Instruction TEC TF7650

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TECSYSTEM S.r.l. Via Cristoforo Colombo, 5/C 20094 Corsico (Milan) phone +39 - 02 - 48601011 / 4581861 Fax: +39 - 02 48600783
R.0 02/07/04 NT538 V4-R1.4 protection relays


1. 2.

New hardware and software for a further improvement of immunity to disturbances. Reading rate increasing, indispensable for applications where fast temperature variations must be monitored. Intelligent control of alarm detecting relays which is able to exclude possible overtemperatures caused by an external disturbance without causing working problems or manual reset conditions. Detecting of possible corruption of data stored in the memory (Ech) and default value reset for security. Storage in T.Max mode of possible alarms occurred from last reset and recording of possible sensor failures. Error detecting in case of wrong programming with specific indication of the wrong value couple. Possibility to return to previous programming step for a faster value modification. Safer programming block which can be activated just through the closing of an inner jumper. SCAN display mode to see, in sequence, the temperature and the state of the alarms for all channels 8 channels with two programmable thresholds in an independent way. Fan contact to check a cooling system. More compact sizes compared with T538 version1.





7. 8.


10. 11. 12.

NT538 V4-R1.4 protection relays


POWER SUPPLY Rated values 24-240 Vac-dc Highest tolerable values 20-270 Vac-dc Vdc with reversable polarity Vdc INPUTS 8 inputs RTD Pt1003 wires Removable rear terminals Input channels protected against electromagnetic noises and spikes Sensor length cable compensation up to 500 m (1mm) TESTS AND PERFORMANCES Assembling in accordance with CE rules Protection against electrical noises CEI-EN50081-2/50082-2 Dielectric strength 2500 Vac for 1 minute from relays to sensors, relays to power supply, power supply to sensors Accuracy 1% full scale value 1 digit Ambient operating temperature from 20 C to +60C Humidity 90% no-condensing ABS self-extinguishing housing NORYL 94VO Frontal in polycarbonate IP65 Absorption 3VA Data storage 10 years minimum Digital linearity of sensor signal Self-diagnosis circuit Option protection treatment of electronic part


OUTPUTS 2 alarm relays (ALARM-TRIP) 1 alarm relay for fan control (FAN) 1 alarm for sensor fault or working anomaly (FAULT) Outputs contacts capacity: 5A-250V ac res. DISPLAYING AND DATA MANAGEMENT 1 display 13mm high with 3 digit for displaying temperatures and messages 8 leds to show selected channel 4 leds to display the state of the alarms for selected channel Temperature monitoring from 0C to 240C 2 alarm thresholds (alarm/trip) for each channel 2 ON-OFF thresholds for fan control Sensors diagnostic (Fcc-Foc) Data storage diagnostic (Ech) Programming access through front key Automatic output from programming cycle after 1 minute of no-operation Wrong programming automatic display Possibility of setting automatic channels scanning, hottest channel, manual scanning Maximum reached temperatures, alarm storage and sensor fault. Frontal alarm reset push button

DIMENSIONS 96x96mm-DIN43700 depth140mm (terminal box included) Panel cut-out 92x92mm

NT538 V4-R1.4 protection relays

2) MOUNTING Make a hole in the panel sheet with dimensions 92x92 mm. Firmly tighten the device with the enclosed fixing blocks. 3) POWER SUPPLY NT538 control device has an UNIVERSAL supply, i.e. it can be indifferently fed from 24 to 240 Vac-dc, regardless of polarities in Vdc. This peculiarity is obtained using a new-concept and new-designed tested feeder, which relieves the technician of each concern for the correct supply Vac or Vdc. To terminal 41 must always be connected the ground. When the control device is directly fed from secondary winding of the transformer to be protected, it can be damaged by high-intensity overvoltages. These problems occur if the main switch is connected without load. Above mentioned problems are much more evident when the voltage is 220 Vac is directly taken from the transformer secondary bars and there is a fixed capacitor battery to phase the transformer itself. To protect the control device from line overvoltages, we suggest to use the electronic discharger PT73-220, designed by TECSYSTEM S.r.l. for this specific purpose. As alternative we suggest to use supply voltages from 24 Vac or, much better, 24

