2009-08 Lodgeroom
2009-08 Lodgeroom
2009-08 Lodgeroom
Far too many Masons have grown up in cultures
that do not give full credence to the rich metaphors that
allow for instant understanding of the Masonic symbols
before them. The Threshing-floor is one such
metaphor of a special location for activity that all
Masons should be prepared to engage in very early in
their Masonic Journey.
On the Threshing-floor, the fruit of the harvest is
laid out before them; further Work is put forth to
separate the grain heads from the chaff that nurtured
the grain to maturity. Winnowing efforts are put forth
in this activity, forcing movement of the chaff away
from the grain so desired.
Like threshers from any era, Masons must also
learn how to separate that which is important from that
which is not. Without this vital skill, further
improvement in Masonry, a primary goal for Masons at
any stage, will not occur. Masons should learn this
skill early on as Entered Apprentice Masons and apply
it at all times from then on.
This crucial skill though is not pointed out as a
Foundation to which Masonry is Built upon. Archaic
references to the Foundation are few and modern day
Masons would be hard pressed to provide exact
connections to the Foundation if they were limited to
the Ritual references themselves.
The Threshing Floor
by Dr. John S. Nagy
Yet, if Masons took time to examine Ritual carefully
and look into the history of King Solomons Temple,
as provided by the Volume of Sacred Law and
specifically the land in which it was Built upon, they
would find a rich harvest of connections. Before
them would be an abundance of lessons that would
profit them and those they encounter. They would
have examples of human desire focused in grand style
to assure actions were honorable and respecting.
They would discover deeper meaning and
understanding that made for better choices in life.
They would also create a clarity and continuity
surrounding the Work that they endeavor to undertake
as Masons in Masonry.
We each Build a Temple that is our own. The plans
for that Temple are Masonic in origin and follow the
prototype of that which was Built by King Solomon
many years ago. That foundation is upon a mountain
called Moriah. The significance of that name is
important to all Masons. The significance of its
history is also as important.
The name Moriah occurs
first in our Volume of Sacred
Law in the Book of Genesis. It is
attributed to a mountain range
that has a rich history that
Masons would do well to know
and learn from. Traditionally, Moriah is the location
of a specific mountain but Rabbinical tradition often
attributes many significant occurrences directly to
Mount Moriah particularly; many of which Masons
would benefit from by knowing how they support
their Masonic Work.
One such occurrence was the story of a man who
is credited to be the father of three monotheistic
religions. The Moriah mountain range was the
location to which the Friend of God 2 also known as
Abraham, intended to sacrifice his son Isaac to his
Lord. 3
As an interesting tangent to this, it is important to
know what the word sacrifice originally meant
Continued on next page
Freemasonry: It s not about me changi ng t hem, it s about me changi ng me.
many years ago. Its meaning was to make Holy. It
was believed at that time that gifts must be offered and
made to that which was revered and worshiped. To do
this, one must make Holy that gift in order for it to
be accepted. This often involved burning such
offerings; a practice which was believed to make that
gift transcend into the spiritual domain. The
unfortunate aspect of the word is that it has changed
over the years from its original meaning and shifted
semantically to mean to give up and hence loose
something; usually for a greater good.
True sacrifice though involves no loss whatsoever. It
only involves a willing act of glad-full giving. In this
respect, to truly sacrifice, Masons must willingly and
gladly make effort to make Holy that which they
have been blessed with; no greater gift in sacrifice
could be made.
