Fire Policy 1

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Northern Ireland Hospice Care (NIHC) operates a Fire Safety Policy.

Northern Ireland Hospice Care is a responsible employer and takes fire safety duties seriously. For
this reason NIHC have formulated this policy to comply with our legal obligations to staff and
visitors under the Regulatory Reform (Fire Safety) Order 2005(N.I.) 2006 (as amended)
and HTM84. Due to its importance, this fire safety policy also forms part of the company’s overall
health and safety policy.


• The provision of a safe place of work where fire safety risks are minimized.
• Ensure staff/volunteers are fully compliant with their statutory duty regarding fire.
• Ensure NIHC complies with its statutory responsibility regarding fire.
• Ensure all visitors are cared for in the event of alarm activation.


. Employees’ duties
All employees have a duty to take reasonable steps to ensure that they do not place themselves or
others at risk of harm. They are also expected to co-operate fully with us in complying with any
procedures that we may introduce to protect the safety and well-being of our staff and visitors.
. Communication
NIHC will inform staff of any changes that are made to fire safety procedures or fire risk
assessments. NIHC will also ensure that all visitors to our premises are briefed in the evacuation
procedures and not left alone unless they are aware of, and familiar with, all available escape routes.
. Definitions
NIHC have introduced the following procedures in order to maintain high standards of fire safety.
• A fire risk assessment has been undertaken which will be reviewed annually. However, more
frequent reviews will occur if there are changes that will impact on its effectiveness. These may
include alterations to the premises or new work processes.
• A nominated Fire Safety Manager has been appointed.
• The fire evacuation procedures will be practiced at least annually.
• Staff will attend two fire lectures in any 12 month period.
• Training will be provided, as necessary, to any staff given extra fire safety responsibilities, such as
fire wardens.
• It is our policy that all staff will not be trained in the use of fire extinguishers.
• All new members of staff/volunteers and temporary employees will be provided at induction,

Fire safety policy Trevor Dornan, Technical Services Manager Nov 2006
training on how to raise the alarm, the available escape routes and the procedure to follow on alarm
• All escape routes will be clearly signposted and kept free of obstructions at all times.
• All fire-related equipment will be regularly serviced and maintained. If any employee notices
defective or missing equipment, they must report it to the Resource Department.
• Alarm systems will be tested regularly. Staff will be told when a test is scheduled.
• Any other safety systems will be checked regularly to ensure correct operation, where necessary,
e.g. emergency lighting.
• This policy forms part of employees’ conditions of employment. Failure to comply may be treated
as a disciplinary matter.

Chief Executive Date of review: February 2009
November 2006


(1) Health & Safety At Work (NI) Order 1978

(2) Regulatory Reform (Fire Safety) Order 2005(N.I.) 2006 (as amended)
(3) NIHC Smoking Policy NIHCP 40/200

Fire safety policy Trevor Dornan, Technical Services Manager Nov 2006

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