Mechanical Vibrations (ME65) Session 8 Date: (23/3/07)

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Mechanical Vibrations (ME65) Session 8 date: (23/3/07)

Forced Vibrations Forced vibrations are those whose amplitudes are maintained by application of external forces.Ringing of electric bell or machine tool vibrations are examples of forced vibrations.The external force maintaining the vibrations are called external excitation and are random, periodic or impulsive in nature. Basic sources of excitation are external or inherent to the system. Machine subsystems are heated unevenly during operation and give rise to uneven deformation leading to generation of unbalanced force,Resonance of system produces large amplitudes leading to unbalanced forces.Similarly, defective assembly , bending and distortion of components, bearing defects leading to misalignment, uneven distribution of mass in rotating components lead to creation of unbalanced forces causing a system to vibrate forcibly. Forced vibration of damped single degree of freedom system

kx Cx mx


kx is the spring force, cx is the damping force and mx is the inertia force and Fsint is the external excitation . x is the displacement of mass in the direction shown. The equation of motion is written as mx+cx+ kx = Fsint ----(i)

The solution of above equation is in 2 parts, i) Complimentary function (cf) and ii) particular integral(pi). The total solution x = x(cf) + x(pi). The x(cf) is the solution of equation mx+cx+ kx = 0, which is written as Ae-nt sin(d t + ). The particular integral x(pi) is assumed to be in the form x = X sin(t - ), thus we have dx/dt = x as Xsin( t-+/2) and (dx/dt)2 = x = 2 Xsin( t-+), substituting the values of x amd x in eqn. (i), we have, m(2 Xsin( t-+) + c(Xsin( t-+/2)) + k(X sin(t - )) = Fsint Rearranging , Fsint - kX sin(t - ) - cXsin( t-+/2) - m2 Xsin( t-+) = 0 Where, Fsint is the external force Diplacement x lags the external force kX is the spring force lagging F by cX is the damping force lagging F by (+/2) m2 X is the inertia force, lagging F by (+), The vector diagram of these is as shown below:


F x reference

cX m2 X From the geometry of diagram, we have, F = (kx m2 X) 2 + (cX)2, simplifying X = F/((k m2 ) 2 + (c)2) Therefore, the total solution can be written as, x = x(cf) + x(pi)

= Ae-nt sin(d t + ) + F sin(t-) (/((k m2 ) 2 + (c)2) ----(ii)

The eqn(ii) is total response which consists of two parts, first being the transient part, the first term in RHS , which dies out with time and the second part the x(pi), is the steady state vibration which does not die with time. The expressions for amplitude X in dimensionless form and phase angle are as follows: X = (F/k)/(1-( 2/n 2 )2 + (2/ n )2 , (F/k) is called the Zero frequency deflection which is the deflection of spring mass under a steady force.

The phase angle, = tan-1 ((2/ n )/ 1-( 2/n 2)) Magnification Factor: In a vibrating system the transient vibrations die out after passage of time and the steady state vibration continues with constant amplitude as long as the external excitations exsist, and this makes the study of steady state vibrations to be important for study and analysis. Magnification factor M.F. is one parameter in study of forced vibrations which is defined as the ratio of amplitude of steady state response X to Xst the zero frequency deflection or the static response under steady load F. The M.F . is given by, M.F. = X/Xst = 1/((1-( 2/n 2 )2 + (2/ n )2 ) This M.F. depends upon the frequency ratio / n and the damping factor . From the plots of M.F. versus frequency ratio and phase angle, versus frequency ratio also called frequency response curves following observations can be made: (Refer any standard text for detailed curves)


/n i) ii) iii) Phase angle is 90 at resonance M.F. is infinity at resonance and = 0 For all frequencies th MF reduces with damping


iv) v) vi) vii) viii)


Maximum amplitude occurs at left of resonance For small values of frequency ratio, the inertia and damping forces are small resulting in small phase angles.Impressed force is nearly equal to spring force. For frequency ratio of 1, the inertia force is balanced by the spring force.The impressed force balances the damping force. For large values of frequency ratio, inertia force increases to a large value and damping and spring forces are small. The frequency at which the maximum amplitude occurs is obtained by using the relation p = n (1 - 2 2 ), where p is the frequency at which maximum amplitude occurs. Condition for resonance , (MF)resonance = (Xr /Xst ) = (1/2)

