, carbonised traces of PD took place in the area of uniform field. There were no traces of wax formation. When testing the specimens, who were naturally moistened, the character of PD was the same as at tests of the specimens moistened artificially. However when disassembling them, X-was was detected between layers of paper. Therefore the supposition that moistening of oil in a nonsealed equipment followed by X-wax tonnation can be the cause of PD occurrence in paper-oil insulation in uniform field, has been confirmed. REFERENCES [1] A.F. Kurbatova, V.V. Sokolov, O.N. Grechko, V.P.Mayakov, A.S.Kolesnikov, V.M.Chornogotsky, Development of Diagnostic System of 330-750 kV Current Transformer based on service Experience and Endurance Tests (CIGRE, 1998, Paper 12-107) [2] Victor Sokolov, Vladimir Mayakov, Georgy Kuchinsky, Alexander Golubev, On-Site Partial Discharge Measurements on Power Transformers (Proceedings of the 67th Annual International Conference of Doble Clients, April 2000, Boston, MA.) [3] V. Sokolov, B. Vanin, Evaluation and Identification of Typical Defects and Failure Modes in 110 750 kV Bushings (Proceedings of the Sixty Forth Annual Conference of Doble Clients, 1997, sec.3.3) [4] Z. Beletsky, I. Vojevodin, A.Gorbuntsov, V. Gurin, V. Sokolov, G. Lisakovsky, V. Chornogotsky, G. Kuchinsky, J. Kalentjev, Short-Term Dielectric Strength of HV Power Transformer Insulation (Electrichestvo, No.9, 1978, pp 64-69) [5] Z. Belezky, V. Chernogodsky, S. Lizunov, A. Lokhanin, T. Morozova, G. Scheider, E. Troyan, I. Voevodin, Prospects for developing insulation tests of HV AC Power Transformers and Shunt Reactors (CIGRE, 1980, paper 12-04) [6] S. Kassihin, S. Lizunov, R. Lipshtein, A. Lokhanin, T. Morozova, Service experience and reasons of bushing failures of EHV transformers and shunt reactors (CIGRE, 1986, paper 12-106)

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