Mitsubishi - Recuperador Entalpico RX4 - Technical Manual PDF

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Lossnay Unit

CHAPTER 1 Ventilation for Healthy Living
1. 2. 3. 4. 5. Necessity of Ventilation ...................................................................................................................................... Ventilation Standards .......................................................................................................................................... Ventilation Method .............................................................................................................................................. Ventilation Performance ...................................................................................................................................... 2 4 5 8

Outdoor Air (ventilation) Load .............................................................................................................................. 10

CHAPTER 2 Lossnay Construction and Principle

1. 2. 3. 4. 5. Construction and Features of Lossnay .............................................................................................................. 16 Construction and Principle of Core ...................................................................................................................... 16 Calculation of the Total Heat Recovery Efficiency .............................................................................................. 18 What is a Psychrometric Chart? ........................................................................................................................ 19 Calculation of Lossnay Heat Recovery .............................................................................................................. 20

CHAPTER 3 General Technical Considerations

1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. Lossnay Heat Recovery Effect ............................................................................................................................ 22 Example Heat Recovery Calculation .................................................................................................................. 24 Calculation of Lossnay Economical Effects ........................................................................................................ 26 Psychrometric Chart .......................................................................................................................................... 28 The Result of No Virus (phage) Cross Contamination for the Lossnay Core and Determining Resistance of the Lossnay Core to Molds .......................................................................................................... 29 Flame-proofing Properties of Lossnay Core ...................................................................................................... 31 Lossnay Cores Soundproofing Properties Test .................................................................................................. 33 Change in Lossnay Core Over Time .................................................................................................................. 34 Comparison of Heat Recovery Techniques ........................................................................................................ 36

CHAPTER 4 Characteristics
1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. How to Read the LGH Series Lossnay Characteristic Curves ............................................................................ 40 Calculating the Static Pressure Loss .................................................................................................................. 40 How to Obtain Efficiency from Characteristic Curves ........................................................................................ 44 Sound .................................................................................................................................................................. 45 NC Curves (LGH-RX4 Series) ............................................................................................................................ 51 List of Models ...................................................................................................................................................... 54

CHAPTER 5 System Design Recommendations

1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. Lossnay Usage Conditions ................................................................................................................................ 58 Noise Value of Lossnay with Built-in Fans .......................................................................................................... 59 Attachment of Air Filter ...................................................................................................................................... 59 Duct Construction .............................................................................................................................................. 59 By-pass Ventilation ............................................................................................................................................ 59 Transmission Rate of Various Gases and Related Maximum Workplace Concentration .................................. 60 Solubility of Odors and Toxic Gases, etc., in Water and Effect on Lossnay Core .............................................. 61 Positioning of the Supply/Exhaust Fans and the Air Transmission Rate (excluding moisture resistant total heat recovery units) ...................................................................................... 62 Combined Operation with other Air Conditioners ................................................................................................ 63

10. Automatic Ventilation Switching .......................................................................................................................... 64 11. Vertical Installation of LGH Series ...................................................................................................................... 65 12. Installation of Supplementary Fan Devices After Lossnay Unit .......................................................................... 66

CHAPTER 6 Examples of Lossnay Applications

1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. Large Office Building .......................................................................................................................................... 68 Medium Size Office Building .............................................................................................................................. 71 Multipurpose Tenant Building .............................................................................................................................. 74 Urban Small-Scale Building ................................................................................................................................ 77 Hospitals ............................................................................................................................................................ 78 Schools .............................................................................................................................................................. 80 Hotels (convention halls, wedding halls) ............................................................................................................ 82 Public Halls (combination facilities such as day-care centres) .......................................................................... 85

CHAPTER 7 Installation Considerations

1. 2. LGH-Series Lossnay Ceiling Embedded-Type (LGH-RX4 Series) ...................................................................... 86 Building Lossnay Unit Horizontal-type (LU-500) ................................................................................................ 89

CHAPTER 8 Filtering for Freshness

1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. Necessity of Filters .............................................................................................................................................. 92 Data Regarding Dust .......................................................................................................................................... 92 Calculation Table for Dust Collection Efficiency of Each Lossnay Filter ............................................................ 93 Comparison of Dust Collection Efficiency Measurement Methods .................................................................... 95 Calculation of Dust Concentration ...................................................................................................................... 97 Certificate in EU .................................................................................................................................................. 97

CHAPTER 9 Service Life and Maintenance

1. 2. Service Life ........................................................................................................................................................ 100 Cleaning the Lossnay Core and Pre-filter .......................................................................................................... 100

CHAPTER 10 Ventilation Standards in Each Country

1. 2. 3. Ventilation Standards in Each Country ................................................................................................................ 102 U.S. ...................................................................................................................................................................... 103 U.K. ...................................................................................................................................................................... 103 .......................................................................................................................... 106

CHAPTER 11 Lossnay Q and A


CHAPTER 1 Ventilation for Healthy Living

CHAPTER 1 Ventilation for Healthy Living

Fresh outdoor air must be introduced constantly at a set ratio in an air conditioning system. This fresh air is introduced to be mixed with the return air from the room, to adjust the temperature and humidity, supply oxygen, reduce body and other odors, remove tobacco smoke and to increase the cleanness of the air. The standard ventilation (outdoor air intake) volume is determined according to the type of application, estimated number of persons in the room, room area, and relevant regulations. Systems which accurately facilitate these requirements are increasingly being required to be installed in buildings.

1. Necessity of Ventilation
The purpose of ventilation is basically divided into oxygen supply, cleaning of air, temperature control and humidity control. Cleaning of the air includes the elimination of odors, gases, dust and bacteria. The needs of ventilation are divided into personal comfort, assurance of environment for animals and plants, and assurance of environments for machinery and constructed materials. In Japan legal regulations regarding ventilation are set in the Building Srandard Law Enforcement Ordinance and the Building Management Law for securing a sanitary environment in buildings. These are in general agreeance with similar regulations in other countries.

1.1 Room air environment in buildings

In Japan, the Building Management Law, a law concerning the sanitary environment of buildings, designates eleven applications including offices, shops, and schools with a total floor area of 3,000 m2 or more, as buildings. According to this law maintenance and management of the ventilation and water supply and discharge according to the Environmental Sanitation Management Standards is obligatory. The following table gives a specific account of buildings in Tokyo. (Tokyo Food and Environment Guidance Center Report) Specific Account of Buildings in Tokyo (March, 2003)
Number of buildings Offices Shops Department Stores Schools Inns Theaters Libraries Museums Assembly Halls Art Museums Amusement Centers Total 1,467 309 63 418 123 86 12 11 63 8 27 2,587 % 56.7 22.0 2.4 16.2 4.8 3.3 0.5 0.4 2.4 0.3 1.0 100.0

Note: Excludes buildings with an expanded floor space of 3,000 to 5,000 The ratio of results of the air quality measurement public inspection and the standard values that were not met (percentage of unsuitability) for the approximately 500 buildings examined in 1980 is shown in the chart at the right. There was a large decrease in unsuitable percentages of floating particles, but there was almost no change in temperature and carbon dioxide. Values for temperature, ventilation, and carbon monoxide almost entirely cleared the standard values, and are excluded. The study from 2002 shows the item with the highest percentage of unsuitability as temperature with 2.7%, followed by carbon dioxide at 22.8%.


in particular areas.

Percentage of unsiutability of air quality by year

Percentage of unsuitability (%)
70 60 50 40 30 20 10 0 71 72 73 74 75 76 77 78 79 80 81 82 83 84 85 86 87 88 89 90 91 92 93 94 95 96 97 98 99 00 01 02 (year)
relative humidity carbon dioxide temperature carbon monoxide ventilation floating particles (tobacco smoke)

(From reference data in the 2003 edition of the Water Supply Division, Dept. of Localized PublicHealth, Tokyo Metropolitan Government, Bureau of Public Health)

CHAPTER 1 Ventilation for Healthy Living

In the case of Japan, an Instruction Guideline based on these regulations has been issued, and unified guidance is carried out. Part of the Instruction Guideline regarding ventilation is shown below. The fresh outdoor air intake must be 10 m or higher from ground level, and be distanced appropriately from the exhaust air outlet. (Neighbouring buildings must also be considered.) The fresh outdoor air intake volume must be 25 to 30 m3/hperson in design. An air volume measurement hole must be installed at an effective position to measure the treated air volume of the ventilating device. The position and shape of the supply diffuser and return grille must be selected so the air environment in the room is distributed evenly.

1.2 Effect of air contamination on human bodies

Effect of oxygen (O2) concentration
Concentration (%) Approx. 21 20.5 20 - 19 18 16 16 - 12 15 12 7 Standard atmosphere. Ventilation air volume standard will be a guideline where concentration does not decrease more than 0.5% from normal value. (The Building Standard Law of Japan) An oxygen deficiency of this amount does not directly endanger life in a normal air pressure, but if there is a combustion device in the area, the generation of CO will increase rapidly due to incomplete combustion. Industrial Safety and Health Act. (Hypoxia prevention regulations.) Normal concentration in exhaled air. Increase in pulse and breathing resulting in dizziness and headaches. Flame in combustion devices will extinguish. Threat to life in short term. Fatal Standards and effect of concentration changes

Effect of carbon monoxide (CO)

Concentration (ppm) 0.01 - 0.2 5 10 20 50 100 200 400 800 1,600 3,200 6,400 12,800 Several 10,000 ppm (Several %) Standard atmosphere. Considered to be the long-term tolerable value. The Building Standard Law of Japan, Law for Maintenance of Sanitation in Buildings. Environmental standard 24-hour average. Considered to be the short-term tolerable value. Environmental standard 8-hour average. Tolerable concentration for labor environment. (Japan Industrial Sanitation Association) No effect for 3 hours. Effect noticed after 6 hours. Headache, illness after 9 hours; harmful for long-term but not fatal. Light headache in the forehead in 2 to 3 hours. Effect of concentration changes

10,000 ppm = 1%

Apprpx. 5 ppm is an annual average value in city areas. This value may exceed 100 ppm near roads, in tunnels and parking areas.

Headache in the forehead, nausea in 1 to 2 hours; headache in the back of head in 2.5 to 3 hours. Headache, dizziness, nausea, convulsions in 45 minutes. Comatose in 2 hours. Headache, dizziness in 20 minutes. Death in 2 hours. Headache, dizziness in 5 to 10 minutes. Death in 30 minutes. Death in 10 to 15 minutes. Death in 1 to 3 minutes. This level may be found in automobile exhaust.

CHAPTER 1 Ventilation for Healthy Living

Effect of carbon dioxide (CO2)
Concentration (%) 0.03 (0.04) 0.04 - 0.06 0.07 0.10 0.15 0.2 - 0.5 0.5 or more 0.5 2 3 4 4-5 8 18 or more Standard atmosphere. City air.
There is no toxic level in CO2 alone. General tolerable concentration. However, these tolerable The Building Standard Law of Japan, Law for Maintenance of Sanitation in Buildings. concentrations are a guideline of the Tolerable concentration used for ventilation calculations. contamination estimated when the physical and chemical properties of Observed as relatively poor. the air deteriorate in proportion to the increase Observed as the poorest. of CO2.

Effect of concentration changes

Tolerable concentration when many people stay for long time.

Long-term safety limits (U.S. Labor Sanitation) ACGIH, regulation of laborer offices. Depth of breathing and inhalation volume increases 30%. Work and physical functions deteriorate, breathing doubles. Normal exhalation concentration. The respiratory center is stimulated; depth and times of breathing increases. Dangerous if breathed in for a long period. If an O2 deficiency also occurs, trouble will occur sooner and be more dangerous. When breathed in for 10 minutes, breathing difficulties, redness in the face and headaches will occur. The trouble will worsen when there is also a deficiency of O2. Fatal

Note: According to Facility Check List published by Kagekuni-sha.

1.3 Effect of air contamination in buildings

Dirtiness of interior New ceilings, walls and ornaments will turn yellow in one to two years. This is caused by dust and the tar in tobacco smoke.

2. Ventilation Standards
The legal standards for ventilation differ according to each country. Please follow the standards set by the country. In the US, Ashrae revised their standards in 1989 becoming more strict. In Japan, regulations are set in the The Building Standard Law of Japan Enforcement Ordinance, the so-called Building Management Law for securing a sanitary environment in buildings. According to the Building Standards Law, a minimum of 20 m3/h per person of ventilation air is required.

CHAPTER 1 Ventilation for Healthy Living

3. Ventilation Method
3.1 Ventilation class and selection points
An appropriate ventilation method must be selected according to the purpose. Ventilation is composed of Supply air and Exhaust air functions. These functions are classified according to natural flow or mechanical ventilation using a fan (forced ventilation). Classification of ventilation (according to Building Standards Law)
Supply Class 1 Class 2 Class 3 Class 4 Mechanical Mechanical Natural Natural Exhaust Mechanical Natural Mechanical Mechanical & natural Ventilation volume Random (constant) Random (constant) Random (constant) Limited (inconstant) Room pressure Random Positive pressure Negative pressure Negative pressure

Classification of mechanical ventilation

Design and construction properties By changing the Ventilation of air An ideal design in which balance of the supply conditioned rooms. the supply air diffuser (buildings, hospitals, fan and exhaust fans and exhaust air outlet air volumes, the etc.) position relation and air pressure in the room Ventilation of room volume, etc., can be set can be balanced not facing an outer freely is possible. freely, and the wall. (basement, A system which adjusts interrelation with etc.) the temperature and neighboring spaces Ventilation of large humidity of the supply can be set freely. room. (office, large air diffuser flow to the conference room, room environment can hall, etc.) be incorporated. The supply and exhaust volume can be set freely according to the changes in conditions. As the room is Surgery theatre. The position and pressurized, the flow Clean rooms. shape of the supply Foodstuff processing of odors and dust, air diffuser can be etc., from neighboring factories. set. areas can be The temperature and prevented. humidity of the supply air diffuser flow can be set accordingly, and dust can be removed as required. The exhaust air is Local ventilation in Effective exhausting removed from a local kitchens. of dispersed stale air position in the room, Ventilation of hot generation sites is and dispersion of the exhaust air from possible from a local stale air can be machine room, etc. exhaust air outlet. Ventilation of humid prevented by applying Ventilation in which an entire negative exhaust air from the air flow is not felt pressure. indoor pools, bathis possible with the rooms, etc. supply air diffuser General simple setting method. ventilation. Ex. of application System effect Selection points Accurate supply air diffuser can be maintained. The room pressure balance can be maintained. The supply air diffuser temperature and humidity can be adjusted and dust treatment is possible.

1. Class 1 ventilation Fresh outdoor air is mechanically brought in and simultaneously the stale air in the room is mechanically discharged.

Fresh outdoor air

Stale air Exhaust fan

2. Class 2 ventilation Fresh outdoor air is mechanically brought in and the exhaust air is discharged from the exhaust air outlet (natural).
Exhaust fan Exhaust air outlet

3. Class 3 ventilation The stale air in the room is mechanically discharged and simultaneously fresh outdoor air is mechanically introduced from the supply air diffuser (natural).
Supply air diffuser Exhaust fan

The pressure is positive. The supply air diffuser temperature and humidity can be adjusted, and dust treatment is possible. The positional relation of the exhaust air outlet to the supply air diffuser is important. The room pressure is negative. Local exhaust is possible. Ventilation without dispersing stale air is possible. Ventilation with reduced air flow is possible. The positional relation of the exhaust air outlet to the supply air diffuser is important.

CHAPTER 1 Ventilation for Healthy Living

3.2 Comparison of ventilation methods

There are two main types of ventilation methods. Centralized ventilation method This is mainly used in large buildings, with the fresh outdoor air intake being installed in one machine room. For this method, primary treatment of the fresh outdoor air, such as heat recovery to the intake air and dust removal is performed being distribution to the building by ducts. Independent zoned ventilation method This is mainly used in small to medium sized buildings, with areas being ventilated using fresh outdoor air intakes formed of independent ventilation devices. The rate of use of this method has recently increased as independent control is becoming ever more feasible. Centralized ventilation method Independent zoned ventilation method 1) System operation with cassette-type air conditioner
Cassette-type package air conditioner or fan coil unit Exhaust Air intake (fresh outdoor air) Filters Lossnay Each unit Air exhaust (stale air) Supply fan Finished ceiling Exhaust grill Ceiling recessedtype Lossnay Exhaust air Fresh outdoor air

2) System operation with ceiling embedded-type air conditioner

Ceiling embedded-type package Exhaust grill air conditioner or fan coil unit Ceiling recessedtype Lossnay Exhaust air Fresh outdoor air Finished ceiling

3) Independent operation with ceiling suspended-type air conditioner

Cassette-type or ceiling suspended-type package air conditioner or fan coil unit Supply grill Exhaust grill Ceiling recessedtype Lossnay Exhaust air Fresh outdoor air Finished ceiling

CHAPTER 1 Ventilation for Healthy Living

Comparison of centralized ventilation method and independent zoned ventilation method
Centralized ventilation method Fan power The air transfer distance is long thus requiring much fan power. Independent equipment room is required. Installation space Duct space is required. Penetration of floors with vertical shaft is not desired in terms of fire prevention. Generalized per system. Design of outer wall is not lost. Designability The indoor supply air diffuser and return grille can be selected freely for an appropriate design. Can be utilised for any one area. The number of intakes and exhaust air outlets on the outer wall will increase; design must be considered. The design will be fixed due to the installation fittings, so the design of the intakes and exhaust air outlets must be considered. As there are many common-use areas, if the building is a tenant building, an accurate assessment of operating cost is difficult. Invoicing for each zone separately is possible, even in a tenant building. Independent zoned ventilation method As the air transfer distance is short, the fan power is small. Independent equipment room is not required. Piping space is required only above the ceiling.


Clarification of costs


As the usage time setting and ventilation volume The user in each zone can operate the ventilator control, etc., is performed in a central monitoring freely. room, the users needs may not be met The ventilator can be operated even during offappropriately. peak hours. A large amount of ventilation is required even for a few persons. An ideal supply air diffuser and return grille position can be selected as the supply air diffuser and return grilles can be laid out freely. Consideration must be made of the noise from the main unit. Anti-vibration measures are often not required as the unit is compact and the vibration generated can be dispersed.


The only noise in the room is the aerodynamic sound. Anti-vibration measures must be taken as the fan in the equipment room is large. Centralized management is easy as it can be performed in the equipment room. The equipment can be inspected at any time.

Maintenance and management

Work efficiency is poor as the equipment is not centrally located. An individual unit can be inspected only when the room it serves is vacant. Limited as only independent units are affected. Consultation with the tenant is required prior to inspection of an individual unit.

Large as the entire system is affected. Trouble correspondence Immediate inspection can be performed in the equipment room.

CHAPTER 1 Ventilation for Healthy Living

4. Ventilation Performance
The ventilation performance is largely affected by the installation conditions. Ample performance may not be achieved unless the model and usage methods are selected according to the conditions. Generally, the ventilation performance is expressed by Air volume and wind pressure (static pressure), and these are necessary when considering ventilation.

4.1 Air volume

Air volume expresses the volume of air exhausted (or supplied) by the unit in a given period. Generally, this is expressed as m3/hr (hour).

4.2 Wind pressure

When a piece of paper is placed in front of a fan and let go, the piece of paper will be blown away. The force that blows the paper away is called the wind pressure, and this is normally expressed in units of Pa. The wind pressure is divided into the following three types:

4.2.1 Static pressure

This is the force that presses the surroundings when the air is still such as in an automobile tyre or rubber balloon. For example, in a water gun, the hydraulic pressure increases when pressed by a piston, and if there is a small hole, the water sprays out with force. The pressure of this water is equivalent to the static pressure for air. The higher the pressure is, the further the water (air) can be sprayed.

4.2.2 Dynamic pressure

This expresses the speed at which air flows, and can be thought of as the force at which a typhoon presses against a building.

4.2.3 Total pressure

This is the total force that wind has, and is the sum of the static pressure and dynamic pressure.

CHAPTER 1 Ventilation for Healthy Living

4.3 Measurement of the air volume and wind pressure

Mitsubishi measures the machines air volume and wind pressure with a device as shown below according to the Japan Industrial Standards (JIS B 8628). Measuring device using orifice (JIS B 8628 standards)

Chamber Connection Damper Supply Air (SA) Rectifying net Wind gauge duct path Orifice

Test unit

Pressure difference before and after orifice (Air volume measurement) Static pressure in chamber (Static pressure measurement)

Rectifying grid Blower

A) When measuring the supply air volume (with the orifice plate)

Wind dispersing place


Wind gauge duct path


Return Air (RA)

Rectifying grid

Rectifying net

Connection Test unit Static pressure in chamber (Static pressure measurement)

B) When measuring the return air volume (with the orifice plate)

Measurement method
The unit is operated with the throttle device fully closed. There is no air flow at this time, and the air volume is 0. The maximum point of the static pressure (A point, the static pressure at this point is called the totally closed pressure) can be obtained. Next, the throttle device is gradually opened, the auxiliary fan is operated, and the middle points (points B, C and D) are obtained. Finally, the throttle device is completely opened, and the auxiliary fan is operated until the static pressure in the chamber reaches 0. The maximum point of the air volume (point E, the air volume at this point is called the fully opened air volume) is obtained. The points are connected as shown below, and are expressed as air volume, static pressure curves (Q-H curve).

Static pressure (H)

Air volume (Q)

CHAPTER 1 Ventilation for Healthy Living

5. Outdoor Air (ventilation) Load

5.1 How to calculate each approximate load
The outdoor air load can be calculated with the following formula if the required outside air intake volume Q m3/h to be introduced is known: (Outdoor air load) = QF (iO - iR) = [kg/m3] S [m2] k n [person/m2] Vf [m3/hperson] (iO - iR): i [kJ/kg] S k n Specific gravity of air - 1.2 kg/m3 Buildings airconditioned area Thermal coefficient; generally 0.7 - 0.8. The average population concentration is the inverse of the occupancy area per person. If the number of persons in the room is unclear, refer to the Floor space per person table below. Vf : Outdoor air intake volume per person Refer to the Required outdoor air intake volume per person table below. iO : Outdoor air enthalpy - kJ/kg iR : Indoor enthalpy - kJ/kg : : : :

Floor space per person table (m2) (According to the Japan Federation of Architects and Building Engineers Associations)
Office building General design value 4-7 5 Department store, shop Average 0.5 - 2 3.0 Crowded 0.5 - 2 1.0 Empty 5-8 6.0 Restaurant 1-2 1.5 Teatre or cinema hall 0.4 - 0.6 0.5

Required outdoor air intake volume per person table (m3/hperson)

Degree of smoking Extremely heavy Quite heavy Heavy Light None Application example Brokers office Newspaper editing room Conference room Bar Cabaret Office Restaurant Shop Department store Theatre Hospital room Required ventilation volume Recommended value 85 51 25.5 25.5 25.5 34 Minimum value 51 42.5 17 20 17 17 25.5

The application of this table to each type of room should be carefully considered in relation to the degree of smoking in the room.


CHAPTER 1 Ventilation for Healthy Living

Example calculations of determining ventilation load during both cooling and heating are given as follows:

5.2 Ventilation load during cooling (in general office building)

Classification of cooling load
Class Heat from walls (qWS) (a) Indoor infiltration heat Heat from glass from direct sunlight (qGS) from conduction & convection (qGS)

Accumulated heat load in walls (qSS) Generated heat from people (b) Indoor generated heat

Genarated heat from electrical equipment (c) (d) Reheating load Outdoor air load (qRL)

Sensible heat (qFS) Latent heat (qFL)

(a) is the heat infiltrating the room, and often is 30 to 40% of the entire cooling load. (b) is the heat generated in the room. (c) is applies only when reheating is necessary. (d) is the heat generated when outdoor air is mixed into part of the supply air diffuser volume and introduced into the room. The outdoor air is introduced to provide ventilation for the people in the room, and is referred to as the ventilating load. Typical load values (during cooling)
Type of load
Outdoor air load 33.8% 53.0 W/m2 Indoor infiltration heat 30.3% 47.6 W/m2

Outdoor air load Indoor generated heat People Lighting equipment Total
156.5 W/m2

Indoor generated heat (people, lighting equipment) 35.9% 56.4 W/m2

Indoor infiltration heat

Conditions: Middle floor of a general office building facing south.

Cooling load per unit area When the volume of outdoor air per person is 25 m3/h, and the number of persons per 1 m2 is 0.2, the cooling load will be approximately 157.0 W/m2. How these values are determined can be seen as follows:

Outdoor air load

Air conditions <Standard design air conditions in Tokyo>
Dry bulb temp. Relative humidity Wet bulb temp. Cooling Outdoor air Indoors 33 C 26 C 63% 50% 27 C 18.7 C Enthalpy 85 kJ/kg 53.2 kJ/kg Enthalpy difference 31.8 kJ/kg

When the load per floor area of 1 m2 with a ventilation volume of 25 m3/hperson is calculated with the above air conditions, the following is obtained: Outdoor air (ventilation) load = 1.2 kg/m3 (Specific gravity of air) 0.2 persons/m2 (no. of persons per 1 m2) 25 m3/hperson (outdoor air volume) 31.8 kJ/kg (air enthalpy difference indoors/outdoors) = 190.8 kJ/hm2 (530 W/m2)

The Lossnay recuperates approximately 70% of the exhaust air load and saves on approximately 20% of the total load.

Sensible heat (qHS) Latent heat (qHL) Sensible heat (qES) Latent heat (qEL)

Load 53.0 W/m2 26.4 W/m2 30.0 W/m2 47.6 W/m2 157.0 W/m2


CHAPTER 1 Ventilation for Healthy Living

Determining internal heat gain
When classifying loads, the internal heat gain (indoor generated heat + indoor infiltration heat) will be the value of the outdoor air load subtracted from the approximate cooling load when it is assumed that there is no reheating load. (Internal heat gain) = 157.0 W/m2 53.0 W/m2 = 104.0 W/m2 This value of internal heat gain is based on assumptions for typical loads. To determine individual levels of internal heat gain, the following is suggested:

Indoor generated heat

(1) Heat generated from people Heat generation design value per person in office Sensible heat (SH)= 63.0 Wperson Latent heat (LH) = 69.0 Wperson Total heat (TH) = 132.0 Wperson The heat generated per 1 m2 of floor space is (heat generated from people) = 132.0 Wperson 0.2 person/m2 = 26.4 W/m2 (2) Heat generated from electrical equipment (lighting) The approximate value of the room illuminance and power for lighting for a general office with illuminance of 300 350 Lux, is 20 - 30 W/m2.

Indoor infiltration heat

This is the heat that infiltrates into the building from outside. This can be determined by subtracting the amount of heat generated by people and lighting from the internal heat gain. (Indoor infiltration heat) = 104.0 (26.4 + 30.0) = 47.6 W/m2

The Lossnay recuperates approximately 70% of the outdoor air load and saves on approximately 20% of the total load.


CHAPTER 1 Ventilation for Healthy Living

5.3 Ventilation load during heating

Classification of heating load
Class Heat lost from walls (qWS) (a) Indoor heat loss Heat lost from glass (qGS) Heat loss from conduction & convection (qGS) Accumulated heat load in walls (qSS) (b) Outdoor air load Sensible heat (qFS) Latent heat (qFL)

During heating, the heat generated by people and electrical equipment in the room can be subtracted from the heating load. However, as the warming up time at the start of heating is short, this generated heat may be ignored in some cases. Percentage of load
Type of load Outdoor air load
Outdoor air load 41.9% 56.0 W/m2 Indoor heat loss 58.1% 77.7 W/m2

Load 56.0 W/m2 77.7 W/m2

Internal heat Total

133.7 W/m2

Conditions: Middle floor of a general office building facing south.

133.7 W/m2

Internal heat loss In terms of load classification, the internal heat loss is the value of the outdoor air load subtracted from the approximate heating load. Internal heat loss = 133.7 W/m2 56.0 W/m2 = 77.7 W/m2 Heating load per unit area When the outdoor air volume per person is 25 m3/h, and the number of persons per 1 m2 is 0.2 persons, the approximate heating load will be approximately 133.7 W/m2. Outdoor air load Air conditions <Standard design air conditions in Tokyo>
Dry bulb temp. Relative humidity Wet bulb temp. Heating Outdoor air Indoors 0 C 20 C 50% 50% 3 C 13.7 C Enthalpy 5.0 kJ/kg 38.5 kJ/kg Enthalpy difference 33.5 kJ/kg

When the load per 1 m2 of floor area with a ventilation volume of 25 m3/hperson is calculated with the above air conditions, the following is obtained: Outdoor air (ventilation) load = 1.2 kg/m3 0.2 persons/m2 25 m3/hperson 33.5 kJ/kg = 201.0 kJ/hm2 (56 W/m2)

The Lossnay recuperates approximately 70% of the outdoor air load and saves on approximately 30% of the total load.


CHAPTER 2 Lossnay Construction and Principle

CHAPTER 2 Lossnay Construction and Principle

1. Construction and Features of Lossnay

Lossnay construction
The Lossnay is constructed so that the exhaust air passage from the indoor side to the outdoor side (RA EA) and the fresh air passage from the outdoor side to the indoor side (OA SA) cross. The Lossnay heat recovery unit (Lossnay Core) is installed at this cross point, and recovers the heat by conduction through the separating medium between these airflows. This enables the heat loss during exhaust to be greatly reduced. * RA : Return Air EA : Exhaust Air OA : Outdoor Air SA : Supply Air
SA (Supply air diffuser) Lossnay Core EA (Exhaust air)

Supply fan

Exhaust fan

RA (Return air) Exhaust side filter

OA (Outdoor air) Intake side filter

Note: The dust inlet and outlet are linear in the actual product.

Main Features of Lossnay

(1) Cooling and heating maintenance fees are saved while ventilating. (2) The capacity and performance of the air conditioner can be reduced. (3) Dehumidifying during summer, and humidifying during winter is possible. (4) Comfortable ventilation is possible, (the outdoor air being adjusted to the room temperature.) (5) Effective sound-proofing.

2. Construction and Principle of Core

Simple construction The Lossnay Core is a cross-flow total heat recovery unit constructed of plates and fins made of treated paper. The fresh air and exhaust air passages are totally separated allowing the fresh air to be introduced without mixing with the exhaust air. Principle The Lossnay Core uses the heat transfer properties and moisture permeability of the treated paper. Total heat (sensible heat plus latent heat) is transferred from the stale exhaust air to the fresh air being introduced into the system when they pass through the Lossnay. Try this simple experiment. Roll a piece of paper into a tube and blow through it. Your hand holding the paper will immediately feel warm. If cold air is blown through the tube, your hand will immediately feel cool. Lossnay is a total heat exchanger that utilizes these special properties of paper.
SA Indoors Supply air diffuser (Fresh cold or warm air)


EA Exhaust air (Stale air)

Partition plate (Treated paper)

Spacer plate (Treated paper) OA Outdoor air (Fresh air) RA Return air (Stale cold or warm air)

Treated paper The paper partition plates are treated with special chemicals so that the Lossnay Core is an appropriate heat recovery unit for the ventilator. This paper differs from ordinary paper, and has the following unique properties. (1) The paper is incombustible and is strong. (2) The paper has selective hydroscopicity and moisture permeability that permits the passage of water vapor only (including some water-soluble gases). (3) The paper has gas barrier properties that does not pass gases such as CO2. Hyper Core The Hyper Core that utilizes the worlds thinnest* 25 m ultra-thin film imperforate paper has been developed to further reduce gas transfer and to improve humidity exchange efficiency. The Hyper Core is mounted to the LGX-RX4. (* As of January 22, 2004, in the case of a high moisture permeable material used for total heat exchange elements) 16

CHAPTER 2 Lossnay Construction and Principle

A comparison of the ordinary paper and the Lossnay Core plates is as shown in the table.
Ordinary paper Water vapor is transferred, but gas elements that are easily dissolved in water such as CO2, NO2 are also transferred.
Highly humid air Water vapor CO2 NO2

The contaminated air passes through the plates during ventilation and returns to the room. Treated paper Water vapor is transferred, but gas elements such as CO2, NO2 are not transferred.

Water vapor


NO2 Low humid air

Highly humid air Water vapor Cellulose fibers


NO2 120m

The contaminated air does not almost return to the room when ventilated. Hyper core The water vapor transfer rate has increased with further reduction of gas transfer. The rate at which the contaminated air returns to the room has been reduced to less than 1%*, and the total heat exchange performance has also been improved. (* Based on data measured by Mitsubishi using a single core unit)
Gas (CO2) molecule

Treatment Water vapor (Selective permeable film) Low humid air (Incombustible specifications)

Highly humid air

25 m Low humid air Water molecule Non-porous ultra-thin film material

Total heat recovery mechanism

Sensible heat and latent heat The heat that enters and leaves in accordance with changing temperature (rise or drop) is called sensible heat. The heat that enters and leaves due to the changes in a matters physical properties (evaporation, condensation) is called latent heat. (1) Temperature (sensible heat) recovery 1) Heat conduction and heat passage is performed through a partition plate from the high temperature to low temperature side. 2) As shown on the right, the heat recovery efficiency is affected by the resistance of the boundary layer, and for the Lossnay there is little difference when compared to materials such as copper or aluminium which also have high thermal conductivity. Heat resistance coefficients
Treated paper Ra1 Rp Ra2 Total 10 1 10 21 Cu 10 0.00036 10 20.00036 Al 10 0.0006 10 20.0006
Partition plate Ra1+Ra2Rp t1 Ra1 Rp Ra2 t2

High humidity side

Partition plate

Low humidity side

(2) Humidity (latent heat) recovery Water vapor is moved through the partition plate from the high humidity to low humidity side by means of the differential pressure in the vapor.


CHAPTER 2 Lossnay Construction and Principle

3. Calculation of the Total Heat Recovery Efficiency

The Lossnay Cores heat recovery efficiency can be considered using the following three transfer rates: (1) Temperature (sensible heat) recovery efficiency (2) Humidity (latent heat) recovery efficiency (3) Enthalpy (total heat) recovery efficiency The heat recovery effect can be calculated if two of the above efficiencies is known. (The temperature and enthalpy efficiencies are indicated in the applicable catalogue.)
SA Indoors Supply air (Fresh cold or warm air)


EA Exhaust air (Stale air)

Each recovery efficiency can be calculated with the formulas given below. When the supply air volume and exhaust air volume are equal, the heat recovery efficiencies on the supply and exhaust sides are the same. When the supply air volume and exhaust air volume are not equal, the total heat recovery efficiency is low if the exhaust volume is lower, and high if the exhaust volume is higher. Refer to the Heat Recovery Efficiency Correction Curve in the applicable catalogue for more details.
Item Formula t = t (OA) - t (SA) 100 t (OA) - t (RA) i = i (OA) - i (SA) 100 i (OA) - i (RA)

OA Outdoor air (Fresh air) RA Return air (Stale cold or warm air)

Temperature recovery efficiency (%) Enthalpy recovery efficiency (%)

: Efficiency (%) t : Dry bulb temperature (C) i : Enthalpy (kJ/kg)

Calculation of air conditions after passing through Lossnay

If the Lossnay heat recovery efficiency and the conditions of the room and outdoor air are known, the conditions of the air entering the room and the air exhausted outdoors can be determined with the following formulas.
Supply side Temperature Enthalpy tSA = tOA - (tOA - tRA) t iSA = iOA - (iOA - iRA) i Exhaust side tEA = tRA + (tOA - tRA) t iEA = iRA + (iOA - iRA) i


CHAPTER 2 Lossnay Construction and Principle

4. What is a Psychrometric Chart?

The chart which shows the properties of humid air is called a psychrometric chart. The psychrometric chart can be used to find the (1) Dry bulb temperature, (2) Wet bulb temperature, (3) Absolute humidity, (4) Relative humidity, (5) Dew point and (6) Enthalpy (total heat) of a certain air condition. If two of these values are known beforehand, the other values can be found with this chart. The way that the air will change when it is heated, cooled, humidified or dehumidified can also be seen easily on the chart. (1) Dry bulb temperature t (C) Generally referred to as standard temperature this is measured with a dry bulb thermometer (conventional thermometer). The obtained value is the dry bulb temperature.
Temperature (C)

(2) Wet bulb temperature t (C) When a dry bulb thermometers heat sensing section is wrapped in a piece of wet gauze and an ample air flow (3 m/s or more) is applied, the heat applied to the wet bulb by the air and the heat of the water vapor that evaporates from the wet bulb will balance at an equal state. The temperature indicated at this time is called the wet bulb temperature. (3) Absolute humidity x (kg/kg) The weight (kg) of the water vapor that corresponds to the weight (kg) of the dry air in the humid air is called the absolute humidity.

W et (d bu ew lb po tem in pe t) t rat ( ur C e )

(4) Relative humidity (%) The ratio of the water vapor pressure Pw in the humid air and the water vapor pressure Pws in the saturated air at the same temperature is called the relative humidity. This is obtained with the following formula: R = PW/PWS 100

(5) Dew point t (C) The water content in the air will start to condense when air is cooled. The dry bulb temperature at this time is called the dew point.

The dew point t of the air at point A is the temperature of the point at the same absolute humidity as point A on the saturation curve. t A Parallel to absolute temperature scale line t C dew point

Ent halp yi( kJ/k g)

(6) Enthalpy i (kJ/kg) Physical matter has a set heat when it is at a certain temperature and state. This retained heat is called the enthalpy, with dry air at 0 C being set at 0.

R el at iv e

hu m id ity

(% )

Absolute humidity x (kg/kg)


CHAPTER 2 Lossnay Construction and Principle

5. Calculation of Lossnay Heat Recovery

The following figure shows the conditions of various air states when fresh air is introduced through the Lossnay Core. If a conventional sensible heat recovery unit is used alone and is assumed to have the same heat recovery efficiency as Lossnay, the condition of the air supplied to the room is expressed by point A in the figure. This point shows that the air is very humid in summer and very dry in winter. The air supplied to the room with Lossnay is indicated by point S in the figure. The air is precooled and dehumidified in the summer and preheated and humidified in the winter before it is introduced to the room.

En tha lpy (kJ /kg )

Ou tdo Los or a sna ir lo y Co ad re h eat reco very

A Supply air condition of the Lossnay

Outdoor air condition in summer



En tha lpy (kJ /kg ) Ou tdo Los or a sna ir lo yC ore ad hea t re cov ery




R Room air condition in winter Room air condition in summer


Supply air condition of the Lossnay


iOA O Outdoor air condition in winter








Dry bulb temperature (C)

The quantity of heat recovered by using the Lossnay Core can be calculated with the following formula. Total heat recovered: qT = Q (iOA - iSA) [W] = Q (iOA - iRA) i Where Q t x i = Specific weight of air under standard conditions 1.2 (kg/m3) = Treated air volume (m3/h) = Temperature (C) = Absolute humidity (kg/kg) = Enthalpy (kJ/kg) = Heat recovery efficiency (%)

Suffix meanings OA : Outdoor air RA : Return air SA : Supply air


Absolute humidity (kg/kg)

CHAPTER 3 General Technical Considerations

CHAPTER 3 General Technical Considerations

1. Lossnay Heat Recovery Effect

1.1 Comparison of outdoor air load of various ventilators
Examples of formulas to compare the heat recovered and outdoor air load when ventilating with the Lossnay (total heat recovery unit), sensible heat recovery ventilation (sensible HRV) and conventional ventilators are shown below.

(1) Cooling during summer

Conditions Model LGH-100R type (at 50Hz, high speed) Ventilation rate: 1000 m3/h (specific gravity of air = 1.2 kg/m3)

Heat recovery efficiency table (%) (For summer)

Lossnay Sensible HRV 79 19* Conventional ventilator

Temperature (sensible heat) Enthalpy (total heat)

79 67

* Calculated volume under below conditions.

Supply air
Lossnay Dry bulb temperature Absolute humidity Relative humidity Enthalpy Total heat recovered Outdoor air load Outdoor air load ratio (C) (g/kg) (%) (kJ/kg) (kW) (kW) (%) 27.5 14.0 61 63.4 7.1 3.5 33 Sensible HRV 27.5 20.1 86 78.9 20.0 8.6 81 Conventional ventilator 33 20.1 63 84.6 0 10.6 100

Exhaust air

Outdoor air
Dry bulb temperature Absolute humidity Relative humidity Enthalpy 33C 20.1 g/kg 63% 84.6 kJ/kg

Room air
Dry bulb temperature Air conditioner Absolute humidity Relative humidity Enthalpy 26C 10.5 g/kg 50% 52.9 kJ/kg

Calculation example

Summer conditions

Outdoor air condition in summer

Ou tdo or a ir lo Loss nay ad heat reco very

52.9 hRA

S Room air condition in summer R

Supply air condition of the Lossnay

Sensible HRV (Supply air diffuser temperature) tSA = 78.9C (33C 26C) 0.79 = 27.5C (Supply air diffuser enthalpy) hSA = kJ/kg (from psychrometric chart) Heat recovered (85.0 78.9) 1.2 1,000 = 7,320 kJ/kg = 2.03 kW Outdoor air load (78.9 53.2) 1.2 1,000 = 30,840 kJ/h = 8.56 kW [Calculated enthalpy recovery efficiency 2.03 (2.03 + 8.56) 100 = 19] Conventional ventilator If a conventional ventilator is used, the heat recovered will be 0 as the supply air diffuser is equal to the outdoor air. The outdoor air load is: (84.6 52.9) 1.2 1,000 = 38,040 kJ/h = 10.6 kW






26 27.5


Dry bulb temperature (C)


Absolute humidity (kg/kg)

Lossnay (Supply air diffuser temperature) tSA = 33C (33C 26C) 0.79 = 27.5C (Supply air diffuser enthalpy) hSA = 84.6 (84.6 52.9) 0.67 = 63.4 kJ/kg (84.6 63.4) 1.2 1,000 = 25,440 kJ/h = 7.07 kW Heat recovered Outdoor air load (63.4 52.9) 1.2 1,000 = 12,600 kJ/h = 3.5 kW

Ent (kJ halpy /kg )

84.6 hOA

63.4 hSA

XOA 0.0201

CHAPTER 3 General Technical Considerations

(2) Heating during winter
Conditions: Model LGH-100R type (at 50Hz, high speed) Ventilation rate: 1000 m3/h (Specific gravity of air = 1.2 kg/m3)

Heat recovery efficiency table (%) (For winter)

Lossnay Sensible HRV 79 47* Conventional ventilator

Temperature (sensible heat) Enthalpy (total heat)

79 71

* Calculated volume under below conditions.

