S1 3 P 1
S1 3 P 1
S1 3 P 1
TRAFOTECH 2018: Tenth International Conference on Transformers
Considering the tapping range +/-10%, the ratio WINDING ARRANGEMENT AND
error and LV voltage are shown in table 2 CONNECTION
In this transformer the windings are arranged in
following manner
Tap Position Ratio Error LV voltage
between HV- Core-LV-Tap-MV-HV.
MV From Core first winding is LV winding and second
Maximum 1.8% 41kV winding is Tap winding followed by MV and HV
winding. This arrangement is referred as
+10% voltage
constant ohmic impedance transformer.
Normal -0.3% 33kV Tapping winding is connected on neutral side of
MV winding of transformer. HV winding is
connected in series with MV winding.
Minimum 2.0% 26kV
OLTC selection
-10% voltage
In conventional design since tap is on 220kV line
Table 2: Ratio error and LV voltage at tapping side, 3 pole tap changer of 1200A and 300kV
range +/-10% class is used, while in this new type design the
At +/- 10% tapping range, LV voltage will tap changer is connected to neutral point of HV
increase by 24% compared to normal tap and and MV winding hence the OLTC rating can be
ratio error also will exceed beyond 0.5% limit. reduced to 800A and 123kV class. This will save
Hence +/-10% tapping range is not suitable the OLTC cost. The neutral end voltage is low
considering the IEC 60076-1 ratio error and impulse overshoot voltage will also reduce
requirement. Also LV voltage is 41kV which is so this will save the insulation cost of tap leads
unsafe for the loads connected to LV side of this and also simplify the tap winding insulation
transformer. arrangement.
So to limit the LV voltage and Ratio error, the Winding arrangement and connections are
tapping range need to reduce to +/-5% limit. shown in Fig. 1 and Fig.2
Tap Position Ratio Error LV voltage
between HV-MV
Maximum 0.3% 37kV
+5% voltage V T V V
Normal -0.3% 33kV R A
TRAFOTECH 2018: Tenth International Conference on Transformers
Calculated impedance between HV-MV, MV-LV
and HV-LV are mentioned table 5.
TRAFOTECH 2018: Tenth International Conference on Transformers
TRAFOTECH 2018: Tenth International Conference on Transformers
400/220/33kV and 400/132/33kV 3phase Auto
transformer with neutral end tapping is possible
with +/-5% tapping range. This transformer will
be economical than normal conventional
transformer. Since voltage and impedance is
similar with conventional constant ohmic
transformer hence parallel operation of such
transformer is possible with similar impedance
transformer. The great advantage of neutral
OLTC (apart from cost advantage) is less
maintenance liability as the diverter switch oil is
at neutral potential. With line end OLTC, if the oil
gets deteriorated flash over in diverter switch is
possible resulting in blast and consequent fire. In
case of OLTC is placed on neutral side it is very
safe for OLTC and tapping winding. The voltage
level on tapping winding is low therefore the
chances of dielectric failure of OLTC and tap is
low, therefore the reliability of such transformer is
1. Powergrid technical specification for
400kV transformer