Pastor's Notes:: February 23-March 15th

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Woodruff Church of God e-Edition Newsletter January 14, 2014

Pastors Notes: I want to thank the Lord for His awesome presence with us on Sunday Morning. The Lord moved in wonderful ways and did some much needed work in the lives of some people. I love what the Holy Ghost said to us: Your praise is a blessing to me. I love it when my people praise Me and give Me the glory and honor that I desire. I am here to bless you because you have praised me. Come unto Me and I will give you rest. Come unto me and I will supply your need. I am the God who is able to do all things for with Me nothing is impossible. The Lord loves when we praise Him. So that is what we must do.praise Him. Praise Him with our singing, our playing of instruments, our teaching, our preaching, our ministry.our living!!!! Praise Him. Praise Him in the morning, praise Him at noontime, praise Him in the evening..praise Him when the sun rises and when the sun sets. PRAISE HIM! Praise Him in the good times, praise Him in the bad times. Praise Him when Im happy and praise Him when Im sad. Simply, PRAISE HIM!!!! Let everything that hath breath Praise the Lord.PRAISE YE THE LORD!!!!!! Sunday night, we began talking about FASTING. This will be our 5th year fasting in the form that we are doing now. It is my hope and desire that everyone will join us in some form or fashion in the fast. I am calling our local body to a time of fasting. We need it individually but we also need it as a church. We need it for revival to come. We just need it. Jesus said in Matt. 17:21 that this kind goeth not out but by prayer and fasting. So while we are thinking about making a commitment to fast, what should we be considering? 1. Fasting is a SPIRITUAL VOW. 2) Fasting is a VOW OF TIME . 3) Fasting is a VOW OF DISCIPLINE. 4) Fasting is a VOW OF FAITH. When we as Christians fast, we are doing it for SPIRITUAL reasons. It is a matter between us and the Lord. It is a vow of time. Whether you fast one meal, one day, one is a matter of time. Time not just spent away from something, but replacing that time with time with the Lord. Fasting requires discipline. You will get hungry, you will be told its ok to mess up.but fasting demands discipline. Fasting shows our dependence and our faith in God. Why would we subject ourselves to this unless we believed that it had the power to change things. PLEASE NOTE THE CHANGE OF DATE THE FAST BEGINS!!!!!

February 23- March 15th

We will be having our special GREAT COMMISSION service on Sunday, February 23 in the AM Service. This will be the service that we will bring our missions bags and lay them on the altar. This is our major fund raising campaign for our special missions projects in Honduras. Please work hard to make this year a banner year for these projects. You still have time to pick up a bag (located in the lobby on one of the desks). Please, do your best to help us do our part in fulfilling the GREAT COMMISSION. In addition to Jamaica, Honduras and Israel, we have also been able to send support to Guatemala, Costa Rica and are getting ready to send some money to Viet Nam. I also was contacted Monday night by a Pastor and member of the council in the Northern Luzon of the Philippines. God truly has answered our prayer last year of expanding our influence. Thank you in advance for what we will do together as we bring our offerings to the Lord on GREAT COMMISSION Sunday!!!!!

With all the talk of the cold, school delays, etc., I wanted to remind you of our inclement weather policy. Should there be inclement weather, there is only one service on Sunday at 2:00 PM. You can watch the local news stations to see the service schedule, as well as being notified by our phone system. It is important that we have your current phone information, so please help us by calling the church office if you have changed your phone numbers. If you read your Bible through for the year 2013, please sign the sheet located in the hallway that leads to the nursery & restrooms. This is needed to get your certificates prepared. Thanks! There are new yearly Bible Reading brochures located in the black turn-style holder in the lobby. If you were part of our corporate FAST in 2013 and the Lord answered your prayer.maybe He answered a prayer in 2013 from a previous FAST and you would not mind doing a video interview and share what you were fasting for and how God met that need, please see PASTOR TERRY ASAP. We want to put together some videos to play during our teaching on FASTING as well as during our FASTING TIME. Some things only come about by prayer and fasting!

Two years ago, we did a weekend (Friday night & Saturday) we called REKINDLE. It was a prayer retreat where we focused on several different things, both personal, corporate and revival. If you would be interested in being part of this prayer retreat in the year 2014, please call the church office and give your name. It will be held during the month of February (date TBA). There will be a cost attached. All that information will be available in the next couple of weeks.

Prayer List

AMERICA, Raymond Lowman, Kim Roberson, Ashley Layton, Megan Laster, Jackson Knight, Tommy Wallace, Heather Phillips Burson, June Osborne, Bruce Cash, Darlene Bright, Jack West, Caitlin Gillespie, Pat Roddy, Ann Richards, Loretta Burdette, Brenda Cobb, Frank Patterson, Beatrice Granger, Arelene Hughes, Catherine Blackwell, Paul Littlefield, Macky Littlefield, The Smith Family, The Beck Family, The Nabors Family, Thelma McKinney, Ronnie Richards, Those needing jobs, Caregivers, Shut-Ins, & Those in nursing homes

The choir will wear black on Sunday. We are in need of help with media. If you would be willing to help us, please let Todd or Vickie know right away. Now is the time to join the choir! See Todd or Vickie if interested.