Supply air
Lossnay Dry bulb temperature Absolute humidity Relative humidity Enthalpy Total heat recovered Outdoor air load Outdoor air load ratio (C) (g/kg) (%) (kJ/kg) (kW) (kW) (%) 15.8 5.1 46 28.7 8 3.3 29 Sensible HRV 15.8 1.9 17 20.7 5.3 5.9 47 Conventional ventilator 0 1.9 50 4.7 0 5.6 100

Exhaust air

Outdoor air
Dry bulb temperature Absolute humidity Relative humidity Enthalpy 0C 1.9 g/kg 50% 4.7 kJ/kg

Room air
Dry bulb temperature Air conditioner Absolute humidity Relative humidity Enthalpy 20C 7.2 g/kg 50% 38.5 kJ/kg

Calculation example

Winter conditions


Ent ha (kJ/ lpy kg)

Outdoor air condition in winter

Sensible HRV (Supply air diffuser temperature) tSA = (20C 0C) 0.79 + 0C = 15.8C (Supply air diffuser enthalpy) hSA = 20.7 kJ/kg (from psychrometric chart) Heat recovered (20.7 4.7) 1.2 1,000 = 19,200 kJ/h = 5.3 kW Outdoor air load (38.5 20.7) 1.2 1,000 = 21,360 kJ/h = 5.9 kW [Calculated enthalpy recovery efficiency 5.3 (5.3 + 5.9) 100 = 47] Conventional ventilator If a conventional ventilator is used, the supply air diffuser is the same as the outdoor air and the exhaust is the same as the room air. Thus the heat recovered is 0 kcal and the outdoor air load is (38.5 4.7) 1.2 1,000 = 40,560 kJ/h = 11.3 kW

Ou tdo or air loa d L hea ossna t re y cov ery

28.7 hSA

Supply air condition of the Lossnay

Room air condition in winter


XRA 0.0072 XSA 0.0051 XOA 0.0019








Dry bulb temperature (C)

Absolute humidity (kg/kg)

Lossnay (Supply air diffuser temperature) tSA = (20C 0C) 0.79 + 0C = 15.8C (Supply air diffuser enthalpy) hSA = (38.5 4.7) 0.71 + 4.7 = 28.7 kJ/kg Heat recovered (28.7 4.7) 1.2 1,000 = 28,800 kJ/h = 8.0 kW Outdoor air load (38.5 28.7) 1.2 1,000 = 11,760 kJ/h = 3.3 kW


CHAPTER 3 General Technical Considerations

2. Example Heat Recovery Calculation

(1) Setting of conditions (Note: Tokyo Power, industrial power 6 kV supply)
Units Operation time Electricity fee Capacity per 1 kW of electricity Energy unit cost

When Heating 10h/day 26 days/mo. 5 mo./yr. = 1,300 h/yr 16.22 3.1 16.22/3.1 = 5.23

When Cooling 10h/day 26 days/mo. 4 mo./yr. = 1,040 h/yr 17.84 2.6 17.84/2.6 = 6.86

(h/yr) (yen/kWh) (kW/kW) (yen/kWh)

Return air volume (RA) = 8,000 m3/Hr Air conditions


Outdoor air volume (OA) = 8,000 m3/Hr

Air volume ratio (RA/OA) = 1.0


Winter heating

Summer cooling

Dry bulb temp. Wet bulb temp. Relative humidity Absolute humidity Enthalpy h Mark Dry bulb temp. Wet bulb temp. Relative humidity Absolute humidity Enthalpy h Mark WB [C] RH [%] [kg/kg (DA)] [kJ/kg (DA)] in page 25 DB [C] WB [C] RH [%] [kg/kg (DA)] [kJ/kg (DA)] in page 25 DB [C]

Outdoors Indoors

0 20

2.7 13.8

50 50

0.0018 0.0072

4.7 38.5

1 2

33 26

27.1 18.7

63 50

0.0202 85.0 (20.3) 0.0105 53.0 (12.7)

3 4

(2) Selection of Lossnay model (select from treatment air volume catalogue) Model name: LGH-100RX4 8 unit Processing air volume per unit RA = 8,000 m3/Hr, OA = 8,000 m3/Hr, Air volume ratio (RA/OA) = 1.0 Heat recovery efficiency : Heat recovery efficiency = 79%, Enthalpy recovery efficiency (cooling) = 67%, Enthalpy recovery efficiency (heating) = 71% Static pressure loss (unit-type) RA = 100 Pa, OA = 100 Pa (Note: Each motors are High notch) Power consumption (pack-type) = 440W 8 unit = 3.52 kW (3) State of indoor supply air
Heating Temperature [C] Enthalpy [kJ/kg (DA)] Numerical value obtained from above equation and psychometric chart Cooling = { 20 (Indoor temperature) 0 (outdoor air temperature)} = 33 (Outdoor air temperature) { 33 (outdoor air temperature) 0.79 (heat recovery efficiency) + 0 (outdoor air temperature) 26 (indoor temperature)} 0.79 (heat recovery efficiency) = 15.8 = 27.5 = {38.5 (Indoor enthalpy) 4.7 (outdoor air enthalpy)} 0.71 (enthalpy recovery efficiency) + 4.7(outdoor air enthalpy) = 28.7 Dry-bulb temperature = 15.8 C Wet-bulb temperature = 9.9 C Relative humidity = 46% Absolute humidity = 0.005 kg/kg (DA) Enthalpy = 28.7 kJ/kg (DA) (page 25, 5) = 85 (Outdoor air enthalpy) { 85 (outdoor air enthalpy) 53 (indoor enthalpy)} 0.67 (enthalpy recovery efficiency) = 63.6 Dry-bulb temperature = 27.5 C Wet-bulb temperature = 21.8 C Relative humidity = 61% Absolute humidity = 0.014 kg/kg (DA) Enthalpy = 63.3 kJ/kg (DA) (page 25, 6)

(4) Outdoor air load and heat recovered

Heating Fresh air load without Lossnay (q1) = 1.2 (Air specific gravity) 8,000 (outdoor air volume) { 38.5 (indoor enthalpy) 4.7 (outdoor air enthalpy) } = 324,480 kJ/h = 90.1 kW = 90.1 (Outdoor air load) (q1) { 1 0.71 (enthalpy recovery efficiency)} = 26.1kW or = Air specific gravity outdoor air volume (indoor enthalpy indoor blow enthalpy) = q1 q2 = 90.1 - 26.1 = 64.0 kW or = Outdoor air load (q1) enthalpy recovery efficiency Outdoor air load = 90.1 kW = 100% Outdoor air load with Lossnay = 26.1 kW = 29% Heat recovered = 64.0 kW = 71% Cooling = 1.2 (Air specific gravity) 8,000 (outdoor air volume) { 85.0 (outdoor air enthalpy) 53.2 (indoor enthalpy) } = 307,200 kJ/h = 85.3 kW = 85.3 (Outdoor air load) (q1) { 1 0.67 (enthalpy recovery efficiency) } = 28.2 kW or = Air specific gravity outdoor air volume (indoor enthalpy indoor blow enthalpy) = q1 q2 = 85.3 - 28.2 = 57.1 kW or = Outdoor air load (q1) enthalpy recovery efficiency Outdoor air load =85.3 kW = 100% Outdoor air load with Lossnay = 28.2 kW = 33% Heat recovered = 57.1 kW = 67%

Outdoor air load with Lossnay (q2)

Heat recovered (q3)

Outdoor air load (%)

(5) Recovered money (power rates)

Heating Yearly saved money Remarks Cooling = Heat recovered: kW Unit price yen/W operation time Hr/year = Heat recovered: kW Unit price yen/W operation time Hr/year = 64.0 kW 5.23 yen/kWh (1,300hr/year) = 57.1 kW 6.86 yen (1,040hr/year) = 435,100 yen = 407,374 yen If recovered heat is converted to electricity : heating = 64.0 kW/3.1 = 20.6 kW/h cooling = 57.1 kW/2.6 = 22.0 kW/h


CHAPTER 3 General Technical Considerations

Psychrometric chart for calculating Lossnay economical effect

5 12 35
0.037 0.036 0.035




300 0







220 0

0 200

0.034 0.033 5.0 0.032 0.031 0.030 0.029 0.028 4.5
















18 00

16 00

14 00

6 0.9

50 0 10 00







(-10 to +50C, atmospheric pressure 101.325 kPa)



Humid air psychrometric chart

t wa ter ra tio




0.027 0.026 0.025 0.024 0.023 0.022 4.0

e 60 n t h






tu ra tio n







0. 3




















We t bu lb te mp era tur e t' [C














55 pa





0.019 0.018


0.016 0.015



Vapor pressure Pw [kPa]












80 75



t rati

0.021 0.020

Absolute humidity x [kg/kg(DA)]


10000 20000 40000 40000 20000 15000


dh u= dx [kJ/k

( 70 DA



[kJ /kg



5 0.9

65 h





90 85

1.0 0.9








0.9 4








[% idi ty


0.014 0.013 0.012 0.011 2.0



15 90 10

20 Re


ive lat




m hu


80 70 60





0.009 0.008



[m y v acit cap cific Spe


0.007 1.0 0.006 0.005 0.004


0.0072 0.005



ille d









A)] /kg(D

0.9 2

10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0.75 0.76 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8

0.002 0.001 0.1 0.0


9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50


Dry bulb temperature t [C]











26 27.5









T. FUJITA 1987

The following can be determined from the above calculation results: Saving of 64.0 kW of the heating load, and 57.1 kW of the cooling load is possible. The heat source equipment and related ventilator capacity that is equivalent to this saved amount can be reduced, thus the operation and maintenance costs can also be saved. Approximately 430,000 yen can be saved in operation and maintenance costs during heating and 400,000 yen during cooling, for a total savings of approximately 830,000 yen.


CHAPTER 3 General Technical Considerations

3. Calculation of Lossnay Economical Effects

The following is a sample questionnaire from which it is possible to assess the economical benefits of using the Lossnay in particular applications. (1) Setting of conditions Return air volume (RA) = Outdoor air volume (OA) = Air volume ratio (RA/OA) = Air conditions
Season Item Outdoors Indoors

m3/Hr m3/Hr

Winter heating Dry bulb temp. DB [C] Wet bulb temp. WB [C] Relative Absolute Enthalpy Dry bulb humidity humidity i kJ/kg temp. RH [%] [kg/kg] (kcal/kg) DB [C]

Summer cooling Wet bulb temp. WB [C] Relative Absolute Enthalpy humidity humidity i kJ/kg RH [%] [kg/kg] (kcal/kg)

Operation time: Heating = hours/day days/month months/year = hours/year Cooling = hours/day days/month months/year = hours/year Energy: Heating = Type: Electricity Cost: yen/kWh Cooling = Type: Electricity Cost: yen/kWh Power rates: Winter: yen/kWh Summer: yen/kWh

(2) Selection of Lossnay model (select from treatment air volume catalog) Model name: Processing air volume per unit RA = m3/Hr, OA = m3, Air volume ratio (RA/OA) = Heat recovery efficiency : Heat recovery efficiency = %, Enthalpy recovery efficiency (cooling) = %, Enthalpy recovery efficiency (heating) = % Static pressure loss (unit-type) RA= Pa OA = Pa (Note: Each with filters) Power consumption (pack-type) = none because of unit type (3) State of indoor blow air
Heating Temperature [C] Cooling = (Indoor temperature outdoor air temperature) = Outdoor air temperature (outdoor air heat recovery efficiency + outdoor air temperature indoor temperature) temperature heat recovery efficiency = = = (Indoor enthalpy outdoor air enthalpy) enthalpy recovery efficiency + outdoor air enthalpy =

Enthalpy [kJ/kg]

= Outdoor air enthalpy (outdoor air enthalpy indoor enthalpy) enthalpy recovery efficiency = C C % kg/kg kg/kg

Numerical value obtained from above equation and psychometric chart

Dry-bulb temperature Wet-bulb temperature Relative humidity Absolute humidity Enthalpy

= = = = =

Dry-bulb temperature Wet-bulb temperature Relative humidity Absolute humidity Enthalpy

= = = = =

C C % kg/kg kg/kg


CHAPTER 3 General Technical Considerations

(4) Outdoor air load and heat recovery
Heating Fresh air load without Lossnay (q1) = Air specific gravity outdoor air volume (indoor enthalpy outdoor air enthalpy) = = Outdoor air load (q1) ( 1 enthalpy recovery efficiency) = or = Air specific gravity outdoor air volume (indoor enthalpy indoor blow enthalpy) = q1 q2 = = or = Outdoor air load (q1) enthalpy recovery efficiency

Cooling = Air specific gravity outdoor air volume (outdoor air enthalpy indoor enthalpy) = = Outdoor air load (q1) ( 1 enthalpy recovery efficiency) = or = Air specific gravity fresh air volume (indoor blow enthalpy indoor enthalpy) = q1 q2 = = or = Outdoor air load (q1) enthalpy recovery efficiency % % %

Outdoor air load with Lossnay (q2)

Heat recovery (q3)

Outdoor air load (%)

Outdoor air load = W= Outdoor air load with Lossnay = W= Heat recovered = W=

Outdoor air load = W= Outdoor air load with Lossnay = W= Heat recovered = W=

% % %

(5) Recovered money (power rates)

Heating Yearly saved money (yen) = Heat recovered: kW Unit price /kWh operation time Hr/year = kW /kWh = Hr/year = Cooling = Heat recovered: kW Unit price /kWh operation time Hr/year = kW /kWh = Hr/year =
































Humid air psychrometric chart

90 85 27 80




dh u= dx [kJ/k ga]




k 65 g(D






95 90 85 80 75

nt h



he sible Sen








ar a







tiv e



0 600



o 50 mp





60 55





CHAPTER 3 General Technical Considerations






0 45


tem per atu re t' [ C ]

40 45











00 38
15 90 80 70 60
50 40


25 20


m hu ive lat Re

ty idi



0.014 0.013 0.012 0.011


Absolute humidity x [kg/kg(DA)]


We t bu lb

ra t












0.008 0.007




30 25


1.0 0.005


10 2 1 0 Ch 15 il 1 Wa ter 2 3


m v [ ty aci cap

10 5





10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0.80 0.81

9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50


0.1 0.0

Dry bulb temperature t [C]
















Vapor pressure Pw [kPa]

0.020 0.019 0.018




0.037 0.036 5.5 0.035 0.034 0.033 0.032 0.031 0.030 0.029 0.028 0.027 0.026 0.025 0.024 0.023 4.0 4.5 5.0









0 10 00

(-10 to +50C, atmospheric pressure 101.325 kPa)

4. Psychrometric Chart



t wa

ter r atio


10000 20000 40000


1.0 0.9

0.022 0.021

40000 20000 15000


ti at ra

HF o S




0.9 4 0.9 3


/kg (DA )]

CHAPTER 3 General Technical Considerations

5. The Result of No Virus (phage) Cross Contamination for the Lossnay

Core and Determining Resistance of the Lossnay Core to Molds
Test report
This document reports the result that there is no virus (phage) cross contamination for the Lossnay Core.

(1) Object
The present test was conducted to verify that there is no airborne virus (phage) cross contamination from the outlet air to the inlet air of the Lossnay Core in the heat exchange process.

(2) Client
Name: Mitsubishi Electric Corporation Nakatsugawa Works Address: 1-3 Komaba-cho, Nakatsugawa-shi, Gifu, Japan

(3) Institution and Analyst

Name: Kitasato Research Center of Environmental Sciences Address: 1-15-1 Kitasato, Sagamihara-shi, Kanagawa, Japan Analyst: Microbiology Department shunji Okuda, Noriko Shimasaki

(4) Test Period

December 22, 2004 (Test materials was operated by engineers of your company)

(5) Test Materials

New Lossnay core Hyper Element*

(6) Organism
1) Test virus E.coli phage X174 ATCC 13706-B 2) Host bacteria Escherichia coli ATCC 13706 3) Host bacteria culture Escherichia coli (explained in 2)) was inoculated into 0.5% Nacl-added Nutrient Broth (Difco), and was cultivated overnight at 35:. The resultant medium containing approximately 109 CFU/ml of host becteria was used as host becterium solution. 4) Test virus solution E.coli phage X174 was mixed with host bacterium solution (explained in 3)) and cultivated. The resultant medium was filtrated by membrane filter owing to removal of Escherichia coli, and was diluted with sterile ion-exchanged water to obtain test virus solution of approximately 107 PFU/ml.

(7) Method
1) Outline The test apparatus is schematically shown in Fig. 1. The air flow rate was 250m3 /hr in the outlet and inlet ducts intersecting each other at the Lossnay Core. Air-sampling tubes were attached, with their openings against the air flow, at the each center of 4 sites, outlet duct upstream (location A) and downstream (location B) and inlet duct upstream (location C) and downstream (location D) of the Lossnay Core. The test was performed as follows: Test virus solution was sprayed from the upstream side of the outlet duct, and a specified quantity of air was then simultaneously sampled with midget impingers at 4 sites, locations A, B, C, and D around the Lossnay Core to count the number of airborne viruses contained in the air. 29

CHAPTER 3 General Technical Considerations

2) Spray of test virus solution The test virus was sprayed in the outlet duct at a pressure of 1kgf/cm2 while supplying compressed air from the compressor into the nebulizer containing the test virus solution. 3) Sampling of airborne viruses Airborne viruses were collected using the midget impinger as described below. Air in the duct was aspirated at a rate of 5 liters per minute for 4 minutes. Hence, a total of 20 liters of air was collected in 25 ml of sterile ionexchanged water in the midget impinger. 4) Method for counting the number of viruses Ion-exchanged water in the midget impingers, which possibly contained airborne viruses (E.coli phages), was used as the sample stock solution, and its 10-fold serial dilutions were then made. 0.2 ml of the stock solution and each dilution were mixed with 0.2 ml of host becterium solution of about 109 CFU/ml, and then mixed with 4.0 ml of soft agar for top layer. The mixture was then layered on the surface of 0.5% NaCl-added Nutrient Agar. The resultant medium was incubated for 18 hr at 35:. The number of plaques formed was counted to determine the number of airborne viruses per 20L of sampled air.
ULPA filter Outlet duct A Lossnay Core C ULPA filter

Neblizer Compressor Inlet duct Safety cabinet * MI : Midget impinger MI MI Safety cabinet MI D MI B

(8) Test result

The concentration of test virus solution was 1.2X107 PFU/ml. The result of test is shown in table-1.

(9) Consideration
The test virus was E. coli phage X174 with a small viral particle diameter (about 20 nm). Test viruses were detected at locations A and B on the outlet side, from which the test virus solution was sprayed. In contrast, no test viruses were detected in 20L of sampled air at location C (in the air filtered by the ULPA filter) or location D (in the air crossed in the Lossnay Core) on the inlet side. Therefore, it can be concluded that airborne viruses in the outlet side will not cross the dividers (specially processed paper) of the Lossnay Core to the opposite inlet side even when heat is exchanged there. Teble-1 Airborne virus counts on each location Test virus : E.coli phage X174 ATCC 13706-B
Test No. 1 2 3 Average Location A 3.1 X 102 4.4 X 102 1.9 X 102 3.1 X 102 Location B 2.8 X 102 1.2 X 102 6.2 X 10 1.5 X 102 Location C <1 <1 <1 <1 Location D <1 <1 <1 <1

(Unit of measurement: PFU/20L-air) * Hyper Element is LGH-RX4 series core. Note: Above test concluded that airborn viruses which is about 0.02m will not cross the paper of Hyper Element. In the other test used Bacillus Subtillis and Serratia Marcescers which are about 0.5 - 0.3m, their Bacteria do not cross the core paper for LU-500 and LGH-40ES. 30

CHAPTER 3 General Technical Considerations

6. Flame-proofing Properties of Lossnay Core

The Lossnay Core satisfied all requirements of Paragraph 4-3 of the Fire Prevention Law Enforcement Rules. Details of the tests carried out are as seen below.

Notation format 2 - (3)

Notification of flame-proofing property test (For flame-proof materials and related items)
Flame-proofing committee test No., B-80028 April 17, 1980

Messrs.: Mitsubishi Electrical Corporation Japan Flame-proofing committee

The results of the test, requested on April 8, 1980, are as follows. Whereas
Air filter Total heat recovery unit Lossnay (ventilation fan) B Residual flame (sec.) 0. 0. 0. 0. 0. Material, Mixture ratio, Organization, Fan number, Density, Weight (g/m2) Specially treated paper: (Partition (white) : Thickness 0.2 mm) (Filler block (blue) : Thickness 0.2 mm) Adhesive agent: Vinyl acetate (Specific gravity ratio 2.6%) 600 g/m2 Test item Carbonization No. of flame contact times length Test No. (cm) (times) 1 2 3 4 5

Part name

Product name (Brand)

Test No.

Test item 1 (Vertical)

Residual Carbonized dust area (sec.) (cm2) 4.1 7.7 1.4 0. 0. 35.4 38.2 35.9 26.3 20.3

2-min. heating

2 (Vertical) 3 (Horizontal)

6-sec. heating after igniting Evaluation Remarks

1 (Vertical) 2 (Horizontal) Passing

Test method Application of Paragraph 4-3 Standards of Fire Prevention Laws Enforcement Rules (Ministry of Home Affairs Ordinance No. 6, 1961) (Thick cloth test) Passing standards Residual flame : 5 sec. or less Residual dust : 20 sec. or less Carburized area : 40 cm2 or less Washing test


CHAPTER 3 General Technical Considerations

The Lossnay Core was also tested at the Japan Construction General Laboratories according to the fire retardancy test methods of thin materials for construction as set forth by JIS A 1322. The material was evaluated as Class 2 flame retardant. Details of the tests carried out are shown below.

Flame-proofing property test report

Messrs. Mitsubishi Electric Corp., Nakatsugawa Works

Acceptance No. Data of acceptance Data of report

VF-93-11-(2) September 7, 1993 October 12, 1993

Japan Construction General Laboratories 5-8-1 Fujishirodai, Suita City 565 Tel: 06-872-0391 Hiorshi Wakabayashi Dr. of Engineering, Director Mitsubishi Electric Corp., Nakatsugawa Works 1-3 Komanba-cho, Nakatsugawa, Gifu Single-face laminated corrugated board Product name Lossnay Core (Total heat recovery unit)


Company name Address Specimen type

Specimen and test body

Material structure and cross-sectional diagram, etc.

Single-face laminated corrugated board ... Thickness: 4 mm (Single-face corrugated board with 2 mm cell size laminated alternately at right angle) Partition (Liner paper) Flame-proof treated paper ... Thickness: 0.085 mm, Weight: 70 g/m2 Adhesive agent ... Vinyl acetate resin ... Weight: 30 g/m2 (Solid) Filler (Flute paper) ... Colored wood free paper ... Thickness: 0.093 mm, Weight: 79 g/m2 Adhesive agent ... Vinyl acetate resin ... Weight: 30 g/m2 (Solid) Partition (Liner paper) Flame-proof treated paper ... Thickness: 0.085 mm, Weight: 70 g/m2

Test body size and thickness (mm) Test body direction Testing standards Testing method JIS A 1322 (45 Meckelian burner method) Test date Test position Test results Class Direction Front Vertical No. 1 2 3 Evaluation

300 (Long side) 200 (Short side) 4 (Thickness) The longer side is the vertical side. Pre-treatment of test body Method A (drying method) Heating time 3 min. Heating surface class and direction The direction of which the corrugated board fold was vertical was set as the front of the heating surface.

4mm 2mm

October 5, 1993 Residual frame (sec.) 0 0 0 Residual dust (sec.) 0 0 0 Carbonized Discoloration length (Vertical length (Vertical Horizontal) (cm) Horizontal) (cm) 8.2 4.7 8.4 4.9 7.4 5.0 18.7 7.3 24.3 7.8 22.0 8.4 *1 Remarks

The specimen conforms to Class 2 flame-proofing (heating time: 3 min.) according to the Fire retardancy test methods of thin materials for construction as set forth by JIS A 1322. Material Testing Laboratory Laboratory chief: Hiroshi Tamura, Technicians: Shigeru Fujikawa, Nobuaki Oohiro, Tetsuya Ogawa

Persons in charge of testing

Note: Immediately after starting heating, the flame was ignited simultaneously with the generation of smoke. Penetration was observed approx. 2 min. 30 sec., after heating was started. There were no further changes. In above test the Lossnay core material for LU and LGH-40ES type is used. Hyper Element paper for LGH-RX4 series was tested at the Underwriters Laboratories Inc. according to the standard of UL94, Test for Flammability of Plastic Materials for Parts in Devices and Appliances, 1998. The material was evaluated as per 5VA classified of flammability. 32

CHAPTER 3 General Technical Considerations

7. Lossnay Cores Soundproofing Properties Test

As the Lossnay Core is made of paper and the permeable holes are extremely small, the Core has outstanding soundproofing properties and is appropriate for ventilation in soundproof rooms. For example, the exposed ceiling-type LGH-100RX3-E has soundproofing characteristics of 35.0dB with a center frequency of 500Hz. This means that a sound source of 84.4dB can be shielded to 49.4dB.
Soundproofing effect test results Standard Test number Client Name Address Trade name IVA-01-06 Mitsubishi Electric Corporation 1-3, Komaba-cho, Nakatsugawa-shi, Gifu 508-8666, Japan LGH-100RX3-E
300 300

Test method was determined according to JIS A 1416 : 1994 "Method for laboratory measurement of sound transmission loss" and Architectural Institute of Japan Standard "Measurement method on sound transmission loss of small building elements".
Sound receiving side (Reverberation room No.3) Volume 180.0m3 Air layer (t50) Sound source side Neoplane rubber Test specimen Test specimen SP. Sound source side (Reverberation room No.2) 178.5m3

Test method

Main composition Air-to-Air Energy Recovery Ventilator Test specimen Manufacture date Size (unit : mm) May. 18th, 2001 W1231 H398 D1521 (ANNEXED DRAWINGS No.1,2 show details.) Pipe joint in the sound receiving room side (Portion A in ANNEXED DRAWING No.1) had been filled with oil clay and then winded with onefold aluminum tape, sound insulation sheet and glass wool around duct successively.

Chain block (2t) Sound receiving side


Test specimen

Filled sand Cavity concrete block (t190) Filled inside with sand Mortared both side (t15) F. L.

MIC. 2ch selector Real time analyzer Computer system Printer Amplifier Equalizer Noise generator



Fig. 1 Testing setup (unit : mm)

May. 18th, 2001 Heat & Acoustics Laboratory, Building Physics Dept. Test 254 mm 2 General Building Research Corporation of Japa laboratory 5-8-1 Fujishirodai, Suita-shi, Osaka 565-0873, Japan 22.0C, 62%RH (Receiving room) Sound Revised sound Center Average sound pressure level (dB) Equivalent absorption transmission transmission Level area in receiving frequency Source Receiving loss loss room Ls room Lr difference D room A (m2) TL (dB) TLc (dB) (Hz) 70 11 10 2.65 24.0 59.3 83.3 100 Air-to-Air Energy Recovery Ventilator 6 6 3.21 21.0 62.8 83.8 125 LGH-100RX3-E 10 9 3.69 24.5 61.0 85.5 160 60 13 12 3.48 27.3 58.7 86.0 200 13 12 3.54 27.8 58.3 86.1 250 50 12 12 3.96 28.0 57.0 85.0 315 Level difference between 16 16 4.40 31.9 54.3 86.2 400 the source room and the 19 18 4.62 35.0 49.4 84.4 receiving room 500 40 17 17 4.80 34.0 50.7 84.7 630 20 20 5.06 36.8 48.7 85.5 800 Revised sound 22 22 5.58 39.3 47.7 87.0 1000 30 transmission loss 24 24 6.26 41.5 47.7 89.2 1250 23 23 7.03 41.9 47.4 89.3 1600 25 25 7.57 43.7 47.0 90.7 2000 20 25 25 8.62 44.6 48.2 92.8 2500 Sound transmission loss 25 25 10.19 45.2 48.2 83.4 3150 10 25 25 12.42 46.2 48.8 95.0 4000 26 26 15.51 47.4 47.6 95.0 5000 Note 1. The left graph shows level difference with (revised) sound transmission loss. 2. Page 4* shows method of calculating (revised) sound transmission loss. 3. Test specimen area (Sound transmitting area) is S = 0.10134m2 (254mm 2) for calculating (revised) sound transmission loss. 4. An arithmetic mean of revised sound transmission loss (1/3 octave, 125Hz - 4000Hz)....18.4dB
Sound transmission loss (dB)
0 125 250 500 1000 2000 4000

Date of test Sound transmitting size Air temperature, Relative humidity

Test results

Center frequency (Hz)

The persons in charge of the test

Iwao Kurahashi (Head) Takao Waki (Section chief) Mitsuo Morimoto (Section chief)

* Page 4 is in the certificate of this test. 33

CHAPTER 3 General Technical Considerations

8. Change in Lossnay Core Over Time

The following details show an example of a building that has installed the Lossnay units, from which it is possible to assess the change in the units over time.

8.1 Outline of building where Lossnay is installed

(1) (2) (3) (4) Building name No. of floors Total floor space Reference floor space : Meiji Seimei, Nagoya Office/shop building 1-1 Shinsakae-machi Naka-ku, Nagoya : 16 above ground, 2-storey penthouse, 4 basement floors : 38,893 m2 : 1,388 m2

8.2 Outline of installed ventilation equipment

(1) Air handling method : 4 fan coil units (perimeter zone) per floor Chilling unit : Absorption-type 250 kT 1 unit, turbo 250 kT 2 units Gas direct heating/cooling boiler : 340 kT, heating 1630 kW Ventilation method : Air - air total heat recovery unit Lossnay LS-200 18 units installed in penthouse. Outdoor air treatment volume 46,231 CMH, Exhaust air treatment volume 54,335 CMH. + : LS-200* (with four Lossnay Cores)



Lossnay outline diagram

Lossnay duct system diagram

General diagram of penthouse Lossnay chamber


Exhaust air

OA side by-pass damper Lossnay Outdoor air OA fan (for intake)

43 00

RA side by-pass damper





Loss nay




4080 1300


RA fan (for exhaust)





0 04

Unit (mm)

* Core pertition plate pitch is same as LGH-RX4-E series. It is narrower than pitches of both LGH-40ES and LU-500.


CHAPTER 3 General Technical Considerations

8.3 Outline of Lossnay operation

(1) Start of operation Start of daily operation End of daily operation Inspection after usage Bypass operation month Total operation time : September 1972 : 7:00 Average daily operation 11 hours : 18:00

(2) (3) (4)

: November 1983 : Three months of April, May, June : (134 33) months 25 days/month 11 hours/day = 27,775 hours

8.4 Characteristics in change of Lossnay Core over time

Static pressure loss (mmH2O) Recovery efficiencies (%)

Two Lossnay Cores were removed from the 18 Lossnay LS-200 installed in the Meiji Seimei Building, and the static pressure loss and exchange efficiencies were measured. The comparison with the initial value is shown on the right. The appropriate air volume for one Lossnay Core is 500 m3/hr, and the measurement point was 200 m3/hr of this value.

Characteristics in change of Lossnay Core over time

Data from delivery (1974) Data from 1983

Heat recovery efficiency


Enthalpy recovery efficiency during heating

70 30 60 20


Static pressure Loss




Treated air volume (m3/h)

8.5 Conclusion
(1) Changes in the characteristics of the Lossnay Core after approximately eleven years of use and an estimated 28,000 operation hours were not found. In numerical values, the static pressure loss was 150 to 160 Pa at 500 m3/hr which was a 10 Pa increase, and the exchange efficiencies had decreased slightly at above 500 m3/hr. However, this is considered to be insignificant and remained in the measurement error range. (2) Looking at the appearance, the Core surface was black with dust, but there were no gaps, deformation or mold that would pose problems during practical use.


CHAPTER 3 General Technical Considerations

9. Comparison of Heat Recovery Techniques

The methods by which heat recovery devices can be categorised may be considered as follows: Basic methods of total heat exchangersa
Country of Type Heat recovery principle
Static (Mitsubishi Lossnay) Rotary type

Conductive transmission type Heat accumulation/ humidity accumulation type

Air flow




9.1 Principle construction of rotary-type

The rotary-type heat recovery unit is composed of a rotor that has a layered honeycomb structure made of kraft paper, drive motor and housing. A large quantity of moisture absorbent material (lithium chloride, etc.) is applied onto the rotor, and humidity is transferred. The rotor is rotated eight times a minute by the drive motor.

Exhaust Approx. 1.5 Fresh air Purge sector

Drive motor

Power supply AC 200 V 50/60 Hz

The principle of this rotary-type is for example when cooling, the high temperature and high humidity fresh air passes through the rotor, with the heat and humidity being absorbed by the rotor. As the rotor is rotating, it moves into the exhaust air passage, and the heat and humidity is discharged to outdoors because the exhaust is cool and has a low humidity. The rotor rotates and returns to the fresh air passage to absorb the heat and humidity again.

Rotor Supply air Bearing Fresh air Purge sector Exhaust Room side

Return air

Drive motor

Function of purge sector There are two separation plates (purge sector) in the front and back of the rotor to separate the flow of the air. As one of the plates is slightly shifted, part of the fresh air always flows into the exhaust air passage to prevent the exhaust air and fresh air from mixing. (A balanced pressure difference is required.)

Fresh sir A Vr Rotor rotation direction Vs B Return air When a purge sector is mounted, the introduction of the exhaust air in the rotor to the air on the supply side can be prevented. Vr: Rotor speed, Vs: Air speed in relief section


CHAPTER 3 General Technical Considerations

9.2 Comparison of static-type and rotary-type heat recovery units

Item Static-type <Conductive transmission-type: cross-flow> Static-type transmission total heat recovery unit with orthogonally layered honeycomb shaped treated paper formed into multiple layers. As the supply air and exhaust air pass through different passages (sequentially layered), the air passages are completely separated. Rotary-type <Heat accumulation/humidity accumulationtype: counterflow> The rotor core is composed of honeycomb-shaped kraft paper, etc., to which a moisture absorbent is applied (lithium chloride, etc.). This rotor is rotated, and heat accumulation/humidity accumulation heat discharge/humidity discharge of total heat exchange is performed by passing the exhaust and intake airs into a honeycomb passage. Supply air and exhaust airs flow into the same air passage because of the rotary-type construction. Used (rotor driven with belt by gear motor) Rotor core (8 rpm) Treated paper, aluminum plates, etc. Required (periodic cleaning required) Occurs (Dust is smeared into element air passage filter.) (The dust adhered onto the core surface is smeared into the air passage by the purge sector packing. Thus, it cannot be removed easily and the air volume decreases.)

Construction/ principle

Moving parts Material quality Mounting of prefilter


Fixed core Treated paper Required (periodic cleaning required)

Occurs (state where dirt adheres onto element air

Element clogging

passage surface. However, this is easily removed with a vacuum cleaner.)

Air leakage Gas transmission rate

Purged air volume occurs Approximately 2.5% air leak at standard fan To prevent leakage of exhaust to the air intake side, a position. purge air volume (6 to 14%) leak is created to the Leaks on the air supply side can be reduced to 0 by exhaust side. Thus, there are problems in the purge leaking the loss air volume (approx. 10%) on the sector operation conditions (pressure difference, exhaust side with the fan position to the core. speed), and the air volume balance must be balanced. Gas transmission ( Ammonia : 28%, : 45-57%, hydrogen sulfide : approx. 6.7%) Gas transmission (Ammonia hydrogen sulfide : approx. 3.2-4%)
Low (As air intake/exhaust are separate,

Bacteria transmission rate Operation during off-seasons

transmission is low.)

High (As air intake/exhaust are the same, transmission is high.) Bypass circuit required (Required on both air intake and exhaust air outlet sides) (In theory, operation is possible by stopping the rotation, but the core will over-absorb, causing drainage.) Core cleaning: Once every one to two years Cleaning is difficult as dust is smeared into core with the packing. Gear motor for rotor drive : Periodic inspection Rotor bearing, rotor drive belt : Periodic inspection Core: Semi-permanent (10 years or more) (Periodic replacement is required according to the rotor bearings and core clogging.) Rotor drive belt : Periodic replacement Drive motor, rotor bearing : Periodic replacement Large type only Small models are difficult to design because of the rotor magnitude. Example EV-1500

Bypass circuit required (OK on one side of air intake and exhaust air outlet passage)


Core cleaning: More than once a year The core surface will clog with lint and dirt, but cleaning is easy with a vacuum cleaner. Only the two core air passage intakes need to be cleaned. Core: Semi-permanent (10 years or more) (The static-type does not break.)


Model system and comparison Standard treatment air volume Enthalpy recovery efficiency Pressure loss Installation space (W D H) (mm) Measure of useability

o Available from small to large. o Characteristic design of small

and medium models possible. Large models are easy to match to machine room layout. 40 to 25,000 m3/h

Example LU-1605

8,000 m3/h Temperature:77% Enthalpy Heating : 71% Cooling : 66% 170 Pa

o 100 to 63,000 m3/h

8,000 m3/h

74% 180 Pa Large capacity models are effective 320 1700 1700

Effective for small to medium capacity 600 2100 2540 (Layout is free according to combination.)

o Average



CHAPTER 4 Characteristics

CHAPTER 4 Characteristics

1. How to Read the LGH Series Lossnay Characteristic Curves

1.1 Obtaining characteristics from static pressure loss
(1) Static pressure loss from straight pipe duct length (at required air volume) (2) Static pressure loss at curved section (at required air volume) (3) Static pressure loss of related parts (at required air volume) Total static pressure loss
Estimated static pressure loss curve obtained from 1 and 2 Static pressure

3 4 Intersection with air volume static pressure characteristic curve

6 Static pressure loss at application point

2 Total static pressure loss

1 Required air 5 Air volume at application point volume Air volume

2. Calculating the Static Pressure Loss

2.1 How to read the air volume - static pressure curve
It is important to know the amount of static pressure loss applied onto the Lossnay when using parts such as ducts for the air distribution. If the static pressure increases, the air volume will decrease. The air volume - static pressure curve (Q-H curve) shows this percentage. A static pressure of 19.6 Pa is applied on to point A, and the air volume is 500 m3/h. The duct resistivity curve shows how the static pressure is applied when a duct is connected to the Lossnay. Thus, the L = 9.97 m duct resistivity curve in the diagram is the curve that shows how the static pressure is applied when a 10 m duct is connected. The intersecting point A with the Lossnay Q-H curve is the operation point. This calculation should be done for both SA and EA.

Static pressure

H Qe rv cu

19.6 Pa
rve ity cu sistiv e r t Duc



Air volume


Duct resistivity curve The duct resistivity curve shows how much static pressure a duct will apply on the Lossnay, as explained above. In general, the interrelation between the duct and static pressure is as follows:
Duct When duct is long If length is the same but the air volume increases If the duct diameter is narrow If the duct inner surface is rough (such as a spiral) Static pressure Increases
Static pressure
h) gt len t m uc 20 (D

Increases Increases Increases




Air volume


CHAPTER 4 Characteristics
Calculation of duct pressure loss for 150,200RX4 Hypothetical curve for one of upper and lower units is 1/2 of 150,200RX4 specification curve on the horizontal line of some static pressure. Calculating each unit, use this curve as the specification curve. Specification curve for 200 and 150RX4 type are combine of indoor and outdoor duct pressure loss in the condition that 2 of upper and lower units are same specification. * Duct length of specification curve is not sum of each doct of upper and lower unit. Reference The pressure loss caused by the outdoor air is as follows: Pressure loss caused by outdoor air (Pa) = r 2 V2 = 1.2 2 (velocity)2
Outdoor air pressure (Pa)

Static pressure

150,200RX4 specification curve Hypothetical curve for one of upper and lower units

Air volume

180 160 140 120 100 80 60 40 20 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 16 18 Outdoor air (m/s)

r : Air weight 1.2 {v : Velocity (m/s)


2.2 Calculation of duct pressure loss

When selecting a model that is to be used with a duct, calculate the volumes according to Tables 3, 4, 5 and 6, and then select the unit according to the air volume and static pressure curve.

(1) Calculation of a rectangular pipe

Table 3 Conversion table from rectangular pipe to circular pipe
The circular pipe diameter having equal hydraulic radius
25 24 23 22 21 20 19 18 17 16 15 14
18 17 21

(2) How to obtain the duct resistivity

Table 4 Circular duct friction loss (steel plate duct, inner roughness = 0.18 mm)
1,000,000 800,000 600,000 400,000 200,000
9 8


5 d= 0 0cm d

0.4 0.6 0.8 1.0

0 =4 0cm
35 0

Friction loss
2.0 4.0

6.0 8.0 10
V= 50 m/s


30 40 50 60 80 100


0 25 0 20
20 25




0 16 0 14 0 12 0

Circular pipe diameter

Air volume (m3/h)

20 19


100,000 80,000 60,000 40,000 20,000 10,000 8,000 6,000 4,000 2,000




0cm 90
80 70
V= 50

Long side of rectangular pipe

13 12 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1

15 14 13 12


60 50 45 40



30 25

50 40



20 18 16 14 12 10 9 8 7 6 5





3 2 1 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17

10 9 8 7 6


8 7 6

1,000 800 600



4 3

400 200 100

Short side of rectangular pipe





0.4 0.6 0.8 1.0

Friction loss (Pa/m)



6.0 8.0 10


30 40 50 60 80 100

Air volume: 7000 m3/h

How to read Table 3 Select the unit as per each duct. In the above example, the 520 rectangular pipe only goes as far as 17. Thus, the long side, short side and converted circular pipe values are all multiplied by 100. The point 560 where the two lines cross is hence the value where the rectangular pipe equates to the circular pipe.

How to read Table 4 The point where the line of the circular duct diameter (leftward slanting line) and of the required air velocity (horizontal line) intersect is the pressure loss per 1 m of duct. The value of the slanted line to the lower right of the intersecting point is the average velocity.

(Outline of Table 4)
560mm Duct diameter

Average velocity 8 m/s

Resistance 1.17Pa/m


CHAPTER 4 Characteristics
The figure obtained from Table 4 must then be corrected for duct type at various velocities. This can be done using Table 5 below. Table 5 Friction coefficient compensation table
Duct inner surface Very rough surface Rough Very smooth Example Concrete finish Mortar finish Drawn steel pipe Vinyl pipe Average velocity (m/sec) 5 1.7 1.3 0.92 10 1.8 1.35 0.85 15 1.85 1.35 0.82 20 1.9 1.37 0.8

An alternative, more detailed method for determining the pressure loss in duct work is as shown using the following formula: Circular pipe section pressure loss : Friction resistance coefficient (smooth pipe 0.025) C : Local loss coefficient (refer to Table 6) d : Duct diameter (m) : Duct length (m) R : Air weight (1.2 kg/m2) v : Wind velocity (m/s)

p = R v2 (Pa) 2 d
p = C

2 v (Pa) 2 = 0.6 C v2


CHAPTER 4 Characteristics
(3) How to calculate curved sections
Table 6 List of pressure losses in each duct section
No. Duct section 90 Smooth Elbow Outline diagram Conditions R/D = 0.5 = 0.75 = 1.0 = 1.5 = 2.0 W/D R/D 0.5 0.75 0.5 1.0 1.5 0.5 0.75 1-3 1.0 1.5 No. of R/D vanes 0.5 0.75 1 1.0 1.5 0.5 0.75 2 1.0 1.5

C value 0.73 0.38 0.26 0.17 0.15 1.30 0.47 0.28 0.18 0.95 0.33 0.20 0.13 0.70 0.16 0.13 0.12 0.45 0.12 0.10 0.15 0.87

Length of equivalent circular pipe


Duct section

Outline diagram Conditions

C value 0.15

Length of equivalent circular pipe

43D 23D 15D 10D 9D 79D 29D 17D 11D 57D 20D 12D 8D 42D 10D 8D 7D 27D 7D 6D 9D 53D

12 Transformer
14 or less



Abrupt Entrance Abrupt Exit Bellmouth Entrance Bellmouth Exit Re-entrant inlet V1/V2 = 0 0.25 0.50 0.75 1 Loss is for V2 20 40 60 90 120 20 40 50 90 120






Rectangular Radius Elbow







Rectangular Vaned Radius Elbow


0.85 2.8 2.4 1.9 1.5 1.0

51D 170D 140D 110D 90D 60D


Sharp edge round orifice

90 Miter Elbow Rectangular Square Square Elbow Rectangular Vaned Square Elbow Rectangular Vaned Square Junction Rectangular Vaned Radius Junction 45 Smooth Elbow



Pipe inlet (with 19 circular hood)

0.02 0.03 0.05 0.11 0.20 0.03 0.08 0.12 0.19 0.27 0.5 0.45 0.32 0.18 30D 27D 19D 11D



Pipe inlet (with 20 rectangular hood)

Same loss as circular duct. Velocity is based on inlet. 21

With or without vanes, 1/2 times value rectangular or for similar 90 circular

Abrupt contraction

V1/V2 = 0 0.25 0.50 0.75 Loss is for V2 V1/V2 = 0 0.20 0.40 0.60 0.80 Loss is for V1 Free are ratio 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8

10 Expansion

11 Contraction

a = 5 10 20 30 40 Loss is for hV1 - hV2 a = 30 45 60 Loss is for V2

0.17 0.28 0.45 0.59 0.73

10D 17D 27D 36D 43D


Abrupt expansion

1.0 0.64 0.36 0.16 0.04

60D 39D 22D 9D 2D

0.02 0.04 0.07

1D 2D 4D

Suction inlet 23 (punched narrow plate)

35 7.6 3.0 1.2


CHAPTER 4 Characteristics

3. How to Obtain Efficiency from Characteristic Curves

3.1 Commercial-use Lossnay
How to read Commercial-use Lossnay characteristic curve
Recovery Static pressure Te mp efficiency outside unit reco erature very effic ienc y 5 Recovery efficiency Enthalpy recovery efficiency (heating) Enthalpy recovery efficiency (cooling) 1 Total static pressure loss (or total straight pipe equivalent length) Static pressure loss related parts (straight pipe equivalent length total) 4 Static pressure outside unit Pipe length

High notch air volume at 60 Hz At 50 Hz, equivalent to 60 Hz at dotted line Low notch air volume at 60 Hz 3

Obtaining the efficiency when supply air and exhaust air volumes differ The efficiency obtained from the intake side air value in each characteristic curve can be corrected with the air volume ratio in the chart on the right. If the intake side and exhaust side duct lengths differ greatly or if a differential air volume is required, obtain the intake side efficiency from the chart on the right. Heat recovery efficiency correction curve
Heat recovery efficiency (%) 90 Air volume ratio = 0.5 Exhaust air volume Supply air volume 0.7 0.8 0.9 1.2 1.3 1.0 1.1 1.4

Air volume ratio =

Exhaust air volume Supply air volume


Efficiency obtained from supply side air volume (%)


Efficiency obtained with air volume on supply side from characteristic curve




Supply side efficiency after correction

40 50 60 70 80 90 100 Corrected heat recovery efficiency (%)

3.2 Building-use Lossnay

How to read LU type Lossnay characteristic curves

Heat recovery efficiency when exhaust air volume and supply air volume are the same

Air volume ratio =

Exhaust air volume Supply air volume

Static pressure loss on supply side

Temp Efficiency correction curve eratu Enth re re a cove Enth lpy recov ry eff ery e alpy icien ff reco cy icien cy (h very eatin effic g) it ienc un y (c ooli ide ng) ins ure s s pre tic Sta

Static pressure loss on exhaust side

Required air volume on supply side Required air volume on exhaust side

Heat recovery efficiency on supply side when exhaust air volume and supply air volume differ


CHAPTER 4 Characteristics

4. Sound
Sound is emitted when any object is excited causing it to vibrate. The object that vibrates is called the sound source, and the energy that is generated at the source is transmitted through the air to the human ear. Humans can hear the sound only when the ear drum vibrates.

