Working with SoapUI Projects
{ArticleIndex} In SoapUI your work is organized into projects which are displayed under the root node in theworkspace navigator. A project can contain any number of functional tests, load tests andservice simulations required for your testing purposes. Projects can either be open or closed (via their right button menu); it is recommended to closeunused projects which will use less memory and increase SoapUI startup speed. Add a new project to your workspace either by importing an existing one or by creating a newone, both actions are available from the workspace popup or file menu. Creating a new projectprompts you as follows:
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Working with SoapUI Projects
Fill in the name and specify an initial WSDL or WADL file to import, set desired settings andselect OK; the project gets created as specified. When exiting SoapUI, you will be prompted to save any new projects that have not yet beensaved; previously saved projects will automatically be saved on exit (unless you select the “Exitwithout saving” option from the File menu). Projects are by default saved into one singe xml-file which contains all project artifacts(interfaces, tests, MockServices, scripts, etc.). If the project contains no external file references,its project file can easily be passed around, checked into a version control system, etc. If theproject does contain references to external resource, this will need to be included with theproject and preferably referred to using the “Resource Root” functionality described below. An auto-save feature is available via the global Preferences UI Settings tab: Specify the autosave interval in minutes, which will then automatically save all open projects asconfigured.
Importing and Resolving projects
If you already have an existing project file you can easily import it into your workspace byselecting the “Import Project” option from the workspace popup menu which will prompt you for
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Working with SoapUI Projects
the project file and add it to the workspace. After imported, SoapUI does a check of the projectto see that it is consistent and has all necessary external dependencies available (a processcalled “resolving”). If errors are found a
dialog is displayed showing you all errors andgiving you options to resolve them as required: In this example two property files specified in separate TestSteps are missing, the actiondrop-down for each allows you to select the correct file. When you are content with the selected (or ignored) resolution(s), press the OK button to startworking with the project. Tip: If you manually want to do a checkup on your project, you can manually select the“Resolve” option from the project popup menu, which will start the above procedure if any errorsare found.
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Working with SoapUI Projects
Remote Projects
SoapUI allows you to import projects over the http protocol, which makes it easy to publishprojects (tutorials, demonstrations, bug-reports, etc) on a website which can subsequently beimported into anyone’s workspace. Select the “Import Remote Project” option from theworkspace popup and specify the URL to the project file; SoapUI will load and import the project just as if it were a regular local projects. Since it is not possible to save the project file back to the URL, any changes will have to besaved to a local copy upon exit.
The Project Window and Overview
The project window is opened by double-clicking the project node in the navigator; it contains anumber of tabs with project-scoped settings and data:
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