4) ELECTRICAL CONNECTIONS FOR ALARMS AND FAN Carry out the electrical connections on the removable rear terminals, after having removed them from the device. ALARM and TRIP relays switch only when the set temperature limits are reached. FAULT relay (Fault) switches when the meter is fed, while gets de-energised when a fault occurs to Pt100 sensors, data memory fault (Ech) or when supply voltage is lacking. FAN contact can be used to check the cooling fans or it can be inserted in a transformer room conditioning circuit. 5) TEMPERATURE SENSOR CONNECTION Each temperature sensor Pt100 has a white wire and two red wires (CEI 75.8 stardards). Fig. 1 shows the position inside the terminal box of monitoring unit connection cables. Each channel can be independently programmed with two alarm thresholds (alarm and trip).

NT538 V4-R1.4 protection relays

6) MEASURING SIGNAL TRANSFER All the measuring signal transfer cables for Pt100 must absolutely: be separated from the power ones be made with shielded cable and twisted conductors have at least 0,5 mm section be twisted if there is no shield be firmly fixed inside the terminal boxes have tinned or silvered conductors TECSYSTEM S.r.l. has designed an own special cable to transfer the measuring signals, according to CEI stardards, with all the protection requirements provided for : mod. CT-ES

All NT series control devices have the sensor signal linearization, with a maximum error of 1% of full scale value. 7) TEMPERATURE SENSOR DIAGNOSTIC In case of breaking of a temperature sensor mounted on the machine to be protected, FAULT relay immediately switches with the relevant indication of defective sensor on the corresponding channel. Fcc for short-circuited sensor. Foc for interrupted sensor To eliminate the message and reset Fault switching, it is necessary to verify Pt100 connections and, in case, replace the defective sensor. 8) PROGRAMMED DATA DIAGNOSTIC In case of breaking of the internal storage or corruption of programmed data, just after switching on, it appears Ech indication with the relevant reporting of the Fault contact. In this case, for safety reasons, the default parameters: NCH=8, Alarm Ch1-2-3-4-5-6-78= 90C, Trip Ch1-2-3-4-5-6-7-8= 119C, Fan= YES, Fan-on= 70, Fan-off= 60, HFn= 000 are automatically loaded. Eliminate Ech indication by pressing RESET and run programming to insert desired values. Finally turn off and turn on again the unit to verify the correct memory working; in case it is damaged and Ech still appears, please return the monitoring unit to Tecsystem for repair. 9) TEMPERATURE DIAGNOSTIC If one of the temperature sensor detects a temperature higher than 1C compared to set value as alarm limit, after approximately 5 seconds ALARM relay switches together with turning on of channel reference LED ALARM (CHn). When the release temperature limit is passed, TRIP relay switches together with turning on of channel reference LED TRIP (CHn). As soon as taken temperature returns to equal or lower values than set limit for ALARM and TRIP relays switching, they de-energise with consequent turning off of relevant LEDs.

NT538 V4-R1.4 protection relays

10) COOLING FAN CONTROL NT538 monitoring unit, if opportunely programmed, can control ON-OFF of transformer fans, according to set temperatures. Fans on machine are driven using the temperatures taken from enabled channels. 11) FAN TEST It is possible, through programming (hFn), to lay down that fans are activated for 5 minutes each xxx hours, regardless of column or room temperature values (ex.: with hfn=001 fans are activated for 5 minutes each hour). This function has the aim to periodically verify the working of the fans and their control apparatus during long idle periods. Loading 000 value, this function is inhibited. 12) DISPLAY MODE Pressing MODE key, display mode is loaded: SCAN: control device displays in scansion all activated channels (each 2 seconds) AUTO: control device automatically displays the hottest channel MAN: channel temperature manual reading of channel through cursor keys T.MAX: monitoring unit displays the highest temperature reached by the sensors and possible alarm or fault situations occurred after last reset. Select channels with ! and ", delete values with RESET.