4.1 Sound level and auditory perception

Sound level is the sound wave energy that passes through a unit area in a unit time, and is expressed in dB (decibel) units. The sound heard by the human ear differs according to the strength of the sound and the frequency, and the relation to the pure tone sound is as shown on the right. The vertical line shows the strength of the sound and the horizontal line shows the frequency. For frequencies between 20 Hz to 15,000 Hz which can be felt by the human ear, the strength of sound that can be felt that is equivalent to a 1,000 Hz sound is obtained for each frequency. The point where these points cross is the sound level curve, and a sound pressure level numerical value of 1,000 Hz is expressed. These are called units of phons. For example, the point on the 60 curve is perceived as 60 phons. On average, the human senses a sound that is less than 1,000 Hz as rather weak, and a sound between 2,000 to 5,000 Hz as strong. ISO audio perception curve

120 dB 100

200 20 2 0.2 0.02 0.002 0.0002

Sound level (dB)

80 60 40
Minim um a udible valve

20 4.2

Frequency (Hz)

Sound presure (Microbar)

Sound strength (W / cm2)

4.2 How to measure sound levels

A sound level meter (JIS C 1502, IEC 651) is used to measure sound levels. This sound level meter has three characteristics (A, B and C characteristics) as shown on the right. These represent various sound wave characteristics. Generally, the A characteristic, which is the most similar to the human ear, is used.
Response (dB)

C characteristic

B characteristic

A characteristic

Frequency (Hz)


CHAPTER 4 Characteristics

4.3 Frequency analysis of sound

It is said that the human ear senses differently according to the frequency. However, the sound generated from a vibration is not limited to one frequency, but instead, various frequencies are generated at differing levels. This is expressed by the NC curve, which is determined according to the difficulty of hearing a conversation. Even if the sound is a very low level, it is annoying if a specific frequency is emitted very loudly. These sounds are suppressed to a minimum during product design stages, but, the sound may become very disturbing with resonance of the ceiling, wall, etc. Example Continuous frequency analysis NC curve

Level (dB)

Frequency (Hz) Min. audible limit

SPL (dB)

Frequency band (Hz)

Tolerable noise levels and NC values according to room application

Room application Broadcasting studio Music hall Theatre (approx. 500 seats) Classroom Conference room Apartment Hotel Housing (room) dB 25 30 35 40 40 40 40 40 NC value 15 - 20 20 20 - 25 25 25 25 - 30 25 - 30 25 - 30 Room application Cinema Hospital Library Small office Restaurant Gymnasium Large conference room Factory dB 40 35 40 45 50 55 50 70 NC value 30 30 30 30 - 35 45 50 45 50 or more


CHAPTER 4 Characteristics

* Approximate values of noise levels using practical examples The following diagram shows noises found near us. Approximate degree of noise levels can be seen with these examples. * Noise levels and perception

Boiler making Forginb, rivetting, rock drilling Crusher Engine, large motor Noisy factory Subway

(dB) 130 120 110 100 90 80 Transportation facilities

(Perception at site) Painful to ear Slight pain to ear Want to cover ear Conversation with person in front of you is not possible Conversation is not possible unless voice is raised Voice is raised intentionally to converse Loud, but normal conversation is possible Sound is always audible and is disturbing Quiet but not relaxing

Near airplane engine Automobile horn (2 m away) Train with open window in tunnel Train passing on overhead tracks Train passing through shopping district Shopping district with heavy traffic In busy office Among quiet group of pedestrians In quiet group of persons In broadcasting studio Sound of leaves brushing against each other


Normal machine factory Office

Computer room Typing room Many people Few people

Overhead train

70 60 Conversation

Passenger car Business and industrial district

50 40

30 20 10 0

Relaxing Dead quiet

Housing district

Suburb Quiet night

Source: Heibon Sha, industrial Encyclopedia


CHAPTER 4 Characteristics

4.4 Indoor noise

(1) Principle of indoor noise
1) Power levels The Power level (PWL) of the sound source must be understood when considering noise effects. The following formula is used to obtain PWL from the measured sound pressure data (values noted in catalog) in an anechoic chamber. PWL = SPLo + 20 logro + 11 [dB]. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . (I) PWL : Sound source power level (dB) SPLo : Measured sound pressure in anechoic chamber (dB) ro : Measurement distance (m) 2) Principal model Consider the room shown in Figs. 1 and 2. Fig. 1 shows an example of the integrated main unit and supply air diffuser (and return grille). This is equivalent to the cassette-type Lossnay. Fig. 2 shows an example of a separated main unit and supply air diffuser (and return grille). This is equivalent to the ceiling embedded-type Lossnay.
Supply air diffuser (return grille)

Fig. 1
Main unit


Fig. 2
Main unit

is the direct sound from the supply air diffuser (return grille) and is the echo sound. ( 1 to 3 ) is the direct sound that is emitted from the main unit and duct and passes through the finished ceiling and leaks. is the echo sound of .

Supply air diffuser (return grille)

3) Setting of noise The following formula is used to obtain the noise value at a position in the room. SPL [dB] = PWL + 10 log

Q + 4 4r2 R


Fig. 3 (Sound source position and directivity factor Q)

c b

(i) SPL PWL Q r R S : : : : : :


Sound pressure level at reception point [dB] Sound source power level [dB] Directivity factor (Refer to Fig. 3) Distance from sound source [m] Room constant [R = S/(1 )] Average sound absorption ratio in room (Normally, 0.1 to 0.2) : Total surface area in room [m2]
Sound source position a b c d Centre of room Centre of ceiling Edge Corner Q 1 2 4 8


CHAPTER 4 Characteristics

For the supply air diffuser (and return grille) in Fig. 2, PWL must be corrected for the noise alternation provided by the duct work (TL) such that: PWL = PWL TL

Transmission loss in ceiling material (dB) Example

Material ( ) indicates thickness (mm) Average Frequency band (Hz) 125 250 500 1,000 2,000 4,000 Plaster board (7) 20 10 11 19 26 34 42 Plaster board (9) 22 12 15 21 28 35 39 Lauan plywood (12) 23 20 21 23 26 24

Item i in formula (II) is the direct sound ( , ), and ii is the echo sound ( , ). The number of sound sources in the room (main unit, supply air diffuser, return grille etc.) is obtained by calculating formula (II), and combining the number with formula (III). SPL = 10 log (10 SPL1/10 + 10 SPL2/10) ............................(III)

The average sound absorption rate in the room and the ceiling transmission loss differ according to the frequency, so formula (II) is calculated for each frequwncy band, and is combined with formula (III) for an accurate value.

(2) Avoiding noise disturbance from Lossnay unit

1) When unit air passage behind ceiling is sound source (Fig. 1 , , Fig. 2 1 to 3 , ) (A) Avoid the following types of construction when disturbing noise may be emitted from large units. (Refer to Fig. 4) a) Sudden contraction of duct diameter (Ex. 250 150, 200 100) b) Sudden curves in aluminum flexible ducts, etc. (Especially right after unit outlet) c) Opening in ceiling plates d) Suspension on weak material (B) The following countermeasures should be taken. (Refer to Fig. 5) a) Use ceiling material with high soundproofing properties (high transmission loss). (Care is required for low frequency components as the difference in material is great). b) Addition of soundproofing material to areas below sound source. (The entire surface must be covered when using soundproofing sheets. Note, that in some cases, covering of the area around the unit may not be possible due to the heat generated from the unit.) Fig. 4
a) d) c) b)

Fig. 5
a) b)


CHAPTER 4 Characteristics
2) When supply air diffuser (and return grille) is sound source ..... part 1 (A) If the main unit is separated from the supply air diffuser (and return grille) as shown in Fig. 6, the use of a silencer box a), silence duct b) or silence grille c) is recommended. Fig. 6
a) b) c)

(B) If a draft sound is being emitted from the supply air diffuser (and return grille), branch the flow as shown in Fig. 7 a), lower the flow velocity with a grille, and add a silencer duct to section b). (If the length is the same, a silencer duct with the small diameter is more effective.)

Fig. 7
a) b)

3) When supply air diffuser (and return grille) is sound source ..... part 2 (A) If the main unit and supply air diffuser (and return grille) are integrated as shown in Fig. 8, or if the measures taken in 2) a) and b) are inadequate, the interior material in the room can be changed to that having a high sound absorbency as shown in Fig. 8 a). This is not, however, very effective towards direct sounds. (B) Installing the sound source in the corner of the room as shown in Fig. 8 b) is effective towards the center of the room, but will be inadequate towards people in the corner of the room.

Fig. 8
a) b)


CHAPTER 4 Characteristics

5. NC Curves (LGH-RX4 Series)

Ceiling embedded-type
LGH-15RX4 Background noise Measurement site Operation conditions Power supply
90 85 80 Octave band sound pressure level (dB) 75 70 65 60 55 50 45 40 35 30 25 20 15 10 Overall 62.5 125 250 500 1000 2000 4000 8000 Extra high High Low
NC-10 NC-40 NC-50 NC-60 NC-70

: 25 dB or less (A range) : Anechoic chamber : Lossnay ventilation : 240 V 50 Hz

1.5 m below

Background noise Measurement site Operation conditions Power supply

90 85 Octave band sound pressure level (dB)
Measurement point

: 25 dB or less (A range) : Anechoic chamber : Lossnay ventilation : 220 V 60 Hz

1.5 m below Measurement point

80 75 70 65 60 55 50 45 40 Extra high 35 High 30 Low 25 20 15 10 Overall 62.5 125 250 500

NC-10 NC-40 NC-50 NC-60





1000 2000 4000 8000

Octave band frequency near center (Hz)

Octave band frequency near center (Hz)

LGH-25RX4 Background noise Measurement site Operation conditions Power supply

90 85 80 Octave band sound pressure level (dB) 75 70 65 60 55 50 45 40 35 30 25 20 15 10 Overall 62.5 125 250 500 1000 2000 4000 8000 Extra high High Low
-1 NC 0

: 25 dB or less (A range) : Anechoic chamber : Lossnay ventilation : 240 V 50 Hz

1.5 m below

Background noise Measurement site Operation conditions Power supply

90 85 Octave band sound pressure level (dB)
Measurement point

: 25 dB or less (A range) : Anechoic chamber : Lossnay ventilation : 220 V 60 Hz

1.5 m below Measurement point

80 75 70 65 60 55 50 45 40 35 30 25 20 15 10 Overall 62.5 125 250 500 Extra high High Low

NC-40 NC-50 NC-60






-1 0



1000 2000 4000 8000

Octave band frequency near center (Hz)

Octave band frequency near center (Hz)

LGH-35RX4 Background noise Measurement site Operation conditions Power supply

90 85 80 Octave band sound pressure level (dB) 75 70 65 60 55 50 45 Extra 40 high 35 High 30 25 20 15 10 Overall 62.5 125 250 500

: 25 dB or less (A range) : Anechoic chamber : Lossnay ventilation : 240 V 50 Hz

1.5 m below

Background noise Measurement site Operation conditions Power supply

90 85 Octave band sound pressure level (dB)
Measurement point

: 25 dB or less (A range) : Anechoic chamber : Lossnay ventilation : 220 V 60 Hz

1.5 m below Measurement point

80 75 70 65 60 55 50 45 40 Extra high 35 High 30 25 Low 20 15 10 Overall 62.5 125 250 500

NC-40 NC-50 NC-60






NC -1 0



1000 2000 4000 8000

1000 2000 4000 8000

Octave band frequency near center (Hz)

Octave band frequency near center (Hz)


CHAPTER 4 Characteristics
LGH-50RX4 Background noise Measurement site Operation conditions Power supply
90 85 80 Octave band sound pressure level (dB) 75 70 65 60 55 50 45 Extra high 40 High 35 Low 30 25 20 15 10 Overall 62.5 125 250 500
NC-10 NC-20 NC-50 NC-60 NC-70

: 25 dB or less (A range) : Anechoic chamber : Lossnay ventilation : 240 V 50 Hz

1.5 m below

Background noise Measurement site Operation conditions Power supply

90 85 Octave band sound pressure level (dB)
Measurement point

: 25 dB or less (A range) : Anechoic chamber : Lossnay ventilation : 220 V 60 Hz

1.5 m below Measurement point

80 75 70 65 60 55 50 45 Extra 40 high 35 High 30 25 20 15 10 Overall 62.5 125 250

NC -10









1000 2000 4000 8000


1000 2000 4000 8000

Octave band frequency near center (Hz)

Octave band frequency near center (Hz)

LGH-65RX4 Background noise Measurement site Operation conditions Power supply

90 85 80 Octave band sound pressure level (dB) 75 70 65 60 55 50 45 Extra high 40 High Low 35 30 25 20 15 10 Overall 62.5 125 250 500
NC-10 NC-20 NC-50 NC-60 NC-70

: 25 dB or less (A range) : Anechoic chamber : Lossnay ventilation : 240 V 50 Hz

1.5 m below

Background noise Measurement site Operation conditions Power supply

90 85 Octave band sound pressure level (dB)
Measurement point

: 25 dB or less (A range) : Anechoic chamber : Lossnay ventilation : 220 V 60 Hz

1.5 m below Measurement point

80 75 70 65 60 55 50 45 40 35 30 25 20 15 10 Overall 62.5 125 250 500

NC-10 NC-20 NC-60


Extra high High Low





1000 2000 4000 8000

1000 2000 4000 8000

Octave band frequency near center (Hz)

Octave band frequency near center (Hz)

LGH-80RX4 Background noise Measurement site Operation conditions Power supply

90 85 80 Octave band sound pressure level (dB) 75 70 65 60 55 50 Extra high 45 High Low 40 35 30 25 20 15 10 Overall 62.5 125 250 500
NC-10 NC-20 NC-30 NC-50 NC-60 NC-70

: 25 dB or less (A range) : Anechoic chamber : Lossnay ventilation : 240 V 50 Hz

1.5 m below

Background noise Measurement site Operation conditions Power supply

90 85 Octave band sound pressure level (dB)
Measurement point

: 25 dB or less (A range) : Anechoic chamber : Lossnay ventilation : 220 V 60 Hz

1.5 m below Measurement point

80 75 70 65 60 55 50 Extra high 45 High 40 Low 35 30 25 20 15 10 Overall 62.5 125 250 500

NC-10 NC-20 NC-30 NC-50 NC-60



1000 2000 4000 8000

1000 2000 4000 8000

Octave band frequency near center (Hz)

Octave band frequency near center (Hz)


CHAPTER 4 Characteristics
LGH-100RX4 Background noise Measurement site Operation conditions Power supply
90 85 80 Octave band sound pressure level (dB) 75 70 65 60 55 Extra 50 high 45 High Low 40 35 30 25 20 15 10 Overall 62.5 125 250 500 1000 2000 NC-10 4000 8000
NC-20 NC-30 NC-60 NC-70

: 25 dB or less (A range) : Anechoic chamber : Lossnay ventilation : 240 V 50 Hz

1.5 m below

Background noise Measurement site Operation conditions Power supply

90 85 Octave band sound pressure level (dB)
Measurement point

: 25 dB or less (A range) : Anechoic chamber : Lossnay ventilation : 220 V 60 Hz

1.5 m below Measurement point

80 75 70 65 60 55 50 45 40 35 30 25 20 15 10 Overall 62.5 125 250 500

NC-10 NC-20 NC-30 NC-60



Extra high High Low



1000 2000 4000 8000

Octave band frequency near center (Hz)

Octave band frequency near center (Hz)

LGH-150RX4 Background noise Measurement site Operation conditions Power supply

90 85 80 Octave band sound pressure level (dB) 75 70 65 60 55 50 Extra high 45 High Low 40 35 30 25 20 15 10 Overall 62.5 125 250 500
NC -20

: 25 dB or less (A range) : Anechoic chamber : Lossnay ventilation : 240 V 50 Hz

1.5 m below

Background noise Measurement site Operation conditions Power supply

90 85 Octave band sound pressure level (dB)
Measurement point

: 25 dB or less (A range) : Anechoic chamber : Lossnay ventilation : 220 V 60 Hz

1.5 m below Measurement point

80 75 70 65 60 55 Extra 50 high 45 High Low 40 35 30 25 20 15 10 Overall 62.5 125 250 500

NC -20









1000 2000 4000 8000

1000 2000 4000 8000

Octave band frequency near center (Hz)

Octave band frequency near center (Hz)

LGH-200RX4 Background noise Measurement site Operation conditions Power supply

90 85 80 Octave band sound pressure level (dB) 75 70 65 60 55 Extra high 50 High 45 Low 40 35 30 25 20 15 10 Overall 62.5 125 250 500
NC-10 NC-20 NC-30 NC-60 NC-70

: 25 dB or less (A range) : Anechoic chamber : Lossnay ventilation : 240 V 50 Hz

1.5 m below

Background noise Measurement site Operation conditions Power supply

90 85 Octave band sound pressure level (dB)
Measurement point

: 25 dB or less (A range) : Anechoic chamber : Lossnay ventilation : 220 V 60 Hz

1.5 m below Measurement point

80 75 70 65 60 55 Extra 50 high High 45 Low 40 35 30 25 20 15 10 Overall 62.5 125 250 500

NC -20







1000 2000 4000 8000

1000 2000 4000 8000

Octave band frequency near center (Hz)

Octave band frequency near center (Hz)


Filter Dimensions Qty 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 4 4 2 Gravitational Self-extinguishing method 82% / EU3 urethane foam -10C to +40C RH80% or less Gravitational Self-extinguishing method 82% / EU3 urethane foam -10C to +40C RH80% or less Gravitational Self-extinguishing method 82% / EU3 urethane foam -10C to +40C RH80% or less Gravitational Self-extinguishing method 82% / EU3 urethane foam -10C to +40C RH80% or less Gravitational Self-extinguishing method 82% / EU3 urethane foam -10C to +40C RH80% or less Gravitational Self-extinguishing method 82% / EU3 urethane foam -10C to +40C RH80% or less Gravitational Self-extinguishing method 82% / EU3 urethane foam -10C to +40C RH80% or less -10C to +40C -10(-15)C to +40C RH80% or less RH80% or less -10C to +40C -10(-15)C to +40C RH80% or less RH80% or less -10C to +40C -10(-15)C to +40C RH80% or less RH80% or less -10C to +40C -10(-15)C to +40C RH80% or less RH80% or less -10C to +40C -10(-15)C to +40C RH80% or less RH80% or less -10C to +40C -10(-15)C to +40C RH80% or less RH80% or less -10C to +40C -10C to +40C RH80% or less RH80% or less Gravitational Self-extinguishing method 82% / EU3 urethane foam -10C to +40C RH80% or less -10C to +40C -10(-15)C to +40C RH80% or less RH80% or less Gravitational Self-extinguishing method 82% / EU3 urethane foam -10C to +40C RH80% or less -10C to +40C -10(-15)C to +40C RH80% or less RH80% or less 549 125 15 653 151 15 784 178 15 926 178 15 852 213 15 880 238 15 1,117 238 15 890 238 15 1,117 238 15 750 160 15 Insulation material Filtering Material efficiency /class Gravitational Self-extinguishing method 82% / EU3 urethane foam Product usage conditions Supply air Exhaust air Ambient temperature conditions (RA) conditions (OA) -10C to +40C -10C to +40C -10(-15)C to +40C RH80% or less RH80% or less RH80% or less Insulation material Qty 4 Material Self-extinguishing urethane foam Paint specification Material Incombustible treated paper 550 487 22 kg Polyester powder Heat recovery core Dimensions Weight with without frame frame/unit Product usage conditions (Ambient temperature, exhaust air, supply air conditions) -10C to +50C RH80% or less






PP resin

Shape, diameter Centrifugal fan 180

Prefilter NP/400


PP resin

Centrifugal fan 180

Prefilter NP/400


PP resin

Centrifugal fan 220

Prefilter NP/400

6. List of Models


PP resin

Centrifugal fan 220

Prefilter NP/400

CHAPTER 4 Characteristics


PP resin

Centrifugal fan 245

Prefilter NP/400


PP resin

Centrifugal fan 245

Prefilter NP/400


PP resin

Centrifugal fan 245

Prefilter NP/400


PP resin

Centrifugal fan 245

Prefilter NP/400


PP resin

Centrifugal fan 245

Prefilter NP/400

6.1 List of material colours for Lossnay


PP resin

Centrifugal fan 200

Prefilter NP/400



Colour Colour Munsell Mitsubishi symbol colour No.



5Y 6.5/1


Steel plate Thickness: 1.6 t

CHAPTER 4 Characteristics

6.2 List of industrial/business Lossnay accessories

Model LGH-15RX4 LGH-25RX4 LGH-35RX4 LGH-50RX4 LGH-65RX4 LGH-80RX4 LGH-100RX4

Accessories Duct connection flanges . . . . . . . . 4 Mounting screws . . . . . . . . . . . . . 18 Protective cover . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 Slim-Lossnay connection cable . . 1

Duct packaging site

* Top view. EA RA

<For installing upside down> (gray : two wires)

OA SA 2 are inserted on top of each other at the SA and EA openings, in the opposite direction.

IB . . . . . . . . . . . 1 IM . . . . . . . . . . . 1

Mounting screws . . . . . . . . . . . . . 16 Duct connection flange . . . . . . . . . 4 Slim-Lossnay connection cable . . 1


LGH-150RX4 LGH-200RX4

(gray : two wires)

2 are inserted in each SA opening of both the top and bottom units.

IB . . . . . . . . . . . 1 IM . . . . . . . . . . . 1

LGH-40ES LU-500

IB . . . . . . . . . . . 1 IM . . . . . . . . . . . 1 IB . . . . . . . . . . . 1


CHAPTER 5 System Design Recommendations

CHAPTER 5 System Design Recommendations

1. Lossnay Usage Conditions

Main unit installation conditions Commercial-use Lossnay Facility Lossnay LU model Lossnays -10C to +40C, RH80% or less -10C to +50C, RH80% or less Outdoor air and exhaust air conditions -10C to + 40C, RH80% or less. Same as left

In some cases special attention needs to be paid to extreme operating conditions. These are described as below:

1.1 Use in cold climates (outdoor temperature: 5C or less)

Plot the Lossnay intake air conditions A and B on a psychrometric chart as shown on the right. If the high temperature side air B intersects the saturation curve such as at C, moisture condensation or frosting will occur on the Lossnay. In this case, the low temperature side air A should be preheated to the temperature indicated by point A so that point C shifts to the point C. The LGH-RX4 type has a built-in preheater control circuit. For more information about heater model selection and wiring method, please refer to the Control volume (Technical manual (Controls) page 40).
Sa tur ati on cu rve


Dry bulb temperature (C)

1.2 Use in high humidity conditions (Relative humidity: 80% or more)

When using the system in high humidity conditions such as heated pools, bathrooms, mushroom cultivation houses, etc., moisture will condense inside the Core, and drainage will occur. In these cases, the general purpose Lossnay that uses treated paper cannot be used. Instead the moisture resistant Lossnay must be used. The following moisture resistant Lossnay models are available. The usage conditions differ so select the model according to the application.

1.3 Use in other special conditions

Avoid using Lossnay under air condition with acid, alkalis, organic solvent, oil mist, paint, or harmful gas as presticide, corrosive gas, etc. Rust, fire or malfunction may occur by brine and hotspring steam. Installing Brine Damage Resistant Filters inside outdoor air duct if the Lossnay operates in the briny air. Outdoor air or mist may flow through the duct into your room when Lossnay is in off-mode at windy and foggy area. To prevent sucking of outdoor air or fog, electric damper is advised to be installed. Use where heat is recovered from odor-laid air and supplied to another place (area) is not possible.


Absolute humidity (kg/kg)

CHAPTER 5 System Design Recommendations

2. Lossnay LGH series noise level

The noise level specified for Lossnay units is as that measured in an anechoic chamber. The sound level may increase by 8 to 11 dB according to the installation construction material, and room contents, by noise reflection. When using the Lossnay in a quiet room, it is recommended that measures such as installing a muffling duct be carried out.

3. Attachment of Air Filter

An air filter must be mounted to the air inlets (both intake and exhaust) of the Lossnay to clean the air and to prevent the Core from clogging. Always mount this filter, and periodically service it.

4. Duct Construction

Always cover the two ducts on the outdoor side (outdoor air intake and exhaust outlet) with insulation to prevent frost or condensation. The outdoor duct gradient must be 3.3% or more (to wall side) to prevent rain water from rain water running towards the Lossnay. (Refer to page 86). Do not use the standard vent caps or round hoods where they may come into direct contact with rain water. (Instead, use of a deep hood is recommended.)

5. By-pass Ventilation
Do not operate with By-pass ventilation when heating during winter. Frost or condensation may form on the main unit and cause discolouring of the ceiling, etc.


CHAPTER 5 System Design Recommendations

6. Transmission Rate of Various Gases and Related Maximum Workplace Concentration

Measurement conditions Gas Air volume ratio QSA/QRA 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 Exhaust air concentration CRA (ppm) 36 42 20 2.6 mg/m3 85 5 313 3,000 41 35 25 290 15 71.2 37,800 32 116 27.1 27.1 6.0 Supply air concentration CSA (ppm) <0.5 <0.5 <0.5 - 0 mg/m3 1.36 0.04 <5.0 <25 0.49 0.49 0.28 7.25 0.24 0.43 600 0.3 0.8 0.56 0.56 0.1 Transmission rate (%) -0 -0 -0 -0 1.6 0.8 <1.6 <0.8 1.2 1.4 1.1 2.5 1.6 0.6 0.3 1-2 0.9 0.7 2.0 2.0 1.7 0.08 Max. workplace concentrations (ppm) 0.6 5 10 0.25 200 1,000 150 400 200 1,000 400 50 10 Measurement method Hydrogen fluoride Chemical analysis Hydrogen chloride with colorimetric Nitric acid method for H2SO4 Sulfulic acid Ultrasonic method Trichlene with gas concentration device Acetone for CO, SF6 Xylene Infrared method with gas concentration device for CO2 Isopropyl alcohol Methanol Ethanol

Gas chromatography Ethyl acetate for others alcohol The fans are positioned at the air supply/exhaust suction positions of the element Ammonia Hydrogen sulfide Carbon monoxide Carbon dioxide

Measurement Smoke conditions: Formaldehyde 27C, 85% RH Sulfur hexaflouride * OA density for Skatole CO2 is 500 ppm. Indole Toluene

The above does not apply to the moisture resistant total heat recovery unit.


CHAPTER 5 System Design Recommendations

7. Solubility of Odors and Toxic Gases, etc., in Water and Effect on Lossnay Core
Main generation site Gas name Sulfuric acid Nitric acid Phosphoric acid Acetic acid Chemical plantor chemical laboratory Hydrogen chloride Hydrogen fluoride Sulfur dioxide Hydrogen sulfide Ammonia Phosphine Methanol Ethanol Ketone Skatole Toilet Indole Ammonia Nitric monoxide Others Ozone Methane Chlorine Air Air (reference) Oxygen Nitrogen Carbon monoxide Carbon dioxide C9H9N C9H7N NH3 NO O3 CH4 Cl2 Mixed gases O2 N2 CO CO2 Gas Gas Gas Gas Gas None None None Found None 0.0301 Minute 0.0167 0.0283 0.0143 0.0214 0.759 0.5 Molecular formula mist H2SO4 HNO3 H3PO4 CH3COOH HCl HF SO2 H2S NH3 PH3 CH3OH CH3CH2OH Gas vapour odor Mist Mist Mist Mist Gas Gas Gas Gas Gas Gas Vapor Vapor Vapor Gas Gas Gas Non-toxic/ toxic/ Found Found Found Bad odor Found Found Found Found Bad odor Found Found Found Found Bad odor Bad odor Bad odor 32.8 2.3 635 0.26 Soluble Soluble Soluble Minute Minute 635 0.0043 0.00139 40 50 50 0.1 40 427 Sulubility in water mR/mR g/100g 2,380 180 41 2,115 58 90 Max. workplace concentration 0.25 10 0.1 25 5 0.6 0.25 10 50 0.1 200 1,000 1,000 Useability of Lossnay

Note: 1. Water soluble gases and mists cannot be used because the amount that is transmitted with the water is too great. 2. Acidic gases and mists cannot be used because these will accumulate in the Core and cause damage. 3. The above does not apply to the moisture resistant total heat recovery unit.


CHAPTER 5 System Design Recommendations

8. Positioning of the Supply/Exhaust Fans and the Air Transmission Rate (excluding moisture resistant total heat recovery units) (only for LU type)
The following four methods can be used for when setting the Lossnay supply and exhaust fans around the Lossnay Core. When using the LU models, methods a or b should be used in respect of both the Lossnay Core air leakage and effective air ventilation. Use method c if air leakage to the RA or SA sides is not allowed such as in hospital air conditioning, or transmission of the fan noise into the room must be suppressed by putting the Lossnay Core between the supply/exhaust fans and room, and if a certain degree of air leakage is allowed between OA to EA. a. Installing the supply fan (OA-SA) and exhaust fan (RA-EA) for suction feed to the Lossnay Core b. Installing the supply fan (OA-SA) and exhaust fan (RA-EA) for forced supply to the Lossnay Core

Outdoors EA

Indoors SA

Outdoors EA

Indoors SA

Fan for exhaust air


Fan for supply air OA


RA Fan for exhaust air



Fan for supply air

If the static pressure difference between SA and RA and between EA and OA is 50mmAq, the air leakage rate will be 2.5%, and 3.4%. This value is of no problem for most standard uses. c. Installing the supply fan (OA-SA) for force feed and the exhaust fan (RA-EA) for suction feed
Outdoors EA Indoors SA

The air leakage rate is the same as in system a.

d. Installing the supply fan (OA-SA) for suction feed and the exhaust fan (RA-EA) for force feed
Outdoors EA Indoors SA Fan for supply air

Fan for exhaust air Fan for supply air



Fan for exhaust air



In this case, the positive/negative relation of the static pressure will be the reverse of that in system d, and the air leakage outside the room (leakage from OA to EA) will be the same as system d. Thus, the effective volume of ventilating air will be reduced by that rate.

In this case, the intake side pressure (OA-SA) will be negative, and the exhaust side pressure (RA-EA) will be positive, so the amount of air leakage to the intake side will be the greatest. If the static pressure difference between OA and RA is 50 mmAq, the air leakage rate will be 10.5%, and 13.0%. This system can be used when an air leakage of 10% to the intake side (OA-SA) is permitted, but should be avoided in all other cases.


CHAPTER 5 System Design Recommendations

9. Combined Operation with other Air Conditioners (Refer to technical manual (Control) in detail)
Connecting the Lossnay can configure the following system. Interlocked with City Multi
M-NET transmission cable

City Multi indoor unit Lossnay unit LGH-**RX4-E

Remote controller

Interlocked with Mr. Slim

Mr.Slim (A, K-control) indoor unit Lossnay unit LGH-**RX4-E Lossnay remote controller cannot be used.

Remote controller

Slim-Lossnay connecting cable (Enclosed accessory)

Independent Lossnay Unit (Not interlocked with City Multi or Mr. Slim systems.)
M-NET transmission cable

Power supply unit

Lossnay unit LGH-**RX4-E

Lossnay remote controller

Interlocked with external unit (BMS)

EXT. signal source for interlocking to the Lossnay Lossnay unit LGH-**RX4-E


CHAPTER 5 System Design Recommendations

10. Automatic Ventilation Switching (Refer to technical manual (Control) page 38)
Effect of Automatic Ventilation Mode
The automatic damper mode automatically provides the correct ventilation for the conditions in the room. It eliminates the need for troublesome switch operations when setting the Lossnay ventilator to By-pass ventilation. The following shows the effect By-pass ventilation will have under various conditions.

(1) Reduces cooling load

If the air outside is cooler than the air inside the building during the cooling season (such as early morning or at night), By-pass ventilation will draw in the cooler outside air and reduce the cooling load on the system.

(2) Cooling using outdoor air

During cooler seasons (such as between spring and summer or between summer and fall), if the people in a room cause the temperature of the room to rise, By-pass ventilation draw in the cool outside air and use it as is to cool the room.

(3) Night purge

By-pass ventilation can be used to release hot air from inside the building that has accumulated in buildings a business district during the hot summer season.

(4) Office equipment room cooling

During cold season, outdoor air can be drawn in and used as is to cool rooms where the temperature has risen due to the use of office equipment. (Only when interlocked with City Multi and Mr. Slim indoor unit)


CHAPTER 5 System Design Recommendations

11. Vertical Installation of LGH Series

Installation of ceiling embedded-type industrial Lossnay

11.1 Top/bottom reverse installation

All LGH-RX4 models can be installed in reverse.
Top Bottom



11.2 Vertical installation

Vertical installation is possible, but the installation pattern is limited for some models. Refer to the following table for the installation patterns.
Model name Installation patterns


RA Bottom EA







LGH-35RX4 LGH-50RX4 LGH-65RX4 LGH-80RX4 LGH-100RX4



RA Bottom






(Precautions) When constructing for vertical installation, make sure that rain water will not enter the Lossnay unit from outdoors. Always transport the unit in the specified state. Vertical installation applies only to after installation, and does not apply to transportation. (The motor may be damaged if the unit is transported vertically.)

11.3 Slanted installation

Slanted installation is not possible. Special note The LGH-RX4 model was conventionally designed for being embedded in the ceiling. If possible, vertical installation should be avoided in regard to construction and maintenance.


CHAPTER 5 System Design Recommendations

12. Installation of Supplementary Fan Devices After Lossnay Unit

On occasions it may be necessary to install additional fans in the ductwork following the LGH type Lossnay. This is because of the inclusion of extra components such as control dampers, high-efficiency filters, sound attenuators, etc. which create a significant extra static pressure to the airflow. An example of such an installation is as shown below.

Static pressure generating component

Additional fan

Lossnay fan Lossnay EA




For such an installation care should be taken to avoid undue stress on the fan motors. Referring to the diagrams below, Lossnay with extra fan should be used at the point of left side from A. Q-H for Lossnay without extra fan
H Lossnay with static pressure increasing component. H1 Lossnay H1 H2 A H H1 + H2 Lossnay with static pressure increasing component.

Q-H for Lossnay with extra fan

Q1 Q

Q1 Q1


CHAPTER 6 Examples of Lossnay Applications

CHAPTER 6 Examples of Lossnay Applications

Lossnay ventilation systems are proposed for eight types of applications in this chapter. These systems are planned for Japanese use, and actual systems will differ according to each country. These should be used only as reference.

1. Large Office Building

1.1 System plan points
Conventional central systems in large buildings, run in floor and building ducts, have generally been preferred to individual room units. Thus, air conditioning and ventilation after working hours was not possible. In this plan, an independent dispersed ventilation method has been applied to resolve this problem. Such a systems main advantage is that it allows 24-hour operation. A package-type air conditioning unit is installed in the ceiling, and ventilation is performed with the ceiling-embedded-type Lossnay. Ventilation in the toilet, kitchenette and lift halls, etc., is performed with a straight centrifugal fan. Setting outline Building form

: Basement floor SRC (Slab Reinforced Concrete), 8 floors above ground S construction Total floor space 30,350 m2 Basement : Employee cafeteria Ground floor : Lobby, conference room 2 to 7th floor : Offices, salons, board room Air conditioning : Package air conditioning Ventilation : Ceiling embedded-type Lossnay, straight centrifugal fan

1.2 Current topics

(1) Operation system that answers individual needs is required. Free independent operation system Simple control (2) Effective use of floor space (elimination of machine room) (3) Application to Building Management Laws Effective humidification Elimination of indoor dust (4) Energy conservation

Installation state of office system air conditioning system The air supplied from the Lossnay is introduced into the intake side of the air conditioner, and the room stale air is directly removed from the inside of the ceiling.

Return grille Inspection space EA (Exhaust air) Inspection hole OA (Outdoor air suction) EA (Exhaust air)

SA (Supply air)

1.3 Proposed details

(1) Air conditioning

Air conditioner


In general offices, the duct method will be applied with several ceiling-embedded multiple cooling heat pump packages in each zone to allow total zone operation. Board rooms, conference rooms and salons will be air conditioned with a ceiling embedded-type or cassette-type multiple cooling heat pump package in each room.

Suspension bolt position Supply grille RA (Return air) Air conditioner Lossnay Grille SA (Supply air to room) Suspension bolt

Inspection hole

OA (Outdoor air suction)


CHAPTER 6 Examples of Lossnay Applications

(2) Ventilation

For general offices, a ceiling embedded-type Lossnay will be installed in the ceiling. The inside of the ceiling will be used as a return chamber for exhaust, and the air from the Lossnay will be supplied to the air-conditioning return duct and mixed with the air in the air conditioning passage. (Exhaust air is taken in from the entire area, and supply air is introduced into the air conditioner to increase the ventilation effectiveness for large rooms.) For board rooms, conference rooms and salons, a ceiling embedded-type Lossnay will be installed in the ceiling. The stale air will be duct exhausted from the discharge grille installed in the centre of the ceiling. The supply air will be discharged into the ceiling, where after mixing with the return air from the air conditioner it is supplied to the air conditioner. The air in the toilet, kitchenette, and lift hall, etc., will be exhausted with a straight centrifugal fan in each room. The OA supply for this section will use the air supplied from the Lossnay. (The OA volume will be obtained by setting the Lossnay supply fan in the general office to the extra-high notch.) Installation state of air conditioning system for board rooms, conference rooms, salons - the air supplied from the Lossnay is blown into the ceiling, and the stale air is removed from the discharge grille.

SA (Supply air)

Inspection space

EA (Exhaust air)


Inspection hole OA (Outdoor air suction)

Suspension bolt position Discharge grille SA (Supply air) Suspension bolt

Suspension bolt position


Discharge grille RA (Return air)

Inspection hole

EA (Exhaust air) OA (Outdoor air suction)


CHAPTER 6 Examples of Lossnay Applications

A gallery will be constructed on the outer wall for the outer wall exhaust air outlets to allow for blending in with the exterior.

Reference floor air conditioner system layout = Lossnay A Air-cooling heat pump air conditioner B Air-cooling heat pump air conditioner
Additional room

Women's dressing room Office machine room Men's dressing room Kitchenette Machine room

Office Additional room

Machine room

Machine room Kitchenette

Men's dressing room Office machine room Women's dressing room Office

Additional room

Additional room


CHAPTER 6 Examples of Lossnay Applications

(3) Humidification
If the load fluctuation of the required humidification amount is proportional to the ventilation volume, it is ideal to combine the humidifier installation with the ventilation system. For this application, the humidifier is installed on with the air supply side of the Lossnay.

(4) Conformation to Building Laws

The most important consideration here is humidification and dust removal; in these terms, it is recommended that a humidifier is added to the air conditioning system for the office system to allow adequate humidification. Installation of a filter on each air circulation system in the room is effective for dust removal, but if the outdoor air inlet is near the dust source, such as a road, a filter should also be installed on the ventilation system.

1.4 Effect
(1) Air conditioning and ventilation needs can be met on an individual basis. (2) Operation is possible with a 24-hour system. (3) Operation is simple with the switches being in the room. (A controller is not required.) (4) Floor space is saved and thus the floor can be used to the maximum. (5) Energy is conserved with the independent heat recovery. (6) Fresh air air-conditioning is possible with the independent system.

2. Medium Size Office Building

2.1 System plan point
In recent building air conditioning systems, demands for a consistent rationalization from design through operation and control aspects are being made to meet diversified building needs. In the entire air conditioning facility, either the cooling/heating source equipment or specific air conditioning equipment is considered as being only one element. Thus, it is important to design this element so that it covers the users needs while providing total amenity. This air conditioning system plan is for a so-called company building that is largely divided into the general office section (hereinafter referred to as general floors) and special room sections including board rooms and conference rooms (hereinafter referred to as special floors). Furthermore, Building Management Laws are applied to the building due to the scale. Setting outline Building area Total floor area No. of floors Application per floor : : : : 862.2 m2 7,093 m2 Basement, above ground 8, penthouse 1 Basement ....... Parking area Ground floor ....... Large hall 1 to 5 ....... Offices 6 to 7 ....... Special rooms


CHAPTER 6 Examples of Lossnay Applications

2.2 Current topics

For general office buildings of the past, centralized air conditioning methods allowing the total centralized control and systematization of the entire building (or divided into floor systems) were favoured due mainly to facility control, uniformity of operation hours, maintenance efficiency and building usage. However, when additional work was required to be done on these systems problems occurred. A comparison of the following items in each system is shown in Table 1. Energy conservation (air conditioning power) Space saving (area required for air conditioning facilities) Flexibility (zoning and refurbishing) Table 1 Comparison of air conditioning systems
Air conditioning system Air-cooling heat pump chiller + Air handling unit A on each floor + Floor-type fan coil unit (perimeter) Air-cooling heat pump chiller + Ceiling embedded- type B fan coil unit + Ceiling embeddedtype outdoor air treatment unit Air-cooling heat C pump chiller Single suction method Ceiling embedded- type air-cooling heat pump Package air D conditioner (City Multi) + Ceiling embeddedtype outdoor air treatment unit Sleeve size of beam Qty Heat Machine Load Total Shaft Roof Total (Per floor) source room Required area (m2) Air conditioning power (kW) Refurbishing Cleanliness (Building Management Law)










100 162

Possible for each system (each air conditioner)

Same as left

Possible by assembling required specification filter on air conditioner

Noise control possible







100 162 250 108

Possible for each outdoor air treatment unit (Per unit size)

Same as left

Possible by assembling required Little specification noise filter on emitted outdoor air treatment unit and fan coil unit Possible by assembling required specification filter on air conditioner







100 45

Possible for each air conditioner

Same as left

Relatively loud







250 189

Possible for each outdoor air treatment unit (Per unit size)

Same as left

Possible by assembling required specification filter on air conditioner and outdoor air treatment unit

Little noise emitted, but louder than B system

B system + D system E (combined use) (B system for general floors) (D system for special floors)







100 144 250 21

Possible for each outdoor air treatment unit (Per unit size)

Same as left

Possible by assembling required specification Little filter on noise outdoor air emitted treatment unit, air conditioner and fan coil unit


CHAPTER 6 Examples of Lossnay Applications

2.3 Proposed details

A) General floors An independent dispersed-type control system incorporating an air cooling heat pump chiller and cassette-type fan coil unit for cooling and heating is used. This can cater for load fluctuations resulting from increases in office automation systems or changes in partitions hence requiting independent control of each module zone (approx. 70 m2). Outdoor-Air Processing unit is used for ventilation and humidification, and construction and space is reduced by using a system ceiling and ceiling chamber method. (Table 1 B system) B) Special floors City Multi and Outdoor-Air Processing unit are applied as package-type independent units, located so as to conform with lighting fixtures, air outlets and suction inlets in rooms where the interior is important while ensuring the required airconditioning quality. (Table 1 D system)
Chilling unit <Sunny Pack>

Unit (mm)

System using fan coil unit (general floors)

General floor air conditioning facilities : Air intake : Supply diffuser FCU : Fan coil unit GU : Outdoor-Air processing unit
New air conditioning Conversional air system conditioning system Heat source equipment Air Conditioner Air-cooling heat pump chiller Air-cooling heat pump chiller

2.4 Effect
(1) Individual control is possible
Individually dispersed air conditioning that creates a comfortable environment according to general floor and special floor needs is realised.

(2) Energy conservation

Wasted air conditioning energy is eliminated allowing great reduction in operation costs.

(3) Space saving

The Outdoor-Air Processing unit, fan coil unit and building air conditioner are all ceiling embedded-types, so the back of the ceiling is used effectively, saving machine room space and floor space.

Outdoor air treatment Air handling unit unit Outdoor-Air (1 unit on each floor) Processing unit (8 units on each floor) Floor-type fan coil unit Ceiling embeddedtype fan coil unit

Ratio with convertional air conditioning system as 100

Facility costs Operation costs Installation space (including main- Air conditioning (including roof-top power tenance rate) installation space)

(4) Construction saving

The ventilation functions have been unitised with the OutdoorAir Processing unit, and all air conditioner units can be unitised allowing construction to be reduced.

(5) Simple architecture layout

Machine room space and main duct space for air conditioning are not required, so limits in the layout are reduced. Compaarison with conventional air conditioning system


CHAPTER 6 Examples of Lossnay Applications

2.5 System trends

Creation of an environment including independence, management and control of each zone can be realised as work trends become more diversified. Simultaneous cooling/heating system due to necessity from increased fixed sash windows and increase in office automation systems. Attention is being paid to building management methods which manage not only air conditioning systems for several buildings at one location but also manage other information.

3. Multipurpose Tenant Building

3.1 System plan points
In many business district buildings, use of the lower floors for shops, halls and theatres, etc., and the middle and upper floors for offices and tenants is often seen. An air conditioning and ventilation system using a per floor method with each floor as a tenant unit is proposed in this example. Setting outline Application Building form Total floor space Application per floor : : : : Business (lower floors), office tenants (mid- to upper floors) SRC (Slab Reinforced Concrete) 6,334 m2 (B1 to 8F) B1: Storage, machine room GF, 1F : Bank 2F, 3F : Theatre, concert hall 4F to 8F : Tenant offices : Machine room installation-type package air conditioner, ceiling suspended cassette-type air conditioner : Building Lossnay, ceiling suspended cassette-type Lossnay, straight centrifugal fan

Air conditioning Ventilation

3.2 Current topics

(1) The operation times of the lower floors and that in the mid- to upper floors differ. (Efficiency and adaptability is required in control and operation aspects.) (2) Maintainability is poor when the system is too dispersed. (3) Handling of needs in tenant units is poor when the system is too concentrated. (4) When a centralized heat source system is applied, a maximum load adaptability and maintenance control system is required. (5) When ventilation is too dispersed, designing of the outer wall becomes a problem.
Total heat recovery unit Filter unit Package

Installation state

Pan-type humidifier


CHAPTER 6 Examples of Lossnay Applications

3.3 Plan details

(1) Lower floors for business
A machine room installation-type package and building Lossnay is applied as a centralized method for each unit. (One system for ground and 1st floor banking institution, one system for 2nd and 3rd floor hall.)
4F to 8F: Tenant offices Lossnay installation sites: machine room on each floor To reduce installation space, a package-type LP Lossnay with built-in air-supply fan and filter is incorporated and combined with the air conditioner in the machine room on each floor.

(2) Mid- to upper floors for office tenants

As an air conditioning system for each floor unit, a package air conditioner and Lossnay LP is combined in the machine room to handle the interior load and ventilation, and a ceiling suspended cassette-type package to handle the perimeter. The toilet and kitchenette are ventilated with a straight centrifugal fan on each floor, and supply for the outdoor air is provided to the LP Lossnay air supply. This allows independent operation and control for each floor.

1.600 650 500H

500 500

500 400

(3) Control room, lounge, etc.

Independent use is possible with the ceiling suspended-type air-conditioner and ceiling suspended cassette-type Lossnay.
900 400

600 500 6.800


1.600 650 500H 300 250

600 500

OA shaft Lossnay

Unit (mm)


CHAPTER 6 Examples of Lossnay Applications

Air conditioning system diagram

Unit (mm)

3.4 Effect
(1) Management in tenant units is clear and simple. (2) Maintenance is simple as the maximum centralization can be planned while having independent tenants. (3) As ventilation units are considered per floor, there are few openings on the outer wall, making designing of the outer wall more simple. (4) Outdoor air cooling is possible while ventilating.


