Tutorial 5

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EEE212 - Electric Circuit Theory Tutorial-5 (AC Circuits (Part -2)) 1.

Determine the current ix(t) in Figure 1 using superposition theorem.

Figure 1 2. Use nodal analysis to find current i0 in the circuit of Figure 2. Let is = 6 cos (200t +15) A.

Figure 2 3. Find I1, I2, I3 and Ix in the circuit of Figure 3.

Figure 3 4. Solve for v0(t) in the circuit of Figure 4 using the superposition principle.

Figure 4
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5. At terminals a-b, obtain Thevenin and Norton equivalent circuits for the network depicted in Figure 5. Take = 10 rad/s.

Figure 5 6. Find the Thevenin equivalent at terminals a-b in the circuit of Figure 6.

Figure 6 7. If the load impedance is 20 20j , then determine the load power factor. 8. Determine the reactive power from the power triangle shown in Figure 7.

Figure 7 9. For the network in Figure 8, assume that the port impedance is

Z ab

R 1 R C
2 2 2

tan 1 (RC )

Find average power consumed by the network when R = 10 k, C = 200 nF, and i = 2sin (377t + 22) mA.

Figure 8
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10. Find the value of ZL in the circuit of Figure 9 for maximum power transfer.

Figure 9 11. An ac motor with impedance ZL = 4.2 + 3.6j is supplied by a 220 V, 60-Hz source. a. Find pf, P and Q. b. Determine the capacitor required to be connected in parallel with the motor so that the power factor is improved to 0.95(leading). c. Determine the capacitor required to be connected in parallel with the motor so that the power factor is improved to unity. 12. A load consisting of a resistor and a capacitor connected in series is drawing 80 kW from a 220 V, 50-Hz power line at a pf of 0.72(leading). One of the RLC elements is connected in parallel with the load to improve the power factor. Determine the nature of the element and also determine its value to improve the power factor to unity. 13. Obtain the power factor for the circuit in Figure 10. Also specify whether the power factor is leading or lagging.

Figure 10 14. Find I0 and the overall complex power supplied in the circuit of Figure 11.

Figure 11 15. A power amplifier has an output impedance of 40 + 8j . It produces a no load voltage of 146 V at 300 Hz. a. Determine the impedance of the load that achieves maximum power transfer. b. Calculate the active power absorbed by the load under this matching condition.
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16. Obtain the wattmeter reading of the circuit in Figure 12.

Figure 12 17. From the circuit shown in Figure 13a & 13b, determine the value of R and L with the help of readings obtained by voltmeter, ammeter and wattmeter.

Figure 13a

Figure 13b

18. From the readings obtained by ammeter and voltmeters installed in the circuit shown in Figure 14a and 14b, determine the active and reactive power absorbed by the RC load.

Figure 14a

Figure 14b

19. From the readings obtained by voltmeter and ammeters installed in the circuit shown in Figure 15, determine the active and reactive power absorbed by the RC load.

Figure 15
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