As important as the act of sacrifice has been
emphasized to us over the years, the Volume of Sacred
Law tells us that sacrifice itself is not the most
desirable actions to take. If fact, it tells us that the
performance of charity4 and prudence5 is more
desirable to God than sacrifice.6 It also tells us that
Loving-kindness7 I desire, not sacrifice, and the
knowledge of God rather than burnt offerings.8 As
many Masons will admit outright, much of these
sentiments are emphasized in Ritual throughout the
freestones and made a pillow to support him in his
sleep. During his sleep that night, Jacob dreamt10
of a connection between Heaven and Earth called a
Sullam.11 Sullam means a graduated ramp,
staircase or ladder. It is the first and last time this
word is used within the Volume of Sacred Law. In
that dream, Jacob saw Gods Angels ascending and
descending this connection. Upon waking from his
dream, Jacobs said, Surely Jehovah is in this place;
and I knew not. This is none other than the House
of God, and this is the gate to heaven. Jacob
proceeded to rename the location Bethal, which
means House of God. He also set up the first of
two stone pillars to acknowledge this belief, saying,
This stone which I have set for a Pillar shall be
Gods House.
The Ladder of Jacobs dream is most significant to
Masons and their Work, especially at the EA level.
The ladder represents the connection between
Heaven and Earth. There are too few Masons that
know the double significance of this. The
Compasses and Square are symbolic of Heaven and
Earth too. The connection dreamt of by Jacob also
exists between these two. Masons associate the
rungs of Jacobs Ladder with the Seven Virtues that
are spoken of in the EA Lecture. The message
Masons should glean from these elements is that the
connection between Heaven and Earth, and hence
Masonry itself, is Strengthened through the practice
of these Virtues, as symbolized by the ladders
More Masonic significance occurred years later.
Mount Moriah came under ownership of a
Jebusite12 ruler named Ornan and whose Hittite
title was Araunah. Ornan used the location as a
threshing floor. In modern times, threshing-floors
are not what many Masons might be exposed to
much less have any experience with. In fact, a
random survey of Brothers may turn up only a few
who understand what the act of threshing is. For
many of us with a passing interest, we would look
up this word and find that threshing is the act of
breaking off the grain heads from the chaff that it
grew upon. Further investigation would reveal that
this act was followed by something called
winnowing; a divestment of the chaff from the
desired grain it was once connected to. This was
The Threshing Floor
by Dr. John S. Nagy
The next event significant to Masonic Work came
with travels of the next generation. It was Jacob, the
grandson of Abraham, that subsequently had occasion
to visit Moriah and with grand significance to Masons.
It was while he was upon Moriah9 , that he took its
Continued on next page
Freemasonry: It s not about me changi ng t hem, it s about me changi ng me.
sometimes done by rigorously fanning the grain and
chaff but was best accomplished in a well lit open
space that had lots of wind. The wind was useful in
that it carried the lighter chaff away from the heavier
grain by merely throwing all of it up into the air.
Ornans Threshing floor was on the top of Mount
Moriah which had aspects of light and wind in
Of course, Masons will recognize immediately the
significance of the threshing-floor. It is a place where
that which is important is separated from that which is
unimportant; truth from falsehood; that which nurtures
from that which doesnt; the very actions that Masons
must take upon themselves as they progress through
their Masonic Work. Obviously the use of Light and a
fair amount of directed Wind, in the form of Spiritual
guidance, is very useful in this activity. This should
start to occur immediately upon entering upon the
Of interest to note: The entrance of the threshing-floor
is called the reshold. Masons will recognize
immediately that the threshold is symbolic of the
entrance or porch to which all Masons must Pass
through to bring them to Light and Spirit; abundantly
found upon the Masonic threshing-floor within any
existing Temple.
Threshing and Winnowing are common metaphors for
the exercising of judgment13 and purification.14
They are also vital skills that help Masons Divest
themselves from the Vices and Superfluities of life.15
The threshing-floor also symbolizes blessings and
abundance for Masons. As stated in the Volume of
Sacred Law: And your contribution shall be counted to
you as though it were the grain of the threshing floor,
and as the fullness of the winepress.16 , The threshing
floors will be filled with grain; the vats shall overflow
with wine and oil.17 and When ye have heaved the
best thereof from it, then it shall be counted [to you] as
the increase of the threshing-floor, and as produce of
the winepress.18
This scripture echoes the
sentiments often heard within
the halls of Masonic discourse:
You get from Masonry what
you put in.