CHAPTER 6 Examples of Lossnay Applications

4. Urban Small-Scale Building

4.1 System plan points
This system is based on effectively using available space within a limited area by installing the air conditioner and ventilator in available excess space. For this application, the air flow must be considered for the entire floor with the ventilator installed in the ceiling space. Setting outline Application Building form Total floor space Application per floor

: : : :

Air conditioning Ventilation

Office RC (Reinforced Concrete) 552 m2 (B1 to 5F) B1: Parking area GF to 5F: Office : Package air conditioner : Ceiling embedded-type and cassette-type Lossnay, straight centrifugal fan, duct ventilation fan.

4.2 Current topics

(1) Three sides of the building are surrounded by other buildings, and windows cannot be installed. (Dependency on mechanical ventilation is high.) (2) Ample fresh outdoor air cannot be supplied. (Generally, only Class 3 ventilation (forced exhaust) is possible.) (3) If the exhaust in the room is large, odors from the toilet, etc., flow into the room. (4) Humidification during winter is not possible. GF layout 1F to 5F layout

PAC : Package air conditioner LS : Lossnay

4.3 Plan details

(1) Air conditioning Space efficiency and comfort during cooling/heating is improved with ceiling embedded cassette-type package air conditioner. (2) Ventilation Room Salon corner Entire area is ventilated by installing several ceiling embedded-type Lossnay units. } Humidification is possible by adding a humidifier.

(Outdoor air is supplied to the toilet and kitchenette by setting the selection switch on the Lossnay unit for supply to the extra-high notch.)

Conference room Board room Toilet, powder room Kitchenette

is independently ventilated by installing a ceiling embedded-type or cassette-type Lossnay } Area in each room.

} Area is exhausted with straight centrifugal fan or duct ventilation fan.

(An adequate exhaust volume can be obtained by taking in outdoor air, with the toilet being ventilated constantly.)

Position of air intake/exhaust air outlets on outer wall The freshness of the outdoor air taken in by the Lossnay is important, thus considering that the building is surrounded by other buildings, the intake and exhaust ports must be separated as far as possible.


CHAPTER 6 Examples of Lossnay Applications

4.4 Effect
(1) Accurate ventilation is possible with Class 1 ventilation (forced simultaneous air intake/exhaust) using the Lossnay. (2) Outdoor air supply to the toilet and kitchenette is possible with the Lossnay, and accurate ventilation is possible even in highly sealed buildings. (3) Flow of odors can be prevented with constant ventilation using an adequate ventilation volume. (4) Humidification is possible by adding a simple humidifying unit to the Lossnay.

5. Hospitals
5.1 System plan points
The principle of ventilation in hospitals requires adequate exhausting from the generation site and ensuring a supply of ample fresh air. An appropriate system would be an independent ventilation system with Class 1 ventilation (forced simultaneous air intake/exhaust). The fan coil and package air conditioning are used according to material and place, and the air conditioned room is ventilated with the ceiling embedded-type Lossnay. The toilet and kitchenette, etc., are ventilated with a straight centrifugal fan. Setting outline Building form : RC (Reinforced Concrete) Total floor space : 931 m2 (GF to 2F) Application per floor : GF : Waiting room, diagnosis rooms, surgery theatre, director room, kitchen 1F : Patient rooms, nurse station, rehabilitation room, cafeteria 2F : Patient rooms, nurse station, head nurse room, office Air conditioning : Fan coil unit, package air conditioner Ventilation : Ceiling embedded-type Lossnay, straight centrifugal fan

5.2 Current topics

(1) Prevention of in-hospital transmission of diseases (Measures meeting needs for operating rooms, diagnosis rooms, waiting rooms and patient rooms are required.) (2) Adequate ventilation for places where odors are generated (Measures to prevent odors from toilets from flowing to other rooms are required.) (3) Shielding of external noise (Shielding of noise from outside of building and noise from adjacent rooms and hallway is required.) (4) Assurance of adequate humidity (5) Energy conservation


CHAPTER 6 Examples of Lossnay Applications

5.3 Plan proposals

(1) Air conditioning

GF layout
Medicine supply storage Machine room Kitchen Prep room Reception Pharmacy Diagnosis room Director room Treatment Inspection room room Lossnay Waiting room Foyer Gastro camera room X-ray room Storage Lossnay Storage Cafeteria/ lounge Storage

Centralized heat source control using a fan coil for the general system allows efficient operating time control and energy conservation. 24-hour system using a package air conditioner for special rooms (surgery theatre, nurse station, special patient rooms, waiting room) is the most practical.

(2) Ventilation
Hall system Independent system using centralized control with LP Lossnay or independent system with installation of ceiling suspended-type Lossnay Surgery theatre Combination use of LP Lossnay and package airconditioner with HEPA filter on room supply air outlet. Diagnosis rooms and examination room Patient rooms Nurse stations Independent ventilation for each room using ceiling suspended/ embedded-type Lossnay. Integral system with optional humidifier possible for required rooms. Positive/negative pressure adjustment, etc., is possible by setting main unit selection switch to extra-high notch (25R, 50R models) according to the room. Toilet/kitchenette Straight centrifugal fan or duct ventilation fan Storage/linen closet Positive pressure ventilation fan or duct ventilation fan The outdoor air is supplied from the hallway ceiling with the straight centrifugal fan, and is distributed near the air conditioner after the air flow is reduced. Kitchen Exhaust with negative pressure ventilation fan or straight centrifugal fan. Outdoor air is supplied with the straight centrifugal fan. Machine room Exhaust with positive pressure ventilation fan.
Office Surgery theatre

1F layout

Nurse beds Kitchenette

Nurse station

Patient Patient Patient room room room (1 bed) (1 bed) (1 bed)

Rehabilitation room Lossnay

Patient room (4 beds)

Patient room (4 beds)

Patient room (4 beds)

2F layout

Storage/ machine room

Conference room

Patient Patient room room (1 bed) (1 bed)

Patient room

Nurse Head beds Nurse nurse station room

Patient Patient Patient Patient Patient Patient room room room room room room (1 bed) (1 bed) (1 bed) (1 bed) (1 bed) (1 bed)


CHAPTER 6 Examples of Lossnay Applications

5.4 Effect
(1) The following is possible by independently ventilating the air-conditioned rooms with the Lossnay: Transmission of diseases can be prevented by shielding the air between rooms. Infiltration of outside noise can be prevented with the Lossnay Cores soundproof properties. As outdoor air does not need to be taken in from the hallway, the door can be sealed, shutting out hallway noise. Humidification is possible by adding a humidifier. (2) By exhausting the toilet, etc., and supplying outdoor air to the hallway: Flowing of odors to other rooms can be prevented.

6. Schools
6.1 System plan points
A comfortable environment in classrooms is necessary to improve the children and students desire to study. Schools near airports, railroads and highways have sealed structures to soundproof the building, and thus air conditioning and ventilation facilities are required. This is also true for schools in polluted areas such as industrial districts. At university facilities which have a centralized design to efficiently use land and to improve the building functions, the room environment must also be maintained with air conditioning.

6.2 Current system details and problem points

(1) Mainly single duct methods, fan coil unit methods, or package methods are used for cooling/heating, but the diffusion rate is still low, and water-based heaters are still the main source of heating. (2) The single duct method is difficult to control according to the usage state, and there are problems in running costs. (3) Rooms are often ventilated by opening the windows or using a ventilation gallery, where although this provides ample ventilation volume it may create a problem of infiltration of outside noise.

6.3 Building outline

Total floor space : 23,000 m2 Building outline : Prep school (high school wing) Memorial hall wing Library wing Main management wing


CHAPTER 6 Examples of Lossnay Applications

6.4 Plan details

(1) To pursue comfort, save energy and space, an air conditioning and ventilation system using a ceiling embedded-type fan coil unit and ceiling embedded-type Lossnay was applied. (2) Automatic operation using a weekly program timer was applied, energising when the general classrooms and special classrooms are to be used. (3) By using a ventilation system with a total heat recovery unit, energy is saved and soundproofing is realised. Classroom layout




RA (Classroom) RA SA SA SA SA


6.5 Conditions for air-conditioning in schools

(1) Zoning according to application must be possible. (2) Response to load fluctuations must be swift. (3) Ventilation properties must be good. (4) The system must be safe and rigid. (5) Expansion of the facility must be easy. (6) Installation on existing buildings must be possible. (7) Installation and maintenance cost must be low.





LS SA (Veranda)




6.6 System trends

(1) It is believed that environmental needs at schools will continue to progress towards high quality, and various factors such as temperature/humidity, noise, natural lighting, and colour must be considered at the design stages. Important topics are air conditioning, ventilation and soundproofing. (2) Independent heating using a centralized control method is mainly applied when the air conditioner is for heating only. For cooling/heating, a combination of a fan coil method and package-type is the main method used. (3) Highly accurate Class 1 ventilation is applied for the ventilation method, and the total heat recovery unit is mainly used in consideration of the energy saved during air conditioning and the high soundproofing properties.


CHAPTER 6 Examples of Lossnay Applications

7. Hotels (convention halls, wedding halls)

7.1 System plan points
Hotels in Japan often have functions such as a resort hotel at tourist spots, convention hotel with conference and banquet halls, and business hotels for short-term stays. These are all labeled as hotels, and often, more importance is laid on the wedding, convention and banquet halls, etc. This is because air conditioning systems in these places must have a ventilation treatment system that can handle extremely large fluctuations in loads, tobacco smoke and removal of odors.

7.2 Current systems and problem points

CO and CO2 permissible values, removal of odors, and tobacco smoke are often considered as standards for ventilation and often the ventilation is set at 30 m3/hperson to 35 m3/hperson. Several outdoor air introduction-type package air conditioners or air handling unit facilities are often used, but, these are greatly affected by differences in capacity, ratio of smokers and length of stay.

7.3 Plan details

This proposed plan has two examples with the use of a Lossnay as a ventilator for total heat recovery in the air conditioned conference room, and the use of several outdoor air type package air-conditioners for convention and banquet halls. A) Conference room Heat recovery ventilation is executed with constant use of the Lossnay unit, but when the number of persons increases suddenly and the CO2 concentration reaches a set level (for example, 1,000 ppm in the Building Management Law), a separate centrifugal fan operates automatically. This system can also be operated manually to rapidly remove smoke and odors. B) Convention and banquet halls Basically, this system is composed of several outdoor air introduction-type package air conditioners and straight centrifugal fans for ventilation. However, an inverter controller is connected to the centrifugal fan so that it is constantly at 50 percent of the operation state, allowing fluctuations in ventilation loads to be handled. By interlocking with several package air-conditioners, detailed handling of following up the air condition loads in addition to the ventilation volume is possible. Systems using Lossnay are also possible.

LS : Lossnay EX : Centritugal fan PAC: Package air conditioner

EX : Centritugal fan PAC: Package air conditioner IB : Inverter controller

Conference room ventilation system diagram

Convention and banquet hall ventilation system diagram


CHAPTER 6 Examples of Lossnay Applications

7.4 System trends

The load characteristics at hotels is complex compared to general buildings, and are greatly affected by the bearing, time, and operation state as mentioned above. Further to this, the high ceilings in meeting rooms and banquet halls, requires preheating and precooling to be considered. Further research on management and control systems and product development will be required in the future to pursue even further comfortable control within these spaces.

8. Public Halls (combination facilities such as day-care centres)

8.1 System plan points
Air conditioning and ventilation facilities for buildings located near airports and military bases, etc., that require soundproofing, have conventionally been of the centralized method. However, independent dispersed air conditioning and ventilation has been demanded due to the need for operation in zones, as well as for energy conservation purposes. This system is a plan for these types of buildings. Setting outline Building form Application

Air conditioning Ventilation

: Above ground 2, Total floor space: 385 m2 : GF Study rooms (2 rooms), office, day-care room, lounge 1F . . . . . Meeting room : GF Air-cooling heat pump chiller and fan coil unit 1F . . . . . Air-cooling heat pump package air conditioner : Ceiling embedded Lossnay

8.2 Conventional system and topics

(1) Conventional systems have used centralized methods with air handling units, and air conditioning and ventilation were generally performed together. (2) Topics 1) Special knowledge is required for operation, and there are problems in response to the users needs. 2) When the centralised method is used, the air even in rooms that are not being used is conditioned, increasing running costs unnecessarily. 3) Machine room space is necessary. 4) Duct space is necessary.

8.3 Plan details

(1) Air conditioning facilities
1) Small rooms : Air-cooling heat pump chiller and fan coil unit combination 2) Meeting rooms : Single duct method with air-cooling heat pump package air conditioner


Ventilation facilities
1) A ceiling embedded-type Lossnay is used in each room, and a silence chamber, silence-type supply/return grille, silence duct, etc. is incorporated on the outer wall to increase the total soundproofing effect.


CHAPTER 6 Examples of Lossnay Applications

8.4 Effect
(1) Operation is possible without special knowledge, so management is easy. (2) Operation is possible according to each rooms needs, and is thus energy-saving. (3) Soundproof ventilation is possible with the separately installed ventilators. (4) Energy saving ventilation is possible with the heat recovery ventilation. (5) Space saving with the ceiling embedded-type.
Soundproofing standards High pressure level difference 30 dB or more Soundproofing effect Study room: 34.0 dB Rest room : 47.2 dB

GF layout

1F layout

Machine room PAC

Kitchenette Stairway

Study room FCU LS Toilet PAC FCU LS

Hall LS FCU Foyer Lounge

Day-care room Meeting room LS Study room


CHAPTER 7 Installation Considerations

CHAPTER 7 Installation Considerations

1. LGH-Series Lossnay Ceiling Embedded-Type (LGH-RX4 Series)

LGH-15 25 35 50 65 80 100RX4 models Installation diagram

Exhaust air grill A EA (Exhaust air) OA (Outside air) 600 or more 150 to 250
Lossnay Core/ air filter/ fan maintenance space

Suspension bolt position 414

Suspension bolt position

Suspension bolt position

Duct downward slope 1/30 or more (to wall side) (Rainwater entrance prevention) Deep-type hood or weather cover EA (Exhaust air) OA (Outside air)

Inspection opening


Supply air grill

Always leave inspection holes ( 450 or 600) on the air filter and Lossnay Core removal side. Always insulate the two ducts outside the room (intake air and exhaust air ducts) to prevent frosting. It is possible to change the direction of the outside air ducts (OA and EA side). It is possible to attach a suspension bolt. Do not install the vent cap or round hood where it will come into direct contact with rain water.
Model LGH-15RX4 LGH-25RX4 LGH-35RX4 LGH-50RX4 LGH-65RX4 LGH-80RX4 LGH-100RX4 Dimension A 150 700 700 790 790 810 1,030 1,030 250 350 500 650 800 1000 B 641 765 906 1,048 985 1,036 1,263

Air volume (m3/h)

Duct diameter 200 (ordered by customer)

Suspension bolt position (ordered by customer)

Inspection opening

RA (Return air)

Supply/ exhaust air grill SA (Supply air)

Unit (mm)

LGH-150 200RX4 Installation diagram

Exhaust grille (user supplied) Air-supply grille (user supplied)

Ceiling suspension bolt position

Exhaust grille (user supplied) EA (exhaust-air outlet) Air-supply grille (user supplied) OA (fresh-air intake) Duct (user supplied) Duct (user supplied)

Duct diameter 250 Ceiling suspension (user supplied) bolt position A

Always leave inspection holes ( 450 or 600) on the air filter and Lossnay Core removal side. Always insulate the two ducts outside the room (intake air and exhaust air ducts) to prevent frosting. If necessary, order a weather cover to prevent rain water from direct contact or entering the unit.
Model LGH-150RX4 LGH-200RX4 Dimension A B 1,046 1,273 1,030 1,030

Air volume (m3/h)

Duct diameter 200 (user supplied) Y piping,Dwindle pipe (user supplied) Ceiling suspension bolt position

1500 2000

450( 600) Inspection port

150~250 Min. 600

Heat exchanger/filter maintenance space

Air-supply grille (user supplied)

Ducting Indoor
Heating-insulation material Taping

Heating-insulation material

Duct incline Over 1/30 (toward the wall) to prevent entry of rainwater EA (exhaust-air outlet) OA (fresh-air intake)

Ceiling suspension bolt (user supplied)

(user supplied) Exhaust grille

Air-supply grille

Duct connecting flange


450( 600) Inspection port

SA RA SA RA (return air) (return air) (supply air) (supply air)

Unit (mm)

Should secure with airtight Should secure with airtight tape to prevent air leakage. tape to prevent air leakage. Cover duct with insulation foam prevent condensation.


CHAPTER 7 Installation Considerations

(1) The ceiling embedded-type: 150 250 350 500 650 800 1000 1500 and 2000 m3/h types are available. Select an adequate model according to the room size, air volume for the application and noise levels. (2) The LGH-RX4 types have an extra-high notch. This setting is for when a long duct is used or when a large air volume is required. The positive and negative pressures of the room can also be adjusted with this. LGH-15 25 35 50 65 80 100RX4
SW3 Exhaust air High SE4 Supply air E-High E-High SE4 Supply air

High and Extra High switch

LGH-150 200RX4

High and Extra High switch

Multi-ventilation mode setting (Refer to Technical Manual (controls) page 70) RX4 type is available to make 9 fan speed setting patterns of SA and EA fans for High notch. RX3 type have only 4 fan speed patterns for High. Setting on PCB dip switch table.
Switch for High and E-High Dip switch Switch for High and E-High SW2-4 SW2-5 SW4 SW3 Off Power supply / exhaust mode Off Off Off Power supply mode (Fixed Exhaust fan at Low mode) Power Exhaust mode (Fixed Supply fan at Low mode) Energy saving ventilation mode Fixed Both of fans at Low Mode Off Off On On On Off Off Off Off On On Off Off On E-High High High E-High E-High High Available Available E-High High E-High High Available Available E-High High Remote Controller High Low SA EA SA EA Model comparison RX4

E-High High

SW3 Exhaust air High

E-High High


E-High High High E-High E-High High Low Low Low

E-High High E-High High Low Low E-High High Low

Low Low Low Low Low Low Low Low Low

Low Low Low Low Low Low Low Low Low


(SW24Off, SW2-5On)


Not Not Not

Available Available


*Factory setting 87

CHAPTER 7 Installation Considerations

1.1 Selecting Duct Attachment Direction

You can choose between two directions for the outside duct (OA, EA) piping direction, to improve construction.
Standard Construction Construction with the Direction Changed

*A space is necessary to prevent rain water from entering.

It is possible to set the unit close to a wall.

You can avoid obstructions of the supply and exhaust ducts by lights or air conditioners.

Light, etc.







1.2 Installation and maintenance

(1) Always leave an inspection hole ( 450) on the filter and Lossnay Core removal side. (2) Always insulate the two ducts outside the room (intake air and exhaust air ducts) to prevent frosting. (3) Enforce measures to prevent rain water from entering. Apply a slope of 1/30 or more towards the wall to the two ducts outside the room (intake air and exhaust air ducts). Do not install the vent cap or round hood where it will come into direct contact with rain water. (4) Use the optional parts control switch (Ex. PZ-41SLB, etc.) for the RX4-type. A centralized controller can also be used.

1.3 Installation applications

(1) Combined installation of two units The main units supply outlet and suction inlet and the room side and outdoor side positions cannot be changed. However, the unit can be turned over, and installed as shown below. (This is applicable when installing two units in one classroom, etc.)

Reversed installation

Lossnay Inspection opening


Standard installation



(2) System operation with air conditioner Air conditioning systems with independent dispersed multiple unit air-conditioners are increasing due to merits such as improved controllability, energy conservation and space saving. For these types of air conditioning systems, combined operation of the dispersed air conditioners with the Lossnay, is possible.

Cassette-type packaged air conditioner or fan coil unit

Return grill

Ceiling embeddedtype Lossnay Exhaust Air intake Ceiling

Ceiling embedded-type package air conditioner or fan coil unit

Return grill

Ceiling embeddedtype Lossnay Exhaust Air intake Ceiling


CHAPTER 7 Installation Considerations

2. Building Lossnay Unit Horizontal-type (LU-500)

2.1 Main unit installation surface diagram (anchor bolt installation position)
8 pieces 12 18 slots


Pitch 200 3 600

Unit (mm)

2.2 Maintenance space

Min. 800 is required for air filter core removal space. Removal from opposite side is also possible.

Unit (mm)

2.3 Dimensions and flange dimensions

Lossnay Cores are divided into 4 units. 3.5 Air filter System components can be attached (4 locations). Air filter Lossnay Core removal cover 3.5 130 pitch 200 3 = 60 130 3.5 Chamber mounting screws (M8 screws) Interconnection seal 10 480 100 80 50 850 890 1000 200 160 2100 130 60 25 pitch 200 4 = 800 850 890 1000 25 100 80 50 80 300 200 340 860 12 8 slot 3.5 860 Air filter Lossnay Core removal direction. A space of at least 800 mm is required. The Lossnay Core can also be removed from the opposite side. 130 pitch 200 3 = 600 130

Unit (mm)


CHAPTER 7 Installation Considerations

LU-502 503 504 505
A LU-502 LU-503 LU-504 LU-505 1730 2600 3470 4340 B 1170 2040 2910 3780 C 1250 2120 2990 3860 D 1210 2080 2950 3820 E Pitch 100 10 = 1000 Pitch 100 20 = 2000 Pitch 100 27 = 2700 Pitch 100 36 = 3600

Unit (mm)

10 hole

Pitch 100 8 = 800

Flange details

Lossnay core Air filter can be installed (optional) Core, air filter removal cover 480 Duct connection flange B A 850 200 2100 850 100 80 B 860 960 50 100



890 930



Unit (mm)

2.4 Transportation and installation

The product is shipped in the fully assembled state. Transport the unit gently and do not apply shock or tilt the unit. (1) Use eyebolts (or eyenuts) and rope when lifting the unit. Make sure that the rope can withstand the weight of the unit. Always use all four eyebolts, and fix the rope. Adjust the rope length so that the angle between the rope and the unit is 45 or more.

Rope Reinforcement material

45 45 re 45 r mo o

Eye bolt Eye nut

Horizontal flange

Main unit

(2) (3) (4) (5) (6)

Use filler plates to protect the panel so that the panel is not damaged by the rope during lifting. The unit will be damaged if the rope directly contacts the unit. The foundation must be made of concrete. The concrete foundation must be level and have ample strength. Install the unit perpendicularly to the foundation and securely fix the unit with anchor bolts. Install the unit where rain water will not come into contact, and where rain water will not infiltrate the unit from the ducts.

This unit has indoor specifications and cannot be installed in sites where it will come into contact with rain water or in high temperature, high humidity locations.


4 or 5 mo re

CHAPTER 8 Filtering for Freshness

CHAPTER 8 Filtering for Freshness

1. Necessity of Filters
Clean air is necessary for humans to live a comfortable and healthy life. Besides atmospheric pollution that has been generated with the development of modern industries and the growth in the use of automobiles, air pollution in air-tight room has progressed to the point where it adversely affects the human body, and is now a major problem. Hay fever is now a symptom often seen in the spring and demands for preventing pollen from entering rooms are increasing.

2. Data Regarding Dust

The particle diameter of dust and applicable range of filters are shown in Table 1, and representative data regarding outdoor air dust concentrations and indoor dust concentrations is shown in Table 2. Table 1 Aerosol particle diameters and applicable ranges of various filters
0.001 Solid particles Fluid particles Aerosol particle 0.01 Aerosol particle diameter ( m) 0.1 0.3 1 10 Dust Mist Clay Oil fumes Major particles Tobacco smoke Mud Fry ashes Coal dust Sprays Sand 100 1000


Carbon black Cement ZnO fumes Sea salt Pollen particles Viruses Bacteria Hair Atmospheric dust

Air filters HEPA filter

Medium to high efficiency filters Fine dust, coarse dust fillers

Table 2 Major dust concentrations

Type Outdoor air floating dust concentration Large city Small city Industrial districts General office Indoor dust concentration Stores (product vending stores) Applications with no tobacco smoke Reference data 0.1 - 0.15 mg/m3 0.1 mg/m3 or less 0.2 mg/m3 or more 10 mg/h per person 5 mg/h per person 5 mg/h per person

Remarks: 1. The core diameter of outdoor air dust is said to be 2.1 m, and the 11 types of dust (average diameter 2.0 m) as set by JIS Z 8901 as performance test particles are employed. 2. Dust in office rooms is largely caused by smoking, and the core diameter is 0.72 m. The 14 types of dust (average 0.8 m) as set by JIS Z 8901 as performance test particles are employed. 3. The core diameter of dust generated in rooms where there is no smoking is approximately the same as outdoor air. 4. Smoking in general offices (as per Japan): Percentage of smokers : Approx. 70% (adult men) Average number of cigarettes : Approx. 1/personh (including non-smokers) Smoking length of cigarette : Approx. 4 cm Amount of dust generated by one cigarette : Approx. 10 mg/cigarette


CHAPTER 8 Filtering for Freshness

3. Calculation Table for Dust Collection Efficiency of Each Lossnay Filter

Measurement method Tested dust Filter type Applicable model AFI ASHRAE Gravitational Colorimetric method method Compound dust Atomspheric dust Certificate in EU Countingh method (DOP method) JIS 14 types DOP 0.3 m DOP 0.8 m Application

Pre-filter High efficiency filter


Commercial Lossnay (LGH)


8% - 12%

G3 (EU3)

5% - 9%

2% - 5%

Protection of heat recovery element Assurance of sanitary environment (According to Building Management Law)

Optional Part for Model model PZ-15RFM LGH-15RX4 100RFM 200RX4



F7 (EU7)



3.1 High-Efficiency Filter (Optional Parts)



Model Dimension (mm) A B

PZ-15RFM 554 121 1

PZ-25RFM 330 147 2

PZ-35RFM 395 174 2

PZ-50RFM 466 174 2

PZ-65RFM 429 209 2

PZ-80RFM 448 236 2

PZ-100RFM 561 236 2

Number of filters perset

Note: This is one set per main body.

3.2 Pressure Loss

Pressure Loss Characteristics PZ-15RFM PZ-25RFM
100 Pressure Loss (Pa) 100 Pressure Loss (Pa)

100 Pressure Loss (Pa)

100 Pressure Loss (Pa)






100 150 200 Air volume (m3/h)


100 200 300 Air volume (m3/h)



200 300 400 Air volume (m3/h)


200 400 Air volume (m3/h)


100 Pressure Loss (Pa)

100 Pressure Loss (Pa)

100 Pressure Loss (Pa)





400 600 Air volume (m3/h)



400 600 800 Air volume (m3/h)



400 600 800 1000 1200 Air volume (m3/h)


CHAPTER 8 Filtering for Freshness

The ability of the filters used within the Lossnay units are shown below, expressed in terms of collection ratio (%).
100 Colourimetric method 90% filter 80 High efficiency filter

NP/400 Collection ratio (%) 60







0.8 1.0





8.0 10.0







Particle diameter ( m)


CHAPTER 8 Filtering for Freshness

4. Comparison of Dust Collection Efficiency Measurement Methods

The gravitational, colorimetric and counting methods used for measuring dust collection efficiency each have differing features and must be used according to the application of the filter.
Test method AFI Gravitational method NBS Colorimetric method DOP Counting method ASHRAE Gravitational method ASHRAE Colorimetric method Air filter test for air conditioning set by Japan Air Cleaning Assoc. (Colorimetric test) Pre-filter test set by Japan Air Cleaning Assoc. (Gravitational test) Test dust Inward flow dust Outward flow dust measurement method measurement method Filter passage air volume measured Weigh the dust remaining on the filter and compare Degree of contamination of white filter paper Efficiency indication method Type of applicable filters

Synthetic: Dust on standard Dust weight road in Arizona: 72% measured K-1 carbon black: 25% beforehand No.7 cotton lint: 3% Atmospheric dust Degree of contamination of white filter paper

Gravitational ratio

Synthetic dust filters

Comparison of contamination of reduction in degree of contamination Counting ratio

Electrostatic dust percentage of (for air conditioning) Absolute filter and same type of high efficiency filter Pre-filter Filter for air conditioning (for coarse dust) Filter for air conditioning (for fine dust) Electrostatic dust collector Filter for air conditioning

Diameter of dicoctyl- Electrical counting phthate small drop measurement using particles: 0.3 m light aimed at DOP Synthetic: Regulated air cleaner Dust weight fine particles: 72% measured Morocco Black: 23% beforehand Cotton linter: 5% Atmospheric dust Degree of contamination of white filter paper

Same as left Filter passage air volume measured Weigh the dust remaining on the filter and compare Degree of contamination of white filter paper

Gravitational ratio

Comparison of percentage of reduction in degree of contamination Comparison of percentage of reduction in degree of contamination

JIS 11 types of dust

Degree of contamination of white filter paper

Degree of contamination of white filter paper Filter passage air volume measured Weigh the dust remaining on the filter and compare. Degree of contamination of white filter paper

JIS 8 types of dust

Dust weight measured beforehand.

Gravitational ratio


Electrostatic air cleaning device test set by Japan Air JIS 11 types of dust Cleaning Assoc. (Colorimetric test)

Degree of contamination of white filter paper

Comparison of percentage of reduction in degree of contamination

Electrostatic dust collector


CHAPTER 8 Filtering for Freshness

Gravitational method
This method is used for air filters which remove coarse dust (10 m or more). The measurement method is determined by the gravitational ratio of the dust amount on the in-flow side and out-flow sides. Dust collection ratio = In-flow side dust amount Out-flow side dust amount In-flow side dust amount
Orifice Window Dust supply device Manometer Specimen Motor Passed dust collection filter Rectifying grid Air volume adjustment plate Air-feed fan Performance test device Mixing blades Dust container

100 (%)

Dust supply outlet

Example of dust supply device

Colorimetric method
The in-flow side air and out-flow side air are sampled with a suction pump and passed though filtering paper. The sampled air is adjusted so that the degree of contamination on both filter papers is the same, and the results are determined by the sampled air volume ratios on both sides. Dust collection ratio = Out-flow side sampling amount In-flow side sampling amount Out-flow side sampling amount 100 (%)

Air-feed fan

Coupling Square duct pipe Orifice Pressure loss concentration Rectifying grid measurement position Coupling pipe Round duct

Rectifying grid Baffle plate Coupling pipe

7 or less

Venturi pipe Dust chamber Air filter

3D 2D 3.5D 2L 2L

Throttle device Unit (mm)


CHAPTER 8 Filtering for Freshness

5. Calculation of Dust Concentration

An air conditioning system using the Lossnay is shown below. Using this diagram the level of dust concentration can be easily determined. Dust concentration study diagram
High-efficiency filter o Indoor unit

Lossnay unit Indoor unit filter i

o : Filtering efficiency of humidifier with high efficiency filter % Qo : Outdoor air intake amount (m3/h) (colorimetric method) Qi : Indoor unit air volume (Total air volume of indoor unit) (m3/h) i : Filtering efficiency of filter for indoor unit % (colorimetric method)

Co : Outdoor air dust concentration (mg/m3) Ci : Indoor dust concentration (mg/m3) G : Amount of dust generated indoors (mg/h)

In this type of system, when the performance of each machine is known, the indoor dust concentration Ci may be obtained with the filtering performance of the filters, o and i, having been set to specific values as per manufacturer's data. The following formula is used: Ci = G + Co Qo (1 o) Qo + Qi i

Also, with the value of Ci and ho known, the efficiency of the indoor unit can be found using: i = G + Co Qo (1 o) Ci Qo 100 Ci Qi

6. Certificate in EU
Pre-filter of LGH-RX4 series are certificated as G3(EU3), and High-efficiency filter of model PZ-15-100RFM are certificated as F7(EU7) under BS EN779 : 1993 / Eurovent 4/5 Filter Test. Certificate No. C18070A/3 Certificate No. C18070B/2


CHAPTER 8 Filtering for Freshness

[Calculation example]
The indoor dust concentration for the following types of design conditions with the above system shall be used in the following example. Outline of air conditioning
Air conditioning area 100 m2 (Office) No. of persons in room 20 persons 25 m3/h Outdoor air intake volume per person 20 persons = 500 m3/h Cooling capacity 15,700 W Heating capacity 13,374 W

Equipment used
Lossnay Model Heat recovery during cooling 3,710 W Cooling capacity 5,338 W Heating capacity 8,664 W Heat recovery during heating 3,907 W Air volume 17 m3/min Intake volume 500 m3/h Filtering efficiency 65% (colorimetric method)

with high LGH-50RX4 + PZ-50RFM efficiency filter (with high efficiency filter) Model Fan coil unit LH-600CR-B3F (with high efficiency filter) 2 units

Filtering efficiency 65% (colorimetric method)

Calculation Intake volume Indoor unit air volume Filtering efficiency of humidifier with high efficiency filter Filtering efficiency of filter for inside unit Outdoor air floating dust concentration Amount of dust generated in room Qo = 500 m3/h Qi = 17 2 60 = 2,040 m3/h o = 65% (o = 91% Particle diameter 2.1 m*) i = 65% (i = 57% Particle diameter 0.72 m*) Co = 0.1 mg/m3 G = amount of dust generated per person no. of persons in room = 10 mg/hperson 20 persons = 200 mg/h

If the inside dust concentration Ci is found with the above, the following data is obtained: Ci = 200 + 0.1 500 (1 0.65) 500 + 2,040 0.65 0.12 mg/m3 ( 0.123 mg/m3*)

The result is less than the dust concentration limit of 0.15 mg/m3 set by the Building Standard Law of Japan. If the filtering efficiency of a filter for the indoor unit is obtained to set the inside dust concentration Ci to 0.15 mg/m3, the following is obtained: i =

200 + 0.1 500 (1 0.65) 0.15 500 0.15 2,040


47% (


This shows that the filtering efficiency of the indoor unit filter must be a minimum of 47% (colorimetric method). * The result of a calculation using an average outdoor airborne particle diameter of 2.1 m and an average indoor airborne particle diameter of 0.72 m is shown.


CHAPTER 9 Service Life and Maintenance

CHAPTER 9 Service Life and Maintenance

1. Service Life
The Lossnay Core has no moving parts. This stationary design eliminates vibration troubles and also permits greater installation flexibility. In addition, chemicals are not used in the heat recovery system. Performance characteristics remain constant throughout the period of service. A lifetime test, currently in progress and so far reaching 17,300 hours, has revealed no evidence of either reduction in heat recovery efficiency or deterioration of materials. If 2,500 hours is taken as the number of hours a conditioner is used during a year, 17,300 hours corresponds to about seven (7) years. (This explanation is not a guarantee of the service life of the product.)

2. Cleaning the Lossnay Core and Pre-filter

The Lossnay Core should be cleaned with a vacuum cleaner at least once every 2 years. This will remove the dust that has accumulated at the surface and restore the functioning of the core to 98 to 100% of the original figure. A brush should not be used for cleaning because it may trap the dust in the core resulting in clogging. The air filter on the intake side of the Lossnay Core should be cleaned at least once every year. After cleaning, reinstall the filter immediately. Do NOT wash in water.

Vacuum cleaner

Lossnay core



Vacuum cleaner (with brush attachment)


CHAPTER 10 Ventilation Standards in Each Country

CHAPTER 10 Ventilation Standards in Each Country

1. Ventilation Standards in Each Country

1.1 Japan
Table Summary of Laws Related to Ventilation
Item Related Laws Acceptable Range Room Environment Standard Values Remarks

If a central air quality management system or Applicable buildings are mechanical ventilation equipment is installed, comply buildings designed to with the standard target values shown in the table below. serve a specific purpose.
Impurity volume of less than 0.15 mg per 1 m3 floating particles of air CO rate CO2 rate Less than 10 ppm. (Less than 20 ppm when outside supply air has a CO rate of more than 10 ppm.) Less than 1,000 ppm. 1) Between 17C and 28C 2) When making the room temperature cooler than the outside temperature, do not make the difference too great. 40% - 70% less than 0.5 m/sec

Law for Maintenance Buildings of at least of Sanitation in 3,000 m2 (for schools, at Buildings least 8,000 m2)


Relative humidity Ventilation

The Building Standard Law of Japan

Buildings with requirements for ventilation equipment 1) windowless rooms. 2) rooms in theaters, movie theaters, assembly halls, etc. 3) kitchens, bathrooms, etc. Rooms with equipment or devices using fire.

Central air quality management system ventilation capacity and characteristics Effective ventilation capacity V 20Af/N(m3) Af: floor space (m2), N: floor space occupied by one person Characteristics: Generally satisfy the table below.
Impurity volume of less than 0.15 mg per 1 m3 floating particles of air CO rate CO2 rate Less than 10 ppm. Less than 1,000 ppm. 1) Between 17C and 28C 2) When making the room temperature cooler than the outside temperature, do not make the difference too great. 40% - 70% less than 0.5 m/sec

Applicable buildings are buildings with requirements for ventilation equipment.


Relative humidity Ventilation

For general ventilation, the effective ventilation area opening is at least 1/20 of the floor space and the ventilation equipment installed gives a CO density of 50 ppm and CO2 density of 5,000 ppm or less. If a central air quality management system or mechanical ventilation equipment is installed, comply with the standard target values shown in the table below. Offices where workers Industrial Safety and work. Health Act (Office sanitation regulated standards)
Impurity volume of Air (1 atmospheric pressure, 25C) floating particles less than 0.15 mg per 1 m3 of air CO rate CO2 rate Less than 10 ppm. (Less than 20 ppm when outside supply air has a CO rate of more than 10 ppm.) Less than 1,000 ppm. Air speed in room is less than 0.5 m/s, and air taken into the room does not blow directly on or reach specific workers. Heat between 17C - 28C Relative humidity 40% - 70%

Air flow in room

Heat and humidity conditions


CHAPTER 10 Ventilation Standards in Each Country

2. United States of America

ASHRAE standard 62 - 1999
Application Dry Cleaner Dining room Bars Kitchens Hotel bedroom Hotel living room Hotel lobby Casino Office space Conference room Smoking lounge Bowling alley (seating area) Outdoor air recommendation 30 cfm/person 20 cfm/person 30 cfm/person 15 cfm/person 30 cfm/room 30 cfm/room 15 cfm/person 30 cfm/person 20 cfm/person 20 cfm/person 60 cfm/person 25 cfm/person Occupancy 30 people/100 m2 70 people/100 m2 100 people/100 m2 20 people/100 m2 30 people/100 m2 120 people/100 m2 7 people/100 m2 50 people/100 m2 70 people/100 m2 70 people/100 m2

3. United Kingdam
Outdoor air Application Factories Offices (open plan) Shops, department stores and supermarkets Theatres Dance halls Hotel bedrooms Laboratories Offices (private) Residences (average) Restaurant (cafeteria) Cocktail bars Conference rooms (average) Residence Restaurant Board rooms executive offices and conference rooms Corridors Kitchens (domestic) Kitchens (restaurant) Toilets Recommended Per person 8 l/s /person 8 l/s /person 8 l/s /person 8 l/s /person 12 l/s /person 12 l/s /person 12 l/s /person 12 l/s /person 12 l/s /person 12 l/s /person 18 l/s /person 18 l/s /person 18 l/s /person 18 l/s /person 25 l/s /person N/A N/A N/A N/A Per person 5 l/s /person 5 l/s /person 5 l/s /person 5 l/s /person 8 l/s /person 8 l/s /person 8 l/s /person 8 l/s /person 8 l/s /person 8 l/s /person 12 l/s /person 12 l/s /person 12 l/s /person 12 l/s /person 18 l/s /person N/A N/A N/A N/A Minimum Per m2 None Some Some Some Some m2 Heavy Some Heavy Heavy Heavy Heavy Some Heavy Heavy Very Heavy N/A N/A N/A N/A 0.8 l/s / m2 1.3 l/s / m2 3.0 l/s / m2 1.7 l/s / 1.3 l/s / m2 6.0 l/s / m2 1.3 l/s / m2 10.0 l/s / 20.0 l/s / m2 m2 Smoking

10.0 l/s / m2


CHAPTER 11 Lossnay Q and A

CHAPTER 11 Lossnay Q and A


Answer There is no problem with the life of the paper unless it is intentionally damaged, directly placed in water or in direct sunlight (ultra-violet rays). The life is longer than metal as it does not rust. It can be used for a minimum of ten years.

Remarks Depending on how it is stored, paper can be stored for up to 2,000 years without deteriorating, such as documents in temples and churches.

Paper is used for the material, but is the life adequate?

Is paper not an insulation material? (Poor conductor of heat)

Paper is very thin, and thus the conductivity of the material is low, with heat being transferred approximately the same as with metal. Test this by placing a piece of paper between your hands and you will feel the warmth of your palms. The recovery of humidity can also be felt by blowing on the paper and feeling the moisture in your breath transfer to your palm. Maybe you have seen the phenomenon during heating in winter where the window pane is wet but the paper blinds are dry. This is because the humidity is transferred through the paper membrane. The Lossnay is kept dry by employing this same principle. When a building is sealed and normal ventilation is used, accurate exhaust is not possible unless a suction inlet is created. The Lossnay has both an air-supply fan and air-exhaust fan so Class 1 ventilation is possible. For an example, in an approx. 13 m2 room with five people, a ventilation volume of 100 m3/h is required. The amount of power consumed in this case is approximately 45 W, and the amount of heat recovered during cooling is approximately 700 W or more. The coefficient of performance (C.O.P.) obtained when converted with the unit power generation amount is 16. In consideration that the popular heat pump-type has a C.O.P. of 2 to 3, the Lossnay is a high energy conserving machine. If a general-purpose ventilator is installed, the cooled air will be lost, thus increasing electrical costs throughout the year.

If paper can recover humidity, will it not become wet?

When is the forced simultaneous air intake/ exhaust-type more efficient?

What are the energy conservation properties of the Lossnay?


CHAPTER 11 Lossnay Q and A


Answer Between 55 to 60% of the heat energy that escapes with ventilation is recovered by the Lossnay, so the cooling/heating cost can be reduced by approximately 43,000 yen per year. The initial costs can be suppressed down to a 59,000 yen increase when comparing the air conditioner, Lossnay, and ventilator (fixed- price base). Calculation conditions Cooling: Room temperature/humidity 26C, 50% Outdoor air temperature/humidity 32C, 70% Heating: Room temperature/humidity 20C, 50% Outdoor air temperature/humidity 0C, 50% Building: General office facing south on middle floor 100 m2 Cooling load (room) 104 W/m2 Heating load (room) 77.7 W/m2 Ventilation volume: 500 m3/h Without Lossnay:Straight lock fan BFS-50SU . . . . . . . . . . 2 units With Lossnay:Lossnay LGH-50RX4 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 unit Cooling/heating load (W): Without Lossnay Room Outdoors Cooling Heating 10400 7770 5560 5630 Total 15960 13400 With Lossnay Room Outdoors 10400 7770 2340 2140 Total 12740 9910

Remarks There are also "savings in maintenance cost", "ventilation functions", "soundproofing effects" as well as "comfort" and "safety" which are not visible.

What are the economical factors? (This is for Japan)

Air conditioner: Without Lossnay : Ceiling-suspended cassette-type air conditioner PLZ-J140KA9G9 . . . . . . . 1 unit With Lossnay : PLZ-J112KA9G9 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 unit Operation time: Cooling 10 hours/day, 26 days/month, 4 months/year, operation ratio 0.7 Heating 10 hours/day, 26 days/month, 5 months/year, operation ratio 0.7 Power costs (Tokyo Power special industrial power 6 kV supply) Summer 16.15 yen /kWh, Other 14.65/kWh For an example if the total ventilation volume is 100, and the amount of odors generated from the toilet, etc., is 30, the total volume of conditioned air is still three times the ventilation amount. Thus, if the leakage rate of odors is 7% (hydrogen sulphide), this will be: 100 30% 1/3 7% = 0.7%. Thus, no problem is seen in terms of total air conditioned air volume. However, exhaust is usually performed with a separate system. In the case of ammonia, the rate is 2.8% using the same formula. Note: (The rotary-type has approximately the same transmission rate, but for ammonia, the transmission rate is 50% or more than the Lossnay heat recovery method.) <Gas/smoke transmission rate> CO : 1% CO2 : 2% H2S : 3% : 3% NH3 Smoke : 1% - 2% <Conditions> (Supply and exhaust fans installed for suction feed. Standard treatment air volume.)

If the air ventilated from the toilet is heat recovered, will the odors be transferred to other rooms?


CHAPTER 11 Lossnay Q and A




According to the results obtained from the test performed by the Tokyo University Hospital (Inspection Centre, Prof. Kihachiro Shimizu), as the supply air and exhaust air pass through different passages, transmission Can the Lossnay be used of bacteria from exhaust side to supply side is low. They found: for hospital air conditioning? 1) Bacteria does not propagate in the Lossnay Core. 2) Even if bacteria accumulated in the Lossnay, it died off in approximately two weeks. Normally, the original state of the filter can be regained by cleaning it more than once every one year, and the two intake side surfaces of the Lossnay Core more than once two years with a vacuum cleaner. Dust will not adhere in the passage due to the laminar flow if the air is normal. Normal air refers to air that does not contain oil mist, etc. When exhausting air containing oil mist, etc., install a filter at return grille to remove the oil mist.

Since the entry to the Lossnay Core is fine and the incident air turbulent, wont it clog easily?

Turbulent flow

Laminar floe

This will differ on the position of the fans, but for both suction or both forced, the rate is 2% to 3%. LGH type fan position is both forced.
Outdoor Exhaust fan
EA Lossnay OA RA

Indoor Supply fan






What is the air leakage rate?