Solution by complex algebra: Let the equation of motion be written as mx+cx+kx = Feit the response of which is x = X ei(t ) . substituting the expressions for x and x into the equation of motion and simplifying , we have (-m2 +ic +k) X ei(t ) = Feit , from which , Xe -i =(F/(k - m2 ) + ic), from which using x = X ei(t ) , the real part of x is given by Re(Feit /(k - m2 ) +ic). Introducing the complexfrquency response H() as ratio of output Xe i to input F i.e, H() = Xe i / F = (1/(k - m2 ) +ic) = X/Xst = 1/((k - m2 ) 2 +(c) 2 ) The phase angle, = tan -1 (c/(k m2 )) **************

Session 9 date: (27/3/07)

Rotating and Reciprocating unbalance

a = esint e = eccentricity mo 2 e x a

mo x m

The figure shows a rotating equipment rotating at a speed of rad./sec. Let m o be the unbalance mass rotating with its CG at a distance of e from centre.This unbalanced mass gives rise to a centrifugal force , equal to mo 2 e .Let m be the total mass of equipment inclusive of mo and at any instant of time mo make an angle of t. The equation of motion for this system can be written considering the effective mass m-mo and the unbalanced mass mo. Referring figure as shown below, we have the effective displacement of mo is sum of x and esint. Hence we can write the equation of motion in the vertical direction as

(m-mo)x + (mo)d2(x + esint) /dt2 = - Kx Cx

Ie, mx - mox +mox+ mod{e cost}/dt = -Kx Cx mx - mo 2e sint = -Kx Cx mx + Cx + Kx = mo2sint The above equation is similar to mx + Cx + Kx = Fsint Hence for an under damped system, we get the expression for steady state amplitude as X= mo2e/K
(1 ( w/w n ) 2 ) 2 (2lyw / wn ) 2


__X__ = (moe/m)

(1 ( w/w n ) 2 ) 2 (2lyw / wn ) 2

= tan-1 {2(w/wn) / (1 - (w/wn )2 ) Same analysis is extended to reciprocating masses where exciting force becomes moew2sinwt where mo = Unbalanced mass of reciprocating masses. The complete solution for the unbalanced system is x = A2e nt (sind t + 2 ) + (moew2 /k)/((1-( 2/n 2 )2 + (2/ n )2 ) The following points are concluded for unbalanced system: Damping factor plays an important role in controlling the amplitudes during resonance. For low values of frequency ratio, X tends to 0. For low values of frequency ratio (w/wn), X tends to 0. At high speeds of operation, damping effects are negligible. The peak amplitudes occur to right of resonance unlike for balanced systems. At resonance, w = wn ie: X / moe/m = 1/2

Also, (X ) resonance = moe/ 2m From the plot of (X / emo m) v/s /n , it iserved that at low speeds, because the inertia force is small, all the curves start from zero and at resonance (X / moe/m )= 1/2 and the amplitude of such vibrations can be controlled by the damping provided in the system. For very large frequency ratio, (X / moe/m ) tends to one. ***************

Session 10 date : (28/3/07)

VIBRATION ISOLATION AND TRANSMISSION: Vibration Isolation: High speed machines and engines due to unbalance give rise to vibrations of excessive amplitudes and due to the unbalance forces being setup, the foundations can be damaged. Hence there is a need to eliminate or reduce the vibrations being transmitted to the foundations, springs, dampers, etc. are placed between the machines and the foundations to reduce the vibrations or minimize then. These elements isolate the

vibrations by absorbing the vibration energy. This isolation of vibrations is expressed in terms of force or motion transmitted to the foundation. The requirements of these isolating elements are that there should be no connection between the vibrating system & the foundation & it is to be ensured that in case of failure of isolators the system is still in of position on the foundation. Rubber acts effectively as an isolator during shear loading. The sound transmitted by it is also low. Heat and oil affect the rubber and it is usually preferred for light loads & high frequency oscillation. Felt pals are used for low frequency ratios. Many small sized felt pads are used instead of a single large pad. Cork can be used for compressive loads. Helical & leaf springs of metal are used as isolators for high frequency ratios. They are not affected by air, water or oil. The sound transmitted by them can be reduced by covering them with pads of felt, rubber or cork.