The Threshing Floor
by Dr. John S. Nagy
Yet further significance for Masons came into
play when King David had reign over the people of
this area in and around Mount Moriah. It was this
very mountain location, Ornans Threshing-floor,
that King David noticed an angel of the Lord.19
When King David took notice, this angel was
visiting a three day plague upon the surrounding
communities as punishment to King David for
taking a census of the war capable men within his
kingdom. God didnt like this and hence the angel
was sent. When King David first noticed the angel,
it was about to visit that plague upon King Davids
people in Jerusalem too. The angel held off though
and the prophet Gad instructed King David to Build
an Altar to the Lord God in thanks. King David
complied immediately without any hesitation of
mind in him whatsoever. The message of King
Davids actions should be clear to Masons: One
must take action without hesitation when the
instruction is sound and communicates Good
Orderly Direction.
There was of course the formality of Building upon
land that was not rightfully his. King David
recognized this issue and made effort to purchase
the threshing-floor from Ornan. Being subject to
King Davids rule, Ornan offered up the land freely
along with an array of suitable sacrifices 20 for the
intended Altar. King David would not hear of it; he
said to Ornan, No, but I will buy it for the full
price.21 His reasoning was straightforward. King
David would neither take for his Lord what was
someone elses, nor offer burnt offerings which cost
him nothing.22
His actions offered some Strong lessons for all
Masons to learn from. One lesson was that he made
sure that the Foundation he Built upon and what
Continued on next page
Freemasonry: It s not about me changi ng t hem, it s about me changi ng me.
was to be made Holy was procured fairly and
equitably before proceeding. Another lesson offered
was to treat others fairly and rightfully even if one
may reign over them. Yet another lesson that is
important for Masons to note is to deal in such a way
that there is never any question of ownership.
Mount Moriahs significance to Masons doesnt
stop there. It is also the location where King Davids
son, King Solomon, Built a Temple and dwelling place
for the Most High. The Temple was Built upon what
was originally Ornans Threshing-floor, and surrounded
King Davids Altar, the eventual resting place of the
Arc of the Covenant.
Masons use the Building of King Solomons Temple as
a basis for many of the metaphors and symbols used
within Masonry. One such symbol, the checkered
pavement found upon the ground floor which occupies
the very place where threshing once occurred, reminds
Masons of the Wheat and Chaff that must be
separated in their own lives once they are initiated into
the fellowship; a skill that becomes more and more
valuable as other Work is taken on in higher degrees.
Candidates arriving at this threshing-floor, approach it
from the lofty towers of Babel, where language was
confounded and Masonry lost. Coming upon this
threshing-floor of Ornan the Jebusite, they find that
language is restored and Masonry is found. Upon
initiation, Masons come out of the profane world, filled
with much darkness, ignorance and confusion, as there
was at the tower of Babel, and that they approach a
Masonic world, where there is Light, Understanding
The Threshing Floor
by Dr. John S. Nagy
and Order, as at the Temple Built upon Ornans
Reviewing all these events should help bring
things into prospective as to the overall significance
of this Temple Mount location. The place where
Abraham was willing to sacrifice his son Isaac;
where Jacob dreamt and acknowledged; where King
Ornan threshed to separate; where King David Built
an Altar in thanks to the Lord; where King Solomon
built a Temple to House the Lord; all occurred upon
Moriah. As significant as all these events may now
seem to Masonic readers, the meaning behind this
specific location should bear far more significance.
For all of these events to unfold, specific aspects
needed to be in place. A willingness to make Holy
blessings was one such aspect. A willingness to
separate that which is important from that which is
not is another. A willingness to acknowledge Gods
presence and the connection between Heaven and
Earth was a third. A willingness to Build Sacred
structures was a fourth aspect. Masons may ask
themselves what was the driving force behind all
this willingness? And they would not have far to
look to find the answer.
Moriah means God is my Teacher. Strict
interpretation of the word conveys that it specifically
means ordained/considered by Yahweh. Being the
Foundation of so many events, it is clear that all of
them were supported upon the Instruction of God.