13) WORKING PROGRAM CONTROL To check the programmed temperature values,shortly press PRG key. VIS indication appears for 2 seconds, confirming entering in program vision mode. By repeteadly pressing PRG key, all the previously loaded values are rolled in sequence. After 1 minute of keyboard no-operation, display-programming procedure will be automatically left. To end display, press ENT key. 14) LAMP TEST We suggest to regularly carry out monitoring unit LED test. For this operation, shortly press TEST key; all displays turn on for 2 seconds.

If one of the LEDs should not work, we kindly ask you to return the monitoring unit to TECSYSTEM (Led RS is not available on monitoring units without optional module)

NT538 V4-R1.4 protection relays

15) ALARM RELAY TEST This function allows to carry out a test on relays working without having to use further devices. To start test procedure you have to keep pressed TEST key for about 5 seconds;TST indication appears for 2 seconds, confirming entering in Relays Test mode. Blinking led shows the relay to test; using the cursors you can select the desired one. Press SET and RESET keys to energise and de-energise the relay to test; display will show ON-OFF. After 1 minute keyboard no-operation, RELAYS TEST procedure will be automatically left. To end RELAYS TEST procedure, press TEST key. 16) ALARM RELAY EXCLUSION If you want to exclude the ALARM signal press RESET key: relay de-energises itself and LED ALARM, which was fixed, will start to blink. Exclusion system is automatically disconnected when the temperature goes under the ALARM threshold. 17) IMPORTANT NOTICE Before carrying out the insulation test on the switchboard where the monitoring unit is mounted, you have to disconnect it from the mains in order to avoid serious damages.


Message and temperature display

Display mode

Alarm selected channel

Selected channel

Data transmission (option)

Prg/RelaysTest mode


NT538 V4-R1.4 protection relays

N 1 2 3 4 5 PRG/SET PRG/SET PRESS PRG/SET EFFECT Keep pressed PRG key until PRG-ON led turns on. After PRG indication, it appears NCH indication (number of channels) Load number of desired channels It appears ALARM threshold for CH 1 Load desired threshold It appears TRIP threshold for CH 1 NOTES If NOP appears please see Programming block paragraph Refer to channel leds (from 1 to 8)

Follow the same procedure for the number of channels chosen at step 2 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 1) 2) PRG/SET ENT PRG/SET PRG/SET PRG/SET PRG/SET PRG/SET PRG/SET PRG/SET PRG/SET PRG/SET PRG/SET Fan led blinks Set: YES or NO Display shows ON It appears ON threshold for FAN Load desired threshold Display shows OFF It appears OFF threshold for FAN Load desired threshold Display shows HFN Load desired number of hours Display shows n.o./n.c. and Alarm led blinks Set n.o. or n.c. Display shows n.o./n.c. and Trip led blinks Set n.o. or n.c. Display shows FCD <> threshold Load desired threshold (see page 10) Display shows END Loaded data storage and programming exit Return to step 1 Fan cyclic test for 5 minutes each n hours 000= disabled function Alarm relay working logic n.o.: normally open n.c.: normally closed Trip relay working logic n.o.: normally open n.c.: normally closed Fault for fast temperature increase (C/sec) From no up to 30 C/sec (no: disabled function) Programming end Err(2): wrong programming for values indicated by leds FAN turning off NO: disabled fan YES: enabled fan FAN turning on


It is possible to return to previous step by pressing MODE key. if pressing ENT it appears ERR, it means that one of the following mistakes has been made: ALARM TRIP or FAN-OFF FAN-ON. Press PRG to return to step 1 and correct the data. After 1 minute of keyboard no-operation, programming is left without data storage.

