Bulletin 1.10.12

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Woodruff Church of God e-Edition Newsletter January 10, 2012

Pastors Notes
I WANT A MOVE OF GOD!!!! That was the focus of our special prayer time on Sunday night, A move of God. Exactly what is a move of God? Its probably easier to go backward and look at how God moved in the past. But what exactly is the move of God going to be like tomorrow? Im not sure I fully understand what that move will be like BUT I WANT TO BE PART OF IT!!!!! Monday night during the closing minutes of prayer, there was a burst of Gods presence and there was evident sounds of a move of God. I was facing the baptistery when I began to hear the people respond to Gods presence. I went to turn, but the Lord would not let me. He instructed me to LISTEN. As I intently listened to what was going on, the Lord said the sound you hear is the sound of revival. What was I hearing? 1) people being obedient in following the leading of the Holy Ghost to minister to one another 2) praying in the Spirit (I truly believe the move of God will bring a resurgence of the Holy Ghost) 3) uninhibited outward expressions of praise & worship to God After I was able to turn around, I saw some things. 1) I saw people that acknowledged the presence of the Lord 2) I saw people standing in His presence (they were not asked to stand, encouraged to stand.they were simply, on their own, stood in the Lords presence) 3) Unified in purpose - it seemed to me that everyone was unified in their praise to God and in their responding to Him by standing. Ive made up my mind that Im an available vessel for the Lord to use. I want revival and the move of God to start with me. Then Im available to the Lord for Him to use me in any way He sees fit. Part of this process is to PRAY & FAST. We know very well 2 Chron. 7:14.. If my people which are called my name will humble themselves and pray Please press in the area of prayer during this time and pray for revival and the move of God. Please prayerfully consider joining us for our 40 days of fasting. I know its not easy and its not what our flesh wants, but Jesus said this kind goeth not out but by prayer AND fasting. Im HUNGRY for a move of God and Im willing to be hungry in my flesh so that I can be fed by the presence of the Lord. CAN I GET AN AMEN??????

WEEKEND PRAYER SUMMIT - The sign up sheet is on one of the bulletin boards in the hall leading to the restrooms in the main sanctuary complex. If you plan on going, please sign and pay a $25 deposit by this Sunday, January 15th. Make the check to WCOG but give to Pastor Terry. There is also a sign up sheet on the bulletin board for those that have read the Bible through in 2011. Please sign your name so it can be turned in to the State Office. Revival services are scheduled for March 10&11th, 17&18th and 24&25th. Right now, our Evangelist for the 17 & 18, 24 & 25th will be Rev. Joel Talley from Georgia. Ill be providing more information in the coming days, but we need to begin our praying now. We will be having Communion THIS Sunday Morning, January 15th. Please prepare your hearts and spirits for this special time. PRIMETIMERS CHOIR will be singing in the PM service on January 22nd. We always enjoy hearing them sing and lead us in worship!!!!! BIBLE READING MARATHON - Monday, January 23. Please join us at 6:00 PM in the sanctuary for our annual Bible Reading Marathon. If you did not get any of our new logo promotional products, PLEASE GET SOME!!!!! We gave out ink pens, scratch pads, and license plates. We want you to use them and give them to others. Ive already got my license plate on my truck. LET PEOPLE KNOW WHERE YOU ATTEND CHURCH. Be proud of your Church..I AM!!!!!!!!!!! MARK YOUR CALENDAR: Baby Dedication will be on February 26th in the AM service

Please remember our inclement weather policy: Should there be inclement weather, we will have only 1 service at 2:00 PM. We will announce this on the local TV stations as well as call you via our Phone Tree system.

The Ladies Munch Bunch will be meeting at Turtle Parfait January 11 at 9:00 AM. This is open to all ladies, so come and have a good time of fellowship!

Prayer List

Heath Richards, James Wesley Owens, Johnny Waldon, Heidi King, John & Mandy Mitchell, Etta & Ray Mitchell, Lisa Culbertson, Joann Hardee, Darrell & Cindy Cooper, Roger & Shirley Cartee, Kathleen Phillips, Walter Mitchell, Phillip Morgan, Mark Fortner, Sheila Walker, Jim Mason, Jackson Bailey, Candace Jackson, Joseph Young, Alvin Bayne, Craig Thompson, Heather Phillips, Mary Sherbert, Janice Bayne, Derrick Cooper, Todd, Jack Callicott, Joe Grahn, Jim Dooley, Tish York, Chris Greene, Josh Cline, Ken Freeman, Leon Freeman, Deb Allen, Ann Marie Roberts, Tiffany Cartee, Derreck Cooper, Diane Firebaugh, Dave Sayre, Todd Smith, Sherry Smith, Brianna Smith, Annette Durham, David Henderson, Paul Burgess, Susan Lyda, Those needing jobs, Shut Ins and Those in Nursing Homes Christian Sympathy to the family of Lucia Polson

Want to get healthier start this new year? Fast, safe, and effective, Lose 2 to 5 lbs per week and Up to 20 lbs per month, no drugs and no surgery. Informational meetings will be held in the youth building January 10 & 24 at 6:30 PM. You can find out how you can do the same. Please contact Steve Collins at 494-0749.