Exhaust fan

Supply fan

For using LU type, if the static pressure difference between SA and RA and between EA and OA is 500 Pa, the air leakage rate will be 2.5%, and 3.4%. This value is considered to be of no problem for actual use. However, the single suction or single forced methods will have a leakage rate of 10% or higher and should be avoided. If the winter room air temperature is above 20C along with the humidity above 50%, and the outdoor temperature is -10C or lower, moisture condensation or frosting will occur on the Lossnay Core. In this case, the intake air must be preheated. Plot the Lossnay intake side air conditions A and B on a psychrometric chart as shown below. If the high temperature side air B intersects the saturation curve such as at C, moisture condensation or frosting will occur on the Lossnay. In this case, the air should be preheated to the Can the Lossnay be used in temperature indicated by point A so that point C reaches the C point. 11 extreme cold climates (-10C or lower)?
Saturation curve


Dry bulb temperature (C)


Absolute humidity (kg/kg)

CHAPTER 11 Lossnay Q and A




Tobacco smoke tends to stick to dust in the air, and when it passes Ample filtering will not through the Lossnay Core, most of the nicotine and tar will be filtered by be possible with a saran net air filter. Will tobacco nicotine and tar the air filter. 12 However, in very smoky places (ex. pachinko parlour), or when used for a affect the Lossnay Core? long period, the tobacco odor will accumulate and move to the intake side. In this case, the Core and filter should be replaced. According to the The Building Standard Law of Japan, a ventilation volume of 20 m3/h. Person is required if the windows cannot be opened for ventilation. In buildings to which the Law for Maintenance of Sanitation in Buildings is applied, the carbon gas concentration must be 0.1% or less, so a ventilation of 34 m3/h Person is required. In Tokyo, the guideline is set at 25 to 30 m3/h. The required ventilation volume per person is noted below. Required ventilation volume (m3/h) Recommended Minimum value value 85 51 25.5 25.5 25.5 25.5 34 51 42.5 17 20 17 17 25.5

What is the guideline for ventilation. 13 (These guidelines are for Japan.)

Degree of smoking

Application example

Extremely heavy Quite Heavy Heavy Light None

Brokers office Newspaper editing room Conference room Bar Cabaret Office Restaurant Shop Department store Teatre Hospital room

Are there any places where 14 the Lossnay cannot be used?

The Lossnay cannot be used where toxic gases and corrosive Cores such as acids, alkalis, organic solvents, oil mist or paints exist. The Lossnay cannot be used to recover the heat of air containing odors. +: Japanese domestic market model. Same model as LGH50RX4.

When an LGH-50R5+ was installed in a karaoke bar and the noise was measured, the following results were obtained. When the noise in the What are the soundproofing room was 96.5 dB (A), the noise level at a point 30 cm from the 15 properties for music rooms intake/exhaust grille on the outside wall was 67.5 dB (A). This shows a and karaoke bars? soundproofing effect of 29.0 dB (A). The soundproofing effect when the noise level is 100 dB (A) is approximately 30 dB (A).


CHAPTER 11 Lossnay Q and A


Answer The Lossnay uses the forced simultaneous supply/exhaust method so the insufficient ventilation found in standard ventilators with no air intake is not found. Caution (1) The fresh air supplied to the room should not short circulate being drawn back into the return grille. It should flow through the entire room.
Exhaust grille Supply grille


(2) The relation of the supply and suction flows of the air conditioner must be also considered. What is the short circulation 16 of the air intake/exhaust air outlet?
Supply grille Air conditioner Exhaust grille Air conditioner Exhaust grille Supply grille

The air intake/exhaust grille on the outer wall is in the open and so there is a natural wind, with the result that short circulation will not occur easily. However, if the wind blows from the exhaust grille towards the intake grille, short circulation may occur, so these should be placed as far apart as possible. The guideline for the distance is three times the duct diameter. Duct diameter 100 150 200 250 Is total operation possible with switches? L (mm) 300 450 600 750


Several units can be operated with the optional control switch.

Refer to Chapter 3 Performance comparisons with various heat recovery What is the difference 18 between the rotary-type and units and ventilators. static-type? For the ceiling embedded-type, the unit is installed in the false ceiling, so an inspection hole is required at the Core and filter removal section and fan maintenance section. Refer to the catalog for details. Periodic inspection and cleaning of the Lossnay Core and air filter is necessary. Refer to Chapter 9 Maintenance for details.


Is an inspection hole necessary?


What must be performed during maintenance?


CHAPTER 11 Lossnay Q and A


Answer Class 1 ventilation refers to mechanical ventilation (forced simultaneous air supply/exhaust) using both intake and exhaust fans for suction feed. All Lossnay models (with built-in air-feed fans) are Class 1 ventilators. The ventilation method is classified in relation to the degree of natural and/or mechanical ventilation employed. <Classification of ventilation> Intake Exhaust Ventilation volume Random (constant) Random (constant) Random (constant) Limited (inconstant) Room pressure Random Positive pressure Negative pressure Negative pressure



What are Class 1 ventilating facilities?

Class 1 Class 2 Class 3 Class 4

Mechanical Mechanical Mechanical Natural Natural Natural Mechanical Assisted natural

Please install the high efficiency filter only on the outside air side. Can the high efficiency filter (Reason) 22 (PZ-FM)* be installed on the If installed on the supply air side, primary dirty air will enter the Lossnay before passing through the prefilter, accelerating the Cores clogging. supply air side? Moisture prevention measures may also be required.


What are the anti-vibration measures for the Lossnay? Can the LGH and R types be installed vertically?

Measures are not required as a principle.


Vertical installation is possible in some cases. Refer to Chapter 5 Section 11 for details.

* Please consult with nearest Lossnay supplier about availability of these parts.


Lossnay Remote Controller

1. Summary . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 2. Applicable Models . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 3. Terminology . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2 4. System Features and Examples . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3 4.1 Features . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3 4.2 System Example . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4 4.3 System Selection . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6 4.4 Basic System . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9 4.5 Interlocking with Mr. Slim . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12 4.6 M-NET Control . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 14 5. Examples of Applications Using External Control Input Terminals, Operation Monitor Output Terminals and Malfunction Monitor Output Terminals . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 21 5.1 External Control Operationg Mode Selection . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 22 5.2 Delayed Interlocked Operation (PZ-41SLB-E, M-NET) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 23 5.3 Multiple External device Operation (PZ-41SLB-E, M-NET) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 23 5.4 Multiple Lossnay Units in Interlocked Operation with One Indoor Unit. (M-NET only) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 24 5.5 Interlocked Operation of Equipment such as the Electrically Operated Damper and Booster Fan.(M-NET only) . . . 25 5.6 To Pick Up an Error Signal Externally (PZ-41SLB-E, M-NET) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 25 5.7 Connection Method (PZ-41SLB-E, M-NET) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 25 5.8 High/Low Change Input (PZ-41SLB-E, M-NET) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 27 6. Precautions When Designing Systems of M-NET . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 29 6.1 Power Supply of the M-NET Transmission Cable . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 29 6.2 Restrictions When the Lossnay Units are Connected to the Central Controller M-NET Transmission Cable . . 29 6.3 Wiring Example . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 30 6.4 Power Supply to the Indoor Unit Transmission Cable . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 31 7. Cable Installation of the M-NET . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 32 7.1 Precautions When Installing Wiring . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 32 8. System Designs of M-NET . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 35 8.1 Address Definitions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 35 8.2 Precautions When Performing Group Settings (when not interlocked with City Multi indoor unit) . . . . . . 37 8.3 Precautions When Performing Interlock Settings (when interlocked with City Multi indoor unit) . . . . . . . . 37 9. Automatic Ventilation Switching . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 38 9.1 Effect of Automatic Ventilation Mode . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 38 9.2 Switching between Heat Recovery and By-pass in the Automatic Ventilation Mode . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 38 10. Caution of Lossnay Operation in cold region . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 40 10.1 Use of Pre-Heating Unit . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 40 10.2 Wiring Preheater with Lossnay . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 40 10.3 Algorithm of Preheater Control by Lossnay PCB . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 41 10.4 Example of Heater Capacity . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 42 10.5 Caution for Selecting Pre-heating Unit . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 43

11. Troubleshooting . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 44 11.1 Service Flow . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 44 11.2 Items to Check . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 46 11.3 Circuit Test Point . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 60 12. Installation method (Model LGH-RX4-E series) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 61 12.1 Electrical installation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 61 12.2 Connecting the power supply cable . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 63 12.3 Function settings . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 69 12.4 Trial operation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 72 13. Lossnay Remote Controller (PZ-41SLB-E) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 74 13.1 Operation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 74 13.2 Mode of Use . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 75 13.3 Care and Upkeep . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 76 13.4 After-Sales Service . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 76 13.5 Component Names and External Dimensions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 77 13.6 Installation Dimensions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 77 13.7 Trial Operation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 79 14. Lossnay M-NET Remote Controller (PZ-52SF-E) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 80 14.1 Operation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 80 14.2 Installing the Lossnay M-NET Remote Controller . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 81 14.3 Registering the Lossnay Unit with the Lossnay M-NET Remote Controller . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 82 15. Appendix . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 84 15.1 System Controller (G-50A) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 84 15.2 Remote Controllers for Mr. Slim indoor unit . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 91 15.3 Network Remote Controller (PAR-F27MEA) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 94 * System Controller (G-50A) (Operation setting, Initial setting, Group configuration setting, Interlocked operation setting) . . . . . . . . . . . . 80 * Remote Controllers for Mr. Slim indoor unit . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 87 * Network Remote Controller (PAR-F27MEA) (Interlocked registration) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 90


1. Summary
This is a technical manual relating to the controls for implementing the following systems of the commercial-type Lossnay (LGHRX4-E Series).

Possible System Configurations

(1) (2) (3) (4) (5) When using only the Lossnay remote controller. Linking Lossnay and City Multi units. Linking Mr. Slim (A-control, K-control). Lossnay central control systems. Linking with external equipment (BMS).

2. Applicable Models
Lossnay (LGH-RX4-E)
These models have temperature sensors at RA and OA sides. It can automatically switch to the ventilation mode. (Lossnay/By-pass)


LGH-65RX4-E LGH-80RX4-E LGH-100RX4-E LGH-150RX4-E LGH-200RX4-E

The main differences between RX4 models and former RX3 models.

1 2 3 4

RX4 models
The LGH-65RX4-E is new size model. All models carry one control board. Preheater control function. SW5-6 (Refer to page 40) The connection terminal of the PZ-41SLB-E is TM4. (Refer to page 5) Multi ventilation mode SW2-4, 5. The following selection. 1. High/Low selective by controllers. 2. Fixed EA fan to Low. 3. Fixed SA fan to Low. 4. Fixed EA/SA fans to Low. (Refer to page 70) Power exhaust function SW2-3. Runs the fan forcibly for 30 minutes when operation starts. (Refer to page 69) Time setup for filter cleaning SW5-5. Either 3000 hours or unlimited.(Refer to page 71)

RX3 models
No model of the same specification. The models of 150 and 200 carry two control boards. No such function. The connection terminal of the PZ-41SLB-E is TM2 5, 6. Ventilation mode SW2-4, 5. The following selection. 1. High/Low selective by controllers. 2. Fixed EA/SA fans to Low. 3. Fixed EA/SA fans to Hight. Compulsory By-pass operation SW2-3. Time setup for filter cleaning SW5-5, 6. The following selection 3000, 1500, 4500, unlimited hours.

6 7

Lossnay Remote Controller (PZ-41SLB-E)

Use when operating from 1 to 15 Lossnay units together at the same time. When using M-NET transmission to operate from System controller, use the PZ-52SF-E. It can start and stop the unit, change fan speed, switch the ventilation mode. It also includes indicators that show errors and when filter maintenance is required. Refer to page 74.

Lossnay M-NET Remote Controller (PZ-52SF-E)

It can be used in combination with Mitsubishi Electric Air conditioner Network system (MELANS). Refer to page 80. Since this remote controller is supplied the power from the M-NET transmission line, it cannot be linked with Mr. Slim and other such systems that do not use M-NET.

Please refer to the technical documentation for the other systems: City Multi, Mr. Slim and the central controller (MELANS).

3. Terminology
Interlocked Lossnay
This is a Lossnay linked to City Multi, or Mr. Slim indoor units. This is a Lossnay that has been set to interlocked group setting to receive signals and operate via indoor units remote controller indoor unit Lossnay.

Non-interlocked Lossnay
This is a Lossnay that is not set to interlocked group setting with City Multi nor Mr. Slim indoor units. It operates using direct operating signals from the Lossnay remote controller and/or system controllers.

Ventilation Mode
This mode controls the Lossnay damper and permits selection of heat recovery (Heat ex.), by-pass or auto modes.

Delayed Operation
The Lossnay that has been set to interlocked group setting with the indoor unit will have its operation delayed for 30 minutes after the operation of the indoor unit. When using PZ-41SLB-E, the time setting that can be set for delayed operation are 10, 20, 30, 40, 50, and 60 minutes.

External Control Input

This is an input signal for operating the Lossnay that has been sent from an external device. It is compatible with 12V-24V DC or uncharged a-contact signal.

Operation Mode
This mode is used for selecting enabling/disabling of the on/off control signal from an external device and for setting interlocked operation of the external device and the Lossnay. Please Refer to page 22 for details.

ON/OFF interlock: ON interlock: OFF interlock: External priority:

Enables both ON OFF and OFF ON external signals. Enables OFF ON external signal. Disables ON OFF external signal. Enables ON OFF external signal. Disables OFF ON external signal. Same as on/off interlock but the OFF signal from the remote controller is ignored when the external control signal is on.

Setting Pulse Input

When the control signal from the external device outputs a pulse such as the one shown below, pulse input setting is performed by the Lossnay. (Optional setting DIP switch 2-2 ON)

200 ms or more

RA (Return Air)
This is the abbreviation for return air, which is the air drawn in from indoor.

OA (Outdoor Air)
This is the abbreviation for outdoor air, which is the air drawn in from outdoor.

System controller
The MELANS series controller. Registration and management of two or more groups can be carried out. The following models are applicable. PAC-SC30GRA, PAC-SF44SRA, PAC-YT34STA, PAC-YT40ANRA, G-50A

4. System Features and Examples


Multiple unit operation Remote controller operation External device operation External pulse control External monitor signal output Supply air fan monitor output External control operation mode setting Delayed start Automatic recovery following power supply interruption (*1) Power supply start/stop function High/low change input Remote/Local control change The M-NET air conditioning operation. System controller by Mitsubishi building air control management system Interlocked with Mr. Slim Pre-heater control


Maximum 15 units with PZ-41SLB-E; 16 units with PZ52SF-E or other M-NET controller. Last touch priority Signal form: 12VDC, 24VDC, uncharged a-contact Ditto Uncharged a-contact (external monitor/supply air fan monitor change) Ditto ON/OFF , ON, OFF and External priority ON/OFF mode. Delayed time can be varied only when the PZ-41SLB-E is connected. Return power automatic return is fixed when the PZ41SLB-E is connected. Impossible when the PZ-41SLB-E is connected. Uncharged a-contact (Part sold separately is necessary) Uncharged a-contact (Part sold separately is necessary) (Connection is impossible when using PZ-41SLB-E) Only when M-NET transmission cable is connected Ditto Can not use the PZ-41SLB-E By raising the OA temperature using a commercial heater, it is possible to use the Lossnay at the temperature below specified OA condition. The exclusive output for this preheating control is prepared.


Lossnay (heat recovery) ventilation/Bypass ventilation automatic switch For cold area operation


Remote controller 2 wires wiring (non-polar)

When the PZ-41SLB-E is connected: PVC cable 0.65 to 1.2 or strand wire 0.3 mm2 to 1.25 mm2. When M-NET is connected: shielded wire or equivalent 1.25 mm2 to 2.00 m2. Excluding central controller system (except automatic address) For Lossnay single unit test operation

Address setting unnecessary Test operation switch Maintenance Filter maintenance display (remote controller display) Inspection display (remote controller, control board LED) M-NET power supply display (control board LED)

*1 The operation condition is stored, and when the power is turned off and then back on, the operation condition returns to the previous condition. (When using PZ-41SLB-E, the start/stop condition from an external device is not stored.)


System Example
Multiple Lossnay units with 1 remote controller Non-polar 2 wires Lossnay (Main) Power supply Lossnay Remote controller PZ-41SLB-E (Sub) Power supply Remote controller PZ-41SLB-E The Lossnay can be controlled from 2 remote locations. The remote controller gives priority to the last touch. 2 remote controller system with 1 Lossnay

1 Lossnay with 1 remote controller Basic System (Refer to page 9)

Non-polar 2 wires


Non-polar 2 wires


Power supply Remote controller PZ-41SLB-E

Power supply

This is a simple system. A Lossnay is operated independently with 1 remote controller.

Up to 15 Lossnay units can be controlled at one time with one remote controller.

Operation with an Air Conditioning Unit (Refer to page 12)

Operating with Mr. Slim (A-control or K-control) Operating with an External Device (Refer to page 21) Lossnay

Operating with an external device Selection of interlocked operation mode is possible. Delayed start interlocked operation is possible.

Non-polar two wires


Power supply Power supply Remote controller Mr. Slim (indoor unit)

Power supply
Remote controller PZ-41SLB-E

Power supply

Indoor unit Remote controller The operation of the Lossnay will be connected with the operation or stopping of the external device. Input of level signal or pulse signal (12V DC, 24V DC, uncharged acontact) is possible.

The Remote controller (A-control or K-control) controls the air conditioning device and the Lossnay. When using the A-control remote controller operating or switching fan speed for the Lossnay individually is possible.

City Multi and Lossnay Interlocked System

Air conditioning device and system control

Outdoor unit

Indoor Lossnay unit MA remote controller Group 1 Refrigerant 1

Indoor Indoor Lossnay unit unit MA remote controller Group 2

Indoor Lossnay unit MA remote controller Group 3 Refrigerant 2

Lossnay Indoor unit MA remote controller Group 4

Indoor unit MA remote controller Group 5

Outdoor unit

Outdoor unit

M-NET System

Indoor Lossnay unit MA remote controller Group 1

Indoor Lossnay unit MA remote controller Group 2

Indoor unit

Lossnay Indoor unit Indoor unit MA remote controller Group 3

It is possible to operate 16 indoor units per 1 Lossnay

System controller Centralized Management System

Power Lossnay supply unit Lossnay M-NET remote controller PZ-52SF-E Group 1


Lossnay Lossnay Lossnay


Lossnay Lossnay

Group 2

Lossnay M-NET remote controller PZ-52SF-E Group 3

Lossnay M-NET remote controller PZ-52SF-E Group 4

Lossnay M-NET remote controller PZ-52SF-E Group 5

Control of start/stop, fan speed and ventilation mode is possible from the Lossnay M-NET remote controller. Control of start/stop, fan speed and ventilation mode is based on each system controller. It is possible to set a maximum of 16 units for 1 group.

2 remote controller system with multiple Lossnay units

Use Lossnay remote controller PZ-41SLB-E . (Do not use PZ-52SF-E).

Lossnay transmission connection terminal Power supply

Power supply Remote controller PZ-41SLB-E TM2 It is also possible to operate 2 remote controller units when using multiple Lossnay units. TM4

Interlocking multiple units When the operation signal is a uncharged a-contact signal Setting Main/Sub selection switch (SW1) Main Sub

Lossnay A/C
Power suupy Power suupy

Power suupy

Power suupy

Air conditioning Remote unit side remote controller PZ-41SLB-E controller

Air conditioning Air conditioning unit side remote unit side remote controller controller

(Set to Main when shipped from the factory)

Interlocking is possible from multiple air conditioning units, etc. (excluding pulse input) (Separately sold parts are necessary depending on the operation signal).

Interlocking/individual joint systems By making the group setting, interlock settings have become possible. (Joint use of the air conditioner remote controller and Lossnay remote controller is possible.)

Use Lossnay M-NET remote controller PZ-52SF-E . (Do not use PZ-41SLB-E). Lossnay transmission connection terminal

M-NET transmission cable input terminal block Round terminal

Operation settings


System controller (201)

Outdoor unit (51)

Indoor unit (01)

Lossnay (02)

M-NET transmission cable

Shielded wire

MA remote controller Group 1

Lossnay M-NET remote controller (PZ-52SF-E)(102) Group 2


( ) address
10 digit


1 digit

Applicable indoor units are C type or later (for use with MA remote controller) models Do not set the air conditioning unit and Lossnay unit to be part of the same group.

When the address number has been changed, the data in the memory is automatically reset.


System Selection
(Refer to page 16) M-NET transmission cable

Interlocked with City Multi

Lossnay operation when indoor unit is stopped Lossnay stopping when indoor unit is operating Switching Lossnay fan speed When interlocked with indoor unit for compatibility with both R22 and R407C High/Low When interlocked with indoor unit for other than the above Fixed to high Ventilation mode Fixed to automatic Filter maintenance indicator Lossnay error indicator Delayed operation External control operating mode selection Number of indoor units for interlocked group setting with one Lossnay unit 16 units Number of Lossnay units for interlocked group setting with one indoor unit 1 unit

City Multi indoor unit Lossnay unit LGH-RX4-E Remote controller

Interlocked with Mr. Slim

(Refer to page 12)

High/Low Fixed to high Fixed to automatic 1 unit 1 unit

When using A-control remote controller Lossnay operation when indoor unit is stopped Lossnay stopping when indoor unit is operating Lossnay fan speed switching When using K-control controller Lossnay operation when indoor unit is stopped Lossnay stopping when indoor unit is operating Lossnay fan speed switching Other common items Lossnay error indicator Ventilation mode Filter maintenance indicator Delayed operation External control operating mode selection Number of indoor units for interlocked group setting with one Lossnay unit Number of Lossnay units for interlocked group setting with one indoor unit

Mr.Slim (A, K-control) indoor unit Lossnay unit LGH-RX4-E Remote controller Lossnay remote controller cannot be used.

Slim-Lossnay connecting cable (Enclosed accessory)

Independent Lossnay Unit (Not interlocked with City Multi or Mr. Slim systems.) (Refer to page 9)
Start/Stop Fan speed switching Ventilation mode Filter maintenance indicator Lossnay error indicator Delayed operation External control operating mode selection Number of Lossnay units Number of remote controllers High/Low Heat ex. / By-pass/ Auto 15 units 2 units

Lossnay unit LGH-RX4-E Lossnay remote controller (PZ41SLB-E) EXT. signal source for interlocking to the Lossnay

Interlocked with external device (BMS)

Start/Stop Fan speed switching Ventilation mode switching Filter maintenance indicator Lossnay error indicator Delayed operation External control operating mode selection

(Refer to page 21)

Fixed to high Fixed to automatic

EXT. signal source for interlocking to the Lossnay Lossnay unit LGH-RX4-E

Central Controller System

Outdoor unit System controller G-50A M-MET 12V DC

Indoor unit Power supply unit PAC-SC50KUA Remote controller


Indoor unit

Remote controller

A-control Mr.Slim outdoor unit

Lossnay A-control Mr.Slim indoor unit Mr.Slim A-control remote controller K-transmissoin converter

Central Controller System

Lossnay K-control Mr.Slim indoor unit Mr.Slim K-control remote controller



Lossnay M-NET Lossnay M-NET remote controller remote controller (PZ-52SF-E) (PZ-52SF-E)


EXT. signal source

Lossnay M-NET remote controller (PZ-52SF-E)

Lossnay remote controller PZ-41SLB-E can not be used.

Reference: Remote controller for the Lossnay and indoor unit.

Refer to the technical documentation related to the Remote controller for the indoor unit.

Remote controllers for Lossnay unit

Lossnay remote controller (PZ-41SLB-E)
With Lossnay interlock switches and indicators.

Lossnay M-NET remote controller (PZ-52SF-E)

Without Lossnay interlock switches and indicators.









Remote controllers for City Multi indoor unit

MA remote controller (PAR-20MAA)
* non M-NET protocol With Lossnay interlock switches and indicators.

ME remote controller (PAR-F27MEA)

Without Lossnay interlock switches and indicators.


1Hr. C



















Remote controllers for Mr. Slim indoor unit

A-control remote controller (PAR-27AA)
With Lossnay interlock switches and indicators.

K-control remote controller

Without Lossnay interlock switches and indicators.



























Basic System

4.4.1 System Summary

Design Example 1 Basic system
Non-polar 2 wires Lossnay

Design Example 2 Lossnay control of multiple units

Non-polar 2 wires Lossnay (Main) Power supply Lossnay Remote controller PZ-41SLB-E (Sub) Power supply Up to 15 Lossnay units can be controlled at one time with 1 remote controller switch.

Power supply Remote controller PZ-41SLB-E

This is a simple system. A Lossnay is operated independently with 1 remote controller.

Design Example 3 2 remote controller system

Non-polar 2 wires The Lossnay can be controlled from 2 remote locations. The remote controller gives priority to the last touch.


Power supply Remote controller PZ-41SLB-E

4.4.2 Operation of Multiple Units

Feature Ordered part For LGH-15 to 200RX4, 1 remote controller can operate from 1 to 15 Lossnay units. Remote controller PZ-41SLB-E Also connect the power to the second and following Lossnay units. Notes The maximum extension of the transmission cable is 500 m or less (between Lossnay and remote controller switch, between Lossnay and Lossnay). The main or Sub setting on the Lossnay is necessary.

The external device operation signal, and pulse signals can only be connected to the Lossnay on the Main setting. When the M-NET system is connected, do not connect the transmission cable to TM4.

System Example
Lossnay (Main) Lossnay (Sub) up to Power supply 15 units Lossnay (Sub)

Power supply (Transmission cable extension is 500 m or less) PVC cable 0.65 to 1.2 or strand wire 0.3 mm2 to 1.25 mm2. Remote controller PZ-41SLB-E

Power supply

(Be sure to turn on the power for the second and following Lossnay units.)

Combined Line Method

Connect the transmission cable from the first Lossnay to the second, the second to the third, and so on up to a maximum of 15 units. (1) Up to four wires can be connected to one signal terminal when a transmission cable is 0.65 or strand wire 0.3 mm2 , or up to 2 wires in other cases. (2) The signal is non-polar, so it is not necessary to align polarity.

Connect to remote controller (PZ-41SLB-E) Connect to third Lossnay

Transmission cable

Lossnay Main/Sub Setting

Be sure to make the Main/Sub setting when operating multiple Lossnay units. When operating multiple Lossnay units, set the first one to Main, set the second and following to Sub. Be sure the power is off when making the settings.




Power supply

Power supply

Power supply

Remote controller PZ-41SLB-E

Set to Main

Set to Sub

Change the Main/Sub switch (SW1) on the control board to Sub for the second and following Lossnay units. Main/Sub selection switch (SW1)
Main Sub

Transmission cable

Operation Method
Up to 15 Lossnay units can be operated when running at the same time. (Individual control is not possible)
(Main) Lossnay (Sub) Lossnay (Sub) Lossnay

Power supply

Power supply

Power supply

Remote controller PZ-41SLB-E


4.4.3 Operation with 2 Remote controllers

Characteristics Remote controller Note
Use only up to 2 remote controller (Operation will not go normally if 3 remote controller switches are con nected.) Lossnay can be operated from two remote locations. Lossnay conditions can be checked from two remote Lossnay remote controller locations. PZ-41SLB-E The remote controller gives priority to the last touch.

System Example
Transmission cable extension is 500 m or less PVC cable 0.65 to 1.2 or strand wire 0.3 mm2 to 1.25 mm2. Lossnay Lossnay Lossnay up to 15 units. (Be sure to turn on the power for the second and following Lossnay units.)

Power supply

Power supply

Lossnay Remote controller PZ-41SLB-E


Lossnay up to 15 units. (Be sure to turn on the power for the second and following Lossnay units.)

Power supply Remote controller PZ-41SLB-E Lossnay

Power supply

Transmission cable extension is 500 m or less PVC cable 0.65 to 1.2 or strand wire 0.3 mm2 to 1.25 mm2.


Power supply

Power supply

Remote controller PZ-41SLB-E

Remote controller PZ-41SLB-E

Operation Method
(1) When there are 2 remote controllers, 2 CONTROLLERS will display on the LCD readouts upper region. (2) The operation is the same with each remote controller. In this case, the Lossnay gives operating priority to the last button push.

Remote Remote controller controller Close-up of display region




Interlocking with Mr. Slim

4.5.1 Interlocked Mr. Slim and Lossnay System

Interlocked operation with Mitsubishi air-conditioners is possible.

System Example
A-control or K-control Mr.Slim outdoor unit

A-control or K-control Mr.Slim indoor unit

A-control or K-control remote controller

Slim-Lossnay connection cable (Enclosed accessory)

Lossnay unit LGH-RX4-E

Lossnay Function Table (Interlocked settings) Item

Number of indoor units that can be set to interlocked operation with 1 Lossnay unit in each group Number of Lossnay units that can be set to interlocked operation with 1 indoor unit Operation of Lossnay unit only (When indoor unit is stopped) Independent Lossnay unit start and stop (When indoor unit is operating) Delayed operation (Optional setting) Fan speed switching Ventilation mode Filter indicator Error Restrictions and precautions A-control K-control A-control K-control A-control K-control 1 unit 1 unit Possible Not possible Not possible Not possible 30 minute delayed operation when indoor unit cooling/heating is started High/Low Fixed to high Fixed to automatic Not possible Not possible * The Lossnay remote controller cannot be used on systems interlocked with Mr. Slim. When connecting a PZ-41SLB-E to a Lossnay unit, ON/OFF and High/Low operation by the PZ-41SLB-E cannot be reflected to the display of the Mr. Slims A-control remote controller.



Controller Function Table especially regarded to the Lossnay unit Model

Start/Stop Operation Fan speed switching Ventilation mode switching Priority instructions. Local permitted/prohibited Status (Operation/Stop) Fan speed switching Monitoring Ventilation mode Error Error content Filter sign Local permitted/prohibited

Local Remote A-control remote K-control Lossnay remote controller remote controller controller PAR-20MAA PZ-41SLB-E, PZ-52SF-E
(Automatic) (Automatic) Not used to the interlocked Lossnays

Switched and display

: Group only (or function available)

: Not available

For details about the operation or display of the A-control remote controller (PAR-20MAA), refer to page 91. For details about wiring between Lossnay and Mr.Slim, refer to page 25 (5.7 connection Method).



M-NET Control

4.6.1 Independent Lossnay System with Lossnay M-NET Remote Controller and MELANS
The Mitsubishi Electric air-conditioner network system (MELANS) can operate and monitor each group of Lossnay units and air-conditioners. Can also perform operations using Lossnay M-NET remote controller.

System Examples: 1
The following groups can be configured.
Outdoor unit (059) ( ) address

System controller (000)

M-NET 12V DC Lossnay (001) (101) Lossnay M-NET remote controller PZ-52SF-E Group1 Group2 Lossnay (002) Lossnay (003) Lossnay (004) (103) Lossnay M-NET remote controller PZ-52SF-E Group3 Lossnay (005) Lossnay (006) (106) (156) Lossnay (007) (107) Lossnay (008) (157)

Power supply unit

Lossnay M-NET remote controller PZ-52SF-E Group4

Lossnay M-NET remote controller PZ-52SF-E Group5

Group 1 Group 2 Group 3 Group 4 Group 5

: : : : :

Group of 1 Lossnay unit and 1 Lossnay M-NET remote controller. Group without Lossnay M-NET remote controller. Group of multiple Lossnay units and 1 Lossnay M-NET remote controller. Group of 1 Lossnay unit and 2 Lossnay M-NET remote controllers. Group of multiple Lossnay units and 2 Lossnay M-NET remote controllers.

Lossnay remote controller PZ-41SLB-E can not be used.

Lossnay Function Table (Group Setting) Item

Number of Lossnay remote controllers and/or MELANS units that can be connected to 1 Lossnay unit Operation of 2 remote controllers in 1 group Fan speed switching Ventilation mode Filter indicator Error

5 units (Number of Lossnay remote controller is 2 units max.) Possible High/Low Heat ex. / By-pass / Automatic 3000 hours / No display Display


Controller Function Table Local Remote Model MELANS Series

Lossnay Simple Group System ON/OFF Remote Schedule System remote remote remote remote remote controller timer controller controller controller controller controller controller
PZ-52SF-E No. of controllable (Groups/Units)



1 Group/16 Units

50 Group/50 Units 50 Group/50 Units 16 Group/50 Units 50 Group/50 Units


Air volume switching Ventilation mode switching Priority instructions. Local permitted/prohibited Status (Operation/Stop) Air volume switching

n n n n n
Not used to the non-interrocked Lossnay



n n n n n


Ventilation mode Error Error content Filter sign Local permitted/prohibited Weekly

n n

n n

16 112 5

n n

6 42 10

Scheduling/ Recording

Stop/Starts per day Stop/Starts per week Minimum setting (minutes) Error record

Switches and display

n: Group/batch
: Available under some condition * Available as schedule operation

: Group only (or function available) : Not available

For details about the operation or display of the Lossnay M-NET remote controller (PZ-52SF-E) refer to page 80. For details about the operation or display of the System controller (G-50A) refer to page 84.


4.6.2 City Multi and Lossnay Interlocked System

Interlocked operation with Mitsubishi air-conditioners is possible. Can also perform independent Lossnay operations using MA remote controller or ME remote controller.

System Examples
The following groups can be configured. Single Refrigerant System

Outdoor unit (051) Lossnay remote controller PZ-41SLB-E can not be used with any group. ( ) address

Indoor unit (001)

Lossnay (002)

Indoor unit (003)

Indoor unit (004)

Lossnay (005)

Indoor unit (006)

Lossnay (007)

Indoor unit (008) MA Remote controller Group4

Lossnay (009)

Indoor unit (010) MA Remote controller Group5

MA Remote controller Group1

MA Remote controller Group2

MA Remote controller Group3

Group 1 Group 2 Group 3 Group 4, 5

: : : :

Group of 1 indoor unit and 1 Lossnay in interlocked operation. Group of multiple indoor units and 1 Lossnay unit in interlocked operation. Group of 1 indoor unit with 2 remote controllers and 1 Lossnay unit in interlocked operation. Group of multiple groups and 1 Lossnay unit in interlocked operation.

Multiple Refrigerants System

( ) address Refrigerant 1 Outdoor unit (051) Refrigerant 2 Outdoor unit (055)

Indoor unit (001) MA Remote controller Group1

Lossnay (002)

Indoor unit (003) MA Remote controller Group2

Lossnay (004)

Indoor unit (005)

Indoor unit (006)

Indoor unit (007)

Lossnay (008)

MA Remote controller Group3

Group 1 Group 2 Group 3

: Group of 1 indoor unit and 1 Lossnay in interlocked operation. : Group of multiple indoor units (with different refrigerants) and 1 Lossnay unit in interlocked operation. : Group of multiple indoor units (with same refrigerant) and 1 Lossnay unit in interlocked operation.


Lossnay Function Table (Interlocked Settings) Item

Number of indoor units that can be set to interlocked operation with 1 Lossnay unit in each group Number of Lossnay units that can be set to interlocked operation with 1 indoor unit Independent start/stop of ventilation (Lossnay) Delayed operation (Optional setting) Fan speed switching Ventilation mode Filter maintenance indicator Error Restrictions and precautions 16 units per group 1 unit Possible 30 minute delayed operation when indoor unit cooling/heating is started High/Low Fixed to automatic 3000 hours / No display Display * Lossnays cannot be interlocked to the indoor units using K-transmission converter.


Controller Function Table especially regarded to the Lossnay unit Local Remote Model MELANS Series
Lossnay Simple Group System ON/OFF Remote Schedule System remote remote remote remote remote controller timer controller controller controller controller controller controller

No. of controllable (Groups (G)/Units) 1 Group/16 Units 1 Group/16 Units 1 Group/16 Units 8 Group/16 Units 50 Group/50 Units 50 Group/50 Units 16 Group/50 Units 50 Group/50 Units




Air volume switching Ventilation mode switching Priority instructions. Hand-held remote, Allowed/Not allowed Status (Operation/Stop) Air volume switching


n n


Ventilation mode Error Error content Filter sign Permit/Prohibit for remote control Weekly

n n

n n

n n

16 112 5

n n

6 42 10

Scheduling/ Recording

Stop/Starts per day Stop/Starts per week Minimum setting (minutes) Error record


Switches and display

n: Group/batch

: Group only (or function available) : Available under some condition : Not available *1 Not displaying which interlocked Lossnay unit by some group is running *2 Available as schedule operation

For details about the operation or display of the remote controller (PAR-F27MEA, PAR-20MAA), please refer to those manuals.


4.6.3 MA Remote Controller/ME Remote Controller in Combination with Lossnay M-NET Remote Controller
The MA remote controller, ME remote controller, and Lossnay M-NET remote controller can be used in combination.

Combination of Air Conditioner Remote Control and Lossnay Remote Control Indoor Unit
Model for MA remote control (Type C or later) Model for other than MA remote control (Type B or earlier)

Lossnay LGH-RX4-E

: Compatible : Incompatible

System Examples: 1
Interlocked operation setting

Power supply unit

System controller (201)

Outdoor unit (051)

Indoor unit (001)

Lossnay (002)

MA remote controller (101) Group1

Lossnay M-NET remote controller PZ-52SF-E (102) Group2

( ) address

Setting Method
(1) Make the Group setting for the indoor unit. (2) Make the Group setting for the Lossnay unit. (3) Set the indoor unit and Lossnay unit in interlocked operation. When using the system controller, make both the Group setting and operation setting for the previously mentioned units.

(1) When the indoor unit is set for interlocked operation in 1 group: Interlocked operation with the indoor unit from the air conditioner remote controller is possible and can switch between High/Low/Off. From the air conditioner remote controller it is possible to switch the Lossnay only between High/Low/Off. From the Lossnay remote controller it is possible to switch the Lossnay between High/Low/Off. (2) When the 2 or more indoor units with different group are set for interlocked operation, the Lossnay will operate if at least 1 group operates. The Lossnay will stop operation if all groups stop operation. From an air conditioner remote controller it is possible to switch the Lossnay only between High/Low when other groups are operating. From the Lossnay remote controller it is possible to switch the Lossnay between High/Low/Off.

If the display on the MA remote controller/ME remote controller, or other air conditioner remote controller, is cancelled, the air conditioner remote controller will not show the ventilation display even if you operate the Lossnay from the Lossnay M-NET remote controller.

Transmission cable power control for indoor units Be sure usage is within the following boundaries. Indoor units + ME remote controllers (compact remote controllers) + Lossnay M-NET remote controllers is less than or equal to 40 units. Indoor units are less than or equal to 20 units. (The numbers of MA remote controllers and Lossnay units are not included in the above number of units.)


System Examples: 2
A mixed system including the City Multi can also be configured.

System controller M-MET 12V DC Lossnay (001) (101) Lossnay M-NET remote controller PZ-52SF-E Group1 Group2 Lossnay (002) Lossnay (003) Lossnay (004) (103) Lossnay (005) Lossnay (006) (106) (156)

( ) address

Power supply unit

Lossnay Lossnay(008) (007) (107) (157)

Outdoor unit (059)

Lossnay M-NET remote controller PZ-52SF-E Group3

Lossnay M-NET remote controller PZ-52SF-E Group4

Lossnay M-NET remote controller PZ-52SF-E Group5

Indoor unit (009)

Lossnay (010) (109)

Indoor unit (011)

Indoor unit (012) (111)

Lossnay (013)

Lossnay (014)

Lossnay (015) (114)

Indoor unit (016) (116) ME remote controller Group9

ME remote controller Group6

ME remote controller Group7

Lossnay M-NET remote controller PZ-52SF-E Group8

Group 1 Group 2 Group 3 Group 4 Group 5 Group 6 Group 7 Group 8 Group 9

: : : : : : : :

Group of 1 Lossnay unit and 1 Lossnay M-NET remote controller. Group with no Lossnay M-NET remote controller. Group of multiple Lossnay units and 1 Lossnay M-NET remote controller. Group of 1 Lossnay unit and 2 Lossnay M-NET remote controllers. Group of multiple Lossnay units and 2 Lossnay M-NET remote controllers. Group of 1 indoor unit and 1 Lossnay unit in interlocked operation. Group of multiple indoor units and 1 Lossnay unit in interlocked operation. Group of multiple Lossnay units connected to an indoor unit transmission cable and 1 Lossnay M-NET remote controller. : Group with no Lossnay units.

Do not use Lossnay remote controller PZ-41SLB-E in case of a system using M-NET transmission cable.

System controller

M-NET transmission cable M-MET 12V DC

Power supply unit

Lossnay (01)

Lossnay (02)

Lossnay (03)

(101) Lossnay remote controller PZ-41SLB-E Group1 ( ) address Use PZ-52SF-E to connect M-NET transmission cable


4.6.4 When Using the LONWORKS Compatible Adaptor (LMAP02-E) to Connect to LONWORKS
By using the LON adaptor (model name: LMAP02-E), it is possible to control and observe Lossnays on a building management system using the LONWORKS. * For specifications and functions of the LON adaptor, refer to the materials regarding the LONWORKS compatible adaptor.

Table of Functions Individual Lossnay (Lossnay not set for interlocked operation)

ON/OFF Change fan to High/Low Change ventilation mode Local prohibit ON/OFF Operation condition Fan speed Ventilation mode (conditions) Errors Filter maintenance sign Local prohibit ON/OFF state

Interlocked Lossnay (Lossnay set for interlocked operation with City Multi)



System Example
(Using M-NET)


Building management system

LMAP02-E Lossnay Lossnay


Lossnay M-NET remote controller PZ-52SF-E

Lossnay M-NET remote controller PZ-52SF-E

LMAP02-E M-NET Lossnay Lossnay

Lossnay M-NET remote controller PZ-52SF-E

Lossnay M-NET remote controller PZ-52SF-E

Connect the M-NET transmission cable to TB5 A, B of the Lossnay terminal block. (Refer to page 68). The Lossnay remote controller (PZ-41SLB-E) can not be used with this system. Up to 50 units can be connected with 1 LMAP02-E. For details about the system or connection cables of the LMAP02-E, refer to the technical materials, etc., regarding the LMAP02-E. * LONWORKS is a registered international trademark, registered in the U.S.A to the Echelon Corporation.


5. Examples of Applications Using External Control Input Terminals, Operation Monitor Output Terminals and Malfunction Monitor Output Terminals
Various applications are possible by using the input/output terminals as shown below.
Input/Output Specifications Terminal
1 External control input terminal block (TM2 1, 2, 3)

This is the input terminal block for start/stop the Lossnay unit using external equipment, such as a Mr. Slim (A-control or K-control) indoor unit or the BMS (Building Management System). Signal input can be by voltage (12V-24V DC) or uncharged a-contact signal. (Both voltage and no-votage signals are compatible with pulse input. Set DIP switch 2-2 to ON. A pulse signal duration of 200 ms or more is needed.) Output terminal during Lossnay unit operation. (uncharged a-contact signal output.) Contact point rating: 2A/240V AC Within 2A/24V DC Output terminal during Lossnay unit malfunction. (uncharged a-contact signal output.) Contact point rating: 2A/240V AC Within 2A/24V DC

22/24 to 27

Operation monitor output terminal block (TM3 9, 0) Malfunction monitor output terminal block (TM3 7, 8)



Lossnay Main/Sub Setting

For a multiple Lossnay system that will begin operation from one signal from an air conditioner or the like, make sure the unit connected to the signal cable from the air conditioner is set to Main, and all the others are set to Sub. (Refer to page 66)

Lossnay up to 15
Lossnay units

Air conditioner Power supply Air conditioner remote controller Main Set to "Main" Sub Main/Sub selection switch (SW1)

Power supply Remote controller PZ-41SLB-E Lossnay

Lossnay Set to "Sub" (Set to Main when shipped from the factory)



External Control Operating Mode Selection

There are four modes when operating using signals from external equipment. 1. ON/OFF interlock (the last trigger from either external signal or remote control switch has priority) 2. ON interlock 3. OFF interlock 4. External priority ON/OFF interlock

Operating Signal Mode When external signal is level signal. When external signal is pulse signal. (Optional setting)

ON/OFF interlock

External signal Remote controller [ON/OFF] button pressed Operating Operating condition Stopped

External signal Remote controller [ON/OFF] button pressed Operating Operating condition Stopped

ON interlock

External signal Remote controller [ON/OFF] button pressed Operating Operating condition Stopped

External signal Remote controller [ON/OFF] button pressed Operating Operating condition Stopped

OFF interlock

External signal Remote controller [ON/OFF] button pressed Operating Operating condition Stopped

External signal Remote controller [ON/OFF] button pressed Operating Operating condition Stopped

External priority ON/OFF interlock

External signal Remote controller [ON/OFF] button pressed Operating Operating condition Stopped This mode does not exist.

Setting Method
When PZ-41SLB-E is used . . . . . . Set with the remote controller. (Refer to page 78) When PZ-41SLB-E is Not used . . . Set with the dip switch. (Refer to page 72)



Delayed Interlocked Operation (PZ-41SLB-E, M-NET)

(1) It is possible to delay operation of the Lossnay with respect to the operation of the external device. (Energy saving effect.) (2) The times that can be set for delayed operation are 10, 20, 30, 40, 50, and 60 minutes. (3) Delayed operation does not occur if the Lossnay operation was cancelled within the last 2 hours. (If turned off for a short time, for example during a lunch break, if the direction to restart operation is given within 2 hours, the Lossnay will restart immediately.) (4) If an operation button is pressed on the remote controller while the delay timer is operating, the delayed operation is cancelled and normal operation begins.

Setting Method
When PZ-41SLB-E is used . . . . . . Set with the remote controller. (Refer to page 78) When PZ-41SLB-E is Not used . . . Set with the dip switch but fixed only for 30 minutes. (Refer to page 72)


Multiple External device Operation (PZ-41SLB-E, M-NET)

When there are multiple air conditioners or other external devices Characteristics Ordered parts Notes

Lossnay operates when any of the external devices operate.