NT538 V4-R1.4 protection relays

20) PROGRAMMING RE-ENABLING IN CASE OF BLOCK (Prg no) If pressing PRG to enter programming (step 1) NOP indication appears, it means that programming access jumper inside the unit has been removed and therefore this function is blocked. To reset programming access, mount the jumper as shown in the figure below.

Disabled programming

Enabled programming

21) WARRANTY NT series monitoring units are covered by a 12-month warranty starting from the delivery date on the device itself. This Guarantee is valid if device should be damaged by causes which can be attributed to TECSYSTEM S.r.l., such are manufacturing defects of improper calibration. The warranty is not valid if the monitoring unit would be tampered or if it would be damaged by supply voltages beyond the highest working limits (20270 Vac-dc). The waranty is not valid if the device would be burnt out by too many transient voltage peaks. In this case TECSYSTEM S.r.l. do not answer for damages caused by faulty or defective monitoring units. All the deliveries (go and back) as well as the repair and servicing costs for the device will be at Customers expenses, reckoned according to ANIMA, Col. C rates. In case of contest may only be institued the Milan court. The warranty is always FREE OUR DOMICILE in CORSICO.

22) EXTENSION CABLE FOR Pt100 TECHNICAL SPECIFICATIONS Cable 20xAWG 20/19 cu/stg Section 0,55 mm Insulation PVC105 flame-retardant Standards CEI 20.35 IEC 332.1 Max. working temperature : 105C Structure: 4 terns composed of three numbered wires (1-1-1.........4-4-4) Twisted and coloured wires Red-Red-White Shield in cu/stg Shealth in flame-retardant PVC External Diameter 9,0 mm Standard packaging in skein of 100 m

NT538 V4-R1.4 protection relays

FAULT DIAGNOSTIC Monitoring unit doesnt turn on, even if there is power supply and the terminals are fed. CAUSES AND REMEDIES Connector not well placed inside its seat. Connection cables are not tightened in the terminal. Burnt out feeder. Take out and give supply again. 1)Check Pt100 sensor connections: possible defective sensor. Replace the damaged sensor. One of 8 channels is in FAULT for FOC/FCC 2)Number of channels programmation different to number of sensors connected. Repeat programmation. A strong disturbance damaged the stored data. Please refer to paragraph 8. If this problem should persist, please contact TECSYSTEM S.r.l Technical Department. Wrong sensor connections. Terminal box connected inside out. Check connections and terminal box. Contact TECSYSTEM S.r.l. Technical Department. Verify through T.MAX function possible defective sensors. Replace the sensor. Check the measuring signal terminal boxes.

When turning on, indication ECH appears.

All the sensors are in FCC. Temperature indicated by one or more channel is wrong. Sudden trip of main switch. Temperature is on standard levels. Just a channel caused the trip.

23) NOTES ON FCD FUNCTION NT device series have an innovatory control function combined with the Pt100 probes dynamic state. If a thermometric probe should by chance break down, the defect is highlighted with a fast increase of its own resistance and therefore of the temperature recorded by the monitoring device. Its obvious that this increase is not directly resulting from the power increase of the machine to be protected, whether it is a motor or a dry or encapsulated transformer. Therefore it is necessary to know the state of the probe and send a Fault signal instead of an Alarm signal or, worse still, a Trip signal. In case of temperature control on electrical motors, the fast rise in temperature could be caused by the working with a stalled rotor and not by a defective probe; in this case Fault relay, once energised, makes clear this anomalous condition for motor working. Activating FCD function it is possible to have, on contacts 7-8-9, a Fault signal when temperature recorded by a Pt100 rises with a speed higher than n C/sec (loadable from 1 to 30). According to the loaded value, you can have a different sensitivity which can be useful for different applications: from 1 to 10: high sensitivity, for instance useful to immediately detect stalled of a motor rotor. From 10 to 20: average sensitivity, useful to get information relevant to possible noises which affect probe reading, connection problems or defective probes. From 20 to 30: low sensitivity, useful for applications where a higher sensitivity could cause a fault for unwanted FCDs. With no FCD function is disabled.