Fsint x m

In a spring mass dashpot system subjected to harmonically varying external force, the spring and dashpot become the vibration isolators and the spring force and damping force are the forces between the mass and foundation. Thus the force transmitted to the foundation (Ftr ) is vector sum of the spring force (kX) and damping force (cX). We can write, Ftr = X (K2 + c22 ), substituting for X as X = F/((k m2 ) 2 + (c)2), we have Ftr equal to, Ftr = F ((K2 + c22 ) / ((k m2 ) 2 + (c)2) Transmissibility is defined as the ratio of force transmitted to the foundation to the force impressed on the system i.e.,

Tr = = Ftr / F = (1 + (c/k) 2 / ((1-( 2/n 2 )2 + (2/ n )2 ) The angle of lag of the transmitted force is , ( ) = tan 1 (( 2/ n) / 1-( 2/n 2)) - tan 1(2/ n ) Plot of Tr versus / n (refer a text book) for various values of , is called the transmissibility curve . From the plot it is seen that all curves start from 1 and transmissibility Tr is always desired to be less than 1, as it ensures that transmitted force to the foundation is minimum and better isolation is achieved. The operating values of frequency ratio to achieve this effect should be greater than 2 and the region beyond this value of frequency ratio is called mass control zone where isolation is most effective. In the plot the frequency ratio values upto 0.6 are spring control zone and from 0.6 to 2 is damping control zone and beyond that is mass control zone. ************

Session 11 date:(30/3/07)


Z x m



Figure shows a basic sesmic instrument used for measuring vibrations. When the system is excited by the vibrations of the base, the mass m is subjected to a displacement x. If we consider y be the motion of the base, then the absolute amplitude of mass m is the displacement x. If Z is considered as the displacement of mass m w.r.t the frame, then we have a relative motion of m w.r.t the frame. Absolute amplitude: (neglect z) Let the displacement of base be y viz: a sinusoidal motion, given by y = Ysint For such a system the equation for motion can be written as

x mx



mx + K(x-y) + C(x-y) = 0 i.e, mx + Cx + Kx Ky - Cy = 0 Substituting for y and y, we get mx + Cx + Kx Kysint Cycost = 0 mx + Cx + Kx = y {Kysint + Ccost = 0} = y(K2 + (c)2 ).sin(t + ) Where = tan-1 {c/K} = tan-1 {2/n} The solution of (1) consists of CF and PI. The PI is x = X sin(t + - (a) (1)

(a) is similar to x = X sin (t ), where X is the steady state amplit ude. X= y (K2 + (c)2 ) ((K - (c2)2 + (c)2) (1+ (2/n)2 ) / ((1 (/n)2)2 + (2/n)2 ) (b)

Therefore X/y =

= (tan-1 (2/n2 / 1 (/n)2 )) = (tan-1 {2/n}) ( - ) = (tan-1 (2/n2 / 1 (/n)2 )) - (tan-1 {2/n}) ---- Equations (a), (b) and (c) completely define the motion of the mass due to the support or base excitation. The ratio X/y is called the displacement transmissibility Relative Amplitude: If the displacement of the mass is considered relative to the frame and if this relative displacement is called z , then we have, z=xy or, x=y+z substituting this value of x in the equation of motion, m(y + z)+c(y+z)+K(y+z-y) = 0 my+mz+cz+kz = - my mz + cz + kz = -m(-2 y sint) i.e., mz + cz + kz = m2 y sint similar to eqn b, we have z/y = (/n)2 / ((1 (/n)2)2 + (2/n)2 ) The expressions for is same as given above for absolute amplitude. Energy dissipated by Damping. When a syatem undergoes steady state forced vibration swith viscous damping, energy gets absorbed by the dashpot . The energy dissipated or workdone per cycle is given by, Energy dissipated/ cycle = cx 2 , where x is the amplitude of steady state vibrations. The power required for vibrating the system can be obtained by the relation Power = Energy dissipated/ cycle / Sec. , Watts.

Sharpness of Resonance: In forced vibration, quantity Q is related to damping which becomes a measure of the sharpness of resonance. It also gives the side band of frequencies 1 and 2 on either side of the resonance by which resonance can be avoided during operation. The expression of Q is given as follows: Q = n / (2 - 1) = 1/2

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