Remote controller

External signals that can be received are listed below. Level signal, uncharged a-contact If the external device is a pulse signal or charged signal multiple connections can not be made.

System Example
When the Operation Signal is a Uncharged a-contact Level Signal

(Signal cable for space between Lossnay and remote controller is less than 500 m.) PVC cable 0.65 to 1.2 or strand wire 0.3 mm2 to 1.25 mm2.


Uncharged a-contact Air conditioner 1

Uncharged a-contact Air conditioner 2

Uncharged a-contact Air conditioner 4

Power supply

Power supply

Power supply

Power supply

Remote controller PZ-41SLB-E

Air conditioner remote controller

Air conditioner remote controller

Air conditioner remote controller

* Illustration shows an example when using PZ-41SLB-E.



Multiple Lossnay Units in Interlocked Operation with One Indoor Unit. (M-NET only)

[Example: System 1]
Set the Main/Sub switch of the Lossnay connected to the M-NET transmission cable to Main, set the second and following Lossnay units to Sub, and connect TM4 of the Lossnay remote controllers (PZ-41SLB-E) transmission cable terminal to the corresponding point on the next unit. (Refer to page 66)
M-NET transmission cable

Indoor unit TM4 MA remote controller Lossnay (Main) Lossnay (Sub) Lossnay (Sub) TM4 TM4

(One Point Advice)

Register the first Lossnay unit and the indoor unit to be interlocked. It is not necessary to set the address or direct control for the second or following Lossnay units. Malfunctions of the Lossnay units after the second unit will not appear on the remote controller.

[Example: System 2]
When you want to also manage the abnormalities of the Sub set Lossnays by a system controller. Wire all the TM4 of Lossnays, make the main/sub switch of the Lossnay of the youngest address into the Main, and make other Lossnays setup at Sub. From a system controller, carry out group registration of an indoor unit and Lossnays, respectively, and perform a interlocking setup with an indoor unit and a Lossnay of the youngest address in a group.
Power supply unit System controller G-50A M-NET transmission cable TB5 TB5 TB5

Indoor unit (001)

Main Lossnay (010) Lossnay remote controller Group2

Sub Sub Local Lossnay Lossnay (011) transmission (012) cable TM4

MA remote controller Group1 Interlocked setting

The inside of ( ) is an address number.

[Example: System 3]
Use the Lossnay remote controller to set the air conditioners and Lossnay units to separate groups. Both interlocked operation of an air conditioner and Lossnay units can be performed independently by connecting the remote display output for the indoor unit and the external control input for the Lossnay unit.
M-NET transmission cable External control input

Indoor unit




Lossnay remote controller (PZ-52SF-E) MA remote controller Remote display output

(One Point Advice)

Do not register the indoor unit and Lossnay unit to be interlocked. In addition, ventilation switch on the MA remote controller will be invalid, and the Lossnays error indicator will appear only on the Lossnay remote controller.



Interlocked Operation of Equipment such as the Electrically Operated Damper and Booster Fan. (M-NET only)
M-NET transmission cable Lossnay

[Example System]

Indoor unit

Electrically operated damper Booster fan Operation monitor output

MA remote controller


To Pick Up an Error Signal Externally (PZ-41SLB-E, M-NET)

M-NET transmission cable Lossnay Indoor unit Operation monitor output

[Example System]

Lamp on monitoring unit

MA remote controller


Connection Method (PZ-41SLB-E, M-NET)

Example: Slim-Lossnay connection cable (Lossnay s enclosed accessory) If other models are used, refer to the operating manual for those models. Example: Mitsubishi Mr.Slim indoor unit CN2L

1. Using a Mr. Slim (A-control or K-control) indoor unit

Lossnay External control input

1 2 3

0.5mm2 to 1mm2 sheathed PVC cable 500 m No more than

2. Using a 12V DC or 24V DC voltage signal

[When voltage pulse signal (12V DC or 24V DC) is used] Lossnay External control input TM2
1 2 3

Connect the signal output to between TM2 1 and 2. (Non-polar)

External device

0.5mm2 to 1mm2 sheathed PVC cable Overall extension length of connection (Follow the guidance provided in the operators manual.)


3. Uncharged a-contact
Lossnay External control input TM2
1 2 3

External device

If an optocoupler or any other type of polar coupler is used at the uncharged a-contact, connect the + to 3 and the to 1.

0.5mm2 to 1mm2 sheathed PVC cable 500 m No more than

4. Many uncharged a-contacts.

Components for taking remote output
External device Power External device operation switch

Connect 1 and 3 of the external control input terminal (TM2) through the component for taking remote output at the uncharged a-contact.

Lossnay 1 External control 2 input (TM2) 3

External device

Power External device operation switch

If an optocoupler or any other type of polar contact is used at the uncharged a-contact, connect the + to 3 and the - to 1.

External device

Power External device operation switch

External device

Power External device operation switch

500 m or less

5. Connecting to equipment such as an electrically operated damper and picking up the operating signals.
Lossnay Connect the power supply cable from the electrically operated damper to 9 and 0 of the operation monitor output terminal (TM3). Electrically operated damper
9 10

The response time to an external control input signal is shown in the table below. External Signal Type Level signal Pulse signal Response Type Maximum 7 seconds Maximum 200 milliseconds

Operation monitor output (TM3)

Lamp Power supply Max. 240V AC 2A 24V DC 2A Min. 220V AC 100mA 5V DC 100mA

6. Picking up an error signal.

Lossnay Malfunction monitor output (TM3)
7 8

Connect to 7 and 8 of Malfunction monitor output terminal (TM3) Lamp or control equipment

Power supply Max. 240V AC 2A 24V DC 2A Min. 220V AC 100mA 5V DC 100mA


7. When operating by power ON/OFF without using the remote controller.

TM1 Switch Power source for LOSSNAY Lossnay TM2
1 2 3 4 5 6

Connect as left Wiring diagram. When the Switch ON, the LOSSNAY unit will begin to operate. *LOSSNAY FAN speed can be selected (High/Low) by dip switch2-4 and 5. *Ventilation mode (LOSSNAY/Bypass) is fixed to automatic.


High/Low Change Input (PZ-41SLB-E, M-NET)

The fan speed of the Lossnay can be changed externally by using a commercially available CO2 sensor, etc. The separately sold remote ON/OFF adaptor (PAC-SE55RA-E) is necessary for connection.

Connection Method
Externally Directed High fan speed Operation
CO2 sensor, etc. (when CO2 increases: close) (sold separately) Remote ON/OFF adaptor Lossnay control board (PAC-SE55RA-E) Orange 1 Switch1 Red 2 Brown 3 Switch 1: High operation switch (when closed: High operation) Securely break off so as not to use Wiring length maximum 10 m High/Low change Switch1 CN16

Externally Directed Low fan speed Operation

CO2 sensor, etc. (when CO2 increases: close) (sold separately) Remote ON/OFF adaptor Lossnay control board (PAC-SE55RA-E) Orange 1 Red 2 Brown 3 Securely break off so as not to use Wiring length maximum 10 m High/Low change CN16

Switch 1: Low operation switch (when closed: Low operation)

When switch 1 is ON, the Lossnay operates at the "High" fan speed regardless of the remote controller setting. If you usually ventilate at "Low" fan speed operation, switch to "High" fan speed operation when the external sensor shows the air quality going down.

When switch 1 is ON, the Lossnay operates at the "Low" fan speed regardless of the remote controller setting. If you usually ventilate at "High" fan speed operation, switch to "Low" fan speed operation when the external sensor shows few impurities in the air.

1 When using PZ-41SLB-E to connect multiple units

Connect the sensor to the Lossnay with the Main setting. It is not necessary to connect to any Lossnay with the Sub setting. Connect any sensor, etc., connected to external change input to the Lossnay with the Main setting. Any Lossnay with the Sub setting will operate at the same High/Low setting as the Lossnay with the Main setting when there is sensor signal input.
Main Sub Sub

Lossnay (Main) PZ-41SLB-E

Lossnay (Sub) CO2 sensor

Lossnay (Sub)


2 When using M-NET for a group of multiple units

For multiple groups, connect the sensor to each Lossnay. Even if the units are in the same group, you can only change Lossnay units connected to the sensor between High/Low operation.





CO2 sensor

CO2 sensor

CO2 sensor


When using the M-NET system, the fan speed being input by this sensor signal will not be displayed on the remote controller.


Remote/Local control Change and ON/OFF Input (M-NET only)

The separately sold remote ON/OFF adaptor (PAC-SE55RA-E) is necessary for connection. Remote/Local changing is impossible when using PZ-41SLB-E. Insert the separately sold remote ON/OFF adaptor (PAC-SE55RA-E) into CN32 on the Lossnay control table
Remote ON/OFF adaptor Lossnay control (PAC-SE55RA-E) table Orange 1 Switch2 Switch1 X Y Y X Red 2 Brown 3 CN32

Remote control circuit Relay power

Relay circuit

Switch 1 : When on, can not use the local remote controller (PZ-52SF-E) to turn ON/OFF. * When using PZ-41SLB-E, Remote/Local changing is impossible. Switch 2 : When Switch 1 is ON, you can turn Switch 2 ON to operate the Lossnay, or turn Switch 2 to OFF to turn off the Lossnay. Switch 1 : Remote/Local change switch Switch 2 : ON/OFF switch

Wiring length maximum 10 m

X, Y : Relay (Contact rating DC 1 mA)

External control input and Remote/Local changing can not be used at the same time.


6. Precautions When Designing Systems of M-NET

6.1 Power Supply of the M-NET Transmission Cable
On an M-NET system, the remote controller or central controller operate on power received from the transmission cable. Accordingly, there is need to provide power to the transmission cable. There are two systems for supplying power. The central system is supplied by a power supply unit. The indoor unit system is supplied by a outdoor unit. The Lossnay and the Lossnay remote controller can be connected to either system.
The central system M-MET System controller 12V DC Outdoor unit TB7 TB3 Indoor unit transmission cable The indoor unit system

Power supply unit Central controller transmission cable Lossnay Lossnay remote controller (PZ-52SF-E) MA remote controller Indoor unit Lossnay


Restrictions When the Lossnay Units are Connected to the Central Controller M-NET Transmission Cable.

Due to the limited capacity of the power supply unit, the number of Lossnay remote controllers is restricted when the Lossnay M-NET remote controllers and Lossnay units are connected to the central controller transmission cable. This does not apply to Lossnay units and G-50A that do not receive power from the central controller transmission cable. Central controller Model Number of Lossnay MNET remote controllers that can be connected. Power supply unit PAC-SC50KUA Transmisson Booster PAC-SF46EPA Non Max. 24 units Max. 50 units PAC-SF44SRA 1 unit Max. 22 units Max. 48 units PAC-YT40ANRA 1 unit Max. 20 units Max. 46 units

System controller

Transmission cable

Power supply unit (PAC-SC50KUA)





Lossnay M-NET remote controller (PZ-52SF-E)

Lossnay M-NET remote controller (PZ-52SF-E)

In the case that a greater number of Lossnay remote controllers than that shown above is connected due to the use of a power supply unit (PAC-SC50KUA), a transmission booster (PAC-SF46EPA) becomes necessary. Transmission Booster (PAC-SF46EPA) can be used without a power supply unit (PAC-SC50KUA) if TB2 (OUTDOOR UNIT SIDE) is opened, and the M-NET transmission cable is connected to TB3 (ADDITIONAL INDOOR UNIT SIDE).


Power consumption of each central controller Model System remote cotroller ON/OFF remote cotroller Schedule timer PAC-SF44SRA PAC-YT40ANRA PAC-YT34STA Conversion to the Number of Lossnay remote controllers Power consumption of 2 Lossnay remote controller units 4 units 2 units


Wiring Example

<System controller and Lossnay units>

System controller 12V DC Ground Lossnay unit Power supply unit Lossnay remote controller TB2 TB3 Ground Lossnay remote controller Lossnay remote controller Lossnay remote controller Lossnay remote controller Lossnay remote controller Lossnay unit Lossnay unit Lossnay unit Lossnay unit Lossnay unit M-MET

S S Transmission booster Lossnay unit Lossnay unit Lossnay unit


Lossnay remote controller

Lossnay remote controller

This unit cannot be used to extend the transmission cable.



Power Supply to the Indoor Unit Transmission Cable.

In principle, the number of indoor units ME remote controllers and Lossnay M-NET remote controllers that can be connected to one outdoor unit will depend on the type of outdoor unit. The following are the general guidelines when connecting multiple indoor units and Lossnay units to an outdoor unit. Indoor units + Remote controllers (Simple remote controllers) + Lossnay M-NET remote controllers * MA remote controllers and Lossnay units are Not counted. 35

Outdoor unit System controller M-MET 12V DC

The sum of indoor units and remote controllers should be 35 or less.

Power supply unit

Indoor unit

Indoor unit

Indoor unit


ME remote controller

ME remote controller

Lossnay M-NET remote controller (PZ-52SF-E)


7. Cable Installation of the M-NET

7.1 Precautions When Installing Wiring.
1. When routing transmission cable outside of the unit, position it 5 cm or more away cable for the power supply so that it will not pick up electrical noise. (Never use multicore cable or place the transmission cable in the same conduit as the power supply cable.) 2. Never connect the power cable to the terminal block for the transmission cable. This erroneous connection will burn out the circuit board. 3. Always use 2-core cable for the transmission cable. Routing this transmission cable with the transmission cable from another system on the same multi-core cable will result in erroneous sending and receiving of signals which will cause misoperation. 4. Never wire a transmission cable in the shape of a loop. Reception of a transmission signal becomes impossible.
Outdoor unit Indoor unit 2-core cable Indoor unit Lossnay

Outdoor unit

Air conditioner remote controller Indoor unit 2-core cable Indoor unit

Lossnay M-NET remote controller (PZ-52SF-E) Lossnay

Air conditioner remote controller Outdoor unit Indoor unit Indoor unit

Lossnay M-NET remote controller (PZ-52SF-E)


Multi-core cable Outdoor unit Air conditioner remote controller Indoor unit Indoor unit Lossnay M-NET remote controller (PZ-52SF-E) Lossnay

Air conditioner remote controller System controller

Lossnay M-NET remote controller (PZ-52SF-E)

Lossnay Power supply unit



Lossnay Lossnay Lossnay remote controller remote controller remote controller




Lossnay Lossnay Lossnay remote controller remote controller remote controller



Electrical Wiring

Types of control cables

1. Wiring the M-NET transmission cables
Types of transmission cables Shielded cable, such as CVVS or CPEVS. CVVS : PVC insulated PVC jacketed shielded control cable CPEVS : PE insulated PVC jacketed shielded communication cable Cross-sectional area 1.25 mm2 to 2.00 mm2

2. Lossnay M-NET remote controller (PZ-52SF-E)

Lossnay M-NET remote controller Type of cables Length Non-shielded cable up to 10 m in length sheathed PVC (2-core) 0.75 mm2 to 1.25 mm2 or equivalent. (The same specifications as table 1 for more than 10 m.) Add any portion exceeding 10 m up to the longest permissible transmission cable length of 200 m. (Shielded sections shall have a cross-sectional area of 1.25 mm2 to 2.00 mm2.)



Length of Control Cable

Maximum power supply cable length. (L1 + L2, L1 + L3, L1 + L4): The longest length of the cable from the power supply unit or the indoor unit to the farthest terminal shall be less than 200 m. Maximum distance between ends (L2 + L3, L2 + L4, L3 + L4): The length of cable between ends shall be less than 500 m. Remote controller cable length (o): The distance between the remote controller and the terminal connected to it shall be 10 m or less.

System Example
When using Lossnay remote controller or ME remote controller.
Power supply unit L1 L2

Ground L3 L4 T T B B 2 3 Transmission booster System controller Lossnay




Lossnay M-NET remote controller (PZ-525F-E)

Lossnay M-NET remote controller (PZ-525F-E)

Lossnay Lossnay M-NET remote controller (PZ-52SF-E)

Outdoor unit







T L3 T B B 2 3 Transmission booster Lossnay Indoor unit

Lossnay M-NET remote controller (PZ-52SF-E)

Lossnay M-NET remote controller (PZ-52SF-E)

Air conditioner remote controller

Always install the ground cable for the transmission cables in the following way. Route the central control system through the power supply unit. Route the indoor unit system through the ground terminal on the outdoor unit. If the cable length (o) for the remote controller exceeds 10 m, use 0.75 mm2, change the section exceeding 10 m to the cable having a cross-sectional area of 1.25 mm2 to 2.0 mm2. Add the exceeding section within the maximum power supply cable length restriction of 200 m and the maximum distance between ends restriction of 500 m. If the cable exceeds the maximum cable length and overall extended length, voltage will drop and cause malfunctioning.


8. System Designs of M-NET

8.1 Address Definitions
Unit Address setting Example
901 901

An address is a unique number used to identify each air conditioner and controller. Note Use the most recent address within the same group of indoor units. Make the indoor units address connected to the BC controller (Slave) larger than the indoor units address connected to the BC controller (Master). The smallest address of indoor unit in same refrigerant system +50. *The address automafically becomes 100 if it is set as 01 to 50. The address of outdoor unit +1. *Please re-sel another address between 01 and 50 when two address overlap. *The address automafically becomes 100 if it is set as 01 to 50. Lowest address within the indoor units connected to the BC controller (Slave) plus 50. The smallest address of indoor unit in the group + 100. *The place of 100 is lixed to 1. The address of main remote controller +50. *The address automatically becomes 200 if it is set as 00. The smallest group No. to be managed +200.











System controller







G-50A LMAP02-E

000, 201 to 250 201 to 250

Set up on display



There is no need to set the address unless the Lossnay is connected to the M-NET transmission cable.










Schedule timer

202 to 250






System remote controller ON/OFF remote controller



000, 201 to 250






Group remote controller

201 to 250








151 to 199, 200







M-NET, LOSSNAY Remote controller (Main) M-NET, LOSSNAY Remote controller (Sub)

Local remote controller

101 to 150






BC controller (Slave)


53 to 99, 100

78 23 23




BC controller (Master)



52 to 99, 100





Outdoor unit Heat source unit


51 to 99, 100






Indoor unit Lossnay




01 to 50


23 23 23

23 23 23














System configuration example

M-MET System controller (000) 12V DC (051) Outdoor unit Power supply unit (101) (001) Indoor unit ME remote controller (002) Indoor unit (103) (003) Indoor unit

( ) address


ME remote controller







Lossnay Lossnay M-NET remote controller (PZ-52SF-E) Lossnay M-NET remote controller (PZ-52SF-E)

Lossnay Lossnay M-NET remote controller (PZ-52SF-E)


(213) K-transmission converter

(013) Indoor unit K-control remote controller

(014) Indoor unit K-control remote controller

(015) Indoor unit K-control remote controller

(016) Indoor unit K-control remote controller (010) M-NET compatile A-control Mr.Slim outdoor unit A-control Mr.Slim indoor unit

Mr.Slim A-control remote controller



Precautions When Performing Group Settings (when not interlocked with City Multi indoor unit)
The maximum number of Lossnay units in one group is 16. (Refer to page 15.) When two remote controllers are used within the same group, set one remote controller as the master (address 101 to 150) and the other as the slave (address 151 to 200). (Refer to page 14.) Group settings: 1 Perform group settings at the System Controller when being used. If 2 or more System Controllers are being used in combination, perform them at the host one. (Refer to page 86.) 2 If a System Controller is not being used, use the Lossnay remote controller to perform the settings. (Refer to page 83.)

1 2 3

4 5 6 7

Do not set air conditioners and Lossnay units in the same group. If these units are set to the same group, the indoor unit or Lossnay will not operate. Turn on the power source for the Lossnay when performing group settings. If the group settings are performed by MELANS, be sure to also set the address for the Lossnay remote controllers to the group setting. If the remote controller address is not registered, H0 remains displayed and the system does not start up. No more than three Lossnay remote controllers can be set to the same group in a system using a System Controller.


Precautions When Performing Interlock Settings (when interlocked with City Multi indoor unit)
The maximum number of indoor units that can be interlocked is 16. (Refer to page 17.) 1 Lossnay can be interlocked with an indoor unit. (Refer to page 17.) Interlock settings: 1 Perform interlock settings at the System Controller when being used. If 2 or more System Controllers in combination, perform them at the host one. (Refer to page 86.) 2 When MA or ME remote controllers are being used except above 1: Use the MA or ME remote controller for the interlock settings. (If 1 or 2 do not apply, interlock settings cannot be made.) Do not register the Lossnay units to the other Lossnays group. In this case, the Lossnay units arent interlocked to the other Lossnays group. When performing the settings using a MA or ME remote controller, always set for interlocked operation to the smallest address indoor unit in a group. If the setting is not made in this manner, the message This function is not available will appear when operating the ventilation button and interlocking with the Lossnay unit will not be possible. Turn on the power source for the Lossnay when performing interlock settings.

1 2 3

4 5


9. Automatic Ventilation Switching

9.1 Effect of Automatic Ventilation Mode
The automatic damper mode automatically provides the correct ventilation for the conditions in the room. It eliminates the need for troublesome switch operations when setting the Lossnay ventilator to By-pass ventilation. The following shows the effect By-pass ventilation will have under various conditions.

1. Reduces cooling load

If the air outside is cooler than the air inside the building during the cooling season (such as early morning or at night), Bypass ventilation will draw in the cooler outside air and reduce the cooling load on the system.

2. Cooling using outdoor air

During cooler seasons (such as between spring and summer or between summer and fall), if the people in a room cause the temperature of the room to rise, By-pass ventilation draw in the cool outside air and use it as is to cool the room.

3. Night purge
By-pass ventilation can be used to release hot air from inside the building that has accumulated in buildings a business district during the hot summer season.

4. Office equipment room cooling

During cold season, outdoor air can be drawn in and used as is to cool rooms where the temperature has risen due to the use of office equipment. (Only when interlocked with City Multi and Mr. Slim indoor unit)


Switching between Heat Recovery and Bypass in the Automatic Ventilation Mode
Conditions Temperature Map
According to (a). According to (b).

Control of the automatic ventilation mode is performed according to the table below and automatic algorithm temperature maps. Note that operation is fixed at heat recovery when the fan is stopped or when there is an abnormality with the thermistor.

When in automatic ventilation mode when not interlocked with City Multi or Mr. Slim indoor unit. (Including when interlocked by external control input.) When the outside temperature has been 28C or higher in the last 24 hours. Interlocked with City Multi indoor unit

Fan mode operation for all interlocked indoor units. Fixed to Lossnay ventilation. Heating mode for one or more interlocked indoor units. When indoor units are stopped and only Lossnay unit is operated. Conditions other than the above. According to (c). Fixed to Lossnay ventilation. According to (d). Fixed to Lossnay ventilation. According to (c). According to (a) or (d). According to (d).

Interlocked with Mr. Slim indoor unit

Mr. Slim in fan mode. Mr. Slim in heating mode. Mr. Slim in ventilation mode. Conditions other than the above.

There is a maximum delay of 30 seconds during damper switching. Even if By-pass is selected by the Lossnay remote controller, Lossnay ventilation will be performed if the outdoor temperature is 8C or less. This is to prevent condensation. When multiple City Multi indoor units are connected in a group, the average set temperature for each indoor unit will be the target temperature. The set temperature is the target temperature for the Mr. Slim indoor unit. In the case of (c) when the indoor unit is stopped in winter, cooling with outdoor air is performed because equipment in the room may cause a rise in indoor temperature.


TOA (C) 50 45 40 35 30 25 20 15 10 5 0 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 45 TOA = TRA 4deg

TOA (C) 50 45 40 35 30 25 20 15 10 5 50 (C) TRA 0 8C 5 10 15 4deg 20 24 25 30 35 40 45 10C 4deg TOA = TRA

24C (a) When there is no target temperature

50 (C) TRA (b) When there is no target temperature and the outside temperature has been 28C or higher in the last 24 hours.

TOA (C) 50 45 40 35 30 25 20 15 10C 10 5 0 8C 5 10 15 20 25 Free Heating 2deg

TOA = TRA 4deg

TOA (C) 50 45 40 35 30 25 4deg TOA = TRA

Free cooling 4deg 4deg 6deg 30 35 40 45 50 (C) Target temperature TRA

20 15 10 5 0 8C 5 10 15 2deg 20 25 30 35 40 45 50 (C) Target temperature TRA 10C

(c) When there is a target temperature (Heating)

Lossnay ventilation By-pass ventilation Comfortzone (Maintains the condition held prior to entering the range.)

(d) When there is a target temperature (Cooling) Or the outside temperature has been 28C or higher in the last 24 hours when interlocked with Mr.Slim and Mr.Slim in ventilation mode.

TOA: Outdoor air temperature TRA: Indoor air temperature The indoor air and outdoor air temperature are detected by the two temperature sensors (thermistors) built into the main Lossnay unit.


10. Cautions of Lossnay Operation in cold region

10.1 Use of Pre-Heating Unit
If Lossnay unit operates in the condition below OA should be heated by pre heating unit to prevent condensation and freezing in Lossnay unit and core. (1) OA temperature is less than -10 degree C. (2) EA is plotted over the saturation curve like point C in the following fig, OA, EA, SA and RA conditions are plotted in the coldest condition in the year. Condensation and freezing may occur within the Lossnay unit and core under the conditions of (1) and (2).
Absolute humidity (kg/kg)

Saturation curve


Dry bulb temperature (C)

OA heating is not necessary except for conditions listed above.

Intermittent operation
If OA temperature goes down to -10 degree C or below during operation of the Lossnay without Pre heating unit, supply air fan will be in intermittent operation mode to protect core against freezing. Intermittent operation ; After measuring -10 degree C or below, the Lossnay unit will run for 60 minutes, then it stop SA fan for 10 minutes.(In the case that OA goes down to -15 degree C, or outside air stays at -10 degree C or colder for a long time (i.e day or more) pre heater unit should be fitted to prevent condensation and freezing.)

10.2 Wiring Preheater with Lossnay

RX4 type can control preheater with OA temperature. Wiring is following fig.

0 9
Preheater Relay

8 7

Power Supply

Power Supply

SW5-6 in Lossnay PCB should turn ON to control preheater by Lossnay. (Refer to page 71) OFF SW5 6 6 ON Malfunction monlter (factory setting) Pre-heat control output Operation


10.3 Algorithm of Preheater Control by Lossnay PCB

This is the example of algorithm of preheater control by RX4.
Toa1 Pre-heat unit Toa2 LOSSNAY SA

Example of control

30 Toa2 : Secondly side air temperature 25 20 15 10 5 0 -5 -10

Preheater ON Preheater OFF Preheater OFF

Preheater ON

Toa2 temperature goes down to -5 degree C, Contact for heater is turn ON.

Lossnay run for 1 minutes to cool heater, after turning OFF Lossnay unit during Preheater ON. Toa2 temperature rises to 15 degree C, Contact for heater is then turned OFF.


The control method

(1) Heater ON The X8 relay turns on, when the OA temperature gets to -5C or less. The OA temperature is checked after 10 second from the SA fan is started. (2) Heater OFF The X8 relay turns off, when the OA temperature gets over 15C, or when the SA fan stops. or in case of the OA temperature sensor error. (3) Remaining-heat exclusion After being turned off the heater, the SA and EA fans are made to operate for at least 1 minute with the notch as they are. When the heater is being ON at the time of a stop, while turning off the heater instancy, the fans delay operation for 1 minute. (4) Pre-heat malfunctions After turning ON the Pre-heat output (X8), when the OA temperature becomes larger than 15C within 15 minutes, or when the intermittent operation shown in 10.1 starts. The Pre-heat output (X8) turns OFF, and the re-drive of the heater is not performed until Lossnay is stopped. The error message 3126 is displayed at the M-NET remote controller, but not for PZ-41SLB-E Lossnay remote controller.


10.4 Example of Heater Capacity

Requiring of heating capacity could be shown following formula with Toa1,primary side temp, and Toa2,secoundly side temp. W1 = Sf Q C (Toa2-Toa1) 860 W1 = Q 1.2 0.24 (Toa2-Toa1) 860 [kW] ......... 1 Q [CMH] [kg/m3] C [kcal/kg] Toa1 [C] Toa2 [C] : Air volume : Specific gravity of air, 1.2 : specific heat of air, 0.24 : Primary temp. : Secondly temp.

Sf : Safety ratio, 1.0 ......... Safety ratio is 1.0 to prevent selecting too big capacity.

This is the example of LGH-100RX4-E using in following condition.

Coldest condition : -20C 40% RH, Indoor condition 23C 50% RH

Firstly, calculate capacity with Low notch air volume.

If capacity is calculated with air volume of high speed, secondly temperature might rise too high over 20 degree C during low notch operation. Then, secondly temp. repeat going down to -5 degree C and going up to 15 degree C In this case, contact may be broken by repeating ON and OFF.

Low notch air volume of LGH-100RX4-E is 870 CMH

Temp. exchange efficiency [t] : 81% Enthalpy. exchange efficiency [h] : 74% EA temp. : Tea = Tra + (Toa - Tra) t = 23 + (-20 - 23) 0.81 = -11.8C EA Enthalpy : Hea = Hra + (Hoa - Hra) h = 45.4 + (-19.4 - 45.4) 0.74 = -2.6kJ/kg EA absolute humidity : 3.7g/kg', read from psychometric chart EA condition, Point C, is left side of saturation curve as fig 1. OA should be heated by heater to prevent condensation of Lossnay. fig 1
Saturation curve


Dry bulb temperature (C)

Requiring of heating capacity could be shown following formula 1.

W1=Q 1.2 0.24 (Toa2 - Toa1) 860 [kW] Tentatively substitute 5.4 kW to heater capacity,W1. Q : 870 [CMH] Toa1 : -20 [C] (Toa2 - (-20)) = 5.4 870 1.2 0.24 860 Toa2 = 18.5 - 20 = -1.5C EA absolute humidity is 3.7g/kg'. Secondly side absolute humidity is same as primary side. During pre-heater of 5.4kW, calculate EA temp.,Tea' as following. Tea' = Tra + (Toa - Tra) t = 23 + (-1.5 - 23) 0.81 = 3.2C In this case, condensation does not occur in EA as Point C' in fig1. SA condition is 18.4C, 47%RH Following table is calculating result of Toa1,Toa2 and SA of each notch.
Toa1 Pre-heat unit Toa2 LOSSNAY SA


Absolute humidity (kg/kg)

Finally, confirm the EA condition in high notch. In this case, EA relative humidity is less than 100% in high notch. Lossnay can be use effectively with 5.4kW heater under the condition of -20 degree C OA temperature. If Toa2 is less than -10 degree C in high notch under this calculation, should run in low notch in winter season. Following table is result of calculation with rating air volume of each Lossnay unit. Use real value of air volume for the calculation. Table to show approximate size of heater (kW) (Low notch) Model Rating air volume CMH 5 Lo Toa2 Toa1C 10 15 20 LGH-15RX4 LGH-25RX4 LGH-35RX4 LGH-50RX4 LGH-65RX4 LGH-80RX4 LGH-100RX4 LGH-150RX4 LGH-200RX4 110 0.18 0.37 0.55 0.74 165 0.28 0.55 0.83 1.11 230 0.39 0.77 1.16 1.54 350 0.59 1.17 1.76 2.34 500 0.84 1.67 2.51 3.35 670 1.12 2.24 3.37 4.49 870 1.46 2.91 4.37 5.83 1250 2.09 4.19 6.28 8.37 1650 2.76 5.53 8.29 11.05

Toa2-Toa1 should be less than 20 degree C, because contact for pre-heater repeat ON and OFF by PCB. Refer to 10.3.

Heater capacity should be less than following value.

Model Heater capacity [kW] LGH-15RX4 LGH-25RX4 LGH-35RX4 LGH-50RX4 LGH-65RX4 LGH-80RX4 LGH-100RX4 LGH-150RX4 LGH-200RX4 0.7 1.1 1.5 2.3 3.3 4.5 5.8 8.4 11.1

Calculate the temperature rising during high notch operation with above figure of capacity. W1 = Q* 1.2* 0.24* (Toa2 - Toa1) / 860 [kW] (Toa2 - Toa1) = W1* 860 / Q / 1.2 / 0.24 Table to show approximate size of heater (kW)(High notch) Model Heater capacity [kW] Rating air volume CMH Toa2 - Toa1C LGH-15RX4 LGH-25RX4 LGH-35RX4 LGH-50RX4 LGH-65RX4 LGH-80RX4 LGH-100RX4 LGH-150RX4 LGH-200RX4 0.74 150 14.7 1.11 250 13.2 1.54 350 13.1 2.34 500 14.0 3.35 650 15.4 4.49 800 16.8 5.83 1000 17.4 8.37 1500 16.7 11.05 2000 16.5

10.5 Caution for Selecting Pre-heating Unit

Calculate the capacity under following items.

1 Actual air volume is calculated by taking into account ductwork pressure loss. Select the capacity of heater considering caluculate air volume.
Calculating air volume should be Low notch air volume, referring to 2-2. Deference between secondly and primary temperature should be less than 20 degree C. If capacity is calculated with air volume of high speed, secondly temperature might rise too high over 20 degree C during low notch operation. Then, secondly temp. repeat going down to -5 degree C and going up to 15 degree C .In this case, contact may be broken by repetitive switching ON and OFF of the heater contactor.

2 Select the capacity of heater to ensure Toa2 is always above -10 degree C.
If Lossnay OA thermistor measure less than -10 degreeC at 60 minutes after operating, intermittence operation of SA fan stop operation for 10 minutes and normal operation for 60 minutes. In this case, pre-heater is stopped by Lossnay PCB.

3 Considering heater safety

Always Ensure that local regulations are adhered to for installation of pre-heater. Pre-heater should be separated from Lossnay as possible to prevent fire spread. note; secondly temperature = Toa2 There are useful software,Lossnay economical calculation soft, for selecting heater capacity.


11. Troubleshooting
11.1 Service Flow
Confirmation items 1 Condition of trouble remote controller display, etc. 2 Frequency of trouble date of start of operation and occurrence 3 Occurrence timing 4 Existence of drawings, equipment (including controllers and equipment sold separately), cables, wiring, and settings. Applicable models Lossnay LGH-15 to 200RX4-E Remote controller PZ-41SLB-E PZ-52SF-E Trouble Mode 3 Trouble Mode 1 The system will not start properly. Check the initialization checklist from installation to operation (table 1-1). Check the system checklist (table 1-2). Trouble Mode 2 An error code displays on the remote controller. The LED of the Lossnay circuit board is blinking. Check with the check code list (table 2). The remote controller does not operate or operates irregularly. Check with the remote controller checklist (table 3). Trouble Mode 4 The Lossnay does not operate or operates irregularly. Check with the Lossnay checklist (table 4). Precautions when diagnosing malfunctions When removing a transistor or printed circuit board, make sure the breaker is thrown. When removing the circuit board, always hold it at both ends and remove carefully so as not to apply force to the surface mounted parts. When removing the circuit board, be careful of the metal edges on the board. When removing or inserting the connectors for the circuit board, hold the entire housing section. Never pull on the lead wires. When servicing, be sure to recreate the malfunction 2 to 3 times before starting repairs. If a malfunction of the printed circuit board is suspected, check for disconnected wires in the print pattern, burnt parts or discoloration. If the printed circuit board is replaced, make sure that the switch settings on the new board are the same as the old board.


11.1.1 Error List

Classification Measures taken by Lossnay Remote controller display error code 4000/4116 *1) 3602 *2) LED 1 (green) Display (No. of blinks) LED 2 (red) Display (No. of blinks) Cancellation measures Error monitor Reset Stop Change Error output power address delete *4) supply Start

Error item

Fan motor operation device error Damper motor error OA temperature sensor error RA temperature sensor error Pre-heat error Test operation Dual address No ACK No response Communication error Controller communication error Communication circuit error Local transmission cable communication error Polarity not set PZ-41SLB-E communication error


2 times

Cancel damper operation Other controls as normal Lossnay ventilation fixed (for Auto modes) Other controls as normal Lossnay ventilation fixed (for Auto modes) Other controls as normal The Pre-heat output (X8) turns OFF. Fan: High speed Lossnay ventilation fixed

3 times

Unit error


4 times


5 times

3126 0900 6600 6607 6608

8 times

6 times


6607/6608 6602/6603/ 6604 6801 *3)

8 times 1-5 times LED 6 turn off

Restricted to ON/OFF.

9 times



9 times

*1) 4000 is displayed on PZ-41SLB-E only. *2) This error is not generated in the LGH-150RX4, LGH-200RX4 model. *3) 6801 is displayed on the M-NET controllers only. *4) Since the error monitor output will turn into the preheat output if SW5-6 is turned ON, it becomes impossible to use it.


11.2 Items to Check

Trouble Mode 1: The system will not start properly. Initialization checklist from installation to operation (Table 1-1)
After checking the system, check the points below up to operation. No. 1 2 3 Checkpoint Do the capacity of the main power supply on/off unit and wiring span meet specification? Is the specified power supplied to the Lossnay power terminal (TM1)? (refer to page 63) Is the wiring length of the transmission cable within specifications? When using PZ-41SLB-E: When using M-NET: 4 5 6 7 8 Overall extension within 500 m Maximum power supply length within 200 m, maximum distance between ends within 500 m (refer to page 34)

Does the transmission cable meet regulations? (Type, diameter) (refer to page 65) Is the transmission cable wired at least 5 cm away from the power supply cable? Are multiple transmission or signal cables wired to the same power cable duct? Are multiple transmission cables wired with multi core cables? Is the transmission cable connected to the terminal unit? (PZ-41SLB-E to TM4 1, 2; M-NET to TB5 A, B)

9 10

Is the transmission cable securely connected to the Lossnay terminal unit? (refer to page 65, 67) When not using M-NET If using 1 Lossnay unit, is the Main/Sub change switch (SW1) on the Lossnay circuit board set to Main? If using 2 or more Lossnay units, is the Main/Sub switch set to Main on only one unit, and the other units are set to Sub? (refer to page 66)


When using M-NET Is the address switch on the Lossnay circuit board (SA1, SA2) set to the correct number? (refer to page 69)


When using external control input Do the specifications of the external signal match specifications of signals that can be input to the Lossnay? (refer to page 65)


When the external input signal is a pulse signal Is the pulse input switch (SW2-2) on the Lossnay circuit board set to ON? (refer to page 66)


When the external signal is 12V DC, 24V DC, or Mr. Slim (A-control or K-control) signal Is it connected to 1, 2 on the Lossnay external control input terminal unit (TM2)?


When the external signal is an uncharged a-contact signal Is it connected to 1, 3 on the Lossnay external control input terminal unit (TM2)?


When M-NET is not being used Is the external input signal connected to the Lossnay set to Main?


Is the signal cable length within wiring specifications? 12V DC, 24V DC signal: Uncharged a-contact signal: Within limitation of the external device Within 500 m

Mr. Slim (A-control or K-control) signal: Within 500 m 18 19 Is the signal cable wired at least 5 cm away from the power supply cable? Is the output capacity of the Lossnay operation monitor/malfunction monitor (pre-heat output) within specifications? Operation monitor output: 20 21 Maximum 240V AC/24V DC 2A, minimum 220V AC/5V DC 100 mA Malfunction monitor output/Pre-heat output:Maximum 240V AC/24V DC 2A, minimum 220V AC/5V DC 100 mA Are the power supply cable, transmission cable, signal cable, etc., securely connected to the proper terminals? Are the settings for the Main/Sub switch, address switch, and function select switch correct?


No. 22

Checkpoint When Pre-heat output is used, turn the SW5-6 ON. There is no method of turning ON the Pre-heat output without changing OA temperature. The first check of the installation 1 Make the power supply of the heater turned off. 2 Short-circuit the Pre-heater output with a lead etc.. 3 Check whether the relay contact by the side of the heater turns on. The Preheat output is never closed even if abnormalities, such as drawing out the OA/RA thermistor connector, occur.


System checklist (1) Use this checklist when using a PZ-41SLB-E or an external device (Table 1-2-1)
No. 1 Symptom Remote controller display does not appear. Cause Power is not supplied to the Lossnay, or power outside specifications is connected. When using only 1 Lossnay, the Main/Sub switch (SW1) on the Lossnay circuit board is set to Sub. The overall wiring length of the transmission cable is longer than specifications (longer than 500 m). The remote controller is connected to TB5 (M-NET transmission cable). PZ-52SF-E is connected to the Lossnay local remote controller. 2 Remote controller does not operate. (Communication error display) When using multiple Lossnay units, the Main/Sub switch (SW1) on the Lossnay circuit board of the second or following unit is set to Main. The overall wiring length of the transmission cable is longer than specifications (longer than 500 m). Multiple transmission cables are wired with multi core cables. Corrective action Check the power supply to the Lossnay. Set the Main/Sub (SW1) switch to Main. (refer to page 66) Check the length of the transmission cable wiring. Connect the transmission cable to TM4 1, 2. (refer to page 65) Change to the PZ-41SLB-E remote controller. Set the Main/Sub switch (SW1) of the second and following Lossnay units to Sub. (refer to page 66) Check the length of the transmission cable wiring. For the applied transmission cable, wire the transmission cables away from the other transmission cable. Check the connection to the external control input terminal (TM2) for the type of external signal. (refer to page 65, 66) Check the type of external signal and the setting of the pulse input switch (SW2-2). (refer to page 66) Check the external device. Check the length of the signal cable wiring.

Interlocked operation with external device does not occur.

The type of external signal does not match the connected terminal unit (charged, uncharged, Mr. Slim signal). The type of external signal does not match the pulse input switch (SW2-2) setting (level signal, pulse signal). The external device signal is not being input. The external device and signal cable wiring is longer than specifications. Longer than limitations of external device Uncharged a-contact: Longer than 500 m Mr. Slim signal: Longer than 500 m The Delayed Start mode is set at the remote controller (PZ-41SLB-E). The ON Interlocked Operation mode or OFF Interlocked Operation mode is set at the remote controller (PZ-41SLB-E). When using multiple Lossnay units, the external control input signal is connected to a unit with the Sub setting made. 12V DC, 24V DC:

Check the Delayed Start mode setting at the remote controller (PZ-41SLB-E). (refer to page 75) Check the Interlocked Operation mode setting at the remote controller (PZ-41SLB-E). (refer to page 75) Connect the external control input signal to the Lossnay unit set to Main. Turn the SW5-6 ON. Operate only below -5C.

Pre-heat control doesnt work.

SW5-6 is OFF. OA temperature is larger than -5C.


(2) System checklist when using the M-NET (Table 1-2-2)

No. 1 Symptom Does not interlock with City Multi. (The Lossnay cannot be operated by the ventilation switch on the ME remote controller, MA remote controller, or MELANS.) Cause The Lossnay is not set for interlocked operation, or is set for interlocked operation at the wrong address. The length of the M-NET transmission cable wiring from the outdoor unit or the systems overall wiring length is longer than specifications. (Longer than 200 m from the outdoor unit, longer than 500 m between ends.) PZ-41LSB-E is connected to the Lossnay local remote controller. 2 Cannot operate using the MELANS or Lossnay remote controller. The address that has been set for the group in MELANS and the address for the Lossnay are different. The length of the M-NET transmission cable wiring from the power supply unit or the systems overall wiring length is longer than specifications. (Longer than 200 m from the power supply unit, longer than 500 m between ends.) PZ-41LSB-E is connected to the Lossnay local remote controller. 3 A unit should operate independently by MELANS or the Lossnay remote controller, but it interlocks with another City Multi unit. Cannot perform group settings for the Lossnay using MELANS, ME remote controller, or MA remote controller. (The remote controller shows 88 at the time of registration.) It has been set for interlocked operation with the City Multi unit. Corrective action Check the Lossnay address, and set for an address corresponding to interlocked operation. (refer to 15. Appendix) Check the length of the transmission cable wiring.

Change to the PZ-52SF-E remote controller (PZ-41SLB-E can not be used with the M-NET). Check the registered address in MELANS. (refer to 15. Appendix) Check the length of the transmission cable wiring.

Change to the PZ-52SF-E remote controller (PZ-41SLB-E can not be used with a M-NET system). Cancel the interlocked operation setting. (refer to 15. Appendix)

Power is not supplied to the Lossnay, or power outside specifications is connected. The M-NET transmission cable is connected to TM4 1, 2. The transmission cable is not properly connected to the MELANS or the City Multi. The length of the transmission cable wiring is longer than specifications (longer than maximum 200 m from the power supply unit, longer than 500 m between ends.) The Group setting was made on a Lossnay remote controller in a system connected to a system controller.

Check the power for the Lossnay and perform the registration again. (refer to 15. Appendix) Connect the transmission cable to TB5 A, B. (refer to page 68) Check the transmission cable connection. (refer to page 68) Check the length of the transmission cable wiring. In a system connected to MELANS, make the group setting with the MELANS (Do not make the group setting with the Lossnay remote controller). (refer to 15. Appendix or page 82) Check the length of the transmission cable wiring.

When power is supplied to the system, the Lossnay remote controller continues to display HO and does not start. (Group registration information disappears.)

The length of the transmission cable wiring is longer than specifications (longer than maximum 200 m from the power supply unit, longer than 500 m between ends.) Over the number of units that can be controlled with the Lossnay remote controller. The length of the transmission cable wiring is longer than specifications (longer than maximum 200 m from the power supply unit, longer than 500 m between ends.)

When power is supplied to the system, the remote control display goes blank and the system does not start.

Check remote control unit number limitations when using a power supply unit (refer to page 29). Check the length of the transmission cable wiring.


No. 7

Symptom The power display does not display when power is supplied to the system.