When a channel is in Fault for FCD, relevant Alarm and Trip signallings are inhibited in order to report just the anomaly for the too fast rise in temperature. Press Reset to cancel FCD signalling for all the channels and to reset relays fault.


NT538 V4-R1.4 protection relays

24) INTRODUCTION TO MODULE BUSMOD-8/A Add-on module BUSMOD-8/A interacts via serial mode through 4 wires with NT935/NT538 monitoring devices and it allows to transfer data on a RS485 network with protocol MODBUS RTU. 25) WORKING NOTES For a correct working of the module, it is necessary to load by SW1 and SW2 the RS485 network setup parameters: address, baud rate, parity bit (pag.22-23). Serial communication between temperature control monitoring device and MODBUS INSIDE is active only when NT935 or NT538 are in temperature control working mode in one of foreseen modes (Scan, Auto, Man e T.Max). When other fuctions, such as programming, programming display and test relays are activated, serial communication with the add-on module is temporarily disabled. 26) DATA TRANSMISSION ON MODBUS NETWORK MODBUS INSIDE module allows to connect monitoring devices of NT935/NT538 series to a RS485 network with Modbus RTU protocol in order to read data shown on table 36 and to write the ones shown in paragraph 32. The module is always in slave mode. NT-935/538 monitoring devices are connected with the network only when they are in temperature reading mode and not when they are in programming, programming display or relay test. 27) RS485 ELECTRICAL CONNECTION As far as the the signal cable to be used to guarantee a correct working of the network is concerned, we suggest to follow what is provided for by EIA RS485 standard which advises the use of a 24AWG loop. The loop connecting all the units in RS485 needs the activation of 120 ohm termination on the last unit of the series (please refer to DIP6 of SW2 at page 22). In order not to affect the line impedance, connect the loop keeping into consideration the polarities and lay the network avoiding to create sharp bends or ring windings. In case of necessity, it is also available the GND dead ground terminal. 28) DATA FRAME Asynchronous transmission frame is composed of: 1 start bit, 8 data bit, 1 parity bit (even or odd, if parity has been loaded, please refer to DIP6 of SW1 at page 14) and 1 stop bit. Allowed baud rate are: 2400, 4800, 9600 e 19200. Where not specified, word length (DATA) is of 16 bit.

NT538 V4-R1.4 protection relays


29) DATA PACKET A complete request/answer sequence is composed as follows: Master request: SLAVE ADDRESS FUNCTION CODE DATA CRC - 1 byte - 1 byte - variable, depends on the function code - 2 byte

Slave request: SLAVE ADDRESS FUNCTION CODE DATA CRC 30) FUNCTION CODE BusMod module supports the following function codes: 3(10): 16(10): - holding register reading - multiple registrer writing - 1 byte - 1 byte - variable, depends on the function code - 2 byte

If BusMod receives a message and the presence of a CRC error is detected, no answer is given. 31) CODE 3(10). Request: Slave address, code 3(10), Starting address HI, Starting address LO, Number of Point HI, Number of Point LO, Crc LO, Crc HI. Answer: Slave address, code 3(10), Byte count, Data HI, Data LO., Crc LO, Crc HI. In case of a NT-935, registers relevant to channels not present on the unit (channels 5-6-7-8) will always contain value 0.


