Lesson Plan Thermo - New

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Department of Mechanical Engineering

Lesson Plan: Fundamentals of Thermodynamics and Heat Transfer

By: Dr. Lila Raj Koirala

Number of
Week No. Chapter Assignment
1. Introduction
Definition and Scope of Engineering Thermodynamics,
Microscopic Versus Macroscopic Viewpoint,Concepts
and Definitions - System, Boundary, Surrounding,
1 Thermodynamic Properties, Thermodynamic 2
Equilibrium, Assignment 1: Numericals
Regarding Chapter 1
State, Path, Process and Cycle, Quasi-Equilibrium
Processes, Common Properties - Pressure, Specific
2 Volume, Temperature, Zeroth Law of Thermodynamics 2
and Equality of Temperature

2. Energy and Energy Transfer

Types of Energy - Stored Energy, Transient Energy, Total
Energy, Energy Transfer - Heat Transfer, Work Transfer,
Similarities and Differences between Heat Transfer and Assignment 2: Numericals
3 Work Transfer, Expressions for Displacement Work 2 Regarding Chapter 2
Transfer: Isobaric, isochoric,

Isothermal, Adiabatic and Polytropic Processes, Power

3. Properties of Pure Substances
Pure Substance and State Postulate, Ideal Gas and
Ideal Gas Relations, Two phase (Liquid and Vapour)
Systems: Change of Phase, Subcooled Liquid, Saturated
Liquid, Wet Mixture, Critical Point
4 2
Change of Phase, Subcooled Liquid, Saturated Liquid, Assignment 3: Numericals
Wet Mixture, Critical Point, Quality, Moisture Content, Regarding Chapter 3
Saturated Vapour and Superheated Vapour
Properties of Two Phase Mixture, Other Thermo-
dynamic Properties - Internal Energy, Enthalpy, Specific
5 Heats, Development of Property Data: Graphical Data 2
Presentation and Tabular Data Presentation

4. First Law of Thermodynamics

First Law of Thermodynamics for Control Mass (Closed
6 System/Non Flow Process), First Law of Thermo- 2
dynamics for Control Mass Undergoing Cyclic Process

First Law of Thermodynamics for Control Volume (Open

System/Flow Process), Analysis of Control Assignment 4: Numericals
7 2 Regarding Chapter 4
Volume at Steady State and at Unsteady State
Control Volume Application: Steady and Unsteady Work
Applications and Steady and Unsteady Flow
8 Applications, Other Statements of the first Law 2

5. Second Law of Thermodynamics

Necessity of Formulation of Second Law, Entropy and
Second Law of Thermodynamics for an Isolated System,
Reversible and Irreversible Processes, Entropy and
9 Process Relations for an Ideal Gases and Incompressible 2
Assignment 5: Numericals
Regarding Chapter 5
Control Mass Formulation of Second Law, Control
10 Volume Formulation of Second Law, Isentropic Process 2
for an Ideal Gas and for an Incompressible Substances

Carnot Cycle, Heat Engine, Heat Pump, Refrigerator,

11 Kelvin- Planck and Clausius Statements of the Second 2
Law of Thermodynamics and their Equivalence
6. Thermodynamic Cycles
Classification of Thermodynamic Cycles, Air Standard
12 Brayton Cycle, Rankine Cycle, Internal Combustion 2
Cycles (Operation of Two and Four Sroke Engines) Assignment 6: Numericals
Regarding Chapter 6
Air Standard Analysis, Air Standard Otto Cycle,
13 Air Standard Diesel Cycle, Vapour Compression 2
Refrigeration Cycle
7. Introduction to Heat Transfer
Basic Concepts and Modes of Heat Transfer, One
Dimensional Steady State Heat Conduction through a
Plane Wall, Radial Steady State Heat Conduction
14 through a Hollow Cylinder , Heat Flow through 2
Composite Structures, Coposite Plane Wall, Multilayer
Assignment 7: Numericals
Regarding Chapter 7
Electrical Analogy for Thermal Resistance,
Combined Heat Transfer and Overall Heat Transfer
Coefficient for Plane Wall and Tube, Nature of
15 Convection: Free and Forced Convection, Heat 2
Radiation, Stefan's Law, Absorptivity, Reflectivity, and
Transmissivity; Black Body, White Body, and Gray Body

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