Valentine Bulletin: We will publish our Valentine Bulletin again this year. $1 for a simple to/from message to your family or friends. $5 for a message you write (15 words or less.) See Judy Crocker at the second desk in the lobby. Ladies Fun Friday -The Jewelry Making Class has been moved to February. January Ladies Fun Friday will be held on January 31. We will have a demonstration of "Scentsy" candles and fragrances by Shannon Bishop. She is donating all proceeds to the Honduras Team for their upcoming mission's trip. Bring a tray of finger food and come out for fun and fellowship.

Just wanted to send out a huge thank you to Paul (and Angela) Lundberg for allowing us to have our monthly Band Of Brothers meeting at their house this past Thursday and to Wayne Bishop ( you too Annie) for providing our food... excellent job yall, as always. Men, If you were not there you really missed a great time and we hope to see you at the next one. Also a huge thank you to all of the brothers who worked at the mancave this past Saturday. We moved "junk" in the pouring rain and trampled through the mud and muck but we got it done. With the renovations of tearing down walls, remodeling, painting walls and floors, replacing old ceiling tiles, fixin toilets, removing junk, etc (not to mention the man hours) I would say that we have SAVED ourselves well over $5,000. WOW! What a huge accomplishment! Team work makes all the difference. Well done Band Of Brothers, well done. ~Allen

Our January activity will be playing Win-Lose-or-Draw (men vs/ women) on Friday the 24th at the CLC dining room at 6:30. The cost is $5 per person and includes dinner (hamburgers/fries/desert). Sign up on the bulletin board in the hallway at church by Wednesday the 22nd.

JANUARY JOY CLUB MEETING: Please go by and sign up as soon as possible for our meeting to be held on January 23. Make sure you also sign up on the food sheet so we will know where we stand. If you know a senior or grandparent in our church who is not a part of our SAM ministry, please give them a personal invitation to attend our January meeting. If they agree to attend, make sure that you give them a warm welcome and invite them to sit at the table with you. Senior Talent: We are trying to discover our seniors who have special talents. This is not for our State competition; we just want you to share with us during the year at our monthly meetings. If you sing, play, do skits or drama, or any other area of talent, please see Pastor Shealy as soon as possible so we can set up a time for you to share your gift with us. We have some great things scheduled for 2014 and we will endeavor to have a complete schedule ready for you in our Newsletter for January.

Youth will be going to Gravitopia on January 25. We will be leaving the church at 7pm. We should return by 11pm. If you are planning to go please sign up in the youth building by Sunday, January 19. We will pre order all tickets. Cost will be $6 plus your meal. We will stop and eat on the way over. WinterJam is Friday, February 7. We will be purchasing the JamNation tickets again. The cost for youth will be $25. Please sign up for this event by January 22. Times for leaving church and returning will be posted at a later time.

Saturday January 18 Extreme Kidz will deliver lunch to community . Everything has been donated! We will start packing at 8:00 am. Everyone is welcome to come and help pack and deliver meals. This is one of our ways as a church to share God's love to the community. We have 5 tickets left for the Greenville Warriors Hockey Game on Saturday. If you would like to reserve your ticket please contact Ms. Donna. It s Super Hero Night so we will leave the church at 5:30. The cost of the ticket is $5.00 and your child will need to bring money to eat with at the game and if they would like to purchase souvenirs. Jr. Talent is March 22. The Extreme Kidz are very Excited about this event. We practice every Sunday afternoon and evening. IF your child is going to participate in Jr. Talent with drama, music, bible storytelling, Group skits, and bible quiz team, they are required to be at these practices. If you have any question or concerns please contact Ms. Donna. Sunday, January 19th - Praise and Worship Practice @ 4:30 Drama Practice @ 5:00 (these practices are preparing the kidz for Jr. Talent, please make sure you are at practice) CHILDRENS BOARD MEETING at 5:00 Upcoming Events: Saturday January 25: 4th,5th,and 6th boys and girls will be going snow tubing. IF you would like to sponsor a boy or girl for this trip please See Ms. Deanna Burgess or Mr. Garren Burdette. Vacation Bible School Meeting Sunday January 26 @ 5:00. February 15 - Lunch to Community March 22 - Jr Talent

Upcoming event: Pro-Templo (building fundraiser) there will be food after the services January 26 in the morning. The menu is rice, beans, enchiladas, and drinks for $6.00 dollars. For children; chicken quesadillas with rice and drinks for $3.00 dollars Prayer service: Friday the 24th 8:00 pm

Ministry Leaders for This Week Greeters- Kathy Arellano & Carolyn Everette Sunday School Greeter Robert D. Sloan CLC Greeter Paul Lundberg Crossing Guard- David Hoyt Head Ushers Charles OShields & Bobby Brown Finance Committee Ryan Ballard & Danny Knight Usher Team #1 Brian Arnold, Michael Brown, Harold Chesney, Dennis Crocker, Rick Priester, & Kenny Waddell Wednesday Bus Pickup: Phillip Pruitt and Rob Laster Bus Take Home: Clint and Rob Laster Van 1 Pickup: Tabitha and Brian Hellems Van 2 Pickup: Richard and Buster Van 1 Take Home: Garren & Thomas Van 2 Take Home: Tim & June Vassey Wednesday Late Workers: Colleen & Phil Pruitt NurseryWednesday- Izzy Nichols AM Ann Knight & McKenzie Baumgardner PM: Brooke Jones Kiddie Church Sunday Night: Lori, Genise, & Jollene Music- Wednesday-Amy Arnold AM-Jason Hayes PM-Lavonda Stonell Praise Team-Gold Computer- Patrick Guitar- Korey, Duck, John

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