NT538 V4-R1.4 protection relays

32) CODE 16(10). Request: Slave address, code 16(10), Starting address HI, Starting address LO, Number of Point HI, Number of Point LO, Byte count, Data HI, Data LO., Crc LO, Crc HI. Answer: Slave address, code 16(10), Starting address HI, Starting address LO, Number of Register HI, Number of register LO, Crc LO, Crc HI. Writable registers are the ones including following data: Alarm, Trip, Fan-on, Fan-off. Therefore possible starting address are: 00-17 for alarm thresholds, 00-25 for Trip thresholds, 00-33 for Fan-On thresholds, 00-41 for Fan-Off thresholds and 00-73 for various optionals for different kind of temperature monitor units. Number of Point LO is loadable from 1 to 8 (max). If a writing request is sent to an address different from the above mentioned ones, BusMod will answer with an error code 02 (wrong data address). If a writing request for more than 8 registers is sent (Number of point LO), BusMod wont be able to grant the request and Busmod wont give any answer; therefore query will go in timeout. 33) NOTES FOR REMOTE PROGRAMMING. In case you want to program a NT935 you have to bear in mind that Alarm settings for channels 1-2-3 (registers 00-17, 00-18, 00-19) must have the same values, since the monitoring device manages them as channels with common thresholds. The same note must be kept into consideration for Trip thresholds (registers 0025-, 00-26, 00-27). Fan on thresholds (registers 00-33, 00-34, 00-35, 00-36, 00-37, 00-38, 00-39, 00-40) must all be loaded with the same value. Fan off thresholds (registers 00-41, 00-42, 00-43, 00-44, 00-45, 00-46, 00-47, 00-48) must all be loaded with the same value. In case of a NT-935, registers relevant to channels not present on the unit (ch 5-6-7-8) must not be written and will always contain value 0, since not used by the monitoring unit. Also in programming remote phase via modbus you must take into consideration that Alarm thresholds must be lower than Trip thresholds and that Fan-on thresholds must be higher than Fan-off thresholds. In case you try to set these thresholds in a wrong way, NT935/538 monitoring unit wont go on with data programming and storage; therefore, in the future readouts you will read data relevant to previous programming. After having sent a writing request, monitoring unit will take approximately 1 second to store the data in eeprom; during storage phase Busmod wont be able to process other requests.

NT538 V4-R1.4 protection relays


34) ERROR CODES (exception code). In case of wrong request, BusMod will answer with modified codes and coded errors as follows: 1: 2: 3: - Non-supported function code - Wrong data address - Wrong Data (ex. length)

35) POLLING FREQUENCY. Time limit to answer a call is never higher than a second; therefore we suggest not to use polling frequencies with a lower duration. 36) MODBUS MAPPING TABLE Address HI (10) 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 Address LO (10) 01 02 03 04 05 06 07 08 Data HI 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 Data LO Temperature Ch1 Temperature Ch2 Temperature Ch3 Temperature Ch4 Temperature Ch5 Temperature Ch6 Temperature Ch7 Temperature Ch8 Primary tables Holding register Holding register Holding register Holding register Holding register Holding register Holding register Holding register (just for 8channel versions, also for next state variable) Notes

Range 0-240 Offset 10(10) 10=0C 11=1C 12=2C . .


NT538 V4-R1.4 protection relays

Address HI (10) 00 00 00 00 00 00 Address LO (10) 09 10 11 12 13 14 Data HI 00 00 00 00 00 00 Data LO State Ch1 State Ch2 State Ch3 State Ch4 State Ch5 State Ch6 Primary tables Holding register Holding register Holding register Holding register Holding register Holding register Holding register Holding register Holding register Holding register Holding register Holding register Holding register Holding register Holding register Holding register (just for 8channel versions) Notes Bit 7: Flag Trip Bit 6: Flag Alarm Bit 5: Flag Fan Bit 4: don't used Bit 3: Flag Foc Bit 2: Flag Fcc Bit 1: Flag Fan function enabled Bit 0: Flag channel enabled




State Ch7




State Ch8 Alarm Set-point Ch1 Alarm Set-point Ch2 Alarm Set-point Ch3 Alarm Set-point Ch4 Alarm Set-point Ch5 Alarm Set-point Ch6 Alarm Set-point Ch7 Alarm Set-point Ch8