F.R.E.E.D Meetings are every Tuesday at 6:30 PM under the sanctuary.

F.R.E.E.D. Would like introduce "WEIGH TO GO!" The first meeting is Tues, 01/10/12. If you need support and encouragement on your weight loss or healthy living journey, then WEIGH TO GO is the place to be. All diet programs are welcome. There will be open discussion about dieting and healthy living with plenty of support and encouragement. WEIGH TO GO meetings will be held Tuesday nights at 6pm for "optional weigh in" followed by the meeting at 6:30pm in the classrooms underneath the sanctuary in the rear of the church. If you want to know more about this group, please contact Darryl Crowe 670-9305

The choir will be accepting new members in January! If you have been considering joining the choir, now is a great time! See Todd or Vickie for details. Sign up deadline for the weekend at the Cove is Feb.1 with 1/2 deposit due. The weekend retreat dates are Feb. 17-18, 2012. Jonathan Sawyer will be our special guest speaker that weekend! Make your plans now to go!

There are two very important things all of you need to be aware of: (1) Coming up on Jan. 22, the PrimeTimers Choir will be singing in the evening service. If you would like to be part of this choir please plan to stay after church on Wednesday evening Jan. 18 for a special practice. Generally the practice does not last more than 30-40 minutes. (2) Secondly, our first JOY CLUB meeting of 2012 will be held on Thursday evening, Jan. 26, at 6:30 PM (note the time change for those who are still working.) This will be a Crock Pot Delight and everyone is asked to bring anything that can be prepared in a Crock Pot. We will also need desserts, breads and drinks. The Lead Persons for this meeting are Betty Ball, Jollene Priester and Annette Richards. There is a sign up sheet on the Bulletin Board now and please sign up as quickly as possible so we will know how many to expect. .

Throw pillows have been reduced to $2.00 each. Also, we will have our Valentine Bulletin again this year. For $1.00 you can recognize a BFF or a loved one. $5.00 buys 1/2 a page and your own message. Sign up in the church lobby at the Information Table

Saturday Jan 21 - We will be showing the movie Courageous at the church at 3:00. This movie is not just for men, we encourage every family to attend. Following the movie and in the months leading up to Father's Day, we will go through the book The Resolution for Men. We will be studying what the Bible says about being a father. Then on Father's Day, we will have a special service where we men resolve to be the fathers that the Bible calls us to be. This is going to be awesome! Satan is waging war against our families and it's time that men make a stand for our families. Where are you men of courage? February 2nd will be our monthly Band of Brothers meeting. We have been going through the book Point Man. It is an awesome book, looking at how the man is the point man for the family in the war that Satan constantly wages against us and our families. Join us for our next meeting as we continue this study and plan events for the upcoming months. Well also have some great food and fellowship. Band of Brothers continues to sell comforters, curtains, and shams. If you are interested, please see Jason Hayes, Danny Knight, or Bobby Brown. Prices are listed below. You can also see a sample of each item on the table in the lobby. Half of the proceeds will go to the building fund and the other half will go to the Band of Brothers. *Set Comforter King $25 $35 Queen $20 $30 Full $20 $30 Twin $18 $28 *Set includes comforter, curtains, and shams.

The Youth will be doing a Chicken Stew Fundraiser on January 28th. Proceeds will go towards the 2012 Jamaica Missions Trip!

Sunday January 15 - A very important meeting for Children's Board, Children' s Worker or Children's helper at 4:00 Sunday January 15 - Drama Practice at 5:15 The Exteme Kidz are collecting aluminum cans as a Fundraiser this month. If you would like to donate your cans to the Extreme Kids please drop them off to Ms. Donna in the CLC. This fundraiser will go toward our summer trip. Thank you for all your support. Up coming Events: January 21: Snow tubing for 4th-6th grade Extreme kidz. If you have any questions please see Deanna Burgess or Donna Burdette. January 28: Lunch to Community ( If you would like donate cans of soup or drinks please see Donna Burdette. Thank you for all your support. We start packing lunches at 8:00 am and start delivering at 9:30. February: Princess Party & Skating

Ministry Leaders for This Week Greeters Kathy Arellano & Carolyn Everette Sunday School Greeter - Robert Sloan CLC Greeter - Paul Lundberg Head Ushers - Charles OShields and Bobby Brown Finance Committee -- Ryan Ballard & John Nemitz Usher Team # 1 Robert D. Sloan, Larry Young, Michael Brown, Dennis Crocker, Brian Arnold, Rick Priester, and Harold Chesney Wednesday Bus Ministry: Garren Burdette and Phillip Pruitt Van 1: Deanna Burgess and Clint Letoureau Van 2: Tim and June Vassey Kiddie Church 2-5 yr old: Jollene Prister and Gina Arnold Kiddie Church 6-12 yr old: Staci Henry and Craig Blackwell Nursery-- Wednesday Amy Wallace Sunday AM - Ann Knight and Faith Burdette Sunday PM- Betty Ball Music - Wednesday - Jeanne Nemitz Sunday AM Brantley Burnett Sunday PM - Mike Peeler Praise Team White **Additional copies of the printed weekly bulletin are available in the church

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