Cause 1 When using City Multi and Lossnay interlocked system (connected to the indoor unit system) The transmission cable is not correctly connected to the Lossnay remote controller. The power is not turned on for the outdoor unit. The length of wiring for the outdoor units MNET transmission cable is longer than specification (longer than 200 m). 2 When using a Lossnay individual system or City Multi and Lossnay interlocked system connected to the central system. The power supply unit is not connected to the transmission cable. The power to the power supply unit is not turned on. The length of wiring of the M-NET transmission cable from the power supply unit is longer than specification (longer than 200 m).

Corrective action

Check the transmission cable connection. (refer to page 81) Check the power to the outdoor unit. Check the length of the transmission cable wiring.

Connect to the power supply unit. (refer to page 68) Check the power to the power supply unit. Check the length of the transmission cable wiring. Check the power to the Lossnay. Check the Lossnay remote controller address registration with the MELANS (HO displays for 3 10 minute when electricity is supplied to the system). (refer to 15. Appendix) Connect the transmission cable to TB5 A, B. (refer to page 68) Check the Lossnay registration with the Lossnay remote controller. (refer to 15. Appendix) Change to the PZ-52SF-E remote controller (PZ-41SLB-E can not be used with a M-NET system). Change to the PZ-52SF-E remote controller (PZ-41SLB-E can not be used with a M-NET system).

The HO on the remote controller continues to flash when the power is supplied to the system.

Lossnay is Not supplied with specified power. The address for the Lossnay remote controller does not have a group setting at the MELANS.

The M-NET transmission cable is connected to TM4 1, 2. For a Lossnay individual system with no MELANS, Lossnay registration has not been performed by the Lossnay remote controller. 9 LC 6608 displays on the remote controller and the Lossnay does not operate. The operation specified by the system controller differs from the operation of the Lossnay. The remote controller is PZ-41LSB-E and connected to the TB5 A, B.


The remote controller is PZ-41SLB-E and connected to the TM4 1, 2.

Trouble Mode 2 An error code displays on the remote controller. The LED of the Lossnay circuit board is blinking.
An error code displayed on the remote controller (PZ-41SLB-E, PZ-52SF-E) or the M-NET controller and blinking or illumination of LED1 (green) or LED2 (red) on the circuit board shows the type of error. The LED blink interval is 0.25 seconds for both on and off. The display duration is approximately 5 seconds. 0.25S 0.25S 0.25S

ON OFF 5S Error display example: Fan motor operation device error


(1) Checklist of error codes displayed on the PZ-41SLB-E and LED displays (Table 2-1)
Error code LED1 LED 2 *1) (green) (red) LC 6608 Symptom Lossnay communication error Cause When using multiple Lossnay units, the main/sub setting has not been made for the second unit and following units. Multiple transmission cables have been wired using multi core wires. Transmission cable and power cable are too close. Transmission cable is not securely connected. The length of wiring of the transmission cable is longer than specification (longer than 500 m). RC6608 SRC 6608 Communication error between remote controllers (when 2 remote controllers are connected) Lossnay trial operation Fan motor operation device error Damper related error OA thermistor related error RA thermistor related error Pre-heat error Multiple transmission cables have been wired using multi core wires. Transmission cable and power supply cable are too close. Transmission cable is not securely connected. The length of wiring of the transmission cable is longer than specification (longer than 500 m). Trial operation switch on the Lossnay circuit board (SW2-1) is set to ON board. Lossnay fan will not stop. Corrective action Turn off the main power supply and set the Main/Sub switch (SW1) (first unit to main, second and following units to sub). (refer to page 66) Wire the transmission cable away from the other transmission cable. Wire the transmission cable at least 5 cm away from the power supply cable. Check the transmission cable connection. (refer to page 65) Check the length of the transmission cable wiring. Wire the transmission cable away from the other transmission cable. Wire the transmission cable at least 5 cm away from the power supply cable. Check the transmission cable connection. (refer to page 78) Check the length of the transmission cable wiring. Check the test operation switch. (refer to page 72) Replace the table.

LC 0900 SLC 0900 LC 4000 SLC 4000 LC 3602 SLC 3602

2 blinks 3 blinks

Damper board operation is not correct. Connectors for the damper unit are not correctly connected. Connectors for the thermistor are not correctly connected. Connectors for the thermistor are not correctly connected. In order that the OA temperature might not rise up, intermittent operation started.

Remove the load and check or move the damper board by hand. Check the connection of the lead wires connectors and the circuit connector. Check the connection of the lead wires connectors and the circuit connector. Check the connection of the lead wires connectors and the circuit connector. Check whether the heater power is supplied. Check whether the wiring is correct. If not above-mentioned, the heater capacity is too small. The heater capacity needs to be looked again.

LC 5101 SLC 5101 LC 5102 SLC 5102 *2)

4 blinks 5 blinks 8 blinks

After turning ON the Pre-heat output (X8), when the OA temperature becomes larger than 15C within 15 minutes. SW5-6 ON without preheating installation.

Since the heater capacity is too large, the OA temperature rises up too much. The heater capacity needs to be looked again. Turn SW5-6 OFF, when no preheating installation.


Error code LED1 LED 2 (green) (red) *1) 9 blinks

Symptom Remote controller communication error

Cause Multiple transmission cables have been wired using multi core wires. Transmission cable and power supply cable are too close. Transmission cable is not securely connected. The length of wiring of the transmission cable is longer than specification (longer than 500 m).

Corrective action Wire the transmission cable away from the other transmission cable. Wire the transmission cable at least 5 cm away from the power supply cable. Check the transmission cable connection. (refer to page 65, 66) Check the length of the transmission cable wiring. After cleaning the air filter press the Filter button on the remote controller 2 times. There is no error.

Filter blinking

Warning to clean air filter by comulative operation time System is starting

Interval for cleaning Lossnay air filter has elapsed.

HO blinking blinking

LED1 blinks at 1 second intervals during starting operation (maximum of 45 seconds.)

*1 LC: Lossnay set to Main SLC: Lossnay set to Sub RC, SRC: remote controller (PZ-41SLB-E). *2 The error message is NOT displayed for the PZ-41SLB-E Lossnay remote controller.


(2) Checklist of error codes displayed on the PZ-52SF-E, M-NET controllers, and LED displays (Table 2-2)
Error code LED1 LED 2 *1) (green) (red) 6600 6607 6608 Symptom Cause There is another unit with the same address setting. Power supply to Lossnay is not turned on. Lossnay address was changed. Multiple transmission cables have been wired using multi core wires. Transmission cable is not securely connected. The length of wiring of the transmission cable is longer than specifications (longer than maximum 200 m from the power supply unit, longer than 500 m between ends). Trial operation switch on the Lossnay circuit board (SW2-1) is set to ON. Lossnay fan will not stop. Corrective action Check the addresses of devices in the system. Check the power to the Lossnay. Check the Lossnay address. Wire the transmission cable away from the other transmission cable. Check the transmission cable connection. (refer to page 68) Check the length of the transmission cable wiring.

6 Multiple blinks address error 8 No ACK error blinks No answer error (MNET communication error)


Lossnay trial operation Fan motor operation device error Damper related error

Check the trial operation switch. (refer to page 72) Replace the table.


2 blinks 3 blinks


Damper board operation is not correct. Connectors for the damper unit are not correctly connected. Connectors for the thermistor are not correctly connected. Connectors for the thermistor are not correctly connected. In order that the OA temperature might not rise up, intermittent operation started.

Remove the load and check or move the damper board by hand. Check the connection of the lead wires connectors and the circuit connector. Check the connection of the lead wires connectors and the circuit connector. Check the connection of the lead wires connectors and the circuit connector. Check whether the heater power is supplied. Check whether the wiring is correct. If not above-mentioned, the heater capacity is too small. The heater capacity needs to be looked again.


4 blinks 5 blinks 8 blinks

OA thermistor related error RA thermistor related error Pre-heat error



After turning ON the Pre-heat output (X8), when the OA temperature becomes larger than 15C within 15 minutes. SW5-6 ON without preheating installation. 6602 6603 6604 1 - 5 Communiblinks cation circuit section error Lit No M-NET connection information Warning to clean air filter by comulative operation time Error with transmission cable. Controller where error originally occurred is defective. Lossnay board is defective. Lossnay does not have Group setting (registration) made. Interval for cleaning Lossnay air filter has elapsed.

Since the heater capacity is too large, the OA temperature rises up too much. The heater capacity needs to be looked again. Turn SW5-6 OFF, when no preheating installation. Check transmission cable relations. Check the controller where the error occurred. Replace the circuit board. Check the Lossnay address and confirm that the group setting is made. (refer to page 82 or 15. Appendix) After cleaning the air filter press the Filter button on the remote controller 2 times.

Filter blinking


Error code LED1 LED 2 *1) (green) (red) Lit

Symptom In delayed start operation No power to M-NET transmission cable

Cause Delayed start operation is set at the function select switch (SW5-1) on the Lossnay circuit board. Power supply is not supplied to the M-NET transmission cable. Wiring length of the transmission cable is from the power supply unit or the outdoor unit is longer than specification (maximum extension 200 m).

Corrective action There is no error.

LED6 (red) off

Check the connection of the power supply unit, outdoor unit and transmission cable. Check the length of the transmission cable wiring.

*1 The letters LC that display with the error code show a Lossnay unit type, and the number in the third column shows the address.


Trouble Mode 3: The remote controller does not operate or operates irregularly. (1) Checklist for when using the PZ-41SLB-E (Table 3-1)
No. 1 Symptom Nothing displays on the LCD. Cause Transmission cable is connected to the wrong terminal. Corrective action Check the transmission cable connection (connected to TM4 on the Lossnay board). (refer to page 65) Turn off the main power supply and set the Main/Sub switch (SW1) (first unit to main, second and following units to sub). (refer to page 66) Check the power supply to the Lossnay. Check the power supply. Check the transmission cable connection. (refer to page 65) Check the length of the transmission cable wiring. Wire the transmission cable away from the other transmission cable. Wire the transmission cable at least 5 cm away from the power supply cable. Replace the remote control. Replace the remote control. Check the interlocked operation mode setting. (refer to page 75) Check the High/Low change input (CN16). (refer to page 67) Check the function select switch (SW2-4, 5) (refer to page 70) Stop the Lossnay with the remote controller, then wait at least 10 second and turn off the main power supply .

No Lossnay is set to Main.

Power supply to the Lossnay is not turned on. Lossnay is connected to a power supply with a rating outside specification. Transmission cable is not securely connected. The length of wiring of the transmission cable is longer than specification (longer than 500 m). 2 Starts or stops, or the display changes, by itself. Displays a error code that is not in the check list. Cannot stop the Lossnay with the remote controller (display shows Interlocked). Cannot switch fan speed with the remote controller. Lossnay operates when the main power supply turns on and the remote controller displays. Multiple transmission cables have been wired using multi core wires. Transmission cable and power supply cable are too close. Letters on the remote controller LCD are dim. The release of the Delay Start button or the Filter Reset button is not good. External priority ON/OFF setting is made.

High/Low change input (CN16) is ON. The function select switch (SW2-4, 5) on the Lossnay circuit has the fixed high or fixed low speed set. Main power supply was cut during Lossnay operation.

(2) Checklist for when using PZ-52SF-E (Table 3-2)

No. 1 Symptom Nothing displays on the LCD. Cause Transmission cable is connected to the wrong terminal. Corrective action Check the transmission cable connection (connected to A, B of terminal unit TB5 on the Lossnay board). (refer to page 68) Install the power supply unit. Check the power to the power supply unit. Check the transmission cable connection. (refer to page 68) Check the length of the transmission cable wiring.

There is no power supply unit (for Lossnay only systems). The power supply unit is not turned on. Transmission cable is not securely connected. Wiring length of the transmission cable is from the power supply unit or the outdoor unit is longer than specifications (maximum extension 200 m).


No. 2

Symptom Displays HO and does not start.

Cause It is less than 10 minutes since the power was supplied to the system.

Corrective action After supplying power to the system, HO blinks for a maximum of about 10 minutes. (This is not an error.) Make the group setting (registration). If using a system with a system controller, register at the system controller. If there is only the Lossnay remote controller, register at the remote controller. (refer to 15. Appendix or page 82) Check the group setting at the MELANS. (refer to 15. Appendix) Check the power supply to the Lossnay. (refer to page 63) Check the power supply. Check the transmission cable connection (connected to A, B of terminal unit TB5 on the Lossnay board). (refer to page 68) Check the Lossnay address. (refer to page 69) If the board has been replaced, reset the group settings. (refer to 15. Appendix) Check the length of the transmission cable wiring. Check the power supply to the Lossnay. (refer to page 63) Check the power supply. Check the transmission cable connection. (refer to page 68) Check the transmission cable connection (connected to A, B of terminal unit TB5 on the Lossnay table). (refer to page 68) Check the Lossnay address. (refer to page 69) Check the length of the transmission cable wiring. Cancel interlocked operation setting. (refer to 15. Appendix ) Replace the remote controller. Check the settings of the MELANS. Check the interlocked operation mode setting. (refer to page 72) Check the remote/nearby change input (CN32).

Group setting (registration) has not been made.

Remote control address has not been registered in the group setting by the system controller. Power supply to the Lossnay is not turned on. Lossnay is connected to a power supply with a rating outside specification. Lossnay transmission cable connection terminal is wrong.

Lossnay address was changed. Lossnay board was changed.

The length of wiring of the transmission cable is longer than specifications (longer than maximum 200 m from the power supply unit, longer than 500 m between ends). 3 Cannot register the Lossnay from the remote controller or the controller. Power supply to the Lossnay is not turned on. Lossnay is connected to a power supply with a rating outside specification. Transmission cable to the Lossnay is not connected. Lossnay transmission cable connection terminal is wrong.

Lossnay address is wrong. The length of wiring of the transmission cable is longer than specifications (longer than maximum 200 m from the power supply unit, longer than 500 m between ends). 4 5 6 Starts or stops, or the display changes, by itself. Displays a error code that is not in the checklist. Cannot stop the Lossnay with the remote controller (display shows Central). Set for interlocked operation with City Multi. Letters on the remote controller LCD are dim. Cancel Operation setting is made from the MELANS. External priority ON/OFF setting is made. Remote/nearby switch input (CN32) is set to Remote.


Trouble Mode 4: The Lossnay does not operate or operates irregularly. Lossnay checklist (Table 4).
No. 1 Symptom The fan does not operate. The fan does not operate normally. Cause Connectors for the fan connection or connectors for the control circuit section connection are not secure. Power supply is not supplied to the Lossnay, or power outside specifications is connected. Lossnay group setting is not made by using the M-NET. (LED2 lights) 2 Interlocked operation with external device (air conditioner) does not occur. The type of external signal does not match the connected terminal unit (charged, uncharged, Mr. Slim signal). The type of external signal does not match the pulse input switch (SW2-2) setting (level signal, pulse signal). The external device signal is not being input. The external device and signal cable wiring is longer than specifications. (12V DC, 24V DC: Uncharged a-contact: Mr. Slim signal: Longer than limitations of external device Longer than 500 m Longer than 500 m) Check the delayed start settings of the remote controller (PZ-41SLBE) and the function select switch (SW5-1). (refer to page 70, 75) Check the interlocked operation mode settings of the remote controller (PZ-41SLB-E) and the function select switch (SW5-7, 8). (refer to page 72, 75) Connect the external control input signal to the Lossnay set to Main. (refer to page 66) Connect the external control input signal to the Lossnay in the group with the lowest address. Check the remote controller or controller. Check the test operation switch (SW2-1). (refer to page 69) When the main power supply is turned off while the Lossnay is operating from the remote controller, the Lossnay will resume operation when the main power is turned back on (this is no error). Check the power supply ON/OFF setting of the function select switch (SW2-6). (refer to page 70) Check the automatic recovery following power supply interruption setting of the function select switch (SW5-4). (refer to page 71) Corrective action Check the lead wire connectors and the control circuit section connectors. Check the power supply. (refer to page 63) Check the Lossnay address and the group setting (LED2 lights when not using M-NET. This is no error.) Check the external signal type and the external control input terminal (TM2) connection. (refer to page 65, 66) Check the external signal type and the pulse input switch (SW2-2) setting. (refer to page 66) Check the external device. Check the wiring length of the signal cable.

The Delayed Start mode is set at the remote controller (PZ-41SLB-E) or the function select switch (SW5-1) on the Lossnay circuit board. The ON Interlocked Operation mode or OFF Interlocked Operation mode is set at the remote controller (PZ-41SLB-E) or the function select switch (SW5-7, 8) on the Lossnay circuit board. When using multiple Lossnay units, the external control input signal is connected to a unit with the Sub setting made. In a group of multiple Lossnay units with the M-NET, the external control input signal is connected to a Lossnay unit other than the one with the smallest address. There is a communication error with the remote controller or controller. 3 4 Fan will not stop. Lossnay operates when main power is turned on. The trial operation switch (SW2-1) is ON. The PZ-41SLB-E is being used.

By using the M-NET, the power supply ON/OFF setting is set to ON at the function select switch (SW2-6) on the Lossnay circuit board. By using the M-NET, the automatic recovery following power supply interruption (refer to page 68) setting is made at the function select switch (SW5-4) on the Lossnay circuit board.


No. 5

Symptom Supply air fan periodically stops operating.

Cause When the outdoor air temperature is -10C or less, operation stops after a fixed period of about 10 minutes to keep the Lossnay Core from freezing. (Cold weather area spec) When connected to a Mr. Slim or a City Multi by a duct, operation stops when the air conditioner is defrosting.

Corrective action This is no error.

This is no error.

Takes in air from outdoors during interlocked operation with a Mr. Slim or a City Multi, but supply air fan doesnt stop operating when defrosting. The supply air fan and exhaust fan both periodically stop operating. Fan speed will not change.

The indoor units outside air intake selection is invalid.

Set the outdoor air intake selection of a indoor unit to ON.

When connected to Mr. Slim or City Multi by a duct and the function select switch (SW5-3) on the Lossnay circuit board is ON, operation stops when the air conditioner is defrosting. The High/Low switching extermary input (CN16) is set to ON. The function select switch (SW2-4, 5) on the Lossnay circuit board is set to the high fixed or low fixed fan speed. The trial operation switch (SW2-1) is turned ON.

Check the function select switch (SW5-3). (refer to page 71)

Check the High/Low change input (CN16). (refer to page 67) Check the function select switch (SW2-4, 5). (refer to page 70) Check the trial operation switch (SW2-1). (refer to page 72) Check the outdoor air temperature. Remove the load and check or move the damper board by hand. Check the connections of the lead wire connectors and the circuit connectors. Check the connections of the lead wire connectors and the control circuit connectors. Check the trial operation switch (SW2-1). (refer to page 72) This is no error.

Damper board does not operate.

The outside air temperature is less than 8C. The damper board operation is defective. The thermistor related connectors are not securely connected. The damper related connectors are not securely connected. The trial operation switch (SW2-1) is turned ON. When using the remote controller to change ventilation mode, there may be a delayed start of up to 30 seconds depending on the timing.


Operation monitor output is late with regard to external control input ON/OFF. Operation monitor output is OFF during operation.

When using the PZ-41SLB-E there is a maximum delay of 7 seconds, or without using there is a maximum delay of 3 seconds. When the function select switch (SW5-2) on the Lossnay circuit board is ON, for operation monitor output for interlocked operation with the supply air fan, it turns OFF when the outside air is -10C or less or when the air conditioner is defrosting. When using the PZ-41SLB-E, the circuit function select switch is set for delayed start. Using the PZ-41SLB-E.

This is no error.


Check the function select switch (SW5-2). (refer to page 71)


Delayed start operation does not work when Delayed start is set. Lossnay does not operate when power is on even when the power on/off setting is made. Interlocked operation is different from the settings.

Set delayed start at the remote controller (the circuit board switch is not in effect when using the PZ-41SLB-E). (refer to page 75) The power supply ON/OFF setting is not in effect when using PZ-41SLB-E. Set interlocked operation at the remote controller (the circuit board switch is not in effect when using the PZ-41SLB-E). (refer to page 75)



When using the PZ-41SLB-E, the circuit function select switch is set for interlocked operation.


Temperaturers vs. thermistor resistance table

Temperature (C) -40 ... Resistance value (k) 88.85 - ... Temperature (C) -7 -6 -5 -4 -3 -2 -1 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 Resistance value (k) 17.92 17.16 16.43 15.74 15.08 14.45 13.86 13.29 12.74 12.22 11.72 11.25 10.80 10.37 9.96 Temperature (C) 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 Resistance value (k) 9.57 9.20 8.84 8.49 8.17 7.85 7.55 7.27 6.99 6.73 6.48 6.24 6.01 5.79 5.58 Temperature (C) 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 Resistance value (k) 5.38 5.19 5.00 4.82 4.65 4.49 4.33 4.18 4.03 3.89 3.76 3.63 3.51 3.39 3.28 Temperature (C) 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 ... Resistance value (k) 3.17 3.06 2.96 2.86 2.77 2.68 2.59 2.51 2.43 2.35 2.28 2.21 2.14 ... 0.72 - 0

-20 -19 -18 -17 -16 -15 -14 -13 -12 -11 -10 -9 -8

32.43 30.92 29.50 28.14 26.87 25.65 24.51 23.42 22.39 21.41 20.48 19.58 18.73

87.5 -


11.3 Circuit Test Point

LED1 (green) When blinking, there is an error with the Lossnay unit (number of blinks indicates the type of error). Blinks at 1 second intervals when starting. Lit during delayed start, normally off at other times. Exhaust fan operation unit 220 V to 240 V AC: up to 50 Hz 220 V AC: up to 60 Hz Extra High Low high Supply fan operation unit 220 V to 240 V AC: up to 50 Hz 220 V AC: up to 60 Hz Extra High Low high Exhaust fan operation unit (combined) Fuse (5 A/250 V) Supply fan operation unit (combined) Power supply 220 V to 240 V AC: up to 50 Hz 220 V AC: up to 60 Hz (60 Hz is not used in EU)

Damper motor operation unit 220 V to 240 V AC

Transformer input

12 V DC


Transformer output 11 V to 20 V AC 5 V DC LED4 (red) lit when power is supplied to circuit Thermistor (outdoor air) Thermistor (return air) Damper position detector during Lossnay ventilation: 12 V DC during by-pass ventilation: 0 V

During operation: 0 When stopped: OPEN During error/prehaet: 0 Normal: OPEN

*In the case of LGH150RX4-E and LGH200RX4-E, CN6 is unconneeted.

M-NET transmission cable (shielded) For external device M-NET transmission cable connection (PZ-52SF-E, MELANS, power supply unit Remote control switch (PZ-41SLB-E) and or City Multi) Lossnay spanning transmission cable 9 V to 15 V DC LED2 (red) Blinking indicates M-NET communication error (number of blinks indicated the type of error). Lit when not connected to other M-NET units (registered).


12. Installation method (Model LGH-RX4-E series)

12.1 Electrical installation
With this product, the wiring installation method will vary according to the design of the system. Perform electrical installation for each of the required sections.

12.1.1 Names of components in control box

LGH-15 to LGH-100RX4
Earth pole TM1 SW4 SW4 SW3 SW3 LED1 LED4 SW1 SW1 SW2 SW5 LED4 LED1 LED2 SW5 SW2 LED2

LGH-150 and LGH-200RX4


TM3 Bush If connecting an AC power cable to the TB5 TM3, remove this SA2 bush and use a PG SA1 connector to fix the power cable. Bush

TB5 SA2 TM4 Bush SA1

TM2 Earth pole



12.1.2 Wire connection diagram ----- Models LGH-15 to 100RX4


POWER SUPPLY 220-240V 50/60Hz

60Hz is invalid in EU, In China 220V, 50Hz only

Symbol explanation

CN8-1 CN10

ZNR102 ZNR101 DSA1 FUSE 250V 5A C101















x1 1 x5 1






M1: M2: C: GM: LS: TH1: TH2: SW1: SW2, 5: SW3: SW4: TM1: TM2: TM3: *1 TB5: S1, S2: TR: X7: X8: CN1: CN2: CN5: CN6: CN7: CN8-1: CN8-2: CN9: CN10: CN16: CN32: *1 SA1: *1 SA2: MARK

Operation monitor output MAX MIN AC240V 2A AC220V 100mA DC 24V 2A DC 5V 100mA Malfunction monitor or Pre-Heater output (SW 5-6 can be changed) MAX MIN AC240V 2A AC220V 100mA DC 24V 2A DC 5V 100mA

10 9 8 7 x7


CN32 SW2 SW1 CN5





1 2 3 1 2 A B S




TM2 NOTE 1.TM1, TM2, TM3, TM4, TB5 shown in dotted lines are field work. 2.Breaker should be provided by the customer. 3.Be sure to connect the grounding wire.

Shield wire

12V or 24V DC Mr.Slim (non-polar)

1 3

M-NET-transmission cable

Transmission cable High Uncharged a-contact

Uncharged a-contact


Lossnay Unit MAX 15 units


Low High/Low select connector


External control input

1.This must be used with Mitsubishi Electric Air-Conditioner Network System. (MELANS) 2.External control input (TM2) is impossible to use on the Lossnay addressed to "Sub" (SW1) unit. 3.PZ-41SLB-E and PZ-52SF-E cannot be used simultaneously.

Motor for exhaust fan Motor for supply fan Capacitor Motor for Bypass movement Microswitch Thermistor for outside air Thermistor for return air Switch (Main/Sub change) Switch (Function selection) High/E. high select switch (Exhaust fan) High/E. high select switch (Supply fan) Terminal block (Power supply) Terminal block (Transmission cable and external control input) Terminal block (Monitor output) Terminal block (M-NET Transmission cable) Connector (Power supply) Control circuit transformer Relay contact (For operation monitor output) Relay contact (For malfunction monitor output) Connector (Transformer primary) Connector (Transformer secondary) Connector (Thermistor) Connector (Microswitch) Connector (Motor for Bypass operation) Tab connector (Fan motor) Tab connector (Fan motor) Connector (Fan motor) Connector (Fan motor) Connector (High/Low switch) Connector (Remote control selection) Address setting rotary switch (10 digit) Address setting rotary switch (1 digit) : Indicates terminal block : Connector : Board insertion connector or fastening connector of control board


12.1.3 Wire connection diagram ----- Models LGH-150 and 200RX3


POWER SUPPLY 220-240V 50/60Hz

(60Hz is invalid in EU, In China 220V,50Hz only)


x13 x12 x11

ZNR102 DSA1 FUSE 250V 5A C101


TM1 S1 S2


x13 GREY






SW4 x4


1 Extra




x23 x22 x22 x21

x23 BLUE





SW3 x2

x5 1


1 Extra








BROWN Operation monitor output MAX MIN AC240V 2A AC220V 100mA DC 24V 2A DC 5V 100mA Malfunction monitor or Pre-Heater output (SW 5-6 can be changed) MAX MIN AC240V 2A AC220V 100mA DC 24V 2A DC 5V 100mA



10 9 8 7

x7 x8

CN32 SW2 SW5 SA1 SA2 TM4 1 SW1 CN5

CN16 TH1(OA)



1 2 3 2 A B S

Shield wire

NOTE 1.TM1, TM2, TM3, TM4, TB5 shown in dotted lines are field work. 2.Breaker should be provided by the customer. 3.Be sure to connect the grounding wire.

1.This must be used with Mitsubishi Electric Air-Conditioner Network System. (MELANS) 2.External control input (TM2) is impossible to use on the Lossnay addressed to "Sub" (SW1) unit. 3.PZ-41SLB-E and PZ-52SF-E cannot be used simultaneously.

12V or 24V DC Mr.Slim (non-polar)

1 3

M-NET-transmission cable

Transmission cable

Uncharged a-contact External control input


Lossnay Unit MAX 15 units


Uncharged a-contact


Low High/Low select connector

Symbol explanation
M1: M2: C: GM: LS: TH1: TH2: SW1: SW2, 5: SW3: SW4: TM1: TM2: TM3: *1 TB5: S1, S2: TR: X7: Motor for exhaust fan Motor for supply fan Capacitor Motor for Bypass movement Microswitch Thermistor for outside air Thermistor for return air Switch (Main/Sub change) Switch (Function selection) High/E. high select switch (Exhaust fan) High/E. high select switch (Supply fan) Terminal block (Power supply) Terminal block (Transmission cable and external control input) Terminal block (Monitor output) Terminal block (M-NET Transmission cable) Connector (Power supply) Control circuit transformer Relay contact (For operation monitor output) X8: CN1: CN2: CN5: CN7: CN8-1: CN8-2: CN9: CN10: CN16: CN32: *1 SA1: *1 SA2: MARK Relay contact (For malfunction monitor output) Connector (Transformer primary) Connector (Transformer secondary) Connector (Thermistor) Connector (Motor for Bypass operation) Tab connector (Fan motor) Tab connector (Fan motor) Connector (Fan motor) Connector (Fan motor) Connector (High/Low switch) Connector (Remote control selection) Address setting rotary switch (10 digit) Address setting rotary switch (1 digit) : Indicates terminal block : Connector : Board insertion connector or fastening connector of control board


12.2 Connecting the power supply cable

LGH-15 to 100RX4
Control box cover Screw

1. Remove the screws and open the control box cover

LGH-150 and 200RX4

Control box cover Control box cover


LGH-15 to 100RX4
Grounding wire PG connection Power supply cable

2. Connecting the power supply cable and transmission cable

Pass the power cable through the bush* and connect to the TM1 terminal block using the round terminals. Connect the grounding wire to the grounding terminal and secure tightening the bush. (*: for PG connection or the like)

TM1 Cord clip Transmission cable Power supply cable Bush Insert the cutting

Always separate the power supply cable and transmission cable by 5 cm or more to prevent malfunctioning of the unit. If the length of the stripped power cables wires is too long, the conductors may touch and cause shorting. Power supply cable size : 1.5mm2 or more.

LGH-150 and 200RX4


Grounding wire

Insert the cutting

TM1 Cord clamp Power supply cable

(1) Refer to the wiring diagram and screw down the grounding wire and transmission cables to the terminal block. (2) Secure the power supply cable and transmission cables using the cord clamp. Upon completion of the wiring connections, replace the control box cover.


LGH-15 to 100RX4
Protective cover

3. When installing upside down CAUTION

If installing and using this product upside down, the power supply cable outlet will be at the top. Be sure to attach the protective cover so that no drops of water can get inside the control box.

Control box

<When installing upside down>

LGH-15 to 100RX4
SW3 Exhaust air High SW4 Supply air E-High

4. Changing the switch for High and Extra High

To increase the air volume, change the switch from high to extra high. The factory setting is High. Can be switched for each supply and exhaust separately. Multi ventilator mode is possible (Refer to page 70)

High and Extra High switch

LGH-150 to 200RX4

SW3 Exhaust air High

E-High High E-High High

SW4 Supply air E-High

High and Extra High switch


The following system configuration can be created. Connect the necessary parts. 1. When connecting with remote controller (PZ-41SLB-E). 2. When interlocking with air conditioner or other external device. 3. When interlocking with a pulse output device. 4. When operating multiple Lossnay units. 5. When switching high/low speed extemally (when CO2 sensor or other device is connected). 6. When connecting to the Pre-heater. 7. If you would like to fetch Malfunction monitor output. 8. If you would like to connect to a Electrically operated damper Booster fan, etc., or would like to fetch operation monitor output: 9. When connecting to City Multi, Lossnay remote controller (PZ-52SF-E) or Mitsubishi Electric Air-Conditioner Network System (MELANS).

Lossnay Up to two remote controllers (PZ-41SLB-E) can be used. Power supply

1. When connecting with remote controller (PZ-41SLB-E)

*The PZ-41SLB-E cannot be used when centralized control of the Lossnay is used. Then follow the procedure for connecting the wire shown in 6. and use the Lossnay remote controller (PZ-52SF-E). Securely connect the transmission cable (PVC insulated PVC jacketed and either between 0.65 and 1.2, or between 0.3 mm2 and 1.25 mm2 in cross section) from the remote controller to 1 and 2 of the input terminal block (TM4). (No polarity) If there are two remote controllers, connect them in the same way.



Up to four 0.3 mm2 stranded wires or 0.65 PVC wires can be connected to one input terminal. For other types of wire up to two can be connected.

2. When interlocked with air conditioner or other external device

Lossnay Remote controller (PZ-41SLB-E)
External device

(1) Connect the output signal cable from the external device to the input terminal block (TM2) of the external controller.

Power supply

Power supply Operating switch for external device

The connection may vary according to the output signal type of the external unit. (2) Confirm that the pulse input switch (SW2-2) is set to OFF. (Set to OFF at time of shipment.) When using Mr. Slim air conditioner and (A control or K control) Interlock operation of except Mr. Slim (A control or K control) unit is not possible.

Lossnay External controller input (TM2) 123

Slim-Lossnay connection cable (Enclosed accessory)


CN2L Mr . Slim (A control or K control) unit

Red Printed circuit board Within 500 meters

Connect the interlocking cable connector side to CN2L on the circuit board for the indoor Mr. Slim unit and connect the lead wire side to the 1 and 2 of the input terminal block (TM2) for the Lossnay external controller input. (No polarity) Always separate the power supply cable and the SlimLossnay connection cable for the Lossnay by 5 cm or more to prevent malfunctioning of the unit. The Slim-Lossnay connection cable is 0.25 m long. When wiring, extend it as far as necessary. It is necessary of perform the interlock operation setting to the Lossnay using the (A control) remote controller. For the setting method, refer to the (A control) remote controllers installation manual or the Mr. Slim technical guide.

The Lossnay remote controller (PZ-41SLB-E) cannot be used with this system. The ventilation mode is automatic ventilation. The Slim-Lossnay connection cable may be extended to a maximum length of 500 m (Extension cable specifications are as detailed below). Ensure that all connections are secure and that the appropriate insulation is provided. Extension cable sheathed PVC cable or cable-0.5 mm2 to 1.0 mm2.


Lossnay External control input (TM2) 0.5 mm2 to 1 mm2 sheathed PVC cable External device

When the external device has a charged operating signal of 12V DC or 24V DC Connect the operating signal (wire) from the external device via the remote output retrieval component (sold separately) to 1 and 2 on the external control input terminal block (TM2). (No polarity)

Overall connection extension length

12 or 24 VDC

(Follow the operation manual for the external equipment.)

Lossnay External controller input (TM2) 123 0.5 mm2 to 1 mm2 sheathed PVC cable External device

When the external device has an uncharged a-contact signal Connect the operating signal (wire) from the external device via the remote output retrieval component (sold separately) to 1 and 3 on the external control input terminal block (TM2).

Uncharge a-contact Within 500 meters

If an photo coupler or any other type of polar coupler is used at the uncharged a-contact, connect the positive side to 3 and the negative side to 1.

1 SW2


3. When interlocking with a pulse output device

(1) Move the pulse input switch [SW2-2] to the ON position. (2) Connect the pulse output device (i.e., building management system) to the external control input terminal block [TM2]. A pulse width of at least 200 msec will be needed. (3) Wiring is to be performed in the same way as for item 2 above.

4. When operating multiple Lossnay units

Lossnay (Main) Power supply Remote controller (PZ-41SLB-E)
External device

Power supply Operating switch for external device

Lossnay (Sub) Power supply Lossnay (Sub) Power supply MAX 15 units

(1) Connect from Lossnay Unit 1 to Lossnay Unit 2, and from Unit 2 to Unit 3 and so on up to a maximum of 15 units using a transmission cable (PVC insulated PVC jacketed and either between 0.65 and 1.2, or between 0.3 mm2 and 1.25 mm2 in cross section). (2) Change the setting on the main/sub switch (SW1) on the second and subsequent Lossnay units to sub.

Main/Sub selection switch (SW1) Main Sub

(Set to Main when shipped from the factory)

First Lossnay

Connect to remote controller (PZ-41SLB-E)

1 2
Second Lossnay

Up to four 0.3 mm2 stranded wires or 0.65 PVC wires can be connected to one input terminal. For other types of wire up to two can be connected. The operation signal and pulse signal can be connected to the external device of the main Lossnay only. Connect the power to each respective Lossnay unit. When interlocking with Mr. Slim, connect to Lossnay unit 1 according to page 65, and connect from unit 1 to unit 2, and from unit 2 to unit 3 as indicated above.

Connect to third Lossnay Transmission cable


5. When switching high/low speed externally (when CO2 sensor or other device is connected)
If a commercially available CO2 sensor or other such device is used as shown in the drawing, connect by inserting Remote ON/OFF Adaptor* (PAC-SE55RA-E) (sold separately) to the CN16 connector (for switching between high/low). * Note that if the remote controller is connected to a CO2 sensor, the actual high and low fan speeds may not match on the remote controller.
Remote ON/OFF CO2 sensor, etc. (Closed when there is Adaptor* (sold separate- Lossnay controller ly PAC-SE55RA-E) circuit board an increase in CO2) Orange 1 Switch Red 2 High/Low switching CN16

To force high speed externally When external switch is ON fan speed of the Lossnay will be set to high. Regardless of the remote control setting.

Brown 3 Switch: High operation switch (When closed, high operation) Not used. Insulate completely. Wiring length up to a maximum of 10 meters.

CO2 sensor, etc. Remote ON/OFF (Closed when there is Adaptor* (sold separate- Lossnay controller ly PAC-SE55RA-E) circuit board a decrease in CO2) Orange 1 Switch Red 2 High/Low switching CN16

To force low speed externally When external switch is ON fan speed of the Lossnay will be set to low. Regardless of the remote control setting.

Brown 3 Switch: Low operation switch (When closed, low operation) Not used. Insulate completely. Wiring length up to a maximum of 10 meters.



NEW 6. When connecting to the Pre-heater

(1) Connect wires as left. (2) Turn on SW5-6 on PCB. Refer to page 71.

9 8
Relay X Power Supply Power Supply

(1) Install the relay which have rating more than Pre-heater input. (2) Select the Pre-heater capacity as following table for your refference to make outdoor air temperature rises less than 20K. Refer to page 40.


Power Supply Lamp or monitoring unit

10 9 8

7. If you would like to fetch Malfunction monitor output

Connect to 7 and 8 of the monitor output terminal block (TM3) with reference to the wire connection diagram.


Power Supply


Electrically operated damper


9 8 7

8. I f y o u w o u l d l i k e t o c o n n e c t t o a Electrically operated damper Booster fan, etc., or would like to fetch Operation monitor output:
Connect the power supply line from the Electrically operated damper Booster fan to 9 and 0 of the monitor output terminal block (TM3) with reference to the wire connection diagram. * Response times to external input signals are as shown in the following table. External Signal Form Level Signal Pulse Signal Response Time Max. 7 sec. Max. 200 msec


Round terminal

M-NET transmission cable input terminal block


9. When connecting to the City Multi, Lossnay M-NET remote controller (PZ52SF-E) or Mitsubishi Electric AirConditioner Network System (MELANS)
* If centralized control is performed according the wire connection shown in this section, the remote controller (PZ41SLB-E) cannot be used.

M-NET transmission cable

Shielded wire

One shieled wire is connected to the other shieled wire. (Terminal connection) Address setting is required. (Refer to function setting section.) M-NET transmission cable: Connect any of the following -City Multi indoor unit, Lossnay remote controller (PZ-52SF-E) or Mitsubishi Electric AirConditioner Network System (MELANS) - to the Lossnay. Type: Wire diameter: (Shielded wire, CVVS/CPEVS) 1.25 mm2 to 2.0 mm2

Securely connect the M-NET transmission cable to A and B on the transmission cable input terminal block (TB5). (Non-Polar)
Lossnay City Multi City Multi

M-NET transmission cable

When interlocking with the City Multi Keep the overall length of the transmission cable within 500 meters. Note that the wiring length between the Lossnay and power supply unit (sold separately) or outdoor unit should be 200 meters or less.

Remote controller for City Multi

M-NET transmission cable

Lossnay M-NET remote controller (PZ-52SF-E) or MELANS Connect the power supply unit (PAC-SC50KUA)

MELANS Power supply unit Lossnay Lossnay M-NET remote controller (PZ-52SF-E)


Control panel box

Power supply unit M4 SCREW

Key or screw

To use the power supply unit Install the power supply unit on the control panel box as follows. (1) Screw the M4 SCREWS into the control panel box enough to keep them from falling out of place. Set them towards the top of the box. (2) Hang the power supply unit (from the top end) on the M4 SCREWS. (3) Lock the bottom end down with the M4 SCREW. (4) Tighten the top end screw securely. (5) Once installed, close the control panel box door for safely reasons and lock with the key or screw. For more information, see the installation manual of the power supply unit.

12.3 Function settings

You must set the address when connecting to the City Multi, Lossnay M-NET remote controller (PZ-52SF-E) and MELANS.

12.3.1 Setting the address

Use the following procedure when performing the address setting for dedicated Lossnay. (The method to be employed in the determination of addresses will be dependent on the existing system. Refer to the appropriate technical documents for details.) (1) Remove the control box cover. (2) Use a straight-blade screwdriver to turn the address setting switch on the circuit board. SA1 indicates the 10 digit and SA2 indicates the 1 digit. The factory setting is 00



10 digit

1 digit

When the address number has been changed, the data in the memory is automatically reset.

12.3.2 Switching function selection

Perform the necessary function settings using the function selection switches (SW-2 and 5). The setting can be changed at any time.

1. Settings for pulse input

Set as shown when connecting the pulse signal equipment from a building maintenance system to an external input. OFF SW2 2 2 ON No pulse input (factory setting) Pulse input Mode

2. Switching to power exhaust when operation starts

This sets the fan to run forcibly for 30 minutes when operation starts to ventilate the indoor area. After 30 minutes, the system switches to enable fan speed adjustment from the remote controller. Use this setting if the indoor air is contaminated at night when the system is shut down and you desire to ventilate the indoor area quickly when operation is started in the morning. OFF SW2 3 3 ON Normal (factory setting) Runs the fan forcibly for 30 minutes when operation starts. Operation


3. Switching to the multi ventilation mode (Combination SW3, SW4 and SW2-4, 5)
This sets the ventilation system to in the case that ventilation balance in accordance with the use environment and installation location is selected. There are four possible setting modes. OFF 4 5 4 5 SW2 4 5 4 5 Power Exhaust ON Mode Power Ventilation Normal (factory setting) Power Supply Operation The fan speed altemates between the High (Extra high) and Weak settings instead of the remote controller setting. Runs the exhaust fan side at low speed constantly. Alternates the intake fan speed between the High (Extra high) and Weak settings. Runs the suppy fan side at low speed constantly. Alternates the exhaust fan speed between the High (Extra high) and Weak settings.

Runs the suppy and exhaust fans at low speed constanlty. Energy-saving Ventilation Switches to the Power Save Ventilation setting regardless of the remote controllers High or Weak setting.

RX4 type is available to make 9 fan speed setting patterns of SA and EA fans for High notch. RX3 type (previons model) have only 4 fan speed patterns for High. Setting on PCB dip switch table. (SW3, SW4 setting refer to page 64)
Switch for High and E-High Dip switch Switch for High and E-High SW2-4 SW2-5 SW4 SW3 Off Off Power supply / Exhaust mode Off Off Power supply mode (Fixed exhaust fan at Low mode) Power Exhaust mode (Fixed Supply fan at Low mode) Energy saving ventilation mode Fixed both of fans at Low mode Off Off On On On Off Off On On Off Off On High E-High E-High High Off Off E-High E-High High High Remote Controller High Low SA EA SA EA Model comparison RX3 RX4 (previous model)

E-High E-High *
High High High E-High High Low Low E-High High Low

Low Low Low Low Low Low Low Low Low

Low Low Low Low Low Low Low Low Low


E-High E-High
High Low Low Low

E-High Available High


(SW24Off, SW2-5On)

Available E-High High





Available Available

*Factory setting

4. Power supply start/stop function (cannot be set when PZ-41SLB-E is used)

Set can be switch when operation and stopping is performed by turning the power supply (220-240 V) for the Lossnay on and off. OFF SW2 6 6 ON Mode OFF (factory setting) ON Operation Stopping and operation is performed according to settings of SW5-4 when the power is on. Operation possible by turning power on and off.

5. Settings for delay (of operation at start-up of heating or cooling)

This is the mode for delaying the operation of the Lossnay for 30 minutes when the City Multi or Mr. Slim is started and when a external device is started. (If the PZ-41SLB-E is used, set it at the remote control.) OFF SW5 1 1 ON No operation delay (factory setting) Operation delay of 30 minutes * This function is invalid with in 2 hours restart Mode


6. Supply air fan monitor

OFF 2 SW5 2 ON Mode Corresponds to operation mode output (TM3 9, 0) exhaust fan (factory setting) Corresponds to operation mode output (TM3 9, 0) supply fan (The operation monitor output is off when the supply fan is stopped for operation in cold regions or during the City Multi or Mr. Slim defrosting.)

7. Stopping exhaust fan when defrosting air conditioner

Sets the operation of the exhaust fan (when the air supply fan is stopped) during defrosting of the air conditioner when Mr. Slim or City Multi indoor unit is connected to a duct. OFF SW5 3 3 ON Exhaust fan operation (factory setting) Exhaust fan stopped Operation

8. Settings for automatic recovery following power supply interruption (cannot be set when PZ-41SLB-E is used)
Sets for automatic recovery following power supply interruption. OFF SW5 4 4 ON Mode No automatic recovery (factory setting) Automatic recovery Stop after recovery Recover to operate in mode used before power outage Operation

In the case of PZ-41SLB-E is used, please refer to page 74, NOTE.

9. Settings for filter cleaning

Set the time for fillter cleaning based on the estimated concentration of dust in the air. The factory setting is unlimited. (If the PZ-41SLB-E is used, set it at the remote control. Refer to page 74.) The two combinations of settings shown in the drawing to the bottom are available setting for fillter cleaning. OFF SW5 5 5 ON 3000 hours Unlimited (NoFILTER display on remote controller) (factoly setting) Maintenance time

When the setting for the cumulative operation time of the Lossnay is exceeded, the filter cleaning display will appear on the air conditioner remote controller or the remote controller for the Lossnay. After cleaning the filter, the filter cleaning display can be reset by following the procedure for canceling the cumulative operation time as shown in the manual.