00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00

17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24

00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00

NT538 V4-R1.4 protection relays


Address HI (10) 00 00 00 00 00 00 Address LO (10) 25 26 27 28 29 30 Data HI 00 00 00 00 00 00 Data LO Trip Set-point Ch1 Trip Set-point Ch2 Trip Set-point Ch3 Trip Set-point Ch4 Trip Set-point Ch5 Trip Set-point Ch6 Trip Set-point Ch7 Trip Set-point Ch8 Fan-On Set-point Ch1 Fan-On Set-point Ch2 Fan-On Set-point Ch3 Fan-On Set-point Ch4 Fan-On Set-point Ch5 Fan-On Set-point Ch6 Fan-On Set-point Ch7 Fan-On Set-point Ch8 Primary tables Holding register Holding register Holding register Holding register Holding register Holding register Holding register Holding register Holding register Holding register Holding register Holding register Holding register Holding register Holding register Holding register (just for 8channel versions) Notes




(just for 8channel versions)




00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00

33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40

00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00


NT538 V4-R1.4 protection relays

Address HI (10) 00 00 00 00 00 00 Address LO (10) 41 42 43 44 45 46 Data HI 00 00 00 00 00 00 Data LO Fan-Off Set-point Ch1 Fan-Off Set-point Ch2 Fan-Off Set-point Ch3 Fan-Off Set-point Ch4 Fan-Off Set-point Ch5 Fan-Off Set-point Ch6 Fan-Off Set-point Ch7 Fan-Off Set-point Ch8 Primary tables Holding register Holding register Holding register Holding register Holding register Holding register Holding register Holding register Range 0-240 Offset 10(10) 10=0C 11=1C 12=2C . . Notes




(just for 8channel versions)







Tmax Ch1

Holding register

00 00 00 00 00 00 00

50 51 52 53 54 55 56

00 00 00 00 00 00 00

Tmax Ch2 Tmax Ch3 Tmax Ch4 Tmax Ch5 Tmax Ch6 Tmax Ch7 Tmax Ch8

Holding register Holding register Holding register Holding register Holding register Holding register Holding register (just for 8channel versions, also for next Mem_All variable)

NT538 V4-R1.4 protection relays


Address HI (10) 00 00 00 00 00 00 Address LO (10) 57 58 59 60 61 62 Data HI 00 00 00 00 00 00 Data LO Mem. All Ch1 Mem. All Ch2 Mem. All Ch3 Mem. All Ch4 Mem. All Ch5 Mem. All Ch6 Primary tables Holding register Holding register Holding register Holding register Holding register Holding register Holding register Holding register Holding register Holding register Holding register Holding register Holding register Notes Bit 7: Trip memory flag Bit 6: Alarm memory flag Bit 5: Fan memory Flag Bit 4: don't used Bit 3: Foc memory flag Bit 2: Fcc memory flag Bit 1: don't used Bit 0: don't used B0:sign -, B1:reset_all, B2:fan cycle (system data) Number of enabled channel (system data) Hours for fan test cycle




Mem. All Ch7




Mem. All Ch8




General Flag




(system data)





00 00

68 69

00 00

(system data) Prg_Hfan


NT538 V4-R1.4 protection relays

Address HI (10) Address LO (10) Data HI Data LO Primary tables Notes Bit 7: don't used Bit 6: don't used Bit 5: don't used Byte Special Function (just for 8channel version) Bit 4: don't used Holding register Bit 3: don't used Bit 2: don't used Bit 1: Flag Fail-safe (N. C) Trip Bit 0: Flag Fail-safe (N. C) Alarm 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 71 72 73 74 75 76 77 78 79 80 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 SET_FCD FAULT FCD Fan2-ON Ch1 Fan2-ON Ch2 Fan2-ON Ch3 Fan2-ON Ch4 Fan2-OFF Ch1 Fan2-OFF Ch2 Fan2-OFF Ch3 Fan2-OFF Ch4 Holding register Holding register Holding register Holding register Holding register Holding register Holding register Holding register Holding register Holding register 000: disabled Bit7= Ch8 Bit0= Ch1 Only x NT935 Only x NT935 Only x NT935 Only x NT935 Only x NT935 Only x NT935 Only x NT935 Only x NT935