10. Settings for TM3 7, 8 function to control Pre-heat unit

OFF SW5 6 6 ON Malfunction monitor (factory setting) Pre-heat control output (* Refer to page 67) Operation


11. Settings for interlock mode

These settings will indicate how the Lossnay should operate when external devices are started or stopped. (If the PZ41SLB-E is used, set it at the remote control.) OFF 7 8 ON Mode On/Off interlock (factory setting) Operation The Lossnay will start and stop in accordance with starting and stopping of the eternal devices. Subsequent operation will be possible using the remote controller for the Lossnay or MELANS. The Lossnay will operate whenever the external devices are operated. Stopping of the Lossnay will be possible using its remote controller or MELANS. The Lossnay will stop whenever the external devices are stopped. Starting of the Lossnay will be possible using its remote controller or MELANS.


7 8 7 8

On interlock

Off operation

7 8

The Lossnay will start and stop in accordance with starting and stopping of the external devices. Control using the remote External input given priority controller for the Lossnay or MELANS will only be possible when the external devices are stopped.

12.4 Trial operation

After the overall system has been installed, before the ceiling panel is installed, make sure that no wires are wrongly connected, then carry out trial operation, referring to the users manual for the remote controller.

12.4.1 Trial operation with the remote controllers (PZ-41SLB-E and PZ-52SF-E)
Follow the procedure shown in the operators manual for the remote controller for confirming the following items. (1) Starting operation. (2) Fan speed selection. (3) Function selection. (4) Stopping operation.

12.4.2 Lossnay independent trial operation

(1) Remove the control box cover. (2) Turn the trial operation switch (SW2-1) ON. Operation will start with the High setting and with Bypass ventilation operating. (This will take approximately 45 seconds after the power is turned on.) (3) Turn the trial operation switch (SW2-1) OFF. (4) Install the cover in its original position on the control box. OFF SW2 1 ON Operation Power will be supplied to the motor for the Lossnay fan and operation will be performed at the High setting. Power will be supplied to the motor for the Lossnay by-pass and operation of the damper plate will be performed.

12.4.3 Trial operation within the complete system

Interlock system containing an air conditioner and/or external device Use the remote controller for the air conditioner or the operating switches for the external device and confirm that the air conditioner and Lossnay are interlocked. If delay time has been set, check that the Lossnay operates after the delay time has passed. If MELANS System Use MELANS to confirm the operation of the Lossnay.


12.4.4 If trouble occurs during trial operation

Will not operate even when the operation switch for the remote controller (PZ-41SLBE) and/or operation switch for the Lossnay remote controller (PZ-52SF-E) is pressed.

Check the power supply. (The specified power supply is single-phase 220-240 V ~ 50 Hz, and 60 Hz.) Check for a short circuit or disconnection in the transmission cable. (Check that the voltage between terminals in the transmission cables is 9 to 15 V DC for the PZ-41SLB-E and 20 to 30 V DC for the PZ-52SF-E.) Check that the there is 5 cm or more separating the transmission cable from the power supply cable and any other transmission cables. Run the Lossnay independently using the trial operation switch (SW2-1) and check if it runs. Lossnay runs Check the signal lines Lossnay doesnt run Check the power supply Check if there are three or more remote controller connected (PZ-41SLB-E). (The maximum is two.) Perform the registration operation using the remote controller for the Lossnay (PZ-52SF-E) or MELANS. (Refer to the installation instructions for the remote controller for the Lossnay or MELANS.) Check whether or not there is a power supply unit and that the power has been turned on. (On systems with only a Lossnay, a power supply unit is required.)

HO flashes in remote controller for Lossnay (PZ-52SF-E). Does not operate even when the operation switch for remote controller for Lossnay (PZ-52SF-E) or MELANS is pressed. Air conditioner or external device does not interlock.

Check if the pulse input switch (SW2-2) is off. Check the overall length between the air conditioner or external device and Lossnay. (Refer to technical publications or other such documents.) Check the connections at the external control input terminal block (TM2). In the case of voltage charged 12 or 24 V DC output device: Connect to external control input terminals 1 and 2 . In the case of uncharged a-contact output device: Connect to external control input terminals 1 and 3. In the case of Mr. Slim (A control or K control): Connect to external control input terminals 1 and 2. Perform the registration operation using the remote control for the air conditioner or MELANS. (Refer to the installation instructions for the remote control for the air conditioner or MELANS.) Check if the delay has been set. Check the overall length of the transmission cable between the external device and Lossnay. (Refer to technical publications or other such documents.) Check if the transmission cable from the external device has come off of the external control input terminal. Operation signal Stop signal Charged 12 or 24 V DC output device 12 or 24 V DC 0 V DC Uncharged a-contact output device Resistance: 0 Unlimited resistance Mr. Slim (A control or K control) 2 to 6 V DC 2 to 6 V DC Check, in the case of multiple units, whether the Main/Sub selection switch on the Lossnay unit which is connected to the external control input terminal is set on the Master setting, and check whether the Main/Sub selection switch on other Lossnay units are set to Sub. Check that the trial operation switch (SW2-1) is set to off. 2 flashes 3 flashes 4 flashes 5 flashes 8 flashes On Failure of Lossnay circuit Failure of damper motor system (15 to 100RX4 only) Failure of Lossnay Thermistor (OA side) Failure of Lossnay Thermistor (RA side) Failure of Pre-heat unit In delay period Error in M-NET communication Registration operation has not been performed.

Lossnay does not stop. The inspection indicator lamp (LED 1 Green) in the control box flashes.

Turn off the power and immediately contact your dealer.

If there is no remote controller (PZ-41SLB-E), the lamp will go out after 30 minutes (of operation) has passed. Turn off the power and immediately contact your dealer. Use the controller to perform the registration.

The inspection indicator lamp (LED 2 Red) in the control box flashes.

1 to 8 flashes ON

When an inspection number blinks on the remote controller, follow the procedures shown in the installation and operating manuals provided with the remote controller. If the remote controller is not used, operate approximately 45 seconds after turning on the power for the Lossnay.


13. Lossnay Remote Controller (PZ-41SLB-E)

13.1 Operation
Displayed when two Lossnay remote controllers operate the Lossnay unit(s). Note that the most recent button operations of either one will be given priority in such a case.

Displayed when the Lossnay starts off by interlocked indoor unit or external signal.

Fan Speed Display

Displays the selected fan speed.

Ventilation Modes
Indicates the ventilation mode status. Heat recovery (Heat exchange) HEAT EX. By-pass BY-PASS Automatic (Heat ex./By-pass)




Power Display
Displayed while the Lossnay remote controller is powered on.

[FILTER] Display
Displayed when the accumulated operating time reaches at the time set for air filter maintenance.

[CHECK] Display
Displayed together with the malfunctioning unit (3 digits) and an error code (4 digits).

Operation lamp
On during operation. Flashes when a malfunction occurs.

Delay time Display

Displays delay time. Delay setting SETTING XX MIN.DELAYED (XX:0-60) During delay operation XX MIN.DELAYED (XX:1-60)

[ON/OFF] Button
Switches between run and stop. The lamp on the button stays lit during operation.



Fan Speed Adjustment Button

Used to select the fan speed of either "Low" or "High".

Ventilation Mode Selector Button

Used to select the ventilation mode from among Heat recovery (Heat exchange). By-pass or automatic.




Used to set for delay time.

[FILTER] Button
Press two times to reset the filter sign display.

* Entire panel is displayed for explanation.

When power is restored after an outage or when the corresponding breaker for the distribution box is reset, all modes will return to the condition before the supply of power was interrupted.


13.2 Mode of Use

Independent Operation of the Lossnay Unit:
Operation Relevant button Relevant display items
1. Starting the Lossnay unit

Press the ON/OFF button and confirm that the Operation lamp turns on. The 2CONTROLLERS display item will be turned on if a double set of remote controllers is currently in use.

Operation lamp 2. Setting the Ventilation mode Press the Function selector button: Each time it is pressed, the corresponding display will change in accordance with the sequence [HEAT EX.] (non-automatic) [BY-PASS] (non-automatic) [AUTO]. If [AUTO] is selected, the display will change to indicate the current situation after two seconds have passed.


The above display indicates that the unit is operating in non-automatic, bypass ventilation mode.





3. Selecting the fan speed


Press the Fan Speed selector button to select either Low or High fan speed.

The above display indicates current operation with a gentle fan speed.

4. Stopping the Lossnay unit

Press the ON/OFF button. (Press the ON/OFF button to turn off the Operation lamp.) Operation lamp

Interlocked Operation with Indoor unit or external signal.

The Lossnay unit can be set up in such a way that it may be turned on and off by external device such as an air conditioners. In such a case, the remote controller's [INTERLOCKED] display will be turned on. Note that the selection of ventilation mode and of fan speed can be performed in the same way as for independent operation of the Lossnay unit.

Settings for Interlocking the Lossnay unit with an external device

Delay time
This setting is used to determine how long will elapse after the start of operation of the external device until the Lossnay unit begins to operate. DELAY START

Relevant button Relevant display items

Each time the Delay Start button is pressed, the delay time will change in accordance with the repeating sequence (minutes) 0 10 20 30 40 50 60

Delay Start button

The above display indicates a delay time of 30 minutes.


When the button is released before 5 seconds have elapsed, the display will turn off and the current delay time will be selected. Note that a delay time of 0 minutes is set before shipment from the manufacturing plant. 1. Press and hold the Function selector button for at least 5 seconds to display the interlock setting. Note that this is set to [1] before shipment from the manufacturing plant.

Interlocked mode
This setting is used to determine the way in which the Lossnay will respond to starting and stopping of Interlocked to an external device such as an air conditioner, etc. *: Note that the delay time will be invalidated in situations where a setting of [3] has Function selector button been selected for the Operation mode or when the Lossnay unit is interlocked with a building-management system.



2. Press the Function selector button to change the setting in the repeating sequence 2 3 4 1


The above indicates a setting of [2].

When the button is released before 5 seconds have elapsed, the display will turn off and the current setting will be selected.


Mode of Use (cont.)

Interlocked Operation mode types and actions Display Interlocked Action (of the external unit) number Operation mode
1 ON/OFF Interlocking: Subsequent operation with the remote controller possible (factory setting) When the external device begins to operate, the Lossnay unit will also begin to operate; when the external air conditioner stops operating, the Lossnay unit will also stop operating. When the external device begins to operate, the Lossnay unit will also begin to operate; stopping of the Lossnay unit must be performed using the remote controller. When the external device stops operating, the Lossnay unit will also stop operating; starting of the Lossnay unit must be performed using the remote controller.

Action (of the building-management system)

The Lossnay unit toggles between ON and OFF conditions in response to signals (or pulses) which are input from a building-management system or the like. The Lossnay unit begins to operate in response to a signal (or pulse) which is input from a building-management system or the like; stopping of the Lossnay unit must be performed using the remote controller. The Lossnay unit stops operating in response to a signal (or pulse) which is input from a building-management system or the like; starting of the Lossnay unit must be performed using the remote controller.

ON Interlocking

OFF Interlocking

ON/OFF Interlocking: External inputs have priority

Same as for setting 1 above; however, it is not possible to stop the Lossnay unit using the Same as for setting 1 above. remote controller while the external device is operating.

13.3 Care and Upkeep

Actions required when the Filter Cleaning display begins to flash:
Relevant button Relevant display items Sequence

Filter reset i.e., clearing the total Lossnay-unit operating time


Press the [Filter] button twice in immediate succession and confirm that the Filter display turns off.

(Press twice)

Cleaning of the Lossnay unit's filter

Perform cleaning of the air filter and the Lossnay core in accordance with the instructions in the user's manual which was provided with the Lossnay unit. To remove dirt from the remote controller's display window, wipe with a cloth to which detergent has been applied, and then wipe with a dry cloth to remove any remaining detergent. Paint thinner, alcohol, benzene, gasoline, kerosene, spray cleaner, cleaning alkali, etc.

Care of the remote controller

13.4 After-Sales Service

If any of the following inspection numbers should be displayed on the remote controller, please contact the dealer from where this product was purchased for more information.

After-sales servicing of the remote controller unit should be ordered from the retail outlet from where this product was purchased.


13.5 Component Names and External Dimensions

Typical System Setup
Mounting holes (x 2)

<Independent operation of the Lossnay unit:>

Lossnay Display section Remote controller(s)

Power supply Function Selector button

When two individual remote controllers have been installed, the most recent control signals will be given priority. <Interlocked operation with an air conditioners, etc.:>
Cover ON/OFF button Fan Speed Adjustment button Filter Reset button Connection terminals Lossnay A maximum of up to 15 individual Lossnay units may be connectPower supply
Indoor unit

Operation lamp Delay start


Remote Controller(s) Power supply

Accessory parts
Screws ........... (x 2) Units: mm

Power supply

13.6 Installation Dimensions

1. Wiring
16 16

10 6 20 10 44

1.5 54

(1) Perform insertion of a single-unit switch box (without a cover). (2) Lay the wiring duct as far as the switch box. (3) Connect the signal wires from the Lossnay unit to the switch box. (Note that 2-core telephone cable should be used; furthermore, this cable should be of PVC insulated PVC jacketed and either between 0.65 and 1.2, or between 0.3 mm2 and 1.25 mm2 in cross section. (4) Use standard putty to create a secure seal so as to prevent frosting due to the intake of atmospheric air.

83.5 102


Wiring duct (of 15 to 25-mm nominal diameter) Lock nut


Confirm that the Lossnay unit's power supply is not turned on before connecting its signal wire to the switch box.

Bushing Putty (commercially available) Signal wires

Switch box

Units: mm


2. Cover removal
To remove the cover, insert the tip of a flat-head screwdriver into the notch and turn.

Take care during removal of the cover to avoid any damage being caused.


Interlock terminals Insert the signal wire. Press this button to release. Remote controller

3. Connection of wiring and remote-controller mounting:

(1) Fully insert the (non-polar) signal wiring into the connection terminals. (2) Gently tug on the wiring to confirm that it is being securely gripped. (3) Mount the remote controller on the switch box using the two screws provided as accessory parts.

Screws (accessory parts)

Switch box

Remote controller Hooks Cover

4. Mounting of the cover

To mount the cover, secure the two hooks at its upper edge and press on its lower section until it is heard to snap into place.

5. Switching of function selection

(1) Setting for filter maintenance (3) Setting for interlocked mode




When Lossnay unit has operated for the time set as the cumulative-operation time, the Filter display will begin to flash indicating the cleaning of the filter is required. This setting time should be selected in accordance with the degree of contamination of the air in the unit's installation location. To perform an actual setting, press and hold the FILTER button for at least five seconds to display the setting value and to turn on the Filter display. FILTER Then, press the Filter button to change the setting value in the repeating sequence (factory setting) 3000 4500 OFF 1500 When the button is released before 5 seconds have elapsed, the display will turn off and the current replacement time will be selected. Note that this value is set to [3000] before shipment from the manufacturing plant. (2) Setting for delayed interlocked operation

The Interlocked-mode setting is used to determine the way in which the Lossnay unit will respond to starting and stopping of interlocked external device such as an air conditioner, etc. To perform an actual setting, press and hold the button for at least five seconds while the Lossnay unit is currently stopped to display the setting value as shown in the diagram. Press the switch to change the setting in the repeating sequence (factory setting) 1 2 3 4 (1:original setting at factory shipment) When the button is released before 5 seconds have elapsed, the display will turn off and the current setting will be selected. Note that this value is set to [1] before shipment from the manufacturing plant.
Interlocked Operation mode




The delay-time setting is used to determine the length of the period that will elapse after the start of operation of the external devices until the Lossnay unit begins to operate. To perform an actual setting, press and hold the DELAY START button for at least five seconds while the Lossnay unit is currently stopped to display the setting value as shown in the diagram.
DELAY START Each time the DELAY START button is pressed, the delay time will change in accordance with the repeating sequence (factory setting) 0 10 20 30 40 50 60 minutes.

Starting and stopping of the Lossnay unit will be performed from external device -- specifically, when the external device begins to operate, 1 ON/OFF the Lossnay unit will also begin to operate; when the external device Interlocking stops operating, the Lossnay unit will also stop operating. Note that subsequent operation using the remote controller will be possible. Starting of the Lossnay unit will be performed from external device -- specifically, when the external device begins to operate, ON 2 Interlocking the Lossnay unit will also begin to operate. Stopping of the Lossnay unit must be performed using the remote controller. Stopping of the Lossnay unit will be performed from external device -- specifically, when the external device stops operating, OFF Interlocking the Lossnay unit will also stop operating. Starting of the Lossnay unit must be performed using the remote controller. Starting and stopping of the Lossnay unit will be performed from external device -- specifically, when the external device begins to operate, the Lossnay unit will also begin to operate; when the external device stops operating, the Lossnay unit will also stop operating. However, it is not possible to stop the Lossnay unit using the remote controller while the external device is operating.

(0:original setting at factory shipment) When the button is released before 5 seconds have elapsed, the display will turn off and the current delay time will be selected. Note that a delay time of 0 minutes is set before shipment from the manufacturing plant. Note also that when OFF Interlock mode has been selected, this setting value will be invalidated.

ON/OFF Interlocking 4 (with externalsignal priority)


13.7 Trial Operation

After installation has been completed, it is of the utmost importance that trial operation of the Lossnay unit and any external device such as an air conditioner is carried out.
When power supply is supplied to the remote controller the [HO] display will flash (for approximately 40 seconds); following this, the system will switch to operation-start mode.

Relevant button

Relevant display items

Initiate the supply of power to the Lossnay unit. (The [HO] display will flash for approximately 40 seconds) Press the ON/OFF button. The Operation lamp will turn on and the Lossnay unit will begin to operate. Press the Function selector button: Each time it is pressed, the corresponding display will change in accordance with the sequence [HEAT EX.] (non-automatic) [BY-PASS] (non-automatic) [AUTO]. Press the Fan Speed Adjustment button to toggle between Low and High. Press the Operation switch. The Operation lamp will turn off and the Lossnay unit will stop operating.


Note that when the Ventilation Mode selector button is pressed, it will take up to 40 seconds before the operation of the damper changes accordingly.

If an inspection number should be flashed, refer to the following table and take the required action.
Inspection number

The SW2 trial-operation switch from the Lossnay unit's controll box is On. If two or more Lossnay units are currently being used together, this number will indicate that the correct setting has not been performed using the units' Main/Sub switches. If two remote controllers are currently being used together, this number may indicate that one of these controllers is not connected. If two remote controllers are used together, this number may indicate that both of these controllers are not set automatically when the power supply is turned on. Multi-core cable has been used in place of a number of signal wires.

Required action
Turn off the trial-operation switch. (refer to page 72) Turn off the power supply and use the Main/Sub switches to specify one Lossnay unit as the Main and the others as Sub. Following this, turn the supply of power back on. Note that all Lossnay units are specified as Main before shipment from the manufacturing plant. (refer to page 66) Turn off the power supply, connect the remote controller, and turn the power supply back on. (refer to page 78) Turn off the power supply and turn the power supply back on. Switch back to the use of standard wiring and install each signal wire separately. Turn off the supply of power and contact the retail outlet from where this product was purchased for further instructions.


4000 5101 5102 3602

A circuit abnormality has occurred in the Lossnay unit. A breakdown has occurred in the Lossnay thermo (OA side). A breakdown has occurred in the Lossnay thermo (RA side). A breakdown has occurred in the damper motor.


14. Lossnay M-NET Remote Controller (PZ-52SF-E)

14.1 Operation
[CENTRAL] Display
Displayed when remote operation is prohibited by a centralised control unit, etc.

Displayed when the Lossnay unit starts due to interlocked indoor unit or external signal.

Ventilation Modes
Indicates the ventilation mode. Heat recovery (Heat exchange.) By-pass Automatic (Heat ex./By-pass) HEAT EX.

[Fan speed] Display

Displays the selected fan speed.



Power Display
Displayed while Lossnay remote controller is powered on.



[FILTER] Display [CHECK] Display

Displayed together with the address of the malfunctioning unit (3 digits) and the error code (4 digits). (For detail, refer to the 11.Troubleshooting) Displayed when the accumulated operating time reaches the time set for air filter maintenance.

[ON/OFF] Button
Switches between run and stop. The lamp on the button stays lit during operation.


Displayed when the Lossnay unit cannot perform the function for the button that has been pressed. This display flashes concurrently with the display of the unavailable function.

Operation lamp


On during operation. Flashes when a malfunction occurs.

[Fan Speed Adjustment] Button* [Function Selector] Button

Used to select the ventilation mode from among heat recovery (Heat exchange), bypass or automatic. Low High Used to select the fan speed of either "Low" or "High".

[FILTER] Button
Press two times to reset the filter sign display.

If this button is pressed when trying to switch the fan speed of a Lossnay unit not equipped with the fan speed adjustment, the fan speed display and the NOT AVAILABLE display flash and the fan speed does not change.

This remote controller can not be used on Lossnay units set for interlocked operation with Mr. Slim units.

14.2 Installing the Lossnay M-NET Remote Controller

14.2.1 Mount the switch box.
Switch box Projecting object such as a stud

1. Install the switch box (purchased separately) as explained below.

Be sure to install the switch box with the clearance shown in the illustration at the left. (Check the space between the unit and any projections, such as a stud.) Leave a space of 120 mm or more below the Lossnay M-NET remote controller so that a screwdriver can be used. 2. Purchase the thin copper wiring conduit, lock nuts and bushings separately.

Outline of Lossnay remote controller 40 mm or more

14.2.2 Install the Lossnay M-NET Remote Controller.

11 10

Units : mm

1. Pull out approximately 80 mm of cable from the wall and remove the insulation at the end. 2. Use putty to seal the cable hole in order to prevent insects from damaging the wiring and to prevent condensation on the Lossnay M-NET remote controller circuit board. If this hole is not sealed well, the Lossnay M-NET remote controller circuit board may be damaged.

Leading Insula- Sheath wire tion Wall Wiring plpe


One switch box (with cover) Seal with putty Cable

Button: Press here.

Insert the cable.

3. Connect the cable to the terminal board at the bottom rear of the Lossnay MNET remote controller unit. The cable does not have polarity. When connecting stranded cable, hold down the tab on the terminal board while inserting the cable. The cable connects to the main terminal board when it is inserted into the bottom terminal. When disconnecting the cable, hold down the tab while pulling out the cable. After inserting the cable, slightly tug on it to check that it does not easily disconnect. If the cable is not securely connected, a short-circuit or malfunction may occur. 4. Remove the Lossnay M-NET remote controller cover using a standard screwdriver. Attach the Lossnay M-NET remote controller unit to the switch box using the two enclosed cross-recessed pan head screws. Use a standard screwdriver with a blade that is 4 mm or wider to remove the cover.

Lossnay M-NET remote controller cover

Forcing off the cover using a screwdriver that is less than 4 mm wide may result in damage to the equipment or injuries. Attach the Lossnay M-NET remote controller to a level surface. Do not overtighten the screws. Tight screws could damage or deform the case.




5. Set the Lossnay M-NET remote controller address. Set the Lossnay M-NET remote controller address using the rotary switches SW1 and SW2 on the front of the Lossnay M-NET remote controller. Setting range: 101 to 200 Rotary switch SW1 indicates the tens column and SW2 indicates the ones column. In addition, 100 is automatically added to the setting as shown below. Rotary switch setting Lossnay M-NET remote controller address 01 99 101 199 00 200

Rotary switches

14.3 Registering the Lossnay Unit with the Lossnay M-NET Remote Controller
Initial registration mode operation
A Lossnay unit must be registered with the Lossnay M-NET remote controller in a group arrangement. Register a Lossnay unit using the initial registration mode as shown below. In addition, the initial registration mode can be used to search for a Lossnay unit registered to the group or to delete a registration.

Setting Procedure
1 Turn off the unit. (Perform the following operation after HO flashes on the display.) 2 Hold down both and FILTER for more than 2 seconds. This starts the initial registration mode and the set Lossnay M-NET remote controller address flashes on the display.






The address is set to 01 when the Lossnay M-NET remote controller is shipped from the manufacturer.

The address must be set if the Lossnay M-NET remote controller is to be used as a part of a multi-unit system. Set the address according to its position in the system. In addition, refer to page 62 for more information concering the setting of the addresses. 6. After setting the Lossnay M-NET remote controller address, attach the Lossnay M-NET remote controller cover. When attaching the Lossnay M-NET remote controller cover, set the top of the cover onto the two top hooks and then push in the at the bottom of the cover until it snaps into place. If the bottom of the cover is attached first, the top of the cover cannot be attached. Forcefully pushing in the top of the cover to attach it may break the hooks.



3 25


17 4


3 Press

to select the address of the Lossnay unit that you wish to register with this Lossnay M-NET remote controller.

After the button is pressed once, the Lossnay M-NET remote controller address and then the Lossnay unit address is displayed. Afterwards, each press of the button increase the Lossnay unit address by 1 as shown below. Holding down the button changes the address more quickly.
[101] Flashes 4 When the address of the Lossnay unit that you wish to register is displayed, press If the registration is completed correctly, the display appears as shown below. to begin registering. [ ] [001] [002] ... [098] [099]

(Set Lossnay M-NET remote controller address)

The Lossnay unit type, LC, is displayed.

If the registration is not completed correctly, the wiring are correct. 5 After registering, hold down both mal display appears. and

flashes in the display. Check that the selected Lossnay unit address and

for more than 2 seconds to end the initial registration mode and the nor-

Confirmation of registered address

6 To display the addresses of the Lossnay units that are registered with this Lossnay M-NET remote controller. Each press of FILTER in step 2 or 4 displays the address of a registered Lossnay unit and its type, LC. If no Lossnay unit is registered, --- appears in the address display and no type is displayed.

Address deletion
7 To delete the address of a Lossnay unit registered with this Lossnay M-NET remote controller. Hold down [ON/OFF] twice for 2 seconds each time in either step 4 or after the registration is completed to delete the registration of the Lossnay unit that is currently displayed.

When the display appears as shown above, hold down [ON/OFF] for 2 seconds each time.

If the registration is deleted correctly, appears in the display. If the registration is not deleted correctly, flashes in the display. Check that the selected Lossnay unit addresses and the wiring are correct.

In the case of LGH-15 to 200RX4-E, up to 16 Lossnay units can be registered. If the registration cannot be completed or deleted correctly, either the set address or the wiring of the Lossnay unit whose registration you wish to add or delete may be incorrect. Check the wiring and the address that is set.


15. Appendix
15.1 System Controller (G-50A)
15.1.1 Operation setting
There are two methods for the operation, performing the operation classified by groups or collective operation.

Group operation setting











Operation panel









Group number display


Current time display

Operation condition display


Operation mode display Fan speed display

Remote operation prohibition/permission display

Ventilatior operation display






Filter sign display External input condition display

Timer operation display

Function area

Operation panel
1 ON/OFF button

8 Group select button

2 Operation mode button


3 Fan speed button 5 Remote operation prohibit button




4 Ventilation setting button





6 Timer mode button

7 Reset button


No. Name of switches

The ON/OFF condition of the displayed group is switched.

Operation status display [ON] [OFF] * When there is an interlocked Lossnay unit, turning this switch ON starts operation in a [High] fan speed state. On the group composed of independent Lossnay units, operation mode is selected in a sequence that goes from HEAT RECOVERY, AUTO, BYPASS and back to HEAT RECOVERY.

ON/OFF button

Operation mode button

Used to the type of the operation mode selection.


Fan speed display 3 Fan speed button The Fan speed can be selected as high or low.


* In the case of a group composed only of Lossnay units this does not display. The operation mode of the interlocked Lossnay unit can be performed. * Where there is no interlocked Lossnay unit, the operation of this button is invalid. Ventilation volume setting display

Ventilation setting button


(Ventilation off)

Remote operation prohibit button

Used to prohibit for the local remote control.

PROHIBIT : Local remote control specified on the prohibit setting screen is not possible. PERMIT : Local remote control is possible. Timer operation display [ON] [OFF] Filter display [ Filter ] No display Group number display This switch displays 1 to 50 group numbers. The switch can also display group names.

Timer more button

The timer operation can be performed according to a previously set operation pattern. The filter sign display reset is performed. The reset processing is completed by pressing this button two times. The display group is changed.

Reset button

Group select button


15.1.2 Initial setting

DIP switch and rotary switch setting
Remove the cover from the controller and perform the DIP switch and rotary switch setting. 1 Remove the cover screw. Rotary switches DIP switch

When this controller is shipped from the factory, the screw is contained in the same package. 2 Insert a standard screwdriver into the slot and twist it to remove the cover from the upper case.


1. DIP switch setting

The functions of this controller are set according to the DIP switch settings. Each switch is set to the OFF and ON positions as shown below.



The functions of this controller are selected by DIP switch. The DIP switches are set to OFF when the controller is shipped from the factory.

DIP switch
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
ON OFF: User operation mode OFF: Master system controller ON: Initial setting mode ON: Slave system controller

OFF: No K-transmission converter installed ON: K-transmission converter installed OFF: Operation prohibit setting valid ON: Operation prohibit setting invalid Reserved for future use (Leave this switch set to OFF) External input changeover The range of a controller which the operation is prohibited OFF: Both of the system controller and the local remote controller ONJ: Only the local remote controller

2. Rotary switch setting

The address of this controller is set by the rotary switch. When this controller is shipped from the factory, the address is set to 000.
9 0 1
7 8 7 8

9 0 1
2 3

9 0 1
7 8

2 3

2 3

(Example: Address setting: 000)

Setting range: 000, 201-250 (Always set the address to 000 when K-transmission converter is being controlled.)


4 5 6

4 5 6

4 5 6

15.1.3 Group configuration setting

Registration can be made for the indoor units, local remote controllers and slave system controllers in the same group. Registration can also be performed for the group that is composed of only Lossnay.

Example of a group configuration

Supply the power from the power supply unit (PAC-SC50KUA) through the M-NET transmission cable. Outdoor unit 051 001 002 101 Group 1 Air conditioner group 003 004 105 Group 3 005 006 Indoor unit Local remote controller Lossnay unit M-NET Transmission cable Independent Lossnay group

103 Group 2

Perform the following procedures to set the group configuration because the interlocked operation setting will not be performed for the group configuration settings that have not been set.


1 When the power is supplied to the controller, the screen shown on the left is displayed. 2 Press the

button to select 1 GROUP SETTING.


The configuration setting screen is displayed. 3 Press the


button to display the group number to be set.


4 Press the button to move the cursor to the address display position to be set. 5 Use the numeric keypad to set the address of the indoor unit, local remote controller, and slave system controller in the display group number.

Operation example
For an indoor unit with an address of 012. 1) Input 0
0 01 012


2) Input 1 3) Input 2

4) Press the button. 012 * It is also possible to enter 1 2.


When the input is incorrect

Press the

button and continue to input the data. After pressing the

button, move the cursor to the addresses to be deleted and press the button to delete these addresses.

Do not set Lossnay units with the intention of interlocked operation, such as Lossnay, on this group setting menu. Even if the addresses are input in a non-sequential order, they will be switched to sequential order starting with the lowest address. The independent Lossnay unit cannot be set to the indoor unit group and it cannot be set as an interlocked Lossnay unit.



This is the procedure for registering all units and controllers in the displayed group number. 6 Repeat operation 3 to 5 to set all the groups controlled by this controller. 7 When all settings have been completed, press the



Be sure to set the local remote controller address when there is a local remote controller in the system. The local remote controller will not operate if the address setting is not performed.

8 The initial setting screen is displayed. Registration processing for the group configuration information and initial set up processing for each unit and each controller is executed when DIP switch No. 1 is set to OFF. (This process takes approximately five minutes.)


If DIP switch No. 1 is set to ON at this time, the initial setting menu screen is displayed without the initial setting screen.

9 The user operation menu is displayed. Once the group configuration settings are completed, user operation can be performed. Refer to Section 15.1.4 Interlocked operation setting when performing interlock operation settings.

Deleting all group configuration data. Display G00on the group configuration setting screen and press the group configuration data and all interlocked operation data.

button two times consecutively to delete all

Group registration cannot be made when this unit is set to the slave system controller by the DIP switch No. 2. However, confirmation of the contents of the group registration is possible. To change the group configuration setting, set DIP switch No. 1 in the cover to ON. This will bring up the initial setting menu screen. From that screen, select 1 GROUP SETTING on the setting menu screen. Wait for the screen to appear and then change the setting.


15.1.4 Interlocked operation setting

This is the procedure for registering the interlocked operation of an Lossnay unit with a single or multiple indoor units. All indoor units to be interlocked with an Lossnay unit for operation should be registered as group before- hand.

Example of an interlocked group configuration

Duct 051 001 101 002 003 103 004 005 Indoor unit Local remote controller Lossnay unit M-NET Transmission cable Outdoor unit

1 2 3 4

WED 15:29

1 Set DIP switch No. 1 in the cover to ON.


Always uses the DIP switch No. 1 to change the setting. This operation will be invalid if performed on another screen.


2 The initial menu screen is displayed. 3 Press the 2 button to select 2 INTERLOCKED SETTING.


4 The interlocked setting screen is displayed. The minimum address of the interlocked processing unit that can be set to interlocked operation with an indoor unit is displayed in INTERLOCKED UNIT ADDRESS. The cursor is displayed in the unit address display position.
GROUP 5 Press the button to display the address number of the interlocked SELECT Lossnay unit that the setting will be performed on.



6 Use the numeric keypad to set the address of the indoor unit to operate with the displayed Lossnay unit.

Operation example
For an indoor unit with an address of 012. 1) Input 0. 2) Input 1. 3) Input 2.
0 01 012

4) Press the button. 012 * It is also possible to enter 1 2.

When the input is incorrect

Press the

button and continue to input the data. After pressing the

button, move the cursor to the addresses to be deleted and press the button to delete these addresses.


7 Set the indoor units to operate with the displayed interlocked Lossnay unit. 8 Repeat operation 5 to 7 to set the indoor units in interlocked operation controlled by this controller. 9 When all settings are completed, press the







Initial setting screen is displayed. This ends the interlocked operation setting. Return to where user operations are performed to set DIP switch No. 1 to OFF. After the initial settings processing has been completed, the initial setting screen will be displayed.

The interlocked operation settings cannot be adjusted when this unit is set to being a slave system controller by the DIP switch No. 2. However, monitoring of the contents of the interlocked operation settings is possible.

Please refer to the related documentation for details about the System controller.


15.2 Remote Controllers for Mr. Slim indoor unit

A-control remote controller (PAR-20MAA)
Without Lossnay interlock switches and indicators. [Ventilation] Display Displayed during ventilation (Lossnay) operation.


1Hr. C









15.2.1 Method for operating Lossnay with A-control remote controller (when interlocked with Mr. Slim)
When operating Lossnay separately
Press the ON/OFF button A. Press the Selecting operation button B. The display will show . Use when you only want ventilation and there is no need for heating or cooling operation. The does not display when the unit is not connected for interlocked operation with a ventilation unit.

When changing Lossnay fan speed

Press the Ventilation button C.

Lossnay fan speed Low

Lossnay fan speed High

The setting changes each time you press the button.

When running interlocked ventilation operation

Press the ON/OFF button A. If there is a ventilation unit connected for interlocked operation, the ventilation unit will start operating automatically. Press the Ventilation button C. The Lossnay fan speed can be set to High or Low.


15.2.2 Function Selection

Perform only when change is necessary with Mr. SLIM air conditioner. (Cannot be performed with CITY MULTI control system.) Set the functions of each indoor unit from the remote controller, as required. The functions of each indoor unit can be selected only from the remote controller. Set the functions by selecting the necessary items from Table 1. Table 1. Function selection contents (For a detailed description of the factory settings and mode of each indoor unit, refer to the indoor unit installation manual.)
Function Power failure automatic recovery Indoor temperature detecting LOSSNAY connectivity Power voltage AUTO mode Filter sign Settings Not available Available (Approximate 4 minutes wait-period after power is restored.) Indoor unit operating average Set by indoor units remote controller Remote controllers internal sensor Not Supported Supported (indoor unit is not equipped with outdoor-air intake) Supported (indoor unit is equipped with outdoor-air intake) 240 V 220 V, 230 V Energy saving cycle automatically enabled Energy saving cycle automatically disabled 100 Hr 2500 Hr No filter sign indicator Standard Quiet High ceiling 1 PL(H)(A)-P AA type Standard High ceiling 2 High ceiling 4 directions 3 directions 2 directions Not supported Supported No vanes Equipped with vanes (No. 1 set) Equipped with vanes (No. 2 set) Disabled Enabled Not supported Supported Mode No. 01 01 02 02 02 03 03 03 04 04 05 05 07 07 07 08 08 08 09 09 09 10 10 11 11 11 12 12 13 13 Setting No. 1 2 1 2 3 1 2 3 1 2 1 2 1 2 3 1 2 3 1 2 3 1 2 1 2 3 1 2 1 2 Check Object unit address No. Unit address No. 00

These items are set for all indoor units.

Unit address No. 01 to 04 or AL

Fan speed

No. of air outlets Installed options (highperformance filter) Up/down vane setting Energy saving air flow (Heating mode) Humidifier (Direct Add-on type)

These items are set for each indoor unit.

NOTE: When the indoor unit functions were changed using the function selection after installation is complete, always indicate the set contents by entering or other mark in the appropr iate check field of Table 1. [Function selection flow] First grasp the function selection flow. The following describes setting of Room temperature detection position of Table 1 as an example . (For the actual setting procedure, see [Setting procedure] 1 to 0 .)
1 Check the function selection set contents. 2 Switch to the FUNCTION SELECTION mode. (Press A and B simultaneously in the remote controller OFF state.) 3 Refrigerant address specification 4 Unit address No. specification (Buttons C and D operation) 00 (Outdoor unit specification) (Unnecessary for single refrigerant system.) 00 (Indoor unit specification) (Specified indoor unit Fan operation)

Change refrigerant address and unit address No.?

5 Registration (Press button E .) 6 Mode No. Selection

02 (Room temperature detection position) 7 Setting No. selection 3 (remote controller fixed) (Buttons F and G operation) 8 Register (Press button E.) End?

9 F


0 Ending function display (Press buttons A and B simultaneously.) E G







[Procedure] (Set only when change is necessary.) 1 Check the set contents of each mode. When the set contents of a mode were changed by function selection, the functions of that mode also change. Check the set contents as described in steps 2 to 7 and change the setting based on the entries in the Table 1 check field. For the factory settings, refer to the indoor unit installation manual.
2 Set the remote controller to Off. Press and hold down the A [FILTER] and B [TEST] buttons at the same time for two seconds or longer. FUNCTION blinks for a while, then the remote controller display changes to the display shown below.
Refrigerant address display

3 Set the outdoor unit refrigerant address No. When the C [TIMER SET ( ) and ( )] buttons are pressed, the refrigerant address No. decreases and increases between 00 and 15. Set it to the refrigerant address No. whose function you want to select. (This step is unnecessary for single refrigerant system.)

* If the remote controller enters the OFF state after the FUNCTION and room temperature displays tion is probably abnormal. Make sure there are no noise sources near the transmission line.
4 Set the indoor unit address No. Press the D [Timer selection] button. The unit address No. display flashes.
Unit address No. display

have flashes for two seconds, communica-

NOTE: If you make a mistake during operation, end function selection by step 0 and repeat selection from step 2 . When the C [TIMER SET ( ) and ( )] buttons are pressed, the unit address No. changes in 00 01 02 03 04 AL order. Set it to the unit address No. of the indoor unit whose functions you want to set.


* When setting mode 1 to 3, set the unit address No. to 00. * When setting modes 7 to 11: - When setting for each indoor unit, set the unit address No. to 01-04. - When batch setting for all indoor units, set the unit address No. to AL.
5 Refrigerant address and unit address No. registration Press the E [Mode selection] button. The refrigerant address and unit address No. are registered. After a while, the mode No. display flashes.
Mode No. display

When registered using the E [Mode selection] button, the registered indoor unit begins fan operation. When you want to know the location of the indoor units of the unit address No. whose functions were selected, check here. When the unit address No. is 00 or AL, all the indoor units of the selected refrigerant address perform the fan operation. Ex) When refrigerant address 00, unit address No. = 02 registered
Refrigerant address 00 Outdoor unit Unit address Unit address Unit address No. 03 No. 01 No. 02 Fan operation Remote Controller

* When flashes at the room temperature display, the selected refrigerant address is not in the system. When F is displayed at the unit address No. display, and when it flashes together with the refrigerant address display, the selected unit address No. does not exist. Correctly set the refrigerant address and unit address No. by repeating steps 2 and 3 .

Indoor unit


* When grouping by different refrigerant systems and an indoor unit other than the specified refrigerant address performs the fan operation, the refrigerant address set here is probably duplicated. Recheck the refrigerant address at the outdoor unit rotary switches.
6 Mode No. selection Select the mode No. you want to set with the F [TEMP. (
Mode No. display

) and (

)] buttons. (Only the settable mode numbers can be selected.)

Mode No. 02 = Room temperature detection position

7 Select the setting contents of the selected mode. When the G [Timer selection] button is pressed, the current setting No. flashes. Use this to check the currently set contents.
Setting No. display

Select the setting No. using the F [TEMP. (

) and (

)] buttons.


8 The contents set at steps 3 to 7 are registered. When the E [Mode selection] button is pressed, the mode No. and setting No. flash and registration begins. The flashing mode No. and setting No. change to a steady light and setting ends.

Setting No. 1 = Simultaneous operation indoor units balance

Setting No. 3 = Remote controller built-in sensor



* When appears at the mode No. and setting No. displays and Make sure there are no noise sources near the transmission line.

flashes at the room temperature display, communication is probably abnormal.

9 To select more functions, repeat steps 3 to 8 . 0 End function selection. Press and hold down the A [FILTER] and B [TEST] buttons at the same time for two seconds or longer. After a while, the function selection display disappears and the remote controller returns to the air conditioner off display.

* Do not operate the air conditioner from the remote controller for 30 seconds after the end of function selection. NOTE: When the functions of an indoor unit were changed by function selection after the end of installation, always indicate the set contents by entering a or other mark in the appropriate check field of Table 1.


15.3 Network Remote Controller (PAR-F27MEA)














15.3.1 Method for Operating Lossnay with Network remote Controller (When Interlocked with City Multi Indoor Unit)
Operation method is same as A-control remote controller. Refer to page 93.

15.3.2 Initial registration mode

This is the procedure for registering the address of the indoor unit with the remote controller. 1 Stop the remote controller by pressing the [ON/OFF] button. If not indoor unit is registered, the HO display appears in the room temperature display. In this condition, registration can be performed as follows. 2 Display INDOOR UNIT ADDRESS NO. Press and hold down both the [FILTER] button (shown as A) and the Louver button (shown as B) at the same time for 2 seconds. The following display will appear.


15.3.3 Interlocked registration

3 Display the OA UNIT ADDRESS NO. Press the Operation mode button (shown as G) and the following display will appear. Press once again to return to INDOOR UNIT ADDRESS NO. shown in Step 2. Both INDOOR UNIT ADDRESS NO. and OA UNIT ADDRESS NO. will appear simultaneously.


Use the and [TEMP] buttons (shown as C) to select the address of the indoor unit. Set it to the address of the indoor unit to be interlocked. Use the tered. and [TIMER SET] buttons (shown as H) to select the address of the Lossnay unit to be regis-




4 To register the interlocked operation of the Lossnay unit and the indoor unit. Use the [TEST RUN] buttons (shown as D) to register the relationship of the interlock between the Lossnay indicated in OA UNIT ADDRESS NO. and the indoor unit indicated in INDOOR UNIT ADDRESS NO.



When registration has been completed successfully, the display alternates between the two displays shown in the figure. If there is an error in the registration, will flash. This indicates the number of the unit.



5 To return to the normal operation mode. Press and hold down both the [FILTER] button (shown as A) and the Louver button (shown as B) at the same time. This returns the unit to the normal operation mode. (OFF)

Be sure to set the indoor unit to the lowest address number in a group followed by the Lossnay unit. If this is not performed, the Lossnay unit will not operate. If there are multiple indoor units to be interlocked with the Lossnay unit, perform Steps 3 and 4 above for each of them.

15.3.4 Searching for interlocked registered units

6 Display the indoor unit address No. at OA UNIT ADDRESS NO. Press the Operation mode button (shown as G) and the following display will appear. Press once again to return to INDOOR UNIT ADDRESS NO. shown in Step 2.



7 Use the and [TIMER SET] buttons (shown as H) to select the address of the indoor unit to be registered. Select the indoor unit address number to be confirmed.



8 Press the Timer/continuous button (shown as E). The display alternates between the two displays shown here.

Address of the registered unit







9 Press the Timer/continuous button (shown as E) once again. The display will now alternate between the registered unit and the address of the next registered unit. (The way of display is the same as in step 8.)

Address of another registered unit






0 To return to the normal operation mode. Press and hold down both the [FILTER] button (shown as A) and the Louver button (shown as B) at the same time. This returns the unit to the normal operation mode (OFF).

15.3.5 To delete linked unit entries

A From the initial registration mode display, perform an address search for linked units. Display the addresses of the Lossnay units to be deleted. Press the Time conversion button (shown as F) twice to delete these units which are displayed according to their address number with the indoor unit.

Address of the registered unit






When the above is displayed, press the Time conversion button (shown as F) twice.

Address of the registered unit






If the transmission is faulty, the properties will flash as above operation again.

. Check the wiring and the address definitions and then do the

B To return to the normal operation mode. Press and hold down both the [FILTER] button (shown as A) and the Louver button (shown as B) at the same time. This returns the unit to the normal operation mode (OFF).


Y05-001 Jun.2005(MEE)

Specifications subject to change without notice.

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