NT538 V4-R1.4 protection relays


37) CRC CALCULATION This protocol includes 2 byte CRC-16 for each transmission. The typical polynomial (11000000000000101B) is used for calculation and the result is hung at the end of the packet. The polynomial is used in reverse order with the most significant bit suppressed because not useful for calculation. 38) PARAMETER DESCRIPTION A - 16bit register AL - At low side AH - At high side i,j, - KWH METERS (+) - EXCLUSIVE OR Di - Frame data ith of the packet N - number of byte of the del packet excluded 2 belonging to CRC G - Polynomial : 1010-0000-0000-0001 shr - right shift 39) ALGORITHM 1) 0xFFFF -> A 2) 0 -> i 3) 0 -> j 4) Di (+) AL -> AL 5) j +1 -> j 6) shr A 7) if carry then G (+) A -> A 8) if NOT j=8 then goto 5 9) i +1 -> i 10) if NOT i = N then goto 3 11) A -> in CRC (result is in the order L,H)

40) NETWORK PARAMETERS PROGRAMMING In order to configure the connection with RS485 ModBus-RTU network you have to set some parameters through SW1 and SW2 dip-switch settings. A) B) C) D) E) F) Trigger programming mode by setting on 1 (on) DIP-5 of SW2 Choose the unit address (from 1 to 32) using SW1 according to the combinations shown on the table at Page 23 Choose the required baud rate (2400-3800-9600-19200) using DIP-1 and DIP-2 of SW2 as shown on the table at Page 22 Select desired parity bit settings (none-even-odd) through DIP-3 and DIP-4 combinations of SW2. Release the 120-ohm terminating, activating DIP-6 of SW1 if necessary. Finally reposition on 0 (off) DIP-5 of SW2 to confirm new setting programming. The module will return in run mode.


NT538 V4-R1.4 protection relays




Pt100 INPUTS CH 1 CH 2 CH 3 CH 4

13 14 15

16 17 18

19 20 21

22 23 24

CH 5

CH 6

CH 7

CH 8

25 26 27

28 29 30

31 32 33

34 35 36



10 11 FAN






60 61 62

NT538 V4-R1.4 protection relays




SWITCH NT935 / NT538

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8



Baud Rate Dip-1 Dip-2 (bit/sec) 2400 4800 9600 19200 0 0 1 1 0 1 0 1

Parity None Even Odd

Dip-3 Dip-4 0 1 1 0/1 1 0

Term. 120 Dip-6 Disable Enable 0 1


NT538 V4-R1.4 protection relays

Address 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 1: B7 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 2: B6 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 3: B5 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 4: B4 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 0 5: B3 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 0 6: B2 0 0 0 1 1 1 1 0 0 0 0 1 1 1 1 0 0 0 0 1 1 1 1 0 0 0 0 1 1 1 1 0 7: B1 0 1 1 0 0 1 1 0 0 1 1 0 0 1 1 0 0 1 1 0 0 1 1 0 0 1 1 0 0 1 1 0 8: B0 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 0

SW1: ADDRESS BIT 1: Bit 7 2: Bit 6

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8

5: Bit 3 6: Bit 2 7: Bit 1 8: Bit 0

3: Bit 5 4: Bit 4

NT538 V4-R1.4 protection relays



This device has passed a test at the origin, according to the following procedure:

N 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8

Description Mounting card check Input working check Relay contacts and output check Push-button working check Check lamp Calibration at 0 and 200C Software working check Burn-in min. 24h

Delivery date:


NT538 V4-R1.4 protection relays

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